Started by WCN, October 18, 2021, 11:45:20 PM

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yes, I get that, and been avid supporter of idea of documenting all possible subculture things. When hearing first about scene that competes with parking trucks or loading wood into truck... haha. Damn. What are these guys, meeting at rural finland, trying to reverse park semi trucks? etc.

But, question was more like how Oskar decided to Popular Front? Was he follower of stuff or knew guys somehow? I'd suppose it's not just randomly picking up "content creator"?
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


OUT NOW! WCN TV: Walk With Me to the New WCN Studios https://www.patreon.com/posts/wcn-tv-walk-with-115350434

White Centipede Noise Studios is opening in January 2025, on the 15 year anniversary of the label. A brick and mortar podcast studio and retail shop in Potsdam, Germany. This is a leap of faith and we need your support to make it work! If you've ever considered becoming a Patreon supporter of the podcast, now is the time when it will really make a difference.
There are also fundraising bundles of exclusive WCN items in the webstore: https://whitecentipedenoise.com/
and accepting direct donations for those interested in helping out that way: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=AMCL39NWUSESQ
Harsh Noise label and EU based distro of American Imports



SLACKING has been on a tear this year, so it was only right that I'd have Jim back for an AFTERBLAST.

Video: https://www.patreon.com/posts/afterblast-with-115728276
Audio: https://www.patreon.com/posts/audio-version-of-115728755
Preview: https://youtu.be/o2Ba5XV-w6g
Harsh Noise label and EU based distro of American Imports


This is a sink or swim moment for WCN. I am 2 days away from a decision whether or not to sign the lease for the brick and mortar shop and podcast studio. I'm within reach, but I need more support in order to pull the trigger. If this podcast and label mean something to you, please support this move today via Patreon, a fundraiser bundle, or a donation. Thank you.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/whitecentipedenoise
Fundraiser bundles: https://whitecentipedenoise.com/
Donations: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=AMCL39NWUSESQ

New episode out now.
Harsh Noise label and EU based distro of American Imports


WCN Radio - Label Archives 2010-2013. Playing early WCN releases with commentary. 2h 40m program out now on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/posts/wcn-radio-label-116690667
Harsh Noise label and EU based distro of American Imports



WCN put out full 200 minute version of Dwid Hellion of INTEGRITY / PSYWARFARE interview. Original one hour, good, but I think this is another proof that if you do not have any luddite obsessions, it could be worth grabbing the patreon membership. Additional, almost hour and half is still way better and interesting.
There are a lot of stories and topics that I am almost amazed how they wouldn't spark a bit discussion? Or does it somewhere? Discord channel? Don't know.

I don't recall ever being in touch with Dwid Hellion but he has been involved with so many people or even more things I'd have some sort of relation.

It's curious when he talk about his collaborations with mr. Lockweld and how there was urge for return already years ago, but was just feeling that people wouldn't really accept his christianity. Which is sort of funny, but also interesting. I have a feeling that there must be quite many openly religious guys in USA scene, that it wouldn't be THAT big deal and barely offensive? But at the same time, its curious question why exactly it would be offensive. Often the values presented are just about the same. One thing I was thinking, the offense might be that many times people "tolerate" a lot of underground stuff because they don't really take it seriously. Mass murder, fuck the world, and whather. It can be passed as just something that is thrown on the album. But devout christian? Suddenly it is something that feels this is actually real deal. I think people may be offended by integrity. Pun intended, haha... But let's say, the quality of being honest and having strong principles and character, and that the band/project isn't just edgy art. That appears to piss people off?

Dwid losing his mind over people who are not doing things, not active. Creative field mostly. I suppose it basically applies to things that have effect on him, things that are keeping down things. Holding him back proceeding. If not directly, somehow. He goes almost on rant mode about not being able to understand how people just, don't get things done. And not having any reasons for it. I know this frustration well. Sometimes the loudest voices yelling about doing things, appear to be guys who get very little done. If you made mistake of getting involved... interviews, collaborations, gig organization, compilations, whatever. Or worst, being in band where nothing happens. And time wasters, rarely have the courtesy to just say it. How easy it would be to replace "I will do it next week" with "I will never do it", and everybody can move on, knowing how its going to be..  haha...

I can easily related to stories of a lot of weird contacts. Similar stories like Dwid, about military using my noise for their psychological projects or getting contacts from guys in service who will share some pretty straight forward stories in types of "listening your records and shooting people" type of stuff. There are interesting later studies investigating American behavior in their conflict areas. Soldiers mentioning that they had no idea who are the enemies, who they are supposed to fight for, and normal routine was just drive around and shoot people at random. No wonder bunch of underground related people have ended up in conflict zones and may also like what they were doing. Most of stories of this type, certainly unprintable and also, must mention none of it to be found, or would be so old that if they could be found, authorities know it and have it already by now.

