Maruta Records
With my own works, I usually listen so much of it when its being done, and after it is done - the process where its being evaluated is it worth of being released (read: to be listened countless times) - that once it is finally out, it's time to bury it on shelves and not return to it any time soon.. With Brutal Force comp LP from 2002, already 20 years old material on it and very much possible I have not touched this since it came out and listened it few times. Pain Nail track feels not far from what upcoming couple Pain Nail albums are going to be (endless process, but I hope this year some of it will be public!). Grunt track is not to be shamed, but nowhere near the best works. Recorded around the time when Grunt/Sickness split/collab CDR was done.
On this comp. Grey Wolves, Lasse Marhaug, Death Squad, Pain Nail and Survival Unit probably survived the best the test of time! Special edition in wire mesh, regular edition is dirt cheap at discogs, so if one has sweet spot to early 00's power electronics, line-up is decent!
BRIGHTER DEATH NOW "Great Death I + II" 2xCD box
BDN double CD box listened couple of times. Some of the best, some of the bleakest BDN stuff. I'm sure many have different favorites, but this has handful of absolute "hit tracks" if one can use such description for material that is not... well.. "hit music", hah. Bought it 2nd hand many years ago, already then dusty but never wanted to clean it as the outer box dirt adds just good atmosphere!
There was that one BDN 10" where all covers was moderately damaged by purpose. Ring wear and such. Appearance of 2nd hand item for entire pressing, I think?! In days when everybody is horrified of decreasing resale value, it could be good to publish items in dysty, dirty covers... Anyone into checking out probably best Karmanik interview, I strongly recommend to check out BARDO METHODOLOGY #7!
Red Stream
Nearly 3 hours well spent here. Its not long since I listened the actual CD box, but this was from youtube due being out of town. After returning home, spend quite a long time to find this damn box, since I had misplaced it during previous listening session...
Taint - there is a plan to re-issue CD as single album at some point. Some may have seen I mention that Keith gave me the right to "handle his legacy in ways I feel he would feel is right way". This is tricky thing, as Keith was at the same time against reissues, but few weeks later there could be suggestion that "do you want to do Indecent liberties...". Like as if that would be question with more than one way to answer! My gut feeling is, that stuff tha was originally "mass produced" is something he meant for larger "masses" (in context of noise). So it would be respectful to do. Been in contact with most people involved with taint albums and everybody giving thumbs up. Have to write Pat of Red Stream. We used to be in touch a lot, but label has been in slow downshifing process for years. Well, anyways, listening Taint material here, it would be shame if now active new generations would have to settle for youtube stream, instead the way it was meant to be: Compact Disc!
Smell & Quim. I am quite confident to say, that instead of reissuing this, S&Q are now on level of producing vastly better material! Anyone doubting it, I recommend to check out some of the new stuff they have done! This CD, it is partially EXCELLENT, partially almost unbearably disturbing. Latter quality is of course not saying it is garbage. Just saying it is the somewhat different approach to noise. Not ear-candy and harsh blast that gets your juices flowing, but more like questioning what the fuck is this thing I am listening - and soon shifting into response.
Con-Dom is reason why this set could not be reissued as-is. Now retired, and doesn't want to approve further reissues. I must respect this approach, and I can see the *artistic* merit of it. Release were done for other purpose than "consumption" or "mass production". They had time, place, reason. Each release had point, connected to live shows, connections of sounds by other artists, most likely personal meaning. To have labels churning out CD's could be like stickers reproduced of paintings. It just aint the same thing. Specific era passed, and those owning the original piece of art have it as part of their own life. Not to be "cheapened" as bulk reissue.
While I understand that logic, I often do consider repress absolutely positive. Of course depending on mood. Currently preparing couple reissues of my own, which I postponed for decade(s), but I tend to think my own opinion of what c/should have been done with particular recording is not -that- essential. Instead of keeping them hidden in master archive, I may just regurgitate them out there again, hah.. despite there would be most likely more necessary releases, like PERVERSION AT ALL COST, to be availble. One could say, that title of the box, is THE power electronics in the nutshell. If one doesn't like it, there is option to GTFO.