Alvin Lucier - I am sitting in a room. Hadn't heard before; quite an unsettling experience. The mechanic repetition of the voice recording, and the constantly extended obscuring of the recognizable words; as if a lense between the listener and the sound is becoming more and more opaque. Either the person talking is fading away from existing world into some kind of mist, or the listener is slowly loosing consciousness. Perhaps not something I will listen to many times - or even once again; I would most certainly grow bored in the abscence of this first rather profound listening experience.
John Cage - selected works for prepared piano and vocal ensembles and other stuff. Prefer the instrumental works, never been too keen on more experimental vocal works (rambling and shouting voices all in a mess - I prefer regular concert choirs like Carmina Burana, if anything.)
Bäckenfraktur - untitled c10. First release of this Swedish project, first release of the label, Pissoar. Solo venture heavy on the synthesizers. A bit too fiddly for my taste, but certain dark and heavy sounds and ambiances he achieves will hopefully be explored more thoroughly in the future. The main tracks actually feel like intros, and some short stuff at the end of both sides appear to take off, but ends abruptly. In its brevity, a good introduction to yet another newcomer in the Swedish scene (only the last 1½ years or so have seen a deluge of new more or less interesting projects; Khmer Noir, Arv och Miljö, Blodvite, Hängd, Amph, Händer Som Vårdar, Argonaut, Teufelsdröckh, Feberdröm, to mention those that come to mind right now...).
SPK - Leichenschrei. No comment needed.
SPK - Meat Processing Section. How could I have missed this for all these years? Amazing songs.
+ various ALUK TODOLO releases - the first 7", a live tape, and the collaboration with DER BLUTHARSCH which was surprisingly good; like regular AT releases with sad pop songs played on top. Highly recommended.