He talks about putting out Manson family related record and mentioned about potentially hazardous situation. It is sometimes curious, that you can't really estimate what could be problem and what wouldn't. Just few days ago I read that Finn authorities are going to make it illegal to financially support armed forces of Ukraine. WTF? You can aid the state and Red Cross and whatever, but direct aid to armed groups would become illegal. So in theory, someone being involved in projects that sole aim is raising funds for specific group could be... what? Funding terrorism? Perhaps we'll find out in near future.

Dwid comes out pretty enthusiastic, even growingly so during the interview. I like man name dropping Whitehouse, Taint and stuff like that on and also discuss a bit about qualities he appreciated in something like Indecent Liberties LP! I like how he just sort of credits the randomness of universe for most things. Takes little credit for what he has done, and just finds it great that out of the utter isolation of farm community, his path went into making historically notable recordings to current day, living out of weird noise and music, while living in Europe. While all the odds was against it, but.. path just took him into places.

Edit: and if you seen the first public episode, but not the full length, just click into 58 minutes mark to continue..
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 02, 2025, 02:23:09 PMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRMEUpTBSqY

It's curious when he talk about his collaborations with mr. Lockweld and how there was urge for return already years ago, but was just feeling that people wouldn't really accept his christianity. Which is sort of funny, but also interesting. I have a feeling that there must be quite many openly religious guys in USA scene, that it wouldn't be THAT big deal and barely offensive? But at the same time, its curious question why exactly it would be offensive. Often the values presented are just about the same. One thing I was thinking, the offense might be that many times people "tolerate" a lot of underground stuff because they don't really take it seriously. Mass murder, fuck the world, and whather. It can be passed as just something that is thrown on the album. But devout christian? Suddenly it is something that feels this is actually real deal. I think people may be offended by integrity. Pun intended, haha... But let's say, the quality of being honest and having strong principles and character, and that the band/project isn't just edgy art. That appears to piss people off?

I think a lot of people are attracted to certain underground forms of expression (not just noise music) because they feel they don't "fit" in with society's conventions. So they gravitate towards the unconventional. Of course, humans being humans, we all still yearn to belong to something. And so, even though they might at first have become fans of something to rebel, some end up wrapping themselves in a rigid identity constructed around the "scene" they support and its supposed precepts. This is ironic because the underground is supposed to be about abandoning rigidity and tying yourself down, after all.

Noise is supposed to be about breaking conventions and taboos and taking your self to the limits of expression. And, for many, what force is more representative of stultifying convention and stasis than organized religion? Since noise is primarily a Western thing, that antipathy towards religion is going to be towards Christianity because its what they know (I'd be interesting to see if people who react so strongly towards Christian underground music would feel the same about Islamic noise? Hindu noise?). I don't think that religion necessarily IS all that 100% of the time, but again, for those that have wrapped themselves in an identity that they believe is the absolute antithesis of it, they're going to react strongly against it.

I don't think its necessarily a question of authenticity, although sure, most people probably don't think the themes of serial killers, satanism, racial ideology and the like in other noise are entirely serious. Its just that they feel all that can fit in in transgressive art, but that you just CAN'T be Christian and make noise (or black metal, or whatever). Its cultural gatekeeping. I don't know if it is primarily a US thing, but if that sentiment does come through more strongly from American channels, I'd guess it might be because Christianity, though not what it was, still remains a much stronger cultural force here than in most of Europe.

I find an automatic dismissal of Christian-themed music a bit silly myself, but I find it silly to dismiss music for just about any ideological/political/cultural viewpoint of the artist. I was probably guilty of that kind of posturing back when I was younger, but I left it behind a while ago.

I can understand, though, those who have a visceral reaction to religion because of an awful past experience, something like growing up in an oppressive environment or being abused.

Still, in the end, I believe in free expression. If you don't like an artist's viewpoint, don't listen to them. Simple as that. There's plenty out there that WILL fit your likings. I don't think there's really any movement to outright CENSOR religious themed noise music anywhere, though, or at least I hope not.


Yes I forgot to post here but I unlocked a few Patreon episodes over the new year holiday.

Samantha Hernandez of PARASITE NURSE - EXT. segment detailing her Eurorack gear: https://youtu.be/iyok_Wndn6Q?si=Ps-l7b8gi0aWxGmZ

Dwid Hellion of PSYWARFARE / INTEGRITY - Full episode https://youtu.be/SRMEUpTBSqY?si=f12qkQ290ZbjzeC1

YELLOW TEARS - Full episode https://youtu.be/X9yNd-s8rIc?si=0Qwi1TeJGRzbRxiD

As noted, a very large portion and often the best part of new podcast episodes is Patreon exclusive. If you've just been watching/listening to the Part 1 of YouTube, there's a lot awaiting you on Patreon.
Harsh Noise label and EU based distro of American Imports


Back when I started to pay attention to music and bought my first 7'' records, I got one Integrity /Mayday split 7''. I was looking for extreme music, had no idea about HC or whatever. Enjoyed the Integrity side quite a bit! Good to know the guy is also into Noise!


