BODY CARGO "Echoes" tape (Autarkeia)
I had the volume too low at first, which made the music sound very bland and uninteresting. But, after turning it up considerably I started liking this quite a bit. The music on "Echoes" is fairly muted and low profile. The sound is quite "loose" and spacious... but the murky, dirty qualities to the sounds make me want to use the word "cavernous", instead of "spacious", which I feel give the wrong idea about the atmosphere. Most of the sounds used are quite muted and subdued, as if heard through a wall or something. This gives a certain feeling to the music, which I like, but at the same time it makes the tracks a bit similar and they don't really grab hold of the listener. The presence of a throbbing pulse in some of the tracks helps somewhat in this matter, though. All in all, a quality release, but something I feel works better as background music, for me at least.
BODY CARGO "Posthum" tape (Autarkeia)
This tape is much more varied in sound than "Echoes" and also contains more in-your-face types of sounds. It made me listen more intently! The murky atmosphere is still here, but there are other sounds used as well, that give more focus to the tracks. The second track of the A side even has (recogniseable) vocals and a quite rough attitude throughout the track. The most obviously PE-oriented track of both tapes! The first track on the B side has a slow, heavy rhythm, that is too slow and too random to be called a beat. Overall, I think these tracks are more compact in sound, more intense and more diverse and interesting than those of "Echoes" and, at least after the first listening, I hold this tape higher than the other. Both tapes are good, but "Posthum" is great! If you ask me, that is...
Oh, and really nice packaging in both cases!