Quote from: online prowler on May 18, 2017, 11:41:13 PM
Quote from: Euro Trash Bazooka on May 18, 2017, 06:10:38 PM
What kind do you use? Software, table top device or synth? I am looking for this kind of software for mac. Recommendations are welcome.
For grit, violence and punch to your sound I would look at Metasonix modules or pedals. The recent F1 and F2 efx comes highly recommended.
I use an Arturia Keystep, which is a keyboard you use to control your tabletop gear and sync stuff. I'm not too satisfied with, I find it difficult to use and I don't know if it's because I'm not savvy enough or because the synth fucks up at time. I wanted to use it to sync my MS20 and my Drumbrute but I never managed to do it so far, and it's driving me nuts. Between the different cv format Korg uses, the wiring, the midi control centre/software to change the Keystep settings, etc, it's doing my head in. I didn't even mention the aftertouch issue with the MS20 (notes play when you release the keys, not when you press them, aaaarrgghh.) But the Minitaur works with the Keystep at times.
I also have an SQ1 but it doesn't work with the Drumbrute and I can't seem to manage to change the Minitaur's midi settings so that I can control its pitch like some do on Youtube. I think it's a calibration issue but I don't get what they say on forums about it.
Regarding DAWs, I don't know anything about them. I use Audacity and some VSTs (or 4/8-track tape recorder) but I wish I knew how to control my gear through softwares, being able to sequence them and record. And unfortunately I use Windows and not Mac so I can't help you there...
Tl,dr, sorry...