Quote from: WCN on January 02, 2025, 10:08:14 PMYes I forgot to post here but I unlocked a few Patreon episodes over the new year holiday.

Samantha Hernandez of PARASITE NURSE - EXT. segment detailing her Eurorack gear: https://youtu.be/iyok_Wndn6Q?si=Ps-l7b8gi0aWxGmZ

Dwid Hellion of PSYWARFARE / INTEGRITY - Full episode https://youtu.be/SRMEUpTBSqY?si=f12qkQ290ZbjzeC1

YELLOW TEARS - Full episode https://youtu.be/X9yNd-s8rIc?si=0Qwi1TeJGRzbRxiD

As noted, a very large portion and often the best part of new podcast episodes is Patreon exclusive. If you've just been watching/listening to the Part 1 of YouTube, there's a lot awaiting you on Patreon.

The full interview was pretty cool, the guy was just super interesting.

One thing I have to try out eventually was him talking about using a tape deck to do feedback loops and messing around with it a ton. Pretty sure he talked about plugging in headphones to a certain jack so it functions as a microphone. Not willing to spoil much else but I would give it a watch.


Yellow Tears guys have good taste in their top-5 noise releases! After they no longer releases on Hospital Productions, I must say I have basically never heard of their releases nor really anyone talk about them.

In this full length episode they say that for many years, a lot of people thought they quit. Even if there are house shows happening and things being done. They talk how it is now partly different crowd/audience than was back in the day and they never quite got the albums out there, in ways Hospital did.

This "visibility" is curious thing, and not that it means anything really. Even I get questions from people like "are you still doing that.. noise thing". It might be totally unnoticed outside the noise scene. Or people even in noise scene mentioned like Freak Animal been slowing down and getting smaller or something.. even wondering how come that label still can exists? Haha..and I am like.. is it even wise to make more releases per year as it feels almost too much as it is? And yes, no problems with label to exist and keep on going.

If you are sort of "out of the loop", you will not hear about someone or something. No matter how active they might be. That includes also activity that happens behind paywall, and it might remain totally invicible to everybody else.

It seems to be also little annoying for artist. Remembering Crumer episode where he is annoyed that people still talk about Ottoman Black, and just about nothing about the new stuff. How much you see talk about other things and then wondering if guys who worship that album even heard the new works.

I would assume, that sometimes, the biggest of the names or longer active artists and labels, become somewhat their own entities - almost. These days it gets even more clear, when distributors are so few, that many label probably just sell direct to their customers. If you are not a customer, you might never hear about the releases.

In that sense, when Yellow Tears mentions they never quite managed to build that old reach.. I am also thinking, can it be rebuild to be like... "lets do the 2008 way"! Hah. It is safe to say, that noise network no longer exists.

It would be actually curious to observe length of specific noise eras. How long was the "house show touring" era? CDR era? Labels putting batches of C-10's era? Global Japanese noise hunger? Noise forums. Rare old tape rips blog era? And so on and on. Of course, most of these phenomena keeps existing after peak moment, but we can also see they shift shape or become way small things. This makes one also wonder, that both WCN and Noisextra, both around the same time started to talk about necessity to do some adjustments for the podcast template. Both moving on a bit to change, improve, develop into something a bit different. It is curious to see what it becomes. And also, how soon we will have nostalgic memories about weekly interviews with noise artist just dropping into our laps, year after year.

Maybe got to check out a bit what Yellow Tears is up to these days..
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


One another thing was curious, what I had not thought much was the change of artists visual profile. I mean, as example Oskar and Yellow Tears guy mention how Prurient / Hospital was very early on using his own photos, artist photos and such. And people teasing about it, or sort of make fun of it. But fast forward couple of years, and that was just regular thing in noise.
I am am not following that much IG, but what I have noticed about it, is that because  platform is what it is, it has probably contributed a lot into visual presentation of noise artists. Back in the day, you most often didn't even know what people looked like, unless they were performing live. Certainly there was very little of artists photos of noise makers.
Now, you got shitloads of artists who's biggest part of activity seems like selfie posting or personal photo sharing and so on. You got lots of artists who have some sort of stylish official promo pic that can be used by press. Even some death industrial guys posting their "cool band costume" photos all the time and I am sort of... what the hell is this? Is it marketing? Promotion? Is it like part of artistic work in general? Or.. just "this is what IG is for"? Hah.. don't know.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net

Wild Nature Acolyte

Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 05, 2025, 10:46:48 AMEven some death industrial guys posting their "cool band costume" photos all the time and I am sort of... what the hell is this? Is it marketing? Promotion? Is it like part of artistic work in general? Or.. just "this is what IG is for"? Hah.. don't know.

The purpose of a system is what it does, and the purpose here is to visually remind everyone that they are still doing that noise thing.