Special Interest


Title: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on December 29, 2009, 06:31:05 PM
Haven't seen this in a while and decided to order it. Imdb states that the length is 130 minutes while the DVD on Amazon says 125 minutes. Does anyone know if it's been censored? Would be a shame if it was.
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 29, 2009, 08:48:14 PM
I read a review on DVDTalk which listed the dvd as 129min. I didn't find anything about the US rel missing any footage so it's probably uncut.
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen)
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on December 30, 2009, 09:55:54 PM
Cheers K!

I'm just about to order it now. However, another interesting film appeared which may be worth my time. Porcile, English title Pigpen, by Pasolini. Now I have my issues with him but this film seems promising.

Anyone here in a position to comment on it before I send them my cash?
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen)
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 30, 2009, 10:25:40 PM
I think lots of Pasolini stuff is cheap in Finland. They should be all with optional swedish subtitles etc. Nice digi-dvd sleeves etc. If you have to pay top$ for anything of his, I may check availability here.. They might be cheap everywhere.
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen)
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on December 30, 2009, 10:42:31 PM
This one is 12 quid plus postage with aint bad. What I wonder is if it's decent enough or a steaming pile of turd. I'm sceptical of Pasolini.
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen)
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 30, 2009, 10:44:07 PM
I think some of his movies are in supermarkets for like 5 euro discount bins... I may check out for titles..
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen)
Post by: alpharmania on December 30, 2009, 11:37:19 PM
Porcile is an excellent film. One of my favourite films of Pasolini. I was very surprised to see it released some weeks ago on Swedish DVD as "Svinstian". You can also find La Grande Bouffe / Brakfesten on same label.... Njutafilms I think. Worth the money. Recommended distributor of their titles: www.videodrome.nu
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen)
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on December 30, 2009, 11:50:26 PM
I just ordered La Grande Bouffe and Hardcore. You know the Paul Schrader film about George C Scott searching for his missing daughter? I remember it as being very good even if it's near 20 years since I last saw it.

On the subject of Schrader, does anyone know where to find his Mishima flick? It's too expensive on Amazon.

Also looking for more films by Liliana Cavani. I have Nightporter and would like to dig a bit deeper.

The Pasolini stuff can wait till Mikko finds some bargains.
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: alpharmania on January 02, 2010, 12:46:07 PM
I can always recommend www.videodrome.nu for good prices and hunting down rare titles. Nils has been driving his store and mailorder now for over ten years and remains one of the few cult movie specialists still active in sweden. Both ancient pre-cert / x-rental vhs, tons of rare exploitation & sleaze, Alpha Blue stuff, giallo, arthouse, eurocrime, horror, asian etc.

I saw a rather interesting film on the life of Nietzsche by Cavani, simply entitled "Beyond Good & Evil"...

Some recommendations if you are in for twisted italian stuff are works of Elio Petri, Alberto Cavallone & Sergio Bergonzelli... Another highlight is Amore tossico / Toxic Love from Claudio Caligari... like the italian "Ett anständigt liv". Films of Arrabal are essential...
Recently there was some english subbed DVD releases of Tinto Brass more experimental filmwork, L'urlo (The Howl) and Col cuore in gola (Deadly Sweet), which I really recommend...

Swedish DVD front is looking good. Many good releases last year... for example I never thought I'd see any of Thierry Zenos flicks on proper DVD release... Des morts & Svinet... there is some extreme stuff for certain.
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 03, 2010, 11:06:35 PM
I haven't seen too much lately. Last batch of dvd's I bought were REPULSION (already had UK rel but Criterion's new HD transfer is nice & the cover art is better), RAZORBACK (Aussie rel. w/deleted gore scenes in the extras, double-dip), MESSIAH OF EVIL, TRAPPED, SILENT SCREAM (I remember the trailer when I was a kid of the woman in the cobbed-webbed attic).

Quite a few movies coming this year including EMBODIMENT OF EVIL on Synapse + they will be releasing TWENTY-SEVEN Nikkatsu Roman Pink films over the next few years including "RAPE!"!!! Super-psyched for those.

I'm not much for art films but mildly curious to see ANTICHRIST despite trailer being rather silly along with the hype.

I just watched THE BRAINIAC & will follow it up with PHANTASM.
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: alpharmania on January 05, 2010, 01:23:20 AM
Trapped (if you mean with Henry Fonda) is a great film... reminds me that Rituals is out now on dvd. Earlier today I watched Alfonso Brescias "Amazons against Supermen" together with my son, we both found it very amusing. Now I'll see "Naked and Violent" by Sergio Martino for the first time. It feels like I've seen my share of mondo movies, but this one has been on my wantlist for years and now MYA released it so...

"Cult director Sergio Martino, during the most glorious mondo years, delivered Naked And Violent, a documentary which unveils the brutality of the USA. Hidden behind a mask of perfection and justice, Naked And Violent traces the problems of American society in the 70s: from racial persecutions to the depraved sexual habits of the middle class, from the drug market to illegal gambling."

My hopes for 2010 are that Paul Naschy and Rino Di Silvestro gain the same attention after their death as Ingmar Bergman got. 
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: narcolepsia on January 05, 2010, 02:25:03 AM
I second recommendation for "porcile". it´s one of his best films. and most of his work annoys me in some way too.

been watching and enjoying some alberto cavallone recently. have yet to check the other recommendations in what concerns more twisted italian films in previous post.

who put out the thierry zeno editions kristian ?
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 05, 2010, 02:31:22 AM
TRAPPED with Henry .

I've always wanted to see naschy's HOWL OF THE DEVIL.
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: alpharmania on January 05, 2010, 01:51:58 PM
Howl of the Devil is fantastic. I also found great pleasure in seeing Human Beasts. Hopefully The People Who Own the Dark and A Dragonfly for Each Corpse (Swedish VHS still does it for me) will come out on DVD sooner or later...

The person who introduced me to a grainy vhs copy of "Vase de noces" died last year. I was very surprised to see an official swedish dvd of it years later.... The name of the label is Njutafilms and they do an incredible work providing difficult titles for Swedish (and international) market. Some titles from their catalogue include Beast in the Heat, Coffin Joe, Lågsniff (by Åke Hodell), Pearls Before Swine, The Sweet Body of Deborah, Subconscious Cruelty, Gestapos last orgy, Cold Eyes of Fear, SS Experiment Love Camp, SS Lager 5, Sister Emanuelle, The Sinful Dwarf, Thundercrack etc.
Nothing special for hardcore collectors but still low prices and available at most stores. Easiest way for people outside Sweden is to order from www.videodrome.nu

Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 06, 2010, 10:03:04 PM

I knew there was a nice dvd rel. Not sure if it's the Swedish rel. you've mentioned. I use to have a video dub but remember very little other than it wasn't as graphic as traders hyped it as back in 1989 or so. I'd like to see it again but right now I can't justify buying it.

How about TERROR EXPRESS? Nice UK release (I think UK). Kind of expensive over here from DiabolikDVD; $38 I think. There's a review at 10KBullets, I believe.

Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: alpharmania on January 07, 2010, 12:51:22 PM
Terror Express pisses all over Night Train Murders. I have both swedish Video Invest and dutch Eagle 6 VHS releases of Terror Express... I was excited to see the DVD at Videodrome but hesitated to get it due to the high price. I am not sure but it looks like Camera Obscura bought up Sazuma. Same layout as Last House on the Beach and Suspected Death of a Minor. I heard from Nils / Videodrome that next release is So Sweet, So Dead. Only high quality titles... not to mention their DVD of Orozco the Embalmer!

Camera Obscura did first release of Pigfucking Movie but swedish release is better / cheaper alternative. I didn't notice much difference from the old vhs I had been watching... black and white, no dialogue... sometimes I prefer vhs to intensify filthy viewing experience.

Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 07, 2010, 09:19:35 PM
How much, round-about, is the Swedish disc for THE PIG FUCKING MOVIE? May have to look into that.

May do an order for TERROR EXPRESS soon too. Been awhile since I've bought any Euro-trash. Kind of itchin' for some right now!

Saving every dollar I can is kind of a pain in the ass......
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on January 08, 2010, 05:01:51 PM
A friend of mine suggest the Image DVD edition


It seam the most uncut edition. Originale audio french and english subs
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: alpharmania on January 08, 2010, 06:07:16 PM
a few years ago there was a very nice swedish Marco Ferreri 4-disc collection which included La Grande Bouffe, Tales of Ordinary Madness and two films I considered crap.

I think Svinet costs around €15 in stores... I am able to work in the videodrome store some weekends and so, get paid with dvd/vhs (even if I'm poor I can't live without the eurotrash!)
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on January 09, 2010, 04:01:35 PM
Another italian suggestion


a brief synopsis here ---> http://www.twistedanger.com/dvd842.html

One of the most violent, outrageous and blasphemous movie never viewed
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: alpharmania on January 09, 2010, 09:14:54 PM
Quote from: Nil By Mouth on January 09, 2010, 04:01:35 PM
Another italian suggestion


a brief synopsis here ---> http://www.twistedanger.com/dvd842.html

One of the most violent, outrageous and blasphemous movie never viewed

I agree, total recommendation!
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on January 12, 2010, 09:58:26 AM
My favourite pasolini film is easily THE GOSPEL ACCORING TO ST. MATTHEW.
I wholeheartedly agree with the Alberto Cavallone recommendation earlier.  One of the most underrated of genre directors.  I finally got a copy recently of his budget-less BLOW JOB from ETC.  
In the 'style' of films mentioned in the prior posts, I can't recommend enough:
HUMAN ANIMALS (1983 dir. Eligio Herrero)
GISELLE (1980 dir. Victor Di Mello)
BESTIALITA (1976 dir. Peter Skerl)
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: narcolepsia on January 12, 2010, 02:07:37 PM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on January 12, 2010, 09:58:26 AM
My favourite pasolini film is easily THE GOSPEL ACCORING TO ST. MATTHEW.
I wholeheartedly agree with the Alberto Cavallone recommendation earlier.  One of the most underrated of genre directors.  I finally got a copy recently of his budget-less BLOW JOB from ETC.  
In the 'style' of films mentioned in the prior posts, I can't recommend enough:
HUMAN ANIMALS (1983 dir. Eligio Herrero)
GISELLE (1980 dir. Victor Di Mello)
BESTIALITA (1976 dir. Peter Skerl)

I really like "the gospel according to st. matthew" too. in one of my final essays at university I made a connection between this a very obscure manoel de oliveira film called "acto da primavera" which are separeted by only one year I think. do you know it sam ? it´s a strange pseudo-doc about a third world styled celebration of the passion of christ done in a small village in trás-os-montes (literally behind-the-mountains) the most arid and desolate area in the north of portugal. very interesting work.

will try and check those three you recommend, thanks as usual !
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: narcolepsia on January 12, 2010, 02:22:17 PM
just found two short clips of "acto da primavera" on youtube :



on a similar note, you should know antónio reis and his wife margarida cordeiro, one of the most obscure and one of the best portuguese directors of all time. very reclusive people and I think they only did about a film for decade. here is the begining of "trás-os-montes" :

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: alpharmania on January 13, 2010, 02:21:06 AM
Blowjob is a good one... I am so happy to see so many of his films surfacing now. I was hooked after I saw Blue Movie the first time. I have seen it available on Swedish x-rental once. The name of the label is Baroness and they only provided top notch titles for swedish market. Examples (rainbows are Hemvideo):

Got Bestialita on really crappy second/third copy from italian vhs... state-of-the-art sleaze. Thanks for the recommendations of Human Animals (looks amazing!) and Giselle. I managed to locate them on cinemageddon....

Something for people in Finland to track down:

In two weeks I release "CRIMINALIA volume 2" C60.... tracklist below:

The Bootleggers / Cinque figli di cane [Alfio Caltabiano 1969]
Macrò - Guida uccide il venerdì [Stelvio Massi 1974]
Eyes Behind the Wall / L'occhio dietro la parete [Giuliano Petrelli 1977]
They Paid with Bullets / Tiempos de Chicago [Julio Diamante 1969]
Uccidete il vitello grasso e arrostitelo [Salvatore Samperi 1970]
The Climber / L'ambizioso [Pasquale Squitieri 1975]
Last Desperate Hours / Milano: il clan dei Calabresi [Giorgio Stegani 1974]
Man on His Knees / Un uomo in ginocchio [Damiano Damiani 1978]
The Maniac Responsible / ...a tutte le auto della polizia [Mario Caiano 1975]
Reflections in Black / Il vizio ha le calze nere [Tano Cimarosa 1975]
Your Hands on My Body / Le tue mani sul mio corpo [Brunello Rondi 1970]
In the Eye of the Hurricane / El ojo del huracán [José María Forqué 1971]
Blackmail / Lo strano ricatto di una ragazza per bene [Luigi Batzella 1974]
The Syndicate: A Death in the Family / Colpo rovente [Piero Zuffi 1969]
We Still Kill the Old Way / A ciascuno il suo [Elio Petri 1967]
With Heart in Mouth / Col guore in gola [Tinto Brass 1967]
Il diavolo nel cervello [Sergio Sollima 1972]
A Quiet Place to Kill / Paranoia [Umberto Lenzi 1970]
Knife of Ice / Il coltello di ghiaccio [Umberto Lenzi 1972]
Kriminal [Umberto Lenzi 1966]

Bandits in Milan / Banditi a Milano [Carlo Lizzani 1968]
I Kiss the Hand / Baciamo le mani [Vittorio Schiraldi 1973]
Spell, Sweet Slaughterhouse / L'uomo, la donna e la bestia / Spell, dolce mattatoio [Alberto Cavallone 1977]
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion / Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto [Elio Petri 1970]
I ragazzi della Roma violenta [Renato Savino 1976]
Come cani arrabbiati [Mario Imperoli 1976]
Night of Hate / Crónica de un atraco [Jaime Jesús Balcázar 1968]
Nine guests for a crime / Nove ospiti per un delitto [Ferdinando Baldi 1977]
Bandits in Milan / Banditi a Milano [Carlo Lizzani 1968]
Crazy Joe [Carlo Lizzani 1974]
Wake Up and Kill / Svegliati e uccidi [Carlo Lizzani 1966]
Day of Violence / Operazione Kappa: sparate a vista [Luigi Petrini 1977]
Special Squad Shoots on sight / La polizia ordina: Sparate a vista! [Giulio Giuseppe Negri 1976]
Execution Squad / La polizia ringrazia [Steno 1972]
The Cauldron of Death / Ricco [Tulio Demicheli 1973]
In the Highest of Skies / Nel più alto dei cieli [Silvano Agosti 1977]
Savage Three / Fango bollente [Vittorio Salerno 1975]

Edition of 100. C60. Silkscreened cover. mainly sourced from vhs. includes extractions from soundtracks, dialogue, effects. Rough edit and mixing.
PM if interested in one. Got maybe 15 copies left of vol 1
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on January 13, 2010, 09:43:11 AM
Bringing any Criminalia 2 to GBG? And what about that Art-zine KO? Is it out? You know I need both.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: alpharmania on January 13, 2010, 10:34:27 AM
yes, I will bring copies of criminalia 2 to utmarken.
artzine is almost sold out of first batch (100 copies) but can be ordered from Timeless Editions shop:
http://www.timeless-shop.com/description.php?lang=2&sort=Id&target=new&id=905 (http://www.timeless-shop.com/description.php?lang=2&sort=Id&target=new&id=905)
I saved a copy for you Jonas.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on January 13, 2010, 10:49:36 AM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on January 18, 2010, 06:31:52 PM
Watched some movies, dealing with autopsies. Though these type of movies get rather boring after some time (human deconstructed and constructed again is  something rather monotonic and there is not much to add), but a couple of these stuck into my head.
Le Poeme 1985 - Autopsy with the narrator reading Arthur Rimbaud's "The Drunken Boat" http://www.mag4.net/Rimbaud/poesies/Boat.html (http://www.mag4.net/Rimbaud/poesies/Boat.html). All in all it gives a rather strange feeling and though I don't like how the French language sounds, it kind of suited in the movie. And the finale with Nietzsche's words - What is keeping you, my friends? Come on, it's time, it's time!
Another one that was somewhat different - Path 1991 - existential thoughts of people talking while performing autopsies. One person was lady who died being pregnant so they cut the unborn fetus too to see why it was dead already etc. etc. I recommend these two. Others from the bunch was not that good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 18, 2010, 06:48:40 PM
I remember era when there was strict video law in Finland, and all the underground people were very annoyed by cencorship. Magazine would include lists of how many seconds are missing from which VHS version and possibly which content. Crying about all the banned films you couldn't get without special connections. But then again, when suddenly instead of gore, splatter, slasher, horror, whatever movies topic was porn or mondo documentaries and shock videos with stuff like autopsies, many of those people would suddenly back stab the fellow video freak. "We have nothing to do this sick stuff, only consumed by those mentally insane. We just appreciate art" or whatever. This seemed to be mentality, that people would just aim for utmost extremeties a'la Nekromantic, but then be extremely upset about some vhs dub of real autopsy. Of course, difference of movie (actual piece of art) and just cheap shock tactic document is there, but always amused me.

I think one pretty nice autopsy related fictional movie is... was it Aftermath? Was issued on dvd too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on January 18, 2010, 08:46:53 PM
Do you mean the Spanish short? Then it was Aftermath. Hmm, Autopsy films would be great topic for an article.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 18, 2010, 09:32:31 PM
yeah, that one. I think length and the kind of neat ending with little "intelligent" wibe on it was nice. The dog food & newspaper article and such. It was good length for being what it is.
I think I talked elsewhere, but there is very nice autopsy education video on googlevideos, where doctor performs autopsy on body of whore for students. Explains all the details while does it, and is genuinely surpriced for finding implants in such a flat tits. And when he examines genital, cuts open the whole area and all the organs, he goes like "this looks pretty good condition for being wh... hmm.. " and stops in middle of sentence, like realising he's not having some morbid fun with other pathologists, and actually can't be joking how healthy the slices of cunt interior looks like. In other words, top video. Without plot, without acting, simply funny, entertaining and all that. It's not really "extreme", unless you find autopsy extreme. Just interesting textures.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on January 18, 2010, 11:13:54 PM
Yes, Aftermath is really a good movie. This was perhaps the first one non-documentary/not mondo movie involving autopsies that was really done with talent and passion. I think someone had even this movie as a video projection here though not sure, I might be wrong. Anyways, about the laws at the very moment, i don't really know what's allowed and what's not. Can, let's say autopsy movie be named as a mockery of a dead body? are you allowed to have them or not in EU? In a bunch a week or so ago I also watched Necrophilia: Fucking the dead (the title is far better than the movie itself). Is it porno/art movie/paraphiliac movie or so? What would you be allowed to show/have and what not. I know that pornography is prohibited in Lithuania though it doesn't seem to be the problem.
As for Nekromantic - since the early days I was the admirer of German gore. Buttgereit, Schnaas, Rose, Ittenbach etc. etc. I couldn't even say that these gore movies were for the shock value. Buttgereit's movies always had love and relationships involved. In his shorts (Hot Love as I remember) and Nekromantik itself. What if love goes beyond the limits of human understanding :) Had a chance to get a couple of beers with him while visiting Berlin and since it was some time ago and I was young and open-minded, perhaps that's why these Germans seem so deep/good in what they do. Maybe Schnaas was the one who tried to go as far as possible with nazis, blowjobs/exploding heads etc. etc. though hadn't seen the newest movies of his.
To finish with autopsies, I think the most interesting thing with autopsies at the very moment is the docu of autopsy of Benitto Musolini. Perhaps not for it's shock or so, but for it's value above that. I was very surprised that such things even exist on tape.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: alpharmania on January 19, 2010, 10:33:07 AM
when it comes to movies on subject of necrophilia my absolute favourite is Mosquito der Schänder / Bloodlust, featuring Werner Pochath. cruel opening scenes that would never be allowed today and some very surreal lovescenes between corpse and man. this is ten years before nekromantik and stands the tests of time.
some days ago I rewatched another title on my top 10: "Swamp of the ravens"...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 19, 2010, 11:30:57 PM
I have a Euro dvd of MOSQUITO THE RAPIST. Need to give it another viewing. I think Synapse was suppose to release it but that was years ago.

The murder/rape scene in ANGST is pretty harsh. I vaguely remembering stabbing while he's raping the corpse? Too bad Barrel Entertainment never got to release it.

I have or use to have a Japanese porn film series called DEAD BODY LOVE. Woman is strangled to death then fucked in a handful of positions. Fogged & pretty low-key which made it a bit more realistic. Short too, only 30 minutes & pre-record videos in Tokyo were $100 each. I got a dub from Trevor Brown who'd bought it for someone else.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: alpharmania on January 23, 2010, 12:03:49 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 19, 2010, 11:30:57 PM
I have or use to have a Japanese porn film series called DEAD BODY LOVE. Woman is strangled to death then fucked in a handful of positions. Fogged & pretty low-key which made it a bit more realistic. Short too, only 30 minutes & pre-record videos in Tokyo were $100 each. I got a dub from Trevor Brown who'd bought it for someone else.
That sounds promising... Most of the times I think I have found necrophilia footage it is merely vintage sleaze with coffins etc. Entertaining but not what I have been after.
I don't know if they are available in english, but books of Gabrielle Wittkopp are by far the best cultural descriptions of necrophilia I have encountered....

Here is something that Leland B. located:
The Necrophiliac

10 minute SILENT 8mm loop

Released in the late 70's on the Viva label with Jamie Gillis and Tina Russel.This was originally in color (see box art) however this copy is a bootleg B & W print.
The scenario consists of man grieving over a coffin which is then opened to reveal his dead lover within and thus feels compelled to indulge in a final act of hanky panky. I have seen this set up in several films and always with a comical aspect. I/e the dead returns to life via his seed or through coitus.This is not the case here as it is just played straight up which gives it a truly unpleasant quality up until the final scene which we are then treated to a somewhat surprise and comical finale.

To change subject a bit... I did job for Videodrome making this trailer:
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 24, 2010, 04:05:24 PM
PALINDROMES - movie from director of Happiness, Storytelling etc.
I didn't know what the plot was, girlfriend bought it. Had not read anything about it when it started. At first I was little confused what the hell is happening, when the main character is played in total no less than 8 different actors! And it doesn't mean that time would switch in the movie years back or forth, but main character may go to sleep at evening as extremely fat black female and wake up 13 year old white little girl. Not expecting this, might confuse a bit.
But basically idea is that 13 year old girl wants to get pregnant. And does. Escapes from home. Fucks with pedophiles. Meets nearly surreal fundamental christian family made out of runaway kids with various handicaps. Torso girl without hands. Blind albino gril. Epileptics, mongs, etc. There are kids dumpster diving for fetuses, fundamental christians plotting for assasination of abortion doctors, etc. It is comedy most of all, but the bizarre level of characters and what happens in moving is a guaranteed headfuck. Should be cheap and easy to get on dvd anywhere.
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on January 24, 2010, 10:41:00 PM
Quote from: Nil By Mouth on January 09, 2010, 04:01:35 PM
Another italian suggestion


a brief synopsis here ---> http://www.twistedanger.com/dvd842.html

One of the most violent, outrageous and blasphemous movie never viewed
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 26, 2010, 11:59:07 PM
Jpn video is DEAD BODY RAPE, not LOVE.

I remember PALINDROMES. HAPPINESS is better.

Someone once told me of seeing a kaypee 8mm film of man with under*age corpse. He had no idea if it was real or not.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nihil Congregation on January 27, 2010, 05:18:12 PM
On the necrophilia subject, has anyone seen "Aftermath", a spanish horror flick, you guys should check it out if you haven't seen it
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 27, 2010, 08:26:38 PM
this was just discussed on previous page and top of this page.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on January 28, 2010, 03:04:42 AM
Rubber's Lover

a hot nurse, a heavy rubber sensory deprivation suit, ultra low frequencies, sniffing ether & violent psychic powers, ....the works!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 08, 2010, 07:00:41 PM
Has anyone seen Kichiku Dai Enkai by Kazuyoshi Kumakiri? Ignoring the horror aspect to an extent, it becomes more of a nihilistic and brutal portrayal of human nature. A lot of people don't like but I think it pretty good, especially considering it's a student film.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on February 09, 2010, 12:16:58 AM
Yep, I'm a big fan of Kichiku. I think a lot of people dislike it because it's hyped as this "ultra brutal" J-splatter flick, so that's what they go in expecting, but in reality what they get is a low budget student political/art film with lashings of gore in the last half hour.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on February 09, 2010, 11:07:28 AM

Australian flick by the guy who did the horrible Lanmower Man.
Sick story regarding "Feeders", the contrary of pro-ana. People getting off by force feeding willing women until they die. Despite a  very confused plot, a horrible leading actor and many contraddiction it gives very interesting moments, especially in the description of the obsession of the villain.
Not a masterpiece but definitely an interesting subject.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 10, 2010, 07:57:30 PM
Was it the movie where the last fatso was being fed with the fat of the previous girls? Or maybe more movies on topic? I recall it was ok, but very much of "trendy" film at the time. You know, some underground phenomena gets public and everybody wants to aknowledge it. That movie, with pretty morbid and (dis)tasteful way.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on February 10, 2010, 08:09:53 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on February 10, 2010, 07:57:30 PM
Was it the movie where the last fatso was being fed with the fat of the previous girls?

is'nt really clear in the movie, but her 'food' gets mixes with bags of pure fat.....what kind? ;-)

was a pretty decent movie imho....

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 11, 2010, 07:29:15 PM
Have had GUMMO dvd borrowed from friend for months. Finally watched it, but nothing really prepared me to what was coming. I had erased all recollections what it should be about. But it is pretty good 1997 film. From writer of KIDS, first movie he made. Not so much of linear storyline, but just incident and obscure and obscene situations one after another. Total redneck US white trash, cat killings, cat torture, pimping down syndrome sister to young glue huffing boys to fuck. Molesters, dwarvers, fags, trannies, inbred redneck kids. Fights, handicaps. Near surreal moments of kids engaging into verbal abuses. Nudity. Tits. Spit and drool. No wonder when you mix it all together with Eyehategod, Burzum, Bathory, Spazz, Absu, and various others that he made instant underground classic. I'm pretty sure it's been topic of discussion everywhere, but I totally missed it all these years.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on February 11, 2010, 08:53:20 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on February 10, 2010, 07:57:30 PM
Was it the movie where the last fatso was being fed with the fat of the previous girls? Or maybe more movies on topic? I recall it was ok, but very much of "trendy" film at the time. You know, some underground phenomena gets public and everybody wants to aknowledge it. That movie, with pretty morbid and (dis)tasteful way.

yes that one.
there are some nonsense scenes, but the whole philosophy behind it is perfectly rended.

anyway GUMMO is THE movie that got me into white trash/trailer park obsession... you mentioned it all, but a few images that reallz got under my skin:
- the rabbit boy with the accordion
- the teen transvestite pictures
- the cute mongoloid prostitute whored out by her (I think) brother
- Harmony Korine hugging the black homo midget wearing the Israeli flag
- the protagonist eating spaghetti in the dirty bath thub
- him and his mom dancing in the room full of trash
- the drunken rednecks getting angry with a chair...

every scene is cult
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 11, 2010, 11:32:34 PM
I watched half of it several years ago but never finished. I remember liking it but I was too fucked up at the time to pay attention. I'll have to rewatch it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 14, 2010, 09:41:07 PM
Kichiku Dai Enkai

BANQUET OF THE BEASTS: It's on US dvd & is well-worth picking up. Prob out of print as I can't think of anything recent the company released. Artsmagic was the company.

Nihilistic & Brutal. Chapter titles sound like PE songs: "Blood games", "Alone", "In the morning", "In Control"...

I barely remember FEED. Seems like it started out good but the ending was a letdown.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on February 15, 2010, 01:31:00 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on February 11, 2010, 07:29:15 PMNo wonder when you mix it all together with Eyehategod, Burzum, Bathory, Spazz, Absu, and various others that he made instant underground classic.

http://www.discogs.com/Various-Gummo/release/835238 (http://www.discogs.com/Various-Gummo/release/835238)

weird, i was pretty shure i heard Innerwar-era BDN in that movie....

edit : ah, found it: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119237/soundtrack (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119237/soundtrack)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 15, 2010, 07:48:58 PM
It is pretty minimal part. It starts with some visuals going in front your eyes, suddenly year hear the speech, which is very familiar. It's like "wait? Someone used this on noise cd??" and then you hear actual BDN sound coming in, but fades out almost immediately. Just enough to realize what it was, but can't really say there would be much to hear.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on February 18, 2010, 04:45:09 AM
Just watched for the second time:


Two middleaged men, Joe Curran (Peter Boyle) and Bill Compton (Dennis Patrick) hit 1960's Greenwich Village where they do drugs, fuck and eventually kill hipppies. A very young (and in the buff) Susan Sarandon appears as Bill's runaway hippie daughter. Lots of good sample material and a great idea in general. I'd like to see a remake set in modern times about two ageing neofolk musicians who've finally had enough and exact deadly revenge on random antifa fags. A worthy and relevant concept for the intolerant times we live in.

There is an amazing scene where Joe fondles his machine gun in his basement with an HONOR AMERICA sticker in the background. I desperately tried to rip it from the DVD but for some reason VLC wouldn't have it so the pictures below will have to do. They should give you an idea anyway.



Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tommy Carlsson on February 18, 2010, 09:25:46 AM
JOE -- excellent movie! I love that scene in the beginning where Joe's standing by a jukebox looking at the songs, complaining about "nigger-loving hippies" destroying the music.

(for Swedes -- den svenska titeln är ett underbart exempel på när översättningen är bätre än originalet -- Joe - Skjut varenda jävla hippie!)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 18, 2010, 05:30:15 PM
What would be nice re-make, is FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE. I'm sure movie was discussed elsewhere?
Film I tend to return time after time is LEON. It blew my mind when I got the actual directors cut. It is sometimes beyoned my brain to think how directors aren't allowed to make movies they want, but they are butchered to fit some assumed audience expectations. Few months ago, was re-watching who knows for how many times Once Upon A Time in America, and watched the dvd bonuses and was amazed that when movie originally hit the theaters in US, it was cut by director of Police Academy to be more "straight forward" with chronological order. Which obviously makes no sense in case of that movie. And only years later it was presented as it should.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on February 18, 2010, 05:51:40 PM
Then again you have movies like Apocalypse Now Redux which didn't benefit from the added scenes at all. In the case of megalomaniacs like Coppola a firm external hand very likely improves the finished article.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Ritual on February 18, 2010, 05:53:49 PM
Quote from: TheGreatEcstasy on February 18, 2010, 05:51:40 PM
Then again you have movies like Apocalypse Now Redux which didn't benefit from the added scenes at all.
I think it does! It gives a few more angles to the story, I think.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 18, 2010, 05:58:08 PM
Editing is tricky business. I agree that Apocalypse Now did not benefit from editing but, for example, The Final Cut of Blade Runner I think was vastly improved by additional scenes. Sometimes extra scenes can be self-indulgent or disrupt the pacing of the film. I guess it just depends on the film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: narcolepsia on February 19, 2010, 02:31:13 AM
"joe" sounds like something I´d enjoy. thanks for the recommendation !

currently been re-watching my cinema abattoir DVD´s..being compilations of shorts it´s always a matter of hit or miss, but there are god surprises to be found.

personal favourites probably include "burn" and "les souffrances d´un oeuf meurtri" on the incarnation DVD, "ass" on the erotisme DVD, yet most of the stuff is well worth watching,

most recent volume à rebour has two obvious highlights, as I was trying to watch a aryan kaganof film for quite some time * (included is "dead man 2 : return of the dead man" with a merzbow soundtrack) and also the first (to my knowledge) official edition of "satan bouche un coin". "passage" and "the other american dream" are others I quite enjoyed watching as well.

any others who´ve been enjoying these releases / label ?

* anyone has a copy of "beyond ultra violence" ? is it any good ?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on February 19, 2010, 08:56:07 AM
Quote from: narcolepsia on February 19, 2010, 02:31:13 AM
* anyone has a copy of "beyond ultra violence" ? is it any good ?

I quite enjoyed it, although he goes a little overkill on the visual effects at times. There's a review of it here: http://dvdholocaust.com/review.php?id=366 (http://dvdholocaust.com/review.php?id=366)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: alpharmania on February 19, 2010, 10:53:35 AM
I scanned some swedish rental covers at work while having nothing else to do... Joe and Fight for Your Life are some of them. I can also recommend Savage Weekend for those into William Sandersons more violent side.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Matthias on February 19, 2010, 11:33:09 AM
Kristian, got any recommendations when it comes to italian "youth gone wild" flicks? I've seen Violence For Kicks, Day Of Violence, Savage Three, Season For Assassins and Young, Violent & Dangerous so far but i know there is a few more out there!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on February 19, 2010, 11:41:43 AM
check CLASS OF 1984, despite the cheesy 80's punk look it rules and has great soundtrack.

you can't miss Italy's fascio-exploitation classic SAN BABILA ORE 20, over the top and unrealistic, but a guilty pleasure look to neo-fascist dwelling between ideology and crime in a very cold Milan during the 70's.

I have met a couple of the real persons of that "scene" and we laughed a lot about it.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: alpharmania on February 19, 2010, 06:20:24 PM
San Babila Ore 20 is great one. Last week I rented "Kings of Crime" by Michele Placido and I must say Italians still prove they can deliver! Interesting trivia is the viewer get to see a glimpse in one of the main characters sports bag which carries brass knuckle and Julius Evola book...
Depla, have you seen I ragazzi della Roma violenta?
For tonight I will give Dupont La Joie / Rape of Innocence a second watch, this time with english subtitles...

Matthias - I'll list some stuff when I get more time!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on February 19, 2010, 06:33:10 PM
Quote from: alpharmania on February 19, 2010, 06:20:24 PM
San Babila Ore 20 is great one. Last week I rented "Kings of Crime" by Michele Placido and I must say Italians still prove they can deliver! Interesting trivia is the viewer get to see a glimpse in one of the main characters sports bag which carries brass knuckle and Julius Evola book...
Depla, have you seen I ragazzi della Roma violenta?
For tonight I will give Dupont La Joie / Rape of Innocence a second watch, this time with english subtitles...

Matthias - I'll list some stuff when I get more time!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on February 21, 2010, 10:00:37 PM
Quote from: alpharmania on February 19, 2010, 06:20:24 PM

Depla, have you seen I ragazzi della Roma violenta?

I was going to suggest it yet. Cheesy and sleazy, nothing makes sense, complete trash cult, especially the impotent fascist who get aroused only playing flipper.
I have used a bunch of samples of that too.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on March 05, 2010, 04:02:32 PM


Long time no see. I love it. Anyone seen any more films by Alex Cox? Recommendations?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 05, 2010, 04:52:07 PM
repo man is cult, to date his best.
there seems to be a sequel (repo chick), but I don't know anything about it.

well I would suggest the weird modern western extravaganza  "straight to hell", with a plethora of celebrities and "Sid and nancy" although the music part sucks. The actor playing jonny rotten looks ugly and has a horrible voice.

I have recently read good things about Death and the compass, mostly due to my Peter Boyle fixation, but I don't know anything about it.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on March 05, 2010, 08:05:03 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on March 05, 2010, 04:52:07 PM
The actor playing jonny rotten looks ugly and has a horrible voice.

Gary Oldman?

I hear super skank Courtney Love was in it as well. Not sure I could hanld ethat however small the dose of her.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 05, 2010, 08:19:14 PM
I generally like Gary Oldman but Cid and Nancy was pretty terrible. The acting was overkill in the extreme. I think the target audience is "punk" teen girls.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 05, 2010, 10:09:10 PM
Quote from: TheGreatEcstasy on March 05, 2010, 08:05:03 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on March 05, 2010, 04:52:07 PM
The actor playing jonny rotten looks ugly and has a horrible voice.

Gary Oldman?

I hear super skank Courtney Love was in it as well. Not sure I could hanld ethat however small the dose of her.

nope he was plazing sid :)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on March 05, 2010, 11:04:45 PM
I'm a mongoloid! Of course he did.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on March 08, 2010, 01:57:29 PM
Quote from: TheGreatEcstasy on March 05, 2010, 04:02:32 PM


Long time no see. I love it. Anyone seen any more films by Alex Cox? Recommendations?

I think Repo Man is the only one I have seen from Alex Cox. A film festival here in Brussels is showing a bunch of Alex Cox films (http://offscreen.be/thefestival/alex-cox (http://offscreen.be/thefestival/alex-cox)) now in March and I'm wondering which ones to see. They're also showing some Japanese exploitation and spaghetti westerns so I am sure there will be a few to check out at the festival.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 16, 2010, 11:29:30 PM
Council flats, redbricks, crackwhores, gay bars, East end, West end, job centers, abusive husbands, loneliness, killing for company, ecc. ecc.
The perfect crossover between realistic UK flicks and more stylish atmospheres, also thanks to the minimalistic yet effective soundtrack composed by THE THE.
Peter Ferdinando is fucking amazing. Quite inspired by the late Dennis Nielsen, yet with a  nerdier/semi-autistic behavior, a complete antisocial person, eternal unemployed who never knows how to fit with the others, although longing for company.
Nothing to do with marvel-styled bolckbuster serial killer super-hero. This is a story of loneliness, sexual confusion and despair, yet with some pretty funny moment.
Some of the side character suck and are not credible, but Ferdinando steals every breath whenever he is present.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on March 20, 2010, 07:35:59 PM
TOWELHEAD. Pretty ok high profile drama. 13 year old half libanese half american girl starts to explore her sexuality. This came from TV actually, so that's the reason I even came across the movie. Start with stepfather offering assistance of trimming her pubic hair, continues to be sent out to live with her real father. various conflicts of cultures colliding. Name calling, dubious interracial realitions, neighborhood honky fingerfucking her virginity, black guy from school dis-approved by his father performs 20 sec intercourses.
It is, really just... hmm, lets say "intelligent movie", just drama about the problems on teenage life in multicultural society, but for me it was most of all entertaining due all the catchy lowest-interests topics: racism, taboo sexuality, abusive behavior, etc.

But talk about lowest interest and taboos, while Towelhead is artistic enough to be actual movie, you can see opposite: Happened to have displeasure of seeing from TV this turd called Extreme Movie. I guess, you could list many of the same "taboos" in that context too... but come on! Maybe for being american child, you could find it amusing to see few quick tits and asses, fart humor, jokes of STD's and fucking sheep & midgets, but one wonders how damn worthless garbage is being sold as youth comedy? Of course, what else should have expected, but well, works as reminder that all what includes some sort of "offenses" and supposed "extremes", ain't worth 60 seconds of your life.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tisbor on March 20, 2010, 10:12:23 PM
I watched towelhead too some months ago , not bad . Topics treated in a not too clichè way , can't expect much of course but still not bad .
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on March 21, 2010, 08:06:24 PM
the new Burton's Alice in Wonderland with 3D. Fucking 12,50 euro for ticket, it better be good. Thinking of Disney behind this, and K-11 rating, it is suprisingly dark... and most of all just surreal / weird. I do question if it's really movie for kids or not? Some moments are probably like bad LSD trip. Moments like the tea party gone bad, it's insane. Music is oppressive classical music - until the subtitles and the awful radio pop enters. This is like resurrection of Alice actually. Now she is 19, and has only old nightmares of wonderland. When drastical moment of live - semi-forced marriage is waiting, she again happens to fall into hole and repeat many of the old patterns like before. Johnny Depp does great role. Hidden messages are different than in original. Now it seems to circulate a lot around the role of woman and individuality etc, but well. Visually very nicely done.

Now, when you think about it, if you could match together directors and artists, perhaps if you'd take someone like Mark Ryden with movie making ability of Burton, what would be result? I don't know how many are familiar with mr. Ryden's work, but maybe that would require topic of it's own. Utmost genious. Already as it is, many of Rydens ideas and visual bombardment looks like it could have been used as guide for the movie... hmm.


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on March 22, 2010, 12:17:31 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on March 21, 2010, 08:06:24 PM
it is suprisingly dark...

you can say that again. I took a few peaks behind the fancy glasses and it was supposed to be daylight in the movie but every lighting always ends up looking dark ish.  there was a neat sexual tension between the hatter and alice in that, then you were too smal , now youre too big... scene.  but this 3d thing hasnt blossomed into anything spectacular yet.  average burt movie too. but why not go see it anyways. remember to bring a bag m&m and somebody who lets you fondle their crocth during the movie.

this is going to be good(hopefully) valhalla rising 

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 22, 2010, 10:08:40 AM
It is supposed to be very good. Not the typical epic movie.
All Nicolas Winding Refn's movies are excellent and he's pretty daring changing subjects all the time. I have recently watched his Fear X, lynchian atmosphere yet more realistic, with disturbing soundtrack by Brian Eno. There is not much happening during the movie and it is quite slow, but the overall atmosphere was choking me.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on March 22, 2010, 09:41:30 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on March 22, 2010, 10:08:40 AM
I have recently watched his Fear X, lynchian atmosphere yet more realistic, with disturbing soundtrack by Brian Eno. There is not much happening during the movie and it is quite slow, but the overall atmosphere was choking me.

I havent seen that but a couple of days ago I watched bronson. I thought id be all over it but it left me a little cold. the guy looked just right but I found it to be decent rather than really good. im almost certain that valhalla is going to be really enjoyable. a well made period piece with personal take on it. whats not to like.

edit: im no big time collector but pushers can be found on my shelves. good stuff and like tiny says smalltime scumbags are cool.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 22, 2010, 09:50:54 PM
Bronson is very good in my opinion but very different by the Pusher trilogy and the amazing Bleeder, who definitely has a lot in common with Gaspar Noé. Same reds, similar storyline and environments. Less lysergic, but definitely sharing the same despair.
I loved Bronson but it goes in arthouse direction rather than the intimate violence and low lives tales who made me love his work.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on March 22, 2010, 11:35:00 PM
The Pusher trilogy was great. The second film flagged a bit but any lost ground was seriously regained in the third and final film. I liked Bleeder a lot too.

There is talk of Refn doing a viking film next which sounds promising. It's high time for an authentic and bloody viking epic in the style of the old Swedish/Icelandic masterpieces Hrafninn Flygur and I Skugga Hrafnsins.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 23, 2010, 12:19:30 AM
It is exatly the one mentioned by Niko :)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on March 23, 2010, 12:42:30 AM
And that is what sloppy reading will do for you. I will buy this at some point. I need to see Antichrist first.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 23, 2010, 12:58:56 AM
I really want to see Antichrist. After reading an interview with Willem Dafoe in regards to the movie I was sold. Unfortunately it's US release was extremely limited so I couldn't see it in theaters.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on March 23, 2010, 02:03:22 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 23, 2010, 12:58:56 AM
I really want to see Antichrist. After reading an interview with Willem Dafoe in regards to the movie I was sold. Unfortunately it's US release was extremely limited so I couldn't see it in theaters.

i was lucky to see it at the local art theater and it is very much worth your time.  they handed out pamphlets with the ticket that read "If you are light of heart and stomach read me first" I didn't want to spoil it for myself and I won't for you, but it is a surreal film of the finest quality featuring 2 very memorable scenes of extreme violence. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tisbor on March 23, 2010, 07:24:55 AM
Antichrist is ok .
It's shocking only for easily shocked people of course , but it has really beautiful scenes .
I love the slow motion at the start .

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on March 23, 2010, 07:38:33 AM
i loved the shots of the forest.  the effect used was very suffocating. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 23, 2010, 09:34:15 AM
Antichrist was brilliant. Didn't find it shocking, yet it has a morbid/desperate atmosphere for big part of the movie. An intelligent mix of arthouse and survival horror "the French way".
I have been a big fan of Von Trier, especially his early works and this is some sort of mix of many of his past works and something new. Actors are brilliat. The opening scene strikes were it is supposed to strike and the surreal ending really made me happy.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on March 23, 2010, 09:50:08 AM
I haven't seen Antichrist yet but I'm a big fan of his early films like Europa and Elements of Crime. Riget was also a blast. "Där borta Sverige hugget i granit. Här Danmark utskitet i lera." (Roughly "Over there Sweden cut in stone. Here Denmark crapped out in mud.") I guess you have to be Swede or Dane to really grasp what a up yours that sentence really is in a Danish film.
I couldn't stand Dancer in the dark though and I'm having a hard time with some his later films. I keep hearing rumours that they are having a hard time financing is upcoming film. Lets hope they sort it out soon because I would like to see The Erotic Man. I guess Antichrist didn't do as much money as everybody hoped...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on March 23, 2010, 10:02:44 AM
I got Element of Crime as gift from one person who's girlfriend works at Criterion. He handed me bag on dvd's when I was in USA. Peeping Tom, Element of Crime, and more. Back then, didn't know most of these movies of the directors or stories behind them. Just filed them into "to be watched" shelves filled with movies yet to be seen. One day I though, well, lets check out this Element of Crime. And I was captured by the unique style of film. Very good one.
Peeping Tom, was already earlier notice to be masterpiece. And saying that, now, when the bag of dvds was handed to me already several years ago, I have couple I have not yet watched.
My movie purchasing is all about opportunity & chance. But my movie watching is all about the mood. I may buy DVD I think I'd like. But then watch it 2-3 years later.
Especially piles of "shock" asia violent action have grown big enough I have not bothered to buy anymore. Should watch some one day..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 23, 2010, 10:21:28 AM
same here.
I download lots of stuff i can't buy easily and then if it is brilliant I buy it as soon I have a chance.
Play.com gives good stuff for cheap, to not mention supermarkets where you often find umbeliavable stuff for nothing.
I also buy/dl stuff and then wait for the right moment. I choose movies for directors, so if good I try to see all artist's flicks in one go.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on March 23, 2010, 10:38:19 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on March 23, 2010, 10:21:28 AM
same here.
I download lots of stuff i can't buy easily and then if it is brilliant I buy it as soon I have a chance.
Play.com gives good stuff for cheap, to not mention supermarkets where you often find umbeliavable stuff for nothing.
I also buy/dl stuff and then wait for the right moment. I choose movies for directors, so if good I try to see all artist's flicks in one go.

It's my movie politics too

By the way, I want to suggest your the Alberto De Martino exorcist style movie with the same name of the last work of Von trier, Antichrist (L'anticristo).


The movie can look trash to someone but the plot and some scene are very extreme and enjoyable from filth people!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 23, 2010, 11:20:55 AM
the opening scene in the sanctuary is legendary
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on March 23, 2010, 11:34:47 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on March 23, 2010, 11:20:55 AM
the opening scene in the sanctuary is legendary

It's reality. Seen it a couple of times in South Italy when I was veeery young. I mean the fanatism side not the exorcism ;)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 23, 2010, 11:52:06 AM
It has a direct inspiration from Fellini's "Le notti di Cabiria", when the whores goes toa  similar sanctuary to pray in order to be spared a life on the street.
Even more powerful.

I wrote a track on the "Hysterical" side of alleged exorcised people... but we go off topic.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on March 23, 2010, 04:57:33 PM
Has anyone seen Funeral Parade of Roses by Matsumoto Toshio? Watching this cut-up got me interested http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_z35q1N-b0&feature=related
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on March 23, 2010, 05:42:33 PM
Quote from: Strömkarlen on March 23, 2010, 04:57:33 PM
Has anyone seen Funeral Parade of Roses by Matsumoto Toshio? Watching this cut-up got me interested http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_z35q1N-b0&feature=related

yes! great movie...retro Japanese crossdressing pre-clubkids :-)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: yog on March 23, 2010, 05:45:40 PM
Yes, haven't seen it in years but I remember loving it! Recommended
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 23, 2010, 05:54:01 PM
Has anyone here seen Martyrs by Pascal Laugier? I don't think it's been mentioned before. Not the greatest French horror film but enjoyable. I had an issue with the way some of the effects were done but the overall premise is interesting.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on March 23, 2010, 07:57:01 PM
It was in cinema in Lahti maybe.. 1 week? I had heard about it being "brutal", but that's all. I didn't know anything about it, so it was good experience. A lot of the film has to do with the surprise. If you know what's it's about, it's somewhere between nice & merely yawn worthy violence fetishism in modern style. As a kid, I would have probably liked things like Saw type "ultra violence". Nowadays often it seems like waste of time, unless has good story or interesting idea behind it. Martyrs has potential and idea and perhaps even nice ending. But something left me slightly cold. Like the idea, that am I watching some sort of Marilyn Manson music video? Just enough of some goth/scar/chains/hook suspension.... 
Just bring the trashy whores in t-shirts being cut open :P
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 23, 2010, 08:18:52 PM
martyrs is one of the best French flicks of the latest generation.

but as many of these falls in the "horror" category, which is fine by me, but I'd love more twisted masterpieces like the Belgian Calvaire who add something to cinema in general
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 23, 2010, 08:34:56 PM
Yeah, I had no idea what it was about when my friend showed it to me so the surprise element really kept me watching. Unfortunately I watched it on a poorly burned DVD-r so the poor quality detracted from it. Sometimes with those poor rips everything just looks that much more fake.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Plague Haus on March 23, 2010, 08:40:17 PM
Calvaire was fantastic. The dancing bit in the bar...I had to rewind that a couple of times.

Martyrs was ok, but for French horror, Inside (À l'intérieur) was much better. Béatrice Dalle, something about that gap tooth grin that makes me swoon. Sheitan was fantastic as well. Vincent Cassel makes a very believable psychopath.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on March 23, 2010, 08:40:56 PM
Calvaire was great, Belgium's Deliverance

somewone saw Vinyan ? .....was pretty impressed by this Apocalypse Now-like trip through Thailand....
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 24, 2010, 12:46:37 AM
For most part of the movie you are wondering if you are just watching a national geographic documentary with a minimal storyline. Then the kids arrive and everything changes. Not good for those who fall asleep soon, but it's definitely great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 24, 2010, 12:51:26 AM
Plague eheh I intended to mention both movies and totally agree. Sheitan is very interesting also for its background of underground film making.
I suggest to watch the extras on the DVD. Kassel explains a lot about its birth.

The dance scene of Calvaire is amongst one of my ten fave movie scenes ever.

I wonder if any of the non-Italians know the most extreme movie of the last years. "Toto' che visse due volte" (Toto' who loved twice)
Possibly the most blasphemous Italian movie ever, full of sick scenes like a real retarded fucking a statue of the holy virgin, an angel getting raped by three extremely fat guys in a garbage dump, christ dissolved into acid and so on.

The movie got a lot of shit from censorship, the vatican, fascists, ecc. devastating experience.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on March 24, 2010, 10:15:39 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on March 24, 2010, 12:51:26 AM
I wonder if any of the non-Italians know the most extreme movie of the last years. "Toto' che visse due volte" (Toto' who loved twice)
Possibly the most blasphemous Italian movie ever, full of sick scenes like a real retarded fucking a statue of the holy virgin, an angel getting raped by three extremely fat guys in a garbage dump, christ dissolved into acid and so on.

Waiting for an international release...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on March 24, 2010, 10:18:27 AM
Paranoid Park.  Watched yesterday. Vaguely skater movie. 80 minutes film is often interrupted by grainy film footage of urban skaters. Nothing interesting for me really. Story is about troubled kid with parents getting divorced, virgin cheerleader girlfriend not giving pussy, some beer drinking. Low life skaters in this illegal skate place. Some security guard dies in confusing situation. It's struggle of meaningless life, confusion, teenage troubles. Getting pussy, not getting one. Think like toned down and mellow version of some Larry Clark stuff. With more based just on feelings of uncertainty, mental pressure, etc. Only once scene of brutal violent images. One scene of hurried blurry teensex. Movie isn't linear, but goes forward on many levels. You basically see the end scene already quite early. I guess the lazy tempo and plentiness of filler works for this piece, since it really is based only one single incident.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 24, 2010, 07:40:10 PM
I like CALVAIRE quite a bit; I have a UK dvd, I think? His jungle film stunk though. Bored me to death. I remember forwarding through it.

That Italian film sounds interesting but very arty. Scenes sound like stuff in SUBCONSCIOUS CRUELTY which is pretentious as hell.

I haven't seen anythign worth a damn in awhile. HOME MOVIE is pretty good...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: yog on March 25, 2010, 01:54:38 AM
Best part in Vinyan is at the end when that one kid breaks character and gropes the female lead
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 25, 2010, 10:31:20 AM
yes indeed. the movie seems an arthouse flick and then has this unexpected inter-age cang groping
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Matthias on March 25, 2010, 01:07:40 PM
Just watched A Prophet, which i liked a lot, and would like recommendations on other good prison films. Besides the more obvious W.I.P flicks and the more well-known Hollywood films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Plague Haus on March 25, 2010, 08:24:51 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on March 24, 2010, 10:18:27 AM
Paranoid Park.

I loathed that film. That's one that all you need to see is the trailers.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on March 26, 2010, 06:52:13 PM
some spring into my mind:

White Of The Eye http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094320/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094320/)
Walkabout  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0067959/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0067959/)
Blind Beast  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0140384/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0140384/)
Red Angel http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0139820/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0139820/)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: MR STAB on March 30, 2010, 10:36:35 AM
Finally got to see gaspar noe's carne and seul contre tous!! and his porno short sodomites!!
If there was ever a film for the PE genre seul contre tous is it!!
also watched Hundstage wonderful austrian film about suburban blandness!!!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 01, 2010, 10:06:02 PM
Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes. Probably my favorite Herzog film. Klaus Kinski really carries the film, making his characters descent into madness believable. I've heard the filming process was incredibly demanding even violent. I think it shows in the growing tension of the plot/characters. The last half an hour is really excellent, especially when they see the ship in the trees. So surreal. Any one here a fan?

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tisbor on April 02, 2010, 01:44:42 PM
yes Aguirre is one of Herzog's best !

i guess filming process was as hard as any other Herzog/Kinski movie..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: narcolepsia on April 02, 2010, 04:55:16 PM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on April 02, 2010, 05:19:59 PM
Fucking brilliant move.
Does anybody know more movies and documentaries (even in Dutch) related to prostitution in Amsterdam? Eespecially if 80's/70's looking?
Or documentaries regarding The Hell's Angels hands on the red light district?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 04, 2010, 12:32:10 PM
Yeah, I should add:
documentaries or good movies about:

-old porn & sex industry showing views of Copenhagen, Amsterdamn, NYC time square
-old new york violence & urban decay. A'la times of '77 blackout.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on April 04, 2010, 11:05:53 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on April 04, 2010, 12:32:10 PM
Yeah, I should add:
documentaries or good movies about:

-old porn & sex industry showing views of Copenhagen, Amsterdamn, NYC time square
-old new york violence & urban decay. A'la times of '77 blackout.

Was the documentary version of Tales of Times Square ever finished? I remembering some good stuff and the book is a blast.

I remember seeing a film about New York called Death Magazine: or How to Be a Flowerpot. Pretty wild ride from the days when Rosa von Praunheim was "death obsessed". Death Magazine was a tabloid that was published by Al Goldstein in four issue I think. They tried to do what did to sex to death. Didn't worked out that well... Remember scenes from Screw offices with what seems like staged orgy scenes. Some guy getting his dick tattooed, which seemed like really out there in the early eighties when I saw the film. It had the same kind of weirdness that Sweet Movie or WR: Mysteries of the Organism by Dusan Makavejev.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 19, 2010, 11:14:59 PM
The Star Chamber 2 euro discount bin in supermarket.
1983 thriller film starring Michael Douglas. Seems like promising thing for me. I'm not really a super enthusiastic fan of most of ultra low budget sleaze. But what I do like, is the 70's and 80's tough semi-mainstream stuff. Typical american movie, with typical american actors, no intent to do anything very special, but still above some lowest level materials.
Men are ugly and harsh looking. Females are slightly trashy. Attitudes are driven by vigilante urges and disappointment in urban decay. Yes thanks.
This movie is about judge, who gets upset about various cases where obviously guilty criminals are let walk free due technical errors in investigation etc. Those strange american law systems which can be used as a game. Like in some shabbily put together TV series, movie goes on case after case, underlining how horrendous crimes are left unpunished. Judge is furious and wants to do something. Later is revealed that there is circle of judges who gather in secret meetings to observe cases where criminals need to be punished and they set death sentences. Hit men go after the criminals and kill them. Justice served.
This newbie judge is slightly shocked, but joins in. Only to realize that the 2 guys he previously had to set free due certain technicalities and later secretly was sentenced to be assasinated were actually not guilty for rapes and production of homosexual childpornography they were accused of. Various of moral dilemma appears and choosing sides, choosing the morally right way to handle everything.
It is ugly, but unpretentious. It is vile, with all the homo childporn producing crack nigger references, junkies, and all that. But it's blunt and direct. It appeals to primitive vigilante urges what everybody always thinks. Some old school american justice in form of handgun and noose.
I remember when much more recent "Stranger In You" came on movies and some newspapers in Finland were condemning it as typical american violence admiration, where vigilante action takes role of heroism. Such a nagging civilizer cultural journalism is probably just the opposite of what I'd say. Vigilante movies = yes thanks!

But lets re-phrase it. Since Law Abiding Citizen 2009... what a load of shit!! A frustrated man decides to take justice into his own hands after a plea bargain sets one of his family's killers free... yeah yeah... sounds good. So does the opening parts of baseball bat in the face, and brutal stab and evil glances taken towards young family daughter before she's.. I assume raped and killed. Well. The good things end just about there. Rest is Jamie Foxx twisting his plastic face and razor sharp hair lines into sad distressed expressions. Criminals, judges, lawyers and whatever killed in stupid exaggerated beyond any realism SAW inspired games. Guy is some super smart rich dude, who.... well. I don't even bother to mention more. Just file this under current hollywood crap.

So, lets rewind back to the supermarket 2 euro discount bin. FINALLY, found dvd copy of BETRAYED from 1988. Seen it at least once before from TV, but didn't even remember the name. Very loosely based on the case of THE ORDER. So, what it includes is white supremacist group, who kills the offensive jewish radiohost, commits several bank robberies to finance upcoming war against ZOG. It is drama, including female FBI agent, who is sent to investigate some leads. She falls in love with farmer, who feels like any small town decent upstanding man. Later on, she gets to withness good old jigrun, visits the trainingcamps full of KKK, nazis and other hate groups. Takes part of some of robberies. Many things happen, but in the end, you see betrayal, you see sentimental stories of men with nothing to lose, communities frozen in time, etc..  It doesn't try to tell actual Order story. It just takes some bits from here and there and puts it into new story. There are many powerful moments, but while movie is clearly not glorifying what the group is doing, it's achievement is that it doesn't unnecessarily demonize the characters. Even the most brute hot-headed killers are the upstanding familymen just wanting best for their family and nation. It makes some untypical choises, like presenting scene where one of the main characters gets utterly pissed off at the nazis and their luger dealing business at the white pride meeting. Giving some insight about differences what is nazi and what is plain old freedom fighter. One of the last scenes where main character is ordered by female agent (=her lover) to lower his gun, aimed to target of assasination, and he goes like "what for??", film oozes the atmosphere I personally feel is vital, and similar in this, and the Star Chamber. It is the moment of truth where man simply realizes something must be done, or else there is nothing worth. Even if it means something pretty harsh. In some ways, it's always annoying the see actor, who is famous from another role.. lets say in this movie one of farmers who is known later as father of Frasier in the sitcom of same name.. He goes on about how he is not a bad man. That just something needs to be done. Bank too his farm, vietnam took his son. There's nothing anymore in this life. Glow of burning crosses.
Oh, yes. I choose this type of movie any day, any time, over some GI joe, Law Abiding Citizen, Death Race, Saw, or whatever faggotry I may have had displeasure wasting my time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 19, 2010, 11:22:08 PM
Quote from: Strömkarlen on April 04, 2010, 11:05:53 PM
Was the documentary version of Tales of Times Square ever finished? I remembering some good stuff and the book is a blast.

I've only read the original book. I recently got the revised edition of book with additional... hmm 100? 150 pages? Anyways, it is like half thicker now. Got to read it sometime soon, if would just have time.

One of the AVON boxes, I think about the 80's AVON films includes one film which is not the typical roughie sm flavoured dark & sinister sex movie, but more like documentary of Avon theaters. You have annie sprinkle and others as far as I remember. Deep and nasty analfisting of male for audience, live of stage fucking etc. It's been some time since I watched it, but as far as I remember, it was kind of documentary what it was like in Avon threaters at that time. But lasted perhaps 15 minutes?

Anyways, AVON 70's films are often lame, but when going to 80's, they are pretty much pure gold. Quite short (15-60 mins) feature films with real acting, plot, etc. but hardcore sex. Themes always brutal. Incest. Abuse. Rape. Sadism. Violence. And when Avon did these films by themselves for their own theaters, for audience to jerk off. It's not like they'd be roughies with some erotic tone, but explicit hardcore porn, with roughie exploitation mentality. I have so many of the avon films, I haven't even watched half. Should take some session for it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 20, 2010, 02:54:33 AM
Yeah, STAR CHAMBER is good. I've seen it a few times.

Mikko, track down BASTARD OUT OF CAROLINA. You'll love it.

HARDCORE with George C. Scott is a nice one.

Clint Eastwood's classic film, DIRTY HARRY, is fairly brutal. The killer murders a teen girl around 13. When her corpse is discovered, you get full frontal nudity when they pull her out of a hole.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 20, 2010, 03:46:33 AM
Dirty Harry has some classic scenes and pretty much any old Clint Eastwood movie where he plays a hard ass who doesn't give a damn can be enjoyed.

Last weekend I watched the British film Scum. Don't know if it's been mentioned on the thread before but speaking of hard asses Ray Winston does great job kicking the shit out of fellow inmates.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: narcolepsia on April 20, 2010, 04:26:52 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on April 20, 2010, 03:46:33 AM
Dirty Harry has some classic scenes and pretty much any old Clint Eastwood movie where he plays a hard ass who doesn't give a damn can be enjoyed.

Last weekend I watched the British film Scum. Don't know if it's been mentioned on the thread before but speaking of hard asses Ray Winston does great job kicking the shit out of fellow inmates.

nice call on "scum", fantastic film ! "where´s yer tool ?"

I enjoy most of his stuff, "christine",  "elephant", "the road", "psy-warriors" etc... must rewatch "made in britain", haven´t seen it in a while

one of my all time favourite directors for sure

any more recommendations for british nihilism ?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on April 20, 2010, 07:19:56 AM
Alan Clarke is an excellent director; Scum, Made in Britain & The Firm are all brilliant. Maybe obvious titles, but more British nihilism: Nil by Mouth, The Warzone, Meantime, Tony... directors such as Mike Leigh and Ken Loach.

Big fan of vigilante films also - The Exterminator 1 & 2 are both great and Ghetto Blaster is decent. Death Sentence (2007) starring Kevin Bacon was a nice, somewhat violent surprise for a big budget Hollywood flick.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 20, 2010, 09:31:47 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 20, 2010, 02:54:33 AM
HARDCORE with George C. Scott is a nice one.

Yeah, this is great. I have dvd. Curiously Finnish TV showed it like 1-2 months ago. I remember when I saw it perhaps 10-15 years ago in TV, didn't remember name. Found cheap, like 5$ DVD from Tower records in NYC. Never seen Finnish edition.

That is exactly the best type of movies. Dirty Harry and other such "obvious" films I have seen. Any huge or semi-big, probably seen it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on April 20, 2010, 12:16:59 PM
Hardcore, Cruising, Taxi Driver, Midnight Cowboy, China Blue, Maniac, New York Ripper... the streets never looked so fascinatingly dirty...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: halthan on April 20, 2010, 01:40:42 PM
"Rise of the footsoldier"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on April 22, 2010, 10:22:50 AM
QuoteHardcore, Cruising, Taxi Driver, Midnight Cowboy, China Blue, Maniac, New York Ripper... the streets never looked so fascinatingly dirty...

these european titles immediately come to mind:

SAVAGE THREE (1975 Dir. Vittorio Salerno)
VIOLENCE FOR KICKS (1975 Dir. Sergio Grieco)
RAPE (1978 Dir. Pierre Chevalier)
CALLING ALL POLICE CARS (1975 Dir. Mario Caiano)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Plague Haus on April 22, 2010, 06:45:00 PM
Quote from: halthan on April 20, 2010, 01:40:42 PM
"Rise of the footsoldier"

Been curios about that one. Might be time to give it a go. I can't remember who mentioned "Tony", but that was great, a serial killer so shat on you're actually glad when he kills someone.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Matthias on April 22, 2010, 07:06:16 PM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on April 22, 2010, 10:22:50 AM

Been trying to find this with english audio for quite some time now, anyone who can help?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: yog on May 04, 2010, 01:35:11 AM

"Documentary film ReindeerSpotting is a documentary film of a group of young guys living in Rovaniemi, Arctic Circle, dabbling in petty crime and hard drugs. One of them, Jani, has lost five years of his life and two fingers to his debotators. He wants to leave Lapland and his old life behind. Robbing a supermarket is a start for his getaway. A few years back a documentarist, Joonas Neuvonen, was a young men living on social welfare, using drugs on daily basis. He started to film his friends and their life. This is the story of Jani."

Looks pretty interesting
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 04, 2010, 07:55:20 AM
This was big news in Finland.
I think most of the guys did make it fine. This is old footage what was compiled years later when at least some of them already got cleaned up. Document got K-18 rating here for supposedly drug use glorification etc. While some critics say it seems absurd, since film is very frank about the consequences. Didn't go to see it in theaters, but maybe when dvd is out..

There is finnish document film company who did document of their own past as abusers of mobile phone bubble. Getting millions worth of funding from all the big companies to create content for quite primitive phones of the time. Just fancy sales speeches while the actual substance of games was pretty much rock-paper-scissors type of utmost simplicity. Company focused more of using money on wild parties of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll.  There existed already trailers of their future documents like some about Finnish rap music and perhaps more interesting the SHOCKTILT document, of the Finnish hardrock band, including their homosexual manager killing and eating penis of the band member, heh..  This is the band where name of Styggelse's magazine took name. I don't know if document was ever published/finished. Narrition is with very much broken finnish accent and little bit clumsy.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on May 05, 2010, 11:27:18 AM
went to see valhalla rising and it was the best thing ive seen in a long time. slow moving and really purdy to see. it had a lot of quiet moments so id advice to go see it when theres a chance there wont be that many people in the theatre.

if only they made alien vs predator in this way instead of hollywood cheese the world would be a better place.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on June 25, 2010, 05:54:35 PM
pretty new movie produced by Tarantino. from Larry Bishop, under banner of riding with fame of Tarantino.
It's modern day biker movie, which includes very little of anything else but bikers engaging in violence, death and sex. There is a decent story and certain amount of surprices. It doesn't try to be pulp fiction or anything like that. Simply allows itself to be low expectation movie of sex and violence. And it works. Perhaps even better than Death Proof ! Certain amount of nice dialogue, from all the guys known from Tarantino movies.
I wasn't sure if I want to see it, but luckily I did. If directors would just drop the bullshit, and aim for genre movies for lowest interests, I'd be ready to pay for tickets to cinema! This is better than just about everything that actually made it to big screen in Finland in recent years? And, it didn't require much.

And now... after almost day wasted on movies, xxx and noise.. to celebrate midsummer :P
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ATosna on June 27, 2010, 12:30:07 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 20, 2010, 02:54:33 AM

Mikko, track down BASTARD OUT OF CAROLINA. You'll love it.

HARDCORE with George C. Scott is a nice one.

Random asides...

"Bastard Out of Carolina" is surprisingly brutal, and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, considering who was involved (director, actors) and what American cable channel they intended it to be played on. I sampled and tape manipulated a few scenes for an upcoming comp, I must say.

Will also continue the praise for "Hardcore". Have to say the depiction of the town in Michigan which it takes place will be funny to anyone that lives around there now. Not such a clean and innocent shithole these days. But, Still accurate that every white person there is Christian Reformed and has a Dutch surname.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 28, 2010, 10:07:56 PM
REcent Aussie film, THE HORSEMAN, is pretty good. Father gets violent revenge on the pornographers afte rhis daughter dies.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 29, 2010, 03:14:14 AM
Was just thinking of this Japanese flick earlier today
Ooru naito rongu 3: Saishuu-shô - All Night Long 3
The first two in the series are alright but this one really takes the cake. An awkward bellboy at a Japanese love motel turns stalker, sifting through women's trash to understand their lives and then things turn nasty. Humans=Garbage is basically the moral. Not the regular Japanese shock film, but plenty violent and nasty.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Unheard on July 04, 2010, 12:21:23 AM
Srdjan Spasojevic's   A SERBIAN FILM

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: narcolepsia on July 05, 2010, 02:52:13 AM
during weekend :

"l´ordre" jean-daniel pollet


"blue movie" alberto cavallone


"l´uomo, la donna e la bestia" alberto cavallone

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scale on July 05, 2010, 04:08:13 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on March 24, 2010, 12:51:26 AM

I wonder if any of the non-Italians know the most extreme movie of the last years. "Toto' che visse due volte" (Toto' who loved twice)
Possibly the most blasphemous Italian movie ever, full of sick scenes like a real retarded fucking a statue of the holy virgin, an angel getting raped by three extremely fat guys in a garbage dump, christ dissolved into acid and so on.

The movie got a lot of shit from censorship, the vatican, fascists, ecc. devastating experience.
through a very peculiar set of circumstances, I've seen this film and I consider it a huge achievement. I was staying in a squat in Berlin and there was a terrific edition which had a lot of support material and extras so not only was I able to see a fascinating (and actually rather funny) film but I learnt a lot about the censoring and reaction that it caused.

There's LOTS of reasons to enjoy it, but I have never quite recovered from the homeless chap's ecstatic reaction to an unfurling horse erection - not only is it funny, but it's so beautifully shot. The whole fim is equisite to look at, lifting it out of the realms of mere shock value (not that there's anything wrong with shock) into an altogether more exciting realm. As to the blasphemous nature of it,  I'm not religous and being an Australain, religion is not the issue it might be Italy, so of course I'm not going to to truly get the film's impact in that sphere, but it was still fantastic.

I might go and watch it again now that you mention it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 06, 2010, 02:59:03 AM
GRAPHIC SEXUAL HORROR docu on the site, Insex, is being released in August by Synapse Films.

Synapse has a bunch of Nikkatsu films too including RAPE! I thought it was reported a few films would get released each year but I haven't seen any titles for '10.

HORROR HIGH aka TWISTED BRAIN will beout from Code Red along with... NIGHTMARE (In a Damaged Brain)! Finally!!! Late '10; doesn't sound like it'll be a high-end dvd as all the prints used/found were beat up.

DARK NIGHT OF THE SCARECROW will be out soon too. Pretty cool tv horror.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on July 07, 2010, 03:41:04 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 28, 2010, 10:07:56 PM
REcent Aussie film, THE HORSEMAN, is pretty good. Father gets violent revenge on the pornographers afte rhis daughter dies.

Thanks for the tip, just watched this tonight and it really is excellent!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on July 07, 2010, 10:22:39 PM
Few days ago, was reading newspaper, which was telling about recent Mel Gibson "scandal", where he supposedly had threaten ex-wife about burning her house and also quoted to say "If group of niggers would rape you, it would be all your fault" (excuse lack of exact phrase, since I read only Finnish translation). Well, same evening I decided to rent the lastest Mel Gibson dvd, just to honor his talent to piss off people with drunken racial slurs, haha..
Edge of Darkness (2010). Straight to dvd title in Finland, that I heard nobody talk about. It is pretty decent topical action/thriller type of thing. Government conspiracy, radioactive poisoning, some decent violent bursts. Paranoia. For 2€ rental, fine.
But before the film itself, saw trailer of Harry Brown (2009). Michael Caine as old vigilante with payback to all criminal street trash. Seemed good based on trailer, and due theme that never gets old. Got to see where to get it..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on July 08, 2010, 08:20:17 AM
I can only say that mel has a terrible boston accent and he used the phrase "pack of niggers"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: linxtyx on July 08, 2010, 11:06:14 AM
Yesterday I came into this movie, called Martyrs (2008). Built by French.
At first I thought it will be one-more silly-built torment movie. But it wasn't. Everything goes about child abuse & revenge. Well...finally everything turns out to be about organization who seeks to know what will be after death in the way of recruiting martyrs, tormenting them to the deadly line. It looks like good idea for bad movie to turn out, BUT I liked that the main idea doesn't overcome superbly visualized violence. Anyway, movie is quite nothing that haven't been showed yet, but really worth watching...  
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tisbor on July 08, 2010, 06:54:22 PM
QuoteI can only say that mel has a terrible boston accent and he used the phrase "pack of niggers"

i wonder what he felt acting in all the Lethal Weapons
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: heretogo on July 10, 2010, 09:34:58 AM
Here's the Mel Gibson audio

http://perezhilton.com/2010-07-09-explosive-the-first-tape-of-meltdowns-racist-rants-released (http://perezhilton.com/2010-07-09-explosive-the-first-tape-of-meltdowns-racist-rants-released)

A lovely fellow, hah...

(edit): Btw, I like how it's called a "Mel Gibson tape" even though I'm sure it has been in digital format from the start...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: heretogo on July 13, 2010, 09:33:56 AM
More PE vocals, better than most I've heard...

http://perezhilton.com/2010-07-12-more-mel-gibson-ranting-leaked-threatens-to-kill-baby-momma (http://perezhilton.com/2010-07-12-more-mel-gibson-ranting-leaked-threatens-to-kill-baby-momma)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on July 13, 2010, 10:05:54 AM
It's brutal!
It often seems as many good actors don't really "act" that much, just put themselves into setting where they can let themselves be themselves for little while. Even if cameras are rolling.
"I don't need police! I take care of my things!"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: MT on July 13, 2010, 10:24:28 AM
That was great!!! The distortion by phone made it sound even better. Made my day much better in this scorching heat.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 13, 2010, 08:47:31 PM
I liked his line about burning down the house but first she has to blow him. There's some gut-busting lines from him!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WATERPOWER on July 15, 2010, 04:47:11 PM
I prefer the one about bending over backwards with his balls in a knot. Really digging that we're slowly getting pieces of the tape over the span of days. I have something to look forward to!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Unheard on July 16, 2010, 11:16:41 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 13, 2010, 08:47:31 PM
I liked his line about burning down the house but first she has to blow him. There's some gut-busting lines from him!

eheheeheh that's also my favorite. Sex, violence and a darkened kind of humour
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on July 19, 2010, 09:05:21 AM
Serbian Film
It does what it says. The bad reputation is well deserved, a must see for everyone. Long live Serbia.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on July 19, 2010, 10:30:27 AM
there is already a PE track by project MELHOUSE in youtube. Sadly vocals not loud enough in mix, and the sound is not very good. They should have taken for example Wriggle like fucking eel instrumental and pasted over the vocals, heh..

But about movies, when you think of name Martin Scorsese, you think all the classics a'la Taxi Driver, Cape Fear, etc...   Decided to check out The Shutter Island. It starts pretty interesting. Nazi deathcamp flashbacks, clandestine 40's mental institute in remote island. Nutcases, dangerous criminals. Investigation about some dubious case. Already in about middle of movie, you suddenly get this feeling of "oh, so this is THIS story again". It's ok, but kind of used thing. Better not to know the spoiler in advance, since it really will spoil the "surprises" of movie. At least beginning works, but it starts to fall apart in the end.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 19, 2010, 04:55:17 PM
Last week I saw Amer directed by Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani, a modern-day homage to Giallo films. I didn't know quite what to expect by the previews but the movie was definitely slower than most giallo films I've seen. While it drags a little in the middle I though the first and last half hour were definitely worth the price of admission. There's a unique style of cinematography and use of colour too which make the film very visually stimulating and the sound design is also very sparse and exact. I think some people may be disappointed by the small body count, but there's definitely a lot to enjoy here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 19, 2010, 07:21:58 PM
SERBIAN FILM sounds interesting simply b/c it's Serbian. Hopefully a  dvd rel will happen in the near future. I guess there's another very violent film based on the pack of Eastern European murderers who filmed their crimes? Synapse Films will be releasing it next year. I can't remember the title...

SHUTTER ISLAND is ok. I'd read the book so knew the ending already. I thought the movie was ok but could have used some editing to move the pace along.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: yog on July 20, 2010, 01:23:06 AM
Pixote (1981)
Young runaways in Sao Paulo. Crime, drugs, prostitution... Pretty grim
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on July 21, 2010, 09:13:13 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 19, 2010, 07:21:58 PM
SERBIAN FILM sounds interesting simply b/c it's Serbian. Hopefully a  dvd rel will happen in the near future. I guess there's another very violent film based on the pack of Eastern European murderers who filmed their crimes? Synapse Films will be releasing it next year. I can't remember the title...

no Idea, I have read good things about HUMAN ZOO, with the same actress featured in SF as the -stunning- wife
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 21, 2010, 09:04:40 PM
LIFE & DEATH OF A PORNO GANG is what I was thinking about. Read it here:

http://www.avmaniacs.com/forums/showthread.php?t=45163&highlight=serbian+film (http://www.avmaniacs.com/forums/showthread.php?t=45163&highlight=serbian+film)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 21, 2010, 10:54:54 PM
That played last week at the Danger After Dark festival in Philly but I couldn't make it because I was out of town. Definitely looks interesting. Annoyed that I couldn't make it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: sperm+killing on July 22, 2010, 03:07:15 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on July 21, 2010, 10:54:54 PM
That played last week at the Danger After Dark festival in Philly but I couldn't make it because I was out of town. Definitely looks interesting. Annoyed that I couldn't make it.

I really regret missing that and "Dogtooth". I did get to see the uncut screening of "Enter the Void", but was rather underwhelmed by it. Might give it another chance though when the IFC run happens.

"Harry Brown" mentioned a few pages back was okay, as far as slick exploitation goes. Gets ridiculous as expected, but I liked the focus on intense atmosphere at a few points, like in one extended scene at a drug den. Loudest gun shots I've ever heard in a theater too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on July 28, 2010, 12:53:04 PM
The child I never was (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0355683/) - Nice somewhat arthouse pseudo-documentary about Jürgen Bartsch who'd killed and molested several boys at age 15-20. Dirty movie and not boring. His confessions mixed with re-performed acts of his killings and so on. Felt like reading a lighter version of some Sotos book. Interesting thoughts, view of the world and so on. Homosexuality, lust for blood and corpses and so on. Done really nicely. Recommended.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 28, 2010, 08:43:21 PM

Has anyone seen THE RED RIDING TRILOGY? I saw a trailer for the 3 British tv movies soon to get a dvd rel. in the U.S. & they look very promising.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on July 28, 2010, 10:39:45 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 28, 2010, 08:43:21 PM

Has anyone seen THE RED RIDING TRILOGY? I saw a trailer for the 3 British tv movies soon to get a dvd rel. in the U.S. & they look very promising.

i was lucky enough to catch it at the local art theater played all through for 8 hours. first 2 are great 3rd is dirtiest but a lot of bullshit sentimentality flashbacks at the end.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 29, 2010, 07:07:40 PM
I don't think Der Untergang (Downfall) has been mentioned before. Watched this again last night. An interesting and mostly objective look at the last week in the Führer's bunker.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on July 31, 2010, 05:51:16 PM
Just watched French (don't hold that against it) war film Days of Glory (Indigènes) about the African volunteers who fought for France during WWII. An OK film with enough intrigue not to be braindead and enough battle scenes to keep me interested. Since it's Saturday I broke out the Laphroaig and saluted them all as they died one by one. VIVE LA MORT, VIVE LA GUERRE!

Later today: La Grande Bouffe! Four French (don't hold that aginst them) middle aged and well to do men hole themselves up in a villa where they eat, drink and fuck themselves to death. It'll work well with the traditional Saturday pancakes.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tisbor on August 02, 2010, 05:22:53 AM
La Grand Bouffe is one of the best movies ever ! 120 Days Of Sodom with self-destruction and food .
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on August 07, 2010, 08:47:36 PM
I did see the similarities between La Grande Bouffe and 120 Days. Personally I much prefer LGB to Pasolini's film which I always thought was rubbish!


Today I watched a film about envy and its consequences, called Beau Travail, set in the French Foreign Legion. I haven't made my mind up if it's a masterpiece or just plain boring. The menopausal old witch (Claire Denis) who directed it must've rubber herself silly from the sight of the young muscular alpha males in the film because there is a lot of focus on their sweaty naked bodies performing strenuous work. Must have been a breath of fresh air from the wine sipping fags she endures on a daily basis in her line of work. Either way, it ends in both triumph and despair and wasn't a complete waste of my time.

Her latest film White Material about white farmers in Africa has upset a few PC lefty wankers and as such could be worth checking out. It features Isabel Huppert in the lead which doesn't lessen its prospects. More on that later.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 07, 2010, 09:37:57 PM
Watched THE BURNING last night. Def one of my fave slasher films along with THE PROWLER, NEW YORK RIPPER, PIECES, MY BLOODY VALENTINE, NIGHTMARE, & THE BAY OF BLOOD (need that Bava boxset. Actually, need both).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on August 08, 2010, 03:01:06 PM
Having watched VALHALLA RISING yesterday I realise how Beau Travail actually was a waste of my time. VR is, next to Hunger, the best film I've seen this year. Like Apocalypse Now set in viking times. Evil!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 11, 2010, 07:37:51 AM
Just watched Valhalla Rising. Unfortunately a mediocre torrent/avi file so the image quality was sacrificed a bit. But really, really good. The sound design and building music especially in a few key scenes worked perfectly with the content. Highly recommended.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on August 11, 2010, 10:54:06 AM
any Refn's movie is good!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: halthan on August 11, 2010, 09:48:30 PM
Watched today "Made In Britain", (again), it´s such a classic. Almost as good as Clockwork Orange (best movie ever made). For finnish ppl i´d recommend "Rumble", weird road movie, including Loiri, T Korpela. Pretty absurd stuff
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 11, 2010, 10:00:14 PM
VALHALLA RISING is the same director as the PUSHER trilogy & BLEEDER, right? Those I liked esp. 3rd PUSHER film & BLEEDER (no U.S. rel. for this film). A review of V.R. I read seemed sort of hit or miss but I'll check it out if my local store has it for rent.

I get to see CENTURION later this month on a HD movie channel. The thing I saw on it def maks it look interesting & pretty violent. Neil Marshall, director of DOG SOLDIERS & THE DESCENT. I like both of those but DOOMSDAY sucked.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 12, 2010, 03:04:50 AM
The negative reviews of Valhalla Rising I read seemed that the reviewers were missing the point or expecting something very different. People expecting Hollywood balls out action may be disappointed but then again that's not the point.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on August 12, 2010, 10:57:43 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 11, 2010, 10:00:14 PM
VALHALLA RISING is the same director as the PUSHER trilogy & BLEEDER, right?

Same guy. Did anyone see Fear X? Refns adventure in the US that made him so broke that he had to make Pusher II and III to clear his debts. Not that I'm complaining I like them.

Not that I think it is any good but have anyone seen the Miss Marple: Nemesis film Refn directed?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on August 12, 2010, 04:24:59 PM
Fear X was pretty good imho, solid acting....bit Twin Peaks-like eerie, never gets fully explained, some great photography, good soundtrack (Eno?)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on August 12, 2010, 04:49:17 PM
yes fear x goes in the "postindustrial" movies section for the atmosphere. pure isolationism and damn good eno soundtrack.
an obvious hommage to lynch although with a much colder eye despite the constant shades of red.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 12, 2010, 11:56:15 PM
I rented FEAR X but remember nothing about it. I do remember not really liking it; wasn't it written or based on something by Hubert Selby Jr?

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ABISSO on August 13, 2010, 03:41:53 AM

what you think about this creepy movie?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 17, 2010, 04:45:28 PM
The Proposition is one of my all-time favorites. I remember hearing it was the best Western since Unforgiven which I'd agree with. The awesome landscape shots in Valhalla Rising reminded me very much of the Proposition. And both only have minimal but effective dialogue, letting the images speak for themselves.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on August 17, 2010, 09:46:52 PM
I think there are some messages about Gummo earlier in topic.
Haven't had much time to watch any movies lately.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on August 18, 2010, 01:36:40 AM
a serbian film (2010), lives up to the hype.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: halthan on August 29, 2010, 02:50:48 PM
"Slaughtered Vomit Dolls"
Weird and disturbing movie. Somethinking like between Gummo and Richard Kern films, but way more freakier.
Includes good doses of despair, humiliation and pain (and of course vomiting). Soundtrack gets also quite noisy sometimes.
Highly recommended
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Unheard on August 29, 2010, 04:17:09 PM
Quote from: halthan on August 29, 2010, 02:50:48 PM
"Slaughtered Vomit Dolls"
Weird and disturbing movie. Somethinking like between Gummo and Richard Kern films, but way more freakier.
Includes good doses of despair, humiliation and pain (and of course vomiting). Soundtrack gets also quite noisy sometimes.
Highly recommended

mmmm i've found this movie a bit overrated and disappointing (just like August Underground and Murder Set Pieces). Nice girl and nice idea (mixing vomit porn and splatter gore) but the actual movie is rather poor
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on August 29, 2010, 08:39:25 PM
Quote from: Unheard on August 29, 2010, 04:17:09 PMMurder Set Pieces

ok, but it was good to see a lo-fi Nazi-slasher after the loads & loads of Saw-related easy-watching
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on August 30, 2010, 02:21:08 PM
"where the wild things are", not perfect but creepy
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 31, 2010, 12:02:38 AM
Neil Marshall's CENTURION is pretty good. Lots of violence but too much cgi blood spatter and one incredibly savage head-chopping. Probably be nice ina theater for the landscapes in the film.

I caught the end of a trailer for VALHALLA RISING & it looked rather interesting. Will check it out once it hits dvd here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: halthan on September 05, 2010, 08:20:52 AM
Quote from: P-K on August 29, 2010, 08:39:25 PM
Quote from: Unheard on August 29, 2010, 04:17:09 PMMurder Set Pieces

ok, but it was good to see a lo-fi Nazi-slasher after the loads & loads of Saw-related easy-watching
Murder Set Pieces was pretty lame comedy. Gotta see the new Moomin movie, i bet it´s a killer
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on September 12, 2010, 12:16:32 PM

Anyone know it? Looking very interestings to our tastes
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on September 12, 2010, 02:50:23 PM
Quote from: Nil By Mouth on September 12, 2010, 12:16:32 PM

Anyone know it? Looking very interestings to our tastes

The Poughkeepsie Tapes is a lame faux snuff flick/mockumentary in the vein of the August Underground series. Couldn't say I'd recommend it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: MR STAB on September 14, 2010, 10:56:53 PM
Valhalla Rising is probably one of the most bleak and brutal films i have seen in ages! Not much dialogue but the photography and the atmosphere is just sheer bleakness!
I also watched A serbian film which is just so fucked up i couldnt beleive what i was watching!!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 15, 2010, 09:37:17 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on September 15, 2010, 01:11:07 AM
I might be a bit behind everyone but I've just watched Men Behind The Sun... just incredible. Now I need to see his films Lost Souls and Black Sun: The Nanking Massacre.

Black Sun is highly recommended. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: MT on September 15, 2010, 12:31:09 PM
Philosophy of a Knife is a good one too on that subject. Great soundtrack, great lenght!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on September 18, 2010, 04:41:19 PM
watched book of eli yesterday. it was basically xtian propaganda but I liked it anyhow. same directors did from hell I believe. good mad max style flick. it featured tom waits as "general goods" strore keeper.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on September 19, 2010, 07:58:10 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on September 19, 2010, 02:29:41 AM
Surprised no-one's mentioned this forthcoming film by one of cinema's most notorious directors yet:


Hah, looks promising! I'm a fan of Amoklauf and also enjoyed his recent flick Rampage (which is almost an updated remake).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on September 26, 2010, 02:05:29 AM
More Nazi porn?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on September 27, 2010, 02:10:12 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 15, 2010, 10:12:53 PM
Watching the Aussie film THE PROPOSITION now. I'm a HUGE fan of this film; prob not another film made in the last 8 or so years that is as gritty n' filthy. You can choke on the dust, feel the heat of the Outback, & smell the rank characters. Excellant dialouge too esp from John Hurt's character (about the Irish: "Never has there been a finer race of man who has peeled a potatoe" and "What's an Irishman but a nigger turned inside out"!). Nick Cave's soundtrack is excellant too. Would love to have it on vinyl if it exists. If you're a fan of brutal westerns, this is a MUST-SEE/MUST-WON.

I think it's is by the same guy who did Ghost's of the Civil Dead. A film I haven't seen yet. The Proposition is everything I want from a Western. Dark, violent, brooding and forboding with a cast of solid actors all the way.

You won't regret seeing Valhalla Rising! Well, at least you shouldn't. If you do there's something wrong with you.

Moving on to another Dane. Me and the woman sat down and devoured Antichrist the other week. Probably in terms of sheer darkness and despair the heaviest film I've ever seen. I will have to revisit it many times before coming close to digesting it properly and I have no doubt each time will be as challenging and taxing as the first. At times I was gasping for breath or rather found myself breathing out of sync. Von Trier is in a league of his own!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on September 27, 2010, 04:01:53 PM
Quote from: TheGreatEcstasy on September 27, 2010, 02:10:12 PM...Ghost's of the Civil Dead. A film I haven't seen yet.

Do so immediately! Excellent movie, even Nick Cave's cameo couldn't fuck it up. And when you've finished with it, try "Everynight, Everynight", also starring David Field (one of the main actors in "Ghosts") and also a prison movie, but even grimmer.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on September 28, 2010, 06:50:50 PM
pretty good german movie about RAF. Been told its pretty accurate, yet hard to say exactly how truthfully everything is intended to cover, since it's movie, not a document.

whole movie happens in one train cart. 5.. or perhaps 6 people if you count one few seconds appearance. Full of entertaining dialogue, white trash, tensions of expected violent outburts, but in the end most of all just kind of clever story with unexpected turns. Pretty much just the opposite of:

I was told this is like Clockwork Orange of modern days. Perhaps. Perhaps not! It is at the same time interesting in its hopeless and brutal story, yet also includes elements so typical to modern day nihilistic ultraviolence, that there hardly is moments of horror or actual thrill. Just dull in your face stuff. Perhaps point worth to mention is good use of NAKED CITY song in the movie, proving that bizarre and noisy underground music could well fit instead of cheesy synth muzak and orchestration.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 06, 2010, 07:14:19 PM
7 DAYS- French/Canadian film that's a bit like sticking Richard Kimble (name?) from THE FUGITIVE in THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT. 7 DAYS isn't an exploitation film nor is it especially arty but the torture scenes are BRUTAL. COLD. DISPASSIONATE. Add this next to THE HORSEMAN for one of the year's best films. Mash every film ripping off the crappy HOSTEL/SAW films together and they still won't be as intense as the first sledgehammer blow in 7 DAYS.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 07, 2010, 03:49:55 AM
Watched the first part of the Red Riding trilogy the other day. Not quite what I expected, having very little to do with the Yorkshire Ripper and more a tale of corruption, police brutality and rancid local politics. But then all of those subjects can and do make an interesting and good film. There's solid acting and the script is pretty good too. Recommended.

Anxious to see the next two.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 07, 2010, 05:59:29 AM
I watched all 3 RED RIDING films back toback. Yeah, nothing to do w/Sutcliffe. The 1st film is the best for action. 2nd I barely remember & the 3rd is pretty good. I wouldn't mind seeing them again but not worth owning unless purchased dirt cheap. Very impressive for tv movies (I think?).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on October 07, 2010, 07:47:49 PM
yes TV made into movie. LOVED all 3 got to see them back to back to back at my local theater. sutcliffe was in the ad i read, but he was nothing more then a bit role.  good neo-noir films none the less
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 08, 2010, 02:05:27 AM
Oh yeah. The 3rd film touches on Sutcliffe after he's caught.

Anyone checked out 7 DAYS?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A.R.GH on October 09, 2010, 08:49:24 PM
I watched "The road"(2009) a couple of days ago
bleaker than I expected, one of the best "end of the world" movies i've seen thus far
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: pontifx on October 10, 2010, 01:35:50 AM
Quote from: A.R.GH on October 09, 2010, 08:49:24 PM
I watched "The road"(2009) a couple of days ago
bleaker than I expected, one of the best "end of the world" movies i've seen thus far

based on the book by mccarthy?

fantastic book. recommendation.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on October 10, 2010, 12:36:11 PM
yeah, based on book. Pretty good movies. Nothing gets explained. And it offers no hope. Just apocalyptic misery.

Watched celebrated movie Squid & Whale. Perhaps drama comedy? It is humoristic, yet no slapstick humor. You basically just get humor out of it if you like little boys smearing their school with cum, akward teenage sex, problems of pretentious artists. Sleaze of teacher/student erotic affair. And so on. It's not something like "Happiness" for example, nothing so harsh and offensive, but good writing and credible character.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A.R.GH on October 11, 2010, 02:43:12 AM
yeah! I automatically get interestd in reading the book, good to have some opinions on that
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on October 17, 2010, 05:34:28 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on July 07, 2010, 10:22:39 PMbefore the film itself, saw trailer of Harry Brown (2009). Michael Caine as old vigilante with payback to all criminal street trash. Seemed good based on trailer, and due theme that never gets old. Got to see where to get it..

Rented it finally. Good film. White thrash drug dealing thugs. Make mess for too long. Old veteran goes into killing mode. It says "action/drama" on back, but the action is all pretty realistic. No bullshit kung-fu fights and slow motion bullet dodging. Just quick kills with small handgun or knife.
It seems like thing that would be either happening as we speak, or to be common phenomena in decayed urban neighborhoods of western cities.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: RyanWreck on October 18, 2010, 11:08:32 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on April 20, 2010, 12:16:59 PM

Love this movie. It was actually one of the first crime dramas I ever seen, before Silence of the Lambs and a million others. The dark vibe carried through-out isn't seen in many movies anymore, the only other one I can think of that did this well is Seven which isn't that great of a movie. The ending wasn't clear to me until I had a chance to read the book some 10 years after seeing this movie for the first time.

You also mentioned Hubley's Hardcore, which is pretty good. Have you seen Vice Squad? Better than all of the other attempts at the same thing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on October 20, 2010, 06:49:43 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on October 17, 2010, 05:34:28 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on July 07, 2010, 10:22:39 PMbefore the film itself, saw trailer of Harry Brown (2009). Michael Caine as old vigilante with payback to all criminal street trash. Seemed good based on trailer, and due theme that never gets old. Got to see where to get it..

Rented it finally. Good film. White thrash drug dealing thugs. Make mess for too long. Old veteran goes into killing mode. It says "action/drama" on back, but the action is all pretty realistic. No bullshit kung-fu fights and slow motion bullet dodging. Just quick kills with small handgun or knife.
It seems like thing that would be either happening as we speak, or to be common phenomena in decayed urban neighborhoods of western cities.

I would describe it as a British kitchen sink take on Death Wish. Not 100% convincing but definitely good enough. Long retired marine Harry Brown (Michael Caine) is a lonely old man with a boring life on a rough council estate somewhere in London. When walking home pissed from the pub one night he's attacked by members of the chav gang who are terrorising the area and he acts on pure and very unexpected instinct. It kicks off from there. Where Charles Bronson was tough and always on top, Caine is a tired, old and scared man who stumbles on an unexpected opportunity and runs with it. This film is not a masterpiece but well worth watching. I have fantasized about doing what Harry does many times!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 20, 2010, 10:10:02 PM
"Have you seen Vice Squad?"

Blink, motherfucker, and you'll die in the dark!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 20, 2010, 10:37:12 PM
Watched Scanners again twice this week. Still holds up well and puts the latest Cronenberg films to shame. Also I wish Michael Ironside was in more movies. His hard-ass characters always steal the show.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A.R.GH on October 23, 2010, 11:59:21 PM
3 días (stupidly "translated" to english as "Before the fall"...) (2008)
Spanish apocalyptic movie, 72 hours for the impact with the earth, a serial killer gets in the middle, everyone get's fucked. Good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: jake on October 26, 2010, 06:20:34 AM
Amer: Sold (to me anyways) as a Giallo homage and it definitely has that element, but far artier and esoteric. I loved the non-Giallo beginning: extremely sparse dialogue focus on sound. Very moody. Thought the last few minutes were unnecessary; wish it would have ended after the first "kill". Well worth the time/effort.
Curious what others thought of it. My wife hated it. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 26, 2010, 06:08:04 PM
Saw Amer over the summer, really enjoyed it. I especially liked the use of colour in the first part and the use of sound in the last. I felt like the film was an exercise in minimalism and atmosphere and it really pulled it off. Been trying to find it on DVD to no avail.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: narcolepsia on November 07, 2010, 05:43:52 PM
was reading U-Bahn issue where there is an article with some info and screenshots of the COUP DE GRACE FILMS..were this ever released publically ? has anyone here seen them ? very curious about these..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: heretogo on November 07, 2010, 10:50:57 PM
Patti Smith: Dream of Life. Found this in the supermarket for cheap. Nice mix of the poetic (which is obviously her forte) and the everyday. Not a very focused film but considering the subject I wouldn't expect such.  As far as rock'n'roll documentaries go this one was pretty special. I saw her performing a few years ago in Helsinki and it was one of the best rock shows I can recall. She's probably the most charismatic performer I've ever seen, just amazing. There were some middle-aged women in front of me that just went completely apeshit from the force of the show, quite an astounding moment actually.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on November 08, 2010, 11:06:39 AM
the walking dead
perfect zombie tv movie, from the best graphic novel of the last years.
pretty loyal to the original, yet with some changes. pure Romerian zombie, lots of talk, adaptation, survival of the fittest, and massive zombie scenes. there is plenty of gore for tv standards, but it is not a gore movie. perfect effects by nicotero.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on November 14, 2010, 09:58:08 PM
I'm about 30 minutes into Severed Ways and it's so gash I'm considering giving up already. Whoever compared this with Valhalla Rising couldn't have had the vast difference in quality in mind. And then the crap dialogue which sounds like a parody on Max von Sydow. Probably the shittiest film I've seen this year. Avoid this piece of shit!

On another note. Why is it that hardly any films manage to make supposedly dead people look dead? I've seen quite a few dead people and they don't look like they do on film. On film they still have skin with colour as opposed to the grey/yellowish skin the actual dead have. And then the eyes. Dead eyes look NOTHING like the eyes of the living. They are empty and blurry. Not unlike the eyes of a dead fish. Is it so hard to slap on a bit of make up and have some contacts made?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on November 15, 2010, 02:38:51 AM
Quote from: TheGreatEcstasy on November 14, 2010, 09:58:08 PM
I'm about 30 minutes into Severed Ways and it's so gash I'm considering giving up already. Whoever compared this with Valhalla Rising couldn't have had the vast difference in quality in mind. And then the crap dialogue which sounds like a parody on Max von Sydow. Probably the shittiest film I've seen this year. Avoid this piece of shit!

Hah, indeed! Utterly laughable adolescent "black metal" viking fantasy. I mean, headbanging in the forest??
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on November 15, 2010, 06:56:26 AM
Quote from: Rapeman on November 15, 2010, 02:38:51 AMI mean, headbanging in the forest??

That's the moment when all my doubts were removed. After the monks appeared I decided to suffer no longer.

I went straight into Kanal. Andzrej Wajda's film about the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. This film is old and one would expect it to perhaps not have stood the test of time but it's in a totally differen't league to the above mentioned turd. In some parts, due to its age, it is a bit wooden but it has a convincing and eerie feel. The sewer scenes are klaustrophobic and oppressive, even apocalyptic in parts. Those of us who know the bleak history of Poland know that the let up never came. Although communist censorship wouldn't have allowed for that to be expressed too openly Wajda manages to sneak in what's ahead on at least two occasions and he does it beautifully. I haven't seen many of Wajda's films, only this and Katyn (which is EXCELLENT). I will have to remedy that.

To harp on about the dead. I know we have a film producer on the forum so I put it to you, why are most films so awful at portraying the dead visually? With death being such a huge and reccurring theme it's strange why most film creators can't make it look more convincing. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 22, 2010, 04:44:10 AM

d/l'd a torrent. pretty good. i'll probably rent it whenever it gets released on US dvd. i think i'll like it much more on a larger screen, a more comfortable chair, & no headphones. pretty wicked violence.

will be watching  A SERBIAN FILM & GRAPHIC SEXUAL HORROR in a day or 2...

any torrent recommendations?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on November 22, 2010, 11:01:49 AM
Quote from: narcolepsia on November 07, 2010, 05:43:52 PM
was reading U-Bahn issue where there is an article with some info and screenshots of the COUP DE GRACE FILMS..were this ever released publically ? has anyone here seen them ? very curious about these..

I bugged Michael about the films but he says they're lost.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 05, 2010, 07:25:49 PM
Watched Valhalla Rising. Pretty good. With decent sound and video projection on canvas, the movie gets probably much more justice than on computer. It has such an artistic edge to it, that whole thing kind of moves backwards. Intensity is more in the beginning, and chapters move into less action paced, more slow landscape and dreamy sequences. Good.

Bitch Slap
Oh my god. I know it will suck, but still rented dvd. Someone said it is re-make of Faster Pussycat kill kill, but fuck. How much do I hate the computer effects in movies. That was the thing in Valhalla Rising, which I didn't like. The kind of glow & spot lights generated by effects. You see characters glowing from background or something like area of eyes is glowing like cheap photoshop effect... pff.. Well, this Bitch Slap is supposed to be tribute to all the b-movies, and while the first credits go on, you can see lots of short clips from various cult movies with strong female figures. But when movie itself goes on, mix together some Charlie's Angels movies with hip-hop video aesthetics, and that's pretty much what it is. Violence? Yeah, some. Tits? Yeah, some. But I dare to say, I probably have more tits and violence in my body when I take shower.

The Killer Inside Me
Another rental dvd. Late 40's texas police officer turn out to be psycho killer. It's pretty good actually. I do dislike the Casey Affleck's faggy voice and all that, but instead of the cool violence of Bitch Slap, in this movie, violence is blunt and realistic. Psycho gives intense fucking face beating to Jessica Alba. Kicks shit out of Kate Hudson until she pisses under herself while dying. It is labeled to be "thriller", yet I don't know should it maybe be black comedy/drama? Anyways, there are some bizarre moments of the psycho having flashbacks of his half brother raping 5 year old girl in backseat of car. And flashback of him as kid slapping and beating his mother (who later died). Mother revealing her masochistic desires, showing bruises how daddy spanks her and how the little boy should do it to her as well.
Decent story is build with little surprises. Nothing spectacular, but wins the bitch slap type failures any day.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on December 06, 2010, 10:06:37 AM
Carlos - French biopic with plenty of sex and violence on the Jackal, mastermind of Mraxist/anti-zionist political wreckage in the 70s, with connection with everybody who enjoyed planting bombs in those days.

Intense, and another great French effort after Mesrine and Marchall's movies.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: halthan on December 07, 2010, 01:09:57 AM
22 Bullets
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: manuel-ronf on December 08, 2010, 12:54:30 AM
1st episode of "The Walking Dead" seemed Ok to me... at least much better than other modern failed attempts of zombie movies...
right now enjoying very much this another serie, "Breaking Bad"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 09, 2010, 06:41:46 PM
THE WALKING DEAD turned out pretty good. Strong on characters. Looking forward to seeing it again on dvd without commercials & better image-quality as I don't get the AMC HD channel.

Joe Dante's PIRANHA; found a used copy. Always been  a favorite. Wish I could find HUMANIODS FROM THE DEEP used.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on December 10, 2010, 04:50:56 PM
walking dead by kirkman is the current best graphic novel around

the series is excellent alkso considering they have decided to develop different storyline and new characters... Michale Rooker is absolutely amazing.

watching the final episodes tonight.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 11, 2010, 10:32:59 AM
Life During Wartime
Which is basically Happiness part 2. It has different actors, than original Happiness (1998), but it continues with same characters with their life after what happened with Happiness. It is good, yet due changing whole cast of actors, it takes a while to really remember who was who and how they used to be.
There are some tasty dialogue and pretty intense moments, although it can't match the genius levels set earlier. I'm surprised I never heard about this until now. 2 days ago, didn't know it existed. But it was already made 2009. For fans of utterly morbid humor, essential.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Niko on December 11, 2010, 12:57:32 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on December 10, 2010, 04:50:56 PM
walking dead by kirkman is the current best graphic novel around

the series is excellent alkso considering they have decided to develop different storyline and new characters... Michale Rooker is absolutely amazing.

watching the final episodes tonight.

What makes the Walking Dead graphic novels good is the tension between the characters and gritty & depressed atmosphere.
First 2 episodes in the tv-series were great but after that the stale acting and bad writing almost ruined the tv-series for me, there is almost zero tension and the depressed atmoshpere which made the graphic novels great is missing.
Thankfully they have replaced the writers of the tv-series, so it will probably get better in season 2.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 11, 2010, 11:49:55 PM
I had never heard of LIFE DURING WARTIME either. I just d/l'd a torrent & will watch later. Should grab HAPPINESS too. I only remember a few scenes from it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 12, 2010, 10:13:26 AM
last night was 4 movies projected in a row in independent movie theater. Starting with Vanishing Point, The Wickerman and followed by Purple Rain and Invasion U.S.A. Starting 22:00 and continuing until morning. It was organized by local movie club, and free of charge.

Vanishing Point, being movie subject to re-make not too long ago, original from 1971 I had never seen, but is pretty much perfect car movie. Tits, drugs, rebellion, fast cars, fast police chases and nasty ending which is kind of unexpected, when beginning of film kind of suggests otherwise.

The Wickerman, another movie where exists re-make which is like limp cock compared to the bizarre atmosphere of the original. And I have to confess, that I had never seen this, and it was the main reason to go to fest. All the expectations, knowing what kind of importance this cult movie has for a lot of people, just had made me hesitate to watch it. Don't know exactly why. I do have the soundtrack LP, which is very good apocalyptic folk tunes. And the music indeed is one of the key elements which carry the movie. Of course is the heathen rituals, sexual energy, crude settings of movie as opposed to that Nicolas Cage visiting matriarchal fantasy fields. When mayday rituals are about to start, you catch the violin melody used by Blood Axis. And no need to remind about Current 93's praise about influence of this music. It is very special horror movie, when nothing happens at night. Nothing is dark. Nothing is cliche really. The horror element is probably more about confusion of utterly different culture of this scottish island and blatant sexual deviance insulting the christian main character. And the mass-hysteria like group singing of folk songs oozing phallic rituals. But what the hell I write about it? There are probably books and meetings about this movie, so web is full of it. But if you are as foolish as myself, thinking soundtrack LP and vague knowledge of storyline and ideas and long ago seen re-make will do it, fuck that. Check out this original movie as soon as it's possible. It will also have some pointers about whole Apocalyptic Folk thing.

And I must say, that even being the small independent theater, and I basically have about better conditions to watch films at home (half smaller screen, yet half smaller room, probably heavier sound system compared to space), there is a feeling about actual cinema experience and I'll make sure to get myself visit here more. It's been probably nearly 10 years when used to go into this theater to see many classics and then relatively new movies a'la Tokyo Fist, Bullet In The Head, and so on, which would never be showed in big theater chains. In january they'll run complete Herzog documentary series, and perhaps interest of some Finns outside Lahti could be Juhan Av Grann UFO documentary series with man himself introducing every movie by himself! Juhan Av Grann is infamous Finnish freemason, conspiracy theorist and documentary director. In early 90's he did 3 ufo documents which collected awards around the world.  
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: MT on December 12, 2010, 11:17:27 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 12, 2010, 10:13:26 AM
..and perhaps interest of some Finns outside Lahti could be Juhan Av Grann UFO documentary series with man himself introducing every movie by himself! Juhan Av Grann is infamous Finnish freemason, conspiracy theorist and documentary director. In early 90's he did 3 ufo documents which collected awards around the world.  
That sounds awesome! I recently found myself wondering what the hell happened to JAG, he kinda disappeared from publicity. Perhaps when the whole X-files UFO trend vanished so did him...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 12, 2010, 02:51:06 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on December 12, 2010, 12:50:28 PM
I'm disappointed you didn't have anything to say about Purple Rain...

Well, I though Prince is little too brutal for me and I only watched two first films before going for couple of beers...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ImpulsyStetoskopu on December 12, 2010, 03:11:53 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on December 05, 2010, 08:32:59 PM
Watched the classic Russian war film Idi i smotri (aka Come And See) yesterday for the first time. Utterly bleak and highly recommended if you haven't seen it before.

Indeed. I guess this is the best war movie ever.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 13, 2010, 01:19:41 PM
Quote from: ImpulsyStetoskopu on December 12, 2010, 03:11:53 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on December 05, 2010, 08:32:59 PM
Watched the classic Russian war film Idi i smotri (aka Come And See) yesterday for the first time. Utterly bleak and highly recommended if you haven't seen it before.

Indeed. I guess this is the best war movie ever.

I remember the first time I saw it, on television watching with a friend, we both had to go out the backyard for a breath of air. And he's Russian. Thoroughly gruelling. Must get a copy, I'm sure there's sampling opportunities to be had as well.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on December 13, 2010, 01:53:24 PM
I'm not denying Come and See is top notch but considering all the great war films around is it really worthy of the titel "the best war movie ever"? There are so many different takes and perspectives within the genre that appointing just one film as the greatest should be impossible.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 13, 2010, 09:47:38 PM
I think I have a dvd-r of COME AND SEE & did not think it was anything like people are describing. Could be I'm remembering something else.. Is there a part where a village is gathered up & burned inside a barn?

I like KELLY'S HEROES & THE DIRTY DOZEN for war flix.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on December 14, 2010, 06:57:49 AM
favorite war films right now:
BATTLEGROUND (1949) "A squad of the 101st Airborne Division copes with being trapped in the besieged city of Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge."
THE SILENT ENEMY (1958)  "In the Mediterranean in 1941 the Italians start using underwater chariots to mine the undersides of allied ships. Explosives expert Lionel Crabbe arrives in Gibralter to organise defences, but finds only two British divers available to help him. Even more worrying, it seems likely that the Italians are secretly using neutral Spain across the bay as their key base."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on December 14, 2010, 09:54:45 AM
The iron cross by sam pekinpah is brilliant.
So it was Tora! Tora! Tora! by Kinji Fukusaku
I also enjoyed a lot U-Boot 96  by Wolfgang Petersen and Gillo Pontecorvo's colonial masterpiece La battaglia di Algeri (the battle of Algeri), political movie regarding the Algerian uprising against French colonialism.

There are many war propaganda movies (feature films not documentaries) that should be checked out as well, although less spectacular than those I have just mentioned.

Alcazar  by Augusto Genina
Giarabub by Goffredo Alessandrini
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on December 14, 2010, 01:03:09 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 13, 2010, 09:47:38 PM
I think I have a dvd-r of COME AND SEE & did not think it was anything like people are describing. Could be I'm remembering something else.. Is there a part where a village is gathered up & burned inside a barn?

That's the one. I expected more from it as well after all the people raving about it since the 80's. It's good but there's so much out there that matches and indeed exceeds it.

One example is Generation Kill. Has anyone managed to give a closer account of the actual people involved in war than that? If there is then let me know. Generation Kill is truly outstanding in the genre.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: UGRA on December 15, 2010, 05:03:41 AM
Come and See is indeed awesome - my favorite war movie for sure. Intense and exhaustive.
Still about war movies, I recently watched Andrzej Wajda´s Katyn and it was nice too.

Just re-watched Gaspar Noe´s "I Stand Alone" last weekend. It´s just perfect for me. Seems like the whole movie could be sampled...?
Haven´t seen "Into the Void", his latest movie, yet.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 16, 2010, 01:18:35 AM
KEN PARK is largely useless.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: post-morten on December 17, 2010, 01:41:12 AM
Quote from: UGRA on December 15, 2010, 05:03:41 AM
Just re-watched Gaspar Noe´s "I Stand Alone" last weekend. It´s just perfect for me. Seems like the whole movie could be sampled...?
Haven´t seen "Into the Void", his latest movie, yet.

I saw Enter the Void recently. It's hard to make up my mind whether I liked it or lot, but it's an extravagant visual trip for sure, albeit an overly long one. Set in Tokyo, it portraits the gradual downfall of an orphaned brother-sister pair, who succumb in the city's seedy underworld of drugs and sleaze. Given Noe is the director, obviously it features fair shares of sex and violence. Also, being a father myself, it was truly painful watching the fate of these kids. On the upside was the soundtrack, featuring stellar acts such as TG, Coil, and our bro' BJ Nilsen teamed up with Stillupsteypa. If I would dare to compare it to any other movie, it shared many themes with Requiem For a Dream.

Edit: Just realized the title is actually Enter the Void, nothing else.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 17, 2010, 02:27:31 AM
I was hoping to see "Into The Void" during the Danger After Dark in Philly but missed it. I've read such mixed reviews of it I wasn't sure if I was prepared to sit through 3 hours of something I might hate.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on December 17, 2010, 06:43:31 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 16, 2010, 01:18:35 AM
KEN PARK is largely useless.

your just old and dont get the young people, unlike larry.
that one was better than bully, I think. my remembrance is a little hazy.

maybe ill say something about in to the void too because everybody is buzzing about it. it was ok, I liked only one bit in the hallucinations, when it turned all skeletal.
too long/tedious to praise as a masterpiece or anything. no other complaints really it just wasnt mindblowing as some suggest.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 17, 2010, 06:04:33 PM
ahaha, yeah. I don't like teenagers. I dont' remember Bully either.

Grabbed a torrent for WHITE ROSE CAMPUS: ...THEN EVERYBODY GETS RAPED! Going to watch it with RAPE: 13th HOUR as a dbl feature.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on December 27, 2010, 02:15:51 PM
The best thing coming our from Italy since the 80s. Sex/Violence/Crime. Inspired by Rome's fiercest criminal gang, turns out as the best piece of fiction I have seen in a long time. Everything is perfect. Unfamous actors, great story, fantastic filming, brilliant soundtrack.
Believe the hype.
There is a movie with a similar title/theme, it is good but not as good as this.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: imaginaryforces on January 03, 2011, 01:51:32 AM
Been watching a bit of Aki Kaurismaki after getting two box sets for Xmas. I really like the dry humour.
Also watching The Andrzej Wajda War Trilogy and re watching the Jodorowsky box set.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on January 07, 2011, 10:08:38 AM
finally picked up the criterion THE NIGHT PORTER recently and revisited it after around 15 years(!).
glad i did... forgot how absolutely stunning the film (and charlotte rampling) is.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Matthias on January 07, 2011, 06:05:45 PM
Recently revisited The Night Porter as well, still holds up. Noticed a Swedish dvd-edition of this available for cheap now, might pick it up just for the cover alone, would be a nice companion to the Criterion release.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 10, 2011, 11:14:05 AM
Have had scandinavian release of that DVD sitting on shelves for ages. Should watch it.

Many people have been talking about Serbian film, how brutal and over the top it is. And seeing if AFTER all the celebration and all the criticism, was not perhaps the best. Since it has already set up so high expectations.
I wrote in Finnish about it in other forum where was some discussion about it, but maybe worth to translate some thoughts...

Years ago, when brutal and dark movies were hard to find, you had to collect fanzines and check out ads for VHS traders and get the 5th generation rubbish just to appreciate some pretty regular gore action. I remember, that in those days when Nekromantic started to spread around the "scene", it got pretty similar feedback as Serbian Film? Some were glorifying that finally movies has gone so far, where nobody can top it. And some were thinking that this is so senseless and blunt shit, that we're clearly passed the line of any moral decency. At the same time, magazines that were in each issue reporting about how many seconds of gore is missing from which version = how many seconds/minutes of movie is cut by cencors in which version, had articles about how disgusting the "scene" has become, when there are actually collectors who's interest isn't merely gore&horror and little nudity within, but there circulates compilations of extreme pornography, autopsy videos, suicide/execution footage etc. And they had to put some moral stand, and oppose it.

Nekromantic, has obviously very artistic drive. Uncommercial background and especially the genius music of Herman Kopp. Serbian Film in other hand, looks pretty much like "normal movie". Of course, normality is now such a diverse, but when you got all the Hostel, Martyrs, etc in top rentals and cinemas, then it's pretty much the mainstream of "horror". Music of Serbian Film is ok. Few times it becomes even interesting in its attempt to be "disturbing", but most of all it doesn't really manage to do it. Visual side and story plays with extreme "horror", but when you are kind of jaded movie watcher, you can immediately underline several problems:

1) The softcore porno shots what you get, are so annoying it really gets on your nerves. Sometimes you wonder, that is these people who show fake porn in movies (predominantly trying to imitate the late 80's), have actually seen porn movies of the era? I mean, I get the feeling that it's some American Pie movie going here.
2) story progresses somehow very uninterestingly slow, until the "horror" starts.
3) "Horror" isn't really horror, it is series of loosely collaged moments of violence, which occasionally are also very funny.
4) Philosophical content of movie is like watching some Battle Royale II type of nonsense. Assumption, that when you got someone who seeks movie like this, you just throw in few nice words and dramatic pompous acting and suddenly it is such a philosophical statement. Of course the concept of victim as entertainment COULD be good, but movie doesn't really touch the subject more than senseless confused lines.

So what is good then? One can't argue against the visually appealing and tasty scenes! Beating the whores, cutting the head of, throat fucking the toothless to suffocating death and so on. If things like that doesn't appeal to you, then you are not maybe the target audience. I think that main motivation of Serbian movie is the search of limits where half of the audience vomits and cries protests, and the other half celebrates that finally! Finally someone did something as nasty as I hoped!
But it IS little foolish, that when things go this far, it STILL isn't going as far as some of the masters of 70's/80's. When you can show fierce brutal sadism, you can fuck the newborn kid, you can sodomize little boys, you show cumshots landing on face of beaten up whore, but after all, you're still a softcore erotica.  When you compare with for example Martyrs, this is lacking the epic journey though extensive torture. Serbian Film isn't THAT interesting as story or dialogue, and the moments of interests pass very quickly, linked together with kind of artificial flashbacks.
I would recommend to movie with pleasure, but I doubt it will be any classic in the movie history other than perhaps one milestone in the climate of society?

I was reading some magazine recently, where was article about change of climate and new milestone reached. That all the reality TV and entertainment based on other peoples misery, accidents, misfortune and having laugh about it has been losing its popularity a lot. Any show what plays with that kind or related values, has started losing viewers and the success also in other fields of culture isn't that obvious. Now, the new decade shows tendencies of awareness, empathy and positivity (if I recall terms right, but I guess you know what I mean) taking over. People preferring reality TV where something is solved. Something is made better. etc. If it really is true, I guess Serbian Film from 2009/2010, would be kind of land mark, that this is where it all went before someone thought, fuck these exploitative tv shows and collections of senseless violence, maybe it's time to rise the flag of suojeluskunnat and bring some decent values around the country based on solidarity within the nation for example, heh... To build, create and triumph, and not only jerk off and laugh next to sledgehammered child torso.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 10, 2011, 07:06:57 PM
Life and Death of a Porno Gang

I had a torrent of it but got rid of the program it was in so only took a look. Quality wasn't great & subtitles were terrible so I decided best to wait for Synapse's dvd release later this year. Reviews sound promising.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on January 11, 2011, 07:12:41 PM
I finally got my very own copy of the seventh seal!  just the regular version and not the "diehard" which cost twise as much.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 16, 2011, 08:22:43 PM
EXPENDABLES, stallone movie with everybody in it. And not bad. I was told this should be good, and in deed, if you want brains-off straight action, it is. But it's still kind of unfortunate, that it is not really just a decent action movie, but it is also kind of self aware one. Where it's not just the guys doing what they do well, but also plenty of references to their careers etc.

L'immortel , a.k.a. 22 BULLETS. If there is Jean Reno, I'm pretty much interested to check out. Not long ago, watched Ronin after many years of not seeing it. And this genre is among the favorites. Anytime I rather watch good thriller/crime with slice of action than some horror/gore etc.  This one being french mafia film, with interesting enough story with good turns. Good pretty realistic violence. And Jean Reno in his role, obviously great. If talking of him, I don't remember have I talked in this topic, but if you though you have seen Leon, when you've seen the regular version, make sure you get the directors cut. Brilliant.

MANKINDS LAST EXODUS 1-3. Went to the first even big screen projection of these 3 Johan Av Gran documents. Whole this weekend was dedicated to the man, most known face in pseudo-science coverage & ufo mania in Finland. Almost went today to see 6 x 50 minutes set of documents, but didn't have energy. Cut & pasted video collages of interviews and music-video like editing, with anything from ufos to biblical questions, anti-christ, apocalypse,... and the man himself replied some questions and mostly had intense long monologue after these. About 4 hours of sitting, with just one beer with me, but totally worth it. Got also photo of me and the master himself, heh..

Same theater has series of Herzog documents upcoming. From one to.. was it 3 or even 5 per day, showing huge series. We'll see if there's time to go check them out.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 16, 2011, 09:52:15 PM
Picked up used copies of SYMPATHY FOR MR. VENGEANCE & John Woo's HARDBOILED; watched HARDBOILED last night. Still damn good. Hope to come across KILLER & BULLET IN THE HEAD sooner or later. Will check out MR. VENG. later. I've only seen it once & liked it more than OLDBOY but not sure why (& I'd like to see OLDBOY again).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 17, 2011, 08:50:25 AM
from recent comedy watching, Four Lions is pretty good. UK black comedy about group of retarded muslims starting jihad, and pretty much everything going wrong. It doesn't really base the humor on utmost insults or blasphemy, but observation of stupidity and uncomfortable situations.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jaakko V. on January 17, 2011, 09:02:06 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 16, 2011, 08:22:43 PMSame theater has series of Herzog documents upcoming. From one to.. was it 3 or even 5 per day, showing huge series. We'll see if there's time to go check them out.

Just a few days ago I went to see the Werner Herzog documentary 'Bells from the Deep: Faith and Superstition in Russia' at the local theatre. It was really nice - somewhat minimalistic and atmospheric. Some pretty amusing parts. More info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bells_from_the_Deep (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bells_from_the_Deep). Worth your time, I'd say.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on January 17, 2011, 11:10:14 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 17, 2011, 08:50:25 AM
from recent comedy watching, Four Lions is pretty good. UK black comedy about group of retarded muslims starting jihad, and pretty much everything going wrong. It doesn't really base the humor on utmost insults or blasphemy, but observation of stupidity and uncomfortable situations.

I logged in to post the same exact thoughts.
It's hilarious yet not stupid. I suggest everybody to watch out for Chris Morris previous mockumentaries "The brass eye", the one on pedophila is an outstanding example on how to do satirical tv with a bite.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 18, 2011, 03:44:21 AM
I love Hardboiled. It's so over the top. Plus it inspired both Infernal Affairs and The Departed.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: imaginaryforces on January 20, 2011, 06:13:37 AM
Quote from: niko penttinen on January 11, 2011, 07:12:41 PM
I finally got my very own copy of the seventh seal!  just the regular version and not the "diehard" which cost twise as much.

A great film. Although I think my favourite Bergman is Smultronstället (Wild Strawberries), which features Victor Sjöström, the famed director of Körkarlen (Another favourite of mine, especially the re release version with a new soundtrack from KTL), in his last ever screen performance and a brief appearance from Max Von Sydow.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 20, 2011, 07:57:59 PM
Speaking of Bergman, I watched The Virgin Spring last month. Pretty grim and nihilistic for the most part.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: imaginaryforces on January 22, 2011, 01:14:42 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 20, 2011, 07:57:59 PM
Speaking of Bergman, I watched The Virgin Spring last month. Pretty grim and nihilistic for the most part.

That is one of the few I have yet to see. Thank you for reminding me, I shall pick one up from work tomorrow.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on January 24, 2011, 08:08:06 PM
nicely executed releases : http://www.filmfreaks.nl/reel23/ (http://www.filmfreaks.nl/reel23/)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: imaginaryforces on January 24, 2011, 10:07:51 PM
Quote from: P-K on January 24, 2011, 08:08:06 PM
nicely executed releases : http://www.filmfreaks.nl/reel23/ (http://www.filmfreaks.nl/reel23/)

I got The Atrocity Exhibition DVD some time ago and it was really good. Faithful to the book to a fault. I haven't got anything else off the site yet though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 24, 2011, 10:41:45 PM
I think I use to have the ATROCITY EXHIBITION dvd but sold it off as it wasn't something I would view again. I at least remember looking at the site...

Watched the killer kid's flick, BLOODY BIRTHDAY, the othe rnight. Gets a dvd release this year. Be a good double-feature with DEVIL TIMES FIVE.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on January 25, 2011, 11:24:00 AM
girl next door... quality...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on January 25, 2011, 01:23:32 PM
Quote from: P-K on January 24, 2011, 08:08:06 PM
nicely executed releases : http://www.filmfreaks.nl/reel23/ (http://www.filmfreaks.nl/reel23/)

Are they still doing Reel 23? Nice first year but the site seems not to have been updated in ages.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on January 25, 2011, 04:18:40 PM
don't really know, i got all 5 & a shirt years ago, didn't release new stuff but do offer more/different shirts LOL......could be wrong but isn't R23 a subdivision of Filmfreaks? and they put out LOADS over the years http://www.filmfreaks.nl/ (http://www.filmfreaks.nl/)

oops, spotted this & didn't see it:

what gripped me most was Vergeef Me/Forgive Me .....harsh filthy reality.

also worth to check are the Mælström dvd's

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on February 24, 2011, 02:34:04 AM
epic & grim "man vs nature", no happy hollywood endings, all the heroes die. pretty awesome piece of cinema imho
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: m. on February 27, 2011, 05:52:06 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on January 25, 2011, 11:24:00 AM
girl next door... quality...

this one http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0830558/ ?
you should also check An American Crime http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0802948/
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on February 27, 2011, 07:00:55 PM
Quote from: m. on February 27, 2011, 05:52:06 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on January 25, 2011, 11:24:00 AM
girl next door... quality...

this one http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0830558/ ?
you should also check An American Crime http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0802948/

will do thanks!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on February 28, 2011, 08:06:04 PM
A list of films me and the woman have ploughed through the last few days:

ROBERTO SUCCO (any Italian/French people here care to tell me more about this guy?)
ONE, TWO, THREE (James Cagney and Horst Bucholtz fight an ideological battle in early 60's Berlin)
FORCED ENTRY (fantastic theme, shame about the somewhat limp ending but Joe's Friendly Service indeed!)
FIVE EASY PIECES (wasted talent Jack Nicholson returns to his horribly pretentious family)
MISHIMA (Paul Schrader's best film by far. A GREAT film!!!)
I STAND ALONE (better than Irreversible)
SS CAMP 5 (naziploitation. Atrocious acting, violence could have been more graphic but for what it is it's a pass)

Plus one episode a day of THE SINGING DETECTIVE. Next is DAY OF THE LOCUST.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on March 04, 2011, 04:11:51 AM

Felt like cliche upon cliche. Good music by The The of course. Shame about the film. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Ernpe on March 13, 2011, 01:22:09 AM
I've been lately watching through a 20 movie Ultimate Hammer Collection. As stated somewhere, such a collection has all, great, mediocre and horrible movies. This evenings selection was Quartermass and the Pit, above average definitely. If a movie has both Martians and the devil in it, can it go wrong? Didn't check who has done the score but a lot of it - remind you the movie is from 1967 - could have been from your average experimental noise record. Or actually your above average record, quite possessing it was.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ironfistofthesun on March 13, 2011, 07:28:28 PM
Quatermass. superb film. Check out the 1972 tv film with sir john mills at prof bernard quatermass. mixing paganism si-fi and a amazing electronic score.
Along with dennis potters work ,nigel kneale has had a massive effect on my ifots work.
(my family lived on old Hobbs street in birmingham)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on March 27, 2011, 11:18:00 AM
Mainly stumbled through this thread while sick and watched movies that were mentioned here and that were not seen before. And some other random flicks. My impressions:

Massacre Mafia Style (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077525/) (1978) - A decent movie about mafia. A Sicilian guy who sees how everything changes and "now there are niggers, greeks and Mexicans doing our job" is fighting against the newer formed circles of mafia. well.. the movie is fast and characters and so on not too developed, and it constantly has a shadow of comedy, but all in all - not bad thing. Fights, shootings, swears, boobs etc.

Just Imagine (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0021016/) (1930) - a movie of 1930 about how the life will be in 1980. heh. people flying with their own planes, numbers instead of names and so on. but overall - crap. boring to watch. they were singing every couple of minute because this of that happened, or dancing and laughing. 20 minutes from the start of the movie couldn't wait till it ends.

The Mechanic (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068931/) (1972) - Not bad. Charles Bronson as a professional killer and another young blond guy as his disciple. Nice mood, music and overall very nice eurocrime. Watched with pleasure.

Valhalla Rising (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0862467/) (2009) - I've heard various opinions about that. Some people were saying wow what a bleak and brutal movie, others were saying meh. I'd be more with those who'd say meh. yes, the visuals are good and it's filmed nicely, but it didn't buy me, didn't present the mood I expected and so on. Or perhaps I had to come to this movie with different attitude. I'd say average.

The Road (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0898367/) (2009) - Though I  barely can watch Mortesen in screen for more than 10 seconds, but this movie was good. Post-apocalyptic tale about a father and son, travelling towards the ocean. I think one of the best post-apocalyptic tales I've seen during the last couple of years. Good fights, thoughts and overall.. bleakness.. liked this one.

Calvaire (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407621/) (2004) - One very good psycho movie a la Texas chainsaw massacre etc. Singer with broken van in the woods, strange inn-keeper, villagers who fuck pigs and dance and play piano, inn-keeper remember his run-away wife and imagine that singer to be her. and here we go. Very good mood and excellent scenario.

Fausto 5.0 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0299873/) (2001) - Weird psychological drama/horror. This movie I suppose has more to say than I could understand apart from clearly seen references to Goethe etc. The doctor goes to other city to some convention where he meets a guy with operated stomach. Doctor did that operation 8 years ago. And the guy does not leave him alone and the happenings become weirder and weirder. Reminded me slightly of Jacob's Ladder. Intellectual horror movie. I still have to read some more about it to put puzzle pieces together.

Seven Days (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0445054/) (2010) - Wonderful and magnificent rape-revenge movie!!! Highly recommended. Rapist rapes and kills young girl whose father frees rapist from prison in order to bring him to desolated place and to torture him for a week. Without any soundtrack - it's mostly silence, crying-screaming or short talking episodes. But true bleakness and true game with your own thought and feelings when it's already enough for the rapist to be tortured and when not and so on. Truly recommend this gem.

Before the fall (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0984155/) - Spanish movies still have to disappoint me. This one's just excellent movie. 3 days until the apocalypse, but it's not about superheroes or trying to save the Earth, but about a small town, dozen of people and happenings in their lives trying to live the last hours. Truly great and enjoyable flick. Recommend.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: halthan on April 07, 2011, 06:49:16 PM

Bit different kinda thriller (?) about how hunter becomes a prey. Recommended
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A.R.GH on April 07, 2011, 07:54:05 PM
Quote from: terror on March 27, 2011, 11:18:00 AM

The Road (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0898367/) (2009) - Though I  barely can watch Mortesen in screen for more than 10 seconds, but this movie was good. Post-apocalyptic tale about a father and son, travelling towards the ocean. I think one of the best post-apocalyptic tales I've seen during the last couple of years. Good fights, thoughts and overall.. bleakness.. liked this one.

Before the fall (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0984155/) - Spanish movies still have to disappoint me. This one's just excellent movie. 3 days until the apocalypse, but it's not about superheroes or trying to save the Earth, but about a small town, dozen of people and happenings in their lives trying to live the last hours. Truly great and enjoyable flick. Recommend.
Yes, I second those recommendations, I think I mentioned both before

I'm gonna check out the others, seems that you have a good taste in films he
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A.R.GH on April 10, 2011, 11:00:43 AM
Watched "Seven days"... not bad, but I expected something more psychologically devastating, could be better.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on April 11, 2011, 03:50:38 PM
http://www.incendies-thefilm.com/#/trailer (http://www.incendies-thefilm.com/#/trailer)

Just came home from watching this. Unrelenting human misery from go to woah. I didn't like it but I expect there'll be others here who may enjoy it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: heretogo on April 22, 2011, 10:48:46 PM
The Piano Teacher

Quite good and would probably interest some of you here. Drama filled with repression & sexual perversion. Leaves a lingering taste of revulsion or maybe it's just me. Strange masochistic fucked-up people behind the respectable facade of well-to-do society.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 24, 2011, 11:58:26 AM
that sounds interesting.
I am not embarrassed to admit, I'm pretty big fan of US/Hollywood movies. Of course not ALL kinds, but that some of the most remarkable films are from there, and lightyears ahead of many "cult films". But lately been wondering where are the good hollywood films now? I may be slightly embarrassed to admit, I actually went to cinema to check out World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles. I tend to like sci-fi, and action is good genre as well, but how fucking lame they can get? G.I.Joe? What a load of bullshit. I couldn't even watch it in one session. Fast & Furious series? Erotic story for teenage fags willing to sniff some Vin Diesels jockstraps?... pff..
With World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles, it is more like charity-funded propaganda film of equality. You got the mandatory negroes saving the world. You got the mexican civilian saving the marines from alien attack. You got the tough bitch woman side-kick acting rough and so on. Whole crew of the film is like still shot of Watchtower pages, if you know what I mean? All genders, ages and races represented well. You got the sobstories and massive emotional hymns playing on background when patriots sacrifice themselves to save planet from aliens. And I guess it was described somewhere, that it is pretty much one-dimensional war movie, where simply out of political correctness, the enemy is hostile aliens. If they would have chosen some nation as opposing force, they could have actually offended someone. So lets choose enemy, what anyone can dislike and have sympathy for the colorful bunch representing "all of us" fighting for common cause. Oh please...  

So, after being so severely violated by this cinema experience, on my way to the car, I walked straight from movies to video rental on same street and grabbed Machete and watched that home. It is good. It is pretty much what you expect, but in this kind of tribute-to-the-grindhouse-roughies style, exaggerating the qualities that films have had and made pretty well working flick. If you're going to make plain brains-off action film, this is the way to do it.

But still, I came into conclusion, that why the hell should I pay or want to watch some new utter BS blockbusters, when there are endless amount of top films what can be either re-watched or watched for the first time. So, decided to check out:
DEER HUNTER. I'm sure this is film that most people know. Voted among best 100 films in the world, I guess, and I've had the dvd sitting on my shelves for years, waiting the moment when I want to re-watch it. And even if I did remember few moments from here and there, the genius quality of the film reveals itself much better now, than for teenage boy. Purely from perspective of appreciation of simple frames. Film is filled with moments, what would simply make perfect photographs. It is not afraid to being little "disconnected", where scenes move from one to another quite abruptly. Vietnam war is covered in handful of sequences, which happen quite far from eachother, and no explanation needed to fill the gaps. Director doesn't need to consider audience utterly brainless, but trusts they will fill the gaps by themselves.
Alienation the characters feel back in their hometown, is so much more pessimistic and you can't really consider too happy ending either. No world saved. No heroic deeds done.
Tension of the russian roulette scenes is pretty intense, unlike the foolishness described in movies above. Now when you think: Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, Meryl Streep, and bunch of others.. In 3 hours war movie, where it's perhaps 2+ hours of small town drama. It may not sound tempting for all, but after being watched, one would say it's pretty safe to stick on the times when movies were movies. Even re-watching the same thing, is more fruitful than checking out what plays now in local cinemas...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on April 24, 2011, 01:27:31 PM
I remember the wedding scene in Deer Hunter being extremely long and boring to the point where I wondered if it was on purpose. I was thinking fuck this scene it just drags on let's get this war underway and maybe that was the idea. To make the viewer feel the monotony and boredom felt by the working stiffs in the film to the point where you the viewers as well as they can't wait to go only to end up in a hell no one could imagine.

I remember his other film, Heavens Gate, having scenes of similar length as in Deer Hunter. Heavens Gate is a pretty good western BTW.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 24, 2011, 09:54:29 PM
I'm a fan of THE DEER HUNTER. I don't think I've ever seen it in the proper aspect ratio though; always on cable. There was a dvd version that was like a hardcover book with that great image of De Niro holding the rifle but I never bought it. Too many non-mainstream movies to buy.

Watched Code Red's dvd release of RITUALS last night. Great movie, for fans of DELIVERANCE and JUST BEFORE DAWN.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on April 26, 2011, 11:07:44 AM
LOVELY BONES - Peter Jackson-
Morbid, visionary, poetic, sweet. Loved it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Litharge on April 28, 2011, 04:41:04 AM
Quote from: heretogo on April 22, 2011, 10:48:46 PM
The Piano Teacher

Quite good and would probably interest some of you here. Drama filled with repression & sexual perversion. Leaves a lingering taste of revulsion or maybe it's just me. Strange masochistic fucked-up people behind the respectable facade of well-to-do society.

I definitely agree with the recommendation for "The Piano Teacher".  It was the first Michael Haneke film I'd seen, and I knew nothing about him at the time.  In addition to the perverse masochism displayed by the main character, there's some brief and satisfying moments of sadism as well.

I just joined the forum, and so have just started going thru all the interesting and useful information here, so I don't know if Haneke is recommended elsewhere in this thread, but really, just about everything he's directed is well worth seeing.  Maybe the one exception I'm aware of would be his own remake of "Funny Games"; I haven't seen it, and don't feel very inclined to, but I've read it's a scene-for-scene recreation of his earlier version, except with known, mainstream American actors in the leads.  With the exception of the father character in his original version of the film, I was familiar with none of the other actors, which for me is greatly preferred -- unknown actors, as opposed to Hollywood celebrities, allows for the quicker suspension of disbelief, and deeper engrossment in the story.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Litharge on April 28, 2011, 05:04:21 AM
I had also seen "The Deer Hunter" first when I was a young teen, and so wasn't able to fully appreciate many of the film's subtleties, nor all of the exceptional film making and story telling techniques.  But when I went back and viewed it as an adult the movie became one of the most memorable I've seen.

For years after its original theatrical release the Russian roulette scene became used as something of a pop culture parody in the U.S., but when I finally watched The Deer Hunter a second time the tension and desperation of that scene and those performances were impressive.  Beyond that, Walken's performance is filled with powerful subtlety; when he's trying to express himself at the V.A. hospital after his return from Vietnam the viewer can almost feel the pain of his inability to verbally express his answers to the person interviewing him.

The Deer Hunter for me is one of many mainstream, Hollywood and independent films that kind of represent cinema in the 1970s; often gritty, honest, and movies that would probably never get made and distributed today.  A couple of years ago when I watched the original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" for the first time in many years, and the first time on DVD, I was reminded that not only is it one of the very best horror films of the 70s, but one of the very best movies of that decade, period. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 28, 2011, 10:31:45 AM
Quote from: Litharge on April 28, 2011, 05:04:21 AMkind of represent cinema in the 1970s; often gritty, honest, and movies that would probably never get made and distributed today.

I watched DVD of PRIME CUT. 1972 film with Gene Hackman, Lee Marvin and Sissy Spacek. Pretty simple 1:23h length gangster/action film, what starts in sausage factory with one of gangsters being minced to make sausages of him, to be mailed back to his boss. Gene is the bad guy, getting young females out of orphanage, selling them drugged in cow-farm conditions. Naked drugged girls in cages, including topless Spacek. Lee Marvin does good job as old nearly retired gangster, taking care of the job with elegance. Violence, nudity, crime,.. very simple elements, but still far more entertaining than just about any movies done within recent years? 2009 Paramount dvd with no bonus of any kind, but brilliant picture&sound quality.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on April 28, 2011, 01:46:03 PM
Two Hollywood 70's greats that spring to mind and both featuring Jack Nicholson.

CARNAL KNOWLEDGE: Nicholson and Art Garfunkel (of all people) are friends at uni and you get to follow them, their first loves, female conquests and wives as they reach middle age. Garfunkel is the gentler more sensitive one and Nicholson is the likeable asshole. Goes without saying of course and both are great. Towards the end they sit and watch Nicholson's home made film of all the women who've had an impact on his life. Needless to say the scene is PRICELESS! The very fuckable Ann Margret makes a noticeable appearance as well.

FIVE EASY PIECES: Nicholson, once again the likeable asshole, a once promising concert pianist works on an oil rig in Texas. He decides to pay his family of stuffy elitist intellectuals a visit and brings his thick a shit redneck girlfriend (brilliantly played by Karen Black) with him. Nicholson exudes subdued anger and weariness at the same time in a way that only he is capable of. It's funny and ultimately quite sad.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on April 28, 2011, 02:02:02 PM
Martin, add The Last Detail and you have 3 of the best movies with Nicholson!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on April 28, 2011, 02:21:37 PM
I saw that AGES ago and remember it being very good. Two Ashby films I've seen that I know of are Being There and Harold and Maude. Didn't like H&M but Being There is amazing!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 28, 2011, 10:18:30 PM
PRIME CUT is great! I have a poster for it & pressbook. Very sleazy & you get to see a young SIssy Spacek nude. "Together They're Murder" is the line on the poster which is where I got the artwork/title for the cd-r that came with special ed of the MANIA/THE RITA boxset. I love '70s crime movies!

Mikko, find EMPEROR OF THE NORTH with Lee Marvin. You'll like it. It's about hobos hopping rides on trains. Very violent. Classic '70s.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on April 28, 2011, 11:02:52 PM
complete masterpiece!!!! I have discovered it after a friend's suggestion 4/5 years ago and I am still speachless.
anything with sissy spacek in it deserves to be wacthed... and she helped to produce Lynch's Eraserhead!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 29, 2011, 12:01:49 AM
Going to watch Blow-Up tonight for the first time. I've heard good things and it looks like it's right up my alley.

Watched Escape from New York last weekend again. Such a classic. Sat in pitch black and had the shit cranked on my big speaker set-up so the gunshots were about loud enough to blow out your ears and the helicopters sounded like they were ready to raid the neighbors. FULL IMMERSION!!!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: yog on April 29, 2011, 07:16:48 PM
Another essential 70's movie (with sissy spacek): Badlands (1973).
Based on the Charles Starkweather and Caril-Ann Fugate murders in 1958.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 30, 2011, 09:08:03 PM
I read several extremely bad reviews about Sucker Punch. It got like two stars everywhere I looked at, and reviews claiming it is totally sexist bullshit made to sleazy old men to get kicks. Utter objectification of females and lots of violence and pretty fragile chicks. Well, I felt like, I must be in target audience then! If some female intelligentsia of movie critics feel insulted, it can't be that bad...

Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on April 24, 2011, 11:58:26 AM
that sounds interesting.
I am not embarrassed to admit, I'm pretty big fan of US/Hollywood movies. Of course not ALL kinds, but that some of the most remarkable films are from there, and lightyears ahead of many "cult films". But lately been wondering where are the good hollywood films now?
. .
Even re-watching the same thing, is more fruitful than checking out what plays now in local cinemas...

Well, I'm in half and half about saying that I should have learned my lessons about contemporary blockbusters, but in other hand, there was some entertaining factors too. First of all, the movie is shitty. Story is pretty lame, characters are most of all empty sobstories. There simply isn't enough of supposed sleaze and degrading of women. What we do have plenty, is utmost computer EFX eye-candy, exploding zeppelins, nazi robots, castle sized dragons, petite main character in sweet sex-shop school uniform battling through simple computer game like scene through with just about zero excitement and challenge. This is what it is. Mix of computer game and music video, with all the themes & ideas 100% match for the nerd picture posting forums where ingredients are: Fight game scenes, tits & slim waists, japanese pop culture fetish, sad looking petite chicks. All we would need is XXX rated version with couple references to Goatse & pedo-bear, and this would be like most calculated target audience satisfaction for such crowd!?
Good thing was, that I went to cinema, and some teenage boy approached if I want to buy ticket from him. I asked what's the price. He had his christmas gift tickets that were going to out-date in 4 days, so I got it for -40% of normal price, hah..

Then again, when you think about cinema prices, with luck, you might be able to score 1-3 dvd's with the same price. I think getting special edition of BLUE SUNSHINE fall into that price range. 1976 horror story with nice explotative & moralistic tone. 60's students had taken some bad LSD called Blue Sunshine and 10 years later it makes their hair fall out and going all berzerk and killing people. Congressman has sold this stuff in his teens, is easy reference to corruption of high position politicians. Men and women engaging into acts of violence. Stab, burning corpses in oven, etc. Simple "detective" type of story by one friend of these. Few nice assumptions who could be old users, but in the end very straight forward film doing all it has to do in 90 minutes. Funny ending with subtitles explaining rest of the story. Very good music. Avantgarde classical possession in all the hard and oppressive moments.
This special version has also Jeff Liebermann shortmovie "The Ringer" which was sponsored by Pepsi (!?!) and quite funny remarks about powers behind corruption of youth cultures. Drugs, body jewelry, music business scams... Worth to watch too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 30, 2011, 11:49:01 PM
BLUE SUNSHINE is cool as are his other films, JUST BEFORE DAWN and especially SQUIRM.

I watched a lot of the trailers with stuffy British intro's on the VIDEO NASTIES boxset last night. Best intro was from Stephen Thrower (Coil) about FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE. He mentions the producer was a cheapskate. WHen I recommended the film to a friend, he researched it & found out the producer is Jewish so I got a laugh out of Thrower confirming it. The story is pretty good too... F.F.Y.L. is awesome and makes a great double-feture with GOODBYE UNCLE TOM.

HANNA is suppose to be pretty cool for a Hollywood movie. I don't go to the movies; everything hits dvd so fast that it's usually just a few months of waiting.

13 ASSASSINS by T.Miike is really good & Wednesday night I'll be seeing HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN which looks ok but I'm not expecting much...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on May 01, 2011, 04:51:30 AM
william friedkin's RAMPAGE. about schizo young killer who drinks the blood of his victims and his trial, unfortunately most of the movie is about the trial and whether he should get death penalty or go to a mental hospital. still worth seeing, rough direction by the always great friedkin and there is a short but cool eye candy scene when the cops visit the killer's basement filled with body parts, caged animals, nazi flags and cut ups. i took some screenshots

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 01, 2011, 08:49:44 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 30, 2011, 11:49:01 PMFIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE. He mentions the producer was a cheapskate. WHen I recommended the film to a friend, he researched it & found out the producer is Jewish so I got a laugh out of Thrower confirming it. The story is pretty good too... F.F.Y.L. is awesome and makes a great double-feture with GOODBYE UNCLE TOM.

I've been told Hobo with a shotgun is good. I have both, FFYL and Goodbye Uncle Tom on dvd.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 01, 2011, 07:04:27 PM


There are some odd-ball titles there I've never heard of. Will have to do some research... At least on the 100 most violent. Haven't looked ath the 100 goriest yet.
Thx for the link.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on May 01, 2011, 09:29:39 PM
Is Rampage  Friedkin's one?
If am not wrong it was supposed to be a tv movie O_O

Vice Squad. Never heard of before somebody mentioned it here and it is definitely my piece of cake. Despite the terrible 80's haircuts some parts are memorable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 01, 2011, 10:27:15 PM
VICE SQUAD is pretty good. It's a film I saw on late night cable and remember it as super sleazy but lost some of the sleaze when I re-visited it on dvd. Still, it's a cool film: "Blink motherfucker and you'll die in the dark"!

RAMPAGE is Friedkin. I saw it once on video & remember very little. I do have a soundtrack LP for it.

I'm watching trailers on VIDEO NASTIES. Specifically, POSSESSION, right now. Stephen Thrower mentions that every actor in the film is a lunatic right from the get-go & that's exactly what I remember about it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on May 01, 2011, 10:54:31 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 01, 2011, 10:27:15 PMPOSSESSION

The eyes of Isabelle Adjani!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WATERPOWER on May 02, 2011, 08:04:25 AM
But you didn't touch on the most important part of RAMPAGE- it's pro-death penalty message was only recently revealed! The cut was made a couple decades ago, but I don't think it was ever officially released till recently. And no, it was not a TV movie.

I watched Blue Sunshine over the winter and loved it- great movie. Watched the ELVIRA disc though, which may have persuaded my enjoyment.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tisbor on May 04, 2011, 10:37:05 PM
I've been told Hobo with a shotgun is good. I have both, FFYL and Goodbye Uncle Tom on dvd.

Hobo With A Shotgun is not "good" , but it's great fun . You can't miss with Rutger Hauer shooting people's heads.
Addio Zio Tom is one of the best movies ever made 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on May 05, 2011, 02:10:30 PM
Quote from: TheGreatEcstasy on May 01, 2011, 10:54:31 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 01, 2011, 10:27:15 PMPOSSESSION

The eyes of Isabelle Adjani!
what about the creepy scene in the underpass?
I saw a trailer as a kid and I could not sleep for days back then.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: post-morten on May 05, 2011, 03:22:06 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on May 05, 2011, 02:10:30 PM
Quote from: TheGreatEcstasy on May 01, 2011, 10:54:31 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 01, 2011, 10:27:15 PMPOSSESSION

The eyes of Isabelle Adjani!
what about the creepy scene in the underpass?

And what about the significance of wearing pink socks...? Seriously though, both Isabelle Adjani and Sam Neill deliver the performances of their careers here. Unfortunately on my VHS copy the scene in the underpass has been subjected to cuts. Still it's one of the greatest movies I've seen.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on May 05, 2011, 03:35:06 PM
She has the craziest most intense stare I've seen from any actress. It's so overwhelming the rest of her abilities are overshadowed. That's praise, not criticism. All she needs to do is turn up and use her eyes which must be an enviable quality for any actor to have. It makes her pretty amazing.

I first saw the tunnel scene in my early 20's. I just turned the TV on and went straight into it not knowing what film it was and thinking, JESUS CHRIST! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS???
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 05, 2011, 06:49:26 PM
Is the tunnel scene the birth? The dvd I have is on Anchor Bay & I think that scene has mild trims. I believe there may be a Euro. dvd that is fully uncut. I need to pull it out for another watch this weekend. I thought I had sold it but thankfully, didn't.

HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN is crap. It's filmed really well & looks great with the red/blue lighting but maybe too good. Dialouge is terrible. There's nothing about it anyone needs to rush to see esp if it's more than $10. The '80s films it references or is influenced by, are much better. Or just watch STREET TRASH.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on May 05, 2011, 06:56:40 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 05, 2011, 06:49:26 PMSTREET TRASH

Now there's a blast from the past. A punk guy I used to hang out with in Malmo must've had that on repeat because everytime I visited him he was watching it. Without fail every fucking time over a period of several months.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nyodene D on May 06, 2011, 03:10:03 AM
my roommate had a vhs copy of Possession for the longest time...only ever seen parts of it.  damn.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: chibitachop on May 06, 2011, 05:37:07 AM
re: Possession - when MondoVision gets around to releasing their DVD of Possession as part of their ongoing retrospective of Zulawski's filmography I have heard it will be sourced from an original negative and thus even more uncut than any previous version. there is also going to be a limited theatrical re-release sometime in the next year of a NEW 35MM PRINT struck from the same elements.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 07, 2011, 12:02:59 AM
AH, good info on Mondo Vision. I took a look at their site & POSSESSION is listed under future rel's. I guess they are who I was thinking had already released the film. Will def pick it up when they get it released. That scene of Sam Neil rocking back and forth in a rocking chair looking like a complete lunatic...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on May 09, 2011, 05:36:10 PM
bullet in the head by john woo - good story with devastating climax and top class violent action scenes in hong kong's dark streets and vietnam, 90s woo ruled.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on May 09, 2011, 05:56:39 PM
the duel by car at the end is definitely one of the best action scenes ever.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 09, 2011, 09:33:31 PM
Speaking of John Woo, I watched The Killer for the first time about a month ago, totally kicked my ass. I really enjoy Hard-Boiled but The Killer blew it out of the water in my opinion. Not quite as over-the-top as Hard-Boiled and I think that's to it's benefit.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on May 09, 2011, 11:10:25 PM
I think any John woo of those years must be praised.
a bullet in the head
the killer (not my fave, but defintely his manifesto)
hard boiled (the coldest one, yet with some impressive scenes)
once a thief (the lighter movie, funnier, yet with some outstanding scenes)

but my faves are A BETTER TOMORROW, especially the second episode, that is perfectio in every image.
the last 20 minutes are incredible, and the soundtrack!!!
I have loved also Tsui Hark's prequel to the series.

Anybody into Jhny To? I think he is the best representative of the once glorious HK action cinema.
Any of his latest movies are just perfect.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on May 09, 2011, 11:56:05 PM
For example Exiled of Johnnie To is a great movie. Thanks a lot to Sergio Leone :)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 10, 2011, 01:45:01 AM
I've heard Election is quite good but I haven't seen it. I'm trying to remember directed the first Young And Dangerous or Young and Wild... That series is a lot of fun.


Yeah, Young and Dangerous http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116456/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116456/). The first three are the best but they're all violent and wild HK flicks so if you're into that kind of thing they're all enjoyable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on May 10, 2011, 11:28:19 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 10, 2011, 01:45:01 AM
I've heard Election is quite good but I haven't seen it. I'm trying to remember directed the first Young And Dangerous or Young and Wild... That series is a lot of fun.


Yeah, Young and Dangerous http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116456/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116456/). The first three are the best but they're all violent and wild HK flicks so if you're into that kind of thing they're all enjoyable.

Agree. Great movie but are enojyoable for hard HK cinema fans. Another great suggestions is Dangerous Encounters 1st kind here the trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHbflU2ds4Q

I have also a special taste for Mercenaries from Hong Kong, virile action at his best. Pure exploitation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnVgEW-MGZk
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 12, 2011, 06:10:46 PM
I've been looking for used copes of THE KILLER*, A.B.T. 1/2, & A  BULLET INT HE HEAD. I found Hardboiled not too long ago.

