Started by WCN, October 18, 2021, 11:45:20 PM

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Noise on the run extends this convo about percussion & noise in terms of sound rather than skill or musicianship or any of that.  He  shares thoughts on what sounds like an obnoxious impregnable set at end tymes & J. Olson's snarky memes.

Also, sounds like the German cops are harassing Oscar & his Polish plates. 😂


OUT NOW! Ken Geiger of DEAD DOOR UNIT on White Centipede Noise Podcast

Ken Geiger is a kingpin of the thriving East Coast American noise scene, particularly that of New Jersey - one that unites young blood and veterans in an attitude of unpretentious sincerity. His prolific fried electronics project DEAD DOOR UNIT uniquely recalls classic midwest creeper noise, and he is just as active with over a dozen more collabs and side projects. He also runs French Market Press, a label releasing noise from his milieu in oversized handmade packaging in very small editions. In this interview, Ken fills me in on his story, how he sees things, and what's going on in his world. Watch the full 2 hour version at https://www.patreon.com/whitecentipedenoise
Harsh Noise label and EU based distro of American Imports


Really funny start for episode when first thing Ken says "When I got your message, I was like fuck yeah! he has run out of people!" haha..

I was listening episode with looking at it even info who is being interviewed, thinking I'll find out at some point. When they talk about label, I was always thinking it is "Fringe Market", not "French Market" like I just realized it is!

Episode has lots of good pointers, you might not hear so frequently. Being guy who puts of items in edition of.. 6? But also has reasons for it. It is always good reminder how noise can be so many things, and some people may not be making noise with attempt to mass produce items for sale. His challenges idea that anyone should hear everything from some artists, asking why so? Indeed, sometimes the completist urge or even fanaticism to get it all doesn't make sense if material is something else than we have used in music culture. It's not like you would collect everything from sculptor or painter. You may appreciate, you can see what you can, you may even own something.. but noise release can be so different from idea of "music bands studio album", that it makes no sense to get them all, even if they would be great.

They also talk about the changing moment, when after years of.. sucking.. then there comes a moment when you suddenly start to feel confident of your own stuff. Knowing, it does not suck, but is actually pretty damn good, and also feedback from people changes. Suddenly some are actually are interested. There is quite funny moment when Ken mentions that he is not a psychopath, so obviously not really listening to his own old releases.

E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


As addition:
Forgot to mention, that notion about "doing it other ways" was just mentioned as in playlist topic I was wondering about how come labels do not keep their best stuff available and try to arrange distribution and so on. Of course, only reply could by merely asking why one should? I can think number of reasons, but when Ken talks about his way of doing things and how with two jobs, he is not really interested to have mailing obligations waiting and people crying where are their shipments.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on June 26, 2024, 03:19:35 PMIt is always good reminder how noise can be so many things, and some people may not be making noise with attempt to mass produce items for sale.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on June 26, 2024, 03:19:35 PMThere is quite funny moment when Ken mentions that he is not a psychopath, so obviously not really listening to his own old releases.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I remember Violent Shogun saying something like 50 % of music he listens to is his own. And it´s not an ego trip or something like that, but a simple fact that he makes music he wants to hear. I have been recording sound for over 20 years and until recently never really released anything. Except for private tapes dubbed for friends or special occasions etc. Until now I always felt content with just making stuff for myself. It´s a bit funny because I've been pestering my brother to put out some stuff since forever, but he still seems mostly interested in just "listening to his modular and gear" by himself. I think it is nuts, because he conjures some proper sound magick, but who am I to judge.

Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on June 26, 2024, 03:19:35 PMHis challenges idea that anyone should hear everything from some artists, asking why so? Indeed, sometimes the completist urge or even fanaticism to get it all doesn't make sense if material is something else than we have used in music culture. It's not like you would collect everything from sculptor or painter.

Indeed it might be worth noting, that hardly no art enthusiast would hang a photocopy on their wall, but any noise enthusiast is probably content with a duplicated tape! I am not well versed in the high arts (or low for that matter), but I would imagine there has to be sound artists that make one art piece and then the only way to hear it is in a museum or at the home of someone who bought the tape (for an exorbitant amount of silver & gold of course)?


Most of the museum "sound installations" are exactly that, not intended to be "music album", but it is art form of its own and often there may be visuals or some element of space involved besides sound itself. I don't know if NFT's are still popular, but for a while it was being talked all the fucking time and it also applied for sound. Artists would be selling digital certificate that file you own, is authentic. hah.. Haven't heard NFT mentioned for a while, but would assume there are art collectors with certified authentic sound files. pfff...
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


Been taking the month off the podcast to take care of some things, but I've unlocked some Patreon content in the meantime.

