Seen Psywarfare last December and thought it was pretty meh. Macho posing without the heft of good noise to back it up. All the metalheads seem to really like it, but there was no real heaviness or substance to the noise, only simple synth with brittle distortion, and a guy with a mask running around pushing people. Would be good if the noise was good and heavy, but the noise was pretty bad, most local startup acts sound better than this.
Obviously it wasn't THE worst, and it was pretty funny to see all the metal guys going loose on mediocre noise. Maybe it's good noise for people that doesn't listen to noise in a way of Prurients Niagra Falls is liked by people that otherwise doesn't listen to noise.
It did strike me and a few others as being very American. Like a hamburger that looks fat and juicy on the outside, but tastes as a dry flat run-of-the-mill hamburger on the inside.