Watched I SAW THE DEVIL last night. Huge letdown. It's pretty violent but lacks anything else that would put it over the top or make it work. Mixes serial killer/revenge/action together.

Also THE STAR CHAMBER the night before.

*I found a used copy of THE KILLER 2-disc set for $7! Also '80s gore flick, SUPERSTITION.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: humanpulp on May 13, 2011, 03:21:11 AM
A BETTER TOMORROW 2 is definitely on the top of my list.

ton of great sleaze/horror/trash coming this summer. SLEDGEHAMMER dvd on Intervision. NIGHTMARE finally out on Code Red. SAVAGE STREETS re-release on code red. THE DORM THAT DRIPPED BLOOD uncut dvd.  i have been considering buying a region free to pick up the great crap being put out by Euro-label ARROW--TWITCH OF THE DEATH NERVE, SLAUGHTER HIGH, DEEP RED re-release.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 13, 2011, 04:01:24 AM
The Arrow rel's are not getting great reviews. They're cleaning the transfers so much, they're fucking them up. I have A BAY OF BLOOD & it's missing alot of the bright colors. Best to get the multi-disc Bava set that has it.

I think Blue Underground's blu-rays for the Argento films are going to be The Best. I don't have  BR yet; may spring for an all-reg. next year.

220 Electronics is great for all reg players. I have a Pioneer that hasn't given me a second of trouble & plays everything.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Matthias on May 13, 2011, 10:47:01 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 10, 2011, 01:45:01 AM
Yeah, Young and Dangerous http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116456/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116456/). The first three are the best but they're all violent and wild HK flicks so if you're into that kind of thing they're all enjoyable.

Young and Dangerous series are good, need to revisit.
Also recommended is Moment Of Romance, great "wild youths lost in the big city" stuff. Not as violent as the Y&D films, but has a nice vibe.

Any Takashi Miike fans? So hard to keep up with his films. I think the most recent one i have seen was Sukiyaki Western Django a couple of years ago, stupid but good. Had the pleasure to watch it on a big screen. My favorite Miike films are his Black Society trilogy with Shinjuku Triad Society, Rainy Dog and Ley Lines. Depressive and bleak stuff.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 13, 2011, 07:20:14 PM
I had the Black Society set but remember very little about it. I think only 1 of the films I really liked at the time. 13 ASSASSINS is great! AUDITION is my fave plus I like the beginning of DEAD OR ALIVE and ICHI is ridiculous, over the top fun. Most of his work in the last few years, I have not seen. I didn't know he directed 13 ASSASSINS until it was over.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: humanpulp on May 13, 2011, 08:05:40 PM
i dont know how i feel about Takashi Miike. I have a soft spot for Dead or Alive, though most people dislike that film. Ishi the Killer is completely retarded, and at some points i feel, kind of unwatchable, though it is sleazy.

anyone a fan of HKIII films in general? Ebola Syndrome? The Untold Story, Red To Kill, Dr. Lamb, Shogun Sadism, etc etc?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 14, 2011, 02:07:16 AM
SHOGUN SADISM is Japanese. Also check out INFERNO OF TORTURE & JOY OF TORTURE. I can't remember which of those is also known as OXEN-SPLIT TORTURE. There's also LYNCH LAW PUNISHMENT (I think?) but haven't seen it. The r2 dvd a few years ago was reported not to be great quality so I didn't spend the $30 on it.

One of my fave HK films is RUN & KILL. I've seen DR LAMB, RED TO KILL, THE UNTOLD STORY but on vhs years ago, most likely with no subs. Would love to see them all again. I keep meaning to pick up EBOLA SYNDROME but always forget about it. BLACK SUN MASSACRE is a must-see!

I prefer Japanese films over HK. Huge fan of Jpn yakuza, pinky violence, roman porno, etc. Synapse is doing a bunch of Nikkatsu films, first few should be out sometime this year.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Matthias on May 14, 2011, 12:29:35 PM
The Untold Story is retarded, but pretty fun! Does Story Of Ricky count as HKIII? Few films are better to get drunk to. Never been big on HK stuff either, well not Asian cinema at all really, just trying to keep up with the real gems there.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 14, 2011, 12:55:29 PM
Talking about Untold story, there is the "classic" CALIGULA - THE UNTOLD STORY. I once bought the dvd version, thinking I should have this crappy film in some easier format than VHS. And some evening I was showing friend that check out, how "real movie" has horse-handjob scene, and that was cut out... What a pointless cult movie re-issue to leave out just about only thing what makes it stand out of other ugly sleaze flicks.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on May 16, 2011, 09:50:00 AM
I got an uncut vhs of that in Italian, featuring the hardcore scenes as insert from Dutch VHS (I think Eng language with NL subs).
The inserts I remember should be:
- more explicit sex nudes at the beginning and in the swimming pool
- hardcore sex training for blonde slave (I can't recall the name of the actress, but she was a French journalist who enjoyed doing porn, didn't do much back in the days, but left a mark)
-explicit and gory impalement
- fat woman wanking horse during party
- expicit scenes during orgy
- more explicit torture for Michele Soavi

uncut version is completely pointless since artistically it points no value at all.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ARKHE on May 16, 2011, 10:22:10 AM
Saw HUNGER (2008, by Steve McQueen) the other night, great film about imprisoned IRA members on hunger strike in the early 80's. Very dynamic movie, from the vicious and violent abuse of the inmates to a 16min long one-take scene with Bobby Sands just talking to a priest, or an almost as long sequence of a cleaner shoveling floods of urine across the floor of a corridor. Beautiful photography. Seemed like the music was sparse and nice too, but the fat ugly bastard who lives above me was having a party so I heard more AC/DC than sounds from the tv...
Anyway, based on a true story about this Sands guy & his hunger strike, definitely relevant take on modern British history (with authentic Thatcher comments about these "cowardly terrorists")  that you rarely hear or think about in these days of feeble Royalist wedding hysteria etc...

Btw, was there any power electronics back in the 80's on the topic of IRA & Northern Ireland?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on May 16, 2011, 11:00:28 AM
rastoff dachau - prison diaries

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: yog on May 16, 2011, 12:59:38 PM
Quote from: pestdemon on May 16, 2011, 10:22:10 AM
Btw, was there any power electronics back in the 80's on the topic of IRA & Northern Ireland?
Consumer Electronics - Fuck the IRA (track on the Neuengamme compilation) comes to mind.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: halthan on May 20, 2011, 05:06:49 PM
" The Taint"

Ööh... Really dont know what to think about it ?
Guess, if you like Troma-movies, then it´s for you.


Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks-ZHst2kMg&feature=related
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: humanpulp on May 21, 2011, 07:17:19 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 14, 2011, 02:07:16 AM
BLACK SUN MASSACRE is a must-see!

you know, i have this but i have never watched it, and i have owned it for years. it was part of a limited box set containing this movie and the 3 proper MEN BEHIND THE SUN movies.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 21, 2011, 07:39:56 PM
Been on a Dario Argento kick lately. Watched Opera last night, Tenebrae last week and will be watching Deep Red soon. All great so far. Now I know what a lot of the clips in Skinny Puppy's Worlock video are from. :0
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 21, 2011, 09:07:20 PM
I'd love to have MEN BEHIND THE SUN. Is your boxset a U.S. release?

TERROR AT THE OPERA may be my fave Argento film. Followed by TENEBRAE, SUSPIRIA, & DEEP RED. I think the Blue Underground blu-rays will be must-own's for fans (DEEP RED is out now, I think). I like INFERNO but it just doesn't have the appeal as the others. Except for the underwater scene. I think it's one that needs multiple viewings over a period of time. I think BU has a BR of THE CAT O'NINE TAILS out now too. I'll probably break down for a player next year.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: humanpulp on May 22, 2011, 07:14:36 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 21, 2011, 09:07:20 PM
I'd love to have MEN BEHIND THE SUN. Is your boxset a U.S. release?

to the best of my knowledge, it was a U.S. release, with distro from JAPAN SHOCK! from about 3 or 4 years back. limited to 1400 numbered pieces (i think). 4 DVDs + 40 glossy lobby cards from the movie. rad supplements/documentaries on the discs. what was weird is that the first 3 MBTS movies are in NTSC format, and BLACK SUN is in PAL format. kind of odd for a box set.
here is a link and if you scroll down there is a picture. http://forum.dvdtalk.com/international-dvd-talk/541567-men-behind-sun-limited-box-set-question.html (http://forum.dvdtalk.com/international-dvd-talk/541567-men-behind-sun-limited-box-set-question.html)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Matthias on May 24, 2011, 02:53:59 PM
Terror Express
Been on my want-to-see list for years, finally got my hands on the Camera Obscura dvd. A bunch of young, ruthless rich kids terrorizes passengers on a train. Silvia Dionisio might be the star here, but i prefer Zora Kerova. An obvious reference would be Night Train Murders, but Terror Express dosen't quite reach that one in level of pure J&B fueled terror and baaad vibes. Still a good one and recommended if you've already seen House On The Edge Of The Park, Last House On The Beach, Violence For Kicks etc and want more (and of course you do!). Camera Obscura once again delivers, feels pretty much as the Criterion of euro exploitation for the moment. Expensive dvds, but worth it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 24, 2011, 11:01:07 PM
I felt the same way after TERROR EXPRESS. I didn't think it was as sleazy as NIGHT TRAIN MURDERS but interesting to see after waiting nearly 2 years to buy the dvd (as said, very nice release).

C.O. will be released WILD BEASTS this year. Screenshots look great & the movie sounds INSANE! PCP inthe water causes animals to start killing everyone or something like that. Forget the director but he's the mastermind behind a few of the infamous mondo films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Matthias on May 25, 2011, 12:10:03 AM
Yeah, Wild Beasts are actually getting a Swedish dvd release so i already have it on pre-order (releasedate tomorrow!), but i bet the Camera Obscura disc will beat the shit out of it. Apparently there is a new interview with Prosperi on it. Never seen the film so im excited anyway.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 25, 2011, 10:03:48 AM
TETSUO #1. Teenage years inspirational movie - and I'm sure it's classic many have seen. Black & white film of men turning into rusty metal machines. Drill-cock fuck death, rust mutation, will to assault the world,... great industrial soundtrack by Chu Ishikawa known also as Der Eisenrost. Essential for anyone into metal percussion industrial.
It has been looong time since I last saw it. On VHS dub. Recently decided to purchase DVD, and I look forward purchasing rest of his titles on dvd. Tetsuo #2 have seen so long ago, hardly recollections what it was. Tokyo Fist I saw in cinema when it came to Finlands alternative theaters. The others, I don't think I have even seen. Which is something I wonder why?! Any comments on his other directions? Trailers/previews looked interesting.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on May 25, 2011, 10:49:38 AM
Mikko, make yourself a present and check almost everything Tsukamoto has done (apart from the two horrible Tetsuo sequels).
Check especially the classy voyeuristic drama/comedy "A snake of June", and the short "Haze", that is possibly his masterpiece.
He should do more shorts.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on May 25, 2011, 07:50:29 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on May 25, 2011, 10:49:38 AM
Mikko, make yourself a present and check almost everything Tsukamoto has done (apart from the two horrible Tetsuo sequels).
Check especially the classy voyeuristic drama/comedy "A snake of June", and the short "Haze", that is possibly his masterpiece.
He should do more shorts.

A snake of june is superb. Mikko will appreciate this, no doubt!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tisbor on May 28, 2011, 11:36:55 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on May 25, 2011, 10:49:38 AM
Mikko, make yourself a present and check almost everything Tsukamoto has done (apart from the two horrible Tetsuo sequels).
Check especially the classy voyeuristic drama/comedy "A snake of June", and the short "Haze", that is possibly his masterpiece.
He should do more shorts.

also check vital, but yes just watch everything
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: m. on May 29, 2011, 02:43:00 PM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 30, 2011, 06:16:53 PM
Quote from: tisbor on May 28, 2011, 11:36:55 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on May 25, 2011, 10:49:38 AM
Mikko, make yourself a present and check almost everything Tsukamoto has done (apart from the two horrible Tetsuo sequels).
Check especially the classy voyeuristic drama/comedy "A snake of June", and the short "Haze", that is possibly his masterpiece.
He should do more shorts.

also check vital, but yes just watch everything

Vital was very good. The kind of movie that really needs to be watched multiple times. Just visually it very enjoyable, real eye candy.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Niko on June 07, 2011, 09:34:22 PM
First Human Centipede movie was nothing special(except for Dieter Lasers performance) but the sequel seems bit more interesting.

QuoteUnlike the first film, the sequel presents graphic images of sexual violence, forced defecation, and mutilation, and the viewer is invited to witness events from the perspective of the protagonist. Whereas in the first film the 'centipede' idea is presented as a revolting medical experiment, with the focus on whether the victims will be able to escape, this sequel presents the 'centipede' idea as the object of the protagonist's depraved sexual fantasy.

The principal focus of The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) is the sexual arousal of the central character at both the idea and the spectacle of the total degradation, humiliation, mutilation, torture, and murder of his naked victims. Examples of this include a scene early in the film in which he masturbates whilst he watches a DVD of the original Human Centipede film, with sandpaper wrapped around his penis, and a sequence later in the film in which he becomes aroused at the sight of the members of the 'centipede' being forced to defecate into one another's mouths, culminating in sight of the man wrapping barbed wire around his penis and raping the woman at the rear of the 'centipede'. There is little attempt to portray any of the victims in the film as anything other than objects to be brutalised, degraded and mutilated for the amusement and arousal of the central character, as well as for the pleasure of the audience. There is a strong focus throughout on the link between sexual arousal and sexual violence and a clear association between pain, perversity and sexual pleasure.

It will also be interesting to see, what is so horrible in Human Centipede part 2 since it is already banned in UK but A Serbian Film for example isn't.

QuoteThe Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) just got banned by the British Board of Film Classification, citing that it is "sexually violent and potentially obscene," according to Empire. The DVD cannot be legally distributed anywhere in the UK. The board also said that its "unacceptable material" is not fixable with cuts, but the filmmakers have six weeks to appeal.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 08, 2011, 01:52:03 AM
A SERBIAN FILM has been cut for the UK but I haven't read anything about which scenes were cut.

I watched GRIZZLY the other day. I love nature-goes-berserk films. The mauling scenes are fantastic as is the finale.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: dfylr on June 09, 2011, 01:15:46 AM
I was wondering about "Subconscious Cruelty the film" and if anyone recommends it,I checked out an article in Fangoria Magazine a while back calling it one of the most horrific films ever made,Iam somewhat curious yet skeptical if it really lives up to all the hype,Fangoria has failed before with their review of Paranormal Activity,in the end was no more then an in home remake of the Blair Witch Project,a terrible rendition of fright useing hand held cameras and corny story lines.

Some movies though fairly old I still find worthy of a good shock :

The Beyond
The Brood
The Entity
Clive Barkers Raw Head Rex (Uncut)
I Spit On Your Grave (original)

Begotten was also somewhat decent but not all that great,I liked the concept of the way it was filmed but it didnt seem to have much going on besides the intro were god suppositly killed himself then you have some strange woman stumbling around aimlessly representing mother nature with her ill begotten son (the messiah)? Strange and creative but could of been less involved makeing it a pretty good indy film but still far from a cult classic.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: humanpulp on June 09, 2011, 01:16:16 AM
does anyone know anything about the new film called RED, WHITE & BLUE?

i have been hearing a lot of intriguing things from people who i do not view as credible sources.


i have not seen the film, but i remember seeing a documentary that came with the MANSON FAMILY dvd directed by Jim Van Bebber concerning a bunch of movies premiering at some canadian horror movie fest. the directors of S.C. were interviewed, and they really came off as a bunch of dorks trying really hard to come up with an explanation proving that their movie held a deeper meaning than to just shock or gross out. while i am all for mindless shlock sometimes, their insincerity and pretentiously sophisticated facade mixed with various scenes from the movie shown left a bad taste in my mouth. i wrote it off.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: dfylr on June 09, 2011, 01:23:40 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 08, 2011, 01:52:03 AM
A SERBIAN FILM has been cut for the UK but I haven't read anything about which scenes were cut.

I watched GRIZZLY the other day. I love nature-goes-berserk films. The mauling scenes are fantastic as is the finale.

You may want to check out Prophecy (1979),not exceptionally great but a good nature goes off the shitter film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: dfylr on June 09, 2011, 01:39:36 AM
Quote from: humanpulp on June 09, 2011, 01:16:16 AM
does anyone know anything about the new film called RED, WHITE & BLUE?

i have been hearing a lot of intriguing things from people who i do not view as credible sources.


i have not seen the film, but i remember seeing a documentary that came with the MANSON FAMILY dvd directed by Jim Van Bebber concerning a bunch of movies premiering at some canadian horror movie fest. the directors of S.C. were interviewed, and they really came off as a bunch of dorks trying really hard to come up with an explanation proving that their movie held a deeper meaning than to just shock or gross out. while i am all for mindless shlock sometimes, their insincerity and pretentiously sophisticated facade mixed with various scenes from the movie shown left a bad taste in my mouth. i wrote it off.

I have not seen Red,White,& Blue however a good friend of mine said it was decent but was a bit drawn out in parts and didnt have the level of violence many reviews claimed,but like most movies its almost like you have to fork over a few bucks to see for yourself what could be only an adverage payoff.

With S.C,I have heard quit a few bad remarks about the directors aswell as the producers,and I just read an e-mail a friend sent me stateing how it was a typical low fi shock film useing cheese to pander to a cult based audience,may have to pass this one up aswell.Thanks again,I really appreciate the heads up here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: UGRA on June 09, 2011, 05:42:14 AM
When I saw Subconscious Cruelty, I knew nothing about the directors and their blahblahblah. I just got a copy with a friend of mine and watched it.
It´s not groundbreaking, and sometimes it is, indeed, a little bit pretentious. But it has some good gory fun as well and the sound is often interesting. It´s worth a try, I think.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 15, 2011, 01:48:35 AM
PROPHECY is great. Mutant bears. Love FOOD OF THE GODS too. Missed out on a cheap, used dvd of Prophecy not too long ago.

SUB. CRUELTY starts off ok but then turns to shit. The 2dvd Dutch rel. I have has the better film, DIVIDED INTO ZERO, directed by Mitch Davis. If you want to see an old
man insert razor's into a girl's mouth, there ya go. It is an arty film but way more interesting than S.C.

RED, WHITE, & BLUE looks good. Plan on renting it soon.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on June 15, 2011, 03:32:09 AM
SHOGUN'S SADISM (1976) good mix of japanese hilarious humor and violence in ancient japan.. some cool gore scenes specially for 1976 like the dismembering of the girl in the cover and excellent intro credits using b&w "classic death photos" that everybody has seen in the internet days but not in 1976 for sure.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 18, 2011, 06:02:55 AM
In the middle of RED, WHITE, & BLUE now and it's definitely dragging...

RED, WHITE, &BLUE is dumber than a box of wet hair. The end is violent but really stupid as are all the characters & dialouge.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: pontifx on June 19, 2011, 12:48:34 AM
saw VII.
haven't been a big fan after the first one. part VII is too typical hollywood horror cinema. but I really enjoyed the pretty intense gore sequences. seems they wanted to put the violence to a maximum. surprisingly entertaining therefore.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on June 25, 2011, 01:30:52 AM
So I borrowed The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover from a friend almost 9 months ago, he has both hassled me and derided me (rightly so) about watching it/not watching it all this time. I've finally watched it, just finished in fact.... what a stupid cunt I've been! I'm almost lost for words on how good it is. Gambon is terrifyingly good and Helen Mirren is chillingly wonderful.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: jake on June 25, 2011, 02:35:47 AM
Enjoyable revenge movie with plenty of violence and gore.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on June 25, 2011, 03:15:21 AM
last few days :
-la haine.....great!
-Iceman......frozen caveman emo drama,
-Amsterdamned ....Dutsch 80ies slasher diver (something for The Rita?), pretty original
-Hot Love ....comp of Buttgereit's shorts......Pappi really gripped me....
-Enter The Void ....WIN!
-Into Eternity .....docu about the Onkalo bunker for nuclear waste, good!
-Tournée.....French burlsque feelgood roadmovie full of big busty tattooed girls, yeah!
-started watching the Edge Of Darkness BBC series....80's crime/detective, pretty grim imho.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on June 28, 2011, 12:18:07 PM
the walking death 1st season

I shotgunned it in one go, very good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on June 29, 2011, 02:12:52 PM
herzog's nosferatu - excellent.....and it features the two greatest pair of eyes in cinema, adjani & kinski.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 10, 2011, 12:41:22 AM
Just re-watched Cronenberg's Crash. Wow, a lot better than I remembered it. The one scene where the main characters mingle with car accident victims at the scene and take pictures is just perfect. What happened to Cronenberg? Why did he turn to shit?!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 13, 2011, 03:49:18 AM
Watched Woo's THE KILLER the other night plus THE THING FROM OUTER SPACE.

Just received Bruno Mattei's LIBIDO MANIA along with EMOBODIMENT OF EVIL and KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS.

NIGHTMARE 2-disc dvd set has been preordered (best price is available from DVD Pacific). Rel date is the 26th.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on July 13, 2011, 01:47:14 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 13, 2011, 03:49:18 AM
Watched Woo's THE KILLER the other night plus THE THING FROM OUTER SPACE.

Just received Bruno Mattei's LIBIDO MANIA

The Camera Obscura edition?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 15, 2011, 12:51:47 AM
Yes, released by C.Obscura. Is there another release for LIBIDO MANIA? I haven't watched it yet.

Also recently picked up KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS w/Willian Shatner, THE WITCHMAKER, and EMBODIMENT OF EVIL. Will get to watching this weekend. Hot as hell around here...

Oh, and have NIGHTMARE 2-disc set preordered. Hoping it ships next week. Release date is the 26th. Early reports are very good for the 3 transfers.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: humanpulp on July 15, 2011, 09:49:41 AM
watched lately:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on July 16, 2011, 10:46:50 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 15, 2011, 12:51:47 AM
Yes, released by C.Obscura. Is there another release for LIBIDO MANIA? I haven't watched it yet.

I think not. The Camera Obscura DVDs are very expensive, do you have cheap suggestions ?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: JHC on July 16, 2011, 04:23:02 PM
Quote from: humanpulp on July 15, 2011, 09:49:41 AM

How was this??....have wanted to check it out for a bit as the screenshots I've seen look quite nice.

Some last stuffs viewed:

Synecdoche, New York
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0383028/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0383028/)

In 3 Tagen bist du tot 2 (Dead in 3 Days 2)
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1188993/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1188993/)

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1031280/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1031280/)

Mum & Dad
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1129428/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1129428/)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 16, 2011, 10:43:32 PM
The only cheap suggestion would be finding a link to download it. Packaging/design on their releases are nice so I don't mind buying if I know there's no more affordable alternative coming any time soon. Seriously doubt TERROR EXPRESS or LIBIDO MANIA will ever get a US release...

KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS last night. SCANNERS right now...

Also most of BLOODY BIRTHDAY earlier.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Matthias on July 17, 2011, 03:13:39 PM
Finally got around to watch this borderline-giallo by underrated director Luigi Bazzoni. Florinda Bolkan stars as a translator caught in a maze-like situation of memory loss and strange dreams. Klaus Kinski shows up as well as the annoying kid from Deep Red/Who Saw Her Die. Almost exceptionally slow-moving film with truly beautiful cinematography. The scene where Bolkan gets chased by astronauts on a beach is just pure gold. Highest recommendations. (Shameless DVD looks pretty good, although different print sources obviously been used)

Heard good things about this one but was fairly disappointed. Typical modern filmfestival crap with that annoying "provocative" touch which here often just feels lame and poorly executed. Director Giorgos Lanthimos comes out as a poor mans Michael Haneke. A few good scenes but overall just uninteresting. Might be better on a second watch or on a big screen, who knows.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on July 18, 2011, 02:52:16 PM
i saw the devil - good visuals but weak story.
red white blue - awful.
viva la muerte! - no need to comment.
wizard of gore
bloodsucking freaks
¿quién puede matar a un niño?
la morte vivante - loved it, i need to watch more rollin.
assault! jack the ripper
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: andy vomit on July 22, 2011, 09:09:15 PM
Quote from: UGRA on June 09, 2011, 05:42:14 AM
When I saw Subconscious Cruelty, I knew nothing about the directors and their blahblahblah. I just got a copy with a friend of mine and watched it.
It´s not groundbreaking, and sometimes it is, indeed, a little bit pretentious. But it has some good gory fun as well and the sound is often interesting. It´s worth a try, I think.

i made it about halfway through and i had to turn it off.  WAY too many unnecessary, over the top post production effects, acting and dialogue were horrible, and i found the whole thing generally uninteresting.  it's a shame, too; a lot of people who's taste i respect recommended it to me. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 22, 2011, 09:11:25 PM
Is DIVIDED INTO ZERO on the Sub.Cruelty disc you tried to watch? It's a more interesting film...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: andy vomit on July 22, 2011, 09:12:51 PM
i watched a downloaded copy, so no.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 22, 2011, 11:26:19 PM
Well d/l DIVIDED...

LIBIDOMANIA is pretty good. Lots of stuff you'll wish were real. Maybe more interesting than all the really sick stuff kids are watching online everyday...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on July 28, 2011, 08:16:31 PM



Lost for words. Grimness to another level.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on July 29, 2011, 05:18:24 PM
import/export may be his best and most accomplished work to date but everything by Ulrich Seidl is brilliant.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on August 14, 2011, 01:01:47 PM
Have had Herzog/Kinski box set of 5 dvd's sitting in shelves for long. First borrowed from friend, and then bought my own copy for few euros in 2nd hand shop. While his films are great, they also sometimes demand special state of mind.

Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes
1972, fucking brilliant failure of crusaders/conquerors. Great jungle river landscape with almost none of the enemy (indians) seen. Just bizarre "road movie" in 1500's style and supposedly been influence for atmosphere of Apocalypse Now.

1982, 10 years later, very similar location, but very different movie. Kinski is odd conqueror who wasted his money on failed railroads over mountains. Attempts to do business with ice. Everybody else get rich with rubber production. Obsessed with opera and the vision of bringing european style operahouse in middle of south american jungle, he goes into absurd goal of pulling full size steam boat through jungle covered mountain.. to reach another river and untouched rubber trees. No tricks used in film, but they did it just like movie depicts. Two and half hours of utmost brilliance.

In Finland these Future Film authored dvd's are found cheap in 2nd hand shops. Recommended for anyone. Great music too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 14, 2011, 05:37:41 PM
Just watches Cobre Verde myself the other night. Very good but I don't think anything can really top Aguirre. It seems like Kinski is/was Aguirre.

Also watched My Greatest Fiend about Herzogs and Kinski's relationship which is quite interesting and filled with some wild stories.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ARKHE on August 14, 2011, 07:06:52 PM
Didn't the indian tribes in Fitzcarraldo offer to assassinate Kinski, for Herzog? I think that's mentioned in the documentary. Pretty... turbulent character. Nosferatu is also amazing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 14, 2011, 07:13:24 PM
Yes they did. I think there are probably a number of people who would have killed Kinski.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 15, 2011, 12:40:53 AM
The only film with Kinski I can think of that I like is CRAWLSPACE.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 17, 2011, 06:39:24 AM
Going Nip tonight. Branded to Kill which is just too awesome for words. Visually and logically nuts 60s Yakuza film and Miike's Dead or Alive which is the film equivalent of cocaine. Funny to see how the genre has changed. Yakuza flicks can really be a vehicle for anything.

Also watched The Cannonball Run. I don't think this is movie is really as funny unless you're from the States. Truly a product of it's time when drinking and driving was okay and when Farah Fawcett was still hot. Despite being "PG" it's pretty racist with Jackie Chan as the Japanese driver with an utter lack of subtitles a Jew as the Arab and Sammy Davis Jr playing a catholic priest. Good stuff and definitely a good drinking movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on August 18, 2011, 12:29:39 PM
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0166808/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0166808/) .......dark !
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on August 18, 2011, 12:40:19 PM
Quote from: P-K on August 18, 2011, 12:29:39 PM
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0166808/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0166808/) .......dark !

Agree, very awesome and disturbing movie.

I should like to take this opportunity to say that yesterday Gualtiero Jacopetti is passed away. he was the famous director of a large amount of mondo movies. RIP
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 18, 2011, 09:09:48 PM
Concrete, have you seen THE YAKUZA PAPERS films by director of BATTLE ROYALE? Those are excellant. I love Yakuza films esp. VIOLENT STREET (on Japanese dvd; there are boot rel's with Engl subs that may be a vhs rip but looks good or the Jpn dvd isn't that great of a transfer). There was once a guy called Cannibal King who fan-subbed a bunch of Yakuza films before any were released in the U.S. I think his website is still around but I can't think of the name which was changed from C.K.

DEAD OR ALIVE is ok but the first 10 minutes or so is great!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 18, 2011, 09:42:26 PM
Haven't seen the Yakuza Papers but I did see Graveyard of Honor by Fukasaku which is really violent and bloody. Miike actually did a remake of that one if I remember correctly. I saw another of Fukasaku's yakuza flicks but I can't I remember which.

Gotta love the scene in Dead or Alive where the guy drowns the Chinese stripper in a kiddie pool filled with shit, post-gangbang. That's classy stuff!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Matthias on August 18, 2011, 09:49:50 PM
I enjoyed Miikes Graveyard Of Honor a lot, but i haven't seen the original. Need to check out the Yakuza Papers.
Not a big fan of the DOA trilogy, but they have their moments for sure.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 19, 2011, 04:23:12 AM

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on August 19, 2011, 11:53:12 PM
I went to see this new planet of the apes flick. I dont really have that much to say about it. it was fine but I cant imagine why I would want to see it again. I was kind of obsessed with the first ones as a kid. the nightmarish soundtrack especially comes to mind whenever I think of the first one.

there needs to be diehard editions of these re(hash)makes, extra 20-60 minutes of monkees doing monkey business in the revolution and populating the planet. and predtor hunting alien with only humancharacters as bait in the huntingfest. since they already have the costumes on, its just bad business to not exploit the situation. every je...producer should know this.

I saw some buzz around new aliens movie... im  exited about it.

edit: I splept on it and yeah the apes movie was kind of shitty. I was clearly in denial and should have gone to see captain america instead.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on August 25, 2011, 02:31:41 PM
La noche de Walpurgis (1970) - one of the best Paul Naschy films i've seen so far, next to watch are Inquisicion and El caminante.

La semana del asesino (1972) - gritty and bleak spanish serial killer film by the director of classic "cine kinki" films like el pico 1 & 2 or una gota de sangre para morir amando aka the spanish clockwork orange.

Una vela para el diablo (1973) - another 70s gem of horror from spain, great use of symbolism using religious imagery and that rough depressing atmosphere of Franco's spain.

The legend of hell house (1973) - classic haunted house/parapsychology film.

Don't look now (1973) - slow, elegant and highly atmospheric psychological horror, the streets and canals of Venice are like another character in the movie. loved that ending.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 02, 2011, 03:35:36 AM
From Beyond (1986) - By Gordon Stewart - This was fun. Pretty heavy gore, a good looking blonde in leather and Ken Foree. The camp level is high but and there's nothing really scary about it but I like the idea of genius/eunuch who is so sex obsessed he's got to stimulate his 6th sense!!! That's my kind of science. They special effects are pretty solid even though they're corny. Reminds me a lot of The Thing with all the wet, sticky mutating flesh. I think few beers definitely increase the enjoyment of this one.

Watching The Resurrected (1992) tonight, based on HP Lovecraft's "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward". Directed by Dan O'Bannon, I'm interested to see if it's any good. I love the original story so I'm hoping it's treated with care.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on September 02, 2011, 11:39:39 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 02, 2011, 03:35:36 AM
From Beyond (1986) - By Gordon Stewart - This was fun. Pretty heavy gore, a good looking blonde in leather and Ken Foree. The camp level is high but and there's nothing really scary about it but I like the idea of genius/eunuch who is so sex obsessed he's got to stimulate his 6th sense!!! That's my kind of science. They special effects are pretty solid even though they're corny. Reminds me a lot of The Thing with all the wet, sticky mutating flesh. I think few beers definitely increase the enjoyment of this one.

That would be Stuart Gordon. Your post made me want to see this one again after like 20 years but unfortunately I don't have the VHS anymore. Gotta do some DVD shopping. Re-Animator is another great one by Gordon.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 02, 2011, 05:48:10 PM
Yeah, typo on my part. This was the first movie by him I've seen. I know the Re-Animator is supposed to be a cult-classic and all that I've just never got around to watching it.

I did get halfway through the The Resurrected last night. It's okay... but I think it try too hard to be SpoOooOOOkkkyy. And it's not. Plus the setting and characters are different. Eh....

I wasn't convinced so I just started re-watching the first season of Twin Peaks instead.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on September 19, 2011, 08:05:59 PM
i was SO looking forward to the last Reel23-release:
turned out to be a worthless piece of junk, avoid!!! 70minutes of blurry & glitchy phone-cam were almost nothing happens, and the stuff that happens is way too out of focus to make sense. worthless   :-(
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1014783/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1014783/)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on September 20, 2011, 03:50:40 PM
Last weeks:

Children... (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1861982/) - Very nice Korean movie about 5 missing children. Based on true events. It's more not a crime movie, but psichological overview of persons who take part in these events. 7/10

Hellfire (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113287/) - Rather boring movie about unfinished symphony that is connected with murders and thus the woman wants to finish this symphony and everyone starts to die. 3/10

Centre Forward / Jungang Gonggyeogsu - North Korean movie about football player. Politics, fires in human hearts and so on. I'm always fascinated by North Korean movies. Love them 10/10

Cycling Chronicles: Landscapes the Boy Saw (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0459168/) - Artsy movie about a boy who did something horrible and now he's traveling on his bike. So it's mainly about the picturesque environment he passes though the movie itself is not that good. 6/10

Dust Devil (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104155/) - Very nice horror flick. Shamanism, killings of women, deserts and so on. Just didn't like the end of this. Overall - good 8/10

Eréndira la indomable (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0445960/) - Movie about how a woman fights against conquistadors. It's not only the storyline, but also the movie itself is very beautifully filmed, Spanish people with masks, locals etc etc. Very good 9/10

Finisterrae (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1794790/) - Didn't expect anything from this, but it's indeed very calm and good movie about two ghosts who travels to some place where they could leave the earth. Quite artsy, but nice and slow. Recommended to those who are into such weirdnesses. 10/10

Girls Town (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052850/) - Was expecting more of this movie. Now it's just meh. some rape, some tits and loads of shit-talk. 4/10

Twins (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1255953/) - Rather smart movie. I see he's won many prizes and so on. Not bad, but nothing too excellent. Twins are travelling to arabic country where their mother was born and so little by little they know MANY DARK SECRETS ABOUT blah blah their mothers' life and so on. 8/10

Summer Rental (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090098/) - Very nice comedy with John Candy. Nostalghia, heh. But apart from that it is also funny and cute (!!!) movie 9/10

Meet the Applegates (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100129/) - Another old-school comedy that most of you should've seen i guess. Applegates are in fact mantis that came to live with people for their destructive plan and so on. Nice 7/10

Memories of Murder (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0353969/) - Yet another good Korean psychological crime about unsolved murders. Liked it even better than the children. 9/10

Mutilation mile (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1443355/) - Two brothers are going on the killing spree after they find their uncle dead. I don't know if there exist any other movie where the word FUCK is repeated more often. Quality product of Ron atkinson. Good. 8/10

My Demon Lover (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093589/) - Boring supposed to be comedy/horror. the man becomes a demon when he gets a boner. avoid. 2/10

O-Bi, O-Ba - The End of Civilization (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089714/) - Polish postapocalyptic movie. Various dramas etc etc. Not very good 5/10

Odgrobadogroba (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0476323/) - Slovenian comedy. Excellent comedy in fact about the guy who gives funeral speeches. Dark one. Love it. 9/10

P (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0449629/) - Usually Thai horror is not bad, but this one was awful. It's like seeing some soap opera, but with some voodoo and so on involved. barely finished watching it. avoid. 2/10

Pouta (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1359434/) - Perhaps the best or one of the best movies from this whole bunch. Political regime vs single person. It's not as good as Brazil, but truly better than 1984 for me. 10/10

Põrgu (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0475702/) - Visually very nice short animation from Estonia. 8/10

Susuk Pocong (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1431156/) - Indonesian horror. As always, voodoo, love, etc etc. At first it was very good, then the middle of the movie was quite boring, but at the end it was also quite interesting to watch. 6/10

El charro de las Calaveras (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0281713/) - If you ever start wondering whether westerns could be interesting anymore or not - watch this mexican weirdnes. The guy with the mask vs werewolf and so on. Excellent 8/10

Vulgar (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120467/) - I was expecting much more. and this is only some whining about the misfortunes blah blah. very mediocre. 5/10

Also there was a bunch of dystopian movies that i watched, but i'm too lazy to write about them:

[1990 - Hardware - Uncut Red Edition]
[Cherry 2000]
[Code 46]
[Creation of the Humanoids]
[Dark City]
[Death Machine]
[Escape From N.Y]
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on September 25, 2011, 07:01:46 PM
Electric Glide in Blue. I remember I saw this from TV sometime back in 80's as youngster. I was in DVD shop and the owner ask am I looking for something specific. So I said "Machine Girl" and then said there's ton of biker films, but I saw this one thing years ago about.... and with just couple details given and c. 30 seconds of search in shelves, he had the dvd in his hand.
Back then it felt like very brutal movie, and... in a way it is. I hope movies still looked like this. Quality of film, colors and sound is just perfect. Arizona biker cop waiting for more from his career. Violence, funky music, drugs, erected nipples, bikers, hippies, police brutality,...

Machine Girl is Japanese ultra gore. Yakuza boss son is leader of youth gang who bullies other kids. Boy get killed and his sister takes revenge on the gang. With machine-gun attached to her amputated hand. Extremely exaggerated orgy of blood. It's better than many of the very amateurish japanese splatter flicks, but this is more like humor film after all. In Finland released by Night Vision with subtitles.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 25, 2011, 08:25:10 PM
ELECTRIC GLIDE IN BLUE is pretty good. I've seen it on tv a few times over the years.

CROPSEY- this is a documentary about the disappearances of a handful of mentally handicapped children on Staten Island NY in the '70s- '80s. Worth checking out as it has EVERYTHING great about '80s crime: rumours of devil worship (The Process Church is dragged into it as some happened at the same time as Son of Sam), homeless men passing around children in sex rings in an abandoned hospital for fucked up kids, lots of footage roaming around underground tunnels underneath the hospital, creepy witnesses, creepy man who was arrested for the crimes basically on no real evidence (where's the ACLU?!? wait, he's not the right color)... There's footage from when the hospital was in operation taken by Geraldo Rivera investigating on how bad the conditions were (kids nude, in filth laying on bare floors).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Stridulum on September 25, 2011, 10:19:38 PM
There's this US film that in Italy is called ELECTRA GLIDE, which as far as I remember has the same plot you guys are talking about... could it be the original title is actually ELECTRA GLIDE IN BLUE?

EDIT - I checked and it is ELECTRA GLIDE IN BLUE indeed.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on September 26, 2011, 12:24:39 PM
I have this on DVD and recently saw it again. It IS Electra Glide in Blue. After the motorcycle called Electra Glide used by the cops in the film. It was directed by the guy who managed Chicago at the time. Several members of the band are in the film and the rockband playing live in one scene might even be them. This is from the time when Chicage were still a decent rockband. Hard to believe I know but check the first album. Not bad at all.

It also has the tragic Robert Blake who is slowly becoming a favourite actor. While EGIB has its flaws (director ran out of money and had to finish it sooner than planned) it's a good watch. Very 70's American which could be my favourite "genre". Before that I watched another film featuring Blake called In Cold Blood. The Truman Capote book about the murder of an entire family in Kansas in the 50's. Now this is a fucking great film all the way. Great soundtrack by Quincy Jones as well.

If anyone knows more good films featuring Robert Blake then let me know.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jaakko V. on September 26, 2011, 12:27:56 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on August 14, 2011, 01:01:47 PMFitzcarraldo

Obsessed with opera and the vision of bringing european style operahouse in middle of south american jungle, he goes into absurd goal of pulling full size steam boat through jungle covered mountain.. to reach another river and untouched rubber trees. No tricks used in film, but they did it just like movie depicts. Two and half hours of utmost brilliance.

Watched this recently, and got totally hypnotized. Also saw the documentary Pestdemon mentioned, My Best Fiend. Utterly amusing, especially this assassination detail, and the story about Herzog threatening to shoot both Kinski and himself..! Men of passion. However, Both Herzog's vision and how they practically managed to do this movie seems so interesting that one is almost prompted to get hold of this. (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0061575542/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d0_g14_i3?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0ZA2YE5JWJGSMSY7EJ90&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=467128533&pf_rd_i=468294)

QuoteOne of the most revered of contemporary filmmakers, Werner Herzog kept a diary during the making of "Fitzcarraldo", the lavish 1982 film that tells the story of a would-be robber baron who pulls a steamship over a hill to access a rich rubber territory. Later, Herzog spoke of his difficulties when making the film, including casting problems, reshoots, language barriers, epic clashes with the star, and the logistics of moving a 320-ton steamship over a hill without the use of special effects.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Stridulum on September 26, 2011, 05:42:45 PM
Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on September 26, 2011, 12:24:39 PM
If anyone knows more good films featuring Robert Blake then let me know.

Wasn't he also the lead star in the US cop drama series BARETTA?

That one was heavily broadcasted here in Italy during the 80's, even in prime time, alongside other cop dramas like Kojak. Now it's all late night stuff.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 26, 2011, 06:13:43 PM
Watched two very different movies last night. First, Kurosawa's Yojimbo. Great spaghetti western meets samurai action style. Over all I thought it was more humorous than anything. Admittedly I have not watched too much Kurosawa for some reason or another but this was great.

Second was In The Realm of the Senses by Nagisa Oshima. Pretty much the most sex I've seen in a film that wasn't a porno. I honestly thought some of the best scenes had nothing to do with fucking at all. Having it pretty accurately depict real events definitely adds to the movie. I felt there was a real weight of fatalism on both of the characters, like they knew it was going to end poorly the whole time. The main actor was quite good and had me laughing a lot which I didn't expect.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on September 26, 2011, 08:10:44 PM
Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on September 26, 2011, 12:24:39 PManother film featuring Blake called In Cold Blood. The Truman Capote book about the murder of an entire family in Kansas in the 50's. Now this is a fucking great film all the way. Great soundtrack by Quincy Jones as well.

def a must-see , classic !
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on September 26, 2011, 09:25:59 PM
Quote from: Stridulum on September 26, 2011, 05:42:45 PM
Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on September 26, 2011, 12:24:39 PM
If anyone knows more good films featuring Robert Blake then let me know.

Wasn't he also the lead star in the US cop drama series BARETTA?

That one was heavily broadcasted here in Italy during the 80's, even in prime time, alongside other cop dramas like Kojak. Now it's all late night stuff.

He certainly was. Then things took a bad turn for him. Poor guy. Good actor though. Underrated perhaps.

Quote from: P-K on September 26, 2011, 08:10:44 PM
Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on September 26, 2011, 12:24:39 PManother film featuring Blake called In Cold Blood. The Truman Capote book about the murder of an entire family in Kansas in the 50's. Now this is a fucking great film all the way. Great soundtrack by Quincy Jones as well.

def a must-see , classic !

I stumbled upon it in my local Tesco and although I had no idea what it was it just reeked of quality so I bought it. Cost me all of 1 pound. I've watched it several times now and I'm yet to find any flaws in it. Great film!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on September 27, 2011, 07:58:53 PM
Deep Down (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109588/) - Nothing special. Thriller about the youngster who falls in love with the nice neighbor lady and he dreams about her and fucks her and so on and finally it appears that she was not such a good woman after all. 6/10

Escape from New York (//http://) - Nice dystopian movie about the future New York, gangs in it and searches for president that should be somewhere there. Enjoyable flick. 8/10

Diary of a rape (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0067076/) - Good calm movie. The main role in the movie - tits of Christina Lindberg. Not many things happening. She loves her boyfriend, but also she quite likes when someone slightly punishes her and is not so tender towards her. 8/10

Blood Diner (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092669/) - Horror flick about the cannibalism and human meat. Two brother tries to bring back some goddess and kills various women. Easily watchable flick. 9/10
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on September 29, 2011, 02:05:03 PM
Watched "The Lovely Bones" the other night. Poor. Made by Peter Jackson and stinks of it. Story could have been interesting but spoilt by over-indulgent dreamy sequences with rubbish effects and characters portrayed unconvincingly by the likes of Wahlberg. Even Susan Sarandon was a let down.

Annoying narrative too, with central murdered character telling the story as if alive but after her own death.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Niko on October 09, 2011, 08:33:01 PM

Pretty intense rant(finnish language only), have to check out the whole movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Niko on October 09, 2011, 11:21:51 PM
David Hess is dead, time rewatch all his classics.

QuoteThe children of horror legend David Hess have updated his Facebook account to reveal the sad news that the actor has passed away. He was 69 years old.

"It is with great sadness that we have said our last goodbyes to our beloved dad and friend to all," said the statement. "David passed away peacefully last night. The Mad Hessian lives on in his family, friends, and all of his devoted fans. Sing a song in celebration of his life."

Hess is best known for playing Krug Stillo in Wes Craven's "The Last House on the Left." He also starred in "House on the Edge of the Park" and re-teamed with Craven for "Swamp Thing," playing the villain. The actor most recently completed "Smash Cuts," opposite Sasha Grey.

Read more: http://www.worstpreviews.com/headline.php?id=23047#ixzz1aJllWjwi
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: humanpulp on October 11, 2011, 01:01:38 AM
i just picked up THE BASEMENT, unreleased late 80's SOV bottom of the barrel splatter horror trash released on Camp Motion Pictures. the DVD comes packaged in a VHS bigbox and includes a VHS copy of the movie. also included are DVD versions of VIDEO VIOLENCE 1 and 2, CANNIBAL CAMPOUT, and CAPTIVES which is another unreleased piece of trash. i dont know if anyone else enjoys this garbage, but fuck knows i do.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jaakko V. on October 16, 2011, 07:33:26 PM
Aki Kaurismäki - Ariel

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKgOhbBIKu4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKgOhbBIKu4) ...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 16, 2011, 10:16:20 PM
WAKE WOOD- 2nd Hammer Prod film; it's ok.

Re-watching THE WALKING DEAD series now. 2nd Season starts tonight...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on October 17, 2011, 07:46:05 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 16, 2011, 10:16:20 PMRe-watching THE WALKING DEAD series now. 2nd Season starts tonight...

Hoping to grab some kind of stream or download of this this week as it'll take ages for S02 to hit a UK Freeview channel I'd imagine. Really enjoyed the first series, as much as some of the artistic license employed was frustrating at times it still held up well as a short sharp introduction to the story. Probably best zombie-related in a long while? Not a great accolade I guess, competition hardly steep but still!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: JHT on October 23, 2011, 12:07:15 PM
HOBGOBLINS (1988) – Written and directed by Rick Sloane. One of those Gremlins rip-offs. Unusually entertaining horror trash-comedy:  cheap and stupid enough and the plot goes forward without hesitation. This is very much the same category as Troll 2. Maybe I should watch also the sequel Hobgoblins 2 made in 2009.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on October 23, 2011, 06:49:53 PM
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0825248/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0825248/) good movie, but could've gone deeper.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on October 23, 2011, 07:42:20 PM
Reminds me of that French war film Days of Glory I mentioned here 18 months or so ago about the North Africans who fought for and in France during WWII. The film mentions the effort, the sacrifice and how they in the end got fucked over by France. What it failed to mention is how they raped the shit out of anything female in sight. The Italians found out the hard way and so did (I think) the fair maidens of Baden-Wurttemberg. Just though I'd mention it.

That's French rape, now lets have some French incest. I saw a film called My Mother yesterday. Based on a book by Georges Bataille and starring the still pretty hot Isabelle Huppert. One more reason to admire the French. Dirty bastards!

As I've always refused to see it I stumbled into the last 20 minutes of Schindlers List yesterday. Holy shit what an embarrassing film. The part where Schindler breaks down because "I could have saved more" is awful beyond words. Neeson was never one of my favourite actors but fucking hell, he should have more dignity than to do this shit. Stating the obvious I know but for fucks sake does this film get as much flack as it should? I hope so!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 25, 2011, 02:36:51 AM
HEAVY METAL- haven't seen the animated film in years. still pretty cool.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: SiClark on October 25, 2011, 11:01:28 AM
YELLOW SEA - Korean film about a guy searching for his wife who has to carry out an assassination. The director's previous film was called 'The Chaser' which I highly recommend, a cop/serial killer chase film with similar feel to Seven in it's tone. Anyway, this one is very brutal. No guns here, just lots of knives and axes. Lots of dead bodies. Beautifully shot and well put together. The Korean films that I have seen all seem to have a very similar sense of humour which I love.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on October 25, 2011, 03:20:45 PM
Quote from: martialgodmask on October 17, 2011, 07:46:05 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 16, 2011, 10:16:20 PMRe-watching THE WALKING DEAD series now. 2nd Season starts tonight...

Hoping to grab some kind of stream or download of this this week as it'll take ages for S02 to hit a UK Freeview channel I'd imagine. Really enjoyed the first series, as much as some of the artistic license employed was frustrating at times it still held up well as a short sharp introduction to the story. Probably best zombie-related in a long while? Not a great accolade I guess, competition hardly steep but still!

Ok we've had two episodes of S02 and...it's going pretty well I think. Managed to find decent streams of both, annoying having to wait a week between but still. Character development is mostly interesting, but search for lost girl is getting tedious. Surprised to see a splattered (chunks and all) baby car seat in episode 2, quite a dark moment.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 26, 2011, 02:42:44 AM
Yeah, THE WALKING DEAD is going good. Agree on the missing girl; should at least give some sort of hint of where she went instead of just walking all over the place.

T.W.D. is definitely better than AMERICAN HORROR STORY which started out ok but the 3rd episode was nothing but a goddamn soap opera. The first 15 minutes of pilot were the strongest moments. Jessica Lange steals every scene she's in being batshit crazy with her creepy mongoloid daughter (her character's words).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on October 26, 2011, 11:01:12 AM
agree on both.
TWD is keeping good and deliver very intense moments in each episode. A good balance between survival tale and gore.

American horror story first episode was classic, but it is getting boring.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on October 26, 2011, 01:30:35 PM
Agreed, I think the balance has been struck well and if it can maintain it then it'll be worth seeing through. Anyone know how many episodes this series/season?

Scott Wilson is excellent as Hershel. In fact, the casting has been pretty good right across the board.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 03, 2011, 08:27:03 PM
AM.HORROR STORY has turned into total shit.

Has anyone seen the Brit. docu-drama about Fred & Rose West, APPROPRIATE ADULT?

Recently watched THE DEVIL'S BRIDE , one of my fave Hammer films despite it not being all that good & runs a bit too long.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 03, 2011, 11:59:47 PM
Watched Herzog's Nosferatu twice last weekend. Very nice. It's the only movie I've seen with Isabelle Adjani but it won't be the last. I know a while back the film Possession was discussed here, gotta track that one down.

Also I watched Nightmare on Elm Street the other week. I think the film works really well if you look at it as an allegory about the perils of methamphetamine addiction. Nancy's revulsion and fear of sleep, the hidden coffee makers, the psychosis. Clearly the directors anticipated the meth-boom of the '90s and 2000s.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 11, 2011, 02:46:41 AM
MELANCHOLIA- slow as shit. First 30 minutes felt like an hour. It's a bit less than an hour in if you want to see her tits which is the only reason to watch it. SPOILER: it takes over 2 hours for the world to end & that's way too long.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on November 13, 2011, 08:30:02 PM
Human centipede 2
The first was funny, the idea made it cult, but beside the leading villain, it wasn't that great.
THIS is nasty shit, maybe a little bit too long, but definitely wins and oscar for filth and violence and has one of the most disturbing leading characters ever. Funny to know he is specialist in kids acts.
This shows what had not been shown in the first, so expect plenty of splatter, gore and shit.
Hilarious at moment, but definitely not always.
Goes one step beynd most of todays "geek shockers" without cheap aestetic nor intellectual/liberal excuses.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 13, 2011, 08:53:35 PM
FIRE OF CONSCIENCE- recent hongkong shoot'em action heavily influenced from John Woo's films. not too bad, sort of slow in sections

Might be interesting:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on November 20, 2011, 11:16:23 AM
ok.. it's entertaining, in cheapest manners of exploitation. Lots of blood, lots of morally corrupted violence.

Imagine Norwegian version of blair witch project. Hand held camera documentary made of "found tapes", which reveals existence of trolls. I suppose this became hit and with minimal budget. Good, but still kind of expected more.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 20, 2011, 09:05:37 PM
AMER- french film with heavy giallo influences. first section is interesting followed by boredom then picks up. Has all the cool colored lighting, odd camera angles, a straight razor with black gloves but no hats or J&B bottles. OK for a rental. Has the directors early short films in the extras. I watched 2 of the 5 or 6. One called "Catharsis" was interesting.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 21, 2011, 01:35:50 AM
I really liked Amer when I saw it in theaters about a year and a half ago. Need to re-watch it. The use of colour lighting was definitely impressive.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tisbor on November 21, 2011, 09:46:19 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on November 13, 2011, 08:30:02 PM
Human centipede 2
The first was funny, the idea made it cult, but beside the leading villain, it wasn't that great.
THIS is nasty shit, maybe a little bit too long, but definitely wins and oscar for filth and violence and has one of the most disturbing leading characters ever. Funny to know he is specialist in kids acts.
This shows what had not been shown in the first, so expect plenty of splatter, gore and shit.
Hilarious at moment, but definitely not always.
Goes one step beynd most of todays "geek shockers" without cheap aestetic nor intellectual/liberal excuses.

yes, best and maybe only good thing about the first one was Dieter Laser's performance..i will have to check this sequel soon
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 03, 2011, 09:04:23 PM
OUTRAGE- '11 Japanese Yakuza film with Beat Takeshi. Fairly violent but lags in themiddle. Typical plot of one family starting a fight with another. Middle lags b/c Beat disappears for awhile. Love how cold he is. Has a scene that rivals the dentist scene in THE MARATHON MAN in the blood department. The film is worth checking out just for the inventive hanging scene & a couple really nice bullet-to-the-head scenes that are filmed from some interesting angles. If OUTRAGE was a wee bit shorter in length, it'd be excellant but I'm thinking it may also be a film that gets better with another viewing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: locustfurnace on December 08, 2011, 03:02:02 AM
Latest viewings...

Snowtown (2011) - Brilliant, Bleak and horrific...great movie from the land down under, get the girlfriend over and pop open some brews on a sunday afternoon...essential viewing...

Pandorum (2009) - Sort of Aliens meets Event Horizon, good enough movie as Sci-fi flicks go with a few twists and turns here and there to keep the brain awake...

Texas Killing Fields (2011) - not great but enjoyable enough ol' serial killer and cop cat n' mouse movie...I had seen a few documentaries on the I45 killings already so had high hopes for this, maybe I was expecting a bit too much...

Extinction: The G.M.O. Chronicles (2011) - Woeful poor mans 28 Days Later styling made by Germans in English. Enough said.

The Thing (2011) - This prequel to the 80s movie of the same name is by no means great, but it was still a good way to pass a few hours, I like it, I like the styling of it and how they didn't go made on CGI and tried to give it a 80's feel and I also like how it tied in with the first movie...

The Ides of March (2011) - Not sure if I liked or hated the movie which I guess is the sign of a good movie in that it got me to actually think about it after...Gosling is great in it, actually everyone is great in, the pace is slow but that is to be expected but I dunno...jury is still out...might give it a few weeks and watch it again...

The Debt (2011) - Good movie...good story and plot...good actors...recommended

Van Diemen's Land (2009) - another good Oz flick, might not be everyones cup of tea and if you're familiar with the characters story you'll pretty much know whats gonna be happening...great scenery and long shots...kind of reminded me a bit like Valhalla Rising in that aspect...

Drive Angry (2011) - Totally OTT Nic Cage movie that I wasn't expecting much from but really enjoyed it...in the same mad vein as Machete, Grindhouse movies etc...

Rampart (2011) - another flick I had high hopes for, ol' Woody is steller in it as a bit of mentalist / cop but other then that the movie lacks a good story (great potential for a good story considering the scandal but fell short) and has too many trying to be arty/moody moments and a bit too abrupt of an ending for my tastes...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on December 08, 2011, 01:45:23 PM
was happy enough to receive this, bit dissappointed in presentation (18euro/dvdR/bubbling labels).....no menu, stills with info to read move really fast so had to pause it from time to time.
i could make out separate parts (chronologically) : multilayered stills hovering over each other(in psychedelic colours), raggare, public toilets, statues, skulls & bones, occult images, drunken people singing, Alfarmania live, street fight ('i win!'  lol), Alfarmania live, dead animal, BOTC home-movie with AK-47 (i really liked the swastichrist wheel of fortune lol!), some blackmetal with stills, Ghoulbog ritual in factory zone, BOTC recording+vomiting+showing pimpled ass+talk+more studio action+showing is weenie+etc, more raggare, more psychedelics, more BOTC, footage of K. Olsson expo, psychedelics & Alfarmania, some drunken party impressions, clip with what i think is Proiekt Hat (rolling film of grey brick buildings), shooting up drugs, Nordkampf with SS/Thule images, multilayered stills, more of that, drunken singing & pushing girl, Alfarmania live, K. Olsson art video, long piece of Venator with DARK images, end.

4 hours is a lot....maybe too much lol.....this could be GREAT, but now it's a hobby project with potential. but maybe that's what it's meant to be ? ......had a good time watching.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on December 08, 2011, 02:01:43 PM
I was sent Klyktattare quite a while ago and I'm saving it for when the woman turns up so we can watch it together. She hails from the same godforsaken northern shithole as Kristian so I'm eagerly anticipating her live narration on the featured individuals and their life stories/tragedies.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on December 08, 2011, 02:43:10 PM
it is good, but could have been great ;-)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 08, 2011, 08:08:38 PM
Rampart (2011)

Read about this just recently & was excited that James Ellroy wrote the screenplay but after seeing the trailer, my hopes were sort of dashed. The character, Dan Brown, I think? Was the character in Ellroy's book, BROWN'S REQUIEM. I'm a fan of Ellroy ,but I don't think anything he'd write that would be as intense as his books, can be translated to the big screen. I'll wait for RAMPART to hit dvd...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on December 09, 2011, 07:09:17 PM
Rundskop  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1821593/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1821593/) movie got a lot of praise, must say i really liked it
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 11, 2011, 07:27:45 PM
Been on the mission of re-watching movies that are good. So many disappointments and so many shallow and useless piece of shits, what I rather not even waste time thinking again, so it's good to re-watch some more thoughtful and well done films.

One of the books I read as teenboy and it made big impact. And movie what I saw couple times before. Decided to invest 10 euro for dvd, just to keep film version in my collection. Indeed, world has changed during the years, yet the film made in mid 60's, with all its clumsy visions of "future", is core of what film should be: Not just eye-candy, not just neat action moments, not just few tits here and there, but good plot. Of course it can't make justice to book 100%, but it's still good.
Anyone who doesn't know this, I urge immediate visit to library or video rental or whatever.

Originally written in 50's, the dystopia depicts future, where government controls population by "dullification" of mind. Trash entertainment via TV and medication takes life to meaninglessness, void of true emotion, into "happiness". Which in this case means erasing all possibilities of unhappy thoughts. So people wouldn't get unhealthy and confusing ideas, all books are banned. Profession of firemen is to burn all books that are found. In the film, you can see all the goodies. Nietsche, Vladimir Nabokov, Poe, Hitler, Platon, Lewis Carroll,... etc etc.. the good authors that anyone should have in their book shelves appear in flames of created by totalitarianism of equality. Music is also disturbing modern classical. If you have already read 1984 and Brave New World, I guess this and Make Room! Make Room! should be among the top-5 of the dystopia books (or films).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 11, 2011, 11:58:12 PM
THE STEPFATHER- classic from 1985. Picked up a used dvd after seeing a tv remake not too long ago. Worth it for the first basement rant & the teenage shower scene.
THE SLAMS- Richard Roundtree prison/crime flick. Nothing exciting; very cheap. One cool scene of a prisoner getting molten metal poured over his head.
I'LL MELT WITH YOU- stupid film of guys getting together at a beach house to get drunk/high & talk about the past. I forwarded through it alot. Sasha Grey has a scene- she's nude, if that's hard to believe.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on December 12, 2011, 04:30:51 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 11, 2011, 07:27:45 PM
One of the books I read as teenboy and it made big impact. And movie what I saw couple times before. Decided to invest 10 euro for dvd, just to keep film version in my collection. Indeed, world has changed during the years, yet the film made in mid 60's, with all its clumsy visions of "future", is core of what film should be: Not just eye-candy, not just neat action moments, not just few tits here and there, but good plot. Of course it can't make justice to book 100%, but it's still good.
Anyone who doesn't know this, I urge immediate visit to library or video rental or whatever.

Originally written in 50's, the dystopia depicts future, where government controls population by "dullification" of mind. Trash entertainment via TV and medication takes life to meaninglessness, void of true emotion, into "happiness". Which in this case means erasing all possibilities of unhappy thoughts. So people wouldn't get unhealthy and confusing ideas, all books are banned. Profession of firemen is to burn all books that are found. In the film, you can see all the goodies. Nietsche, Vladimir Nabokov, Poe, Hitler, Platon, Lewis Carroll,... etc etc.. the good authors that anyone should have in their book shelves appear in flames of created by totalitarianism of equality. Music is also disturbing modern classical. If you have already read 1984 and Brave New World, I guess this and Make Room! Make Room! should be among the top-5 of the dystopia books (or films).

Saw it recently on BBC for the first time in years. Time has taken its toll on the production but the story and the message is more relevant than ever.

The revisit of the day here is GIMME SHELTER. The Rolling Stones US tour film from 69. Not only does it offer live footage of the band in their prime but the mythical Altamont runs like an ominous thread throughout. It gets darker and more chaotic as the film heads towards its murderous end. One of many great scenes is the one with members of Grateful Dead talking to people from Jefferson Airplane. A scene my brother commented on a few years ago with: "look at those fucking hippies, listen to them. I'm glad I don't live in the 60's, I'm glad assholes like that don't exist anymore" to which my reply was "you are obviously not au fait with the current US noise scene". Not to worry though, the hippie fucks get theirs.

If the film turns you on then a great compliment is the book by Stanley Booth called The True Adventures of The Rolling Stones which covers the tour. It's been a long time since I read it but I recall one passage where Booth claims he can clearly see the deceased Brian Jones on stage with his old band one night. The book had a big impact on me when I read it in the 90's. I should get hold of it again.

Also, courtesy of my good friend Kare, the Danish prison movie called R turned up the other day. The story has been told before and the documentary style has also been seen before. At the same time it's well told and well acted enough to make it more than worth ones while. The Danes just keep on making great films!

Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 11, 2011, 11:58:12 PMI'LL MELT WITH YOU - Sasha Grey has a scene- she's nude, if that's hard to believe.

From the coolest most talented (Bradbury, Truffaut, Stones, Booth, Danish film makers) straight down to the lamest most idiotic. Thanks for the warning Keith, I'll make sure to avoid that piece of shit.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 12, 2011, 07:48:37 PM
There's more to I MELT WITH YOU than I wrote like one of the guys killing himself & turns out all 5 of'em signed some stupid oath in blood when they were in college. Lots of slo-mo scenes of cokesnorting, drinking, popping pills, dancing, running into the ocean nude, rolling down a  sand dune... Now you want to see it, right?!?

Watched a docu on a serial rapist named Dusty Rhodes. When I read the description, I thought it was going to be the wrestler by the same name.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on December 13, 2011, 01:56:07 AM
Le samourai (1967) Jean Pierre Melville - Excellent. Ultra stylish and minimalist thriller/drama about a betrayed hitman who guides himself by the samurai code in 60s Paris. One of those films where every shot is perfect, great jazzy soundtrack to complete the mood.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 15, 2011, 09:17:02 PM
DRIVE- awful. couple scenes of cool violence but the lead character looks like he should be going to the prom instead of driving for criminals. bad dialouge, no emotion & when there is emotion, it's all melodramatic esp with the soundtrack. check out Walter Hill's THE DRIVER which is where the dir gets his character from. Refn should have made DRIVE gritty like his Pusher films. i never understand why people in movies that take place in warm-hot climates like sunny LA wear jackets everywhere.

HANNA- couldn't make it all the way through...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 22, 2011, 11:25:10 PM
MEGAN IS MISSING- downloaded but haven't watched it yet. looks like a Lifetime movie but supposedly it has some very uncomfortable moments in it. Endorsed by the National Center of Missing & Exploited Children or maybe it's just Marc Klaas- can't remember which it is that made me d/l it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on December 23, 2011, 01:09:58 PM
Yeah, endorsed by Marc Klaas. Good stuff - a low budget "found footage" flick that, despite the irritatingly corny news reports, has a few tasty scenes. Particularly the last 20 or so mins, they come off as pretty exploitative regardless of the directors supposed good intentions of shocking parents awake to the dangers of internet predators.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 23, 2011, 05:56:27 PM
Just watched The Ice Storm. Good family drama type of movie, a bit existential. Really a brutal portrait of affluent suburb life.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 24, 2011, 08:51:43 PM
MEGAN IS MISSING is pretty good; I like that it's basically a Lifetime movie with profanity & turns into an exploitation film (Love the shot of the girl in the barrel). Hope to find a used dvd one of these days to add to the collection.

AFTERMATH/GENESIS- Nacho Cerda short films. Use to have the dvd but sold it figuring I'd never watch it again. Recently found a used copy; better this time around. Well-made, gruesome but still nothing that will get viewed again anytime soon. Been wanting to see his film THE ABANDONED again...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 25, 2011, 04:26:46 PM
Horror/Thriller where person gets into this "time loop", where has to kill people (including sometimes herself) over and over and over and over again. Not bad, but also nothing spectacular

Kind of film one would have appreciated seeing as kid. Sci-fi with youngsters headlining. Unknown actors doing good job. Lots of drama, yet also action and big hollywood values...

Neighbor For Sale
Movie fanatic friend was complaining about current American comedies, that what the fuck is wrong with them. That most are not really comedies. They are just drama movies, with little amusement thrown in mix. This was labeled as comedy. Starring Will Ferrell. But no. Hardly comedy. It's drama of alcoholic losing his marriage, job and money. Ok'ish, but something you never need to see again - if for the first time either.

Well, been matter of discussion for so long. Topic of Con-Dom's "Eight pillar". Massive and long movie from 60's, about mr. Lawrence's role in arabian uprise. It is kind of interesting also to compare situation then and situation later on in arabia. Often tribal land, where hardly exists "nations". Where maps or artificial countries were drawn by european colonialists. Cinematic values are brilliant. Fuck the blue screen. Fuck the computer effects. These landscapes are mindblowing. People look credible. Situations are often grim and story remains of course phenomenal. Took quite long to find place that actually stocked Finnish subtitled dvd, but this strange Kasvihuoneilmiö -place focusing on old movies and old recordings (amongst a lot of other things) had it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Niko on December 25, 2011, 04:38:48 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 25, 2011, 04:26:46 PM
Horror/Thriller where person gets into this "time loop", where has to kill people (including sometimes herself) over and over and over and over again. Not bad, but also nothing spectacular

Have you watched Los cronocrímenes/Timecrimes? Kinda similar time loop/time travel paradox plot but better thought out and better twist.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 26, 2011, 12:49:36 AM
I've seen TIMECRIMES. Didn't think much of it despite the idea/story was interesting.Might be something I need to see again.

Watched the French horror film, INSIDE, last night. Takes place on Xmas Eve so watched it on Xmas Eve. Tonight is BLACK CHRISTMAS & RARE IMPORTS. Watching RED BULL RAMPAGE 2010 now...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Matthias on December 31, 2011, 11:27:08 AM
The Barbarians (Ruggero Deodato, 1987)
Haven't seen this one since the late 80's, I remember the boy next door rented this at the local gas station and we watched it several times during one sunny afternoon. Now it has finally been released on italian dvd with english audio options, so of course I had to pick it up! Plot is very thin, some mumbo jumbo about a magical belly stone. The really good thing here is the main characters, the bodybuilding twins David and Peter Paul. They are constantly giving each other a hard time and their interaction during the adventure is hilarious. Just plain stupid, very entertaining. Michael Berryman is also good as the "Dirtmaster". It's a fun film, far from a highlight in Deodatos career of course but definitely worth seeking out if you're a fan. Can't think of a better way to end a year than with some insane italian barbarian action so I might keep on going with Umberto Lenzis The Iron Master today... Classic scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6BAd7xJuU0
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 03, 2012, 10:21:02 PM
Robocop. never gets old.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: STREETMEAT on January 03, 2012, 10:26:58 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 03, 2012, 10:21:02 PM
Robocop. never gets old.

thats no lie.

..serial mom,the hidden,suburban commando,meet the hollowheads (been on a late 80's- early 90's movie kick)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on January 05, 2012, 12:06:08 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 03, 2012, 10:21:02 PM
Robocop. never gets old.

Prescient in some ways.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HONOR_IS_KING! on January 08, 2012, 05:23:30 PM
Valhalla Rising - Have to thank Martin for pointing out this film to me. Violence, dark skies, no god, no hope. One of the better films I've seen in awhile.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on January 08, 2012, 05:31:20 PM
Quote from: HONOR_IS_KING! on January 08, 2012, 05:23:30 PM
Valhalla Rising - Have to thank Martin for pointing out this film to me. Violence, dark skies, no god, no hope. One of the better films I've seen in awhile.

awesome movie.....and really had a good laugh with the trailer making it look like some empty action flick.......good thing i knew what i was going to get in advance ...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 09, 2012, 06:43:13 PM
Steve McQueen's  Shame. So this on New Year's Eve. Excellent. Aside from the sex/nudity, the way NYC was shown/filmed was great. Very little of the picture-esque skyline bullshit, mostly just down on the street, in the subway in the seedy alleys. This is what actually being in NYC looks like.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 09, 2012, 07:00:36 PM
THE EXTERMINATOR- scored the br/dvd set for less than $10. classic '80s revenge flick. NYC looks better in this movie than anything filmed recently...

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on January 10, 2012, 01:58:21 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 09, 2012, 06:43:13 PM
Steve McQueen's  Shame. So this on New Year's Eve. Excellent. Aside from the sex/nudity, the way NYC was shown/filmed was great. Very little of the picture-esque skyline bullshit, mostly just down on the street, in the subway in the seedy alleys. This is what actually being in NYC looks like.

It's great that he's managed another film so soon after Hunger. I saw an interview where he said another film would probably be a while as he needed to recharge and to find the purity and anger which drove him to make Hunger the masterpiece it was. Stupid question but how does this new one stand up next to Hunger?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 10, 2012, 06:51:30 PM
To be honest I haven't seen Hunger. I thought Shame was one of the best films of the year though...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on January 12, 2012, 07:42:23 AM
saw a preview for Shame last night at Into the Abyss. Herzog always cuts to the core of his subject matter and this is no different.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 12, 2012, 10:12:03 PM
I've seen the trailer for SHAME. Didn't really look interesting. If the director didn't have the name he does, I wouldn't have remembered anything about it.

I've watched some funny Lifetime movies recently. Can't remember the names of any of them but they all give the viewer the impression that women have a lot of issues.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on January 12, 2012, 11:59:19 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 10, 2012, 06:51:30 PM
To be honest I haven't seen Hunger. I thought Shame was one of the best films of the year though...

Then you have a great film to look forward to.

I will watch Shame when it comes out on DVD and doesn't cost too much.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 27, 2012, 05:07:18 PM
Could anyone help me identify the movie that's used in this clip. I feel like I've seen it before but I can't figure out what it is....... so annoying.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: chibitachop on January 27, 2012, 06:47:33 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 27, 2012, 05:07:18 PM
Could anyone help me identify the movie that's used in this clip. I feel like I've seen it before but I can't figure out what it is....... so annoying.


Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb (1993) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108069/)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 27, 2012, 07:15:24 PM
Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 30, 2012, 12:52:44 PM
sherlock Holmes 2 - cinema, two tickets, 24 euro (around 35usd)... so was it good? Maybe not THAT good. Fairly entertaining modern hollywood film, but very little to do with Sherlock Holmes of the old times. Never saw the first part.

American Psycho - never cared much for it. Few weeks ago happened to catch a small fragment again when it came from TV and suddenly I felt I actually need to see it again. Since it was already in middle of movie, I didn't watch further but got the 2nd hand dvd. At the same time a person living so distant life and so different values than I have, but at the same time something easy to relate to. Something in that actor what I don't quite like...

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: algiz on February 02, 2012, 11:55:48 PM
Could anyone watch "The bunny game" already?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 03, 2012, 02:08:16 AM
Watched DRIVE again. This time on a proper tv but I still feel the same way. The lead actor looks like he should be in a movie about going to the high school prom. Not a tough guy/criminal role.  Definitely has a few really good violent scenes but it'd be more worthwhile to watch the film DRIVE is influenced by: THE DRIVER.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 03, 2012, 07:00:09 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 30, 2012, 12:52:44 PM
American Psycho - never cared much for it. Few weeks ago happened to catch a small fragment again when it came from TV and suddenly I felt I actually need to see it again. Since it was already in middle of movie, I didn't watch further but got the 2nd hand dvd. At the same time a person living so distant life and so different values than I have, but at the same time something easy to relate to. Something in that actor what I don't quite like...

I like American Psycho for a lot of reasons but the best thing to me is when watching the new Batman movies with Christian Bale, I can only ever see him as Patrick Bateman, running down the hall naked with a chainsaw. If he did that in the Batman movies it would be brilliant!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 15, 2012, 03:48:45 AM
Beyond the Black Rainbow

trailer 1 + website

trailer 2

has anyone seen this? I think it's only played at a few film festivals. It looks interesting to say the least. Supposedly coming out in the US on DVD this year.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on February 15, 2012, 03:12:43 PM
Watched "The Wrestler" the other night. Good, better than anticipated. The "match" with Necrobutcher part way through was an interesting/strange but welcome inclusion. Not outstanding but a decent enough watch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 15, 2012, 09:40:15 PM
That first trailer for BLACK RAINBOW just looks like a crappy music video. Never heard of the film before...

Watched POINT BLANK the other night. It's a French action film that is nothing special. Not bad or anything,just average & easily forgotten.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: SKY BURIAL on February 16, 2012, 03:15:56 PM
Finally, a REAL feel good movie, "God Bless America"

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 16, 2012, 10:43:02 PM
THE DEAD- if it wasn't bad enough just being in Africa dealing with all the parasites, HIV, dismemberment, rape, starvation, etc., now they have zombies! Most of the gore is pretty good but it's not anything all that great. Esp not worth owning. American teams up w/an African  soldier; I kept expecting a scene inwhich they're killing zombies & the Am accidently kills his soldier buddy & says "Sorry, you guys all look alike".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on February 17, 2012, 06:11:16 PM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Human Larvae on February 17, 2012, 07:02:21 PM
Quote from: SKY BURIAL on February 16, 2012, 03:15:56 PM
Finally, a REAL feel good movie, "God Bless America"


looks awesome! too bad the trailers are usually better than the movies, as was the case with super, shut up crime! man that was a weird movie. But cool none the less
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on February 19, 2012, 12:31:54 AM
Tyrannosaur - fucking class. So very British but fucking great for it, thoroughly enjoyed it. Great characterisation, great pace, pretty solid story, nice twist, decent cast.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on February 21, 2012, 02:45:11 PM
winters bone

havent been watching a lot of movies lately so Ive not been oversaturated with stuff.

winters bone was good and drive was really good. some artsy bits in drive that seems to be  important to renfjäld but it held together really well.

I have bronx warriors and new barbarians waiting, well see when I get to them.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 21, 2012, 07:57:16 PM
Hang Em High
first Eastwood's USA made western. Simply yet effective story of old school american justice. It's good stuff. Ugly, sweaty and pretty hopeless.

To Live And Die In L.A.
always classic? Certainly mandatory mid 80's hard cop movie. Very rarely the main characters of story get such destiny in modern movies! Ugly and nihilistic but has all the charm of good movies of the time.

Dead Presidents
Bronx late 60's. Negroes fooling around, joining army for vietnam, returning to fucked up reality of life where possibilities are minimal. End up in robbery that doesn't go like planned. In same ways as movie(s) above, role of the main character or his friends is just something what rarely happen these days in movies. I also like the quick jumps of movie. Without further explanations, it might just cut in end of scene and move on months or years forward. But no contemporary trendy back-and-forth jumping, but story goes forward. Some great dialogue around severed head in vietnamese jungle.

Think of Dead Presidents 2012 and it would be maybe Will Smith and whoever with fancy sport cars and hip hop bitches with boob jobs shaking ass on side of every film frame. Luckily there is tons of great old films to see with minimal prices. Every market cluttered with new or 2nd hand dvd's!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on February 26, 2012, 10:01:47 PM
ive been enjoying boardwalk empire. watching one episode a week like a fool. I definetly enjoy marathoning through series more but I what can you do.

the guy who plays jimmy darmondy made an appearance in a documentary about larry clarke by cornering larry in some party looking really strungout and pestering him about getting him work. I didnt think his career would end up taking this turn as hes doing a great job in boardwalk. cant remember what clarke film he was in.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on February 27, 2012, 12:06:08 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on January 05, 2012, 03:14:09 PM
Quote from: locustfurnace on December 08, 2011, 03:02:02 AM
Snowtown (2011) - Brilliant, Bleak and horrific...great movie from the land down under, get the girlfriend over and pop open some brews on a sunday afternoon...essential viewing...

Saw this yesterday and can only echo the high praise and recommendations for this evisceration of a film, though I'm not sure whether I left the cinema feeling tougher or weaker for having made it to the end...

I watched last night and, having seen this kind of opinion echoing around a number of locations I am a little bemused. It was a very good film and I enjoyed it very much but hardly the endurance test some critiques would lead you to believe. Other than the bathroom/toenail/choking scene, it seemed quite "standard" to me. That's not to discredit it though; it was pretty well paced although I think it expects the viewer to make certain assumptions along the way.

Performance wise it's pretty top notch and as a representation of suburban dissent and moral dissolution it's convincing enough to grip for two hours but I am cynical as to whether, had it been a work of fiction, it would have ruffled feathers so much? Perhaps the knowledge that it is a true story (or at least, based on one... I don't know how closely) is a little too much for some people.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on March 02, 2012, 02:10:01 PM
has anyone seen Shame? looking forward to it, Hunger was a great debut.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on March 02, 2012, 03:55:28 PM
Quote from: Tenebracid on March 02, 2012, 02:10:01 PM
has anyone seen Shame? looking forward to it, Hunger was a great debut.

Actually saw this with my girlfriend on Valentines day - talk about inappropriate. A really heavy moral tone throughout it, almost puritanical. Intrusive cliched score which especially ruins the opening sequence. One part in which our hero is supposed to be hitting rock-bottom as he enters a gay bathhouse one coke-fuelled night only provoked the giggles - just corny. Despite these drawbacks a pretty interesting and thought-provoking film with the unstable sister character being the most memorable. Most of the sex scenes are completely unerotic - the exception being a fucking hot scenario where the hero can't get it up.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: jake on March 03, 2012, 03:30:37 AM
Romanian kids fighting/begging/huffing paint in the Bucharest subway system. Been a while since I had seen this one, forgot how fucked up it is. Love the scene where the bull dyke repeatedly hits the retarded guy pushing a cart and he keeps screaming. The gypsies looking girl "Macarena" wandering the street with the most vacant stare and silver paint all around he lips. Most of the kids have that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome look and the impulsivity/inattention that goes along with it. Worthwhile watch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jordan on March 03, 2012, 10:18:15 PM
Saw The Wizard of Gore last night with the star Ray Sager in attendance.  Real animal guts are so superior!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on March 03, 2012, 10:21:54 PM
Quote from: martialgodmask on February 27, 2012, 12:06:08 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on January 05, 2012, 03:14:09 PM
Quote from: locustfurnace on December 08, 2011, 03:02:02 AM
Snowtown (2011) - Brilliant, Bleak and horrific...great movie from the land down under, get the girlfriend over and pop open some brews on a sunday afternoon...essential viewing...

Saw this yesterday and can only echo the high praise and recommendations for this evisceration of a film, though I'm not sure whether I left the cinema feeling tougher or weaker for having made it to the end...

I watched last night and, having seen this kind of opinion echoing around a number of locations I am a little bemused. It was a very good film and I enjoyed it very much but hardly the endurance test some critiques would lead you to believe. Other than the bathroom/toenail/choking scene, it seemed quite "standard" to me. That's not to discredit it though; it was pretty well paced although I think it expects the viewer to make certain assumptions along the way.

Performance wise it's pretty top notch and as a representation of suburban dissent and moral dissolution it's convincing enough to grip for two hours but I am cynical as to whether, had it been a work of fiction, it would have ruffled feathers so much? Perhaps the knowledge that it is a true story (or at least, based on one... I don't know how closely) is a little too much for some people.

I thought it was great front to back and still hold it as the best 2011 movie I've seen. I don't know about anyone else but I had no idea it was based on a true story until the end when it said "based on a true story", and before that popped up I still thought it was a phenomenal movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Matthias on March 04, 2012, 01:21:05 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on March 03, 2012, 11:39:27 AM
Any Swedes here seen the recent film Play (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1376717/)?

Still haven't seen it but it got lots of attention in Sweden the last couple of months. (My girlfriend was actually an extra in it, though im not sure if she actually ended up in the finalized film..)

Desperate Man Blues
Nice 60-minute documentary about a guys obsession with collecting 78rpms, door-to-door style. A fun hour for sure! Pretty good complement to Vinyl I would say.

Also got to see preview screenings of Wuthering Heights and The Artist at the cinema last week, but nothing too exciting. The Artist was fun and worked pretty well for the moment, but not sure if I would recommend it really.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 05, 2012, 03:40:36 AM
RABIES- horror from Israel. Make it a dbl-feature with HELL'S GROUND from Pakistan (H.G. is better). Not a good movie but I learned there are woods in Israel. Always thought the place was all desert. Unless it was filmed elsewhere; didn't see anything in the credits listed as a location.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on March 23, 2012, 03:40:03 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on March 23, 2012, 12:29:37 PM

Can anyone recommend some decent psycho-sexual/body horror films? Fairly familiar with Cronenberg etc but some lesser-known titles would be great. Especially ones that have weird, inexplicable plot/character twists that don't really make sense, but still make the imagination go wild...

This description remind me of Tsukamoto "A snake of june". Maybe do you know this movie?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on March 23, 2012, 04:27:38 PM
certainly A Snake Of June!
or his Gemini....not that 'body' but has some great twisted relationships http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0210302/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0210302/)

certainly check Organ .....http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117258/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117258/)

rather psycho-sexual : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0453383/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0453383/)

btw, looks like Cronenberg is going oldschool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-oc9pmaWyM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-oc9pmaWyM)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 23, 2012, 08:24:14 PM


One of my all time favorite films. I watched it when I was 12-13 or so, scared the shit out of me.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 23, 2012, 10:15:02 PM
PRIVATE PARTS is one of my fave films. I remember getting a vhs dub & was blown away by the see-through sexdoll/syringe scene. That film was PG when it was released in theaters. I have a pressbook for it also.

Turner Classic Movies is running HORROR EXPRESS late tonight. Can't wait to see it again & I keep slacking on picking up the dvd release.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on March 24, 2012, 04:51:18 AM
BEAUFORT - Israeli soldiers under constanst bombardment in their compound during the dying days of their occupation of Lebanon. No heroics, no action, just sudden and unexpected death in an increasingly claustrophobic environment.

LEBANON - An Israeli tank crew during the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. We stay inside a dirty tank with food remnants and other minging shit dripping off the walls and ceiling. Any outside view is through the gunners sight. The only outside contact is the scary commander who occasionally sticks his head through the turret when ordering them to do horrible things. The violence is ugly and actually disturbing. I mentioned Beaufort being claustrophobic. Compared to Lebanon Beaufort is a walk in the park.

I have seen three Israeli war films now. The third one being Waltz With Bashir. All three are outstanding. The Israeli's certainly know how to make good war films. They of course have no shortage of experience to draw inspiration from.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 27, 2012, 11:51:59 AM
and the good thing about all these three movies are not "propaganda" oriented. I wonder which was the reaction to them in Israel.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 27, 2012, 10:00:21 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on March 23, 2012, 09:23:35 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 23, 2012, 08:24:14 PM


One of my all time favorite films. I watched it when I was 12-13 or so, scared the shit out of me.

Bought it by chance on DVD with GHOST IN THE SHELL and kept rewatching it due to the broken logic (even after numerous viewings it still can't quite be worked out), great soundtrack (especially the songs by CHAM!), wonderful animation and amazing violent/sexual content. Had already seen GITS before but never even bothered watching that DVD after seeing this, haha! I'm a total merchandise nerd/otaku for this film, ironically - got the soundtrack, Manga quad poster, French poster, Japanese laserdiscs, the limited edition Japanese DVD with book, 35mm stills, some animation cels, promo pictures... needless to say, PERFECT BLUE is most likely my all time favorite film. Not quite sure why but it really hit a personal, stimulating nerve for me when I saw it maybe 10 years ago. Films like those are few and far between.

Agreed, Perfect Blue is one of my all time favorites. I must say I'm jealous of your related merch collection, especially the laserdiscs. My laserdisc collection is one of my most loved possessions. Especially my Japanese version of Blade Runner (Director's Cut) and Eraserhead.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on March 27, 2012, 11:01:02 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on March 27, 2012, 11:51:59 AM
and the good thing about all these three movies are not "propaganda" oriented. I wonder which was the reaction to them in Israel.

I think the shit hit the fan over Lebanon. It was a box office smash but very controversial in The Holy Land. Bashir, from what little I've checked was mostly criticised by Western leftwingers for allegedly selling an apologist angle to Sabra and Shatila etc. Typical lefty fags to try and project their guilt on the extremely sad and personal story told in Waltz With Bashir.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Mrs. Deviated on March 31, 2012, 11:07:54 AM
Dogthoot - CULT!!!!
Grimm Love - Movie inspired by the Armin Meiwes cannibal murder case..... mmmmm....not so good, but watching a penis eater is always funny!
Kill List - YES! Great! Tortures with a hammer are my favourite ones!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on March 31, 2012, 03:59:38 PM
Dogtooth is very good :-)

Grimm Love was pretty irritating imho....especially that grad student doing "oh noes" shocking discoveries, CHRIST!

recently :
The Thing remake.......what a piece of shit! pffffff
Carpenter's The Thing : the morphing dog is one of the best scene's ever, same level as Hellraiser's uncle Frank resurrection...
Bron/Broen series.....i'm a sucker for "crimi", saw lots of crap too but this was rather good.
Jaws : classic
Escape From New York : classic II
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 01, 2012, 12:21:20 AM
I d/l'd DOGTOOTH & had trouble paying attention. Local place has/had it for rent but I keep forgetting about it.

Just scored a cheap, ex-rental dvd of OUTRAGE: WAY OF THE YAKUZA! Violent as hell. If you're a fan of yakuza films, it's a must-see.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Mrs. Deviated on April 01, 2012, 11:04:33 AM
Quote from: P-K on March 31, 2012, 03:59:38 PM

Grimm Love was pretty irritating imho....especially that grad student doing "oh noes" shocking discoveries, CHRIST!

YES, the student was very irritating! And also the choice to put in this film a stupid morals and stupid good sentiments....pffff....I just want to see a fucking cannibal! eheh! ^^

I liked very much Dogthoot....Initially it seems to me a little bit intellectual and authoral (in the bad sense of the terms) but after few minutes it catched me in its mad reality.... And I loved it very much!!! Now I have some new ideas about education! ;)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: emboscado on April 01, 2012, 12:10:33 PM
Yesterday I watched Sleep Tight (Mientras Duermes) directed by Jaume Balagueró and probably his best film. The main character is really wicked, Luis Tosar performs his interpretation in a very credible and disturbing way. Highly recommended.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 03, 2012, 06:36:06 PM
The Blood of Heroes a.k.a. SALUTE THE JUGGER
Mad Max easthetics on post-apocalyptic world, where bloody sport of juggers is played with dog skulls. Kind of mix of gladiator action and... american football? It is actually sport film put in settings of survival & post-apocalyptic times. Good stuff from 1989 Australia!

The Soutland Tales
I think generally disliked and considered senseless bullshit movie, yet I like it. Watched it for 2nd time. Complexity of plot is enough to keep things everything else but obvious. Better is just to let the movie flow forwards and see later. Even if the cast is most of all amusing, Dwayne Johnson, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Seann William Scott etc. but also some old "has been" stars. But I can get over it. With actors that would have been "nobodies", this would have been better, but probably even bigger flop.
Futuristic story of 2008. Alternative energy forces, semi-totalitarian government. Neo-marxists aiming for revolution. 4th dimension opening for new arrival of jesus. etc etc. All sorts of weird stuff happening.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 03, 2012, 06:42:22 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on April 03, 2012, 06:36:06 PM
The Blood of Heroes a.k.a. SALUTE THE JUGGER
Mad Max easthetics on post-apocalyptic world, where bloody sport of juggers is played with dog skulls. Kind of mix of gladiator action and... american football? It is actually sport film put in settings of survival & post-apocalyptic times. Good stuff from 1989 Australia!

Is this the movie with Rutger Hauer?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 03, 2012, 08:43:33 PM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Mrs. Deviated on April 10, 2012, 01:14:59 PM
Quote from: emboscado on April 01, 2012, 12:10:33 PM
Yesterday I watched Sleep Tight (Mientras Duermes) directed by Jaume Balagueró and probably his best film. The main character is really wicked, Luis Tosar performs his interpretation in a very credible and disturbing way. Highly recommended.

Seen yesterday....really great! I'm agree, it's the best Balaguero's film.

Cold fish --> Bad, violent and hopeless movie. I loved it. And some hyronic moments make it really mad! Sion Sono is a great director!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 10, 2012, 06:46:38 PM
The Killer Inside Me
I think this was mentioned here before maybe 2 years ago? Some nice, violent neo-noir. I didn't find the atmosphere completely convincing but the violence was nice and pretty realistic. It's always a plus when the battered women are the type normally to play in feel good romantic comedies. Worth watching.

Total Recall
Classic Schwarzenegger/Verhoeven sci-fi action. Watching it again I'm struck by how ridiculous all the shoot out scenes are. People constantly flinging themselves in the line of fire, never running out of ammo, always missing etc. The classic tropes of action movies. But what makes the movie so re-watchable is that you never know for sure if the majority of the film is the memory implant or real.

And has anyone watched the preview for the new 2012 remake? Looks fucking godawful.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 10, 2012, 08:52:54 PM
THE HUNTER- stupid movie with Willem Defoe being paid to hunt down & kill the thought-to-be-excinct Tasmanian Tiger for a medical research company. He does kill it but then cries over it.

Just received CUT-THROATS NINE dvd. Looking forward to seeing that bloodbath again!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WATERPOWER on April 11, 2012, 07:13:22 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on April 10, 2012, 06:46:38 PMAnd has anyone watched the preview for the new 2012 remake? Looks fucking godawful.

I try not to think about it. We were just discussing how classic it is that Arnold always bears a typical non-Austrian name in all his movies while he clearly was right off the boat.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: RyanWreck on April 11, 2012, 09:32:38 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on April 10, 2012, 06:46:38 PM
The Killer Inside Me
I think this was mentioned here before maybe 2 years ago? Some nice, violent neo-noir. I didn't find the atmosphere completely convincing but the violence was nice and pretty realistic. It's always a plus when the battered women are the type normally to play in feel good romantic comedies. Worth watching.

I actually liked this movie. Not really enough violence but when there was it was good and definitely more realistic than most movies (spoiler: like when he beats the life out of his fiance and slips on her piss).

This reminded me to go watch Clay Pigeons again. Not in the same vein, more of a dark comedy about murder but none-the-less it's a decent watch for a Vince Vauhgn movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 12, 2012, 12:12:44 AM
Watched part of GET CARTER with Michael Caine last night. Recorded it so will finish it soon.  Not sure if there's a dvd available; should check on that. Caine is cold & brutal. No nonsense hardboiled crime; no pretty boy, sunny California, hipster tight pants bullshit.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 12, 2012, 12:23:02 AM
Quote from: RyanWreck on April 11, 2012, 09:32:38 PM

This reminded me to go watch Clay Pigeons again. Not in the same vein, more of a dark comedy about murder but none-the-less it's a decent watch for a Vince Vauhgn movie.

I love Clay Pigeons. Just cracks me up every time. A very underrated and under-appreciated film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: RyanWreck on April 12, 2012, 01:14:02 AM
Georgina Cates is pretty fucking hot in that movie as the psycho bitch who's Husband dies.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on April 12, 2012, 12:18:50 PM
Watched God Bless America yesterday. Slightly over-the-top and so on, but the mistakes are forgivable. Good movie that left me in somewhat weird mood. Boyd Rice's - Music, martinis and misanthropy could be a soundtrack for this movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 24, 2012, 07:52:02 PM
Just watched Maniac Cop for the first time. It's always a pleasure to see cops get murdered, especially by another cop. Now going to watch Maniac.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Ashley Choke on April 25, 2012, 02:24:09 AM
Completely spontaneously went to the movies today, its' been a while. Sheer luck there's a film festival in CPH at the moment so the theatres are showing more interesting things than the usual Hollywood garbage.

Went to see The Raid: Redemtion Seriously one of the best action movies I ever saw. Ultra violent John Woo styled shoot-outs combined with modern day bone breaking martial arts ala Tom Yum Goong. With a dark textured twist. Indonesia film seems very interesting at the moment Highly highly recommended for anyone into Asian Cinema. It's running again tomorrow, considering a second go.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 25, 2012, 04:51:43 AM
I've read good things about THE RAID: REDEMPTION but the movie I've seen trailers for over here, I thought was the remake- I think I read there is or there will be a remake. "Redemption" was added b/c there's more than one movie called THE RAID... I'll wait for the dvd.

Just ordered GHOSTKEEPER from Code Red DVD; a mid-80s Canadian horror film. I remember seeing the video in rentalshops but I do not believe I've seen it. I have CUT-THROATS NINE here but haven't watched it yet (same with OUTRAGE: THE WAY OF THE YAKUZA). What I have seen recently, I can't remember anything about...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Ashley Choke on April 25, 2012, 12:53:01 PM
It's this one http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1899353/ Don't be fooled by the movie poster. As with 99% of modern films it's quite horrible. Not sure about a remake? US? But as far as I understood it's the first part of a trilogy, how on earth the director is gonna top this I really look forward to see. Like I said yesterday, highly recommended. People getting shot point black with assault rifles, stabbed in the throat and fire axed in the face, complete mayhem. Being heavily into martial arts myself you I kinda tend to have ambivalent feelings towards some of the modern day MA movies, but even if some of the stuff here is quite flashly and trad movie Kung Fu(Silat) the fights are really nice and proper violent
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: RyanWreck on April 28, 2012, 08:37:03 AM
I watched "Shame" tonight. It was above average, definitely. It's basically about a sex addict who, at first, seems to be able to function well in his addiction as his sister moves in with him and it shows him slowly unravel and begin to struggle with  his needs, and her with her own problems (although the movie never really divulges why she is so fucked up) but there is an obvious incest atmosphere going on between them. You have prostitutes, porno, incest, even a gay adult book store scene, big budget style filming with an artsy touch that is sometimes reminiscent of Kubrick in the way it is filmed and I can definitely see the resembles to Brando's sex obsessed character in the classic "Last Tango in Paris".

Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 12, 2012, 12:12:44 AM
Watched part of GET CARTER with Michael Caine last night. Recorded it so will finish it soon.  Not sure if there's a dvd available; should check on that. Caine is cold & brutal. No nonsense hardboiled crime; no pretty boy, sunny California, hipster tight pants bullshit.

I saw this recommended on one of the streaming sites I visit often and thought I wouldn't like it because Stallone was in it and on top of that it is a remake. But after reading your critique I think I will check it out now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 28, 2012, 10:52:59 PM
Yeah, stay away from the Stallone remake.

Just watched UHF. Always liked that movie. "You so STU-PID!"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on April 29, 2012, 02:24:22 AM
Bronson.......simply awesome.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 01, 2012, 09:55:48 PM
Two westerns:

3:10 TO YUMA, 2007 version. I have also the original b&w film, but perhaps for contemporary movie viewer this modern day version suits well? I kind of dislike most of "movie stars" in westerns, unless its Eastwood. The less familiar face, the better. This has Russell Crowe and Christian Bale, but they do good job. It's good traditional western. Outlaws, man hunt, revenge, savage indians, railroads being build in remote areas,.. anti-heroes doing what they can, but end is always bleak.

JOE KIDD . 1972 Eastwood starring in western. Can it go wrong? No. Just what was said above: It's good traditional western. Outlaws, man hunt, revenge, savage indians, railroads being build in remote areas,.. anti-heroes doing what they can, but end is always bleak.

From artier side total Kenneth Anger set:

1964 film with men with motorcycles. Leather, gayness, shining chrome of bikes. Psychedelic video works. Neat.

1965 very shot few minutes film, just about the same as above, but much less interesting.

1969 film with very nice electronic-noise soundtrack made by Mick Jagger! Psychedelia and male romantics

1979 version, maybe among worst of his. Psychedelic, dance fueled, but not too interesting.

1981 film, perhaps his most well known one? Ajna Offensive just released very neat vinyl box set with soundtrack materials and extra stuff. Also this dvd version has restored stereo-sound unlike some old versions I believe? Also one should always remember check out great SOUNDS magazine interview with the man behind soundtrack. Manson references and all that left away, he still comes out as genius of electronic/experimental sounds.

2002 film, which is basically just a Crowley painting exhibition and soundtrack for it. Filmed in Crowley exhibition, taking good close-ups etc. Audio is ok, but I think perhaps if you once want to give it a try to "play with commentary" function, this might be it. Kenneth talking about Crowley and details of the paintings etc.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 04, 2012, 12:40:19 AM
MEETING EVIL;  it's SO stu-pid!
CUT-THROATS NINE; terrible spaghetti western but it's very violent which is its only redeeming value
GHOSTKEEPER; early '80s horror that's not very good but interesting to see. has some things in common w/THE SHINING

Watching the new ELITE SQUAD film tonight...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: influencing machine on May 04, 2012, 09:20:06 AM
just watched valerie and her week of wonders. fascinating surreal czech film from 1970 featuring some 13 year old female nudity. soundtrack is good and the imagery is really incredible. id highly recommend it to anyone who likes surreal film or eastern european film.



i also just got the sergei paradjanov box set and i am looking forward to watching the two films included that i have not seen before.

mikko, is there a link to the bobby beausoleil interview that you referenced above?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on May 04, 2012, 09:27:23 AM
Hunger - Steve McQueen , perfection. One of the best movies I have seen in ages, immediately on my top list.
Shame - Not bad, but he seems to repeat many moments of the previous movie. The doom version of "Singing in the rain" is classic.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: RyanWreck on May 04, 2012, 08:17:51 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on May 04, 2012, 09:27:23 AM
Shame - Not bad, but he seems to repeat many moments of the previous movie. The doom version of "Singing in the rain" is classic.

What "previous movie" are you speaking of? I hated his boss and his dumb sister. I wish they would have just had them fuck instead of making it awkward all the time making you wonder if they actually have fucked before. I know that was the purpose, but forget mystery I just wanted to know if he nailed her.

I am watching a 2005 documentary called Gay Sex In The 70's by Joseph Lovett. I'm not finished with it, maybe about 1/3 of the way through and already there has been some archival footage from gloryholes, dark rooms and bath house's which is pretty much what the movie is focused on; anonymous sex that eventually became almost obsolete with the emergence of AIDS in the 80's. Using old footage of these dives and discos, as well as interviewing the faggots who were there and letting them describe what went on in some of those joints before the queens became scared of infection. There is also a bit on the Stonewall Riots of 1969.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: RyanWreck on May 04, 2012, 09:13:09 PM
Oh ok, I thought he was saying that Shame was a remake, or something similar like a sequel, of another movie. I don't remember a whole lot from Hunger other than some Irish guys going on a hunger strike while imprisoned. I'll have to watch it again to see how many moments from it are similar or, as tove said, "repeated" to those in Shame.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 04, 2012, 10:23:28 PM
The trailer I saw for SHAME looked awful. I'll probably rent it. Got some coupons for rent one, get one for free.

ELITE SQUAD: THE ENEMY WITHIN is pretty good. I don't remember much from the first film other than the violence & the 2ns film had plenty of it too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on May 08, 2012, 12:34:22 PM
Quote from: RyanWreck on May 04, 2012, 08:17:51 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on May 04, 2012, 09:27:23 AM
Shame - Not bad, but he seems to repeat many moments of the previous movie. The doom version of "Singing in the rain" is classic.

What "previous movie" are you speaking of? I hated his boss and his dumb sister. I wish they would have just had them fuck instead of making it awkward all the time making you wonder if they actually have fucked before. I know that was the purpose, but forget mystery I just wanted to know if he nailed her.

I am watching a 2005 documentary called Gay Sex In The 70's by Joseph Lovett. I'm not finished with it, maybe about 1/3 of the way through and already there has been some archival footage from gloryholes, dark rooms and bath house's which is pretty much what the movie is focused on; anonymous sex that eventually became almost obsolete with the emergence of AIDS in the 80's. Using old footage of these dives and discos, as well as interviewing the faggots who were there and letting them describe what went on in some of those joints before the queens became scared of infection. There is also a bit on the Stonewall Riots of 1969.

I am using shitload of samples from that!!!

regarding shame, I was talking about Hunger
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on May 08, 2012, 12:36:00 PM
Quote from: RyanWreck on May 04, 2012, 09:13:09 PM
Oh ok, I thought he was saying that Shame was a remake, or something similar like a sequel, of another movie. I don't remember a whole lot from Hunger other than some Irish guys going on a hunger strike while imprisoned. I'll have to watch it again to see how many moments from it are similar or, as tove said, "repeated" to those in Shame.

well it follows the same structure somehow...
same waits, same silences...

or at least I think so ;)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 08, 2012, 06:23:33 PM
I guess I was in the minority because I really liked Shame. To each his own I guess. Plus I havent seen Hunger...

The past two weeks I've been watching a horror movie a night to unwind. So Hellraiser for the first time last night and I have to say I was totally let down. I just felt it was really bad in all departments. And I love b-horror movies with dubious acting, but I guess this felt like everyone was trying too hard.

On a positive note I saw Dont Torture a Duckling for the first time and thought it was great. Murderous priests are always a plus as is the Italian countryside. More like this please!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WATERPOWER on May 08, 2012, 10:53:09 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 08, 2012, 06:23:33 PM
The past two weeks I've been watching a horror movie a night to unwind. So Hellraiser for the first time last night and I have to say I was totally let down. I just felt it was really bad in all departments. And I love b-horror movies with dubious acting, but I guess this felt like everyone was trying too hard.

I don't think it's the kind of movie you go into with any sort of expectations. I don't know if I'd call it a b-movie, either. It's not cheesy, and it's not overbearingly serious. This is of course coming from a pretty hardcore Barker fanboy. I had recently watched Hellseeker and was pleasantly surprised. To me it followed more along what the book was, where the cenobites aren't even given names (Pinhead, etc.). Focuses more on the main character seeking other dimensional pleasures. I don't even think Pinhead appears more than a small handful of times until the end.

I think the best representation of the whole Faustian puzzle solving (whether it's what Barker was thinking or not) comes from the old Marvel comics, where you once again get more of the characters and their desires than straight up here's a cenobite now and he's taking you to hell.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 08, 2012, 11:44:39 PM
I guess I'll have to check out Hellseeker.

Just a minor point of clarification on my part: I didn't mean to imply Hellraiser was a b-movie or close to it, I saw it as closer to an a-movie or whatever, but just that by comparison I prefer some of the acting I've seen in true b-movies compared to what's in Hellraiser. But I was also just in a foul mood last night as a result of food poisoning so maybe I should watch it again when I'm not close to death myself.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on May 09, 2012, 12:19:48 AM
budget for the first Hellraiser was very low from what i've read.

a classic :-)   great ost too ;-)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: locustfurnace on May 09, 2012, 12:58:30 AM
Quote from: P-K on May 09, 2012, 12:19:48 AM
budget for the first Hellraiser was very low from what i've read.

a classic :-)   great ost too ;-)

It's budget was $1,000,000 at the time (1987). The whole franchise is getting the Hollywood remake/reimaging treatment with a release date for 2013....hopefully the Mayans are right :)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WATERPOWER on May 14, 2012, 07:51:41 AM
Quote from: locustfurnace on May 09, 2012, 12:58:30 AM
Quote from: P-K on May 09, 2012, 12:19:48 AM
budget for the first Hellraiser was very low from what i've read.

a classic :-)   great ost too ;-)

It's budget was $1,000,000 at the time (1987). The whole franchise is getting the Hollywood remake/reimaging treatment with a release date for 2013....hopefully the Mayans are right :)

From what I've read, Barker is no long in support at all of the remake, esp. after how Dimension went about acquiring the rights (Revelations), which of course, Doug Bradley refused to be a part of, due to the incredibly small compensation he was to be given. Not to beat the dead horse on comics, but the recent BOOM! series that Barker has actually participated in is quite good. Digs more into the Cenobites while picking up where Hellraiser II leaves off. I think it's on 13? and so far it's entertaining. From that aspect though, it's good for turning your brain off, as it mostly focuses on gore, chains, etc. The whole premise becomes that Pinhead and Kristy Cotton change places so Pinhead can try to get into heaven. Can't say it's for anyone, but for a fanboy like myself, it's pretty cool to see (and more so to look forward to once a month or so).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 14, 2012, 08:17:08 AM
Contagion was something actually rented on DVD. Theoretically, global desaster / disease movies could be good, but if we rule out few cases like "28 days later", what are the good ones? Contagion tells a story of huge death toll bat/swine flu killing millions, yet it leaps in short episodes where story is told - yet in my opinion very poorly. Movie is watchable, but hardly too memorable.
Of course it is better than... was it "Happening"? Which was Mark Wahlberg running around looking worried and there's absolutely nothing.

Taking of that horrible actor: Tried to watch The Big Hit - some sort of action comedy with Mark Wahlberg - and I guess that says it all. Had to quit before middle of movie. Life too short for this. I don't know is it me or has movie selection of TV channels gone real low? Or maybe I should check the newspaper what actually goes on TV, but hardly watch it anyways.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 14, 2012, 07:00:21 PM
Recently saw GOD BLESS AMERICA, SHAME, & MOTHER'S DAY (2010). Didn't think much of any of them. M.D. is based on the '80s film characters but it's basically a home invasion film (I don't remember too much from the orig other than the rape game on the park bench). SHAME was bad melodrama & G.B.A. is just dumb.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: RyanWreck on May 14, 2012, 07:07:54 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on May 14, 2012, 08:17:08 AM
Theoretically, global desaster / disease movies could be good, but if we rule out few cases like "28 days later", what are the good ones?

Way too many shitty dystopian flicks. As far as more modern movies I liked Children of Men a whole lot and Serenity was meh. Classics like the Mad Max series, The Omega Man, Brazil and Delicatessen set the bar pretty high though. Would Clockwork Orange be considered a dystopian film?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WATERPOWER on May 14, 2012, 09:12:45 PM
USSR made good ones. Very depressing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 14, 2012, 10:28:14 PM
Looked up 'dystopian films'; haven't really paid attention to the subject here.


A CLOCKWORK ORANGE is listed & I was going to suggest DAMNATION ALLEY (campy). TURKEY SHOOT is listed & that's a great film!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nyodene D on May 14, 2012, 10:44:27 PM
Mikko, the 1990s Dustin Hoffman flick "Outbreak" is always a good choice. A decent documentary on Ebola is always welcome.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 15, 2012, 08:43:38 AM
Quote from: Nyodene D on May 14, 2012, 10:44:27 PM
Mikko, the 1990s Dustin Hoffman flick "Outbreak" is always a good choice. A decent documentary on Ebola is always welcome.

seen it.
Children of men I found highly annoying contemporary propaganda film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: deakin on May 16, 2012, 03:41:17 PM
Any film by Aleksey Balabanov is worth checking out especially the awesome Cargo 200 set in mid 80´s russia and mainly about a disturbed police officer who
has some issues with self control. the look of this movie is quite interesting and i´m sure it´s quite the accurate description of pre glasnost russia

another fella from russia with quite the original approach to filmmaking is Yevgeny Yufit. he calls it necrorealism. his first short films remind me of guy madden a bit. Having watched the awesome Wooden Room again- i must say he just leaves you with an unnerving feeling that probably only the early Philipe Garel films come close to.

lastly again a russian director (ukrainian to be exact) by the name Artour Aristakisian who filmed homeless folks and part time actors in a movie called A Place in the World about a hippie commune where bums get free sex sorta. i guess it´s half and half. Shot in black & white pretty authentic look and dirty (literally).
Also wanna point out A turin horse by Bela Tarr, brutal to the core with the total absence of literal violence. Everyone who enjoys Nietzsche will like this.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: sperm+killing on May 16, 2012, 10:16:54 PM
If anyone has Netflix US streaming, Markus Schleinzer's MICHAEL just went up. One of the better things I saw in a theater last year; solid Haneke-style bleakness with a surprising amount of dark humor considering the premise. Also streamed DRUM on there a few days ago. Apparently a cut version, but still a hilarious over-the-top example of MANDINGO 'sploitation. Warren Oates spouting ridiculous lines like, "You know I loves big titties!"

I think the last thing I saw in the theater was THE LAST SCREENING. The print description called it a neo-giallo or something, but I'd describe it as a near-ambient French take on the proto-slasher ala PEEPING TOM or PSYCHO. I was really into it, though most will find it redundant and boring.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on May 19, 2012, 02:03:00 PM
a great dystopian movie is russia's "Posetitel muzeya" (Visitor of a museum) from 1989. some user in mubi site described it well as "like a post-apocalyptic bruegel."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 20, 2012, 09:48:41 PM
Watched "Tyrannosaur", "Enter the Ninja", & "The Innkeepers" last night. "Tyrannosaur" being the best; I can't think of another film that gets you to hate the lead character just a few minutes after you hit 'play'. "The Innkeepers" is the director of "House of the Devil" 2nd film and it isn't much better. "Enter the Ninja" stars Franco Nero & Susan George. Made in 1981 & is bloody, stupid, & fun.

Found used dvd's of "The Redeemer: Son of Satan" & "Madi Gras Massacre", both released by Code Red.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 02, 2012, 10:49:21 PM
THE LOVED ONES- Aussie film that seems tailor made for teenage girls who do tumblr's about serial killers & horror movies.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: locustfurnace on June 02, 2012, 11:11:06 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 02, 2012, 10:49:21 PM
THE LOVED ONES- Aussie film that seems tailor made for teenage girls who do tumblr's about serial killers & horror movies.

Seen about half of this a few weeks back, it was on at some ungodly hour like 3 or 4am, from what I saw it seemed alright....

The last 2 movies I watched were THE RAID : REDEMPTION, really enjoyed this even with the butchered English subs :) thin on plot, high on action. Best toss off a balcony / break back scene I've seen in years. Also seen SAFE HOUSE, coming from the Bourne / new James bond style action flicks...plenty of shoot outs and fisty cuffs and plot twists a plenty...I'm probably Ryan Reynolds only adult fan haha, brilliant in this and was great in Smokin' Aces....
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on June 03, 2012, 04:03:13 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 02, 2012, 10:49:21 PM
THE LOVED ONES- Aussie film that seems tailor made for teenage girls who do tumblr's about serial killers & horror movies.

I thought that was pretty good fun, very silly of course.

A favourite short film of mine is Andrea Arnold's 'Wasp'. As well as being a very realistic view of certain parts of British culture this is also my idea of a real horror film. http://vimeo.com/27862959
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 03, 2012, 08:50:54 PM
THE LOVED ONES isn't awful, just felt like a horror movie for teenagers. The end was pretty bad. I liked the guy falling out of the tree the best. The way he hit the car was halirious!

Also watched APARTMENT 143 (I think is the #)- cliched ghost movie. Has everything every movie about haunted houses (but in an apt) or possession has in it.

WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN- it takes 95 minutes to get around to finding out WHY we need to talk about Kevin who is a psychopathic teen who, despite being skinny as shit, can't find a shirt that fits properly. Want to see a movie about fucked up killer kids, check out HOME MOVIE or DEVIL TIMES FIVE.

Some of the old country songs in W.N.T.T.A.K. were the best thing about the film:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on June 05, 2012, 06:16:22 PM
Just watched French film HUMAN RESOURCES. Not as harsh as I expected and with some minor flaws but still good. The "showdown" between father and son near the end is heartbreaking.

Does anyone know where or even if I can find THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD on DVD?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on June 05, 2012, 06:17:50 PM

ill use the same excuse ive used before that I see so few movies that I completelly enjoyed this. I read somewhere that this would connect blade runner with the alien saga but I didnt notice it. the end was a bit annoying set up type of thing but so what.

I also had the box set of bronx warriors and whatever else was on it but couldnt watch it hahah. I dont remember which one I tried but I just couldnt. they were on some field and everybody had on clean clothes and the acting was soooo horrid.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on June 05, 2012, 06:55:08 PM
Quote from: kettu on June 05, 2012, 06:17:50 PM
ill use the same excuse ive used before that I see so few movies that I completelly enjoyed this. I read somewhere that this would connect blade runner with the alien saga but I didnt notice it. the end was a bit annoying set up type of thing but so what.

It reeks like spin-off series about to start....  It's visually impressive movie, but could have been much much more so. I think many moments of monumental visions pass by too quick.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: H.H*D.H on June 06, 2012, 09:03:20 PM
Saw Prometheus yesterday. I had no knowledge of the movie beforehand and had no idea it was 'sort-of prequel' to Alien but this just amplified it's greatest flaw: it was way too predictable. There was no suspension because everything was laid bare for everyone to see some good tens of minutes before the 'twist' itself happened. Also, I didn't like the acting, it felt stiff and un-emotional and some glaring scientific problems affected my expirience. I know this kind of scifi isn't too hard on science but when you cut through your abmonial tissue and can walk after having it only stapled together is something I believe is impossible despite movie being scifi. When the most memorable scene in the movie is the intro then something is clearly wrong.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ghoulson on June 07, 2012, 11:26:02 PM
Beyond the Black Rainbow
http://www.magnetreleasing.com/beyondtheblackrainbow/ (http://www.magnetreleasing.com/beyondtheblackrainbow/)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on June 08, 2012, 01:36:43 AM
Quote from: ghoulson on June 07, 2012, 11:26:02 PM
Beyond the Black Rainbow
http://www.magnetreleasing.com/beyondtheblackrainbow/ (http://www.magnetreleasing.com/beyondtheblackrainbow/)

strong retro-scifi, drugs, Cronenbergian medical institute.....i loved it.....
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on June 08, 2012, 10:37:13 AM
Quote from: KMusselman on June 08, 2012, 09:13:41 AM
The Grey

I didn't know Ridley Scott was one of the producers until seeing him listed in the end credits.

started out as a nice grim survival flick, but man, did it lose everything towards the end :-( boring. silly end.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 08, 2012, 11:41:49 PM
Watched the 2011 prequel to the "The Thing" last night; I wanted to gouge my fucking eyes out. What a piece of shit movie. Terrible acting, terrible, terrible CGI and straight biting of scenes from the original. I hope the directors were arrested for this atrocity.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: SiClark on June 10, 2012, 02:14:00 AM
When I first saw the film I wasn't that impressed but I read the book after doing an illustration project on it in art college and the film seemed a lot better the second time round. Possibly because I now a a good sense of what a seemingly impossible book it is to translate to film and that they took the film script in an interesting direction. The book took a while to read. I read it a second time sometime later and for whatever reason it seemed to click and I found it much more enjoyable, the first time reading it was quite a chore though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 12, 2012, 01:08:23 AM
The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans- ridiculous & over the top. Liked it a little more before I foundout Herzog directed it. I barely remember the original film but know I didn't like it.

The Redeemer: Son of Satan- mildly interesting slasher film that is also known as Class Reunion Massacre which I probably rented on vhs. Has a murder scene in the ladies room that is pretty intense compared to the rest of the tame kill scenes.

Grizzly- 1976 film about a giant bear. Love the kill scenes esp. the kid who gets his leg ripped off.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jordan on June 12, 2012, 01:26:00 AM
Quote from: Peterson on June 10, 2012, 01:32:32 AM
Everyone on here should have already seen Naked Lunch. I found the book unreadable but the film did the concept justice. Sometimes the works of a degenerate junkie must be wrested from their hands in order to make sense and be relevant to anyone else, I guess. Hah.

The film has very little to do with the book. It's more about Burroughs' life generally framed in the setting of the book or something. The focal point of the film is shooting Joan, and how Burroughs felt that the shooting is what made him become a writer, which is totally absent in the book. He often talked about how he had to write himself out of his situation after that tragic night in mexico, but never in a novel. In the introduction to Queer, I think, he says that he and his wife have separated ;) Although I've seen it a number of times and don't hate it or anything, it's more of a Cronenberg film than a Naked Lunch adaptation. Burroughs wasn't particularly impressed with it.

I find it hard to believe that people get into industrial without being Burroughs fans first. Reading Electronic Revolution and Invisible Generation when I was young got me playing with tape recorders and whatnot, and I don't think industrial would have resonated with me if it weren't for that.

I hardly read Burroughs books anymore, unless it's something heretofore unreleased. I read Phil Baker's recent bio and found a number of errors that I emailed him corrections to. If there's a second printing I will be acknowledged for that. Very vindicating.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 13, 2012, 08:46:15 PM
THE AGGRESSION SCALE- dumber than a bag of hammers & no where near as useful. It's like the scriptwriter is just now seeing "Home Alone" & decided it'd be better as an action film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on June 14, 2012, 09:01:02 AM
Some months ago I did a "business to business" trade with other shop. Gave them 100 new dvd's of porn and took shitloads of regular dvd's in return. Mostly took movies I knew are good, things I have seen before, but would like to see again. Among them was this. It's at the same time full of amusing things, but also very dark and intense. Relationship of prostitute and guy who is on mission to drink himself to death. Cage does possibly his best role?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: SiClark on June 14, 2012, 10:39:05 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on June 14, 2012, 09:01:02 AM
Some months ago I did a "business to business" trade with other shop. Gave them 100 new dvd's of porn and took shitloads of regular dvd's in return. Mostly took movies I knew are good, things I have seen before, but would like to see again. Among them was this. It's at the same time full of amusing things, but also very dark and intense. Relationship of prostitute and guy who is on mission to drink himself to death. Cage does possibly his best role?
I watched this again not so long ago and think it's a very strong film. Nicolas Cage has made some really terrible films but occasionally he manages to pick the right role and act well. Doesn't happen often though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on June 14, 2012, 10:47:41 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on June 14, 2012, 09:01:02 AM
Some months ago I did a "business to business" trade with other shop. Gave them 100 new dvd's of porn and took shitloads of regular dvd's in return. Mostly took movies I knew are good, things I have seen before, but would like to see again. Among them was this. It's at the same time full of amusing things, but also very dark and intense. Relationship of prostitute and guy who is on mission to drink himself to death. Cage does possibly his best role?

YES. From the same director, check aslo the ultra-slow and heavy Lebensraum... I watched it around 2 in the night on a horror festival on a Ferry, and it was quite intense. Not a horror at hall, just classy depression.

Although Leaving LA is definitely Figgis' best.

Nicholas Cages was really promising in his early days (Arizona Jr, Wild at heart, etc.)... then turned into useless.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 16, 2012, 10:09:33 PM
For Nicholas Cage fans, you need to see "The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans". It's like he was really doing drugs & they just turned him loose to see what the hell he'd do and say.

THE CHILDREN- UK film. Dumb as dirt but I like it. Kids killing adults, adults killing kids. Not up there with DEVIL TIMES FIVE or WHO CAN KILL A CHILD? but it's worth seeing. Never see the '80s films that I think this is sort of based on.

I like STREET TRASH. Named a song after it that's on something. I think. Never bought the 2-disc set. Didn't need all the extras.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jordan on June 16, 2012, 11:35:28 PM
I feel very much the same about Nicolas Cage. Wild at Heart, Raising Arizona, Leaving Las Vegas, and now National Treasure. Herzog's Bad Lieutenant is a fine return to form though. Herzog had to pull him aside and make sure he wasn't taking any drugs. He says he's been sober for a long time but that trouble he had last year would suggest otherwise.

When I was young and more alcoholic than I currently am I thought telling girls that I'm drinking myself to death would be a good way to score. It wasn't.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: H.H*D.H on June 17, 2012, 08:00:15 PM

a fuckton of b-movies, including 'Death by Dialogue'
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 17, 2012, 09:12:40 PM
TWO-LANE BLACKTOP- not sure what the big deal with this is. pretty uninteresting except for the musclecars. never been a car-guy but definitely appreciate mean, gas-guzzling, growling machines.
VAMPIRE CIRCUS- fave hammer film
THOU SHALT NOT KILL... EXCEPT- cheap as dirt action film from'85 but almost feels like it could have been made 12 years earlier. not sure if it's suppose to be a satire or it's just bad acting,directing but guessing it's all of the above. would be a good co-feature with I DRINK YOUR BLOOD.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on June 18, 2012, 01:16:24 AM
WEASELS RIP MY FLESH directed by Nathan H Schiff, 1979

Words fail me trying to describe this deranged horror obscurity kindly supplied on VHS by Mr DK720. I thought I was gonna have a heart attack from laughing so hard.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 18, 2012, 05:32:47 AM
just saw Prometheus and I really, really enjoyed it. Saw it on one of the big ass IMAX screens with a massive system, which made it seem more monumental. As a long time reader of Alien comics it was awesome to see many of the ideas on origins and intent of Aliens incorporated. And again, the visuals were fucking insane. I went expecting big budget sci-fi horror, and that's exactly what it delivered...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: H.H*D.H on June 19, 2012, 04:42:16 PM
Does anyone know the situation with the Loputon Gehennan Liekki dvd? Wasn't it supposed to be released in this spring? Have I missed it?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Matthias on June 21, 2012, 11:15:34 AM
Tropic Of Cancer
Another "lost" giallo I never thought would see a dvd-release, but here we are... Cozy story set in a sunny Haiti, starring Anita Strindberg and Gabriele Tinti amongst others. The plot evolves around a doctor who has invented a new drug/medicine which formula some shady characters are willing to kill for. Some intense voodoo rituals and cock fighting scenes which could be taken straight from a mondoflick (that the director was close to Jacopetti and also helped out with Goodbye Uncle Tom might explain some things). Some very nice locations and at times visually stunning. Included is an interesting interview with the director, who talks about his several meetings with Haitian dictator Duvalier etc. Another amazing job from Camera Obscura. (Kind of funny how these dvds still feels expensive with their pricetag of about €25 each, I certainly had no problem paying more than that for somewhat shitty vhs-imports in the mid 90's.)

Hotel Paradise
A working camp with female prisoners out in the deep jungle, an evil tyrant, Ajita Wilson, some approaching revolutionaries = violent sleazefest. Good times all over, as primtive as it gets. Just now realised that director Edoardo Mulargia actually co-directed Tropic Of Cancer as well. The scandinavian dvd comes with both the regular version as well as the longer XXX-version.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ghoulson on June 21, 2012, 09:30:34 PM
I never bothered to pick up "Tropic of Cancer" DVD - already have it on greek vhs and I hardly think its worth spending more money on.... Camera Obscura releases hold very high quality and price isn't that expensive actually... reading old mailorder catalogues I also realize how distant it feels today that I used to pay astronomic sums for vhs copies.
Hotel Paradise is a classic... I remember the excitement about Ajita Wilson when watching this in my teens :D

for example I paid a lot in the late 90s for a bootleg of True Gore from Laughing Eskimo. a few months ago I managed to find the japanese vhs for $15. back then this was a favourite "party" video... watching it now I am stunned by how powerful it remains after so long time and that its even more disturbing and powerful today. excellent music selections and strong visuals by monte cazazza. true gore is only 1980s "mondo" that I can watch over and over again... strange enough I think this japanese vhs from nostradamus video is the only release available.

another film I saw recently was Master of the World by Alberto Cavallone:
"Re-live the dawn of man through the eyes of Bog as his expanding brain strives to drag him above the other animals.. The early lust in his loins stirs him to see his women as more than feeders of the young. Crudely sharpened sticks and chisled stones strike deep into the flinty hearts of a rival tribe - but who will be Master of the World? Territorial imperative spawns the first settlements to be defended to the death and the Shaman's sacrificial chanting cries out to the supernatural powers in the Lunar sky. The Noble Savage stalks his prey in primeval forests only a claw-slash away from becoming the prey. This is the raw meat of the early struggle to survive that made us the men we are today..."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on June 21, 2012, 11:01:43 PM
cavallone did the best Italian surrealist movie ever:

SPELL dolce mattatoio.
EVERYBODY MUST WATCH THIS, complete masterpiece
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ghoulson on June 21, 2012, 11:58:26 PM
tinytove: it is an absolute masterpiece! I've got both italian vhs & american dvd (released under name: Man, Woman & Beast)...

from the info text:

"6 days of sinning. On the 7th day he confesses. This extermely well written film takes  place in a humble Italian Catholic village where everyone is acquainted with each other but no one truly knows about the secret lives that they all live. The entire community is preparing for the annual religious festival. There's the local butcher who covets the town's young teenagers and then goes into the freezer and makes love to hanging beef carcasses. The teenage daughter who has sex with her father and becomes pregnant at her grandfather's funeral. The communist drunkard who beats and rapes his wife. She lives through her dreams and fantasies or she'll go crazy. The Christ-like stranger who does not have a name. The women fantasize about him. The children all adore him but he does not belong to the village. He always seems to be at the right place at the right time. And there's a bizarre artist who clips out pictures of internal organs from medical journals and pastes them on magazine models with a completely insane wife who never speaks. She drinks water from out of the commode and defecates on a bleeding, dying man during wild unbridled sex with him as the artist husband watches.
All of these life choices are going on while keeping up appearances for the Catholic Church. An extremely well choreographed film with fantastic fragmented clips that capture the imagination."

Can't recommend this one enough.... Cavallone is also the mind behind "Blue Movie" - another film that everyone should see!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 22, 2012, 09:57:23 PM
RAMPART- I thought this was going to be a gritty street cop film but instead it's part that with alot of soap opera family drama. I was expecting more from James Ellroy's script. Woody Harrelson's character isn't very good at being a corrupt, violent cop. He gets caught everytime he does something.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on June 27, 2012, 01:10:25 PM


although it will be an harsh comparison with Shrader's masterpiece
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 28, 2012, 08:56:04 PM


http://www.pinkbike.com/video/161366/   (very good sndtrk)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Human Larvae on June 28, 2012, 11:45:27 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 28, 2012, 08:56:04 PM


http://www.pinkbike.com/video/161366/   (very good sndtrk)

that looks and sounds very impressive!

Saw Drive the other night. Nice little action movie with 2-3 good death scenes, worth a watch

Midnight Meat Train Though the ending is a bit silly, there is plenty of gore and suspense
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ghoulson on June 29, 2012, 12:11:06 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6-aCCqCc_0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6-aCCqCc_0)
I borrowed this from a friend today... strange animation from Unearthed Films. Lots of hallucinatory gore and nightmare visuals. A talking dog, faceless children, deviation, depravity and Hell. Usually this is the kind of stuff I like in films, but perhaps the use of 3D animation made me dislike it.... I don't know. Worth a try. I am sure some other people here will enjoy it.

Film based upon story of the Mitchell brothers (Behind the Green Door etc) played by Sheen / Estevez. Entertaining...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 29, 2012, 10:44:08 PM
Quote from: ghoulson on June 07, 2012, 11:26:02 PM
Beyond the Black Rainbow
http://www.magnetreleasing.com/beyondtheblackrainbow/ (http://www.magnetreleasing.com/beyondtheblackrainbow/)

Really looking forward to check this one out. Exceptional visuals, the storyline seems good as well.

A selection of recommendation follows:

Welt am Draht (1973) Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Check the newly released Criterion version.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvlQ8TQsmQA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvlQ8TQsmQA)  

The Turin Horse (2011) Béla Tarr.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWYoqi4Kpw4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWYoqi4Kpw4)

Dillinger Is Dead (1969) Marco Ferreri (http://Dillinger%20Is%20Dead%20(1969)%20Marco%20Ferreri). Criterion version.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UQeDWwzDFE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UQeDWwzDFE)

Kidnapped (Secuestrados, 2010) Miguel Ángel Vivas.

The Innocents (1961) Jack Clayton.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmamrVb6Ncs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmamrVb6Ncs)

The Raid Redemption (2011) Gareth Evans.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My02wp9fsho (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My02wp9fsho)

La Vie Nouvelle (2002) Philippe Grandrieux. All filmography of Grandrieux recommended.

Underwater Love (2011) Shinji Imaoka.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voliNq18aFM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voliNq18aFM)

La Deuxieme Souffle (1966) Jean Pierre Melville. Criterion version.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI5Qo_qTz20 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI5Qo_qTz20)

Hour of the Wolf (1968) Ingmar Bergman (http://Hour%20of%20the%20Wolf%20(1968)%20Ingmar%20Bergman).

Ordet (1955) C.T. Dreyer.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uQEPjRog84 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uQEPjRog84)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 30, 2012, 12:10:35 AM
Richard Kern
dvd collection

Nick Zedd
dvd collection
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: influencing machine on July 01, 2012, 09:35:44 PM
Quote from: online prowler on June 29, 2012, 10:44:08 PM
Quote from: ghoulson on June 07, 2012, 11:26:02 PM
Beyond the Black Rainbow
http://www.magnetreleasing.com/beyondtheblackrainbow/ (http://www.magnetreleasing.com/beyondtheblackrainbow/)

Really looking forward to check this one out. Exceptional visuals, the storyline seems good as well.

What follows contains no "spoilers" per se, but here is my opinion of the film:

Saw "Beyond the Black Rainbow" last night. Was interested in it for the first 40 mins or so and kept thinking that at some point the plot would catch up to the aesthetics. The film looked good for the most part, but that just wasn't enough to make up for the razor thin (actually, virtually non-existent) plot and boring one-deimensional characters. By the end, the film was a fucking joke and had one of the worst endings I have seen in a long time. Honestly, the only way the ending could have been worse if if the main character woke up and realized it was all a dream. Fucking stupid ending that actually made me angry that I sat there for almost two hours. The film had so much potential both visually and in the basic premise of the plot that was never actually developed at all. All of the comparisons to Tarkovsky and Kubrick Cronenberg etc are so misplaced and inappropriate. I mean, sure, the filmmaker was influenced by the greats and attempted to emulate them, but that doesnt make for a good film. Derivative pointless film that could have been good if anyone bothered to add even a half-decent plot to it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 02, 2012, 03:53:15 PM


http://www.headshotmovie.com/ (http://www.headshotmovie.com/)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW2Y7tQra4w (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW2Y7tQra4w)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: halthan on July 03, 2012, 10:29:52 AM

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 03, 2012, 10:34:02 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on June 21, 2012, 11:01:43 PM
cavallone did the best Italian surrealist movie ever:

SPELL dolce mattatoio.
EVERYBODY MUST WATCH THIS, complete masterpiece

THANX for this recommendation! Really good. I recommend it highly. Keep 'em coming Tiny Tove!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on July 04, 2012, 09:39:34 AM
You may wanna his other film, definitely sick, although less classy: BLUE MOVIE.


less surreal, but it has some classic scenes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 04, 2012, 09:27:37 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on July 04, 2012, 09:39:34 AM
You may wanna his other film, definitely sick, although less classy: BLUE MOVIE.


less surreal, but it has some classic scenes.

AIT! Thanx a bunch Tiny Tove. Will def check it out. Have you seen this?

- Valerie And Her Week Of Wonders (1970) -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR07_yzRFMM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR07_yzRFMM)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on July 04, 2012, 10:53:05 PM
damn not... the trailer is already a masterpiece and made me come tom mind another excellent Czech surrealist -although very influenced by Italian cinema a la Fellini and, of course Bunuel -


Spalovač mrtvol - The Cremator (1968) by Juraj Herz
Although not an "extreme" movie, it covers many subjects that could fit in this forum...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 05, 2012, 12:06:29 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on July 04, 2012, 10:53:05 PM
Spalovač mrtvol - The Cremator (1968) by Juraj Herz
Although not an "extreme" movie, it covers many subjects that could fit in this forum...

Haven't seen this one ... good suggestion! Grazie! Director Juraj Herz rings a bell, but I can't place him at the moment. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ghoulson on July 05, 2012, 12:15:19 AM
Quote from: halthan on July 03, 2012, 10:29:52 AM


Hector Babenco is a great director responsible for several films worth seeing....Besides Pixote (his masterpiece), I can also recommend:
Lucio Flavio (recommended for those into italian cop thrillers)
Carandiru (only of his recent films that I've seen.... some of the best prison riot portrayals I've seen)

Another gem I won't forget.... Devil Queen / A Rainha Diaba (sleaze, violence, transvestites, drugs... we used parts of this for backdrop when playing with Blood Ov Thee Christ. directed by Antonio Carlos da Fontoura)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 06, 2012, 04:28:00 AM
Just rereleased on dvd. Totally idiotic fun w 2012 goggles.

Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COwzNqlUxWE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COwzNqlUxWE)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZCcpsOpQgs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZCcpsOpQgs)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on July 06, 2012, 03:34:35 PM
A reinha diaba looks great... downloading right now, thanks for the recommendation ghoulson.

i wonder if anyone here is into the spanish films from the late 70s and early 80s known as "cine kinki"?

they are about the lives of young street criminals (kinkis) robbing, dealing, shooting heroin, fucking, fighting, prison tales..... most of them are not actors but real street kids who were real addicts and criminals who would become famous for their crimes and others would later die due to drugs, etc. Also there's a nice use of slang, gypsy music soundtracks and excellent sociopolitical portrayal of post-Franco's Spain.

some classic titles I'd recommend:

Perros Callejeros (1977)
El Pico I & II  (1983-84)
Navajeros (1980)
Colegas (1982)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on July 06, 2012, 03:42:26 PM
thank you so much.

I would like to know more about Spanish cinema in general, apart from the great classics (Bunuel. De Olivera, Almodovar), I only know 90's and most recent horror/action directors (De La Iglesias, Cerda, etc.)...

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on July 07, 2012, 06:44:38 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on July 06, 2012, 03:42:26 PM
thank you so much.

I would like to know more about Spanish cinema in general, apart from the great classics (Bunuel. De Olivera, Almodovar), I only know 90's and most recent horror/action directors (De La Iglesias, Cerda, etc.)...

my favorite spanish film is Arrebato by Ivan Zulueta, also his shorts are highly recommended.

another favorite is Tras el cristal by Agusti Villaronga, every fan of extreme cinema should watch this. He's been in the spotlight lately after his last film, Pa negre, was a huge success here and overseas and while it's still a great film, it's also a lot more "light" and commercial than his obscure masterpiece.

'Bilbao' is another great and pretty much unknown film from the 80s about a guy who kidnaps a prostitute, it's the best one by the irregular Bigas Luna. also Caniche, Lola, Angustia (his horror film made in USA) and Las edades de Lulu are worth a watch. He does terrible crap these days.

Victor Erice is another kind of nowadays forgotten director that made two beautiful films, El espiritu de la colmena and El Sur, beautiful and melancholic films with excellent photography.

forgotten is also Val del Omar, genious visionary, his shorts are incredible, have to be seen.

eloy de la iglesia is more famous for making "cine kinki" films but also made the underground serial killer sordid classic  La semana del asesino and the pseudogiallo El techo de cristal.

as of obscure eurotrash directors like Larraz (Vampyres), Piquer Simón (Pieces), Jesus Franco, Naschy, Grau (Ceremonia Sangrienta, No profanar el sueño de los muertos...), Eugenio Martin (Una vela para el diablo)... all great!

theres also this rare gem titled Más alla del terror that weirdly mixes the violent and scum characters of cine kinki here as a gang of bikers who kidnap a couple ejected into the metaphysical and zombie hallucinations of trashy fantaterror due to a curse an old woman puts on them after they burn her house with her and her grandson inside, has to be seen to be believed. Original copies only exist in betamax video format and trade hands for around 200 euros if they ever show up but theres a rip around.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 07, 2012, 09:17:35 PM
ANGST - dvd-r rip with engl subs. Print is from the German dvd that has deleted scenes from the beginning, I think? I know the dir. changed it but cannot remember the details.


I've always liked Spanish horror films. Love Bugas Luna's ANGUISH & alot of Paul Naschy's films plus WHO CAN KILL A CHILD?, the Blind Dead films, PIECES, LIVING DEAD AT MANCHESTER MORGUE.

Even the 6 FILMS TO KEEP YOU AWAKE collection is, for the most part, all pretty good: http://www.amazon.com/6-Films-Keep-You-Awake/dp/B001AIQ154

Just finished Andrzej Zulawski's POSSESSION (1981). It gets my vote for one of the most 'crazy as a shithouse rat' films ever made. Just read that Isabelle Adjani was homeless during the making of the film & Zulawski allowed her to live in the apt they were filming in. After it was all said & done, she tried to commit suicide. I like her in Walter Hill's THE DRIVER. She's ridiculously over-the-top dramatic in POSSESSION but completely opposite in THE DRIVER. Looking forward to receiving the POSSESSION sndtrk LP on Finders Keepers & there's suppose to be a fully uncut Euro. dvd in the works.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ghoulson on July 08, 2012, 01:04:17 AM
Quote from: Tenebracid on July 07, 2012, 06:44:38 PM
theres also this rare gem titled Más alla del terror that weirdly mixes the violent and scum characters of cine kinki here as a gang of bikers who kidnap a couple ejected into the metaphysical and zombie hallucinations of trashy fantaterror due to a curse an old woman puts on them after they burn her house with her and her grandson inside, has to be seen to be believed. Original copies only exist in betamax video format and trade hands for around 200 euros if they ever show up but theres a rip around.

Thanks for some interesting recommendations. Spanish movie industry often falls in the shadow of the italian...
At first I mistook "Más alla del terror" for "Coto a caza" by Jorge Grau, but it seems like I've totally missed this one... someone provided a vhs rip with custom subtitles on Cinemageddon.
Maybe this could interest some people: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076038/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076038/)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 09, 2012, 01:05:41 AM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on July 09, 2012, 09:35:40 AM

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ghoulson on July 09, 2012, 04:35:06 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on July 09, 2012, 09:35:40 AM


Have you seen "Sunday in the Country"? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075382/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075382/)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on July 09, 2012, 04:41:33 PM
It felt like Straw dogs gone bad :)
very good.
One I really liked with him was Sean Penn's fragment in the 9/11 movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on July 12, 2012, 06:51:46 PM


It's very similar of the most knowed Christian F (unfortunately never seen it). Not bad, maybe some bad elements and a clashing end but I enjoyed this movie. Drugs, lots of needls, gross and crude scenes and a livid and grey Amsterdam.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 13, 2012, 08:53:19 PM
Quote from: ghoulson on July 09, 2012, 04:35:06 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on July 09, 2012, 09:35:40 AM


Have you seen "Sunday in the Country"? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075382/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075382/)

I use to have a really cheap dvd of "Sunday in the Country" thought I'mnot sure that was the title but plot on imdb sounds like what I remember. My fave Borgnine films are The Wild Bunch, Emperor of the North, & The Devils Rain (got the paperback bk not too long ago). He's mean as hell in Emperor of the North!

Watched Bullhead last night. It's a Belgian crime film that starts out ok but sort of loses it about halfway through.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 14, 2012, 06:55:27 PM
Saw Savages last week with the woman. Fucking terrible. Avoid at all costs.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 16, 2012, 04:22:26 PM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 17, 2012, 01:31:12 AM
FRIGHT from 1972 with Susan George looking pretty good in a short fuzzy purple dress, belt, stockings, & go-go boots. She plays a babysitter who gets harassed by a woman's ex-husband who escaped from the loony bin.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on July 19, 2012, 05:57:19 PM

Unofficial Punisher short film. Theme of vigilante delivering justi... punishment, never gets old! I hope it encourages full length of something as fierce as this.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Black_Angkar on July 19, 2012, 06:11:41 PM
Quote from: online prowler on July 05, 2012, 12:06:29 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on July 04, 2012, 10:53:05 PM
Spalovač mrtvol - The Cremator (1968) by Juraj Herz
Although not an "extreme" movie, it covers many subjects that could fit in this forum...

Haven't seen this one ... good suggestion! Grazie! Director Juraj Herz rings a bell, but I can't place him at the moment. 

I really liked his slightly surreal (more in tone than in actual plot) masterpiece Morgiana. I'd say in a somewhat Polanski-like manner. Really good. Stunning aesthetics.


And  speaking of "Valerie and her week of Wonders", one of my top ten favorites of all times. I watch it from time to time, never get tired of it. This is pure magic.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Black_Angkar on July 19, 2012, 06:21:51 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 20, 2011, 09:05:37 PM
AMER- french film with heavy giallo influences. first section is interesting followed by boredom then picks up. Has all the cool colored lighting, odd camera angles, a straight razor with black gloves but no hats or J&B bottles. OK for a rental. Has the directors early short films in the extras. I watched 2 of the 5 or 6. One called "Catharsis" was interesting.

I thought it was visually impressive all the way through. It feels more like a stylistic exercise/hommage than anything else, so style is really all I need. I think the scene in the garden at night was really nice too, with the taxidriver and the razor on the teeth. Not something I'll watch that often, but it's been a while and I think I will watch it again soon. Don't think my edition had the short films though, too bad?   
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 20, 2012, 09:17:14 AM

hell of a fucking movie


one of the all time best. childhood memories
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on July 20, 2012, 04:08:21 PM
Seen quite a lot of lately. What's stuck at the top of my head - Latvian documentary Family Instinct (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1817142/) . Though the subtitles were terrible, since Latvian language is similar to Lithuanian, it's possible to understand everything. So bleak, harsh and funny. Incest, alcohol, poverty and so on. True eastern european village. No wonder why it's called "Latvian Gummo". If someone is interested - drop me a line. I still haven't found the dvd of it to buy
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on July 20, 2012, 04:39:04 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on July 20, 2012, 09:17:14 AM

hell of a fucking movie

The only time I see my favourite Winston whitering in front of another actor...

Ben Kinsgley's "No" scene is a complete masterpiece.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: emboscado on July 20, 2012, 06:10:45 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on July 19, 2012, 05:57:19 PM

Unofficial Punisher short film. Theme of vigilante delivering justi... punishment, never gets old! I hope it encourages full length of something as fierce as this.

Absolutely, this short piece made "just for the fun of it" captures the essence of Ennis period in the Punisher series... Damn that the movie were just a fail... maybe it would have worked better as a tv series...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Black_Angkar on July 20, 2012, 07:24:56 PM
Quote from: emboscado on July 20, 2012, 06:10:45 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on July 19, 2012, 05:57:19 PM

Unofficial Punisher short film. Theme of vigilante delivering justi... punishment, never gets old! I hope it encourages full length of something as fierce as this.

Absolutely, this short piece made "just for the fun of it" captures the essence of Ennis period in the Punisher series... Damn that the movie were just a fail... maybe it would have worked better as a tv series...

Considering how TV has seen a change in attitude to depictions of gore and sex lately I could definitely see Punisher being pulled of a successfull series. I think these endless running comics are much better suited for the tv-series format than movies (which might work for graphic novels, but most often don't). As long as it wouldn't end up as something so utterly crappy as "spartacus"   
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on July 24, 2012, 06:40:34 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on July 24, 2012, 12:37:21 AM
Provocative arthouse/exploitation film that like the earlier WR: MYSTERIES OF THE ORGANISM mixes found film, documentary footage, sex, violence, politics, art and taboos into a delirious cinematic spectacle. Could also be considered the unofficial blueprint for several (90s) perversion subcultures - WAM/sploshing, adult babies, full body enclosure, piss, shit, vomit, etc, etc...

It is something of a favourite here and while yes there is a whole lot of weird sex in there, the weird politics are pretty interesting too - there is I think real hatred for communism in there despite how things first appear. Unforgettable, bizarre, hugely thought-provoking, guaranteed to cause arguments about its meaning.

One of my favourite Phil Todd projects ANNA PLANETA was named after the boy-molesting character in this film. Double CD of entirely uncommercial improvised material using few real instruments recorded in abandoned orphanage with bats at night in the late 90s. Pretty much made BWCD go out of business!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 24, 2012, 10:33:22 PM
Anyone seen this one?

Melancholie der Engel. German horror anno 2009.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOfvgRwa0J8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOfvgRwa0J8)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 26, 2012, 02:21:13 AM
Eating Raoul (1982)


Fun and føkked up comedy by Paul Bartel.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3N5l-URMJw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3N5l-URMJw)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on July 26, 2012, 09:32:33 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on July 24, 2012, 12:37:21 AM
Provocative arthouse/exploitation film that like the earlier WR: MYSTERIES OF THE ORGANISM mixes found film, documentary footage, sex, violence, politics, art and taboos into a delirious cinematic spectacle. Could also be considered the unofficial blueprint for several (90s) perversion subcultures - WAM/sploshing, adult babies, full body enclosure, piss, shit, vomit, etc, etc...

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 28, 2012, 07:21:23 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on July 26, 2012, 11:37:57 AM
Quote from: online prowler on July 26, 2012, 02:21:13 AM
Eating Raoul (1982)


Fun and føkked up comedy by Paul Bartel.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3N5l-URMJw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3N5l-URMJw)

Another perverse film due to be released on Criterion! Comes complete with the two short films The Secret Cinema and Naughty Nurse: http://www.criterion.com/films/27767-eating-raoul. I've mentioned it before in this thread but Private Parts is incredible too and Death Race 2000 is just adorable...

Registered a while back the reissue on Criterion, but didn't read the article. Haven't seen his short films. Looking forward to check it out. Thanx for the info!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 28, 2012, 07:25:31 PM
Arsenal (1929)


Director: Alexander Dovzhenko.
Ru/Silent movie


Cinematic piece here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIq0UDHvqic&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIq0UDHvqic&feature=related)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 28, 2012, 08:51:04 PM


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3Fg_K08YIA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3Fg_K08YIA)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on July 28, 2012, 10:19:02 PM
Quote from: online prowler on July 28, 2012, 08:51:04 PM


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3Fg_K08YIA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3Fg_K08YIA)

Nice, like the look of this one. Inspired me to check out some other forgotten Troma stuff on the 'Tube, lo and behold all the Toxic Avenger films have been put up for streaming. Brilliant.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 01, 2012, 07:31:06 AM
Just started watching the Trailer Park Boys a few days ago. Blew threw the 6 episode first season quite quickly. It's silly, even dumb at times, but still so enjoyable. I especially love how the character Julian, never, ever goes anywhere without a mixed drink in his hands. A wonderful glorification and simultaneous joke on Nova Scotian trailer park culture that's applicable to hicks, gypsies and small time criminals everywhere.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: MT on August 01, 2012, 11:23:31 AM
Lahey is my favorite. Absolute drunken' maniac.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on August 02, 2012, 01:02:00 AM
Kill List last night http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1788391/

Started ok, bit of a slow burner, nice British-ness to it but fell apart 2/3 of the way through with the "twist". Became unecessary, predictable and sadly stupid. Shame. There was a trailer for Animal Kingdom on the DVD which makes me want to see that more now, and Brighton Rock. Some foreign language film as well which looked quite good but the title escapes me so I'll probably never get round to seeing it/remembering it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 02, 2012, 02:40:29 AM
Quote from: martialgodmask on August 02, 2012, 01:02:00 AM
Kill List last night http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1788391/ Started ok, bit of a slow burner, nice British-ness to it but fell apart 2/3 of the way through with the "twist". Became unecessary, predictable and sadly stupid. Shame. There was a trailer for Animal Kingdom on the DVD which makes me want to see that more now, and Brighton Rock. Some foreign language film as well which looked quite good but the title escapes me so I'll probably never get round to seeing it/remembering it.

Saw Animal Kingdom a while back. Thriller worth getting along to. Lot of interesting movement going on in the Aussie film industry at the moment. If my memory serves me well the producer of AK is also involved in 2011s The Hunter http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1703148/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1703148/) with Willelm Dafoe. Decent flick as well. The writer of the novel The Hunter Julia Leigh released her directorial debut last year. The slow moving cold-dark-erotic Sleeping Beauty. Not a perfect film in all sense, but I enjoyed the visuals as well as the rhythm. Recommend it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CU_gV-8esY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CU_gV-8esY)  

Quote from: Peterson on August 01, 2012, 10:10:00 PM
Mostly been watching adaptations of Philip K. Dick lately. Started with Blade Runner, then Minority Report, then Total Recall. Even though the directors took a lot of creative liberties, making it all a lot more glamorous and acceptable for Hollywood, they're all still pretty good, gritty, dark, and a little disturbing. None of these, however, can match the quality of A Scanner Darkly. Robert Downey Jr.'s performance is spectacular and there's no question for me that it's Richard Linklater's best film.

Been ages ago since I read P.K. Dick. Might take him up again one of these days. Scanner Darkly is a great film. The paranoia is smiting. As for Blade Runner... no words can articulate ... Total Recall is mayor fun. Remember we where truly awed by Hollywood's adaptation when it came out on vhs. See that they are releasing a new version of Total now. Haven't bothered to read about it. Will steer clear of this version. When we are talking of Arnold... had an 80s run earlier this spring. Revisited among his Red Heat (1988). Absolutely great action-comedy fun! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14bjUtntk4Q (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14bjUtntk4Q). Walter Hill directs: Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Belushi and Peter Boyle; all manic cartoon figures. HA!    

At the end of the song I would like to shed a light on Jean-Pierre Melville's L'armée des ombres (Army of shadows) from '69. Melville is one of my all-time fav directors. The film mentioned is presented like a combo of war film and gangster movie. The cinematography by Pierre L'homme is worth the watch alone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-1Dzrk-cfI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-1Dzrk-cfI)  Short trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=on38oTESbHU&feature=related (http://Short%20trailer:%20http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=on38oTESbHU&feature=related)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 02, 2012, 03:23:06 AM
Army of Shadows is easily the best movie about the resistance. Period
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 02, 2012, 05:47:47 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on August 02, 2012, 03:23:06 AM
Army of Shadows is easily the best movie about the resistance. Period

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Black_Angkar on August 02, 2012, 09:19:20 AM
Quote from: online prowler on August 02, 2012, 02:40:29 AM
When we are talking of Arnold... had an 80s run earlier this spring. Revisited among his Red Heat (1988). Absolutely great action-comedy fun! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14bjUtntk4Q (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14bjUtntk4Q). Walter Hill directs: Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Belushi and Peter Boyle; all manic cartoon figures. HA!    

Now don't forget Twins and Kindergarten Cop. Two pillars of contemporary western culture.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Black_Angkar on August 02, 2012, 09:25:20 AM
BLISS from 1985


This I remember as one of the funniest surrealist comedies I've ever seen...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on August 03, 2012, 02:13:42 AM
Quote from: online prowler on August 02, 2012, 02:40:29 AM
Quote from: martialgodmask on August 02, 2012, 01:02:00 AM
Kill List last night http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1788391/ Started ok, bit of a slow burner, nice British-ness to it but fell apart 2/3 of the way through with the "twist". Became unecessary, predictable and sadly stupid. Shame. There was a trailer for Animal Kingdom on the DVD which makes me want to see that more now, and Brighton Rock. Some foreign language film as well which looked quite good but the title escapes me so I'll probably never get round to seeing it/remembering it.

Saw Animal Kingdom a while back. Thriller worth getting along to. Lot of interesting movement going on in the Aussie film industry at the moment. If my memory serves me well the producer of AK is also involved in 2011s The Hunter http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1703148/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1703148/) with Willelm Dafoe. Decent flick as well.

Just watched the trailer, looks good, knew nothing of it previously. Might have to reconsider Lovefilm or something of that ilk.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: vomitgore on August 03, 2012, 02:34:45 AM
Quote from: online prowler on July 24, 2012, 10:33:22 PM
Anyone seen this one?

Melancholie der Engel. German horror anno 2009.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOfvgRwa0J8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOfvgRwa0J8)

Good film! Has some very depraved scenes (scat, vomiting etc) and beautiful cinematography. However it is quite absurd at times, and the DVD doesn't come with english subtitles, so the 2,5 hours could be a strain, if you don't understand german! Surely not everyone's cup of tea, but quite sick, authentic and artsy without being faggish. The film includes a ridiculous amount of animal snuff btw, so stay clear, if you don't like that.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on August 03, 2012, 03:35:28 PM
Quote from: martialgodmask on August 02, 2012, 01:02:00 AM
Some foreign language film as well which looked quite good but the title escapes me so I'll probably never get round to seeing it/remembering it.

Well I did a bit of hunting and remembered it has Vincent Cassel in it - the film in question is Notre Jour Viendra (Our Day Will Come), anyone seen it?


