General butthurt & pc faggotry etc

Started by Brad, October 31, 2011, 03:23:08 PM

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Andrew McIntosh

I've been spending a couple of days looking at the controversy between feminists, particularly "radical" feminists, and transgenders. It's nothing more than a pure bitch fight. Seems the rad-fem mob don't want their "bodies colonised by men", or something. All it's done is shown the world what myopic power trippers some feminists are (and, for that matter, what whinging little bitches some trannies are).
Shikata ga nai.


This makes me think of how suspicious feminists were of gays in the 70's in Italy. I am quite sure there was something in Mario Mieli's writings, I have to check.

Damn... Julie Burchill has landed on the beach!!! what a picture lol
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Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on January 18, 2013, 11:33:10 AM

I've been spending a couple of days looking at the controversy between feminists, particularly "radical" feminists, and transgenders. It's nothing more than a pure bitch fight. Seems the rad-fem mob don't want their "bodies colonised by men", or something. All it's done is shown the world what myopic power trippers some feminists are (and, for that matter, what whinging little bitches some trannies are).

Around ten years ago, Kathleen Hanna stopped Le Tigre shows and demanded that all drag queens in attendance leave the venue they wouldn't start playing again, but she doesn't have a problem with women playing at being stereotypical masculine men.


Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on January 17, 2013, 03:44:11 PM
I don't remember what the SWP did with the rioters - no doubt disapproved of them because they weren't selling newspapers and holding SWP placards. I have no problem with many leftists - incidentally the latest issue of the excellent Datacide magazine come highly recommended - but the SWP are an unbelievable bunch of fuckwits who like to 'love-bomb' impressionable teenagers at university and then get them involved in what is basically a disturbed kind of cult rather than a political organisation.

Horrible, horrible people. With luck this rape stuff (which doesn't surprise me in the least) will finish them off.

I once went went to a Socialist Worker affiliated bookstore a few times because they had the old stock of a defunct anarchist bookstore for sale there, and the owner kept telling me to bring all my friends and that we could use the internet for free and he'd make us coffee. He used to give me Spartacist League pamphlets that were designed to convert anarchist kids to Trotskyism and was generally an old creep.

He later moved his shop and rebranded it "Uprising Books" and put a bunch of anarchy signs and silly things around and all the anarchist kids started going there despite the fact that the stock they sold was a bunch of boring books on marxian economics and third-world (I think they call it the "global south" now) national liberation shit. Whenever I brought this up to anyone, I would be accused of all sorts of nasty things and people would try to shame me for questioning the old fucks anarchist credentials. After that, I was a persona non grata in Toronto anarchist circles, which suited me just fine because they were mostly too stupid to actually pick up a book and try to understand anything anyway.

Actually I guess there were a lot of reasons I was a persona non grata, but the main one was that I was not a communist.


Gotta love the left for their ability to fall out over bullshit with each other. There was probably never a need for the Freikorps to pound them into the ground like they did. Judean Peoples Front? We're the People's Front of Judea!!!
Först när du blottar strupen ska du få nåd, ditt as...


the best PC is a religious nutcase PC-

regarding the socialist worker party thing. sectarian groups works in the same way. no difference than scientology. 
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Could've been (might have been) posted in the porn thread but after all it fits better here...


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Quote from: tiny_tove on January 23, 2013, 06:01:48 PM
welcome to the scum park

Haha yes I saw that a while back. I've met and liked many Dutch people, no prejudice, but there is something in this story which could only have come from the confused Dutch approach to moral and ethical issues.

Although of course UK, USA and most other developed countries have these type of scheme run unofficially by housing charities and local government in the form of sink council estates, 'the projects' etc only the Netherlands could try to legally codify it.

online prowler

Wolves in Oslo area.

Last days a debate in the public has raged weather or not they are to be put to death in a controlled action.


Quote from: online prowler on January 24, 2013, 07:17:02 PM
Wolves in Oslo area.

Last days a debate in the public has raged weather or not they are to be put to death in a controlled action.

Are the wolves near farmland or a city? How many wolves are estimated to be in the area- I'd assume they'd only allow a small # to be culled, right? Not a out n' out slaughter.


Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on January 25, 2013, 01:24:40 AM
They've censored Fawlty Towers!

What's most ridiculous is that they compare the use of racial slurs against blacks & indians, to that against the Germans. Are Germans really upset by using the word "kraut"?

Andrew McIntosh

"Mary Jungenberg, 47, brought her children, 14-year-old Jamie and 17-year-old John, from the Chicago suburbs to watch the branding after the family of vegans had learned about the 269 movement on Facebook.

The performance reminded Mary Jungenberg of the strong maternal bond mother cows have for their calves, and how traumatic it is when they're separated, she said.

"I think that's where the just unbelievable waves of sadness hit me," she said. "It was really powerful. She's amazing, my god."

John Jungenberg agreed it was a very powerful and well-executed piece, and said he plans on getting a 269 tattoo when he turns 18 in December."
Shikata ga nai.


Quote from: ARKHE on January 25, 2013, 06:17:30 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on January 25, 2013, 01:24:40 AM
They've censored Fawlty Towers!

What's most ridiculous is that they compare the use of racial slurs against blacks & indians, to that against the Germans. Are Germans really upset by using the word "kraut"?

This is all kind of a non-story. It was a one-off censorship of the most serious potentially offensive racial epithets (not 'krauts') during one epidode in the whole two series just to get them shown during children's viewing hours for the first time. It has backfired for the BBC with all these PC GONE MAD!!! news stories. The show was re-released on DVD in 2012 entirely intact. And is still a very good and funny view of the most unfortunate aspects of the British character.