General butthurt & pc faggotry etc

Started by Brad, October 31, 2011, 03:23:08 PM

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Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on October 15, 2013, 07:02:44 PM
Quote from: NEHPF on October 15, 2013, 06:35:01 PM
A week away and all of us just absolutely got told by this industrial hero, who just appears to say some godlike one-liners with absolutely no relevant insight to anything.
I agree that Mikko can be quite irritating with his incessant need to always be right but to say he has no insight is a tad unfair. He's not that bad.

I'm always semi-ready to be proven otherwise. Most often waiting relevant arguments, if none comes, then it's possible that I may have not been wrong.
Language barrier may be one thing. Not sure why Hal would "lose it", by me stating that workplace what he described wouldn't appear to me as much manly than simply lowbrow trash? It wouldn't comment him or his message, but nature of some semi-imaginary workplace he described.
I mean, as said, one can say and has said and laughed at "pc faggotry", but throughout thread of 55 pages, at some point, is perhaps necessary to remind what political correctness is according to it's usage other than similar way like commies use for "nazis". There is group of people who call everything they dislike or find repulsive under one term.
I think there is plenty of words if one just wants to talk about goofy, weird, amusing, etc.. I already suggested before maybe topic should be just "General butthurt" and I'm sure all messages will fit in just perfect, hah...

Anyways, back on topic perhaps? Either cases of general butthurt, or discussing of nature of PC...
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


I follow Mikko's suggestion with a cult:

Actress who posed for glamour shots and movies turns against Tesco for selling "sexist" magazine and wears a fantastic shirt that is already classic.
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"23 stitches in my vagina"

How industrial.
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Jimmy Gestapo



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Jimmy Gestapo


So yesterday I noticed a poster, inviting to film festival. The poster is below. It says Europeans suck Africans. The idea is how Europeans are using Africans almost as slaves and take all their money from these countries. What?? Of course there will be movies about Pussy Riot etc. (about these I still don't understand why are they so cool for most of the westerners.) Mainly human rights oriented stuff. I guess the only way to show how you are pro human rights is by bowing your head and self-indulgence. Anyways, gave me a thought or two.


Oh, there's nothing like a bit of self-flagellation to make one feel holier-than-thou.


Of course there is no question whether African is being abused - not only be "europeans", but just about everybody. Question would remain should one feel at all guilty of things. And if this feeling guilty transfer to actual lifestyle changes or changes in political beliefs. I believe not. Invite few immigrants and give little money to charity, but otherwise -> business as usual.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


well, I'm not sure about Africans being abused by everyone, but I'm pretty sure about such safest possible new left methods of "propaganda" (??) perhaps? What can be safer than fat white middle age man in a suit against thin poor black man in the t-shirt.
Perhaps this was the movie that inspired the poster:
Well, the CEO of the company, being mentioned in this movie is born in South African-Australian-Israeli, who has his business in Switzerland. Would Jews suck Africans work? i doubt that. It would go straight to court. well, these are some nice stereotypes in action.


I'm not sure about this thing of Africans being 'abused', either. What exactly is this abuse? Or, perhaps, one of the biggest abuses perpetrated on them is the 'giving some money to charity'. For example, the likes of Live Aid in the '80s saves millions of Ethiopians from starving so as we 'rich-but-guilty' white people can feel better about ourselves. 'We' may sin and indulge in excess, but at least we also 'helped'. Trouble is, as millions of extra people are left to breed, an even bigger famine is occurs down the line. A new generation of starving Africans, for a new generation of 'rich-but-guilty' westerners to wring their hands over. It's fine to vaccinate the first one or two children in a family, but after that the line should be drawn: the rest may take their chance. Some projections say there will be double the amount of people on earth by 2100. I'd imagine, at the rate we're going, that this is not sustainable - like growing a tree in a flowerpot.
However, I digress. Africa is an easy outlet for our guilt, because 'they' are so helpless, and - as I say - there's nothing like prostrating oneself to purge that guilt!