Love the sound of the factory siren.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 03, 2012, 05:49:44 PM
Quote from: martialgodmask on August 03, 2012, 03:35:28 PM
Quote from: martialgodmask on August 02, 2012, 01:02:00 AM
Some foreign language film as well which looked quite good but the title escapes me so I'll probably never get round to seeing it/remembering it.

Well I did a bit of hunting and remembered it has Vincent Cassel in it - the film in question is Notre Jour Viendra (Our Day Will Come), anyone seen it?


Love the sound of the factory siren.

Saw this a while back. A kill-off road movie. Not the peak of film history, though worth to check out. Misanthropic, dark, fun. Cassel is good so is co-star what's-his-name? In short an A-B-C in how to propose oneself in this world?! ....  Enjoy Gavras films, espc the beat that skipped my heart.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on August 03, 2012, 05:59:36 PM
The redhead guy is Olivier Barthelemy. Noutre Jour Viendra is one of the most intense movie of the last years. It's a run against everything. I wrote so much about this Romain Gavras movie on my article about power-electronics cinema. the Cassel monologue is perfect and fits so good in that kind of cinema message
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on August 03, 2012, 11:41:00 PM
Great, I shall see about getting hold of it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 04, 2012, 12:43:06 AM
Melancholie der Engel is by the same director as Cannibal which was a bore but had some great gore. MdE sounds like it'd be the same (a bore with great gore/depravity) & maybe something like Subconscious Cruelty.

Our Day Will Come looks interesting.

I haven't seen anything good lately...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on August 04, 2012, 05:10:40 PM
Quote from: Nil By Mouth on August 03, 2012, 05:59:36 PM
The redhead guy is Olivier Barthelemy. Noutre Jour Viendra is one of the most intense movie of the last years. It's a run against everything. I wrote so much about this Romain Gavras movie on my article about power-electronics cinema. the Cassel monologue is perfect and fits so good in that kind of cinema message

with Calvaire my favourite recent Euro movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on August 05, 2012, 03:55:33 AM
Quote from: online prowler on August 02, 2012, 02:40:29 AM
Quote from: martialgodmask on August 02, 2012, 01:02:00 AM
Kill List last night http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1788391/ Started ok, bit of a slow burner, nice British-ness to it but fell apart 2/3 of the way through with the "twist". Became unecessary, predictable and sadly stupid. Shame. There was a trailer for Animal Kingdom on the DVD which makes me want to see that more now, and Brighton Rock. Some foreign language film as well which looked quite good but the title escapes me so I'll probably never get round to seeing it/remembering it.

Saw Animal Kingdom a while back. Thriller worth getting along to. Lot of interesting movement going on in the Aussie film industry at the moment. If my memory serves me well the producer of AK is also involved in 2011s The Hunter...

Ok so I just watched Animal Kingdom, read a lot of comparisons of between this and Snow Town... don't see it really, other than the obvious Aussie crime thriller similarity. AK is better, I'd say. Very enjoyable, glad to have seen it. Definitely interested in The Hunter now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 07, 2012, 12:01:49 AM

by Shinya Tsukamoto
dvd release on Third Window Films this fall.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILChkxK-w70 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILChkxK-w70)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 07, 2012, 10:36:44 PM
Quote from: Black_Angkar on August 02, 2012, 09:25:20 AM
BLISS from 1985


This I remember as one of the funniest surrealist comedies I've ever seen...

Thanx, this looks good!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Black_Angkar on August 08, 2012, 03:47:03 AM
It's absurdist really, but with a lot of hillariously surrealist details. Still, you can notice it being an eighties movie in many ways.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on August 10, 2012, 04:27:40 PM
nil by mouth (1997)

excellent gritty drama directed by gary oldman that feels like a docu at most parts about a family living in south east london's public housing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on August 16, 2012, 04:30:55 AM
The Turin Horse

a masterpiece and the best movie i ever watched in my life period
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: H.H*D.H on August 16, 2012, 12:20:31 PM

I'm just left waiting for the college humour logo to pop up at the end
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 18, 2012, 06:39:13 PM
SNOWTOWN MURDERS- watched it twice; first time, i wasn't fully aware of the story so first half felt pretty intense but then seemed to lose it starting with the killing of the dog & a couple other scenes that were sort of pointless. 2nd viewing, i fell the same way esp after reading the wikipedia on John Bunting. not a bad film but it seems like they left out some crucial details that would have made it more interesting (Bunting killing the junkie b/c he was annoyed at getting pricked by a used needle & one victim was hanged in the woods). be sure to watch the extra about the real murders- basically just text running over, i'm guessing, the residents of Snowtown.

KILL LIST- i had a torrent d/l'd but never watched it. i would have never made it through it on the pc. basically just a ridiculous plot. it may have worked if all the arguments & emotion had been left out. the big climax was too long also. the violence seemed cartoonish too (along with the skuffle in the kitchen). 'the librarian' would have been brutal if it wasn't so intentionally over the top (the hand was pretty nasty). it's like the dir watched an action movie then watched The Wicker Man...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on August 18, 2012, 08:43:55 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 18, 2012, 06:39:13 PMit's like the dir watched an action movie then watched The Wicker Man...

Exactly what I said to the guy I borrowed it from.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on August 30, 2012, 05:50:43 PM
Fuck, '87?! I wonder what is the last year when ruthless action films reign supreme? If you'd now make film about Texas rangers in drug war and military op going bad, I guess you'd end up with some BS in style of Fast & Furious. This is pure gold. One could watch films like this every day. Nick Nolte doing his thing as fairly emotionless ranger. Can't think any big name actors of today who could pull role like this.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 30, 2012, 06:15:23 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on August 30, 2012, 05:50:43 PM
Fuck, '87?! I wonder what is the last year when ruthless action films reign supreme? If you'd now make film about Texas rangers in drug war and military op going bad, I guess you'd end up with some BS in style of Fast & Furious. This is pure gold. One could watch films like this every day. Nick Nolte doing his thing as fairly emotionless ranger. Can't think any big name actors of today who could pull role like this.

Haven't seen this in a while. Remember this as a decent aktion flick. Modern western slash one-man-army mayhem. Will revisit one of these days.

Envoke Philippe Grandrieux's SOMBRE (Fr. 1998).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncqQPs_FasI&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncqQPs_FasI&feature=related)

Dark, barren, abstract horror/murder story. Much like a Dennis Cooper poems only visually. Be sure to check his other features La vie nouvelle and Un lac.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 30, 2012, 07:25:04 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on August 30, 2012, 05:50:43 PM
Fuck, '87?! I wonder what is the last year when ruthless action films reign supreme? If you'd now make film about Texas rangers in drug war and military op going bad, I guess you'd end up with some BS in style of Fast & Furious. This is pure gold. One could watch films like this every day. Nick Nolte doing his thing as fairly emotionless ranger. Can't think any big name actors of today who could pull role like this.

"Hell, Jack... the only thing worse than a politician is a child molester."

Not quite a classic, but a hell of a lot of fun. And Michael Ironside is in it, which is reason enough to watch almost any movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 30, 2012, 11:04:44 PM
I'm not sure I've seen E.P. which is weird. Definitely looks like a movie I would have seen on cable tv over the years. I'm a fan of Walter Hill's action films;  his first six films are great: Hard Times, The Driver, The Warriors, Long Riders, Southern Comfort, & 48 Hours.

There's a TX Rangers museum here.  "One Riot, One Ranger" is a great motto. Oddly enough, there's rarely anything in the news about them.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 31, 2012, 11:07:49 PM
TRailer for Peter Strickland's new feature BERBERIAN SOUND STUDIO holds promise. Check the trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlNCiGVQsd0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlNCiGVQsd0)

Strickland's debut film Katalin Varga is available now on dvd. Highly recommend this flick. Check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PTjObn2W5I&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PTjObn2W5I&feature=related)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on September 01, 2012, 12:47:18 AM
Quote from: Si Clark on September 01, 2012, 12:06:43 AM
Quote from: online prowler on August 31, 2012, 11:07:49 PM
TRailer for Peter Strickland's new feature BERBERIAN SOUND STUDIO holds promise. Check the trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlNCiGVQsd0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlNCiGVQsd0)
I saw Berberian Sound Studio at a film festival last weekend, it's very good! It was very interesting to see a film where the main focus was on the sound design. Great performance from the main character as he spirals into madness. Recommended.

Really want to see this. Eagerly showed the trailer to my father-in-law who said "that looks a bit weird", to which I nodded and said "Precisely!".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jaakko V. on September 03, 2012, 12:17:14 AM
Talvisota - The Winter War

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098437 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098437)

Been a long time since I last saw this. Much celebrated war epic about the war between Finland and Soviet Union in the winter of '39-'40. This is a good war movie! Over three hours of Finnish melancholia & mindset, uhh..

So someone uploaded the entire movie on YouTube. Take a peek and get the DVD.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXaSPn7JBfM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXaSPn7JBfM)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on September 08, 2012, 01:56:56 PM
Paranormal Activity 3 - I enjoyed the first one, not seen the second one yet; I think the series gets a bad rep as being Blair Witch-lite. The handycam style suits the subject matter. It's predictable, you get what you expect but certainly worth watching the last 30mins if nothing else!

We Need To Talk About Kevin - BORING. Was told very good things about this. I've not read the book and nor am I likely to so I watched the film and.... it just turns into a very tedious and pretty predictable people film that annoys more than it engages.

Super - awesome. I'm not a big fan of superhero/comic book hero parodies which I initially thought this would be initially, but actually once you get past the very occasional Scott Pilgrim-ness it is really good. Kevin Bacon and Michael Rooker co-star, some nice scenes of unbridled violence and revenge. It became clear that it's a dark comedy rather than a dumb parody which I was thankful of... I've been told Kick-Ass is similar but I'm really struggling to motivate myself to watch Nicolas Cage as a "superhero".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on September 09, 2012, 12:19:27 AM
KILL LIST (dir. Ben Wheatley, 2011)

Among the acres of dross produced by the British film industry, most of it worse than anything Hollywood could imagine, a very very occasional gem comes like Naked, Nil By Mouth, Dead Man's Shoes. I enjoyed his earlier film Down Terrace but wasn't prepared for how great this was. It's a kind of paranoid thriller with hyper-realistic dialogue which eventually becomes a full-on horror movie with some extremely gory splatter scenes. My breath was taken away with how great the acting, cinematography and direction was. I don't really want to say anything that could give away how bizarre and wild the plot is, but will mention that I was reminded of Peckinpah and Kubrick for the skills behind the film, and also of some of their specific films (Straw Dogs, Eyes Wide Shut) as well as a Mike Leigh influence in the superb semi-improvised acting by mostly unknowns. All-time mind-blowing plot twists at the end. Cannot recommend highly enough! but it will give anyone a sleepless night.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 09, 2012, 09:49:50 PM
You should check out THE WICKER MAN too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on September 09, 2012, 10:12:57 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 09, 2012, 09:49:50 PM
You should check out THE WICKER MAN too.

Heh, yeah I know it got extremely mixed reviews & saw your opinion...didn't see much Wicker Man similarity myself though. The long and painful dysfunctional suburban British dinner party at the beginning (absolutely spot on in everyday horror) set the amphetamine comedown tone for me. The writers have almost certainly delved into Dutroux conspiracy theories of high-ranking political blackmail circles and I took the more bizarre aspects of the later film as a worse-case paranoid scenario spin on that stuff...'The MP' being a giveaway. Loved this film so much.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on September 09, 2012, 10:35:24 PM
For me, Kill List doesn't come close to even holding a candle to the likes of Dead Mans Shoes, Nil By Mouth, Tyrannosaur etc. I wanted to enjoy it as much as you obviously did, certainly wasn't blown away by the "twist", thought it was campy and unnecessary. Had it maintained the uncompromising realism of the opening 30mins, I'd've enjoyed it a whole load more I think.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ironfistofthesun on September 09, 2012, 11:29:03 PM
kill list was amazing.....
the wicker man...a total different film in a different decade ...totaly different paganism ...still amazing....

for fans off KILL LIST

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ironfistofthesun on September 09, 2012, 11:31:54 PM
...re/ kill list
...... who thought the ritual was about KING AUTHUR ...?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on September 10, 2012, 12:52:04 AM
Quote from: ironfistofthesun on September 09, 2012, 11:29:03 PM
kill list was amazing.....
the wicker man...a total different film in a different decade ...totaly different paganism ...still amazing....

for fans off KILL LIST


Looks good.

To be fair, my complaints about Kill List aside, I think British cinema has delivered some absolute top notch stuff over recent years, generally I'd rather watch a British film than from anywhere else right now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 10, 2012, 01:55:34 AM
Here's a review of The Devil's Business:


The cover art for the upcoming LP on Death Waltz is cool. Hopefully the movie will get a US rel soon.

Lately I've seen: Dirty Harry, Unforgiven, House of Games, Rec 3: Genesis

I've seen Dead Man's Shoes once & only thought it was ok. I had high hopes for it at the time. I'd like to see it again but rented it via Netflix & I'm no longer a member.

I agree on British films. I'm a huge fan of'em.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on September 12, 2012, 09:53:39 AM
after many suggestions I have watched A l'intereur and I save nothing of it.
Despite the many splatter scene is ridicolous, with no tension whatsoever.
The whole story is full of huge holes, predictable and the way cops behaves is ridicolous.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 12, 2012, 10:35:27 PM
That's too bad about A l'intereur. I like "Inside" alot; I get a jolt everytime I see that guy smash her in the belly with the billyclub.

This is interesting:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on September 14, 2012, 12:32:40 AM
Three films with Michel Subor. A thought tryptic on a soldiering life.  


Early years in war: Le petit soldat (1963)
Director: Jean-Luc Godard.
As Bruno Forestier. During the Algerian war for independence from France, a young Frenchman living in Geneva who belongs to a right-wing terrorist group and a young woman who belongs to a left-wing terrorist group meet and fall in love. Complications ensue when the man is suspected by the members of his terrorist group of being a double agent. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS1qNnW3XF8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS1qNnW3XF8)

Foreign legion years: Beau travail (1999)
Director: Claire Denis.
As Commander Bruno Forestier. Ex-Foreign Legion officer as he recalls his once glorious life, leading troops in Africa.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u65lNJP5yik (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u65lNJP5yik)

Late years: L'intrus (2004)
Director: Claire Denis.
As Louis Trebor. a man nearing 70, lives alone with dogs in the forest near the French-Swiss border. He has heart problems, seeks a transplant, and then goes in search of a son sired years before in Tahiti.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVLze00ViPo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVLze00ViPo)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on September 14, 2012, 01:08:02 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 12, 2012, 10:35:27 PM


eh too bad the mayor is a moron.

all Italians on the forum definitely knows him.
I met him a couple of times for exhibitions in my hometown, definitely annoying.


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 14, 2012, 10:32:26 PM
Watched some of "In the Devil's Garden" last night but couldn't pay attention. Early '70s UK film with Suzy Kendall (Kendell?), looks like it was filmed for tv about a schoolgirl rapist-killer.

Just ordered Ken Russell's "The Devils" dvd. Looking forward to seeing it again.

Has anyone seen "Appropriate Adult" about Fred & Rosemary West?

"Innocence of Isalm" could become a cult classic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2E55rwmKSyg
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 17, 2012, 06:55:19 PM
Watched "One Deadly Summer" with the my girlfriend last week. What would be okay is made great by Isabelle Adjani and her naked prancing. The rape scene is pretty good too. Unfortunately the actual violence is not graphic at all. Every time I expected to see some gore, the camera cuts away. lame.

and I watched "Sin City" for what seems like the 100th time last night. It's so over the top and ridiculous but that's what makes it good. Basically a 14 year olds fantasy run wild. And Micky Rourke is just so good as Marv
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 17, 2012, 08:52:26 PM
Appropriate Adult is ok, nothing special. No mention of incest at all & the actress that plays Rosemary seems to be dead-on: a foul, mouthed bith but doesn't really look old enough. I was unaware of the cult rumours or the things Fred's brother did.

On a rainy Sunday afternoon I watched Point Black with Lee Marvin.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on September 26, 2012, 03:01:24 AM
Electra Glide In Blue (1973).
Director: James William Guercio.

John Wintergreen (Robert Blake) is a motorcycle cop patroling the rural Arizona highways with his partner "Zipper" (Billy Green Bush). Wintergreen, a rookie, is looking for an opportunity to be transferred to homicide. When he is informed of an apparent suicide, Wintergreen believes the case is actually a murder. Detective Harve Poole (Mitchell Ryan) agrees, and arranges for Wintergreen to be transferred to homicide to help with the case. The plot unfolds--


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q-hSSks9fU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q-hSSks9fU)

In my opinion this is a classic. Very good craftsmanship on all fronts in this production. Enjoy
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 30, 2012, 09:48:16 PM
Electric Glide in Blue is very good. I always watch it when I come across it on tv.

Rainy Saturday viewing:

Manhunter- so much better than Silence of the Lambs & has the best ever jump-through-a-window-only-to-be-caught-by-a-huge-serial-killer-who-throws-you-into-a-refrigerator-while-IronButterfly-is-blaring-loud-as-hell scene.

Bleeder & the original Mother's Day (I can see why the remake wasn't really a remake. It's an awful movie)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on October 01, 2012, 08:05:45 AM
Currently watching Star Trek: New Generation. I guess it's a shame that I've never seen a single episode of Star Trek. Quite decent series.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 02, 2012, 04:54:21 PM

The Abnormal Sinema Of Nick Zedd

No wave // avantgarde director. A collection of his films are found in this recent dvd release.

Nick Zedd - Wild World Of Lydia Lunch (1983) (full movie)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAiziUZdIW4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAiziUZdIW4)

Amos Poe's
The Foreigner (1978)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PQ5tlcYJEs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PQ5tlcYJEs)

No wave cinema influenced by the French new wave. Comparisons can also be found in Chris Marker's Le Jetée. Especially in sections of the narrative and as well in the main character.

Le Jetée


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CGKq1MuZ6k (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CGKq1MuZ6k)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Human Larvae on October 03, 2012, 02:07:11 PM
Just finished watching Excision. Leaking new age cinema out of all corners, that kind of turns me off, but still a quite compelling and weird movie with a good dose of blood and guts. Recommended

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on October 03, 2012, 02:32:27 PM
Watched Fish Tank last week - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1232776/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1232776/); another Brit "people" film but very good, didn't know anything about it previously, not an essential watch I don't think but conversely a worthwhile one. Down to earth and real, no charicaturing which I like.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Human Larvae on October 03, 2012, 04:20:29 PM
continuing today's movie matinee, just saw Buffalo 66. A bit unnerving to watch now and again, given the troubled characters being portrayed, but overall a good flick with it's bleak atmosphere.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Black_Angkar on October 03, 2012, 06:32:28 PM
Been having a body horror fit recently. Going through Cronenberg classics (Videodrome, The Naked Lunch. Just got Existenz to re-watch for the first time since it came, can't remember if its good or a failure), the first two Tetsuo films and just yesterday Kei Fujiwaras "ORGAN". I like this one a lot. It is quite sketchy and a lot of concepts are unclear or underdeveloped, but I really can't be bothered with that when I watch some films. Unlike the Cronenberg films, here the aesthetics are the most important part and I think they are well executed. I like these kind of handmade effects with a sometimes amateurish, sometimes excellent look while I just can't stand most computer graphics.

Now has anyone got any good advice when it comes to other films in the "genre"?  Preferrably with a clever concept and/or a surrealist approach?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: locustfurnace on October 04, 2012, 12:37:31 AM
Quote from: Black_Angkar on October 03, 2012, 06:32:28 PM
Been having a body horror fit recently...........Now has anyone got any good advice when it comes to other films in the "genre"?  Preferrably with a clever concept and/or a surrealist approach?

Try the movie Society > http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098354/ > being a hell of a long time since I saw it so not so sure how it would hold up to todays standard/viewing but I remember enjoying it back in the day....
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Black_Angkar on October 04, 2012, 12:40:28 AM
Quote from: locustfurnace on October 04, 2012, 12:37:31 AM
Quote from: Black_Angkar on October 03, 2012, 06:32:28 PM
Been having a body horror fit recently...........Now has anyone got any good advice when it comes to other films in the "genre"?  Preferrably with a clever concept and/or a surrealist approach?

Try the movie Society > http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098354/ > being a hell of a long time since I saw it so not so sure how it would hold up to todays standard/viewing but I remember enjoying it back in the day....

ah yeah remember seeing the cover for this one for years, but for some reason it slipped through. One good friend recommended it highlybut I totally forgot about it. Will check it out. Thanks.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 04, 2012, 10:26:35 PM
V/H/S- terrible
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 08, 2012, 10:45:50 PM
Brother (Брат) - watched this with my gf on Friday. Legendary Russian gangster film. I guess you could consider it slow at parts, but the less action oriented parts are all about highlighting social issues in Russia at the time. Having just spent 20 days in Russia earlier this summer, part of which was in St Petersburg, it was interesting to see the city through the camera lens. It certainly looks much bleaker/dirtier than when I was there, though the movie takes place in fall/winter, not summer. The violence was realistic and matter of fact which I appreciated. Looking forward to watching the sequel soon.

eXistenZ - I'd never seen this Cronenberg film before. one of the many new laserdiscs in a huge batch I got for free. Seemed like Videodrome 2.0 to me, but inferior in every way. Jennifer Jason Leigh is hot though. But the body horror aspect was so unconvincing. I don't understand how Cronenberg's movies just looked worse and worse after the mid 90s. Like sterile in a very fake way.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Black_Angkar on October 09, 2012, 12:10:07 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 08, 2012, 10:45:50 PM
eXistenZ - I'd never seen this Cronenberg film before. one of the many new laserdiscs in a huge batch I got for free. Seemed like Videodrome 2.0 to me, but inferior in every way. Jennifer Jason Leigh is hot though. But the body horror aspect was so unconvincing. I don't understand how Cronenberg's movies just looked worse and worse after the mid 90s. Like sterile in a very fake way.

yes basically an updated, "mainstreamed" version of Videodrome. Saw it last week as well. I think it was not so bad an idea to use the format of videogames, but I just can't grasp what is missing. It feels "empty" in a way. The mystery never actually becomes very mystical, the ending is unexpected in the most contrived way. Basically some interesting ideas and a few nice moments, but nothiung he hasn't done better before. Also, on the DVD I bought there was a documentary on the FX which featured snippets of the movie. Bizarrely it looked much better in the documentary - with grainy photo, dense colors not the sterile clearity of the film itself. Like two different movies.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on October 09, 2012, 12:28:12 PM
complete masterpiece

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 09, 2012, 08:30:15 PM
Seijun Suzuki is the shit. I think Branded To Kill is even better though. Psychedelic gangster masterpiece.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on October 10, 2012, 12:52:57 AM
the wild angles
let sleeping corpses lie

all on dvd, enjoyd them all.

I did "rewatch" the avengers since I fell a asleep in the theatre.

hopefully I can loan a copy of luc bessons le dernier combat from a friend. it looked very exiting.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: SiClark on October 10, 2012, 04:30:03 PM
Watched the original 'Get Carter' last night on LoveFilm, such a good film! Still easily stands up to modern revenge films. Superb. Still haven't watched the remake, it might be funny but I'm pretty sure it's a sack of crap.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on October 10, 2012, 04:54:33 PM
Quote from: kettu on October 10, 2012, 12:52:57 AM

I did "rewatch" the avengers since I fell a asleep in the theatre.

biggest hollyowood disappointment for me this year.
i was so looking forward to that but it was boring and didn't leave me any memorable scene (apart from the whole scenes on the flying station)
too bad since I enjoyed the last wave of hollywood superheros (esp. batman, xmen and raimi's spiderman)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Black_Angkar on October 10, 2012, 08:33:39 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on October 10, 2012, 04:54:33 PM
Quote from: kettu on October 10, 2012, 12:52:57 AM

I did "rewatch" the avengers since I fell a asleep in the theatre.

biggest hollyowood disappointment for me this year.
i was so looking forward to that but it was boring and didn't leave me any memorable scene (apart from the whole scenes on the flying station)
too bad since I enjoyed the last wave of hollywood superheros (esp. batman, xmen and raimi's spiderman)

I differ in opinion. I thought all the X-men movies sucked except X-men 2 (X-men 3 was one of the first films I've seen in a long time). Spider-man 2 was good (the 1st too icky) and the third had the memorable "Evil Spiderman is still just a nerd with emo look" scene. The Batman films were quite good (I have not seen the third). I can't make up my mind if the total move from Tim Burton's utter silliness is better or worse (probably better). However the Avengers movie did it for me, though I hardfly ever go to cinema theatres and regulary avoid comic films since I almost never see the point of making the transfer in the first place. I thought it was well casted, utterly shallow, and with plenty of in-continuity refrences for the nerds (such as me) to be satisfied. The appearance of cosmic villain Thanos at the last seconds was awarding for me. Still, I would hardly give this a place in anyway near my top 100, but neither would any other superhero spectacle...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ghoulson on October 10, 2012, 10:27:29 PM
picked up some "classics" recently on vhs... had to watch them again.

Epic film dealing with the camorra. Based on the book "Il Camorrista" by Giuseppe Marrazo. Based on the story of Rafaele Cabout him, but sutolo ("Il professore") and the Camorra killing spree 1982-83. It was a pleasure to watch this 3 hour film again with swedish subtitles.

Lovely film about Idi Amin. Not as good as the documentary on him but still watchable.
For the swedes here, the infotext on the VHS: "Massmord. Masstortyr. Massvåldtäkt. Mordbrand på en hel nation. Idi Amin 1971. Detta är den sensationella filmen om vad som hände i Uganda 1971-79. Om terrorn som ledde till att 500.000 människor mördades. Terrorn som leddes av en naiv, dumdryg, fet, storhetsvansinnig best. En best som leddes till makten och välkomnades, bl a av England. En bäst som lät avfotografera sig när han åt människokött. Som utnämnde sig till världens bästa älskare och personligen torterade och mördade sina motståndare. Och som med sina engelska rådgivare instiftade en polis och tortyr som bara kan jämföras med Hitlers. Detta är filmen om Idi Amin. Och hans fall."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on October 11, 2012, 12:43:36 AM
Quote from: ghoulson on October 10, 2012, 10:27:29 PM
picked up some "classics" recently on vhs... had to watch them again.

Epic film dealing with the camorra. Based on the book "Il Camorrista" by Giuseppe Marrazo. Based on the story of Rafaele Cabout him, but sutolo ("Il professore") and the Camorra killing spree 1982-83. It was a pleasure to watch this 3 hour film again with swedish subtitles.[/i]

Who directed this? I think you talking about Raffaele Cutolo, the boss of the old wave of Camorra ;)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ghoulson on October 11, 2012, 12:53:03 AM
Cinema Paradiso director Giuseppe Tornatore. Highly recommended.
Traded some vhs at Videodrome today and also picked up "Nazi atrocities" VHS today - haven't watched it but seems like tape full with death camp footage.... remember seeing it mentioned in Killing for culture.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on October 11, 2012, 12:58:43 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on October 10, 2012, 04:54:33 PM
Quote from: kettu on October 10, 2012, 12:52:57 AM

I did "rewatch" the avengers since I fell a asleep in the theatre.

biggest hollyowood disappointment for me this year.

I liked it when hulk smash. and I did like the iron man movies. like is strong but I was entertained.
started to watch Terrore nello spazio but I got too sleepy to finnish. impressions so far, really cool leather suits!!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: krod on October 11, 2012, 09:04:10 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 04, 2012, 10:26:35 PM
V/H/S- terrible
I watched it yesterday. In my opinion it was one of the more entertaining found footage-films, which are usually only shit. Endings on all stories were terrible though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on October 12, 2012, 01:03:04 PM
Quote from: ghoulson on October 11, 2012, 12:53:03 AM
Cinema Paradiso director Giuseppe Tornatore. Highly recommended.
Traded some vhs at Videodrome today and also picked up "Nazi atrocities" VHS today - haven't watched it but seems like tape full with death camp footage.... remember seeing it mentioned in Killing for culture.

In Italy this movie is known as IL CAMORRISTA and it is a semi-unknown movie to the most that definitely strikes as one of the best movies of its age, while Italian cinema was pulling the plug.
This flick went almost underground for many years since it dared to speak many thruts on this that were happening in those days between mafia, masons and demochratic christians.

Ben Gazzara is perfect as the main actor.

Definitely  a classic.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on October 13, 2012, 12:52:20 AM
Yeah I remember it. Biagio Pelligra (very well knowed characters of italian polizieschi) have a small part on it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 18, 2012, 09:11:02 PM
PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES- pretty good Hammer film. all the scenes of the voodoo rituals esp the masks & the decapitation in the cemetery are excellant. VAMPIRE CIRCUS is my fave Hammer movie.

Last night was the new season for "American Horror Story: Asylum" & right from the get-go it was dumb as dirt. Has a difficult time paying attention. Last Sunday, "The Walking Dead" started back for its 3rd season & while not great, it's definitely better than A.H.S.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 19, 2012, 02:38:41 AM
Quote from: Human Larvae on October 03, 2012, 04:20:29 PM
continuing today's movie matinee, just saw Buffalo 66. A bit unnerving to watch now and again, given the troubled characters being portrayed, but overall a good flick with it's bleak atmosphere.


This is good shit! Modern classic written all over it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: m. on October 19, 2012, 11:19:02 PM
ANIMA PERSA (D.Risi) "Bizarre events keep occurring in an old mansion, and it's soon obvious that something mysterious is up in the attic."

nice one. shot in Venice. Vittorio Gassman is great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on October 20, 2012, 03:34:21 AM
the third man (1949) - classic film noir with beautiful chiaroscuro photography and a bleak finale.

no es bueno que el hombre este solo (1973) - interesting spanish obscurity about a middle aged man who lives with a mannequin doll and sees his privacy disturbed by a prostitute neighbour.

the blood spattered bride/la novia ensangrentada (1972) - trippy spanish cult film with pretensions of cheap psychoanalysis about a virgin bride that finds herself seduced by a mysterious woman who makes her commit bloody crimes. excellent!

il terzo occhio (1966) - joe d'amato's masterpiece 'Buio Omega' is a remake of this!! good atmosphere and visuals on this gothic horror with the always great franco nero as the disgraced taxidermist turned embalmer.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Black_Angkar on October 21, 2012, 09:14:02 PM
Just saw Tsukamotos "Gemini". Not as intense as his auteur films (I recollect this being a more commercial work?) But definitively a really good one. Intense atmosphere and as aesthetically perfected as usual, minus the fastpaced editing and industrial soundtracks. Which quite frankly gives me a nice "ah he's more than a one trick pony" feeling. I think I'll place this one slightly below Tokyo fist, the Tetsuo films, perhaps together with "A snake of June" when it comes to quality. And better than Vital or Bullet Ballet.

Tried to watch "Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto" but my dvd can't change the presets so it failed cause I don't want to see the english dub. Great film though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 21, 2012, 09:31:13 PM
THE DEVIL'S BRIDE aka THE DEVIL RIDES OUT- one of my fave Hammer films
THE RIVER'S EDGE- Crispin Glover is such a dramaqueen & Keanu's brother should have shot him
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Human Larvae on October 21, 2012, 09:36:41 PM
Hobo With A Shotgun laughably over-the-top exploitation with Rutger Hauer. If you've got time to waste, lots of gore and silly quotes await
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: m. on October 21, 2012, 10:10:35 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 21, 2012, 09:31:13 PM
THE DEVIL'S BRIDE aka THE DEVIL RIDES OUT- one of my fave Hammer films

absolutely great.  just bought the book few days ago.

TWIXT (F.Ford Coppola). Coppola seems to have discovered Lynch. enjoyable but nothing outstanding
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 22, 2012, 11:18:34 PM
I love TO THE DEVIL, A DAUGHTER too despite it just be silly. I was looking at ordering the books also; can't find anyone in the US with "The Devil Rides Out" at a cheap price but have found :To the devil..." & "The Satanist".

HORROR EXPRESS &, hopefully, NIGHT OF THE DEVILS dvds will be coming in soon...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 22, 2012, 11:43:16 PM
Saw Seven Psychopaths this weekend. Pretty damn funny and violent as well. The previews make it looks way dumb, but it's not. Really well done I thought. It's really about writing a screenplay more than dog stealing or serial killers.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 23, 2012, 02:49:27 AM


Hour of the wolf.

Director: Ingmar Bergman (1968).


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSFZjAOKOos (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSFZjAOKOos)

Recommend checking out the restored criterion version.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 24, 2012, 12:13:04 AM
So maybe I'm late to the party but did anyone else know there's a Pusher remake coming out very soon in the US?

100% certain it will be shit.

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1921070/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1921070/)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Black_Angkar on October 24, 2012, 12:55:10 AM
Quote from: online prowler on October 23, 2012, 02:49:27 AM


Hour of the wolf.

Director: Ingmar Bergman (1968).

one of my absolute favorites. Both by Bergman and in general.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on October 24, 2012, 03:01:43 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 24, 2012, 12:13:04 AM
So maybe I'm late to the party but did anyone else know there's a Pusher remake coming out very soon in the US?

100% certain it will be shit.

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1921070/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1921070/)

my scrotum is achin...

Pusher is a movie abot a town... if that town is absent nothing good can come
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 24, 2012, 07:59:59 PM
The PUSHER films are all very good. I wouldn't mind owning them but every time I come across the boxset, the discs sound like they're loose & my luck is that they'd be scratched.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 24, 2012, 10:23:54 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 24, 2012, 12:13:04 AM
So maybe I'm late to the party but did anyone else know there's a Pusher remake coming out very soon in the US?

100% certain it will be shit.

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1921070/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1921070/)

A remake of Pusher is just as necessary as a butox job inside ones rectum. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 27, 2012, 12:53:01 AM
Hei Folks,

I am seeking Mike Patton's VIDEOMACUMBA. Anyone have copy?

http://vimeo.com/46822629 (http://vimeo.com/46822629)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on October 28, 2012, 03:44:35 AM
Just watched Rise of the Footsoldier (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0901507/) - based on the true events surrounding the Range Rover murders in Rettendon, UK, 1995 and the build up to the events starting with the creation of football firm The I.C.F. and moving into 1980s rave and drug scene and beyond. Fucking brutal at times but very watchable although I have no recollection of the real events happening as I was only 10.

Funnily enough, the three drug dealers murdered were supposedly linked to the ultra-high profile ecstasy-death of Leah Betts.

Anyway, recommended.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 28, 2012, 07:56:47 PM


Steroids, depression and catharsis in Belgium.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZnPqAHd1_4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZnPqAHd1_4)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 28, 2012, 08:00:15 PM
Kotoko (2011)

Director: Shinya Tsukamoto.


Avail on DVD & BR//
http://thirdwindowfilms.com/films/kotoko (http://thirdwindowfilms.com/films/kotoko)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 28, 2012, 08:09:53 PM
Interesting prospect.

The Imposter


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auG_IuMHGZo&feature=player_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auG_IuMHGZo&feature=player_embedded)

A gripping thriller straight out of real life, THE IMPOSTER is an original film experience that walks the razor's edge between true-crime documentary and stylish noir mystery.

The twisting, turning tale begins with an unsettling disappearance – that of Nicholas Barclay, a 13 year-old Texas boy who vanishes without a trace. Three and a half years later, staggering news arrives: the boy has been found, thousands of miles from home in Spain, saying he survived a mind-boggling ordeal of kidnap and torture by shadowy captors. His family is ecstatic to have him back no matter how strange the circumstances – but things become far stranger once he returns to Texas.

Though the family accepts him, suspicion surrounds the person who claims to be Nicholas. How could the Barclay's blonde, blue-eyed son have returned with darker skin and eyes? How could his personality and even accent have changed so profoundly? Why does the family not seem to notice the glaring differences? And if this person who has arrived in Texas isn't the Barclay's missing child . . . who on earth is he? And what really happened to Nicholas?

Director Bart Layton fuses confessional interviews, strikingly creative re-enactments and suspenseful storytelling into a film that asks the audience to play detective – as they ferret out the blurred evidence between a family who seems desperate to believe, a private investigator obsessed with resolution and a lonely thief whose only loot is human identities. Yet, just when it seems the puzzle of Nicholas Barclay has come together, another corkscrew twist turns everything upside down – and draws the audience deeper into THE IMPOSTER'S lacerating questions about truth, perception and why people are so tempted to pretend, to fib and, most of all, to fool ourselves.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 28, 2012, 08:14:12 PM
Electric Dragon 80000V

Director: Sogo Ishii

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nHfldl5FzQ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nHfldl5FzQ)

Uneducational and Fun cyberpunk.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on October 28, 2012, 09:43:02 PM
Quote from: online prowler on October 28, 2012, 08:14:12 PM
Electric Dragon 80000V

Director: Sogo Ishii

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nHfldl5FzQ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nHfldl5FzQ)

Uneducational and Fun cyberpunk.

This I need to see!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 28, 2012, 11:13:25 PM
I thought BULLHEAD was awful or, at least, most of it. I like the plot but something about the way it was done just didn't fly for me.

Watched William Castle's first film, MACABRE, last night & now playing is SPINE TINGLER! THE WILLIAM CASTLE STORY.

Got a small pile of dvd's here waiting for cold weather viewing: The Devils, The Killer Snakes, Horror Express, & Night of the Devils.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 28, 2012, 11:40:10 PM
Gaspar Noe's "I Stand Alone" and Hideo Gosha's "Three Outlaw Samurai" are on deck for tonight. I've never watched either and I'm excited for both. Report to follow...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 29, 2012, 01:21:07 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 28, 2012, 11:40:10 PM
Gaspar Noe's "I Stand Alone" and Hideo Gosha's "Three Outlaw Samurai" are on deck for tonight. I've never watched either and I'm excited for both. Report to follow...

Excellent choices both. Classic cinema. Found this today on yt. Been wanting to see this for a long time.

Macabre ( Rumah Dara )
Indonesia, 2009

Full movie//
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZalfwU37_Y (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZalfwU37_Y)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsX5PzWNNms&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsX5PzWNNms&feature=related)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Black_Angkar on October 29, 2012, 06:09:42 AM
Quote from: online prowler on October 28, 2012, 08:00:15 PM
Kotoko (2011)

Director: Shinya Tsukamoto.


Avail on DVD & BR//
http://thirdwindowfilms.com/films/kotoko (http://thirdwindowfilms.com/films/kotoko)

Somehow I've missed all about this. Just read about its existence earlier today. Is it good then? And in which direction does he take it, violent or more mellow?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 29, 2012, 07:52:07 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 28, 2012, 11:40:10 PM
Gaspar Noe's "I Stand Alone" and Hideo Gosha's "Three Outlaw Samurai" are on deck for tonight. I've never watched either and I'm excited for both. Report to follow...

If you like samurai films, check out TRAIL OF BLOOD. It's one of the most violent. I missed out on a check used copy at a local store; never thought someone else would want it so I kept putting it off & bam! it was gone when I went back for it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 29, 2012, 08:35:47 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 28, 2012, 11:13:25 PM
I thought BULLHEAD was awful or, at least, most of it. I like the plot but something about the way it was done just didn't fly for me.

Watched William Castle's first film, MACABRE, last night & now playing is SPINE TINGLER! THE WILLIAM CASTLE STORY.

Got a small pile of dvd's here waiting for cold weather viewing: The Devils, The Killer Snakes, Horror Express, & Night of the Devils.

Strangely I haven't gotten around to watching Russel's The Devils. Have to do it one of these days. Horror Express and Night of the Devils seems like good picks. Found H.E. on yt, might see it there, even though I dislike the quality of the uploads.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 29, 2012, 08:40:32 PM
Quote from: Black_Angkar on October 29, 2012, 06:09:42 AM
Quote from: online prowler on October 28, 2012, 08:00:15 PM
Kotoko (2011)

Director: Shinya Tsukamoto.


Avail on DVD & BR//
http://thirdwindowfilms.com/films/kotoko (http://thirdwindowfilms.com/films/kotoko)

Somehow I've missed all about this. Just read about its existence earlier today. Is it good then? And in which direction does he take it, violent or more mellow?

Just bought the dvd, haven't seen it yet. But will put in a word when I have. Like the trailer and the frame of the story. Think it holds promise. Worshippers of Tetsuo will probably be disappointed. A friend of mine was working behind the scenes on this film. According to her, the main actress was in private quite close to her screen persona.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on October 29, 2012, 09:24:04 PM
Was visiting this R-kioski kult store and they had 5 dvd's for 10 euro discount for dvd's taken out from rental. Pretty good deal, so had a chance to see some quite recent movies.
Conan new version - not all that bad, but needless to say, absolutely rubbish compared to the original. I hate how all the new action / adventure / horror looks so artificial and computer made and way too "perfect". It makes me wonder if all the big movies are simply equivalent of big mainstream music - and where is the well done and neat movies which look good?
Cabin In The Woods - has been said to be good. It was ok, but again, same as above. Too neat, too nice looking actors & actresses, story what is kind of nice with its twists, but in other hand quite foolish.
Unknown - with Liam Neeson starring. Actually best of these 3. Decent story, british thriller based on french novel. So I guess you can expect more than from those above.. You will pretty much realize where movie is heading quite early on, but it's still entertaining and well done.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 31, 2012, 04:26:21 PM
Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter
Director: Yasuharu Hasebe


A girl gang. Sex. Hunting. What's not to like?

http://mubi.com/films/stray-cat-rock-sex-hunter (http://mubi.com/films/stray-cat-rock-sex-hunter)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 31, 2012, 05:30:48 PM
So follow up on the earlier post...

Three Outlaw Samurai was good stuff. A lot of the more famous samurai flicks don't have a lot of swordplay, well that's no problem here. Lots of people get cut up in increasingly bloody fashion. The film has a very cynical view of loyalty and honor, more so than most samurai films. I'd even be willing to call out nihilistic to a degree. Definitely recommended to those interested in the genre of chambara.

I have not watched I Stand Alone yet, hopefully I'll get to it tonight. Instead I watched Kwaidan which has been sitting on my shelf for a year. Basically the film is broken into 4 segments, each telling a different Japanese folk tale/ghost story. The sets, costumes and especially the painted back drops are all surreal and dream like, creating a dreamy and psychedelic setting. At almost 3 hours I thought I'd get bored, but each story is compelling and quite different from the others. Highly recommended.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on November 01, 2012, 11:44:33 AM
In A Glass Cage....why did i take so long to watch this? Great. really grabbed me .....
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 01, 2012, 03:27:57 PM
last night in honor of Halloween watched:

The Tenant (Polanski) - a weird movie. I never knew where it was going or who the boogie man was, which wound up being one of the best parts of it. The ending is pretty great. I was disappointed that Isabelle Adjani's role wasn't more substantial though.

Demons (Bava) - I would not be surprised if their was a world wide coke shortage in 1985 after watching this. Demons, katanas, dirt bikes, pimps, exploding demon pimples, grappling hooks, and coke heads. It's like a bunch of individually fun/cool things were all thrown in a blender, and Demons is the result. All of the scenes without Demons or drug addicts are painful and boring, but thankfully it's mostly violence.

The Last House on the Left (Craven) - My girlfriend's first time watching. still holds up. RIP David Hess
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 01, 2012, 06:45:43 PM
Chained dir by Jennifer Lynch- not that great. Decent story that could have been executed better. Also, what's up with films about sexual murder but no nudity?

Last Man on Earth- Vincent Price classic

Last night I gave KILL LIST another shot & liked it much more the 2nd time around. The violence didn't seem as cartoonish, the acting as overdramatic, & that hand-crushing scene is just brutal!

Rikki-O: The Story of Ricky- this may be the best HongKong film ever made! So ridiculously retarded & over the top.

Devil Dog: Hound of Hell- '70s tv movie about an evil German Shepard who turns brother/sister & mother, evil. Grabbing Zoltan, Dracula's Dog now, figure it'll make a good pairing
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 11, 2012, 01:16:18 AM
INTRUDER- 1898 gore film has one of the dumbest plots ever

DEAD AT NIGHT aka DEATHDREAM dir by Bob Clark followed by George A. Romero's MARTIN- love Martin & Dead at Night runs a bit slow but has a great soundtrack with some really cool scenes
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: algiz on November 12, 2012, 12:37:08 AM
A.C.A.B. - a nice Italien movie about the lives of riot cops. Not really controversial I guess but still a good film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on November 12, 2012, 12:46:32 AM
On the same line I have recently watched "L'ultimo ultras".

Violent movie about an Italian hooligan moving from his hometown after accidentally killing a supporer of another team.
It starts pretty well, but then it turns into a desaster where the only credible things are the leading actor himself (badass) and the presence of several well-known members of real hooligan groups.
The story is quite embarassing, most other actors are dreadful.
But I must admit it explains pretty well radical ultras mentality.

Anyway, the first and the last 10 minutes are impressive.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on November 12, 2012, 12:53:28 AM
Quote from: algiz on November 12, 2012, 12:37:08 AM
A.C.A.B. - a nice Italien movie about the lives of riot cops. Not really controversial I guess but still a good film.

it caused quite a stir here in Italy.
some left wing militants made small demos about it misunderstanding the message (that was quite evident).
I did not like it that much... Mostly beacause I had high expectations from Solinas, who directed the best Italian series of the past 30 years "Romanzo criminale".

It is acted very well and features some great moments (each character's life falling to pieces, the stabbing scene, all parts with the rookie), but others are complete science fiction and other the top (the skinhead squat scene, that incidentally features the real RAC band MALNATT, playing 4 SKINS' ACAB , or the final part with father/son dialogue).

The ACAB  book is very interesting, a collection of cops talks on forums and interviews.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 12, 2012, 04:56:53 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 11, 2012, 01:16:18 AM
INTRUDER- 1898 gore film has one of the dumbest plots ever

DEAD AT NIGHT aka DEATHDREAM dir by Bob Clark followed by George A. Romero's MARTIN- love Martin & Dead at Night runs a bit slow but has a great soundtrack with some really cool scenes

Intruder is great. Totally stupid and fun. Forgotten gem. Both Sami Raimi and Brce Campell star in Scott Spiegel's film. Recommend checking out Speigel's other works as director and writer. A lot of good shit. Trailer// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_9ow_-D8lE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_9ow_-D8lE) Dead at night I faintly remember. Will check the other ones. Thanx.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on November 12, 2012, 05:08:24 PM
In the Name of the Father - Quite intense move abouta miscarriage of justice I didn't know regarding the IRA. Quite moving I must admit and I want to know more about it.
A Prayer for the Dying - decent thriller about an IRA killer who start changing his views after accidentally bombing a school bus. The first part of the movie is excellent, the sort of looses rythm and sense toward the end. Fantastic usage of classical music, Rourke and Hopskins just perfect, but definitely not a masterpiece.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 12, 2012, 07:39:59 PM


Intruder is great. Totally stupid and fun. Forgotten gem. Both Sami Raimi and Brce Campell star in Scott Spiegel's film. Recommend checking out Speigel's other works as director and writer. A lot of good shit. Trailer// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_9ow_-D8lE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_9ow_-D8lE) Dead at night I faintly remember. Will check the other ones. Thanx.

I agree. Intruder is fun. Love the head-cutting scene. I had a cheap dvd I bought for a few bucks & just upgraded to the Synapse blu/dvd set.

Started watching a really nice torrent of VIOLENT STREETS, a killer Japanese yakuza film. The rip is very clean & obviously came from a Jpn dvd rel.; what I have was good but looks like a vhs source. I need tofigre out if I can burn the torrent film to a dvd-r..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 13, 2012, 01:40:54 AM
He!He! The head scene is unmissable BitesWerks. Worth the upgrade. Synapse has quite the good selection btw.
I'd like to follow up on the previously mentioned Three Outlaw Samurai. A classic. If watching it in the near future try securing the recently issued Criterion release.

One of my all time fav of Japanese directors of samurai movies/period dramas is Masaki Kobayashi. You all probably remember his feature Seppuku or Harakiri as it was released as by Criterion. Kobayashi spent most of his career on period dramas and then contemporary dramas/thrillers. From his period dramas I would like to recommend the samurai film "Inn of evil" from 1971- a barren and tense yakuza drama.  

Excerpts & trailers//

Inn of evil:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVpHbXNALhE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVpHbXNALhE)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l86JyKO--Ts (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l86JyKO--Ts)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on November 14, 2012, 02:49:19 PM
GRAY MAN (2007)
I wasn't expecting much. I have not been totally convinced by many serial killer movies, but this I liked a lot. Albert Fish isn't that prolific, but there is something very dark and sinister, not to mention his exceptionally rough talent as offending lyricist, heh..

Movie is quite discreet. They could have made it highly offensive, full of violence and vulgarities, but I guess the dark mood is captured in not showing too much. They use the original letter text too (found below) what Fish sent to mother of Gare Budd, which makes the act of murder and cannibalism extended to quite deranged mental torture.

QuoteDear Mrs. Budd. In 1894 a friend of mine shipped as a deck hand on the Steamer Tacoma, Capt. John Davis. They sailed from San Francisco for Hong Kong, China. On arriving there he and two others went ashore and got drunk. When they returned the boat was gone. At that time there was famine in China. Meat of any kind was from $1–3 per pound. So great was the suffering among the very poor that all children under 12 were sold for food in order to keep others from starving. A boy or girl under 14 was not safe in the street. You could go in any shop and ask for steak—chops—or stew meat. Part of the naked body of a boy or girl would be brought out and just what you wanted cut from it. A boy or girl's behind which is the sweetest part of the body and sold as veal cutlet brought the highest price. John staid there so long he acquired a taste for human flesh. On his return to N.Y. he stole two boys, one 7 and one 11. Took them to his home stripped them naked tied them in a closet. Then burned everything they had on. Several times every day and night he spanked them – tortured them – to make their meat good and tender. First he killed the 11 year old boy, because he had the fattest ass and of course the most meat on it. Every part of his body was cooked and eaten except the head—bones and guts. He was roasted in the oven (all of his ass), boiled, broiled, fried and stewed. The little boy was next, went the same way. At that time, I was living at 409 E 100 St. near—right side. He told me so often how good human flesh was I made up my mind to taste it. On Sunday June the 3, 1928 I called on you at 406 W 15 St. Brought you pot cheese—strawberries. We had lunch. Grace sat in my lap and kissed me. I made up my mind to eat her. On the pretense of taking her to a party. You said yes she could go. I took her to an empty house in Westchester I had already picked out. When we got there, I told her to remain outside. She picked wildflowers. I went upstairs and stripped all my clothes off. I knew if I did not I would get her blood on them. When all was ready I went to the window and called her. Then I hid in a closet until she was in the room. When she saw me all naked she began to cry and tried to run down the stairs. I grabbed her and she said she would tell her mamma. First I stripped her naked. How she did kick – bite and scratch. I choked her to death, then cut her in small pieces so I could take my meat to my rooms. Cook and eat it. How sweet and tender her little ass was roasted in the oven. It took me 9 days to eat her entire body. I did not fuck her tho I could of had I wished. She died a virgin.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on November 16, 2012, 04:55:48 PM
I am not sure in which thread we were discussing about Hooligan movies and I mentioned Perchè? ultras.
I have been able to trace information about it:


I have to rewatch it but I remember it was quite grim and aggressive.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Eleczema on November 16, 2012, 08:29:51 PM
Just remembered this list we made some years ago.

STROM.ec approved list of movies:

Ninth Configuration
In a Glass Cage
Parallax View
The Shout
The Vanishing (Spoorloos 1988, not the remake!)
Spy who came in from the cold
Shock Corridor
Quiet Earth

Also Red riding trilogy, really worth to watch (just bought all 3 dvd's 6 euros totally) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Riding
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on November 16, 2012, 09:41:29 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on November 16, 2012, 04:55:48 PM
I am not sure in which thread we were discussing about Hooligan movies and I mentioned Perchè? ultras.
I have been able to trace information about it:


I have to rewatch it but I remember it was quite grim and aggressive.

It was over in the Docu's thread. Thank you for the link, much appreciated!

Edit: Appears this is the one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBLftzekuBs Full film but no subs, my Czech is not good! But I have more than a starting point now so thank you.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 17, 2012, 12:49:59 AM
Quote from: Eleczema on November 16, 2012, 08:29:51 PM
Just remembered this list we made some years ago.

STROM.ec approved list of movies:

Ninth Configuration
In a Glass Cage
Parallax View
The Shout
The Vanishing (Spoorloos 1988, not the remake!)
Spy who came in from the cold
Shock Corridor
Quiet Earth

Also Red riding trilogy, really worth to watch (just bought all 3 dvd's 6 euros totally) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Riding

The Spy Who Came In From The Cold is a nihilistic masterpiece!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 17, 2012, 10:37:43 PM
I watched a dvd-r with subs of ANGST not too long ago. Really wish someone would do a nice dvd rel. I'd even spring for a blu-ray. Not sure if my dvd-r has the edited beginning or not. I've only seen the orig film once on vhs & only remembered the savage knifing/rape scene.

THE VANISHING is a good film! I remember catching it on cable & was suprised to find out the Am. film was a remake. The Dutch film is def better.

The Red Riding Trilogy is ok. I wouldn't mind seeing them again. Seems like the end of the 3rd film was good but the 2nd film was nothing special & the first is pretty decent hard-boiled crime.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Human Larvae on November 18, 2012, 11:14:51 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 17, 2012, 10:37:43 PM
I watched a dvd-r with subs of ANGST not too long ago. Really wish someone would do a nice dvd rel. I'd even spring for a blu-ray. Not sure if my dvd-r has the edited beginning or not. I've only seen the orig film once on vhs & only remembered the savage knifing/rape scene.

that's one great movie! Very dense atmosphere and a good soundtrack. I have a dvd but without subs.

Now watching: The skin I live in
The story and it's twist is well executed. Interesting subject but obviously very unrealistic. It doesn't show alot of violence or anything else for that matter and just leaves most up to the imagination. And Elena Anaya is hot shit
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 19, 2012, 01:12:00 AM
This weekend:

SEE NO EVIL w/Mia Farrow stumbling around blind not knowing her family has been killed in the house
THE MANITOU based on the Graham Masterson novel so it's campy as hell
VIOLENT STREETS excellant Jpn yakuza violence
ABSURD joe d'amato garbage but has an ok ending & a cpl decent gore scenes. the entire movie feels 3x as long as it is
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Human Larvae on November 22, 2012, 01:18:34 AM
Now watching: Code Blue

in the beginning it gave me an Import/Export feeling and it did one or two WTF moments, but all in all, there was no real story being told and left me rather apathetic.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on November 22, 2012, 02:33:27 PM
Quote from: Eleczema on November 16, 2012, 08:29:51 PM

Also Red riding trilogy, really worth to watch (just bought all 3 dvd's 6 euros totally) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Riding

excellent movie and excellent book!
discovered a couple years ago and immediately in my top list.

I have been watching mostly series in the past months.
I know it will sound sad but competely obsessed by Downton Abbey. first series was impressive.
Dexter is unwatchable.
Walking dead still going strong, it ios kind of weird, they sort of turned back to the comic, but living it in a different perspective -I am also playing the game on IPAD which is quite interesting.
Sons of anarchy, always more unreal and over the top, but I am still excited.

Moviewise I have watched despicable me - very good, made me crack-
contagion - interesting perspective on a possible pandemia from a more political/social perspective, not a masterpiece, but definitely interesting.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 23, 2012, 10:49:29 PM
DEATHSHIP- one of my fave '80s US horror films. the US dvd is very nice with international poster images on the inside & transfer is cleaner than the UK dvd
EXCISION- bodyhorror for teenage girls
BEDEVILLED- korean film about a tropical island paradise

The new season of The Walking Dead is ok. It's WAY better than American Horror Story: Asylum, which only has the occasional interesting scene. Otherwise, it's just dumb as shit.

Sons of Anarchy has been just over the top silliness but the episode-before-last with Kurt Sutter stabbing the nurse in the neck was BRUTAL. I'm curious as hell about the new character who beat the shit out of Sutter. No clue to his name but he was in Terriers a couple of years ago which was FX's best series that only went one season.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 23, 2012, 11:14:16 PM
- one by one the men turned black -


trailer for Stanley Kubrick's FEAR AND DESIRE (1953).

Soon to be reissued on Master of Cinema on dvd and br.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTU4UIHw-x4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTU4UIHw-x4)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 28, 2012, 06:50:10 PM

The last western.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwE3TfJUB48 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwE3TfJUB48)

Planning to revisit Big Trouble In Little China one of these days.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=592EiTD2Hgo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=592EiTD2Hgo)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on December 01, 2012, 12:41:38 AM
A friend of mine recommended me this link. Don't know if any of you posted this previously. Anyway, enjoy:


Legendary psychotronic film studio Troma Entertainment, maker of such cinematic masterpieces as The Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke'em High, and Redneck Zombies, has put 150 movies (including some classics that it distributes) on YouTube for free viewing.

http://www.youtube.com/user/Tromamovies?feature=watch (http://www.youtube.com/user/Tromamovies?feature=watch)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on December 06, 2012, 10:07:09 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on December 06, 2012, 02:08:34 AM
The Dark Knight Rises came out yesterday on Blu-ray so I picked that one up.

Watched it a couple of days ago, I thought it was average at best.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on December 07, 2012, 01:20:37 AM
Dir: Teinosuke Kinugasa.


Eureka just released Jigokumon through their Masters of cinema series. Classic Japanese period/samurai drama. Here is a clip from the restored version:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAwhQRDSzBk&list=UUTMoFozMX_0KlRmRxoFXtrg&index=3&feature=plcp (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAwhQRDSzBk&list=UUTMoFozMX_0KlRmRxoFXtrg&index=3&feature=plcp)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 07, 2012, 01:42:05 AM
DEADFALL- crime/action film with the Jax from "Sons of Anarchy" & Olivia Wilde from "House".  I thought Wilde may get a nude scene but no go. Treat Williams gets the best line of dialouge: "While you were fucking your rat of a wife, a cop was getting shot in the face" Or something like that. Could have been "...that rat you call a wife". Other than that, it's a very forgettable film.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 07, 2012, 04:20:48 AM
Quote from: martialgodmask on December 06, 2012, 10:07:09 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on December 06, 2012, 02:08:34 AM
The Dark Knight Rises came out yesterday on Blu-ray so I picked that one up.

Watched it a couple of days ago, I thought it was average at best.

Yea, I watched it last night and wasn't as moved as I was by the previous one. The Dark Knight was a pretty big film to top, though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 07, 2012, 05:30:05 AM
Started watching the TV series Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex last night. Enjoyed it so much I wound up watching 8 episodes in a row. It's been out 10 years now? But I never wanted to watch it because I was afraid it'd spoil the excellence of the manga and the films. It does not. It seems very much a compromise between the ponderous nature of the films and the more whimsical but still serious nature of the manga. I don't know how much, if at all, the show is censored on the US dvds, but I would like more tits and gore, because I'm a simple creature at heart.

Inspired by the show I re-watched Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence this morning. I still think it's a strong film, but the dialogue relies heavy on quotations, which is made more obvious by the fact that the subtitles are in quotations when it's happening. It get's a little over the top but there are some elements that compensate for that. Specifically the gorgeous animation and the inspired scenes with Kim the hacker.

enough anime nerding out for now...

gonna watch Beyond the Black Rainbow in a minute. Expecting disappointment, but hoping for the best!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on December 07, 2012, 07:45:25 AM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on December 08, 2012, 04:50:43 AM
Rome, Open City
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 08, 2012, 07:39:55 AM
Blacksploitation, baby, you dig?

The Mack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOGTwdz5iyA)

Coffy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlJ6-xJt3II&list=PLW7LTcC6ZaPooXYjMuA3_VsR5n5DY_rwM)

Willie Dynamite (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80MxOmcrqVI&list=PLW7LTcC6ZaPooXYjMuA3_VsR5n5DY_rwM)

The Black Gestapo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl96ZAWHrSk)

Sweet Sweetback's Baaad Assss Song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR54mdXXnZA)

I gotta split. Later.

EDIT - The Man just took down nearly all of them for copyright reasons. Damn.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on December 12, 2012, 10:31:10 AM
Michael (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1906426) - most of the reviews included words like "perverted", "sick", "disgusting" etc. etc., but all in all it's a rather slow artsy and rather sad movie about a pedophile who keeps the boy locked in his basement. There is quite a lot of happening in between frames and in silent and still parts of the movie. So no exploitation value, lots of art. not a bad movie overall.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 13, 2012, 02:55:27 AM
I've been meaning to rent MICHAEL but haven't been in the mood for it as someone told me it was a 'slowburn'.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on December 13, 2012, 06:43:36 PM
Saw Michael a while back. Consider it as a very good debut film. Slow moving, non-judgemental, cold, cynical, but not without humour. Quite strict it direction, plot and presentation. Superb cinematography at times. Some shots evokes William Eggleston's photos. If I remember correctly the director Markus Schleinzer has worked on some of Michael Haneke's previous productions. For those of you whom enjoy the works of Ulrich Seidl plus Haneke, and haven't seen this yet - give it a chance.


Trailer// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUg0Mok8TTQ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUg0Mok8TTQ)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on December 15, 2012, 02:21:07 PM
the proposition
reign of assassins
the warlords

I sure have a soft spot for good "historical" movies and that bunch were all goodens.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 15, 2012, 05:29:11 PM
I think I've said it before but The Proposition is one of my all time favs. I've seen that movie at least 15 times.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 15, 2012, 08:31:57 PM
The Proposition is one of my fave movies too. Excellant soundtrack, vicious violence, & wicked dialouge:

"What's an Irishman but a nigger turned inside out?" Love that line!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on December 15, 2012, 09:46:45 PM
that line cought my ear too.
same director made the road and lawless that came out recently. I liked them both but I agree that the proposition was very good.

I tried to find some yakuza movies, a couple well known ones.now I forget the titles but couldnt find them.

next in line is men behind the sun and aquirre.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 16, 2012, 01:18:59 AM
I may rent LAWLESS. I didn't know it was the same dir or that Nick Cave wrote the screenplay & did the sndtrk. I remember thinking the trailer looked ok but figured if I went to the theater, it'd suck shit for sure.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on December 16, 2012, 02:15:29 AM
the movie sounds better than it is when describe it like that but it was pretty good. 50% if the proposition is 100%

I bet the upcoming gangster movie is quite alot better than lawless, I saw some snippet of it. sean penn and guy from drive. they recut it postponing it because it had a scene where they shoot up a cinema.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: algiz on December 16, 2012, 05:41:39 PM
Enter the void - watched it intoxicated and therefore it was somehow worth to spend nearly 3 hours... But for me it wasn't as good as some of his older movies but still very well done
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 18, 2012, 02:20:57 PM
http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/movies/toying-with-sounds-of-the-flesh-20121217-2bj6x.html (http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/movies/toying-with-sounds-of-the-flesh-20121217-2bj6x.html)

This looks promising. Anyone seen it?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Tenebracid on December 21, 2012, 03:26:38 PM
I've been rewatching some works by my favorite director, R.W. Fassbinder, lately the BRD trilogy with marriage of Maria Braun, Veronika Voss and Lola. Always wonderful.

also finally got around to watch some films by the belgian born Dardenne brothers and so far they have all been great, special mention to Le Fils. Not surprising that Haneke is an admirer of their work.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 21, 2012, 11:03:30 PM
Wtched most of OLDBOY last night but then the disc froze up & I couldn't get it to go past chapter 12. Tried it on 2 players. I bought it used & didn't check it when I received it. Goddamnit. The night before, I watched THE EXORCIST.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on December 22, 2012, 02:03:12 AM
Just watched Wolf Creek, not for the first time, but I was reading some speculative analysis of certain parts the other day and I can't help but think some people won't be satisfied unless they can scrutinize some kind of deeper meaning to everything. Stuff in it that I'd not really paid attention to before I watched more closely and for what? Very little. Now I'm the kind of guy that does like to analyse movies now and then, with my wife or friends of course, but just because you can try and put a deeper spin on something doesn't necessarily mean you should with everything. Some things just are what they are.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on December 22, 2012, 07:44:35 PM
after the overexposure to game-show-splatter like Saw etc Wolf Creek was rather fun to watch. less splatter, more terror.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on December 22, 2012, 09:47:18 PM
Quote from: P-K on December 22, 2012, 07:44:35 PM
after the overexposure to game-show-splatter like Saw etc Wolf Creek was rather fun to watch. less splatter, more terror.

Yeh, it's not perfect by any stretch but as far as modern horror goes I like it a lot more than most of the dross. Saying that, I guess it's not so recent now. Could be the shades of Texas Chainsaw that strike the right chord for me, although I certainly don't it in such high esteem like TCM.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 24, 2012, 12:16:21 AM
ALPHA DOG- over the top, stupid movie about a white suburban drug dealer & his idiot friends. Based on a true story: the young, naive brother of a sort-of white supremist junkie who owes drug money, is kidnapped by a weed dealer who looks to be the size of a 4th grader. Really, really BAD. The only thing that made it watchable was it was a censored version ("Motherfucker" was "motherfodder"). Best scene is the white junkie looking for the 4th grader -cum-dealer at a party that seems to be made of all minorities. Not getting the respect he deserves or the answers, he proceeds to beat the shit out of EVERYONE in the room! Absolutely halirious. If it had been a dvd, I'd tossed it but for some reason, I kept watching. Felt like an endurance test. Every actor is way over the top. Everyone had to know what a turd they were making...


Here's the fight scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGBGW0_O4PE
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on December 24, 2012, 02:42:57 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 24, 2012, 12:16:21 AM
Felt like an endurance test.

couple of tests I just plain failed.
jesus fuck this was shitty. gay wrestling and crying about killing. I couldnt watch it. I dont know too much about the jeff but there must have been more story to be told than this one did. I watched plenty of seemingly boring movies that are great, this was really dissapointing. please avoid.

killer a journal of a murder

carl panzram is an intresting character and the movie did it no justice at all. james woods as man mountain panzram, no thanks. couldnt watch all the way.

and I was on a row of good ones, I hardly ever have to quit a movie.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 27, 2012, 02:31:47 AM
last few nights:

NIGHT OF THE DEVILS- pretty cool but I was expecting more wildness & blood. feels like a film that gets better with another viewing.

HUMONGOUS- tame 80s horror. I remember renting it on vhs. best part is first 10 minutes with a rape & German Shepherd attacking the rapist. child from the rape lives on an island that was inhabited by a pack of dogs & the mother. idiots end up there shipwrecked & are killed in ungraphic manners. glad i didn't buy it when rel'd.

HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH- previously viewings of this film have all been on tv, cut, with commercials. I think. so the dvd is the first time I've seen it uncut. ridiculous plot with mild but cool gore & an excellant soundtrack.

tonight is Willian Friedkin's KILLER JOE* but the dvd I rented is R-Rated. it was rel'd into theaters as NC-17. the blu-ray has the uncut & cut vers. which I found out after renting it & checking online. so if you're interested in the film, get the blu-ray!

*TOTAL SHIT. Whatever's cut out of the R-rated disc made the movie shorter so that's a good thing. Friedkin should get on a special ed. blu-ray of Sorcerer & then retire.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on December 28, 2012, 12:39:34 AM
Iam wondering, did this ever go through?

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on December 28, 2012, 12:54:07 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on December 28, 2012, 12:39:34 AM
Iam wondering, did this ever go through?


I'm still waiting for the Nelson Mandela film staring Mel Gibson as Mandela.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: youngnosh on December 31, 2012, 12:25:06 PM
I was into the idea of time travel recently and found these films:
Primer (2004)
Clever and believable - requires multiple viewings.
Crono Crimenes (2007)
Horror and time travel mixed together.

Went to the local cinema to see the last Twilight film last neet. I'm sure there's much anticipation on this forum...it was brilliant.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 01, 2013, 12:11:40 AM
Watched a couple of Abbott & Costello movies plus horror from the '80s: THE NESTING, MADMAN, & NIGHT OF THE CREEPS.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: halthan on January 01, 2013, 08:55:13 PM

Good, actually very good
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 02, 2013, 02:43:56 AM
Django Unchained - enjoyed it a lot. Violent and exploitative, it definitely could not have been directed by a black director. I actually liked it more than Inglorious Bastards.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 05, 2013, 08:27:55 AM
John Carpenter's Big Trouble In Little China - I have not seen this movie all the way through in a long time. As a result, I've got a couple of observations/questions:

1. All Chinamen know kung-fu (except women) - so watch out!

2. Kim Cattrall is/was hot: i'd fuck her brains out

3. Where the fuck is the reissue of this soundtrack?! I've heard zero in regards to this issue.

4. James Hong is a boss actor who needs more roles

just my two cents, but definitely the truth.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: youngnosh on January 06, 2013, 02:53:47 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on December 18, 2012, 03:28:42 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on December 18, 2012, 02:20:57 PM
http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/movies/toying-with-sounds-of-the-flesh-20121217-2bj6x.html (http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/movies/toying-with-sounds-of-the-flesh-20121217-2bj6x.html)

This looks promising. Anyone seen it?

Quote from: Si Clark on September 01, 2012, 12:06:43 AM
I saw Berberian Sound Studio at a film festival last weekend, it's very good! It was very interesting to see a film where the main focus was on the sound design. Great performance from the main character as he spirals into madness. Recommended.

I've just finished watching it. The sound design, foley etc was interesting to watch but the film went past the point of being exceptably subtle for me.
Really disapointing.
I quite enjoyed it myself too - certainly one of the more interesting and unusual horror films (if you can call it that?) that I've seen lately.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on January 12, 2013, 01:21:43 AM
Watching Cracker (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105977/) - very nice detective series. Though it's British, but the feeling is somewhat German. Truly recommended if there are people into detectives
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 14, 2013, 08:20:31 PM
Weekend viewing: THE PSYCHOPATH, STORAGE 24, & SLEEP TIGHT (recommended)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Coma Detox on January 14, 2013, 09:06:45 PM
City of the Living Dead Blu-ray.  Great transfer on this one.

Deathship Blu-ray

Richard Kern's Hardcore collection Blu-ray.  Always put off watching this one for some reason and now I know why.  The only decent clip is the one where a guy trims some asian chick's bush and puts a hood over her head.  She looked pretty scared of the whole process.  People always used to tell me about "Fingered" but it was just pretty laughable.

Sex and Black Magic DVD.  Pretty awful D'amato erotic/cannibal flick.  Dodgy transfer from a dodgy company.

Amer Blu-ray.  Some cool visuals and one neat razor slashing scene.  Not much else good about it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 17, 2013, 01:04:24 AM
Kenneth Anger

Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome (1954)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34sfF1t82oM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34sfF1t82oM)

Went to the local video shop the other day and rented the new movie Ted w Mark Wallenberg. Don't ask me why I have repressed the reason. Totally awful, not even stupidly fun. BTW Coma D. Thanx for the Hardcore reminder. Will check it out one of these days. Looking forward to the new movie on Mandela starring Mel Gibson.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: JHC on January 17, 2013, 03:29:52 PM
Quote from: Coma Detox on January 14, 2013, 09:06:45 PM
Richard Kern's Hardcore collection Blu-ray.  Always put off watching this one for some reason and now I know why.  The only decent clip is the one where a guy trims some asian chick's bush and puts a hood over her head.  She looked pretty scared of the whole process.  People always used to tell me about "Fingered" but it was just pretty laughable.

I like Kern films....especially You Killed Me First and Fingered.
Not sure if they were meant to be serious or not but I've always found them hilarious!
Good stuff to put on when people are over....they're like over the top comedies or some such.

Recently watched:

O Valtos (aka The Swamp) (1973)
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0220831/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0220831/)

....and a couple of good drama/mystery films with Mimsy Farmer:

La Route de Salina (1970) 

Les Suspects (1974)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 18, 2013, 07:51:28 PM

stylized CARMAGGEDON flick



TRAILER// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyhHA_VpOIY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyhHA_VpOIY)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on January 19, 2013, 03:56:43 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on January 19, 2013, 06:01:32 AM
just a heads up, there is an all new series premiere starting January 19th on BBC America:

Ripper Street


just programmed the DVR to record.

It's quite good albeit a little tame; been on in the UK since just after Xmas I think.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 19, 2013, 08:16:30 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on January 19, 2013, 06:01:32 AM
just a heads up, there is an all new series premiere starting January 19th on BBC America:

Ripper Street


just programmed the DVR to record.

Thx for the head's up. Will do the same. I never check that channel as it isn't in HD from my cable provider.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 22, 2013, 03:53:18 PM
mini-series, Criterion.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkHTxsfrZ4k (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkHTxsfrZ4k)

Considering to check this out. Anyone have any thoughts on this one?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on January 22, 2013, 05:11:16 PM
loved both first episode of rippers street and carlos.
make sure you check the uncut series and not the movie!!!

if you liked Carlos you have to watch the two movies on the life of MESRINE , absolutely perfect and anything done by mr Olivier Marchal, currently my fave crime orientd director.

Watched TAXIDERMIA, who needs hollywood when there are movies like this?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on January 22, 2013, 05:21:41 PM
Mesrine and Carlos have been on UK telly recently and both were very enjoyable.

C4 Film showed the latest version of Lolita the other night and I decided to give it a chance. Much better than its reputation. This version focuses less on the funny side and immerses itself in the tragedy of Humbert. Jeremy Irons is every bit as destroyed and apathetic towards the end (a type of chharacter he does very well) as Quilty is vile and depraved. Even if not a good as Kubricks version this has received an unfair amount of flak in my opinion.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 23, 2013, 12:32:12 AM
First episode of RIPPER STREET was pretty good. Kind of lurid & I liked the snuff film aspect. I have the recorder set up for the 2nd episode.

MESRINE was ok; wasn't as good as I thought it would be based on the trailer. I never got around to renting the 2nd film. Need to rent TAXIDERMIA soon. That's one
I kept putting off then forgot about it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 24, 2013, 07:19:51 PM
Thanx for the feedback guys regarding the Carlos mini-series. I'll check it out. Haven't seen Mesrine either. Remember it was released as two separate movies (at least in Norway) some years ago. With Vincent Cassel in the lead it seldom goes wrong.

At the moment I have the film Willow on my table. Will revisit this fun old rump in the next few days. I remember seeing it on cinema when it was released, and thinking it was kind a cool. This was way back when when Val Kilmer and Heavy D was skinny, in '88. The reason I dusted off this flick was not to revisit my staggering youth, but more a late obsession with Warwick Davis - you know the midget from Star Wars and the Evoke Movies (The two made I also recommend to the fullest).  

What goes on hier? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzn2izehkno (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzn2izehkno)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on January 26, 2013, 04:45:31 AM
Bitter Rice
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 26, 2013, 10:23:40 PM
THE DARK KNIGHT RISES- the people who didn't have to sit all the way through were really fucking lucky. It's long & awful.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: JHC on January 30, 2013, 01:37:17 AM
Just watched the uncut version of:

Dream Home (2010) -Nice HK film about a first time home buyer....somewhat depressing story with really good murder scenes.



Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on February 06, 2013, 04:20:37 PM
 North Korean dreams of destruction of USA

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 06, 2013, 07:07:50 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on February 06, 2013, 04:20:37 PM
North Korean dreams of destruction of USA


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jordan on February 06, 2013, 11:43:33 PM
That North Korean propaganda video is a pretty ingenious use of detournement, if you think about it. I've been secretly hoping that it is actually made by some kind of new, intentionally campy, post-surrealist video art movement.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: halthan on February 07, 2013, 08:47:29 PM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on February 08, 2013, 01:20:33 AM
Quote from: halthan on February 07, 2013, 08:47:29 PM

Just watched the trailer, looks terrible..... but I want to see it!

Watched Predators tonight. Uggh. Can go fuck itself.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: halthan on February 08, 2013, 01:29:01 PM
Quote from: martialgodmask on February 08, 2013, 01:20:33 AM
Quote from: halthan on February 07, 2013, 08:47:29 PM

Just watched the trailer, looks terrible..... but I want to see it!

Watched Predators tonight. Uggh. Can go fuck itself.
The trailer is terrible, but actual movie has some very fine moments !
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 13, 2013, 08:41:45 PM

Outback tour de force. Director: Ted Kotcheff.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9redLlFi7xI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9redLlFi7xI)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 13, 2013, 08:52:58 PM
Quote from: online prowler on February 13, 2013, 08:41:45 PM

Outback tour de force. Director: Ted Kotcheff.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9redLlFi7xI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9redLlFi7xI)

Wow, that looks great. I'll be watching that tonight.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 16, 2013, 03:21:45 AM
Hors Satan aka Outside Satan  (2011)

Bleak existentialism. Director: Bruno Dumont.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjFBm2HPxM0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjFBm2HPxM0)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Human Larvae on February 17, 2013, 11:05:37 PM
Frozen Land

a finnish two hour long chain of events that bring nothing but grief, sprinkled with some black humor.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 18, 2013, 12:58:51 AM
DOWN TERRACE- I remember seeing the trailer before it was released on dvd in the US but could never remember the title. It's good but not as good as some people think.

Always have watched BULLITT with Steve McQueen & THE DEER HUNTER recently.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 18, 2013, 07:10:16 PM
Anyone ever checked this one out? Seems interesting.

Sergei M. Eisenstein – ¡Que Viva Mexico! AKA Da zdravstvuyet Meksika! (1979)

http://worldscinema.org/2013/02/sergei-m-eisenstein-que-viva-mexico-aka-da-zdravstvuyet-meksika-1979-2/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+CinemaOfTheWorld+%28Cinema+of+the+World%29 (http://worldscinema.org/2013/02/sergei-m-eisenstein-que-viva-mexico-aka-da-zdravstvuyet-meksika-1979-2/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+CinemaOfTheWorld+%28Cinema+of+the+World%29)

Jamie Gillies reissue.



http://twitchfilm.com/2013/02/blu-ray-review-the-opening-of-misty-beethoven-the-porn-pygmalion-is-a-revelation-in-hd.html (http://twitchfilm.com/2013/02/blu-ray-review-the-opening-of-misty-beethoven-the-porn-pygmalion-is-a-revelation-in-hd.html)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 19, 2013, 02:39:37 AM
just watched Cargo 200. The film felt very brisk and to the point the whole time, all of the violence and depravity were just considered very matter-of-factly. Good stuff.


Kill List is up next.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 19, 2013, 02:44:10 AM
Cargo 200.

Looks interesting. This one pasted me by. Will check it out. I enjoyed Aleksej Balabanov's Brat series. Looking forwazrd to this one.

Down Terrace & Kill list. Ben Wheatly is a good director. Anyone seen his new film Sightseers? BTW, Bullitt is extraordinary good.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyg9aRqlUxM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyg9aRqlUxM)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on February 21, 2013, 02:53:14 AM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jordan on February 21, 2013, 05:09:11 AM
Picked up a copy of Begotten on VHS at a used bookstore. I usually watch at least a couple of films a day, but this was the first in a while. I've been focusing on finishing my documentary and trying to read at least a book every two days.

Nothing new to me, and I imagine nothing new to anybody here, but it's nice to finally have a copy.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: algiz on February 21, 2013, 09:30:50 AM
Watched Waterpower yesterday - Would be great to have modern versions of films like that. GREAT
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on February 23, 2013, 01:21:30 AM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 24, 2013, 06:22:50 AM
Begotten on vhs. Nice catch!

Director: Antonio Campos

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7ZkQPslsuM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7ZkQPslsuM)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jordan on February 26, 2013, 05:52:43 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on February 21, 2013, 01:31:08 PM
Quote from: Jordan on February 21, 2013, 05:09:11 AM
I've been focusing on finishing my documentary

Care to share any more details about this?

It's not really noteworthy, it's more kind of a student film, though I'm not a student. I got a grant for artists who want to get into video art or something, which involves some classes and a mentorship program.

My documentary is called Robbing Peter To Pay Paul, and it's about these schizophrenic, homeless, negroid twins from the city I live in named Peter and Paul. One of them used to be something of a breakdancer, but is so fucked up now that he mostly just clumsily spins around all them time, almost falling. He really wants to be on Canada's got talent, and it's about his personal struggles in that regard. It's a humorous take, and will probably be none too popular amongst the PC, activist-y types who run the organization I got the grant from, but oh well. The version I am working on is only 20 mins. but I might make it into a feature length documentary someday. I have about 15 hours of footage, and might shoot some more, or I might just start working on my next project, about this small town close to where I grew up called Swastika.

There's a really shitty trailer I randomly threw together here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc5Qkxuvbsc
It has a bunch of mistakes.

I have a better one that needs to be touched up a little, but will be up by Thursday.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 27, 2013, 01:04:21 AM

Fun Japanese horror flick.

Director: Nobuhiko Ôbayashi

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN0HVJ5tkIM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN0HVJ5tkIM)

- Jordan. Thanx for the share. Interesting characters in your film. Keep us posted on future dealings.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on February 27, 2013, 09:33:45 AM
definitely one of the best japanese movies EVER!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on March 02, 2013, 04:46:51 AM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 07, 2013, 05:25:36 PM
Watched Looper a week or two ago. I kinda hated, kinda enjoyed it. Bruce Willis generally makes me cringe, but I liked that there was a consistent visual aesthetic and a decent amount of violence. I mean compared to most of the big budget sci-fi these days it wasn't bad at all, but it still doesn't compare to most stuff from the '80s.

And I watched the new James Bond, Skyfall which wasn't bad for a popcorn movie. Sort felt like a waste of 2+ hours though that I won't ever get back.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on March 20, 2013, 11:07:17 PM


trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWAqZk4zSd0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWAqZk4zSd0)

On another note: Kill List director Ben Wheatly off to USA to develop series for HBO.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on March 20, 2013, 11:15:25 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on March 07, 2013, 07:03:02 AM
Schindler's List 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Blu-ray

This is an ok Spielberg moment, though I detest his cynical use of emotions in his flicks I must admit he has some highlights during his career. Best moment in Schindler is when the camp commandant wakes up in the morning, picks up his rifle, and shoots on of his "camp sheeps". Jaja 
Title: Re: La Grande Bouffe/Porcile (Pigpen) and top films in general.
Post by: CLARITY on March 21, 2013, 04:30:49 AM
Quote from: alpharmania on December 30, 2009, 11:37:19 PMwww.videodrome.nu

Are you referring to videodrome.se (http://www.videodrome.se/catalog/)? Can you recommend any additional distributors which stock similar titles on VHS?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on March 21, 2013, 12:17:20 PM
Quote from: online prowler on March 20, 2013, 11:15:25 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on March 07, 2013, 07:03:02 AM
Schindler's List 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Blu-ray

This is an ok Spielberg moment, though I detest his cynical use of emotions in his flicks I must admit he has some highlights during his career. Best moment in Schindler is when the camp commandant wakes up in the morning, picks up his rifle, and shoots on of his "camp sheeps". Jaja 

I think whether you love or hate this film for whatever reason thematically, it is hard to deny the quality of the performances. Ralph Fiennes particularly gives an outstanding performance as said commandant.

Anyone seen Coriolanus? Fiennes also stars in and directed it, a little hard going but an interesting Shakespearean adaptation.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on March 28, 2013, 01:48:16 AM
Experiment in Terror (1962)

Director: Blake Edwards

Reissued on Bluray.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOY9pdNhhlg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOY9pdNhhlg)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on April 02, 2013, 03:08:57 PM
Reality - Matteo Garrone

Italian director known for his true crime inspired movies (everybody should check both THE EMBALMER and FIRST LOVE, but also the exploitation docu-drama Gomorra), new excellent movie about a fish retailer who get obsessed by being part of the Italian version of Bog Brother. Start like an over the top comedy and turns into complete mental breakdwon.
Absoluetly loved it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jordan on April 05, 2013, 06:59:43 PM

Figured I'd post this here. If you can get past Ebert's enthusiastic endorsement of E.T., he also endorsed a lot of amazing directors like Herzog, Fassbinder, etc.

I had no clue about that Goodman thing mentioned in the article, I'll have to track down the book that it's in.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on April 06, 2013, 02:41:28 PM
Watched Cube (1997) last night, I think as sci-fi goes it has aged pretty well and still very enjoyable. A lot of "points for consideration" to it as well, certainly a lot more to it than just "stiff acting and shoddy script" that a lot seem to think.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 06, 2013, 11:33:48 PM
I watched FROM A WHISPER TO A SCREAM last weekend. Directed by Jeff Burr with Vincent Price basically telling stories of a small town. Pretty good & very gory. Even a bit sadistic. I remember renting it on vhs but I think it was under the title "The Offspring".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 07, 2013, 02:03:41 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on April 02, 2013, 03:08:57 PM

Reality - Matteo Garrone

Italian director known for his true crime inspired movies (everybody should check both THE EMBALMER and FIRST LOVE, but also the exploitation docu-drama Gomorra), new excellent movie about a fish retailer who get obsessed by being part of the Italian version of Bog Brother. Start like an over the top comedy and turns into complete mental breakdwon.
Absoluetly loved it.

Been looking forward to this one. From what I've read it seems like a fun and caustic movie. Have been trying to find the Embalmer since a friend recommended it, but so far I haven't found it in any shelves. Looks like I have to order it online.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: MUTTERWILD on April 07, 2013, 03:27:40 PM
The Mooring(2012)
Troubled teen girls on wilderness boating trip stalked and killed by houseboat psycho and his love slave.
Enjoyable trash.

Virgin Among The Living Dead(1971)
Euroshock collection cut.

Exterminator 2(1984)
Official sequel. There is another Exterminator 2 that I like even better but isn't an actual sequel. That one starts off with a rooftop skimask gang rape vigilante massacre. Both films are good. This one has a flame thrower.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jordan on April 07, 2013, 07:55:14 PM
Saw Spring Breakers last night, if only because I had a free pass. Despite some nice photography at the start, it was pretty much as bad as I expected.

There was a trailer for the new Sofia Coppola film ' Bling Ring' and, a long with Spring Breakers and I think one other trailer, all had very similar look/feel/textures as Enter The Void, which I think kind of wore out it's welcome with that film. I can see this being a very annoying trend if it becomes some kind of standard way of presenting films. I guess it doesn't affect me too much, luckily, because I very rarely watch new films, but still...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 07, 2013, 08:24:35 PM
Paul Schrader's

- Mishima - A Life In Four Chapters -

Classic viewing, condensed and strict formalism anno 1985.

Full movie// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkNVlxsNROE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkNVlxsNROE)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 07, 2013, 10:32:37 PM
THE MAD FOXES- I remember having a vhs dub so only remember the film as dirt cheap & violent which are the only redeeming values it has. The dialogue is like it was made up after the film was done- the actors move their mouths then everything is dubbed in later, made up on the fly. I like how it mixes up biker gangs, karate, The Last House on the Left-type home invasion, & gore. It'd be a perfect film for Code Red to release in the U.S., if he wanted to lose a lot of money...

I also watched "Alchemy" twice because it's pretty goddamn awesome despite the stupid intro & terrible music:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 15, 2013, 04:49:27 PM

TAMPOPO (1985)

Japan food mayhem.

(http://schoolgirlmilkycrisis.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/fd_tampopo.jpg)  (http://andrewsidea.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/tampopo1.jpg)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NEHPF on April 16, 2013, 10:53:44 PM

Affliction (1996) VHSrip was uploaded to youtube couple of days ago. It's a good flick.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on April 16, 2013, 11:22:11 PM
Quote from: online prowler on April 07, 2013, 02:03:41 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on April 02, 2013, 03:08:57 PM

Reality - Matteo Garrone

Italian director known for his true crime inspired movies (everybody should check both THE EMBALMER and FIRST LOVE, but also the exploitation docu-drama Gomorra), new excellent movie about a fish retailer who get obsessed by being part of the Italian version of Bog Brother. Start like an over the top comedy and turns into complete mental breakdwon.
Absoluetly loved it.

Been looking forward to this one. From what I've read it seems like a fun and caustic movie.

it starts like a grotesque comedy, then completely degenerates in pure obsessive(compulsive drama
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 26, 2013, 05:23:32 PM
Trailer for Sono Sion's upcoming

Why Don't You Play In Hell?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHtRfHTOT1M&feature=player_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHtRfHTOT1M&feature=player_embedded)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 27, 2013, 04:37:09 PM
De Lift aka The Lift / The Elevator (1983)


Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_Kb4ysI8_8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_Kb4ysI8_8)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on May 01, 2013, 12:50:34 AM
Top of the Lake: This have potential.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on May 01, 2013, 01:43:20 AM
Looks good. Peter Mullen has me interested!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 07, 2013, 04:32:11 AM

Never saw the film before. Pretty solid I thought, but then again it's been a while since I've read the book so maybe I'd have something to bitch about if I could remember the details more. I pretty much always enjoy Richard Burton and John Hurt and this was no exception.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 07, 2013, 05:35:31 AM
the Eurythmics one, and honestly I thought most their stuff fit.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on May 16, 2013, 03:25:41 AM
The Man From London
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on May 20, 2013, 04:30:55 AM

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdYO3KWmcv8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdYO3KWmcv8)



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxEdzPakOI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxEdzPakOI)

Thanx Tisbor !
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: secondplanet on May 20, 2013, 05:04:12 PM
Quote from: online prowler on May 20, 2013, 04:30:55 AM

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdYO3KWmcv8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdYO3KWmcv8)



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxEdzPakOI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxEdzPakOI)

Thanx Tisbor !

How was Upstream Color? I've heard people raving on about this film and I'm intrigued.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on May 21, 2013, 10:43:26 PM
3 episodes into the new Hannibal show - liking it very much so far, very stylised but plenty of nods to "canon". It's a little slow burn but that's fine for me, visual and sound design are a little disorienting at times which again is a plus. I was keen but sceptical prior to watching but fortunately it's walking a good walk so far.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 21, 2013, 11:22:55 PM
Quote from: martialgodmask on May 21, 2013, 10:43:26 PM
3 episodes into the new Hannibal show - liking it very much so far, very stylised but plenty of nods to "canon". It's a little slow burn but that's fine for me, visual and sound design are a little disorienting at times which again is a plus. I was keen but sceptical prior to watching but fortunately it's walking a good walk so far.

I have the last 5-6 episodes recorded; I figured the season finale is soon so just waiting for it & will watch them all one after another. I think I've only watched the first 2 or 3 episodes. I wonder if the episode they cancelled the week of the Boston bombing is online or if they'll run it later?

I watched "Murder by Death" a few nights back. Classic comedy.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on May 21, 2013, 11:51:16 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 21, 2013, 11:22:55 PM
Quote from: martialgodmask on May 21, 2013, 10:43:26 PM
3 episodes into the new Hannibal show - liking it very much so far, very stylised but plenty of nods to "canon". It's a little slow burn but that's fine for me, visual and sound design are a little disorienting at times which again is a plus. I was keen but sceptical prior to watching but fortunately it's walking a good walk so far.

I have the last 5-6 episodes recorded; I figured the season finale is soon so just waiting for it & will watch them all one after another. I think I've only watched the first 2 or 3 episodes. I wonder if the episode they cancelled the week of the Boston bombing is online or if they'll run it later?

I've read a couple of mixed reports but general consensus suggests it'll be disc-only if at all.

I think UK is only upto epi 3 (or maybe it's 3 this week?) but I'm streaming as I'd rather plough through. Part impatience, part not having satellite or cable TV which is the only place it is airing over here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 05, 2013, 04:20:54 AM
True crime horror drama.

The Town that Dreaded Sundown (1977)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOTOxk1naC4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOTOxk1naC4)


Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 21, 2013, 11:22:55 PM
I watched "Murder by Death" a few nights back. Classic comedy.

- You said it BW. Highly recommended.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on June 05, 2013, 05:29:03 AM
Did I ever mention I like Sam Peckinpah films?

THE DEADLY COMPANIONS (61) - little seen low-budget debut endebted to the TV westerns he'd worked on but a solid piece nonetheless with the themes of fucked-up masculinity and illogical codes of honour introduced.

RIDE THE HIGH COUNTRY (62) - magnificent ode to the ageing process and with a shockingly high feminist content too. The wedding scene is a nightmarish standout.

MAJOR DUNDEE (66) - a hugely compromised disastrous attempt at a blockbuster with major studio interference and Charlton Heston being typically useless throughout. Shame Peckinpah never managed to get his name removed from this.

THE WILD BUNCH (69) - it takes numerous viewings for the subtleties of this amazing film to become apparent. Superb ensemble acting, cinematography and script. Chills down the spine just at the memory of some scenes.

THE BALLAD OF CABLE HOGUE (70) - with typical perversity Peckinpah always claimed this sweetly uncharacteristic oddity was his best film. The twee humour and musical interludes can be grating but it certainly remains in your mind a long time after watching.

STRAW DOGS (71) - Hoffman's worm-that-turns role is very memorable, the infamous rape scene is entirely artistically justifiable and the villagers are truly terrifying.

THE GETAWAY (72) - the McQueen and McGraw chemistry is deservedly famed and some particularly amazing cinematography in this one too.

JUNIOR BONNER (72) - another anomaly in the oeuvre with a tale of family life where the eruptions of violence are simply fists, and all the more shocking for that.

PAT GARRETT AND BILLY THE KID (73) - of the three versions I recommend the TCM '88 cut. One of his very best, with a psychological intensity that just keeps on growing as the actors throw more booze down their necks in successive scenes.

BRING ME THE HEAD OF ALFREDO GARCIA (74) - his pinnacle for me, with Benny the burnt-out piano player clearly autobiographical and Warren Oates delivering the best acting job I think I've ever seen. A film that makes you feel like you've had your head beaten with a spade!

THE KILLER ELITE (75) - cocaine is infamous for destroying creativity in all artistic fields and this sloppily-edited mess proves it. First fifteen minutes are amazing, but after that a huge disappointment.

CROSS OF IRON (77) - his last gasp of genius and what a finale. A war film to make all others look tame, with James Coburn doing the best role of his life and an ending which is entirely shocking, unexpected and daring.

CONVOY (78) - I can enjoy this for what it is - a kiddy version of a Peckinpah movie. Ali McGraw looks in worse shape than even Peckinpah was during its making. Ernest Borgnine is splendid in the Sylvester/Wile E Coyote role.

THE OSTERMAN WEEKEND (83) - I know it has its apologists and the crazed psychedelic sequence at the start of the director's cut is certainly interesting but for me this was a sad end and best forgotten.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 05, 2013, 08:38:58 PM
Watched Chuck Connors blow people up in THE POLICE CONNECTION aka THE MAD BOMBER released on Code Red DVD.

Caught TREMORS on a cable movie channel last night.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 05, 2013, 08:58:01 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 05, 2013, 08:38:58 PM
Caught TREMORS on a cable movie channel last night.

classic. I watched that movie many, many times when I was a kid.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on June 08, 2013, 03:25:52 AM
Picked up a copy of Terence Davies 'Distant Voices, Still Lives' for a bargain price. Of great British film directors, for sure there's Mike Leigh and I would say from his work so far Ben Wheatley is shaping up to be someone whose films will be remembered in centuries to come. The divine Mr Davies however is an auteur apart from any kind of mass popularity - a real artist and this feels like a painting as much as a film.

This movie is about memory and the tricks it plays, about British inarticulate drunken violence, about the divide between the sexes, about loneliness and desolation. I remember seeing this at the cinema on its release at the end of the 80s and being astonished by its power, and by the daring of the cinematography and non-linear editing. His earlier Trilogy traumatised a generation of early UK Channel 4 viewers with its uncompromising misery and this debut feature offered not much more solace. I watched this after being at a family funeral today - a big working-class Northern family funeral - and so much of the film although it's set in the 1950s rings emotionally true.

I haven't really kept up with what he's done over the last twenty years but on the evidence of his Trilogy and the first two features Terence Davies is the closest the UK has had to someone like Ingmar Bergman or the early Herzog.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on June 10, 2013, 02:02:05 PM
Inbred (2011)

A dim representation of Yorkshire but certainly not to be taken seriously, this is like a combination of Severance, The League Of Gentleman and Emmerdale, with a touch of Braindead thrown in where the gore and daftness is concerned. I can't say I really liked it per se, but for late Sunday night viewing it was alright for an hour and a half.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on June 11, 2013, 05:09:01 PM
For the last half a year or so I've been jumping in between j-sploitation and new wave of japanese gore (Yoshihiro Nishimura, Noboru Iguchi, Tak Sakaguchi etc.) and various crime series, especially Scandinavian. So while Japanese presents visually stunning and truly excellent movies without boundaries of imagination, Scandinavian crime is somewhat darker and, well, more acceptable. And I think I haven't watched any of the series that I've been disappointed or something like that.
Currently watching Beck. Last few series that I went through were: Broen (awesome Kim Bodnia (from Pusher) and somewhat beautiful Sofia Helin), The Killing (Forbrydelsen) (first season a little two long. others - perfect), Wallander (both are good, Swedish and British, just there are a couple of series based on the same novel so they are identical), Those who kill, and few not Scandinavian, but also great series: Wire in the Blood (dark!!), Cracker, Inspector Morse (more traditional detective. Calm) = Inspector George Gently

Could't go through a single episode of Whitechapel and Foyle's war though.. Boring. Also tried watching Castle, but damn it's shit.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 11, 2013, 07:28:00 PM
I'm a huge fan of  hard-boiled crime!  Are you d/l'ing BROEN, WIRE IN THE BLOOD, etc. or is there sites that stream episodes? THE KILLING is the only title I recognize because there is a U.S. version. I know I've come across the orig. but didn't save the link, I think it was streams & that was a couple of years ago when the U.S. version started airing (3rd season just started).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on June 11, 2013, 07:57:11 PM
Yeah i've downloaded all of these. They're all on pirateb but if you don't find them or so, i can upload them to some ftp and give you access to download. Pm me. Maybe they are streaming too but quality etc.. i haven't seen the us version of the killing but the Danish version is worth a try for sure. After seeing excerpts,the original seemed far better.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ironfistofthesun on June 12, 2013, 02:23:05 PM
you guys should check out "the fall". Just ending on uk tv.


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 12, 2013, 04:58:14 PM
Quote from: online prowler on June 05, 2013, 04:20:54 AM
True crime horror drama.

The Town that Dreaded Sundown (1977)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOTOxk1naC4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOTOxk1naC4)


looks interesting. the cover art however is great!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 12, 2013, 07:25:49 PM
The Town That Dreaded Sundown is a confused film, mixing crime/horror with some comedy which ruins it. TCM has run it a couple of times. May want to check it out before buying it. I know it's definitely nothing I'd re-watch very often.

The Memory of a Killer is what I watched most recently. Story of a hitman with memory issues going on a killing spree. A bit too glossy with quick edits & odd colored flashbacks.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 16, 2013, 01:13:47 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 12, 2013, 07:25:49 PM
The Town That Dreaded Sundown is a confused film, mixing crime/horror with some comedy which ruins it. TCM has run it a couple of times. May want to check it out before buying it. I know it's definitely nothing I'd re-watch very often.

The Memory of a Killer is what I watched most recently. Story of a hitman with memory issues going on a killing spree. A bit too glossy with quick edits & odd colored flashbacks.

I will not go the distance and branding the film The Town That Dreaded Sundown as a confused film, but I see your point. It might not be the best articulated true crime horror/drama - mostly due to a character in the film (played by the director himself) who has a function as a comic relief. I suppose this was the producers choice as not to have the film go total grim since the actual murders had taken place not many years before. Apart from those couple of moment I would say the film is a quite good realized project that mixes the genres, but also holds top quality if one examine the cinematography, filmtype and overall presentation of the male violator. I must say how the director presents his gaze and the how the killer is portrayed is worth the watch. I would also like to mentioned the matter of fact way some of the scenes are presented. Music is quite atmospheric as well. Might not be a film that one revisit very often I have to admit, but if you are a fan of 70s horror in general I recommend taking your chances. Personally I enjoy that the film is not 100% perfect. I think it suits the tone of the product. Not many movies like this very made in the 70s. Thanx for the mentioning of The Memory of a Killer. Will check it out.    

Trailer, 1:43 min: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOTOxk1naC4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOTOxk1naC4)

Wondering about this one - The Evictors (1979) same people who produced the forementioned film. Not sure about the quality, but it seems like another true crime project. Story might be good, and the main actress from Susperia plays the lead. Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEGmAnsWEOI  (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEGmAnsWEOI)


Another small 70s gem hailing from Australia.

Patrick (1978)
Director: Richard Franklin

A killer? Comatose? An experiment? Psychic powers?


Excerpt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9cJP5Giqwg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9cJP5Giqwg)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 16, 2013, 01:24:32 AM
Thanx for the recommendations THE FALL and BROEN. Potential.

By the way .. anyone of you have recommendations to websites re film? Blogs, magazines, news sites ...

Film blog:
http://houseofselfindulgence.blogspot.no/ (http://houseofselfindulgence.blogspot.no/)

Twitch - http://twitchfilm.com/ (http://twitchfilm.com/)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 16, 2013, 02:31:36 AM
I probably need to see SUNDOWN again as the last time was the first time in 20 years so I wasn't expecting it to be so light-hearted. The Blu-ray/dvd set with The Evictors looks pretty good; not sure about that film. I've read reviews but remember nothing.

I regularly check:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on June 16, 2013, 08:52:18 PM
The White Ribbon
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: algiz on June 16, 2013, 10:10:33 PM
Hobo with a shotgun - Guess it was recommended here already but in my opinion really worth to watch!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 16, 2013, 10:43:53 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 16, 2013, 02:31:36 AM

THANX, this is good stuff Bitewerks!

Hobo and White Ribbon = Mandatory. I heard the HOBO guys where producing a new flick sometime ago. Have the new Haneke film lying here, but haven't had a chance to watch it yet. Expecting to be mentally raped - again.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on June 19, 2013, 04:04:15 AM
Managed to watch first 20 mins of Maniac remake... What a disgrace! Elijah Wood's performance is so damn pretentious, clearly he isn't a freak enough to be the next Frank Zito. He's just an ordinary Hollywood whore compared to Joe Spinell. Spinell lived and breathed smut cinema and even though he had roles in some bigger films, at least he was always in his element, especially in the original Maniac. Joe Spinell was a boozer, drug addict and some of his relatives had mental health problems. Obviously he must've been quite a freak in his ordinary life so no wonder why his performance was so fitting to Maniac. He put 110% to his performance and never returned to his own self. Soon the passing of his mother and excessive drug abuse cost him his life. He must be turning in his grave right now. Truly, truly disappointed...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on June 19, 2013, 05:46:20 PM
Watched The Fall. Well, it was not that bad, but it seemed as if during the half of the last episode they've got the news that IT MUST BE THE LAST and suddenly had to end this. Ok, but lacks development, some quite big holes in scenario and a few questionable moments.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 20, 2013, 12:59:47 AM


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Pu7mvo0rZ0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Pu7mvo0rZ0)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 20, 2013, 01:02:57 AM
Quote from: Scat-O-Logy on June 19, 2013, 04:04:15 AM
Managed to watch first 20 mins of Maniac remake... What a disgrace! Elijah Wood's performance is so damn pretentious, clearly he isn't a freak enough to be the next Frank Zito. He's just an ordinary Hollywood whore compared to Joe Spinell. Spinell lived and breathed smut cinema and even though he had roles in some bigger films, at least he was always in his element, especially in the original Maniac. Joe Spinell was a boozer, drug addict and some of his relatives had mental health problems. Obviously he must've been quite a freak in his ordinary life so no wonder why his performance was so fitting to Maniac. He put 110% to his performance and never returned to his own self. Soon the passing of his mother and excessive drug abuse cost him his life. He must be turning in his grave right now. Truly, truly disappointed...

OFFICIALLY TURNED OFF TO SEE THE REMAKE. The original from '80 is f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c. A tribute to Frank Zito below.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 20, 2013, 01:34:50 AM
Originally I read some good reviews of the MANIAC remake but the last few from people I would trust a little more have said it sucks. Death Waltz & Mondo have soundtrack LPs out this week. The couple of tracks I've listened to wasn't very interesting.

RED, WHITE, & BLUE was awful especially that ridiculous ending.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: sperm+killing on June 21, 2013, 04:27:44 AM
Shame about nu-MANIAC, if only because I think the idea of doing a slasher in LADY IN THE LAKE mode is kind of cool. Might give it a chance if it hits a local theater anyway.

Recently got the MASSAGE PARLOR MURDERS blu. I'm a sucker for the cheap 70s NYC thing, but couldn't get too into it aside from Brother Theodore's hilarious cameo. Mari from LHOTL shows up too. Vinegar Syndrome did a neat job on the release in any case, so I'm looking forward to grabbing more from them.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 21, 2013, 11:54:09 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 20, 2013, 01:34:50 AM
RED, WHITE, & BLUE was awful especially that ridiculous ending.

I might have to eat dirt on that one BiteWerks. HE!HE! While we are in the 70s mood. I need a horror/slasher fix! Give me your top three shoot/recommendation!!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on June 22, 2013, 03:15:00 PM
From the top of my head I'd say some of the best slashers I've seen were: Cold Prey, edge of the Axe., April Fools (first one), Anthropophagous 2000 (ignore this if you hate shitty gore effects), Friday the 13th (1,2,4 parts), black christmas, don't go in the woods, eyes of a stranger, the prowler, maniac cop, the prey, silent night, deadly night. also what were those two where the killings were done in the theater on stage and another one where the killer was dressed as uncle sam. Don't remember the titles, but they were enjoyable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on June 22, 2013, 07:49:37 PM
I've finished watching the first season of Ørnen: En krimi-odyssé (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0383164) . Damn it's one of the worst Scandinavian crime series that I've seen. All these boring themes like Russian mafia, heroin trafficking, child prostitution, prostitutes from Lithuania and overall Eastern Europe, super cool and powerful muslim policeman, love story between two lonely policemen etc. Two more to go, but it's great that you've started talking about slashers so I'll take a few days off the series to explore those.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 22, 2013, 10:30:52 PM
Quote from: Levas on June 22, 2013, 03:15:00 PM
From the top of my head I'd say some of the best slashers I've seen were: Cold Prey, edge of the Axe., April Fools (first one), Anthropophagous 2000 (ignore this if you hate shitty gore effects), Friday the 13th (1,2,4 parts), black christmas, don't go in the woods, eyes of a stranger, the prowler, maniac cop, the prey, silent night, deadly night. also what were those two where the killings were done in the theater on stage and another one where the killer was dressed as uncle sam. Don't remember the titles, but they were enjoyable.

A lot of good ones Levas, thanx for the suggestions. Some of these I haven't seen. Eyes of a stranger looks like a fun flick among others. Saw The Prowler recently. Liked that one. Might have to revisit Maniac Cop as well. Another William Lustig hit when we are discussing his remake/original film Maniac. Talking about Maniac ... It got me thinking about a film yesterday I am sure a lot of you have seen as well... Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EEMVJ1yXFs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EEMVJ1yXFs) from ´86 which was based on the case of Henry Lee Lucas - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_DOxy3u4CA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_DOxy3u4CA) (maybe not the best docu). 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on June 22, 2013, 10:53:19 PM
ah, it seems William Lustig's Uncle Sam was the title I couldn't remember with serial killer in uncle sam's outfit, heh. Henry.. is a good movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 22, 2013, 10:54:43 PM
Quote from: Levas on June 22, 2013, 10:53:19 PM
ah, it seems William Lustig's Uncle Sam was the title I couldn't remember with serial killer in uncle sam's outfit, heh. Henry.. is a good movie.

Haven't seen that one. Throwing together Lustig, serial killers and Uncle Sam is a certain hit in my book! Thanx!!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 23, 2013, 04:47:16 AM
"Cold Prey, edge of the Axe"

Never heard of either of those. CP seems mildly familiar if it's from a handful of years ago.

Add The Burning & My Bloody Valentine to the list.They're two of my faves. Plus New York Ripper. MBV Uncut may be the goriest American slasher film ever made. I was surprised so much was cut.

I have Charlie Casanova for tonight's viewing. It's suppose to be pretty good...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on June 23, 2013, 09:02:19 AM
I've been browsing through the Wikipedia's list of slasher movies so filling the gaps:

100 ghost street: The Return of Richard Speck - a la paranormal activity. the ghost of serial killer who was molested by his father returns and kills a group of teenagers and the film is made only from found footage. waste of time.

And while going through the list, I'd say these were good slasher movies too: Bloody Birthday, Eyes of a Stranger, of course Halloween, High Tension (!!!), Hell Night, The Mutilator, Schizoid, Trick or Treats, Unhinged, Wolf Creek.

Of course Texas Vibrator Massacre should be good, but didn't see that. Also the recent Shrooms was said to be one of the best slashers of the history etc., but I don't quite know why it should be one of the best.. It's decent.

Cold prey is quite new Norwergian slasher. A group of young people are going for skiing and one of them breaks the leg so they find shelter in some old hotel and the killing starts. edge of the axe was made for tv I think so it's quite different, but overall pretty good.

and yes, the burning and MBV are great. though I liked the original more and the remake of MBV was a little disappointing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on June 23, 2013, 02:20:57 PM
Watched a couple of films before bed last night:

Brake (2012)

A CIA agent wakes up in the boot/trunk of a car inside a perspex box. His captors want to know the secret location of the president but he won't give up the information. Various stress-tests are thrown his way by the terrorists but his lips remain sealed, even placing his oath to his country over the safety of his wife. There are other government employees in other trunks being blown up in car bombs, which he finds out through combination of a CB radio (provided in the box) and a mobile phone he obtains. There is a clock he can see through the glass that counts down, resets, counts down, between events happening either to him or to the outside world that he can only hear.

It sounds a bit goofy perhaps, but actually it's not a bad watch. I've not mentioned the ending as knowing this would take the shine off watching it if anyone was going to. It actually doesn't get too far-fetched, which was good. The twist is an interesting one and I guess you can work out quite a bit of it as the film goes on. There is a lack of paranoia though which I think they could have played up a lot more.

Hard Candy (2005)

I'm sure everyone must know this film by now? Last night was my first viewing and to be honest, I didn't think it was up to much. For starters, trying to see Patrick Wilson as a paedophile and not Nite Owl (ha (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0409459/?ref_=sr_1)) was a challenge. Secondly, I find Ellen Page to be increasingly more irritating. It felt quite over the top at times, I think most of my issues can be pinned down to the fact the girl character portrays a 14 year old bent on ridding the world of a nonce and what she does along the way. It seemed like they had to justify her character and the wise-beyond-her-years approach by making her "super smart" and "advanced for her age"... bit of a cop out for me.

Maybe my impression of 14 year old capabilities is distorted but I sure as hell don't believe any of my school peers at that age would've been capable of doing what she does with such scorn; I guess ultimately it just didn't feel very believable and subsequently didn't feel nearly as immersive and engaging as it could have been.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 23, 2013, 08:12:20 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 23, 2013, 04:47:16 AM
"Cold Prey, edge of the Axe"

Never heard of either of those. CP seems mildly familiar if it's from a handful of years ago.

Add The Burning & My Bloody Valentine to the list.They're two of my faves. Plus New York Ripper. MBV Uncut may be the goriest American slasher film ever made. I was surprised so much was cut.

I have Charlie Casanova for tonight's viewing. It's suppose to be pretty good...

Thanx BiteWerks and Levas. Good lists. Recently saw The Burning again. Fine slasher. Recommend it. My Bloody Valentine have skipped me, or maybe I saw it years ago and have forgotten all about it. Will check it out nevertheless. Trailer showed potential. Love the gasmask attire. New York Ripper is a classic gem. Fulcio at his best. Might have to revist that one as well. Will try to get ahold of an uncut edition. High Tension (if I am thinking about the same movie, French from early 2000) is a fun rump. Other than that I can't say I remember either of the films mentioned, except for Wolf Creek which I haven't seen cause I had an idea it wasn't anything to bother with, but maybe I am wrong. Klaus Kinski in Schizoid should be good.

Here you have a few in return: The Slumber Party Massacre, Slaughter High, Happy Birthday to Me and Intruder.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 24, 2013, 01:21:30 AM
Charlie Casanova is ok. Better to not have read any of the love/hate hype about it. I wasn't in the mood for so much talk so may have liked it a little more if I hadn't been in the mood for more mayhem. I followed it up with the My Bloody Valentine. Also watched Night of the Creeps.

High Tension is a fave. Love the gore especially the decapitation with chest-of-drawers or whatever it was. The theatrical version had partially dubbed scenes mixed with Engl. subs, it was a mess! I remember seeing it in a matinee & I was the only person in the theater.

I've seen Slaughter High & Slumber Party Massacre but remember nothing about them. Happy Birthday to Me is just ok from what little I remember.

Strange Behavior is a good one. Synapse released it on dvd 4 or 5 years ago. Been thinking of digging it out for a viewing soon.

Copper on BBC America has started back. It's pretty good albeit a little too talky sometimes. The opening credits remind me of Deadwood for some reason.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 26, 2013, 01:32:06 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 24, 2013, 01:21:30 AM
Charlie Casanova is ok. Better to not have read any of the love/hate hype about it. I wasn't in the mood for so much talk so may have liked it a little more if I hadn't been in the mood for more mayhem. I followed it up with the My Bloody Valentine. Also watched Night of the Creeps.

High Tension is a fave. Love the gore especially the decapitation with chest-of-drawers or whatever it was. The theatrical version had partially dubbed scenes mixed with Engl. subs, it was a mess! I remember seeing it in a matinee & I was the only person in the theater.

I've seen Slaughter High & Slumber Party Massacre but remember nothing about them. Happy Birthday to Me is just ok from what little I remember.

Strange Behavior is a good one. Synapse released it on dvd 4 or 5 years ago. Been thinking of digging it out for a viewing soon.

Copper on BBC America has started back. It's pretty good albeit a little too talky sometimes. The opening credits remind me of Deadwood for some reason.

NIGHT OF THE CREEPS!!! Haven't seen that in ages. Another straight to VHS rental back in the day. He!He! Can't say I remember Strange Behavior. Trailer looks interesting, will def check it out. Concept seems enticing. Alone in a theatre?! What? I never had that pleasure, though I always wanted to have a good film for myself on the big screen. Too bad the film didn't deliver.  

Pieces (1982)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A97EOtxF2gA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A97EOtxF2gA)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 29, 2013, 04:04:09 AM
Never get enough:

The Night Porter (1974)
Director: Liliana Cavani.


Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUzRoSwPLRA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUzRoSwPLRA)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 06, 2013, 02:59:30 PM
Gaspar Noé

SebastiAn: Love in Motion (2012).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8BOBEZL9sk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8BOBEZL9sk)

AIDS (2009)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x5kjJJi4LY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x5kjJJi4LY)

Eva (All three shorts, 2005)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-py9syPidfs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-py9syPidfs)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on July 06, 2013, 04:02:51 PM
Saw Blood Diamond for the first time, enjoyed it very much. Leo DiCaprio is good as selfish S.African looking after "number one"; good characters and casting, good story, could be more brutal but the agenda is presented well enough without over the top violence.

Also caught up on Black Swan.... quite liked it actually,  can see why it got high praise within the pseudo-art circles as it is almost convincing in its attempt to appear artier than it is!

Started watching The Hurt Locker. Resisted for ages, saw it was on TV so thought I'd try it. Turned it off. Just as I had expected, it was just too US-centric. No offence to US folks, but this kind of film - particularly when it has a military angle - is very rarely for me.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 06, 2013, 10:08:38 PM
I saw The Hurt Locker in the theater & it was good but found it not as interesting during more recent viewings esp on tv with edits. The movie is specifically about U.S. soldiers who defuse bombs  hence the  'U.S.-centric/military angle'...

Just watched the silly over-the-top gore film, Beyond The Limits. Last Saturday night, I finally got around to watching the Hammer film Twins of Evil which I thought I'd seen before but if I had, it was on tv with the gore and nudity cut out. On the 4th of July, I watched The 4th Floor with Juliette Lewis which is ok minus a silly detail during the climax.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on July 07, 2013, 01:42:05 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 06, 2013, 10:08:38 PM
I saw The Hurt Locker in the theater & it was good but found it not as interesting during more recent viewings esp on tv with edits. The movie is specifically about U.S. soldiers who defuse bombs  hence the  'U.S.-centric/military angle'...

I know, I was stating the obvious somewhat wasn't I? Ha. To clarify, my "complaint" was that a couple of people had done well to convince me that it went deeper than that which I personally didn't pick up.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on July 07, 2013, 04:24:52 PM
I watched also pretty US centric movies lately. Iron man 1-2 and Avengers.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 07, 2013, 07:46:50 PM
Hot as hell yesterday so stayed inside after a couple hours sweating in a garage & a shed. Watched the uncut dvd of Friday the 13th. Not sure what extras there are other than a second here, a second there that no one would notice. Followed it up with The Killer Snakes which was very Asian-centric. Also watched Pieces.

Read the synopsis for The Act of Killing & it's  a real head-scratcher.  Who the hell had the idea of asking a war criminal to make a movie about his crimes?!? Needless to say, it sounds like a Must See!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 10, 2013, 07:14:56 AM
watched and very much enjoyed Bay of Blood and Black Sunday recently. Hoping to watch my The Burning this weekend, which I haven't seen before.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on July 12, 2013, 12:46:03 PM
Sunshine (2007)

So many things wrong with this film, it had promise and then ripped it away with a very poor direction change that then got worse. Rubbish, not recommended.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 15, 2013, 12:55:25 AM
Quote from: martialgodmask on July 12, 2013, 12:46:03 PM
Sunshine (2007)

So many things wrong with this film, it had promise and then ripped it away with a very poor direction change that then got worse. Rubbish, not recommended.

This one is utter crap. Couldn't be bothered w finishing it even. New film Trance seem to have a bit of potential.

Horrors of malformed men
Directed by Teruo Ishii, 1969.
From Toei studio. Ero guro (erotic-grotesque) sub-genre of Pinku.

Psychedelic beauty. Highly recommended.





TRAILER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxZ6oZWO9pQ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxZ6oZWO9pQ)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on July 15, 2013, 01:43:06 AM
Quote from: online prowler on July 15, 2013, 12:55:25 AM
Quote from: martialgodmask on July 12, 2013, 12:46:03 PM
Sunshine (2007)

So many things wrong with this film, it had promise and then ripped it away with a very poor direction change that then got worse. Rubbish, not recommended.

This one is utter crap. Couldn't be bothered w finishing it even. New film Trance seem to have a bit of potential.

Hmm, just watched the trailer, looks quite good and I like Vincent Cassel so I'll keep an eye out for it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ghoulson on July 15, 2013, 03:13:13 PM
Call Girl: One of the best swedish movies I've seen in a long time.... should be possible to download with english subtitles.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1977739/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1977739/)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOT7vDPYCT0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOT7vDPYCT0)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on July 15, 2013, 04:48:08 PM
Dark Skies (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2387433) - nice horror/sci-fi movie. Aliens are choosing and abducting people. The movie focuses on one family and happenings in their house. Enjoyable.

The Tall Man (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1658837) - also decent movie and you reverse the "who are good and bad" in this movie a few times, but the ending though should be very clever twist most likely, gets quite ridiculous. This follows some myth that some tall guy is stealing people's children and there are loads of them missing.

The Call (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1911644) - about a 911 call operator and the work of theirs. pretty good and intense movie - abducted girl calls 911 and we follow the happenings how the operator and police tries to save her. I'd say quite unusual angle, but ok.

Top of the Lake (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2103085) - I've been recommended this movie after writing here about these crime series. This is from New Zealand. I was expecting some straight crime/detective movie, but this is a little more towards drama. It quite differs from those Scandinavian movies in almost everything, but the scenery is nice and overall it was good. The main storyline follows a disappearance of a pregnant 12 year old daughter of a local drug lord. Interesting characters and overall good development.

Chocolate (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1183252) - Thai martial arts movie about an autistic girl who tries to collect money from those bad guys who are in debt for her mother :) Well, enjoyable. Nice movies of the young main actress. But if you're not into martial arts movies, there is nothing else to see here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 15, 2013, 05:46:08 PM
Quote from: ghoulson on July 15, 2013, 03:13:13 PM
Call Girl: One of the best swedish movies I've seen in a long time.... should be possible to download with english subtitles.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1977739/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1977739/)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOT7vDPYCT0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOT7vDPYCT0)

Been waiting for that one for a while. Think it have high potential, trailer looks good, and for once Norwegian actors are doing a good job as well.

Rewatch soon:

GOYOKIN (1969)
Director: Hideo Gosha

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNmryODkwsc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNmryODkwsc)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on July 16, 2013, 03:27:18 AM
Quote from: martialgodmask on July 07, 2013, 01:42:05 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 06, 2013, 10:08:38 PM
I saw The Hurt Locker in the theater & it was good but found it not as interesting during more recent viewings esp on tv with edits. The movie is specifically about U.S. soldiers who defuse bombs  hence the  'U.S.-centric/military angle'...

I know, I was stating the obvious somewhat wasn't I? Ha. To clarify, my "complaint" was that a couple of people had done well to convince me that it went deeper than that which I personally didn't pick up.

It's a silly idea that an embedded journalist (from whose experiences came the screenplay) would get to see much reality at all of the war.

FWIW, my bandmate who was in the first Gulf War says the depressing and bleak 'Jarhead' is the only movie he's seen which was close to the reality that he remembers.

There's a decent British movie "Route Irish" by Ken Loach focussing on private security firms in Iraq. Worth a watch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on July 18, 2013, 12:12:52 PM
Seen a few purely entertaining mainstream movies like Redemption (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1893256) where J. Statham is once again on revenge spree though not that much fighting, Dead Man Down (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2101341) and Trance (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1924429). All of them are ok to see, but nothing more. I liked Deathwatch (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0286306) - nice horror/war movie with hints of supernatural. Very nice mood in the movie - rain and mud. Also Someone Down There Likes Me (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1398396/). A budget of ~6000 euros, for the bigger part of the actors this was the only movie they took part ever, but it is good. A man becomes disabled after the serious beating and spends his time in the wheelchair while his wife starts drinking and fucking with random dudes. One night their home are assaulted, wife and daughter raped and murder and so the guy is visited by satan and goes on revenge spree. Not that much gore, etc., but worth watching.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: harorld on July 18, 2013, 08:21:41 PM
Recently saw (and loved)

Onibaba (鬼婆) (1964) (Japan)


Babette's Feast


Rolling Thunder


Polanski's "Ghost Writer"

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 18, 2013, 10:32:42 PM
Watched DJANGO UNCHAINED the other night. It's awful. Too bad QT didn't really blow himself up in the end.

Has anyone seen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bridge_(Danish/Swedish_TV_series) ?

US version has started & it's off to an ok start. I just noticed last night that it's based on the above.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on July 18, 2013, 11:51:11 PM
Yeah, I think I mentioned Bridge with all the other crime series. It is truly good. I don't know about the US version and I'm thinking whether it's worth watching or not. Somehow I feel that Scandinavian version is better..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 19, 2013, 12:32:05 AM
I'm pretty sure you mentioned it & I looked it up at the time. I'm sure the orig. is better. Here's info on the U.S. series:


I don't like the lead actress. She's portrayed as all-business & impersonal but doesn't pull it off very well.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 19, 2013, 12:38:56 AM
Quote from: harorld on July 18, 2013, 08:21:41 PM
Onibaba (鬼婆) (1964)
Babette's Feast
Rolling Thunder

Onibaba is a masterpiece. Did you ever see Kaidan - another gem by Masaki Kobayashi - the guy who directed Seppuku aka Harakiri? Have Babette's Feast and
Rolling Thunder on my list. Looking forward to see those, especially RT w a script by Paul Schrader.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on July 19, 2013, 12:53:57 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 19, 2013, 12:32:05 AM

ah. limited to US users. here is the first episode of Broen

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrdm6u_bron-broen-the-bridge-s01e01-english-subtitles_shortfilms#.UehjPW1V4R4 (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrdm6u_bron-broen-the-bridge-s01e01-english-subtitles_shortfilms#.UehjPW1V4R4)

One of the reasons that I liked these were those two main characters. Kim Bodnia from Pusher, Bleeder etc. as a Swede detective I think and Sofia Helin with a nice scar on her face, playing introvert and weird Danish detective.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 19, 2013, 01:31:30 AM
Thanks for the link! I'll be watching them all soon. Seems like I tried to find episodes online for something you mentioned but failed or gave up quickly.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on July 19, 2013, 01:59:27 AM
I see you've mentioned wire in the blood too. So if you haven't found it yet, the first episode is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIk6fmnfvWI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIk6fmnfvWI) and then the rest of these. I don't know why it shows that there are only 14mins, but it streams to the end of the episode.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on August 01, 2013, 02:00:20 AM
Quote from: harorld on July 18, 2013, 08:21:41 PM
Recently saw (and loved)

Onibaba (鬼婆) (1964) (Japan)

Excellent movie. Once seen, never forgotten. Really must get a dvd copy some time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on August 01, 2013, 10:38:24 PM
Watched The Hunter (2011; http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1703148/?ref_=rvi_tt) - pretty good, you have to read between the lines a little but will probably watch it again some time as I get the impression more may be revealed on a second watch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on August 02, 2013, 01:01:53 AM
Just finished Dredd, thoroughly enjoyed it. Reminds me of Watchmen a little, with the tone and colours and violence.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 15, 2013, 10:08:17 PM

EVILSPEAK is one of my all-time favorite horror films & Code Red has released a brand new version, fully uncut! Just ordered my copy. I have the previous dvd release too.. really hate double-dipping but could not resist this movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 18, 2013, 01:59:43 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 15, 2013, 10:08:17 PM

EVILSPEAK is one of my all-time favorite horror films & Code Red has released a brand new version, fully uncut! Just ordered my copy. I have the previous dvd release too.. really hate double-dipping but could not resist this movie.

This looks great. Thanx for the recommendation. Trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN8fNNYMVrU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN8fNNYMVrU)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 19, 2013, 03:20:59 AM
EVILSPEAK should be shown to  kids who are being bullied. It shows them exactly how to deal with their situation: summon Satan & exact REVENGE!

Code Red will be releasing NIGHTMARE on Blu-ray later this year to counter a European bootleg. JUST BEFORE DAWN is also in the works along with some awesome martial arts films like RAW FORCE (martial arts vs. zombies!) & FORCE: FIVE.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on August 19, 2013, 07:02:29 PM
Haven't watched many movies lately.. simply been shortage of time..

Watched Cloud Atlas that have been celebrated quite a lot. Yep, well, it's well done. But at the same time very often I'm like "aarrgghh!!". I mean, oh yes, one of matrix brothers is now.. sister. And yes world is so full of oppression of individuals rights and all that, but oh please. Never read the book, but often movie felt like this modern type of exploitation movie. Exploitation of the bad consciousness of modern liberals. But there is no denying that the way story is told is fresh, visually impressive, unusual ability to mix movie genres and respectable way of self financing most expensive independent movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on August 20, 2013, 05:39:41 PM
the hobbit ...  very childish, original story quite betrayed, but wtf, my dwarf fetish was satisfied... damn I am a nerd and wants more...

oxford murders, by alex de la iglesias.. not his best flick, but still very very good.. I much prefer spanish set up , but it definitely works for me

after several suggestions I have completed THE KILLING (DK) and BROEN and completely loved them.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 20, 2013, 07:58:23 PM
I watched the first episode of BROEN & it didn't really grab me. Possibly because I already knew the basics as the U.S. version was nearly the same but takes place in much more interesting areas: Mexico (sleazy, crime-ridden) & Texas barren desert. What I didn't get about BROEN was the significance of the bridge between Denmark & Sweden-does the film take place before the creation of the E.U. so there were customs/border enforcement at the time?

Another U.S. crime show that just started is LOW WINTER SUN that I suspect is based on either a UK or European series. I haven't looked it up yet. So far, it's only so-so. BREAKING BAD's final season is a good thing because I have a sort of mild-like/hate relationship with it. So much of it is so goddamn illogical it drives me nuts.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on August 21, 2013, 04:11:11 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on August 20, 2013, 05:39:41 PM
the hobbit ...  very childish, original story quite betrayed, but wtf, my dwarf fetish was satisfied...

I haven't seen it yet but I understand it depicts something of the war between the dwarves and the orcs, something I've always thought would, in itself, make an excellent movie in the right hands. Was there a lot of that, or was it just some kind of opening montage thing?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on August 21, 2013, 08:26:40 AM
If one has not seen the first, I recommend to wait that you could at least see 1 & 2 together. Maybe even 3rd..
1st Hobbit is like...  pretty much nothing happens! As soon as things seem to start rolling, then it stop.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on August 21, 2013, 09:41:18 AM
The original series of Bron has the joys of Danish acting while suffering from typical Swedish wooden acting. Those who've watched it will have noticed Kim Bodnia, Frank from Pusher, as the Danish copper. The reporter who gets bumped off in the first series must have been based on the local charlatan Viggo Cavling. Not surprising if whoever wrote the script had it in for him. The bridge has had quite an impact on the entire region since it opened in 2000. Customs still exist and operate in the EU. It isn't a total free for all along the borders between EU countries. Overall I thought Bron was on the lame side but I enjoy watching it because it's set in the shithole I come from. Moving the setting from Malmö/Copenhagen to Texas/Mexico sounds ridiculous.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 21, 2013, 07:25:56 PM
" Moving the setting from Malmö/Copenhagen to Texas/Mexico sounds ridiculous"

It'd be even more ridiculous with American actors in Sweden & Denmark.

What the U.S.  producers are doing is mixing in what is actually going on down there- illegal border crossing, ultra-violent drug cartels, & possibly the work of a number of serial killers in Juarez Mexico.

The problem with the U.S. version is that they are trying to throw too much into it rather than focusing on a couple of elements.


http://www.chron.com/news/nation-world/article/Juarez-report-discounts-serial-killer-1886540.php   (Damn!)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on August 21, 2013, 09:52:06 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on August 21, 2013, 08:26:40 AM
If one has not seen the first, I recommend to wait that you could at least see 1 & 2 together. Maybe even 3rd..
1st Hobbit is like...  pretty much nothing happens! As soon as things seem to start rolling, then it stop.

This is true!

In fact we were left with we want more feeling.

There is not much war going on, at the moment mostly hide-run.

But there are several cult moments, like the stone giants fighting, the goblin caves and the meeting between Bilbo and Gollum.

Tunes got stuck in my head for days
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on August 22, 2013, 04:00:16 PM

Elysium.....loved District9 so i just HAD to see this. Bigger budget so bigger effect and i just love his rusty low-tech vision of earth (Elysium itself looks like a dull place). Police-droids, exoskeletons, gory violence, etc etc  .....good cinema.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 31, 2013, 03:39:01 AM
Wise blood (1979)
Director: John Huston.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtvjLdwEBMM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtvjLdwEBMM)

Finally got around to see Carlos. TV version recently released on Criterion (which is the best). Highly recommended. Brilliantly acting, cinematography, writing and directing.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3QkM7uyF10 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3QkM7uyF10)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on September 26, 2013, 04:22:13 AM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Dr Alex on September 26, 2013, 03:39:03 PM
Some movies that I watched this month:

Lilya 4-Ever
I feel like a shit after watching this. Depressive as nothing! Really great movie.

The Machinist
Amazing paranoid thriller! Everybody should check this!

Mysterious Skin
Great and (somehow) disturbing movie. Mysterious Skin have some scenes that I never saw in some movie. Brilliant!

The Human Centipede (First Sequence)
Crap movie! I'm disappointed. Bad acting, bad camera, but still great idea.

Paranoid Activity 2
I turn off my pc before end. Boring as hell!!!

This Is England
No so bad. I guess I was so tired when I watched this. I must watch it again.

The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)
Possibly the most disturbing film ever made! A must see!!! A masterpiece!!

Back to the childhood. Funny movie! I really liked this when I was young.

The Raven
It's nice movie. I enjoyed in this one.

I waste hour and half of my life! Terrible!!!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: redswordwhiteplough on September 26, 2013, 11:37:56 PM
Samsara by Ron Fricke. Breathtaking natural wonders, man-made monuments and sacred grounds, disgusting industrial food factories, dancing prisoners, prostitutes and japanese sex dolls. I was transfixed. Highly recommended!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 27, 2013, 09:34:01 PM
Catching up on 'Breaking Bad'. AMC is running a marathon up to the final episode Sunday night. It occurred to me that if the U.S. had a universal healthcare system, there would have been no 'Breaking Bad'. Not sure about anyone else but I prefer hours of entertainment over the health of people I'll never meet...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: totalblack on October 02, 2013, 05:41:51 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 27, 2013, 09:34:01 PM
Catching up on 'Breaking Bad'. AMC is running a marathon up to the final episode Sunday night. It occurred to me that if the U.S. had a universal healthcare system, there would have been no 'Breaking Bad'. Not sure about anyone else but I prefer hours of entertainment over the health of people I'll never meet...

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: superskum2013 on October 07, 2013, 10:39:58 PM
Quote from: vomitgore on August 03, 2012, 02:34:45 AM
Quote from: online prowler on July 24, 2012, 10:33:22 PM
Anyone seen this one?

Melancholie der Engel. German horror anno 2009.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOfvgRwa0J8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOfvgRwa0J8)

Good film! Has some very depraved scenes (scat, vomiting etc) and beautiful cinematography. However it is quite absurd at times, and the DVD doesn't come with english subtitles, so the 2,5 hours could be a strain, if you don't understand german! Surely not everyone's cup of tea, but quite sick, authentic and artsy without being faggish. The film includes a ridiculous amount of animal snuff btw, so stay clear, if you don't like that.

watched it yesterday with my gal ............. the cinematography is ok , the OST very nice (has some stuff by David Hess too !) ........Luckily i do understand German but on the other hand ,there's really not that much of dialogue going on (except for some pseudo-intellectual BS) ....I myself , found it kinda "faggish" at times , perhaps caused by the fact that the bald lead-actor played a homosexual in Cannibal ??? and some other reasons too but i don't want to post too many "spoilers" for those who are about to watch this sooner or later...but the amount of snatch is as big (or bigger) as the amount of cock one gets exposed too , so should be bearable to all of yall out there i guess............... agree with this :
QuoteThe film includes a ridiculous amount of animal snuff btw, so stay clear, if you don't like that.
... i myself was kinda offended by some "crushing" of amphibians here and there as well as the snail towards the end (when the cunt takes the scissors) , yeahyeah , i know ; i'm a dork !   ...the storyline is kinda ridicilous imo. (fe.: why don't the cunts leave when they can ? there's enough chances here and there!) but most of the acting (which is kinda good , except for the bald dude and the porn-chick imo) makes up for that ... somewhat fascinating but I'll still try and get rid of my uncut austrian (shock) DVD anyways, as i'm pretty sure it's not something i'll watch again , really , was kind of offended yesterday, by myself , that i payed 30 EUR. for it ! dammit !
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 09, 2013, 06:27:53 PM
RESOLUTION (Horror, 2012)

Directed by: Justin Benson.


Paranoia and myth in the american backyard.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-5uBCIA94c (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-5uBCIA94c)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: vomitgore on October 11, 2013, 02:10:38 AM
Quote from: superskum2013 on October 07, 2013, 10:39:58 PM
Quote from: vomitgore on August 03, 2012, 02:34:45 AM
Quote from: online prowler on July 24, 2012, 10:33:22 PM
Anyone seen this one?

Melancholie der Engel. German horror anno 2009.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOfvgRwa0J8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOfvgRwa0J8)

Good film! Has some very depraved scenes (scat, vomiting etc) and beautiful cinematography. However it is quite absurd at times, and the DVD doesn't come with english subtitles, so the 2,5 hours could be a strain, if you don't understand german! Surely not everyone's cup of tea, but quite sick, authentic and artsy without being faggish. The film includes a ridiculous amount of animal snuff btw, so stay clear, if you don't like that.

watched it yesterday with my gal ............. the cinematography is ok , the OST very nice (has some stuff by David Hess too !) ........Luckily i do understand German but on the other hand ,there's really not that much of dialogue going on (except for some pseudo-intellectual BS) ....I myself , found it kinda "faggish" at times , perhaps caused by the fact that the bald lead-actor played a homosexual in Cannibal ??? and some other reasons too but i don't want to post too many "spoilers" for those who are about to watch this sooner or later...but the amount of snatch is as big (or bigger) as the amount of cock one gets exposed too , so should be bearable to all of yall out there i guess............... agree with this :
QuoteThe film includes a ridiculous amount of animal snuff btw, so stay clear, if you don't like that.
... i myself was kinda offended by some "crushing" of amphibians here and there as well as the snail towards the end (when the cunt takes the scissors) , yeahyeah , i know ; i'm a dork !   ...the storyline is kinda ridicilous imo. (fe.: why don't the cunts leave when they can ? there's enough chances here and there!) but most of the acting (which is kinda good , except for the bald dude and the porn-chick imo) makes up for that ... somewhat fascinating but I'll still try and get rid of my uncut austrian (shock) DVD anyways, as i'm pretty sure it's not something i'll watch again , really , was kind of offended yesterday, by myself , that i payed 30 EUR. for it ! dammit !

This may be super hard to believe, but all of the animal killings are supposed to be fake. I have just recently been told that by a person very near to the director...

Fans of Dora and "Melancholie der Engel" should definetely check out "Debris Documentar", which is supposed to portray the making of Melancholie in a stylized way. Easily the most fetishistic and best film directed by him, at least in my eyes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on October 16, 2013, 12:41:22 AM
Mr. Online Prowler so is that Resolution good?

I've recently tried to watch the top 10 horror movies of 2011 according to local horror movies web.

Their top was:
10. The Human Centipede 2 = yeah, it's masterpiece. It's much better than the first one. Looking forward to the 3rd part.

9. Chillerama = watched some time ago. Don't remember. Not that bad, but nothing too special.

8. I saw the devil = good revenge movie. The guy from some security agency goes too look for his wife's killer and slowly becomes even more brutal than the killer himself. Well done. There is some nonsense here and there, but..

7. Apollo 18 = I've read various things about this so finally decided to give it a try. And it's good. The length is optimal and though I rarely enjoy that found footage stuff, this one was good. The reason why no one goes to Moon anymore is some alien life that is living there and you can see all that in this movie assembled from super duper secret tapes. The feeling of claustrophobia and loneliness is what makes this movie good.

6. The Rite = meh

5. Tucker and Dale vs Evil = stupid and funny movie. I guess I couldn't call it parody, it's just horror comedy and one of the nicer done as of lately.

4. Atrocious (I still have to see that. One more found footage stuff)

3. Cold Fish (Also on the list to be seen tomorrow or so)

2. The Woman = damn this is weird. I haven't noticed any feminist message until I've read that in some comments on imdb. it's weird in every way - acting, plot, script etc. The guy catches a woman in the woods from some tribe and brings her back home, locks in the cellar and so on. But this is not some sort of torture movie. Worth watching for its weirdness

1. Insidious = yeah, I've read that a few people almost shit their pants while watching this. I didn't (I have far more courage than them), but damn that James Wan guy is a genius! It's a pity I missed a chance to see The Conjuring in the cinemas here, but anyways. Insidious about a child who get into coma and parents need to save him from evil spirits of "The Further" - a mythical place, afterlife, hell or whatever. From the very first seconds you are grabbed by your balls and not released until the very last second. Very good. Worth the 1st place for sure. I've just seen that he is filming fast and furious 7 so it's a pity.. Unless that movie will also be about some ghost cars, playing games etc.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 16, 2013, 02:20:11 AM

I enjoyed it a lot. Its not a big production, but it have some good conceptual ideas as well as the director manage to manifest an interesting atmosphere w film archetypes that haven't been mixed a lot before. Worht 90 minutes of your time.  

Can co-sign on Levas recommendations: Tucker and Dale vs Evil, I saw the devil and Cold Fish. The last one is the best in my eyes. New film by Sion out now, trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtlNKXwz_l8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtlNKXwz_l8). Can heartedly also namedrop his flick 'GUILTY OF ROMANCE', trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp1eoRLFUq0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp1eoRLFUq0)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 22, 2013, 05:08:47 PM
Watched Francis Ford Coppola's "The Conversation" for the first time on Sunday. It's one of those movies I meant to watch for years, and now I'm kicking myself for not doing it sooner. The story is interesting, the acting is muted but strong, and the score and sound design are awesome. I really enjoyed the second half of the movie as parts of the "conversation" are mixed in with the score and the sound of tape machines and electronic gurgling. It was also very cool to see all the old surveillance gear used. The whole question of ethics and surveillance and all that is obviously just as relevant if not more relevant than when the movie was made too. For a movie that's almost 40 years old, it's aged really well.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on October 23, 2013, 03:06:15 AM
The Conversation is imho pretty essential for it's sound-design....the fading in & out of sound/speech in the opening scene is amazing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on October 23, 2013, 12:41:13 PM
The Horseman (2011)

Enjoyable enough, not the best Aussie film I've seen but strikes the right chords for bleakness, grit and violence. Akin to an Aussie Kill List perhaps, complete with over the top ending ha.

Can anyone recommend some "hyper-realism" movies please?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on October 27, 2013, 07:03:10 PM
What I watched in the last couple weeks (all great for my taste, enjoyed them a lot):
- Hole in my heart (Lukas Moodysson)
- Singapore Sling (Nikos Nikolaidis)
- Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia (Sam Peckinpah)
- Eraserhead (David Lynch)
- Midori (Shōjo Tsubaki)
- Akira (Katsuhiro Otomo)
- Perfect Blue (Satoshi Kon)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on October 28, 2013, 12:19:05 AM
Quote from: cr on October 27, 2013, 07:03:10 PM
- Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia (Sam Peckinpah)

My favourite film ever and one which I must have watched over fifty times, finding more and more nuance and hidden layers. It works as a thriller but there is so much more to it: an extended metaphor for creating art (Benny/Warren Oates as Peckinpah, the gangsters as film producers, El Jefe as studio boss), a howl of existential crisis in the shocking final scenes, some religious and alchemical overtones. And so much funny and hysterical stuff where he talks to the head. Perfect acting and cinematography too. Early 1970s Hollywood was a very special time for film which can never happen again. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on October 30, 2013, 12:27:55 AM
New series on BBC tonight, "The Escape Artist". British crime drama (thriller, perhaps) about a barrister who gets hardcore criminals off the hook. Stars David Tennant who I'm not a massive fan of (probably because I loathe Dr Who and am not a hormonal teenage girl or Richard Branson) and Tony Kebbull (Anthony from "Dead Man's Shoes" in what is naturally a very different role). Good so far, looks like it's a 3 parter so keen to see where it goes over the remaining 2 hours. Kebbull is excellent.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 04, 2013, 08:33:54 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 15, 2013, 10:08:17 PM

EVILSPEAK is one of my all-time favorite horror films & Code Red has released a brand new version, fully uncut! Just ordered my copy. I have the previous dvd release too.. really hate double-dipping but could not resist this movie.

Just saw this yesterday. What great fun and ending!!! Clint Howard did a excellent job. A bit manneristic yes, but so is the whole movie w 2000s eyes. Horror comedy indeed. Enjoyed also the fact that the Major was portrayed by the main actor from the classic horror cinema DERANGED ('74 I think), and that the coach was played by the actor who was the cop in BRIDE OF RE-ANIMATOR.

Deranged: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUN0fhPuwYo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUN0fhPuwYo)
BOR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC1-CvHpY7E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC1-CvHpY7E)

Thanx for the post!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 07, 2013, 04:15:27 AM
Quote from: cr on October 27, 2013, 07:03:10 PM

- Singapore Sling (Nikos Nikolaidis)

This is a classic! Morbid mystery noir.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on November 11, 2013, 01:44:39 AM
Zero Dark Thirty

Didn't have any desire to watch it, went to see the in-laws this evening and they put it on having enjoyed it a couple of nights ago. I was surprised to find it was actually quite good, watchable. Story was interesting, it felt more like a work of fiction but that's fine as I wasn't expecting it to be a documentary. "Truth" and propaganda aside, I'm pleased I've now seen it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on November 13, 2013, 01:11:46 AM

Actually went to the cinema for this with the wife. Wish we'd not bothered. Total shit. No plot, poor script, poor characterisation, even the much-celebrated "visual-feast" wasn't up to much. Made me appreciate Moon even more.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on November 15, 2013, 05:42:13 PM

I'm not so good on reviewing directly in english but I want to suggest this movie. It's a about a nun who suffer solitude. In a power-electronics way of seen we have here a lot of strong and filth elements.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: SiClark on November 15, 2013, 05:59:23 PM
Quote from: martialgodmask on November 13, 2013, 01:11:46 AM

Actually went to the cinema for this with the wife. Wish we'd not bothered. Total shit. No plot, poor script, poor characterisation, even the much-celebrated "visual-feast" wasn't up to much. Made me appreciate Moon even more.
I have heard this from a lot of my friends. I'm going to try and see it at the imax to see if that makes it any better but I have a feeling I will come away from it with the same feelings as yourself. Moon is superb!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 15, 2013, 06:39:16 PM
The Counselor

Despite all the negative reviews I went to see this. I actually enjoyed it a lot. It reminded me a bit of Traffic and No Country for Old Men.

I understand a lot of people bitch about how much the characters wax philosophical. I for one would rather hear dialogue that's a little too high minded than listen to the drivel present in most movies. The plot detail are also sparse, and the film leaves you to fill in the blanks, but again, I'd say this is a plus not a minus. I'd like to think Cormac McCarthy and Ridley Scott think the viewer is intelligent enough to put the pieces together without being led by the hand.

But a lot of people will probably think it's boring/pointless/confusing, but for me, I'd rather watch a flawed crime film written by Cormac McCarthy than any other Hollywood dross any day of the week.

however, Cameron Diaz is pretty hard to believe in her role
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on November 16, 2013, 09:58:11 AM
Today was a good day. Three truly good movies while travelling.

Moon (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1182345) - there were so many people saying that this is wow the best scifi ever etc., that I was watching it with quite negative stance. But this is good. Without pew pew pew, lasers and explosions, a movie that left a melancholic trail inside

Ip man (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1220719/) - Why the hell have I never heard about this movie? After watching bunches of shaw brothers movies, this is such a great movie about martial arts! Semibiographical story about wing chun master Ip man. It is very good even if you don't enjoy martial art movies that much I guess.

Dog Pound (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1422020) - three teenagers goes to youth correctional facility and their "adventures" in there. Great performances and overall great mood - bullying, fights, "gangs", revenge, death etc.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on November 16, 2013, 01:28:20 PM
Quote from: Levas on November 16, 2013, 09:58:11 AM
Today was a good day. Three truly good movies while travelling.

Moon (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1182345) - there were so many people saying that this is wow the best scifi ever etc., that I was watching it with quite negative stance. But this is good. Without pew pew pew, lasers and explosions, a movie that left a melancholic trail inside

Certainly not the best ever, but definitely a very very good/great sci-fi movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 16, 2013, 07:59:12 PM
Quote from: Nil By Mouth on November 15, 2013, 05:42:13 PM

I'm not so good on reviewing directly in english but I want to suggest this movie. It's a about a nun who suffer solitude. In a power-electronics way of seen we have here a lot of strong and filth elements.

Thanx for the share NBM. Looks like an interesting watch code blue.


New Wes Andersson short film "CASTELLO CAVALCANTI" (2013) here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3286334279&feature=iv&src_vid=yWnKRJ4c8xY&v=b87B7zyucgI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3286334279&feature=iv&src_vid=yWnKRJ4c8xY&v=b87B7zyucgI)


A short confession:

I am a samurai movie buff. Do any of you have recommendations for films beyond Kurosawa, Kobayashi or for instance Mizoguchi?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on November 29, 2013, 11:09:05 PM
The last few films I watched, which are worth mentioning:
* The Cremator (Juraj Herz)
* Tetsuo-The Iron Man (Shin'ya Tsukamoto)
* Arrebato (Ivan Zulueta)
* The Beyond (Lucio Fulci)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: vomitgore on November 30, 2013, 10:28:44 PM
Quote from: cr on November 29, 2013, 11:09:05 PM

* The Cremator (Juraj Herz)

One of my alltime favourite films! If Kafka had ever made a film, it would have been the Cremator!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: totalblack on December 01, 2013, 03:31:55 AM
Just watched Angst by Gerald Kargl last week, which I am sure most people here have seen. Anyhow, it's great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on December 01, 2013, 03:56:47 AM
The Canyons kept me at least entertained throughout. Bret Easton Ellis seems to see this as the start of his new job as full-time screenwriter, but it's really nothing special - flashy and trashy Hollywood silliness, like a lite version of Mulholland Drive. Reminded me also of the ridiculous Abel Ferrara film Dangerous Game. You get to see James Deen going queer and Lyndsey Lohan's tits a lot.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on December 08, 2013, 02:59:14 AM

I don't like Jake Gyllenhall, but this is probably the best I've seen him? Two and a half hours, slow but not heel-dragging, tense and very enjoyable. Bleak and although the end comes as no big surprise, it barely gives an inch of anything positive to clutch at for the most part. There's a bathroom torture scene which smacked of Snow Town, although more psychologically brutal than viscerally brutal. It raises the usual questions of morality and how far one would go to find/save a loved one but avoids taking a high ground. I guess it feels more poignant at the moment with the recent cases of abductions and child-interfering that have made headlines.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on December 11, 2013, 04:49:13 PM
did a double decker last night.
the horde:recent russian movie about the last breaths of ghengis khans offrspring and a russian orthodox priest. great shit, I could see someone thinking its boring but if you like historical movies its a gooden.

the iceman: about the contract killer richard kuklinski. I read the book a few years ago and it was so good and filled with detailed descriptions of his violence that it would be hard to put all of it into a movie but it was good enough. michael shannon from the great boardwalk empire series seemed like a believable psychopath.

I have a dvd of maniac that will be watched next. never seen it before but lots of people talk highly of it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 11, 2013, 11:30:26 PM
I watched " In the Name of the Rose" the other day. Runs a little slow in parts but has its moments. How can you not like a monk who hates laughing?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Human Larvae on December 20, 2013, 08:19:04 PM

Altered States

came across this movie through a youtube video of Converge's Wretched World. Can really recommend this!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on December 21, 2013, 12:47:53 PM

very dark and intense. Almost no dialogues, deep violence and dulled images. Very recomended also Sombre of Grandrieux.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on December 21, 2013, 02:26:31 PM
Olympus Has Fallen

Like a scene lifted straight from Call Of Duty played out over a couple of hours, just another dumb modern action flick. Not the worst film ever seen, but totally forgettable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: vorago on December 21, 2013, 08:01:28 PM
Poslední lup - The Last Theft (Jirí Barta, 1987)

Kin-Dza.Dza (1986), geat soviet sci-fi/comedy movie, and seems like there also remake of it (have to check it out also).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 24, 2013, 01:45:37 AM
I watched most of MASSACRE MAFIA STYLE the other night. Need to finish it; pretty fucking terrible but the violence is great but not so great that buying it from Grindhouse if they ever get it released would be necessary.

Also, watched JAWS a couple of days ago & X-FILES: THE MOVIE.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on December 24, 2013, 11:43:48 PM
Quote from: Nil By Mouth on December 21, 2013, 12:47:53 PM

very dark and intense. Almost no dialogues, deep violence and dulled images. Very recomended also Sombre of Grandrieux.

Grandrieux is a personal fav of contemporary directors. Slightly more lyrical than Noé, but far more psychological darker. Violent visual poems. Can strongly recommend this film dealing on human trafficking and prostitution. Sombre and Un lac (A lake) is worth picking up as well.

A friend reminded me to check out Black Christmas again now during the holidays. Looking forward to revisit that slaughter.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on December 25, 2013, 11:24:51 AM
Need to bring a copy of Un lac, still missing in my collection. Thumbs up for Black Christmas, not just a slasher but also a very morbid and sick horror movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 26, 2013, 11:17:39 PM
Christmas Eve:

TOAD ROAD- complete crap. nearly wore the forward button out getting through it.
ONLY GOD FORGIVES- if you liked this, you need to find your local neighborhood Muay Thai fighter to knee you in the head. terrible dialogue, silly plot,annoying prom king hipster actor, & pretty red lighting.
MANIAC-  the ankle cutting was the best scene.

Christmas Night:

SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT- no comments are needed for either of these films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on December 27, 2013, 01:21:29 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 26, 2013, 11:17:39 PM
ONLY GOD FORGIVES- if you liked this, you need to find your local neighborhood Muay Thai fighter to knee you in the head. terrible dialogue, silly plot,annoying prom king hipster actor, & pretty red lighting.

I have this in my "to watch" folder...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: emboscado on December 28, 2013, 05:00:09 PM
About "Only God...": maybe better to put it in "To see" folder rather than "to watch"... beatiful images and photography etc... but absolutely dull in every other aspect. Anodine acting, silly and too simple plot...

I liked "Drive" though but what worked there, not here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on December 29, 2013, 01:47:16 AM
Experiment in Terror (1962)


Classic crime drama/post film noir era directed by Blake Edwards. Cynical undercurrent. Superb cinematography and score by Henry Mancini. Recently reissued on bluray.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ry5ZWlUb8s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ry5ZWlUb8s)


The Ballad of Narayama (1958)

Directed by Keisuke Kinoshita.