TRERIKSRÖSET AFTERBLAST: https://youtu.be/iOsx7ME-pzk?si=45WLkY2SPm63YPyz

THE RITA AFTERBLAST: https://youtu.be/AwIVw_fZhic?si=7zMjzggjpYnsSYdg

Will be back with a vengeance in August. As always, your support via Patreon is needed and highly appreciated. https://www.patreon.com/whitecentipedenoise
Harsh Noise label and EU based distro of American Imports



WCN apparently on summer holiday, but posting some older patreons only afterblast episodes. Didn't notice them as wasn't announced here and they also did not appear in his youtube channel top of the list, unless clicking all way through to channel new videos and then noticed there was week ago Treriksröset / Tommy C afterblast, and right now The Rita afterblast just premiering.

Tommy afterblast could be even better than the "original episode"? Oskar mentions that it was so early episode, he wasn't very confident interviewer at that moment. Even if this interview is couple years old already, nothing really out-dated with exception of gig announcement at very end of video, but otherwise pretty timeless material.

Relaxed chat covers some "scene ethnics", tape dublication, tape releases in general, advices, suggestions, talk about limited items, batches with filler releases, people ripping off customers etc.

It is funny that both agree that people should be more vocal about being ripped off and expose names so others can beware.. yep, but then at the same time neither really wants to drop any names and this hesitation is pretty much valid. Many times, it doesn't appear to be malicious intent, more like incompetence, difficult situations in life and so on. Even I got some folks owing me hundreds of euros for long time, and I am not really hugely interested to throw dirt in public. Even if deserved. Basically more like assuming situations may be resolved later on. Most of the time, one tends to either hear, or have experiences with guys who have trouble shipping stuff out, and I personally have merely decided long ago that I prefer never to send them orders. If I get stuff elsewhere, fine. If I don't, I'll survive. It's not like I absolutely NEED particular tape or shirt so much. There is always more options to purchase or trade, than one has time to listen to.

This is actually something that has been quite positive think to consider. Even for distributors point of view. If artists or label is NOT a rip off, but just tend to be slow to point of energy consuming, no problem to stop even trying to get such material. Simply because such slowness is kind of contagious: Having multiple deals dragging, quickly leads that one looks into email inbox feeling should I re-send that email, will I have to re-read all the communication to see what we've been working on, what is trade status and so on... and eventually realize some of these long delayed deals are actually something YOU should have completed. Just like you may have handful of releases under work and one release bending due bad communication, not getting artist to submit what he promised long long ago, and suddenly delays contagiously effect other things you should get done. Compilation waiting artists who don't bother say they can't get their stuff done. Etc
So one very good advice that I would say works both ways. If you can't get it done, just say so. Dropping out of comp when you know you can't deliver may be great news for label who doesn't have to wait in uncertainty and invites someone else.
And as a distributor, if you wanted to purchase something, and guy has trouble in getting emails replied in 3 months, I would guess you can easily take your business elsewhere. There is no shortage of labels worth to distro.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


Oh, Oskar just posted while I was typing message above. So, link for The Rita there!
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


I was talking with guy who felt that episodes being behind paywall, even if one totally gets why so, it is still a bit shame considering how some crucial discussions could benefit the expression in general.

Indeed, due current schedule, I am yet about 2/3 through The Rita afterblast and it would be safe to say, it is very very relevant noise discussion, that would be perhaps ideal to be heard by as many as possible. There are a lot of different discussions about noise, but one is triggered by comments from mr. Skinner, who urged for noise go beyond texture.

It is curious how difficult question it is. Oskar asks multiple times and Sam explains his points through. As a persona who is not native in english, it may be fairly common thing to do, but sometimes even if you are fairly fluent in english, it could be also easiest to check out dictionary? What is texture? How texture is defined?

Sam mentions, if you just squint a little, Vomir and TNB, they are both texture. Perhaps, yes, but lets say you don't have to squint. You may do other things, such as: zoom out. Lets see you look Vomir very carefully, feeling says the texture is more like looking the the desert. Grain is there and zooming out reveals there is just more of that. If zooming out something else, you may notice there are other forms. Not only texture, but form. Not only forms, but perhaps "objects", bigger compositional elements. Texture is there, within everything, but there is something else. Can be figurative, but doesn't have to be. It may be merely form that could no longer be described as "texture". Like looking closely piece of granite. Lots of neat texture, color variation, tiny edges and whatever.. but looking a bit further, there is a difference is it only block of granite or if it displays some conscious form. Abstract or figurative.

I think the same with noise. Sam will tell you his views about rejecting notions of is something easy or difficult (to make) and that everything is texture... in a way yes, but one can also place himself in that particular distance as listener, or as maker, where it is possible to hear noise beyond texture. Not excluding texture, but having also other qualities that that. I can be wrong, but my assumption was that Skinner meant that, as his work, despite having absolutely tasty texture, its not minimalist expression of texture, but there is form what reveals itself without need of "zooming in".
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


Enjoyed Treriksröset Afterblast.