Quote from: burdizzo on October 30, 2013, 04:20:13 PM
I'm not sure about this thing of Africans being 'abused', either. What exactly is this abuse?

What is abuse?
"bad or improper treatment; maltreatment"
"a corrupt or improper practice or custom"

Back to history lessons? It's up to definition of course, but lets say:  Centuries of natural resources taken for benefit of west, what still continues today? Where little if anything benefits locally, and everything benefits the few abusers and consumerist needs of west.
That west needs few local house niggers doesn't changing a thing. Every underdeveloped country out there is subject of abuse by those who feel entitled to conquer and remove anything of value for much less than they're worth and then leave.
There are plenty who find this as issue worth of even glorification. I feel that in such moment it's merely honest to admit abuse and conclude not giving a fuck. For whatever reason.

But yes, it's guaranteed that many of the charity programs have abusive element. Even as simple things like collecting used clothes to export for people in Africa has resulted damages for local clothing industry who can not operate in environment where people can choose whether support local industry or take free scraps from west. And next thing is being step deeper, when charity prevents local economy to even properly function.

Nowadays it appears to be largest concern that China is invading Africa. Perhaps soon the time of euro-guilt will be over as we'll join to be among slave-labor of new rising powers, hah! Of course it's unnecessary to put blame on single "europeans" who are just as victims of existing system as anyone.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


Yes, one would think, but we live in world were governments are not the ones with most power.

In Finland we have situation with mining industry, which makes Finland appear like 3rd world country.
Foreign companies can come to Finland, get mining permit, and collect whatever valuables there are, with zero royalties paid for country itself. Even most of the worst 3rd world countries claim certain small % of market price. Over here, nothing. State lives under mantra of "employment". That every measure taken is good, if it creates few "jobs".
We can look Sweden, where state makes fortune out of mining industry. State of Finland decided to step back, and allow free market to take over. Any company, could abuse the out-dated legislation, make mess, collect profit, move out. Leave locals with polluted environment. All promised taxes of profit that company should make, disappeared in tax paradises. It has been widely acknowledged as drastic mistake, but there is no action to change how things are. One job today, seems more crucial than anything else.

If sort of semi-civilized, perhaps only mildly corrupted country as Finland is unable to prevent abuse, what would do country where nothing ever worked out? All legal. All business as usual, but one can't say it would not be abuse.

If specific African countries would get paid what they deserved for resources that are now takes half-free, it wouldn't necessary solve a shit. But at least one could tell outsiders don't abuse the country, shit happens for other reasons.

There often appears to be thinking that incoming immigrants are the problem. I agree to certain point, but I rather would point out reason why their previous life in homeland is so unbearable they need to move out. I don't believe too many would absolutely insists moving in some shitty ghetto in western world, if one would have any sort of future in original country. To allow people have some sort of condition is not much of charity for them, but solving problem of ours (Of course, if you consider drastic changes in demographic as problem).
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


Well, yes, heh, heh!
Everyone knows there WAS abuse of Africa, but there's not so much NOW. At least, no more so that anywhere else, I'd say. In Ireland, today, foreign companies take natural resources and give little enough to the local community, but this is down to bad governance on the part of the Irish government.
As for the west needing a few 'house niggers' - well, I'm not so sure about that. Maybe, as I say, to assuage their guilt. But why feel guilty for something that went on yeas ago? Why not just enjoy what you have, and not make yourself unhappy about it!?
As for the last point, about China 'invading' Africa: isn't it funny that under these climate-change protocols, the 'developing countries' get to pollute more, on the grounds that, 'well, they didn't do it so much in the past, so now they get a chance to catch up'? By same logic, China ought to get a go at abusing Africa - after all, she didn't do it when we Europeans were at it?! Hah!
By the way, it seems a lot of Europeans would relish being slaves to the new rising powers - at least until it happens!!