A meditation on nature and life cycles in old time Japan. Be sure to get the Criterion version. Stunning studio sets and scene changes. Impressive visuals.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjVMcYzn19I (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjVMcYzn19I)


Gate of hell (1953)

Remastered samurai era drama. High quality visuals and direction, but the story is quite thin and the film feels a bit static and the acting is quite dated. Still worth the time spent due to the lush hand-colored feel the movie have.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAwhQRDSzBk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAwhQRDSzBk)  
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TruckStopStranger on January 05, 2014, 08:44:16 AM
i'm really into anime and i've noticed a lot of classic ovas up for stream in their entirety, and i'd consider wicked city amongst my favorite films
here's Shoujo Tsubaki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxME8pxrKyQ very pornographic and weird, dogs getting stomped
artwork originally by suehiro maruo who did stuff for john zorn

Urotsukidoji Legend of the Overfiend
classic hentae  with demons and a comprehensible plot outside of the tentacle rape and whatnot

and Wicked City https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0gB5-VmnKo
one of the best looking anime films in my opinion, just love all the cool colors and vagina detata and love the mind rape scene at 47:46 highly recommended
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Noiseape on January 07, 2014, 07:18:20 PM
Just added a couple of new goldie oldie movie recommendations on my blog!

Recent movies that i enjoyed:
BOUNTY KILLER (modern grindhouse flick, loved it!! Mary Death is fucn sexy!!)
DARK SKIES (fun alien home invasion flick)
DEAR GOD NO (crazy biker grindhouse flick)
GRABBERS (highly recommended fun little sci fi/monster/horror flick!!! about killer tentacles that grab you unless you are fucn drunk!! :)

And loved the HOBBIT: DESOLATION OF SMAUG as well in the cinema in 3D

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on January 08, 2014, 11:02:59 AM

In my opinion it was awful. I went to see it to the cinema too. Deviation from the book is outstanding. It would be almost as if watching "Decameron" with lasers etc.

Other than that, recently watched

The Sexy Killer (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074435/) - not very good

Ong Bak (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0368909) - ok. not the "best martial arts movie", but quite good. Thumbs up for Muay Thai.

Death Sentence (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0804461) - lacking logic, but entertaining

Hunger (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0986233) - good

Don't remember anything more. Started watching Columbo (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1466074) series. It's quite ok etc., but I don't like when you know the killer from the very first minutes of the episode.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on January 10, 2014, 01:13:44 PM
Samurai Cop (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0130236/) Wow. Why I've been waiting for so long to see this. This is an absolute masterpiece! If you liked Deadly Prey, this is a must see!

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTd2BZggats (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTd2BZggats)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 10, 2014, 03:09:00 PM
Quote from: Levas on January 10, 2014, 01:13:44 PM
Samurai Cop (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0130236/) Wow. Why I've been waiting for so long to see this. This is an absolute masterpiece! If you liked Deadly Prey, this is a must see!

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTd2BZggats (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTd2BZggats)

I LOVE SAMURAI COP!!!!!!!! Such a great karate action flick!! Check it out. Trailer is total fun.

If you are into SC Levas I recommend Miami Connection. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpZu69OB2KM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpZu69OB2KM)

For some strange reason I don't think I have watched Deadly Prey. Well maybe, in the VHS days, but I cannot remember. Have had it on my list, will have to check it out one of these days. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on January 12, 2014, 07:21:41 PM
-Don't Deliver Us from Evil (Joël Séria)
-Dogtooth (Giorgos Lanthimos)
-Angst (Gerald Kargl)
-Daughters of Darkness (Harry Kümel)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 06, 2014, 02:00:58 PM

Can anybody help me out w this inquiry? I am looking for this autopsy film w pathologist Juan Espada. Here used as music video by Brighter Death Now. Do somebody have a digital copy?

Enjoy the track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q50Z9dtytw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q50Z9dtytw)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on February 06, 2014, 05:46:58 PM
classic despite the very "cool" image a-la guy ritchie... it just rules...

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 07, 2014, 12:38:02 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on February 06, 2014, 05:46:58 PM
classic despite the very "cool" image a-la guy ritchie... it just rules...

I saw this yesterday. enjoyed it as well. main actor does a good job. quality cinematography, actors and script. cannot remember the book very well, in comparison to the movie.. but i don't think its important. solid work that stands on its own feet. can see the ritchie reference, but it doesn't infest the movie. more toned dwn and clear cut maybe. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on February 09, 2014, 10:02:52 PM
*Vargtimmen (Ingmar Bergman)
Very good, I think I should listen to the Vargtimmen CD now...
* Made in Britain (Alan Clarke)
No comment necessary I think
* Bad Boy Bubby (Rolf de Heer)
Intense and bleak first twenty minutes, after the killing of the parents it's often funny and absurd - and yeah: To think god out of existance - I heard that from the first track of Vomit Arsonist's An Occasion for Death! Didn't like that happy ending too much, but I think it's ok!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on February 09, 2014, 10:24:45 PM

new Alex De la Igleasias... starts as a funny over-the-top violent action movie, to turn in a crazy anti-feminist/goddesmothercult/wiccan horror.
if you like his previous stuff you know what to expect.
His masterpiece is still Balada triste... but this rules as well... Too bad for the English title: Witchin' and Bitchin'
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 12, 2014, 05:27:59 PM
You're Next (US 2011/2013)

Best slasher / home intrusion film I have seen in a long time. Comes highly recommended. For fans of the genre I would also like to point of the Spanish flick Kidnapped from a few years back. Just as good, but a tad more cynical. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNn-OKqR87Q (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNn-OKqR87Q)

Vargtimmen. One of Bergman's definitive best. Respect.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 12, 2014, 08:08:26 PM
I thought YOU'RE NEXT lost it at the 60 minute mark. After that, it just seemed to get ridiculous. I know there were a couple of interesting deaths but I can't remember anything about them.

I've seen a handful of films in the last month but all I can remember are JUST BEFORE DAWN (new Code Red dvd), CAT PEOPLE (I couldn't pay attention to it at all),  & WE ARE WHAT WE ARE (based on the Spanish screenplay rather than the film, which, I have not seen).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 17, 2014, 07:07:47 AM
Klute - inspired by listening to too much Clock DVA. I remember hearing about this movie when i was lot younger and wanting to watch it, but pre-torrent/Netflix there was no way to. Really top notch psychological thriller. Awesome cinematography and a palpable atmosphere of paranoia. I really want one of those old reel to reel hand held recorders...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on February 18, 2014, 02:50:38 AM
Quote from: cr on February 09, 2014, 10:02:52 PM
*Vargtimmen (Ingmar Bergman)

Breathtakingly great movie and the one where I finally 'got' Bergman after wondering what I was missing. http://philipbest.blogspot.co.uk/2008/10/la-dame-aux-camelias.html

It's a mainstream film, nothing countercultural about it, but I thought American Hustle was terrific - great acting, script and direction and such a pace which never lets you stop concentrating. Hollywood at its rare very best.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jordan on February 18, 2014, 07:11:19 AM
I'm going to see American Hustle in a few days. So many people have hyped it to me, that I'm a tad bit worried about being disappointed. I think this might be a film best gone into with no expectations, which is based on nothing other than the fact that expectations tend not to be met, in my experience.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on February 18, 2014, 03:02:19 PM
Ill day on the sofa yesterday so got put some movies on. Watched Zero Dark Thirty again, thoroughly enjoyed it again 2nd time; checked out The Fifth Estate and it's alright but nothing to shout about - despite Assange's own attempts to discredit it, it seems to have quite a rose-tinted view of him; watched The Hurt Locker, from the beginning, all the way through and have to take back what I've said about it previously - it actually is a really very good film. Don't know what was different about watching it this time, perhaps I didn't have the same "blinkers" on as I did last time but yep, great film.

Edit: On a vaguely related note, the sci-fi snooze that was Gravity cleaned up at the Baftas - ha! Maybe they showed the judging panel a different version to the mainstream release, or there was too much investment in it perhaps... predictably, 12 Years Of Blame did well too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on February 23, 2014, 09:09:08 PM
Funny Games (Michael Haneke)
Haven't seen Funny Games U.S. - is this one as good as the original?

Twin Peaks - Pilot Episode (David Lynch)
Decided to rewatch Twin Peaks again, so I started with the pilot yesterday. Still great!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on March 02, 2014, 07:59:28 PM
Lilja 4-ever (Lukas Moodysson)
Great movie! For me, this is no happy ending at all.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ANDROPHILIA on March 02, 2014, 10:53:35 PM
don't miss


great modern noir really essential and nightly




most silent and nihilist than previous , set in a nightly Thailand

both of Nicolas Refn

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on March 07, 2014, 03:04:25 AM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on March 07, 2014, 04:17:05 PM
Forgot about that one. Any good, or just involatory funny?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on March 07, 2014, 06:03:53 PM
not involatory funny & very good
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 08, 2014, 10:52:30 PM
I'm currently watching David Cronenberg's SPIDER. Or trying to. It's boring as hell.

I watched PANIC a few nights ago: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0194218/

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on March 09, 2014, 12:46:24 AM
Quote from: Bleak Existence on March 07, 2014, 06:03:53 PM
not involatory funny & very good

Noted. Saw a trailer way back which wasn't too good. A bit amateurish cinematography, narrative and editing. Though I can understand the DIY attitude. Seemed a bit too serious and self-absorbed as well. I guess the final product can be of better quality. Found the whole film on yt. Will take a look one of these days.  
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Noiseape on March 09, 2014, 12:27:31 PM
saw these last few weeks

-MACHETE KILLS AGAIN (brainless fun, not as good as the first one, but still fun)
-RAW DEAL (hadnt seen this anymore since the 80's and now found it cheap at a local dvd shop. Not my fave Schwarzenegger movie but its o.k.)
-ARGOMAN THE FANTASTIC SUPERMAN (yeah, superior stuff!!)
-KICK ASS 2 (hilarious, maybe better then the first one)
-WHO SAW HER DIE? (nice giallo)
-MS45 (one of Ferrara's best flix i think)
-IL SIGNOR ROSSI CERCA LA FELICITA (tripping adventures of Signor Rossi)
-THE WORLD'S END (Not as good as Shaun and Hot Fuzz but still a fun one)
-THE GREEN SLIME (seen this one a zillion times and going to watch it 100 times more!!)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 09, 2014, 06:41:54 PM
Quote from: Noiseape on March 09, 2014, 12:27:31 PM
-RAW DEAL (hadnt seen this anymore since the 80's and now found it cheap at a local dvd shop. Not my fave Schwarzenegger movie but its o.k.)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI28jJ7MntM&feature=player_detailpage#t=13 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI28jJ7MntM&feature=player_detailpage#t=13)

best part
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on March 09, 2014, 09:26:12 PM
Quote from: Noiseape on March 09, 2014, 12:27:31 PM
saw these last few weeks
-MS45 (one of Ferrara's best flix i think)

Been waiting for this reissue for some time. Looking forward to catch it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 11, 2014, 09:05:02 PM
Quote from: online prowler on March 09, 2014, 09:26:12 PM
Quote from: Noiseape on March 09, 2014, 12:27:31 PM
saw these last few weeks
-MS45 (one of Ferrara's best flix i think)

Been waiting for this reissue for some time. Looking forward to catch it.

Same here. I have only seen the film once, on rental vhs.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 12, 2014, 09:51:51 AM
Quote from: Noiseape on March 09, 2014, 12:27:31 PM

-IL SIGNOR ROSSI CERCA LA FELICITA (tripping adventures of Signor Rossi)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Noiseape on March 13, 2014, 08:56:46 PM
Saw 300 RISE OF AN EMPIRE in the cinema yesterday, EXCELLENT!!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: nihbraxalizt on March 15, 2014, 07:15:50 PM
Green Inferno

Surprisingly good. Tight narration, really harsh gore-parts and it captures the overall pessimism of its role models quite well.
Could have done without the 'humorous' bits, but they were pretty moderate compared to your average 'fun splatter'-flick.

Nymphomaniac Vol. 1

Boring. Felt like some over-long coming of age-flick with a few sex-scenes and autotelic 'formal experiments' thrown in. Plus most of the humorous parts were pretty awful low pun-bullshit.

Melancholie der Engel

It definitely has its flaws (shitty dubbing, some overtly pretentious dialogue, etc), but overall a very rewarding experience.
Interesting image compositions, Fassbinder-like stylizations, great score, unconventional montage and of course lots of demented sickness (scat, bestiality, animal-snuff...).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on March 16, 2014, 08:15:42 PM
Nothing more to say than:
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 07, 2012, 09:17:35 PM
Just finished Andrzej Zulawski's POSSESSION (1981). It gets my vote for one of the most 'crazy as a shithouse rat' films ever made.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 03, 2014, 05:32:37 PM
Upstream Color - enjoyed this quite a bit, even though i don't know quite what to make of it. really enjoyed the score/sound design too. reminded me a bit of Beyond the Black Rainbow and Amer with it's minimal plot and dialogue and heavy focus on sound and image.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: C601 on April 03, 2014, 08:17:21 PM
Quote from: cr on March 16, 2014, 08:15:42 PM
Nothing more to say than:
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 07, 2012, 09:17:35 PM
Just finished Andrzej Zulawski's POSSESSION (1981). It gets my vote for one of the most 'crazy as a shithouse rat' films ever made.

damn, i'm sold based on the imdb info
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 16, 2014, 01:12:22 PM
BORGMAN (Netherlands, 2013)

A dark thriller fable.


Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amoYgAhZNHs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amoYgAhZNHs)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: C601 on April 16, 2014, 03:29:53 PM

Harshest film i've seen in a while
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on April 16, 2014, 03:44:18 PM
True detective is pretty good crime series. A little mysticism, a little darkness here and there. Recommended
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 16, 2014, 05:59:27 PM
Quote from: Levas on April 16, 2014, 03:44:18 PM
True detective is pretty good crime series. A little mysticism, a little darkness here and there. Recommended

I sign up on that as well.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 16, 2014, 06:23:53 PM
Quote from: online prowler on April 16, 2014, 05:59:27 PM
Quote from: Levas on April 16, 2014, 03:44:18 PM
True detective is pretty good crime series. A little mysticism, a little darkness here and there. Recommended

I sign up on that as well.

Just started it last night. 3 episodes in and I'm really enjoying it. Really wanted to skip work today and watch the rest of it...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: C601 on April 16, 2014, 08:42:08 PM
first 4 episodes are great
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 17, 2014, 04:14:46 PM
finished True Detective last night. I was surprised by how conventional the ending was compared to the rest of the show. still I enjoyed it thoroughly. for all it's craziness i think though the show keeps the melodrama at a minimum. most things are just presented matter of factly which i really liked. one of the things that really stood out was the awesome score and the awesome incidental music (Sleep, Wu-Tang, Boogiedown Productions, The Melvins, and old Delta Blues stuff).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on April 17, 2014, 04:46:24 PM
Yeah, the ending was sort of let down. But I've read somewhere that there should be season 2 some time in the future. Anyways, good watch. Seeing that director of True Detective was also responsible for a couple of episodes of "The Killing" USA remake, I started watching it. And well I guess there is no reason to watch it if you saw Forbrydelsen. But it's done ok so far. Just perhaps it's cultural differences and so on, but Forbrydelsen seemed much more naturally flowing than The Killing. Small things, but perhaps for Europeans it's better to stick with the original series, and for Americans to watch The Killing. Just curious if other seasons of the series will be also 1:1 with original or there will be some more interesting development.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 17, 2014, 08:28:11 PM
Where did you guys grab True Detective at? I was waiting for it to hit blu-ray or dvd so I can rent it rather than d/l'ing each episode.

Yeah, The Killing isn't that hot. I can barely remember what the last season was about & have no idea if it'll be coming back. There's another US TV show called Those Who Kill (or something like that) that is based on a Swedish crime show (Swedish or Danish, I can't remember what the credits said). It's interesting that Americans are having to go to Europe for gritty crime/drama. It's not like we don't have plenty of reality over here to use.

The last season of The Killing is a new case about a serial killer. It started off better than the first couple of seasons about the teenage girl being murdered with the politician as suspect... I haven't seen the original series so I'm not sure how much the two are alike nor can I remember very much from the series. I do remember watching some of The Bridge (whatever the Danish title is) but found it kind of dull. The US version is a bit more violent/gritty due to the locations but it's still not very good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: C601 on April 17, 2014, 08:31:34 PM
Torrent it, easiest way to get it. The ending was such a let down man
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 17, 2014, 08:47:17 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 17, 2014, 08:28:11 PM
Where did you guys grab True Detective at? I was waiting for it to hit blu-ray or dvd so I can rent it rather than d/l'ing each episode.

i just streamed it online from my cable company
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 17, 2014, 09:22:01 PM
I'll just wait to rent the dvd; I don't want to d/l each episode & I don't have any cable movie channels (I did get HBO free last weekend so was able to watch a marathon of Game of Thrones which, for the most part, wasn't worth a damn. No re-runs of TD though.). It's hard to believe HBO & Cinemax are able to stay in business as they just show the same crap they were showing 5+ years ago when I had them!

The Killing has been killed so no 4th season.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: C601 on April 18, 2014, 04:39:59 PM
all good man, there's packs of season 1 with all the episodes included
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on April 19, 2014, 12:26:03 AM
Watched NIGHT OF THE HUNTER (1955) recently and was blown away. Recognized a few samples too, from Genocide Organ to Coil. Film is exceptional from start to finish. Highly recommended.

Also saw NYMPH()MANIAC at the local theatre and enjoyed it. Saw ALPHAVILLE that same week for the first time on big screen and was very pleased. The darkness of the cinematography is brilliant.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 20, 2014, 12:17:03 AM
Night of the hunter and Alphaville are truly classics. Both productions have all angels covered. Brilliant acting, direction, cinematography, script, editing, etc. Alphaville is one of my fav films of Godard. Off late I have been feeling the urge again to go through old 40s-50s noir films. Planning to rewatch Sunset Boulevard one of these days. Maybe director Billy Wilder's best work and a milestone within the genre.

Turning back to aforementioned TV series discussion. Anyone seen the new series of Fargo based on the Coen brothers flick?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on April 21, 2014, 12:51:41 PM
Watched Trance (2013) last night, enjoyed it a lot, don't normally like Danny Boyle. A bit too much lens flare going on, stylistically it had nothing to do with the movie really, but not too distracting. The downside with it is it feels like he's seen Inception and thought "I'd like to do a British version of that" so subsequently feels quite derivative. Having said that, the plot is pretty solid so I can forgive it. Vincent Cassell is his usual good self and Rosario Dawson is great - James McAvoy however is stiff and not nearly good enough for the lead role.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 26, 2014, 01:16:58 AM

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8MHgTAJQCI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8MHgTAJQCI)

Been looking forward to this one.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 28, 2014, 08:39:47 PM

Has anyone seen "White of the Eye"? It seems familiar to me from the days of vhs but it's only a 'feeling' that I've seen it. Watching the trailer doesn't ring any bells. Maybe it's just a film I've read about over the years.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 29, 2014, 09:59:41 PM
Looks interesting. Have the same feeling. I think the trailer contains a lot of elements that are trade to the genre - or for trailers at that time... Or, Maybe I rented it on VHS back in '87? Not sure. Keith is B-movie king.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1imBmJ6VVE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1imBmJ6VVE)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on April 30, 2014, 12:19:45 AM
Quote from: online prowler on April 29, 2014, 09:59:41 PM
Looks interesting. Have the same feeling. I think the trailer contains a lot of elements that are trade to the genre - or for trailers at that time... Or, Maybe I rented it on VHS back in '87? Not sure. Keith is B-movie king.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1imBmJ6VVE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1imBmJ6VVE)

imho a rather good native-indian-inspired slasher. That first kill is pure Argento-worship. Def one to check.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on May 01, 2014, 11:34:57 AM
Look very interesting! Arrow just released it as double format, DVD and Bluray. This review from Amazon Uk is one of the best:

"This film appeared on South African Television and due to the exstatic write ups from Amazon and six reviewers, my wife and i decided to watch it with disastrous results from our point of view. I cannot belief that it was rated 15years and older , it should have been 18 years and older. In fact the film should never have been made.

I had never heard of Donald Cammell, the Director, and only know from one of the reviewers that he committed suicide in 1996 and if this film is anything to go by, it does not suprise me. The story is about a so called devoted father and husband and a popular figure in Tuscon, who is suspected of being a serial killer by detectives investigating rather nasty murders of wealthy women in Tuscon who have upmarket sound systems installed by the so called devoted father and loving husband, with skeletons in his closet.

The language in the whole of the film was disgusting as was the dialogue for a lot of the time, the acting of a poor standard and if one could call it a saving grace the scenery was beautifully photographed and some classical music played during parts of it beautiful to listen too. The ending of the film was atrocious and in fact it summoned up the whole distrous mess of a film.

My wife and i are in our 70's and i don't know the age of the Amazon reviewers or their predilictions but it does not suprise me that the world is in such a mess when the cinema industry can produce such unadulterated nonsense. I know that there are in life terrible crimes committed by people but to eulogise them in this sort of way beggars belief."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on May 01, 2014, 11:59:09 AM
Vikings... definitely intense... superb soundtrack and for once vikings with no horns on their caps
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on May 01, 2014, 01:53:36 PM
I like the violence in Vikings but it's full of incorrect stuff. Like Thomas TxRxP pointed out about Kattegatt which was named as such by Dutch traders in the 1600's. Or the very much disputed presence of so called shield maidens. Probably shoehorned in to placate and maybe lure a feminist audience. But, good violence though. Christlings to the slaughter and women get fucked.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 01, 2014, 07:52:25 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on May 01, 2014, 11:59:09 AM
Vikings... definitely intense... superb soundtrack and for once vikings with no horns on their caps

Are you referring to the "Vikings" docu-drama series from The History Channel? I watched the first season (or 2?) but not this newest season. I found it difficult to pay attention to for no specific reason.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Sleep of Ages on May 03, 2014, 07:37:08 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 28, 2014, 08:39:47 PM

Has anyone seen "White of the Eye"? It seems familiar to me from the days of vhs but it's only a 'feeling' that I've seen it. Watching the trailer doesn't ring any bells. Maybe it's just a film I've read about over the years.

It is very good. Sweaty, halucinated, drug fueled tour de force. Not one of graphical violence, but just a thick, confusing, wrong atmosphere all along. Watched on a washed up VHS copy that just added to the whole bad trip.
I've been meaning to watch the other Donald Cammell movies for a long time... "Performance" and "Wild Side" seems to be very interesting and I might have "Demon Seed" in VHS, but that last one could go either way.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 03, 2014, 09:20:04 AM
I've been enjoying Conspiracy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPIctGbAZEQ). At first I thought it had been adapted from a stage play due to it's reliance on dialogue, but no. Great to see something that does rely on good scripts conveyed by good actors.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 04, 2014, 04:52:56 AM
"...just a thick, confusing, wrong atmosphere all along" describes WHITE OF THE EYE pretty much perfectly. It's an absolute MESS! But not a mess worth spending much money on.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on May 04, 2014, 11:14:15 AM
Good news from the legendary Craig Ledbetter of European Trash Cinema:

QuoteFor those interested, I now have a blog devoted to the films we love. I am currently running expanded Giallo reviews from the 6th issue of the European Trash Cinema magazine issue 6. Here is the web address. If reaction is favorable then I'll continue to add reviews. http://europeantrashcinema.blogspot.com/
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 12, 2014, 08:52:55 PM
Free Showtime movie channel for 4 days so I watched A SIMPLE PLAN (good crime film), KILLING THEM SOFTLY (okay crime but too talky & needless politics), THE MASTER (I think Hoffman killed himself b/c this film is on his resume forever), debut episode of PENNY DREADFUL (okay but ending kind of stunk). Also, I recorded VALHALLA RISING so will be watching that soon. I've been wanting to see it again for awhile.

Has anyone else been digging the second season of HANNIBAL? It's the most violent, over-the-top, arty, pretentious television series EVER!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: C601 on May 13, 2014, 05:13:57 PM
Valhalla Rising is phenomenal
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on May 18, 2014, 08:55:33 PM
La Haine (Mathieu Kassovitz)
Quite good.

M (Fritz Lang)
Timeless classic!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on May 20, 2014, 08:01:27 PM
Bad Lieutenant 1992

watched it for the first time ever couple days ago. brilliant movie.

I did see the nick cage one when it came out and thought it was ok enough but now having seen the original, the reworking was absolutely unnecessary.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on May 25, 2014, 08:17:10 PM
Recently watched:
Las Brujas de Zugarramurdi (Witching & Bitching)
Balada Triste de Trompeta (The Last Circus)
Both by Álex de la Iglesia, both great!

First part of Ulrich Seidl's Paradise trilogy:
Paradise: Love
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 06, 2014, 05:18:09 PM
Attempting to catch up with what have been regarded as the "classic" horror films. Not sure why this sudden hunger for horror, but anyway, ride it on...

"The Grudge" and it's sequel, the Japanese originals - well, okay, not bad. A certain stylishness. I do love the mother ghost, probably one of the sexiest monsters I've seen in the movies. That lovely inward throat-death-ratttle, and those eyes - if she was crawling towards me down the stairs, jerking her head around like her neck had no connections, skin pale as a three day old corpse, glaring with those huge "I come to kill!" eyes and giving that sexy rattle, I'd be more inclined to want to fuck her than run away. But ultimately, didn't get much in the way of fear from this. The whole usual cliche of walking sooo slooowwwlyy towards a door or something just puts me off. Some nice ideas, though. Not sure why, at the end of the first movie (I realise these are part of a series that came from television pieces) the murdering father gets a gurnsey, seems a bit of a let-down to me, and isn't repeated in the sequel. Ultimately, okay but doesn't deserve the praise they always get.

"The Shining" I had seen before. I'm a Kubrick fan, I love his way of letting a story unravel slowly, and even though I think the hand was tipped a bit too soon, there's no doubting both the wonderfully stylish way this movie was shot and Nicholson's masterful performance. The movie belongs to him, and rightly so. Fug, I know Kubrick was a prick to Duvall but her performance in this very nearly drags down what would have been nearly a faultless masterpiece. Perhaps my only other grudge was the abundance of the soundtrack - as much as I respect W. Carlos and love the music of Ligeti (what little I've heard I admit), it seemed to clog up the background somewhat. Maybe I'm a bit intolerant of too much music behind performances in movies. Leaving these grudges aside, this is a great movie that I'll want to watch again, like other Kubrick films.

"The Blair Witch Project". Not scary, but very interesting. I've seen other "hand held camera" films by amateurs before I'd seen this, so I was spoiled a bit as to the method, but this worked for me more as a movie than a horror movie. That being said, it's very well paced, the whole idea of keeping what is haunting the victims as much behind the scenes as possible works very well, and the acting is very good, the gradual demolition of their psyches as they trudge on through nothingness towards extinction... And the soundtrack is pretty good too.

"Evil Dead". Saw this years ago as a teenager with a bunch of school-friends at an all-night birthday party. Crap. Why the hell is this lauded as one of the best horror movies going? When it got to the part when what's-her-name had her hand hacked off and it was spewing some white goo I just turned off. I can look at internet porn for that kind of kick. Fuck this stupid movie.

"Cloverfield". A friend suggested that the first twenty stupid minutes "character introduction", or whatever they call it, is deliberately annoying so you have no problem when hell breaks loose. I wouldn't have anyway. If there's one thing I love, it's watching humanity perish under the mighty hand of a superior force, and that's what gives me a stiffy about watching the head of the statue of liberty (which, I understand, is actually smaller than how it was represented in the movie) go barelling down the middle of Yuppy Street as a prelude to their fucking misery. Loved watching these puny humans running around screaming "oh my god!" as their stupid god deserts them and their stupid world was torn down around them. The ridiculous "I love you" ending must have been some concession to some hopeless Hollywood executive, but what the fuck, they get killed and that's the main thing. Particularly love the bit in the helicopter when the wanker with the camera is cheering the monster being bombed, only to finally meet his doom in that very monster's jaws. Makes me believe there is a god.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 12, 2014, 11:40:25 PM

The Grand Budapest Hotel.

Close to perfection. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Fg5iWmQjwk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Fg5iWmQjwk)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 25, 2014, 06:16:33 AM
Camping horror double-feature: JUST BEFORE DAWN & THE BURNING


Just finished the first 3 episodes of TRUE DETECTIVE. I'm not sure how quickly I'll be getting to 4 & on. It's okay, nothing special.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 25, 2014, 05:24:15 PM
Quote from: online prowler on June 12, 2014, 11:40:25 PM

The Grand Budapest Hotel.

Close to perfection. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Fg5iWmQjwk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Fg5iWmQjwk)

Looks good, especially after that last little snippet.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: C601 on June 25, 2014, 06:10:14 PM
Quote from: online prowler on June 12, 2014, 11:40:25 PM

The Grand Budapest Hotel.

Close to perfection. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Fg5iWmQjwk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Fg5iWmQjwk)

wes's films are so predictable now, everything just looks like a royal tannenbaum's sequel
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on June 28, 2014, 05:50:59 AM
The Sacrement
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: C601 on June 30, 2014, 08:00:43 PM
Searching for Sugarman, suprisingly good docu
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 05, 2014, 01:02:21 AM
JACOB'S LADDER- I haven't seen it for a lot of years & it actually holds up fairly well. The ending is kind of 'eh' but other than that, I like it.

PRISONERS- desite the good reviews but I was suspicious so never rented it but was able to catch it over a weekend of free HBO (How the hell does HBO stay in business with
so many shitty films & a couple of not-so-funny statist comedians?). It may run a little long but it's a pretty good film for being mainstream.

SHARKYS MACHINE- one of my fave films from the '80s with Burt Reynolds & Henry Silva. Silva plays a drugged out lunatic who is barely in a scene that does not involve  him shooting someone plus there's plenty of un-PC dialogue, ninjas, & prostitutes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 05, 2014, 02:29:40 AM
MS. 45

Abel Ferrara's classic revenge sleaze - and US take on the giallo genre. Highly recommended. Be sure to get the recently reisussed dvd/bluray.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on July 06, 2014, 07:34:12 PM
Started my personal Jodorowsky-Festival:
- El Topo
- The Holy Mountain

Both brilliant, but El Topo is my favourite!

- Fando y Lis
- Santa Sangre
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on July 09, 2014, 09:02:46 AM
Watched Angel's Egg, and while I loved the surrealist non-plot, the skill of the art and the general darkness and gloominess itself, I've got to say that little girl was one of the most annoying characters I have seen. Good thing she died.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 13, 2014, 09:56:26 PM
RAVENOUS- not sure why I had not seen this film before. It's not great but is an interesting story of cannibalism in the 1800s. Unfortunately, some of the music & acting ruins the tone of some scenes.

TRUE DETECTIVE episodes 4 through 6- not sure why people dig this so much...

THE ENFORCER- the 3rd film in the Dirty Harry series that is not as good as the first two. it's interesting that  films in the '70s tackled social issues people are still complaining about.

LONE SURVIVOR- okay war film. the beginning of the fire fight is the most intense. the gunfire sounds is dead-on accurate. my problem is that i don't think anyone can go rag-dolling off the side of a mountain, landing on boulders, smashing against trees then get up to  hobble away and continue fighting. i'm guessing there was some over-dramatizing going on. i think i'll pick up the book by Marcus Luttrell if i can remember to look for it the next time i hit the used bookstore. The Village Voice called LONE SURVIVOR  "a snuff film"...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 17, 2014, 07:43:08 PM
TRUE DETECTIVE episodes 7 & 8- final 2 episodes were a bit better than previous episodes. Or episode 7 and half of the final episode; if you're pressed for time or have to download, grab the debut and the final two. Everything in between is just padding. And don't buy into the hype that this series is anything but a typical serial murder series, that is exactly what it is. The writer just happened to use some obscure horror writers as influence/reference material. It isn't awful , it just doesn't live up to what has been written about it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ANDROPHILIA on July 19, 2014, 04:31:57 AM
there's no THE SOPRANOS fans?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on July 23, 2014, 06:55:40 PM
Only God Forgives
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 23, 2014, 08:36:47 PM
Sightseers & Big Bad Wolves- both films are okay & have pretty good but predictable endings.

Interview with Larry Clark:


Wasn't sure where to put it but since he mentions his new French film, I'll stick him here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ironfistofthesun on July 23, 2014, 09:31:55 PM
Quote from: ANDROPHILIA on July 19, 2014, 04:31:57 AM
there's no THE SOPRANOS fans?

Hell yes...i have the box sets,cookery books, scripts, autographs and even the board game that i have to play on my own as i don't have anyone to play with....jesus I'm boring myself typing this.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ANDROPHILIA on July 24, 2014, 01:12:40 AM
Quote from: ironfistofthesun on July 23, 2014, 09:31:55 PM
Quote from: ANDROPHILIA on July 19, 2014, 04:31:57 AM
there's no THE SOPRANOS fans?

Hell yes...i have the box sets,cookery books, scripts, autographs and even the board game that i have to play on my own as i don't have anyone to play with....jesus I'm boring myself typing this.

i'm really obsessed about this serial. I'm into the fourth view of the complete box and i'm reading the collection of essays of Richard Greene and Peter Vernezze "The SOPRANO AND PHILOSOPHY"

and at the moment Vincent PAstore don't accept my facebook request of friendship :(
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on July 25, 2014, 11:41:25 PM
The Raid - finally got round to this and had that same kind of feeling as when I first saw Ong-Bak. Amazing, it's fast paced and punchy, it's got some wonderful violence in it and is a shining light for hi-octane modern martial arts.

The Raid 2 - followed up the first with the second and this one is bloody brilliant too. Much slower pace, makes the first one feel like a bit of a showcase for violence. More of an Asian Mafia feel to it with some absolutely stunning fight sequences. This and the first are the benchmark now, for me.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - I find the originals to be more or less over-rated cack that people don't feel comfortable talking bad of, but I quite enjoyed the first part of this modern reimagining, after giving it a couple of watches. Was keen to see where they went in this having seen the trailers and thoroughly enjoyed it. Good action, reasonable story, great visuals and locations.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 28, 2014, 09:42:20 PM
Under The Skin.

Director: Jonathan Glazer.



Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoSWbyvdhHw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoSWbyvdhHw)

Sci-fi thriller. Solid craftsmanship on all fronts. Sound have a dominant role through out the film. That alone should maybe be enough for SI folks to indulge in. Highly recommended film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on July 30, 2014, 06:05:30 AM
A neighbour lent me his box-set of "Lone Wolf And Cub" films. I recall seeing one or two on the telly years ago - the attitude towards them was that they where un-intentionally humorous (they had this snide, smart-arse doing introductions for them). Bullshit. These are brilliant movies. Certainly the jets of blood might lend an unreal effect but the whole of each movie is beautifully done. The action scenes are just there to augment the plots, which are often interesting and complex without getting bogged down, and there is lots of beautiful cinematography. And, for that matter, beautiful women - absolute honeys in each movie. I've got to get a copy of this set myself. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 03, 2014, 01:39:53 PM

A black humour diddly on faith and past sins with paranoia edge.


Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGM5rq_vX4U (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGM5rq_vX4U)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calvary (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calvary)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 08, 2014, 02:23:40 AM
This have potential!


A one-time (and now one-handed) master film editor toiling in the cinematic sweatshops of 1970s Italy becomes the prime suspect in a series of brutal murders, in this loving tribute to/parody of the gory giallo thrillers of Mario Bava and Dario Argento.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgFKHzhmOK8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgFKHzhmOK8)

If you haven't seen Father's day or Manborg you've lost out.

http://www.astron-6.com/ (http://www.astron-6.com/)

(http://www.astron-6.com/posters/small-dudefd.jpg) (http://www.astron-6.com/posters/small-manborg.jpg)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ANDROPHILIA on August 27, 2014, 12:32:31 AM
don't miss it. great serial with notable acting and plot.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on September 02, 2014, 06:09:39 PM
Last few that were worth watching.. Borgman (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1954315) - excellent! Somehow Half of it was truly perfect and then got a little bit weaker or just didn't keep full attention, but overall watchable and awesome

Snowpiercer (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1706620/) So you liked Brazil and 1984 and other dystopian movies, but didn't see this one yet? Then go and watch. Well, I might be a little bit too enthusiastic in here, but overall good movie. A train is constantly moving through a frozen wasteland that is Earth. And then of course those that are living poor, they want to live better, there are soldiers, dishonesty and smart leaders, wise old men etc. Good
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on September 03, 2014, 02:54:15 PM
Quote from: Levas on September 02, 2014, 06:09:39 PM
Snowpiercer (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1706620/) So you liked Brazil and 1984 and other dystopian movies, but didn't see this one yet? Then go and watch. Well, I might be a little bit too enthusiastic in here, but overall good movie. A train is constantly moving through a frozen wasteland that is Earth. And then of course those that are living poor, they want to live better, there are soldiers, dishonesty and smart leaders, wise old men etc. Good

This was more like Shitpiercer to me. The idea, I really liked. The execution however left a lot to be desired. There is quite a bit of "Wtf?" senselessness in it that initially I thought was horseshit but in retrospect I quite like, but there are too many annoyances in the overall production, I wouldn't go back for a second watch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on September 15, 2014, 03:16:20 AM

Jodorowsky's Dune by Frank Pavich

For those into Jodorowsky it's a must see. A 90 minutes long documentary on his lost sci-fi legendary adaptation of Herbert's Dune.
Amazing, funny, and well crafted, Jodo is still crazy as hell today and basically I can understand why noone gave him the money for this colossal (among the other things he wanted to make a 14 hours long movie...).
Nevertheless it could have been a masterpiece of weird.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on September 16, 2014, 10:24:43 PM
Thanx. Forgot about this one.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on September 17, 2014, 07:41:20 PM
Will have to look up that one too- ta.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on October 03, 2014, 03:25:46 PM
Got my hands on some hash the other day, and consequently ended up watching a few movies, among others:

(Federico Fellini 1969)

Loosely based on Satyricon (book) by Gaius Petronius Arbiter, Fellinis version presents a strange caricatured version of the citizens of the Roman Empire. They are presented as absolutely unstoppable in their hedonism and debauchery. Constantly fucking, eating untill they throw up and eating more, etc. At the same time, it seems almost everything they has been ritualized, so the entire movie is filled to the brim with chanting, music, dancing and strange behaviour in general. Except for the brilliant and quite funny ending, I didn't find Satyricon to be very interesting in terms of dialogue and plot. It is nonetheless well worth seing based on visuals and sound alone. It suffers a bit from the classic "art movie" trick of having tons of people staring at the walls/camera, but at least they are all fucking strange looking. Satyricon conveys to me a feeling of a society so engulfed in its own hedonism that it is on the brink of collapse.

(Andrzej Zulawski 1981)

Starting as a very uncomfortable break-up/downward spiral movie set in West Berlin, Possession eventually takes a very surprising turn that I won't spoil for anyone here, but I highly recommend it. I will allow myself to say that things get very very fucked up for everyone involved. Sam Neill, who seems to have a habit of showing up in movies where I don't expect him to show up, plays fucked up and crazy almost as good as Isabelle Adjane, who plays his wife. The whole movie has that uncomfortable vibe to it thats hard to put your finger on.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 07, 2014, 11:30:30 PM
Good selection! I enjoyed both immensly.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 08, 2014, 05:12:35 PM
The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears by Hélène Cattet & Bruno Forzani - directed by the same couple that did Amer a couple years back, for me, this film is superior in every way. Somewhere between art film and giallo, there's minimal narrative, a lot of highly stylized violence, Art Nouveau architecture and imagery and awesome music (mostly culled from classic Italo composers). It might be a bit too stylized or pretentious for some but I think it's sleazy and violent enough for most. I really, really liked it myself.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on October 09, 2014, 12:42:21 PM
Victim (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUrYzoZe1R4) is an interesting little horror movie, nicely twisted with an ambiguous ending. Moves a bit too slowly at times (like most horror movies - the constant padding out with sloooow movements and shots) and if I hadn't read the comments I'm not sure if I would have seen the ending coming or not but it's satisfying enough.

Satyricon is one of my all-time favourite movies, a cinematic drug.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on October 09, 2014, 02:33:44 PM
Quote from: TS on October 03, 2014, 03:25:46 PM

The crazy eyes of Isabelle Adjani are the craziest thing in an already batshit movie.

Have you seen Zulawskis later film, On A Silver Planet? Totally different from Possession. It's truly epic!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P-K on October 09, 2014, 04:41:26 PM
"Matka Joanna od aniolów" or Mother Joan Of The Angels

thematically related to The Devils and Black Narcissus, this was way more bleak, desolate setting, top notch acting. a new fav.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on October 09, 2014, 09:46:59 PM
I have The Devils here but haven't seen it yet. Black Narcissus is excellent. As is The Red Shoes by the same director.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on October 09, 2014, 10:27:14 PM
Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on October 09, 2014, 02:33:44 PM
Quote from: TS on October 03, 2014, 03:25:46 PM

The crazy eyes of Isabelle Adjani are the craziest thing in an already batshit movie.

Have you seen Zulawskis later film, On A Silver Planet? Totally different from Possession. It's truly epic!

She was great. Didn't see the subway scene coming.
Regarding Zulawski, I assume you are talking about "On the Silver Globe"?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Silver_Globe_%28film%29 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Silver_Globe_%28film%29)

From the things I've read it should be right up my alley. Can never have enough crucifixions! It's on its way down from the ether, Gonna see it tonight. Thanks for the tip!

The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears also looks pretty fresh. This place is a gold mine for movie recommendations!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on October 09, 2014, 11:18:41 PM
Sorry yes, On the Silver Globe. I have it on a DVD box with 2-3 other Zulawski films. Haven't watched the others and it was a while since I saw OtSG.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 15, 2014, 09:20:27 PM
I watched a d/l of the Belgian film, THE TREATMENT, the other night. It's based on a UK crime novel by the same name & it's pretty damn good. Not overly graphic but no details from the child sex murders are spared. Some of the ending is a little cliched but other than that, it's worth checking out.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on October 16, 2014, 09:40:33 PM
Lilja 4-ever
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 26, 2014, 08:25:43 PM
Norte, the end of histroy


Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRRAaWFQR0o (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRRAaWFQR0o)

Regarding The Strange Color of Your Bodys Tears. This is master class film making with a keen eye to the giallo film history. A must watch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 26, 2014, 09:11:34 PM
I'm currently watching a marathon of The Simpson's Treehouse of Horrors episodes while d/l'ing "Cathy's Curse". The last two days, I've grabbed "The Ebola Syndrome", "Ticks", "Night of the Scarecrow", "Silent Night, Bloody Night", "Cabin of the Dead", & "Of Unknown Origin". Taking advantage of Halloween freeleeching.

Just finished watching "Ticks" which I have wanted to see again for awhile. Pretty good, campy mutant insect horror from the early '90s. I'm a big fan of such films so nothing to complain about.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 27, 2014, 12:33:16 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 26, 2014, 09:11:34 PM
"The Ebola Syndrome"

total classic. the lead puts on one of the sleaziest performances I've ever seen. watched this movie way back when and it's great to see it's got some relevance now

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P A N I C on October 28, 2014, 04:48:20 PM
Ha, yes, The Ebola Syndrome is brilliant and Anthony Wong is amazing in it. Incredible how such a mainstream HK celebrity actor could deliver such sleaze. He was wonderfully sleazy in The Untold Story, too!

Been watching some (mostly recent) horror (occasionally 'horror') recently ranging from absolutely excellent to absolute horsecrap:

THE TAKING OF DEBORAH LOGAN (8/10) Holy fuck what a joyride! Starts out with a documentary crew documenting an old woman's descent into Alzheimer madness, but the longer they are in the house the stranger and scarier things get. A serial killer's ghost is introduced into the plot and the movie goes into hardcore overdrive mode with some excellent creepy scenes, some nicely gory moments and some outrageous but very satisfying twists and turns to the plot. Really enjoyed the fucking shit out of this and highly recommend it!

THE SACRAMENT (8/10) Though never explcitly mentioned, pretty much the Jonestown Massacre revamped, set in the modern day on some exotic island, where a Vice documentary crew is allowed to visit to document a seemingly peaceful religious group that one of the main character's sister is a part of. Of course, cultist shit goes down! Ti West is a fucking genius. Like the other two movies mentioned below, they're slow burners, but only in the best of ways. Creepy setting, great casting, very exciting overall.

THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL (8/10) Ti West's tribute to creepy 70s satanist cult movies. Exquisitely done; takes its time to build up the tension, and when it cuts loose it cuts loose for fucking real. Atmosphere is spot on. Plotwise there's nothing you haven't seen, as you can pretty much predict the outcome from the get-go - especially if you've read a synopsis - but damn if it isn't executed finely!

THE INNKEEPERS (8/10) Probably my favourite among the three Ti West movies I watched. Old timey hotel with its very own ghost legend is days away from closing for good, and its two remaining employees try to find out what truth there is to the ghost story. Stylish as hell and occasionally creepy as fuck. Again, a slow burner, and again only in the best of ways. The final twenty or so minutes have some truly creepy moments.

V/H/S 2 (7/10) Sequel beats the original in every which way; the enveloping story is nicely creepy again (comparably so), but the quality of the individual segments is significantly better I feel. In fact, Safe Haven is by far the best thing I've seen in horror for a while (9/10 for this segment!). The rest is nice, too, even if the first one about the eye is a bit predictable and the final one is a bit too chaotic for its own good. Overall awesome though.

THE DEN (7/10) Fresh take on the found footage genre in which a sociology student investigates behavior on anonymous chat sites by hanging out on The Den (the movie's version of Chat Roulette, pretty much) 24/7 and documenting everything via screen capture. When she witnesses a murder on one of her chats she becomes the subject of a violent stalker herself. Nice and occasionally nicely creepy with a reveal that is slightly too outrageous for its own good, I felt.

TROLLHUNTER (7/10) Mostly comedic take on the found footage genre where a documentary crew follows around a trollhunter (duh!). The slightly funny angle is fitting, though the movie as a whole is slightly too long for its own good. Still, nicely done overall, with some admirably good-looking effects, an interesting take on troll mythology and some riveting scenes.

THE WARD (6/10) John Carpenter, seriously? Don't get me wrong, it's nice enough, but it's also very generic. Girl gets admitted to a mental hospital that appears to be haunted. Finds out what the deal is. Predictable shit ensues. The whole twist has been done before, and better to, and disappointingly undercuts the whole supernatural element of the movie. Bah. Still an enjoyable movie overall.

LET THE RIGHT ONE IN (6/10) So this one got a lot of praise, but I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. It's alright, but too arthouse for its own good. Premise is interesting, but I felt like I was watching a (slow) kid's movie for most of the movie's duration. Plus I don't really dig vampire movies to begin with. Decent but far from spectacular.

V/H/S (6/10): Not as good as the second one, but it's still quite good. The framework story has a nice share of creepy moments, and the individual segments range from decent to good, with Ti West's and David Bruckner's segments standing out, the first for sheer creepiness, the second for over-the-top goodness. Hadn't expected much, actually, so this was a pleasant surprise.

GRAVE ENCOUNTERS (6/10) So with all the hype and from what bits from the movie I had seen my expectations were pretty low, but turns out this is actually really fucking nice. The set-up is done well, and contrary to the impression I got from the trailer and such it was in fact NOT a non-stop barrage of silly-looking ghosts with stretched faces and black eyes (seriously, who finds this creepy that I keep seeing this in movies?) but rather a well-constructed ghost film with very few disappointing jump scares. That's not to say it's without flaws, of course (who hired some of these actors? and who thought it was a good idea to include the arms-through-the-walls scene?), but overall this is a much better movie than the hype makes it out to be.

THE POSSESSION (6/10) Little girl buys an old wooden box at a garage sale which contains a dibbuk; dibbuk takes possession of her, shit goes down. Pretty standard possession movie, but when executed in this fashion I won't complain. Worth a viewing.

THE AWAKENING (6/10) Ghost hunter bent on disproving the existence of ghosts is invited to a haunted boarding school, shit goes down. Nice period piece, good visuals, appropriately moody setting, but the needlessly complicated plot developments seem out of place. As such, the second half disappoints a bit, and the reveal is just tacky.

SAW VI (5/10
SAW V (5/10)
SAW IV (5/10) These motherfuckers are pretty much interchangeable. Since it is apparently impossible not to keep involving Jigsaw all the fucking time the plot's becoming more and more convoluted with each instalment. But who cares, right? What lacks in plot can be compensated for by good death traps and suitably grimy production design. Unfortunately, all are not really up to par there, imo. The death traps are alright but nothing too spectacular, and the soundstage look of the whole movie irks me beyond belief. I can't stand that soap opera police station. Still, decent movies overall, and worth getting through just for the more generous amounts of gore in SAW 3D.

The Human Centipede: First Sequence (5/10) I can't fathom how the idea exists that this is so far beyond shocking. Whatever perversity occurs is mostly communicated through suggestion, and gore and shocks are few and far between. That's not to say it's bad. I enjoyed it, even if it was needlessly drawn-out and painfully amateuristic. Pretty much on par with dozens of other cheap shock horror movies out there, but somehow it's managed to gain quite the reputation for itself. Nice job, Tom Six. Stirring controversy like a true businessman.

[REC]2 (5/10) Pretty decent sequel; the ending is truly chilling, and the twist is cool. Plus, the first half hour of the movie is fairly alright, though I don't particularly care for the SWAT angle, especially not if they are this unrealistically incompetent. Middle part featuring the young 'uns is unnecessary and boring, and is pretty much only included to bring another camera into the story. Meh.

GRAVE ENCOUNTERS 2 (4/10) The plot doesn't even make sense - what idiot would lock himself in the mental institution from the first movie if he believed the movie was real? In principle, the premise is alright: in the GE2 universe, GE is (also) a supposedly fictional movie that the protagonist believes to be real, so he sets out to discover the truth. By wilfully seeking out a fate worse than death. Dumb. So, it turns out, GE is actually a reality in the GE2 universe and this simple fact - and the ridiculous developments in the movie as it progresses - actually hurts the first movie's mythology. Fucking shame.

THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE II: FULL SEQUENCE (4/10) As promised, indeed gorier than the first one, but since it's in black & white that kind of diminishes the effect again. Compared to the first one it's even more unrealistic, which of course is justified by the stupid and disappointing twist ending. There's some enjoyable gore and shocks, but otherwise this is such a mess (poor script, poor actors, not a single likeable character) that it's not really worth it.

PARANORMAL ACTIVITY: TOKYO NIGHT (4/10) So I guess this counts as a remake of the original? It's familiar material regardless, even if takes some liberties, and you can see the ending coming about 20 seconds in. This is mostly just silly and not even remotely scary. Ending is fucking ridiculous.

PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4: UNRATED (4/10) Door opens of its own accord. Kid walks downstairs in middle of night and talks to himself. Knife disappears. Seriously, this series has strayed so far from scary it's not even funny anymore. I don't get why the found-footage angle is still a necessity, either; so many moments where it's not even justified. Why not go regular? Plot is stupid, ending kind of fun but also completely unsuitable to the relative 'understatedness' of the rest of the movie.

THE ABCS OF DEATH (4/10) Anthology featuring 26 shorts, of which only about half really classify as horror. The rest is comedy, artsy shit, sci-fi, you fucking name it. There's some absolutely brilliant shorts in this, such as those by Spasojevic and Tjahjanto, but you'll have to wade through a lot of crap to see them, and I'm not sure if it's really worth it (by which I mean: just watch the good shorts on their own and leave the rest be, instead of watching everything). Overall just unimpressive.

100 GHOST STREET: THE RETURN OF RICHARD SPECK (3/10) Same plot as all the other found-footage movies nowadays - people exploring a mental institution at night. Shit ensues. This movie is from The Asylum, who are known for their crappy movies, but where some are still enjoyable this is sheer crap. A horrible mess with ridiculously stupid CGI (why is it necessary at all?), dumbest characters ever, tons of factual inaccuracies, and more. Plus it's needlessly offensive imo; can't you just make up a serial killer and write him a history that actually suits the plot? The whole thing doesn't even make sense. Seriously awful.

GREYSTONE PARK (3/10) Kind of an artsy take on the popular found-footage style, if that makes sense, from Oliver Stone's kid (Oliver makes an appearance at the beginning, too). The plot is all kinds of familiar ground: bunch of people explore a mental institution at night but then DUN DUN DUN shit goes down. Guess they didn't see GRAVE ENCOUNTERS! For the largest part of the movie there is truly nothing to see though, as it's pretty much exclusively the characters screaming "OH MY FUCKING GOD DID YOU SEE THAT" and then running, and of course you never actually see anything because the screen is entirely black for like half the movie and the other half it's bouncing around like crazy. Stupid ghosts near the end. A shame, as it seemed to have potential; a lot of times you think you see silhouettes in the shadows or behind doors, which is creepy, but it's too subtle to really work and these silhouettes the characters never seem to see. And then cue the aforementioned stupid and utterly unsubtle ghosts. Sucks.

THE HAUNTING IN CONNECTICUT 2: GHOSTS OF GEORGIA (2/10) What a fucking turd. Supernatural drama posing as a horror movie. There's ghosts in about every single scene which totally ruins the effect. Stupid characters, stupid plot, stupid everything. Fuck I hated this movie.

V/H/S 2's grade obviously is based on the combined merits of all shorts and the enveloping story, but I'd like to add that a: it's better than the first one and that b: the Safe Haven segment is one of the most brilliant and brutal things I've seen a while, and I would certainly grant it 9/10. Total over-the-top madness. Fucking brilliant! Timo Tjahjanto is one to look out for. His segment in The ABCs of Death ('Libido') was fucking crazy, too. Oh, and Ti West is a genius, I must say, even though his particular segment in The ABCs of Death was a turd (pun kinda intended?). His movies are all fucking great though.

Now watching Banshee Chapter which seems pretty alright so far.

And haha, Ticks, man, I should see that again, very funny flick if I remember. Very strange to see Alfonso Ribeiro in a 'bad guy' role there.

TV-wise I recently finished The Wire, which is truly, admirably one of the best things ever made, and I have just started True Detective, which seems very promising. Was also watching The Walking Dead S4, but it's not too interesting.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 01, 2014, 12:08:45 PM
Just watched "Grave Encounters" and it wasn't bad at all. A lot more entertaining than I expected it to be. Like taking "Blair Witch" and turning it into a more classic, gothic kind of horror movie. Enjoyable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P A N I C on November 02, 2014, 05:23:37 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on November 01, 2014, 12:08:45 PM
Just watched "Grave Encounters" and it wasn't bad at all. A lot more entertaining than I expected it to be. Like taking "Blair Witch" and turning it into a more classic, gothic kind of horror movie. Enjoyable.
Yeah, I agree it was actually quite alright - contrary to my expectations, too. Second one is a turd though.

Watched lately:

HOSTEL (8/10): totally satisfying. Plot is excellent and provides just the right amount of tension, combined with a great, creepy setting and some nice gore. Enjoyed the fuck out of this.

HAUNTER (7/10): pleasant little supernatural horror drama with an interesting premise, nice visuals (apart from some cheap CGI) and a good plot that took just a little too long to really unfold.

SAW 3D (6/10): gorier than most of the previous few movies, and that's it's saving grace. The plot is pretty much irrelevant and ridiculous at this point, though the great reveal/twist at the end is fun. Hate the soundstage look of this series though; generally unappealing outside of the death traps.

HOSTEL: PART III (6/10): very decent sequel that unfortunately is a bit cheap on the gore side. I also didn't really dig this Elite Hunting Club angle either; I much prefer the grimy and macabre setting of part 1. Still though, the plot is pretty clever and overall a satisfying movie.

BANSHEE CHAPTER (5/10): nice premise, very flawed execution. Manages to draw you in nicely, but it's disappointment upon disappointment after that. Basement scene is creepy as fuck by the way!

Started but did not finish SATAN'S LITTLE HELPER, which had a great concept but horribly flawed execution.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 02, 2014, 08:27:26 PM
Yesterday, I watched:

THE INCREDIBLE MELTING MAN- campy & drawn out but has some great scenes esp the severed head flowing down the waterfall & fat nurse running in slo-mo down a looooong hallway then crashing through a glass door. And, of course, the Incredible Melting Man.

OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN- Peter Weller is obsessed with a rat that overruns his home. He takes care of the problem the way any rational, logical thinking Man would.

THE RAID 2- I remember very little from the original. This sequel is way too long but seems to be much more bloody than the first? Pretty much an cinematic overdose for martial arts for me.

BLUE RUIN- interesting revenge film that has some minor weaknesses for some of the acting in the climax along with some minor details that just seemed questionable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on November 02, 2014, 09:22:36 PM
Still usually just watching classical ballet and stockings / tights erotica, but I just ordered these that look interesting.

"VICE AND VIRTUE (1962)-IN FRENCH WITH ENGLISH SUBS, LETTERBOXED PRINT. Been waiting for a long time to see this one subtitled! Director: Roger Vadim, Writers: Marquis de Sade (novel), Claude Choublier (adaptation)Stars: Annie Girardot, Catherine Deneuve, Robert Hossein. During the last year of the 2d world war, german officers keep young and pretty girls as prisoners in a French castle for their only sexual pleasure while the others are fighting. The movie is a parable about human passions as the 120 days in Sodoma from Alphonse Donatien de Sade. Anybody who has seen Pasolini's 'Salo' will realise that Pasolini owed a debt to Vadim as the similarities in certain sections of the film are perfectly obvious. The key scene in relation to 'Salo' is when the 'victims' enter the chateau and once they are in the chateau suffer the same sort of torments as in Pasolini's film. The basic difference between the two films is that despite the horrific subject matter Vadim retains a sense of romanticism which Pasolini rejected. It is a great pity this film is not more widely available on video as it is beautifully shot in scope with a delirious score that mixes Gotterdammerung with 'Les Parapluies de Cherbourg'! The acting, especially from Annie Girardot is exemplary. You can see why this actress gave a such a terrific performance recently in 'La Pianiste'. It was however one of Deneuve's first roles and like all her early films she was not at her best, but clearly decorative."

"THE PERVERT (1975)-IN GREEK WITH ENGLISH SUBS. This downbeat Greek exploitation thriller directed and co-written by Chrissostomos Liambos concerns a psychotic killer (Kostas Gouzgounis) who was traumatized into impotence and madness by a sadistic female S.S. officer in his youth. Now he lives in a cave, where he lures women into depravity and death. The script owes more than a little to the Italian gialli then flooding the European marketplace, and makes a brisk wallow in the cinematic gutter, resulting in pretty Aleka Yeorgiou being used as bait to trap the killer into revealing himself. Regardless of its pacing problems, sleaze fans should find enough to recommend it, although general audiences will be offended. Kostas Politidis co-stars with Kostas Stefanakis and Anda Vartholomeou. Although the movie offers an almost endless stream of nudity, violence and general sleaziness, it gets rather timid when it comes to the actual murders which are hardly there. Most of the characters are centered around a bar running a prostitution ring, like the tough boss, his sleazy thugs, Vetta, the boss' girlfriend who also provides him with some fresh meat, Ersi, who insists she's not a hooker, and even an aspiring young student of medicine. Among the regulars is an industrialist, Mister Ivanov (Kostas Gousgounis - hard to buy in such a role) who frequently demands new girls in his mansion. When some girls start vanishing, tough-as-nails Police Lieutenant Aronis is on the case."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P A N I C on November 03, 2014, 09:08:03 PM

AMERICAN MARY (6/10): great first half, totally thought I was enjoying a modern classic, but the second half is a huge let-down. The plot goes down the crapper, and the movie settles into a directionless, plotless and pretty much boring mode for about an hour until it suddenly rounds things up with a stupid finale. Such a shame. First half totally makes it worth watching though.

THE FOURTH KIND (6/10): decent alien abduction movie. Nothing special, but definitely enjoyable. Setting is great and some of the psych sessions are very nicely done. The pretension that this movie is somehow based on true facts (mixing in 'actual footage' repeatedly throughout) only hurts the movie though; would have been stronger as 'just' a movie.

EVIDENCE (6/10): same director as THE FOURTH KIND above. Nice combination of slasher and found-footage, embedded within a larger detective story framework. It's nice and fresh for the most part (if you can stand found-footage films, that is) though it teeters on the edge of believability far too many times (and occasionally - ridiculous ending - goes fully over). Still, very enjoyable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 04, 2014, 03:31:43 PM
Pure turkey or mad genious?!



Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzfuNSpP0RA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzfuNSpP0RA)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 04, 2014, 03:58:30 PM
I saw this years ago and only remember bits. The final battle scene where torpedoes with people in them were fired from spaceships into other spaceships which crashed through the windows without the slightest effect on the oxygen or pressure remained with me as a "you just ran out of shit to give, didn't you?" moment.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 04, 2014, 04:43:04 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on November 04, 2014, 03:58:30 PM
I saw this years ago and only remember bits. The final battle scene where torpedoes with people in them were fired from spaceships into other spaceships which crashed through the windows without the slightest effect on the oxygen or pressure remained with me as a "you just ran out of shit to give, didn't you?" moment.

Hæ!Hæ! Nicely put Andrew!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on November 04, 2014, 11:45:35 PM
That's the scene that stood out to me as well. Also, Hasselhoff surprise.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on November 06, 2014, 11:27:54 PM
Starcrash is superb. Maybe does not rate high in acting skills (Christopher Plummer is probably the only person in the movie who can act) or production values but it is 90 minutes of constant smiling and good mood. Anything with the Hoff is great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 07, 2014, 09:31:00 AM
Found it on YouTube and could take about ten minutes or so.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 07, 2014, 04:39:45 PM
On a better note - thoroughly enjoyed Proxy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XoaYOBbXw4). Twisted to the end.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 07, 2014, 06:48:39 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on November 07, 2014, 04:39:45 PM
On a better note - thoroughly enjoyed Proxy. Twisted to the end.


- Ebola Syndrome mentioned above is a fun Hong Kong classic. Not what you'd expect from that area with deep martial arts traditions.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 08, 2014, 05:53:35 AM
Directed by Zack Parker (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/20/movies/filmmaker-zack-parker-shoots-his-thrillers-in-indiana.html?_r=0).

The film is described as a horror but I'd call it more a psychological thriller. Horror, to me, involves some kind of occult influence.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 09, 2014, 09:39:33 PM
Thank you Andrew. Will take a gander. New movie By Peter Strickland out now:

The Duke Of Burgundy.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJI6QduAey0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJI6QduAey0)

Most you might know him via films such as: Berberian Sound Studio and Katalin Varga.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P A N I C on November 11, 2014, 11:04:34 PM
Last few days:

INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 (7/10) I dug the first one even if the second half was somewhat underwhelming; this one pretty much manages to keep steady for the duration, so I preferred it slightly as a more solid, consistent effort than the first one. On the downside the - by all means nicely constructed - backstory does take away some (if not too much) of the mystery. I guess the lady in black was scarier before we learned her true identity, though, again, the backstory is satisfying enough. Some very nice, creepy scenes overall; good effort.

MOCKINGBIRD (5/10) Decent idea - a couple of people receive a camera with the instruction to keep filming whatever happens or they die - but very flawed execution. Movie meanders pointlessly towards a climax that comes out of nowhere; poorly scripted, as there was definite potential here. The ending is absolutely ridiculous, unfortunately. Very watchable in a fashion, but it keeps on disappointing along the way, and that's a shame given the interesting premise.

SILENT HILL: REVELATIONS (3/10) Actually only halfway yet but it's steering clear for a 3 out of 10 so far. Bah. I liked the first movie since it at least decently captured the mood of the games (as opposed to, eg, Resident Evil) and had a decent story; this sequel is just ridiculous however. Utterly contrived story with nonsensical plot developments and unclear, incomprehensible motivations and actions from the protagonists that could easily have been resolved with some very simple plot tweaks imo. The fuck. Also, adds to the mythology in the most ridiculous ways; sure we don't need to consider this bullshit canon (Silent Hill is now built on an ancient Indian burial ground; the order is trapped in Silent Hill except for when they can sometimes escape for a little while (?) and they can project their spirits into the real world - this is literally explained by one of the main characters). Bad bad bad.


THE BURBS (7/10) Fun mystery/horror comedy; typical c 1990 type comedy, if that's a type at all, but it's the type/era of comedy I grew up watching a lot when I was a little kid and it fits in perfectly with other stuff made around this time. Major weak spot for it.

HET PAARD VAN SINTERKLAAS (7/10) Sinterklaas time here in the Netherlands, so my three-year-old is way excited and he's been watching this movie a lot recently. It's one of the best Sinterklaas-themed movies we have as 99% of them are immature commercial dreck, but this one is a warm, gentle film about a little Chinese girl who moves to the Netherlands and learns about Sinterklaas. Cleverly works both for kids and for adults, which is a rarity, too. Truly lovely little movie.

ADDAMS FAMILY (7/10) and ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES (6/10) In my memory, Values was superior, but I now much preferred the first one. Regardless, both highly enjoyable, clever and very funny movies with perfect production design and great casting. Also definitely developed a huge crush on Anjelica-Huston-as-Morticia just now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jordan on November 12, 2014, 07:29:38 PM
The Atrocity Exhibition -Jonathan Weiss - 2000


Somehow, I never even knew this existed until the other day. It's pretty excellent, for a low-budget feature. The version I downloaded was 100 minutes, but the official release was 80 minutes, which probably helps move it along quite a bit, but I was still happy with the version I watched. It probably didn't get much attention at the time as it has a few clips of hardcore pornography, among other found material (car crashes, Vietnam footage, plastic surgery) which may have been a bit controversial. Commercials for the 90's Crash Test Dummies toys made me laugh, I had forgotten all about those.

Anyway, a lot of it is found footage, and the acting isn't so great, though the camera work IS pretty great for a low budget feature. It follows the book pretty closely.

People here are probably already familiar with this film, but if you aren't, I recommend checking it out.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 14, 2014, 09:23:30 PM

Has anyone seen A CANDLE FOR THE DEVIL? I'm kind of itching for some new Euro-trash/horror.

I have the Criterion Collection release for SCANNERS on the way. Looking forward to seeing it again as the previous dvd release was screwed up, at least, on my copy- towards the end the audio goes out of sync.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Major Carew on November 15, 2014, 12:33:10 PM
'Son Of No One'.

Despite the at times sappy soundtrack it's quite a good watch.James Ransone is his usual self, dispensing his default 'are you a fucking retard?' type insults.Part of the reason I watched it was because I was told by a friend that Rev. Paul Bearer from Sheer Terror was in it.He is, and plays a cop, but doesn't say anything.There's a few visual references to MDC (Millions Of Dead Cops) throughout it too.The police chief (Ray Liotta) has a copy of one of their records on his wall.... It's good up to a point,and then you can tell they've struggled to figure out a good ending as towards the finish it starts not making sense.Should have been longer as it feels as if everything has been squeezed in and rushed to fit 90 mins.

'The Animal Factory'.

One of the best prison films i've ever watched.Willem Dafoe, Edward Furlong, Danny Trejo, Mickey Rourke,plus a few appearances by the author of the original book, Eddie Bunker.... and directed by Steve Buscemi.....has an excellent soundtrack too. Have bought the book.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 16, 2014, 05:10:30 AM
"Pearls Before Swine" is a bit dull. I watched it last night a bit drunkish so I'm no doubt not making some connections between scenes and so on, but there's not a lot of connections to make, really.

There are some big problems with it. Firstly, the plot doesn't seem to exist much, except for a few connections to hang the scenes on. There's not so much plot holes for that reason, but a lot that's left out. We don't really know who's hiring the contract killers, why they want body parts, why they suddenly feel threatened by this cult-leader/writer. We don't really find out what this cult-leader wants to achieve, and his mostly silent appearance at the end explains nothing (I was thinking that even the most crass commercial films would have the evil genius super villain give some kind of speech explaining everything - that might have even had some humour potential). Since these things are the reason for the action in the film, it's a pretty big omission. Also, Rice's character's conversion to the cause is hardly explained, making the final scene almost like it was tacked on.

Secondly the script is, essentially, a series of scenes that, for the most part, are there to simply allow Rice or whomever to hold forth on philosophical matters. The plot seems to have been written around these monologues. It's all very detached and doesn't give the characters, such as they are, any depth. They are, for the most part, either just mouth-pieces for dialogue or walk-ons. A lot of the scenes don't have much to do with any ongoing plot, they're just there to give some flavour to the film as a whole. There was no need, for example, for the scene where Rice is buying old magazines and books apart from having a reason to have Douglas P. involved (his turn is reasonable, but it's only a short bit). The scene where Rice is dressed as a Nazi and his on-screen lover as a Jewish prisoner doesn't excite or incite, and the giggling and cuddling after a few swishes of the lash just make the whole thing seem a bit pointless. And allowing her to tag along to a hit? It's as if the film maker, Wolstencroft, didn't care enough about credibility to care if it was stretched or not.
There is, it must be stated, some decent dialogue in the movie, particularly the ribald banter between the contract killers, all nicely ocker and garish. And the actual philosophical rants are, on their own, thought provoking even if I don't agree with them.

Thirdly, the acting. Rice isn't an actor, and it seems all he has to do in this is be himself, albeit with a few murder and sex fantasies thrown in. The woman who plays his lover is an even more wooden actor and the few scenes of them together are really dreary (apart from the shower sex scene which looked quite okay, even though I don't care for soft-porn sex scenes in movies). When Rice is with the blokes who play his contract killer mates is where you really see his faults as an actor, compared with people who can, at least, put on a convincing turn. It's not that he's not doing his best, it's just that it isn't enough.

This goes back to the problem with the writing. You can't sympathise with the main character, and it looks like Wolstencroft didn't really care. There was potential in the scene where Rice visits a sick uncle in hospital to at least get some idea of the background of his character but that just falls flat (and makes me wonder how we're meant to believe that this character, with an Australian family, long time Australian mates and living in Australia has an American accent. It's not like it isn't possible, but it seems clumsy not to at least fill in some detail). Combined with Rice's amateur acting, his whole turn is just opaque and doesn't move.

The whole thing is just too bland and un-involving. It doesn't take much to join the dots I suppose, one doesn't need the reason for everything handed on a plate, but there's so much left out, or rather, not fleshed out, that it just comes across as all a bit empty and pointless. It's neither thought provoking on a philosophical level (anyone familiar with Rice's rhetoric would recognise what's here), on a shock level (unless you're someone who likes being offended), or on a basic level of enjoying a movie. It's a real pity, as the actual idea is good, and it could have been a good movie - if it had a decent plot and developed characters played by actors who can act.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jordan on November 16, 2014, 07:14:38 PM
Wolstencroft is a bit of a twat, and not even half as intelligent as he thinks himself. My friend is in The Second Coming, so I'm going to see it when it comes out, but I probably wouldn't otherwise. Having said that, though, I found Pearls Before Swine to be so bad it was funny, though it was a while ago when I saw it, and I was extremely drunk. Wouldn't watch it again, but I definitely laughed a lot throughout.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P A N I C on November 17, 2014, 09:23:34 PM
THE HOLE (7/10) Typical Dante movie that has about a thousand well-known horror tropes crammed into it (hell, the plot sounds like at least a dozen other movies), but which is utterly enjoyable despite (or because?) of that. Kids find a hole in their basement which turns out to be a gateway for all their biggest fears to come barging through to haunt them. Rated PG-13 and devoid of gore and virtually so of scares, but nonetheless expertly crafted and an extremely fun ride. Also, Haley Bennett is just fucking gorgeous.

DARKNET (6/10) Canadian TV-series comprising six half-hour episodes. A website called Darknet (presented as a sort of deep webbish reality shock site) is the red thread around which various horror and mystery stories are weaved - some more loosely so than others. Style and quality vary greatly between episodes, leaving some beautiful and obsorbing and other bland and boring. Overall a very decent series though, if you're willing to sift through some mediocre junk.

THE TORTURED (5/10) The premise sounds good enough (and extremely similar to 7 Days, yes): after their son is brutally murdered, a couple takes revenge on the killer and tortures the shit out of him. Unfortunately it's quite tacky, and the gore is far too mild for a movie like this. Otherwise enjoyable until the unnecessary moralistic twist that really takes all the fun out of it and pushed it into the red numbers. Contemplating 4/10, but 5 for effort and watchability.

WAKE WOOD (4/10) Surprised that a movie starring people like Aiden Gillen and Timothy Spall could be this poor. Amazingly amateurish and derivative, frequently unintentionally funny, and generally uninteresting and ugly to look at. The story is unoriginal and predictable, and in the rare places it deviates from familiar themes and tropes it actually disappoints. Extremely ineffective scares, which is sort of an achievement in itself, and frequently uses quick cuts and zooms whenever something moderately gory happens which looks visually unappealing and is a pet peeve of mine regardless. All in all just not good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: algiz on November 20, 2014, 12:07:18 AM
Ill Manors - not bad for a gangster movie
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Vermin Marvin on November 20, 2014, 01:55:00 PM
Eaters (2011)
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1753753/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1753753/)
First zombi flick i have see from France.
mad scientists,neo-nazis and occultic wibe on story..what else needed.
looks little low-budget and some disturbing computer effects but it still far more better than some big buck movies released lately from Hollywood, or it may be the thing that make it look like it should be done on this genre..
can`t wait real zombi apocalypse.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: P A N I C on November 25, 2014, 01:56:56 PM
DEAD SILENCE (6/10) While the premise seemed too stupid for words, this was actually better than I expected. Nice old school horror vibe with lots of comedic undertones and a nice twist to round off an otherwise fairly generic plot. Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of cardboard everything - not just the entirely one-dimensional protagonist and the 'rugged cop', sets and props too, like the spooky old theatre which seems like it's straight out of a C-grade amusement park - but in many ways it reminds me of goofy 80s/90s horror like Puppetmaster, Leprechaun, Critters, etc, which is nice - it's a nostalgia trip the first time you watch it.

DREAM HOUSE (5/10) So torn on this one; after an annoying (but, as it turns out, entirely excusable) 'perfect everything' set-up the movie manages to intrigue for the better part of an hour; then it throws in a not entirely original but neither entirely unsatisfying twist, after which it plods on much less intriguingly for another while and then just makes itself ridiculous with a stupidly cliché finding-out-who-did-it-in-a-burning-building ending that really cheapens the whole thing. A shame. Promising but disappointing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 29, 2014, 08:51:29 PM
SCANNERS- flawed classic. Criterion's release is the way to go. Great soundtrack, I'd love to have it on vinyl; the quirky electronics & slowed down voices are great.
CURTAINS- popular slasher film, I'm not sure why. It plays like a soap opera with a few kill scenes. Not very gory but has a few moments of atmosphere.
FOUND- indie horror from 2012. not bad, has some good ideas but doesn't quite get there. Has some excellent gore & nice ending but definitely runs about 10 minutes too
PROXY- this could have been a TV movie made for the Lifetime channel with a few scenes of bloody violence & some nudity.
CHILD OF GOD- it's been 10+ years since I've read the book so only had fuzzy memories of a cave, wandering around in the woods, & necrophilia. The film feels like it had potential but it drags in spots & if I had noticed that James Franco directed it, I probably would have left it on the shelf.
A SINGLE SHOT- a crime film about a down & out farmer who accidentally kills a woman along with finding a bunch of money in the woods when out poaching his dinner. This, of course, leads to a whole host of nasty consequences. It's a good film but runs a little too long. It's based on a novel by Matthew Jones that, I think, I'll look for the next time I'm a used bookstore as I like these types of stories.
DARK OF THE SUN- excellent film from the late '60s about mercenaries in Africa. It's pretty violent. Every time I have seen it, it's been on Turner Classic Movies.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: C601 on November 29, 2014, 11:38:50 PM
Child of God was just awful
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: algiz on December 09, 2014, 10:05:13 AM
Discopath - Good idea but bad realisation
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 12, 2014, 09:32:21 PM
PIECES OF TALENT is suppose to be pretty good:


A little something on Ken Russell's THE DEVILS:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 20, 2014, 08:39:12 PM
Satanic British double-feature:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on December 21, 2014, 02:38:56 AM
Good choices. Both are on my watch list.


Bleak 4 part mini series from the UK.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qyi3yyBHNEw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qyi3yyBHNEw)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 21, 2014, 04:20:37 AM
SOUTHCLIFFE looks interesting.  It looks like you can watch all 4 episodes here: http://www.channel4.com/programmes/southcliffe/on-demand/51630-004

THE DEVIL'S BUSINESS is pretty campy & TO THE DEVIL... is  one of the worst Hammer films but I've always liked it. I think I'm going to continue the Satanic theme and pull out DEVIL'S RAIN & SATAN'S BLOOD.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on December 21, 2014, 10:20:58 PM
Quote from: online prowler on December 21, 2014, 02:38:56 AM
Good choices. Both are on my watch list.


Bleak 4 part mini series from the UK.

VERY good
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ironfistofthesun on December 22, 2014, 09:42:35 AM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on December 22, 2014, 12:31:06 PM
Quote from: ironfistofthesun on December 22, 2014, 09:42:35 AM

Nice and tidy. ACE.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 22, 2014, 10:58:54 PM
I bookmarked the Southcliffe site so will watch it soon.

I watched THE CENTERFOLD GIRLS a couple of nights ago. The plot is about a killer of, uh, centerfold girls. He calls them up first to rant but everyone hangs up on him before he can get more than a few words out. It's not a particularly good film but has it's moments (splattered blood & a lot of nudity) & I like films that have virtually no likeable characters other than the victims. Even the hippies are terrible people in this film. It'd make a good double-feature with THE CANDY SNATCHERS as both star Tiffany Bolling.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on December 22, 2014, 11:39:30 PM
I need to not watch Southcliffe when I've had a drink as the three times I've attempted it now I've fallen asleep on the sofa.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on December 24, 2014, 12:00:35 AM


TV mini series by Fassbinder. Probably not so easy to absorb, the first 13 episodes are really slow and theatrical, like some atmosphere of Querelle de Brest. That rusty air.. Then, the last episode of almost 2 hours show up a long dream that turn in an enigmatic nightmare of death, murder and love. Strong and beautiful in a word.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on December 25, 2014, 11:32:16 PM
Quote from: Nil By Mouth on December 24, 2014, 12:00:35 AM

Exceptional film making. Criterion have off late been releasing some of his works. Be sure to check out that as well everybody.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on December 26, 2014, 10:20:52 AM
I recommended everything, imho Fassbinder together with Fellini and Bergman are the holy trinity of the european classic cinema.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on December 26, 2014, 12:20:50 PM
Some Christmas movies this days...


Classic slasher set during xmas eve. Very morbid and sleazy, nothing to add, it's a solid masterpiece.


Can't said that is a good work but it's an honest movie of no obligation entertainment. Lots of gore, some nudity, a typical contemporary slasher. Unfortunately I don't know the original movie Silent Night Bloody Night.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Nil By Mouth on December 31, 2014, 04:50:07 PM
(http://imageshack.com/scaled/large/540/4Mvo0n.jpg) (http://imageshack.com/photo/my-images/540/4Mvo0n.jpg/)

This greek movie can be labeled absolutely as 'power electronics cinema'. Very disturbed movie about a family that is apparently of good stock but reality is more brutal and nauseating. Style is between austrain directors Haneke and Seidl so you can aspect a cold and detached set up. Really recommended work!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on December 31, 2014, 06:06:03 PM
This is a good one. I second your references, and would also like to add that it holds some absurd black humour elements that can be seen in the contemporary Greek cinema. Mainly thinkning of director Yorgos Lanthimos' films, especially Dogtooth. Pick up or dwnlwd Miss V. Ace.

Regarding X-mas films... Black Christmas is føkking hard cock. Classic holidays slasher. I know Mr. Scat 'O here enjoys this as well.

Watching Taxi Driver for the xxx time....  

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 31, 2014, 07:52:56 PM
"TO LET": http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0477311/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ov_pl
(That entire set of Spanish horror films is pretty good)

Christmas night, I watched Blu-rays of John Carpenter's "THE THING" & "THE EXTERMINATOR" (this film is better on darker, vhs rentals. Feels much more violent & sleazy that way).

I got a couple of new Italian crime films released by Raro USA I'm going to watch very soon: "GANG WAR IN MILAN" & "SHOOT FIRST, DIE LATER".

Oh, & I also saw "THE PURGE 2: ANARCHY". A lot of people said it was better than the first film but I didn't think so nor did I think the first film was 'good'.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on January 02, 2015, 12:24:10 AM
Quote from: martialgodmask on December 22, 2014, 11:39:30 PM
I need to not watch Southcliffe when I've had a drink as the three times I've attempted it now I've fallen asleep on the sofa.

Have rectified this finally. Really good mini-series, there's a strange coldness to the atmosphere, brooding and quite low-key.

Not watched much during the Xmas period, just a couple of movies on TV like the Lego Movie which is still good second time round and Frozen (!) which is pretty much weak in every area.

Did see Philomena today which I actually thoroughly enjoyed, nice to see Steve Coogan in a straighter role than normal.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 04, 2015, 05:01:26 PM
The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014)

Directed by: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon.


Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFnQ250vdAg

The original 1976 film The Town That Dreaded Sundown was based on actual murders that occurred in Texarkana, a town on the border of Texas and Arkansas. The 2014 version, produced by Ryan Murphy is equal parts sequel and remake. Here the late '70s and '80s era slasher is translated into its essence with an overall sense of restraintful terror and imminent death looming around next corner. Craftsmanship in cinematography, lightning and editing elevates certain sequences to art house level. Highly recommended.  

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 04, 2015, 08:21:22 PM
THE TOWN... is one of those films I had teenage memories of being creepy  but when I saw it again last year, it wasn't anything like I remembered. I hate the comedy elements but that is no where near as bad as the pitched down voice of the killer in the remake (based on the trailer) & anything by anyone associated with "American Horror Story" is, most likely, going to be awful because "A.H.S." is awful.

I watched the blu ray for HORROR EXPRESS the other night. I've always liked that silly ape-monster thing & the white, bulging, bleeding eyes are still creepy- that's what I remember from the first time I saw the film on tv when I was a kid.

I've always watched a shitload of episodes of MYTHBUSTERS...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 04, 2015, 09:56:25 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 04, 2015, 08:21:22 PM
THE TOWN... is one of those films I had teenage memories of being creepy  but when I saw it again last year, it wasn't anything like I remembered. I hate the comedy elements but that is no where near as bad as the pitched down voice of the killer in the remake (based on the trailer) & anything by anyone associated with "American Horror Story" is, most likely, going to be awful because "A.H.S." is awful.[]

HÆHÆ! I agree with you AHS is incredible bad television. Mostly I find it to be perfume hiding a bad soap opera. In regards to the others I have to disagree - except for what you mentioned w the comedic elements of the first - which really serve no purpose other than break the terror mood. I suppose back then the producer thought: hell we need someting to break this hellish scenario as not to offend the christians - or something.

Horror express I haven't seen, should check out the trailer ...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 11, 2015, 11:01:39 PM
DARK SKIES is a  by-the-numbers alien abduction film that has some decent heavy electronic sounds in the score.The best part mixes the electronics with sounds of creaking and splitting wood.

STATE OF EMERGENCY is a by-the-numbers zombie film with people holing up in a warehouse.  Would have been better if not for the cgi violence.

DON'T BLINK is about 10 people going to a mountain lodge where everyone  seems to have disappeared into thin air. Then 9 of the 10  disappear into thin air. Seriously, that's what the movie is about. I guess I blinked & missed a major plot point or something.

THE DEVIL'S DUE is one of those films with everything filmed on video like it's perfectly normal for people to carry video cameras every where they go. The sound design & soundtrack is pretty good; electronic sounds with sounds of furniture flying around all over the house. The best scene has a camera sitting on the floor at the end of a hallway & a door at the opposite ends flies off its hinges, sliding down the wooden floor at the camera. That's definitely worth sitting through the entire, stupid movie for that few seconds.

Umberto Lenzi crime double-feature: GANG WAR IN MILAN followed by ALMOST HUMAN- Gang War... has it all: prostitutes brutalized with beatings, whippings, cigarette burns; there's shootings and more beatings and even some transphobic violence & humilation. I think this may have been Lenzi's very first crime movie? I want to see VIOLENT PROTECTION again. I use to have a pre-record vhs tape & I remember a scene w/a cop holding a guy's head out the window of a bus or train resulting in his face being ripped off by the on-coming bus or train. Pretty brutal. Plot had something to do with gangs forcing shop-owners to pay for protection hence the title.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on January 13, 2015, 01:06:46 PM
Quote from: Nil By Mouth on December 31, 2014, 04:50:07 PM
(http://imageshack.com/scaled/large/540/4Mvo0n.jpg) (http://imageshack.com/photo/my-images/540/4Mvo0n.jpg/)

This greek movie can be labeled absolutely as 'power electronics cinema'. Very disturbed movie about a family that is apparently of good stock but reality is more brutal and nauseating. Style is between austrain directors Haneke and Seidl so you can aspect a cold and detached set up. Really recommended work!
watched it, loved it and immediately got in my top 20.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 15, 2015, 03:28:48 PM
Good news!


Acclaimed writers and directors Jörg Buttgereit, Andreas Marschall, Michal Kosakowski are back behind the camera with a supreme feature film, controversial, mystical and disturbing. With a "fil rouge" of old images of Berlin scariest architecture, the film is built around three tales. The first episode, tells the story of a young girl who lives alone with her guinea pig in a dirty apartment in Berlin... is she alone? In the bedroom lies a man, bound and gagged... The second episode tells about a powerful "if-only" scenario in which a young deaf-mute couple is attacked by a group of hooligans. However, they are in possession of a mysterious talisman that could help them... In the last episode, a man stumbles upon a secret sex club that promises the ultimate sexual experience by using a drug made from the roots of the legendary Mandragora plant. The ecstatic experiences have horrific side effects...

http://twitchfilm.com/2015/01/german-angst-trailer-delivers-love-sex-and-death.html (http://twitchfilm.com/2015/01/german-angst-trailer-delivers-love-sex-and-death.html)

TRAILER included in link above.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 02, 2015, 12:38:38 AM
My darling clementine (1946)

Director: John Ford.
Genre: Western.

Possibly one of the best westerns I have seen. Both gritty and tender with a hint of sardonic humour. Excellent cinematography, noir lightning, editing. Brilliant acting and fluid story telling. Iconic filmmaking.

If you check it out, keep a close look at image compositions and how one scene disolves to the next.

Criterion just reissued it before X-mas. Trailer here: http://www.criterion.com/films/28570-my-darling-clementine?q=autocomplete (http://www.criterion.com/films/28570-my-darling-clementine?q=autocomplete)





... Also watched Monte Hellman's ('Two-lane bricktop' + 'Cockfighter') westerns 'The Shooting' and 'Ride In The Whirlwind'. Recommended watch as well. Both from '66.  

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on February 07, 2015, 10:58:25 PM
Audition - Takashi Miike
Don't know why but this one was waiting for years in my shelves, bought it as a box set along with Visitor Q and Izo. It's a great movie! Most of you already know it for sure. I like that the first parts of the film are quiet and calming and then the violence slowly starts...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 07, 2015, 11:24:08 PM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on February 08, 2015, 01:28:38 AM
Birdman. Fantastic.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on February 09, 2015, 03:54:43 AM
QuoteMy darling clementine (1946)

If you are a fan, I can't recommend enough Hawk's RED RIVER (which also recently came out on Criterion).

In regards to John Ford, my favorite have got to be FORT APACHE.  Ending is total oblivion.

Related - Fuck, if you told me 15 years ago I'd be spending the $$ on one of the obsessed GONE WITH THE WIND box sets I'd be baffled.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on February 09, 2015, 09:19:12 AM
Quote from: martialgodmask on February 08, 2015, 01:28:38 AM
Birdman. Fantastic.

Totally agree... Innarritu confirm himself one of the best directors around and Michael Keaton (who has never been one of my faves) is just perfect.
It somehow made me think of a surreal "The wrestler" although the message is pretty different...
Better than any motivational...

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 09, 2015, 10:12:51 AM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on February 09, 2015, 03:54:43 AM
QuoteMy darling clementine (1946)

If you are a fan, I can't recommend enough Hawk's RED RIVER (which also recently came out on Criterion).

In regards to John Ford, my favorite have got to be FORT APACHE.  Ending is total oblivion.

Related - Fuck, if you told me 15 years ago I'd be spending the $$ on one of the obsessed GONE WITH THE WIND box sets I'd be baffled.


Red River is pure Hawk's classic. Too bad he quit the films and locked himself up in Vegas. Fort Apache I haven't seen since I was a kid. Fun you mentioned it, I just put it up on my watch list. Remember that as pretty depressing, but my perspective 30 something years ago is probably different from today... GONE WITH THE WIND! My first reaction is that you should be ashamed of yourself, then again I am probably missing out on something. Wasn't this one of the more costlier 70mm films besides Laurence of Arabia? Douglas Sirk dramas up for rewatch soon here.... On Birdman.... This have potential. Haven't seen the whole flick yet. Won't say anymore then...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on February 09, 2015, 11:38:29 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on February 09, 2015, 09:19:12 AM
Quote from: martialgodmask on February 08, 2015, 01:28:38 AM
Birdman. Fantastic.

Totally agree... Innarritu confirm himself one of the best directors around and Michael Keaton (who has never been one of my faves) is just perfect.
It somehow made me think of a surreal "The wrestler" although the message is pretty different...
Better than any motivational...

Yes I can see where you're coming from and agreed on Keaton, absolutely bang on.

Watched Guardians of the Galaxy last night. My instincts were right. It's crap. My colleagues didn't appreciate my review.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on February 10, 2015, 01:40:23 AM
QuoteGONE WITH THE WIND! My first reaction is that you should be ashamed of yourself, then again I am probably missing out on something.

the abstract romanticism of the civil war, clark gable (always rules to watch him in fine, no bullshit form - like with Jean Harlow in RED DUST), and of course - the goddess VIVIEN LEIGH (I just got back from touring the old Bird Cage brothel and Boot Hill Graveyard in Arizona; vivid to contemplate not just the lives of the prostitutes, but of the dolled up / almost abstract southern belles as well). 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on February 10, 2015, 01:46:45 AM
Quote'The Shooting' and 'Ride In The Whirlwind'
HAUNTING westerns.

We had Millie Perkins up in Vancouver for a screening of THE WITCH WHO CAME FROM THE SEA.
One of my most treasured personal autographs.  It was torture staring into those eyes, even now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on February 10, 2015, 02:06:40 AM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on February 10, 2015, 01:40:23 AM
QuoteGONE WITH THE WIND! My first reaction is that you should be ashamed of yourself, then again I am probably missing out on something.

the abstract romanticism of the civil war, clark gable (always rules to watch him in fine, no bullshit form - like with Jean Harlow in RED DUST), and of course - the goddess VIVIEN LEIGH (I just got back from touring the old Bird Cage brothel and Boot Hill Graveyard in Arizona; vivid to contemplate not just the lives of the prostitutes, but of the dolled up / almost abstract southern belles as well). 

There are mammoth scenes of destruction and devastiation in Gone With The Wind which made me pay attention initially. Also Vivien Leigh's character, not least her push/pull relationship with Gable, shows traits of NPD which are interesting. There's more to this film than just costumes and soppy love stories.

OF TOPIC: Sam, forgive me but I lost your last email. Could you email me again?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on February 14, 2015, 05:42:43 PM
Schramm - Jörg Buttgereit
Great! Not much more to say and surely needs no introduction here.

Related question: The quotation in the beginning of the film is from Carl Panzram ("Today I am dirty, but tomorrow I'll be just dirt") . Is the movie with James Woods as Panzram (Killer: A journal of murder) worth watching?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: acsenger on February 15, 2015, 06:34:57 AM
I liked Coherence quite a lot. I don't think it's been mentioned here, so: a small group of friends come together for dinner at the house of one of the couples, and meanwhile a meteor is passing Earth by. Suddenly there's a blackout and strange things start happening from then on. It's not a horror movie, but there's an atmosphere of tension and mystery.
I've read the use of a handheld camera throughout has annoyed some viewers, and I can see why, but luckily it wasn't an issue for me. Maybe the film starts a bit uneventful, but then it picks up and is worth watching.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 22, 2015, 04:00:26 AM

UK crime thriller.



Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR1A2e7Vx8A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR1A2e7Vx8A)

@RITA & GEWALTMONOPOL // Gone Wind The Wind demands a rewatch I understand. Made a personal memo regarding that. Regrading westerns.... Fort Apache is coming up during the week. So is The Furies (1950). Millie Perkins ..... very good actor. Fun anecdote. Never had the pleasure myself. I think she acted in some of Hellman's other films as well. Not sure if she was in Cockfighter or what. She has one of those faces one remember you know.

@CR.... Schramm... depressive and bored void. Classic, of course. Great score by Kopp as well if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on February 22, 2015, 10:18:55 PM
Quote from: online prowler on February 22, 2015, 04:00:26 AM

UK crime thriller.



Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR1A2e7Vx8A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR1A2e7Vx8A)

Yes, very much looking forward to this one. It looks like it may have all the right elements.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 23, 2015, 11:06:04 PM
martialgodmask .... you boiled it quite well down to purest essence.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: anomalie on March 04, 2015, 04:38:13 AM
Quote from: online prowler on January 15, 2015, 03:28:48 PM
Good news!


Acclaimed writers and directors Jörg Buttgereit, Andreas Marschall, Michal Kosakowski are back behind the camera with a supreme feature film, controversial, mystical and disturbing. With a "fil rouge" of old images of Berlin scariest architecture, the film is built around three tales. The first episode, tells the story of a young girl who lives alone with her guinea pig in a dirty apartment in Berlin... is she alone? In the bedroom lies a man, bound and gagged... The second episode tells about a powerful "if-only" scenario in which a young deaf-mute couple is attacked by a group of hooligans. However, they are in possession of a mysterious talisman that could help them... In the last episode, a man stumbles upon a secret sex club that promises the ultimate sexual experience by using a drug made from the roots of the legendary Mandragora plant. The ecstatic experiences have horrific side effects...

http://twitchfilm.com/2015/01/german-angst-trailer-delivers-love-sex-and-death.html (http://twitchfilm.com/2015/01/german-angst-trailer-delivers-love-sex-and-death.html)

TRAILER included in link above.

Ohhhhhh... YES!!!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Euro Trash Bazooka on March 04, 2015, 06:21:15 PM
Not sure how I feel about the trailer. It has potential, obviously, but the trailer makes the film look like a cheap US DTV torture-porn flick to me.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 06, 2015, 10:16:57 PM
I've watched NIGHTCRAWLER, STARRY EYES, & THE BABADOOK lately. All are okay; NC had an okay ending (should have ended right after the chase/shooting) but the other two, their endings sucked esp. Babadook. S.E. has a really good, brutal bludgeoning & a cute actress running around in her white panties.

I pre-ordered the blu-ray for THE CANDLE FOR THE DEVIL on Scorpion. Looking forward to some Euro-trash I've never seen.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Harcamone on March 08, 2015, 11:03:58 AM
Polanski's Venus in Furs has been sitting in a Netflix envelope in front of my television for weeks. As a fan of both Polanski and the source material he's adapting, you'd think I would have watched the damned thing by now. Can't stop binge watching ID channel.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: JHC on March 14, 2015, 08:28:21 PM
Speaking of Polanski..watched the beautifully (and excessively) wordy "A Day At The Beach".

http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0065616/ (http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0065616/)

An alcoholic and his niece.One dreary and very rainy day at the beach...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on March 19, 2015, 11:27:36 PM

True crime docu.

Trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEPG9z9rHsc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEPG9z9rHsc)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 20, 2015, 07:38:57 PM
Robert Durst has been in the news all week long. Authorities are trying to connect him to two more disappearances (or murders). I haven't seen the docu. series other than the few clips the news has been running about the misspelled letters & his lone 'confession' in the shitter.

I watched VALHALLA RISING yesterday & I have the new Arrow USA blu-ray for MARK OF THE DEVIL on the way along with the Nikkatsu film, FAIRY IN A CAGE.

Last night: OUTLAW KILLERS: THREE MAD DOG BROTHERS (Japanese yakuza)
Earlier today: EMPEROR OF THE NORTH (American '70s classic train film with Lee Marvin & Ernest Borgnine)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 28, 2015, 10:19:11 PM
DEADBEAT AT DAWN- great, awful action! too bad Van Beeber doesn't get along with anyone so this film could be released on blu-ray as a film so cheap & unattractive should be seen in High Definition!

A CANDLE FOR THE DEVIL- Spanish horror from 1973 by the dir. of HORROR EXPRESS. reasonably tame but interesting- a couple of sisters run an inn & one of them
really, really hates saucy British girls, they're just too immoral for her tastes. some blood, nice close-up shots of extreme religious paintings, some nudity. a curious film but not
worth the nearly $30 w/postage. it is a limited ed. of 1000 copies that, i'm guessing, will not sell out anytime soon.

I think I'll watch MARK OF THE DEVIL next to make it a religious double-feature...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: algiz on March 29, 2015, 12:14:32 PM
DRIVE - Not bad. I guess the main character helps making this movie a classic
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on April 01, 2015, 11:37:31 AM

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: collapsedhole on April 01, 2015, 08:08:52 PM
yes! that pic rules sam!

but i guess to stay on topic... i've just been watching a lot of spaghetti westerns... TWICE A JUDAS, GODS GUN, DEATH RIDES A HORSE, BEYOND THE LAW, FIND A PLACE TO DIE, THE YOUNG LAND.... dozens other on these budget dvd comps... trying to find one that tops the FISTFUL OF DOLLARS trilogy but that really is the best to me... any suggestions on westerns that can hold up to those?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on April 01, 2015, 09:57:55 PM
I have a complete 'favorites' list in a past issue of Cinema Sewer, but my all time favorite Italian western is THE DIRTY OUTLAWS aka THE BIG RIPOFF.
I wrote about it here:
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on April 01, 2015, 10:05:39 PM
se sei vivo spara by giulio questi
faccia a faccia by sergio sollima
the Ringo franchise
Django and the early sequels..

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: collapsedhole on April 01, 2015, 11:07:41 PM
cool, will see if i can find some of those! thanks guys
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on April 02, 2015, 10:02:56 AM
faccia a faccia has one of the best western ost ever. "the hunt" piece is umbeliavable, Morricone was god.

actor Volontè was one of the best Italian actor, more known for his -excellent - political movies, but here he is just perfect.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on April 02, 2015, 11:09:04 AM
Looking forward to this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyNKYR5andg

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 02, 2015, 03:31:03 PM
saw "It Follows" last night. I really liked it, pretty high tension the entire time. wasn't super predictable either. the actual gore is sparing but good when it happens. the soundtrack is a pretty excellent mix of '80s, chiptune and modern horror score all mixed together. unfortunately the premise is ripe for a sequel which is almost inevitable :(
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on April 03, 2015, 09:03:33 AM
When talking about westerns, has anyone seen "The Dark Valley" yet? It seemed this movie got quite a lot of praise, being "one of the best westerns in a last decade" etc.
Also trying to cover the holes in movies from last year that were not seen. At the moment the highlights are "Gone Girl" (no surprise here I guess) and "Starry Eyes" = neat indie horror flick. Recommended
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 03, 2015, 08:52:32 PM
Blue Underground will be releasing MAN, PRIDE, & VENGEANCE soon. I've never seen it. Also, Arrow has released DAY OF ANGER with Lee Van Cleef & I read Arrow is doing CEMETERY WITHOUT CROSSES soon (Great title, I don't know anything about the movie).

I've never seen "Faccia a Faccia" (Face to Face) but have read nothing but good things about it. I'm surprised there has not been a US release for it. I'm not sure I've seen a UK release either.

CUT-THROATS NINE is worth tracking down as it's almost like a splatter film. And THE GREAT SILENCE is excellent.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on April 03, 2015, 09:43:48 PM
QuoteCEMETERY WITHOUT CROSSES soon (Great title, I don't know anything about the movie).

One of the best.  Keith, you might remember it as THE ROPE AND THE COLT?
Argento wrote it back when he still had talent and Scott Walker sings the title song[!].
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 03, 2015, 11:04:36 PM
Never heard of THE ROPE & THE COLT. Another good title. I do remember having one of those cheap western dvds & Argento had something to do with it. I remember a stalking scene in foggy woods...?

I've got blu's for MARK OF THE DEVIL, FAIRY IN A CAGE, & BEYOND OUTRAGE waiting to be watched this weekend.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 06, 2015, 01:52:06 AM
MARK OF THE DEVIL- Arrow's new blu/dvd release is very nice. I didn't remember much from the film other than it moves kind of slow & has torture. If you're interested in it, this is the release to own. It comes with double-sided artwork along with a very nice illustrated booklet. For the film, it does move slow & has torture, which, is very well done. I especially like the scenes of the guy getting water tortured in the closet. One of the extras is a documentary about the rise of British horror (M.O.T.D. was directed by a Brit). There's some good stuff in it concerning MOTD along with films by Pete Walker & Norman J. Warren (I want to see Inseminoid & Satan's Slave).

BEYOND OUTRAGE- It looks like gun control isn't working for Japan because yakuza families are shooting the living hell out of each other. Not quite as brutal as the first film, OUTRAGE, but it is good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on April 12, 2015, 02:11:47 PM
Quote from: Levas on April 03, 2015, 09:03:33 AM
When talking about westerns, has anyone seen "The Dark Valley" yet? It seemed this movie got quite a lot of praise, being "one of the best westerns in a last decade" etc.

I've seen it some weeks ago and I liked it.  As the title says it plays in a really dark valley. A lone rider takes grim revenge,  Primae noctis etc. (Won't mention anything more - just find out for yourself)
As  for being 'one of the best westerns...' - I don't know, I'm no expert in contemporary westerns. The one I liked most in the last couple years was definitely "The Proposition".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Levas on April 12, 2015, 11:46:05 PM
Yeah, it's a very good movie. I don't know how to evaluate westerns. they are either interesting or boring so I'm not sure if this is one of the best lately or not, but truly good think to watch. A few other movies that were enjoyable lately -
Blue Ruin  (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2359024) - interesting thriller, slightly similar to Coen brothers' production, but perhaps more artsy, with more silent parts, somehow depressive, slow and nice.
Also seen the movie that everyone was crazy about - The Grand Budapest Hotel (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2278388/). It's ok, not boring, costume comedy/drama. Monty Pyton-ish.
Deliver us from Evil (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2377322/) is an ok horror about possession. I think in this theme, this was the best from last year? Others like Grace (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3068192/) or The Devil's Hand (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2290739) seemed much weaker.
Shock Value (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3243464) started as extremely stupid comedy, but later went on to be quite ok horror/black comedy. And also finished Extraterrestrial (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2960930) today, which you should just skip
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 13, 2015, 12:44:34 AM
Saw Blue Ruin a while back. Interesting independant revenge flick that crosses into art house territory. Note taken on westerns. I registered a while back that there was movement in the Arrow and Blue Underground camps. Thanx for the reminder! KITANO: You can never go wrong w the emperor of violence!

This week: Hard to be a god (2013). Russian sci-fi/period film that visually can be described as a blend of Tarr and Tarkovsky's cinema. Bizarre, narcotic and fecal. Recommended. Director: Aleksei German.


Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11sMDQIgggA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11sMDQIgggA)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on April 15, 2015, 02:16:34 PM
Quote from: online prowler on February 23, 2015, 11:06:04 PM
martialgodmask .... you boiled it quite well down to purest essence.

So I managed to track this down last night and I was not let down by it. It's pretty gloomy, not quite as brutal as I had been led to believe but still packed a decent punch with a nice cold futile ending. I'd read that it strays a little too far into cliche with its representation of minority traffickers but actually thought it steered clear enough of charicature. If anything, the British characters seemed a little more comic though not to the point of distraction.

Great soundtrack and great visuals and not completely made up of the typical British cast which was nice also.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 15, 2015, 03:26:57 PM
Quote from: martialgodmask on April 15, 2015, 02:16:34 PM
Quote from: online prowler on February 23, 2015, 11:06:04 PM
martialgodmask .... you boiled it quite well down to purest essence.

So I managed to track this down last night and I was not let down by it. It's pretty gloomy, not quite as brutal as I had been led to believe but still packed a decent punch with a nice cold futile ending. I'd read that it strays a little too far into cliche with its representation of minority traffickers but actually thought it steered clear enough of charicature. If anything, the British characters seemed a little more comic though not to the point of distraction.

Great soundtrack and great visuals and not completely made up of the typical British cast which was nice also.

Thanx for the info MGM. Haven't had the chance to watch it yet, but looking forward it. Interesting to hear they have added new blood to the cast. Movies like this for me often works the best without any famous lead / supporting hollywood jesters.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: algiz on April 20, 2015, 10:08:21 PM
The Rambler - Partly surrealistic roadmovie with some nice elements
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on May 09, 2015, 05:35:40 AM

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Euro Trash Bazooka on May 09, 2015, 01:56:24 PM
"Hyena" and "Missionary." Both rather disappointing.

"Tony", by the same director a "Hyena." Awesome.

"Killers", alright.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 10, 2015, 11:34:49 PM
Last 3-4 weeks or so:

THE HOT SPOT- crime film directed by Dennis Hopper. It's pretty good but despite all the sex, there's very little nudity from Jennifer Connolly or Virginia Madsen.
DEATH VALLEY- minor slasher film from '80 with the kid from 'A Christmas Story'. It plays like a made-for-tv movie despite one scene of nudity & some very mild throat-slashings.
Still, it's kind of interesting.
ALIEN- scifi horror classic
THE HARD WORD- Aussie crime, drags a little. Seems obscure, I've never heard of it so interesting to see
FROM A WHISPER TO A SCREAM- horror anthology with Vincent Price. 4 tales about the town of Oldfield Tennessee. Each story is rather campy but also pretty morbid. Goes well with Tales from the Crypt/Vault of Horror & Creepshow (needs a special ed. blu-ray release!).
CHLOE- terrible drama/thriller but you get nudity from Julianne Moore & Amanda Seyfried. Interesting that this film would probably catch a lot of heat from feminists as the female characters are paranoid, neurotic, & manipulative. Moore's hard nipples are nice.
IN A GLASS CAGE- the Cult Epics blu-ray is the way to go on this film. I don't like the snow globe ending. Other than that, it's a favorite.
KILLERS- Asian film from people that had something to do with The Raid films (it shows during the fight scenes). Terrible ending; plot is about two killers, one a serial killer in Tokyo & another killer, by circumstance, in Indonesia (I think?). I was surprised to see the Nikkatsu logo at the beginning. Definitely a film to see without paying for it.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on May 14, 2015, 09:32:06 PM
From all the movies I saw (again) in the last couple weeks I liked the westerns the most:
Django by Sergio Corbucci and Clint Eastwoods' Unforgiven. Next will be The good, the bad and the ugly.

By the way, has anyone seen American Sniper?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 14, 2015, 10:08:12 PM
"American Sniper" is a jingoistic snuff film.

Along with "Unforgiven" & "TG,TB, & TU", check out "The Outlaw Josey Wales", "A Fistful of Dollars", "High Plains Drifter", & "For A Few Dollars More". Also, Corbucci's "The Great Silence".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: monster ripper on May 14, 2015, 11:52:17 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 14, 2015, 10:08:12 PM
"American Sniper" is a jingoistic snuff film.

Along with "Unforgiven" & "TG,TB, & TU", check out "The Outlaw Josey Wales", "A Fistful of Dollars", "High Plains Drifter", & "For A Few Dollars More". Also, Corbucci's "The Great Silence".

Unforgiven and High Plains Drifter are by far my favorite Eastwood films.  Have you seen the Japanese remake of Unforgiven?  I've got it, just haven't gotten around to watching it yet......
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 15, 2015, 04:51:09 PM
Quote from: monster ripper on May 14, 2015, 11:52:17 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 14, 2015, 10:08:12 PM
"American Sniper" is a jingoistic snuff film.

Along with "Unforgiven" & "TG,TB, & TU", check out "The Outlaw Josey Wales", "A Fistful of Dollars", "High Plains Drifter", & "For A Few Dollars More". Also, Corbucci's "The Great Silence".

Unforgiven and High Plains Drifter are by far my favorite Eastwood films.  Have you seen the Japanese remake of Unforgiven?  I've got it, just haven't gotten around to watching it yet......

Unforgiven and High Plains Drifter are my favorites as well. My dad showed me Unforgiven when I was ten or so, haven't ever found a Western I like better.

And holy shit there's a Japanese remake of it?!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on May 16, 2015, 11:11:23 AM
Green for Danger / 1946.



UK sombre WWII murder drama w an hint of black humour and exceptional cinematography. The duality between column framing and minimal basic shots + double exposure dissolutions from one scene to the next is especially lush. Directed by Sidney Gilliat, director of photography Wilkie Cooper, edited by Thelma Connell.

Highly recommended. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 16, 2015, 02:36:12 PM
Take lots of drugs and watch -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxKPBLjHAEA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxKPBLjHAEA)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 17, 2015, 10:29:59 PM
Last night's viewing:

DEAD & BURIED- excellent '80s horror; "You can't kill me, you can only make me dead".
THE FINAL TERROR- sort of a backwoods slasher film but not really. Low body count & mild gore but good atmosphere, excellent locations, & some pretty good electronic sounds in the soundtrack. I remember seeing the film on vhs rental shelves but never rented it. Interesting to see after all these years & would go well with JUST BEFORE DAWN & RITUALS in a triple feature.
THE GUEST- if you can sit through this without forwarding it, you're a tougher motherfucker than I am. Crap action film that's suppose to be with faggy synth soundtrack. It's suppose to 'an homage to films from the '80s like TERMINATOR' but it fails on every level. I remember reading something that had me thinking the film sounded kind of cool but I was kicking myself for falling for whatever that was about 20 minutes into the film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 21, 2015, 10:13:42 PM

Cult Epics will  be releasing ANGST in the U.S. this summer!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on May 22, 2015, 12:18:19 AM
Cult Epics will  be releasing ANGST in the U.S. this summer!

yet another classic, "if you told me that was going to happen 15 years ago I would have never believed you".

Expected review of the new MAD MAX Fury Road movie from a colleague of mine:

"I went to see Mad Max 4: The Munsters Go To Burning Man (2015) d. Trent Reznor"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on May 22, 2015, 09:37:38 AM
QuoteHowever, it got me thinking a little, which I hadn't expected from the lowest level of titillating entertainment, but perhaps that's why Peter Sotos kissed his ass so much and wrote Pure Filth; they both like/d to over-intellectualize, over-examine, and talk at length about themselves. But, those are some of the reasons they're so great. Moreso, though, I was thinking about the realism that comes from the cartoony qualities,

It might be because I'm getting older, but I just bought MASSAGE PARLOR MURDERS (1973) on blu-ray and it really hit me how you can glean so much more from stripped down, no bullshit, no baggage genre films.   
All 'camp' bullshit aside, I think about something like the (proto) slasher / giallo films I obsess over the most, and it usually points to examples like:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on May 23, 2015, 12:38:21 PM
Quote from: anomalie on March 04, 2015, 04:38:13 AM
Quote from: online prowler on January 15, 2015, 03:28:48 PM
Good news!


Acclaimed writers and directors Jörg Buttgereit, Andreas Marschall, Michal Kosakowski are back behind the camera with a supreme feature film, controversial, mystical and disturbing. With a "fil rouge" of old images of Berlin scariest architecture, the film is built around three tales. The first episode, tells the story of a young girl who lives alone with her guinea pig in a dirty apartment in Berlin... is she alone? In the bedroom lies a man, bound and gagged... The second episode tells about a powerful "if-only" scenario in which a young deaf-mute couple is attacked by a group of hooligans. However, they are in possession of a mysterious talisman that could help them... In the last episode, a man stumbles upon a secret sex club that promises the ultimate sexual experience by using a drug made from the roots of the legendary Mandragora plant. The ecstatic experiences have horrific side effects...

http://twitchfilm.com/2015/01/german-angst-trailer-delivers-love-sex-and-death.html (http://twitchfilm.com/2015/01/german-angst-trailer-delivers-love-sex-and-death.html)

TRAILER included in link above.

Ohhhhhh... YES!!!

Has anyone already seen it? Comments?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on May 23, 2015, 01:51:59 PM
the trailer looks a bit cheesy...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ANDROPHILIA on May 23, 2015, 10:03:42 PM
don't miss the last Mad Max fury road
aesthetically devastating and almost devoid of digital effects ( with some exceptions ).

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: chibitachop on May 23, 2015, 10:33:21 PM
Quote from: ANDROPHILIA on May 23, 2015, 10:03:42 PM
don't miss the last Mad Max fury road
aesthetically devastating and almost devoid of digital effects ( with some exceptions ).

a more realistic assessment would be the extensive digital effects are done well enough that most people don't seem to notice them:


regardless I agree it is a thoroughly entertaining movie
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ANDROPHILIA on May 23, 2015, 11:10:35 PM
Quote from: chibitachop on May 23, 2015, 10:33:21 PM
Quote from: ANDROPHILIA on May 23, 2015, 10:03:42 PM
don't miss the last Mad Max fury road
aesthetically devastating and almost devoid of digital effects ( with some exceptions ).

a more realistic assessment would be the extensive digital effects are done well enough that most people don't seem to notice them:


regardless I agree it is a thoroughly entertaining movie

yes there are some digital works on the movie but almost nothing for a film of this type in 2015.
bot a lot of real action and massive use of stunts.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on May 25, 2015, 05:32:33 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on May 23, 2015, 01:51:59 PM
the trailer looks a bit cheesy...
Hah, that's true indeed. But I don't rely much on trailers, they're mostly just incoherent pieces of the actual movie cut together to look somehow interesting for the 'target group'.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on May 26, 2015, 03:26:29 AM
Life affirming experience being involved in the use of one of the 70s MAD MAX Pursuit cars:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 26, 2015, 09:42:13 PM
ROAD GAMES is excellent. Also, TURKEY SHOOT & RAZORBACK are worth checking out.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Euro Trash Bazooka on May 27, 2015, 12:24:18 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 26, 2015, 09:42:13 PMAlso, TURKEY SHOOT & RAZORBACK are worth checking out.

Both backed.

Not an "action" film per se but "Wake In Fright" definitely gives you a rough and gritty outlook on the Outback.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 02, 2015, 10:16:34 PM
These westerns will be getting US blu-ray releases this summer: THE REVENGERS; A REASON TO LIVE, A REASON TO DIE; & FACE TO FACE. All from Kino (they're doing DERANGED uncut, too). All are up for pre-order on DiabolikDVD.

I've got The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Miss Osbourne waiting to be watched...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on June 05, 2015, 05:58:23 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 14, 2015, 10:08:12 PM
Along with "Unforgiven" & "TG,TB, & TU", check out "The Outlaw Josey Wales", "A Fistful of Dollars", "High Plains Drifter", & "For A Few Dollars More". Also, Corbucci's "The Great Silence".
Thanks a lot for the recommendations. Just watched The Great Silence, and all the snow in that movie made the summer heat here a bit more tolerable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 10, 2015, 08:22:23 PM
William Friedkin's SORCEROR!


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 14, 2015, 03:48:40 PM
Diary Of A Lost Girl (aka Tagebuch einer Verlorenen. 1929).


Seedy morale tale w erotic undertones. Louise Brooks under masterclass direction by Georg Wilhelm Pabst. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on June 14, 2015, 04:01:30 PM
Rewatching "Themroc" by Claude Faraldo, with Michel Piccoli.
I remember being quite confused, when I saw it the first time many years ago in my early teens.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 15, 2015, 02:48:52 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BDxqhI9qDw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BDxqhI9qDw)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on June 16, 2015, 12:26:44 AM
Aye. Surprisingly good movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 16, 2015, 04:14:38 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3-BeTuEOZg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3-BeTuEOZg)

Very interesting and for me, very satisfying.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 21, 2015, 06:28:49 AM
http://ubu.com/film/terayama_cloud.html (http://ubu.com/film/terayama_cloud.html)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 22, 2015, 11:16:31 PM
Duke Mitchell's Gone With The Pope.


Sassy low-budget US gangster movie from the mid '70s, but unfinished at the time due to director Mitchell's death in 1981. Finally completed in 2009, DVD version avail via Grindhouse. Highly recommended.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQqZKd_72C0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQqZKd_72C0)

Note to post above... UBUWEB is a GOLDMINE. Currently rewatching Robert Smithson films...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 23, 2015, 12:09:39 AM
I haven't seen Gone with the Pope but Massacre Mafia Style  is pretty wild, from what I remember. I've thought about ordering the bd. I haven't picked up any of the Grindhouse bd's yet. Ordering both the Cannibal films together would make a nice package.

Free HBO/Cinemax over the weekend: GONE GIRL (ok); EVOLUTION (kind of funny); AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (ugh); A WALK AMONG THE TOMBSTONES (2nd viewing & recently re-read the book. Too bad they changed so much).

Last week, I watched blu's of SOCIETY ( kind of dull & the end has its moments but is kind of silly), WOLFEN (classic '80s),  & SORCERER (fucking awesome!).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on June 23, 2015, 01:50:03 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 23, 2015, 12:09:39 AMLast week, I watched blu's of SOCIETY ( kind of dull & the end has its moments but is kind of silly), WOLFEN (classic '80s),  & SORCERER (fucking awesome!).

Sorcerer is classic! and has probably my favourite Tangerine Dream soundtrack effort (maybe favourite TD ever) - Betrayal! Think it was already mentioned but Wages of Fear that Sorcerer was based on is also quality.

Have to disagree on SOCIETY, one of my favourites after seeing it on late night TV mid 90's as a young teen, watched cos nowt else on and looked funny then comes the final scene and mind was instantly blown/changed! Not sure if it's same fx people as From Beyond and maybe Basket Case sequels now I think of it, but definitely similar with heads sticking out of arses etc - anyone have recommendations for more films with that kind of "Mental Funeral" looking FX?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 24, 2015, 12:14:03 AM
"...anyone have recommendations for more films with that kind of "Mental Funeral" looking FX?"


Here's the guy who did the sfx on Society: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screaming_Mad_George
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Euro Trash Bazooka on June 24, 2015, 01:10:56 AM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on June 24, 2015, 02:03:40 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 24, 2015, 12:14:03 AM
"...anyone have recommendations for more films with that kind of "Mental Funeral" looking FX?"


Here's the guy who did the sfx on Society: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screaming_Mad_George

Cool that he did FREAKED.

FX in From Beyond was handled by John Carl Buechler who also did a Freddy film (4) - seems all these good FX folks get poached for Freddy!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on June 24, 2015, 09:31:33 AM
Try the bizarre "The Incredible melting man", weird movie with interesting moments.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 24, 2015, 10:26:12 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 23, 2015, 12:09:39 AM
I haven't seen Gone with the Pope but Massacre Mafia Style  is pretty wild, from what I remember. I've thought about ordering the bd. I haven't picked up any of the Grindhouse bd's yet. Ordering both the Cannibal films together would make a nice package.

Free HBO/Cinemax over the weekend: GONE GIRL (ok); EVOLUTION (kind of funny); AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (ugh); A WALK AMONG THE TOMBSTONES (2nd viewing & recently re-read the book. Too bad they changed so much).

Last week, I watched blu's of SOCIETY ( kind of dull & the end has its moments but is kind of silly), WOLFEN (classic '80s),  & SORCERER (fucking awesome!).

Massacre Mafia Style aka The Executioner is ace as well! Haven't seen that in ages, need to do a keen rewatch asap over here of that title. Sorcerer is a remake of the French film The Wages of Fear ('53) - isn't it? I mean so at least.... Can recommend that as well... be sure to check out the Criterion version. Haven't checked out the Friedkin version. Its now duely noted on my watch list.

Society.... I am a big fan of Yuzna films. In my book, its an ace film. Perfect combo of frontier horror, black comendy and bizarrity. His films often carry that stench, just look at Re-animator 1 and 2 for instance. But there is a time and a place for everything. For me, its a part of my vhs" film education" from back in the day when Norwegian soliders came from Lebanon with shitloads of arabic bootleg films.... like 6th or tenth grade generations..... colors totally blurred and saturated... and on the worst examples - ... barely no sound. Thinking about it... there was also an extensive black market for this in Scandinavia which we also profited from. I think we got Wolfen from the last mentioned..... I just remember the title as a early '80s flick, but not the movie. Eh! I should take a gander at that one as well. Thanx for the reminder! Have 'Gone Girl' stored, biut haven't seen it yet. Have to admit I am positive about it from trailers, but also watching it to experience the technical side of filmmaking - since Fincher is one of the US directors with a better technical grew. Usually his works are prestine in that department.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on June 24, 2015, 11:56:18 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on June 24, 2015, 09:31:33 AM
Try the bizarre "The Incredible melting man", weird movie with interesting moments.

This has been on my to watch list for some time!
STREET TRASH is a classic, long been a fan! classic toilet scene and also 1st time I ever saw a human bone dagger.

Been watching WAYWARD PINES and it's ace - just done with 5th episode and shit just hit the fan. Had heard it described as The Prisoner meets Twin Peaks which is definitely accurate for the first few episodes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 25, 2015, 03:36:25 AM
Quote from: AXNAAR on June 24, 2015, 11:56:18 PM
human bone dagger

Is my mind playing tricks on me.... wheren't there one in the Evil Dead film series?

On the note of TV shows... Just caught the first episode of True Detective season 2. Grittier narrative with L.A. Noir feel. Have potential.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Sturmfieber on June 25, 2015, 04:36:53 AM
Let's see... movies I watched fairly recently that come to mind:

Repo Man (hadn't seen this one in years)
Don (pretty good Indian movie from the late '70s about a crime boss)
San Babila Ore 20 (I think someone mentioned this one somewhere in this thread. Thanks to whoever mentioned it!)

Kuwait Connection (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0477924 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0477924)) was quite good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on June 29, 2015, 01:11:26 AM
Quote from: online prowler on June 25, 2015, 03:36:25 AM
Quote from: AXNAAR on June 24, 2015, 11:56:18 PM
human bone dagger

Is my mind playing tricks on me.... wheren't there one in the Evil Dead film series?

Aye, maybe in Army of Darkness?

Recently watched DUST DEVIL - great horror set in Africa about a demon that goes around seducing and having his occult murderous way with MILF types then turning into dust and vanishing. The husband of one such wife attempts to hunt him down for a showdown with the help of a sweaty old cop. Really great film that made me feel sweaty as I watched it - nice climax and decent gore/occult stuff.

Also watched Fellini's Casanova - great and weird arty romp with ace soundtrack and loads of headscratching scenes that have as much to do with Benny Hill as any sort of high-art. Highly recommend this and the Fellini I'M A BORN LIAR documentary, both well worth a watch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 01, 2015, 11:42:40 PM

Revisited WOLFEN the other day after B.W. listed it here. Enjoyed that one a lot - especially the visual effects. Thanx for scrapping at the dark recesses of my memory BW!

Fellini made a good portion of classic films. Haven't had the pleasure of seeing either of the mentioned above, so will notch both of onto my watch list. Dust Devil is highly recommended as well. If I remember correctly its made by Richard Stanley who did Hardware? His docu The Secret Glory is ace by the way!

In regards to human bone dagger I think you might be correct. On a second note.. I saw this online today in conjunction w Raimi's upcoming TV show "Ash vs Evil Dead".

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on July 02, 2015, 12:32:32 PM
HARDWARE is also great and makes sense it's same director, both having the same feeling of stuffiness and weird atmosphere.

I'm yet to finish WOLFEN, knackered last time having watched VAMPIRE'S KISS but what I did see looked class and bound to watch again. Would highly recommend VAMPIRE'S KISS - very funny!

Happened to watch SILVER BULLET around the same time, really odd one about a wheelchair bound boy that becomes a Werewolf hunter, strange one as it lacks the humour of something like The Monster Squad with Cory Haim playing it dead straight but the addition of Gary Busey, Everette McGill as the priest, a souped-up wheelchair and a Werewolf makes it worthwhile and funny in places.

Looking forward to ASH vs EVIL DEAD! anyone know more about the story?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on July 05, 2015, 06:43:18 PM
Some good ones recently:


Has anyone seen 'Satan's Tango', also from Béla Tarr? I read the book from László Krasznahorkai some years ago and I remember liking it a lot.

(In the Basement)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 05, 2015, 09:51:52 PM
IM KELLER ... is it out on DVD yet or what? Been waiting for that for some time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on July 05, 2015, 10:16:41 PM
Quote from: online prowler on July 05, 2015, 09:51:52 PM
IM KELLER ... is it out on DVD yet or what? Been waiting for that for some time.
Yes it's out on DVD, got it two weeks ago.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 05, 2015, 10:22:34 PM
Thanx for the info!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: acsenger on July 11, 2015, 12:19:58 PM
The Dark Valley has been mentioned before. I watched it the other night and it's a great movie with beautiful imagery of the Alps but also depicting a harsh kind of life.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: algiz on July 18, 2015, 12:36:08 PM
Participating in Ulrich Seidl's movie "IM KELLER" brought him into trouble:


This can only happen in Austria
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 18, 2015, 07:57:28 PM
Quote from: algiz on July 18, 2015, 12:36:08 PM
Participating in Ulrich Seidl's movie "IM KELLER" brought him into trouble:


This can only happen in Austria

When I watched the trailer, I wondered if there would be any consequences for any of the basement dwellers.

What kind of trouble is happening to the "Nazikeller"? (Nazikeller Prozess would be a good name for a PE project...)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on July 18, 2015, 10:01:32 PM
The owner of the 'Nazikeller' was sentenced to 10 month on probation for 're-engagement in National Socialist activities' (sorry, don't know if this are the right words). Two other participants were obviously forced to resign from their place in the local council.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 26, 2015, 09:49:41 PM

I'll probably join for a month or two to see what they have. I know they'll be running the porno-slasher "Wet Wilderness".

Last couple of nights I've watched the Arrow bd of di Leo's classic, MILANO CALIBRO 9 (recommended!) & WOLFEN.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on August 01, 2015, 04:37:48 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LRH7lLJtww (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LRH7lLJtww)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4ZmtY75RqA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4ZmtY75RqA)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 16, 2015, 10:09:21 PM
The Loved One (1965)

Bizarre black comedy from director Tony Richardson.


Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62FuWtAvNpo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62FuWtAvNpo)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: greylake on August 19, 2015, 05:53:15 AM
Can anyone recommend anything set in ancient Rome along the lines of Fellini Satyricon or Caligula?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ONE on August 20, 2015, 12:27:17 AM
Quote from: cr on July 05, 2015, 06:43:18 PM
Some good ones recently:


Grazie for the tip, Peter Mulligan is an astonishing and vastly under-rated actor.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on August 20, 2015, 03:44:06 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHG3ecmjglA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHG3ecmjglA)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on August 20, 2015, 07:41:46 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on August 20, 2015, 03:44:06 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHG3ecmjglA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHG3ecmjglA)

Classic film
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on August 20, 2015, 09:40:27 PM
Re-watched the entire This Is England series: This is England film, '86 & '88. At the time they were on telly I wasn't that arsed, which was a huge mistake, as watching them back to back now they stand as a great body of work - some of the storyline's are fucking brutal and genuinely moving stuff. Highly recommend to anyone that hasn't seen them or ignored at the time to watch, good stuff!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: KillToForget on August 20, 2015, 11:09:49 PM
Cronenberg's latest movie, Maps to the Stars, was really good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on August 21, 2015, 01:03:11 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on August 20, 2015, 03:44:06 PMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHG3ecmjglA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHG3ecmjglA)
Thanks for this! Always meant to watch it but somehow managed to skip it. Watching now...

Page 88 btw! ;-)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on August 21, 2015, 02:55:14 AM
Quote from: AXNAAR on August 20, 2015, 09:40:27 PM
Re-watched the entire This Is England series: This is England film, '86 & '88. At the time they were on telly I wasn't that arsed, which was a huge mistake, as watching them back to back now they stand as a great body of work - some of the storyline's are fucking brutal and genuinely moving stuff. Highly recommend to anyone that hasn't seen them or ignored at the time to watch, good stuff!

How does the '88 serieshold up to you? I thought the Shaun/Smell's half of the storylines to be pretty predicatble and pointless the first time through....
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on August 21, 2015, 04:07:35 AM
Quote from: cantle on August 21, 2015, 02:55:14 AM
Quote from: AXNAAR on August 20, 2015, 09:40:27 PM
Re-watched the entire This Is England series: This is England film, '86 & '88. At the time they were on telly I wasn't that arsed, which was a huge mistake, as watching them back to back now they stand as a great body of work - some of the storyline's are fucking brutal and genuinely moving stuff. Highly recommend to anyone that hasn't seen them or ignored at the time to watch, good stuff!

How does the '88 serieshold up to you? I thought the Shaun/Smell's half of the storylines to be pretty predicatble and pointless the first time through....
Found that bit fairly predictable also, nowhere near as gripping as the Lol/Combo/Milky/Woody story. Also majority of Banjo, Meggy, Gadget etc was just a bit of light relief between the brutality but '90 will be on soon so I'm looking forward to seeing where he takes it all.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on August 21, 2015, 09:38:05 PM
Yeah will be tuning it for it too... hope it is as good as the best bits from '88....
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on August 28, 2015, 11:26:16 PM
Quote from: online prowler on July 05, 2014, 02:29:40 AM
MS. 45

Abel Ferrara's classic revenge sleaze - and US take on the giallo genre. Highly recommended. Be sure to get the recently reisussed dvd/bluray.

This was great. Total streetcleaning, beautifully filmed.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on September 04, 2015, 09:49:27 PM
Seen some Japanese classics in the last couple days, that everyone here knows for sure. All of them really good so far.

Irezumi (by Yasuzo Masumura)
Lone Wolf and Cub: Sword of Vengeance (Kenji Misumi)
Female Convict 701: Scorpion (Shunya Itō)

And next for evening entertainment:
Battles Without Honor and Humanity (Kinji Fukasaku)

Maybe I'll go on with the second one from the Lone Wolf and Cub series or with Lady Snowblood.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 04, 2015, 11:48:15 PM
REQUIEM FOR A DREAM- 15 years old & it holds up pretty good. I think this was the R-rated version. I know I've seen it unrated but have no memory of what the differences are. It'd been nice if Jennifer Connolly could have shown off more than snatch hair.

THE DEAD GIRL- a teenage junkie hitchhiker disappears... The story is told by various people who have some sort of connection to her: the woman who finds the body; a woman who may be her sister; the mother & a pros who knew her, & the wife of a man who may have killed her. The film is okay, definitely has some sleaze but too much is given away about the victim in the end. It'd been better if more mystery was left about her.

RAGE- early 70s film starring George C. Scott; Scott's son dies from a military mishap & Scott goes nuts on EVERYONE. The finale is a bit of a let-down but there is an amazing scene featuring a pissed off tabby cat & a Henry .22lr survival rifle.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on September 05, 2015, 12:10:49 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 04, 2015, 11:48:15 PM
REQUIEM FOR A DREAM-...It'd been nice if Jennifer Connolly could have shown off more than snatch hair.
Exactly my thoughts fifteen years ago, and still every time I watch it again, hehe.

I think Aronofsky has made some good movies (Pi, Black Swan, The Wrestler,...), but I'm not really interested in Noah. Has anyone seen it?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: SiClark on September 05, 2015, 01:37:03 PM
Noah wasn't great. It had some interesting little bits but I don't think it worked that well. Requiem is still my favourite of his, the soundtrack is just perfect for it (not a big fan of Sky Sports using the main piece from that to introduce their sports news). The Fountain I thought was superb.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: monster ripper on September 05, 2015, 02:09:06 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 04, 2015, 11:48:15 PM
RAGE- early 70s film starring George C. Scott; Scott's son dies from a military mishap & Scott goes nuts on EVERYONE. The finale is a bit of a let-down but there is an amazing scene featuring a pissed off tabby cat & a Henry .22lr survival rifle.

Don't think I've ever seen that one, but if it's even 1/2 as good as Hardcore, I'll have to check it out
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 05, 2015, 08:02:21 PM
For more near-nude Jennifer Connolly, check out THE HOT SPOT directed by Dennis Hopper.

I caught RAGE on Turner Classic Movies. I'd like to see HARDCORE again. I haven't seen it in a lot of years. Scott is always great when he's pissed off...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 08, 2015, 11:56:46 PM

Killer month for blu-ray releases: EMPEROR OF THE NORTH and ANGST from Cult Epics.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Euro Trash Bazooka on September 17, 2015, 05:30:31 PM
I don't know how the US version of the "Angst" blu-ray is but although I haven't seen it, the reviews of the French version make it a let-down for me. In addition to the French dubbing (which I don't like), they recropped the shots so a bunch of the super close face shots (for instance) are cut on the chin or the forehead, which is very annoying. They also darkened the colours on the rape scene so that you can't see most of it (apparently, it's some kind of auto-censorship asked by Kargl himself.) And I've also heard that some extracts from the soundtrack have been left out, and they also added a useless prologue to the film.

They showed it at an arthouse cinema by my place last weekend. I was about to go because "Angst" is my favourite film but when I heard they were showing the new, French, blu-ray version, I opted out in order to not be disappointed. I love the original one way too much.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: C601 on September 17, 2015, 06:10:01 PM
Un Lac 2008

The basic story is simple beyond belief – family eking out an existence cutting down trees in a wild forest in some unnamed Northern European country, brother and sister understandly (perhaps even alarmingly) close until an outsider arrives and eventually persuades the girl to move away with him – but Grandrieux's characteristically jittery and often seriously dark filming adds a strange and disturbing power.

Here is the torrent link in avi format with hardcoded subtitles, enjoy.


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 17, 2015, 07:02:34 PM
Quote from: Euro Trash Bazooka on September 17, 2015, 05:30:31 PM
I don't know how the US version of the "Angst" blu-ray is but although I haven't seen it, the reviews of the French version make it a let-down for me. In addition to the French dubbing (which I don't like), they recropped the shots so a bunch of the super close face shots (for instance) are cut on the chin or the forehead, which is very annoying. They also darkened the colours on the rape scene so that you can't see most of it (apparently, it's some kind of auto-censorship asked by Kargl himself.) And I've also heard that some extracts from the soundtrack have been left out, and they also added a useless prologue to the film.

They showed it at an arthouse cinema by my place last weekend. I was about to go because "Angst" is my favourite film but when I heard they were showing the new, French, blu-ray version, I opted out in order to not be disappointed. I love the original one way too much.

Here's a review of the US release: http://www.mondo-digital.com/angst.html

I'll probably order it next week...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on September 18, 2015, 11:21:12 PM
PRIMO AMORE (Matteo Garrone)
A somehow quiet but disturbing movie. Good piano music in the background.

"(Nothing irreparable has happened)"
"...I find a mind, but not a body!"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on September 20, 2015, 07:27:33 PM
The Thin Blue Line (1988).


Well constructed true crime documentary. Highly recommended.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on September 21, 2015, 05:36:31 PM

Astro 6 guys returns with a new giallo homage. Ace flick for fans of the seedy Italian film tradition.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plL3BNE1Rq4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plL3BNE1Rq4)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on September 21, 2015, 09:21:27 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 17, 2015, 07:02:34 PM
Quote from: Euro Trash Bazooka on September 17, 2015, 05:30:31 PM
I don't know how the US version of the "Angst" blu-ray is but although I haven't seen it, the reviews of the French version make it a let-down for me. In addition to the French dubbing (which I don't like), they recropped the shots so a bunch of the super close face shots (for instance) are cut on the chin or the forehead, which is very annoying. They also darkened the colours on the rape scene so that you can't see most of it (apparently, it's some kind of auto-censorship asked by Kargl himself.) And I've also heard that some extracts from the soundtrack have been left out, and they also added a useless prologue to the film.

They showed it at an arthouse cinema by my place last weekend. I was about to go because "Angst" is my favourite film but when I heard they were showing the new, French, blu-ray version, I opted out in order to not be disappointed. I love the original one way too much.

Here's a review of the US release: http://www.mondo-digital.com/angst.html

I'll probably order it next week...

Seems promising. Schulze soundtrack as well, didn't know that.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on September 21, 2015, 11:07:56 PM
Quote from: online prowler on September 20, 2015, 07:27:33 PMThe Thin Blue Line (1988).
Did you read that Adams was released from prison approximately a year after the film's release? "Paradise Lost" is another interesting wrongful conviction documentary. Actually it's a series of three films and then there's another one called "West of Memphis" which I think is the best that I've seen of the case.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on September 22, 2015, 10:00:09 PM
Quote from: Scat-O-Logy on September 21, 2015, 11:07:56 PM
Quote from: online prowler on September 20, 2015, 07:27:33 PMThe Thin Blue Line (1988).
Did you read that Adams was released from prison approximately a year after the film's release? "Paradise Lost" is another interesting wrongful conviction documentary. Actually it's a series of three films and then there's another one called "West of Memphis" which I think is the best that I've seen of the case.

Yes. It was one of these few instances when actualy art intermediate with reality. Paradise Lost and West of Memphis sounds interesting. Haven't seen either. Do you remember who directed these? Would be keen to check them out.   
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 22, 2015, 10:12:44 PM

Paradise Lost is very good. Has nice details of the murders & imagery of the bodies, if I'm remembering correctly. I always thought the murders seemed a bit more than what some silly goth kids were capable of.

Saturday night, I watched Fulci's HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY & in the afternoon, I watched the new blu-ray of EMPEROR OF THE NORTH (looks great esp. the finale which is the greatest 'battle-on-a-train-with-2x4-axe-and-chain ever filmed!)

I have the Grindhouse blu for THE BEYOND & ANGST is on its way. I'm thinking of ordering the new blu for TURKEY SHOOT released by Severin.

Incredible: http://watch.wakaliwood.com//
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on September 23, 2015, 11:36:56 AM
Has anyone seen "The Turin Horse"? Any recommendations?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on September 23, 2015, 02:35:17 PM
superb... like anything he has done...
go for it

in the mantime, just seen this amazing Balkan movie that was deemed too unpc by Italy's main festival...


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on September 26, 2015, 06:22:01 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 22, 2015, 10:12:44 PM

Paradise Lost is very good. Has nice details of the murders & imagery of the bodies, if I'm remembering correctly. I always thought the murders seemed a bit more than what some silly goth kids were capable of.
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 22, 2015, 10:12:44 PM

Thanx for the link. Will trawl online!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 28, 2015, 12:29:52 AM
THE DISAPPEARANCE OF ALICE CREED- kidnappings rarely go off without a hitch
RETURN OF THE EVIL DEAD- Spanish, uncut 2nd film in the Blind Dead series; runs kind of slow & never as gory as they should have been but the Blind Dead & their horses are cool as hell. I haven't watched these films in a long time (may since around the time Blue Underground released the box set). I like the film on the ship the best...

Those interested in ANGST, the blu looks very good (maybe too good). I took a look but haven't watched the film yet. The 40 pg booklet is nice; includes interviews, images from the film, & reproductions of German newspaper articles about the murderer the film is based on along with English translations of the text.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on September 28, 2015, 02:37:45 AM
QuoteI like the film on the ship the best...

Agreed.  Was surreal to finally watch the uncut Midnight Video version years ago.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on September 28, 2015, 06:08:49 AM
Got a copy of Mad Max: Fury Road last week. Things exploding and more things exploding, bodies flying through the air, hot sexy babes, completely ridiculous. Just the thing to watch after work while utterly drunk.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on October 04, 2015, 06:23:08 PM
After waking up from heavy drinking birthday party with some old friends, I thought best to do would be watching 'Taxi Driver' again. And yes, this is a good movie to become sober...and start drinking again. And shit...I'm too old for all this...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: KillToForget on October 05, 2015, 12:16:32 AM
Watching The Living End. I love this movie
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 06, 2015, 05:08:01 PM
Sicario - really enjoyed this one. gorgeous cinematography, hopeless viewpoint, brutal violence and a thick atmosphere of unease and tension. heavy handed politics were kept to a minimum, aside from the overall message of the futility of the war on drugs, which I appreciated.
also the score by Jóhann Jóhannsson was pretty excellent with it's use of scraping industrial drumming, ominous bass swells and minimal strings. good stuff, definitely a movie to catch in theaters.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Duncan on October 16, 2015, 12:48:43 PM
Thanks to a new season of experimental films and shorts now being screened in my town's arts college I got to watch The Iron Ministry last night.

Really good, non narrative collage of footage gathered over 2 years of the film maker travelling across China on trains. Not much to add to this other than recommendations to see it but i must also point out the incredible sound design by Ernst Karel which creates a pretty loud, harsh backdrop of the grating train noises we all know and love. Well worth your time.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 16, 2015, 08:58:35 PM
Halloween III - truly an insane and absurd movie but so much fun it doesn't matter. the plot is just batshit bonkers but kids get their faces melted so all is forgiven. Tom Atkins as the alcoholic doctor who doesn't take any shit is way preferable to JLC imo.

The Killer Must Kill Again - totally disappointing. thankfully I watched this with a friend so we could amuse ourselves because this giallo is fucking inept. The Killer may have to kill again but he takes his fucking time doing it. I read that this was supposed to be a tense film but between the terrible dubbing and even dumber plot turns it was just unintentionally baffling and hilarious. what little violence there was wasn't bad but it was too sparing for me.

Black Belly of the Tarantula - on the opposite end, this movie was great. I started watching it years ago and never finished it because i was too drunk. it was nice to see it all the way through and be able to pay attention. great killings, great style and an interesting plot. also the score by Morricone is quite sexy. an excellent giallo and a solid movie by any metric.

A Blade in the Dark - kind of really dumb but really excellent in its insanity. there's a lot of wtf moments, brutal killings and insane dubbing choices. very fun, especially to watch with friends. and the score is really enjoyable but unfortunately it's never been released.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 24, 2015, 09:31:30 PM
STORYTELLING-  I haven't seen it since it was released on vhs; Nice to have Selma Blair nude & saying "Fuck me, nigger" but the sex scene is censored with a  large red box. I may have to download the international version to see that one scene... Kind of want to see HAPPINESS now.

ANGUISH- great Spanish eyeball horror, would look very nice on blu-ray. Recommended. I can't  write too much as it would spoil the fun.

BAD  LIEUTENANT- another film I haven't seen since renting on vhs. It's pretty much useless, just the way I remembered it. Harvey Keitel  snorts & freebases coke, gets shot up with heroin, guzzles booze, fires guns in convenience stores, shoots his car radio, & has a little bit of a gambling problem. Oh, and in his spare time, he's a police lieutenant barely investigating the rape of a nun. It sounds like a lot of fun but it isn't. It does make me  want to see MS. 45 now.

DECLINE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION I & II- the original is worth seeing  for the live performance by Fear & Black Flag. The second film, I had to forward through. Part III is on tonight; I'm not expecting much.

Must be seen to be believed: THE CARRIER


This film is thoroughly nuts but don't think for a second that any of its special efx are "impressive", everything is dirt-cheap. Perfect for dreary, rainy daytime viewing.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on October 25, 2015, 02:54:19 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 24, 2015, 09:31:30 PMBAD LIEUTENANT- It's pretty much useless, just the way I remembered it.


"Show me how you suck a guy's cock"

Watched "De Behandeling" some nights ago and it was pretty damn intense. Don't really follow what's going on in the film industry these days but films like this and "Tyrannosaur" (thanks for recommendation, cr!) are what keeps me motivated.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on November 01, 2015, 03:54:30 AM
Hail Gialloween!

Bonus kvlt points for VHS
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: impulsemanslaughter on November 01, 2015, 11:52:02 AM
I loved Dogtooth so i'm looking forward to The Lobster.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z069ldsumxA
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 01, 2015, 03:17:35 PM
Just read the synopsis for "Dogtooth", really want to see it now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on November 04, 2015, 09:40:30 AM
you MUST!!!
that and Miss Violence share many similar atmospheres. you cannot miss them, pure power electronics cinema
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on November 04, 2015, 07:25:54 PM

Speaking of films by Yorgos Lanthimos, has anyone seen Alpeis (2011)?

"A group of people start a business where they impersonate the recently deceased in order to help their clients through the grieving process." Sounds batshit enough to be good. Haven't managed to find online stream with eng subs so haven't seen it yet (too cheap to buy DVDs).

Attenberg (2010) should be good clean Greek fun too, no?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on November 05, 2015, 05:42:13 PM
"Bone Tomahawk" is a hell of a movie, the best western since... "The Proposition" I guess. Plenty of talking and wandering but it also has Kurt Russell and cannibals (and yes, gore).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 10, 2015, 02:43:43 PM
Going through Hal Hartley's '90s film catalogue again. Still excellent. Minimal and to the point works w black humour. If you haven't checked his films out yet, I can recommend:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIgv4Tvx3V0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIgv4Tvx3V0)

Simple Men - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzxFuwa98_A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzxFuwa98_A)
Amateur - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLhu37ozFx8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLhu37ozFx8)
The Unbeliveble Truth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZpuazT6MrA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZpuazT6MrA)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: eyestrain on November 10, 2015, 10:53:58 PM
Quote from: online prowler on June 25, 2015, 03:36:25 AM
Just caught the first episode of True Detective season 2.

I loved most of it in the long run. I think you just gotta let go of season one, as it really only shares a title and nothing else. Velcoro is the man!

Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 24, 2015, 09:31:30 PM"Tyrannosaur" (thanks for recommendation, cr!) are what keeps me motivated.

Just took this in yesterday. Great stuff! Weak ending, but that's just my stupid opinion haha.

Quote from: online prowler on November 10, 2015, 02:43:43 PM
Going through Hal Hartley's '90s film catalogue again.

These look awesome, being a 90's kinder, it certainly has a flavor I can appreciate.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 12, 2015, 03:18:49 PM
This movie is pretty unremarkable, but I think the soundtrack is great.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-8ocnmE0Ts (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-8ocnmE0Ts)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 17, 2015, 11:13:23 AM
Got my copy of the dvd of "Onibaba" today and it's every bit as good as I remembered it. Pure sexual frustration and torment in glorious artistic black and white. "I am a human being!" Quite. Great music soundtrack too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: algiz on November 17, 2015, 09:20:33 PM
Turbo Kid - Like a comedy/splatter variation of Mad Max - not bad!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: monster ripper on November 18, 2015, 03:30:57 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on November 17, 2015, 11:13:23 AM
Got my copy of the dvd of "Onibaba" today and it's every bit as good as I remembered it. Pure sexual frustration and torment in glorious artistic black and white. "I am a human being!" Quite. Great music soundtrack too.

Have you seen "Kuroneko" by the same director?  Just as good in my opinion, but I do have a fondness for vengeful ghost cat movies.......
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Zodiac on November 18, 2015, 12:12:53 PM
I want to recommend 2 really good movies from NETFLIX Originals, one is a documentary but anyway:

BEAST OF NO NATION: about a child soldier in some sub-sahara africa country, who faces all the atrocities of war under the leadship
of a charismatic but (as expected) not too sane commander-in-chief. Beautyful jungle mixes with intense violence and indoctrination
leading finally into a dead end for most of the young people. Based on the book writen by the young boy years later and so based on
a true story (which makes - as we all know - the best stories for the most part).

WINTER ON FIRE: a russian filmmaker witness to the ~90 days of "revolution" on Maidan plaza in Kiev, Ukraine. Without censorship and
utter violent and explosive moments, again fantastic pictures (view from the high a top over the plaze by night while buildings burn,
explosions and shots are fired, for example - complety in HD of course) and a deep look into the minds and hearts of the people fighting
there against the forces of Janukovich. I absolutly recommend this, regardless with whom you choose to side over this matter.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 18, 2015, 02:31:17 PM
Quote from: monster ripper on November 18, 2015, 03:30:57 AM
Have you seen "Kuroneko" by the same director?  Just as good in my opinion, but I do have a fondness for vengeful ghost cat movies.......

Not yet, "Onibaba" is the only Shindo movie I've seen so far, but going by the synopsis I appreciate the tip and will try to get to see it soon. Thanks.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Zodiac on November 18, 2015, 03:45:05 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on November 18, 2015, 02:31:17 PM
Quote from: monster ripper on November 18, 2015, 03:30:57 AM
Have you seen "Kuroneko" by the same director?  Just as good in my opinion, but I do have a fondness for vengeful ghost cat movies.......

Not yet, "Onibaba" is the only Shindo movie I've seen so far, but going by the synopsis I appreciate the tip and will try to get to see it soon. Thanks.

Do that. "Onibaba" is a masterpiece. Recommended.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Sturmfieber on November 19, 2015, 05:46:09 PM
Sympathy for the Underdog (1971): Excellent yakuza movie.

Last Days Here (2011): Good documentary if you're into the doom metal band Pentagram.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on November 20, 2015, 11:04:14 PM
Right now I'm in the mood for watching "Der Todesking" by Jörg Buttgereit again.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on November 21, 2015, 12:08:25 AM
Quote from: AXNAAR on August 21, 2015, 04:07:35 AM
Quote from: cantle on August 21, 2015, 02:55:14 AM
Quote from: AXNAAR on August 20, 2015, 09:40:27 PM
Re-watched the entire This Is England series: This is England film, '86 & '88. At the time they were on telly I wasn't that arsed, which was a huge mistake, as watching them back to back now they stand as a great body of work - some of the storyline's are fucking brutal and genuinely moving stuff. Highly recommend to anyone that hasn't seen them or ignored at the time to watch, good stuff!

How does the '88 serieshold up to you? I thought the Shaun/Smell's half of the storylines to be pretty predicatble and pointless the first time through....
Found that bit fairly predictable also, nowhere near as gripping as the Lol/Combo/Milky/Woody story. Also majority of Banjo, Meggy, Gadget etc was just a bit of light relief between the brutality but '90 will be on soon so I'm looking forward to seeing where he takes it all.

Has anyone already seen 'This is England '90'? Any comments? Quite curious to watch it myself.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on November 21, 2015, 03:12:15 AM
Watched it-  good but I felt it fell short on a few story arcs....
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on November 21, 2015, 04:45:01 AM
I liked This Is England '90. '88 wasn't good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on November 21, 2015, 11:09:50 AM
I liked '90, very good continuation of the series, some very funny stuff in this one where '88 was lacking esp. Woody & family and Flip & Iggy. I'm glad there wasn't too much tedious 'rave culture' stuff. I didn't like what happened to Combo but glad he's left it open ended for another series.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 24, 2015, 12:08:22 PM
Just managed tonight to settle down tonight and enjoy The Silence Of The Lambs. Really got into it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on December 06, 2015, 11:54:36 AM
I'm kind of obsessed by the text "miira ni narumade" by Shimada Masahiko since I first heard about it 15 years ago (if I remember right, it was a festival curated by Otomo Yoshihide). This is a film based upon this novel. In short, it's about going into the woods and commiting suicide from slowly and painfully starving yourself to death. Film itself is OK, not exactly what I imagined it could be. But I'm happy that all the text of the diary is there. Fictional, but based on a true story.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: eyestrain on December 07, 2015, 02:38:50 PM
Watched, for the first time ever, these last two days, Krzysztof Kieślowsk's Three Colors trilogy. Some of the best filmmaking I've seen in a very, very long time.

They're currently all on Hulu along with Kieślowsk's The Scar, Blind Chance, A Short Film About Killing, The Double Life of Véronique, A Short Film About Love, Camera Buff and No End. Not sure if it's a limited thing or what. It's part of Criterion Collection's "free festival" — whatever that means — so it seems smart to just gobble it all up before it disappears.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on December 12, 2015, 10:35:28 PM
Belle de Jour ( Luis Buñuel)
Managed not to watch it for quite some time, but last weekend was right place and right time. And I have to say it's a great movie for this time and age.

Next was a newer one:  'Miss Violence' - everything  good that was said about it, is propably true, at least for my taste.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on December 24, 2015, 06:13:06 PM
Todd Haynes - Safe.
1995. Old school meldrama setting with negative atmosphere turned sect. One of the best films I've seen this year.  

Yasujiro Ozu - An Autumn Afternoon
1962. Japanese perfection. True auteur. I higly recommend all his films.

Tetsuya Nakashima - The World Of Kanako
2014. Visual æsthetic thriller. Anti-social family values.

Lucrecia Martel - La Ciénaga
2001. Disintegrating social contexts.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 26, 2015, 10:33:08 PM
Christmas Eve & Christmas night:

WE ARE STILL HERE- pretty good haunted house with lots of gore by people that had something to do with House of the Devil & Starry Eyes (need to see SE again)
GUN WOMAN- US/Japanese film with lots of blood & nudity but no personality
MAD MAX: FURY ROAD- crap from start to finish
YAKUZA APOCALYPSE- vampire yakuza film I quit half way through

There's a Mythbusters marathon on the Science Channel so I've watched a bunch of those. MB is running for the next 8 days...

I just ordered a cheap copy of the blu-ray of MS .45 which is a film I haven't seen since the first time on rented vhs.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: pentd on December 29, 2015, 05:08:13 AM
has this been mentioned?

Talhotblond (2009)

creepy documentary-comedy that just keeps on goin higher/deeper than expected...
(edit- wrong imdb link corrected)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 02, 2016, 11:08:16 PM
Gory, creepy crawling parasite double-feature: SHIVERS followed by SLUGS

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: C601 on January 03, 2016, 03:13:38 AM
The Revenant was quite good the cinematography was fantastic
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on January 03, 2016, 03:17:07 AM

Got the steel case Arrow blu-ray edition from a seller in Australia recently.
Had to splurge a little on the film as it's easily one of my all time favorites. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 03, 2016, 12:23:26 PM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on January 03, 2016, 03:17:07 AM

Got the steel case Arrow blu-ray edition from a seller in Australia recently.
Had to splurge a little on the film as it's easily one of my all time favorites.  

I recently rewatched this. Hadn't seen it since the VHS hay days. Enjoyable and funny. Caught Bergman and Nykvist this X-mas. PERSONA. Have to say this one, in addition to Bergman's Hour Of The Wolf are his best. Also ravage through Denis' Bastards (Les salauds). Dark implosion. Can recommend that as well. Big fan of actor Michel Subor.

Sven Nykvist Cinematography:
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 04, 2016, 09:55:34 PM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on January 03, 2016, 03:17:07 AM

Got the steel case Arrow blu-ray edition from a seller in Australia recently.
Had to splurge a little on the film as it's easily one of my all time favorites. 