I gotta take responsibility for stepping into a thread where people were waiting on hkso. Shouldn't have done that.

What i don't like is ppl expecting you to run to the postal service right away. Be it dealing on a one on one, through discogs, small label/distro etc. If you don't make it to the postal service within 4 days of ordering it's like the world is falling apart.

If that works for you with your life and working hours then great. But don't expect everyone else to.

Some guys have a rep of taking longer than others but still coming through.

I feel like i might have been referred to by WCN about the story of a "rip off" and not telling who (more of a scam than rip off). An old thread on here. Absolutely no regret about that.

I've huge respect for TC and how he's operating. Good to see that side getting exposure on the episode.

Remember picking up 2 simple lp's at a show. One from TC for about €14, the other purchased seconds later from another act i'm not nearly as fond of for about €30 or something (if memory is correct). Felt embarressed.


I watched the episode yesterday too. - I kind disagree with his opinion about not stepping into, unless we talk about 2 scumbags covering each other's ass. But if someone has been good to you why not to say it ? In my mind it's even mandatory, an obligation. That's not to say those who are waiting are insane and the rip-off is 'normal' . Just a 'hey, he is not that shit only' . Giving false hopes to those waiting by saying this ? Probably. Yes.
"ἀθάνατοι θνητοί, θνητοὶ ἀθάνατοι, ζῶντες τὸν ἐκείνων θάνατον, τὸν δὲ ἐκείνων βίον τεθνεῶτες"


We're back after a hiatus with a very special episode with the inimitable CLUB MORAL, the legendary and pioneering experimental industrial organization formed by DDV and AMVK in Antwerp, Belgium in early 1981. Through DDV's bizarre and angular vocals and transgressive body art, and AMVK's crude electronics and graphic design, they created some of the most unsettling and austere power electronics of all time. CLUB MORAL was much more than just an audio project - it was an international hub for early industrial artists, a venue and a label, and a free space for radical art. The duo were also responsible for the extreme culture magazine Force Mental. They continue to live and work as visual, audio, and performance artists in Antwerp, where we conducted this interview at their home.

Public version: https://youtu.be/XHGeYkFDzt4?si=JxYonsM_B6Zxgyus

Watch the full 2 hour 24 minute episode by subscribing to the WCN Patreon at the Premium tier: https://www.patreon.com/whitecentipedenoise
Harsh Noise label and EU based distro of American Imports


Full CLUB MORAL interview now public! Resumes from the previously published shorter version around 45:00.
Support WCN Podcast and the production costs of in person interviews by subscribing on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/whitecentipedenoise

Harsh Noise label and EU based distro of American Imports


Nice to see full episode. Lots of good stuff. I remember when the Whitehouse force mental article stuff was still fairly "hot topic" even decade after it happened. Also because it often seemed to return, case after case, no matter what artists may have said about it over the years, same questions always popping up over and over and over again.
It is curious to hear how Club Moral stopped doing live simply due disappointments in art world. Ending up into places where volume is turned down, and being merely freak show for clueless people to be amused. And praising things like Broken Flag or Tower Transmissions. Luckily I was attending both festivals and got to see it, if they really ended things here.
Also amusing is the moment where they talk about Nazis of the night being club hit in Germany. It is like back in the 90's when I read somewhere that Grey Wolves song "Religion" (actually PIL "cover" I suppose..?) was club hit in German "industrial dance floor".. and all in the sentence sounded so weird for guy who couldn't imagine what would be German industrial club like. Still today, I can't remember if I ever really been at dance club in my life. Closest is probably looking at the doorway of TT fest DJ room and turning around to get beer. This may be curious topic, the crossover of DJ / club music and noise/power electronics. I know some people who were pretty decent profile DJ's traveling around the world, and playlist would often have more rhythmic Strom.ec stuff and even noisier things thrown in mix.

I fully understand the necessity of financial support etc, but also in many recent episodes seems (and been told it is so) that the most interesting stuff is behind paywall. Not sure which one would be better, to offer less interesting parts in hopes people will sign up to hear the most interesting stuff... Or offer the most interesting things and have people crave all of it? I would assume latter one would work better, but of course Oskar probably knows better with the experience.

I have been even offered someone else pay for it, but it's not about money. Could easily forward any needed funds to support, but just idea of signing to more and more platforms and systems is not something I like. I know it may be amusingly stubborn attitude, but it feels like the vortex of cyber world is right there. Noise TikTok, discord, only fans, X, Spotify, and list goes on and on... damn. I know I may miss information in those places, but don't feel like joining any at this point so have greatly appreciated public access tube channel located at fairly traditional www realm is something that doesn't really require further joining. That's why also SI forum is fully open to everybody and don't have to be member or logged in to read it, but surely it is not the same kind of work as doing podcasts what indeed should be supported!

E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net