I watched a torrent of SHIVERS. I'm pretty sure it was the Arrow transfer. I'd order it if I had an all-reg bd player. Need to pick up THE BROOD soon.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 05, 2016, 12:29:59 PM
Bruno Dumont's 'Lil Quinquin (2014)'.

Surreal crime mini-series marinated in black humour. Highly recommended.


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 05, 2016, 12:32:50 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 04, 2016, 09:55:34 PM
Need to pick up THE BROOD soon.

I torrented this one recently plus Videodrome. Annual rewatch. Hadn't seen Brood in ages. The Brood still holds up quite nice. Great film, Croenberg is coming to rights as a director w an own artistic language. Ace transfer as well.

EDIT: The Brood was just reissued via Criterion. Should be excellent quality.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on January 05, 2016, 12:54:08 PM
Cronenberg has several very good on his conscience, body horror! Personal favourites include Shivers, Scanners, Videodrome, and Dead Ringers. Would appreciate tips on other movies with similar themes. Extra orifices and such.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on January 05, 2016, 09:22:26 PM
Quote from: TS on January 05, 2016, 12:54:08 PM
Cronenberg has several very good on his conscience, body horror! Personal favourites include Shivers, Scanners, Videodrome, and Dead Ringers. Would appreciate tips on other movies with similar themes. Extra orifices and such.

From Beyond has some great body horror! also Society, Street Trash, Basket Case Trilogy, The Thing
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on January 06, 2016, 04:05:03 PM
Thank you. I've seen, and enjoyed The Thing and From Beyond, but the other ones are unfamiliar. Gonna see Street Trash tonight.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on January 06, 2016, 04:06:31 PM
Quote from: TS on January 06, 2016, 04:05:03 PMGonna see Street Trash tonight.

Oh man, you're in for a treat!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on January 06, 2016, 06:07:37 PM
Quote from: TS on January 06, 2016, 04:05:03 PM
Thank you. I've seen, and enjoyed The Thing and From Beyond, but the other ones are unfamiliar. Gonna see Street Trash tonight.

Definitely in for a treat! Watch Basket Case trilogy next - great fun! Some other good fun horror classics: Brain Damage, Re-Animator (and sequels), Evilspeak, The Deadly Spawn, Critters, Body Melt, Shrunken Heads, Braindead, Bad Taste, The Monster Squad
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 07, 2016, 02:18:25 PM
Quote from: AXNAAR on January 05, 2016, 09:22:26 PM

Everything by director Brian Yuzna from the '80s and '90s is mandatory!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 08, 2016, 01:48:11 AM
Quote from: online prowler on January 07, 2016, 02:18:25 PM
Quote from: AXNAAR on January 05, 2016, 09:22:26 PM

Everything by director Brian Yuzna from the '80s and '90s is mandatory!

I have "Society" on blu, released by Arrow. It's a nice set & I liked seeing the film after so many years but I didn't care for it much. It was what I remembered: kind of boring with
some interesting efx but that's about it. If it had been played straight with no humor, it may have been better (for my tastes).

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 08, 2016, 12:54:36 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 08, 2016, 01:48:11 AM
Quote from: online prowler on January 07, 2016, 02:18:25 PM
Quote from: AXNAAR on January 05, 2016, 09:22:26 PM

Everything by director Brian Yuzna from the '80s and '90s is mandatory!

I have "Society" on blu, released by Arrow. It's a nice set & I liked seeing the film after so many years but I didn't care for it much. It was what I remembered: kind of boring with some interesting efx but that's about it. If it had been played straight with no humor, it may have been better (for my tastes).

I hear what you are saying, and to some degree I agree with you. Though, Yuzna has never been about full blood horror. I am sure you remember that during the '80s and '90s came a wave of horror films w humorist broods that established what could be regarded as an own genre within the horror field. Personally, I enjoy a lot of these films, and Yuzna is one of the better directors that honed this craft. Of course, side-stepping from my own tastes and VHS nostaliga I can find faults w his films. They were rarely 100%, but that's a factor that I calculate into my sum as well. Horror-humour films should be a bit shitty as well. Yuzna's later films and Spanish productions kind of suck.  
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on January 08, 2016, 01:42:44 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 08, 2016, 01:48:11 AM
Quote from: online prowler on January 07, 2016, 02:18:25 PM
Quote from: AXNAAR on January 05, 2016, 09:22:26 PM

Everything by director Brian Yuzna from the '80s and '90s is mandatory!

I have "Society" on blu, released by Arrow. It's a nice set & I liked seeing the film after so many years but I didn't care for it much. It was what I remembered: kind of boring with
some interesting efx but that's about it. If it had been played straight with no humor, it may have been better (for my tastes).

I like that it's a bit boring as is gives the climax more impact. I first saw it as a kid and thought it was a lame TV movie, it had Billy from Baywatch in but I thought maybe there'd be some boobs so I kept watching and it got weirder and weirder - fair to say my young mind was blown by the climax of the film - I've held it dear ever since.

Trivia: Brian Yuzna co-wrote 'Honey, I Shrunk the Kids' along with Stuart Gordon (From Beyond, Re-Animator) and Ed Naha (Dolls, Troll).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 08, 2016, 08:15:16 PM
MS .45- a woman who doesn't talk and shoots guns in hot outfits. What is there not to like?!?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on January 11, 2016, 01:28:15 PM
Sicario - Enjoyable Mexican cartel film that focusses heavily on the cops rather than the crimes of the cartels. Very easy watch but left me wanting more.  
Would've liked more violence, so I'm open to recommendations of films that focus on the brutal methods of murder that the cartels are famous for.

A mate has recommended 'Savages' also with Benicio Del Toro so will be watching that next. EDIT: Just seen that Savages is a 12 certificate so I doubt there'll be any beheadings or faces being cut off.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 12, 2016, 01:54:58 AM
THE MASK 3D- Canada's first 3D movie made in 1961. If you have the proper equipment, it plays it 3D. If not, the film is in 2D & looks very nice. The anaglyph 3D scenes are in the extras so just find some red/black glasses & have fun, the 3D works pretty damn good. THE MASK has an awesome 'industrial' soundtrack that makes the hallucination scenes that much better.


THE BLACK CAT- Lucio Fulci's documentary on why cats are so terrible.

NIGHT TRAIN TO TERROR-  Satan & God meeting on a train swapping stories. This film has it all: stop-motion animation, nudity, violent gore, & 'Bull' from the tv show, "Night Court".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on January 15, 2016, 10:05:30 PM
Recent movies I watched worth being mentioned:

The Tenderness of Wolves (Uli Lommel)
From 1973, produced by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, based on the crimes of German serial killer and cannibal Fritz Haarmann.

Starring (and I think also directed by) Clint Eastwood. Very good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on January 27, 2016, 03:14:11 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEdq3nwGpS4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEdq3nwGpS4)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on January 29, 2016, 08:17:35 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 12, 2016, 01:54:58 AM

THE BLACK CAT- Lucio Fulci's documentary on why cats are so terrible.

despite being a Fulci-obsessive since my teen, I watched this for the first time a few weeks ago and loved it.
the way he films facial expressions, eyes is second to no one. amazing soundtrack!!!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 03, 2016, 09:34:49 PM
Quote from: AXNAAR on January 11, 2016, 01:28:15 PM
A mate has recommended 'Savages' also with Benicio Del Toro so will be watching that next. EDIT: Just seen that Savages is a 12 certificate so I doubt there'll be any beheadings or faces being cut off.

Savages is one of the most god awful movies I've ever seen. I'd recommend skipping it.

While not all gore and violence, Ridley Scott's "The Counselor" could be recommended as a pseudo-Cartel movie
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on February 08, 2016, 01:12:33 PM
Quote from: AXNAAR on January 06, 2016, 06:07:37 PM
Quote from: TS on January 06, 2016, 04:05:03 PM
Thank you. I've seen, and enjoyed The Thing and From Beyond, but the other ones are unfamiliar. Gonna see Street Trash tonight.

Definitely in for a treat! Watch Basket Case trilogy next - great fun! Some other good fun horror classics: Brain Damage, Re-Animator (and sequels), Evilspeak, The Deadly Spawn, Critters, Body Melt, Shrunken Heads, Braindead, Bad Taste, The Monster Squad

Street Trash!
Quite shit in the best of ways. Did not expect the Warriors-ish depiction of NY homeless living. I was hoping for something more serious as I generally don't want humor in my horror, but I enjoyed it anyway. It was almost like three movies rolled up in one: Booze infused melt-down horror flick, post-apocalyptic homeless hierarchy film, and cop movie. Classy.

Society was another oddball. Its moral lesson was not very deep, but nicely executed in the end. I know I was in for some severe debauchery but I did not see that coming. Had it not been for the ending, the movie would have been absolute shit. I guess that was part of the point. On the topic of body horror and Cronenberg, I discovered to my delight that I hadn't seen The Brood. It was fucking great, as expected. I consider myself to be quite desensitized to gore, it's not something I really care about for its own sake, but the Cronenbergian gore is different, somehow.

I also watched Dogtooth, that was recommended in this thread. Good idea, thematically and visually reminding me a bit of another Greek movie I saw recently, Miss Violence. Patriarchal family structure, clean post-2000 style colours and filming, confused and oppressed youth. I don't wanna spoil it by saying any more. The best movies I've had the pleasure of watching recently, are all Ulrich Seidl movies, though. Paradise: Love, Paradise: Hope, and the best of them all, Import/Export. This movie has almost everything I like in it. Anyone with a fascination for decayed social housing, gypsies, violence, and labour should watch it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on February 14, 2016, 02:28:23 PM
In several recent posts there was some talk about David Cronenberg's films. I am somehow ashamed to admit that I have only seen Shivers ages ago and so I'm quite curious about the must seens, the good ones and the not so good ones. Thanks for your recommendations!

EDIT: Just noticed that  'Cosmopolis', which I watched last weekend,  was also directed by Cronenberg. It was ok, nothing special. I liked the book from Don DeLillo.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 14, 2016, 04:27:39 PM

This flick have a lot of potential! Being out in the woods the cinema selection here is quite poor. Anyone seen this?

TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeqtG4mwsOg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeqtG4mwsOg)

.... Other than that... I've caught a documentary about US photographer William Eggleston titled the - In The Real World - Quite good. Also caught the religious self-annihilation of 'The Passion of Joan of Arc'. Silent film by Danish director Carl Theodor Dreyer (check 'Ordet' if you haven't seen it already!). Plus rewatch of: Alexander Sokurov's "biographic" about Hitler - Moloch -. If I remember correctly, the latter is part of a film-triology which included 'Sun' and was it Lenin? Can't remember the last.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on February 15, 2016, 02:27:14 AM
QuoteAlso caught the religious self-annihilation of 'The Passion of Joan of Arc'. Silent film by Danish director Carl Theodor Dreyer
Always preferred Sandrine Bonnaire in Rivette's JOAN THE MAID [1994].
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 15, 2016, 05:03:52 PM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on February 15, 2016, 02:27:14 AM
QuoteAlso caught the religious self-annihilation of 'The Passion of Joan of Arc'. Silent film by Danish director Carl Theodor Dreyer
Always preferred Sandrine Bonnaire in Rivette's JOAN THE MAID [1994].

Can't remember if I've seen that one, though Rivette is a well-known name. Have to check, thanx! Dreyer's version is masterclass in lighting and immediate minimalist composition (as seen in Ozu). The acting is like watching fluid russian icons. Remarkable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on February 21, 2016, 01:06:59 PM
Gaspar Noe's "Love" (2015)
Pornographic melodrama with enough sentimental substance to avoid being merely a "glamourous" sex movie. Enjoyed it and is substantially better than Von Trier's "Nymphomaniac". It apparently has 3d elements too but I don't know about that.

"Circle" (2015)
Simple set-up, 50 people in a room against their volition being picked off by "them" based on a voting system employing everyone else in the room. I guess it seeks to exploit the best and worst of people and lead perhaps a conversation about morals, ethics, prejudice and I don't know that it achieves this as cleverly as it tries. But I quite enjoyed it, would've just preferred it to be a little more sincere.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on February 23, 2016, 05:49:20 PM
Arrow's recent Blu-ray and DVD Cronenberg reissues also include Videodrome with a boxed set including early films Stereo and Crimes of the future. Videodrome extras are pretty much as on the previous DVD from Crierion
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: oOoOoOo on February 24, 2016, 07:20:44 PM
I just watched the anime Perfect Blue last night. It was a very surreal experience, especially considering I have been having a bit more anxiety than usual. I don't have the patience to sit all the way through films or any form of media albeit video games, what have you. So I ended up watching 20 - 30 minute segments and then putting it down at the more intense parts, walking away so I could process what I just saw and then come back when I feel ready. I really loved that movie, it's not often that I feel a movie takes over the senses and just lets me sink into it. Often I feel like what I'm experiencing is gimmicky, but that's not the case with Perfect Blue. I was a legitimately mind fucking psychological thriller.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Marko-V on March 26, 2016, 11:49:04 PM
Just watched Kim Ki-Duk's Moebius. I've seen probably all his movies and I knew to expect a bunch of unhappy characters in distressing situations but I still was kinda surprised about Moebius. At first, an off-the-wall crazy mom castrates her teenage son and that's where the story begins. Failed penis transplant leads to a search of alternate ways of self-satisfaction and when loony mama returns home things get 'a bit complicated'. Somebody could state this as a story of father-son relationship, but I say this is a movie where wacky characters do nasty things to each other and themselves in not-too-gory fashion. You really don't need any gory details in this one in order to squirm uncomfortably and check out if everything is ok 'downstairs'. One more remarkable thing, there's no dialogue at all.
Back in 80's and 90's I used to check low budget horror films in order to find some far-out nasty & entertaining flicks but nowadays international art house cinema seems to fill that need much better.
Perfect companion to Lars von Trier's Antichrist (which I enjoyed as well).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on March 27, 2016, 04:49:31 PM
Quote from: Marko-V on March 26, 2016, 11:49:04 PMBack in 80's and 90's I used to check low budget horror films in order to find some far-out nasty & entertaining flicks but nowadays international art house cinema seems to fill that need much better.

Maybe you've just gotten more sophisticated.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 27, 2016, 07:34:03 PM
Re the prior entry-sophistication may be part of it but equally the past is the past and the terrain changes so what was extreme/outre is no longer so.
For me current horror appears largely tame whilst films I used to dismiss  drying the 80's and90's now seem  wilder than they were- with some exceptions, Maniac was a favourite at it's release and remains so alongside Basket Case (though not the sequels).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: C601 on March 29, 2016, 02:49:20 AM
The VVitch-2015 great Puritan occult darkness.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on April 10, 2016, 03:55:34 PM
Watched 'Tale of Tales'  by Matteo Garrone (Primo Amore, Gomorrah,...) yesterday. Based on a collection of 17th century fairytales called Pentamerone. Was nice entertainment with some great pictures and fine soundtrack. Also with known actors like Vincent Cassel and Salma Hayek.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Sturmfieber on April 12, 2016, 04:20:34 AM
"The Revenant" was fucking awesome! "The Witch" was quite good as well.

A few others I saw lately were "Nosferatu the Vampyre", "Contraband" (1980), the "Violence Jack" series, "Kashchei the Immortal", and "The Defiance of Good".

Oh yeah, also watching "M" at the moment. Pretty good so far.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on April 16, 2016, 04:45:02 PM
Really looking forward to The Witch, but I think I'll have to wait for an eventual DVD/Blue-Ray release, as it surely won't be in cinemas 'round here.

Watched "City of the Living Dead" (Paura nella città dei morti viventi) by Lucio Fulci this morning.
Good with very good soundtrack (Fabio Frizzi)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on April 16, 2016, 10:56:01 PM
Quote from: cr on April 16, 2016, 04:45:02 PMWatched "City of the Living Dead" (Paura nella città dei morti viventi) by Lucio Fulci this morning.
Good with very good soundtrack (Fabio Frizzi)
Just watched that last weekend, reeeeal good stuff. Flying maggots scene is the business. Watched another one before it called The Boy which was excellent too. It's not that lame looking one about a scary dolly, it's a different one set in the late 80s about a young kid growing up in an isolated motel with his dad and sinister things ensue. It ended exactly how I wanted it to.

Went to see Sion Sono's new monster turtle film last night called Love & Peace. It was as bonkers as we've come to expect from Sion Sono. Sometimes you want a film to show you things you've never seen before and never thought you would, and that's when he comes in handy. It was kind of like Toy Story and Phantom of the Paradise met Godzilla and some christmas movie and they all fucked.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on April 17, 2016, 01:57:42 AM
Watched "Observance" in the cinema recently and it worked for me. A few loose ends I suppose but still pretty good. But I couldn't understand why the movie was set in Sydney but everyone had American accents. Probably to get more of a market overseas I suppose.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on April 23, 2016, 11:00:42 AM
Long live the new flesh!
Well, finally watched Videodrome for the first time (no joke). Not much more to say here, I think, at least I understand now what the fuss is all about... And Debbie Harry is great!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on April 23, 2016, 02:49:48 PM
Watched Fear Eats The Soul and The Tenderness of Wolves over the last two nights. A lot of crossover between the two in terms of the people involved. The former is the superior film but The Tenderness... is very solid too.

Finally get to see Hausu in the cinema tonight after many years of home viewings. Will be great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Eastern Embargo on April 26, 2016, 08:17:46 AM

Recently watched Miike's Over Your Dead Body. One of his better films after 13 and Hara.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on April 30, 2016, 04:22:32 PM
Two classics in a row:

Maniac (William Lustig)
No comment needed. Joe Spinell is just amazing.

Who Can Kill a Child? [ ¿Quién puede matar a un niño?] ( Narciso Ibáñez Serrador)
Watched this for the first time. Scary little monsters... "Oh, yes...there are lots of children in the world. Lots of them."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on April 30, 2016, 04:48:22 PM
Quote from: cr on April 30, 2016, 04:22:32 PM
Who Can Kill a Child? [ ¿Quién puede matar a un niño?]

Now that looks promising, "Lord of the Flies" gone hyper. Must track it down some time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Eastern Embargo on May 01, 2016, 07:02:57 AM

Enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 02, 2016, 04:53:06 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on April 30, 2016, 04:48:22 PM
Quote from: cr on April 30, 2016, 04:22:32 PM
Who Can Kill a Child? [ ¿Quién puede matar a un niño?]

Now that looks promising, "Lord of the Flies" gone hyper. Must track it down some time.

don't get suckered into the recent remake which lacks all the creepy atmosphere and menace of the original.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on May 02, 2016, 05:54:02 PM
Didn't know there's a remake. With the same title?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 02, 2016, 05:55:22 PM
I watched Rolling Thunder on Friday night.

They really knew how to make a post-traumatic Vietnam revenge flick in the 70s.

Watched a few other things too but I don't reckon they're "special interests" enough for this crowd.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 04, 2016, 07:10:10 PM
remake of who can kill a child is called 'come out and play' 2012 effort from Mexico. can't recall the director's name though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on May 04, 2016, 09:10:34 PM
Quote from: aububs on May 02, 2016, 05:55:22 PM
I watched Rolling Thunder on Friday night.

They really knew how to make a post-traumatic Vietnam revenge flick in the 70s.

Watched a few other things too but I don't reckon they're "special interests" enough for this crowd.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"
"I'm gonna kill a bunch of people."

Great flick but the whole hook thing was kinda ridiculous.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Sturmfieber on May 07, 2016, 06:58:32 AM
Enter the Void
The Red Queen Kills 7 Times
The first Faces of Death
Mosquito the Rapist
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 15, 2016, 12:35:46 AM
just watched Evilspeak.

the possessed pig nude shower attack was novel.

great movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cutter on May 15, 2016, 02:48:35 AM
"Slaughtered Vomit Dolls"
found some fragments on youtube as a music video for some track from s.t.a.b. electronics
fortunately i found the whole movie and for me its pretty nice, i can say, i recommend that!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on May 15, 2016, 08:27:21 PM
"Life During Wartime," Todd Solondz, 2003 - Sequel to his exceedingly well-done black comedy, Happiness, except filmed with a completely different cast. Oddly enough, the guy playing a character previously performed by Phillip Seymour Hoffman is a tall black guy. Easily as funny as the former but a little more stylish in visual approach, but still uneasy and nauseous like Scorsese's "The King Of Comedy." Basically a story about people trying to sustain happiness and stave off paranoia and such after coming out of really dysfunctional periods in their lives. Plus, the pedophile father from Happiness tracks down his now-college-aged son for another really good father-son heart-to-heart. "Do you like women? I mean, really like women? Do you ever fantasize...about approaching them, fucking them, raping them?" Some of the better and funnier dialogue in any movie I've seen. I'd probably even buy it, when I track down another copy of Happiness and the uncensored DVD version of Storytelling. Also, more movies should take note that sex scenes between unattractive people are easier to watch than Hollywood "softcore porn" using unrealistic-looking actors.

Anybody see the Lovelace biopic with Amanda Seyfried? "You won't like it, sugar!"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on May 15, 2016, 10:25:01 PM
I keep hearing that the follow up to happiness is good but I find it impossible to get passed that none of the original cast is in it.

I've seen Lovelace. It paints Traynor out to be the one to blame for everything. While I'm sure he was an unsavoury character the film glosses over Lovelace's own flaws and it also paints a very rosy picture of her parents which I find very hard to believe. In other words, it's bullshit.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Marko-V on May 19, 2016, 01:39:08 PM
Quote from: Peterson on May 15, 2016, 08:27:21 PM
"Life During Wartime," Todd Solondz, 2003 - Sequel to his exceedingly well-done black comedy, Happiness, except filmed with a completely different cast. Oddly enough, the guy playing a character previously performed by Phillip Seymour Hoffman is a tall black guy. Easily as funny as the former but a little more stylish in visual approach, but still uneasy and nauseous like Scorsese's "The King Of Comedy."

In Happiness, Hoffman making a phone call to Lara Flynn Boyle is a classic. I have seen Life During Wartime DVD many times at the shelf of my local library so I guess I have to grab it one of these days.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Marko-V on May 19, 2016, 01:54:25 PM
As a fan of 70's cannibal genre I was happy to see Eli Roth's Green Inferno recently (dubbed in spanish on youtube). Sure it was gory but I still expected it to be even more brutal than it was. But still, I am happy to see someone revitalizing the good-old jungle holocaust tradition which I used to love. Even the crappiest ones are much more interesting, for various reasons, than most of today's horror films (a good comparison for piece-of-shit Wrong Turn 5 which I saw yesterday).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Duality on May 20, 2016, 05:59:32 PM
Following on from what Peterson was saying about Scorsese, I decided to watch The Last Temptation of Christ. It's an interesting film and I like the take on Jesus as a confused and scared human, rather than an all-knowing god. It has a bit too much of a Love one another message for my liking but I still enjoyed its approach to Christ from something else other than another boring biblical adaption. There are bits that where kind of cheesy, like when Satan tries to tempt Jesus in the desert but overall I liked it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on May 20, 2016, 07:23:19 PM
Yesterday I caught a short glimpse at the 4th or 5th episode of a series called "Jordskott" (I think). So don't really know what's going on there. Somehow looked like a Swedish version of Twin Peaks. Has anybody seen it/could recommend or comment on it?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Euro Trash Bazooka on May 21, 2016, 06:37:52 PM
Quote from: Duality on May 20, 2016, 05:59:32 PM
Following on from what Peterson was saying about Scorsese, I decided to watch The Last Temptation of Christ.

Incredible soundtrack.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Sturmfieber on June 06, 2016, 05:50:55 AM
A Serbian Film
The Sinful Dwarf
Heavy Metal Parking Lot
American Guinea Pig
Andy Warhol's Bad
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 06, 2016, 09:11:12 AM
Watched Cure on Friday night, a Japanese film from 1997 about a series of unexplained killings. Very calm, well made movie. Thought it was great.

Also watched Disney's Zootopia yesterday. Wonderful cartoon about inclusiveness and acceptance amongst all species. I think you'd all love it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on June 07, 2016, 10:48:07 PM
Bride of Reanimator- Director Approved 3-Disc Limited Edition - Blu-ray + DVD: Long overdue for a re-release, the original DVD looked like a bad VHS rip but added a certain charm. The packaging is INCREDIBLE, the artwork, bordering, the neon green reanimation fluid tint on everything. No need to go into detail as to the overall quality as anything that improved upon the Anchor Bay version is a step forward, both Blu-ray and DVD look just perfect, the ending in all it's touched up glory is something TRULY to behold and a totally brilliant tribute to Bride of Frankenstein (another one of my favorite movies of all time). Haven't gotten to the pretty large comic that comes with it yet but that comes next.

Almost forgot, any commentary with Jeffrey Combs is going to be entertaining and insightful no matter what.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: addictor33 on June 10, 2016, 09:06:19 PM
new winding refn flick called "the neon demon" - highly recommended!

underage girl starts model career in la and finds sucess but no appreciation from her older competitors who see themselves endangered because of her.
ultra stylish visuals and the refn-trademark-violence (pretty nice scenes considiring the fact that its still a mainstream movie). soundtrack is outstanding. droning synth melodies and cheesy "feminine" housebeats, basically pure electronics all over. fits PERFECT to the film.
"the neon demon" walks the same path "only god forgives" did. no emotions at all. cold and cool looking, hard to classify, but very powerful.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on June 11, 2016, 05:12:33 AM
Just watched HYENA (2014) - very good, violent, tense British gangster/cop film - with a shite ending.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 11, 2016, 10:03:12 AM
i really liked Hyena too, and i handled the ending well.

last night i watched ANGEL DUST. absolutely fantastic japanese unexplained murders movie from 1994. hadn't seen it before but i'm just gonna go ahead and say it's one of the best films of the 90s. stunning stuff.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 12, 2016, 04:45:10 PM
Quote from: addictor33 on June 10, 2016, 09:06:19 PMthe "neon demon" walks the same path "only god forgives" did.

i thought only god forgives was rubbish and i'm expecting more of the same nonsense from this new one. refn used to make good movies, now he just makes music videos.

went to this in the cinema last night. reckon most of you would love it. it's actually really racist if that helps!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: oOoOoOo on June 27, 2016, 03:33:14 AM
I just watched Pink Flamingos by John Waters. FUCK YES!! It was disgusting. During the first 49 minutes of the film I felt so depressed and nauseated at what I was watching, then I went and ate two huge bowls of oatmeal and downed some honey and felt fat as fuck and took all my clothes off and finished the movie and felt great. I can't believe Divine actually ate dog shit, that girl was cut from a different cloth RIP. Sick film, absolutely nauseating and depressing, but to be honest I want more films like it now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: oOoOoOo on June 27, 2016, 01:49:49 PM
Quote from: Peterson on June 27, 2016, 06:44:36 AM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on June 27, 2016, 03:33:14 AMI can't believe Divine actually ate dog shit, that girl was cut from a different cloth

Divine was a guy.
I know, I was just calling him she, I just tend to do that when someone is presenting as a female. I know he's not transgender or something. I think it's just a general thing in gay culture, to call someone she when they present as female, whether it be crossdressers or transgender. I could be totally wrong about that and just being incorrect, and I can't say for sure, but I've been around gay chat rooms for years and that's my instinct.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on June 27, 2016, 02:12:25 PM
In Italy we have an annoying fucktards that somehow reminds Divine.

less entertaining, but no idea if he shares the same diet.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 28, 2016, 10:46:37 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on June 27, 2016, 02:12:25 PM
In Italy we have an annoying fucktards that somehow reminds Divine.

less entertaining, but no idea if he shares the same diet.

Uhhh... that's truly disgusting glam! Forze!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on July 04, 2016, 08:44:26 PM
The Witch - complete bomb.
Far away from the typical feminist "good witch" trend. Intense and superbly acted.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on July 04, 2016, 09:25:39 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on July 04, 2016, 08:44:26 PMthe typical feminist "good witch" trend.

i completely agree with you about The Witch but could you give some examples of this trend?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 04, 2016, 09:33:10 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on July 04, 2016, 08:44:26 PM
The Witch - complete bomb.
Far away from the typical feminist "good witch" trend. Intense and superbly acted.

Is "complete bomb" good or bad? In the U.S., it's bad.

I liked The Witch though I was expecting not to due to all of the positive comments I had read. Good soundtrack, too. At some point, I'll pick it up on blu-ray if I find a copy dirt cheap.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on July 04, 2016, 09:47:13 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 04, 2016, 09:33:10 PMIs "complete bomb" good or bad? In the U.S., it's bad.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0lQC9uvQFw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0lQC9uvQFw)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 04, 2016, 09:48:52 PM
Quote from: aububs on July 04, 2016, 09:47:13 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 04, 2016, 09:33:10 PMIs "complete bomb" good or bad? In the U.S., it's bad.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0lQC9uvQFw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0lQC9uvQFw)

Oh, yeah. I was thinking something that 'has bombed'. Gotta keep up with the lingo from now on!

Over the weekend, I watched The Boys from Brazil, Force Five, The Boogey Man, Sleep Tight, & The Nameless (by the Spanish director of ST).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on July 04, 2016, 10:46:11 PM
The Witch was the best new horror movie I've seen in years, I mostly hate newer or modern horror movies especially the last few trends (human centipede/torture porn bullshit which does nothing for me) so I'm no authority on the subject by any means as I just watch the same old classics over and over. Agreed that the soundtrack is incredible, I've been listening to it while working for the past few days and it really reminds me of Pendrecki. I'm going to probably buy the vinyl tonight..

I also love how the movie keeps you wondering if this is just puritan insanity/hysteria or actually some sort of witchery going on until the end....kind of like how the Shining seems to hint that it's all based on mental illness through the first acts until the ending where it's ultimately revealed that is was ghostly/supernatural influence that lead him into insanity all along. An approach used very effectively in a similar way in a lot of the classic Twilight Zone episodes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on July 05, 2016, 01:56:26 AM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on July 04, 2016, 10:46:11 PMI also love how the movie keeps you wondering if this is just puritan insanity/hysteria or actually some sort of witchery going on until the end...

Hard to talk about this without dropping spoilers but...the witch is shown to be very real long before the end. Baby soup anyone?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on July 05, 2016, 02:49:57 AM
Ehhh...spoiler alert...

The way she is presented though in those initial scenes is in very surreal, almost dreamlike scenes in my opinion that when you're watching the movie the first time are kind of ambigious, and with the young girl hinting that she is the witch potentially (I have a huge theory about what this movie is ACTUALLY about, which is essentially the teenage girl going widdershins back in time and killing her family), but when you're first watching the movie you're not sure if its a dream, a delusion, the teenage girl doing this, an actual witch? At least that's the impression I got. I see what you mean though, it essentially states that there IS a witch and she is the one that stole the baby in the first few scenes. But who or what is the witch? I think it's the teenage daughter as stated before.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on July 05, 2016, 10:15:02 AM
I've never heard that word "widdershins" before. Just googled it. Cool word!

I can see how you might read the movie that way. I enjoyed taking it all pretty literally myself. Sometimes I prefer when movies dispense with ambiguity and just give you baby mashing witches.

I'm going to watch it again soon and I'll keep your theory in mind as I do.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on July 11, 2016, 07:43:39 PM
Quote from: addictor33 on June 10, 2016, 09:06:19 PM
new winding refn flick called "the neon demon" - highly recommended!

underage girl starts model career in la and finds sucess but no appreciation from her older competitors who see themselves endangered because of her.
ultra stylish visuals and the refn-trademark-violence (pretty nice scenes considiring the fact that its still a mainstream movie). soundtrack is outstanding. droning melodies, "feminine" housebeats with simple synthriffs (quite cheesy ones) and pure synthesizer works with shining moments. fits PERFECT to the film.
the "neon demon" walks the same path "only god forgives" did. no emotions at all. cold and cool looking, hard to classify, but very powerful.

just saw this.

one or two good bits in an ocean of garbage.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on July 12, 2016, 12:40:41 AM
watched The Witch yesterday very good and original my kind of ''horror''
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on July 13, 2016, 12:57:51 AM
great to see you liked the witch
bomb in Italian is positive!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on July 13, 2016, 11:12:58 AM
Speaking of witches...I just watched Witchcraft through the Ages, the Burroughs-narrated shorter version of Benjamin Christensen's  Häxan from 1922. Wonderful.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on July 13, 2016, 12:42:07 PM
Witch movies, eh? I saw Witchcraft (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0236524/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ov_pl) in the cinema when it came out and it still strikes me as one of the better movies dealing with the subject, coming as it does from the lust-addled derangement of the good Xtian persecutor. Great ending, had me doing a Black Metal scream to the amusement/embarrassment of my friends at the time. Really must try to track the dvd down of it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on July 16, 2016, 12:59:26 AM
amazing movie. my nipples were rock hard from beginning to end.

at times it's like a runzelstirn & gurgelstock live show.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: calaverasgrande on July 16, 2016, 04:47:47 AM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on June 27, 2016, 03:33:14 AM
I just watched Pink Flamingos by John Waters. FUCK YES!! It was disgusting. During the first 49 minutes of the film I felt so depressed and nauseated at what I was watching, then I went and ate two huge bowls of oatmeal and downed some honey and felt fat as fuck and took all my clothes off and finished the movie and felt great. I can't believe Divine actually ate dog shit, that girl was cut from a different cloth RIP. Sick film, absolutely nauseating and depressing, but to be honest I want more films like it now.
Go watch all of them now.
Esp Multiple Maniacs and Female Trouble.
I was pretty let down when Waters went mainstream and made stuff like "Pecker" and "Hairspray". I love his older movies. They are harsh in a way that is hard to comprehend now. You think any of that coprophagia or beastiality is hard to take, imagine 40 years ago? But at the same time they are fun and playful.
I just imagine Waters and a bunch of his friends getting fucked up and running around all weekend with a 16mm camera.  People seem genuinely drunk and/or high, not that fake Cheech and Chong kind of high.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: untitled on August 03, 2016, 08:33:17 PM
I didn't really know where to post... I am curious if anybody knows from what movie are the clips between 1:40 and 2:05 extracted. I am talking about this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRDMt2Rg8E0

I hope this post is not inopportune.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 03, 2016, 11:03:29 PM
Quote from: aububs on July 16, 2016, 12:59:26 AM
amazing movie. my nipples were rock hard from beginning to end.

at times it's like a runzelstirn & gurgelstock live show.


Been waiting for this one myself as well... Looking forward to check it out. Judging from the trailer its better than his previous films. Nice poster.

Recently watched series Stranger Tales, Preacher, Michael Salerno's Kiddiepunk Cartoons: plus: Se7en (rewatch, post noir with blade runner grimness), De Dødes Tjern (rewatch, norwegian '50s horror classic), Cemetery of Splendour and Terence Davies' 19-95 flick The Neon Bible.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 04, 2016, 01:59:36 AM
Michael Salerno's Kiddiepunk Cartoons

I just took a look at some of those. I like tornadoes quite a bit but never want to experience one up close. I've experienced the damage of 'straight-line winds' & that was scary enough.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 05, 2016, 11:28:25 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 04, 2016, 01:59:36 AM
Michael Salerno's Kiddiepunk Cartoons

I just took a look at some of those. I like tornadoes quite a bit but never want to experience one up close. I've experienced the damage of 'straight-line winds' & that was scary enough.

In Norway we don't have this privilige, at least not where I am living. The films are quite good in my opinon. Did you ever check out Salerno's visual work in his zines? The Teenage Satanist's in Oklahoma series? Four issues so far...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: calaverasgrande on August 05, 2016, 09:53:57 PM
I read in one of the earlier posts fr0m a few years ago a mention of 'Nekromantic'.
That is one of those movies that my edgy industrial/goth friends always loved to talk about. Often mentioned in the same breath as 'Faces of Death'.
These of course date to the pre-internet VHS era. When you could not easily get information on such things. When you could track down a copy, it was shit.
My friend Ven who is a total pervert and has just about anything you can imagine on vinyl, tape or some other medium*, was the person who finally busted out copies of both movies. Well several since there is more than one FoD.
I have to say, not that impressed. But then again I saw it on grainy as hell VHS at the height of my jaded not giving a fuck about anything but drugs, sex and alcohol. I'm surprised I ever got anything done musically in the early 90's at all.
Maybe a better resolution copy would impact my mostly sober more grown up mind.
But then with all the terror and bullshit in the real world, who needs to go looking for some rusty old gore porn/snuff film?
I can go watch ISIL burn some guy alive or behead them. In HD nonetheless!

* my friend had not one but two different movie disc players. The laserdisc format that was briefly popular in the US, and the capacitive disc format from Japan.  I will admit that Blade Runner was mind meltingly good on the capacitive disc player. He also had several copies of Brazil and Apocalypse Now in addition to Blade Runner because he was obsessed with the whole 'alternate ending' thing with those movies. There are a couple others that he had different releases of, but they were stupid movies like "Heathers".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 06, 2016, 02:07:40 AM
nekromantik is a fantastic movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on August 06, 2016, 05:53:52 PM
Quote from: Peterson on August 05, 2016, 08:10:33 PM
Watchmen (Zack Snyder, 2009) - Decent enough for a comic movie, which I rarely go for. I'm a big fan of the comic, so I wish they'd have kept the fake alien toward the end, and that they hadn't changed Rorschach's dialogue so much, but it still works overall. One of the only computer-effects-heavy movies I really like, in that they are what made it "feel" like the comic book. [anyone here seen "Little Children?" apparently the guy playing Rorschach plays a child molester, looks like mostly good reviews]

Although only borrowing the movie from the local library, I quite liked this and should get a copy sometime. It occurred to me that if I liked the movie I would really dig the original comic. Rorschach is an excellent character, thought some of his lines in the movie are the best ("Men go to prison. DOGS get put down!"), if the dialog in the comic is better I really should track it down.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: locustfurnace on August 06, 2016, 07:53:02 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on August 06, 2016, 05:53:52 PM
Quote from: Peterson on August 05, 2016, 08:10:33 PM
Watchmen (Zack Snyder, 2009) - Decent enough for a comic movie, which I rarely go for. I'm a big fan of the comic, so I wish they'd have kept the fake alien toward the end, and that they hadn't changed Rorschach's dialogue so much, but it still works overall. One of the only computer-effects-heavy movies I really like, in that they are what made it "feel" like the comic book. [anyone here seen "Little Children?" apparently the guy playing Rorschach plays a child molester, looks like mostly good reviews]

Although only borrowing the movie from the local library, I quite liked this and should get a copy sometime. It occurred to me that if I liked the movie I would really dig the original comic. Rorschach is an excellent character, thought some of his lines in the movie are the best ("Men go to prison. DOGS get put down!"), if the dialog in the comic is better I really should track it down.

"I heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Life seems harsh, and cruel. Says he feels all alone in threatening world. Doctor says: "Treatment is simple. The great clown - Pagliacci - is in town. Go see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. "But doctor..." he says "I am Pagliacci." Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains."

"Rorschach's Journal. October 12th, 1985: Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "no.""

He had all the best lines....
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on August 07, 2016, 02:06:58 AM
Quote from: calaverasgrande on August 05, 2016, 09:53:57 PM
I read in one of the earlier posts fr0m a few years ago a mention of 'Nekromantic'.
That is one of those movies that my edgy industrial/goth friends always loved to talk about. Often mentioned in the same breath as 'Faces of Death'.
These of course date to the pre-internet VHS era. When you could not easily get information on such things. When you could track down a copy, it was shit.
My friend Ven who is a total pervert and has just about anything you can imagine on vinyl, tape or some other medium*, was the person who finally busted out copies of both movies. Well several since there is more than one FoD.
I have to say, not that impressed. But then again I saw it on grainy as hell VHS at the height of my jaded not giving a fuck about anything but drugs, sex and alcohol. I'm surprised I ever got anything done musically in the early 90's at all.
Maybe a better resolution copy would impact my mostly sober more grown up mind.
But then with all the terror and bullshit in the real world, who needs to go looking for some rusty old gore porn/snuff film?
I can go watch ISIL burn some guy alive or behead them. In HD nonetheless!

Give it another chance I'd say, I had a similar experience and wasn't into that much when I was younger, few years ago went back and watched it again after it was re-released and was definitely into it. It's not the most groundbreaking film of all time obviously, but I can see why in the 80's it was rumored the body was an actual rotting corpse, it looks wet and drippy definitely and they apparently used real pig eyes for the part when he puts the eyeball in his mouth when they're fucking it. The whole movie and the grainy shite quality give it a feel I like a lot, I just have to be in the mood...but having said that the soundtrack alone also deserves mention. Slightly Throbbing Gristleish, and in the liner notes for the recently released soundtrack LP director mentions TG was a huge influence. The music to this movie always pulls me in, and usually puts me in the mood to watch it.

I need to go back and watch the sequel again soon too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 07, 2016, 02:49:26 AM
Nekromantik looks great in the new hd scan of the original 8mm film elements. There is also a second transfer taken from a 35mm theatrical print if the other transfer isn't rough enough for you.

Check out the 'Sex Murder Art' set from Cult Epics with all 4 of Buttgerit's films along with 2 cd's. And while you're at it, pick up In A Glass Cage & Angst, also from Cult Epics.

I received Blue Underground's bd of Deep Red today..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 07, 2016, 10:44:49 AM
nekromantik is a really sweet and romantic movie, almost childlike. the visuals and the necrophilia have made it notorious in certain quarters but i feel like it's often overlooked how sentimental and good-hearted that movie actually is. it's for big softies.

I watched The Last Slumber Party last night. Chris is the best character in a movie ever.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on August 09, 2016, 12:57:34 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 07, 2016, 02:49:26 AM

I received Blue Underground's bd of Deep Red today..

How's it look? I need to get a bd player finally since I watch so many movies.

I love Deep Red but Inferno will always be my favorite, even more then Suspira, would love to see the quality of that movie with all the psychedelic color and lighting in bd quality.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on August 09, 2016, 01:02:10 AM
Just watched the old punk movie Suburbia the other night which was actually alright, I like that the director used actual punk kids rather then training actors or anything. Seeing TSOL when they're in their early 20's playing live for a minute is pretty fantastic too, I actually cracked up when the singer hit the skinhead kid in the back of the head and caused the brawl. Despite being a feel good movie it has several pretty violent scenes with extremely young kids getting killed in brutal ways to start and end the movie. Good way to open and close a film even though it isn't too over the top/gory and not graphic at all I still imagine it was shocking for people at the time (early 80's), along with the original Assault on Precinct 13 I'd guess it probably played a role in cementing the taboo of showing children being killed in mainstream movies.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 09, 2016, 08:14:56 PM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on August 09, 2016, 12:57:34 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 07, 2016, 02:49:26 AM

I received Blue Underground's bd of Deep Red today..

How's it look? I need to get a bd player finally since I watch so many movies.

I love Deep Red but Inferno will always be my favorite, even more then Suspira, would love to see the quality of that movie with all the psychedelic color and lighting in bd quality.

D.R. looks good, there's quite a bit of grain so it's not as clean as Synapse's release of Tenebrae. I think Suspiria is going to look amazing when Synapse get their 4k transfer released next year & Code Red has Opera coming 'soon'. I have a torrent of Inferno but haven't watched it yet. All I remember is the underwater scene.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on August 10, 2016, 10:30:36 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 09, 2016, 08:14:56 PM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on August 09, 2016, 12:57:34 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 07, 2016, 02:49:26 AM

I received Blue Underground's bd of Deep Red today..

How's it look? I need to get a bd player finally since I watch so many movies.

I love Deep Red but Inferno will always be my favorite, even more then Suspira, would love to see the quality of that movie with all the psychedelic color and lighting in bd quality.

D.R. looks good, there's quite a bit of grain so it's not as clean as Synapse's release of Tenebrae. I think Suspiria is going to look amazing when Synapse get their 4k transfer released next year & Code Red has Opera coming 'soon'. I have a torrent of Inferno but haven't watched it yet. All I remember is the underwater scene.

I think the Suspiria 4k transfer is good motivation to have a blu ray disc player in some form by next year, you're right it's going to look incredible.

If you like the look of Suspiria I cannot suggest Inferno enough, it's for free on youtube and worth watching in any available form. I'd love to see a similar high quality transfer of it some day. Admittedly, Inferno is definitely 'light' on story and script but incredibly in depth on everything else. Underwater scene is definitely worth mention and remembering, but to me everything about this movie is. Every death is like a weird puzzle involving witchcraft, the lighting in all of it's trippy blue and red glory is unmatched, the music fits perfectly, I could write a book about this movie. Didn't hurt that I first saw it in my heavy drug days, but still going back and watching it sober it has the same strong impact on me.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: calaverasgrande on August 11, 2016, 09:07:49 AM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on August 09, 2016, 01:02:10 AM
Just watched the old punk movie Suburbia the other night which was actually alright, I like that the director used actual punk kids rather then training actors or anything. Seeing TSOL when they're in their early 20's playing live for a minute is pretty fantastic too, I actually cracked up when the singer hit the skinhead kid in the back of the head and caused the brawl. Despite being a feel good movie it has several pretty violent scenes with extremely young kids getting killed in brutal ways to start and end the movie. Good way to open and close a film even though it isn't too over the top/gory and not graphic at all I still imagine it was shocking for people at the time (early 80's), along with the original Assault on Precinct 13 I'd guess it probably played a role in cementing the taboo of showing children being killed in mainstream movies.
Too bad that most of Spheeris other movies are dreadful.
I do have a soft spot for early 80's punk and edge of punk movies.
Repo Man, Get Crazy, Dogs in Space, Decline and Fall... and Urggh a Music War.   
I am forgetting a bunch. What I love is that for all those movies get right (Dogs in Space was very much like my life in the 80's) they so often do the TV punks thing, which is innacurate but just so cartoonishly great.
Get Crazy is an accidental masterpiece. It has the dubious distinction of marking the nadir of Malcolm Mcdowell's acting career. About 10 years after Clockwork Orange?
It also features Ed Begley jr and Robert Picardo. Musically its 20 odd bands covering Hoochie Coochie Man.
Also drug references and McDowell talking to his penis.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on August 11, 2016, 09:54:45 PM
Quote from: calaverasgrande on August 11, 2016, 09:07:49 AM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on August 09, 2016, 01:02:10 AM
Just watched the old punk movie Suburbia the other night which was actually alright, I like that the director used actual punk kids rather then training actors or anything. Seeing TSOL when they're in their early 20's playing live for a minute is pretty fantastic too, I actually cracked up when the singer hit the skinhead kid in the back of the head and caused the brawl. Despite being a feel good movie it has several pretty violent scenes with extremely young kids getting killed in brutal ways to start and end the movie. Good way to open and close a film even though it isn't too over the top/gory and not graphic at all I still imagine it was shocking for people at the time (early 80's), along with the original Assault on Precinct 13 I'd guess it probably played a role in cementing the taboo of showing children being killed in mainstream movies.
Too bad that most of Spheeris other movies are dreadful.
I do have a soft spot for early 80's punk and edge of punk movies.
Repo Man, Get Crazy, Dogs in Space, Decline and Fall... and Urggh a Music War.  
I am forgetting a bunch. What I love is that for all those movies get right (Dogs in Space was very much like my life in the 80's) they so often do the TV punks thing, which is innacurate but just so cartoonishly great.
Get Crazy is an accidental masterpiece. It has the dubious distinction of marking the nadir of Malcolm Mcdowell's acting career. About 10 years after Clockwork Orange?
It also features Ed Begley jr and Robert Picardo. Musically its 20 odd bands covering Hoochie Coochie Man.
Also drug references and McDowell talking to his penis.

I haven't seen any of her other films for the most part with a few exceptions, but you're not the first person I've heard say that exact thing about her haha. Apparently she directed Waynes World and Black Sheep though, so she at least gets somewhat of a seal of approval from me haha...at least for Black Sheep which has possibly the best scene of a fat man falling down a mountain side in movie history. And that's a bold achievement.

You nailed it though, for everything these movies get right or realistic they also typically have a hollywoodish or after school special feeling to them, although having said that I grew up in a punk flop house for part of my youth and some of the shit from these movies still rings true or makes me recall some of the batshit crazy experiences I've had during that era of my life.

I've never heard of Get Crazy, but you sold me on the McDowell talking to his penis and drugs. Definitely going to have to hunt that one down now...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 12, 2016, 04:05:47 PM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on August 10, 2016, 10:30:36 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 09, 2016, 08:14:56 PM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on August 09, 2016, 12:57:34 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 07, 2016, 02:49:26 AM

I received Blue Underground's bd of Deep Red today..

How's it look? I need to get a bd player finally since I watch so many movies.

I love Deep Red but Inferno will always be my favorite, even more then Suspira, would love to see the quality of that movie with all the psychedelic color and lighting in bd quality.

suspiria and inferno are likely high points of argent's career. other stuff plenty good but these seem to be a pinnacle

D.R. looks good, there's quite a bit of grain so it's not as clean as Synapse's release of Tenebrae. I think Suspiria is going to look amazing when Synapse get their 4k transfer released next year & Code Red has Opera coming 'soon'. I have a torrent of Inferno but haven't watched it yet. All I remember is the underwater scene.

I think the Suspiria 4k transfer is good motivation to have a blu ray disc player in some form by next year, you're right it's going to look incredible.

If you like the look of Suspiria I cannot suggest Inferno enough, it's for free on youtube and worth watching in any available form. I'd love to see a similar high quality transfer of it some day. Admittedly, Inferno is definitely 'light' on story and script but incredibly in depth on everything else. Underwater scene is definitely worth mention and remembering, but to me everything about this movie is. Every death is like a weird puzzle involving witchcraft, the lighting in all of it's trippy blue and red glory is unmatched, the music fits perfectly, I could write a book about this movie. Didn't hurt that I first saw it in my heavy drug days, but still going back and watching it sober it has the same strong impact on me.

both suspiria and inferno represent a peak of argent's artistic genius.both are recommended in any artistically true format.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on August 13, 2016, 05:23:23 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on August 12, 2016, 04:05:47 PM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on August 10, 2016, 10:30:36 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 09, 2016, 08:14:56 PM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on August 09, 2016, 12:57:34 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 07, 2016, 02:49:26 AM

I received Blue Underground's bd of Deep Red today..

How's it look? I need to get a bd player finally since I watch so many movies.

I love Deep Red but Inferno will always be my favorite, even more then Suspira, would love to see the quality of that movie with all the psychedelic color and lighting in bd quality.

suspiria and inferno are likely high points of argent's career. other stuff plenty good but these seem to be a pinnacle

D.R. looks good, there's quite a bit of grain so it's not as clean as Synapse's release of Tenebrae. I think Suspiria is going to look amazing when Synapse get their 4k transfer released next year & Code Red has Opera coming 'soon'. I have a torrent of Inferno but haven't watched it yet. All I remember is the underwater scene.

I think the Suspiria 4k transfer is good motivation to have a blu ray disc player in some form by next year, you're right it's going to look incredible.

If you like the look of Suspiria I cannot suggest Inferno enough, it's for free on youtube and worth watching in any available form. I'd love to see a similar high quality transfer of it some day. Admittedly, Inferno is definitely 'light' on story and script but incredibly in depth on everything else. Underwater scene is definitely worth mention and remembering, but to me everything about this movie is. Every death is like a weird puzzle involving witchcraft, the lighting in all of it's trippy blue and red glory is unmatched, the music fits perfectly, I could write a book about this movie. Didn't hurt that I first saw it in my heavy drug days, but still going back and watching it sober it has the same strong impact on me.

both suspiria and inferno represent a peak of argent's artistic genius.both are recommended in any artistically true format.

Surprised to see at least one other person out there shares my appreciation of Inferno, a lot of people have seen Suspiria and like it, but Inferno seems to be a forgotten and under appreciated bastard child as usually when I bring it up I'm met with no response or blank stares.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 13, 2016, 08:53:17 PM
Last night was the bd of Polanski's classic, Repulsion, released by Criterion Collection. I bought it used on eBay & it arrived bouncing around in the case. I checked it & it freezes 50 minutes into the film so the seller told me to keep it & refunded my money. The film looks great & plays fine except the short freezes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 13, 2016, 09:33:35 PM
watched Baskin and The Green Inferno last night.

Baskin was ok.

Green Inferno is rubbish.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on August 14, 2016, 12:43:48 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 13, 2016, 08:53:17 PM
Last night was the bd of Polanski's classic, Repulsion, released by Criterion Collection. I bought it used on eBay & it arrived bouncing around in the case. I checked it & it freezes 50 minutes into the film so the seller told me to keep it & refunded my money. The film looks great & plays fine except the short freezes.

Take it to a record store/movie store/mom and pop media outlet if you have any in your location and ask if they have a disc buffer, usually most places only charge a few bucks per disc and that will possibly get your movie working, if you'd like.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 15, 2016, 08:54:59 PM
repulsion-absolute Polanski classic, possibly his high point, an arguable but defendable point or view.

recent purchases enjoyable but not in same league: deodato's washing machine,
'the sister of Ursula' Gallo sexploitation,
your cheating heart- a private eye story set in Glasgow's country and western underground with added musical interludes.s odd and banal as it sounds. perhaps you had to be there at the time to appreciate.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 19, 2016, 04:22:25 PM
just seen 'the editor' a smart Canadian low budget tribute to Gallo and other itallo films of a certain era.
not a film classic but very little to fault and lots of fun tracking visual and sound references.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 19, 2016, 05:28:03 PM
love The Editor. personally i think it's a total classic.

you should watch Father's Day if you haven't already.

and Manborg.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 19, 2016, 06:30:40 PM
not a new film or even for me new.
last night I watched the Texas chain saw massacre again.
ever since realising the date of the events of the film, following some book I read, I have been watching this film on the date that the ' fictional 'events happened.
the first time was the 40th anniversary when I watched it with barbeque meats.
I have since tried watching in real time (not a good experience)
also, last night just listening,- the soundtrack is so crucial to this film.

would encourage and be interested deep immersion into films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 19, 2016, 07:06:15 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on August 19, 2016, 06:30:40 PMI have since tried watching in real time

what do you mean by this?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 19, 2016, 07:17:23 PM
Quote from: aububs on August 19, 2016, 07:06:15 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on August 19, 2016, 06:30:40 PMI have since tried watching in real time

what do you mean by this?

as the events unfolded in the film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: calaverasgrande on August 22, 2016, 07:24:20 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on August 19, 2016, 06:30:40 PM

..also, last night just listening,- the soundtrack is so crucial to this film.
would encourage and be interested deep immersion into films.
This is such a crucial part of many films. I wrote a paper on the movie 'Brazil' in college. I picked it arbitrarily from movies I happened to have on VHS.
But after watching it over and over to log the exact way that themes are used in the film, I came away with a much clearer understanding of the movie.  Not because I watched it so many times. But rather because the score underlines exactly when the protagonist Sam escapes into a world of fantasy. A distinction that the visual aspect of the film is more ambiguous about.
I keep meaning to get a copy of Blade Runner to analyze in the same fashion.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on August 23, 2016, 09:08:21 PM
I play the Blade Runner soundtrack on at least a weekly basis as it's my favorite movie easily, wouldn't say the score underlines the unfolding sequence of events in the movie exactly but it damn sure captures the cyberpunk film-noir feeling of the film. It's also possibly the 'loneliest' sounding score and some of the most depressing music ever which fits the atmosphere and tone of the movie perfectly in my opinion (Blade Runner Blues comes to mind), definitely basically laid the blue print for bands like Killimanjaro Dark Jazz Quartet and Bohren.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 24, 2016, 08:04:59 PM
have to say that when referring to this I mean the soundtrack as a whole (ie the film in sound) not the music. ost music is a whole different thread that I am too retarded to instigate.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 24, 2016, 11:42:47 PM
red and rosy by frank grow.
saw this as support to Tetsuo, the iron man in a cinema in Liverpool aeons ago.
recently looked up on the internet and expectations fulfilled.
check it out
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on August 26, 2016, 09:18:45 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on April 30, 2016, 04:48:22 PM
Quote from: cr on April 30, 2016, 04:22:32 PM
Who Can Kill a Child? [ ¿Quién puede matar a un niño?]

Now that looks promising, "Lord of the Flies" gone hyper. Must track it down some time.

Could you already watch it? What's your opinon?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on August 26, 2016, 09:30:00 PM
Quote from: cr on May 20, 2016, 07:23:19 PM
Yesterday I caught a short glimpse at the 4th or 5th episode of a series called "Jordskott" (I think). So don't really know what's going on there. Somehow looked like a Swedish version of Twin Peaks. Has anybody seen it/could recommend or comment on it?

Finally bought the first season for very cheap. Will start watching this evening. So if it's shit - not much money wasted.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 26, 2016, 09:33:37 PM
Quote from: cr on August 26, 2016, 09:18:45 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on April 30, 2016, 04:48:22 PM
Quote from: cr on April 30, 2016, 04:22:32 PM
Who Can Kill a Child? [ ¿Quién puede matar a un niño?]

Now that looks promising, "Lord of the Flies" gone hyper. Must track it down some time.

Could you already watch it? What's your opinon?

Who Can Kill a Child? is excellent. I watched the dvd released by Dark Sky not too long ago. I hope the film gets a Blu-ray release at some point.

Along the same lines is an American film called Devil Times Five (out on Code Red).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 27, 2016, 02:09:53 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 26, 2016, 09:33:37 PM
Quote from: cr on August 26, 2016, 09:18:45 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on April 30, 2016, 04:48:22 PM
Quote from: cr on April 30, 2016, 04:22:32 PM
Who Can Kill a Child? [ ¿Quién puede matar a un niño?]

Now that looks promising, "Lord of the Flies" gone hyper. Must track it down some time.

Could you already watch it? What's your opinon?

Who Can Kill a Child? is excellent. I watched the dvd released by Dark Sky not too long ago. I hope the film gets a Blu-ray release at some point.

Along the same lines is an American film called Devil Times Five (out on Code Red).

Bloody Birthday is another good one. it's about 3 kids who are born during an eclipse when the sun and moon were blocking saturn, which is the planet that rules emotions in case you didn't know. so it turns out that these 3 kids, as a result of these solar shenanigans, have no emotions or conscience, and decide to start killing people 10 years later. highlights are the little girl who entices her policeman father towards her only to have her two kiddie accomplices batter him to death with a baseball bat, as she looks on in sinister approval. also one of the little killer kiddies finding a 357 magnum and going on a shooting spree. the killer girl charging the neighbourhood boys a quarter to spy through a peephole on her big sister getting changed (these scenes are particularly wrong), and also one of the little killer boys smiling like a little shit at anyone who suspects he is a killer but can't prove it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 27, 2016, 08:44:09 PM
Definitely agree on Bloody Birthday. I watch it, at least, once a year on Turner Classic Movies. I'd gladly buy the blu-ray if I found it cheap.

I like the UK remake of The Children, too.

Last night, I watched The Strange World of Coffin Joe. I think I may watch the other films that are in a coffin box set over the next few days.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on August 28, 2016, 02:01:16 AM
Watched Tenebre for the first time last night, cost me but was well worth it. Nothing tops the first two movies of the Three Mothers trilogy but I really liked it, don't normally like these type of suspense thriller movies but when Argento does it for some reason I'm intrigued. Probably the most coherent and actually consistent Argento plot I've seen thus far other then Opera maybe, the film isn't dubbed either which I found odd for an old Italian movie. I like the atmosphere and characters in Deep Red a little more but this was still good.

Anyone have any opinions or ideas on all these reoccuring concepts and themes in all of his movies? Lizards, little girls, people drooling before they're killed in Deep Red, tension between sexes, people mistaking the main characters profession for another one (in Deep Red and Inferno the villans do this), using always his own black gloved hands for the murder scenes, animal attacks, people never being what they seem etc. Part of his appeal and style for me is how cryptic everything is and makes me wonder about this stuff.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 28, 2016, 07:01:34 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 26, 2016, 09:33:37 PM
Quote from: cr on August 26, 2016, 09:18:45 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on April 30, 2016, 04:48:22 PM
Quote from: cr on April 30, 2016, 04:22:32 PM
Who Can Kill a Child? [ ¿Quién puede matar a un niño?]

Now that looks promising, "Lord of the Flies" gone hyper. Must track it down some time.

Could you already watch it? What's your opinon?

Who Can Kill a Child? is excellent. I watched the dvd released by Dark Sky not too long ago. I hope the film gets a Blu-ray release at some point.

Along the same lines is an American film called Devil Times Five (out on Code Red).

who can kill a child got a UK remake with a different name that I can't recall, likely as it was no good. just stick with the original.
devil times five is a really 'wrong' film that today's remake would render neutered. life garrets character in particular, with his flirting/seduction of his victim is something that would never get remade today.

the children UK ilk is superior modern entertainment.
not to forget the ? original creepy children film- 'the midwych cuckoos ' John Wyndham book filmed as 'village of the damned' featuring creepy blonde Aryan children with telepathic communication and evil alien intent
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 29, 2016, 09:52:55 PM
"Anyone have any opinions or ideas on all these reoccuring concepts and themes in all of his movies? Lizards, little girls, people drooling before they're killed in Deep Red, tension between sexes, people mistaking the main characters profession for another one (in Deep Red and Inferno the villans do this), using always his own black gloved hands for the murder scenes, animal attacks, people never being what they seem etc."

Dario is a master of taking  daily life, hum-drum nonsense, dramatize it just a little & end up with a cool movie. I'm really looking forward to Opera from the always annoying Code Red label.

I get to send my damaged bd disc of Repulsion to Criterion & they'll replace it for free. Cool beans!

Picked up Tobe Hooper's Eaten Alive today from Hastings for 40% off...

I'm not sure I've seen the US film, The Children. And yeah, Village of the Damned is a classic. I've always liked British horror.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on August 30, 2016, 01:14:30 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 29, 2016, 09:52:55 PM
"Anyone have any opinions or ideas on all these reoccuring concepts and themes in all of his movies? Lizards, little girls, people drooling before they're killed in Deep Red, tension between sexes, people mistaking the main characters profession for another one (in Deep Red and Inferno the villans do this), using always his own black gloved hands for the murder scenes, animal attacks, people never being what they seem etc."

Dario is a master of taking  daily life, hum-drum nonsense, dramatize it just a little & end up with a cool movie. I'm really looking forward to Opera from the always annoying Code Red label.

Great way of putting it, and the way in which he dramatizes it is usually in a very colorful but subtle and surreal way, at least for his non-supernatural suspense thrillers that I've seen. Opera has such a weird mood throughout the movie that I love! The weird sleep hypnotism machine she uses, the concept of tying your victim up and killing their loved ones in front of them and then letting them go, the bizarre ending haha. I was just watching it on VHS a few nights ago.

I need to get copies of the two Demons movies too...the first one especially is one of the most fun and over the top horror movies ever.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: vomitgore on August 30, 2016, 01:19:48 AM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on August 28, 2016, 02:01:16 AM
Watched Tenebre for the first time last night, cost me but was well worth it. Nothing tops the first two movies of the Three Mothers trilogy but I really liked it, don't normally like these type of suspense thriller movies but when Argento does it for some reason I'm intrigued. Probably the most coherent and actually consistent Argento plot I've seen thus far other then Opera maybe, the film isn't dubbed either which I found odd for an old Italian movie. I like the atmosphere and characters in Deep Red a little more but this was still good.

Rewatched "Tenebrae" too, a few weeks ago, and I had seriously forgotten how great it is. However, watching "Sleepless" again at the weekend was an even bigger eye-opener. I would say it's superior to his "classic" Gialli regarding story-telling and Gore, but maybe the fact that it's a "new" film kind of prevents it from being praised as much as the older ones. Have similar feelings about the third Mother film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 31, 2016, 08:38:45 PM
argento seemed to take the $ and tailor his films accordingly after tenebrae (a good late period Gallo).
his final part of the three mothers trilogy is almost desultory compared to the first two.
as time went on his films suffered in attempt to break us market (ironically in response to positive us response to his films).
whilst in recent years he hasn't been crape he has failed to return to his heights, and I doubt ever will.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 31, 2016, 08:44:01 PM
as an almost repeat of my previous post, have to say the same applies to Polanski, until recent years when his craft recovers-9th Gate, the piano player. sob possible reprieve for argento.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 02, 2016, 05:17:04 PM
watched 'tale of tales' yesterday
enchanting is not a word commonly used but this, I think sums the film up in both senses of the word.
I would have used the same word for pan's labyrinths, and was disappointed this morning when watching his 'crimson peak', which to my mind recalls more the melodramas of the 30's with Stewart Granger or James mason as villains
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 03, 2016, 04:28:57 AM
Just finished The Sinful Dwarf plus the XXX film, The Blue Balloon, made by people involved with T.S.D. Definitely a worthwhile release from Severin even if T.S.D. is kind of dull.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Neons Fanzine on September 03, 2016, 04:33:52 AM
Sinful Dwarf is great, it reminds me sometimes of the atmosphere during Bloodsucking Freaks, even though they're totally different
Maybe just because there are dwarfs in both ha ha

I don't often watch Vice documentaries, but I saw this one called THE CANNIBALS WARLORDS OF LIBERIA and it was awesome. Raw footage, interesting material, subject and interview. You should give it a try

And if someone knows movies or documentaries about wars in Africa or Eastern Europe, child soldiers and such, let me know
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: calaverasgrande on September 06, 2016, 08:06:25 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on September 02, 2016, 05:17:04 PM
watched 'tale of tales' yesterday
enchanting is not a word commonly used but this, I think sums the film up in both senses of the word.
I would have used the same word for pan's labyrinths, and was disappointed this morning when watching his 'crimson peak', which to my mind recalls more the melodramas of the 30's with Stewart Granger or James mason as villains
I really liked Crimson Peak, there was a lot going on visually.
But it is one of those movies you simply must see in theaters.  There just isn't enough character depth to really draw you in watching on TV at home.
OTOH it's miles better than Pacific Rim. I love Del Toro, but he is uneven as fuck.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 06, 2016, 11:56:22 PM
watched "Short Night of Glass Dolls" last night for the first time. aside from some pretty rough dubbing the film was actually above and beyond what I'd expect from the time and genre. really a solid psychological thriller with shades of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and maybe potential influence on "Eyes Wide Shut". and it was also done in glorious technicolor! recommended!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Neons Fanzine on September 09, 2016, 05:17:41 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 06, 2016, 11:56:22 PM
watched "Short Night of Glass Dolls" last night for the first time. aside from some pretty rough dubbing the film was actually above and beyond what I'd expect from the time and genre. really a solid psychological thriller with shades of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and maybe potential influence on "Eyes Wide Shut". and it was also done in glorious technicolor! recommended!

Never heard of it before, looks great! Gonna watch this one, thanks
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 09, 2016, 09:46:00 PM
Quote from: calaverasgrande on September 06, 2016, 08:06:25 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on September 02, 2016, 05:17:04 PM
watched 'tale of tales' yesterday
enchanting is not a word commonly used but this, I think sums the film up in both senses of the word.
I would have used the same word for pan's labyrinths, and was disappointed this morning when watching his 'crimson peak', which to my mind recalls more the melodramas of the 30's with Stewart Granger or James mason as villains
I really liked Crimson Peak, there was a lot going on visually.
But it is one of those movies you simply must see in theaters.  There just isn't enough character depth to really draw you in watching on TV at home.
OTOH it's miles better than Pacific Rim. I love Del Toro, but he is uneven as fuck.

actually quite liked pacific rim for it's lovecraft notions regarding the 'aliens'.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 09, 2016, 09:47:58 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 06, 2016, 11:56:22 PM
watched "Short Night of Glass Dolls" last night for the first time. aside from some pretty rough dubbing the film was actually above and beyond what I'd expect from the time and genre. really a solid psychological thriller with shades of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and maybe potential influence on "Eyes Wide Shut". and it was also done in glorious technicolor! recommended!


recently got on euro release via camera obscure.  definitely a Gallo to see.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: calaverasgrande on September 11, 2016, 06:02:48 AM
Just occurred to me you stiffs might dig Master of the Flying Guillotine. A classic kung fu movie from the 70's.
Jimmy Wang Yu plays a one armed guy as he usually does. There is a succession of marital arts contests that are just absurd. One man has arms that can stretch to any length, there is a monkey man and so on.
There is also a mad monk with a swastika bib that is killing one armed people. While Kraftwerk plays in the background (komentenmelodie and some stuff off of Kraftwerk II).

It's not your usual kung fu.
The copy that I own is partially dubbed, partially subbed.
The first time I watched it I was... a little high.  When the english speaking part kicked in I thought I could understand Chinese!
Yeah, pot is legal in CA what did you expect?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Neons Fanzine on September 12, 2016, 03:50:58 PM
Hahaha I watched this one five years ago or so totally wasted too i thought i was gonna die laughing
It has no sense at all
And if anyone has similar kind of absurd kung fu movies, i'd be highly interested
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 12, 2016, 04:04:24 PM
not quite as absurd by the Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky is pretty balls out nuts. Like a live action Fist of the North Star.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8Rm5_N-f8g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8Rm5_N-f8g)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Neons Fanzine on September 12, 2016, 04:20:56 PM
Ricky Oh is 100% over the top, that's why I like it. I haven't read the manga but I guess it was to stay in the atmosphere, like the scene in the prison director's office. Total retarded humor you can find in cartoons or comics
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: addictor33 on September 14, 2016, 02:10:12 PM
check out the russian movie "the green elephant", def. worth watching! at some point u have to be patient with this film but u will get rewarded in the last third!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 14, 2016, 04:48:43 PM
'symptoms' by José Luis laraz, who made 'vampires'
wired slow build film featuring Angela pleasance (Donald pleasance's daughter) with her other worldly looks as a fragile woman with 'issues' and all that the plot's deterioration entails.
superior bfi blue ray DVD combo to suit all.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 14, 2016, 08:31:26 PM
Symptoms is a good one. I had read about the film before but it wasn't something that stuck in my head so it was a pleasant surprise. It's kind of like mixing elements fromThe Haunting with Repulsion.

I've watched 3 of the Hellraiser sequels recently, which, all sucked. Plus two of the Angel Guts films: High School Co-Ed & Red Classroom.

I've picked up Blu-rays for Tobe Hooper's Eaten Alive, Friday the 13th (Uncut), Manhunter, & Madman recently all 40-50% off retail price.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 14, 2016, 09:16:10 PM
watched Curtains the other day - loved it.


also watched The Lamp which was great fun but not Curtains league.


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 14, 2016, 09:30:10 PM
I didn't like Curtains. It's really tame with only a couple of interesting scenes. I seem to remember a severed head in the toilet...?

There's a couple of videos from Scream Factory's upcoming Blu-ray of John Carpenter's The Thing & the new transfer looks damn good especially the special efx:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 14, 2016, 11:32:08 PM
yeah there's a severed head in a toilet.

really great ice skating scene too and some enjoyably over the top acting.

it is kinda tame.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on September 17, 2016, 05:41:28 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 14, 2016, 08:31:26 PMI've watched 3 of the Hellraiser sequels recently, which, all sucked.

I fucking loved the first "Hellraiser" movie because of the extreme ambiguity of the Cenobites. I had no idea of knowing what they were - aliens, demons, creatures form another dimension - they just appeared, kidnapped people and tortured them for fun.

That the whole mythos was fleshed out and explained in subsequent movies, comics and so on was a disappointment to me. People seem to have an obsession with wanting to know what's going on behind the scenes, having things explained.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 17, 2016, 12:07:28 PM
i like the second one too, cos it's actually even more cenobytey than the first. the third one is funny when yr drunk. the rest blow.

i watched this:

liked it a lot. kind of overlooked i think. gotta admit i must be kinda dumb cos i kept getting confused between todd and terry and wasn't 100% sure what happened in the end.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 17, 2016, 07:31:24 PM
recently out, is 'female prisoner scorpion' complete series.
blue ray DVD combo from arrow in UK
four films of psychopathic Japanese female revenge.
beautiful and , pretty much wordless, the female leads exploits extend over these films, with almost nihilistic abandon.
one of a whole slew of extremely watchable 70's Japanese exploitation films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 17, 2016, 08:13:02 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on September 17, 2016, 07:31:24 PM
recently out, is 'female prisoner scorpion' complete series.
blue ray DVD combo from arrow in UK
four films of psychopathic Japanese female revenge.
beautiful and , pretty much wordless, the female leads exploits extend over these films, with almost nihilistic abandon.
one of a whole slew of extremely watchable 70's Japanese exploitation films.

One of the releases I was most looking forward to but the transfers didn't turn out very good. That teal tint isn't suppose to be there; saved me a shitload of money but still disappointing. I have a couple of legit dvd's & a couple of fansubbed dvd-r's so I have the films.. Arrow says they received "low contrast" elements that already had that teal tinting  baked in. Some suspect that Nikkatsu plans on releasing the films with much better elements so if that happens, someone will add Engrish subs to them..

I wish there were a nice Blu-ray release of the first two Hellraiser films in the U.S. The original is definitely a modern horror classic. Seems like the second film is pretty good, too? It's been a long time since  I've seen it. I only remember she wakes up in the hospital or a mental institution? Speaking of Ashley Laurence, I watched Hellraiser: Hellseeker a couple of days ago. It's useless but it does feature Ashley looking good and intense in a few scenes (check out her paints on her website. There's a couple that are pretty interesting.).

I just picked up the Aussie revenge film, The Horseman, for $4. I've seen it once but only remember bits n' pieces so I'm looking forward to seeing it again.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Jack on September 17, 2016, 08:53:43 PM
Second Hellraiser is superior to the first in my opinion, though makes little sense as a standalone film. I remember it as gorier and more twisted than its predecessor. Love the vistas of hell during her descent into the underworld too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 17, 2016, 08:59:35 PM
interested to think of original nikkatsu releases, likely horribly expensive.
so much of my Japanese film collection is bootleg cd-r stuff, always seeking proper euro releases.

the original hellraiser, and to a lesser extent the sequel were big deal uk origin films of their day. the original UK DVD releases were awful,
real dark poor quality things.
not seen the recent blue ray issues but hope much better. no interest after the first two. even the sequel is ok if you can forget the transfer to a us actress etc
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 17, 2016, 09:01:49 PM
Quote from: Jack on September 17, 2016, 08:53:43 PM
Second Hellraiser is superior to the first in my opinion, though makes little sense as a standalone film. I remember it as gorier and more twisted than its predecessor. Love the vistas of hell during her descent into the underworld too.

gorier and more twisted were the result of success of original and then us production money, leading to lack of sense/coherence following from the original.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on September 17, 2016, 10:51:57 PM
First two Hellraisers are amongst the best horror movies of all time. I strongly agree with the assertion that Hellraiser 2 is even better, I watched it again for the first time in a while a few months ago and it's genuinely very twisted and creative. The world inside the puzzle box is extremely fascinating, you get to see the creation of a cenobite, the gore as well as the story are unique. I can remember in the past every time I watched the movie with other people they would always cringe, comment, or feel sorry (or all the above)for the guy on the mattress cutting himself up, which is one of the best scenes in a horror movie ever.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 17, 2016, 10:58:41 PM
hellraiser 2
can't agree that it is better than original, but, that despite it's us takeover, it is good in it's own right and not a fuckmup.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on September 18, 2016, 12:14:38 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on September 17, 2016, 10:58:41 PM
hellraiser 2
can't agree that it is better than original, but, that despite it's us takeover, it is good in it's own right and not a fuckmup.

It's definitely a divider amongst horror fans heh, some people stand by the 1st, some the 2nd. I think the clincher for me is that the second one is not only so twisted but it's an odyssey...the world inside the puzzle with "Leviathan" etc. Apparently those drones that the giant obelisk named Leviathan is making is actually morse code for God according to the special features..

Has anyone seen End of the Line? I watched it for the first time the other night and I have to say I was impressed. The ambiguity of the story/ending....the hints as to what's going on with the hallucinogen muffins, the shadow on her face at the end. I have two theories as to what the director was going for, on the commentary he intentionally leaves it vague but implies that there is an answer and it's hidden through out the movie.

I love movies like that, that are ambigious and leave clues but don't answer anything...you see it in Blade Runner (is he replicant?) and other films too like Inferno.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 18, 2016, 12:22:06 AM
I'm thinking I haven't seen Hellraiser since before dvd. Same goes with the second film. Last time I watched either film was, most likely, on cable tv. I did read the first volume of Barker's Books of Blood not too long ago. If Cinemageddon comes back online, I'll d/l the Arrow bd's.

Earlier I watched a crime film from 1968 called The Split. It features an all-star cast: Jim Brown, Warren Oates, Ernest Borgnine, Jack Klugman, Gene Hackman, & Donald Sutherland. It's about a robbery during a football game. In the first scene that features everyone mentioned, Oates blurts out "I don't have time for no smart-mouthed nigger!" right as Brown enters the room. The film is based on a Richard Stark novel. There's also an outrageous scene involving a woman being shot to death with a machine gun resulting in the killer having an orgasm so strong he can't stand up.  Recommended!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 18, 2016, 12:33:52 PM
Quote from: Jack on September 17, 2016, 08:53:43 PM
Love the vistas of hell during her descent into the underworld too.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 21, 2016, 04:04:40 PM
just watched 'the sister of Ursula' on shameless DVD.
late 70's Gallo/sleaze/soft poon release with  a number of supporting actors from more famous films (suspiria, don't torture a duckling, zombie) given a chance in lead roles.
plays a bit like an early 70's jess Franco film but without that director's obsession and surrealism.
all the Gallo tropes are here-a complex needless plot, rich protagonists, a black gloved killer, albeit with a more unique weapon than a razor, wildly unsuitable music, female nudity.
not a classic by any means, but an enjoyable waste of 90 minutes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 22, 2016, 05:19:56 PM
Monday night I watched What Have They Done To Your Daughters? which was pretty fucking great. the massive meat cleaver was an absurd murder weapon given the tone of the rest of the movie, but the killings were glorious. a few shades darker and sleazier than Dallamano's ...Solange which surprised me.

also, watch From Beyond  for the first time in 5 or 6 years. enjoyed it a lot more this time than I remembered from before. it's fucking ridiculous but watching it with my friend and doing our own rifftrax added a lot. plus the lead dame ass looks really great in the BDSM gear.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: calaverasgrande on September 22, 2016, 08:18:30 PM
an 80's movie based on Lovecraft starring Jeffery Combs! How can you go wrong?
I love 80's horror/sci-fi B movies, before CGI made all movies look the same.
Not starring Combs, but the Spanish production Dagon is a pretty good Lovecraft.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 27, 2016, 02:45:48 PM
'psychomania' a wonderfully cheap, trashy UK exploiter about an immortality seeking devil worshipping motorcycle gang.
support actor George sanders killed himself shortly after leaving the message 'I'm so bored with life'
disc is new bfi flipside edition
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 27, 2016, 09:14:42 PM
I watched Re-Animator & From Beyond not too long ago. Re-Animator is pretty great but F.B. has always been my favorite of the two. I was surprised at how extreme some of the violence in Re-Animator is.

A couple of days ago, I watched Piers Haggard's snake film, Venom, followed by Michael Mann's Manhunter. Also, one night last week was George Romero's Martin, which, really needs a proper collector's edition Blu-ray release!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 28, 2016, 09:37:26 PM
Open your eyes. Look at the world, it's either you or them.


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on September 29, 2016, 01:18:34 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 28, 2016, 09:37:26 PM
Open your eyes. Look at the world, it's either you or them.


Seeing this movie touched up in all it's grimey glory is going to be something to behold.

Reanimator and From Beyond are absolute classics of the horror/sci-fi genre and other then Castle Freak and the Frighteners is Jeffrey Combs at his finest. The violence in both is pretty extreme as bitewerks mentioned, the shovel decapitation scene in Reanimator especially. From Beyond has brains being freshly eaten out of eye sockets so it's just as glorious haha. I also love how trippy and psychedelic From Beyond is since the device bathes everything in that neon pinkish glow...I love the concept of the resonator in general though and was fascinated with the pineal gland before I even saw this movie.

How does everyone feel about Bride of Reanimator? Beyond Reanimator? I still haven't seen the last installment but Bride is just as good as the first one in my opinion..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ProzacPatrol on September 29, 2016, 01:46:54 AM
Ichi The Killer.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 29, 2016, 07:35:57 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 27, 2016, 09:14:42 PM

. Also, one night last week was George Romero's Martin, which, really needs a proper collector's edition Blu-ray release!

given the arrow 2dvd reissue a few years ago, perfectly doable
note the goblin soundtrack to the Italian version, whilst fine as a standalone soundtrack, is massively unsympathetic to the film (not uncommon for itallo soundtracks) with the USA ost being far superior.

the Italian version came about from the same kind of deal that led to the euro version of dawn of the dead with a goblin soundtrack and different edit.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 29, 2016, 08:57:52 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on September 29, 2016, 07:35:57 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 27, 2016, 09:14:42 PM

. Also, one night last week was George Romero's Martin, which, really needs a proper collector's edition Blu-ray release!

given the arrow 2dvd reissue a few years ago, perfectly doable
note the goblin soundtrack to the Italian version, whilst fine as a standalone soundtrack, is massively unsympathetic to the film (not uncommon for itallo soundtracks) with the USA ost being far superior.

the Italian version came about from the same kind of deal that led to the euro version of dawn of the dead with a goblin soundtrack and different edit.

The US dvd of Martin is in the wrong aspect ratio but looks okay. I'm guessing the rights are with the same company that owns Dawn of the Dead who want an arm and a leg to license it out. I don't think I've heard the Goblin soundtrack for it; I have seen an image of the paperback book I'd love to own.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 29, 2016, 09:36:44 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 29, 2016, 08:57:52 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on September 29, 2016, 07:35:57 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 27, 2016, 09:14:42 PM

. Also, one night last week was George Romero's Martin, which, really needs a proper collector's edition Blu-ray release!

given the arrow 2dvd reissue a few years ago, perfectly doable
note the goblin soundtrack to the Italian version, whilst fine as a standalone soundtrack, is massively unsympathetic to the film (not uncommon for itallo soundtracks) with the USA ost being far superior.

the Italian version came about from the same kind of deal that led to the euro version of dawn of the dead with a goblin soundtrack and different edit.

The US dvd of Martin is in the wrong aspect ratio but looks okay. I'm guessing the rights are with the same company that owns Dawn of the Dead who want an arm and a leg to license it out. I don't think I've heard the Goblin soundtrack for it; I have seen an image of the paperback book I'd love to own.

likely the case regards licencing.
would like to see the paperback image.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: monster ripper on September 30, 2016, 03:56:15 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 29, 2016, 08:57:52 PM
I have seen an image of the paperback book I'd love to own.

Used to have that.  Might still.  I'll have to check my storage next time I'm up at the old house (probably won't be for a while though.)  I'll hook you up if it turns up. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 30, 2016, 10:32:06 PM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on September 29, 2016, 01:18:34 AM

How does everyone feel about Bride of Reanimator? Beyond Reanimator? I still haven't seen the last installment but Bride is just as good as the first one in my opinion..

I watched Beyond Reanimator a few weekends back on Chiller TV. It's dumb & I seem to remember it turns comedic in the end? I think all the gore was there but a scene or 2 of nudity was censored along with naughty dialogue. I don't think I'll be tracking it down to watch again uncensored.

Bride... I've seen on vhs but remember fuck all about it. I think Arrow recently released it on Blu-ray?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 01, 2016, 05:55:49 PM
'bride out in a couple of weeks in dual format from arrow.

re: sequels, not as interesting to my memory- not seen in years.
the comedy elements in these films are par for the course at this time, many films had it.
deadpan grim horror could be very unpopular-the likes of william lustig's maniac for example.
horror and comedy together do have history- prior to the 80's cycle there were oddball things like spiderbaby,and before that abbot and Costello battled both Dracula and the mummy, I believe. some film historians equate the addition of comedy tp horror as the end of a fertile period descending into parody.
whilst I thought reanimation and from beyond excellent, return of the living dead, spookier and stuff with 'scream queens' good arguments for the end of a cycle (especially in the USA)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ANDROPHILIA on October 01, 2016, 06:29:27 PM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: calaverasgrande on October 02, 2016, 08:20:04 AM
Wanna talk about comedy in horror.
I give you Tusk (2014) by Kevin Smith.
Also known as how to spend millions of dollars combining horror and comedy in the worst way possible.
The jokes are awful, the production is too well done to write off as a b movie.
And Justin Long.
At least Troma films have boobs.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on October 02, 2016, 04:33:39 PM
Watched Code Blue by Urszula Antoniak this morning, about a nurse suffering from loneliness and isolation. Has some really disturbing scenes, but the story could be better and the film a bit longer. Overall good.

After that Paradise: Hope, the third part of Ulrich Seidl's Paradise trilogy. It's been a while since I watched the first two parts.
Overweight teenagers go to a diet camp. The 13 year old main protagonist falls in love with the doctor and director of the camp, who is 30-40 years older than her.

U. Seidl is the best!
His new film is about hunting tourism and already caused some controversy.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 02, 2016, 10:31:00 PM
Roar- a "thrilling bore"; hard to believe no one was mauled to death!

Zoltan, Hound of Dracula- great scenes of the glossy black Doberman growling n' snarling (pitched down like that Vagina Dentata record) & the ugly torturer from Mark of the Devil is in this dull film.

Mosquito- from '95, homage to '50s sci-fi & Night of the Living Dead (holed up in boarded up house w/basement); all the scenes with the giant mosquitoes are great and splattery but the rest is actors just wandering or driving around. 90 minutes feels too long. Double-feature it  with Ticks.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 02, 2016, 10:34:08 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 02, 2016, 10:31:00 PM
Roar- a "thrilling bore"; hard to believe no one was mauled to death!

caught Roar at a late screening in the cinema about a year ago. was great with a drunk crowd. would def be duller to watch at home alone.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 02, 2016, 10:50:12 PM
Quote from: aububs on October 02, 2016, 10:34:08 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 02, 2016, 10:31:00 PM
Roar- a "thrilling bore"; hard to believe no one was mauled to death!

caught Roar at a late screening in the cinema about a year ago. was great with a drunk crowd. would def be duller to watch at home alone.

It's an amazing film. It's like a Disney movie gone horrible wrong. The scene in the house is silly and dangerous then the music changes & it's like a horror movie then the movie slows down. And that main guy is just a lunatic running around, jumping in between battling lions.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 03, 2016, 01:15:19 AM
that main guy is completely fucking crazy.

i think it took years to finish because people kept getting mauled.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 07, 2016, 10:25:32 PM
'the hills have eyes' new blue ray edition on arrow.
provides newly remadtered for blue ray edition, with decent extras, a wonderful booklet, double sided mini poster.
all for cheap blue ray reissue price.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 09, 2016, 12:45:46 AM
The Hills Have Eyes is on its way to me. Should have it late next week.

Shitloads of Blu-ray releases coming soon: Severin is releasing Killing in America & Burial Ground late October; Scorpion should be announcing the release of Don't Go in the House very soon. It's a longer cut than previously released on dvd. Not sure what's coming for November but Scream Factory has Black Christmas for Dec., suppose to be a brand new transfer & they're also doing Cronenberg's Rabid (I want Shivers!); Driller Killer & Hellraiser 4-disc set from Arrow featuring the first three films & a bonus disc of extras about Clive Barker plus a 200 pg book!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 09, 2016, 05:38:49 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 09, 2016, 12:45:46 AM
The Hills Have Eyes is on its way to me. Should have it late next week.

Shitloads of Blu-ray releases coming soon: Severin is releasing Killing in America & Burial Ground late October; Scorpion should be announcing the release of Don't Go in the House very soon. It's a longer cut than previously released on dvd. Not sure what's coming for November but Scream Factory has Black Christmas for Dec., suppose to be a brand new transfer & they're also doing Cronenberg's Rabid (I want Shivers!); Driller Killer & Hellraiser 4-disc set from Arrow featuring the first three films & a bonus disc of extras about Clive Barker plus a 200 pg book!

rebid and shivers blue rays out in gb via arrow-as is Videodrome and disc of early films
is burial ground the itallo zombie film?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 09, 2016, 08:43:52 PM
Yeah, Andrea Bianchi's incest-zombie classic. 88 Films released it; Severin is using the same elements but did color correction so, I guess, it'll be the superior release? I suspect reviews will pop up soon.

I've thought about buying Arrow's UK bd of Shivers but as soon as I do, a US studio will announce it. I do have a torrent of the Arrow transfer. I think I watched it  Halloween night last year. Criterion Collection did Scanners & Videodrome, I have both of those.

I watched Race with the Devil last night; Peter Fonda & Warren Oates (and wives) chased by Satanic, murderous devil worshiping Texans!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on October 11, 2016, 04:48:49 AM
Shivers is such an excellent film, especially for his first movie. Kicked myself for the longest time for not grabbing a used up, old rental VHS copy that crossed my path years ago. Is it only being released on BD and not DVD? I did some brief google searching but maybe missed it?

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 11, 2016, 08:19:55 PM
Arrow released Shivers in the UK as a bd/dvd set.

I just picked up The Editor & watched The Town that Dreaded Sundown a couple of afternoons ago. I caught most of the 'remake' not too long ago, also.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on October 11, 2016, 11:15:29 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 11, 2016, 08:19:55 PM
Arrow released Shivers in the UK as a bd/dvd set.

Ah ok, thanks. For some reason I thought there was mention in this thread of a US version and now I see that my reading comprehension is flawed and moronic haha...

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 13, 2016, 03:52:31 PM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on October 11, 2016, 11:15:29 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 11, 2016, 08:19:55 PM
Arrow released Shivers in the UK as a bd/dvd set.

Ah ok, thanks. For some reason I thought there was mention in this thread of a US version and now I see that my reading comprehension is flawed and moronic haha...


chances are someone will as there is a degree of cross atlanticreleasing. likely a us company that has issued the others
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 14, 2016, 02:35:15 AM
I would guess that  North American rights for Shivers are owned by someone not willing to license them out. If they did, Arrow would be all over them.

The upcoming Rabid release is a new transfer of the original elements so that will be better than Arrow's UK release, which, is from a theatrical print. It'll be nice seeing Marilyn Chambers in high definition!

Currently watching Scream and Scream Again starring Chris Lee, Vincent Price, & Peter Cushing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 16, 2016, 11:48:22 PM
Yesterday evening was Nothing but the Night with Chris Lee & Peter Cushing. The film has elements of Wicker Man & Village of the Damned. It's too exciting; there is a dead boy with star craved into his forehead.

Last night was the Italian stinker, Witchcraft, with David Hasselhauf (sp?)& Linda Blair- they must have been desperate for a paycheck. There's some  cheap-ass gore including a man crucified & burned on an inverted cross, an elderly woman gets her lips sewn shut  then burned alive & some decent nudity during a demonic rape.

Just ordered the new Blu-ray release of Salem's Lot. I haven't seen it since it aired on television in two parts in 1979 (that may not be true; I probably saw it on cable at some point).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 19, 2016, 04:49:39 PM
this morning watched 'wild zero', a cheap second hand pick up.
a small budget independent, Japanese rock'n'roll scifi zombie that was cheap mindless fun and not begrudged its 90minutes.
the other day, the other cheapo second hand jap indie offering 'uzumaki'. film of the manga that transends it's cheapness to give a little of the weirdness of the manga's hplovecraft vibe.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 20, 2016, 04:18:14 PM
last night watched 'lost river', dir Ryan gosling well worth the £3 I payed to satisfy my curiosity

this morning watched 'heavenly creatures' dir Peter Jackson pre lord of the rings. based on true life murder in new Zealand mid 1950's with a folie a deux, lesbian relationship at it's heart.
'don't deliver us from evil' from France in early 1970's used the same story to weirder more exploitational effect. another bargain pick up.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on October 21, 2016, 12:14:36 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on October 19, 2016, 04:49:39 PM
this morning watched 'wild zero', a cheap second hand pick up.
a small budget independent, Japanese rock'n'roll scifi zombie that was cheap mindless fun and not begrudged its 90minutes.
the other day, the other cheapo second hand jap indie offering 'uzumaki'. film of the manga that transends it's cheapness to give a little of the weirdness of the manga's hplovecraft vibe.

saw them live... definitely wild gigs
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: monster ripper on October 21, 2016, 03:24:04 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on October 20, 2016, 04:18:14 PM
this morning watched 'heavenly creatures' dir Peter Jackson pre lord of the rings. based on true life murder in new Zealand mid 1950's with a folie a deux, lesbian relationship at it's heart.
'don't deliver us from evil' from France in early 1970's used the same story to weirder more exploitational effect. another bargain pick up.

'dont delive us from evil' was pretty good if I remember correctly.  On a Similar note, but much better I thought is 'Poison for the fairies'.  Worth tracking down if you can find it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 24, 2016, 08:17:36 PM
never heard of that one. will try to track down if part of the 'beautiful creatures/don't deliver' mythology.

also have to add, watched and enjoyed a repeat (after 20plus years ) of 'they live' by john carpenter.
as remember, low budget comeback following some Hollywood 'failure'.
cheap, cheerful, and action packed.
check it out for it's anticonsumerist message, writ large in teenage language.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: monster ripper on October 25, 2016, 03:33:37 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on October 24, 2016, 08:17:36 PM
never heard of that one. will try to track down if part of the 'beautiful creatures/don't deliver' mythology.

It's not based on the same murder as those two, just has a similar feel to it.  I just remember thinking about that movie when I watched don't deliver us from evil.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on October 26, 2016, 11:11:14 AM
EDIT - why the fuck did I post that here? Was I drunk?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 26, 2016, 03:57:54 PM
watched the film and extras again of "symptoms'- as far as extras go, both actresses still look like foxes (to me as an old ugly, fart)esp Angela pleasance.
original film still almost misty despite transfer to digital, and this works to advantage, as whole film works on vague/blurred level
good addition to bfi stable of films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 29, 2016, 11:39:46 PM
I need to watch "Symptoms" again. I definitely liked it the first time around and had thought it was completely new to me but looking through some books I have, it was just a title I had not given any thought to and being that it was thought lost, I don't think I ever ran across it on vhs trade lists.

Just finished "Joe" from 1970 starring Peter Boyle and "Village of the Damned".

About a week ago, I caught the first two "Hellraiser" films & they were disappointments. Both seem to age badly for me. And I think it was pointed out here, all the actors should have been Brits.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Marko-V on October 30, 2016, 10:51:35 AM
I've been lately watching trailer compilations, such as '42nd Street Forever' -series, 'Extra Weird Sampler' and 'Shock Festival' (which has an extra mp3-cd including approx. 300 radio spots!). Perfect party samplers or for the moments when you don't feel like following a plot too closely. Besides, many trailers are lots better than the actual films... seeing the best stuff in a two-minute trailer saves you from trouble of watching a 80-minutes of garbage. I used to enjoy watching old-school trash exploitation but my time is much more limited now so watching a whole movie with only few minutes of good stuff seems like a waste of time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 30, 2016, 09:16:07 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on October 26, 2016, 11:11:14 AM
EDIT - why the fuck did I post that here? Was I drunk?

dunno what you edited,
even if you were drunk, you should leave it up, I always do.
mistakes, lack of cool, etch, all make it real, as in real life. electronic life is all too editable, all too self conscious.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on October 31, 2016, 04:19:30 PM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on October 31, 2016, 11:08:42 PM
It was something I was meant to post in the "pc faggotry" section. I wondered later why I didn't see it there.

Thank goodness for the editing feature. Sometimes it's less about appearances and more about simple common sense.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 31, 2016, 11:41:15 PM
Saturday night was the Severin Blu-ray for Burial Ground. What a fun piece of junk it is! The zombie make-up and gore look great. Recommended! Severin has The Killing of America next. I'm hoping D'Amato's Beyond the Darkness is after that then Wild Beasts.

Halloween night, I think I'll watch The Hills Have Eyes...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on October 31, 2016, 11:50:49 PM
Finally, last week I received the Blu-Ray of The Witch and today of course was the right day to watch it. I think it's great, and, it was already mentioned before, the soundtrack is really good as well.
What's kind of funny - at least from the reviews I've read - is, that there seems to be either total praise or total rejection, not much in between.
Will watch it again soon, some personal mysteries and secrets within this movie are waiting to be solved...
Or maybe not.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on November 01, 2016, 12:47:25 AM
i just re-watched The Witch tonight myself.

the menacing atmosphere it sustains throughout is pretty rare in horror.

there are theories about different ways to read the film but i think it works amazingly well if you just take it at face value so i'm not really bothered speculating. for me it's just a great historical (hysterical?) horror movie with an atmosphere that most others lack.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on November 01, 2016, 03:44:14 AM
only horror movie i watched in 2016 is The Witch one of the best i ever watched in my 40 years on earth
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 03, 2016, 12:31:09 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 31, 2016, 11:41:15 PM
Saturday night was the Severin Blu-ray for Burial Ground. What a fun piece of junk it is! The zombie make-up and gore look great. Recommended! Severin has The Killing of America next. I'm hoping D'Amato's Beyond the Darkness is after that then Wild Beasts.

Halloween night, I think I'll watch The Hills Have Eyes...

D'Amato trash is always fun, 'the killing of America' has it's own merits, but don't think a blue ray would necessarily add anything.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 03, 2016, 03:44:24 PM
'the killing of America' just out in uk as well. severing again releasing.
also out on shameless is 'the church' by Michele soavi, the sect coming soon.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 03, 2016, 08:12:53 PM
I'm not in any rush for Killing of America. I'll wait until I can get it as cheaply as possible. Severin has announced Wild Beasts & Drive-In Massacre plus confirmed release of Cathy's Curse for early next year.

I just read that Scream Factory did a 2k scan of Black Christmas from the original negative so it'll look better than it ever has & the release is packed with new extras along with the previous Blu-ray film transfer. December will be really cool with B.C. & Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer!

I watched The 'Burbs last night...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 03, 2016, 08:27:32 PM
'black Christmas' atvchristmas would be fine.
as said before, a Br of 'the killing of America 'wouldn't add anything, but a nee DVD in the uk will be better than the old 'exploitation video' release.

like it when us and uk/euro labels release the same so there is no having to buy foreign discs, no superiority in releases.
the market for this crappie so small, that fighting helps nobody.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 03, 2016, 08:44:54 PM

There's a review of Killing of America Blu-ray; I've seen it on vhs but remember very little.  I'd rather have Blu's of the Death Women & Death File videos fully subtitled in English!

I've watched Black Christmas on Christmas night the last few years so I hope I can get a copy in time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 03, 2016, 09:12:00 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 03, 2016, 08:44:54 PM
I've watched Black Christmas on Christmas night the last few years so I hope I can get a copy in time.
watching films on their anniversary dates adds to the experience, so Christmas slashers at Christmas add to the yuletide feeling!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 05, 2016, 08:43:06 PM
Salem's Lot- surprisingly well-made for a TV movie with only a couple of cheesy moments and quite possibly, the creepiest house in any horror movie.

Horror Hotel aka City of the Dead- Chris Lee, 1960. Not sure why I've never seen this film before. Damn good witchcraft atmosphere!

Shadows in an Empty Room aka Blazing Magnum- Spanish/Canadian action-thriller. Sort of runs slow in between the shooting, trannie fighting, car chases. Pretty decent climax with sleaze n' nudity. Not sure the film is very high on the re-watch list, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on November 06, 2016, 01:49:26 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 05, 2016, 08:43:06 PM
Salem's Lot- surprisingly well-made for a TV movie with only a couple of cheesy moments and quite possibly, the creepiest house in any horror movie.

This is on my list, will be checking it soon!

Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 05, 2016, 08:43:06 PM
Shadows in an Empty Room aka Blazing Magnum- Spanish/Canadian action-thriller. Sort of runs slow in between the shooting, trannie fighting, car chases. Pretty decent climax with sleaze n' nudity. Not sure the film is very high on the re-watch list, unfortunately.

Might have to watch this purely for the CanCon.

Recent viewings: Creature from the Black Lagoon (somehow had never seen it until now, totally great) and The Lobster (quite good).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 07, 2016, 02:32:56 PM
'creature from...' is a mighty fine film with some strange lovecraft atmosphere at times (surprisingly). the sequel 'revenge of the creature..' whilst enjoyable, is nowhere near as good.
btw, the boat in the creature, gave name to sam McKinley's 'the Rita' project, I believe
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 09, 2016, 09:34:44 PM
EATEN ALIVE- it's hard to believe this is Tobe Hooper's second film and not his debut. I like the shitty crocodile, the nudity, the cheap-ass sets, the wigs, the soundtrack, the little girl crawling through cob webs under the porch, Marilyn Burns screaming & tied to the bed, etc. but the film does run a little slower than I remembered. The Arrow Blu-ray looks damn good, more film-like than the Dark Sky dvd, which, always had me thinking the movie looked like a low-brow stage play.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on November 09, 2016, 10:12:53 PM
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943) - The Archers considered it their best work, and while it is great cinema I feel that honour should go to The Red Shoes. This one is just a little dated, drags in some parts, and Roger Livesey is a little too over the top in others.

Tenebre (1982) - surely top 3 Argento material here. Been a couple years since I'd seen it and this rewatch was more enjoyable than the first viewing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on November 12, 2016, 05:53:50 AM
I bet this filter is very popular amongst the members of this forum.


Man, that intro reminded me how funny Pulp Fiction is "Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face" :D
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 12, 2016, 04:01:05 PM
Michele soavi's 'the church' watched last night-less gruesome and more atmospheric than imagined
good print with ok extras
at  £10uk is a good deal.
looking forward to 'the sect' on same label (shameless)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 12, 2016, 04:32:43 PM
just bought 'prozzie' by u'll pommel, on blue ray on 88discs in uk.
missed on original issue, but sounds appropriately scummy now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 12, 2016, 07:21:40 PM
looks like 'i drink your blood' 'i eat your skin' the classic exploits double bill will be issued as a double bill  by grindhouse releasing on blue ray

-just like the dvd
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: collapsedhole on November 13, 2016, 01:05:22 AM
last night i watched OPEN RANGE, and since the guy i work with claims it the best western ever i was kinda excited. i should've known not to believe him since he is a big fan of that walking dead show. as soon as i saw it was made in 2003 and starred kevin costner i knew i was in for some corny, corny shit. i stuck it out though. plot was typical, but the actors/acting are my only real complaint... had it been made 20 years earlier it would've been much better.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 13, 2016, 01:12:34 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on November 12, 2016, 07:21:40 PM
looks like 'i drink your blood' 'i eat your skin' the classic exploits double bill will be issued as a double bill  by grindhouse releasing on blue ray

-just like the dvd

I sold the signed dvd  just the other day on eBay after seeing the screenshots for the Blu- they look GREAT! It was a film I wasn't planning on buying again but I guess I will (once prices drop). Scanning through the dvd, I'd forgotten how fun of a movie it is. Granted, the dvd still looks good but if you can sell it for enough to buy the bd then, I'd say, go for it.

I've got John Carpenter's The Thing on the way. I'm looking forward to seeing the new transfer as the shots I've seen of the monster efx are pretty damned stunning. Lots more gory details are visible.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 14, 2016, 08:43:18 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on November 03, 2016, 08:27:32 PM
'black Christmas' atvchristmas would be fine.
as said before, a Br of 'the killing of America 'wouldn't add anything, but a nee DVD in the uk will be better than the old 'exploitation video' release.

like it when us and uk/euro labels release the same so there is no having to buy foreign discs, no superiority in releases.
the market for this crappie so small, that fighting helps nobody.

Screenshots of KoA look pretty good: http://www.rockshockpop.com/forums/content.php?6365-Killing-Of-America-The

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on November 16, 2016, 04:51:14 AM
Quote from: KMusselman on November 14, 2016, 10:47:09 PM
just read that Robert Eggers (The Witch director) is remaking F.W. Murnau's Nosferatu.

Which is funny because he refuted the rumors that this was the case not that long ago...unless my memory is wrong which is very possible. I had to look this up to believe it. Remaking an absolute classic that was already remade to perfection by Werner Herzog for your second film ever is a tall order. With how much I liked the Witch I'm somewhat at ease though..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on November 16, 2016, 05:17:41 AM
Grapes of Death - one of Rollin's worst.

Arrival - apart from the Hollywood ending this exceeded expectations.

Young Ones - got bored quickly but stuck it out. Michael Shannon is the only saving grace.

Valhalla Rising - another rewatch of this. still totally great. Refn is easily my favourite current director.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on November 17, 2016, 12:16:07 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on November 12, 2016, 04:01:05 PM
Michele soavi's 'the church' watched last night-less gruesome and more atmospheric than imagined
good print with ok extras
at  £10uk is a good deal.
looking forward to 'the sect' on same label (shameless)

I just watched this for the first time last night and was very impressed, I loved Cemetery Man so I figured I would like the Church also. Have you seen the Sect yet? Thinking about checking it out next.

Quote from: Peterson on November 16, 2016, 08:55:22 AMAlthough most TV series tend to bore me lately, been watching BBC's Black Mirror; sort of a Twilight Zone for today's technology-addicted generation. Cheesy/funny, disturbing, and reflects really well how life is about selfies and cell phones for most people today. Hard to watch at times, though; but I like the idea of TV you aren't supposed to "enjoy" in the typical sense. I think it might appeal to fans of David Lynch as well as The Twilight Zone. I don't know if anyone else is as disgusted with "cell phone reality 2.0" as much as I am, but this show seems to be.

People keep suggesting this series to me and I think I'm going to pick it up, especially based on this description as I definitely also share the disgust for cell phone culture and happily live without internet access (except at work), I have no cell phone, and I don't have a TV with channels (movies only). I'd always heard that the series was dystopian and had traces of lynch and the twilight zone but wasn't aware it also focused on cheesy/funny stuff and aspects of modernity too.

Quote from: KMusselman on November 16, 2016, 07:23:22 PM
The first trailer for Ghost in the Shell


I grew up watching this over and over and then the sequels when they came out too followed by the many comics and I have to say, this actually looks pretty interesting...not normally into the hollywood adaptations of anime/comics but this I'll actually see. It doesn't look like they're going to include the token tanks from the comics though. Kind of weird too that it's an adaptation of an adaptation. A hollywood movie based on an anime that was loosely based on the comic.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 17, 2016, 02:04:11 AM
Quote from: KMusselman on November 17, 2016, 01:36:18 AM
the new series Quarry on Cinemax


I've read a couple of books by Max Allan Collins with the 'Quarry' character. They were pretty good for quick, pulpy violent crime fiction.

I think Code Red has plans to release The Sect & The Church on Blu-ray in the U.S. next year (along with Argento's Opera). I've seen T.C. a time or two on Turner Classic Movies. It's okay, it's definitely not a film I would need to own. I'm not sure about T.S. If I've seen it, it was on rental VHS.

I watched Nuit et Brouillard earlier & just received John Carpenter's The Thing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 17, 2016, 03:23:46 PM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on November 17, 2016, 12:16:07 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on November 12, 2016, 04:01:05 PM
Michele soavi's 'the church' watched last night-less gruesome and more atmospheric than imagined
good print with ok extras
at  £10uk is a good deal.
looking forward to 'the sect' on same label (shameless)

I just watched this for the first time last night and was very impressed, I loved Cemetery Man so I figured I would like the Church also. Have you seen the Sect yet? Thinking about checking it out next.

'the sect' still not out yet.never saw this or the church when originally out and was impressed by the church as a whole lot better than the demons films, from a similar period
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Vermin Marvin on November 17, 2016, 11:03:26 PM
Watched "Made in Serbia - document for serbian porn industry" and it was pretty lame.
Expected more "shocking" material than some fucking grannies but best parts from trailer was taken directors another movie "the Life and death of porn gang" where is animal action and other filth. 
Not worth to hunt but worth to watch because it is after all saddest comedy i have seen long time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on November 17, 2016, 11:46:47 PM
watched Ti West's new movie called In a Valley of Violence last night.

it's not good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 20, 2016, 03:06:03 AM
Quote from: Peterson on November 17, 2016, 11:08:11 PM
Bought "Capturing The Friedmans" for $1 because it was discarded from my local public library. Writing two pieces on it; one of which will end up in FN#4. On my 5th or so viewing, it's more about that nature of denial, personal perspective on reality, and "truth" as opposed to a single alleged sexual abuse scandal. I don't know if I'll ever come to a personal conclusion regarding Jesse.

I've seen it once & only remember it was a lot of home movie footage. I had to look it up to refresh myself on the details of the case.


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on November 20, 2016, 03:59:35 PM
Yesterday I watched El día de la bestia, directed by Álex de la Iglesia.

Haha, great entertainment, very funny! A priest trying to commit as many sins as possible, so that he can be at the birth of the Antichrist and kill him. He's supported by a metal salesman and a TV show host.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 21, 2016, 07:00:21 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on November 17, 2016, 01:36:18 AM
the new series Quarry on Cinemax


as with bitewerks, the books are great pulp reading.
as for me, I struggle to see long form us series as anything more than soap opera, whatever the origins or aesthetics.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 26, 2016, 08:53:48 PM
just bought and going to watch (as long as can stay awake) the following chop socky films-
'house of traps' and 'five element ninjas'
will pass judgement in future.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 27, 2016, 02:19:18 AM
This weeks viewing was THE EDITOR, KILL LIST, ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 (the original), BLOOD RAGE (thanksgiving night), & MADMAN.

Yesterday, I ordered The Undertaker bd from Vinegar Syndrome (I wish they'd announce Last House on Dead End Street!) & the Bizarre Arts Theater  multi-disc porno dvd set. VS is having a big sale this weekend. 50% off nearly everything & free domestic shipping.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on November 27, 2016, 10:43:44 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 27, 2016, 02:19:18 AMBLOOD RAGE

i watched blood rage recently, liked it a lot. i liked how even tho todd had the blood rage and was killing everyone he was actually a pretty fun loving and bang-on kinda guy.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 27, 2016, 06:42:57 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 27, 2016, 02:19:18 AM
This weeks viewing was THE EDITOR, KILL LIST, ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 (the original), BLOOD RAGE (thanksgiving night), & MADMAN.

Yesterday, I ordered The Undertaker bd from Vinegar Syndrome (I wish they'd announce Last House on Dead End Street!) & the Bizarre Arts Theater  multi-disc porno dvd set. VS is having a big sale this weekend. 50% off nearly everything & free domestic shipping.

editor and assault both fun films.
is the undertaker the Joe spinnell film? !what a great character actor)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 28, 2016, 12:29:59 AM
Yes, The Undertaker is Joe Spinell's last film. Code Red released it on dvd but it was from a tape source & Vinegar Syndrome's new Blu is from the newly discovered 35mm elements. Reviews claim the two releases are radically different; VS is a gory slasher while the CR had a lot of filler material. I'm expecting a handful of interesting scenes with a lot of crap in between but given the film's weird history, I figured, what the hell?


I didn't care much for The Editor. Good nudity & bloody violence but that's about it. If I had taken a look at the extras before watching the film, I would have never watched it at all. The filmmakers are annoying as shit... Good thing I bought the movie for like 60% off.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 29, 2016, 02:08:07 PM
I saw the editor as more pastiche of 70's euro horror.not serious but a fun waste of 90minutes or so.
just got assault on precinct 13 on blue and driller killer-not the best of Ferrara's early output but interesting enough.
I think ms.45 his finest
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on November 30, 2016, 04:51:51 AM
The original Assault on Precinct 13 is still one of the best action movies of all time, little girl being shot by the Romero from Escape From NY (Carpenter admits in the commentary there is no way he could get away with doing that scene today)is a classic scene along with many others.

Just ordered Demons 2 and New York Ripper since some cunt I was seeing a few years ago stole it from me.

Also oddly with the subject of dead dictators coming up in the Deaths/RIP thread, I'd been watching documentaries about Mussolini all last week. What a complete fuck up he was, even in an era of complete fuck ups, truly legendary how he drove his own country into ruin by getting involved in military campaigns that the Italian military just couldn't handle, including incredibly wise decisions like using his ill prepared military to invade Greece without telling Hitler (?!) and completely failing..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 01, 2016, 10:46:14 PM
I watched Ms.45 last night. It's excellent. I'll probably pick up Driller Killer later after the price drops. I love the cover art but from what I remember of the movie, it ain't that great. I would like to see it again but I'm thinking it may not have much re-watch value. I'm not much of a fan of A.F.'s work. I'm probably one of the few who dislikes Bad Lieutenant. King of New York is okay.

I still have the dvd of Assault on P13. I haven't found the blu at a low price yet. The soundtrack LP is excellent & worth the price. I listen to it a lot.

N.Y Ripper is a fave. The Blue Underground blu looks great! The foot-under-the-table scene is damn sleazy...

Found a cheap copy of the Tales from the Crypt/Vault of Horror double-blu on eBay. I'll watch  TftC on Christmas Night followed by Black Christmas (if I receive it in time) or Silent Night, Deadly Night.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 03, 2016, 02:38:25 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 01, 2016, 10:46:14 PM
I watched Ms.45 last night. It's excellent. I'll probably pick up Driller Killer later after the price drops. I love the cover art but from what I remember of the movie, it ain't that great. I would like to see it again but I'm thinking it may not have much re-watch value. I'm not much of a fan of A.F.'s work. I'm probably one of the few who dislikes Bad Lieutenant. King of New York is okay.

I still have the dvd of Assault on P13. I haven't found the blu at a low price yet. The soundtrack LP is excellent & worth the price. I listen to it a lot.

N.Y Ripper is a fave. The Blue Underground blu looks great! The foot-under-the-table scene is damn sleazy...

Found a cheap copy of the Tales from the Crypt/Vault of Horror double-blu on eBay. I'll watch  TftC on Christmas Night followed by Black Christmas (if I receive it in time) or Silent Night, Deadly Night.

with the bulk of these films, I originally watched them as they were new York filmed and I loved the city backgrounds-never been there, this was a NYC of the mind/screen and in any case is not there now.
also would add 'taxi driver' and 'combat shock' 'blood brothers' and 'forty deuce'
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on December 03, 2016, 07:21:05 PM
Got Cannibal Holocaust on Blu-ray yesterday and today I watched this movie for the first time (believe it or not...) I think a comment on the movie itself is quite useless, as I'm sure everyone here knows it.
But the strange (somehow happy sounding) soundtrack from Riz Ortolani which contradicts the pictures really made this a special experience.

Then I suddenly remembered that I have this soundtrack on tape since quite some time, (I think I got it from Manuel/Narcolepsia), but never listened to it until today.
So it's in my tapedeck right now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 03, 2016, 07:35:49 PM
Quote from: cr on December 03, 2016, 07:21:05 PM
Got Cannibal Holocaust on Blu-ray yesterday and today I watched this movie for the first time (believe it or not...) I think a comment on the movie itself is quite useless, as I'm sure everyone here knows it.
But the strange (somehow happy sounding) soundtrack from Riz Ortolani which contradicts the pictures really made this a special experience.

Then I suddenly remembered that I have this soundtrack on tape since quite some time, (I think I got it from Manuel/Narcolepsia), but never listened to it until today.
So it's in my tapedeck right now.

the soundtrack to cannibal holocaust is fine in itself, but as part of the film is somewhat, a distraction- something that was , at times part of the Italian film industry of the day.many a fine tune was nothing to do with the film it was part of.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 03, 2016, 09:20:12 PM
[quote author=david lloyd jones

with the bulk of these films, I originally watched them as they were new York filmed and I loved the city backgrounds-never been there, this was a NYC of the mind/screen and in any case is not there now.
also would add 'taxi driver' and 'combat shock' 'blood brothers' and 'forty deuce'

I'd love to hear that Combat Shock is getting a bd release in the near future. I never picked up the 2nd dvd release, I still own the Troma disc.

Blood Brothers & Forty Deuce are titles I recognize but I'm not sure I've seen them.

On the Pieces blu-ray, there's a great documentary about Times Sq. theaters. In the late '60s, early '70s one of their best selling points was "Air Conditioning!" People would pay to go in and sleep all day.

RE: Cannibal films

My favorite is Cannibal Ferox. I like C.H. but I'm never in the mood to watch it & I like the film more than the music. Grindhouse's dvd in the hardcover case is so nice that I haven't bothered picking up the bd. They didn't do a new HD scan so it's not a big deal.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 03, 2016, 09:34:09 PM
blood brothers is, I think, a Paul Morrissey film.
cannot for the life, remember the forty deuce director-features early/first Kevin bacon appearance.
recent uk release of anthropophagus beast has docu on times square cinemas.

probably agree that ferox is more enjoyable watch. holocaust, whilst a good film, seems to enjoy a rep for it's paracinema qualities that ferox lacks, but, when watching, i never saw a massive difference (esp moral) between the two
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on December 04, 2016, 04:28:45 AM
CH soundtrack is better at being a soundtrack than CH is at being a movie. period.

good movie tho.

ferox is crazier.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on December 06, 2016, 11:17:20 AM
Quote from: KMusselman on December 06, 2016, 12:26:23 AM
just finished season one of Stranger Things on Netflix.  i describe it as The Goonies meets E.T. meets Super 8 (the one directed by Abrams.)  I was born in 1970 and grew up in the 80's, probably why I like it.  Cool synthesizer music.  Even heard Joy Division and New Order to name a few.  Check out the trailer:


and opening credits


Add a shade of Eerie, Indiana too but yep really good series that achieves the rare feat of justifying the hype. Roll-on second season.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 06, 2016, 06:23:45 PM
watched the Poughkeepsie Tapes last night for the first time. not normally a big fan of found footage movies but this one was pretty decent. my buddy is a really big fan so I went into it trying to like it. it's a bit cheesy and some of the shitting writing really undermines the attempt at documentary style. enjoyable enough, the I don't know the next time I'll have an urge to watch it again.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on December 06, 2016, 09:07:49 PM
Duck, You Sucker (1971)

A relatively poignant opus with an apt alternative title, "Once Upon a Time... the Revolution".

For a film that was apparently made with no political intentions it certainly offers up a massive amount of commentary on revolutions and those operating within the struggle(s).
The sum of the parts might be greater than the whole, however. Some scenes are really stand-out and engaging, others are a bit dull and dragging but I don't think the film would work without them.

Leone's last western. 7/10.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 08, 2016, 05:57:05 PM
on preview in uk,
movies for men channel have had some very obscure itallo war films from the70's-often bad but hey they are free.
also us war films about Korea- not known to me before as expected gap between ww2 and Vietnam.- some of these films are actually ok as far as b movies go.and if you can forget that the Hollywood hills are not Vietcong territory!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Marko-V on December 09, 2016, 10:45:39 PM
Just went to see the new sci-fi blockbuster Arrival. I had my doubts about it because a story of a linguist trying to solve communication problem between humans and aliens doesn't sound like entertaining piece to me. Conclusion: three stars out of five. Pros: not your typical machismo-big-guns-laserblasts sci-fi opera, quite nice looking aliens and ships, nice sound design and soundtrack. Cons: one of those annoying films with a 'message' so obvious it looked like a fairytale made for kids, gets too sentimental in the end.

Next in my watching queue is Last tango in Paris BD which is quite interesting because of late revelations about the rape scene. Besides I've never seen it even though it is considered a 'classic' (not that I'm obliged to see every film that's considered so).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on December 09, 2016, 11:11:15 PM
just watched Train To Busan the new Korean zombie flick. it gets a bit iffy at the end but if you want a relentless barrage of insane zombie carnage it'll do the job.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on December 10, 2016, 03:55:10 AM
Quote from: Marko-V on December 09, 2016, 10:45:39 PM
Just went to see the new sci-fi blockbuster Arrival. I had my doubts about it because a story of a linguist trying to solve communication problem between humans and aliens doesn't sound like entertaining piece to me. Conclusion: three stars out of five. Pros: not your typical machismo-big-guns-laserblasts sci-fi opera, quite nice looking aliens and ships, nice sound design and soundtrack. Cons: one of those annoying films with a 'message' so obvious it looked like a fairytale made for kids, gets too sentimental in the end.

My thoughts exactly.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on December 10, 2016, 09:57:24 AM
i loved Arrival. it's a movie about going to the movies.

and i don't mind sentimentality.

thought it was great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 10, 2016, 05:08:24 PM
no new films to report, but enjoyed the first 20 pages of this stream to remind me of things watched and enjoyed.
look forward to looking bacward into other old pages
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: impulse manslaughter on December 10, 2016, 09:04:51 PM
I Just watched The Turin Horse; 30 shots, 2,5 hours, b/w, a few minutes of dialogue, no plot, one of the most nihilistic movies i ever saw..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 11, 2016, 12:27:11 AM
Recently watched The Beyond and Burial Ground in Italian with subs. I couldn't figure out if B.G. was shot in Italian or not. Sometimes, everything seemed to match up but, maybe, it was only those speaking Italian. I didn't pay that close of attention.

I've got Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer bd sitting here waiting to be watched & Don't Go in the House is on the way. Could make a good double-feature one night.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on December 11, 2016, 01:02:01 AM
burial ground is funny.

i watched this. thought it was great.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on December 11, 2016, 02:29:52 PM
-Prime Cut 1972
Lee Marvin is a chigaco bad ass that gets involved with gene hackmans meat and sex slave ring. hilarity ensues. Young Sissy Spaceks first big movie with lots of good 70s nudity.

great scene, I LOL ed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F77renNKji8

-Circus of Fear 1966
Enjoyable mystery movie and not really horror what I was expecting.  Christopher Lee and Klaus Kinski! The movie is  very Brittish, horseteeth charachters and everybody is wearing tweed outfits.

I couldnt finnish the new gladiators, ill try some other time.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 11, 2016, 10:28:29 PM
Prime Cut is great! I've been wanting to pick it up on Blu-ray but haven't found a copy at the price I want. That was Sissy Spacek's debut. (I have a poster & pressbook for P.C.; The Mania/The Rita split, "Together They're Murder", title & art is from the pressbook)

Last night was Turkey Shoot. The campy Aussie film that's a mix of The Most Dangerous Game, The Island of Dr. Moreau, & some decent violence. I remembered being more gory than it is but it's still pretty fun.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 14, 2016, 06:39:54 PM
Quote from: kettu on December 11, 2016, 02:29:52 PM
-Prime Cut 1972
Lee Marvin is a chigaco bad ass that gets involved with gene hackmans meat and sex slave ring. hilarity ensues. Young Sissy Spaceks first big movie with lots of good 70s nudity.

-Circus of Fear 1966
Enjoyable mystery movie and not really horror what I was expecting.  Christopher Lee and Klaus Kinski! The movie is  very Brittish, horseteeth charachters and everybody is wearing tweed outfits.

I couldnt finnish the new gladiators, ill try some other time.

re circus of fear. an ok brit thriller with euro krimi touches (Klaus Kinki) that make for an entertaining diversion, but don't match 'the circus of horrors in the creepy carnival stakes of the time
circus of horrors is part of a trilogy including peeping tom, and horrors of the black museum that all, in their way are more perverse and sadean than circus of fear could hope to be.
these films are chaste in today's landscape, but it is their approach to their topics that marks them out.

see also 'who killed teddy bear' for a perverse over ripe gem from a time when all was implied rather than exhibited.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Deadpriest on December 14, 2016, 08:58:47 PM
I can't recommend Mobeus by Kim Ki Duk enough (also I want this thread to show up in my unread messages, still it's the fucking nuts)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 14, 2016, 09:37:35 PM
HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER (Dark Sky) 30th anniversary Blu-ray- anyone thinking a 4K HD transfer from the original 16mm negative is going to turn out looking pretty need not worry. This is one gritty ass, grainy movie! The scenes that are nearly completely dark look beautiful but everything else is covered in grain and the 4:3 aspect ratio had me thinking I was watching a made-for-TV movie. Recommended!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on December 14, 2016, 09:49:31 PM
Quote from: Peterson on December 14, 2016, 09:13:09 PM
Star Trek: Voyager

currently going through another rewatch of TNG. always felt that it and DS9 were the best. VOY seemed to pale in comparison, perhaps because it was putting progressive ideals ahead of storytelling, hard to say without doing another rewatch (that I don't really intend on doing any time soon).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on December 14, 2016, 10:59:57 PM
Totally agree. TNG has the most accessibility if you're not a nerd Trekkie already, and thus it was my introduction to giving a shit about the Star Trek franchise - as such, my personal biases tell me it's probably my favorite and the best of the three. So far with Voyager, I get the feeling they wanted to leave behind some of the cheesiness of TNG but couldn't quite pull it off, maybe it's because the stories couldn't handle the content, like you said.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Marko-V on December 15, 2016, 06:18:24 PM
Quote from: Deadpriest on December 15, 2016, 04:56:54 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 11, 2016, 12:27:11 AM
Recently watched The Beyond and Burial Ground in Italian with subs. I couldn't figure out if B.G. was shot in Italian or not. Sometimes, everything seemed to match up but, maybe, it was only those speaking Italian. I didn't pay that close of attention.

Italians had a habit of over dubbing dialogue. I know that The Beyond is Italian because I recently bought a copy myself, plus the dude that made it also made Cannibal Ferrox.

Often there were Italian AND American or British actors working in a same movie, so there's occasionally both half-italian and half-english dubbed versions because all actors did not share the same language. So choose the least shitty version, at least some of the dubbing matches.
Do you mean The Beyond and Cannibal Ferox were made by same director? I'm afraid that's not the case. The Beyond was directed by Lucio Fulci as Cannibal Ferox was directed by Umberto Lenzi.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Marko-V on December 15, 2016, 06:22:04 PM
Quote from: Deadpriest on December 14, 2016, 08:58:47 PM
I can't recommend Mobeus by Kim Ki Duk enough (also I want this thread to show up in my unread messages, still it's the fucking nuts)

Quoting my post from approx. 20 pages ago:
Quote from: Marko-V on March 26, 2016, 11:49:04 PM
Just watched Kim Ki-Duk's Moebius. I've seen probably all his movies and I knew to expect a bunch of unhappy characters in distressing situations but I still was kinda surprised about Moebius. At first, an off-the-wall crazy mom castrates her teenage son and that's where the story begins. Failed penis transplant leads to a search of alternate ways of self-satisfaction and when loony mama returns home things get 'a bit complicated'. Somebody could state this as a story of father-son relationship, but I say this is a movie where wacky characters do nasty things to each other and themselves in not-too-gory fashion. You really don't need any gory details in this one in order to squirm uncomfortably and check out if everything is ok 'downstairs'. One more remarkable thing, there's no dialogue at all.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Marko-V on December 15, 2016, 06:28:29 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 11, 2016, 12:27:11 AM
Recently watched The Beyond and Burial Ground in Italian with subs.

Burial Ground is one of those mind-boggling films. I mean everything is so wrong with this film: wooden actors, silly fx, stupid characters and dialogue, dubbing... but still I find it to be one of the most enjoyable flicks ever! Entertainment par excellance.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Deadpriest on December 15, 2016, 06:42:28 PM
Quote from: Marko-V on December 15, 2016, 06:18:24 PM
Quote from: Deadpriest on December 15, 2016, 04:56:54 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 11, 2016, 12:27:11 AM
Recently watched The Beyond and Burial Ground in Italian with subs. I couldn't figure out if B.G. was shot in Italian or not. Sometimes, everything seemed to match up but, maybe, it was only those speaking Italian. I didn't pay that close of attention.

Italians had a habit of over dubbing dialogue. I know that The Beyond is Italian because I recently bought a copy myself, plus the dude that made it also made Cannibal Ferrox.

Often there were Italian AND American or British actors working in a same movie, so there's occasionally both half-italian and half-english dubbed versions because all actors did not share the same language. So choose the least shitty version, at least some of the dubbing matches.
Do you mean The Beyond and Cannibal Ferox were made by same director? I'm afraid that's not the case. The Beyond was directed by Lucio Fulci as Cannibal Ferox was directed by Umberto Lenzi.

I meant Zombie Flesh Eaters.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Marko-V on December 15, 2016, 06:56:21 PM
All three being excellent pieces, no matter whoever directed them.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Deadpriest on December 15, 2016, 06:59:58 PM
Quote from: Marko-V on December 15, 2016, 06:56:21 PM
All three being excellent pieces, no matter whoever directed them.


'He, he ate his penis.'
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 17, 2016, 08:59:48 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 14, 2016, 09:37:35 PM
HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER (Dark Sky) 30th anniversary Blu-ray- anyone thinking a 4K HD transfer from the original 16mm negative is going to turn out looking pretty need not worry. This is one gritty ass, grainy movie! The scenes that are nearly completely dark look beautiful but everything else is covered in grain and the 4:3 aspect ratio had me thinking I was watching a made-for-TV movie. Recommended!

nice to hear grubby films can stay grubby in blue ray.
should make last house on dead end street going on a wish list.
reached this yesterday in anticipation of the soundtrack on order
still a gem
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 17, 2016, 09:12:38 PM
Vinegar Syndrome put an unmastered transfer of LHoDES on the Corruption bd/dvd set as a Easter egg bonus. I assume they're still planning on a proper release... I was going to order Corruption during the Black Friday sale but decided that I didn't need it. As soon as that release goes out of print, they'll probably announce that they lost the rights to LHoDES or something.

I watched Don't Go in the House on dvd the other night. The new bd release that Scorpion just released has an additional 9 minutes of footage but the audio track turns out to be different; it was made for cable TV, censoring some of the profanity, which, is weird as hell. With the additional footage, this is as close to a director's cut for the film. Scenes were cut for time according to the director's interview in Stephen Thrower's "Nightmare USA" book.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on December 18, 2016, 04:47:50 AM
cinematic abortion.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Marko-V on December 18, 2016, 09:28:25 AM
Quote from: Marko-V on December 09, 2016, 10:45:39 PM
Next in my watching queue is Last tango in Paris BD which is quite interesting because of late revelations about the rape scene. Besides I've never seen it even though it is considered a 'classic' (not that I'm obliged to see every film that's considered so).

Tried it. Had to stop in the middle because I couldn't stand that euro-cine art house feel of it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on December 18, 2016, 04:12:15 PM
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - real good
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 18, 2016, 08:54:21 PM
watched "The Devils" with Oliver Reed and Vanessa Redgrave last night for the first time. I do not understand how I've lived my life this long without seeing it. Feels like a missing piece has finally been restored. what a great fucking movie!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 18, 2016, 09:17:20 PM
Currently watching this loony film from 1984 called Ninja 3: The Domination. Think Flashdance mixed with ninjas with Diamanda Galas for a soundtrack (seriously, it sounds like her!)...

Last night was Sleep Tight ("Mientras Duermes"). Excellent, recommended. From the same director, I like The Nameless &  Películas para no dormir (Films to Keep You Awake).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on December 18, 2016, 09:23:26 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 18, 2016, 09:17:20 PMThink Flashdance mixed with ninjas with Diamanda Galas for a soundtrack (seriously, it sounds like her!)...

it is her. she did vocal work for that movie, she's notable particularly in the exorcism scene. you'll see her name in the credits.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on December 18, 2016, 09:28:12 PM
there's an old issue of forced exposure, the one with galas on the cover, and she talks about Ninja III in the interview. she says golan and globus of cannon films were total sleazebags to work with.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 18, 2016, 10:08:42 PM
Yup, she's listed as "vocal realization" in the sound efx credits. The film is awful but incredible fun. I'm pretty sure I've seen the first two films in the trilogy, Enter the Ninja & Revenge of the Ninja. It'd be enjoyable torture to watch all three in one sitting.

Seems like she was used in, at least, one other film. Maybe Serpent & the Rainbow?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on December 19, 2016, 01:59:46 AM
Once Upon a Time in the West

It's a bit hard for me to understand why this is so highly regarded. Maybe it's just because I watched it right after The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (which is undeniably great), that it seemed dreadfully mundane. The first half hour or so is perfect: little to no dialogue, great camerawork and editing, ominous tension... then after that it's over two hours of ho-hum that offers up zero characters worthy of connecting with and a very boring plot that often leaves you wondering where people's allegiances and motives lie (in a confusing sense, not in a directorial/it-was-written-that-way sense).

Argento had a hand in the writing, for whatever that's worth.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 19, 2016, 06:04:28 PM
TV watching on uk freebies movies for men yesterday netted al a damson's western 'five bloody graves'  as close to spaghetti a yank film has come- possibly excepting cutthroats nine.
later in the day was 'professionals for a massacre' a genuine pasta western with ray lovelock and some of the most seriously ugly women I have ever seen

an aside for uk readers the five graves film featured the ITV news at ten music in the fight scenes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 20, 2016, 09:07:57 PM
Eaten Alive: the Rise & Fall of the Cannibal Film- docu. that is on the Cannibal Ferox bd. For the most part, it's pretty good. I'd like to see bd releases of Lenzi's E.A. & Martino's Mountain of the Cannibal God.. the only issue with this is it could have been, maybe, 10-15 minutes shorter & I could have done without the academics spouting off with all of the popular , so-called 'SJW' buzzwords (despite this docu being made a few years ago). Anyone watching this already knew European films feature "white people". Some of her points are valid about the genre but she's a bore to listen to.

The Prowler bd- one of the top 5 slasher films ever made along with having one of the very best exploding head scenes ever filmed. The lead actress, Vicky Dawson, is a cutie & seems like she's in another slasher film but there's scant info online about her & this film is listed as her only slasher role..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 22, 2016, 08:07:23 PM
Kiss of the Tarantula- lame film from 1972 about a lonely teenage girl who lives in a funeral home with her father and, you guessed it, tarantulas, which, she uses for revenge against family members & people who bully her. The only interesting scenes are those with the spiders accompanied with some good synthesizer sounds. I think I have an old ad mat for this film. It played double-featured with Black Belly of the Tarantula.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 26, 2016, 09:22:50 PM
Christmas eve: Sam Peckinpah's The Getaway

Christmas nite: Black Christmas, Tales from the Crypt ('72), & Silent Night, Deadly Night
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on December 27, 2016, 03:04:54 AM
Casual Relations - (dir. Mark Rappaport, 1974) - forgotten arthouse despair, impossibly low-budget, painfully slow, minimal dialogue and intertitles worthy of Beckett for their sheer bleakness, very unerotic nudity, redolent of a five year bad acid comedown - and like a carcrash you can't help but keep watching as the clinical depression rolls over you.

Especially unbearable and difficult scenes were the long and silent car journey with the couple listening to 'Under My Thumb' on the radio until the man turns it off in discomfort, the examples of the miserably low quality stag films and pornography posed for by the heroine, the scene where she hallucinates alone in a room all day staring out of the window not answering the phone.

I have no idea what he was going for or whether this could be called entertaining or good but it is really unforgettable and unlike anything else I've ever seen. Makes Bergman movies look like Die Hard.

Bad Santa - with Billy Bob Thornton from ten years or so ago - a pretty good foul-mouthed Christmas movie which fights off the inevitable heartwarming soft centre and moral message for a while with admirable misanthropy, and he's great in it from start to finish.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Deadpriest on December 28, 2016, 02:53:58 PM
Xmas day: Tim Roth's Warzone (just to be perverse/predictable) Great film beautifully abject.

'Keep him away from the baby.'
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 28, 2016, 09:11:40 PM
Quote from: Deadpriest on December 28, 2016, 02:53:58 PM
Xmas day: Tim Roth's Warzone (just to be perverse/predictable) Great film beautifully abject.

'Keep him away from the baby.'

Warzone needs a nice Blu-ray release in the U.S.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on December 28, 2016, 11:54:40 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 28, 2016, 09:11:40 PM
Quote from: Deadpriest on December 28, 2016, 02:53:58 PMWarzone
Fantastic flick
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 29, 2016, 07:33:01 PM
just picked up 'the sect'- the shameless edition. hope it is as entertaining as 'the church'

last night watched 'secret executioners' a 50pence find second hand.
expected late 70's chop sock and found something a whole lot weirder.
the initial kung fu was like high giving turned into patty cake, awful.
as credits rolled, realised this was a Godfrey ho film-he 'notorious' for either re editing another film with his inserts, or padding his own film with another. all without licence or aesthetics.
I was drunk but this was still entertaining beyond it's origins and capabilities.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 01, 2017, 09:31:49 PM
New Years Eve:

I Drink Your Blood- Grindhouse's double Blu-ray disc set is definitely the way to go for this Satanic, rabid hippie cult flick. If the nice looking X-Rated theatrical cut or the longer, director's cut (haven't watched it yet) is "too nice" for you, there's always the German 8mm version which looks grimey as hell but it is in German.

The Undertaker- lost late '80s slasher starring Joe Spinell. I wasn't expecting much but it turns out to be quite an enjoyable mess! Vinegar Syndrome located 35mm elements  but they were missing 6 minutes of footage so a video source had to be used for those scenes & one of the scenes is the goriest, I think. It's hard to tell in the washed out vhs mess. If you're a slasher fanatic then this is a 'must own' film. Spinell is super sweaty as Uncle Roscoe, the Undertaker!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 02, 2017, 06:10:48 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 01, 2017, 09:31:49 PM
The Undertaker- lost late '80s slasher starring Joe Spinell. I wasn't expecting much but it turns out to be quite an enjoyable mess! Vinegar Syndrome located 35mm elements  but they were missing 6 minutes of footage so a video source had to be used for those scenes & one of the scenes is the goriest, I think. It's hard to tell in the washed out vhs mess. If you're a slasher fanatic then this is a 'must own' film. Spinell is super sweaty as Uncle Roscoe, the Undertaker!

The Undertaker... Thanx for the reminder! Had totally forgot about this film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 03, 2017, 03:22:20 PM
got the undertaker on DVD couple of years back. will be investing in the upgrade.

just got seven deaths in a cats eye Antonio marghereti Gallo on blue ray with a young jane birkin and a riz ortolani score.

watched the greasy strangler the other day, a curious mess of a film. really entertained by it but not sure if I will see it as good on future viewings.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on January 03, 2017, 05:27:54 PM
Just watched Four of the Apocalypse (I quattro dell'apocalisse), a Western by Lucio Fulci. Great!


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 03, 2017, 06:06:17 PM
there are great spaghetti b films to see that , in some ways better the more famous a grade ones.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Deadpriest on January 05, 2017, 11:21:39 AM
Just watched Samaritan Girl again. One of my favouritest films: 2 girls trying to get tickets to Europe (I think because of the way one of their fathers romanticises it to her) have begun using prostitution to get the money, one acting as pimp the other selling herself. Things go wrong and one of them dies (kills herself even) I won't go on, but it's another Kim Ki Duk Film so it gets even more perverse and dark from there. I love this film so much, it has quite a Trevor Brown sense to it I feel, .
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 05, 2017, 10:30:15 PM
Watched a couple of  documentaries from the '90s about African American males: New Jersey Drive & Boyz N the Hood

A mother talking to her son in Boyz: "Where the fuck you going, you little fat fuck? You ain't got a job."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on January 06, 2017, 03:39:39 AM
Not documentaries, but the films Bulworth, Bamboozled, and Slam are all fairly good representations of different perspectives on the same subject. Bamboozled's got to be one of two Spike Lee movies worth a shit, not to mention obviously an inspiration to Dave Chappelle...

Oh yeah, forgot to mention I broke up watching Shoah into three sections with episodes of Seinfeld. I'm not kidding.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 06, 2017, 10:24:30 PM
Don't Go in the House- brutal serial killer film from 1980; this film has more in common with Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer or Angst than gory slasher flicks. The new Blu-ray released by Scorpion Releasing is 9 minutes longer than the theatrical version but features an odd audio track that was meant for cable TV. While the film has only one scene of extreme violence, that one scene is a doozy!  DGitH is basically Psycho filmed during the disco era mixing up a hodge podge of religious mumbo jumbo & vile child abuse. In Stephen Thrower's book, Nightmare USA, the director says the film played theaters with Friday the 13th but while audiences had fun with that film, DGitH was more than they wanted  to deal with. While the film has some heavy themes going on, it also has sections that drag or come off as 'campy'.


I've got a copy of The Vanishing (Spoorloos) on the way...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: anotherwaytogetold on January 07, 2017, 12:57:19 AM
Buffet froid.
An excellent Bertrand Blier movie.
Please don't be fooled by this goofy trailer and watch it if you can find it with subtitles as i guess it has been a part of Gaspard Noé' influences.
It's abstract, immoral and down to earth at the same time.
For me, it's a classic.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on January 07, 2017, 01:01:58 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 06, 2017, 10:24:30 PM
I've got a copy of The Vanishing (Spoorloos) on the way...

Really want to see that one. The Hollywood remake by the same director is pretty bad, but Jeff Bridges obviously did his research about Ted Bundy when coming up with specifics for the character. Worth watching one time for his creepiness.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 07, 2017, 07:05:03 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 06, 2017, 10:24:30 PM
Don't Go in the House- brutal serial killer film from 1980; this film has more in common with Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer or Angst than gory slasher flicks. The new Blu-ray released by Scorpion Releasing is 9 minutes longer than the theatrical version but features an odd audio track that was meant for cable TV. While the film has only one scene of extreme violence, that one scene is a doozy!  DGitH is basically Psycho filmed during the disco era mixing up a hodge podge of religious mumbo jumbo & vile child abuse. In Stephen Thrower's book, Nightmare USA, the director says the film played theaters with Friday the 13th but while audiences had fun with that film, DGitH was more than they wanted  to deal with. While the film has some heavy themes going on, it also has sections that drag or come off as 'campy'.


I've got a copy of The Vanishing (Spoorloos) on the way...

don't go in the house sure is downbeat fun. myself would liken the downbeat tone to maniac rather than Henry. can see why Friday 13 fans hated it.

picked up the warzone cheaply today and looking forward to it. still seeking a watchable copy of nil by mouth as the two copies I have suck visually making the sound only experience like a cross between Jeremy Kyle and a xxx rated easterners (uk soap for foreign readers)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 07, 2017, 09:37:52 PM
Quote from: Peterson on January 07, 2017, 01:01:58 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 06, 2017, 10:24:30 PM
I've got a copy of The Vanishing (Spoorloos) on the way...

Really want to see that one. The Hollywood remake by the same director is pretty bad, but Jeff Bridges obviously did his research about Ted Bundy when coming up with specifics for the character. Worth watching one time for his creepiness.

Yeah, I remember Bridges doing a pretty good job with that role. I think I saw the U.S. film first then ran across the Danish film on cable & was surprised when I got into it. Definitely looking forward to seeing it again.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 08, 2017, 02:30:24 AM
Spun is a film I'd like to see again. Seems like there were cut & uncut versions? I'm not sure which I rented & I sure as hell did not know the drummer for Bathory directed it!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on January 08, 2017, 06:57:00 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 08, 2017, 02:30:24 AM
Spun is a film I'd like to see again. Seems like there were cut & uncut versions? I'm not sure which I rented & I sure as hell did not know the drummer for Bathory directed it!

He's a big director now- look up all the pop videos he's directed, Lady Gaga and many others.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fluid Fetish on January 08, 2017, 10:08:53 PM
Quote from: Peterson on January 07, 2017, 09:42:09 PM. Probably willed myself out of remembering it because of knowing so many goddamned annoying meth users throughout my life.

Excellent movie in all of it's trashy, tweaked out delusional glory, definitely nails in a realistic yet also interesting way what these people are like for those who have actually been around methheads or had to deal with meth junkies. Watching it for the first time was hilarious and interesting to say the least.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 13, 2017, 06:45:31 PM
31-trashy fob zombie film that works like devils rejects, 1000 corpses etc as 70's pastiche
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 14, 2017, 10:06:45 PM
On the night of Friday the 13th:

Friday the 13th Uncut- always been a fan but this time the film seemed to drag for me & it's not as gory as I remembered (other than the axe to the face).

Lords of Salem- this is awful. I thought the bearded actor was Rob Zombie. The worst thing ever is cultural thievery by Rob's wife with her blonde dreadlocks.

Currently watching Revenge of the Ninja on a chilly, damp Saturday afternoon
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 14, 2017, 10:55:19 PM
the undertaker, thanks to vinegar syndrome-sleazy and shiny.
previous DVD on Lloyd Kaufman  less so.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 17, 2017, 07:08:42 PM
just got hold of philosophy of a knife-by f Russian director iskarov, based on Japanese unit 731 activities during ww2.
reviews are up there with men behind the sun.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on January 17, 2017, 11:33:45 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on January 17, 2017, 07:08:42 PM
just got hold of philosophy of a knife-by f Russian director iskarov, based on Japanese unit 731 activities during ww2.
reviews are up there with men behind the sun.

Wayyyyyy too long.  Even a 90 minute version of the movie would have been boring. I remember there was one or two good scenes but that's nowhere near enough for a 4 hour movie
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 20, 2017, 08:47:05 PM
Quote from: moozz on January 17, 2017, 11:33:45 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on January 17, 2017, 07:08:42 PM
just got hold of philosophy of a knife-by f Russian director iskarov, based on Japanese unit 731 activities during ww2.
reviews are up there with men behind the sun.

Wayyyyyy too long.  Even a 90 minute version of the movie would have been boring. I remember there was one or two good scenes but that's nowhere near enough for a 4 hour movie
still not watched, but, yes a 4 hour film of whatever quality is far too long-see now why it a 2 disc release.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 20, 2017, 10:29:40 PM
I have the Unearthed release of Philosophy of a Knife. I watched it over two nights & thought it was okay. Not good enough to watch since that one time but I don't remember thinking any of it was boring. I think I've seen the director's other films; has he done anything since P.o.a.K.?

I watched Cronenberg's The Dead Zone the other day & just received Scream Factory's blu-ray of Rabid. Sure wish Shivers would get a nice U.S. release!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on January 21, 2017, 01:00:06 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 20, 2017, 10:29:40 PM

filmed primarily on Nun's Island in Montreal, 15 min drive from my place. subway scenes filmed in Toronto. parts of Scanners and others were also filmed at the Fattal lofts which are just across the tracks from my place and where I used to jam. pretty cool to see that stuff
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 22, 2017, 10:10:14 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 20, 2017, 10:29:40 PM
I have the Unearthed release of Philosophy of a Knife. I watched it over two nights & thought it was okay. Not good enough to watch since that one time but I don't remember thinking any of it was boring. I think I've seen the director's other films; has he done anything since P.o.a.K.?

I watched Cronenberg's The Dead Zone the other day & just received Scream Factory's blu-ray of Rabid. Sure wish Shivers would get a nice U.S. release!
still not watched POAK.
both cronenberg films shivers and rabid got nice releases recently. still awaiting dead zone that hope is due this year.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 26, 2017, 04:54:49 PM
fucking hell, there is nothing I want to buy at the moment.
where is the blue ray of performance with 2hours of extras, random footage of NYC in the mythical film 70's referring to all my faves pics of the era, the complete tales from Europe box set,  nil by mouth in a watchable DVD, and so much else that I as consumer need.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 30, 2017, 08:56:11 PM
Last week, I watched Dutch-French film, The Vanishing (Spoorloos) & the nihilistic Japanese Yakuza classic, Graveyard of Honor by  dir. Kinji Fukasaku.

I picked up the bd of Phantasm & have Fukasaku's The Yakuza Papers Vol. 1: Battles Without Honor or Humanity  on the way...

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 30, 2017, 09:26:59 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 30, 2017, 08:56:11 PM
Last week, I watched Dutch-French film, The Vanishing (Spoorloos) & the nihilistic Japanese Yakuza classic, Graveyard of Honor by  dir. Kinji Fukasaku.

I picked up the bd of Phantasm & have Fukasaku's The Yakuza Papers Vol. 1: Battles Without Honor or Humanity  on the way...

got the entire yakuza papers in a box set.
labyrinthine and makes the godfather trilogy seem
even a TV edit to make one film is over two hours
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 30, 2017, 09:59:31 PM
I have The Yakuza Papers dvd box but found the bd really cheap on eBay. If I find the other 3 films as cheap, I'll sell the dvd set to a friend. It'll free up quite a bit of shelf space.

The Italian film, Wild Beasts, comes out on Severin next week so I'll probably order it along with Don't Answer the Phone. I've never seen W.B. & I'm a fan of 'animal attack' films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: hkso on January 31, 2017, 01:46:19 AM
Wild Beasts is a classic one. Used to have it on dutch x-rental.

This is something that some people here would probably appreciate. I liked it a lot.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UNcpItRTdg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UNcpItRTdg)
http://variety.com/2016/film/reviews/we-are-the-flesh-review-1201702524/ (http://variety.com/2016/film/reviews/we-are-the-flesh-review-1201702524/)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Deadpriest on February 04, 2017, 02:53:17 PM
Just saw Angst I assume everyone else has seen this amazing film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on February 04, 2017, 07:16:17 PM
Yes indeed, Angst is an amazing film.

Just watched High Tension. Philippe Nahon is great, as always!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 05, 2017, 12:11:36 AM
Quote from: cr on February 04, 2017, 07:16:17 PM
Just watched High Tension. Philippe Nahon is great, as always!

I fucking hated that movie. Heard so many good things and was extremely disappointed when I watched it a year or two ago.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 05, 2017, 02:03:16 AM
Haute Tension is  a 'like it or really, really hate it' type film; I like it. It's dumb fun. I love the scene of him dropping the head out of the van window & the head-crushing on the staircase. I think when it originally came out on UK dvd, a lot of people HATED the ending. I saw it the first time in the theater, completely alone.

I watched Phantasm the other night. The new Blu  has  newly created, awful artwork and there isn't much in the way of extras. The remastered film does look quite nice & I don't believe there is another American horror film quite like it.  The soundtrack is excellent & seems to have influenced the music of a number of Italian films. Recommended. "You Play a good game, boy."

Earlier today, I watched "Hell come to town" in High Plains Drifter.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on February 05, 2017, 01:13:52 PM
i thought haute tensions was ok except for that bit in the middle with the Muse song playing was pretty lame.

can't really remember much about the movie except for the twist. no recollection of head dropping or head crushing.

i watched the new Ring sequel called Rings. it's garbage.

i have Arrebato to watch next which sounds interesting. it's a spanish movie from 1979:

QuoteA low budget horror filmmaker gets in touch with an eccentric who is trying to film his consciousness during drug abuse.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on February 05, 2017, 03:03:25 PM
I've seen Arrebato some time ago and I remember liking it a lot.

Re: Haute Tension. It's as it was mentioned above - dumb fun, but very good for lazy afternoon entertainment. Though I can see why it could be disappointing, if you had high expectations.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ANDROPHILIA on February 05, 2017, 10:52:24 PM
hey haute tensionis a great movie. high moment for the french horror,
better than movies like Frontiers
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ANDROPHILIA on February 05, 2017, 10:55:03 PM

Harry Potter skimhead in IMPERIUM

i don't know... someone have watched this?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on February 06, 2017, 12:16:08 AM
Hilarious ZOG propaganda. Attempts to deliver the message that "White Supremacists Are A Major Domestic Terrorist Threat" by transporting the groups of the 1990s into the current climate and pushing the agenda of ISIS apologist ex-FBI agent Mike German, on whos experience it's based (undercover agitator with various WP orgs in the 90s). Don't worry about Islam silly goyim, McVeigh and Roof are the real threat... but it can be enjoyed on a surface level for the visuals and doco footage spliced in, there was an amusing character who's clearly intended to be a Jared Taylor/David Duke type. Heil Stormtrooper 88 Potter!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ANDROPHILIA on February 06, 2017, 12:54:20 AM
Quote from: Sadomaniac on February 06, 2017, 12:16:08 AM
Hilarious ZOG propaganda. Attempts to deliver the message that "White Supremacists Are A Major Domestic Terrorist Threat" by transporting the groups of the 1990s into the current climate and pushing the agenda of ISIS apologist ex-FBI agent Mike German, on whos experience it's based (undercover agitator with various WP orgs in the 90s). Don't worry about Islam silly goyim, McVeigh and Roof are the real threat... but it can be enjoyed on a surface level for the visuals and doco footage spliced in, there was an amusing character who's clearly intended to be a Jared Taylor/David Duke type. Heil Stormtrooper 88 Potter!

anyway mr Harry Potter is quite believable as skinhead
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: a_2_g_2 on February 06, 2017, 04:54:15 PM
I agree with what Sadomaniac said.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on February 06, 2017, 11:43:06 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on February 06, 2017, 02:38:15 AMNot sure quite why he thought it was a good role to play, more so for being Jewish himself in real life.

But that's precisely why. He wanted to bring awareness to the scourge of neo-Nazism and rampant anti-Semitism that's arisen in the wake of Brexit & Trump. Oy vey!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 07, 2017, 02:07:01 AM
Super Bowl viewing:

Beautiful Boy- Hollywood drama about a married couple dealing with their 'beautiful boy' after he shoots up his college.

Predator- mid '80s classic with blood sport human hunting alien with  cultural appropriated  dreadlocks.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 07, 2017, 10:02:39 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 07, 2017, 02:07:01 AM
Predator- mid '80s classic with blood sport human hunting alien with  cultural appropriated  dreadlocks.

as a guy raised on '80s and early '90s action movies as a kid, I will never pass up an opportunity to watch a classic like Predator. if it's on tv, or I catch it halfway through, or I just need something in the background, the Predator is a dead winner.  coked up muscle men getting torn apart by a techno-alien-badass, it's like an R-rated revenge of the nerd's wet dream now that I think about it
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: calaverasgrande on February 08, 2017, 02:37:42 AM
Predator II is okay as a 'watch in the background as you try to fix a guitar pedal' kind of thing. But not nearly as good as the original.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on February 08, 2017, 02:56:12 PM
Quote from: calaverasgrande on February 08, 2017, 02:37:42 AM
Predator II is okay as a 'watch in the background as you try to fix a guitar pedal' kind of thing. But not nearly as good as the original.

disagree on this.
better than the original for being cheaper, with less grandstanding from the actors (fun to watch though that is) you can't get away from the original being an Arnie film, and the second one got sampled in stuff I heard in squat parties I attended.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on February 08, 2017, 05:52:12 PM
been to town and bought the following:
the black castle a 1952boris karloff feature
the mad ghoul- a 1943 grave robbing thing
siren of Atlantis- a Maria Montez camp classic around the Atlantis myth
where danger lives-robt mitchum film noir
pretty poison-Tony Perkins and Tuesday weld go serial killing

all for £3 each.looking forward to the film fest at my house.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ANDROPHILIA on February 08, 2017, 09:05:37 PM
pretty funny american comedy of netflix Santa Clarita Diet with Drew Barrymore.
a kind of surreal and grotesque cannibal/zombie serial
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on February 09, 2017, 03:37:17 AM
I'm looking for recommendations on films about or involving terrorist groups a la Carlos (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1321865/) and The Baader Meinhof Complex (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0765432/). Maybe something about the IRA. Biopic / based on true story preferred, but straight fiction will work, too. Documentary suggestions welcome but not what I'm looking for at the moment.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on February 09, 2017, 07:06:11 AM
I'd recommend 'Hunger', directed by Steve McQueen, with Michael Fassbender as Bobby Sands.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunger_(2008_film) (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunger_(2008_film))
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on February 10, 2017, 05:52:40 AM
Quote from: cr on February 09, 2017, 07:06:11 AM
I'd recommend 'Hunger', directed by Steve McQueen, with Michael Fassbender as Bobby Sands.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunger_(2008_film) (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunger_(2008_film))

I've seen Hunger. It's indeed good, thanks.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 10, 2017, 09:45:44 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on February 09, 2017, 03:37:17 AM
I'm looking for recommendations on films about or involving terrorist groups a la Carlos (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1321865/) and The Baader Meinhof Complex (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0765432/). Maybe something about the IRA. Biopic / based on true story preferred, but straight fiction will work, too. Documentary suggestions welcome but not what I'm looking for at the moment.

Check this for Ireland: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097270/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_3 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097270/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_3) . I think the imdb data might be incorrect. Read somewhere that this film was based on 9 IRA assassinations. Just revisiting CARLOS these days. Ace series. Baader is OK.

Thanx ANDROPHILIA for the netflix series reminder!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on February 11, 2017, 10:36:54 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on February 08, 2017, 05:52:12 PM
been to town and bought the following:
the black castle a 1952boris karloff feature
the mad ghoul- a 1943 grave robbing thing
siren of Atlantis- a Maria Montez camp classic around the Atlantis myth
where danger lives-robt mitchum film noir
pretty poison-Tony Perkins and Tuesday weld go serial killing

all for £3 each.looking forward to the film fest at my house.

siren of Atlantis, camper than butlins, rip off of rider haggard's she mythology, with syrupy strings and vocals, homoerotic main actors, and hot Maria...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 11, 2017, 11:42:23 PM
Right Now:

Farrah Fawcett in Extremities (no clue why the link didn't work).


Feminists should worship this film. Along with Nine to Five.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on February 12, 2017, 12:06:37 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 11, 2017, 11:42:23 PM
Right Now:


yeah, well, or something.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on February 12, 2017, 03:37:13 AM
Last few nights:

A FISTFUL OF DYNAMITE aka Duck You Sucker - Sergio Leone's last great movie in my view - as playful and nuts as the Clint Eastwood trilogy and without the portentous auteur qualities of the Once Upon A Time things - Rod Steiger hams it up brilliantly as a villainous Mexican, James Coburn is an even unlikelier Irishman, every problem in the film is solved by blowing things up and Ennio Morricone's score is deranged and very jarring. Also a political message about the importance of keeping your head down during revolutions.

COP KILLER - aka Order Of Death, Corrupt - wtf Italian melodrama starring Harvey Keitel and John Lydon locked into low-budget homo-erotic violence and power play. No doubt both of them are wondering as much as the small audience it's had over the years how or why this was ever made. Actually highly entertaining and deeply strange.

DAS BOOT - the word overwrought was made for this. I watched the three and a half hour directors cut but I believe there was some kind of five hour TV series version out there. War is grim and men lose the plot together in a submarine and camp it up going up the periscope to get splashed in water. Silly and dated really, although funny how most of the actors in their late teens with beards look like young hipsters of the present day. And anyone who has been in a band travelling a long way between gigs may be able to relate.

INTERVIEW - Hollywood/arthouse crossover actor Steve Buscemi co-writes and directs a movie. What does he want in it? Him in the leading role flirting for the entire length of it with an attractive woman half his age. See also Steve Martin in Shopgirl. Absurd and pretty funny, some decent acting from him and Sienna Miller, some very uncomfortable scenes for men of a certain age, but a layer of cheese all over it with his dead daughter and her dead dad too bolted on in case you didn't get the subtext.  

EDIT: oh and a rewatch of GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS - super intense salesmen movie where the real gem is Jack Lemmon's performance as a struggling old failing-to-close real estate rip-off artist, he has the sweet personality of Jack Lemmon's character in The Apartment when he's faking it for customers then lapses into vile and ugly and foul-mouthed, bumptious and self-serving, and it's sort of heartbreaking to watch him like that, and he has inspired the even worse and more obnoxious younger salesman Al Pacino, and all these guys in the movie are ugly and desperate and horribly flawed - I know there are essays about this thing calling it the ultimate critique of capitalism's failings - hell of a depressing film that gets better every watch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on February 12, 2017, 05:30:12 PM
After more than 20 years my homemade VHS copy of Ghosts of the Civil Dead is finally fucked.

There wasn't a release on DVD/Blu-ray, was it? Didn't find much about it.

Does anybody know a source where you could download the movie or watch it online?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on February 12, 2017, 05:59:35 PM
Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on February 12, 2017, 03:37:13 AMGLENGARRY GLEN ROSS [...] gets better every watch.

One of my all-time favourites.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on February 14, 2017, 04:07:54 PM
Joe D'Amato's absurd and buio omega, both just released on blue ray in uk
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on February 14, 2017, 09:33:28 PM
love buio omega.

that movie is nuts.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on February 20, 2017, 04:26:03 PM
this is a request.
got two copies of 'nil by mouth', both barely watchable DVDs.
is this my misfortune, bad uk mastering, and also, ?good copy?

Ta david
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 23, 2017, 09:57:30 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on February 14, 2017, 04:07:54 PM
Joe D'Amato's absurd and buio omega, both just released on blue ray in uk

Severin has Buio Omega & quite possibly, Absurd.  I'll probably pass on Absurd. I remember it being pretty bad until the very end.  I'll be ordering  B.O. as soon as it's announced. Same with Cathy's Curse. Severin has a killer line-up of releases this year!

Wild Beasts is great! It's not nearly as gory as I expected it to be but all of the animal scenes are pretty incredible.

I'm currently awaiting for Vinegar Syndrome's release of Don't Answer the Phone! to arrive...

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on February 24, 2017, 02:55:26 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 23, 2017, 09:57:30 PM

I'm currently awaiting for Vinegar Syndrome's release of Don't Answer the Phone! to arrive...

don't answer the phone is scummy in the same tradition as maniac but less celebrated.
vs should hopefully do this proud.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 24, 2017, 10:25:27 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on February 24, 2017, 02:55:26 PM

don't answer the phone is scummy in the same tradition as maniac but less celebrated.
vs should hopefully do this proud.

I haven't checked out the disc yet but the VS release has a nice booklet with imagery from the press book & info on The Hillside Stranglers.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 26, 2017, 03:08:31 AM

The Unforgiven- quite possibly the last great western  made other than The Proposition? It's not perfect; it was filmed in Canada rather than Spain or the American southwest & the title was changed from "The Cut-Whore Killings" (how great would that have been?!?).  It's hard to think of another film in which the lead character is everything horrible but still, sort of, likeable. That is, if you can actually like a 'killer of men, women, & children... and everything that has walked or crawled at one time or another'.

Der Todesking & Nekromantik 2- I think DT is probably JB's best film (I haven't gotten to Schramm yet). N2 is well-made but runs too damn long. The highlights are the gory, sexy climax  & the bathtub dismemberment. It's too bad Kopp didn't compose the soundtrack.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on February 26, 2017, 03:36:02 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 26, 2017, 03:08:31 AM
The Unforgiven- quite possibly the last great western  made other than The Proposition? It's not perfect; it was filmed in Canada rather than Spain or the American southwest & the title was changed from "The Cut-Whore Killings" (how great would that have been?!?).  It's hard to think of another film in which the lead character is everything horrible but still, sort of, likeable. That is, if you can actually like a 'killer of men, women, & children... and everything that has walked or crawled at one time or another'.

For a despicable main character, I thought it was pretty cute when the scarred-up prostitute hits on him and he fumbles over his drink. But yeah, essential western, best rainy-evening movie ever.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 27, 2017, 02:20:34 AM
Horror Rises from the Tomb- Paul Naschy kinda looks like John Belushi.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on February 28, 2017, 10:55:06 PM
Quote from: Peterson on February 24, 2017, 02:51:38 AM
For a reason why Godflesh are overrated, check out the video for "Crush My Soul," also a contender for worst song title. And after seeing the Pitchshifter video, I never need to hear that shit again.
I never saw Godflesh overrated in any way. Sure they are mentioned when people talk about industrial metal but other than that? I loved them since Streetcleaner and think they should be praised much more. A shitty video will not make them overrated.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 01, 2017, 07:05:15 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 24, 2017, 10:25:27 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on February 24, 2017, 02:55:26 PM

don't answer the phone is scummy in the same tradition as maniac but less celebrated.
vs should hopefully do this proud.

I haven't checked out the disc yet but the VS release has a nice booklet with imagery from the press book & info on The Hillside Stranglers.

as a modern slimepiece, 'the hillside strangler' "biopic" is quite the scummy misogynist scab the subject demands
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 04, 2017, 11:43:48 PM
BLUE SUNSHINE- good drug film from the director of Squirm & Just Before Dawn; if it wasn't for the effective soundtrack, this film would be too campy to watch more than once.
If it's a film you're already a fan of, the Filmcentrix Blu-ray release is the way to go. It comes with the cd ost, a thick booklet, & numerous inserts including a couple of tabs of 'Blue Sunshine LSD'. The flashing grain in some of the scenes adds to the film also.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: acsenger on March 05, 2017, 09:28:14 AM
Miss Sloane - just watched this at the cinema. A good movie with an unfortunately Hollywood-like ending, but it luckily doesn't ruin the movie. Sloane is a hyperactive lobbyist in Washington who cares only about winning at all costs. Recommended for those into politics, and for those who like Jessica Chastain -- she's smoking hot as usual.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 05, 2017, 11:06:34 PM
Last night was BLACK MAGIC 2: REVENGE OF THE ZOMBIES- Shaw Brothers Hong Kong horror. I think this was the first Asian horror film I saw starting out in the vhs trading days. It seemed so wild back then on grainy video and without English subtitles. It is a wild film with breast milk drinking, wounds with worms, hammering nails into skulls to create zombies, & some cheap gore but with everything so visually clear, it just doesn't seem quite so wild. Some of the music is interesting; much of it sounds like what you hear in Italian cop movies but during the black magic scenes, it turns into wailing feedback-type sounds.

I wish more Hong Kong horror would hit Blu-ray especially the films involving snakes & insects.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 06, 2017, 11:39:47 PM
Re-watched Scanners last night for the first time in 5+ years I think. Was amazed by how many lines of dialogue I recognized from their use as samples. also enjoyed it a lot more than I remember. always love when people are constantly getting blasted with shotguns. you almost get that Verhooven level of blood splurts. and I've said it before but Michael Ironsides should be in more movies....

Re-watched Sicario and No Country for Old Men a couple weeks ago. Love both of them. always a big fan of movies set in the desert with that nice color contrast between dusty browns and tans and the brilliant reds and blues.

Recently watched Nightcrawler for the first time. not sure how I felt about it. I could appreciate Jake Gyllenhaal's performance as an unrepentant sleazeball and his fucked up "relationship" with Renee Russo, but some underlying part of the movie bothered me. watching it with an EMT who criticized all the procedural inaccuracies probably didn't help.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on March 07, 2017, 12:34:00 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 06, 2017, 11:39:47 PMI've said it before but Michael Ironsides should be in more movies....

michael ironside is in literally hundreds of movies.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 07, 2017, 04:35:34 PM
Quote from: aububs on March 07, 2017, 12:34:00 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 06, 2017, 11:39:47 PMI've said it before but Michael Ironsides should be in more movies....

michael ironside is in literally hundreds of movies.

Well he should be in more still... but what I intended to say was he should have larger roles more frequently.

<3 (http://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Ironside.jpg)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on March 07, 2017, 07:49:46 PM
i'd like to see a movie with michael ironside and john saxon as twin brother renegade cops on the wrong side of the law.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 07, 2017, 09:25:05 PM
Quote from: aububs on March 07, 2017, 07:49:46 PM
i'd like to see a movie with michael ironside and john saxon as twin brother renegade cops on the wrong side of the law.

when they're father is murdered by a vicious drug kingpin, two twin brothers must set aside their differences to reap vengeance upon their father's killer.

John Saxon's character is informed at a seedy, rundown local bar. so drunk he can barely accept what he's hearing. Michael Ironside is informed by JS, through the locked door to his psych ward cell. Michael always knew the creeps got him kicked off the force and locked up were still out there killing the innocent. When JS breaks him out, MI now has the chance to get revenge for their father, and maybe even clear his own name....

someone come up with a catchy title and lets pitch this shit!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 07, 2017, 10:25:10 PM
Watched Devil Times Five a couple of nights ago. I like it enough that I may pick up the Code Red Blu-ray; the best scene (the disturbing beating murder in the basement) looks awful on the DVD. There's a dozen different colors going on. Other than Who Can Kill a Child?, this is my fave 'murderous children' film (Mondo Macabro is releasing the Spanish film later in the year). A great triple feature would be Dx5, Who Can Kill a Child?, and Bloody Birthday... The remake of The Children is pretty good but I'm not sure I've seen the original.

I've scored some great deals on Arrow UK Blu's in the last month or so: Deranged, Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (lim.ed. with booklet & extra disc), & Shivers. I'll have to get a new player this summer.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 07, 2017, 10:39:57 PM
Is the Arrow version of Shivers worth getting? Want to wait for US Blu-ray release, but it's been how long since the Arrow version came out? Kinda getting tired of waiting...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 07, 2017, 10:58:08 PM
The Arrow UK release was spring of 2016 or so. The first pressing was missing a handful of seconds of minor footage. That was corrected so the 2nd Pressing is fully uncut. Reviews I read before ordering off of eBay is that it looks as good as it ever will (most likely).

I'm not sure when they do it but Arrow does have sales a few times a year. That would be a good time to order unless you come across a cheap copy on eBay (that's where I scored the 3 I listed). My copy was $18.99 with free shipping.

I should have Shivers late this week & there are some who have reported the 2nd pressing disc plays in U.S. machines.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: a_2_g_2 on March 08, 2017, 12:23:09 AM
Quote from: cr on February 12, 2017, 05:30:12 PM
After more than 20 years my homemade VHS copy of Ghosts of the Civil Dead is finally fucked.
There wasn't a release on DVD/Blu-ray, was it? Didn't find much about it.
Does anybody know a source where you could download the movie or watch it online?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on March 08, 2017, 08:43:16 PM
Quote from: a_2_g_2 on March 08, 2017, 12:23:09 AM
Quote from: cr on February 12, 2017, 05:30:12 PM
After more than 20 years my homemade VHS copy of Ghosts of the Civil Dead is finally fucked.
There wasn't a release on DVD/Blu-ray, was it? Didn't find much about it.
Does anybody know a source where you could download the movie or watch it online?

Thanks a lot! But Theodore was already so kind to provide a download link. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 09, 2017, 07:26:57 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 05, 2017, 11:06:34 PM
Last night was BLACK MAGIC 2: REVENGE OF THE ZOMBIES- Shaw Brothers Hong Kong horror. I think this was the first Asian horror film I saw starting out in the vhs trading days. It seemed so wild back then on grainy video and without English subtitles. It is a wild film with breast milk drinking, wounds with worms, hammering nails into skulls to create zombies, & some cheap gore but with everything so visually clear, it just doesn't seem quite so wild. Some of the music is interesting; much of it sounds like what you hear in Italian cop movies but during the black magic scenes, it turns into wailing feedback-type sounds.

I wish more Hong Kong horror would hit Blu-ray especially the films involving snakes & insects.

88films in uk have sub label with about 6of these on DVD/Br combi.
seen four, all fun, and cheap too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 09, 2017, 09:25:25 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 07, 2017, 09:25:05 PM
Quote from: aububs on March 07, 2017, 07:49:46 PM
i'd like to see a movie with michael ironside and john saxon as twin brother renegade cops on the wrong side of the law.

when they're father is murdered by a vicious drug kingpin, two twin brothers must set aside their differences to reap vengeance upon their father's killer.

John Saxon's character is informed at a seedy, rundown local bar. so drunk he can barely accept what he's hearing. Michael Ironside is informed by JS, through the locked door to his psych ward cell. Michael always knew the creeps got him kicked off the force and locked up were still out there killing the innocent. When JS breaks him out, MI now has the chance to get revenge for their father, and maybe even clear his own name....

someone come up with a catchy title and lets pitch this shit!

surely 'double justice' or 'twice the payback'
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 09, 2017, 10:59:20 PM
Arrow's BD of Shivers looks good & definitely plays in U.S. machines despite packaging saying it's Reg. B

I watched Arrow's dvd of Deranged last night & it's a must-own for collectors of early '70s drive-in horror or movies about the exploits of murderers. It's been a really long time since I last saw this film so I didn't remember much and it was better than I remembered. The corpses created by Tom Savini are pretty creepy especially his mother's & the finale isn't super graphic but fairly realistic. It was Savini's second efx job. Another plus is the booklet featuring text by Stephen Thrower and an interview with Bob "Black Christmas" Clark in which he revels he was the producer and editor of Deranged but had his name removed from the credits.

Criterion Collection re-licensed Peckinpah's Straw Dogs!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 09, 2017, 11:59:50 PM
glad you appreciate arrow's efforts.
like criterion for trash.
I always at least check their releases, with no buys usually die to personal aesthetics.
criterion and bfi have the top end in the bag, (also eureka and Kino lorber for older films)
vinegar syndrome, 88films and arrow are trash end go to's
synapse and monde macabre deserve mention.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 10, 2017, 04:13:24 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on March 09, 2017, 09:25:25 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 07, 2017, 09:25:05 PM
Quote from: aububs on March 07, 2017, 07:49:46 PM
i'd like to see a movie with michael ironside and john saxon as twin brother renegade cops on the wrong side of the law.

when they're father is murdered by a vicious drug kingpin, two twin brothers must set aside their differences to reap vengeance upon their father's killer.

John Saxon's character is informed at a seedy, rundown local bar. so drunk he can barely accept what he's hearing. Michael Ironside is informed by JS, through the locked door to his psych ward cell. Michael always knew the creeps got him kicked off the force and locked up were still out there killing the innocent. When JS breaks him out, MI now has the chance to get revenge for their father, and maybe even clear his own name....

someone come up with a catchy title and lets pitch this shit!

surely 'double justice' or 'twice the payback'

"Double Justice" with the tagline "THIS TIME IT'S... TWICE THE PAYBACK"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 10, 2017, 04:18:45 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on March 09, 2017, 11:59:50 PM
glad you appreciate arrow's efforts.
like criterion for trash.
I always at least check their releases, with no buys usually die to personal aesthetics.
criterion and bfi have the top end in the bag, (also eureka and Kino lorber for older films)
vinegar syndrome, 88films and arrow are trash end go to's
synapse and monde macabre deserve mention.

One of the things I like best about Criterion is that their aesthetics are almost always top notch. I've got a lot of the laserdisc Criterions, like the Brazil box set and the Se7en box set and they're just beautiful. Some of the stuff re-issued from Criterion's back catalogue have gotten updated art that I'm not as keen on, but the movies always look great and generally the essay's and such in the booklet are interesting. And the fact that they do a 50% of sale twice a year for a month or so is awesome. I imagine they sell a lot of the pricier items then.

Only have a couple of the Arrow releases, but they all look great on all levels. Still a big fan of Blue Underground though. They're releases are often really reasonably priced which is much appreciated, especially when it's the "less important" sleaze.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 10, 2017, 09:33:54 PM
Criterion's release for The Brood has AWFUL artwork!

Severin Films has a great line-up of releases this year & they're pretty good on prices. Vinegar Syndrome is probably the best. They do it all including transfers of orig. film negatives for other companies. A lot of their films are not films I need to own but I'm always interested to hear about what they're doing. Every Black Friday, they do 50% off sales with free domestic shipping.

Code Red has a lot in the pipeline but that guy is nuts. I'm hoping he'll get Cry of the Prostitute out this year, fully uncut. Same with Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker & Rituals.

Last night was Angst & Messiah of Evil.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 10, 2017, 10:34:12 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 10, 2017, 09:33:54 PM
Criterion's release for The Brood has AWFUL artwork!

I won't argue with that. I did like the unique take on the Scanners art though. but it's heard to beat the Videodrome packaging. the other more recent Criterion that was really nice was Repo Man. recent being the past 4 years at this point :/
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 11, 2017, 01:59:42 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 10, 2017, 04:13:24 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on March 09, 2017, 09:25:25 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 07, 2017, 09:25:05 PM
Quote from: aububs on March 07, 2017, 07:49:46 PM
i'd like to see a movie with michael ironside and john saxon as twin brother renegade cops on the wrong side of the law.

when they're father is murdered by a vicious drug kingpin, two twin brothers must set aside their differences to reap vengeance upon their father's killer.

John Saxon's character is informed at a seedy, rundown local bar. so drunk he can barely accept what he's hearing. Michael Ironside is informed by JS, through the locked door to his psych ward cell. Michael always knew the creeps got him kicked off the force and locked up were still out there killing the innocent. When JS breaks him out, MI now has the chance to get revenge for their father, and maybe even clear his own name....

someone come up with a catchy title and lets pitch this shit!

surely 'double justice' or 'twice the payback'

"Double Justice" with the tagline "THIS TIME IT'S... TWICE THE PAYBACK"

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on March 11, 2017, 06:20:34 PM
Previous week at work demanded to watch Falling Down again.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 11, 2017, 06:38:58 PM
Quote from: cr on March 11, 2017, 06:20:34 PM
Previous week at work demanded to watch Falling Down again.

if your work demanded, then you have a shifty job.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on March 11, 2017, 06:57:25 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on March 11, 2017, 06:38:58 PM
Quote from: cr on March 11, 2017, 06:20:34 PM
Previous week at work demanded to watch Falling Down again.

if your work demanded, then you have a shifty job.

Hehe, yeah. Or I'm responsible for a team of people who will never get along, it seems. But all are perfect in playing the victim and confront me endlessly with their complaints about each other.

So, enough whining - fuck 'em all!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 11, 2017, 08:00:14 PM
Quote from: cr on March 11, 2017, 06:57:25 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on March 11, 2017, 06:38:58 PM
Quote from: cr on March 11, 2017, 06:20:34 PM
Previous week at work demanded to watch Falling Down again.

if your work demanded, then you have a shifty job.

Hehe, yeah. Or I'm responsible for a team of people who will never get along, it seems. But all are perfect in playing the victim and confront me endlessly with their complaints about each other.

So, enough whining - fuck 'em all!
fuck 'em all, indeed.
whilst powerful, there is a sense that 'falling down' is about the dignity o labour, and so, contrary to it's usually held individualist message.
likely what makes it an important film to discuss.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 12, 2017, 08:37:04 PM
Late last night was Takashi Miike's best film, Audition.  I had completely forgotten about most of the climax! Definitely a film one needs to go into knowing as little as possible.

I think I'll have to track down a copy of Arrow UK release as the US Blu-ray gets awful reviews.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on March 13, 2017, 01:12:47 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 12, 2017, 08:37:04 PM
Late last night was Takashi Miike's best film, Audition.  I had completely forgotten about most of the climax! Definitely a film one needs to go into knowing as little as possible.

I think I'll have to track down a copy of Arrow UK release as the US Blu-ray gets awful reviews.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 13, 2017, 03:26:33 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 12, 2017, 08:37:04 PM
Late last night was Takashi Miike's best film, Audition.  I had completely forgotten about most of the climax! Definitely a film one needs to go into knowing as little as possible.

I think I'll have to track down a copy of Arrow UK release as the US Blu-ray gets awful reviews.

will be easy enough and if quick you will get one of the steelbook covers
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 13, 2017, 07:42:37 PM
Lucio Fulci's Cat in the Brain aka Nightmare Concert! Watched the Grindhouse dvd for the second time since purchasing it upon its original release. The only detail I remembered about this film was the car crushing scene. Now, I'm thinking I need the 3-disc GH Blu-ray set because this thing is such a giant heap of gory trash.

And I want to see Leandro Lucchetti's Bloody Psycho as scenes from it are used in C.i.t.B.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 13, 2017, 08:52:33 PM
today's haul includes 'the love witch', currently fêted and , for me, the following film of Anna biller who did 'viva' with such attention to early 70's aesthetics that make me look forward to this.
also got, 'Helga, she wolf of stilberg' and 'bare breasted countess' eurocine smut of excellence.
Greg Araki's'mysterious skin' and the forger waters/Ron geesin soundtracked docu 'the body' round up today's haul.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 16, 2017, 09:31:42 PM
The Silent Scream & The Unseen- S.S. is from '79 & T.U. is '80. Both films have some common elements: tame murders in big ole houses & fucked up family members. S.S. has a little more creepy atmosphere but by the time it's over, I felt like I had watched a Lifetime movie. T.U. has some seedier themes such as incest & domestic violence but most of the film is a bore. The killer in S.S. is a mute female in the attic & T.U. has a big, dirty, diaper-wearing retarded man-child in a filthy basement. Seriously. An overweight retard in a dirty as hell white t-shirt and diaper! S.S. stars Barbara Steele & T.U. stars Barbara Bach.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 17, 2017, 09:04:43 PM
'the love witch' was as interesting as hoped.
magical and femail currents added make a successful film with both humour and reality a successful current.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 18, 2017, 01:03:21 AM
Is there a lot of nudity in The Love Witch? That's all I thought when I watched the trailer.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on March 18, 2017, 02:48:31 AM
QuoteThe Love Witch uses the figure of the witch as a metaphor for women in general, as both an embodiment of men's fears of women, and of women's own innate powers of intuition and as mothers and sorceresses. The lead character of the film is a young woman who uses magic to make men love her. Her character is an examination of the femmes fatales archetype. The film embraces the camp of '60s horror, examining issues of love, desire, and narcissism through a feminist perspective. Anna Biller is a feminist filmmaker whose take on cinema is influenced by feminist film theory.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on March 18, 2017, 11:05:59 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 18, 2017, 01:03:21 AM
Is there a lot of nudity in The Love Witch? That's all I thought when I watched the trailer.

a bit but not really. lot's of expensive lingerie tho.

i thought it was great. my favourite part was when she made a burial offering using her used tampon and her piss. i watched it with my mother who confirmed she knew people in the 60s who actually did that kind of crap.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 18, 2017, 09:46:59 PM
Someone mentioned "Shogun's Sadism" to me so I dug out the Japan Shock dvd last night. The onscreen title is "Joy Of Torture 2: Oxen-Splitting Torture". Nasty stuff for sure. There's a German Blu-ray/dvd set. If anyone comes across a copy for decent price (used is okay), drop me a message. Or if there are U.S. releases you're looking for, we could trade.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on March 19, 2017, 11:08:09 AM
Just watched Hellblock 13, with Gunnar Hansen and Debbie Rochon.
Great fun for Sunday morning!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 20, 2017, 03:54:29 PM
'story os sin' blu ray by valerian borowczyk.
left multiple maniacs and several itallo exploits on Br on the shelf due to ltd funds
will be on post payday radar.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on March 22, 2017, 01:39:35 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on March 18, 2017, 02:48:31 AM
QuoteThe Love Witch uses the figure of the witch as a metaphor for women in general, as both an embodiment of men's fears of women, and of women's own innate powers of intuition and as mothers and sorceresses. The lead character of the film is a young woman who uses magic to make men love her. Her character is an examination of the femmes fatales archetype. The film embraces the camp of '60s horror, examining issues of love, desire, and narcissism through a feminist perspective. Anna Biller is a feminist filmmaker whose take on cinema is influenced by feminist film theory.

It is visually extremely beautiful - really stunning film stock and colours especially in the cinema on a big screen. The first half an hour is amazing, then it fizzles out slowly and becomes a dud with long boring dialogue and possibly deliberately bad and stilted acting in some sort of alienation effect, but maybe it was simply bad acting. It's a frustrating mess of a movie! Not sure how 'feminist' it is although it certainly addresses narcissism - the lead character is a horribly selfish and shallow female and we are left feeling bad for her male victims.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 22, 2017, 06:57:06 PM
Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on March 22, 2017, 01:39:35 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on March 18, 2017, 02:48:31 AM
QuoteThe Love Witch uses the figure of the witch as a metaphor for women in general, as both an embodiment of men's fears of women, and of women's own innate powers of intuition and as mothers and sorceresses. The lead character of the film is a young woman who uses magic to make men love her. Her character is an examination of the femmes fatales archetype. The film embraces the camp of '60s horror, examining issues of love, desire, and narcissism through a feminist perspective. Anna Biller is a feminist filmmaker whose take on cinema is influenced by feminist film theory.

It is visually extremely beautiful - really stunning film stock and colours especially in the cinema on a big screen. The first half an hour is amazing, then it fizzles out slowly and becomes a dud with long boring dialogue and possibly deliberately bad and stilted acting in some sort of alienation effect, but maybe it was simply bad acting. It's a frustrating mess of a movie! Not sure how 'feminist' it is although it certainly addresses narcissism - the lead character is a horribly selfish and shallow female and we are left feeling bad for her male victims.

the colour schemes, attention to period detail and overall lush visuals are also seen in biller's prior film 'viva'.
also present is the acting style, so this would seem choice and for affective reasons
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on March 25, 2017, 08:39:09 PM
No, or the Vain Glory of Command, "depicts a series of defeats from the entire military history of Portugal" [...] "which are told through flashbacks as a professorish Portuguese soldier recounts them while marching through a Portuguese African overseas territory in 1973, during the Portuguese Colonial War (1961–74)"

Been meaning to watch this for years. The scenes involving the storyteller are all great, with solid commentary on nationalism, patriotism, and legacy, but I was a little disappointed when some (most) of the flashbacks scenes were pretty weak. The Battle of the Three Kings (Battle of Alcácer Quibir) involving Sebastian I is fantastic, however, and is really what makes the movie. The end is quite brutal, too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 26, 2017, 02:08:29 AM
Last Saturday, it was a psycho sex killer double-feature with Pieces & Nightmare. Last night was No Country for Old Men, & today, I just finished Touch of Evil (Extended version). Also, saw the film, Stoker, directed by Park Chan-wook. Oldboy & Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance were definitely better.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Coma Detox on March 26, 2017, 05:44:00 AM
Tumbling Doll Of Flesh (Massacre Video) DVD
Pretty good transfer minus the stupid psycho logo burned into the upper left corner of the screen.  Reminds me of a hardcore version of Guinea Pigs Devil's Experiment mixed with Flowers of Flesh and blood with pixilated Jap porn thrown in for good measure.

Signed up for exploitation.tv from the blokes who run Vinegar Syndrome. Wall to wall filth. Well worth the $10 a month.  Watched Wet Wilderness.  Fucked up rape/incest/revenge porn with a decent transfer from sometimes in the 70's.

Also a pretty decent and graphic documentary on David Parker Ray and his Satan's Den.  Loaded with some awesome sound clips...

Also re-watched Chopper.  Eric Bana did a bang up chop playing Chopper Reid.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: RyanWreck on March 26, 2017, 06:36:10 AM
Quote from: Coma Detox on March 26, 2017, 05:44:00 AM
Tumbling Doll Of Flesh (Massacre Video) DVD

Same Massacre that did the Olaf Ittenbach "Black Past" with Shitfucker videos? The "Growing Up Vanbebber" collections are great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on March 26, 2017, 10:41:40 AM
Three classics in the last couple days:

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Don Siegel)
Two Thousand Maniacs! (H.G. Lewis)
The Night Porter (Liliana Cavani)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 27, 2017, 02:19:27 AM
I've been thinking about picking up Massacre Videos Tumbling Doll of Flesh and Women's Flesh: My Red Guts. They're cheap & would make a fun double-feature.


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 27, 2017, 07:19:39 PM
viewing in next day or so will be-
killer constable, mighty Peking man, both shaw bros wired chop sock hybrid things
also the DVD/blu combo of pieces with cd soundtrack as extra.
anyone picked up the blu of multiple maniacs?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on March 27, 2017, 07:23:01 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 26, 2017, 02:08:29 AM
No Country for Old Men

Always the best.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 27, 2017, 09:33:26 PM
the sunshine makers, 1935 cartoon not recent film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 30, 2017, 01:05:54 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on March 27, 2017, 07:19:39 PM
anyone picked up the blu of multiple maniacs?

I haven't seen it but I just scanned some info about  some of the music is missing due to rights issues & is replaced by 'Link Wray-type guitar riffs'.

I don't remember M.M. but would probably buy Pink Flamingos if it's fully uncut & nothing missing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 30, 2017, 04:14:27 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 30, 2017, 01:05:54 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on March 27, 2017, 07:19:39 PM
anyone picked up the blu of multiple maniacs?

I haven't seen it but I just scanned some info about  some of the music is missing due to rights issues & is replaced by 'Link Wray-type guitar riffs'.

I don't remember M.M. but would probably buy Pink Flamingos if it's fully uncut & nothing missing.
thanks for info
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 01, 2017, 07:53:36 PM
seen the Shaw bros releases.
mighty Peking man starts as king Kong rip off, goes through various travelogue interludes in cannibal/zombie films, to end up as a Godzilla rip off.
eff you are drunk/forgiving enough, a great waste of time.
killer constable is a more trade chop sock film but, whilst the story, action act are standard, there are scenes, photography, editing that raise this above.
go Peking for trash fun, killer for more serious.

contemplating a 'skin' evening with
the reflecting skin
in my skin and
mysterious skin.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 01, 2017, 09:38:18 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on March 27, 2017, 09:33:26 PM
the sunshine makers, 1935 cartoon not recent film.

repeated viewing reveals several layers-
innocent 30's cartoon, hippy LSD propaganda, and now, critique od the liberal west bombing others into our pov.

also just watched a cartoon cow copy goblin/human types in getting drunk and playing skittles to chaotic effect.

both cartoons by a van Buren. worth looking into deeper.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 02, 2017, 02:10:53 AM
Just finished the director's cut of Michael Mann's MANHUNTER. There are some SD scenes added that don't add much especially in the ending.

Just looked at some screen shots of the upcoming Arrow release of WOLF GUY starring Sonny Chiba. Looks wild! I'd fucking love Blu-ray releases for Karate Bearfighter, Karate Bullfighter, & The Streetfighter.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on April 02, 2017, 09:36:33 AM
went to see this new ghost in the shell movie and walked out of the theatre after about an hour. garbage.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 02, 2017, 10:05:55 PM
Paul Naschy double-feature: Curse of the Devil & Werewolf Shadow

Can't go wrong with werewolves, sexy nude Spanish witches n' vampires, Satanic rituals, The Devil, spooky haunted house-type music, and cheap ass gore.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 02, 2017, 11:23:54 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 02, 2017, 10:05:55 PM
Paul Naschy double-feature: Curse of the Devil & Werewolf Shadow

Can't go wrong with werewolves, sexy nude Spanish witches n' vampires, Satanic rituals, The Devil, spooky haunted house-type music, and cheap ass gore.

saw Dracula's great love, the vinegar syndrome release with naschy as the vampire-breaking type.
great transfer, gothic styling, the odd good cinematography all entranced
always seen Spanish fare as poor relation to itallo excesses-nudes a bit too demure, scumminess a bit too clean etch and assumed the baleful influence of Franco.
there are some interesting itallo Spanish co productions in the Giallo arena, but Spanish cinema really only got going with excess post Franco's death-in a glass cage being prime example-couldn't be made in Franco's time, elsewhere in Europe or now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 02, 2017, 11:54:24 PM
I've always liked Spanish horror but not a huge Naschy fan. I've seen a handful of his films; Hunchback of the Morgue is my fave but haven't watched it in a long time. I think I'll dig it out tonight. It's a nice German dvd in a hardcover book. I totally forgot about Dracula's Great Love; I may pick it up when VS does their next 50% sale.

I dislike Jess Franco but love In A Glass Cage (I haven't seen any of the dir's other films)  & Satan's Blood. Jaume Balagueró has done good work, too (The Nameless & Sleep Tight). And, of course, the Blind Dead films.

Those are the Spanish films I can think of at the moment...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 03, 2017, 12:07:05 AM
may be wrong but think the girl in room 2a is Iberian.
also bell of hell cronos, blue eyes of the broken doll,
possibly the corruption of chris miller...
do like Franco, with reservations.
lots of his films up to early/mid seventies are on the whole creatively good.
later films suffer from lack of cash and lack of self discipline.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on April 04, 2017, 08:54:44 PM
A Bay of Blood, Bava, 1971: Largely underwhelming and I can't decide if I love or hate the ending.
Pieces, Juan Piquer Simón, 1982: Totally great. Watched the standard Spanish-language version.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 04, 2017, 10:44:11 PM
Hunchback of the Morgue- definitely the goriest Paul Naschy film I've seen. Very little nudity (unlike his other films) but lots of severed limbs, a disembowelment, spooky underground caves complete with Inquisition torture equipment, flaming rats, & a monster made out of snotty-like tar. Sure hope this film gets 4k High definition treatment one of these days!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on April 05, 2017, 04:59:24 AM
Naked (dir. Mike Leigh, 1993)
      May or may not flesh this out with an actual review later, but wanted to note that for me this is revisiting a film I first saw as a young 'un – I guess this helped draw some distinctions for me, perhaps. That might sound really extreme, but it's not intended that way; just that visceral realism is sometimes harder to digest than a splatter film with viscera all over the place. The overall atmosphere of the film and disposition of the character is not unlike certain passages/voices in late 1990s-era P.S.; fairly bogged down with paranoia and depression, not to mention intertwining such feelings with hate, but ultimately human and able to process human feeling in the full spectrum. Apologetic tone aside, I read an interview with Mr. Stab Electronics that Gaspar Noe's I Stand Alone was "power electronics in film form," or something like that. I'd say the same of Mike Leigh's Naked – rather than comparing it to any other movies, it seems to have much in common with late '80's-early '90's Whitehouse. I keep hearing the terms "black comedy" to describe both, anyway; and to be frank the character of Johnny reminds me of a certain bearded, trenchcoated fellow in early live photos. For years, I'd mistaken David Thewlis in this movie for Jared Harris in Happiness. Picture that when you watch this movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 05, 2017, 04:13:18 PM
picked up cheap in town for later viewing,
made in Britain, Alan Clarke's film of antisocial action, played by tim Roth
also, la bete humaine by jean Renoir's proto noir where sexually charged self destruction plays out between a train driver and a femme fatale.

criterion have just issued blu ray of the initial six lone wolf and cub films, but at 50 quid in shops, will have to seek cheaper.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 07, 2017, 04:14:51 PM
watched made in Britain this am. not seen since likely around when it was first out and forgot much.
seems much more nihilistic now than antisocial-the voices of authority coming over as especially ineffectual.
the violence is more personally driven, despite the 'Nazi skin' character of Trevor.  these people had friends, Trevor has none.
and all this shown on TV.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 08, 2017, 04:19:55 AM
The Machinist- I haven't seen this film since its release & I didn't care for it much. This second viewing was okay but definitely nothing special. I kept thinking if the director had been a little less 'clever' , the film would have been more interesting. Also, the bald-headed guy with horse teeth and stupid accent was pointless. Gotta give the actor whose name I can't remember credit for looking like a death camp victim. If he had bumped into something mildly sharp, it would have impaled him in one side and out the other.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on April 08, 2017, 09:04:08 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 08, 2017, 04:19:55 AM
The Machinist- I haven't seen this film since its release & I didn't care for it much. This second viewing was okay but definitely nothing special. I kept thinking if the director had been a little less 'clever' , the film would have been more interesting. Also, the bald-headed guy with horse teeth and stupid accent was pointless. Gotta give the actor whose name I can't remember credit for looking like a death camp victim. If he had bumped into something mildly sharp, it would have impaled him in one side and out the other.

The dude had to bulk up right quick and become Batman after. 130lbs to 230lbs in 6 months...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 10, 2017, 03:33:31 AM
Last night was The Candy Snatchers. It's amusing how lighthearted and mean-spirited this film is. The fight & car chase scenes are goofy (action is sped up) & there's a mute boy that looks like the feral kid in The Road Warrior and you get some real choice nude shots of  Tiffany Bolling's hippie tits and the kidnapped schoolgirl tied up in her school uniform on a dirty floor of an abandoned house and other than the schoolgirl & the boy, everyone is just awful. And there's a pretty grim climax to wrap the whole thing up.

The Subversive Cinema dvd is well worth tracking down. I'm not sure it'd be worth upgrading if it ever hits Blu-ray. The film looks pretty damn good on dvd, which, also came with a cool little poster & several repro's of the lobby card set. I think I may own an original press book for the film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 10, 2017, 07:19:15 PM
watched "The Void" last night. I was pretty interested based on the trailers but worried it would suck, as so many modern horror movies do.

happily I felt like it was pretty fucking great. at least to my taste. basically like HP Lovecraft, Carpenter's The Thing and the vibe of Portal's Vexovoid thrown in a blender. Lots of practical effects, rather than cgi which was great. lots of gore. pretty decent acting and dialogue. basically points of it had me thinking of all my favorite HP Lovecraft influenced works, from music to comics to books. it's fucking great to see Lovecraft's Great Old Ones presented with some visual panache.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 11, 2017, 07:13:14 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on April 10, 2017, 07:19:15 PM
watched "The Void" last night. I was pretty interested based on the trailers but worried it would suck, as so many modern horror movies do.

happily I felt like it was pretty fucking great. at least to my taste. basically like HP Lovecraft, Carpenter's The Thing and the vibe of Portal's Vexovoid thrown in a blender. Lots of practical effects, rather than cgi which was great. lots of gore. pretty decent acting and dialogue. basically points of it had me thinking of all my favorite HP Lovecraft influenced works, from music to comics to books. it's fucking great to see Lovecraft's Great Old Ones presented with some visual panache.


Thanx for the reminder. I wrote this one behind my ear last year. Scored a copy online and saw it yesterday. Enjoyed it quite a lot, though then again I am a fan of the Astro cadre's work. See what you mean re film references and agree. I would maybe even throw in The Beyond as well into the mix. Less humor in this flick than their previous works. Think the movie suits this guise the best. Recommended watch!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 11, 2017, 11:39:18 PM
The Void looks interesting. DiabolikDVD is going to have some sort of exclusive Blu-ray release & there is a UK release soon. I've read that some people are getting the film on VOD; I'll have to check my cable's VOD channel for it.

Sunday night was Videodrome. Does anyone own the Blu-ray? Does it come in the Beta cassette slipcase? I wouldn't mind upgrading but not if it doesn't have the same packaging as the dvd release. As for the film, I wonder why DC chose to have Debbie Harry's earlobes pierced and not her nipples?!? Maybe that was a little too much for 1983?

Videodrome was the first first movie I rented on video back in the mid-80s.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Kim V on April 12, 2017, 11:13:45 AM
Quote from: Peterson on April 05, 2017, 04:59:24 AM
Naked (dir. Mike Leigh, 1993)
      May or may not flesh this out with an actual review later, but wanted to note that for me this is revisiting a film I first saw as a young 'un – I guess this helped draw some distinctions for me, perhaps. That might sound really extreme, but it's not intended that way; just that visceral realism is sometimes harder to digest than a splatter film with viscera all over the place. The overall atmosphere of the film and disposition of the character is not unlike certain passages/voices in late 1990s-era P.S.; fairly bogged down with paranoia and depression, not to mention intertwining such feelings with hate, but ultimately human and able to process human feeling in the full spectrum. Apologetic tone aside, I read an interview with Mr. Stab Electronics that Gaspar Noe's I Stand Alone was "power electronics in film form," or something like that. I'd say the same of Mike Leigh's Naked – rather than comparing it to any other movies, it seems to have much in common with late '80's-early '90's Whitehouse. I keep hearing the terms "black comedy" to describe both, anyway; and to be frank the character of Johnny reminds me of a certain bearded, trenchcoated fellow in early live photos. For years, I'd mistaken David Thewlis in this movie for Jared Harris in Happiness. Picture that when you watch this movie.

thanks for reminding me about this one. Probably more than 20 years ago since i saw it. Need to dig this up again.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 13, 2017, 06:27:36 PM
spent am watching-

horrors of malformed men by teruo ishii-late sixties counter cultural variant on island of lost souls. glad to have seen this long awaited jape film.

tumbling doll of flesh.- the realism opposite to the prior film where each  assault on human flesh is seen in detail.presumed late entry to human guinea pig aesthetic. still enjoyed rather than endured
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 13, 2017, 10:23:33 PM
next viewing-

iron master by Umberto lenzi.possible Conan rip off (can't remember Conan film dates).
lenzi is usually better than his cannibal reputation, so hope this is enjoyable nonsense.

caltiki, the immortal monster. very, early bava film (with Ricardo Freda) issued by arrow with usual extras.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 13, 2017, 11:29:14 PM
I have Horrors of Malformed Men. It has its moments but is no where near as wild as I expected. I think it'd be a film that would be nice on Blu-ray if it could get a brand new HD scan. I've eyed the film on my shelf quite frequently as one to watch again but have yet to get to it.

While we're on the subject of freaks, I watched The Mutations aka The Freakmaker a couple of nights ago. It's kind of a bore but has some cool elements such as the monster, circus freaks/performers, weird lab equipment, plants that bleed and eat rabbits, & a loony free-jazz soundtrack. It's too bad the monster isn't used more.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 13, 2017, 11:34:30 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 13, 2017, 11:29:14 PM
I have Horrors of Malformed Men. It has its moments but is no where near as wild as I expected. I think it'd be a film that would be nice on Blu-ray if it could get a brand new HD scan. I've eyed the film on my shelf quite frequently as one to watch again but have yet to get to it.

While we're on the subject of freaks, I watched The Mutations aka The Freakmaker a couple of nights ago. It's kind of a bore but has some cool elements such as the monster, circus freaks/performers, weird lab equipment, plants that bleed and eat rabbits, & a loony free-jazz soundtrack. It's too bad the monster isn't used more.

clearly 'horrors...' has it's place , that in intervening years lessens the shocks, but as a period piece, works well and, for me, adds to the mania of 'blinds beast'
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 14, 2017, 12:53:26 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 13, 2017, 11:29:14 PM
I have Horrors of Malformed Men. It has its moments but is no where near as wild as I expected. I think it'd be a film that would be nice on Blu-ray if it could get a brand new HD scan. I've eyed the film on my shelf quite frequently as one to watch again but have yet to get to it.

While we're on the subject of freaks, I watched The Mutations aka The Freakmaker a couple of nights ago. It's kind of a bore but has some cool elements such as the monster, circus freaks/performers, weird lab equipment, plants that bleed and eat rabbits, & a loony free-jazz soundtrack. It's too bad the monster isn't used more.
Quote from: david lloyd jones on April 13, 2017, 11:34:30 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 13, 2017, 11:29:14 PM
I have Horrors of Malformed Men. It has its moments but is no where near as wild as I expected. I think it'd be a film that would be nice on Blu-ray if it could get a brand new HD scan. I've eyed the film on my shelf quite frequently as one to watch again but have yet to get to it.

While we're on the subject of freaks, I watched The Mutations aka The Freakmaker a couple of nights ago. It's kind of a bore but has some cool elements such as the monster, circus freaks/performers, weird lab equipment, plants that bleed and eat rabbits, & a loony free-jazz soundtrack. It's too bad the monster isn't used more.

clearly 'horrors...' has it's place , that in intervening years lessens the shocks, but as a period piece, works well and, for me, adds to the mania of 'blinds beast'

seen and enjoyed 'the mutations' as freak film from long time whatever.
last film to have freaks as actors. there is usual uk other actors etch

have enjoyed this ad VHS  ex fental, bootleg DVD and recently, German issue DVD.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 15, 2017, 01:43:30 AM


clearly 'horrors...' has it's place , that in intervening years lessens the shocks, but as a period piece, works well and, for me, adds to the mania of 'blinds beast'

I'd love to hear that BLIND BEAST is coming soon on Blu-ray! It's one of my favorite Japanese films. It'd look great in HD, too.

I watched the CROPSEY documentary last night.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 18, 2017, 03:03:27 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 15, 2017, 01:43:30 AM

clearly 'horrors...' has it's place , that in intervening years lessens the shocks, but as a period piece, works well and, for me, adds to the mania of 'blinds beast'

I'd love to hear that BLIND BEAST is coming soon on Blu-ray! It's one of my favorite Japanese films. It'd look great in HD, too.

I watched the CROPSEY documentary last night.

would also love blind beast upgrade-  come on arrow!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 18, 2017, 04:45:08 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on April 13, 2017, 10:23:33 PM
next viewing-

iron master by Umberto lenzi.possible Conan rip off (can't remember Conan film dates).
lenzi is usually better than his cannibal reputation, so hope this is enjoyable nonsense.

caltiki, the immortal monster. very, early bava film (with Ricardo Freda) issued by arrow with usual extras.

both disappointed.
caltiki, failed to rise above it's blob/quatermass roots.
iron master was ditchwater dull, despite George Eastman's over ripe acting compensating for the other guy's plank impression.
perhaps parts of the soundtrack were ok
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 20, 2017, 09:20:36 PM
following the 'horrors of malformed men', been watching noh/hijikata videos on U tube.
explains why the film is arty horror rather than explicitly so.
later additions to the noh cannon add to the weirdness avs they get away from the initial ascetic dance to something psychedelic, surreal and countercultural of it's times
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 21, 2017, 12:01:38 AM
A few nights ago or so was, The Bell from Hell. Pretty good. Seems like there were some complaints about the dvd release. Either it's missing footage or the aspect ratio is off. It does look 'zoomed in'.

Mondo Macabro will be releasing Who Can Kill a Child? & Blood-Spattered Bride. I forgot to mention those in the previous posts about Spanish films. I'm not sure I've seen B-S B; I thought I had but when I read about it, nothing seemed familiar.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on April 21, 2017, 12:06:55 AM
Not very interested in new mainstream Hollywood movies anymore, with a couple exceptions...watched The Gift, directed by Joel Edgerton, starring himself and Jason Bateman the other night. Weirdo sociopath gets slow-burn revenge on corporate-world sociopath due to inability to forget past wrongs, corporate guy is revealed to be the asshole he truly is. Awful, boring, stiff actors, and not nearly as good of a performance out of Bateman as I'd expected. That's what I get for being an Arrested Development fan...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Deadpriest on April 21, 2017, 05:42:28 PM
Watched 'Last Resort' at the recommendation of Exoteric magazine. Liked it a lot, I really loved the abject bleakness. That article has got me into movies again, bought a bunch of Dario Argento films to go along with stuff from that article.
Watched Mum and Dad, was disappointed, was a bit disappointed by Filth too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: a_2_g_2 on April 23, 2017, 01:32:06 AM
I saw "Another Day in Paradise" directed by Larry Clark, who's most famous for "Kids". Man, I've seen every other Clark film except this one (even the new ones) and I was mad when I finished it, cause it's easily my favorite and so much better than any other film he's done. Can't believe I missed out on it for for so many years.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Kim V on April 23, 2017, 04:01:13 PM
Watched David Mackenzies Hell or High Water last night. Pretty good photography, the actors are making up for the fact that the story holds few surprises. Can be seen as an explanation why someone like Trump was so appealing to many people in these parts of the US.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Kim V on April 24, 2017, 04:31:45 PM
Quote from: Peterson on April 23, 2017, 07:54:03 PM
Quote from: Sigil23 on April 23, 2017, 04:01:13 PM
Watched David Mackenzies Hell or High Water last night. Pretty good photography, the actors are making up for the fact that the story holds few surprises. Can be seen as an explanation why someone like Trump was so appealing to many people in these parts of the US.

Roommate insists I watch that tonight. Thanks for the reminder, always liked Jeff Bridges.

He's monumental in that film
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on April 24, 2017, 09:03:53 PM
i thought Hell or High Water was really bad and pretty boring. one of those annoying movies that really likes itself. it reminded me of Killing Them Softly which was also garbage.

i watched this which was good.


and this which was good too.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 24, 2017, 10:55:34 PM
I watched Battle Royale a few nights ago. Still holds up being a pretty mean film.

I've wanted to see Hell or High Water but haven't gotten around to it. I agree on Killing Them Softly. It sucked & it really hits you over the head with its message. Seems like one of the killings is pretty good, though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 25, 2017, 12:28:46 AM
K.T.S. isn't a film I'd want to spend any money on to see it. If it's free, then go for it. I think I've read the book but I'm not sure.

I saw Rollerball as a kid, too. It runs on Turner Classic Movies every so often (I think?).

Oh, and I watched Demons on dvd not too long ago. Ridiculous, gory, and fun. I think I'll upgrade to Synapse's Blu-ray at some point. I don't remember much about Demons 2 other than it has scenes from the first film in it...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on April 25, 2017, 01:16:29 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 24, 2017, 10:55:34 PM
I agree on Killing Them Softly. It sucked & it really hits you over the head with its message.

yeah that's what hell or high water is like too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on April 25, 2017, 03:45:28 AM
Quote from: aububs on April 24, 2017, 09:03:53 PM
i thought Hell or High Water was really bad and pretty boring. one of those annoying movies that really likes itself.

Absolutely. Couldn't get down.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 25, 2017, 09:16:32 PM
Last night was Bob Clark's Death Dream aka Dead of Night- very cool early '70s horror spin on 'The Monkey's Paw' concerning a U.S. soldier returning home from Vietnam. Not really gory or overly violent but has a weird atmosphere to it plus deals with some relevant themes such as family grief, drug addiction, domestic violence. There's a cool soundtrack, too, by the same composer who did Clark's Black Christmas. I hope this film gets the HD treatment at some point.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 26, 2017, 06:00:29 PM
just picked up cheap upgrades,
tobe hooper's lifeforce, not seen since cinema release, and hooper's death trap/eaten alive.

both arrow releases with local fopp starting promo of arrow releases for £6.
will likely seek to plug other gaps as well.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 27, 2017, 11:12:30 PM
Last night was José Ramón Larraz's lezbo vampire flick, Vampyres. Pretty good overall. Bloody climax but not enough nudity (for the climax, the rest of the film has quite a bit).

I need to watch Larraz's other film made the same year, Symptoms, again. Sort of like Repulsion mixed with The Haunting but with only the house, not the haunting.

Whirlpool & Deviation directed by Larraz sound particularly interesting. Has anyone seen them?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 29, 2017, 03:15:58 AM
for me, symptoms bests vampyres, despite no nudity, gore etc, due to the overall tone of the film, not least due to angela pleasance's performance and appearance (still can't decide if she is offbeat hot or just freaky).the photography and colours jjust add to the tone.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on April 30, 2017, 01:40:54 PM
Eastern Promises

Feels like I posted about this previously when I last watched it but can't remember and can't be arsed to go trawling through to find out. Anyway, it's an excellent film with my only criticism being it feels like it wraps itself up a little abruptly. There's more mileage in it, but from doing a quick Google this morning it looks like a follow-up may be in the works this year anyway.

Viggo Mortenson and Vincent Cassel are superb; the former icy and stoic, the latter weaselly and whimpering.

Need to revisit A History Of Violence now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on April 30, 2017, 04:30:52 PM
i can't remember much of the plot but i do remember not really liking eastern promises. i didn't like history of violence at the time either but should probably rewatch it to make sure it's rubbish.

cronenberg hasn't made a solid flick in nearly 20 years now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 30, 2017, 05:34:47 PM
paul schrader's 'hardcore' is getting a reissue.
a tale of a father looking for his daughter in the grubby underworld of porn
has the prime quote ' she was a good girl, she could milk a crowbar'
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 30, 2017, 08:29:50 PM
Twilight Time released Hardcore in the U.S.; it's available from Screen Archives. T.Time Blu's are kind of pricey.

Last night was a couple of Italian Exorcist rip-off's: Beyond the Door & Antichrist; both are terrible & run way too long (over 100 minutes each). If I totaled up what I liked in each film, it'd probably come to, maybe, 30 minutes. Pea soup spitting, vulgar possessed ranting, a little bit of nudity, mild violence... The best thing about B.T.D. is the incredibly noisy sound design of the possession scenes. Antichrist is the better of the two but not by much. It starts off trying to do something different but turns into a shitty Exorcist rip off. There's some interesting imagery & an Ennio Morricone/Bruno Nicolai soundtrack. Oh, and a scene with goat...

Earlier in the week was Assault! Jack the Ripper & Star of David: Hunting of Beautiful Girls, two Japanese Roman Porno films. Rumors are abound that Synapse/Impulse have S.o.D. for future Blu-ray but I'll believe when I see it as they have a bunch of Nikkatsu's films they've been sitting on for a long time. I'm guessing sells on what has already been released on dvd isn't very good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 30, 2017, 08:49:48 PM
is the 'pig fucking move' the dutch, largely silent,black and white thing? vase des noces?
got this on dbd two years or so back on label usually releasing euro exploitation.
strange to watch, never to be repeated film that looks into loneliness and its outcomes in very strange context.
will leave most viewers put orf or revolted, such is the level of abjection.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 30, 2017, 09:22:12 PM
Vase des Noces aka The Pig Fucking Movie. It's Belgian; I've seen it on vhs a loooooong time ago but I remember nothing about it other than it's b&w and dull. It's also known as Wedding Trough.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 30, 2017, 09:45:36 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 30, 2017, 08:29:50 PM
Twilight Time released Hardcore in the U.S.; it's available from Screen Archives. T.Time Blu's are kind of pricey.

Last night was a couple of Italian Exorcist rip-off's: Beyond the Door & Antichrist; both are terrible & run way too long (over 100 minutes each). If I totaled up what I liked in each film, it'd probably come to, maybe, 30 minutes. Pea soup spitting, vulgar possessed ranting, a little bit of nudity, mild violence... The best thing about B.T.D. is the incredibly noisy sound design of the possession scenes. Antichrist is the better of the two but not by much. It starts off trying to do something different but turns into a shitty Exorcist rip off. There's some interesting imagery & an Ennio Morricone/Bruno Nicolai soundtrack
not seen antichrist in a while, but sounds about right.
best about beyond the door is beyond the door 2. mario bava directing, daria nicolodi starring.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 30, 2017, 09:54:21 PM
[quote author=bitewerksMTB link=topic=83.msg64535#msg64535 date=1493573390

Earlier in the week was Assault! Jack the Ripper & Star of David: Hunting of Beautiful Girls, two Japanese Roman Porno films. Rumors are abound that Synapse/Impulse have S.o.D. for future Blu-ray but I'll believe when I see it as they have a bunch of Nikkatsu's films they've been sitting on for a long time. I'm guessing sells on what has already been released on dvd isn't very good.

both fioms are great part of roman pornonfims.
assault jack the ripper is oddity that seen on mondo bizarro dvd.
star of david, is altogether more nihilistic and disturbing in context- don't think there is a single scene of sexin the entire film (not unique in japanese films of this period).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 06, 2017, 11:43:21 PM

This site has some cool tours of video stores... Wish there were a few still around in my neck of the woods!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on May 07, 2017, 08:32:58 PM
Recently got to see a very nice print of Ken Russell's The Devils. Sadly it was the R rated cut. The local theater has a lynch retrospective this week, so I'll be seeing Fire Walk With Me in a few days.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 08, 2017, 02:21:42 PM
blu ray multi disc reissue of argento's phenomena-three cuts of the film, ost by goblin  and thick booklet in a slipcase.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 08, 2017, 09:00:59 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on May 08, 2017, 08:45:26 PM
In Theaters September 8

IT - Official Teaser Trailer


all well and good.
don't just be an unpaid advertiser for whatever...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 10, 2017, 06:18:57 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on May 09, 2017, 12:54:00 AM
this could also tie in with the OST thread.  i have three different versions:  Esper Edition, New American Orchestra and Trilogy, 25th Anniversary.

I also have the 30th Anniversary Blu-ray.  One of my favorite movies and soundtracks.

anyway, here is the trailer for Blade Runner 2049 coming this Fall.  executive producer Ridley Scott, so you know it's going to be good


*This above link is not endorsed or affiliated with me...  ha!

yet you still give the site, as against saying looking forward to this.
i too look forward to bladerunner sequel, but won't give official studio time.likely snobbish, but studios can get their own official ads all over.
btw, do you go drinking with mrs  musselman?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 10, 2017, 07:12:28 PM
let's carry this on in the alcohol thread
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 15, 2017, 02:49:13 PM
just purchased and looking forward to tonight's viewing:
'the climber'  joe dallesandro staring in itallo crime from mid seventies.
also looking forward to the 'little joe's adventures' interview of his euro film experiences.

next up lamberto bava's 'delirium' 80's giallo/slasher.with boobalicious serena grandi, the other extras are of little interest.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 15, 2017, 07:54:25 PM
Haven't watched much lately but Saturday night it was Mondo Macabro's dvd release of ASWANG. Pretty good U.S. horror that would be nice to have as a Blu-ray. The film could use a good HD scanning & color correction.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on May 17, 2017, 12:27:40 AM
hounds of love


next up here is this aussie flick. judging by the trailer, there is potential here.

https://tribecafilm.com/filmguide/hounds-of-love-2017 (https://tribecafilm.com/filmguide/hounds-of-love-2017)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on May 17, 2017, 02:43:48 AM
Saw this last night, highly recommended! Stark kitchen sink Oz crime like Snowtown spiced with some Ian/Myra, Paul/Karla action, heh heh.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 17, 2017, 02:51:03 AM
Hounds of Love looks promising & I would like to see Snowtown again.

Last night, I caught The Coen Brothers debut film, Blood Simple, on Turner Classic Movies. It's the new HD scan Criterion Coll. did & it looks great! Recommended if you're into crime flicks.

Also caught most of Black Snake Moan which is just crap. The only reason to watch is Christina Ricci in dirty white panties & half-top. Other than that, it's just crap.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on May 17, 2017, 04:16:00 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 17, 2017, 02:51:03 AM
Hounds of Love looks promising & I would like to see Snowtown again.

Last night, I caught The Coen Brothers debut film, Blood Simple, on Turner Classic Movies. It's the new HD scan Criterion Coll. did & it looks great! Recommended if you're into crime flicks.

Also caught most of Black Snake Moan which is just crap. The only reason to watch is Christina Ricci in dirty white panties & half-top. Other than that, it's just crap.

Snowtown is hard throbbing cock. Blood Simple is a true classic, Haven't seen Criterion's remaster yet.

Christina Ricci.... noted. cutie panty heaven.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 17, 2017, 04:30:21 AM
Need a revisit of both Snowtown and Blood Simple soon. Loved the shit out of the former when I first saw it, and yet somehow nearly forgot about it until its mention here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 18, 2017, 02:32:45 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 15, 2017, 07:54:25 PM
Haven't watched much lately but Saturday night it was Mondo Macabro's dvd release of ASWANG. Pretty good U.S. horror that would be nice to have as a Blu-ray. The film could use a good HD scanning & color correction.

the mondo macabro aswang is, i believe
, Philippinenot usa.
there is a us aswang from a few years later.

blu ray upgrades of the mondo macabro stabl would be good.
missed mansion of madness
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 23, 2017, 06:16:43 PM
got round to watching recent purchase-
'pitstop' by jack hill, director of spider baby and various blacksploitationers.
out coearly too late for the drag racingfad and too early for a nostalgia crowd, it shows a side of california not reached by the peace and love in san fran and los angeles.
it's being black ab
nd white adds to the sense of displacement and the core message of fucking people over to get where you want was definitely not what late sixties pre altamont wanted to hear.
pick it up cheap if you can
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 23, 2017, 11:46:20 PM
new twin peaks.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 24, 2017, 01:09:12 AM
Quote from: aububs on May 23, 2017, 11:46:20 PM
new twin peaks.


Couldn't stop once I started and already blasted through the 4 episodes that are out. Much more Lynchian than the original series. It's a very slow burner. Pleased that there is very little fan service here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 24, 2017, 04:06:34 AM
I've never been a Lynch fan & I don't know if I've seen any episodes of Twin Peaks but it seems like I would have checked it out when it originally aired.

Recently, I've re-watched Blue Velvet & Mulholland Drive; parts of BV I like & the only reason to sit through MD is to see Naomi Watts nude. I have Eraserhead on my dvr right now but it's a film I only like to see every few years. I think this will be the first viewing of the Criterion's HD release. The soundtrack is excellent.

This coming weekend, Vinegar Syndrome will be having a 50% off sale plus free shipping within the U.S. Overseas shipping is a flat $15. Starts Friday! They will be releasing two yet-to-be-announced movies, as well. I would recommend Pigs, Luther the Geek, & The Undertaker.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 24, 2017, 04:32:25 AM
Not a huge Lynch fan by any means, but there's some kind of magic in that first season of Twin Peaks... nothing really like it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on May 24, 2017, 03:53:45 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on May 24, 2017, 01:09:12 AM
Quote from: aububs on May 23, 2017, 11:46:20 PM
new twin peaks.


Couldn't stop once I started and already blasted through the 4 episodes that are out. Much more Lynchian than the original series. It's a very slow burner. Pleased that there is very little fan service here.

Agreed on all points; I'd imagine it near inpenetrable for newcomers. Might encourage them to go back and watch from the start first, but can't see it picking up many new fans and may even lose some long-time revellers. Compelling, intriguing, disorganised and nonsensical, with broader shades of Lynch than before. Looking forward to seeing how it develops (or doesn't, as the case may plausibly turn out).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 24, 2017, 07:39:55 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on May 18, 2017, 02:32:45 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 15, 2017, 07:54:25 PM
Haven't watched much lately but Saturday night it was Mondo Macabro's dvd release of ASWANG. Pretty good U.S. horror that would be nice to have as a Blu-ray. The film could use a good HD scanning & color correction.

the mondo macabro aswang is, i believe
, Philippinenot usa.
there is a us aswang from a few years later...

It's an American film; I watched a docu. on the disc about the making of it. Everyone was from Wisconsin (I think?) but the basic plot came from an American who grew up in the Philippines.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 27, 2017, 03:37:20 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 24, 2017, 07:39:55 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on May 18, 2017, 02:32:45 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 15, 2017, 07:54:25 PM
Haven't watched much lately but Saturday night it was Mondo Macabro's dvd release of ASWANG. Pretty good U.S. horror that would be nice to have as a Blu-ray. The film could use a good HD scanning & color correction.

the mondo macabro aswang is, i believe
, Philippinenot usa.
there is a us aswang from a few years later...

It's an American film; I watched a docu. on the disc about the making of it. Everyone was from Wisconsin (I think?) but the basic plot came from an American who grew up in the Philippines.

yes, you are right.
i was conflating two separate films in a mix up.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 27, 2017, 03:45:05 PM
just got paul schrader's 'hardcore' , not seen in a dog's age and hoping it's as grubby as i half remember.
also looking forward to 'cops vs thugs' kinji fukasaku's post yakusa papers outing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 27, 2017, 07:00:02 PM
well mr bitewerks, hope luther the geek hits the spot, as part of vinegar syndrome order this month.
ps, thanks for update as to sale weekend.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 27, 2017, 10:51:06 PM
I forgot to mention Don't Answer the Phone! bd from Vinegar Syndrome. I watched it last night after Swamp Thing which also stars Nicolas Worth and David Hess. ST is awful; too bad no one had the bright idea to make a movie with Hess & Worth as a team of serial killers.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on June 03, 2017, 04:51:01 PM
Charles Laughton's The Night of the Hunter

Timeless classic!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 04, 2017, 12:01:29 AM
Quote from: cr on June 03, 2017, 04:51:01 PM
Charles Laughton's The Night of the Hunter

Timeless classic!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 07, 2017, 04:07:24 PM
watched The New York Ripper for what feels like the hundredth time. What a stone cold classic. Between the Donald Duck voiced killer, beautiful murders and the funky soundtrack, there's nothing not to like.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 09, 2017, 03:24:36 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on June 07, 2017, 04:07:24 PM
watched The New York Ripper for what feels like the hundredth time. What a stone cold classic. Between the Donald Duck voiced killer, beautiful murders and the funky soundtrack, there's nothing not to like.

have to agree here.
also to add nyc itself as integral to the film.
there were great films in late 70's, early 80's where scummy new york added to the filmic experience.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 09, 2017, 03:33:25 PM
just got the vinegar syndrome catalogue with 3dvd's of original trailers for  their catalogue of grindhouse, porn and horror trash.
great viewing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 09, 2017, 09:18:07 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on June 09, 2017, 03:33:25 PM
just got the vinegar syndrome catalogue with 3dvd's of original trailers for  their catalogue of grindhouse, porn and horror trash.
great viewing.

I received "Sweet Sugar" a few days ago along with their catalog. I wish I had ordered a few other films or, at least, "Double Exposure", which, I've never seen but remember seeing it in all of the vhs rental stores around town.

Going to definitely buy the UK blu of "Hardcore" starring George C. Scott. It's cheaper than the U.S. release.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 09, 2017, 09:29:04 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 09, 2017, 09:18:07 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on June 09, 2017, 03:33:25 PM
just got the vinegar syndrome catalogue with 3dvd's of original trailers for  their catalogue of grindhouse, porn and horror trash.
great viewing.

I received "Sweet Sugar" a few days ago along with their catalog. I wish I had ordered a few other films or, at least, "Double Exposure", which, I've never seen but remember seeing it in all of the vhs rental stores around town.

Going to definitely buy the UK blu of "Hardcore" starring George C. Scott. It's cheaper than the U.S. release & has more extras.

hardcore is well worth getting.
re vinegar syndrome- now got catalogue/dvds, will be able to use sale offers to max.
looking to get Roger Watkins' porn film given lhodes horror classic.
feel kool king in the vinegar t i ordered
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 10, 2017, 01:03:24 AM
I think that VS bd of the Watkins porno (Corruption?) has a rough transfer of LHODES, which, VS are suppose to release at some point. I think finding suitable elements is the issue or tracking down extra footage.

The LHODES soundtrack LP is pretty great. I've only watched the Barrel dvd once but would upgrade in a heartbeat for a blu release. I remember finding the film in a video store in a nearby town which was a pain in the ass when it came time to return it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 10, 2017, 04:44:05 PM
that transfer of LHODES on the Corruption blu ray looks fantastic, imo.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on June 10, 2017, 09:34:52 PM
"Abus de faiblesse," dir. Catherine Breillat, 2013
          I'm assuming most people on this forum would associate Breillat's name with her earlier films, often times known for their violence, and that's fine, most of them are pretty good. It's here, in semi-autobiographical mode, that Breillat really shines. This is a fictionalized retelling of her experiences with notorious con man Christophe Rocancourt, who basically swindled the equivalent of $800,000 from her in loans while he was recovering from a stroke. At the time, he'd been in Breillat's consideration for starring in a film she was developing at the time. When she eventually came to her senses, Rocancourt was charged with and successfully convicted of "abuse of weakness," (the title of the film and a French legal statute), and the result is this film. It's a straightforward, linear (but heavily fictionalized) retelling of Breillat's experiences, wherein Maude, the director, is played expertly by Isabelle Huppert, and Rocancourt's equivalent character is played by rapper Kool Shen. Yeah, there's the obvious "life imitates art/art imitates life" shit you could say, but beyond that, it's just insanely compelling to see Huppert (one of the greatest French actresses of all time) play a recovering stroke patient with such power. At one point, she insists on designing her own orthopedic boots, saying something like "the handicapped need an S&M look." Good exploration on human frailty and how there's really only the uncompromising spirit or self one can rely on, but even that, at times, will let you down.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 11, 2017, 04:29:03 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 10, 2017, 01:03:24 AM
I think that VS bd of the Watkins porno (Corruption?) has a rough transfer of LHODES, which, VS are suppose to release at some point. I think finding suitable elements is the issue or tracking down extra footage.

The LHODES soundtrack LP is pretty great. I've only watched the Barrel dvd once but would upgrade in a heartbeat for a blu release. I remember finding the film in a video store in a nearby town which was a pain in the ass when it came time to return it.

will look out for next vs sale.
got the ost lp which i like depite the bad cover.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 13, 2017, 04:22:11 PM
just picked up ths shameless release of 'all the colours of the dark'-sergio martino, as first time uk dvd/blu ray issue.
alst the arrow release of 'madhouse' by ovidio assonitis, an old video nasty getting the polished up treatment.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 13, 2017, 09:32:32 PM
Here's an interview with the Vinegar Syndrome guys:


I wish they had been asked how they find these archives of films to buy & how they got started in the first place. They certainly seem to be successful with everything they have done so far.

MADHOUSE sounds interesting. I'm not sure I had heard of it before. The only 'Madhouse' film I can think of stars Vincent Price.

I love ALL THE COLOURS... but I'll wait on a U.S. release. It's bound to happen eventually.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 13, 2017, 09:46:26 PM
madhouse was also called 'when she was bad' and 'there was a little girl'.
don't even recall 'madhouse' an apparent itallo prod, shot on savannah, usa.
gets usual arrow attention-both dvd and br, bookletl new commentariy etc
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 13, 2017, 09:53:02 PM
thanks for the vinegar syndrome intv..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 15, 2017, 10:45:03 PM
kind of cheap, but the towering inferno in london has fascinated.
from the initial night footage, to official news channel images, esp the unearthly glow the following evening.
a landmark for me entering london on the bus.. as one of several high rises.
will be dirty fuck you finger to all for months to come....
the official news footage combined with local camera footage will give a fractured but overall, whole account of the horror.- lost relatives, friends cremated into nothing, flame drenched jumpers with no hope choices...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 18, 2017, 06:21:12 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on June 13, 2017, 04:22:11 PM
just picked up ths shameless release of 'all the colours of the dark'-sergio martino, as first time uk dvd/blu ray issue.
alst the arrow release of 'madhouse' by ovidio assonitis, an old video nasty getting the polished up treatment.
this is an average transfer.
the english soundtrack is very hissy. that said the italian one is hissy.
good film release, but not improved in quality.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 19, 2017, 02:30:15 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on June 18, 2017, 06:21:12 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on June 13, 2017, 04:22:11 PM
just picked up ths shameless release of 'all the colours of the dark'-sergio martino, as first time uk dvd/blu ray issue.
alst the arrow release of 'madhouse' by ovidio assonitis, an old video nasty getting the polished up treatment.
this is an average transfer.
the english soundtrack is very hissy. that said the italian one is hissy.
good film release, but not improved in quality.

Both films are "average transfers"?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 19, 2017, 02:32:58 AM
Quote from: KMusselman on June 19, 2017, 01:48:46 AM
Blood Road | Official TRAILER


Looks like they did a lot of hike n' bike.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: collapsedhole on June 21, 2017, 05:10:56 PM
anyone seen "Reindeerspotting" ?

released 2010, about drug addicts in finland.... what peaks my interest is the real life scum factor - the director was a homeless junkie documenting his circle of friends who were all in similar circumstances. later on that year the director, along with one of the main characters in the film, travelled to cambodia together where the 'actor' then commited suicide by hanging. then the director was arrested a couple years later for smuggling 1200 doses of buprenorphine.

seems up my alley, hoping it is as grimey as the reviews make it seem.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 21, 2017, 06:45:39 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 19, 2017, 02:30:15 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on June 18, 2017, 06:21:12 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on June 13, 2017, 04:22:11 PM
just picked up ths shameless release of 'all the colours of the dark'-sergio martino, as first time uk dvd/blu ray issue.
alst the arrow release of 'madhouse' by ovidio assonitis, an old video nasty getting the polished up treatment.
this is an average transfer.
the english soundtrack is very hissy. that said the italian one is hissy.
good film release, but not improved in quality.

Both films are "average transfers"?
'all the colours is average, not watched madhouse yet to say, but arrow generally good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 21, 2017, 06:50:09 PM
Quote from: collapsedhole on June 21, 2017, 05:10:56 PM
anyone seen "Reindeerspotting" ?

released 2010, about drug addicts in finland.... what peaks my interest is the real life scum factor - the director was a homeless junkie documenting his circle of friends who were all in similar circumstances. later on that year the director, along with one of the main characters in the film, travelled to cambodia together where the 'actor' then commited suicide by hanging. then the director was arrested a couple years later for smuggling 1200 doses of buprenorphine.

seems up my alley, hoping it is as grimey as the reviews make it seem.

I seem to remember Mikko and/or some of the other Finns writing about "Reindeerspotting" so there may be comments here if you want to spend the time searching.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on June 24, 2017, 09:48:37 PM
"Wake In Fright," dir. Ted Kotcheff, 1971. Sort of Deliverance-type story about a possibly suicidal teacher who spends a holiday in the rough n' tumble fictional town of Bundanyabba, where he's subjected to various indignities...includes a real kangaroo hunt, which isn't that tough to watch, but still not for the squeamish. A younger Donald Pleasance plays a pretty grimy character, possibly the highlight of the film. Check it out, I don't want to give away too much.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 25, 2017, 12:14:53 AM
Quote from: Peterson on June 24, 2017, 09:48:37 PM
"Wake In Fright," dir. Ted Kotcheff, 1971. Sort of Deliverance-type story about a possibly suicidal teacher who spends a holiday in the rough n' tumble fictional town of Bundanyabba, where he's subjected to various indignities...includes a real kangaroo hunt, which isn't that tough to watch, but still not for the squeamish. A younger Donald Pleasance plays a pretty grimy character, possibly the highlight of the film. Check it out, I don't want to give away too much.

Classic im my book. Still holds up.


By the way.... new  Philippe Grandrieux film out on dvd soon --- Despite the Night, mid July.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 27, 2017, 09:55:23 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on June 21, 2017, 06:45:39 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 19, 2017, 02:30:15 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on June 18, 2017, 06:21:12 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on June 13, 2017, 04:22:11 PM
just picked up ths shameless release of 'all the colours of the dark'-sergio martino, as first time uk dvd/blu ray issue.
alst the arrow release of 'madhouse' by ovidio assonitis, an old video nasty getting the polished up treatment.
this is an average transfer.
the english soundtrack is very hissy. that said the italian one is hissy.
good film release, but not improved in quality.

Both films are "average transfers"?
'all the colours is average, not watched madhouse yet to say, but arrow generally good.

madhouse is, as expected visually and sound wise, fine.
as a film, a slow starter and not nearly as good as the tcm comparisons make out.
that said, a good rural gothic.

just picked up the arrow blu/dvd argento film 'bird with the crystal plumage'-usual quality two disc in thick slipcase alongside a heavy booklet, original film poster and 'art cards'

also bought some japanese anime type thing, title forgotten in booze haze, but is adult in rating, citing extremes of sex and sexual violence.
booklet and 'artcards' make this, with heavy slip case a potentially value release-if only i could remember the name!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 27, 2017, 10:32:53 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on June 27, 2017, 10:24:04 PM
In The Nursery just announced their soundtrack for The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari is included on a special Blu-ray edition of the restored film.


living in the states and this being Zone 2, what would be the best way that i could view this?  i use a PS4 as my Blu-ray player.

issues around multi regions are a headache.
is ps4 multi region?
assume buying multi region player too expensive.
clearly, outside licensing issues, disc releasing labels have to learn that multi or region free, expands your sales.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 28, 2017, 04:44:35 AM
220 Electronics is a reliable source for 'plays everything' Blu-ray players. Or you can get a BD drive for pc & software that overrides the codes. I recently read that is the most affordable way to do it.

I have an all reg. dvd player I bought from 220E & it's been great.  Fast shipping, etc. It's starting to get long in the tooth so occasionally it glitches up.

I just ordered the new Criterion bd of Straw Dogs! Anyone here need the Criterion dvd? Trade or sell.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 28, 2017, 06:34:43 PM
The machines are modified by 220 Electronics. There's another company called Bombay Electronics that does the same thing & prices are about the same, I think.

It's weird you have to choose the bd zones; why would anyone want all the dvd regions but not bd? Just make'em play everything & stick a price on'em.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on June 28, 2017, 08:23:48 PM
Blood Simple, dirs. Joel & Ethan Cohen (1985)
         OK, so forget the typical-Hollywood crap these guys have done otherwise, like O, Brother Where Art Thou (ham-fisted and contrived) or Intolerable Cruelty (no, thanks), Blood Simple is totally underrated and deserves a watch by anyone who's into film noir, Giallos, complicated murder thrillers etc. To me, it's their best work in pairing with Fargo. It's basically one of those noir-vibe stories where a murder plot spins way out of control, and folks die needlessly due to paranoia, etc. Reminds me of some kind of combination between a Dennis Lehane novel and an Alfred Hitchcock film. The cinematography is fucking gorgeous, though, killer scenery shots and colors that just nail the sleazy atmosphere perfectly. Plus, a young and smoking hot Frances McDormand plays a pretty badass character that might just be even better than her character in Fargo. If you liked that one and haven't seen this, there's no reason at all to skip this one, you will definitely like it.

More recent viewings: Factotum, dir. Brent Hamer (2005) - Matt Dillon plays a Charles Bukowski pastiche of the author, drifting through life looking for booze and trying to spend as much time as possible alone. Funny and oddly hypnotic but no real plot to speak of, worth only one viewing if that.

Leaving Las Vegas, dir. Mike Figgis (1995) - Everyone already knows all about this movie. Nicholas Cage plays another pastiche of the eponymous book author (John O'Brien) on his mission to drink himself to death. Good, but Elizabeth Shue is perhaps the stronger actor/performance here. Had to watch this because I've known too many folks that've literally drunk themselves to death. It's not this romantic in real life, not by a long shot.

The Exorcist, dir. William Friedkin (1973) - Needs no explanation. On previous viewings, didn't catch the detail that Father Karras' crisis of faith occurs not just because of his dilemma with his mother, but because he's gay. The detective compares him to Sal Mineo, to which he just smiles. When Father Dyer is playing piano at the party, he's nearly on a Liberace level of flamboyance, then later when consoling Karras and drinking, he removes his shoes and puts him to bed, lingering a bit before leaving (check out Ruth 4:8 in the Bible, in a Catholic context, this is a very intimate gesture). Later, Dyer weeps like a bereaved lover when giving Karras last rites. Toward the end, Regan's smooch on Dyer's cheek as a thank-you-for-saving me seems to come from Karras within her, which Dyer seems to recognize. I guess the "shove it up your ass, you faggot" comment from Pazuzu seems more appropriate now, heh...details like that are why I revisit the same movies again and again.

Bringing Out The Dead, dir. Martin Scorcese (1999) - Box-office flop that should've gotten the recognition it deserves, some of Scorsese's best work. Nick Cage plays an NYC ambulance driver who is seriously losing his shit, quickly. Takes a black comedy approach that's somewhere between Taxi Driver and The King Of Comedy in dealing with urban bleakness and the pointlessness of life - John Goodman and Ving Rhames give excellent performances as his paramedic partners in earlier scenes. One of the funniest movies I've ever seen, easily. To be fair, the approach to the soundtrack is annoying and grating, even for Scorsese, but it somehow works. The idea of ambulance drivers drinking on the job is just perfect...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on July 01, 2017, 02:17:13 PM
The Green Inferno - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2403021/?ref_=nv_sr_1

Modern day cannibal exploitation homage from the maker of Hostel? Actually, I really rather enjoyed it. It's by no means perfect and is unashamedly derivative but for the most part it is a pretty good "tribute". It teases brutality that it doesn't really deliver after hitting a gore-soaked zenith around half-way through. Mileage will vary, depending on whether or not you like cannibal movies, Eli Roth, modern horror.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 01, 2017, 08:09:07 PM
TEXAS KILLING FIELDS (2011)- this messy, run of the mill cop movie is loosely based on this:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on July 02, 2017, 07:34:44 PM
The Greasy Strangler: my sister in law suggested this one, probably the funniest grossest weirdest movie I've seen in a while. It was FUCKING GREAT. I laughed through the entire thing. I don't think I've ever laughed that much during a movie ever. There were so many funny moments.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on July 02, 2017, 08:12:21 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on July 02, 2017, 07:34:44 PM
The Greasy Strangler: my sister in law suggested this one, probably the funniest grossest weirdest movie I've seen in a while. It was FUCKING GREAT. I laughed through the entire thing. I don't think I've ever laughed that much during a movie ever. There were so many funny moments.

agree to the laughter allowed to this film.
massively funny, down to the crappy soundtrack-don't buy it on any format.
watch on any media and gurggle.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on July 02, 2017, 09:15:49 PM
yeah the greasy strangler has that special something.

it has an odd ending which i didn't entirely understand if i recall correctly.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on July 02, 2017, 09:41:27 PM
Quote from: aububs on July 02, 2017, 09:15:49 PM
yeah the greasy strangler has that special something.

it has an odd ending which i didn't entirely understand if i recall correctly.

waste the time gain and enjoy it but don't worry at the ending-if you laugh t,hen great, if not, boo hoo.
watqch something else.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: .:Will:. on July 03, 2017, 08:19:18 PM
She is beyond hot in this season of Fargo. Also, best season since the first!
I actually think both the female cops are sexy in a weird way too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on July 03, 2017, 09:04:15 PM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 04, 2017, 02:02:22 AM
I seem to remember an ass shot in the first episode of Fargo by her. The show looses it towards the end. Just gets ridiculous.

I ran across one of Winstead's early films recently. She looked really young & played an ex-lush. I was hoping for some nudity but it never happened. I first took notice of her in some political comedy show that was on one of the major channels last year. I don't remember what it was called but she got to wear a lot of cute outfits.

Just received Criterion's Straw Dogs Blu-ray & just ordered Hitch-Hike from Raro USA. They're having a 50% off sale for July 4th. Just put in 'fourth' at check-out.

Watched Mad Max yesterday evening: "I'm the Night Rider, a fuel-injected suicide machine!"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 10, 2017, 10:56:00 PM
some new stuff and some re-watches:

Motel Hell (1980) - this was surprisingly great. human foie gras/beef jerky farm, sexual assault into consensual romance, hillbillies, chainsaw fights, swingers. you can't really ask for me. not a dull moment. though i don't drink anymore, i would've definitely enjoyed this one over a dozen beers or so.

Deranged (1974) - a liberal use of truth in the telling of the story of Ed Gein, this one is surprisingly relaxed in pace, giving room for the atmosphere of shitty ol Wisconsin. the narrator who enters scenes in a hilarious and nonchalant way is just amazingly weird, and looks a lot like Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords. at times this comes off as a tamer Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but that's not really a serious complaint. definitely worth watching if your into serial killer history.

From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) - i saw parts of this as a kid but i remembered basically nothing. i have mixed feelings about Robert Rodriguez and Tarantino and unsurprisingly i had mixed feelings about this movie. i really was into the first 45 minutes of hardcore crime movie, but when the big changes happens after the half way point, i had a tough time giving a shit. i'm all for silly movies, but the tonal shift was just hard for me to digest. still, glad i finally watched it.

Alien: Covenant (2017) - saw this one a while ago in theaters. definitely continues some of the dumb writing trends from Prometheus, and its substantially less grand in scope and visuals, but i enjoyed it more on the whole. closer to Aliens than Alien, although not quite that balls out. i'll never tire of watching idiots get killed by xenomorphs.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on July 13, 2017, 08:11:20 PM
just picked up blu of ''I drink your blood'
first seen a few years back as boot of ? grindhouse releasing dvd.
early 70's indy horror that is a standout and still entertains today.
usual type of extras.

just watched 'anabelle' a cheap but really enjoyable pastiche of giallo films.
not as arty as 'berberian...', 'the strange colour', or 'amer' but better then some other low budget euro films- fully formed , if self consciously odd plot twists. visually a treat.
seems a one man show of music, script, editing, filming, etc...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 14, 2017, 12:02:52 AM
Yeah, I Drink Your Blood still holds up & is much better than I remembered. I still need to watch one of the versions on the Grindhouse blu. I can't remember which one I watched the first time around or what the differences are.

Sweet Sugar bd (Vinegar Syndrome)- the trailer makes this film look violent & mean-spirited but it's a bit too light-hearted with bad attempts at humor but it does have some good nudity, a black man burned alive, some violent gun-play (bodies shot up graphically), some mild whipping & what would a W.I.P. film be without a little rape? In one scene, you see the results running out of the cute actress' cut-off jean shorts but despite that, if I had seen this film previously, there would have been no need to own it.

Straw Dogs bd (Criterion Collection)- if you're a fan of S.D. or you want to see it for the first time, Criterion's new release is the way to go. It looks great! Highly recommended. Nothing more needs to be said.

Just received the Italian film, Madhouse, from Arrow. Looks interesting. Scanning through it, I'm pretty sure I've never seen it before.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 14, 2017, 02:15:22 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 14, 2017, 12:02:52 AM
Straw Dogs bd (Criterion Collection)- if you're a fan of S.D. or you want to see it for the first time, Criterion's new release is the way to go. It looks great! Highly recommended. Nothing more needs to be said.

Ace film. 50% off on Criterion titles now via Barnes & Noble.

Caught Personal Shopper the other day. Can recommend that.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: inculcated on July 15, 2017, 03:22:47 PM
Fruits of Passion -Shuji Terayama(dir)
Set in a Chinese Brothel involving use of some interesting props, not too much else of interest just lots of arty affected shots.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 16, 2017, 01:34:18 AM
At Close Range & River's Edge- both '80s, both star Crispin Glover. Both have lost their appeal after so many years but are still reasonably entertaining. Glover is pretty over the top in both films (gender confused in A.C.R. & a valley girl metalhead in R.E.) and I can't think of another film that shows the pubic hair of a corpse more than R.E.

Double Exposure (Vinegar Syndrome)- '80s psychological thriller with slasher elements involving a photographer has nightmares involving murder. Is he killer or isn't he? It's pretty easy to figure it out (& kinda wild). There's some good nudity & a great murder involving a rattlesnake along with the best line in the entire film: "I'm not putting my head in a fucking trash bag!" While it doesn't have much in common with Don't Answer the Phone!, they would make a good double-feature due to both main characters being photographers. The soundtrack during the murder scenes includes some rather industrial-type sounds that are pretty good.

Re-Animator & Don't Torture a Duckling will be coming from Arrow next month! Can't wait to see a naked, high definition Barbara Bouchet!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on July 17, 2017, 02:27:34 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 16, 2017, 01:34:18 AMCan't wait to see a naked, high definition Barbara Bouchet!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on July 22, 2017, 06:31:39 PM
Quote from: Scat-O-Logy on July 17, 2017, 02:27:34 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 16, 2017, 01:34:18 AMCan't wait to see a naked, high definition Barbara Bouchet!


second this, and add barbara crampton!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 22, 2017, 11:26:53 PM
Watched In A Glass Cage last night which had me wondering what the auditions for the boys were like & what the parents were told about the script.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 24, 2017, 01:13:46 AM
Animal-horror  last night & today: Fulci's The Black Cat, Wolfen, & Madhouse (sort of).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 24, 2017, 05:31:45 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 24, 2017, 01:13:46 AM

"How'd you like to see your own body and know that you're dead?"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on July 25, 2017, 01:36:02 AM
Good little movie that, and interesting soundtrack too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 28, 2017, 01:27:47 AM
Session 9 & Psycho yesterday. I bet there's a think-piece somewhere that says everyone involved with Hitchcock's classic is transphobic.

Received Buio Omega (Beyond the Darkness) & Cry of a Prostitute bd's today. Also, ordered 3-disc of Apocalypse Now last night after watching a docu. about The Doors first LP. The 3-disc includes theatrical, Redux, & Hearts of Darkness. Not bad for less than $12 with shipping. A.N. should look great on Blu & I haven't seen the docu. in a very long time. The Redux, I don't care for at all.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on July 29, 2017, 05:50:16 PM
scrabbling around this am enjoying n various piles for a film that in the end i never found.
found this though
'night of the juggler' 1980, set in nyc about an ex cop chasing the kidnapper of his daughter.
forget the director, nobody real famous in it, but terrific ghetto wastelands, decrepitude, filth and freaks from before the cleanup.
scummier than death wish, taxi driver or thevwarriors.
it has gang fights, dog mauling, car stripping, creepy dynamic between nut job kidnapper and child victim.
rough ost.

after watched taxi driver-it seemed postively clean.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 29, 2017, 09:33:43 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on July 29, 2017, 02:33:38 PM
Megan Is Missing was a shit film, I'm not surprised you deleted that last post Keith!

I was going to edit it for something then didn't... I know I've seen the film once & other than the torture scenes, it wasn't worth remembering but I do like the idea of what it is. A made-for-tv movie that turns into pure exploitation. I wouldn't mind checking it out again.

Last night was Suddenly in the Dark released by Mondo Macabro. Pretty cool Korean film from 1981. Kind of a slow burn but the final 10 minutes are wild.

Night of the Juggler is one I've never seen but really want to!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on July 29, 2017, 09:52:03 PM
'night of the juggler' surprised me as something well worth more than the £5 payed.
this counterbalances stuff i have payed 'top dollar' for and been disappointed at.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on July 30, 2017, 06:25:51 PM
this morning i watched 'human lanterns'  a shaw bros kung fu  delight that builds to crescendoes of noise, action and wierd.
never remember actors or directors when watch these tings but was entertaining fun.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on July 31, 2017, 07:16:45 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on July 30, 2017, 06:25:51 PM
this morning i watched 'human lanterns'  a shaw bros kung fu  delight that builds to crescendoes of noise, action and wierd.
never remember actors or directors when watch these tings but was entertaining fun.

Need to check out more 80's Shaw Brothers since watching The Boxer's Omen a few years back. Heard 'Seeding of a Ghost' is the one to see!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 31, 2017, 08:53:34 PM
The Boxer's Omen is nuts but too long. Seeding of a Ghost is pretty cool. Seems like it changes course a little towards the end but it's pretty gory n' wild. I have the U.S. dvd but haven't watched it in a long time.

This weekend was Apocalypse Now & the Hearts of Darkness documentary 2-disc set. RECOMMENDED!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on July 31, 2017, 09:19:58 PM
Quote from: AXNAAR on July 31, 2017, 07:16:45 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on July 30, 2017, 06:25:51 PM
this morning i watched 'human lanterns'  a shaw bros kung fu  delight that builds to crescendoes of noise, action and wierd.
never remember actors or directors when watch these tings but was entertaining fun.

Need to check out more 80's Shaw Brothers since watching The Boxer's Omen a few years back. Heard 'Seeding of a Ghost' is the one to see!

seeding of a ghost is the only one yet to get from the 88 films stable of shaw bros dvd/blu releases in uk.
all enjoyable. next out is 'oily maniac'
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 01, 2017, 01:48:08 AM
along with seeding of a ghost, Hex and Black Magic are two other nutsoid shaw brothers horror deals. both worth watching.

i fuckin love boxer's omen. it's about a guy getting revenge for his brothers death and he gets his revenge halfway thru the movie and the last half is just crazy shit happening.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 01, 2017, 01:51:13 AM
oily maniac is kind of boring but it's worth watching cos it's oily maniac.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on August 01, 2017, 02:43:46 AM
Quote from: Peterson on August 01, 2017, 02:12:07 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on July 29, 2017, 05:50:16 PM
'night of the juggler' 1980

Found this one by accident looking for something else at the library. Not in hand yet, but on my hold list. Considering your description, sounds damn good.

Anyway, I'm just adding to the chorus here, but the new season of Twin Peaks has been worth keeping up with. It's almost exactly how I expected, I guess, and I like seeing a nearly-retarded version of Cooper mumbling "damn good pie," echolalia, etc. Michael Cera's Brando impersonation is spasmic laughter-inducing. Some of the theories people out there in internet-land come up with regarding this show are fucking outlandish, but then again, it's a David Lynch creation, what can I expect? Also, Naomi Watts. Enough said.

The Mrs has been watching the new Twin Peaks in private in headphones and keeps saying it's great - I'm dubious after season 2, I just hope Lynch handles all episodes. Naomi Watts is in this one? Nice!

Been keeping up with S07 of GOT - so far great!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AXNAAR on August 01, 2017, 06:09:11 AM
Quote from: KMusselman on August 01, 2017, 05:38:34 AM
speaking of Naomi Watts, hope you are watching Gypsy on Netflix!


I will after that trailer!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 01, 2017, 07:52:06 PM
Quote from: AXNAAR on August 01, 2017, 02:43:46 AM
Quote from: Peterson on August 01, 2017, 02:12:07 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on July 29, 2017, 05:50:16 PM
'night of the juggler' 1980

Found this one by accident looking for something else at the library. Not in hand yet, but on my hold list. Considering your description, sounds damn good.

Anyway, I'm just adding to the chorus here, but the new season of Twin Peaks has been worth keeping up with. It's almost exactly how I expected, I guess, and I like seeing a nearly-retarded version of Cooper mumbling "damn good pie," echolalia, etc. Michael Cera's Brando impersonation is spasmic laughter-inducing. Some of the theories people out there in internet-land come up with regarding this show are fucking outlandish, but then again, it's a David Lynch creation, what can I expect? Also, Naomi Watts. Enough said.

The Mrs has been watching the new Twin Peaks in private in headphones and keeps saying it's great - I'm dubious after season 2, I just hope Lynch handles all episodes. Naomi Watts is in this one? Nice!

Been keeping up with S07 of GOT - so far great!

the new twin peaks murders the first two seasons. it's amazing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on August 01, 2017, 09:02:37 PM
Quote from: aububs on August 01, 2017, 07:52:06 PM
Quote from: AXNAAR on August 01, 2017, 02:43:46 AM
Quote from: Peterson on August 01, 2017, 02:12:07 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on July 29, 2017, 05:50:16 PM
'night of the juggler' 1980

Found this one by accident looking for something else at the library. Not in hand yet, but on my hold list. Considering your description, sounds damn good.

Anyway, I'm just adding to the chorus here, but the new season of Twin Peaks has been worth keeping up with. It's almost exactly how I expected, I guess, and I like seeing a nearly-retarded version of Cooper mumbling "damn good pie," echolalia, etc. Michael Cera's Brando impersonation is spasmic laughter-inducing. Some of the theories people out there in internet-land come up with regarding this show are fucking outlandish, but then again, it's a David Lynch creation, what can I expect? Also, Naomi Watts. Enough said.

The Mrs has been watching the new Twin Peaks in private in headphones and keeps saying it's great - I'm dubious after season 2, I just hope Lynch handles all episodes. Naomi Watts is in this one? Nice!

Been keeping up with S07 of GOT - so far great!

the new twin peaks murders the first two seasons. it's amazing.

The new season is great and it certainly slaughters the second season, but the first season still has that strange air of magic about it that really makes it something of its own.

The glacial pace of this season is unreal. This week's episode was particularly brutal. I love it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on August 02, 2017, 03:42:02 AM
I might be in the minority everywhere on this subject, but I like all three Twin Peaks seasons equally for different reasons. Season 2 lays it on pretty thick with the soap opera elements but I find that kind of crap really funny.

Anyway, watched Giuseppe Tornatore's "La Sconosciuta" ("The Unknown") yesterday while doing some grueling cut n' paste for my recent stuff. I wanted to review it here, but I think anything detailed I'd say in praise of it would give too much away. It's not amazing, and kind of obvious at times, but I really liked it and recommend it to basically any casual Dario Argento, Alfred Hitchcock, or David Lynch fan. It's basically in many ways a "typical" Italian thriller with a heady psychological twist to the action-and-flashbacks formula. Gist of the plot is a woman attempting to start a new life while putting to rest the dangers of her old, dangerous one, and dealing with some intense traumatic memories. She dealt with some bad shit, but she's far from a saint herself. At times the soundtrack was really irritating, but the film has a quick, forward-momentum pace with great cinematography and acting, not to mention nice flashes of violence, nudity, and really questionable psychology of several characters. Definitely worth at least one viewing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: inculcated on August 04, 2017, 01:32:59 PM
The Boys from Brazil. (1978)
Dr Josef Mengele attempts to recreate the conditions necessary for a new Reich.A materialist account.Big name actors.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 04, 2017, 08:41:42 PM
tonight i am going to watch 'the stone killer' featuring chas bronson and directed by michael winner.
this tag team turned in death wish a year or so later, so hope this is as rough.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 06, 2017, 08:59:53 PM
hardly ever see blockbuster films as released.
trip to cinema with father an unusual experience-saw latest planet or the apes film.
dunno, but there seemed several references to apocalypse now in this film-seen so many films, ghosts of other films a 'hazard'
film appeared in total a better than average blockbuster type film-my dad payed, don't think i would though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 06, 2017, 10:49:06 PM
Violent Italiano double-feature: Cry of a Prostitute and Beyond the Darkness; both are highly recommended for fans of slaughtered pig rape, belt beatings, mafia crime, Henry Silva, necrophilia, Goblins, finger-nail ripping, taxidermy, eyeball violence, & acid baths.

Also, American Werewolf in London and Innocent Blood- AW is a classic, of sorts. Good for its time & got the lead actor fired by Dr. Pepper. IB is also directed by John Landis & it sucks but Don Rickles as a vampire is pretty cool. Other than that, there's no reason to sit through it and even then, it isn't worth it.

Narc- finally get it see this again. I don't think it received a dvd release? If it did, I missed it. I saw it in the theater & liked it. Ray Liotta delivers his lines with pin-point accuracy. Basically, this is a decent early 2000s drug-crime flick. Caught it on an HD movie channel so, I guess, there will be a Blu-ray at some point? Not sure it'd be worth owning unless you can get it really cheap.

Oh, and Evil Dead in its proper OAR. Not much to say on this. "Join us."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: .:Will:. on August 11, 2017, 05:26:17 PM
Having trouble finding Cry Of A Prostitute. Found a torrent but it's barely working...
Any clues on where to download?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 11, 2017, 07:16:38 PM
Quote from: .:Will:. on August 11, 2017, 05:26:17 PM
Having trouble finding Cry Of A Prostitute. Found a torrent but it's barely working...
Any clues on where to download?

my boot of this plays up, so disc is no guarantee
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 11, 2017, 07:21:40 PM
don't generally do mainstream, but bought 'ghost in the shell' live action with actual people.
obsessed at one time with original manga and cartoon.
Scarlett Johansen could be a hottie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on August 11, 2017, 08:55:44 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on August 11, 2017, 07:21:40 PM
Scarlett Johansen could be a hottie.

Under The Skin
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 11, 2017, 09:30:30 PM
ghost in the shell live action is absolute garbage.

i walked out of the theatre after about an hour.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 12, 2017, 08:31:10 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on August 04, 2017, 08:41:42 PM
tonight i am going to watch 'the stone killer' featuring chas bronson and directed by michael winner.
this tag team turned in death wish a year or so later, so hope this is as rough.

didn't watch til this morning.
everything seemed 'loud' the soundtrack, the vocals, the action,
bronson is as tough as you want
a cop rather than vigilante, but this makes little difference
everything is loud in this film so the whole thing is a burst of action, adding to the excitement
no love interest to cloud the action
gun shoot kill all the way.
great film..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 13, 2017, 12:34:13 AM
Cry of a Prostitute is being released on Blu-ray & dvd by FilmArt in Germany soon. The Code Red release is nice but has two minor hiccups: it's missing a close-up shot & a line or two of dialogue. I like the movie but not sure those two issues are worth another $25+.


Just finished The Dunwich Horror. Fun movie but H.P. Lovecraft was a RACIST!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on August 13, 2017, 05:17:18 AM
Body Double (De Palma)

Far better than Dressed to Kill (the only other De Palma I've watched in recent memory). The beginning of the third act is impeccable and makes up for everything else that I initially felt ho-hum about. Those other parts didn't take too long to sink in afterwards, though. Solid piece of work. "High-toned smut" and "recursive Moebius Strip of exploitation", indeed.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 14, 2017, 03:30:09 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on August 12, 2017, 08:53:51 PM
Quote from: aububs on August 11, 2017, 09:30:30 PM
ghost in the shell live action is absolute garbage.

i walked out of the theatre after about an hour.

went to buy the Blu-ray.  thought i was picking up the latest movie release with Scarlett Johansson.  it was a SteelBook.  turns out, it is the original anime.  so, maybe that's a good thing?  then, I read reviews of the version that I have.  the transfer to Blu-ray is suppose to be excellent, but there are issues with the sound and subtitles.  i already opened it so i can't return it.  haven't watched it yet.

as fan of original manga and anime,was curiousof this.
it doesn't fuck up the original for me.
the best bits were when it recreated or quoted original sources.
it's worst was a usual hollywood weakness, introducing love/emotion so the back story of her contact with the 'baddy' was redundant.
not the disaster it might have been, even if not great-buy it cheap or watch on telly.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 14, 2017, 06:03:14 PM
watched 'the stooges' by jim jarmusch.
enjoyed as not iggy pop sound experience bio.
little sonically that not heard before, but better than expected.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 14, 2017, 06:54:25 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 13, 2017, 12:34:13 AM
Cry of a Prostitute is being released on Blu-ray & dvd by FilmArt in Germany soon. The Code Red release is nice but has two minor hiccups: it's missing a close-up shot & a line or two of dialogue. I like the movie but not sure those two issues are worth another $25+.


Just finished The Dunwich Horror. Fun movie but H.P. Lovecraft was a RACIST!
you are quoting the code red release  here, butwhat do you think?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: F_c_O on August 14, 2017, 07:19:50 PM
Last tuesday went to local arthouse cinema to see the restored version of In The Realm of Spirits.

Fucking brilliant movie and saddly, it remains as a one of a kind in its frankness when it comes to sex and sexuality. I cannot help but find it silly how taboo that subject still is when violence as entertainment is so widely accepted. Anyhow, I didn't find the movie pornographic, and honestly, focused much more on the story rather than on the fact that most of the time I was watching people fucking. While in the beginning it was sort of titilating it quickly plunged me to that territory of stress and anxiety, which are the feelings I prefer any art to evoke.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on August 15, 2017, 03:51:21 PM
The Man with the Golden Arm (Otto Preminger)

Complete classic from 1955, with a drug addicted Frank Sinatra and Kim Novak as his old flame.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 16, 2017, 11:13:42 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on August 16, 2017, 09:24:01 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on August 14, 2017, 03:30:09 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on August 12, 2017, 08:53:51 PM
Quote from: aububs on August 11, 2017, 09:30:30 PM
ghost in the shell live action is absolute garbage.

i walked out of the theatre after about an hour.

went to buy the Blu-ray.  thought i was picking up the latest movie release with Scarlett Johansson.  it was a SteelBook.  turns out, it is the original anime.  so, maybe that's a good thing?  then, I read reviews of the version that I have.  the transfer to Blu-ray is suppose to be excellent, but there are issues with the sound and subtitles.  i already opened it so i can't return it.  haven't watched it yet.

as fan of original manga and anime,was curiousof this.
it doesn't fuck up the original for me.
the best bits were when it recreated or quoted original sources.
it's worst was a usual hollywood weakness, introducing love/emotion so the back story of her contact with the 'baddy' was redundant.
not the disaster it might have been, even if not great-buy it cheap or watch on telly.

so, i now have both.  i thought the theatrical version was good.  the Blu-ray looked really good and the sound had my sub hitting some really low frequencies.  disappointed that i missed out on the Steelbook.  those usually always sell out on the release day.  looking forward to watching the original now since i now know the story.

I was totally ready to hate the live action GitS as I'm a long time fan of the series but I thought it was enjoyable for what it was. My biggest gripe was with Johansson's overdoing of the whole "robotic" acting. I was really happy the "puppet master" story line wasn't rehashed for the millionth fucking time. I think it also got a lot better in the last 30 minutes or so. and the visual design was consistent and solid. so while not mind blowing it didn't offend me on a cellular level either.

watched The Witch from 2015 a few days ago. I had heard good things when it came out and on this board, but I was positively surprised how much I liked it. really fucking great vibes and imagery and I could give a shit about if the story was literal or metaphorical. a baby dies in the first 10 minutes, i think it's a fucking winner. and the part with the crow and the titties... A+

finally saw My Bloody Valentine for the first time. another "don't know why I waited so long to watch this" movie. don't have much to add but it was a nice mix of silly and violent. too bad a lot of the gore-y bits and kills weren't actually shown, but the dead old lady in the dryer was classic. also I actually really kinda liked the main characters and was a bit disappointed to see some of em get murdered. also disappointed with the lack of tits, but oh well.

The Town That Dreaded Sundown is on the docket for tonight. excited for that one too!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 17, 2017, 12:54:15 AM
The Witch, My Bloody Valentine, The Town That Dreaded Sundown: Nice selection. Top horror classics I have to say. Interesting fact maybe --- form what I've learned the Witch was filmed using only natural light.

On my radar: The Ghoul, Good Time, The Untamed, Despite the Night, You where never really here.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKmhU8c6hc0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKmhU8c6hc0)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on August 17, 2017, 08:42:41 AM
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (John McNaughton, 1989)
          I don't really get what the big deal is with this movie, I guess it was a bit bleak for its time, but it's also pretty cartoony. I guess it didn't totally suck and might be worth another watch, but the cheesy screams and echoes over the bodies and aftermath of violent scenes are ridiculous. Not as violent or intense as most people make it out to be, but it did have a pretty desolate/grubby atmosphere which is alright. I really don't know (think) if it was intended to be funny/parodic in this way, but I noticed elements of a "buddy comedy flick" in the relationship dynamics and found that pretty hilarious.

Elle (Paul Verhoeven, 2016)
          Modern take on the rape n' revenge formula? I thought it was pretty good, by not-great Hollwyood movie standards. I think the most commanding part/role/performance that carried it along was Isabelle Huppert in the lead because I always like her semi-typecast as the ice bitch supreme and a pervy and conniving one this time around can't be bad. Otherwise some weaker and some strong performances and some pretty cheesy moments and twists. Decidedly un-PC by today's standards which is alright. Reminded me of Roman Polanski's "Repulsion" with an almost-giallo layer of formula to it. I don't know.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 17, 2017, 08:14:41 PM
Maybe good opportunity to score some vhs tapes for US fanatics ?

http://levittownnow.com/2017/08/13/video-store-moving-giving-away-vhs-tapes/ (http://levittownnow.com/2017/08/13/video-store-moving-giving-away-vhs-tapes/)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: anomalie on August 19, 2017, 03:38:09 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on August 16, 2017, 11:13:42 PM
watched The Witch from 2015 a few days ago. I had heard good things when it came out and on this board, but I was positively surprised how much I liked it. really fucking great vibes and imagery and I could give a shit about if the story was literal or metaphorical. a baby dies in the first 10 minutes, i think it's a fucking winner. and the part with the crow and the titties... A+

Still need to watch The Witch.

Just watched The Maze Runner to shut my mind up. It worked.
The Maze Runner must be one of those movie series that came up with the success of The Hunger Games series.
It's Hollywood - but not as bad as the general stuff.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: anomalie on August 19, 2017, 05:01:38 AM
Tried to continue with Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials.
Seems to be a lot worse than part one - couldn't finish it now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 19, 2017, 04:20:53 PM
yesterday, was the nominal date of the texas chain saw massacre.
annual visit to this film was something that still showed images that i had forgotten or never realised.
still a favourite film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 20, 2017, 10:54:40 AM
i love those maze runner movies. both of them.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: anomalie on August 21, 2017, 01:48:05 AM
Quote from: aububs on August 20, 2017, 10:54:40 AM
i love those maze runner movies. both of them.

Finished the second part - did not enjoy it as much as the first one.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on August 25, 2017, 05:19:53 AM
Cracker - The Complete Collection (Granada Television)

         Well, by now most folks seem to know Con-Dom's "Moor Rapist" lyrics come from a monologue from the second or third series in this police procedural set in Manchester. After repeated recommendations, finally watched a good chunk - probably one of the best cop shows aside from the first 5 seasons of the original Law & Order. Robbie Coltrane and Geraldine Somerville are especially good. Forensic psychiatrist staving off the shakes with day-drinking and smoking three packs a day. Gritty yet sentimental, good writing and great acting.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on August 25, 2017, 11:40:22 PM
Quote from: Peterson on August 25, 2017, 05:19:53 AM
Cracker - The Complete Collection (Granada Television)

         Well, by now most folks seem to know Con-Dom's "Moor Rapist" lyrics come from a monologue from the second or third series in this police procedural set in Manchester. After repeated recommendations, finally watched a good chunk - probably one of the best cop shows aside from the first 5 seasons of the original Law & Order. Robbie Coltrane and Geraldine Somerville are especially good. Forensic psychiatrist staving off the shakes with day-drinking and smoking three packs a day. Gritty yet sentimental, good writing and great acting.

Not watched it in years- since it was on tv originally. Surprised it still holds up.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 26, 2017, 02:05:34 PM
'elephant' by alan clarke. a tv play 'about' the 'troubles' in northern ireland, it is a speechless, forty odd minutes of sectarian killing.
not the media event bombings but the drab tit for tat murders, becoming so banal that you look at the paunches, bad hair, awful clothes of killers and killed
the banality of evil powerful because of the everyday nature, part of the background, walking to work killings
no sides, no context, no explanation, almost contextless apart from the intro text explaining the title.
the made for tv look and not digitally remastered presentation (it was an extra on an old copy of 'the firm' adding to the atmosphere.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on August 26, 2017, 02:51:57 PM
Saw Dunkirk mid-week, thought it was brilliant in vritually every aspect. I rarely venture to the cinema but for this it was fully worthwhile.

And then the opposite for balance..... watched Aliens: Covenant last night and I hope Ridley Scott never makes another film again.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 26, 2017, 04:07:23 PM
'a brutal game' by jean-claude brisseau.
from 1983 and whilst not as 'unflinching and viscious' as the cover says, it is intense enough to hold up today.
a father who turns out to be a serial killer tries to tame his feral daughter, who is paralysed below the waist.
her journey to propriety is mirrored by his towards beastiality.
no real blood, usual french attitude to young girl nudity, it's all in the dynamics, that are at times slow for today, but a good film topick up cheap.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 26, 2017, 07:41:51 PM
i saw a double bill 15 years ago of alan clarke's Elephant and gus van sant's Elephant. good double bill.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: inculcated on August 27, 2017, 01:54:19 PM
Thief (1981)
Don't know if many have seen this film about expert safe-cracking and its inherent danger.Features thermal-lances, some great action and music by kraut rockers Tangerine dream.Slick.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 27, 2017, 10:36:49 PM
Thief is great. Definitely a classic from the early '80s.

Yesterday was Dark of the Sun (1968) & Paul Naschy's Inquisition; DotS is a violent adventure film that involves mercenaries in the Congo & a bunch of diamonds. Pretty violent for the time period (sort of tame now). Turner Classic Movies runs it a couple times a year so it's well worth catching if you dig films like Sorceror, Emperor of the North, or Kelly's Heroes.

P.N.'s film goes well with Mark of the Devil but it's not as graphic plus The Devils but it's not as good. There's some nice Satanic imagery, some torture, nudity, The Devil, rituals, etc. Released by Mondo Macabro in the U.S. on Blu-ray.  M.M. has another Naschy film in the pipeline & Scream Factory has Vol. 2 box set coming soon including The Hunchback of the Morgue, which, is my favorite. Now, if a label would release Howl of the Devil!

Since Tobe Hooper dropped dead, I've got Salem's Lot playing on this rainy Sunday afternoon...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 28, 2017, 12:04:27 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on August 26, 2017, 02:05:34 PM
'elephant' by alan clarke. a tv play 'about' the 'troubles' in northern ireland, it is a speechless, forty odd minutes of sectarian killing.
not the media event bombings but the drab tit for tat murders, becoming so banal that you look at the paunches, bad hair, awful clothes of killers and killed
the banality of evil powerful because of the everyday nature, part of the background, walking to work killings
no sides, no context, no explanation, almost contextless apart from the intro text explaining the title.
the made for tv look and not digitally remastered presentation (it was an extra on an old copy of 'the firm' adding to the atmosphere.

one take camera work is flawless and exceptionally beautiful at times.

Dunkirk on my list as well. Hear Hear on Thief!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Deadpriest on August 29, 2017, 02:34:55 PM
Watched the first 15 minutes of Tetsuo after having wanted to see it for probably half a decade, very cool aesthetic but wasn't in the mood for it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 01, 2017, 05:45:22 PM
just picked up the uk edition of 'eurocrime' a doc on italian cop films.
already have and enjoyed the original us edition, but this promises 100 minutes of trailer comp rather than original 20 mins.

also got the arrow re issue of the burning as a, hopefully cheap thrill.

anyone seen the arrow reissue box of seijun suzuki late period films, or the ' new battles beyond humanity ' box
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on September 03, 2017, 02:21:41 PM
Has anyone seen some of the films from Bolivian company Pachamama Films and can comment on them?

http://pachamamafilms.com/ (http://pachamamafilms.com/)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 04, 2017, 07:25:13 PM
italy provides next planned viewing of bought
'zombie creeping flesh' blu
'erik the conqueror' blu/dvd from arrow of the mario bava peplum.
two films encapsulating the (long gone)italian film industry genre lovers seek.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 05, 2017, 08:22:52 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on September 01, 2017, 05:45:22 PM

also got the arrow re issue of the burning as a, hopefully cheap thrill.

anyone seen the arrow reissue box of seijun suzuki late period films, or the ' new battles beyond humanity ' box

The Burning is great. I haven't upgraded from the dvd yet but I do watch for reasonably priced copies of the US blu to pop up on eBay. I wish I had bought the soundtrack LP.

I haven't seen New Battles...; I'm curious about the films, as well. I'm hoping Arrow will get more obscure yakuza films in the future (esp. Three Mad Dog Brothers & Violent Streets- my fave!).

Over the weekend, I watched Southern Comfort, which, is one of the best from director Walter Hill and the wacky-as-hell, sci-fi/horror, Demon Seed. D.S. is just nuts as all hell.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Deadpriest on September 05, 2017, 08:32:55 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on September 05, 2017, 07:15:18 PM
XFINITY (our cable/internet provider) just added the YouTube app!  anything on YouTube can now be viewed on the TV instead of sitting in front of the computer!  the app is also designed to work with the X1 voice remote.  instead of searching with the onscreen keyboard, you can just speak into the remote to find content.

just a heads up for people who are using this service.  it will great for watching movies, documentaries, etc. on the TV.

And what better film to view on your television than the new version of Lolita!!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Kayandah on September 06, 2017, 07:08:31 AM

I wish i could unsee it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 06, 2017, 11:30:54 PM
So last week in honor of Tobe Hooper my movie buddy and I watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre (I love it more with each viewing), later on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and then the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake from 2003.

It's funny, I didn't see TCM until I was 20 or 21 and when I finally watched it I felt left down. I think it had something to do with the heavy disassociative drug use that was also happening. Subsequent viewing since confirmed that I'm an idiot and it's one of the best horror films of all time. So watching it again last Monday was great, etc
I was fully unprepared for the shitshow that is TCM 2. I'm not a big fan of silly horror like Brain Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness etc. It rarely works for me. I don't know what the fucking intent was with TCM 2 but to me it came across as overly long, overly dumb and just lacking everything that makes the first a classic. If taken only as a comedy it's passable I guess. And such a damn waste of Dennis Hopper. however I did finally recognized the sample of his voice from the Skinny Puppy track Shadowcast which I thought was a sample of DH from The River's Edge for the longest time, so silver lining.

Then there was the remake which pretty much exemplifies everything I hate about modern horror. tough guy dialogue, isntagram filters/fucked color pallets, Marilyn Manson music video set pieces, weird kids, slim to no suspense.... It wasn't the worst movie ever, but it just felt completely pointless on the whole. and way too early 2000s edge-lord in style. I did love R. Lee Ermey as the Sheriff terrorizing the group tho.

also watched The Prowler which was fucking great! my friend guess the killer pretty quick, but I did not :(

yesterday I watched When a Stranger Calls which oddly paced but I still thoroughly enjoyed. I really like Carol Kane and the first 20 minutes and last 20 minutes with her are pretty fucking great, even if the bodycount is low. the main portion of the film is actually pretty solid for what it is, but it mostly lacks the terrifying home invasion suspense of the beginning and end of the film. I also enjoyed all the scenic shots of LA.

also re-watched the original Dawn of the Dead with my girlfriend who'd only ever seen the remake. hadn't seen it myself in 5+ years. it's a bit long but still thoroughly enjoyable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 07, 2017, 12:04:40 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 06, 2017, 11:30:54 PMyesterday I watched When a Stranger Calls which oddly paced but I still thoroughly enjoyed. I really like Carol Kane and the first 20 minutes and last 20 minutes with her are pretty fucking great, even if the bodycount is low. the main portion of the film is actually pretty solid for what it is, but it mostly lacks the terrifying home invasion suspense of the beginning and end of the film. I also enjoyed all the scenic shots of LA.

the sequel, When a Stranger Calls Back, is one of those rare sequels that's even better than the original. it's great.

the ultimate Carol Kane movie is The Mafu Cage in which she goes batshit insane with a caged ape and wants to fuck her sister.

also agree with you about "silly horror" and to be honest i'm not a huge fan of george romero's zombie movies either. dunno why. i just kinda think zombies are shit.

love The Prowler tho.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 07, 2017, 01:26:56 AM
Is "When a Stranger Calls" the one with 'The phone call is coming from in the house'? Seems like there was a made-for-tv movie with that scene. Okay, just checked Wikipedia & the sequel is the tv movie but I was thinking it was older but reading about the sequel, it says it was for Showtime & I'm thinking of a ABC/CBS movie so it must be something completely different.

I haven't seen The Mafu Cage but I remember it in all of the video rental stores. I think there's a dvd release on Scorpion Releasing?

RE: DotD- I like the Euro. version more for the Goblin soundtrack but it's missing the helicopter scene. Day of the Dead is great, too. And NotLD (Don May Jr. from Synapse said in a recent podcast interview that, according to, Romero, he didn't set out to make any social commentary with his films).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on September 07, 2017, 01:35:44 AM
Watched the first few episodes of Strike on BBC - pretty enjoyable but I kind of wish they'd given them a little time to develop. 3 episodes to do the whole first book is a bit rushed. I am no fan of Harry Potter but I really enjoyed all three Strike novels. I very much enjoyed the casting of Strike, etc.

Top of the Lake Season 1 - this is a great crime drama. Beautiful cinematography, very weird plot that keeps unraveling like an onion with every episode. I've got two more and I'm really digging it.

Broadchurch Seasons 1 & 2 - also really enjoyed this. Well paced, I like the dude who is also Dr. Who a lot in it.

Get Out - I dunno. I saw this get so much praise, and I didn't really love it. I liked the comedic bits between the dude and his buddy at the airport, but overall the plot was just kind of stupid. Like Hostel but sillier. I had really high expectations from the amount of praise but it was not very good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on September 07, 2017, 02:50:43 AM
Quote from: holy ghost on September 07, 2017, 01:35:44 AM
Top of the Lake

This has been recommended to me a few times over the years and I've never pulled the trigger.

Quote from: holy ghost on September 07, 2017, 01:35:44 AM
Get Out - I dunno. I saw this get so much praise, and I didn't really love it. I liked the comedic bits between the dude and his buddy at the airport, but overall the plot was just kind of stupid. Like Hostel but sillier. I had really high expectations from the amount of praise but it was not very good.

Same feels. "Not as smart as you might think."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on September 07, 2017, 05:39:50 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on September 07, 2017, 02:50:43 AM
Quote from: holy ghost on September 07, 2017, 01:35:44 AM
Top of the Lake

This has been recommended to me a few times over the years and I've never pulled the trigger.

Man that ending was fucked. It was really good. Very enjoyable but everyone was super sketchy/grimy/greasy.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 07, 2017, 11:06:00 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 07, 2017, 01:26:56 AMI haven't seen The Mafu Cage but I remember it in all of the video rental stores. I think there's a dvd release on Scorpion Releasing?

yep that's the one i have. there's a lot of good extras on it, interviews with carol kane and the director and stuff. the title of the movie in the opening credits is DEVIATION but on the box it's referred to as the mafu cage.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 11, 2017, 06:51:20 PM
last Thursday did a double feature of Don't Answer the Phone! and The Serpent and the Rainbow. I bought DAtP thinking it was When a Stranger Calls, but it wound up being a happy accident because it's the sleazier and more violent of the two. Don't Answer the Phone! is pure pseudo-slasher exploitation trash. The female lead is rough to look at, but all of the other victims are relatively cute and the violence is pretty fucking great. Nicholas Worth's Kirk Smith reminds me of Joe Spinell's Frank Zito in Maniac, in that he's brutal to look at, constantly sweaty and believably crazy. There's some great drug related stuff too. I get the feeling that the writers on this one had a lot of first hand experience with dope and coke. and special mention to Vinegar Syndrome for great packaging and an amazing job restoring the film. really looks great!

The Serpent and the Rainbow is Wes Craven's '80s voodoo tail set in Haiti with Bill Pullman. This one is torn between horror vibes and pseudo-political thriller vibes. It's really silly in some ways but enjoyable still. it reminds me of the previously mentioned Get Out, except the reverse. Bill Pullman's white man is lost in a world of voodoo and political violence completely alien to him and gets increasingly torn between powers he can't understand, etc. Again, silly, but enjoyable. I'd watch it again.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Rhan-Tegoth on September 11, 2017, 10:15:08 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 06, 2017, 11:30:54 PM
So last week in honor of Tobe Hooper my movie buddy and I watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre (I love it more with each viewing), later on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and then the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake from 2003.

It's funny, I didn't see TCM until I was 20 or 21 and when I finally watched it I felt left down. I think it had something to do with the heavy disassociative drug use that was also happening. Subsequent viewing since confirmed that I'm an idiot and it's one of the best horror films of all time. So watching it again last Monday was great, etc
I was fully unprepared for the shitshow that is TCM 2. I'm not a big fan of silly horror like Brain Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness etc. It rarely works for me. I don't know what the fucking intent was with TCM 2 but to me it came across as overly long, overly dumb and just lacking everything that makes the first a classic. If taken only as a comedy it's passable I guess. And such a damn waste of Dennis Hopper. however I did finally recognized the sample of his voice from the Skinny Puppy track Shadowcast which I thought was a sample of DH from The River's Edge for the longest time, so silver lining.

Then there was the remake which pretty much exemplifies everything I hate about modern horror. tough guy dialogue, isntagram filters/fucked color pallets, Marilyn Manson music video set pieces, weird kids, slim to no suspense.... It wasn't the worst movie ever, but it just felt completely pointless on the whole. and way too early 2000s edge-lord in style. I did love R. Lee Ermey as the Sheriff terrorizing the group tho.

You should have watched "Eaten Alive" from 1977 instead of TCM2 to honour Tobe Hooper, that movie feels way more like the atmosphere of the original than its sequel. Never liked TCM2 either, I suppose this was intended to be a satire but it's basically just a silly and unfunny movie in the end. Not even Dennis Hopper could save it for me.

Eaten Alive trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqRVtNdkCBo (watch closely for a young Robert Englund)

The TCM remake I somehow liked. Not the worst horror remake of the 2000s, in my opinion it's watchable like the remakes of "Dawn of the Dead" and "The Hills Have Eyes". The prequel to the remake on the other hand was useless and so were all other entries in this franchise I haven't already mentioned.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 16, 2017, 10:41:39 AM
the last act of this movie is fucking bananas

don't read anything about it before you see it

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 16, 2017, 03:05:27 PM
Quote from: aububs on September 16, 2017, 10:41:39 AM
the last act of this movie is fucking bananas

don't read anything about it before you see it


including this?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 16, 2017, 03:33:05 PM
looking forward to seeing newly bought 'fires on the plain' by shinya tsukamoto, of tetsuo and sneke of june etc set in a philipino island hell with stranded japanese soldiers ferociously hungry...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 16, 2017, 03:35:07 PM
new arrow upgrades,
don't torture a duckling- lucio fulci
kill baby kill- mario bava
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on September 16, 2017, 06:07:26 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on September 16, 2017, 03:33:05 PM
looking forward to seeing newly bought 'fires on the plain' by shinya tsukamoto, of tetsuo and sneke of june etc set in a philipino island hell with stranded japanese soldiers ferociously hungry...

'fires on the plain' ---

Aye, me too. Been waiting for this one. Did you ever check out the momentum original from 1959? Same guy who did the classic samurai film Harakiri. Also looking forward to Arrow's release of The Untamed. Lasse Marhaug did the soundtrack on that one by the way...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 16, 2017, 06:33:03 PM
not seen the original film as far as i know.
possibly after seeing, will track down.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 17, 2017, 10:49:44 PM
caught a rewatch of this in the cinema last night. amazing movie. a modern classic imo.

the guy who directed this plays in realmbuilder and charnel valley

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 18, 2017, 12:14:18 AM
I'd like to see Bone Tomahawk again. I do remember thinking it was a touch too long & the screeching sounds were kind of silly.

I attended a matinee of the controversial, Hollywood art film, Mother! The best part was when I had to hit the head to take a dump. Oh, and the film's sound design is pretty good.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on September 18, 2017, 12:58:09 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 18, 2017, 12:14:18 AM
I'd like to see Bone Tomahawk again. I do remember thinking it was a touch too long & the screeching sounds were kind of silly.

I didn't find it very good, definitely too long.

Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 18, 2017, 12:14:18 AM
I attended a matinee of the controversial, Hollywood art film, Mother! The best part was when I had to hit the head to take a dump. Oh, and the film's sound design is pretty good.

Hearing generally unfavourable reviews other than aububs one here (if that counts as a review), but I did like Black Swan, so am curious to check it out.

Last night was a Harry Dean Stanton double-header with Paris, Texas and The Cowboy and the Frenchman. I had no idea P,T was so heavy.

Today (so far) has been Salon Kitty. Lavishly sleazy Nazisploitation. It's certainly a bit long, but the cinematography is great and there are some amazing scenes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 18, 2017, 01:19:29 AM
I haven't seen Black Swan though I ran across it on cable not too long ago & watched a bit but found it dull. I was surprised when I found out Mother! was directed by the same guy responsible for Requiem for a Dream.

Salon Kitty:  A friend of mine likes the book a lot & has the rights for the movie's soundtrack but it's being held up for some reason. Some of the poster images are pretty amazing. His release may be delayed due to art. Seems like he said his graphic designer didn't want to deal with it along with the pressing plant would refuse it (or complain).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on September 18, 2017, 02:46:53 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 18, 2017, 01:19:29 AM
I haven't seen Black Swan though I ran across it on cable not too long ago & watched a bit but found it dull.

It all comes together in the ending, I think. It took a lot of cues from The Red Shoes.

Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 18, 2017, 01:19:29 AM
Salon Kitty:  A friend of mine likes the book a lot & has the rights for the movie's soundtrack but it's being held up for some reason. Some of the poster images are pretty amazing. His release may be delayed due to art. Seems like he said his graphic designer didn't want to deal with it along with the pressing plant would refuse it (or complain).

Interesting. Makes sense with all the swastikas and genitals likely flying about there.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 18, 2017, 03:14:16 PM
upgrade of eighties slasher, 'visiting hours' with bunch of nobodies and william shatner getting bloody and slashy and sleazy with any luck
this is basic upgrade with no o-card cover, multi page booklet etc.
sometimes basic is enough.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 18, 2017, 06:10:39 PM
Quote from: aububs on September 17, 2017, 10:49:44 PM
caught a rewatch of this in the cinema last night. amazing movie. a modern classic imo.

the guy who directed this plays in realmbuilder and charnel valley

I thought Bone Tomahawk was terrible. I wanted to like it, I sat through the whole goddamn thing trying, but it just seemed like a massive waste of my time by the end.

I generally like Darren Aronofsky, so I'm interested to see Mother. I thought Black Swan was pretty great and had some physically cringe inducing scenes. And I enjoyed Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis lezzing out together.

Quote from: david lloyd jones on September 18, 2017, 03:14:16 PM
upgrade of eighties slasher, 'visiting hours' with bunch of nobodies and william shatner getting bloody and slashy and sleazy with any luck
this is basic upgrade with no o-card cover, multi page booklet etc.
sometimes basic is enough.

Tried to watch a torrent of this the other week but it was all glitched out. Will have to check out the hard copy.

Hosted my annual Sleazy Slasher Saturday party this past Saturday. It was a bit shorter than in the past. Warmed up with Motel Hell and then we got through What Have You Done to Solange?, Halloween II, Maniac and Black Christmas. Nothing but the hits this year.

oh and last week I watched Raw, which was a mix of coming of age and cannibal, in the New French Extremity style. I thought it was pretty solid, especially the acting from the main chick and the visual design. The very end was way too NFE for my taste (no pun intended), but I was glad I watched it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 19, 2017, 04:29:23 PM
Rewatched Hellraiser for the first time in 5 years. actually enjoyed it a lot more than I expected and remembered. Looking back at my old comments I watched it for the first time in 2012, which means I was probably hammered drunk and miserable... so yeah, last night was more enjoyable with my horror watching friend. we referred to the character Frank as the Goopman or the Goopster and basically did a riff tracks over the movie. The special effects are pretty great. an insane amount of petroleum jelly was used it looked like to me. There were some weird inexplicable direction choices, almost rivaling Fulci's spastic direction (at times). it feels distinctly '80s too, for better or worse.

all that being said, one thing that really struck me was how brutal almost all of the actors looked. i assume the budget went to KY jelly instead of attractive actors, but it made the whole seducing Julia was doing harder to believe. you can dress up a pig... anyway glad to reappraise it and I look forward to watching the second.

also re-watched Fulci's The Beyond on Sunday which easily holds up as the best of his supernatural flicks. top notch atmosphere and incredible gore scenes. the insane part with the tarantulas is so dumb and so goddamn good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on September 20, 2017, 12:06:08 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 19, 2017, 04:29:23 PM

also re-watched Fulci's The Beyond on Sunday which easily holds up as the best of his supernatural flicks. top notch atmosphere and incredible gore scenes. the insane part with the tarantulas is so dumb and so goddamn good.

Easily one of his best. A proper aching boil all the way. My fav from Fulci. Have it on vhs, but planning to buy it again on dvd.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Rhan-Tegoth on September 20, 2017, 01:46:31 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 19, 2017, 04:29:23 PMall that being said, one thing that really struck me was how brutal almost all of the actors looked. i assume the budget went to KY jelly instead of attractive actors, but it made the whole seducing Julia was doing harder to believe. you can dress up a pig... anyway glad to reappraise it and I look forward to watching the second.

Good point, especially the haircut of the stepmother looks horrible! But it somehow works for me, makes it more realistic and fits that dysfunctional family quite well. This was also in Fulci movies and many others from that time, unshaven faces, amalgam/nicotine teeth, sweat stains, family members that don't resemble each other at all etc., sometimes I wonder if such actors weren't even suitable for the porn business so they went for a horror casting.

By the way, I just thought about the similarity between Hellraiser and Fulci's "House by the Cemetary": Undead guy who rots in an old house and needs to kill the living, feasting on their blood and flesh to come back to life.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Deadpriest on September 20, 2017, 03:18:03 PM
Pieta, excitingly fucked up Korean film about a debt collector (who collects his debts by crippling his deters and collecting the insurance money) whose mother returns after a lifelong absence.
Really really loved this film by Kim Ki Duk.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 20, 2017, 08:48:23 PM
liked this a lot

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on September 20, 2017, 09:19:05 PM
Quote from: aububs on September 20, 2017, 08:48:23 PM
liked this a lot


I caught a trailer of this one not long ago. Looks interesting. Did you see it in the cinema?

Oh yea, finally got around to see Wheatley's Free Fire. Fun and effective action humor romp, but nothing that will headline year's best. I recommend it nonetheless. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 20, 2017, 09:23:25 PM
yeah caught it in the cinema last night

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on September 20, 2017, 09:29:29 PM
OK, thanx. I see it is supposed to be released on dvd and bluray later this fall. Considering to pick up a copy then.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Deadpriest on September 21, 2017, 12:37:34 PM
Breathless, Korean tough guy film, gave up after 20 minutes as the constant swearing was very jarring as it didn't translate very well.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 21, 2017, 09:06:26 PM
Quote from: Rhan-Tegoth on September 20, 2017, 01:46:31 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 19, 2017, 04:29:23 PMall that being said, one thing that really struck me was how brutal almost all of the actors looked. i assume the budget went to KY jelly instead of attractive actors, but it made the whole seducing Julia was doing harder to believe. you can dress up a pig... anyway glad to reappraise it and I look forward to watching the second.

Good point, especially the haircut of the stepmother looks horrible! But it somehow works for me, makes it more realistic and fits that dysfunctional family quite well. This was also in Fulci movies and many others from that time, unshaven faces, amalgam/nicotine teeth, sweat stains, family members that don't resemble each other at all etc., sometimes I wonder if such actors weren't even suitable for the porn business so they went for a horror casting.

By the way, I just thought about the similarity between Hellraiser and Fulci's "House by the Cemetary": Undead guy who rots in an old house and needs to kill the living, feasting on their blood and flesh to come back to life.

Re the similarity between Hellraiser and House by the Cemetery . I guess there are some baseline similarities. That being said I love Fulci but House by the Cemetery is one of my least favorites. 90% of the dialogue is just people calling out for someone else or asking "who's there?" which becomes extremely grating to me. the gore is great of course, and I love the actress who plays the babysitter, those eyebrows. mmm mm mm. but the rest is just painful.

Watched Hellbound: Hellraiser II last night and I can't help but agree with what I heard before watching which is it's superior to the first. the visions of hell, the continued goopiness, the continued incest vibes and the excellent scene where a mental patient is handed a straight razor. it's good shit. probably going to trudge through the next 8 films over the coming weeks out OCD need.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 22, 2017, 08:55:57 PM
I like House by the Cemetery quite a bit. Sometimes, I like it just a cunt hair more than City of the Living Dead. Same goes for Zombie and The Beyond.
It's really hard for me to pick a favorite. It's probably T.B. but it's only half a cunt hair. It all goes back to the vivid memory I have as a kid seeing the huge ad mat in the local paper with the zombie & eyeful of maggots. I remember big ad's for "Gates of Hell", too. I think I'm going to order the Arrow UK release of Zombie the next time the label has a sale. It's the best presentation (so far). Code Red reportedly has COTLD. Sure hope he does a bang-up job on it. "Regurgitated Guts!"

I just ordered Island of Death from an eBay dealer & received The Dorm that Dripped Blood a few days ago. I'm being eyeing Drive In Massacre as I've been in a cheap American slasher mood lately but it may have to wait as there will soon be a slew of releases around Halloween along with sales from various labels.

For more Fulci, Severin just released The Devil's Honey. Looks to be more of a sleazy sexual thriller. I still need to pick up Lizard in a Woman's Skin. I use to have the DVD but sold it off & remember very little about it. I'm sure Mondo Macabro's release is a huge improvement over Shriek Show's release but that may not improve the movie hence why I've put it off for so long.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 22, 2017, 09:29:56 PM
the ending of The Dorm That Dripped Blood is so grim.

one of the grimmest.

Drive in Massacre is pretty poor if i recall correctly.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on September 22, 2017, 10:54:58 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on August 13, 2017, 05:17:18 AM
Body Double (De Palma)

Far better than Dressed to Kill (the only other De Palma I've watched in recent memory). The beginning of the third act is impeccable and makes up for everything else that I initially felt ho-hum about. Those other parts didn't take too long to sink in afterwards, though. Solid piece of work. "High-toned smut" and "recursive Moebius Strip of exploitation", indeed.

Rewatched this again last night. I'm now of the opinion that it's totally great front to back.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 23, 2017, 02:47:58 AM
Quote from: aububs on September 22, 2017, 09:29:56 PM
the ending of The Dorm That Dripped Blood is so grim.

one of the grimmest.

Drive in Massacre is pretty poor if i recall correctly.

"Grim" is what I read from someone on another forum. It was the reason the guy didn't like the film very much so I immediately went looking for a reasonably priced copy.

D.I.M. I figured was crap. I'm pretty sure I rented it on vhs & remember absolutely nothing about it so it couldn't have had much going for it. Severin occasionally has sales so, maybe, I can pick it up for half price (same with Killing of America).

I remember sneaking into the theater to see Body Double. It's a good one but I had to look it up as I was thinking of Blow Out starring John Travolta. I've seen B.D.  a couple of times over the last year or so on a cable station. Seems like the ending is kind of dumb? The scene with Frankie Goes to Hollywood is great!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 23, 2017, 03:24:50 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on September 16, 2017, 03:33:05 PM
looking forward to seeing newly bought 'fires on the plain' by shinya tsukamoto, of tetsuo and sneke of june etc set in a philipino island hell with stranded japanese soldiers ferociously hungry...

watched this am.
tsukamoto continues to be body focussed in this film as well as being japan literature/history aware.
was never aware of original book or prior film.
engaging, intense, thoughtful and thought provoking
the director remains powerful
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 23, 2017, 03:56:36 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on September 18, 2017, 03:14:16 PM
upgrade of eighties slasher, 'visiting hours' with bunch of nobodies and william shatner getting bloody and slashy and sleazy with any luck
this is basic upgrade with no o-card cover, multi page booklet etc.
sometimes basic is enough.
plays like a tv movie on the whole.
michael ironside is a decent enough psycho, though pales compared to others-don't answer the phone, pmaniac' for ex.
not a crucial 'nasty'
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on September 23, 2017, 09:09:32 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 23, 2017, 02:47:58 AM
I remember sneaking into the theater to see Body Double. It's a good one but I had to look it up as I was thinking of Blow Out starring John Travolta. I've seen B.D.  a couple of times over the last year or so on a cable station. Seems like the ending is kind of dumb? The scene with Frankie Goes to Hollywood is great!

True, the ending is kind of dumb. Blow Out is on deck for the near future.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HONOR_IS_KING! on September 24, 2017, 08:11:11 PM
Kwaidan Received the Criterion Collection 2xDvD as an early birthday gift. Managed to watch the first two stories before falling asleep and its easily one of the most beautiful films I've seen. The backgrounds and use of color is off the wall. Looking forward to finishing up the last two stories.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 24, 2017, 11:46:45 PM
Watching The Wrestler right now. Better than Mother!, that's for sure.

Earlier was Of Unknown Origin. It's hard to not like Peter Weller battling a giant rat with metal rat trap jaws nailed to a baseball bat, running around destroying everything in his NYC brownstone.

Last night was Charles Bronson in The Stone Killer from 1973. It's a silly story of an army of assassins killing a mafia family as revenge for a slaying back in 1931. There's a host of loony characters and hippies. Bronson is a violent cop, if you can believe that! The ending is a bloodbath with machine gun deaths galore and a great shot of a man crashing out of a high rise window then landing flat on his chest on the sidewalk. Unfortunately, an arm doesn't fly off like in Dr. Butcher, MD.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on September 26, 2017, 12:16:52 AM
Hidden Figures was excellent. I watched it on Netflix the other night. I don't think I've enjoyed a "mainstream" movie that much in a loooooong time. It was well written, the acting was great and the score was spot on. I was a little hesitant considering Kevin Costner and that little prick from that stupid show about science that my parents seem to think is so goddamned funny were I'm it but totally enjoyable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on September 26, 2017, 06:47:48 AM
Completely by chance I discovered "Fires on the Plain" on YouTube. Nothing but misery and pain from go to woah. A failing army falling apart, knowing that they're defeated and still fighting on because it's the done thing. Some great wide screen shots, use of light and dark, etc. The Japanese really have made some excellent cinema over the years.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Kayandah on September 26, 2017, 09:39:32 AM
Quote from: Deadpriest on September 20, 2017, 03:18:03 PM
Pieta, excitingly fucked up Korean film about a debt collector (who collects his debts by crippling his deters and collecting the insurance money) whose mother returns after a lifelong absence.
Really really loved this film by Kim Ki Duk.

His film Bad Guy is one of my favorites.Needless to say it pissed off a lot of people with its content but I like the fact it doesn't stick to the usual moral outrage of women forced into prostitution.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Kayandah on September 26, 2017, 09:44:19 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 21, 2017, 09:06:26 PM

Watched Hellbound: Hellraiser II last night and I can't help but agree with what I heard before watching which is it's superior to the first. the visions of hell, the continued goopiness, the continued incest vibes and the excellent scene where a mental patient is handed a straight razor. it's good shit. probably going to trudge through the next 8 films over the coming weeks out OCD need.

I always felt Hellbound was inferior, unless it is gore you want. Also it makes the cardinal mistake of featuring too much Pinhead thereby reducing his  effectiveness as a character

Part 3 isn't bad, from memory the exploration of how he became pinhead is interesting but the film humanizes a character who is meant to be unhuman, also it looks really dated

But i would stop after that, everything that follows is hideous.

Supposedly Tarsin singh was working on a remake on hellraiser a long time ago - now that would have been something worth seeing, instead he just makes shlocky hollywood fare now

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 27, 2017, 07:01:08 PM
just picked up arrow upgrade of suspicious death of a minor by sergio martino
the shop has instore sale of 88 films so will be plugging gaps. started with cold blooded beast ferdinand de leo's sole (i think) giallo
not a patch on his thrillers, but still most enjoyable as overblown trash.
also gotafter the fall of new york a sergio martino entry into the itallo mad max, warriors rip offs.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 30, 2017, 11:17:43 AM
watched La Bete and Mad Foxes last night.

mad foxes is fun but la bete is next level holy god.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 30, 2017, 03:56:55 PM
next up from 88 films promo cheapies is 'syndicate sadists', 'massacre in dinosaur valley' and 'perfume of the lady in black'.
three very different italian exploitationers.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 30, 2017, 08:14:20 PM
I do not believe I've seen La Bete but Mad Foxes is a blast! I wouldn't mind owning it. I keep thinking that a U.S. company would get the rights for a release.

Cold-Blooded Beast is okay from what little I remember. I have it on dvd from Raro (Italy). I remember the ending being the best & the U.S. release by Shriek Show was fucked up. Missing a scene or nudity/sex, I think? Which is why I own the European release.

A few nights ago was Monster: Humanoids from the Deep, which, is great sea monster-exploitation fun. I'm thinking tonight I'll check out Piranha, another Roger Corman horror 'classic'.

I have The Slayer & Zombie Flesh Eaters Arrow blu's in transit. I've seen T.S. (on vhs double-feature with Scalps) but remember nothing about it .
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 30, 2017, 09:24:41 PM
i'm not sure if you'd like La Bete. it's kind of pretentious. but when the bestiality hits it just goes for broke like nothing else

mad foxes is definitely a blast. the version i saw was pretty explicit but i still got a nagging feeling it could have been cut
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 06, 2017, 05:44:59 AM
What Have They Done to Your Daughters? 1974, Massimo Dallamano

Been in the queue for a while and pulled the trigger tonight only because of the 'horror' tag on IMDB. That tag needs to be removed. Not horror in the least, but the good thing is that this came out of nowhere and totally floored me at nearly every turn. The score, the camera work, the writing, the plot, the pacing, the reveals, the tease of sleaze, everything. Recommended if you're into Italian crime flicks of that era (with just a hint of giallo).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 06, 2017, 06:43:57 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 06, 2017, 05:44:59 AM
What Have They Done to Your Daughters? 1974, Massimo Dallamano

Been in the queue for a while and pulled the trigger tonight only because of the 'horror' tag on IMDB. That tag needs to be removed. Not horror in the least, but the good thing is that this came out of nowhere and totally floored me at nearly every turn. The score, the camera work, the writing, the plot, the pacing, the reveals, the tease of sleaze, everything. Recommended if you're into Italian crime flicks of that era (with just a hint of giallo).
an example of giallo with social conscience (relative). there are several films relating to child exploitation/abuse/murder in a similar vein.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 13, 2017, 03:14:54 AM

Vinegar Syndrome!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: garbagebody on October 13, 2017, 10:51:56 AM
I've been getting through Konstantin Lopushanskiy's filmography and have loved everything I've seen so far. I have his newest film next on the queue after To Kill a Dragon by Mark Zakharov. I also recently watched Valhalla Rising and Gerald's Game. Both of which were tiresome and plodding for me. At least Valhalla Rising was pleasant to look at most of the time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Deadpriest on October 13, 2017, 07:47:57 PM
Just watched Snake in June for the first time in about 12 years. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 13, 2017, 08:39:47 PM
Quote from: garbagebody on October 13, 2017, 10:51:56 AM
I also recently watched Valhalla Rising and Gerald's Game. Both of which were tiresome and plodding for me. At least Valhalla Rising was pleasant to look at most of the time.

I think VR is one of the greatest of all time. Just a completely brutal film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: garbagebody on October 14, 2017, 12:34:25 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 13, 2017, 08:39:47 PM
I think VR is one of the greatest of all time. Just a completely brutal film.

Something about the lack of character development made the brutality seem underwhelming. Bone Tomahawk's brutality for instance felt much more powerful because of emotional investment and the subtlety of the rest of the film. When i watch these newer films i cannot help but find the ultraviolence boring. Maybe i have nostalgia-glasses on but something about the stylized overproduced scenes of violence don't stick with me.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Petrificado on October 14, 2017, 12:38:50 PM
Two episodes into the new Netflix show you Mindhunter. Enjoying it so far. David Fincher and serial killers obviously brings high hopes, if this reaches anywhere near the level of Zodiac I'll be impressed.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 14, 2017, 06:35:33 PM
Quote from: garbagebody on October 14, 2017, 12:34:25 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 13, 2017, 08:39:47 PM
I think VR is one of the greatest of all time. Just a completely brutal film.

Something about the lack of character development made the brutality seem underwhelming. Bone Tomahawk's brutality for instance felt much more powerful because of emotional investment and the subtlety of the rest of the film. When i watch these newer films i cannot help but find the ultraviolence boring. Maybe i have nostalgia-glasses on but something about the stylized overproduced scenes of violence don't stick with me.

I'd say there's actually considerable depth to Valhalla Rising. On the flipside, I didn't like Bone Tomahawk so maybe I missed something there.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 14, 2017, 07:07:24 PM
Valhalla rising definitely has an intensity to it, despite  lack of characterisation-assumed characters were archetypes here, the one eyed main being odin/heathenism.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: garbagebody on October 15, 2017, 06:13:56 AM
I'll be watching the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre tonight. Somehow I had never got around to watching it. I think I've only seen one of the sequels/spin-offs/remakes when i was a child and never really got into it as a name. This is long overdue.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 17, 2017, 01:42:15 AM
loved this

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 19, 2017, 08:00:39 PM
Quote from: aububs on October 17, 2017, 01:42:15 AM
loved this


dunno this, is it old, or is it pastiche?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 19, 2017, 08:59:33 PM
it's not old, it's the new film from the guy who made bone tomahawk, and it's not pastiche although the poster is.

looking forward to his next movie too, Dragged Across Concrete
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on October 20, 2017, 09:23:03 AM
Holocaust parte seconda: i ricordi, i deliri, la vendetta (1980)
Incredible, powerful opening 'music'.  Like watching an early European PE project come vividly to life on the Eurotrash screen.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 20, 2017, 06:38:33 PM
'witches hammer' a 1969 czech film  along the lines of 'witchfinder general' and 'mark of the devil' but with a more serious, less exploitation tone, though, despite being black and white, just asgraphic for the time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on October 23, 2017, 04:16:40 AM
Fury : WWII movie with Brad Pitt etc. in the cast. The crew of a US tank in the Germany, final stage of the war. No scenario, no story. Except the useless chat and dialogs in the tank or at camps, pretty much just battlefield action. Nice grey colours, wet environment, mud, dirt, blood, dismembered bodies, smell of war. Good for what it is. I liked, "honest" movie.

Children Of The Corn : Based on a Stephen King's story. Idea is good. Children of a town kill all adults, they practice a religion where no adult should live, they get sacrificed when they turn 19 too. Movie not so ... No much kills, they are not pictured either, no scary kids -except Isaac- , no agony or real horror. I disliked the existence of a beast in the story. So, not much worthy here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on October 23, 2017, 02:11:57 PM
Quote from: Theodore on October 23, 2017, 04:16:40 AM

Children Of The Corn : Based on a Stephen King's story. Idea is good. Children of a town kill all adults, they practice a religion where no adult should live, they get sacrificed when they turn 19 too. Movie not so ... No much kills, they are not pictured either, no scary kids -except Isaac- , no agony or real horror. I disliked the existence of a beast in the story. So, not much worthy here.

I would go for Who can kill a child? instead. Loved it when I saw it at midnight screening years ago. HUGE screen and an audience that cheered kids getting gun down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIBd-DmzUp8
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: .:Will:. on October 24, 2017, 04:39:21 AM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on October 20, 2017, 09:23:03 AM
Holocaust parte seconda: i ricordi, i deliri, la vendetta (1980)
Incredible, powerful opening 'music'.  Like watching an early European PE project come vividly to life on the Eurotrash screen.

I would love to see this. Anyone know anywhere to download or purchase?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on October 24, 2017, 05:19:08 AM
Quote from: Petrificado on October 14, 2017, 12:38:50 PM
Two episodes into the new Netflix show you Mindhunter. Enjoying it so far. David Fincher and serial killers obviously brings high hopes, if this reaches anywhere near the level of Zodiac I'll be impressed.

I'm three episodes in and LOVING it. Pacing is great, acting is top notch and the whole aesthetic is great without being over the top cheesy 70s. I'm super busy this week and pretty pissed I can't fucking binge watch this by Wednesday.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 24, 2017, 04:11:59 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on October 24, 2017, 05:19:08 AM
Quote from: Petrificado on October 14, 2017, 12:38:50 PM
Two episodes into the new Netflix show you Mindhunter. Enjoying it so far. David Fincher and serial killers obviously brings high hopes, if this reaches anywhere near the level of Zodiac I'll be impressed.

I'm three episodes in and LOVING it. Pacing is great, acting is top notch and the whole aesthetic is great without being over the top cheesy 70s. I'm super busy this week and pretty pissed I can't fucking binge watch this by Wednesday.

David Fincher have one of the better production teams in USA commercial film. The lighting is especially great I think in the series. Highly recommended watch. Caught the UK thriller THE GHOUL some time ago. Exec produced by Ben Wheatley. Check trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKmhU8c6hc0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKmhU8c6hc0) Great flick.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 24, 2017, 09:26:47 PM
i think the lead actor in mindhunter is awful. and his girlfriend is awful too.

the guy who played ed kemper nailed it tho.

been watching The Deuce and i think it's great. definitely the best out of these two shows set in the 70s.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on October 24, 2017, 09:33:30 PM
QuoteI would love to see this. Anyone know anywhere to download or purchase?

I saw a version an old friend has, but definitely had to get my own hard copy.

Again, the opening credits audio alone is mandatory listening.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: .:Will:. on October 25, 2017, 04:03:02 AM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on October 24, 2017, 09:33:30 PM
QuoteI would love to see this. Anyone know anywhere to download or purchase?

I saw a version an old friend has, but definitely had to get my own hard copy.

Again, the opening credits audio alone is mandatory listening.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 25, 2017, 08:20:54 PM
Quote from: aububs on October 24, 2017, 09:26:47 PM
i think the lead actor in mindhunter is awful. and his girlfriend is awful too.

the guy who played ed kemper nailed it tho.

I thought the main actor was alright. His girlfriend isn't bad at acting, her character just fucking sucks.

but to add to the chorus, Mindhunter is pretty damn enjoyable. watched the whole thing in 3 nights with my girlfriend.

surprised no one has mentioned it but Bladerunner 2049!!! I've seen it 4 times in the theater, which is a rare thing for me, especially considering its almost three hour run time. while it's not a perfect film I enjoyed the shit out of it. definitely the type of movie that benefits from deafening theater speakers and a huge ass screen. the violence is brutal, the tone is bleak as fuck, the score matches that, and all of the ladies are hot. and Harrison Ford doesn't shit the bed either.

re-watched Videodrome last weekend which had me immediately reaching for Grunt's Terror & Degeneration CD afterwards.

last night I tried to watch the Full Moon Entertainment movie Lurking Fear on laserdisc but two sad discoveries fucked it up. first, the disc which was mint had some kind of manufacturing error destroying the back side, and then on top of it, my 20+ year old LD player crapped out. wound up paying to watch Lurking Fear on Amazon. a 90's b-movie (at best) with an '80s feel. incomprehensible and silly, but fairly violent. i liked the ghouls, and with a slightly bigger budget I think it could of been way may enjoyable. still, my friends and I enjoyed doing a riff tracks on top of it immensely.

and Buio Omega / Beyond the Darkness last week. didn't live up to the hype for me, but I was also so dead tired when I watched it it wasn't a fair impression.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 25, 2017, 08:41:07 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 25, 2017, 08:20:54 PM
Bladerunner 2049

Highly enjoyable. Makes adequate use of its runtime. I wish I had went to see it in imax, didn't even think about it until after.

Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 25, 2017, 08:20:54 PM

Total love for Cronenberg. And Debbie Harry...

Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 25, 2017, 08:20:54 PM
and Buio Omega / Beyond the Darkness last week. didn't live up to the hype for me

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 28, 2017, 12:11:38 AM
getting the arrow upgrade of blood feast was not so much for a high def of this but getting the extra of scum of the earth an early hgl 'roughie' that i hope will be worth the entry. the various interviews are less of a draw.

hope pigs by mark lawrence is fine.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 29, 2017, 01:12:03 AM
Quote from: Strömkarlen on October 23, 2017, 02:11:57 PM

I would go for Who can kill a child? instead. Loved it when I saw it at midnight screening years ago. HUGE screen and an audience that cheered kids getting gun down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIBd-DmzUp8

Who Can Kill a Child? is a fave of mine. Mondo Macabro has it for release early next year. I sold my dvd already in anticipation for the new Blu-ray. I sure would love to see it in a theater!

I just ordered the Arrow UK release of John Carpenter's The Thing. Screenshots from their 4k scan of the original negative look pretty awesome & much more natural in color than Scream Factory's release. I don't really need another copy but I couldn't help myself.

Currently watching the Dark Shadows movies on TCM. House of Dark Shadows has some cool moments & sound effects. Earlier, it was Village and Children of the Damned. CotD has a great scene with tone generator & organ noise. VotD must have been disturbing for movie goers in 1960. I can't think of many films from that era that ended with blowing up a house of children...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 30, 2017, 02:00:33 AM
Cut-Throats Nine (Joaquin Romero Marchent, 1972)

I think what makes this film is how it almost falls apart every step of the way. Plus it's pretty brutal with great gore.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 31, 2017, 06:03:18 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on October 28, 2017, 12:11:38 AM
getting the arrow upgrade of blood feast was not so much for a high def of this but getting the extra of scum of the earth an early hgl 'roughie' that i hope will be worth the entry. the various interviews are less of a draw.

hope pigs by mark lawrence is fine.

not watched pigs, but re-blood feast.
couldn't remember if seen before, or just seen trailers and 'quotes'.
'blood reast' has not travelled well, despite being the first splatter/slasher type film.
thevextra 'scum of the earth' was the better, more enjoyable waste of time, and technically, not nuch worse than early john waters films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: impulse manslaughter on October 31, 2017, 11:17:08 PM
Saw Good Time last weekend and liked it a lot. Crime movie with unexpected plot twist, some great camera work, crazy characters and a 80's style soundtrack by Oneohtrix Point Never..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on November 01, 2017, 12:48:19 AM
looking forward to that Good Time movie

i was at a movie horrorthon last weekend and i saw

Eaten Alive (had never seen it. a lot better than i expected)
78/52 (documentary about the shower scene in Psycho...it was fine)
Tag (new sion sono movie. nuts)
Our Evil (liked this brazillian horror a lot)
Game of Death (kind of sucked)
Victor Crowley (crap. i hate the Hatchet franchise)
Event Horizon (i liked this movie a lot. it's not...very good? but i like it)
Better Watch Out (xmas horror not too bad)
68 Kill (enjoyed this despite my better judgement)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 05, 2017, 02:46:27 PM
just starting the 'new battles without honour...' box set.
a mere three films this time.
the first, 'new battles...' could fit in anywhere in the originals.
the others, yet to see, are more stand alone stories, seemingly.
usual great arrow packaging and quality.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NaturalOrthodoxy on November 06, 2017, 02:41:25 PM
saw The Killing Of A Sacred Deer this weekend. Fans of Lanthimos will know what to expect- uncomfortable delivery of sharp dialogue and incredibly neat camera work making for a tense atmosphere. Definitely touches on a lot of the taboo shit we are all fascinated by here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 06, 2017, 05:13:19 PM
Quote from: NaturalOrthodoxy on November 06, 2017, 02:41:25 PM
The Killing Of A Sacred Deer

Looking forward to this!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 10, 2017, 08:11:58 PM
just got 'doberman cop' with sonny chiba and directed by fukasuku of 'battles without honour and humanity'
loving japanese film at the moment-swordplay, yakuza, roman porno, etc.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: .:Will:. on November 11, 2017, 09:48:04 AM
Quote from: online prowler on November 06, 2017, 05:13:19 PM
Quote from: NaturalOrthodoxy on November 06, 2017, 02:41:25 PM
The Killing Of A Sacred Deer

Looking forward to this!

Saw this tonight. AVOID AT ALL COSTS. The Lobster was great...this one...not so much to put it lightly
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on November 11, 2017, 12:41:53 PM
ha yeah i thought killing of a sacred deer was garbage

i haven't seen the lobster but i hated dogtooth too
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 11, 2017, 04:26:51 PM
got trailer comp of kung fu films on severin.
not seen trailers yet, but the extras are great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 12, 2017, 10:05:49 PM
I won a copy of The Ghoul on eBay for less than $10. Arrow's release gets a lot of positive reviews but it also sounds like something that could stink pretty bad so I wanted it as cheap as I could get it.

The last thing I watched was The Dorm that Dripped Blood aka Death Dorm aka Pranks. It's recommended for slasher fans. Basically run of the mill but the ending ticks it up  a notch or two. Nothing graphic but grim as hell.

Seems like everyone loved Dogtooth but I couldn't make it more than half way through it. I don't remember why other than it wasn't very interesting.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 13, 2017, 03:30:06 PM

is moving warehouse soon and is currently having a sale on dvds, blurays.

Check: https://www.arrowfilms.co.uk/shop/index.php?route=product/category&path=89&page=1 (https://www.arrowfilms.co.uk/shop/index.php?route=product/category&path=89&page=1)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 18, 2017, 06:45:19 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on October 20, 2017, 06:38:33 PM
'witches hammer' a 1969 czech film  along the lines of 'witchfinder general' and 'mark of the devil' but with a more serious, less exploitation tone, though, despite being black and white, just asgraphic for the time.

this film now has proper uk release via second sight with expected upgrade extras.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on November 20, 2017, 09:39:29 PM
Some people here might find this of interest if it hasn't already been talked about:

"BOG OF BEASTS (2006)-IN PORTUGUESE WITH ENGLISH SUBS, LETTERBOXED PRINT. Director: Cláudio Assis, Stars: Fernando Teixeira, Caio Blat, Matheus Nachtergaele. Man, you'll want to take a shower after this one! In the countryside of Pernambuco, in a small village nearby a sugarcane plantation and an alcohol plant, the despicable and cheap Heitor abuses of his sixteen year-old granddaughter Auxiliadora, submitting her to slavery and humiliations during the days, and every now and then exposing her naked body to truck drivers in a gas station in the night to raise additional money. The group of potheads leaded by Everardo spends their time in violent orgies with prostitutes, drinking booze and smoking marijuana, and the mean and sadistic Cícero desires the virgin Auxiliadora. The non-stop exploitation on the screen transcends fiction: the orgy/abuse/rape/violence scenes are some of the most repellent, humiliating and disrespectful manipulations of established professional actors ever perpetrated by a filmmaker -- it's astonishing and revolting to see serious actors like Caio Blat, Dira Paes, Hermila Guedes, Berlin award-winner Marcélia Cartaxo and others disposed of like porn cattle (Mateus Nachtergaele's over-the-top wacko comes as no surprise: we all know by now he's into sado-masochist acting). Assis himself appears in a nauseous cameo, as a client caressing the body of the very young Auxiliadora as she becomes a road-side whore (nope, no salvation for her either). "Baixio das Bestas" is difficult to dismiss as just an over-the-top, contradictory, sadistic film (which it is) by a manipulative, exhibitionist, attention-starving, talented filmmaker (which he is) -- it does expose the painful raw nerves of a regional social and political putrid tissue that most of us don't know about or don't want to be aware of: the exploitative, abusive, boozing, violent, almost-feudalistic macho culture that still thrives in many parts of rural Brazil."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 21, 2017, 05:13:20 PM
the posting by the rita reminds me of an essay, i think, in sinema sewer on brazilian exploito filth.
none seen but all sound interesting to a degree.

this am, after listening to aussie pe, re watched 'snowtown' remains a brutal intense film after initial watching.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on November 21, 2017, 09:08:37 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on November 21, 2017, 05:13:20 PM
this am, after listening to aussie pe, re watched 'snowtown' remains a brutal intense film after initial watching.

I'm definitely in need of a rewatch of that one. Floored me when I first saw it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 22, 2017, 02:31:36 AM
I'd like to see The Snowtown Murders again. I noticed that's the U.S. title & it looks like it has not been released on Blu-ray. Same with Tyrannosaur. I'll have to remember those once I get a new player.

Bog of Beasts is a great title! Never heard of it before.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ritualabuser on November 24, 2017, 01:08:46 AM
Does anyone know of anything like "Affliction" by Mark Hejnar? In the mood for more of these late 80's/early 90's "Mondo" kind of documentaries.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 24, 2017, 01:11:31 AM
Quote from: ritualabuser on November 24, 2017, 01:08:46 AM
Does anyone know of anything like "Affliction" by Mark Hejnar? In the mood for more of these late 80's/early 90's "Mondo" kind of documentaries.

Great flick! Been wanting to see this again, but haven't managed to find any torrents online. During the heydays of music and film blogs it was possible to access copies quite easily.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on November 24, 2017, 11:14:04 AM
Quote from: online prowler on November 24, 2017, 01:11:31 AM
Quote from: ritualabuser on November 24, 2017, 01:08:46 AM
Does anyone know of anything like "Affliction" by Mark Hejnar? In the mood for more of these late 80's/early 90's "Mondo" kind of documentaries.

Great flick! Been wanting to see this again, but haven't managed to find any torrents online. During the heydays of music and film blogs it was possible to access copies quite easily.

I have it on VHS somewhere if somebody are interested I could part with it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 24, 2017, 01:59:48 PM
Quote from: Strömkarlen on November 24, 2017, 11:14:04 AM
Quote from: online prowler on November 24, 2017, 01:11:31 AM
Quote from: ritualabuser on November 24, 2017, 01:08:46 AM
Does anyone know of anything like "Affliction" by Mark Hejnar? In the mood for more of these late 80's/early 90's "Mondo" kind of documentaries.

Great flick! Been wanting to see this again, but haven't managed to find any torrents online. During the heydays of music and film blogs it was possible to access copies quite easily.

I have it on VHS somewhere if somebody are interested I could part with it.

To my knowledge it haven't been reissued on dvd/bluray yet. Anybody have better info? I didn't bother to search the web... Quite rare to come by the vhs release, can recommend that to interested peepers.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on November 24, 2017, 08:59:34 PM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on November 20, 2017, 09:39:29 PM
Some people here might find this of interest if it hasn't already been talked about:

"BOG OF BEASTS (2006)-IN PORTUGUESE WITH ENGLISH SUBS, LETTERBOXED PRINT. Director: Cláudio Assis, Stars: Fernando Teixeira, Caio Blat, Matheus Nachtergaele. Man, you'll want to take a shower after this one! In the countryside of Pernambuco, in a small village nearby a sugarcane plantation and an alcohol plant, the despicable and cheap Heitor abuses of his sixteen year-old granddaughter Auxiliadora, submitting her to slavery and humiliations during the days, and every now and then exposing her naked body to truck drivers in a gas station in the night to raise additional money. The group of potheads leaded by Everardo spends their time in violent orgies with prostitutes, drinking booze and smoking marijuana, and the mean and sadistic Cícero desires the virgin Auxiliadora. The non-stop exploitation on the screen transcends fiction: the orgy/abuse/rape/violence scenes are some of the most repellent, humiliating and disrespectful manipulations of established professional actors ever perpetrated by a filmmaker -- it's astonishing and revolting to see serious actors like Caio Blat, Dira Paes, Hermila Guedes, Berlin award-winner Marcélia Cartaxo and others disposed of like porn cattle (Mateus Nachtergaele's over-the-top wacko comes as no surprise: we all know by now he's into sado-masochist acting). Assis himself appears in a nauseous cameo, as a client caressing the body of the very young Auxiliadora as she becomes a road-side whore (nope, no salvation for her either). "Baixio das Bestas" is difficult to dismiss as just an over-the-top, contradictory, sadistic film (which it is) by a manipulative, exhibitionist, attention-starving, talented filmmaker (which he is) -- it does expose the painful raw nerves of a regional social and political putrid tissue that most of us don't know about or don't want to be aware of: the exploitative, abusive, boozing, violent, almost-feudalistic macho culture that still thrives in many parts of rural Brazil."

Have to say I was a little let down by this one. Some pretty violent and depraved scenes for sure but the brutality was lost in translation somewhere (in the cinematography perhaps). The characters' own moral commentaries (or lack thereof) weren't that engaging, either.

Followed it up with another ho-hum affair: Sergio Corbucci's "Specialists". Underwhelming spaghetti western starring French singer Johnny Hallyday. One and only great scene being when the "punk" ruffians make the townspeople crawl naked through the mud near the end.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on November 24, 2017, 10:19:36 PM
QuoteHave to say I was a little let down by this one.

Yeah - I expected as much.  Didn't even watch it, but thought that maybe some of the people here might want to see it for the various socio-violent reasons.
Still hard for me to watch anything post mid 80s, except for maybe Deodato's THE WASHING MACHINE or various Brass films.
Again, classical and neo-classical ballet has really killed any desire to watch anything else anymore unless it's some insanely straight forward aesthetic tropes filled giallo or something.  Actually no, I watched IL MARCHIO DE KRIMINAL the other night and Helga Line looked amazing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 26, 2017, 07:04:53 PM
'the bosses head'  second of the arrow box of  re issues of the 'new battles beyond honour....' series.
a stand alone story, the film is, nevertheless, full of usual yakusa film tropes that fill the original series.
arrow video deliver again.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ritualabuser on November 29, 2017, 02:41:55 AM
Quote from: online prowler on November 24, 2017, 01:59:48 PM
Quote from: Strömkarlen on November 24, 2017, 11:14:04 AM
Quote from: online prowler on November 24, 2017, 01:11:31 AM
Quote from: ritualabuser on November 24, 2017, 01:08:46 AM
Does anyone know of anything like "Affliction" by Mark Hejnar? In the mood for more of these late 80's/early 90's "Mondo" kind of documentaries.

Great flick! Been wanting to see this again, but haven't managed to find any torrents online. During the heydays of music and film blogs it was possible to access copies quite easily.

I have it on VHS somewhere if somebody are interested I could part with it.

To my knowledge it haven't been reissued on dvd/bluray yet. Anybody have better info? I didn't bother to search the web... Quite rare to come by the vhs release, can recommend that to interested peepers.

I got my copy from Mike Diana. I suggest getting into contact with him on social media/e-mail.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 29, 2017, 03:18:14 AM
"Affliction" isn't the Mark Hejnar video I was thinking of. I remember owning a video of his 8mm films with soundtrack by Pile of Cows. I wonder why Hejnar didn't continue with film making? Last thing I noticed his name attached to was the film for or with P.Sotos (was told it was boring).

Late last week, I watched the UK occult-themed thriller, The Ghoul. It's pretty good. Pretty damn good camera-work of a very dry London (I thought it rained all the time?!?). Not much in the way of sex or violence but still good. I think it'll be worth another viewing & would go well with The Devil's Business despite not having much in common.

"Bible of Skin" was the MH video I owned.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 29, 2017, 07:12:41 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 29, 2017, 03:18:14 AM
"Affliction" isn't the Mark Hejnar video I was thinking of. I remember owning a video of his 8mm films with soundtrack by Pile of Cows. I wonder why Hejnar didn't continue with film making? Last thing I noticed his name attached to was the film for or with P.Sotos (was told it was boring).

Late last week, I watched the UK occult-themed thriller, The Ghoul. It's pretty good. Pretty damn good camera-work of a very dry London (I thought it rained all the time?!?). Not much in the way of sex or violence but still good. I think it'll be worth another viewing & would go well with The Devil's Business despite not having much in common.

"Bible of Skin" was the MH video I owned.


Thanx for the link. Looks like an interesting read from the off-start. Will check.

Hear you on The Ghoul. Very cinematic. Ace acting as well in my book and well-developed script and theme concept. Highly atmospheric watch which touches a little bit into folk-horror country. Seems like having  director Ben Wheatley as an exec producer brought the right amount of craft and perspective to the table.

On another note... Very happy that Der Todesking will see new light via Arrow next year - plus learn of imprint Shameless reissues of Sergio Martino films - TORSO in particular.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 29, 2017, 08:44:32 PM
just got dvd/blu box of 'outlaw gangster vip' to continue my japanese gangster likes-earlier than fukasuku's 'battles...' and b&w .
a six film box bought with major discount.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: .:Will:. on November 30, 2017, 04:36:10 AM
Just scored a DVD copy of "Holocaust 2 [Holocaust parte seconda i ricordi i deliri la vendetta]". Only available subtitles on the DVD are Italian and it's in Italian. I ripped it to my computer in hopes of finding a subtitle/.srt file to use with it. I checked opensubtitles.org already with no luck. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 30, 2017, 09:24:48 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on November 26, 2017, 07:04:53 PM
'the bosses head'  second of the arrow box of  re issues of the 'new battles beyond honour....' series.
a stand alone story, the film is, nevertheless, full of usual yakusa film tropes that fill the original series.
arrow video deliver again.

So, the New Battles... are pretty good? I think it's just the box set that still available over here. No individual releases yet. The orig. series can be found pretty cheap; I've only picked up the first film, so far (have them all on dvd). I want Cops Vs Thugs but really, really want Arrow to release Three Mad Dog Brothers!

I have Bob Clark's Deathdream aka Dead of Night and The Mutilator in transit along with Arrow's The Thing shipped from the UK. Also, ordered Scream Factory's new release of Silent Night, Deadly Night. Need that for Xmas night double feature with Black Christmas.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 01, 2017, 06:08:21 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 30, 2017, 09:24:48 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on November 26, 2017, 07:04:53 PM
'the bosses head'  second of the arrow box of  re issues of the 'new battles beyond honour....' series.
a stand alone story, the film is, nevertheless, full of usual yakusa film tropes that fill the original series.
arrow video deliver again.

So, the New Battles... are pretty good? I think it's just the box set that still available over here. No individual releases yet. The orig. series can be found pretty cheap; I've only picked up the first film, so far (have them all on dvd). I want Cops Vs Thugs but really, really want Arrow to release Three Mad Dog Brothers!

I have Bob Clark's Deathdream aka Dead of Night and The Mutilator in transit along with Arrow's The Thing shipped from the UK. Also, ordered Scream Factory's new release of Silent Night, Deadly Night. Need that for Xmas night double feature with Black Christmas.

if you like the original 'battles...' series then the new set is same level quality. will likely get separate releases since the other box is now available in separates.. 'cops vs thugs'  good too.
'black christmas just got dvd/blu reissue here in uk. working xmess day so might be good to come home to
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 01, 2017, 10:17:29 PM
Island of Death & They Came From Within last night.

I.O.D. is Greek trash. Useless but has some mild entertainment. Best not to know anything or expect anything otherwise you'll be even more disappointed as the film as a rather "extreme" rep that it fails to live up to. Some of the soundtrack is kind of like musique concrete but I don't know it is intentional or fucked up audio.

T.C.F.W. aka Shivers is a classic & D.C.'s more perverted film. The Arrow UK Blu-ray is code B but plays in U.S. machines. RECOMMENDED. Too bad we never get to see Barbara Steele's bare breasts or more of Susan Petrie as she was quite cute with diamond hard nipples throughout the entire film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on December 02, 2017, 08:52:15 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 01, 2017, 10:17:29 PM
T.C.F.W. aka Shivers is a classic & D.C.'s more perverted film. The Arrow UK Blu-ray is code B but plays in U.S. machines. RECOMMENDED. Too bad we never get to see Barbara Steele's bare breasts or more of Susan Petrie as she was quite cute with diamond hard nipples throughout the entire film.

Love it. Filmed on Île des Sœurs (Nun's Island) here in Montreal and instantly recognizable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 08, 2017, 05:43:42 PM
'the toolbox murders', on blu ray and uncut in uk for first time.
more than merely a grubby slasher flick (nothing wrong with grubby slasher flicks), the film goes seriously off topic for a great final third/quarter of the film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 15, 2017, 05:38:51 PM
'carrie' blu re issue on arrow.
heavy slip case, booklet and poster.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on December 16, 2017, 04:42:53 PM
WOLF GUY (Japan, 1975).

Sonny Chiba (Streetfighter) stars as gumshoe journalist slash angry werewolf who battles the local yakuza, a corrupt government and not to forget a vengeful immaterial spirit. All cocks out! VHS sleaze. Highly recommended. Reissued by Arrow Video in 2017.

By the way... small edit... Speaking of Bob Clark and the excellent Deathdream - have everyone remembered to stock up on BLACK CHRISTMAS for the season?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 16, 2017, 09:29:46 PM
Quote from: online prowler on December 16, 2017, 04:42:53 PM
WOLF GUY (Japan, 1975).

Sonny Chiba (Streetfighter) stars as gumshoe journalist slash angry werewolf who battles the local yakuza, a corrupt government and not to forget a vengeful immaterial spirit. All cocks out! VHS sleaze. Highly recommended. Reissued by Arrow Video in 2017.

By the way... small edit... Speaking of Bob Clark and the excellent Deathdream - have everyone remembered to stock up on BLACK CHRISTMAS for the season?

I watch Black Christmas on Christmas night. Another good one is the first part of Tales from the Crypt with Joan Collins.

Are there any slasher films that take place on Christmas Eve? Or has anyone seen Red Christmas? Reviews are favorable & it's priced pretty low.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 17, 2017, 10:04:09 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 16, 2017, 09:29:46 PM
Quote from: online prowler on December 16, 2017, 04:42:53 PM
WOLF GUY (Japan, 1975).

Sonny Chiba (Streetfighter) stars as gumshoe journalist slash angry werewolf who battles the local yakuza, a corrupt government and not to forget a vengeful immaterial spirit. All cocks out! VHS sleaze. Highly recommended. Reissued by Arrow Video in 2017.

By the way... small edit... Speaking of Bob Clark and the excellent Deathdream - have everyone remembered to stock up on BLACK CHRISTMAS for the season?

I watch Black Christmas on Christmas night. Another good one is the first part of Tales from the Crypt with Joan Collins.

Are there any slasher films that take place on Christmas Eve? Or has anyone seen Red Christmas? Reviews are favorable & it's priced pretty low.

'christmas evil' i think, but could be wrong
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 17, 2017, 09:56:59 PM
Christmas Evil was okay. I think Synapse released it on dvd? Seems like part of the film is good then it loses it. I vaguely remember him delivering presents so it would be Xmas eve.

Yesterday, I watched Straw Dogs, The Hurt Locker, & Fulci's The Beyond.

Right now, I have Gator going directed and starring Burt Reynolds. It's not as good as I remember.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on December 18, 2017, 02:10:03 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 17, 2017, 09:56:59 PM
Christmas Evil was okay. I think Synapse released it on dvd? Seems like part of the film is good then it loses it. I vaguely remember him delivering presents so it would be Xmas eve.

Yesterday, I watched Straw Dogs, The Hurt Locker, & Fulci's The Beyond.

Right now, I have Gator going directed and starring Burt Reynolds. It's not as good as I remember.

Cannot recall any proper Seasonal slasher films at the moment. Most are mediocre and I reckon I have repressed them all.

Aye on The Beyond! One of Fulci's best - if not THE best. Still holds up after all this years and in many ways surpasses today's productions. Personally I enjoy the atmosphere among other things of that movie. Keeps one gripped.

Been binging on Sergio Martino giallos off late. Knee deep in deceit and blood over here. Also checking out German series DARK. Quite good, can recommend that one. Black Christmas (1974) of course lined up for the 24th. Next up is I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle (1990), The Killing of a Sacred Deer and Beach Rats. Really looking forward to Masters of Cinema's reissue of classic Hong Kong flick Legend Of The Mountain. Restoration trailer looks nothing short of spectacular. The director's other films Dragon Inn and Touch Of Zen should of course ring a bell for fanatics.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on December 19, 2017, 12:35:55 PM
Quote from: online prowler on December 18, 2017, 02:10:03 AM
Aye on The Beyond! One of Fulci's best - if not THE best. Still holds up after all this years and in many ways surpasses today's productions. Personally I enjoy the atmosphere among other things of that movie. Keeps one gripped.


despite the cheesy fluffy dog, the plastic spider and some general senseless moments in its script I believe it is the master's masterpiece. although I cannot separate the unholy triad: the beyond, fear in the city of the living dead and, of course, superclassic house by the cemetery. but there are many more excellent flicks... Zombie flesh-eaters, a woman with the lizard's skin, don't turture a duckling, ny ripper, 7 notes in black and so on.
real genius.

spent some time with him during to festivals, very passionate and opinionated person, but fun to be around.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 19, 2017, 05:27:55 PM
Jamie Lee Curtis double feature last night, first watch for both films:

Terror Train 1980 - this one was up first. I had really mixed feelings. I'm secretly an old man so I thought all the shots of the train were cool and I liked that an easy third of the film focused on the conductor and his crew. I liked the visual tone of the movie and the whole dichotomy between the posh party train, the grubby service cars and the grim outdoor shots. but all of the college characters were the fucking worst except... David fucking Copperfield!!! so young and so awesome! also not nearly enough nudity (basically none) and not nearly enough gore. enjoyable enough but not one I'll run back to.

Prom Night 1980 - I immediately liked this one more. the score is good from the get, the creepy abandoned convent/school was a cool set piece and the opening stuff with the killer making creepy phone calls, I'm about that shit. basically all the girls very nice to look at, which helps since not much happens for an hour. but honestly i liked most of the characters, especially the dude Slick and Wendy the psycho-bitch (who is also in Halloween II). I love disco so the dance scenes and soundtrack were a big bonus to me. but what the fuck was up with the sparkly black ski mask? the violence was generally disappointing but oh well. I'd definitely watch this one again over Terror Train.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 22, 2017, 07:44:03 PM
I watched Synapse Films' new release of SUSPIRIA last night. All I have to say is if you're a fan of the film & Goblin, then this is an absolute Must-Own. The audio is incredible! Sounds in separate channels, low-end like you would not believe, & all of those creepy voices. In the booklet, it's explained that previous releases had mixed down 2-ch audio. Synapse used the orig. 4-channel magnetic tapes so this is the first time outside of the film being shown in theaters back in 1977 that we're getting the original audio soundtrack.
The film restoration looks awesome, too. Lots of pretty colors but it's those sounds that blew me away. RECOMMENDED!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 23, 2017, 03:49:22 PM
watched severin films issue of 'suffer, little children'.
absolutely nothing to recommend here.
seems shot directly to vhs camera with no extra mikes etc by an after school drama club.
how this ever got caught in video nasty hysteria is still a mystery, despite the intv with john martin 'seduction of the gullible' author, the best thing on this disc.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 24, 2017, 12:51:15 AM
I thought about checking out Suffer, Little Children based on the trailer I watched but figured it wouldn't be worth a damn. Those cheap-ass video movies never are.

Have you seen that Arrow Video will be releasing Jim Van Beeber's Deadbeat at Dawn? That should be a great release of a fun, cheap-ass movie!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on December 24, 2017, 01:05:35 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 24, 2017, 12:51:15 AM
Have you seen that Arrow Video will be releasing Jim Van Beeber's Deadbeat at Dawn? That should be a great release of a fun, cheap-ass movie!

Wow amazing news. One of the greatest moments in any movie ever. https://youtu.be/tF40Q7NCaIE
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 27, 2017, 02:28:00 AM
Last night was Black Christmas followed by Silent Night, Deadly Night.

SN,DN is pretty good on Blu-ray. The cut kill scenes are still from video but look better than on the previous dvd & the new scan of the orig. neg. looks really nice despite having a lot of speckling from dirt & damage (I think?). Some have been complaining it wasn't properly restored but it looks fine to me. Not every film deserves such intensive labor to fix it all up. Suspiria, yes. SN,DN, no.

And a few nights earlier was Count Dracula's Great Love starring Paul Naschy & released by Vinegar Syndrome. It's pretty good. I believe I rented it on vhs so it was, most likely, cut & in worse shape.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 28, 2017, 08:14:58 PM
'dial h for history' by somebody grimonperez, possibly.
essentially a documentary film made of plane hijack clips from sixties and seventies.
originally saw this in some art gallery as it has video art credentials, but it has unintended mondo credentials as well.
'the whore church, vol 1'. a dumb incorrect cut up comp of trash, porn, horror etc that always raises a chuckle when i watch it as it appeals to the dumb kid in me and is a great pick up after a shitty day at work. not too long, so doesn't outstay it's welcome. in extras, has festive mash up.also has a william 'fucking' lustig mash up as well.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on December 28, 2017, 10:25:06 PM
Recent binges of David Mamet-related films, "Paradise Lost" trilogy, and TV shows:

Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
          I realize folks here have reviewed this before, but I'd only seen it recently and it has to be one of my all-time favorites at this point. Desperate, claustrophobic atmosphere brings to mind Twelve Angry Men, and the cast's performances enhance what is some of the best dialogue ever written.

Heist (2001)
          Sort of like a combination of Heat and Unforgiven - an old guy has to pull off one last "job" before he can slip away into obscurity. Has some unrealistic elements, and Sam Rockwell is infuriatingly bad, but otherwise a decent crime-buddy flick. Good action sequences. I tend to always like Danny Devito's performances.

Redbelt (2008)
          Reviews of this movie both negative and positive all emphasized the word "implausible" regarding the plot/story and especially ending. That's certainly the case, but it would have to be implausible considering it's a noir film with a martial arts theme, rather than a traditional martial arts Chuck Norris-type deal. Basically about a guy who is honorable to the point of naivete, who gets wrapped up in a small-time conspiracy/setup like most noir-ish flicks. Great puzzle-type plot that integrates notions of honor, personal pride etc that Japanese kick-flicks tend to have but American ones tend to lack. This one is sort of in-between. If you like understated, subtle performances from non-A-list actors, it's worth a watch.

Paradise Lost documentary trilogy (1996, 2000, 2011)
          I have more to rant about regarding this case and the subsequent films than could reasonably be included here, so I'll just note that: 1) despite leaning toward the feeling that the "West Memphis Three" are innocent, I'm not entirely convinced. Damian Echols, even if innocent, seems to have obvious, far-reaching psychological and emotional issues making him pretty unlikeable. 2) All three films leave out any discussion of evidence which slightly implicates The Three, which seems suspicious/dishonest. There were issues involving a whiskey bottle and candle wax which put The Three a lot closer to the crime than most people perceive. 3) Either Terry Hobbs or John Mark Byers seems like the most culpable/capable suspect, but may also just be unlikeable antisocial losers that have violent pasts but didn't kill those kids. Nevertheless, there's a lot to suggest they were abusive in multiple ways to their respective step-kids/kids even if they didn't kill them. I guess that's the way these murder documentaries tend to go. Here's an interesting take on things from some Reddit commentor:
Quotethose 4 kids biked over to the known gay cruising area of west memphis called robin hills, that one kid saw his stepfather giving oral to his friend in the wood like guys do in those areas, his friend and him retardedly decided to kill them instead of letting Pam's dad and bro know because he was scared of them. end of story
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 28, 2017, 10:52:02 PM

Paradise Lost documentary trilogy (1996, 2000, 2011)
          I have more to rant about regarding this case and the subsequent films than could reasonably be included here, so I'll just note that: 1) despite leaning toward the feeling that the "West Memphis Three" are innocent, I'm not entirely convinced. Damian Echols, even if innocent, seems to have obvious, far-reaching psychological and emotional issues making him pretty unlikeable. 2) All three films leave out any discussion of evidence which slightly implicates The Three, which seems suspicious/dishonest. There were issues involving a whiskey bottle and candle wax which put The Three a lot closer to the crime than most people perceive. 3) Either Terry Hobbs or John Mark Byers seems like the most culpable/capable suspect, but may also just be unlikeable antisocial losers that have violent pasts but didn't kill those kids. Nevertheless, there's a lot to suggest they were abusive in multiple ways to their respective step-kids/kids even if they didn't kill them. I guess that's the way these murder documentaries tend to go. Here's an interesting take on things from some Reddit commentor:
Quotethose 4 kids biked over to the known gay cruising area of west memphis called robin hills, that one kid saw his stepfather giving oral to his friend in the wood like guys do in those areas, his friend and him retardedly decided to kill them instead of letting Pam's dad and bro know because he was scared of them. end of story

will have to dig this out again-buried with thousand other discs.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on January 01, 2018, 08:38:01 PM
Quote from: Peterson on December 28, 2017, 10:25:06 PM
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
         I realize folks here have reviewed this before, but I'd only seen it recently and it has to be one of my all-time favorites at this point. Desperate, claustrophobic atmosphere brings to mind Twelve Angry Men, and the cast's performances enhance what is some of the best dialogue ever written.

Easily one of my all-time favourites.

I clocked in at over 150 watched this year. Here's the top 26 in chronological order including rewatches. * = theatre viewing:

Videodrome (Cronenberg, 1983)
Coherence (Byrkit, 2013)
True Romance (Scott, 1993)
U.S. Go Home (Denis, 1994)
It Comes at Night (Shults, 2017)*
Only God Forgives (Refn, 2013)
Cannibal Holocaust (Deodato, 1980)
Paris, Texas (Wenders, 1984)
Body Double (De Palma, 1984)
What Have They Done to Your Daughters? (Dallamano, 1974)
Blade Runner (Scott, 1982)
Eraserhead (Lynch, 1977)
Cut-Throats Nine (Marchent, 1972)
Unforgiven (Eastwood, 1992)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Hooper, 1974)
Bronson (Refn, 2008)
Suspiria (Argento, 1977)*
Iconoclast (Wessel, 2010)
La Haine (Kassovitz, 1995)
The Shining (Kubrick, 1980)
Come and See (Klimov, 1985)
Enter the Void (Noe, 2009)
Buffalo '66 (Gallo, 1998)
Snowtown (Kurzel, 2011)
The Turin Horse (Tarr/Hranitzky, 2011)
Antiporno (Sono, 2016)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Yrjö-Koskinen on January 01, 2018, 10:30:59 PM
I saw Spookies (1986) in the hopes of finding another Gremlins/Critters/Ghoulies-clone, but as you may be aware, there are actually comparatively few of those. This one has remarkably able special effects and an absurd amount of random, crazy creatures (very few of which are small and fun, but I almost knew that in advance). It also has a remarkably retarded plot and sort of collapses into nonsense even before all the main characters have been killed off. Farting basement sewage monsters constituted the pinnacle of the movie, but this one should have been watched while drunk(er) and preferably with a couple of loudmouthed friends.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 02, 2018, 11:39:46 PM
A couple days ago, I watched Suspiria again with the volume cranked up a bit more. Pretty awesome & highly recommended.

Blue Underground's release of Bob Clark's Deathdream aka Dead of Night is excellent. The film is very effective & the presentation is about as good as it can get.

S.F. Brownrigg's Don't Open the Door is pretty much a bore but occasionally gets broken up by some rather effective scenes involving pervy phone calls and creepy dolls (in one scene, the prank caller feels up a doll while telling the woman on the other end to feel herself up). Like a lot of early '70s exploitation films, it's hard to sit through without forwarding long sections.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on January 02, 2018, 11:59:40 PM
watched spasmo on nye

love spasmo

rip lenzi

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 03, 2018, 07:32:45 PM
Quote from: aububs on January 02, 2018, 11:59:40 PM
watched spasmo on nye

love spasmo

rip lenzi


spasmo is great lenzi-often underated as director due to cannibal films-though can't see ferox worse than holocaust .
felt thrillers were where he flourished in 70's
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 07, 2018, 02:48:05 AM
Christopher Nolan's MEMENTO- I'm not sure I've seen it since it was released in theaters. Most of it still holds up & after reading this article in Salon, I wish I had not erased the movie:


Funny thing occurred to me, if that had been an article published recently, the author would be bitching  that there were no black actors in the movie.

Late last night, I caught most of DEATH WISH II. I started it right after the brutal rape of the maid, which, I do not believe I have ever seen fully uncut.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on January 07, 2018, 10:48:32 AM
i've still never seen memento, keep meaning to watch it

watched Blade of the Immortal last night, takashi miike's new samurai movie based on the manga. pretty good but too long. it starts and ends with great 1 man against 1000's samurai battles.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 09, 2018, 05:56:52 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 07, 2018, 02:48:05 AM
Christopher Nolan's MEMENTO- I'm not sure I've seen it since it was released in theaters. Most of it still holds up & after reading this article in Salon, I wish I had not erased the movie:


Funny thing occurred to me, if that had been an article published recently, the author would be bitching  that there were no black actors in the movie.

Late last night, I caught most of DEATH WISH II. I started it right after the brutal rape of the maid, which, I do not believe I have ever seen fully uncut.

Thanks for posting the article. I haven't seen Memento in ages, might be time to give it another viewing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on January 09, 2018, 07:44:05 PM
RE: Christopher Nolan; watched Dunkirk a few nights ago and wasn't blown away but I did really like the practical effects, sound design, and weather (apparently worse than the actual battle according to veterans).

Memento is easily one of my all-time-faves, never gets old, Joe Pantoliano in particular is great. Anyone who's a big fan should check out Nolan's college budget noir piece, Following. Black and white with mostly no-name actors and a tight, claustrophobic vibe, nice intrigue, plot twists etc. Tried to re-watch Insomnia recently but found it too oddly-paced with unnecessary action/gunfight/chase scenes that add nothing to the plot. It's got Al Pacino and Robin Williams in some of their better/more desperate and sad roles, but the original European version is probably a lot better.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 09, 2018, 10:45:01 PM
Quote from: Peterson on January 09, 2018, 07:44:05 PM
RE: Christopher Nolan; watched Dunkirk a few nights ago and wasn't blown away but I did really like the practical effects, sound design, and weather (apparently worse than the actual battle according to veterans).

Memento is easily one of my all-time-faves, never gets old, Joe Pantoliano in particular is great. Anyone who's a big fan should check out Nolan's college budget noir piece, Following. Black and white with mostly no-name actors and a tight, claustrophobic vibe, nice intrigue, plot twists etc. Tried to re-watch Insomnia recently but found it too oddly-paced with unnecessary action/gunfight/chase scenes that add nothing to the plot. It's got Al Pacino and Robin Williams in some of their better/more desperate and sad roles, but the original European version is probably a lot better.

The original Insomnia is one my all-time favorites. It literally has everything one could want from an artsy thriller. And such a weird vibe to it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 09, 2018, 11:03:02 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 09, 2018, 10:45:01 PM
Quote from: Peterson on January 09, 2018, 07:44:05 PM
RE: Christopher Nolan; watched Dunkirk a few nights ago and wasn't blown away but I did really like the practical effects, sound design, and weather (apparently worse than the actual battle according to veterans).

Memento is easily one of my all-time-faves, never gets old, Joe Pantoliano in particular is great. Anyone who's a big fan should check out Nolan's college budget noir piece, Following. Black and white with mostly no-name actors and a tight, claustrophobic vibe, nice intrigue, plot twists etc. Tried to re-watch Insomnia recently but found it too oddly-paced with unnecessary action/gunfight/chase scenes that add nothing to the plot. It's got Al Pacino and Robin Williams in some of their better/more desperate and sad roles, but the original European version is probably a lot better.

The original Insomnia is one my all-time favorites. It literally has everything one could want from an artsy thriller. And such a weird vibe to it.

The American remake of Insomnia is a waste of time as expected. The Norwegian original however directed by Erik Skjoldbjærg and starring Stellan Skarsgård is stellar. As we are talking of the director I would also recommend his 20-10 film NOKAS - a stripped dwn heist film based on an actual event that took place on April 2004. I should maybe mention that this was all over the headlines at this burg as it was - and still is the biggest robbery that have taken place in Norway. Robbers got away w approx $10 million and that the film HEAT served as an inspiration.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NOKAS_robbery (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NOKAS_robbery)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toWARMFeMn0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toWARMFeMn0)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: SiClark on January 10, 2018, 12:31:19 AM
Quote from: Peterson on January 09, 2018, 07:44:05 PM
Anyone who's a big fan should check out Nolan's college budget noir piece, Following. Black and white with mostly no-name actors and a tight, claustrophobic vibe, nice intrigue, plot twists etc.
I haven't watched this in a long time, will have to see it soon, really great and insanely good for a no budget first film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 10, 2018, 04:13:57 PM
Quote from: online prowler on January 09, 2018, 11:03:02 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 09, 2018, 10:45:01 PM
Quote from: Peterson on January 09, 2018, 07:44:05 PM
RE: Christopher Nolan; watched Dunkirk a few nights ago and wasn't blown away but I did really like the practical effects, sound design, and weather (apparently worse than the actual battle according to veterans).

Memento is easily one of my all-time-faves, never gets old, Joe Pantoliano in particular is great. Anyone who's a big fan should check out Nolan's college budget noir piece, Following. Black and white with mostly no-name actors and a tight, claustrophobic vibe, nice intrigue, plot twists etc. Tried to re-watch Insomnia recently but found it too oddly-paced with unnecessary action/gunfight/chase scenes that add nothing to the plot. It's got Al Pacino and Robin Williams in some of their better/more desperate and sad roles, but the original European version is probably a lot better.

The original Insomnia is one my all-time favorites. It literally has everything one could want from an artsy thriller. And such a weird vibe to it.

The American remake of Insomnia is a waste of time as expected. The Norwegian original however directed by Erik Skjoldbjærg and starring Stellan Skarsgård is stellar. As we are talking of the director I would also recommend his 20-10 film NOKAS - a stripped dwn heist film based on an actual event that took place on April 2004. I should maybe mention that this was all over the headlines at this burg as it was - and still is the biggest robbery that have taken place in Norway. Robbers got away w approx $10 million and that the film HEAT served as an inspiration.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NOKAS_robbery (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NOKAS_robbery)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toWARMFeMn0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toWARMFeMn0)

Sounds great, I'll have to check that one out!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 10, 2018, 04:26:55 PM
just bought 'dogs' , tagline, 'don't pet them, fear them'.
staring david mc callum of most recent csi fame and, originally, the man from uncle.
features, apparently, 'canine carnage in a small california town'.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 10, 2018, 08:01:34 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on January 10, 2018, 04:26:55 PM
just bought 'dogs' , tagline, 'don't pet them, fear them'.
staring david mc callum of most recent csi fame and, originally, the man from uncle.
features, apparently, 'canine carnage in a small california town'.

DOGS is one of my favorites. I've watched the Scream Factory blu a few times since buying it.

I ordered A WOMAN'S TORMENT directed by Roberta Findlay last night. Vinegar Syndrome's release has a hardcore porn version & theatrical vers.; it sounds like a Repulsion-type film...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 13, 2018, 02:35:43 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 10, 2018, 08:01:34 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on January 10, 2018, 04:26:55 PM
just bought 'dogs' , tagline, 'don't pet them, fear them'.
staring david mc callum of most recent csi fame and, originally, the man from uncle.
features, apparently, 'canine carnage in a small california town'.

DOGS is one of my favorites. I've watched the Scream Factory blu a few times since buying it.

I ordered A WOMAN'S TORMENT directed by Roberta Findlay last night. Vinegar Syndrome's release has a hardcore porn version & theatrical vers.; it sounds like a Repulsion-type film...

didn't get on with'dogs' too much of a made for tv style for me.
seeing david mc callum in scruffy style mildly entertaining.
the extra relating to the probuction company should have been played to an accountancy seminar, so much was it to do with business models.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 13, 2018, 10:55:19 PM
Yeah, DOGS is like a violent made-for-tv movie. I like that! I'm a sucker for nature-gone-wild movies. GRIZZLY is another fave.

Scorpion Releasing has Argento's OPERA coming soon. Looks really nice & I remember liking the film (and soundtrack) quite a bit. I haven't watched it in years. I think I need to pick up INFERNO & give it another try. The only thing I recall about it is the underwater scene.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on January 14, 2018, 12:09:59 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 13, 2018, 10:55:19 PM
Scorpion Releasing has Argento's OPERA coming soon.

big fan of this one. some of argentos most twisted story line and grizzly sequences.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 14, 2018, 04:30:54 PM
i'd pick inferno over opera.
inferno is more delirious, like suspiria.
a good second entry into the three mothers trilogy, of which the third, years later entry, mother or tears, is a poor end to initial promise.
argento had passedhis peak by then, not to say his films were poor.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on January 14, 2018, 10:36:11 PM
Opera might actually be my favourite Argento. The taped pins underneath the eyelids, so sick.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on January 15, 2018, 07:01:20 PM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on November 24, 2017, 10:19:36 PM

Gave this a go last night. It's pretty solid. Claudio Simonetti soundtrack was a nice surprise.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on January 16, 2018, 02:02:52 AM
Argento tastes as you get 'older' are interesting.
I remember distinctly when I was in my early 20s not understanding why my older collector connections all hated Argento.
As you dig into the Giallo genre, etc. you definitely begin to dissect the films and see the patterns, etc. eventually, for me anyways, appreciating the most bare bones examples of the genre that acted out most of the genre's stereotypes.  As I eventually watched the Argento films again, I began to understand my older collector peers - seeing the self-indulgent over-stylizations, the complete loss of being in touch using Goblin and Iron Maiden for the soundtracks, etc.  Makes me think now... fuck it, my favourite Argento movie if I had to pick one is SLEEPLESS [2001] - like Argento realized it was time to strip all the bullshit away again, thus making something so straight forward and vicious.  Makes me wonder if he watched FATAL FRAMES and thought he created a monster he had to kill.
I always say, if you want to show someone a GIALLO in every sense of the word - play them SO SWEET, SO DEAD [1972].
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on January 16, 2018, 03:26:07 AM
Quotefavourite Argento

If I had to pick it's Profondo Rosso  for me.

Fav giallo is probably House w Laughing Windows

Watched Wuthering Heights w the woman last night. Pretty amazing stuff and I'm ashamed it took me this long to see it.  Tonight is Brighton Rock.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on January 16, 2018, 03:50:52 AM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on January 16, 2018, 02:02:52 AM
Argento tastes as you get 'older' are interesting.
I remember distinctly when I was in my early 20s not understanding why my older collector connections all hated Argento.
As you dig into the Giallo genre, etc. you definitely begin to dissect the films and see the patterns, etc. eventually, for me anyways, appreciating the most bare bones examples of the genre that acted out most of the genre's stereotypes.  As I eventually watched the Argento films again, I began to understand my older collector peers - seeing the self-indulgent over-stylizations, the complete loss of being in touch using Goblin and Iron Maiden for the soundtracks, etc.  Makes me think now... fuck it, my favourite Argento movie if I had to pick one is SLEEPLESS [2001] - like Argento realized it was time to strip all the bullshit away again, thus making something so straight forward and vicious.  Makes me wonder if he watched FATAL FRAMES and thought he created a monster he had to kill.

I find Opera to be just pure fun and it thrives on its self-awareness. Tenebre might be my true favourite. Regardless, these are the two I revisit the most.

I need to rewatch most of them but have seen everything from 70-86 and the only downers for me really were Phenomena (Maiden soundtrack) and maybe Four Flies on Grey Velvet's ending. I enjoy the over-stylized nature of the films for the most part and I feel like the aesthetic enhances the experience.

As for later-entry stuff: The Stendhal Syndrome left a bit to be desired. I've got Sleepless queued up for later and I'm holding out with wary anticipation for The Sandman (starring Iggy Pop and being filmed in Toronto at the present time or in immediate future).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on January 16, 2018, 03:56:25 AM
Amazingly enough, the more I think about it, the movie he was involved in that I revisit the most often is CEMETERY WITHOUT CROSSES [1969].
Doesn't hurt that Scott Walker sings the opening song as well.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on January 16, 2018, 05:08:47 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on January 16, 2018, 03:50:52 AMI enjoy the over-stylized nature of the films for the most part and I feel like the aesthetic enhances the experience.

This is one thing I appreciate and look for in giallo flicks. When I'm in the mood for boneheaded violence, there are always slashers.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on January 16, 2018, 08:36:45 PM
I understand the appreciation for the driven aesthetic and style of Giallo films.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that even compared to directors like Martino, Cimarosa, Massi, Ercoli, etc. Argento is very much an anomaly the more you dig into the genre.
As you gain appreciation for the sometimes rather 2 dimensional filmmaking of 90% of Giallo films, you see the parallels to the styles of Italian neorealism, even the theatre-like flat scenes that Pasolini liked to use.  So after swimming in the Giallo genre for 20+ years and gaining distinct appreciation for little details such as Carmineo putting Fenech in a short hair wig compared to Bianchi examining her short hair in full force, etc. you then revisit Argento films and sometimes think you're watching Cirque de Soleil.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 26, 2018, 02:54:43 AM
A Woman's Torment is a film that should have rotted away instead of being saved by Vinegar Syndrome. Sure, it's a style of film-making that will never, ever happen again but that's not a good enough excuse to go to all the work of watching this thing. There's some oddball musique concrete sounds in the soundtrack and a pretty good, bloody beating murder with some rapid quick cuts but other than that, it's just ugly, hairy people fucking.

I have Don't Go in the House playing right now...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on January 26, 2018, 05:38:24 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 26, 2018, 02:54:43 AMA Woman's Torment... it's just ugly, hairy people fucking.

You got me with that one, gotta check this out.

Out of new movies, I can recommend Hollow In The Land: https://youtu.be/GpVl6b9CsJA

I'd rather watch real MMA matches over fighter movies but this one seems promising: https://youtu.be/Mp88Nuci68c
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 26, 2018, 08:29:38 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 26, 2018, 02:54:43 AM
A Woman's Torment is a film that should have rotted away instead of being saved by Vinegar Syndrome. Sure, it's a style of film-making that will never, ever happen again but that's not a good enough excuse to go to all the work of watching this thing. There's some oddball musique concrete sounds in the soundtrack and a pretty good, bloody beating murder with some rapid quick cuts but other than that, it's just ugly, hairy people fucking.

I have Don't Go in the House playing right now...

don't.. is a sleazy delight.
upcoming vinegar syndrome issue of 'prey' might interest.
not seen in a few years but norman j warren part of a grubby 70's uk cinema that includes, 'house of whipcord' , 'virgin witch', and other repressed delights.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 29, 2018, 12:08:57 AM
Fall Break aka The Mutilator- I can't decide if I like this or not. The lightheartedness makes the gory violence more savage and the characters are all annoying but the 'plot' is pretty out there: A young boy accidentally kills his mother so his dad tries to kill him and all of his college friends at a beach house. That's pretty much it so you get that and quite a bit of violent gore scenes. One of the highlights  are dream sequences of slicing open the young boy's throat & shooting him in the chest with a shotgun.  The film could definitely be worse. I know I saw it on vhs but remembered nothing other than the box art. Recommended for die-hard slasher fans or if you find the Arrow blu for low price.

Once Upon a Time in America- goddamn, this movie is long! At times, it's cartoonish & dull but it's also violent including a rather nasty rape scene in the back of a car.  Watch it after Once Upon a Time in the West when you have an entire week free...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 29, 2018, 03:09:56 PM
have a ton of new films to watch after a trip to film fair on saturday-giallos, euro crime,a perverse looking zebedy colt film and some indonesian things.
also got good reading on films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 29, 2018, 09:53:50 PM

don't.. is a sleazy delight.
upcoming vinegar syndrome issue of 'prey' might interest.
not seen in a few years but norman j warren part of a grubby 70's uk cinema that includes, 'house of whipcord' , 'virgin witch', and other repressed delights.

VS is also releasing Warren's film, Terror. That one I've seen & liked. Prey looks bizarre & awful so I'll probably grab it eventually. I'm hoping they'll release Inseminoid.

Last night, I watched Panic in Year Zero from 1963, I think?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on January 30, 2018, 12:59:41 AM
watched House on the Edge of the Park last night. gross movie. it's not good. i liked it.

also watched May which i thought was very good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on January 30, 2018, 10:17:53 AM
I've been ill for the last couple days, so between all the nose blowing and coughing,  I had enough time to watch some movies.

Factotum (Bent Hamer):
Adapted from the novel of the same name by Charles Bukowski. With Matt Dillon as Henry Chinaski. Ok, but not really worth a second watch, at least not for me.

Cape Fear (J. Lee Thompson):
The original from 1962 with Robert Mitchum and Gregory Peck. Complete classic. Mitchum's performance as Max Cady is just great, and scary. I have a double disc set in which the remake from Martin Scorcese is also included. It's been quite some years since I've seen this one. Maybe I'll go for it as well.

Bleeder (Nicolas Winding Refn):
Amazing! Well known around here, I guess.

Emperor of the North (Robert Aldrich):
Fantastic! I think it was already mentioned a few times in this topic. Ernest Borgnine as merciless and sadistic train conductor Shack vs. the hobo hero A-No.-1, played by Lee Marvin. The final battle on the train still leaves me breathless. One of my all time favourites for sure.

And starting right now:
L'arma, l'ora, il movente (Francesco Mazzei):
Italian giallo from 1972. Never seen it before, so I'm quite curious.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 31, 2018, 04:08:47 AM


can highly recommend Dunkirk.  there hasn't been a war movie this well produced since Saving Private Ryan.  visually, deep blacks, but this digital color correction that has been going on is annoying.  remember The Matrix films and how they appeared green?  well, Dunkirk looks blue, at least on Blu-ray.  amazing sound.  our sub had the house shaking.  anyway, the movie depicts the Dunkirk evacuation of World War II which I knew nothing about.

From the review on blu-ray.com: " Color correction was performed under Nolan's supervision, and the master went through numerous passes before he was satisfied with the image. At Nolan's express direction, the disc was mastered with a much higher average bitrate than is typical of Warner's major new titles—specifically, 33.26 Mbps, with peaks that reach substantially higher."

I wonder why he felt the need to fiddle with it? If it looked fine for theaters, why wouldn't it be fine for home viewing?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on January 31, 2018, 08:47:03 PM
Quote from: cr on January 30, 2018, 10:17:53 AM
Bleeder (Nicolas Winding Refn):
Amazing! Well known around here, I guess.

My least favourite Refn but I'm still not really sure as to why.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 01, 2018, 02:14:40 AM
Bleeder may be my favorite but I've only seen the Pusher films once each. I wish all of them would get U.S. blu-ray releases.

I've got a used copy of The Burning on the way. Looking forward to seeing the climax in High Definition! I can't remember if it's a head-splitting or a head explosion. Either way, it's awesome.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on February 01, 2018, 02:46:13 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 01, 2018, 02:14:40 AM
Bleeder may be my favorite but I've only seen the Pusher films once each. I wish all of them would get U.S. blu-ray releases.

The Pusher trilogy just gets more brutal with each installment. The third one might be the best.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 01, 2018, 03:13:50 AM
Quote from: SILVUM on February 01, 2018, 02:31:59 AM
I don't give a shit about the surprises etc cus I'm into actual death etc, but can anyone PM me the plot, or ruin it here I don't care, for that Hereditary movie, I need to see if I have to actively stand against whatever fucking point it's trying to make.  Is it genetic propaganda or just useless made up ghost shit?

So you're a big fan of snuff films?

I just watched that trailer, which, looks okay but the articles already heralding it as 'the most terrifying movie ever made, this year' is probably bullshit.

Quote from: absurdexposition on February 01, 2018, 02:46:13 AM

The Pusher trilogy just gets more brutal with each installment. The third one might be the best.

The third film is about prostitution, right? That was my favorite.

I use to own a dvd for the first then rented the other two via Netflix. A local store had a used copy of the set but the discs were all rattling around inside so I didn't want to risk fucked up discs.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on February 01, 2018, 10:07:13 PM
it'll be useless made up ghost shit

can't wait to see it personally but i'm going in cold

total blackout

hype is a killer
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 01, 2018, 10:58:05 PM
I didn't read enough to get the plot but I got the impression it has something to do with whatever looniness being passed down through family members hence the title but it could be something silly as the grandmother's ghost possessing the young daughter. I wouldn't be surprised at that, at all.

The British film, No Blade of Grass, is fun & would be ripe for a remake by some hip, progressive  such as Al Gore. He could cast GX Jupiter-Larsen as the lead as they both wear an eye patch.

Did someone here write about The Hounds of Love? I noticed Arrow released it on bd/dvd. Is it worth checking out?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on February 02, 2018, 01:34:52 AM
"Did someone here write about The Hounds of Love? I noticed Arrow released it on bd/dvd. Is it worth checking out?"

yeah, a new arrow release, not seen any reviews but cover mentions it as true crime in same sentence as 'snowtown', a hard act to follow.
still, sounded interesting enough to consider.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: rocksoff on February 02, 2018, 04:56:20 PM
Didn't blow me away, but Hounds of Love is certainly worth a watch. Just a straightforward abduction film with a great cast and period setting.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 02, 2018, 06:16:36 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on February 02, 2018, 01:34:52 AM
The Hounds of Love

Can highly recommend the film. Excellent cinematography, script, lighting, acting and direction. Worth getting. See it's up for 7 quid via Amazon UK now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on February 05, 2018, 02:49:03 PM
just got the new arrow release of argento's 'cat o nine tails'.
not the best argento but usual great arrow packaging.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 06, 2018, 01:13:07 AM
I watched The Burning last night. It's funny that Harvey Weinstein wrote the original screenplay. The ending isn't as great as I remembered but it's still pretty good especially the abandoned mine setting.

Just received blu's of Bewitched (Shaw Brothers) & The Void (very cheap at DiabolikDVD) and have the Aussie film, Daddy's Little Girl on the way. I ran across it scanning reviews on Hounds of Love.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on February 06, 2018, 01:38:32 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 06, 2018, 01:13:07 AM
The Void

Just watched this last night. An hour and a half long nod to Carpenter and Clive Barker. It gets the job done.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on February 09, 2018, 08:04:32 PM
'special silencers'- film from indonesia picked up as boot.
less cosmic than the blurb, was nevertheless an enjoyable heroes/villains thing with cheap fx(filmed in 1979 so pre digital), non euro vibe.
worth the £4 it cost
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 10, 2018, 04:21:00 AM
I thought The Void was pretty okay. It'll get another viewing at some point. In one of the extras, the original idea for the monster at the ending, looked way better than what they used. I thought the skull looked odd & the doctor should have been dripping with fluids. Seems the ending may have been influenced by Fulci's The Beyond...? That is if I'm remembering how T.B. ends correctly. Oh, and The Void has some pretty good sounds going on in the soundtrack.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on February 10, 2018, 06:35:41 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 10, 2018, 04:21:00 AM
Seems the ending may have been influenced by Fulci's The Beyond...?

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 11, 2018, 03:52:03 AM
Last night was D.C.'s second film, Rabid, and I just finished the Aussie torture-revenge film, Daddy's Little Girl, which, shares some plot points with the French film, 7 DAYS/LES 7 JOURS DE TALION.

I was thinking it was a shame Marilyn Chambers was not included in the extras on the Rabid disc but that'd be difficult considering that she's dead! At least, D.C. mentions her "infamous husband" in his interview.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 21, 2018, 08:37:40 PM
This past Saturday was William Castle's BUG then THE VVITCH (the dialogue is intense) followed by FROM A WHISPER TO A SCREAM starring Vincent Price.

I just found a copy of the Arrow bd release of HG Lewis' BLOOD FEAST for $10 & last week I picked up THE GRUESOME TWOSOME for pretty cheap. I'm not a huge fan of his work but he is important & I think it'll be fun seeing his junky movies again. Definitely looking forward to the future release of TWO-THOUSAND MANIACS!

Really, really great news:


"Welcome to Potters Bluff." Some exciting news that was seemingly lost in the shuffle last Summer – Blue Underground are giving Gary Sherman's essential DEAD AND BURIED (1981) a Blu redo later this year, sourcing a fresh 4K scan of the original negative with restoration and color timing supervised by the director and DP Steve Poster!"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on February 21, 2018, 09:50:13 PM
dead and buried is a stone classic

sherman's first 3 movies are all 10/10
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on February 22, 2018, 06:50:40 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on February 02, 2018, 01:34:52 AM
"Did someone here write about The Hounds of Love? I noticed Arrow released it on bd/dvd. Is it worth checking out?"

yeah, a new arrow release, not seen any reviews but cover mentions it as true crime in same sentence as 'snowtown', a hard act to follow.
still, sounded interesting enough to consider.

Just watched and,possibly due to mindset,was not impressed and stopted an hour or so in.
Certainly nowhere near snow town as great Austin crime film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 22, 2018, 09:14:24 PM
Quote from: aububs on February 21, 2018, 09:50:13 PM
dead and buried is a stone classic

sherman's first 3 movies are all 10/10

agreed. of all the great posters Jay Shaw has done in the past 5-10 years, his poster for Dead & Buried is probably my favorite. which is why it's framed in my apartment.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 22, 2018, 09:33:36 PM
That D&B poster is great!

Last night I watched Symptoms & The Dorm that Dripped Blood while it was raining.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on February 22, 2018, 10:10:19 PM
oh wow

that poster
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on February 23, 2018, 10:47:56 PM
This afternoon, while waiting for an electrician to repair some things, but who never showed up, I decided to watch The Wicker Man again.
I don't think the movie needs more comments or any introduction, but bonus The Wicker Man Enigma documentary on one of the discs was really interesting, for example that the original cut and some raw footage of the film couldn't be found and are supposed to be buried under the M4 motorway...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 24, 2018, 12:24:21 AM
Last night was Cathy's Curse. It's a terrible French-Canadian supernatural, cheap-as-hell mess. The Severin  Blu release has a director's cut & U.S. theatrical versions. I watched the shorter U.S. film. It's kinda slow-going but there is enough lunacy to keep the film entertaining. I'm not too sure how quickly I'll get around to the longer dir's version. Recommended if you find it cheap.

I have a super cheap copy of Green Room in transit. Less than $5 shipped, sealed Blu-ray. I had forgotten about this film until seeing the trailer at the beginning of The VVitch. May ave to pick up Blue Ruin & give it another chance. I didn't care for it much the one & only time I've seen it but I can't remember why.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on February 27, 2018, 03:16:55 PM
another arrow reissue-der todesking by jorg butgeteit.
usual great attention to packaging detail- suicide chain letter, soundtrack, 60 page book and all in thick card slipcase
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 28, 2018, 08:28:35 PM
Night Warning aka Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker- take a shot every time the word "fag" is used, see if you're still conscious by the end of the film

Getting a super cheap bd of The Green Room. $4.99 shipped! Blood Feast showed up a couple days ago & looks really good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 28, 2018, 11:53:04 PM
Been awaiting the reissue of Der Todesking. Glad to see it finally out. Will def be my next film purchase. Good news on The Green Room. Dirt cheap w shipping. Maybe the director's best to date? Have been much rejoicing here w my annual samurai flick bonanza. Saw again Sword of the beast, Kill! and Hidden fortress some days ago. Next up is psychopath sword-buckler The sword of doom anno 1966. Looking forward to that. Other than that I've been checking out UK series Taboo on recommendation from Nil By Mouth. Far better than any of its trailers were able to portray. Can highly recommend the series to peeps here.  

- Oh yea, ace Dead & Buried poster!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 01, 2018, 01:04:37 AM
The Sword of Doom is an all-time favorite of mine despite its flaws. I watched The Sword of the Beast a few years ago and really enjoyed that one too. Haven't seen Kill! but I can highly recommend Three Outlaw Samurai from 1964
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 01, 2018, 08:25:03 PM
Taboo, the series starring Tom Hardy? I watched but I'll be damned if I know what it's about. Good violence, lots of mumbling, & the first US series that used the dreaded F-word a lot.

Green Room was last night & it was merely okay. Worth the dirt-cheap price & it'll probably get another viewing at some point. Good violence, awful characters. I hated the face painting. Small detail but it was so unnecessary. Cool dog roaming around in the end.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on March 02, 2018, 03:50:11 PM
If I recall correctly The Sword of the Beast, Kill! and Three Outlaw Samurai were done by the same director? Uncertain re Kill! TOS being his debut film. Quite good that one as well. I have it on my re-watch list as well. Forgot to mention the excellent Samurai Spy. That's a knocker. So is the aforementioned director's Goyokin. This time a full color operation, were as the previous being in sombre black and white. I especially have a hang up on the light gradations in Sword of the beast. Dense mid-tones and shadows. Love that.  

Taboo - Yea, that's the one B.W. Visually a proper en-devour I'd say. Articulated cinematography. The dog in The green room is thumbs up. I enjoyed the tension it managed to convey. Didn't tick in on the face painting, to be honest at the moment I cannot even remember it. It is not a perfect film, but that's a scarce find anyways. All in all, I'd recommend it.

Good news by the way.... Third Window Films have managed to find a new distributor for it's catalogue after the previous closed shop. Lot's of goodies coming throughout the winter and spring. Looking forward to Sion Sono's Antiporno, Love and other cults and forthcoming SABU film DANGAN RUNNER! Any fans of his flick MONDAY here?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on March 03, 2018, 03:06:02 AM
Quote from: online prowler on March 02, 2018, 03:50:11 PMAntiporno

This was great.

Finished the Waco series last night. It's good. Might revisit Waco: The Rules of Engagement documentary tonight.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ddmurph on March 03, 2018, 01:27:55 PM
Finished Gomorrah Season 3 a few days ago. Took me a few days to recover afterwards! Along with Twin Peaks: The Return, a total high-water mark for TV.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 05, 2018, 12:42:46 AM
Straight Time starring Dustin Hoffman, Edward Bunker (it's based on his book), Gary Busey, Theresa Russell, Hary Dean Stanton, Kathy Bates.

Spasms starring Oliver Reed has been released on blu by Code Red. I've never seen the film but plan on ordering soon along with Almost Human. Ronin Flix or DiabolikDVD have'em.

Spasms plot:

"Jason Kincaid (Oliver Reed) has a massive serpent captured in a remote island. He brought it to the US because it killed his brother, and he now shares some kind of psychic link with it. He enlists the help of psychologist Tom Brazilian (Peter Fonda) to study the animal and the mental connection, but they do not count on a group of snake worshiping Satanists to complicate matters by accidentally setting the beast free."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 12, 2018, 05:35:57 PM
been enjoy "The Fall" with my girlfriend for the past week or so. Through the first season and 1 episode of the 2nd so far. Really enjoying it so far. I like how it shows A LOT of the procedural aspect of the police procedural and I'm genuinely interested to see how the characters develop. Didn't love the false ending of season 1, but it seems like they didn't know if they'd get a second season. And goddamn Gillian Anderson is hot as ever, which makes it all that much more enjoyable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on March 12, 2018, 07:46:28 PM
Yesterday was Salo and Straw Dogs. What a day!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 12, 2018, 08:00:39 PM
Saturday night was Southern Comfort (Walter Hill) & Macon County Line. SC is a classic & MCL is interesting as it starts out lighthearted then ends rather grim. Based on a true story that never happened.

I received the new blu of Basket Case, which, is suppose to look great as it's a 4k scan-restoration job by the Museum of Modern Art!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on March 13, 2018, 03:22:54 AM
Enjoyed The Silence yesterday at the local theatre. Persona is Friday!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on March 13, 2018, 11:51:18 AM
Quote from: Harvest on March 13, 2018, 03:22:54 AM

One of Bergman's best!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on March 18, 2018, 04:50:51 PM
Mr. Vampire (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089371 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089371))

Saw this at a film festival earlier this week. Martial arts horror comedy from 1985, made in Hong Kong. Pretty much nonstop weirdness, action and awesomeness. At time the retarded childish Asian humor was a bit too much for me but the rest was pure gold. Did you know vampires cannot see you if you hold your breath?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 18, 2018, 10:22:18 PM
Last night was The Beast Within from 1981. Pretty damn good. Ignore Scream Factory's silly 'Teen Wolf'-style artwork. You can flip the cover over with the orig. poster art. This film as some early, wild transformation special efx & a plot unlike anything else from that time period.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on March 19, 2018, 10:45:20 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 18, 2018, 10:22:18 PM
Last night was The Beast Within from 1981. Pretty damn good. Ignore Scream Factory's silly 'Teen Wolf'-style artwork. You can flip the cover over with the orig. poster art. This film as some early, wild transformation special efx & a plot unlike anything else from that time period.

The Beast Within. This one is news to me. Haven't heard of it and after checking the trailer online I am lusting to check it out. Seems like a peach. Thanx for the share.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 19, 2018, 09:53:38 PM
Charley Varrick- cool crime film directed by Don Siegel right after Dirty Harry. It stars the actor whom played the killer in D.H. along with Walter Matthau & Joe Don Baker (Walking Tall) as a self-righteous mafia henchman who 'does not knowingly sleep with whores'.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 23, 2018, 06:08:06 PM
re-watched Takashi Miike's "Audition" last night. Been a long time and I think it still holds up quite well. The image quality on my copy isn't the greatest but it actually added a lot to the atmosphere. hoping to watch Miike's "Gozu" soon which has been recommended to me many times but I've never actually seen.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 24, 2018, 11:07:35 PM
Yeah, Audition definitely holds up. I wouldn't mind picking up the Arrow UK blu as it's suppose to the best release of the film; the US blu is reportedly awful looking.

I've seen Gozu. I had a dvd-r of it. I watched it once & that was it. I don't remember liking it or really anything about it.

I've got Walking Tall on right now...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 28, 2018, 09:47:22 PM
Just picked up $the ballad  of Shirley  Collins 'biog of great UK folk singer
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 29, 2018, 03:41:43 PM
picked up a copy of "Tetsuo: The Bullet Man" by Shinya Tsukamato. I've seen the first two Tetsuo films and worship both, but this one has always made me a little nervous. but it was cheap and will probably be worth the $10 I spent so what the hell. The only other Tsukamato film I've seen outside of the Tetsuo series is "Vital" which is fucking great, but I need to check out his other work. Anyone have any recommendations?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 29, 2018, 10:59:59 PM
I'm not sure I've seen the third Tetsuo film. Until looking it up, I was thinking there were only two. The second, I know I've seen, but I don't remember shit about it. Titles of his other films are all familiar but I'm not sure what I have seen.

Last weekend was free Showtime so I saw The Girl on the Train (useless melodrama); Contracted (lesbian body horror); and Maniac (the remake which is okay. The heel severing is the best scene. This is kind of like a remake by someone more inspired by Argento than sleazy slashers). I have The Autopsy of Jane Doe waiting on the dv-r. Seems like it received positive comments so I'm expecting it to suck.

Watch for Night of the Living Dead on Turner Classic Movies. They recently ran the new restoration by the Museum of Modern Art & it looks great! I was going to buy the new Criterion release but watching it on TCM will work just fine.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on March 30, 2018, 12:45:11 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 29, 2018, 10:59:59 PM
Maniac (the remake which is okay. The heel severing is the best scene. This is kind of like a remake by someone more inspired by Argento than sleazy slashers).

The one with Elijah Wood?? Really?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on March 30, 2018, 12:50:58 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 29, 2018, 03:41:43 PM
picked up a copy of "Tetsuo: The Bullet Man" by Shinya Tsukamato. I've seen the first two Tetsuo films and worship both, but this one has always made me a little nervous. but it was cheap and will probably be worth the $10 I spent so what the hell. The only other Tsukamato film I've seen outside of the Tetsuo series is "Vital" which is fucking great, but I need to check out his other work. Anyone have any recommendations?

I quite liked Haze, a claustrophobic short film (49 min). Even if I am not claustrophobic this made me feel uneasy. Even if you don't like it it's less than 1 hour of your time!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on March 30, 2018, 01:32:35 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 29, 2018, 03:41:43 PMThe only other Tsukamato film I've seen outside of the Tetsuo series is "Vital" which is fucking great, but I need to check out his other work. Anyone have any recommendations?

A Snake of June and Tokyo Fist are his two best ones outside of the Tetsuo films IMO. ASoJ is a monochromatic psychosexual noir and TF is like an ultra-violent Raging Bull.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 30, 2018, 03:38:45 AM
Quote from: Force Neurotic on March 30, 2018, 12:45:11 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 29, 2018, 10:59:59 PM
Maniac (the remake which is okay. The heel severing is the best scene. This is kind of like a remake by someone more inspired by Argento than sleazy slashers).

The one with Elijah Wood?? Really?

Yeah, it's okay as in "This doesn't suck shit like I expected it to". Wood does look like a scruffy teenager instead of a serial killer but should be given a little credit for taking the role considering it was guaranteed people would hate it.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 30, 2018, 04:19:43 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 30, 2018, 03:38:45 AM
Quote from: Force Neurotic on March 30, 2018, 12:45:11 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 29, 2018, 10:59:59 PM
Maniac (the remake which is okay. The heel severing is the best scene. This is kind of like a remake by someone more inspired by Argento than sleazy slashers).

The one with Elijah Wood?? Really?

Yeah, it's okay as in "This doesn't suck shit like I expected it to". Wood does look like a scruffy teenager instead of a serial killer but should be given a little credit for taking the role considering it was guaranteed people would hate it.


Agreed that the heel slashing is the best part! It was definitely the kind of movie that had me think "well this isnt the worst remake ever made".

Watched "Tetsuo the Bullet Man" last night and Im sad to report it was not very good. Its all shot on shaky cam thats so shaky my one friend actually walked away with motion sickness. Chu Ishikawa's sountrack was the best part.

Ive seen the 2nd Tetsuo and probably liked that one best but the DVD is OOP and stupid expensive currently.

Moozz and Sadomaniac thanks for the recommendations, Ill start there.

Also picked up "Izo" by Takashi Miike which is a personal favorite. 2 hours of hyper violent insanity. Looking forward to rewatching it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 31, 2018, 10:21:38 PM
Western fans should check out Tom Horn starring Steve McQueen. Definitely recommended!

The Offence looks good:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on April 02, 2018, 06:33:55 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 31, 2018, 10:21:38 PM
The Offence looks good:


Tried it a couple years ago and turned it off about half way. Let me know if it's worth sticking it out.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on April 02, 2018, 01:21:16 PM
Just watched Nightcrawler, came across it on Netflix, hadn't heard of it but I'm more out of the loop with films than I am with music so no surprise there. Jake Gyllenhall playing a nightcrawling news-videographer, ghoul-for-profit. Enjoyable, at times has a feel of Refn-lite perhaps.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 02, 2018, 08:32:47 PM


Tried it a couple years ago and turned it off about half way. Let me know if it's worth sticking it out.

The Offence will be one I try to find as cheap as possible.

The Autopsy of Jane Doe is a fairly well made horror film. Not your run of the mill plot but I figured it out pretty quick. The best thing about the film is that it has pretty good sound design. Lots of creepy sound efx along with a great location.

Also, The Green Room for the second time. Still pretty good; I like that the goon that started everything is the only person that doesn't get fucked up.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Yrjö-Koskinen on April 02, 2018, 09:11:35 PM
Quote from: martialgodmask on April 02, 2018, 01:21:16 PM
Just watched Nightcrawler, came across it on Netflix, hadn't heard of it but I'm more out of the loop with films than I am with music so no surprise there. Jake Gyllenhall playing a nightcrawling news-videographer, ghoul-for-profit. Enjoyable, at times has a feel of Refn-lite perhaps.

That's a nice one. I watched it a few years ago after seeing Red Letter Media review it briefly in one of their roundup videos. Otherwise, apart from a few Finnish movies like Vyöhyke (available with subs on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwkIaJX3hmg) I basically only watch RLM reviews these days. There are books to be read, drinks to be drunk and noise to be noised.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 03, 2018, 03:18:26 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on April 02, 2018, 06:33:55 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 31, 2018, 10:21:38 PM
The Offence looks good:


Tried it a couple years ago and turned it off about half way. Let me know if it's worth sticking it out.

the offence is, to me a really good watch, seeing a man deteriorate and explode.
this film was one of a two film deal to get sean connery back to play james bond.
think the other may havebeen zardoz
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on April 04, 2018, 04:24:09 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on April 03, 2018, 03:18:26 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on April 02, 2018, 06:33:55 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 31, 2018, 10:21:38 PM
The Offence looks good:


Tried it a couple years ago and turned it off about half way. Let me know if it's worth sticking it out.

the offence is, to me a really good watch, seeing a man deteriorate and explode.
this film was one of a two film deal to get sean connery back to play james bond.
think the other may havebeen zardoz

Another great film from Sidney Lumet! Bringing together Connery and Ian Bannen ten years after one of the other greats by Lumet, The Hill.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Deadpriest on April 04, 2018, 12:49:46 PM
I'm watching the Ghost In A Shell Stand Alone Series... It's really good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: rocksoff on April 05, 2018, 05:56:06 PM
Couldn't get into Stand Alone Project as much as I like the first two GITS films. I have a bit of a low anime tolerance though...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 07, 2018, 08:58:30 PM
The Hero & the Terror- lame Chuck Norris cop vs serial killer film. Very tame. Only a couple of scenes of piled up corpses in the killer's hideout along with a few fight scenes plus some dull drama. Avoid.

Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead- crime flick with a well-known cast: Treat Williams, Chris Walken, Andy Garcia, Steve Buscemi. Kind of corny, tries to hard to be cool or whatever. Treat Williams' character is a shit-eating violence thug and Buscemi is a sly hit man. Forgettable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 07, 2018, 11:46:31 PM
Shin godzilla was less than expected.
A godzilla film lacking godzilla and a sort of authorities procedural
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on April 08, 2018, 12:21:09 AM
yeah 75% of shin godzilla is taken up with bureaucratic office politics and has no godzilla

honestly i loved it

it's a feature length live action "angel attacks" episode of evangelion, basically
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 08, 2018, 12:32:23 AM
Quote from: aububs on April 08, 2018, 12:21:09 AM
it's a feature length live action "angel attacks" episode of evangelion, basically


Weird that it comes up i was just about to post about Shin Godzilla. Watched it foe the first time on Thursday. Amazingly AmazonPrime only had the US dub which i realized after I ordered. Aside from the shitty dubbing it was pretty great. I kinda liked the shitiness of the CGI and godzillas cold, fishlike eyes. And also the Japanese nationalism themes. Theyre still so butthurt about those atomic bombs...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on April 08, 2018, 06:01:48 PM
the creepy crawling pre-evolved weird bug godzilla really freaked me out
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Euro Trash Bazooka on April 09, 2018, 12:46:08 AM
I LOVED "Shin Godzilla" (watched it in the plane on my way to Tokyo just as it came out.) I really like the fact we're following politicians in the film, and I feel like the tension kept increasing and never stopped. It's a really cool take on the Godzilla genre.

Also, when Godzilla' spine starts glowing and he emits rays, my child self couldn't help shaking in awe.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 16, 2018, 01:19:01 AM
I think Audition was mentioned recently? I read that Shout! no longer has the U.S. rights so, most likely, Arrow will release their UK edition over here and they may actually be doing a brand new transfer, which, would be awesome.

Yesterday, I watched Night of the Strangler which has no strangler but has a cool sniper-killer along with a lot of harsh racist dialogue ("You let a degenerate nigger inside your body?!?"). I caught it on Turner Classic Movies & Vinegar Syndrome released it on dvd last year.

Also, Eden Lake, a violent British film about young hoodlums tormenting a nice couple in the woods. The E.T.-style bmx chases are a bit lame but the ending is pretty fucking grim.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 16, 2018, 11:37:21 PM
New remaster of Audition is welcome. It deserves a new treatment. Night of the Strangler is new to me. Thanks for the heads up. Wasn't aware of the film. Found an upload on youtube which was okay, or at least watchable if one is familiar w vhs quality, bootleg sense. Looking forward to rewatch the recent bluray remaster of ICHI THE KILLER via Well Go USA and spagetti gunslinging A FISTFUL OF $. And yea, the trailer for B-horror The Endless looks like it have potential. Worth to check out.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 17, 2018, 04:59:21 PM
^ Night of the Strangler sounds good to me, will have to check that one out.

Most recently been enjoying some Clint Eastwood. Started with Magnum Force at the recommendation of Mr. Striations. It was honestly way better than I expected it to be. Lots of point-blank gun violence, young aryan cops in leather on motorcycles, a funky score, insane and pointless detours. Not really a complaint to be had for my taste. An enjoyable experience the whole time. A little nervous about dipping into the other sequels but  I've heard The Dead Pool is truly terrible, a good/bad type of movie so it should still be fun.

Last night I showed Unforgiven to my friend who had never seen it. That movie holds up no matter how many times I watch it. It's really a slow burner but once you get to the last 30 minutes or so the pay-off is big.

I'm hoping to see A Quiet Place soon. It looks like the kind of movie I would've loved as a kid and I think Emily Blunt is hot in a less obvious kind of way so hopefully it doesnt suck.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 18, 2018, 09:01:34 PM
The Dead Pool has some sleazy moments & Dirty Harry is a must-see, if you haven't already.

I'm readying a horror novel by Tim Lebbon called "The Silence" that is pretty much the same plot as A Quiet Place. Seems they took the idea from the author, possibly.

I received The Offence blu-ray & will probably check it out tonight.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on April 18, 2018, 10:16:34 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 18, 2018, 09:01:34 PM
The Dead Pool has some sleazy moments

That's the one out of the series that I always fall asleep while trying to watch...maybe another attempt tonight, haha. Gotta love Scorpio, though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 19, 2018, 12:10:44 AM
I'm wrong. I was thinking of Sudden Impact which has some sleazy moments in New Orleans.

The Dead Pool isn't that great. There's also another film with Sondra Locke murdering rapists but I can't remember the title for it nor whether it's worth a damn.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on April 19, 2018, 03:56:02 AM
Check out Tightrope for more Clint Eastwood sleaze, might even be set in New Orleans if I'm not mistaken.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 19, 2018, 04:56:42 AM
I've watched the original Dirty Harry many times but was always luke-warm about the idea of checking out the sequels. But at this point I'll have to watch em all for posterity.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 19, 2018, 07:23:04 PM
Quote from: Force Neurotic on April 19, 2018, 03:56:02 AM
Check out Tightrope for more Clint Eastwood sleaze, might even be set in New Orleans if I'm not mistaken.

Yes, it's TIGHTROPE! I looked it up then promptly fucked it all up.

The Offence is recommended. It has a stark, heavy theme with a great performance by Sean Connery. I'm surprised I had never heard of it before or that Sotos never referenced it. There's some nice droning in the soundtrack along with musique concrete sounds in the opening scenes. Definitely worth checking it, just don't expect a lot of
'action'. It's a very dialogue-driven film but there are some pretty intense images in the second half of the film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on April 19, 2018, 09:40:04 PM
nightvisions festival started again.


support! and two thumbs in the throat for this flick. it felt like exploitation with a message for todays girls.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 21, 2018, 01:55:12 AM
Quote from: kettu on April 19, 2018, 09:40:04 PM
nightvisions festival started again.


support! and two thumbs in the throat for this flick. it felt like exploitation with a message for todays girls.

Not sure it's a good film but I like that guy whispering "I don't give a fuck".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on April 21, 2018, 10:36:17 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 21, 2018, 01:55:12 AM
Quote from: kettu on April 19, 2018, 09:40:04 PM
nightvisions festival started again.


support! and two thumbs in the throat for this flick. it felt like exploitation with a message for todays girls.

Not sure it's a good film but I like that guy whispering "I don't give a fuck".

It was pretty darn good. it had one of the most graphic sex scenes  Ive seen in a normal movie. people next to me were moaning and covering their eyes hah. could have been from exitment or pleasure. I didnt ask

yesterday I went to see
NECRONOMICON the book of hell

and today is

HAGAZUSSA a heathens curse

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on April 21, 2018, 06:51:22 PM
Quote from: kettu on April 21, 2018, 10:36:17 AM
and today is

HAGAZUSSA a heathens curse

This one is new for me (though I'm from one of these lands in the alps, where Krampus is reigning). Would be great if you could share your thoughts about it. Thanks!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: kettu on April 21, 2018, 10:21:17 PM
I took a wrong ticket with me and didnt want to buy another one.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on April 22, 2018, 05:08:53 PM
Quote from: kettu on April 21, 2018, 10:21:17 PM
I took a wrong ticket with me and didnt want to buy another one.

Oh, I hope the other movie was good as well!?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 23, 2018, 11:19:42 PM
The Blood Spattered Bride- Spanish film that plays kinda like a soap opera mixed with weirdness, one nasty stabbing, some boobs n' bush, a vampire bride, & a soundtrack that didn't really fit at all. Not a film I liked all that much but I'm glad to have finally watched it. It may be one that grows on me. Mondo Macabro did a nice job.

Speaking of MM, Who Can Kill a Child? will be released next month & I just bought a cheap copy of Fulci's Lizard in a Woman's Skin bd, also released by MM.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 27, 2018, 05:23:59 PM
All prior mentioned  are worth a watch
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on April 27, 2018, 10:08:10 PM
QuoteThe Blood Spattered Bride

Anyone know if THE CORRUPTION OF CHRIS MILLER is out on Blu-ray anywhere yet?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 27, 2018, 11:38:31 PM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on April 27, 2018, 10:08:10 PM
QuoteThe Blood Spattered Bride

Anyone know if THE CORRUPTION OF CHRIS MILLER is out on Blu-ray anywhere yet?

I don't think so. Pretty sure that's one I would take note of as I've never seen it but have seen the title around forever.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 28, 2018, 12:21:24 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 27, 2018, 11:38:31 PM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on April 27, 2018, 10:08:10 PM
QuoteThe Blood Spattered Bride

Anyone know if THE CORRUPTION OF CHRIS MILLER is out on Blu-ray anywhere yet?

I don't think so. Pretty sure that's one I would take note of as I've never seen it but have seen the title around forever.

Not seen it in any other than dvd report bootleg
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on April 28, 2018, 06:27:57 PM
Battle in Heaven (Batalla en el cielo) by Carlos Reygadas

Seen it first maybe ten years ago. Probably not one to watch very often, but I decided to rewatch today. Tried many other movies before, but wasn't in the right mood for them. So it seems this one might be something special for special days.

And yes, I like it.

If you don't already know it - here's a trailer (not really representative of the film, in my opinion):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHy1r27c09U (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHy1r27c09U)

I think the full movie is there as well.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on April 29, 2018, 07:42:50 PM
Yesterday was good:

Scum (1977)
Who Can Kill a Child?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 29, 2018, 07:56:02 PM
Quote from: cr on April 28, 2018, 06:27:57 PM
Battle in Heaven (Batalla en el cielo) by Carlos Reygadas

Seen it first maybe ten years ago. Probably not one to watch very often, but I decided to rewatch today. Tried many other movies before, but wasn't in the right mood for them. So it seems this one might be something special for special days.

And yes, I like it.

If you don't already know it - here's a trailer (not really representative of the film, in my opinion):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHy1r27c09U (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHy1r27c09U)

I think the full movie is there as well.

Carlos Reygadas .... whole filmography is strong. Consistent director. High craftsmanship. Post Tenebras Lux is masterclass.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on April 30, 2018, 02:22:19 AM
The Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975, Peter Weir)
          Part of my ongoing obsession with Aussie films involving the outback. Was really glad to have finally seen this one as it delivered 100% on all its promises of weirdness, repressed sexuality, and humor. I wish there were more films like this because there is an indescribable vibe and it's unlike anything else I've ever seen. I don't wanna spoil the ending, but more movies with a disappearance story should be as ambiguous as this. I would like to see a crime-related mystery film handled with this sort of distance and lack of speculation. Reminds me very much of Ultra's "The Society of Unkissed Beauties/Sweet Flowers in the Spring." Anyone who can recommend any decent Australian cinema, please do.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Euro Trash Bazooka on April 30, 2018, 02:43:29 PM
Quote from: Force Neurotic on April 30, 2018, 02:22:19 AM
The Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975, Peter Weir)
          Part of my ongoing obsession with Aussie films involving the outback. Was really glad to have finally seen this one as it delivered 100% on all its promises of weirdness, repressed sexuality, and humor. I wish there were more films like this because there is an indescribable vibe and it's unlike anything else I've ever seen. I don't wanna spoil the ending, but more movies with a disappearance story should be as ambiguous as this. I would like to see a crime-related mystery film handled with this sort of distance and lack of speculation. Reminds me very much of Ultra's "The Society of Unkissed Beauties/Sweet Flowers in the Spring." Anyone who can recommend any decent Australian cinema, please do.

Great film indeed.

Have you seen "Wake In Fright"? "Long Weekend" (the OG one) is great too, although set in a less desertic landscape than the outback. And I have a soft spot for "Wolf Creek" as well, but I don't know if you'd call that decent...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on May 01, 2018, 09:14:20 PM
Quote from: kettu on April 21, 2018, 10:36:17 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 21, 2018, 01:55:12 AM
Quote from: kettu on April 19, 2018, 09:40:04 PM
nightvisions festival started again.


support! and two thumbs in the throat for this flick. it felt like exploitation with a message for todays girls.

Not sure it's a good film but I like that guy whispering "I don't give a fuck".

It was pretty darn good. it had one of the most graphic sex scenes  Ive seen in a normal movie. people next to me were moaning and covering their eyes hah. could have been from exitment or pleasure. I didnt ask

Never thought one of my films would get thumbs up here... but then Holiday do have that scene although I always thought the scene with the kid eating candy while they beat the guy in the next room is the most brutal scene in the film. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 02, 2018, 01:34:59 AM
Where can I see Holiday?

Last couple days:

So Sweet, So Dead
The House with Laughing Windows
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strömkarlen on May 02, 2018, 10:36:34 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on May 02, 2018, 01:34:59 AM
Where can I see Holiday?

Last couple days:

So Sweet, So Dead
The House with Laughing Windows

Depends on where you live. The film is doing its festival rounds right now and will start theatrical life in the autumn.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 02, 2018, 05:35:44 PM
A Quiet Place - saw this one last night. really enjoyed it. it's not a perfect movie but it's damn good! the movie is non-stop tension. the monsters look pretty rad, though they're indebted heavily to HR Giger's xenomorph. Being PG-13 gore and guts was low, but there's one part that's brutal without being overly graphic that had me wincing since I've had the same injury before. the whole use of silence, sign language, and score interspersed was really effective.   apparently they're already gearing up for a sequel.

they played the trailer for the sequel to Sicario... it looks like they're taking a movie that needed no sequel and making the new one into a quippy hollywood action movie. granted i'm all for hyper-violent action movies but I can't imagine the magic of the original will be there.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 02, 2018, 08:11:54 PM
saw A Quiet Place yesterday too

thought it was pretty bad

really irritating score

the guy's whiteboard saying things like "BLIND" and "ATTACK SOUND" and "what is their WEAKNESS" was really stupid

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 02, 2018, 08:41:13 PM
Severin Films will be releasing COMBAT SHOCK on Blu-ray later this year!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 02, 2018, 10:18:03 PM
Quote from: aububs on May 02, 2018, 08:11:54 PM
saw A Quiet Place yesterday too

thought it was pretty bad

really irritating score

the guy's whiteboard saying things like "BLIND" and "ATTACK SOUND" and "what is their WEAKNESS" was really stupid

I rather liked the score. The whiteboard stuff was stupid but it didn't ruin the movie for me.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on May 04, 2018, 12:49:11 AM
Tons of Aussie films past few weeks:

The Tracker (2002, Ian Sharp) - Aussie western with Aboriginal lead role. Awful, awful soundtrack but excellent story and cinematography. A must-see.

Mystery Road (2013, Ivan Sen) - Another Aussie western with an Aboriginal lead, sort of like a modern-day retelling of The Tracker. Not amazing but still a great slow-burner without a ton of dialogue and as you'd expect, lots of serene desert cinematography. Realistic gunfight scene was great. Worth a watch but the story doesn't quite unfold as the beginning implies. Subtle and minimalist, I guess.

The Proposition (2005, John Hillcoat/Nick Cave) - Definitely seems like a movie Nick Cave would've been involved with. As such, it's fuckin' great. Old-timey Aussie western where the stakes are high for everyone involved and no positive resolution anywhere in sight. If you haven't seen it, see it - features David Gulipill in a role that's sort of opposite his character in The Tracker. Haven't seen Guy Pearce in anything he didn't nail, so recommended for fans of Memento.

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994, Stephan Elliott) - Not-bad screwball comedy/road movie about some drag queens and one transsexual on a road trip, finding themselves along the way, yadda yadda. Too Hollywood for me, even though I watched it thinking of it as a better predecessor to To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Junie Newmar.  Terrence Stamp's convincing portrayal of an aged, embittered trans character is ace, but everything else was too wacky and family-friendly.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 04, 2018, 01:38:40 AM
A couple more worthwhile Aussie films: RAZORBACK and ROAD GAMES.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on May 04, 2018, 05:41:49 AM
Quote from: Force Neurotic on May 04, 2018, 12:49:11 AM
The Proposition (2005, John Hillcoat/Nick Cave) - Definitely seems like a movie Nick Cave would've been involved with.

Check out Ghosts.. of the Civil Dead if you haven't yet - Hillcoat/Cave's '88 prison film. Nick steals the show with his psychotic performance. Killer OST too.

Not seen The Tracker but de Heer's earlier films Bad Boy Bubby and Alexandra's Project are both mandatory.

More recommended Oz fare:

The Boys ('98)
Metal Skin
Idiot Box
Dogs in Space
He Died with a Felafel in His Hand
True Love and Chaos
Hounds of Love
The Horseman
Animal Kingdom
Turkey Shoot
The Year My Voice Broke
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 04, 2018, 09:02:42 PM
BODY MELT is an excellent aussie melt movie

harold from neighbours is in it
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 04, 2018, 10:02:45 PM
Death Warmed Up is another good one altho it's from new zealand (same thing). it's from 1984 and about a guy who is brainwashed to kill his parents by a mad scientist, gets locked up in a mental asylum for 7 years, and then gets out and goes to take revenge on the mad scientist who is now living on a remote island doing experiments on humans. it has zombies, motorbikes, and a lot of gore
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 04, 2018, 10:18:11 PM
re the Aussie stuff, I will give a quick recommendation for The Proposition. Watched it in theaters and have seen it many times since. absolutely love that one. nihilistic violence and good actors all the way around. a "must watch" imo.

last night was a bit of a curveball given my usual watching habits, Desmond Davis's Clash of the Titans from 1981. I heard this was terrible but also not because of Ray Harryhausen. and yeah that sums it up. everything that was practical effects and stop motion ruled, except that stupid fucking owl, and everything else was pretty bad. except for some excellent titties here and there. i did appreciate that the movie got across how deluded and petty the Greek gods were.

watching it reminded me of Jason and the Argonauts which I fucking worshiped as a little kid. I can still vividly remember the scene with the harpies. will probably be revisiting that one for the first time in 20+ years soon.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Euro Trash Bazooka on May 05, 2018, 01:03:25 AM
I love Body Melt, Bad Boy Bubby and Turkey Shoot, whose beast reminds me of the one in The Beast In Heat. The OST is amazing too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 05, 2018, 01:12:13 AM
I think Body Melt will be getting a U.S. Blu-ray release. Maybe by Vinegar Syndrome but I could be wrong. I've never seen it but have read good things.

Turkey Shoot is on bd from Severin & it's a cool film. There's some pretty gnarly violence.

Fair Game is another Aussie film. The trailer looks interesting & there was a recent Oz bd release that DiabolikDVD carries. Same with Road Games which is a serial killer-truck driving flick with Stacy Keach & Jamie Lee Curtis. There's a lot of footage of the long, desolate highways through the outback.

I really wish Death Warmed Up would get a nice bd release but I recently read that the orig. camera neg. no longer exists. I remember seeing on vhs one time but remember nothing about it other than the box art. Actually, this is a film from nearby New Zealand...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on May 05, 2018, 07:09:46 AM
As a kiwi I'm ashamed to say I haven't seen Death Warmed Up, in the process of remedying that now! Grew up on Peter Jacksons early splatter flicks which owe a debt to DWU. Few other good NZ films - Once Were Warriors, Out of the Blue, Heavenly Creatures, Battletruck, Top of the Lake series, Tickled documentary.

For some no-budget Aussie ultra-violence there's Richard Wolstencroft's films Bloodlust! and Pearls Before Swine (feat. Boyd Rice & Douglas P). And Mark Savage's output, Marauders and Defenceless in particular.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 05, 2018, 10:10:38 AM
i wouldn't worry about it, i'm irish and make it a policy not to watch irish movies, they all suck
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on May 05, 2018, 03:24:57 PM
Generally I tend to avoid our domestic films/tv too which is how the occasional worthwhile one will pass me by. Dunno about movies but The Fall and Love/Hate were both decent Irish shows!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 06, 2018, 05:33:24 AM
Quote from: Sadomaniac on May 05, 2018, 07:09:46 AMRichard Wolstencroft's films Bloodlust! and Pearls Before Swine (feat. Boyd Rice & Douglas P).

Don't know about "Bloodlust" but "Pearls Before Swine" was definitely one of the worst movies I've ever seen. By that I mean it's too cluttered and boring to be entertaining and too cliched to be edifying. A love letter from Wolstencroft to Rice, basically.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on May 06, 2018, 06:37:37 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on May 06, 2018, 05:33:24 AM
Quote from: Sadomaniac on May 05, 2018, 07:09:46 AMRichard Wolstencroft's films Bloodlust! and Pearls Before Swine (feat. Boyd Rice & Douglas P).

Don't know about "Bloodlust" but "Pearls Before Swine" was definitely one of the worst movies I've ever seen. By that I mean it's too cluttered and boring to be entertaining and too cliched to be edifying. A love letter from Wolstencroft to Rice, basically.

Prefer Bloodlust of the two but I'd agree they're both horrible Troma-style films, nonetheless still noteworthy in the cannon of Oz trash cinema IMO. Boyd's monologues on fascism and epic Might Is Right rants in Pearls Before Swine sound straight from the mouth of a teenage satanist, hah... think there were some Sotos/Pure references in there too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 06, 2018, 07:35:34 AM
Pearls is worth it for this scene alone: https://youtu.be/Qb2yWpj_3Ss

There's also that bizarre moment at the beginning where Douglas creeps out of the dark in his camo/mask getup.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 06, 2018, 10:52:40 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2018, 07:35:34 AM
Pearls is worth it for this scene alone: https://youtu.be/Qb2yWpj_3Ss

jesus christ
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 06, 2018, 09:15:03 PM
that's the worst thing i've ever seen
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 06, 2018, 09:29:13 PM
I think it was Pearls I watched with Slogun & Sickness, and, yeah, it's bloody fucking awful.

Last night was the Arrow bd release of Basket Case. Name another movie restored by The Museum of Modern Art with a necrophilia rape by an ugly little monster! The film looks great but still looks pretty grimy. In the extras, there's a short film from 1972 (or '76?) called "The Slash of the Knife" directed by F.H. & starring some of the B.C. cast that is pretty entertaining & is not what the title suggests but has some things in common with B.C. Funny n' weird.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 07, 2018, 03:51:17 PM
Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell

just as terrible as you will think
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 07, 2018, 05:05:37 PM
So my girlfriend had a deprived childhood and as a result I'm often showing her essential and not so essential movies which she missed. Amazingly she has never seen any of the Alien franchise, which admittedly contains as many duds as classics but is pretty mandatory nonetheless. So last year we saw Alien: Covenant in theaters which got her started in true ass-backwards fashion.

Fast forward a year and yesterday we watched Aliens (1986) and Prometheus (2012). She still hasn't seen the original Alien but the plot of Aliens isn't so complex that you can't figure out what's happening.

Anyway I was surprised by how well Aliens has held up since I hadn't watched it myself in 10 years. All of the marines pretty much kill it and the little girl wasn't quite as annoying as I remembered. I will never tire of watching aliens come out of the walls and burst out of chests. Never.

Prometheus, on the other hand, is something I basically can't enjoy now. When I saw it in the IMAX mega overload movie theater when it came out I thought it was great, with some iffy writing; now it just seems like a steaming pile of dog shit with pretty visuals. The writing is really just so fucking terrible. I'm sure there could have been a good movie with believable and sensible characters that still had all sorts of alien horror, but they just took ever shortcut possible instead. Except for the caesarean section scene which is great.   Plus the viewing experience started negatively when my blu-ray player told me it wasn't hi-def enough to play the blu-ray. Apparently I need to have some top of the line 4k shit to watch a fucking movie I paid for? Lame.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 07, 2018, 05:58:45 PM
I agree with your take on Prometheus, when I first seen I was super into it and had hope for the next installment of movies. but, when revisited it was trash. the storyline idea was good but the actually execution was pretty bad and it took away what could have been a pretty interesting place in the Aliens mythology

Alien: Covenant - went in with hoping that this would film would kind of maybe redeem what was lost with Prometheus and nope, I thought it sucked terribly. haven't even purchased the Blu Ray to maybe revisited in the future I thought it was that bad 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 08, 2018, 04:07:44 AM
Prometheus did nothing for me. Not even sure what it was they were trying to communicate. Too much spiritualist bullchuck. Aliens (the second of the original series) starts slowly but by the time they're back on the alien planet the whole movie picks up pace and works really well, for the most part. One criticism, though - I don't understand why the character of Burke starts off being sympathetic (even helping Ripley save the surviving marines from the massacre) and ends up a bad guy, and visa-versa for Gorman. I get the impression there was a script change somewhere along the line.

But nothing's going to top that first film. That was just a combination of the right elements at the right time that just worked. Mind, I've read that one original concept for the end of that film was that the alien kills Ripley in the escape pod then mimics her voice, sending a message to Earth that she's on her way. That would have been great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 08, 2018, 03:24:38 PM
that ending would have been incredible, would have been interested to see where they would have taken a 2nd film if they were even going to make a 2nd one after that.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 08, 2018, 07:16:40 PM
There'd be no need, and that's the problem as far as the industry is concerned. Once, they made movies. Now, they make franchises.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 08, 2018, 07:37:47 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on May 08, 2018, 04:07:44 AM
Prometheus did nothing for me. Not even sure what it was they were trying to communicate. Too much spiritualist bullchuck. Aliens (the second of the original series) starts slowly but by the time they're back on the alien planet the whole movie picks up pace and works really well, for the most part. One criticism, though - I don't understand why the character of Burke starts off being sympathetic (even helping Ripley save the surviving marines from the massacre) and ends up a bad guy, and visa-versa for Gorman. I get the impression there was a script change somewhere along the line.

But nothing's going to top that first film. That was just a combination of the right elements at the right time that just worked. Mind, I've read that one original concept for the end of that film was that the alien kills Ripley in the escape pod then mimics her voice, sending a message to Earth that she's on her way. That would have been great.

Alien Ripley going back to earth is implicit in the 4th film's ending.
Her cloning, superhuman  strength, ambivalence all imply this.
This saves the prior ending of Brady duriff's other mother alien nonsense.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on May 08, 2018, 07:42:39 PM
QuoteBut nothing's going to top that first film. That was just a combination of the right elements at the right time that just worked.

I think the main problem with the ALIEN prequels, etc. is that Scott forgot that ALIEN is simply a horror movie.  It's lineage lies in IT! THE TERROR BEYOND SPACE and PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES, but featuring more complex design, etc.  As usual, key things never should have been explained and therefore just remained strange, a mystery and creepy like when they come across the space jockey (which i'll always maintain is completely rotted / skeletal, the 'space suits' in PROMETHEUS being an insane oversight).
Scott should have saved all his tedious ideas for BLADE RUNNER.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 09, 2018, 02:09:14 AM
All this Aussie talk & no one mentioned Wake in Fright, which, I haven't seen but I'm going to order it very soon. The U.S. release is OOP.

I received The Slasher is a Sex Maniac Blu-ray today (released by Code Red). I love the title! It also known as So Sweet, So Dead. Screen Archives is having a 30% off sale of Code Red releases:


It ends tomorrow...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on May 09, 2018, 03:45:59 AM
Been on a Herzog and Kinski binge.

- Well binge and binge... Watched again Werner Herzog's stilized 'Nosferatu - the vampyre' anno 1979 with Klaus Kinshi in the lead, and today enjoyed Joe D'Amato's 'Death Smiles on a Murderer' (1973) via youtube - thank you internet. Nosferatu still holds up I have to say quite nicely and the beach sequence with the wife and her inlaws is suberbly and most beautiful shot. Just love the grain, lightning as well as the metallic sheen of the colors in that scene. Perfect merger. Next up is Amicus Productions 'The House That Dripped Blood' from '71 - a UK gothic horror and Lynne Ramsay's 'You Were Never Really Here' (2017). Her film 'Ratcatcher' is a stone cold classic. Also want to revisit Hitchcock's Psycho one of these days after seeing the documentary 78/52 - supposedly a study of the aforementioned classic (but mostly an okay circle jerk with interesting scattered points). Good news to those of you whom checked out the trailer for 'The Endless' which I mentioned previously. Arrow Video has picked up the title for a July release. And oh yea, 'The Larry Sanders Show' in its entirety - all six seasons - kills; and 'Wake in Fright' plus 'Alien' are mandatory gems. Kind of strange reading about someone that for some reasons haven't seen the latter movie after all these years. This is by no means meant as a critique, maybe more a personal note that one of popular culture's film cornerstones now also function (more) as a cultural reference than a must-go-to experience.  

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 09, 2018, 04:52:09 AM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on May 08, 2018, 07:42:39 PM
As usual, key things never should have been explained and therefore just remained strange, a mystery and creepy -

Same thing ruined Hellraiser. One of the great things about the first movie for me was that there was no indication what the cenobites actually were. They just showed up and tortured you. I was very disappointed when Barker decided they were demons from hell. But it seems that audiences love having everything handed to them these days, especially fans.

"The Scarlet Gospels" is a well written but boring book, nowhere as good as "The Hellbound Heart" (in which "pinhead" is just a side character anyway). Even in that it doesn't matter what they are, even their intentions aren't made clear. They just show up and torture.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 09, 2018, 05:19:49 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 09, 2018, 02:09:14 AM
I received The Slasher is a Sex Maniac Blu-ray today (released by Code Red). I love the title! It also known as So Sweet, So Dead. Screen Archives is having a 30% off sale of Code Red releases:


It ends tomorrow...

It's a good one, watched recently. I should take advantage of the sale and grab that and Cut-Throats Nine. Shipping costs to Canada are quite reasonable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on May 09, 2018, 10:26:33 AM
QuoteI received The Slasher is a Sex Maniac Blu-ray today (released by Code Red). I love the title! It also known as So Sweet, So Dead.

I've said it before, but easily the greatest of all the Gialli.
Really great to watch as part of the 'ultimate dark murderer aesthetic' genre history timeline:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: SiClark on May 09, 2018, 11:12:50 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on May 08, 2018, 07:16:40 PM
There'd be no need, and that's the problem as far as the industry is concerned. Once, they made movies. Now, they make franchises.
This is only going to get worse with the popularity with Marvel, every other film company is looking for stories they can mine for endless films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 09, 2018, 12:06:31 PM
Jesus, all those fucking worthless super hero movies...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 11, 2018, 07:49:42 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on May 09, 2018, 12:06:31 PM
Jesus, all those fucking worthless super hero movies...

Surely,'jesus, all those fucking  useless  movies '. Why limit to superhero  genre?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 11, 2018, 08:03:36 PM
The Cottage was recently put on Shudder. haven't seen the movie in a few years, forgot how enjoyable it is, for what it is
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 13, 2018, 12:03:40 AM
Last night was the black and white Japanese crime film, Cruel Gun Story, from 1964. It's basically a heist-gone-really, really-wrong with lots of beatings and shootings. I caught it on Turner Classic Movies & the Criterion Collection logo was displayed at the beginning.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 13, 2018, 02:23:36 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on May 11, 2018, 07:49:42 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on May 09, 2018, 12:06:31 PM
Jesus, all those fucking worthless super hero movies...

Surely,'jesus, all those fucking  useless  movies '. Why limit to superhero  genre?

love useless movies personally

went to see new french rape/revenge movie called...uh...Revenge last night

was ok. a bit by the numbers. it's been called the first post #metoo movie but the lead actress is filmed like the camera is drunk and horny. any female empowerment message it might have had is kind of cancelled out by that. i guess you do get to see the lead actor's dick a few times too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 13, 2018, 02:25:59 AM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on May 09, 2018, 10:26:33 AM
QuoteI received The Slasher is a Sex Maniac Blu-ray today (released by Code Red). I love the title! It also known as So Sweet, So Dead.

I've said it before, but easily the greatest of all the Gialli.
Really great to watch as part of the 'ultimate dark murderer aesthetic' genre history timeline:

i've gotten copies of these movies and am looking forward to watching the unofficial ultimate dark murder aesthetic trilogy soon
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 13, 2018, 02:30:47 AM
also watched this the other day. liked it. broke labourer gets involved in billionaire russian roulette gambling. it's very tense and well made altho it's probably not difficult to juice tension from russian roulette.

Intacto is another really good russian roulette movie

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 13, 2018, 03:49:58 PM
13., awesome when initially  seen. The ending being the payoff.
Not seen since, so unsure about the quality overall. Will likely be good  but not sure.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 13, 2018, 05:08:10 PM
the same director did the american remake which looks like garbage
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on May 17, 2018, 01:38:41 AM
Quote from: aububs on May 13, 2018, 05:08:10 PM
the same director did the american remake which looks like garbage

in general that is the coin: all american remakes are garbage.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Kayandah on May 17, 2018, 04:40:00 AM
Quote from: online prowler on May 17, 2018, 01:38:41 AM
Quote from: aububs on May 13, 2018, 05:08:10 PM
the same director did the american remake which looks like garbage

in general that is the coin: all american remakes are garbage.

My one exception: Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I'd rather watch fincher's version than the swedish original
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 17, 2018, 05:44:10 PM
Jeepers Creepers 3. not good, but worth at least one watch
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on May 17, 2018, 07:44:16 PM
Quote from: Kayandah on May 17, 2018, 04:40:00 AM
Quote from: online prowler on May 17, 2018, 01:38:41 AM
Quote from: aububs on May 13, 2018, 05:08:10 PM
the same director did the american remake which looks like garbage

in general that is the coin: all american remakes are garbage.

My one exception: Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I'd rather watch fincher's version than the swedish original

Cannot disagree w Fincher.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 17, 2018, 07:54:32 PM
Quote from: online prowler on May 17, 2018, 01:38:41 AM
Quote from: aububs on May 13, 2018, 05:08:10 PM
the same director did the american remake which looks like garbage

in general that is the coin: all american remakes are garbage.

that's mostly true but the director of the original remade his own film so he did a big shit all over his own work
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on May 17, 2018, 08:43:18 PM
Quote from: aububs on May 17, 2018, 07:54:32 PM
Quote from: online prowler on May 17, 2018, 01:38:41 AM
Quote from: aububs on May 13, 2018, 05:08:10 PM
the same director did the american remake which looks like garbage

in general that is the coin: all american remakes are garbage.

that's mostly true but the director of the original remade his own film so he did a big shit all over his own work

He might be into scat and watersports then?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 18, 2018, 06:46:47 PM
Nothing new appeals and awaiting purchase of James whale'so "the old dark house " upgrade from cheap crap royalty free dvd to arty restoration.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: SiClark on May 18, 2018, 08:05:10 PM
Quote from: DSOL on May 17, 2018, 05:44:10 PM
Jeepers Creepers 3. not good, but worth at least one watch
I tried it but had to turn it off. I watch tons of horror films and have no problems with crappy films but this was too bad to finish.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 18, 2018, 10:55:54 PM
Watched Intruder & Wild Beasts this week and just received House on Sorority Row which I have never seen.

Synapse/Impulse will be releasing White Rose Campus: Everybody Gets Raped! on dvd in a couple of months! Understandably, they have dispensed with part of the title. Sure hope they put out a few more of the twisted Nikkatsu films this year.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 18, 2018, 10:58:16 PM
Quote from: Si Clark on May 18, 2018, 08:05:10 PM
Quote from: DSOL on May 17, 2018, 05:44:10 PM
Jeepers Creepers 3. not good, but worth at least one watch
I tried it but had to turn it off. I watch tons of horror films and have no problems with crappy films but this was too bad to finish.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on May 19, 2018, 12:25:24 AM
Watched "The Blue Light" by Leni Riefenstahl from 1932 on youtube, after reading the chapter in the Blutleuchte book from Mr. Hallstatt made me quite curious about it.
Kept my thoughts occupied for a while. Great and beautiful b/w film and a quite sad kind of fairytale.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on May 19, 2018, 07:10:31 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 18, 2018, 10:55:54 PMSynapse/Impulse will be releasing White Rose Campus: Everybody Gets Raped! on dvd in a couple of months! Understandably, they have dispensed with part of the title. Sure hope they put out a few more of the twisted Nikkatsu films this year.

They did a similar thing with Zoom In: Rape Apartments. Great to see these gems getting the treatment they deserve, particularly Kôyû Ohara's work. Now they just need to release his tour de force, Zoom Up: Rape Site!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 19, 2018, 07:53:08 PM
Quote from: Sadomaniac on May 19, 2018, 07:10:31 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 18, 2018, 10:55:54 PMSynapse/Impulse will be releasing White Rose Campus: Everybody Gets Raped! on dvd in a couple of months! Understandably, they have dispensed with part of the title. Sure hope they put out a few more of the twisted Nikkatsu films this year.

They did a similar thing with Zoom In: Rape Apartments. Great to see these gems getting the treatment they deserve, particularly Kôyû Ohara's work. Now they just need to release his tour de force, Zoom Up: Rape Site!

I'm pretty sure Zoom Up: Rape Site is on the list to be released by Synapse/Impulse. It's too bad they can't get new transfers for Blu-ray but then again, these films may not sell enough to warrant the extra expense. I know I haven't picked a lot of them up; I do own Zoom In: Rape Apartments. I almost ordered the two Sex Hunter films the other day but was side-tracked...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 19, 2018, 10:02:48 PM
I've never heard of Miss Neslie's Dolls until recently:

"Network of the UK will release Blu-rays of two American exploitation flicks, WHO KILLED TEDDY BEAR (1965) and MISS LESLIE'S DOLLS (1973). Due in August of 2018.

Network released TEDDY BEAR on PAL DVD a few years ago, in a slightly cut version when compared to the US release print. I assume that their Blu-ray will be the same version, but I'll post here again if I'm incorrect.

MISS LESLIE'S DOLLS has never been released on home video before, to my knowledge. "

I'm not familiar with Who Killed Teddy Bear, either. Other than I've ran across the title before.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on May 20, 2018, 05:52:25 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 19, 2018, 07:53:08 PM
Quote from: Sadomaniac on May 19, 2018, 07:10:31 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 18, 2018, 10:55:54 PMSynapse/Impulse will be releasing White Rose Campus: Everybody Gets Raped! on dvd in a couple of months! Understandably, they have dispensed with part of the title. Sure hope they put out a few more of the twisted Nikkatsu films this year.

They did a similar thing with Zoom In: Rape Apartments. Great to see these gems getting the treatment they deserve, particularly Kôyû Ohara's work. Now they just need to release his tour de force, Zoom Up: Rape Site!

I'm pretty sure Zoom Up: Rape Site is on the list to be released by Synapse/Impulse. It's too bad they can't get new transfers for Blu-ray but then again, these films may not sell enough to warrant the extra expense. I know I haven't picked a lot of them up; I do own Zoom In: Rape Apartments. I almost ordered the two Sex Hunter films the other day but was side-tracked...

Exciting to hear about ZU: RS! One of the most infamous and elusive violent pinks. Seems they've committed to a BD release too. Although with these films any format's better than the unsubbed VHS dupes originally viewed, heh. Sex Hunter: 1980 is fantastic, ain't seen Wet Target but sounds more of a thriller. Keeping my fingers crossed for a Subway Serial Rape box set!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 20, 2018, 04:29:31 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 19, 2018, 10:02:48 PM
I've never heard of Miss Neslie's Dolls until recently:

"Network of the UK will release Blu-rays of two American exploitation flicks, WHO KILLED TEDDY BEAR (1965) and MISS LESLIE'S DOLLS (1973). Due in August of 2018.

Network released TEDDY BEAR on PAL DVD a few years ago, in a slightly cut version when compared to the US release print. I assume that their Blu-ray will be the same version, but I'll post here again if I'm incorrect.

MISS LESLIE'S DOLLS has never been released on home video before, to my knowledge. "

I'm not familiar with Who Killed Teddy Bear, either. Other than I've ran across the title before.

Who killed teddy bear  is a perverse little gem
Grubber and far less  accomplished than a peeping tom or a twisted nerve  but very enjoyable
Miss lesllie'so dolls is a mysteryoung to me
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 21, 2018, 04:39:49 PM
Over the past week or so:

John Carpenter's "The Fog" - i think this is a classic case of misaligned expectations for me. Somehow I had never watched "the Fog" until last week and I guess I was expecting something more violent and gore-y than what I got. Adrienne Barbeau was great and Tom Atkins played his usual angry, young girl banging self, but in terms of actual horror/suspense it didn't work for me. Even the underlying plot seemed relatively cool but the overall execution literally put me to sleep several times during the movie.

"Event Horizon" - I saw this one in theaters way back when. I was 10 years old and it scared the shit out of me. In the several viewings since my opinion has fluctuated. As of my most recent viewing, it's a damn enjoyable movie! Like some crossbreed of Hellraiser and the Shining in space, but with a visual style all its own. I understand the movie was rushed out of post-production and never truly finished. That's definitely the feeling I get when most of the last 30 minutes is significantly weaker than the first 2/3rds of the movie. But I still really enjoyed this way more than I expected to on this latest viewing.

feeling a need to see Sam Neill's beautiful face again, last night was John Carpenter's "In The Mouth of Madness". I started watching it a few years ago but wasn't really in the mood and never picked it back up. Watching the whole thing last night, I was kicking myself for not giving it a proper viewing sooner. I really really liked this one. Pretty solid dialogue, good practical effects, an overall very cool plot. and HP Lovecraft references galore!  I think it's up there with some of Carpenter's best films from the '80s! It probably helps that I'm going through another cycle of obsessing over HP Lovecraft and anything related but I feel pretty confident I'd like this one in 6 months as much as I did last night.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 21, 2018, 04:54:33 PM
Demon Wind - the description on Shudder didn't make seem like it was going to be that terrible. it was pretty bad, bad acting, shitty FX/gore. do not recommend

revisited Re-Animator also, loved the movie growing up but haven't watched it in some time. still great
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 23, 2018, 02:47:15 PM
Just bought and really looking forward to watching the Eureka  issue of 'The old dark house ' by James  Whale.
Only ever seen as cheap copyright free disc.
The film itself is highly entertaining so seeing a pristine print anticipated.
Extras sound OK as well.

After may watch the arrow disc 'death smiles  on a murderer'by Joe D'amato.  Has a hopefully typically over ripe Kinski appearance.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 23, 2018, 04:18:24 PM
Last night was Ben Young's Hounds of Love from last year. My friend has been wanting to watch it for months and even though I was pushing to show him Possession this won out. let me say this first, if you're gonna watch it stop reading now. Go into it as blind as possible.

I went into it without knowing anything about it and I'm grateful for that. This movie had my gut in a tight knot after the first twenty minutes or so which did not let up until the bitter end. The way things unfold I really did not know how it would all end which great. It's been a long time since I've been actually surprised by a story.

Highest recommendation! The movie kills it in every department: the acting is A+, the script is minimal and well written, the score and the soundtrack are fucking great, it looks beautiful and the pacing is perfect. It was really great to watch a competently made film instead of the usual schlock i watch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on May 23, 2018, 07:18:09 PM
Will need to wAtch Hounds  again cos on first watch was bored and switched off.
Still doubt it will be a snowtown.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on May 24, 2018, 07:29:20 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 23, 2018, 04:18:24 PM
Last night was Ben Young's Hounds of Love from last year. My friend has been wanting to watch it for months and even though I was pushing to show him Possession this won out. let me say this first, if you're gonna watch it stop reading now. Go into it as blind as possible.

I went into it without knowing anything about it and I'm grateful for that. This movie had my gut in a tight knot after the first twenty minutes or so which did not let up until the bitter end. The way things unfold I really did not know how it would all end which great. It's been a long time since I've been actually surprised by a story.

Highest recommendation! The movie kills it in every department: the acting is A+, the script is minimal and well written, the score and the soundtrack are fucking great, it looks beautiful and the pacing is perfect. It was really great to watch a competently made film instead of the usual schlock i watch.

Thank you, this is now high on my list to see. I only vaguely recognise the name so it had otherwise passed me by.

DLJ - Snowtown is also excellent and will need another viewing soon.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 25, 2018, 05:25:48 PM
started Wild Wild Country on Netflix

had no idea abut this cult or anything related to it. pretty interesting so far
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 25, 2018, 09:53:04 PM
Vinegar Syndrome is having a sale & have a couple of limited Blu-ray releases up. One, of which, is the sexploitation film, PETS. I've never seen it but have always wanted to.

I'm currently watching Thunderbolt and Lightfoot starring Clint Eastwood. Caught it in the middle of the film...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on May 28, 2018, 12:22:31 PM
Nicolas Winding Refn 'TOO OLD TO DIE YOUNG' series tba Amazon Video.

teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y--r9q2m0Kk&t=9s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y--r9q2m0Kk&t=9s)

Co-created with writer Ed Brubaker (Westworld, Angel of Death, Vertigo Comics, Dark Horse, DC Comics), the series explores the criminal underbelly of Los Angeles by following characters' existential journeys from being killers to becoming samurais in the City of Angels.

Miles Teller stars along with Jena Malone (The Neon Demon), William "Billy" Baldwin (Backdraft), John Hawkes (Deadwood), Cristina Rodlo (The Condemned), Augusto Aguilera (The Predator), Nell Tiger Free (Game of Thrones), Babs Olusanmokun (The Defenders), and Callie Hernandez (Alien: Covenant).

There is currently no release date for the series, but word is it's due 2018 - 2019.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on May 29, 2018, 01:06:11 AM
Killing Eve - BBC - I thought this show was fucking great. Really enjoyable, Sandra Oh is excellent as is the assassin - for "mainstream" TV this is probably the best show I've seen along with Homeland and Fargo..... last episode tonight!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 29, 2018, 01:28:12 AM
I have the finale on the dvr. For the most part, I like it but some of it is really campy/corny. The assassin is interesting with her weird sense of humour & facial expressions.

Saturday night was the complete, Italian version of Deep Red followed by the splatter classic, Pieces and last night was Kelly's Heroes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 29, 2018, 03:28:23 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 29, 2018, 01:28:12 AM
the splatter classic, Pieces

I'm overdue for a rewatch. Did you watch it with Spanish audio or English? I haven't seen the English version but apparently 3 or 4 minutes are cut from it and it has a different score.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 29, 2018, 03:51:37 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 29, 2018, 01:28:12 AM
followed by the splatter classic, Pieces

actually just picked up a Mortician shirt with the movie poster art on it. sick shirt, sick movie
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 29, 2018, 05:48:07 PM
Leatherface meh, some decent gore, decent story line

Tenebrae re-visited this yesterday as I was doing shit around my house
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 29, 2018, 06:08:27 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on May 29, 2018, 03:28:23 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 29, 2018, 01:28:12 AM
the splatter classic, Pieces

I'm overdue for a rewatch. Did you watch it with Spanish audio or English? I haven't seen the English version but apparently 3 or 4 minutes are cut from it and it has a different score.

I've always watched Pieces in English. I doubt it's cut on the Grindhouse release. I have tried it out in Spanish with the different score & it just didn't 'feel' right. Probably should check it out again. The bad dubbing and some of the dialogue is so out there that subtitles doesn't do it justice.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on May 31, 2018, 02:50:38 AM
I remember worshipping the old Vestron VHS forever.  Bought a used copy from the 'Overwaitea' grocery store which still rented VHS tapes in Kelowna.  First time I saw the uncut was on 35mm!  Mind blowing.  Like finally seeing DEATH LAID AN EGG on 35mm and seeing stuff NO ONE has seen yet.  Eurotrash fans looking at each other in the theatre totally mindfucked.  
But yeah, seeing the original Spanish version of PIECES was also crazy.  I remember some things making more sense in the Spanish edit as well.
Nothing still compares to finally seeing the uncut of MY BLOODY VALENTINE though - actually seeing slasher genre history completely re-written simply because of some vicious uncut scenes finally unearthed.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 01, 2018, 04:54:55 PM
Last night was Stuart Gordon's Dagon.

Admittedly I'm not the biggest Stuart Gordon fan. I always have a little trouble with horror that mixes with humor re Re-Animator or Evil Dead, I really have to be in the mood for it. So I had low expectations of this one because it came out some 10-15 years after Gorodn's best movies and most Lovecraft based  films suck hard.  Happily I was in for a very pleasant surprise because aside from some very dodgy CGI, this was a damn good film. First off it's a retelling of "Shadow over Innsmouth" and not "Dagon", which is a better and more fully realized story. Second the practical effects were great. And even though there's sometimes a slightly goofy vibe, it's balanced by some absolutely brutal death scenes and an pervasive atmosphere damp, slimy, genetic degeneration. Honestly I liked this one more than any other Stuart Gordon film and it's one of the best Lovecraft based films I've seen. So check it out!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on June 01, 2018, 05:22:13 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on June 01, 2018, 04:54:55 PM
Last night was Stuart Gordon's Dagon.

Admittedly I'm not the biggest Stuart Gordon fan. I always have a little trouble with horror that mixes with humor re Re-Animator or Evil Dead, I really have to be in the mood for it. So I had low expectations of this one because it came out some 10-15 years after Gorodn's best movies and most Lovecraft based  films suck hard.  Happily I was in for a very pleasant surprise because aside from some very dodgy CGI, this was a damn good film. First off it's a retelling of "Shadow over Innsmouth" and not "Dagon", which is a better and more fully realized story. Second the practical effects were great. And even though there's sometimes a slightly goofy vibe, it's balanced by some absolutely brutal death scenes and an pervasive atmosphere damp, slimy, genetic degeneration. Honestly I liked this one more than any other Stuart Gordon film and it's one of the best Lovecraft based films I've seen. So check it out!

I seen Dagon some time ago and I remember liking the film especially the ending. I'll need to revisit again soon.

I'm a sucker for a dumb plot that makes really no sense with a ton of holes. just a goofy fun movie to throw on before I went to bed. I didn't know that they made a 2nd one and I'm going to see if I can find a stream this weekend
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 02, 2018, 05:24:15 AM
I'm hoping we'll get an announcement one of these days that a new transfer of the fully uncut MY BLOODY VALENTINE  is underway & will be released in time for the stupid holiday. That footage may be some of the best, if not, the best ever to be 'found'. Usually, it's only a quick second or two but not so with MBV!

I just picked up Mondo Macabro's new release of WHO CAN KILL A CHILD?. Really looking forward to watching it again. It's probably one of my very favorite Spanish films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on June 03, 2018, 02:53:01 AM
Night School - pretty shitty for being a so called "80's cult classic" no real gore, the kill scenes were meh except when a decapitated what thrown into a giant fish tank and landed on a turtles head, that amused me

Prowler - since Night School was bust and I needed some gore, threw on this classic.

1990: The Bronx Warriors] - love this movie. I watched it at least 5/6 times a year. love the attempt to try and cross The Warriors, Mad Max and Escape From New York into one film
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Deadpriest on June 03, 2018, 10:48:04 AM
I Stand Alone what a fucking film, better than Angst imo.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on June 04, 2018, 03:32:30 PM
John Carpenter's The Thing- still one of my favorites
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on June 04, 2018, 10:33:02 PM
Quote from: martialgodmask on May 24, 2018, 07:29:20 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 23, 2018, 04:18:24 PM
Last night was Ben Young's Hounds of Love from last year. My friend has been wanting to watch it for months and even though I was pushing to show him Possession this won out. let me say this first, if you're gonna watch it stop reading now. Go into it as blind as possible.

I went into it without knowing anything about it and I'm grateful for that. This movie had my gut in a tight knot after the first twenty minutes or so which did not let up until the bitter end. The way things unfold I really did not know how it would all end which great. It's been a long time since I've been actually surprised by a story.

Highest recommendation! The movie kills it in every department: the acting is A+, the script is minimal and well written, the score and the soundtrack are fucking great, it looks beautiful and the pacing is perfect. It was really great to watch a competently made film instead of the usual schlock i watch.

Thank you, this is now high on my list to see. I only vaguely recognise the name so it had otherwise passed me by.

DLJ - Snowtown is also excellent and will need another viewing soon.

Following the above, watched Hounds of Love yesterday and it is indeed very very good. It reminded me of Prisoners but more raw and low-key. Not sure it's as good as Snowtown, but still refreshingly brilliant.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 04, 2018, 11:21:28 PM
Quote from: DSOL on June 04, 2018, 03:32:30 PM
John Carpenter's The Thing- still one of my favorites

despite its imperfections, I don't think this movie could ever receive enough praise. one of the all-time best. I watch it every year when we get our first snowfall.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on June 04, 2018, 11:36:10 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on June 04, 2018, 11:21:28 PM
Quote from: DSOL on June 04, 2018, 03:32:30 PM
John Carpenter's The Thing- still one of my favorites

despite its imperfections, I don't think this movie could ever receive enough praise. one of the all-time best. I watch it every year when we get our first snowfall.

couldn't agree more
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on June 08, 2018, 05:46:19 PM
the Halloween trailer looks very promising
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 10, 2018, 09:31:37 PM
Bill Lustig has announced that the original 16mm camera negative has been found for MANIAC & it is currently being scanned in 4K for an October release!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 11, 2018, 02:34:09 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 10, 2018, 09:31:37 PM
Bill Lustig has announced that the original 16mm camera negative has been found for MANIAC & it is currently being scanned in 4K for an October release!

Marvelous good news !
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Yrjö-Koskinen on June 11, 2018, 10:03:02 AM
Quote from: DSOL on June 08, 2018, 05:46:19 PM
the Halloween trailer looks very promising

It did, didn't it? I've given up horror movies almost completely since at least the late 90's (the only one I've seen in the past five years was Cabin in the Woods), but I'll make sure to check this out.

There will be fanservice and what-not, but if they do things right, that will be a bonus rather than an embarrassment.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on June 11, 2018, 04:24:28 PM
Quote from: Stoa on June 11, 2018, 10:03:02 AM
Quote from: DSOL on June 08, 2018, 05:46:19 PM
the Halloween trailer looks very promising

It did, didn't it? I've given up horror movies almost completely since at least the late 90's (the only one I've seen in the past five years was Cabin in the Woods), but I'll make sure to check this out.

There will be fanservice and what-not, but if they do things right, that will be a bonus rather than an embarrassment.

based on what I've read about the plot and where the story picks up, I have real high hopes for it. I have a feeling this movie is going to basically close out the story line.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on June 11, 2018, 04:29:25 PM
The Void- I love this movie. any movie that is able to mash Hellraiser and The Thing without coming off that wonky is a huge for me. still need to pick it up on Blu Ray before Netflix takes it off

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on June 14, 2018, 11:20:24 PM
During my semi-usual prowling around the internet trying to find more footage of Laurence Olivier's MACBETH featuring Vivien Leigh, I finally watched the 1948 Welles' version and got absolutely floored.  Maybe one of most dark and atmospheric movie of all time with cinematographer John L. Russell (PSYCHO) at the helm.  You can see how even Bava got a ton of reference from it, etc.
If you haven't already watched it, just watch the introduction for a taste:


Would be a heavy theatre double-bill with Polanski's version.

came across this incredibly dark MACBETH Russian animation:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 16, 2018, 09:18:42 PM
Quote from: online prowler on June 11, 2018, 02:34:09 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 10, 2018, 09:31:37 PM
Bill Lustig has announced that the original 16mm camera negative has been found for MANIAC & it is currently being scanned in 4K for an October release!

Marvelous good news !

No one has seen the 16mm orig. neg. of Maniac. It was blown up to 35mm for theatrical prints so the new transfer is going to be a huge difference.

I received Arrow's new release of Last House on the Left today. I mainly wanted it for the book written by Stephen Thrower.

Next week (the 22nd, I think?), Severin will start the ordering for Combat Shock. It's limited to 2000 copies & there will be no standard edition due to "contractual" reasons.  Severin is also releasing The Changeling in August. There's a UK release that is coming soon , I think, which will have all the same extras, etc. as the US release.

Watched PETS last night. From Vinegar Syndrome; obscure drive-in exploitation from 1973. Kind of tame (good bit of nudity & sort of fetishy) but the ending pays off as a textbook example of misogynistic, toxic masculinity.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 17, 2018, 09:15:57 PM
went to see Hereditary last night, thought it was great

don't read anything about it before watching
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 17, 2018, 11:43:44 PM
'Orgies of Edo' 1969 Terrorism Ishii Japan.

Maybe not as explicitly sexual as slightly later Nikatsu films, but nevertheless a cruel sadean display on offer
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on June 18, 2018, 12:52:21 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on June 17, 2018, 11:43:44 PM
'Orgies of Edo' 1969 Terrorism Ishii Japan.

Maybe not as explicitly sexual as slightly later Nikatsu films, but nevertheless a cruel sadean display on offer

Great entry in Ishii's Joys of Torture series, this and Shogun's Sadism are the best ones IMO.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on June 18, 2018, 03:32:05 PM
seen Hereditary this past weekend. it was cool

only had one minor complaint
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on June 20, 2018, 04:24:07 AM
Saw Hereditary on my birthday a couple weeks ago. I need to rewatch it at home. Packed theatre full of laughing adolescents ruined any mood the film was trying to establish. Though I can't see myself liking it much more, and it seems like most who are raving about it maybe forgot about or haven't seen any of the 60s/70s classics it draws heavily from.

Tremors on Sunday. Hadn't seen it since 2000 maybe. Still just ok.
Humanoids from the Deep yesterday. The monsters looked incredible. Otherwise, not enough hunting/killing/"mating" to match its description.
Eugenie de Sade tonight. My favourite Franco that I've seen to date.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 20, 2018, 10:21:05 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on June 20, 2018, 04:24:07 AMit seems like most who are raving about it maybe forgot about or haven't seen any of the 60s/70s classics it draws heavily from.

i've seen them all and liked hereditary a lot

loads of people laughing and doing the clicking noise in my screening too but didn't really care. horror movies are funny. being scared is funny

also the susperia remake is going to be good. it has a lot of piss, i heard
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on June 21, 2018, 05:05:00 PM
Susperia remake does look it's going to be pretty good
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 21, 2018, 09:21:42 PM
Supposedly the Suspiria remake isn't really a remake, just highly influenced or something. They should have thought up a new title & let viewers work out the influences themselves. The one trailer I've seen looked better than I'd expect.

Combat Shock goes on sale tomorrow from Severin. Not sure it's a pre-order or they already have them in  hand.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Coma Detox on June 24, 2018, 04:31:46 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 21, 2018, 09:21:42 PM
Supposedly the Suspiria remake isn't really a remake, just highly influenced or something. They should have thought up a new title & let viewers work out the influences themselves. The one trailer I've seen looked better than I'd expect.

Combat Shock goes on sale tomorrow from Severin. Not sure it's a pre-order or they already have them in  hand.


Just ordered the Combat Shock bundle.  Too bad the T-shirt bundle is sold out.  Severin said it'll ship the first or second week of July.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 24, 2018, 05:58:08 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 16, 2018, 09:18:42 PM
Quote from: online prowler on June 11, 2018, 02:34:09 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 10, 2018, 09:31:37 PM
Bill Lustig has announced that the original 16mm camera negative has been found for MANIAC & it is currently being scanned in 4K for an October release!

Marvelous good news !

No one has seen the 16mm orig. neg. of Maniac. It was blown up to 35mm for theatrical prints so the new transfer is going to be a huge difference.

I received Arrow's new release of Last House on the Left today. I mainly wanted it for the book written by Stephen Thrower.

Next week (the 22nd, I think?), Severin will start the ordering for Combat Shock. It's limited to 2000 copies & there will be no standard edition due to "contractual" reasons.  Severin is also releasing The Changeling in August. There's a UK release that is coming soon , I think, which will have all the same extras, etc. as the US release.

Watched PETS last night. From Vinegar Syndrome; obscure drive-in exploitation from 1973. Kind of tame (good bit of nudity & sort of fetishy) but the ending pays off as a textbook example of misogynistic, toxic masculinity.

I wasn't aware of the 16 vs 35 prints. I reckon now we will see a much better quality if things are done right. Looking forward to future release date.

Still skeptic about the Suspiria remake. Haven't bothered to watch the trailer yet. Like revamping Evil Dead, this to me, is infidel territory.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 24, 2018, 10:15:19 PM
HUMAN EXPERIMENTS (Scorpion Releasing)- this is more of a drama with elements of W.I.P., exploitation, & horror. The trailer makes it out to be a pure horror film. Kind of slow-moving but about an hour in, actress Linda Hayens really gets put through the ringer! Scorpion did a nice job on this film from 1979 (it actually looks older). I recognize the VHS cover art but it's one I never bothered to rent for whatever reason. Or maybe I've only seen the cover art in books and zines. Actually, I think I know the artwork from the various books,e tc. about Video Nasties.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on June 25, 2018, 04:51:58 PM
Jurassic World - Fallen Kingdom - I'm a sucker for the JP franchise because JP is one of my all time favorite movies. I knew going into the movie, that it was going to be complete ass, and well it started out okay and then by the last 30 minutes just went completed off the rails with just a shitty "surprise in the storyline"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on July 01, 2018, 05:58:13 PM
Watched Terrifierlast night. really enjoyed it. just a mindless slasher flick
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 15, 2018, 05:22:31 PM
Boiled Angels: The Trial of Mike Diana
Went to see the screening of this at the Fantasia film festival here in Montreal yesterday. It was the international premiere and both Mike Diana and Frank Henenlotter were in attendance for Q&A after. Nice doc. Mike is very humble.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 15, 2018, 07:54:54 PM
Quote from: DSOL on July 01, 2018, 05:58:13 PM
Watched Terrifierlast night. really enjoyed it. just a mindless slasher flick

I've seen the original short film. I think they made it into a full-length...? If they did that, it certainly can't be better than the short.

I watched THE DEVIL'S BUSINESS & THE VOID last night. Last weekend was free HBO/Cinemax so I caught a bunch of mainstream crap like IT, NOCTURNAL ANIMALS, some of WONDER WOMAN (I can't believe people liked this!), DUNKIRK, plus SECRETARY (2nd viewing since it was released), DARKMAN, BUG (William Friedkin's film)..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on July 16, 2018, 05:49:02 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 15, 2018, 07:54:54 PM
Quote from: DSOL on July 01, 2018, 05:58:13 PM
Watched Terrifierlast night. really enjoyed it. just a mindless slasher flick

I've seen the original short film. I think they made it into a full-length...? If they did that, it certainly can't be better than the short.

I watched THE DEVIL'S BUSINESS & THE VOID last night. Last weekend was free HBO/Cinemax so I caught a bunch of mainstream crap like IT, NOCTURNAL ANIMALS, some of WONDER WOMAN (I can't believe people liked this!), DUNKIRK, plus SECRETARY (2nd viewing since it was released), DARKMAN, BUG (William Friedkin's film)..

I still haven't checked out the short, but from what everyone is saying. if you enjoyed the short, you will like the flim

really like The Void, one of my favorites films released in the last couple of years
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 16, 2018, 06:52:52 PM
Event Horizon and In the Mouth of Madness double feature last night.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 17, 2018, 04:19:11 AM
Oh, and another from the HBO/Cinemax weekend was MY FRIEND DAHMER, which, is pretty good. Slightly too long but they did a good job telling the story of Jeffrey Dahmer's teen years.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: garbagebody on July 19, 2018, 03:45:00 AM
I watched the 1988 "The Vanishing" last night and my god is that film a masterpiece. I've never seen a more subtle yet effective thriller. Some other films of interest that i've seen this week are: A Moment of Innocence, Eyes of Fire, The Man Who Sleeps, The Death King, and Mother Joan of The Angels.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 01, 2018, 05:48:36 PM
recap of the past month or slow of schlock

Death Ship - watched this one to review for my podcast. didn't have much in the way of expectations except for what bitewerks told me in advance. an absolutely absurd film and premise but really enjoyable in the 2nd half. George Kennedy hams it up and the rest of the cast is serviceable. the big reveal about the Death Ship was spoiled by the DVD menu beforehand so that was a little annoying. low on gore but high on silliness, definitely a movie that would benefit from a few beers. loved the blood shower scene though!

Just Before Dawn - doubling down on George Kennedy, I watched this one a few days later. had no expectations and wound up really enjoying it. great atmosphere, beautiful shots of the Oregon wilderness. unexpectedly great minimal score. not a ton of violence but really solid atmosphere and very hot leading lady. watched it on DVD but enjoyed it so much I'm gonna have to upgrade to the Bluray copy which to my understanding restores a bit of gore too.

Pieces - a friend of mine cleans out foreclosed properties and sometimes scores some good shit. he grabbed a bunch of DVDs from an abandoned meth house and this was one of them. the Diamond Entertainment version, it's easily the worst DVD transfer of the film i've seen, even being formatted for fullscreen. but Pieces is so insane it almost didn't make a difference. enjoyed it more than my first viewing and I hope to see it's fully uncut bluray version at some point. it's got all the subtlety of an Eli Roth movie but unlike an Eli Roth movie its actually fun.

Snowtown - watched a month or two ago. made Hounds of Love seem like a romantic comedy in comparison. fucking bleak stuff, which is somehow less brutal than the actual crimes. not one I'd return to anytime soon but definitely effective.

The Red Queen Kills Seven Times - Barbara Bouchet is reason enough to watch any movie. the fact that she gets a ton of screen-time makes this one that much better. an especially stylish giallo with gothic horror elements, the costuming (done by an Italian designer), the modern interiors, the fashion house and fashion models and solid murder scenes made me fall in love pretty fucking quick. and a great score too!  definitely recommended!

Seven Blood-Stained Orchids - this one is so mediocre that I only realized I had watched it before halfway into the movie. maybe it's the cut I watched but gore was super low (edited?). and there's nothing so dumb to get good/bad enjoyment out of it so generally I just didn't give a shit.

Mad Max, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, Mad Max: Fury Road - all 3 of these are absolutely flawless to my taste and will remain essential classics. Mad Max 2 was an essentially part of my adolescence and early teens. must have watched it 20+ times by the time I was 18. but the first Mad Max still really holds up for my taste and Fury Road is just like doing a 2hr long line of coke. If you're not into Mad Max we're probably not gonna be friends.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 01, 2018, 07:05:40 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on August 01, 2018, 06:48:47 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on August 01, 2018, 05:48:36 PM
Snowtown - watched a month or two ago. made Hounds of Love seem like a romantic comedy in comparison. fucking bleak stuff, which is somehow less brutal than the actual crimes. not one I'd return to anytime soon but definitely effective.

I actually watched Hounds of Love on your recommendation and I had to say, I wasn't that shocked or unsettled, probably due to having seen Snowtown prior which set the bar for extreme Australian cinema. Having also recently read Let's Go Play At The Adams' by Mendal Johnson just prior to Hounds had probably dulled my senses too, god what a bleak book that is...

"Snowtown" might be a bleaker film with a heavier impact but I actually liked "Hounds of Love"  better, enjoyed watching it, and would re-watch it again anytime. Maybe it's that a few scenes remind me of "Blue Velvet" but I just really enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 01, 2018, 09:32:38 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on August 01, 2018, 05:48:36 PMJust Before Dawn - doubling down on George Kennedy, I watched this one a few days later. had no expectations and wound up really enjoying it. great atmosphere, beautiful shots of the Oregon wilderness. unexpectedly great minimal score. not a ton of violence but really solid atmosphere and very hot leading lady. watched it on DVD but enjoyed it so much I'm gonna have to upgrade to the Bluray copy which to my understanding restores a bit of gore too.

this movie has one of the greatest endings in horror imo
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on August 01, 2018, 09:48:26 PM
Blood and Black Lace, sold out screening at the Quebec Cinematheque during the Fantasia Film festival. Pretty much a perfect flick and Arrow's restoration looks great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on August 19, 2018, 08:09:50 PM
Can recommend the 20-18 sci-fi film Upgrade. Original combination of b-movie and frontier sci-fi w well-developed concept and script.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9fXbkiKfmY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9fXbkiKfmY)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 19, 2018, 09:33:09 PM
caught To Live and Die in LA in the cinema last night. incredible movie. friedkin has to be the most furious film maker of them all. if he was a cop i reckon he'd be the william petersen character, who is an absolute dickhead. was also really nice to see some confident shots of william petersen's penis during one of the sex scenes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 26, 2018, 05:05:57 AM
GIALLO IN VENICE blu-ray released by Scorpion Releasing!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Coma Detox on August 26, 2018, 05:43:33 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 26, 2018, 05:05:57 AM
GIALLO IN VENICE blu-ray released by Scorpion Releasing!

Ordered! Didn't even know this was released on Blu-Ray.  The screen caps look great.  I can finally ditch my grubby looking rip from a long time ago.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on August 26, 2018, 08:13:41 PM
Quote from: aububs on August 19, 2018, 09:33:09 PM
was also really nice to see some confident shots of william petersen's penis during one of the sex scenes.

Just reserved a copy. Friedkin is great but that sells it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on August 28, 2018, 03:40:52 PM
for anyone interested Terrifier will start streaming on Netflix starting September 1st
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 28, 2018, 04:47:20 PM
Quote from: Force Neurotic on August 26, 2018, 08:13:41 PM
Quote from: aububs on August 19, 2018, 09:33:09 PM
was also really nice to see some confident shots of william petersen's penis during one of the sex scenes.

Just reserved a copy. Friedkin is great but that sells it.

To Live and Die in LA is an awesome movie, in spite of and because of it's absolutely ludicrousness. It's all of the cop movie tropes set to maximum but with a totally ruthless vibe. a very pessimistic brother to Miami Vice. And Wang Chung's soundtrack is fucking perfect. pretty sure you can get a contact cocaine high just from watching it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on September 01, 2018, 06:29:15 PM
2001: A Space Odyssey in IMAX
Creature from the Black Lagoon in 3D

Both incredible to see in big screen variations.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 01, 2018, 07:08:34 PM
Quote from: Force Neurotic on August 26, 2018, 08:13:41 PM
Quote from: aububs on August 19, 2018, 09:33:09 PM
was also really nice to see some confident shots of william petersen's penis during one of the sex scenes.

Just reserved a copy. Friedkin is great but that sells it.

such a treat. i never thought i'd get to see william petersen's penis. i was pretty sure we'd get to see willem dafoe's dick too because he gets it out a lot in other movies, but no dice.

i watched this last night. what can i say that hasn't already been said? maybe the greatest achievement in american film


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 01, 2018, 10:46:42 PM
just watched Let The Corpses Tan, the new one from Cattet & Forzani. if you like their other stuff (Amer, Strange Color of your Body's Tears) you'll like this. if you don't, you won't. although i think it's their best yet. good score too, reminded me of the amazing morricone score for Who Saw Her Die?

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on September 01, 2018, 11:08:06 PM
Quote from: aububs on September 01, 2018, 10:46:42 PMthe amazing morricone score for Who Saw Her Die?

Great score.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on September 02, 2018, 12:37:05 AM
Quote from: aububs on September 01, 2018, 10:46:42 PM
just watched Let The Corpses Tan, the new one from Cattet & Forzani. if you like their other stuff (Amer, Strange Color of your Body's Tears) you'll like this. if you don't, you won't. although i think it's their best yet. good score too, reminded me of the amazing morricone score for Who Saw Her Die?

ah this is coming to my local cinema at the end of the month! thanks for making me aware of this.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 02, 2018, 01:08:03 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on September 01, 2018, 11:08:06 PM
Quote from: aububs on September 01, 2018, 10:46:42 PMthe amazing morricone score for Who Saw Her Die?

Great score.

i've just been informed that they use this morricone score in the movie


they used loads of great og music
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 02, 2018, 01:20:02 AM
Quote from: aububs on September 01, 2018, 10:46:42 PM
just watched Let The Corpses Tan, the new one from Cattet & Forzani. if you like their other stuff (Amer, Strange Color of your Body's Tears) you'll like this. if you don't, you won't. although i think it's their best yet. good score too, reminded me of the amazing morricone score for Who Saw Her Die?

I went to see this in theaters in Philly last year and it got cancelled due to "technical difficulties". they had no better explanation than that. It was extremely disappointing, especially as I got to see Amer in theaters which was that much better for it.  I'll have to grab the Bluray soon.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 02, 2018, 09:10:41 PM
FREEWAY- the best part is a close-up of a skinny blonde actress in really tight, short cut-off shorts & in a leg cast. Other than that, it's a black comedy about a freeway killer & white trash teenager whose voice will make your ears hurt.

RAZORBACK- "There's just something about blasting the shit out of a razorback that brightens up my day." Classic Aussie '80s horror; the new blu-ray looks great especially during the darker scenes in the pet food factory & when the razorback attacks the car.

THE WHISTLEBLOWER- UN peacekeepers in Bosnia lending a helping hand to the local sex traffickers. There are a  couple of grim scenes of violence including a rape-as-warning in a dank basement, on a table, with a piece of pipe.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on September 03, 2018, 12:14:17 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 02, 2018, 09:10:41 PM

THE WHISTLEBLOWER- UN peacekeepers in Bosnia lending a helping hand to the local sex traffickers. There are a  couple of grim scenes of violence including a rape-as-warning in a dank basement, on a table, with a piece of pipe.

My mate who was out there in the army wrote me a letter describing the going ons there re: kidnapping/ sex trafficing/ organ sales... got it around somewhere
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 06, 2018, 06:56:54 PM
first of all tonight I'm seeing a screening of Satoshi Kon's Perfect Blue in Japanese and I couldn't be more excited. at this point I've seen almost all of my favorite movies screened in proper theaters at one point or another, and it's hard to beat the experience.

let's see if i can give a quick recap of movies watched in the past month...

Hellraiser: Inferno (2000) - the 5th Hellraiser and a step in a weird new direction. it attempts a neo-noir style with a corrupt cop anti-hero and a lot less pinhead and a bigger focus on weird hellish surrealism. what's a dream, what's hell, is the main character dead or not. etc etc. it reminded me a lot of the video game Max Payne (the first one). I actually really enjoyed it in all of its shitty glory, my buddy thought it was dumb.

So Sweet, So Dead aka The Slasher! aka Penetration (1972) - after all the recommendations on this board I picked this one up from Code Red. Definitely a stripped down approach to the Giallo film, dispensing of any unnecessary artistic touches or weird bits. While I definitely enjoyed it, and it's to the point nature, I couldn't help but wish the gore/effects budget was a little better. the vibe is right but it lacks punch for my taste. also I guessed the killer immediately. but there's a lot of tits and ass and some good sequences so I'll revisit it again.

Milano Calibro 9 (1972) - this was fucking great! i know Giallo much better than Poliziotteschi, but I knew this one was supposed to be pretty legendary and I can see why. It's my understanding Tarantino praises this one, well I can definitely see some influence on his earlier work. Gastone Moschin as Ugo absolutely kills it, Barbara Bouchet is fucking great as always and pretty much all of the supporting characters are memorable. And the ending is A+!  two movies it brought to mind for different reasons were the utter-classic Le Samouraï and the underrated The Friends of Eddie Coyle.

Don't Torture a Duckling (1972) – one of the first Giallo I ever saw and still one of the best, even if it's not a traditional Giallo.

Alien (1979) & Die Hard (1988) – made my girlfriend sit down and watch these two, which she somehow got through life without seeing. These movies were essential to my childhood, having watched both multiple times before I was ten. Obviously very different movies but both so goddamn great.

Trip With Teacher (1975) – I was hoping for more from this exploitation flick. Not enough exploitation, just a shitload of waiting for things to happen. Not the worst way to spend an hour and a half but not riveting either.

Splatter: Naked Blood (1996) – I've had this one on my shelf for years. I knew about some of the gore to expect, but this was ten shades weirder than I could've imagined. An extremely Japanese film on every level. And the gore, while pretty limited, was a little stomach churning for me. It honestly rustled my jimmies. Definitely a movie I'll have to watch again and recommended for those who enjoy body horror and weird shit in the style of Tetsuo The Iron Man, Videodrome and Audition.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on September 07, 2018, 05:05:27 PM
Great set of reviews!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: impulse manslaughter on September 13, 2018, 01:21:14 AM
Went out to see Dogman last night. Same director as Gomorra, same vibe also. My favorite movie I saw in the past year. Also watched Journeyman (great acting) and The Guilty (Danish movie filmed in just 2 rooms; claustrophobic atmosphere and some nice plot developments).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Kim V on September 13, 2018, 04:19:12 PM
Quote from: impulse manslaughter on September 13, 2018, 01:21:14 AM
Went out to see Dogman last night. Same director as Gomorra, same vibe also. My favorite movie I saw in the past year. Also watched Journeyman (great acting) and The Guilty (Danish movie filmed in just 2 rooms; claustrophobic atmosphere and some nice plot developments).

Wanted to go see this one, but didn't make it to the cinema before it wasn't screened anymore. Is it as grim as one can expect from the trailer or press-pictures ?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 15, 2018, 10:05:24 PM
FUNNY GAMES just started. My 2nd viewing; I hate the use of grindcore in the soundtrack at the beginning. I can't remember if it's used more throughout the film. I certainly hope not.

Last weekend it rained a lot so what I remember I watched was: Fulci's DON'T TORTURE A DUCKLING; HELL OR HIGH WATER; THE FINAL TERROR; and 68 KILL.  
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 16, 2018, 12:24:49 AM
i hated hell or high water. 68 kill was ok.

Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 15, 2018, 10:05:24 PM
FUNNY GAMES just started. My 2nd viewing; I hate the use of grindcore in the soundtrack at the beginning. I can't remember if it's used more throughout the film. I certainly hope not.

think that's naked city. don't think it's used again.

i just watched this

it's kind of slow moving but i recommend it if you want to see nic cage out of his gourd on coke and lsd tearing people limb from limb. p good.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 16, 2018, 04:25:51 AM
Ordered Hereditary on Video On Demand but the fucker will not play. Just a black screen with glitchy audio. Hoping it'll straighten the hell up later tonight.

Quote from: aububs on September 16, 2018, 12:24:49 AM
i hated hell or high water. 68 kill was ok.

Yeah, H.O.H.W. may have been a decent crime film without the heavy-handiness.

68 Kill was generally dumb. A couple of decent killings. I hate the cartoonish, over-the-top characters.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 18, 2018, 05:43:10 AM
Saturday night:

Zombi Holocaust and Lizard in a Woman's Skin

Sunday morning:

Hereditary ; I watched it twice as the VOD glitched up a little so wanted to get my $5.99 out of it & make sure I didn't miss anything. I have no strong opinion on the film. I neither liked it a lot nor disliked it a lot.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 18, 2018, 07:04:14 PM
Last night was Cronenberg's The Fly from 1986 with Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis. Haven't watched this since I was kid but it made an impression on me then. Even better than I remembered. Can't imagine anyone better than Goldblum to play the part and goddamn was Geena Davis hot back then. Sfx on point, some really good dialogue especially in the 2nd half. Feel like I'm gonna be sampling this one at some point. I would watch it again today.

later this week i'm gonna have to peak at The Fly II which looks terrible. Or maybe I'll finally watch Hellraiser 6.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 21, 2018, 09:34:48 PM
Last night was the incredibly shitty but somehow still enjoyable Hellraiser: Hellseeker. Somehow they got Ashley Laurence to reprise her character Kirsty for this 6th installment of the Hellraiser series. it's pretty similar to Hellraiser: Inferno which came right before so idkwtf. again its all "what's a dream, what's a nightmare and what's real" bullshit. but i always kinda like that bullshit. the twist is dumb, the acting is terrible and the dialogue is painful. but the women are attractive-ish and there's occasional titty and gore. and i appreciate it's mid '00s attempt at edgy. maybe i'm just a glutton for punishment but i can't wait to watch the next two: Hellraiser: Deader (!!!!!!) and Hellraiser: Hellworld, which look so fucking awful.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on September 21, 2018, 10:21:05 PM
Last night was Romero's Diary of the Dead.

Last weekend was Night of the Living Dead 50th anniversary screening. Took a second to get used to 4:3 aspect ratio in a theatre setting.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 22, 2018, 07:12:24 PM
Last night was William Friedkin's SORCERER- definitely my fave film by W.F. & possibly the greatest road movie ever made. The only thing that would make this film better is if you got the shits & lots of mosquito bites while watching.

HARDCORE starring George C. Scott is out for delivery today so I'll probably watch it tonight. I haven't seen it in a really long time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on September 23, 2018, 01:29:21 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 22, 2018, 07:12:24 PM
Last night was William Friedkin's SORCERER- definitely my fave film by W.F. & possibly the greatest road movie ever made. The only thing that would make this film better is if you got the shits & lots of mosquito bites while watching.

HARDCORE starring George C. Scott is out for delivery today so I'll probably watch it tonight. I haven't seen it in a really long time.

The Nitzsche soundtrack on Hardcore is excellent!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 26, 2018, 08:10:37 PM
Yeah, the guitar wailing & electronic sounds in Hardcore are pretty awesome as is G.C.Scott rampaging through a sex dungeon. I do wish the ending had been a little darker.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on September 28, 2018, 11:26:48 AM
The Untold Story. This has been on my shelf for years and only watched it for the first time last night. Eccentric mix of typical Hong Kong black humor and some fairly mean spirited kills. Thoroughly enjoyable.

American Guinea Pig : Bouquet Of Guts And Gore. Contrived, shock value nonsense. This has already been done with films like Niku Daruma. Comparing it Flower Of Flesh And Blood is something I'll refuse to do, as that film is great in my opinion. Didn't like much about this at all and was bored through most of it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 28, 2018, 06:54:18 PM
because my friend and I hate ourselves we watched Halloween: H20 last night. one of the most unrelentingly boring and pointless films I've seen in a long time. and I've been watching all of the Hellraiser series! The guy who played Michael Myers looks like a 12 year old who showed up in costume on set and they just said "fuck it" and used him. he's fucking tiny and about as imposing as a kitten. the deaths are weak, the gore is weak, there are no tits, and absolutely no atmosphere. not a single point of redemption. this wasn't even fun to riff over. avoid at all costs.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on September 29, 2018, 03:31:48 AM
Mandy - insane fucking movie and probably one of the best performances from Nic Cage
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 29, 2018, 09:47:15 PM
Quote from: DSOL on September 29, 2018, 03:31:48 AM
Mandy - insane fucking movie and probably one of the best performances from Nic Cage

the bathroom scene is an all-timer
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on September 29, 2018, 10:56:52 PM
Quote from: aububs on September 29, 2018, 09:47:15 PM
Quote from: DSOL on September 29, 2018, 03:31:48 AM
Mandy - insane fucking movie and probably one of the best performances from Nic Cage

the bathroom scene is an all-timer

the most powerful scene in the entire movie
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 30, 2018, 07:41:54 PM
Last weekend was Hardcore and the Japanese film, Cure, which has some gruesome murders & a fairly weird plot.

Last night was The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Google it if you're unfamiliar as it's a pretty obscure American horror film.

BTW, if you attend any of the big horror conventions, be on the lookout for a bootleg LP of TCM. It has a silk-screened sleeve & features all of the music from the movie. Here's a photo of the LP cover:


Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 02, 2018, 12:14:05 AM
love Cure

Angel Dust is another movie which i always associate with Cure. similar plot and vibe. it's really good too, maybe better

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNLyhnZZwOo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNLyhnZZwOo)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on October 02, 2018, 04:53:56 AM
Taeter City. Yet to see a Necrostorm feature that I feel is worth the praise it gets. No exception here either. Gore is plentiful and some is quite good but can never be taken too seriously when the blood looks like cranberry juice. Some really irritating moments too, all the computer generated graphics/cartoons annoyed me.

Cardboard Gangsters. Caught this on Netflix and it delivered for the most part. Actors were all convincing and it succeeded in painting a pretty bleak image of some of Dublin's rougher areas. There is some clumsiness and in pacing of the film and it ends pretty much just as it really gets going. I think it could've made a better mini-series than a 90min film. Worth a look if thuggish gangster movies is your thing.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 04, 2018, 04:23:51 PM
Tuesday night was Ben Wheatley's Kill List, which I've seen 6 or 7 times now. Really love that one, only gets better with re-watching. brutal violence, unexplained developments, great music. I have no complaint to level at it. Reminds me that I need to sit down and watch A Field In England.

Last night was Wes Craven's The Hills Have Eyes. my first time watching it, I was a little surprised by how much of a trashy exploitation vibe it had. sure Last House is exploitative but in a more domestic way, but compared to this it feels almost button down. still enjoyable as hell and it was great to see a German Shepard fuck some people up.

have a feeling that I'll be digging into that cult film bitewerks mentioned, I think it's called the Texas Chainsaw Disaster or something. never heard of it but there's some guy who named latex face I heard is supposed to be spooky.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Soloman Tump on October 04, 2018, 05:28:21 PM
Quote from: DSOL on September 29, 2018, 10:56:52 PM
Quote from: aububs on September 29, 2018, 09:47:15 PM
Quote from: DSOL on September 29, 2018, 03:31:48 AM
Mandy - insane fucking movie and probably one of the best performances from Nic Cage

the bathroom scene is an all-timer

the most powerful scene in the entire movie

Thanks for the heads up - this looks like a good watch.

Con-Air is one of my guilty pleasures :D
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 07, 2018, 09:08:56 PM
Ilsa: She-Wolf of the S.S.- I'm guessing no label has tackled this film is due to rights issues, sky-high money demands or lack of suitable materials to scan. Money is the best guess. Thankfully, the Anchor Bay dvd set looks good. This film always surprises me with how violent & bloody it is. I think of it as just a sex film & always forget about all of the graphic torture. The bloody, burned, cut-up woman stalking tied-up Ilsa in the climax is a site to behold. Sure would like to see it in full HD one of these days!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on October 09, 2018, 05:33:58 PM
Because I got them on one DVD for $4.99

Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday and Jason X

The Final Friday - forgot just how terrible the movie and plot are. some decent kills but the fact that they are from random characters who just have Jason's spirit just make them more or less meh. would have been better

X - just a stupid fun movie to watch with some okay kills. the best scene is when Jason is beating the campers with each other

Satan's Slaves -  Indonesian horror film -prequel to a film with the same name from 1980. interesting plot and a few jump scenes - couple gore parts but nothing over the top.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on October 10, 2018, 03:35:44 PM
because of both bitewerksMTB & ConcreteMascara

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 10, 2018, 04:14:05 PM
Wrapping up some 80s Carpenter loose ends this week. Prince of Darkness, The Fog and Christine.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on October 10, 2018, 05:47:37 PM
love The Fog, one of my favorites growing up
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 10, 2018, 06:48:56 PM
Quote from: DSOL on October 10, 2018, 05:47:37 PM
love The Fog, one of my favorites growing up

Finally watched this one for the first time last year and I was disappointed, partially due to misaligned expectations. will have to re-watch. Prince of Darkness is fucking great though! Some terrible acting and silly parts but the idea and general execution is pretty great.

Last night was my first viewing of Sleepaway Camp (1983) and I really enjoyed. I went to summer camp as a kid a lot of it rang true. kids are the fucking worst. and the acting from a the kids was generally pretty damn good. I guessed the ending pretty early on, but the execution was wayyy better than i could have imagined. the last 20 minutes or so really ramp up. I'll have to check out the terrible looking sequels soon.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 10, 2018, 07:58:17 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 10, 2018, 06:48:56 PM
Quote from: DSOL on October 10, 2018, 05:47:37 PM
love The Fog, one of my favorites growing up
Finally watched this one for the first time last year and I was disappointed, partially due to misaligned expectations. will have to re-watch. Prince of Darkness is fucking great though! Some terrible acting and silly parts but the idea and general execution is pretty great.

Agreed on both counts! I felt The Fog to be pretty empty.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 10, 2018, 10:27:56 PM
No, no, no. The Fog is a classic. Just ask Goatlord!

Watched mainstream films the last few late nights: The Last Boy Scout, Natural Born Killers, The Grifters.

I found good deals on a couple of releases from Unearthed Films: Atroz and The Song of Solomon. I'll probably check them out Halloween night.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on October 10, 2018, 10:53:29 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 10, 2018, 10:27:56 PMThe Song of Solomon

the exorcism film? Gene Palubicki from Angelcorpse is in the movie. (the priest on the cover) the FYE at my local mall had one copy in for $20, picked it up about a month ago, but haven't watched it yet
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strangecross on October 10, 2018, 10:54:51 PM
BunMan: the untold story not as good as Ebola Syndrome but the movie unexpectedly take a really wicked turn that takes it to more brutal territory for an amazing ending. 10/10

Something Weird not as good as i remembered it, but i still think this is HGL's best even without any blood. 9/10

island of Death was online researching music gear while watching, but this dude randomly fucking and killing a baby goat was amazing...didnt really seem to deserve my full attention(which is fine) even though there were some good things to come away from it with.  7/10
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 11, 2018, 09:57:00 PM
Quote from: DSOL on October 10, 2018, 10:53:29 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 10, 2018, 10:27:56 PMThe Song of Solomon

the exorcism film? Gene Palubicki from Angelcorpse is in the movie. (the priest on the cover) the FYE at my local mall had one copy in for $20, picked it up about a month ago, but haven't watched it yet

Yup. I'm not expecting much other than entertaining gore. I'm keeping an eye out for a couple of the other Am. Guinea Pig films: Sacrifice & Bloodshock. That is, if I can find them heavily discounted. I'm guessing they're not worth full price.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on October 11, 2018, 10:17:54 PM
yeah, I feel the same way. I think that's why I haven't watched it yet either. I picked it up mainly because of the Angelcorpse connection (yeah dumb reason, I know)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on October 13, 2018, 04:10:44 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 10, 2018, 10:27:56 PMNo, no, no. The Fog is a classic. Just ask Goatlord!

"Black... Stinking... FOG"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 13, 2018, 10:01:46 PM
Currently watching Chris Lee in City of the Dead aka Horror Hotel. I caught him in The Devil's Bride a few nights ago.

Also, just put an order into Amazon UK for Arrow's lim. ed. release of Fulci's The City of the Living Dead. Gotta have the Gates of Hell poster that comes with it!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on October 15, 2018, 03:24:42 PM

local theater was showing it for $5 at select times this past weekend for it's 30th anniversary
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 16, 2018, 02:23:38 AM
Ilsa: Harem Keeper of the Oil Shieks

Not as vile as She-Wolf but still quite violent & entertaining.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 16, 2018, 12:24:35 PM
THE FOG anno 1980 is a grim classic. Watched it again after feeling the urge reading previous comments here. Still holds up, mastercraft atmosphere - dank and subtly claustrophobic. And what a great soundtrack the score is. So, thanks for the reminder guys!  

Been watching a few movies over at mubi stream channel. They do a very good job curating films and always keep it ecclectic. Recent recommended vision was German director Christoph Schlingensief's trash opus TERROR 2000 w Udi Kier in one of the supporting roles as a gun-toothing neo-nazi slash criminal. As of today mubi is also showing Schlingensief's 100 YEARS OF ADOLF HITLER (shot in a wwii bunker utilizing a flash light as only light source over 16 hours - also stars Kier). Mubi also initated an Ozu period now, will re-visit classic tidal flow film TOKYO STORY by Ozu Yasujiro one of these days. True craft on all fronts that one.

Roughed-up ensemble crim flick slash black comedy LOW LIFE also tuned up my hard drive some weeks ago. Not a classic pér se, but I think it worked well despite some faults. Cinematography is especially good and the characters are also fun. Check the trailer online. Kinji Fukasaku's STREET MOBSTER still kills, maybe one of my fav early films of his. Will have to dig forth Cops & Thugs plus Graveyard of honour soon as well. While at it, trawl by youtube and get a glimpse of Jim Greco's short film JOBS? NEVER!! Well crafted skate film, with an aura of Hal Hartley 90s films.

Watching Stanley Donen's ARABESQUE this evening. Same director who did CHARADE - which as Carpenter's above said flick also feature a great score.  

Oh yea.... I forgot.... If anyone want to see Hitchcock's THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH over at Mubi for free and get a one week free pass on the platform in the same go PM me your email and name. I got one of three invitations to spare.

UH! Need to get back to ILSA series soon again!!!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 19, 2018, 06:00:37 PM
from the last week and half or so..

Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers 1988 - WTF. immediately worse than the original, it casts aside any notion that it will be a good movie, a mystery or anything other than slaughterhouse in the first five minutes. Bruce Springsteen's sister is one of them most hideously ugly women to ever grace the screen, truly the only scary part of the movie. while it was fun it was too mindless for my taste. if the gore had been better I could've enjoyed it more. if anyone one part of it was done well i could've latched on to that. but it was basically just a shitfest. yet I still feel its necessary to really scrape the barrel and watch the 3rd Sleepaway Camp but I'm not looking forward too it.

Sanjuro 1962 - been sitting on a Bluray copy of this for wayyy to long. I love Yojimbo but I thought there's no way this could be as good. 10 minutes into the film and I realized how wrong I was. I think I might even prefer it to Yojimbo, with the one caveat being that Tatsuya Nakadai's character isn't as great as it is in Yojimbo. but Toshiro Mifune absolutely kills. he's a fucking pleasure to watch and the plot and pace are really tight. all of the fight scenes are perfect and the final duel is the stuff of legend.

The Sword of Doom 1966 - still my favorite jidaigeki film of all time, despite all of its flaws. much like Vengeance is Mine, the whole film centers around a misanthropic self-centered murderous asshole who still oozes charisma. i'll never get tired of this one.

Puppet Master 1989 - somehow I got this far in life without ever watching Full Moon's most famous film/franchise. honestly the movie is pretty goddamn slow but the dreamy atmosphere and semi-fuckable females kept me interested. the puppet kills ruled. and Irene Miracle character is fucking great. her super limited role in Argento's Inferno is my favorite part of the whole film and I was totally surprised to see her in this. after I finish off the rest of the terrible, terrible Hellraiser films I'll be diving into this series.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on October 19, 2018, 09:52:06 PM
THE FOG (1980).  Definitely one of the first movies to mentally destroy me as a kid watching midnight movies on BCTV.
When you take a step back and break it down, it really is Carpenter's masterpiece.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on October 19, 2018, 10:03:06 PM
local theater is showing The Fog 4K Restoration Friday the 26th -28th for like $5 - looking forward to seeing it in 4K
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 20, 2018, 12:04:26 AM
There's an online rumour that Arrow Video may be releasing William Friedkin's classic, CRUSING
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 20, 2018, 10:36:21 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 20, 2018, 12:04:26 AM
There's an online rumour that Arrow Video may be releasing William Friedkin's classic, CRUSING

HOLY SHIT !!!! Please say it is true!

RE_ local theater is showing The Fog 4K Restoration Friday the 26th -28th for like $5 - looking forward to seeing it in 4K.

- You lucky bastard!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 21, 2018, 04:22:45 AM
Quote from: online prowler on October 20, 2018, 10:36:21 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 20, 2018, 12:04:26 AM
There's an online rumour that Arrow Video may be releasing William Friedkin's classic, CRUSING!  

HOLY SHIT !!!! Please say it is true!

The info was posted after someone opened a recent Arrow rel. to find a promo postcard for the movie. Whether that means anything, who knows?

Sure hope Arrow has the rights. That leaves Ken Russell's infamous film for my most wanted...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on October 22, 2018, 04:28:35 PM
picked these up over the weekend - have a long weekend next weekend so I hope to squeeze a couple of these in

Zombie 3
Shocking Dark
Beyond The Darkness
Burial Ground
The Burning Moon
Cannibal Holocaust
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 22, 2018, 06:00:10 PM
this past Saturday my friend and I hosted our 6th Halloween Horror Movie Marathon. We watched the following:

Hellraiser (1987) - goopy as all hell. a perfect opener

Maniac Cop 2 (1990) - not as good as the first but still a lot of fun. the ending where there multiple men on fire was a huge highlight. any movie that has a guy on fire for an extended period always gets major bonus points from me.

Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) - my favorite from the franchise, it's a perfect blend of camp and awesome practical horror effects. and Patricia Arquette is awesome in her film debut too.

Event Horizon (1997) - still one of my favs.

The Descent (2005) - saw this once right after it came out but I was all coked up and mostly focused on fondling the girl i was with at the time. but despite all that I remembered really liking this one much to my surprise. even more surprised that it held up even better than I expected. also wound up being the crowd favorite of the night

It (2017) - still enjoy this one quite a bit, but a little less than on my first viewing. suffers from a reliance on modern horror gimmicks.

Re-Animator (1985) - and I fell asleep as soon as this classic started...

Lots of coffee and chili was consumed throughout so it was a stinky affair. All in all a good time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on October 22, 2018, 06:04:26 PM
The Descent IMO is a very underrated movie
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 22, 2018, 08:31:57 PM
Saturday night was Don't Deliver Us from Evil. It runs kind of slow but it's difficult not to like due to the theme, the suggestive eroticism, & fiery climax. I would imagine this shocked the hell out of movie-goers in 1971.

Yeah, The Descent ain't bad as long as it's the original ending. It was changed for U.S. audiences.

Beyond the Darkness and Burial Ground are excellent releases!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 22, 2018, 09:43:19 PM
the descent is great and pretty highly rated i think, but yeah the US ending is bullshit

burial ground is an all-timer

went to see the new halloween movie the other day. i liked it. good slasher. a lot more violent than i expected. there's a nutty bit with the new loomis which a lot of people will hate but i decided it was cool and good
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 22, 2018, 09:44:27 PM
oh wait beyond the darkness is buio omega

that movie is fucked up and amazing
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on October 22, 2018, 09:46:01 PM
I plan on seeing the new Halloween this Friday - really looking forward to it.

I don't know if anyone here has Shudder but they are adding Mandy sometime soon and this Friday they are adding Summer Of 84 everything I've seen online for SO84 its suppose to be a good movie
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 22, 2018, 09:47:16 PM
the burning moon is gross. caught it in the cinema a few years ago at a horror festival. needed a wash afterwards
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: vomitgore on October 24, 2018, 01:11:47 AM
Quote from: aububs on October 22, 2018, 09:47:16 PM
the burning moon is gross. caught it in the cinema a few years ago at a horror festival. needed a wash afterwards

Still one of the essential German gore films. Right up there with the Violent Shit trilogy.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on October 24, 2018, 01:31:44 AM
Burning Moon is great. Early Ittenbach films were killer.

Caught Sicario: Day Of The Soldado and It Comes At Night over the weekend. Sicario was ok but not as good as the first. Won't be rushing to watch It Comes At Night again.

Criterion blu rays of Seven Samurai and Yojimbo/Sanjuro in the mailbox  last week so I'll revisit those asap. Ordered Deadbeat at Dawn and Horrors of Malformed Men blus from Arrow UK, too. Stoked on the news of Cruising.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 24, 2018, 06:41:43 PM
last night was my first viewing of the 1989 directorial debut of Takeshi Kitano, "Violent Cop". another film where I can't explain why it's taken me so goddamn long to watch it, as Takeshi Kitano was one of the first actors and directors from Japan I became aware of way back in my freshman year of high school. Great fucking movie though. The pace is surprisingly slow, the direction is almost documentary-esque. There's none of the hyperstylized editing of Miike or Tsukamoto, it's all very matter of fact. the last 30 minutes of the movie really fucking kill, especially the final showdown. the visuals and pace remind me of the calm parts of John Woo's best films, mixed with the nihilism of '60s and '70s Yakuza films. excellent stuff.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on October 24, 2018, 06:44:19 PM
Turbo Kid - movie was actually quite enjoyable - ridiculous for the most part but I'm a sucker for over the top gore and blood with a pretty dumb plot 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on October 25, 2018, 07:53:30 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 19, 2018, 06:00:37 PM
The Sword of Doom 1966 - still my favorite jidaigeki film of all time, despite all of its flaws. much like Vengeance is Mine, the whole film centers around a misanthropic self-centered murderous asshole who still oozes charisma. i'll never get tired of this one.

Had the DVD of this one standing in my shelves for years, but didn't watch until today for unknown reasons. So thanks for the reminder, it's indeed a very good one. Tatsuya Nakadai is great here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on October 26, 2018, 12:40:25 AM
Watched Annihilation on netflix this past week and it was pretty great - Natalie Portman is excellent in it, the movie itself was really interesting and done well, no schlocky scares or found footage type stuff happening, I haven't read the book series but it's next on my list for sure, I absolutely loved it - it was my wife's suggestion and I think I liked it more than she did.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 27, 2018, 12:21:19 AM
yeah i liked that too. it cribs from a lot of stuff but that's ok. i liked the nod to gene wolfe's alzabo. more people should rip off ideas that gene wolfe had
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on October 29, 2018, 02:49:15 PM
Halloween (2018) - meh, kind of underwhelming. some decent kills

The Fog - playing at a local theater in 4K. the classic looked great and it was pretty cool seeing it in the big screen

Friday The 13th 2-4- these were on AMC or something and were just playing in the background while I did other stuff, part 3 has always been my favorite one in the series, especially the last 10 minutes. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on October 30, 2018, 07:57:30 AM
Ebola Syndrome - Jesus Christ, what a ride into depravity that was. All these modern film makers trying to use shock value could take a few pointers from some of the HK Cat III flicks I've seen lately. As nasty and perverse as they are, they're thoroughly entertaining and never seem contrived. Highly recommend this, and even moreso The Untold Story.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 30, 2018, 03:27:54 PM
Quote from: FallOfNature on October 30, 2018, 07:57:30 AM
Ebola Syndrome - Jesus Christ, what a ride into depravity that was. All these modern film makers trying to use shock value could take a few pointers from some of the HK Cat III flicks I've seen lately. As nasty and perverse as they are, they're thoroughly entertaining and never seem contrived. Highly recommend this, and even moreso The Untold Story.

I envy you! I wish I could watch Ebola Syndrome for the first time again. Nothing can prepare you for that insanity. It's extra awesome because the lead, Anthony Wong, is a well respected Hong Kong actor, who just sleazes things up so perfectly.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 30, 2018, 06:09:59 PM
I'm pretty sure Ebola Syndrome was released on dvd in the U.S*. but I never bought it. May have to go check eBay right now as it's one I've always wanted to see.

I think it's Massacre Video has The Devil planned for Blu-ray. It's one of the early Chinese-puking-insects films. I vaguely remember it being basically a soap opera with a few disgusting scenes. Definitely a film I never expected to see get a proper release. I've read that the rights are really difficult to obtain for HK films or the elements are in piss-poor condition.

*Discotek released it & copies on eBay range from $36 up to $100!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on October 31, 2018, 10:04:45 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 30, 2018, 06:09:59 PM
*Discotek released it & copies on eBay range from $36 up to $100!

That's the very one I have. I remember buying that and Zero Woman: Red Handcuffs from them a very long time time. Zero Woman is on there for some really absurd prices -

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 31, 2018, 03:49:31 PM
Quote from: FallOfNature on October 31, 2018, 10:04:45 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 30, 2018, 06:09:59 PM
*Discotek released it & copies on eBay range from $36 up to $100!

That's the very one I have. I remember buying that and Zero Woman: Red Handcuffs from them a very long time time. Zero Woman is on there for some really absurd prices -


holy shit!  I sadly don't own Ebola Syndrome. I watched it a friend's place back in high school (?) maybe early college... sad to here it's so damn expensive now. gonna have to find a good torrent.

last night I got to see John Carpenter's The Thing on the big screen for the first time in Philly, in all its goopy glory. I don't know if they showed the newest 4K scan from Arrow or actually played the film or what, but it looked terrific! the theater fixed their sound system since the last time I was there so it sounded great too. it's so nice to see a movie I've seen 20-30 times in setting where you're forced to focus completely on what is happening, and you get to just soak it all in. such a great fucking movie. I don't need to go on about why, everyone here should have seen The Thing.

at this point I've seen most of my top 10 movies on the big screen, including Perfect Blue earlier this year. the last big one is The Shining. I have to imagine that'll happen sooner or later.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 01, 2018, 05:02:30 PM
I'd say "I don't know how this became my most active thread!" but I do. I watch a lot of movies and listen to less music than I used to.

Anyways, last night I revisited 28 Days Later for the first time in 10+ years. To my taste it really held up. Two things that make it stand out still, the weird image quality of 90% of the movie and the angles of the shots lend everything a mediocre CCTV recording feel. especially the shots in London. second, the last 15 minutes at the military camp when shit goes ballistic and ends with a head smash into concrete followed by eye gouging never fails to get the blood pumping. also the movie introduced me to the music of GY!BE. for those who haven't seen it in ages I recommend revisiting it!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 01, 2018, 07:36:08 PM
I watched 28 Days Later on AMC recently & it was okay. I don't believe I've seen it since the theater. I wouldn't mind seeing it again, uncut.

Halloween viewing was The Frozen Dead (mandatory Alt-Right viewing); Carnival of Souls (I just kinda like this film but will watch it any time I come across it), and Night of the Living Dead (Not sure why but this was the first time I noticed the zombies use tools...).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on November 01, 2018, 07:58:21 PM
saw Suspiria 2018 last night. where to start? the things that make Suspiria (1977) a stone cold classic (imho) are the soundtrack, the visuals & the suspense. all three of these were completely lacking in 2018 re imaging.
thom yorke doing the soundtrack? went in thinking "as long as i dont have to hear him sing it will be fine." surprise surprise withing the first 10 minutes i have to hear his shitty vocals.
visuals were absolutely bland. all earth tones and muted greens/yellows. think wes anderson.
lastly the complete showing of the hand from the get go ruined any sense of thrill. the "twist" ending sucked. i'd say they put most of the effort into the dancing than anything else.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: brutalist_tapes on November 02, 2018, 02:22:16 PM
the last ones i saw was last orgy of the gestapo - it is a bit more artsy than ilsa, shewolf of the ss, but i actually think i prefer the latter, because even though it's a little bit more "intellectual" it's nothing like the night porter or saló. also the carbine high school massacre - total DIY classic! very recommended if you are into trashy movies, no budget, but it's killer - and the filmmakers got locked up for making it!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: SiClark on November 03, 2018, 03:06:01 AM
Has anyone here seen The Ritual (2017)? I've almost finished the book it was based on which is different enough that I would recommend if you have seen the film (not sure about the black metal stuff in the book - not in the film). The film is a great adaptation, adding new elements to the story - basically 4 English guys get lost in some old Swedish woods. The visuals are very good and you don't see much of the thing chasing them.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: rocksoff on November 03, 2018, 01:05:16 PM
Finally pulled the extended Italian edition of Goodbye Uncle Tom from the Mondo boxset and watched it last night. Feels like Jacopetti and Prosperi testing the absolute limit of how far they could take their brand of sardonic mockery under the guise of an apology for Africa Addio. No Hallmark bullshit or nobility to be found; just human ugliness and stupidity.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Kim V on November 03, 2018, 06:14:15 PM
Quote from: Si Clark on November 03, 2018, 03:06:01 AM
Has anyone here seen The Ritual (2017)? I've almost finished the book it was based on which is different enough that I would recommend if you have seen the film (not sure about the black metal stuff in the book - not in the film). The film is a great adaptation, adding new elements to the story - basically 4 English guys get lost in some old Swedish woods. The visuals are very good and you don't see much of the thing chasing them.

Seen it and liked it a lot. Not that fond of classic horror movies but stuff like this works well for me. Anything remotely occult is totally up my alley anyway. I like the tempo in which the atmosphere builds up, not too slow, not too fast and yes, it is good that enough is left to the imagination. Didn't know about the book though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on November 07, 2018, 01:03:53 AM
Ken Burns' "Vietnam" documentary series (PBS)
          Finally got a library copy. Goes well with Wince's "Nerves" or Striations' "Vietnamization" tapes beyond the obvious appeal. Recently watched Apocalypse Now Redux so seems appropriate - if I have a favorite film, it's that one.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on November 07, 2018, 01:14:43 AM
No Country for Old Men - Perpetual favourite. Only film I've seen in theatres and immediately went back to see again the next day. I prefer it to the book (unlike The Road...).

Going through some Romero watches / rewatches with a couple friends. Season of the Witch is nicely executed with restraint, The Crazies wasn't as good as I remembered it being, Martin was better than I remembered it being and I'll now rank it among my favourite Romeros, and Dawn of the Dead is one of the GOATs. Next weekend will be Knightriders and Day of the Dead. Very interested in the former, seems like it'll be a lot of fun, and I haven't seen "Day..." in nearly a decade.

First Reformed (Paul Schrader) incredible ending, but it doesn't make up for other imperfections, still worth a watch.

Wind River pretty straightforward for casual viewing (with one "holy fuck" moment).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 07, 2018, 01:55:15 AM
Saturday & Sunday, I watched Mandy & The Sniper. The first was okay & on VOD in SD so it had some digital glitches so I would like to see it again. I kinda liked the first slow half over the out of control second half.

The second film is from the '50s & is a must-see for Incels. It was on Turner Classic Movies.

I've read "The Ritual" but have not seen the film. The book was good which led me to check out the author's other books. I can't remember his name or the titles of the books. One was about a haunted hotel that I think I liked.

God, how awesome would a 4k transfer of Goodbye, Uncle Tom be?!? Special edition with both versions, a cd soundtrack, a booklet, poster, etc.!!!!!! Such an over the top film that is really difficult to sit through. Someone recently told me that had to watch it over a couple of days, they just couldn't take it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on November 07, 2018, 02:11:45 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 07, 2018, 01:55:15 AM
Mandy [...] I kinda liked the first slow half over the out of control second half.

Same. For the first half I was like "why do so many of my friends hate this movie?", then I kept finding out why over the last half.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Coma Detox on November 07, 2018, 06:39:16 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 07, 2018, 01:55:15 AM
Saturday & Sunday, I watched Mandy & The Sniper. The first was okay & on VOD in SD so it had some digital glitches so I would like to see it again. I kinda liked the first slow half over the out of control second half.

The second film is from the '50s & is a must-see for Incels. It was on Turner Classic Movies.

I've read "The Ritual" but have not seen the film. The book was good which led me to check out the author's other books. I can't remember his name or the titles of the books. One was about a haunted hotel that I think I liked.

God, how awesome would a 4k transfer of Goodbye, Uncle Tom be?!? Special edition with both versions, a cd soundtrack, a booklet, poster, etc.!!!!!! Such an over the top film that is really difficult to sit through. Someone recently told me that had to watch it over a couple of days, they just couldn't take it.

I just recently watched Goodbye Uncle Tom & Fight For Your Life back to back.  So many classic one-liners from Fight For Your Life.  Both those movies need Blu-Ray releases, but I have no idea if better source material exists or if Blue Underground even has the rights to those films anymore.  Both DVD's still look pretty decent to me at least.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on November 07, 2018, 12:21:09 PM
Fight For Your Life is a classic. I once heard a rumour William Sanderson appeared at some comic con (due to his acting in Blade Runner, True Blood, Deadwood etc) and got quite annoyed that all the fans wanted to talk about was Fight For Your Life.

Guess he's a bit reluctant to talk about it and some of the content and language in it with today's PC crowd.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 07, 2018, 10:48:29 PM
I could be wrong but I think Bill Lustig/Blue Underground said the the elements for Fight for Your Life were destroyed in Hurricane Katrina. I think it was mentioned in a podcast interview.

Just ran across the news that Shout! Factory will be releasing a box set of Sonny Chiba's Streetfighter films. Early 2019; definitely looking forward to it!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on November 09, 2018, 03:01:22 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on November 07, 2018, 01:14:43 AM
No Country for Old Men - Perpetual favourite. Only film I've seen in theatres and immediately went back to see again the next day. I prefer it to the book (unlike The Road...).

Dunno about you, but I saw some pastiche/tribute to No Country (the film) in the first two seasons of the Fargo TV series. I wasn't as blown away by it as expected, but still really enjoyed. Noticed some similarities to Anton Chigurh in Billy Bob Thornton's character in season one and in Hanzee in season two. Beyond that I thought the flying saucer scenes were a nod to The Man Who Wasn't There (Thornton being lead role). It's almost as if they knew people like me would be critical (heh) but went all in nevertheless. Just wondering if you or anyone else got the same impression.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on November 09, 2018, 03:35:51 AM
Quote from: Force Neurotic on November 09, 2018, 03:01:22 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on November 07, 2018, 01:14:43 AM
No Country for Old Men - Perpetual favourite. Only film I've seen in theatres and immediately went back to see again the next day. I prefer it to the book (unlike The Road...).

Dunno about you, but I saw some pastiche/tribute to No Country (the film) in the first two seasons of the Fargo TV series. I wasn't as blown away by it as expected, but still really enjoyed. Noticed some similarities to Anton Chigurh in Billy Bob Thornton's character in season one and in Hanzee in season two. Beyond that I thought the flying saucer scenes were a nod to The Man Who Wasn't There (Thornton being lead role). It's almost as if they knew people like me would be critical (heh) but went all in nevertheless. Just wondering if you or anyone else got the same impression.

I saw the first season of Fargo when it came out but haven't kept up. Always ends up on the back burner when I'm looking for new things to watch (and aside from just finishing the Sharp Objects miniseries I haven't really watched any "TV" in at least a year). If/when I get back to that show I'll be sure to keep these things in mind.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: rocksoff on November 09, 2018, 04:03:32 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 07, 2018, 01:55:15 AM
God, how awesome would a 4k transfer of Goodbye, Uncle Tom be?!? Special edition with both versions, a cd soundtrack, a booklet, poster, etc.!!!!!! Such an over the top film that is really difficult to sit through. Someone recently told me that had to watch it over a couple of days, they just couldn't take it.
I was thinking while watching it how I'd love to hear from at least a few of the hundreds of nameless extras who acted in it. Completely unlikely, but definitely a movie deserving of a more elaborate release considering all of the boutique blu ray labels around now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on November 09, 2018, 06:47:21 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 07, 2018, 10:48:29 PM
I could be wrong but I think Bill Lustig/Blue Underground said the the elements for Fight for Your Life were destroyed in Hurricane Katrina. I think it was mentioned in a podcast interview.

That's pretty ironic! Makes me want to watch the Spike Lee documentary about Katrina and the aftermath.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on November 10, 2018, 11:12:43 PM
Quote from: Force Neurotic on November 09, 2018, 03:01:22 AM
Noticed some similarities to Anton Chigurh in Billy Bob Thornton's character....Just wondering if you or anyone else got the same impression.

I thought the same. Especially when it comes to how he spoke/dialogue.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 12, 2018, 11:44:38 PM
Saturday night was back to back viewings of Blade Runner: The Final Cut and Blade Runner 2049 with my friends, for my birthday. To my taste, I can honestly say that despite a few small flaws, Blade Runner 2049 really delivers a solid sequel. Maybe my biggest complaint is that there are times where the audience isn't given enough credit and we get flashbacks that seem a little unnecessary.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on November 13, 2018, 02:02:46 AM
Southpaw - not bad, fairly predictable, pretty regular drama that I probably wouldn't of watched without the boxing connection.

Underbelly Files - Chopper : The Untold Story - Probably the worst thing I've seen from the Underbelly franchise and I've seen nearly everything. Lots of forced acting or overacting, and some of the casting choices looked very far from reality. It cast a weird light over Chopper's story (which is mostly exaggerated bullshit anyway) and almost felt as if they were trying to portray him as just misunderstood. Might be interesting if you follow Australian underworld crime and have a high tolerance level for tediousness. I'll rate it 1/10 and that lone point is for the red-headed actress who plays one of his wives.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Eastern Embargo on November 17, 2018, 01:00:07 AM

Moriyama-San (documentary)

Hermit living in prized home in Japan. Quite the elusive tenant, was hoping it would go further into his music collection, but only glimpses and references to Yoshihide Otomo & Thurston Moore etc. Very entertaining nonetheless!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Cauldhame on November 17, 2018, 08:27:13 PM
They Shall Not Grow Old

Peter Jackson's centenary film of colourised WW1 footage and archival recordings of soldiers' accounts; absolutely riveting and harrowing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on November 17, 2018, 09:47:13 PM
enjoyed the susperia remake but would have liked more piss
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 17, 2018, 10:03:03 PM
Giallo in Venice- man, this is one trashy film! There's only four violent scenes; one is pretty damn shocking, and there's a lot of rather dull sex n' nudity. It's not a good film but it's nice to have on Blu-ray from Scorpion Releasing.

Last weekend, I watched Dawn of the Dead plus 48 Hrs. which I had not seen since vhs rental days.

Severin is releasing All the Colors of the Dark and Vinegar Syndrome has a couple of secret titles going up on Black Friday. Definitely looking forward to Edwige F. in high definition!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Coma Detox on November 18, 2018, 06:26:02 AM
Blood Lust aka Mosquito The Rapist.  Mondo Macabro did a killer job of the transfer on the Blu-Ray.  Looks so much better then the non-anamorphic Greek DVD I had.  Loosely based on the Vampire of Nuremberg.  A deaf mute obsessed with toy dolls who defiles corpses and sucks their blood with a pronged straw.

The Dorm That Dripped Blood - Decent early 80's Slasher with some nice kill scenes, especially the head drilling.  I really liked the ending.  Good to see a decent transfer after all the cut to pieces DVD's floating around.

Never realized one of the characters in Giallo In Venice starred in Patrick Still Lives until re-watching it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 18, 2018, 08:42:07 PM
Maria Angela Giordano is also in Burial Ground. I'd love to have a Blu release of Patrick Still Lives. I suspect it'll happen eventually. I don't remember it being all that great but it was definitely entertaining and trashy.

Last night was a movie called The Eyes of a Stranger I caught on Turner Classic Movies. It's a bit of a thriller with slasher elements. Wikipedia claims the movie had some graphic violence cut. It plays like it was made-for-tv with some tacked on violence (throat slashings & a decapitation) plus some nudity. The plot concerns a reporter that suspects a neighbor is a rapist-murderer. This film is the debut of Jennifer Jason Leigh. Her teenage character was snatched as a child & presumably raped which left her blind and mute. The director was kind enough to give viewers a finale that includes her nubile breasts being exposed by the pudgy serial killer. Leigh's sister-reporter is an actress from "The Love Boat". No nudity from her, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on November 19, 2018, 06:39:28 AM
Rewatched Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (Turner Preview version). Essential western and essential Peckinpah. He was one of the best.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on November 19, 2018, 08:11:47 AM
Finished the Romper Stomper series. Absolute dogshit. Picking up on Deadwood S3 this week to quickly forget about the time I invested in that Romper Stomper clusterfuck.

Checked out the Arrow release of Deadbeat at Dawn. Everything about this looks great and a solid upgrade from the DVD. I'm sure most here already know the film, and if you like it - than this release is a must-own.

Ordered blu rays of Savage Streets (Code Red), Vigilante (Blue Underground) and The Proposition.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 28, 2018, 07:56:18 PM
Just out on arrow.
Teruo ishii'so " Orgies of edo".
Secondarrow ishii to be issued and hopefully more to come for this master of transgressive Japanese film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Lazrs3 on December 02, 2018, 01:59:12 AM
Really liked the film Mandy with Nicolas Cage in, must buy that.

I want to make time to watch White Reindeer again as it is now officially near 25th December. I managed to get the limited dvd of it years ago, it seems to have been reissued. I do love that film. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Reindeer_(2013_film)

I'd like to see Dead Hands Dig Deep about Edwin Borsheim from Kettle Cadaver and Hexed. http://www.lonesomepictures.com/

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Eastern Embargo on December 02, 2018, 04:21:12 AM

After watching "The Sion Sono" documentary, I realized I didn't watch The Room yet. Quite the drastic change to Bicycle Sighs, but enjoyable if you have the patience for quiet b/w films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on December 05, 2018, 12:27:11 AM
just watched Under The Silver Lake, the new movie from the guy who made It Follows

it's not a horror movie

and it's not very good

oh well
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on December 05, 2018, 09:47:31 PM
watched Mandyagain last night since Shudder added it about a week ago. really enjoyed it in a more intimate setting
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 09, 2018, 08:35:37 PM
The last seven days or so has been Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer; Drug War; Beware My Brethren; The Children and Creepshow.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on December 10, 2018, 11:27:32 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 09, 2018, 08:35:37 PM
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

A classic.

Sat through The Proposition and Brimstone last night. The Proposition I didn't remember much of, having seen it when it first came out. Highly impressed. Brimstone was ok, lots of friends rated it but it dragged on an hour too long imo.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 10, 2018, 06:56:26 PM
Last night was Exhumed Films "Natale Giallo! aka Yellow Christmas". I went with my girlfriend and had a great time. They screened 4 giallo (arguably only 2 proper giallo) back to back from their original 35mm prints, in Italian, with English subtitles projected underneath. I have to say it was a totally different experience watching these movies in a theater, on a big ass screen with proper sound system, where no one was bull-shiting through them or taking a smoke break every 30 minutes.

It kicked off with Argento's Opera. I've only watched this one two or three times before and it never really clicked for me on the whole. This time it felt like I was watching a different movie and I was left wondering how it isn't one of my favorite Argento films. My biggest complaint is the heavy metal stuff in the soundtrack, but even that I got used to by the end. But the creepy electronics by Brian Eno and Claudio Simonetti was really good. The kills were all excellent but the sequence i liked the most was the 20 or so minutes in the leads apartment where she plays cat and mouse with the killer. really fucking excellent! I liked it so much I had to pick up the new BluRay from Scorpion at Diabolik's table during intermission.

next was Lamberto Bava's Blade in the Dark. I've seen this one so many times but only ever in English for the ridiculously bad dubbing. while it's still a pretty absurd giallo with Italian dialogue, it actually makes a lot more sense plot wise as the subtitled dialogue is very different in parts than the subbed version. it's a fun movie, but it starts to really drag in some parts. gonna have to wait a while before I rewatch that one. great score though! shame its never been released to my knowledge.

then we had 7, Hyden Park aka Formula for a Murder by Alberto de Martino which was the only one I hadn't seen before. this movie was fucking ridiculous. the whole theater was laughing for at least half of it. watching a cripple get chased for an hour+ is pretty difficult to make suspenseful, and while they failed at that the did make it unintentionally hilarious. this is the perfect movie to watch with a few friends and more than a few beers.

and the finale was Argento's Inferno, which I had only watched once before, 7-8 years ago. Again I was forced to make a drastic reappraisal of this one. I remember comparing this unfavorably to Suspira when I first watched it but
this one definitely holds its own. The set pieces are pretty monumental and surreal qualities and active dream logic to the proceedings really create something unique, even compared to a lot of Argento's other films. feel like i could re-watch this one again soon. there just so much going on visually!

to top off the awesome night, my girlfriend and I each but one ticket for Exhumed Films fundraising raffle and she fucking won the raffle! Got like 20+ blurays and a bunch of autographed posters and soundtracks and all sorts of crazy shit. couldn't fucking believe it. so I'll hopefully be writing some mini reviews for a bunch of movies Ive never watched before in the near future.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on December 10, 2018, 07:20:24 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on December 10, 2018, 06:56:26 PM
It kicked off with Argento's Opera. I've only watched this one two or three times before and it never really clicked for me on the whole. This time it felt like I was watching a different movie and I was left wondering how it isn't one of my favorite Argento films. My biggest complaint is the heavy metal stuff in the soundtrack, but even that I got used to by the end. But the creepy electronics by Brian Eno and Claudio Simonetti was really good. The kills were all excellent but the sequence i liked the most was the 20 or so minutes in the leads apartment where she plays cat and mouse with the killer. really fucking excellent! I liked it so much I had to pick up the new BluRay from Scorpion at Diabolik's table during intermission.

Incredible! Would love to see this on the big screen. One of my favourites for sure.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on December 11, 2018, 08:52:42 AM
That event sounds pretty cool. Inferno is probably my favourite Argento film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on December 11, 2018, 12:55:38 PM
Someone had mentioned Alberto Cavallone some time ago. I didnt know the director -not that i know many anyway- , googled and downloaded a movie of his to watch, Man, Woman and Beast. I now have a 55 TV, got rid of the old smaller with the noisy speakers, so started to watch movies i have in my drive unwatched since god knows when. Yesterday, it was this. Man, this is so good ! True cinema ! Seems he did everything, story, direction, montage -which at certain scenes takes the movie to another level- . We watch some days in a village, sick -or quite often- situations happening behind closed doors, you know, families. Beautiful women with hairy pussies, sex, symbolism -dont ask me what, dont know, but there is, plenty- , art in art. Music is very good too, mostly covers of well known themes, totally fit. The end was really ecstatic.

Not often i watch / listen something that makes me wanna check everything else he did. Happened with this movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 12, 2018, 10:26:08 PM
I caught Argento's Inferno not too long ago for my second-ever viewing since vhs. I didn't like it at all. It feels to me like a film that was really low budget & trying to be a Argento production.

Opera is one of my fave's & I've been holding off picking up the blu from Scorpion as they are doing a special ed. with, at least, another version (some sort of Cannes edit) plus will have the Italian soundtrack. I think I saw that  it has being sent off to replication so, maybe, release will be in Jan. via Ronin Flix. I have Argento's other films as sp.ed.'s so gotta have this one too. Sure hope it holds up to what I remember. The needles under the eyes is so fucked! The bullet-keyhole is pretty awesome, as well.

Fans of Creepshow should not hesitate to pick up the Scream Factory blu. It's pretty awesome. The only issue is the default audio track is 5.1 & there is something weird about the pitch. Just go with the orig. mono track. The film is great fun.

Arrow is releasing Audition in the U.S. in February. Definitely looking forward to that.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Coma Detox on December 13, 2018, 08:37:12 AM
Currently watching The Children (1980).  Never fully watched this one due to the shitty job Troma did with it.  So far the Vinegar Syndrome version kills it.  It does mention some parts had to be taken from a different print due to some damaged elements.  Zombie kids with black nail polish caused by a cloud of yellow smoke making anyone they touch burn to death.  Did notice a decent amount of print damage and color changes on some scenes but still looks great compared to the terrible transfers out there.  Cool new artwork with slip-case as well.

Savage Weekend.  This one was ok but didn't really hold my interest that much.  I've actually never seen this one before.  William Sanderson plays his usual dim-witted hillbilly character and it has some decent kill scenes.  Most of the characters suck.  Kino Lober did an ok job with the transfer but nothing amazing.

Absurd.  I remember watching the MYA version called Horrible and didn't really like it.  Severin did a great job and I enjoyed it this time around. George Eastman plays off his Anthropophagus type character well even though it's not a sequel at all.  Edmund Purdom from Pieces plays the priest trying to stop him.  Interviews with George Eastman, Joe D'Amato and a random biker from the movie.  Also comes with a CD of the soundtrack.

Porno Holocaust.  Totally retarded and useless Blu-Ray but I bought it anyway.  The transfer is probably as good as it's ever going to look, complete with Mark Shannon's genital warts in HD.  The radioactive "zombie" is fucking hilarious.  Decent interview with Mark Shannon who died earlier this year called "The Real Italian Stallion."  And a interview with George Eastman.  It made me re-watch Erotic Nights Of The Living Dead, but I only have the Shriek Show DVD.  I don't think I'll be double dipping (no pun intended) on the blu-ray which I believe is already out of print.

Dead Beat At Dawn.  Arrow did an incredible job.  The movie has never looked better.  One of my favorites.  Filled with a ton of extras, some of them are missing that were on the Synapse DVD but the transfer more than makes up for it.  Comes with a really nice booklet and slipcase as well.

Can't wait for Severin to start shipping the Blu-Ray of All The Colors Of The Dark and All The Colors Of Giallo boxset.  Hopefully it's within this week or next
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on December 17, 2018, 05:55:28 PM
finally binged The Punisher on Netflix. I'm not a comic guy at all, so I went with no expectations and I thought it was pretty awesome. some decent kills for what it was, thought the acting was strong. looking forward to season 2 which I guess is coming out in Jan 2019
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on December 17, 2018, 10:13:05 PM
loved the new lars von trier serial killer movie
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: C601 on December 19, 2018, 05:58:45 PM
Quote from: aububs on December 17, 2018, 10:13:05 PM
loved the new lars von trier serial killer movie
it was really good!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: dodecaphonic on December 20, 2018, 08:53:03 AM
Just watched jack by lars von trier
- I found it a really funny film the art references the references to different serial killers etc the narration, the story -the ending
It dragged in parts but who cares -
It was good I might enjoy it more the second time around.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: dodecaphonic on December 20, 2018, 09:30:57 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 20, 2018, 12:04:26 AMWilliam Friedkin's classic, CRUSING

Love that film!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on December 28, 2018, 05:04:13 PM
Bird Box - dumb
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on December 28, 2018, 09:34:48 PM
Variola Vera (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083275/) (1982) - a hospital is quarantined during the outbreak of smallpox in Belgrade. One of the best disease films I've seen. Well crafted atmosphere of misery and dread, a healthy dose of body horror, detoriation of societal norms in the face of extreme circumstances, a nice ensemble of characters to root for or hate, and a fantastic soundtrack.

Der Fan (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082361/) (1982) - a teenager runs from home to meet her pop singer idol, things end up badly in a completely fucked up way. What makes it especially great is that shock value does not substitute conventional cinematic quality, but complements it. A hidden (?) gem.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 29, 2018, 09:55:50 PM
Viewing this week starting on Christmas Eve: TALES FROM THE CRYPT (Brit film); BLACK CHRISTMAS & SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT; RE-ANIMATOR & FROM BEYOND; CATHY'S CURSE (director's cut) and last night was Fulci's THE BEYOND.

Blue Underground's new release of MANIAC is on its way. Looking forward to it!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 30, 2018, 12:23:42 AM
Quote from: DSOL on December 28, 2018, 05:04:13 PM
Bird Box - dumb

I was thinking this OK until the last 15 minutes when it completely shit the bed.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on December 30, 2018, 09:56:03 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on December 30, 2018, 12:23:42 AM
Quote from: DSOL on December 28, 2018, 05:04:13 PM
Bird Box - dumb

I was thinking this OK until the last 15 minutes when it completely shit the bed.

I was into it until the ending as well. What the fuck? Like that all worked out nicely innit?

A co-worker suggested Derry Girls on Netflix and the first episode was pretty friggin' funny. Will continue.

My wife has been watching Succession on HBO and wow, what a bunch of spiteful assholes. Every character is a disgusting piece of shit.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on December 31, 2018, 10:40:16 AM
yeah, Succession is excellent
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: rocksoff on December 31, 2018, 01:54:28 PM
Quote from: A-Z on December 28, 2018, 09:34:48 PM
Der Fan (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082361/) (1982) - a teenager runs from home to meet her pop singer idol, things end up badly in a completely fucked up way. What makes it especially great is that shock value does not substitute conventional cinematic quality, but complements it. A hidden (?) gem.
I'm surprised this one isn't considered a minor cult classic. Maybe I was looking in the wrong places, but I'd never heard of it before reading House of Psychotic Women and I still rarely see it mentioned despite ticking the boxes for what a lot of people seem to look for in artsier horror movies. Were you already aware of the plot before you saw it? It was kind of an Audition situation for me where the impact was blunted a little by knowing where things were going but I thought it would've been deeply unsettling had I gone in blind.

I just watched Fulci's Aenigma which I liked a lot. Never hear much about his later stuff beyond Cat in the Brain but I loved the nightmarish sequence in the museum, the snail attack, the morgue at the end, and the use of miniatures for shots of the city. The plot's surprisingly tight and like a mix between Carrie and possession movies and the schoolgirl bickering is pretty fun between the dubbing and the already bad enough dialogue.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on December 31, 2018, 04:55:42 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on December 30, 2018, 09:56:03 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on December 30, 2018, 12:23:42 AM
Quote from: DSOL on December 28, 2018, 05:04:13 PM
Bird Box - dumb

I was thinking this OK until the last 15 minutes when it completely shit the bed.

I was into it until the ending as well. What the fuck? Like that all worked out nicely innit?

agreed, the ending is what killed the movie

The Nun - I thought it was decent. bunch of jump scenes, not enough of "The Nun" is actually seen in the movie. still cant decide if that is a good thing or a bad thing yet.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on January 01, 2019, 12:08:29 AM
Quote from: rocksoff on December 31, 2018, 01:54:28 PM
Were you already aware of the plot before you saw it?

Luckily I didn't. You're right, it works best this way.

Meanwhile, watched another goodie.

Celia (1989) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094849/) - an imaginative and lonely 9 y.o. girl growing up in 1950s tries to wrap her mind around adult issues. A coming of age drama with a pretty twisted ending. Much subtler than Der Fan, but actually more disturbing because of that. Totally "minor cult classic" material.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 03, 2019, 07:54:07 PM
Zombie on NYE & last night was Cannibal Holocaust.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Coma Detox on January 04, 2019, 01:04:25 AM
Over the last few days

Paul Naschy Collection Vol. 1 on Shout! Factory
Sacrifice! aka Man From Deep River
Blood Harvest
Body Melt
Blood Rage
Teenage Prostitution Racket
The Dead Zone
Hardcore (1979)
Buzzard (2014)

Looking forward to Jungle Holocaust finally being released on Blu-Ray by Ronin Flix.  Anyone know anything about the Japanese Blu-Ray release of Romero's Martin?  DiabolikDVD had it for about 10 minutes before it sold out and it's $54.99.  I'm guessing it's just an HD upconvert and not a full restoration?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on January 04, 2019, 03:34:43 PM
The Predator- I don't even know what to say. I had pretty low expectations to begin with, but holy shit. just terrible
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on January 04, 2019, 06:08:48 PM
Angst (1983) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0165623/) - dude sets out on a killing spree, fucks up in every imaginable way
best way I can describe it is different
not particularly violent or dark or twisted, just very different from what one would typically expect of a serial killer movie
and this is what makes it worth watching
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on January 06, 2019, 10:57:09 PM
Catching up with some top 2018 lists...
A Quiet Place and Upgrade were both highly enjoyable but I don't feel like they need revisits in the future... I fear they just won't hold up so well because the more I think about them the more some things start to bug me and the plot holes appear, while similar movies like Signs and Robocop actually age very well and become better the more you think about. I want to clarify that plot holes are usually not a dealbreaker for me or that much of a problem, some of my favorite movies are pretty sketchy in that matter but not worse because of it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on January 08, 2019, 10:40:12 AM
Veneno para las hadas (1985) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0135033/)
for some reason I keep stumbling upon films about confused girls who do terrible things
this time it's a Mexican one, one girl bullshits another about witchcraft, the latter buys into everything
things end up... you guessed it, pretty fucking bad
not as complex and multi-layered as Celia, but pretty good nevertheless
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 08, 2019, 05:29:47 PM
Demon City Shinjuku (1988) - dir. Yoshiaki Kawajiri - watched this one a few years ago. I really enjoy just about everything Kawajiri does, especially the absolutely essential Wicked City, and this is no different. that being said, it's definitely less sexually graphic and violent than some of his other work. don't expect deep characters or writing, this is just fast paced action anime with a horror edge. Still, at only 80 minutes, it's not a bad way to spend your time if you're into '80s and '90s anime.

Bird Box (2018) - at first it didn't seem like the worst thing ever, but as it goes along it just falls completely apart. the sole redeeming quality of the movie is the injuries incurred since by dumbasses trying to re-enact it.

Mandy (2018) - dir. Panos Cosmatos - couldn't help but feel a little disappointed after all the hype. i liked it the least among my friends but some of them really loved it so I enjoyment of this one might be especially subjective? regardless, I'd watch Beyond the Black Rainbow over this any day.

Godzilla (2014) - dir. Gareth Edwards - I had zero expectations for this one and was very pleasantly surprised. is the human drama element weak? absolutely. is the plan to get rid of the kaiju absurd? definitely. does Elizabeth Olsen look like a fish woman? affirmative. but none of that matters because Godzilla looks fucking awesome, barfs fucking lazers in a giant beetles mouth, and generally proves he is in fact king of fucking monsters.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on January 08, 2019, 07:24:48 PM
Ripley's Game, dir. Liliana Cavani (2002)
          A novel adaptation that actually lives up to the standards of the Patricia Highsmith classic. John Malkovich as a snooty, pretentious sociopath is perfect and especially during the really funny triple-murder scene on the train. Fans of the author should check this out as well as just any action movie buffs. Also features the great Ray Winstone.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Duncan on January 08, 2019, 08:13:19 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 08, 2019, 05:29:47 PM
Mandy (2018) - dir. Panos Cosmatos - couldn't help but feel a little disappointed after all the hype. i liked it the least among my friends but some of them really loved it so I enjoyment of this one might be especially subjective? regardless, I'd watch Beyond the Black Rainbow over this any day.

I watched this recently knowing nothing about it besides Nic Cage and that my friends said it was really good.  Going in totally cold I was totally surprised/impressed/laugh out loud bewildered by how the thing pans out, beginning seemingly as an introverted, dreamy relationship movie and ending up in Army of Darkness levels ridiculous murder and bad guys territories.  As ever, Nic Cage looks like he can act but chooses not to and it's aesthetically quite a beautiful movie packed full of visual references to loads of other movies (I think).  Still totally head scratching and ridiculous.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on January 09, 2019, 01:29:29 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 08, 2019, 05:29:47 PMMandy (2018) - dir. Panos Cosmatos - couldn't help but feel a little disappointed after all the hype. i liked it the least among my friends but some of them really loved it so I enjoyment of this one might be especially subjective? regardless, I'd watch Beyond the Black Rainbow over this any day.

Felt the same way, BtBR blew my mind but this felt a little too OTT for the sake of it. When it comes to recent Cage overacting I prefer Mom and Dad.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on January 09, 2019, 08:08:59 PM
Was kind of surprised to see so many folks mention Beyond the Black Rainbow here - I tried to watch it twice not too long ago and kept falling asleep! I mean, awesome soundtrack, but just had a hard time paying attention. Will check it out again and really commit this time, haha.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: brutalist_tapes on January 09, 2019, 09:04:55 PM
loved the first matrix movie and still do, but i tried to watch the second movie in the series yesterday.. horrible, i had to turn it off in 15 min. so what i wanted to know is if you guys now if the third movie is just as bad? sequels are not always bad, although just very often..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on January 09, 2019, 09:56:48 PM
finally watched Stalker and im kicking myself for not seeing it at the theatre in town a few years back. this is exactly the kind of flicks i enjoy; bizzare, minimal & paranoid.

Quote from: brutalist_tapes on January 09, 2019, 09:04:55 PM
loved the first matrix movie and still do, but i tried to watch the second movie in the series yesterday.. horrible, i had to turn it off in 15 min. so what i wanted to know is if you guys now if the third movie is just as bad? sequels are not always bad, although just very often..

stick w the first one and animatrix.

Quote from: Force Neurotic on January 09, 2019, 08:08:59 PM
Was kind of surprised to see so many folks mention Beyond the Black Rainbow here - I tried to watch it twice not too long ago and kept falling asleep! I mean, awesome soundtrack, but just had a hard time paying attention. Will check it out again and really commit this time, haha.

it's an audio/visual feast but damn is it slim on plot.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 10, 2019, 03:02:43 AM
I thought Mandy was okay. I don't remember too much of it at this point & I can't remember why I didn't check out B.T.B.R.. I'm thinking that I thought it was sci-fi or something? Though I could be confusing it with something else that was around at the same time.

Watched the old dvd of Ichi the Killer a few nights ago. Still pretty damn entertaining but it should could use some editing! I'd like to see the Blu-ray if I ever come across it for a cheap price. Also, Cannibal Ferox aka Make Them Die Slowly and currently have HG Lewis' The Gruesome Twosome playing; it's kind of a bore.

Oh, and Phantasm a few nights ago.

Lovelace is on HDMovies Friday night. I'll be checking that out (Wonderland is on right now, which, I've seen a handful of times over the years).

Has anyone seen the British film, Duffer? Stephen Thrower mentions it during a podcast interview. Definitely sounds like it's worth looking into. Thrower says he saw the film in Sleazy's collection; Sleazy owned a 16mm print he rescued from the garbage then projected onto a wall & videotaped it. Thrower, years later, encouraged BFI to release it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on January 10, 2019, 04:36:08 AM
Don't Answer the Phone!
Hard to turn down a crazed Vietnam vet flick. Started off pretty sleazy and the right vibe but I was bored by the end. Vinegar Syndrome release was nice though and full of extras.

Tourist Trap
Clicked with me the second time around. Those masks...more effective on the imagination than 95% of other stuff in horror movies. Pretty good and definitely glad I gave it a second chance.

A Fistful of Dollars / For A Few Dollars More
Classic Eastwood. Watched these on xmas day rather than deal with other people's families.

Had this Synapse DVD for so long and barely looked at it. Hard to talk shit on a film like this when I pretty much knew what I was in for. Creature horror from '94, giant rubber mosquitos sucking people's brains out. Gunnar Hansen's in it.

Over the top and ridiculous but loved it. I haven't yet seen BTBR to compare.

Modern day "I Spit On Your Grave" kinda thing. Many genre fans claimed it was one of the best of the year but I can't agree. Watchable once though.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on January 10, 2019, 10:00:01 AM
Quote from: FallOfNature on January 10, 2019, 04:36:08 AM
Modern day "I Spit On Your Grave" kinda thing. Many genre fans claimed it was one of the best of the year but I can't agree. Watchable once though.

Absolutely loved this one. Awesome visuals, tight script, competent acting and just the right amount of WTF. Maybe not THE best of the year, but definitely one of the best!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on January 10, 2019, 10:13:17 PM
i would probably watch a looney tunes film shot by michael bay tbh but yeah revenge sucked
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on January 11, 2019, 06:37:59 AM
Quote from: A-Z on January 10, 2019, 10:00:01 AM
Quote from: FallOfNature on January 10, 2019, 04:36:08 AM
Modern day "I Spit On Your Grave" kinda thing. Many genre fans claimed it was one of the best of the year but I can't agree. Watchable once though.

Awesome visuals

If you're talking about the actress, then I certainly agree.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: brutalist_tapes on January 11, 2019, 09:56:14 PM
a big fan of CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, one of my all time favs, but i was wondering.. are there other stone cold classics like that one in the genre? what about cannibal ferox, worth watching? generally a fan of the "heart of darkness"-theme, so it doesn't have to be cannibal exploitation per se.. any tips?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on January 11, 2019, 10:19:48 PM
Quote from: brutalist_tapes on January 11, 2019, 09:56:14 PM
a big fan of CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, one of my all time favs, but i was wondering.. are there other stone cold classics like that one in the genre? what about cannibal ferox, worth watching? generally a fan of the "heart of darkness"-theme, so it doesn't have to be cannibal exploitation per se.. any tips?

I would recommend the straightforward Nicholas Roeg Heart of Darkness adaptation from 1993, starring Tim Roth and John Malkovich, if you haven't already seen it. Pretty much exactly as I imagined the book when reading it, and Malkovich as Kurtz is great. Nothing super brutal of course but atmospheric as it gets and one of the better book-to-film treatments I've seen, really. "Mistah Kurtz, he dead."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on January 11, 2019, 10:40:29 PM
Quote from: brutalist_tapes on January 11, 2019, 09:56:14 PM
a big fan of CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, one of my all time favs, but i was wondering.. are there other stone cold classics like that one in the genre? what about cannibal ferox, worth watching? generally a fan of the "heart of darkness"-theme, so it doesn't have to be cannibal exploitation per se.. any tips?

Well, I guess you have already watched "Apocalypse Now".
For my money, "Vinyan" is VERY underrated and fits right your bill.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaLclD6Sgg4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaLclD6Sgg4)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: brutalist_tapes on January 12, 2019, 06:15:08 AM
Quote from: EXU on January 11, 2019, 10:40:29 PM
Quote from: brutalist_tapes on January 11, 2019, 09:56:14 PM
a big fan of CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, one of my all time favs, but i was wondering.. are there other stone cold classics like that one in the genre? what about cannibal ferox, worth watching? generally a fan of the "heart of darkness"-theme, so it doesn't have to be cannibal exploitation per se.. any tips?

Well, I guess you have already watched "Apocalypse Now".
For my money, "Vinyan" is VERY underrated and fits right your bill.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaLclD6Sgg4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaLclD6Sgg4)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on January 12, 2019, 06:59:08 AM
Quote from: brutalist_tapes on January 11, 2019, 09:56:14 PM
a big fan of CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, one of my all time favs, but i was wondering.. are there other stone cold classics like that one in the genre? what about cannibal ferox, worth watching? generally a fan of the "heart of darkness"-theme, so it doesn't have to be cannibal exploitation per se.. any tips?

have you seen this one?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on January 12, 2019, 01:23:13 PM
Quote from: brutalist_tapes on January 11, 2019, 09:56:14 PM
a big fan of CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, one of my all time favs, but i was wondering.. are there other stone cold classics like that one in the genre? what about cannibal ferox, worth watching? generally a fan of the "heart of darkness"-theme, so it doesn't have to be cannibal exploitation per se.. any tips?

i love ferox. probably more than holocaust, on balance

i'd recc Embrace of the Serpent
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: brutalist_tapes on January 12, 2019, 04:00:39 PM
thanks for all your replies, havin' holidays from university now so will be sure to check em out!"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: brutalist_tapes on January 12, 2019, 04:01:39 PM
Quote from: Force Neurotic on January 11, 2019, 10:19:48 PM
Quote from: brutalist_tapes on January 11, 2019, 09:56:14 PM
a big fan of CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, one of my all time favs, but i was wondering.. are there other stone cold classics like that one in the genre? what about cannibal ferox, worth watching? generally a fan of the "heart of darkness"-theme, so it doesn't have to be cannibal exploitation per se.. any tips?

I would recommend the straightforward Nicholas Roeg Heart of Darkness adaptation from 1993, starring Tim Roth and John Malkovich, if you haven't already seen it. Pretty much exactly as I imagined the book when reading it, and Malkovich as Kurtz is great. Nothing super brutal of course but atmospheric as it gets and one of the better book-to-film treatments I've seen, really. "Mistah Kurtz, he dead."
will definitely watch this. thanks!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on January 12, 2019, 05:26:25 PM
Everybody's talking about it here so I gave it a try. It has that "backwards writing" feel, like they used to say to Argento, that he designed the murder scenes and then wrote a script around it, but in this case seems like the fever/wet dreams of a 80's teenager (or the "not lived nostalgia" of the younger) put in a blender with more artistic mannerisms, and the fact that it can stand as something watchable still is remarkable. Even more, it's enjoyable. It embraces nonsense from the get go and I really like that, the psychdelic images and more art cinema pace of the beggining annoyed me at the start but as the cult was introduced it got quite an interesting mood, that was kind of shattered at the end when it goes full octane but I didn't dislike the change so much to be a problem.
Surprinsingly it's all played quite straight faced for the most time, aside Cage horrible jokes (that I think are intentionally bad)... As much straight faced as an acid drenched cameraman can be at least. I haven't seen BtBR yet but I am intrigued now, because Mandy almost feel like a a marriage between (for lack of better terms) high art (experimental cinema) and low art (exploitation, cheap horror movies) where the approach to it's material is inversed - ridicule treated as sublime and seriousness as a b movie prop. It makes you constantly think about other movies (Evil Dead, italians horror...) and rock/metal/rpg imagerie (album/book covers, etc) and I feel that it doesn't just recycle things but take then to some refreshing conclusion, the kind of movie a 80's teenager would make with the repertoire at hand while taking art classes. It's no masterpiece and most of it's qualities are awful ones in another context but I enjoyed a lot. Don't know how it will age but for now it's good.

And I really liked that sequence where Nic rides a quadricycle thru tunnels and then get stucked on the mud. The way it makes no sense at all, and then the epically camera zooms back a little slowly showing a nice and gratuitious passage just made me crack and sums up the directors M.O.

You Were Never Really There
From the same director of the great We Need to Talk About Kevin (and other two movies I have to seek now) this one is almost as good (or perhaps just as good but more subtle). Downbeat and crude but also with a lot of sensibility and heart.
I started watching The House That Jack Built after this one and just had to turn off after 20 minutes of pretentious bs that was made even bigger by the huge contrast between the two movies. YWNRT never explains too much and relies on the viewer intelligence remarkably while THtJB treats you like a moron and at the same time tricks you into felling smart because you "get" what the "genius director" is doing... I'll tackle THtJB later and probably the same way I endured Antichrist: shit faced drunk and as a comedy (tho the comedy aspect does feel more clear in the 20 minutes I watched).
Plus, I do like Matt Dillon occasionally but after watching Joaquin Phoenix acting on YWNRR... He sounded too forced, tacky, annoying and shallow.

Not my favorite from Shyamalan (a director I like a lot) but it is very good. Second part is not as strong as the first perhaps, even with the Unbreakable linking being very interesting. Rock solid to perfect performances and the director builds tension like a motherfucker when he wants to. Like Lynne Ramsay from YWNRT he can tackle heavy subjects with a lot of sensibility and intelligence, and you never feel like he judges or hates his characters, or use them as sock puppets for his own ego (*coff*cofflarsvontrier*coff*coff), even tho Split is a little more heavy handed than Ramsay and even prior movies from Shyamalan.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 13, 2019, 04:41:50 PM
Annihilation [2018] - I wanted to see this when it came to theaters but I missed it. finally caught it on Hulu last night. I hoped it would be good but it was fucking awesome. visually its fucking gorgeous and super detailed. the acting is solid, the writing is a little hit or miss but mostly good. the score jumps between twisted IDMish electronics, drones, vocal fuckery and acoustic guitars. it's fucking great. Reminds me of the score for Blade Runner 2049 mixed with Mick Gordon's score for the video game Prey. I liked the ending too. Honestly I didn't have a complaint by the end and I just wanted to re-watch it immediately to see what I missed.

also there's a part that very much reminds me of something from Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun universe and it was totally fucked up.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on January 14, 2019, 09:44:59 PM
it definitely cribbed from gene wolfe which is not a bad thing

the ending was basically a Tool video

i was into it tho
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 17, 2019, 03:54:51 AM
Blue Underground's 3-disc bd/cd release of MANIAC is an absolute must-own for slasher fans. This is the first time it has ever been seen scanned from the orig. camera negative which had been blown up from 16mm to 35mm originally . It's still an ugly film but there's more detail and the blacks look better than on the dvd (the previous blu-ray is suppose to look horrible). This & BU's release of Fulci's ZOMBIE were two of the very best releases of 2018. This year we should get Fulci's NEW YORK RIPPER and DEAD & BURIED.

Also watched Refn's BLEEDER. I really, really want a proper Blu-ray release of this film no matter what country releases it as long as it has English subs & the orig. Danish soundtrack! I wonder if the use of movie clips in it causes issues? Also, I'd like to know if it's common for people from the Middle East in Denmark to be considered 'black' and 'the n-word'? I'd welcome bd's of the Pusher trilogy, as well.

Future releases in 2019 I'm looking forward to include AUDITION (Arrow); VICE SQUAD (Shout Factory); the two above from BU; ALL THE COLORS OF THE DARK (Severin); RITUALS (Scorpion)... There are others but that's all the comes to mind right now.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on January 17, 2019, 04:42:40 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 17, 2019, 03:54:51 AM
I'd welcome bd's of the Pusher trilogy, as well.

I know of one atleast that has subtitles, Australian release by Accent Films. I have it and it's ok. The transfer isn't amazing and not that much better than the DVD I had previously. A bit bare when it comes to extras too but it cost me less than $10 so I can't complain too much.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 17, 2019, 04:38:50 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 17, 2019, 03:54:51 AM
Blue Underground's 3-disc bd/cd release of MANIAC is an absolute must-own for slasher fans. This is the first time it has ever been seen scanned from the orig. camera negative which had been blown up from 16mm to 35mm originally . It's still an ugly film but there's more detail and the blacks look better than on the dvd (the previous blu-ray is suppose to look horrible). This & BU's release of Fulci's ZOMBIE were two of the very best releases of 2018. This year we should get Fulci's NEW YORK RIPPER and DEAD & BURIED.

I can agree that the previous BluRay version is lacking. and mine has some kind of manufacturing error because it glitches and freezes in the same part on every BluRay player I've watched it on. super fucking annoying. Interested to check out this new edition though not chomping at the bit to buy Maniac for the 3rd time.

Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 17, 2019, 03:54:51 AM
Future releases in 2019 I'm looking forward to include AUDITION (Arrow); VICE SQUAD (Shout Factory); the two above from BU; ALL THE COLORS OF THE DARK (Severin); RITUALS (Scorpion)... There are others but that's all the comes to mind right now.

I've only watch All the Colors of the Dark once and it did blow me away. Martino's Torso is one of my all-time favorite films but his other giallo just don't do it for me the way that one does. A lot of people worship them so I feel like I must be missing something....  happy to see though that this Severin bluray is still available as I thought it was already sold-out but I just checked and they've got copies.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on January 17, 2019, 06:52:26 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 17, 2019, 04:38:50 PM
I've only watch All the Colors of the Dark once and it did blow me away. Martino's Torso is one of my all-time favorite films but his other giallo just don't do it for me the way that one does. A lot of people worship them so I feel like I must be missing something....  happy to see though that this Severin bluray is still available as I thought it was already sold-out but I just checked and they've got copies.

I felt that same about "All the Colors..." when I first saw it, not overly into psychedelic stuff.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on January 17, 2019, 11:33:59 PM
Cold Skin - someone posted this review on IMDB about the movie and it sum up exactly how I feel about it

"I was drawn to see this movie after reading a brief plot synopsis which had a clear Lovecraftian horror theme (et in the 20's an isolated lighthouse attacked by creatures from the sea). And though this wasn't exactly the movie I wanted it to be, I was satisfied with it. Firstly, this movie is extremely well-made and acted. The location is simply wonderful. I would've preferred the sea creatures to be more grotesque but that wasn't what they were aiming for. This film doesn't explain everything which leaves you thinking about it which works well in this case."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on January 18, 2019, 06:01:37 AM
QuoteThis year we should get Fulci's NEW YORK RIPPER

Definitely in the vein of needing any version I can get of this film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: totalblack on January 18, 2019, 12:02:08 PM
For anyone talking about missing Beyond The Black Rainbow I do recommend watching it as it's great. I did really like Mandy, but it was a lot less dark than BTBR - yes it is sci-fi but it's more on Cronenberg side of things
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on January 18, 2019, 03:23:40 PM
Dead Ringers (1988) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094964/) a more "mainstream" (but still awesome) side of 80s Cronenberg with a brilliant performance by Jeremy Irons playing identical twins; deals with issues of psychological autonomy and substance abuse
general impression: fuck, this is great, what the hell was i thinking, why didn't i watch this years ago (like everyone else on this board probably did)

Húsið: Trúnaðarmál (1983) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0179224/) a supernatural mystery / family drama hybrid from Iceland
influences from The Changeling, Rosemary's Baby and nordic drama (Ibsen?) melted into something quite unique
at times a bit too slow, at times genuinely creepy and thrilling without relying on any cinematic bells & whistles, at times deeply touching
+ a pretty efficient punch-in-the-gut ending
all in all, one of the rare examples of a haunted house movie that doesn't suck balls
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on January 18, 2019, 03:40:19 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 13, 2019, 04:41:50 PM
Annihilation [2018] - I wanted to see this when it came to theaters but I missed it. finally caught it on Hulu last night. I hoped it would be good but it was fucking awesome. visually its fucking gorgeous and super detailed. the acting is solid, the writing is a little hit or miss but mostly good. the score jumps between twisted IDMish electronics, drones, vocal fuckery and acoustic guitars. it's fucking great. Reminds me of the score for Blade Runner 2049 mixed with Mick Gordon's score for the video game Prey. I liked the ending too. Honestly I didn't have a complaint by the end and I just wanted to re-watch it immediately to see what I missed.

finally watched this last night on Prime and have to agree with everything stated here. couple of my friends went on and on about the movie when it first came out, but they are the types that every time they see a new movie, its better than the last one they saw so I took their opinions with a grain of salt in regards to Annihilation.

watched The Beingafterwards, 80's creature flick. overall pretty bad, but was still fun. probably wont ever want to watch it again.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on January 18, 2019, 05:08:35 PM
The Captain/ Der Hauptmann ... watched this, rather liked it. Demented characters study of a dark decsent, black comedy moments, based on a true story. Brought to mind the feel of Come and See too but in a good rather than derivative way.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 18, 2019, 05:17:26 PM
Quote from: A-Z on January 18, 2019, 03:23:40 PM
Dead Ringers (1988) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094964/) a more "mainstream" (but still awesome) side of 80s Cronenberg with a brilliant performance by Jeremy Irons playing identical twins; deals with issues of psychological autonomy and substance abuse
general impression: fuck, this is great, what the hell was i thinking, why didn't i watch this years ago (like everyone else on this board probably did)

Hard to pick a favorite Cronenberg film but objectively Dead Ringers is probably the best. Jeremy Irons just kills it and it's just relentlessly negative. I watch Scanners and Videodrome a lot more often but I think Dead Ringers is better than either one.

Last night was Argento's Phenomena. It was my first viewing and I watched the new-ish Synapse bluray which looked really good (though I have no comparison point). It was the direct inspiration for the video games Clock Tower and Clock Tower 2 for the SNES and PSX respectively and it was crazy to see how much those Japanese developers lifted straight from the film, main character included. The movie itself was definitely one of Argento's weirder ones, being closer to Suspiria than anything else, but still pretty different from that. It's a little slow and a lot weird, but the dreamier than usual tone really worked to move things along and keep me interested. Happy I finally got to see it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on January 18, 2019, 06:21:59 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 18, 2019, 05:17:26 PM
Quote from: A-Z on January 18, 2019, 03:23:40 PM
Dead Ringers (1988) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094964/) a more "mainstream" (but still awesome) side of 80s Cronenberg with a brilliant performance by Jeremy Irons playing identical twins; deals with issues of psychological autonomy and substance abuse
general impression: fuck, this is great, what the hell was i thinking, why didn't i watch this years ago (like everyone else on this board probably did)

Hard to pick a favorite Cronenberg film but objectively Dead Ringers is probably the best. Jeremy Irons just kills it and it's just relentlessly negative. I watch Scanners and Videodrome a lot more often but I think Dead Ringers is better than either one.

well, i totally see your point, but on the other hand Cronenberg's output is so diverse (nevertheless remaining consistently cronenbergian) it's hard for me to compare some of his works in terms of "better" or "worse"
Videodrome, Dead Ringers, A History of Violence are all great, imo, but too different to place on a single rating scale
personal preferences are, of course, always valid at a personal level, not trying to debate that
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on January 18, 2019, 11:29:48 PM
QuoteHard to pick a favorite Cronenberg film but objectively Dead Ringers is probably the best.

If I had to pick two Cronenberg films it would definitely be SHIVERS and DEAD RINGERS.  Jeremy Irons will always be my favourite actor.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on January 18, 2019, 11:32:08 PM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on January 18, 2019, 11:29:48 PM
QuoteHard to pick a favorite Cronenberg film but objectively Dead Ringers is probably the best.

If I had to pick two Cronenberg films it would definitely be SHIVERS and DEAD RINGERS.  Jeremy Irons will always be my favourite actor.

Simon Gruber
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on January 19, 2019, 01:22:22 AM
hasn't been a good cronenberg movie in 20 years imo

he has mild argento/carpenter syndrome
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on January 19, 2019, 03:59:11 AM
No way, man. "A History Of Violence" is maybe his greatest and "Eastern Promises" and "A Dangerous Method" are both better than most directors can dream of nowadays IMHO. he's not the nasty ol' gory Cronemberg of yore but I don't think that's bad, just different. Haven't seen "Cosmopolis" and "Map To The Stars" yet because I am a dumbass.
Really have to see "Dead Ringers" again because I've seen it too young...

I disagree with Carpenter too even if "The Ward" is pretty damn meh because it may not be a movie per se, but "Cigarette Burns" from Masters of Horror is a masterpiece.


Maybe this one won't have a lot of fans over here (hehe) but I thought it was great on a lot of levels, fun and intelligent, poignant and snappy, heavy handed sometimes with the social/political/racial stuff but it's a Spike Lee joint so it's not like I wasn't expecting that.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on January 19, 2019, 06:02:06 AM
"Maps To The Stars" is top notch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on January 19, 2019, 05:14:49 PM
Cronenberg has had a pretty fucking good run. Love the grittiness of the early works and of course the major efforts from the 80s are all legendary. Recent works are good, too - I enjoyed Maps to the Stars. The only one that hasn't really done it for me was The Dead Zone, which hardly even feels like a Stephen King novel, let alone a Cronenberg film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on January 19, 2019, 07:42:05 PM
Cronemberg "CAMERA" is great, one of the best shorts I've ever watched.
I don't know if you people have seen it:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC7YsHWoX5A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC7YsHWoX5A)

And another, "The Nest" I think it's ok, it gave hope to some people that he would return to body horror but it was not the case:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odFh5LbTPI4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odFh5LbTPI4)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 19, 2019, 08:36:40 PM
I watch The Dead Zone when I come across it on cable but I never remember that DC directed it. Dead Ringers I'm pretty sure I haven't seen since vhs. I've been wanting to watch The Brood again so may do that tonight. Wouldn't mind seeing Crash again. I'm surprised there isn't a special edition Blu yet.

Last night was Paul Naschy in Count Dracula's Great Love. Second time I've seen it but this time I watched it in Spanish. It's a good one; if you're a PN fan (or a fan of Spanish horror), definitely check out the Vinegar Syndrome release.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on January 19, 2019, 11:01:10 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 19, 2019, 08:36:40 PMWouldn't mind seeing Crash again. I'm surprised there isn't a special edition Blu yet.

recently had the great luck to see this on a LaserDisc and in a theater within a month of each other. an amazing adaptation on the novel and incredibly well shot with massive attention to detail. really underrated imho & in desperate need of a Blu.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on January 20, 2019, 01:00:08 AM
history of violence is fine but compared to the early work it's uninteresting
eastern promises is rote and dull except for the scene with mortensen's dick
dangerous method is one of the worst movies i've ever seen
cosmopolis is boring
haven't seen maps to the stars and it doesn't look like that's gonna change
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on January 20, 2019, 09:17:23 PM
Well, to each it's own.

Man, what a long series of teasings and unsatisfatory results... Good acting aside it feels so middle of the road, never going too much in the same direction to deliver the goods. The scenarios to me felt too indie cute for the movie to have atmosphere, almost like a Wes Anderson horror movie sometimes (I am exaggerating here, I know). SPOILER I GUESS: The headless spiderman floating doll whatever ending with the James Bond villain explanation really didn't do it for me, even if I am a sucker for satanic bs.
It was kind of entertaining but also so underwhelming on the whole.

Toni Erdmann
What a lovely weird endearing movie. It embraces ankwardness and vagueness beautifully. It's funny in a nervous way, it's subtle and strange and then kind of nonsense but not surreal. Very dramatic moments that are not forced at all, the movie goes along wandering pointlessly feeling alive and poignant, kind of boring cool perhaps but also full of heart. Idk, if I had to describe the cinematic experience and posterior feeling it left me, it's like someone threw the baby from Eraserhead on my lap and it smiled to me. Idk, great movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on January 20, 2019, 09:29:31 PM
we might disagree on cronenberg but agreed fully on toni erdmann. spectacular movie.

valeska grisebach, who co-wrote toni erdmann, made a movie in 2017 called Western which was one of the best things i saw that year. highly recc that one too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 21, 2019, 04:27:07 PM
so I liked Argento's Phenomena so much I watched it the following night again. This was under better circumstances, ie everyone around me wasn't talking through it. It's definitely batshit bonkers but it's just ridiculously enjoyable.

Saturday was Emilio Miriglia's The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave which was disappointing. While I really enjoyed the director's subsequent The Red Queen Kills Seven Times this one was a trudge. It's starts off promising with almost immediate nudity and rough sex but then skimps on the gore for basically the whole film. The story is so absurd and the twists are are so unclear at times I had some trouble following it. A lot of attractive women, big titties and cleavage and all of that, plus some killer interior shots, so it's not a total waste. But I wont' be coming back to it anytime soon.

and last night I re-watched the live-action Ghost in the Shell by Rupert Sanders. I saw this one in theaters and wanted to like it so I forgave a lot of the dialogue and the themes generally "origin story" style. watching it more objectively now I felt pretty damn disappointed. the dialogue is almost physically painful, with constants references to ghosts, shells, and souls. The whole story arc felt like a US comic book origin movie. I can't stand Juliette Binoche so automatic negative marks there. It's just fucking dumb. But being a dumb action movie, there's still some pretty good action sequences and there's a nice consistent design to the world that somewhat successfully mixes the gritty with the hi-gloss, hi-tech.

but the best thing of the weekend was watching the first two episodes of season 3 of True Detective. really loved both episodes and I'm totally onboard for this season. I'm pretty hopeful they wont shit the bed.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: rocksoff on January 22, 2019, 07:13:08 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 18, 2019, 05:17:26 PM
Last night was Argento's Phenomena. It was my first viewing and I watched the new-ish Synapse bluray which looked really good (though I have no comparison point). It was the direct inspiration for the video games Clock Tower and Clock Tower 2 for the SNES and PSX respectively and it was crazy to see how much those Japanese developers lifted straight from the film, main character included. The movie itself was definitely one of Argento's weirder ones, being closer to Suspiria than anything else, but still pretty different from that. It's a little slow and a lot weird, but the dreamier than usual tone really worked to move things along and keep me interested. Happy I finally got to see it.
Ha, I recently revisited Phenomena after playing those Clock Tower games for the first time. I decided to go with the Italian audio since some of the dialogue/acting for that one is painful even by Italian horror standards, but definitely a fun watch. I even checked out the Creepers cut later which is a strange viewing experience. Scenes are truncated so heavily that it feels like you're watching a "Last time on ... " TV show montage.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on January 24, 2019, 06:48:41 PM
Humanoids from the Deep- alright early 80's Sci-Fi/horror movie. the monsters were decent, the kills were gory and some decent 80's nudity - it's on Prime
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on January 29, 2019, 07:16:00 AM
The Night Comes for Us
Been recommended this many times recently, didn't disappoint. Hyper violent and lots of gore and fast paced.

Blood Diner
Goofy 80's horror about some serial killer guys and an ancient goddess of some sort who has a giant toothed vagina in her stomach. Does the trick if you want to switch your mind off.

More 80's horror, but sits firmly on a few shelves above Blood Diner mentioned above. Good.

Seen this a handful of times before so nothing new discovered here. Nasty, sleazy, mean spirited modern horror - but a fun watch rather than pointless sadism or boring fake snuff. Ryan Nicholson's best from what I've seen.

Wolf Creek series S2
Watched the entire season beating the 40 degree heat outside. If you've seen the movies - you know what to expect. Thought this was better than the second film but not as bleak as the first film or first season of the series. Some silly story turns and annoying characters (the utterly useless German tourists) but enjoyable regardless.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on February 01, 2019, 06:13:13 PM
stuck in a blizzard for almost 3 days with sub-zero temperatures

The Thing- come on, this is the exact movie you should be watching when those are the weather conditions you're dealing with

From Dusk till Dawn- love that Cheech Marin plays 3 different characters. over the top kills, great special effects and the vampires are pretty cool looking, not enough Salma Hayek

Fist of the North Star- not super into anime/manga, but this is one that I like. post apocalyptic violence is always good

The Burbs- just a classic
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on February 06, 2019, 12:11:10 PM
In the last week or so...been getting through a few to possibly sell off and clear some shelf space

Revenge of the Creature
Sequel to Creature From The Black Lagoon, which is my favourite Universal Monsters flick. Of course not as good as the first, but still great in my eyes.

Mountaintop Motel Massacre
80's slasher fare, but a slightly more original concept. Not bad, but far from great.


More Ryan Nicholson nastiness. Felt like an incomplete movie. Shame as the concept was ok and it seemed more serious than his others I've seen.

Video Violence 1 & 2
I love a good SOV as much as the next masochist but these fell flat on the arse in both instances. Far too slow, minimal gore, and not very imaginative. Sold the DVD immediately after.

Shit slasher, only redeeming feature was the killer's mask. Can't understand the hype on this at all. Another immediately into the sale pile.

True Grit
Coen brothers, and it's a western that gets pretty violent in places. Not bad. Had a certain light-heartedness that I could've done without.

Always a winner.

Going to binge on some actual good stuff this weekend if the temps are too high.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: deutscheasphalt on February 06, 2019, 06:14:45 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 21, 2019, 04:27:07 PM
but the best thing of the weekend was watching the first two episodes of season 3 of True Detective. really loved both episodes and I'm totally onboard for this season. I'm pretty hopeful they wont shit the bed.

Might be biased here but after watching the first few episode it seems like they were desperately trying to recreate the first season. A lot of similar ideas but not executed as well. It's very hard to follow up on a season with that much substance in characters and philosophy. That's why I enjoyed the second season for being entirely different. With that said I would advise anyone to watch the seasons in anti-chronological order.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 07, 2019, 11:55:26 PM
The Collection, which, kind of looks like where City Hunter gets their slasher art ideas from, maybe? Has some decent scenes of gore. I wouldn't want to own it. Caught it on a cable channel. The climax turns into an action movie & there's a rather nasty arm-breaking scene.

Scorpion Releasing's new Blu release of Rituals is worth the upgrade from dvd. The color correction looks nice & as multiple prints rather than the OCN were used, you get speckling & damage lines, which, I like seeing every now & then.  Rituals is a damn good, obscure Canadian backwoods horror flick. Great location, some decent cheap gore. Makes a great double-feature with Just Before Dawn.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on February 08, 2019, 07:00:04 PM
Beyond The Black Rainbow
It looks and sounds great..... but it didn't grab me in any way. The first 70 minutes or so are a trippy fever dream with hazy visuals and not much dialogue. Very slow. In the last half an hour it gets more coherent and faster paced but it all leaves me unmoved. On paper it all seems like a movie I would like but no. Good to watch for the visuals in the first half but I don't find anything interesting enough to warrant a second viewing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 09, 2019, 03:08:14 AM
10 to Midnight (1979).

A mean Charles Bronson in dark cop film. Well-crafted psycho killer feast recently re-issued to bluray by Shout Factory. Get it. Actor Gene Davis who played DaVinci in Cruising (1980) is on par with Patrick Bateman level charisma, mania and twisted sense of detail. Enjoyed this production immensly, one of Bronson's better. Nothing more to add.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 09, 2019, 05:23:53 AM
Quote from: online prowler on February 09, 2019, 03:08:14 AM
10 to Midnight (1979).

I watched that last night & I'm pretty sure I saw it in the theater. It's from 1983, not 1979. I think it's more interesting than the Death Wish films (watched 3 & 4 not too long ago). I wonder if there's any footage cut out of 10 to Midnight? Never read anything about it so probably not but it seems ripe for it. J. Lee Thompson certainly could deliver the goods with mainstream exploitation. Check out his film starring C. Bronson, The White Buffalo. Fucking nuts!

Watching Bloodlust aka Mosquito the Rapist right now...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 09, 2019, 12:53:34 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 09, 2019, 05:23:53 AM
Quote from: online prowler on February 09, 2019, 03:08:14 AM
10 to Midnight (1979).

I watched that last night & I'm pretty sure I saw it in the theater. It's from 1983, not 1979. I think it's more interesting than the Death Wish films (watched 3 & 4 not too long ago). I wonder if there's any footage cut out of 10 to Midnight? Never read anything about it so probably not but it seems ripe for it. J. Lee Thompson certainly could deliver the goods with mainstream exploitation. Check out his film starring C. Bronson, The White Buffalo. Fucking nuts!

Watching Bloodlust aka Mosquito the Rapist right now...

Thanks for the film recommendation. Haven't seen The White Buffalo or Bloodlust for that matter before. Will check those out. Trailers looks promising. J. Lee Thompson directed a strain of action classics during his career - many with Bronson. 10 to Midnight was in my opinion executed suberbly, especially the park scene. Thanks for clarification of production year. I only got a copy online of it.

New Gaspar Noé on Arrow over the weekend. Need a copy of it asap!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 09, 2019, 01:39:42 PM

The Burbs is pure classic!! Total support.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on February 09, 2019, 08:27:49 PM
Quote from: online prowler on February 09, 2019, 01:39:42 PM

The Burbs is pure classic!! Total support.

Hah, yes. Normally not a big fan of Tom Hanks, but this one I like as well. (if that's the one you are talking about. Had to look for it on Google, because the title I know is totally different in translation)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 09, 2019, 10:42:54 PM
Quote from: cr on February 09, 2019, 08:27:49 PM
Quote from: online prowler on February 09, 2019, 01:39:42 PM

The Burbs is pure classic!! Total support.

Hah, yes. Normally not a big fan of Tom Hanks, but this one I like as well. (if that's the one you are talking about. Had to look for it on Google, because the title I know is totally different in translation)

Aye! Joe Dante film w Hanks! Never get tired of that one. Of course actor Corey Feldman is a great plus as well.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 11, 2019, 04:40:00 PM
been in a Japanese film mood for the last few weeks.

Last Monday was Rubber's Lover by Shozin Fukui (1996). First time viewing. I was expecting it to be a bit more balls to the wall, but maybe my balls have become unflappable? Visually it's very enjoyable. The extreme overacting gets a little tedious at times but explosions of violence and sexual violence contrasted against the slow moving bits work effectively. I really dug the primary abandoned factory/laboratory set too. the freight elevator was practically its own character. I think I'll dig this one more on subsequent viewing, now that I'm past my original expectations.

Friday was Evil Dead Trap by Toshiharu Ikeda (1988), another first time viewing. I can't tell anymore if I have no standards and/or my brain has regressed to its most primitive, reptilian state but I though this was a lot of fun. Not quite as gruesome as I expected but still has some cringe inducing violence. specifically when a girl grabs a the serrated side of a huge combat knife and the killer rips it out of her hand. story is a late night TV host gets sent a snuff tape, and of course she goes with her film crew to find the killer in an abandoned industrial/military complex. But the plot thickens and gets real goofy. if you like '80s horror, you could do a lot worse.

Saturday, I tried to watch Ichi the Killer (2001) with my girlfriend but she tapped out after the tongue cutting scene so we switched it to Audition (1999). She'd never seen either so it was fun to watch her squirm at the end of Audition. The last time I watched it I was so tired from work I fell asleep 10 minutes in. It was nice to sit and watch it from beginning to end. It still holds up as one of Miike's best.

Sunday I watched Ichi the Killer by myself. Each viewing I feel differently about the film. In highschool I just loved the extremity. In college I bemoaned its digital effects. Now I guess its easier to appreciate its unflinching hyperviolence, dare you to watch torture sequences and charismatic performances by Tadanobu Asano, Shinya Tsukamoto and pretty much everyone else.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on February 11, 2019, 05:05:27 PM
Alien, 2003 director's cut 35mm print.

Amazing to see on the big screen. Beautiful print.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 16, 2019, 03:52:35 AM
The Wailing and Beyond the Darkness

The S.Korean film with possession-occult themes is kinda nuts but is a bit too long but I'm not sure where it should be cut. The ending doesn't explain much but I didn't expect it to being Asian n' all. Definitely worth seeing; the part with ritual drums/chanting/screaming made me feel a little nervous for a short spell so that's good.

D'Amato's necro film was watched Valentine's night but I wasn't aware of the day so it worked out anyway.

Has anyone seen the Japanese film, Vengeance is Mine? Criterion released. I thought I had seen it but the trailer doesn't look familiar at all. It's based on a true story
about a serial killer.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 16, 2019, 07:38:26 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 16, 2019, 03:52:35 AM
Has anyone seen the Japanese film, Vengeance is Mine? Criterion released. I thought I had seen it but the trailer doesn't look familiar at all. It's based on a true story
about a serial killer.

I have the Criterion DVD. I love that film, easily my favorite from Shohei Imamura. It's a little slow at times but Ken Ogata who plays the main character is fucking fantastic. it's got some cruel and fucked up moments that are real good, but it's also just a good film on the whole.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on February 16, 2019, 10:30:25 AM
Beyond the Darkness is probably the best film D'Amato ever made.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 16, 2019, 09:40:11 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 16, 2019, 03:52:35 AM
Has anyone seen the Japanese film, Vengeance is Mine? Criterion released. I thought I had seen it but the trailer doesn't look familiar at all. It's based on a true story
about a serial killer.

I have the Master of Cinema edition. If you haven't seen the feature I highly recommend it. It is not a gore fest, but a well-developed true crime glider where the violence is hinted, but also fleshed out w explosion. Proper deep-dive acting by Ogata. Criterion transfer should be flawless.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on February 18, 2019, 07:40:37 AM
Leif Jonker's gory vampire flick. Very enjoyable slice of 90's underground horror nostalgia. Hope this one gets a decent Blu Ray.

Started re-watching Buttgereit's stuff in chronological order. Don't really need to say much about this here. Should be seen atleast once by everyone though.

Slime City
Sloppy splatter film, and pretty good too. Effects are equally corny and gruesome, lots of spurting goo and dismemberments. Like a budget Street Trash set in a greasy NYC apartment block.

Flower of Flesh and Blood
Great film and best of the series. Recommended.

Very average film imo, if you're new to D'amato - then Beyond the Darkness is much better. Really, really slow moving and a few cool scenes at the end with George Eastman lurking around and then having a munch on intestines which his co-stars stare on very unconvincingly. The cover art is just a giant spoiler I guess. Best part of the film.

America 3000
Post nuke shitfest from Cannon Films. Ugly chicks, lots of mullets and some dickhead in a Yeti costume. Had no idea what the fuck was happening for the most part.

Caught some mainstream stuff too, Colors, The Bleeder, Escape from Alcatraz..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on February 22, 2019, 02:26:37 AM
Mermaid Legend (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0174918/)

should be a pretty well known flick, but since I'm generally not a fan of asian cinema it was quite a surprise
a japanese noir revenge thing with supernatural undertones
mostly contemplative and atmosphere-focused
but when the violent sequences break out, they are absolutely exquisite, and their sparsity serves to make them even more efficient
the final standoff is nothing short of iconic
quality filmmaking, two thumbs up!

i remember having watched Evil Dead Trap by the same director some 20 years ago, but it left no lasting impression
maybe revisiting it soon would be a good idea
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Acne on February 24, 2019, 06:48:51 PM

Saw it yesterday for the first time ever. What an awesome complex flick, never expected the awesome characters and acting. The sound editing movie is SO perfect, the birds chirping/forest sounds build so much suspense and that simple little banjo diddly as the main score fucking rips - whole movie is so slightly creepy/thrilling in a totally unique way. The Appalachian aesthetic/setting is so sick, anyone have  suggestions of other movies that take place in deep Appalachia?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: monster ripper on February 25, 2019, 04:09:43 PM
Quote from: Acne on February 24, 2019, 06:48:51 PM

Saw it yesterday for the first time ever. What an awesome complex flick, never expected the awesome characters and acting. The sound editing movie is SO perfect, the birds chirping/forest sounds build so much suspense and that simple little banjo diddly as the main score fucking rips - whole movie is so slightly creepy/thrilling in a totally unique way. The Appalachian aesthetic/setting is so sick, anyone have  suggestions of other movies that take place in deep Appalachia?

Just Before Dawn.  There's a couple different versions out there, hopefully Keith can fill us in one which is the best/most complete available?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 26, 2019, 12:39:58 AM
The Just Before DawnBlu-ray & dvd's from Code Red (& oop Shriek Show dvd) are uncut. I just read there will be a new release that features some clean-up on an extended cut but there's no extra gore or anything interesting.

Should have All the Colors of the Dark tomorrow & have received Audition (Arrow) along with Sudden Fury (Vinegar Syndrome) but haven't taken a look at them yet. I'm psyched to watch ATCOTD this week!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on February 27, 2019, 12:47:23 AM
Scars of Dracula
Hammer. Lee is Dracula. Hard to not like this.

Blood Rage
Surprisingly violent slasher that sits above average. Arrow blu ray is quite good.

The Astro-Zombies
Nonsense for the most part, saved only by Tura Satana.

Nice blu ray from 88 Films. Really enjoyed this one.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 27, 2019, 04:19:33 PM
last night was Cronenberg's Shivers, which still holds up quite well. It's a little on the slow side for the first half but once people start getting infected left and right it's real nice. especially a sequence where the main character sees one bizarre sexual pairing after another. as my friend put it, it's live traveling the distant corners of PornHub in person.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on February 27, 2019, 09:33:06 PM
watched Lords of Chaos yesterday

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Duncan on February 28, 2019, 01:10:33 AM
Quote from: aububs on February 27, 2019, 09:33:06 PM
watched Lords of Chaos yesterday

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 28, 2019, 02:34:53 AM
Quote from: FallOfNature on February 27, 2019, 12:47:23 AM
Scars of Dracula
Hammer. Lee is Dracula. Hard to not like this.

Blood Rage
Surprisingly violent slasher that sits above average. Arrow blu ray is quite good.

The Astro-Zombies
Nonsense for the most part, saved only by Tura Satana.

Nice blu ray from 88 Films. Really enjoyed this one.

Evilspeak is pure classic in my book. Still holds up today and the lead Clint Howard shines at times magnetic. Blood Rage I recall as good as well, but haven't seen it in ages so maybe I should beef up to that Arrow reissue?

Speaking of the happy '80s and type B-movies (I say this in all positive sense as a fan), I managed to krank in a couple of films that I would wholeheartedly recommend to buffs of said age and film frame. Recently caught Eliminators from 1986 directed by the Peter Manoogian. I faintly recall seeing this on vhs pre-internet days, while the next was a newcomer to me. This suit was the 1984 flick Dragonmaster aka Rage War - an anthology sort film with linear narrative which also feasture Manoogian behind the camera. Both totally blew my top lid c-l-e-a-n off. Killer films! Both films are restored recently and should be easy to stalk up. Also caught two other films by the director: Arena anno 1989 and Enemy Territory from 1987. Nothing to write home to your grandmother about these ones, but worth as time kill. One novelity is that the main villain in the latter film is a skinny version of the psycho in Candyman. Cannot for the life of me recall his name, maybe some one here can help me out? And yea... If you are into zombie films and Japan weirdness take a gauck at One cut of the dead. Enjoyed that immensly. Interesting and entertaining twist to the genre. Is all I will say re that card.  

Re the Chaos black metal film all I can say is avoid avoid. Haven't and will not see it. Trailer looks abosolutly shite, harrowing in-bred US Hollywood piss.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 28, 2019, 03:29:37 AM
Evilspeak is a fucking blast! I love the decapitation-by-sword in the climax with the loud 'woosh' sound effect. The pigs are awesome, as well.

Blood Rage and The Mutilator are must-own's for fans of terrible, gory slashers.

Argento's Opera 3-disc on Scorpion will soon be available via Roninflix but it's pricey at $49.99. There is a single disc bd but it had minor issues that were fixed for the sp.ed. Deep Discount has the cheaper option (or did).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on March 04, 2019, 04:24:42 PM
Parasite- Demi Moore first film. shitty b science fiction horror film. nothing special

Contamination- another b science fiction horror film. this one wasn't too bad, the effects were pretty cool with some decent gore

Summer Of 84- been meaning to watch this one for a while now. pretty decent. story moves at a pretty good pace, ending wasn't expected which was good since it wasn't a typical ending
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on March 04, 2019, 05:19:02 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 28, 2019, 03:29:37 AM
Evilspeak is a fucking blast! I love the decapitation-by-sword in the climax with the loud 'woosh' sound effect. The pigs are awesome, as well.

Oh, yeah the pigs. Plus all the the whole retro computer satanism mumbo jumbo and none the less a very young Clint Howard makes this one pretty special.

ZOMBIO 2 - Sequel to the first zombie movie made in Brazil, trash horror cinema SOV with incredible and not really aiming to be realistic gore effects, but all the more effective and creative because of it. Nudity, sex, violence and stupidity by Petter Baiestorf. Can be seen entirely and subtitled in english on his Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/225099168 (https://vimeo.com/225099168)

BIRDEMIC - Useless crap. I just don't like how it feels to me it was made to be consumed by people who like to feel superior to "bad movies", to me it seems clearly intentional and calculated that spoils any fun that you can get from watching real a "so bad it's good" movie.

LORDS OF CHAOS - Sorry guys but I had lots of fun with it, the death scenes are really good in execution/context and the churches burning get almost celebratory (in contrast to the deaths), all the nerdy headbanger details are very nice and I am ok with it's choices of how to handle the story and don't really care if this doesn't show everything exactly how it happened, for what it is is quite good, surprised me a lot and it always bring a smile to my face any Varg trolling. Keep repeating to yourself... It's only a movie... it's onl ya movie...

PIG - Good short by Nico B and co-directed (and acted/with music from) the great Rozz Williams. Kinda Begottenish and heavy handed on the images/symbols and how it deals with it but the sinister overal feeling and collage/cut up atmosphere is very nice.

WITHIN THE WOODS - I don't really know why it took me decades to watch the short that preceeded my favorite movie ever. The youtube image is horrible (and it seems like there's nothing much better available?) but for people that love Evil Dead there is plenty of interesting things. By itself it is fine but I can't really detach it from it's context.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on March 15, 2019, 03:31:18 AM
OVERLORD - Well, it was ok I guess, not bad not great action horror in WWII.

ELLE - Ooooooooooh sheeeeeeeeeeeit... This one is great. Masterpiece great, jam packed with charming whatafuckery, every 30 minutes I had to look at the duration because it felt like a whole 2 hour movied passed thru the screen but Verhoeven is such a master that it never feels rushed or a chore, it's easy to follow and at the same time it seems like I knew nothing and everything could happen but then when it happens it feels just right even if it's very wrong, I don't know... Mind bending without having anything fantastic (as in fantasy/scifi/horror...), done with such a craft and the performances are wonderful, Isabelle Huppert is beyond this realm. I really have to catch up with Verhoeven career prior Flesh + Blood and post Starship Troopers, he is one of the greats.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 15, 2019, 05:49:05 PM
Blue Velvet - after finding out my friend who I watch 90% of my movies with had never seen this, we had to rectify the situation immediately. it remains one of my favorites, partially because I saw it pretty young and it made a big impression. Laura Dern is such an incredible babe too. it was oddly fitting than my friend's newborn son was in the room, crying for about half of the movie. felt like it somehow made it sleazier...

he's never seen Cronenberg's Dead Ringers either, so that's coming up soon.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on March 16, 2019, 05:23:01 PM
Every once a year it's time for the Pusher trilogy again. Still not bored. Like all three.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on March 16, 2019, 05:32:19 PM
ELEPHANT - In the light of a recent school shooting down here and the killings in New Zeland I finally watched this one and liked it a lot. It's a simple idea at surface executed with style and empathy, Gus Van Sant is one of the best contemporary film makers in my opinion, at least when he goes more "artsy", and that's what he does here. He has his style that may put down some but I am really into it, I think he portrays the youth greatly, not just realistically and/or stylish, but somewhere in the middle like showing the memory of what has happened instead of the "truth" (for lack of a better word) of it. Slow motions and long takes and spiral "storytelling", wonderful movie.

EYES WITHOUT A FACE - I have to start getting to the shameful holes in my cinephilia and this one was just becoming ridiculous, I just lusted for it for so long but then end up watching "Overlord" and other ok/whatever movies instead. So I finally got to it and of course it didn't lived fully to what I was expecting but that says more about my own expectations than the movie itself. The beginning is great, the movie is stylish as hell and the problem to me was that the middle kind of dragged a little, midway art movie and horror film (but also a reflection of it's time period I guess, and today), but the end is spetacular, truly haunting and poetic in a very particular way. I suppose that watching this one in 1960 (or even some time later) would be a lifechanging cinema experience in a lot of ways, when you were not burdened by all the influence it had on the films that came after. It is still a gem, and when it is good it is great and I can see myself watching it again for sure.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on March 16, 2019, 06:13:22 PM
The Territory (1981) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083183/)
two families get lost on a hiking trip, gradually lose their shit, yield to the dark forces of the psyche
a low key psychological thriller with loads of super-dark straightfaced humor, disturbing and hilarious at the same time

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 16, 2019, 06:51:36 PM
Blue Velvet will be getting the Criterion treatment soon.

I've got Orgies of Edo, Audition, Stone Cold Dead, & Antropophagus waiting in a pile for viewing. SCD is about a sniper murdering prostitutes then sending photos to the police. The trailer looks good & I'll probably check it out tonight.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on March 17, 2019, 05:04:27 AM
Watched The Favourite tonight and fuck, I don't usually hit up the current crop of Oscar favs but this one friggin' ripped so hard. Super weird, super funny, super out there and everything hit just right - acting (Emma Stone was amazing!), costumes, cinematography, music.... what an oddball movie!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on March 17, 2019, 05:06:21 AM
Quote from: EXU on March 16, 2019, 05:32:19 PM
ELEPHANT - In the light of a recent school shooting down here and the killings in New Zeland I finally watched this one and liked it a lot. It's a simple idea at surface executed with style and empathy, Gus Van Sant is one of the best contemporary film makers in my opinion, at least when he goes more "artsy", and that's what he does here.

I hated Elephant and Van Sant's body of work. My Own Private Idaho maybe gets a pass.

Nocturnal Animals (dir. Tom Ford, 2016)
    Surprisingly good story-within-a-story (a bleak and violent one wrapped in an empty and sad one) with great performances by Jake Gyllenhaal and Amy Adams, and one of Michael Shannon's best roles. Dunno if I'd watch again, but I was pretty impressed with how dark and committed all the acting was.

Detachment (dir. Tony Kaye, 2011)
    This could have been like "the mild-mannered type's Taxi Driver," but Kaye's direction approach ruined everything - arty interludes, breaking the fourth wall, pointlessly brief scenes, all that stupid shit. If you edit down performances by Bryan Cranston to two lines and edit out literally all of William Petersen's dialogue, you're an idiot. Decent enough performances by Adrian Brody and Sami Gayle, but still pretty much a dud.

The Founder (dir. John Hancock, 2016)
    Weirdly charming despite it's blandness, sort of like the fast food empire the film is about. Michael Keaton plays the investor who wrested the McDonald's name away from its founders. I don't really know what to say about this film but that it was funny and sort of mesmerising. Laura Dern, however, deserves much bigger roles than afforded here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 17, 2019, 05:25:46 PM
Quote from: Force Neurotic on March 17, 2019, 05:06:21 AM
Quote from: EXU on March 16, 2019, 05:32:19 PM
ELEPHANT - In the light of a recent school shooting down here and the killings in New Zeland I finally watched this one and liked it a lot. It's a simple idea at surface executed with style and empathy, Gus Van Sant is one of the best contemporary film makers in my opinion, at least when he goes more "artsy", and that's what he does here.

I hated Elephant and Van Sant's body of work. My Own Private Idaho maybe gets a pass.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on March 17, 2019, 06:46:47 PM
Come on people, Good Will Hunting is a wonderful film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on March 18, 2019, 06:15:27 AM
Quote from: Force Neurotic on March 17, 2019, 05:06:21 AM

I hated Elephant and Van Sant's body of work. My Own Private Idaho maybe gets a pass.

Yeah, that happens a lot and I am not one to argue with that at all. Have you seen "Drugstore Cowboy" tho? You may like it better than the rest.

A SCANNER DARKLY - I found it good but it seems like I should like it more, must say I am not a fan of the rotoscoping style after 15 minutes of it or so even if it suits the material nicely. Anyway, it's an intriguing mix of black comedy, stoner movie, sci fi psychdelics and cartoon (the acting is very "Bugs Bunny esque" or something).

THE ROAD - I like Hillcoat "The Proposition" a lot, "Triple 9" is good if somehow clunky and haven't seen his other stuff yet. "The Road" is another great movie and everyone must have already seen it by now I guess. Very realistic depiction of what post apocalypse should become (as far as I can especulate), it starts bleak as fuck, gets very tense and works it's way under your skin so that it's optimism (or glimpse at that) doesn't feel too heavy handed in the end. I am a loser so I haven't read the book yet and I kinda regret it but at the same time I am very curious as to how the subtle (and oh so meaningful) details in the movie get treated. The sparse cast is all around top notch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on March 18, 2019, 03:35:33 PM
Puppet Master - The Littlest Reich- fun movie with some pretty good gore and kills
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on March 18, 2019, 03:58:43 PM
Quote from: EXU on March 18, 2019, 06:15:27 AM
Quote from: Force Neurotic on March 17, 2019, 05:06:21 AM

I hated Elephant and Van Sant's body of work. My Own Private Idaho maybe gets a pass.

Yeah, that happens a lot and I am not one to argue with that at all. Have you seen "Drugstore Cowboy" tho? You may like it better than the rest.

A SCANNER DARKLY - I found it good but it seems like I should like it more, must say I am not a fan of the rotoscoping style after 15 minutes of it or so even if it suits the material nicely. Anyway, it's an intriguing mix of black comedy, stoner movie, sci fi psychdelics and cartoon (the acting is very "Bugs Bunny esque" or something).

Actually, I've never seen it, spoke too soon! Forgot about that one, and will check it out - liked Matt Dillon in Factotum so good starting point. Thanks for the reminder.

Agree on Scanner, it's almost like that film is more personally important to me than it is actually great, although looking back I can't imagine any other treatment pulled off, either. I had a friend pretty much exactly like RDJ's character, but who hasn't? One of the few films whose DVD commentary is worth watching - Reeves has some interesting comments about Ryder's performance and her absence from the commentary.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on March 18, 2019, 05:05:45 PM
Quote from: EXU on March 18, 2019, 06:15:27 AM
THE ROAD - I like Hillcoat "The Proposition" a lot, "Triple 9" is good if somehow clunky and haven't seen his other stuff yet. "The Road" is another great movie and everyone must have already seen it by now I guess. Very realistic depiction of what post apocalypse should become (as far as I can especulate), it starts bleak as fuck, gets very tense and works it's way under your skin so that it's optimism (or glimpse at that) doesn't feel too heavy handed in the end. I am a loser so I haven't read the book yet and I kinda regret it but at the same time I am very curious as to how the subtle (and oh so meaningful) details in the movie get treated. The sparse cast is all around top notch.

For me this is another case where the book is vastly superior to the film. Unlike No Country for Old Men where the book and film are pretty much on the same level.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on March 23, 2019, 02:22:06 PM
Noroi (2005) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0930083/)
a found footage j-horror dealing with black magic and demonic possession, kind of like Hereditary if it was a mockumentary instead of a family drama
a journalist investigates some paranormal events involving people with psychic abilities, things get progressively more sinister as he goes deeper down the rabbit hole
found footage is usually crap and j-horror is usually crap
this one turned out to be very good despite being both at the same time
main reasons why it works
- reliance on slowly building up the atmosphere of dread through subtle details; most of the time it's just people behaving weird, legit supernatural stuff is very limited; little jump scares and no stupid SPOOKY GHOSTS
- a normal sceptic guy actively trying to solve a mystery, gathering & analyzing clues etc., which makes the story feel more 'real' and more exciting due to the twists and turns in the investigation
- goes out with a bang in super dark final sequences

all in all, a very pleasant surprise

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Acne on March 23, 2019, 05:26:37 PM
Quote from: A-Z on March 23, 2019, 02:22:06 PM
Noroi (2005) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0930083/)
a found footage j-horror dealing with black magic and demonic possession, kind of like Hereditary if it was a mockumentary instead of a family drama
a journalist investigates some paranormal events involving people with psychic abilities, things get progressively more sinister as he goes deeper down the rabbit hole
found footage is usually crap and j-horror is usually crap
this one turned out to be very good despite being both at the same time
main reasons why it works
- reliance on slowly building up the atmosphere of dread through subtle details; most of the time it's just people behaving weird, legit supernatural stuff is very limited; little jump scares and no stupid SPOOKY GHOSTS
- a normal sceptic guy actively trying to solve a mystery, gathering & analyzing clues etc., which makes the story feel more 'real' and more exciting due to the twists and turns in the investigation
- goes out with a bang in super dark final sequences

all in all, a very pleasant surprise

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on March 25, 2019, 03:16:37 PM
Us- was actually pretty good. really enjoyed the movie. good pace, strong acting esp the leading woman and a pretty interesting twist at the end. I've never seen Get Out so I had no prior knowledge of how Peel directed a film or how his style is, but he seem to drop a lot of easter eggs in this film which was pretty cool.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on March 26, 2019, 09:04:45 PM
this is really good. i had to check my politics at the door but most of you won't have to

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on March 27, 2019, 04:56:18 AM
^ been wanting to see that

Haven't had time for many movies lately, with exception to;

There Will Be Blood
"I drink your milkshake!" . A favourite.

The Dirt
Motley Crue biopic, a bit silly but overall quite watchable I thought. Not really a fan, but I might chuck on one of the first two albums after half a case of beers on a Friday night (still have a Dr Feelgood tape I stole from my uncle when I was 6/7).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 27, 2019, 03:16:04 PM
Quote from: aububs on March 26, 2019, 09:04:45 PM
this is really good. i had to check my politics at the door but most of you won't have to


my dad recommended that to me, but it's the same director as Bone Tomahawk and I hated that movie so I'm not so sure I want to spend 2hrs45mins on a movie I might hate.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on March 27, 2019, 03:30:18 PM
did you like Brawl in Cell Block 99? (same director as Bone Tomahawk)

I thought The Dirt was pretty amusing
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on March 29, 2019, 02:51:02 PM
The Night Comes For Us- finally watched this last night, if you're a fan of Brawl in Cell Block 99, you will really like this movie
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on April 03, 2019, 01:44:33 AM
The Spider Labyrinth (1988) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095728/)

an italian supernatural mystery/horror with lovecraftian undertones
imdb lists argento as the main influence besides lovecraft, and it indeed shows
i'd also add gordon & yuzna... maybe not direct influences, but the attitudes are quite similar
got all the right goodies, such as gory violence, disturbing practical fx, loss of sanity, gratuitious nudity, ancient evil cults and screenplay stupidity
overall, a very satisfying b-movie
quite surprised i never encountered it before
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 05, 2019, 04:21:09 AM
The Spider Labyrinth is one I have always wanted to see. I was thinking there was something about a future Blu-ray release but I may have imagined it.

Final Exam and Night School- both mediocre slasher films from '81. Very tame, not much gore. F.E. has a couple okay scenes. The only thing in N.S. is some mild nudity from Rachel Ward.

The Changeling- classic haunted house flick with George C. Scott. Kinda looses it towards the end but lots of cool sound efx, camerawork, cobwebs, etc. Severin's blu release is well-worth owning if you're fan of The Haunted, etc. The only issue is people claim the Dolby 5.1 audio track is missing some dialogue & has repeated effect sounds so just choose the plain ole stereo track the movie was made with.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on April 05, 2019, 04:02:11 PM
Nude For Satan
Mysterious Italian suspense from 1974. Not entirely sure what the movie was really about. A "couple" ends up in a castle where they bump into alternate versions of each other. Doesn't seem to make much sense but Rita Calderoni as the leading lady was a pleasure for the eyes. This movie has what is probably the shittiest fake spider in the history of cinema. Fulci's The Beyond has hyper-realistic spiders compared to this. The version I watched had some XXX footage inserted into it: a few blowjobs, pussy rubbing and a candlestick "rape". And a lady with a freaky ribcage.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 05, 2019, 04:43:34 PM
Sacrifice! AKA The Man From Deep River (1972) - I got this BluRay for free when I won a raffle a few months back. Having never watched a single cannibal exploitation flick I thought oh this will be a great start. I came to it looking for hardcore gore and instead got the Italian exploitation precursor to Far Cry 3's plot. The cannibal aspect of the films occupies about 5 minutes in total. Instead it's about a white dude getting captured by a Thai tribe, making the Chief's daughter super horny, and his subsequent fucking and killing into the tribe's warm, cuddly heart. and then just shit loads of animals getting murdered. a very exploitative version of NatGeo, but with way more titties and fake blood. I've seen worse, but my disappointment was exponentially increased since I was expecting 90 minutes of white people being eaten.

on the other hand, showed my girl Fulci's Zombie AKA Zombi 2 for the first time and that one never gets old. new 4K bluray look insanely good too. And Frizzi's theme is still one of the best.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 05, 2019, 10:04:23 PM
Stone Cold Dead- Canadian crime-thriller from 1979 that has all the ingredients to make a sordid classic but the movie runs too long and too slow. You do get a serial sniper, prostitutes, pimps, drug addicts, strippers, lots of street scenes of massage parlors/grindhouses/adult theaters, etc. Definitely worth checking out if it's cheap. My blu was around $10 shipped off of eBay.

Sticking with a similar theme, Gary Sherman's Vice Squad is being released on Blu this summer!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: dodecaphonic on April 06, 2019, 03:47:34 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 05, 2019, 04:21:09 AM
Night School-

night school is cool
-good series of film posters/production stills for that film
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on April 06, 2019, 05:40:10 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on April 05, 2019, 04:43:34 PM
Sacrifice! AKA The Man From Deep River (1972) (...) disappointment (...).

I saw two other of the Lenzi cannibal flicks (Cannibal Ferox and Mangiati vivi!) and they are both turkeys, I guess I was expecting too much after Cannibal Holocaust but then I've never seen a Lenzi movie that wasn't bad, even if some are amusing in the right state of mind (La Casa 3 and Da Corleone a Brooklyn come to mind). I've never seen any giallo from him tho.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on April 06, 2019, 11:09:06 AM
Quote from: EXU on April 06, 2019, 05:40:10 AMI've never seen a Lenzi movie that wasn't bad

this is insane
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Acne on April 06, 2019, 02:02:15 PM
Night Breed - What a fun lil movie - good physical effects and a cool story, loved the variety of freaks. Cronenberg was a really great bad guy in it, most of the acting was nice and campy.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on April 06, 2019, 06:26:58 PM
The Stepfather (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094035/) (1987)

been a while since i watched this last
so i remembered it to be good, but forgot just how good it was
great screenplay by Don Westlake + stellar performance by Terry O'Quinn = a freaking classic
Jill Schoelen's character also adds a lot, this film wouldn't be the same without her
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 06, 2019, 10:20:39 PM
Choke- based on the book by the author of "Fight Club". The book is good, I think? Seems like I liked it more than the movie. The movie has it moments but seems like it could have been much more.

Another Son of Sam- one of those Something Weird movies. I mostly forwarded through it. It's junk only worth watching if there's nothing else around. Oh, and it has nothing to do with the Son of Sam.

Just started Who Can Kill a Child? which is a Spanish classic.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on April 06, 2019, 10:57:35 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 06, 2019, 10:20:39 PM
Just started Who Can Kill a Child? which is a Spanish classic.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on April 08, 2019, 03:39:56 PM
The Fly- (Cronenberg), still some of the best special effects ever.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 08, 2019, 05:40:29 PM
After the recent disappointment of Sacrifice! aka The Man From Deep River my friend and I watched Cannibal Ferox as our first ever proper cannibal exploitation film. While it certainly had its ridiculous aspects, it was actually a lot more coherent than I expected. the dialogue was especially better than what I expected. but who gives a shit, we're here for the castration and cannibalization, which Ferox provides. still could have gone for more violence but I wasn't unsatisfied. it's also pretty easy to see why this film influence a shit load of metal bands.

also watched Halloween 2018 which was way better than I expected. while there's a lot less of the peek-a-boo / stalker vibes of the first 2 films, there's still some of that. and for what it lacks in stalking it makes up for in fairly brutal gore. especially liked a sequence involving a gas station bathroom, teeth and some podcasters. also one of the lead character's friends is way hot. too bad she wasn't the lead. every time it started to feel too "modern horror" for my taste it would kick back into a gnarly gear. definitely a Halloween film I'll revisit.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on April 08, 2019, 07:41:51 PM
I recently watched that Halloween movie - actually a lot better than I thought it would be.

We were pretty bored the other night and watched King Arthur on Netflix as the guy from Sons of Anarchy was the lead - thinking - maybe it'll be so bad it's good - nope - it was so bad it was unwatchable. And it lost 150 million dollars! What a fucking pile of shit. That dude is the fucking worst actor.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on April 08, 2019, 09:32:06 PM
yeah that guy being repeatedly offered work is perplexing
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 08, 2019, 09:34:00 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on April 08, 2019, 07:41:51 PM
We were pretty bored the other night and watched King Arthur on Netflix as the guy from Sons of Anarchy was the lead - thinking - maybe it'll be so bad it's good - nope - it was so bad it was unwatchable. And it lost 150 million dollars! What a fucking pile of shit. That dude is the fucking worst actor.

I feel for you. I saw that movie as well a year or two ago and it was fucking painful.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on April 11, 2019, 04:04:24 PM
Dr. Caligari (1989) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097228/)
a nice overstylized piece of mindfuckery more or less on par with the usual suspects from the weird film department
not exactly a masterpiece and at times comes off as trying too hard, but some sequences are pretty ace
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: monster ripper on April 11, 2019, 05:24:05 PM
Quote from: A-Z on April 11, 2019, 04:04:24 PM
Dr. Caligari (1989) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097228/)
a nice overstylized piece of mindfuckery more or less on par with the usual suspects from the weird film department
not exactly a masterpiece and at times comes off as trying too hard, but some sequences are pretty ace

Has this ever been officially released on DVD?  why is there not a Rinse Dream box set available??
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on April 11, 2019, 05:26:32 PM
Blade-  Wesley Snipes has a hybrid human/vampire, what's not to like

Blade II
-more could have been done with the plot on this one, interesting concept but did not deliver all that great, still a good movie
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on April 12, 2019, 12:51:41 PM
Quote from: monster ripper on April 11, 2019, 05:24:05 PM
Quote from: A-Z on April 11, 2019, 04:04:24 PM
Dr. Caligari (1989) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097228/)
a nice overstylized piece of mindfuckery more or less on par with the usual suspects from the weird film department
not exactly a masterpiece and at times comes off as trying too hard, but some sequences are pretty ace

Has this ever been officially released on DVD?  why is there not a Rinse Dream box set available??

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 12, 2019, 09:11:59 PM
Watched The Beyond again last night with the commentary track from Catriona MacColl and David Warbeck. really good stuff. hilarious and insightful in equal amounts. if you're a fan of the film or Fulci generally I highly recommend checking it out. I think all versions of it from the Grindhouse Releasing DVD onward have it.

This past Tuesday was Phantasm 2 for the first time. Very different vibes from the first film, more action than horror but entertaining as hell. And one of the two chicks in it is a real qtpi.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on April 14, 2019, 01:59:58 AM
Re-watched Christine and really enjoyed it. Re-read the book recently and it was great, movie was lots of fun but couldn't stand up to the book which was absolutely killer. Planning to the the rest of the John Carpenter flicks I haven't seen in a while.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on April 14, 2019, 05:05:39 AM
Quote from: holy ghost on April 14, 2019, 01:59:58 AM
Re-watched Christine and really enjoyed it. Re-read the book recently and it was great, movie was lots of fun but couldn't stand up to the book which was absolutely killer. Planning to the the rest of the John Carpenter flicks I haven't seen in a while.

In my recent Carpenter binge a few months back Christine was definitely one of the highlights. It was my first time seeing it and I was pleasantly surprised. Might be his one film in touch with true emotion.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on April 14, 2019, 08:07:16 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on April 14, 2019, 05:05:39 AM

In my recent Carpenter binge a few months back Christine was definitely one of the highlights. It was my first time seeing it and I was pleasantly surprised. Might be his one film in touch with true emotion.

Well, there's Starman too perhaps...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strangecross on April 18, 2019, 07:11:42 PM
Marketa Lazarova Just as masterful as Tarkovsky, Herzog, Bergman- whoever. Insight into state of mind in middle ages (with some allegory and added intelligence) is equally matched by filming locations and other production. I've never seen a period piece this impressive.
Christianity and Paganism bumping heads, both are god fearing, the difference is just ideas of justice and law and social order. 2 hours 45 min.  11/10
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 19, 2019, 07:20:19 PM
Galaxy of Terror last night. Enjoyable, ridiculous, terrible, gory Sci-Fi from Roger Corman.

Received Incubus a few days ago released by Vinegar Syndrome. I remember it being rather sleazy horror so looking forward to it and I have Arrow's new release of Andrea Bianchi's Strip Nude for Your Killer on the way.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strangecross on April 19, 2019, 09:45:12 PM
Incubus is really great, one VHS I will hold on to.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 20, 2019, 10:20:56 PM
Lady Snowblood and Curve- LSB is a Japanese classic from 1973. Criterion did a great job on their transfer as it looks quite beautiful with all of the blood spurting.
Curve is an Am. horror film about a woman trapped upside down in her car and a serial killer. I missed the first few minutes so not sure how she wrecked or how she was found. The ending is quite predictable. I caught LSB on Turner Classic Movies & Curve on another movie channel.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on April 21, 2019, 05:36:48 PM
Hadn't watched anything in over a month then blasted through about one a night last week.

Gattaca (Niccol, 1997)
Strange Days (Bigelow, 1995)
Conan the Barbarian (Milius, 1982)
Prisoners (Villeneuve, 2013)
Brawl in Cell Block 99 (Zahler, 2017)
The Proposition (Hillcoat, 2005)
The American Friend (Wenders, 1977)
Tombstone (Cosmatos, 1993)

The Proposition was probably my favourite out of the lot.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 22, 2019, 01:25:44 AM
The Standoff at Sparrow Creek is pretty decent. It has some lapses in logic & the ending can be guessed if you allow yourself to think about what you're watching. Dialogue & actor driven; a few faces are familiar esp. an older fat man I finally figured out is the character whom is given a quarter in No Country for Old Men. He's a polar opposite character in Standoff.

P2 is a silly horror film about a lonely security guard holding a woman against her will on Xmas night in the parking garage of the high rise she works in. Generally dumb with bad dialogue but one great gore scene with victim smashed to death against a concrete wall by a car.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on April 22, 2019, 06:28:28 AM
Summer Of '84
Contrived and just unnecessary attempt at an 80's nostalgia trip. Don't bother.

A lot of hype over this in the Australian horror community, but another flaccid hack job by director Chris Sun. Everything this director does fucking blows goats and this was even more mundane than his previous piece of shit Charlie's Farm.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 22, 2019, 06:41:01 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on April 21, 2019, 05:36:48 PM
Hadn't watched anything in over a month then blasted through about one a night last week.

Gattaca (Niccol, 1997)
Strange Days (Bigelow, 1995)
Conan the Barbarian (Milius, 1982)
Prisoners (Villeneuve, 2013)
Brawl in Cell Block 99 (Zahler, 2017)
The Proposition (Hillcoat, 2005)
The American Friend (Wenders, 1977)
Tombstone (Cosmatos, 1993)

The Proposition was probably my favourite out of the lot.

Both Conan films will always remain personal favorites of mine for their sheer absurdity. But The Proposition is so good. I saw that one in theaters and have watched it many times since. I think it really holds up and marked the return of actually good Western films.

Last Thursday I watched Female Prisoner 701: Scorpion for the first time. Not quite as outrageous as I hoped but a lot of fun. Especially dug the weird surrealist touches that reminded me a lot of Seijun Suzuki's best yakuza films. Looking forward to digging into the other entries in the series.  Also started Teruo Ishii's Horrors of Malformed Men which was again less outrageous than I hoped, but fucking weird and fun. had to stop it half way through though because I got to sleepy. will probably finish it later this week. hoping to also re-watch the only Teruo Ishii film I've seen before, Screwed, which I remember as being very weird but really good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on April 22, 2019, 07:17:58 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on April 22, 2019, 06:41:01 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on April 21, 2019, 05:36:48 PM
Hadn't watched anything in over a month then blasted through about one a night last week.

Gattaca (Niccol, 1997)
Strange Days (Bigelow, 1995)
Conan the Barbarian (Milius, 1982)
Prisoners (Villeneuve, 2013)
Brawl in Cell Block 99 (Zahler, 2017)
The Proposition (Hillcoat, 2005)
The American Friend (Wenders, 1977)
Tombstone (Cosmatos, 1993)

The Proposition was probably my favourite out of the lot.

Both Conan films will always remain personal favorites of mine for their sheer absurdity. But The Proposition is so good. I saw that one in theaters and have watched it many times since. I think it really holds up and marked the return of actually good Western films.

I hadn't seen Conan since I was a kid, and maybe have never seen the second one. The Barbarian is mostly enjoyable but I was teetering on the edge of boredom during some parts.

The Proposition is nuts. I'd been trying to watch it for years and finally the mood was right. So ruthless.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strangecross on April 22, 2019, 08:24:06 PM
Conan the Conqueror's production is over the top, I think its better than the Barbarian. The Barbarian is best watched with commentary on, Arnold is so obsessed with the camel punching scene.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on April 22, 2019, 10:50:08 PM
All The President's Men (1976, dir. Alan Pakula)
          Somehow hadn't seen this until recently. What can you say? Essential viewing. Seems to have formed the basis for the X-Files along with Kolchak: The Night Stalker. Could probably be a pretty good sleeping pill if you're not in the right mood, though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on April 23, 2019, 01:27:30 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on April 21, 2019, 05:36:48 PM
Strange Days (Bigelow, 1995)

Proposition and Conan are favorites here but so is Strange Days, sometimes I think that if you watch too many "at least good" movies on a roll you may overlook some or it doesn't sink as deep as it could given some reflection time (you may also just not like it tho and this theory is bullshit).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: monster ripper on April 23, 2019, 01:33:57 AM

Both Conan films will always remain personal favorites of mine for their sheer absurdity

Most Absurd thing about the Conan films is Hiring Wilt Chamberlain to protect a girls virginity.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on April 23, 2019, 01:56:08 AM
Quote from: A-Z on April 11, 2019, 04:04:24 PM
Dr. Caligari (1989) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097228/)
a nice overstylized piece of mindfuckery more or less on par with the usual suspects from the weird film department
not exactly a masterpiece and at times comes off as trying too hard, but some sequences are pretty ace

Check Night Dreams and Cafe Flesh by the same people under different names (Rinse Dream and FX Pope)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on April 23, 2019, 02:18:37 PM
Buffalo '66 : Total waste of time ! I should know from the first 10 minutes where we watch the guy running around to find a toilet to piss, in i ll piss my pants condition, while there are fields and parkings, and streets are empty. Before he finally finds relief, he kidnapped a woman to present it as his wife to his parents.

The Wailing : S.Korean horror / thriller. Evil movie ! Sickness, murders, zombie-like people, shamanic exorcisms in a village. Not telling more. Took me some time to get used to the acting which even horror scenes made them look funny at first. Not sure if this was on purpose or just different cultures. Anyway, things get really serious to laugh at them. What i liked more is that movie made me feel that this is not something unreal or pure fantasy, that is something natural and can happen or happened already. Many great scenes, images ! The end left me with some questions but dont know if i would like any clear answers. I think is better as is. It's a long movie, 150 min. Definitely worth watching. If you havent, do !
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strangecross on April 23, 2019, 08:44:31 PM
OHM+ the early gurus of electronic music DVD 2005 2 and a half hours of archival footage

Overall- a sort of mis-guided DVD that feels too much like NYC MOMA, but some REALLY good takeaways- I will just comment on the good tracks on this DVD. You would be better off seeking out the uncut performances and interviews, but i guess if this DVD was found for cheap, like i found, it is a lot less effort

Clara Rockmore I don't know if this is the best Theremin music i've seen, or if its just really cool to see a decadent old lady doing it. I never thought Theremin could work this well in non-noise, this piece called 'Hebrew Melody" and is a live recording in intimate setting in a mansion or something with people like Robert Moog there.
Jean-Claude Risset video is better than sound but i guess its the first use of FM synthesis
Steve Reicha pioneer, but they choose a work from 2004. its ok, video loops, some cool graphics like GX Jupiter Larsen stuff, and some not. Good themes of cloning and cyborgs.
Holger Czukay Floatspace this is sick, indoor fireworks, at least this capture of footage is really appealing and some sounds almost dark ambient by ARP odyssey.

Bebe Barron Great Interview segment- apparently the Forbidden Planet soundtrack was composed of sounds from living circuits-Cybernetic tape music.

Leon Theremin Leon giving a private in home Theremin lesson to Paul Lansky. Same lesson was given to Lenin.

Iannis Xenakis nothing special
Milton Babbit He describes working on the first synthesizers

David Behrman music with melody-driven electronics 1975. K-hole-esque video with Chelsea Girls type multiple frames and utilizing mirrors. Spaced out jam with 3 guys in cowboy hats even sheriff badge, some homemade electronics. very nice.

Laurie Spiegel never seen a Alles Synth before, 1977 bell telephone labs. not a great composition.

John Chowning Nice explanation with graphs of the Stria composition which is sort of a negative version of golden ratio music.

Robert Ashley weird in a good way i guess

Alvin Lucier 1965 solo,  Using Air Force brainwave research equipment he uses he brain waves to play percussion, including timpani. waves seem to flare up if he presses on he closed eyelids, i think i've seen this before but it was nice to see again.

Robert Moog short excerpt from moog documentary

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on April 24, 2019, 10:27:46 AM
Had enough time to waste this week so I ticked off a few from the watchlist;

You Were Never Really Here
I was expecting some kind of Taken/The Equalizer type film with a bit of film-noir atmosphere with this one. While I wasn't 1000 miles away , this was far more psychological drama than I expected. A bit underwhelmed at first partly to the lack of brutal violence that might be implied, but kept me thinking long after it'd finished. Good, and I'll probably watch it again.

Didn't completely hate this like I predicted. Above average but still just ok. Watched it back to back with The Nun which probably made it seem alot better, as I lost interest in that after 30 mins.

Bad Day for the Cut
Nice surprise with this one. Indie revenge thriller set in Ireland.

On a side note picked up the blu ray for this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCpY5QZSAqE NZ horror film that was banned in my state for a long time. Never even heard of it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on April 24, 2019, 11:54:52 AM
Quote from: Strangecross on April 23, 2019, 08:44:31 PM
OHM+ the early gurus of electronic music DVD 2005 2 and a half hours of archival footage

It's an odd one, that one. A funny cross section of bits and pieces seemingly culled from anywhere (that "Dust Bunny" animation was just bullshit). My favourite would have been the David Behrman excerpt, would love to see/hear the whole thing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on April 24, 2019, 12:38:48 PM
Quote from: FallOfNature on April 24, 2019, 10:27:46 AMOn a side note picked up the blu ray for this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCpY5QZSAqE NZ horror film that was banned in my state for a long time. Never even heard of it.

Few comments on Death Warmed Up back here:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on April 24, 2019, 09:35:30 PM
You Were Never Really Here was one of the best movies released last year imo
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strangecross on April 24, 2019, 10:27:37 PM
Quote from: aububs on May 04, 2018, 10:02:45 PM
Death Warmed Up is another good one altho it's from new zealand (same thing). it's from 1984 and about a guy who is brainwashed to kill his parents by a mad scientist, gets locked up in a mental asylum for 7 years, and then gets out and goes to take revenge on the mad scientist who is now living on a remote island doing experiments on humans. it has zombies, motorbikes, and a lot of gore
oh, was that the plot?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on April 24, 2019, 10:43:30 PM
Quote from: Strangecross on April 24, 2019, 10:27:37 PM
Quote from: aububs on May 04, 2018, 10:02:45 PM
Death Warmed Up is another good one altho it's from new zealand (same thing). it's from 1984 and about a guy who is brainwashed to kill his parents by a mad scientist, gets locked up in a mental asylum for 7 years, and then gets out and goes to take revenge on the mad scientist who is now living on a remote island doing experiments on humans. it has zombies, motorbikes, and a lot of gore
oh, was that the plot?

i guess so

been a long time since i saw it
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on April 29, 2019, 06:49:38 AM
Might contains spoilers (but it's not like it is some very important shit like GoT or A:Endgame so don't worry too much):

NIGHT OF THE CREEPS - Charming and enjoyable comedic horror that is so 80s it will make you puke hairspray or something. It has it's own pesonality, but beware because it's that of a 16 year old smartass white nerd, but in the end the annoying bits are always left behind fast and replaced by cool stuff and true love for the horror genre, to the point of being extremely silly with it.

JIGOKU - Psychdelic gore melodrama. Lots of screaming and jazz, and sometimes screaming over jazz, and a little more screaming. Religion meets LSD on a japanese "mexican soap opera". AKA Shiro Must Suffer And Everyone Is a Miserable Sack of Shit. Pretty good stuff but I haven't fully digested it (and perhaps never will) but two things are sure: 1) It is a very powerful movie and even if it reaches absurd levels that make you laugh it also punches you in the stomach a lot 2) The rules to go to hell are not so clear so basically everyone and their unborn babies are fucked.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: acsenger on April 29, 2019, 12:03:30 PM
Watched both Blade Runner movies over the last couple days. I absolutely love both. The visuals and atmosphere are stunning, and the soundtrack of 2049 is also great (although I don't have a problem with the Vangelis soundtrack of the first movie either).
And of course, the story is excellent. I generally don't care for sci-fi, but I'll have to read the Philip K. Dick novel on which B.R. is based.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on April 29, 2019, 03:53:11 PM
went on a Tommy Lee Jones kick and watched Volcano, No Country for Old Men, Double Jeopardy, The Fugitive & U.S. Marshals
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 29, 2019, 04:39:56 PM
Quote from: acsenger on April 29, 2019, 12:03:30 PM
Watched both Blade Runner movies over the last couple days. I absolutely love both. The visuals and atmosphere are stunning, and the soundtrack of 2049 is also great (although I don't have a problem with the Vangelis soundtrack of the first movie either).
And of course, the story is excellent. I generally don't care for sci-fi, but I'll have to read the Philip K. Dick novel on which B.R. is based.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is not one of PK Dick's best works and it's very different in many ways from the movies. I think this is one of the few examples where the adaptation is better than the source. But PK Dick has a lot of other really good books so don't let DADoES? keep you away. I think there might even be a thread about the Dick here on the boards. he's definitely been covered in the "now reading" thread.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on April 29, 2019, 05:04:11 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on April 29, 2019, 04:39:56 PM
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is not one of PK Dick's best works and it's very different in many ways from the movies. I think this is one of the few examples where the adaptation is better than the source. But PK Dick has a lot of other really good books so don't let DADoES? keep you away. I think there might even be a thread about the Dick here on the boards. he's definitely been covered in the "now reading" thread.

I enjoyed it but probably would have liked it more had I not seen and been such a huge fan of the film which I agree - totally different and more enjoyable than the book - A Scanner Darkly and Man In The High Castle are my top PKD choices. I still need to see the new BR film, boy have I slept on that!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 29, 2019, 05:07:54 PM
Quote from: EXU on April 29, 2019, 06:49:38 AM
Might contains spoilers (but it's not like it is some very important shit like GoT or A:Endgame so don't worry too much):

JIGOKU - Psychdelic gore melodrama. Lots of screaming and jazz, and sometimes screaming over jazz, and a little more screaming. Religion meets LSD on a japanese "mexican soap opera". AKA Shiro Must Suffer And Everyone Is a Miserable Sack of Shit. Pretty good stuff but I haven't fully digested it (and perhaps never will) but two things are sure: 1) It is a very powerful movie and even if it reaches absurd levels that make you laugh it also punches you in the stomach a lot 2) The rules to go to hell are not so clear so basically everyone and their unborn babies are fucked.

Which Jigoku did you watch? the 1960 Nobuo Nakagawa version or the 1999 Teruo Ishii remake? I haven't seen either but the original always tempts me when Criterion has a sale and the later is one of Ishii's last films. I'd be interested to hear how they compare.

Speaking of Ishii, last night I finished The Blind Woman's Curse which was one of the most fun movies I've watched in a while. a slap-dash mixture of ghost story, ninkyo eiga and Ishii's brand of weirdness. Things move fast and the plot can be little confusing early on, but if you watch yakuza flicks with any regularity you'll be able to keep up. there's a lot of violence, a fair amount of titties, interesting characters, a weird undefined time period, awesome interior design and trippy panted back drops. oh and of course Meiko Kaji.

a bunch of Teruo Ishii's films are free to stream on Amazon Prime right now, including the The Blind Woman's Curse so if you're interested peep them there.

then my buddy and I watched The Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich which was pretty dang good! I thought the comedy bits were mixed in well enough and there were a couple of unexpected bits that kept things interesting. the original Puppet Master moves at a glacial pace in comparison to this which starts at 50 and goes to 100 within 20 minutes. it's gory as all hell and the dolls are controlled by a Nazi instead of being made by an old Jewish guy, so surely it would win over some of the people here. there's also some nice titties and Barbara Crampton is pretty great in her limited screen time. it's definitely worth a watch!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on April 29, 2019, 07:29:33 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on April 29, 2019, 05:07:54 PM
Which Jigoku did you watch? the 1960 Nobuo Nakagawa version or the 1999 Teruo Ishii remake? I haven't seen either but the original always tempts me when Criterion has a sale and the later is one of Ishii's last films. I'd be interested to hear how they compare.

The original, wasn't aware of the the Ishii one, that's a filmmaker I am not familiar at all with. I would go and say it is worth purchasing, it's one of those movies that feels like you did something very important by watching it in a way you can't seem to grasp exactly why, putting aside how ahead of time and unique (even now perhaps) it is. Also psych gore with a lot of screaming and jazz, man.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on April 29, 2019, 07:34:29 PM
Quote from: DSOL on April 29, 2019, 03:53:11 PM
went on a Tommy Lee Jones kick and watched Volcano, No Country for Old Men, Double Jeopardy, The Fugitive & U.S. Marshals

Have you ever seen "The Hunted" from Friedkin with Del Toro opposite to TLJ? I find it such a good movie but no one talks about it ever. It's like U.S. Marshals with a knives fetish.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on April 29, 2019, 08:20:15 PM
no I have not, but I will look into watching it now
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 29, 2019, 08:28:33 PM
The knife fighting in The Hunted is pretty good. I recall seeing an interview around the time of release about the training they underwent for the skill.

Saturday night I watched The Incubus released by Vinegar Syndrome. I would say it is one of the very best they have released but not in transfer quality, just the movie. Wild early '80s horror. Not super gory but decently violent mixed with sleazy details about destroyed uterus', dry intercourse, and large amounts of sperm. Highly recommended!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on April 30, 2019, 06:16:29 AM
Another case of the movie poster / cover being way better than the movie. It's Fred Olen Ray so I wasn't expecting too much and that was exactly what I got. Lacklustre. 88 films blu is pretty bad, too. His dull horror comedies are much better.

Slime City Massacre
Debbie Rochon...cameo from Lloyd Kaufman...A woman dissolves into a pile of sludge in a bathtub and gets off when some dude dips his hand in it. If that doesn't tell you anything I don't know what will. Apparent sequel to Slime City, but you're better off just watching that twice.

Incubus sounds right up my alley, and I'm overdue for a VS order. Gotta grab that Mausoleum blu ray too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 01, 2019, 10:38:35 PM
Ash vs. Evil Dead season 3

only took a year for it to finally show up on Netflix - watched one episode last night. if you like the show at all, you know what you're going to get
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 02, 2019, 12:07:42 AM
The Incubus is a very cool movie but the final 60 seconds are...confusing. it's like they made the movie really well but then the editor spilled his coffee all over the editing desk at the very end and they didn't bother fixing it
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 04, 2019, 09:03:09 PM
I rather liked the ending of The Incubus especially the final shot, which, could be construed as being in bad taste.

A couple of nights ago, it was the Aussie film, Next of Kin. Not much of a plot which seems like it's going to be about a haunted house but ends up a mild slasher film. What it has going for it is really nice camera work & some effective imagery. Also, a good soundtrack by Klaus Schulze. Severin released it in the U.S. & it's the same as the Aussie release. I think there may be a UK release, as well. Recommended for a viewing or if you find it cheap.

Last night was George A. Romero's Creepshow.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on May 04, 2019, 09:30:39 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 04, 2019, 09:03:09 PM
I rather liked the ending of The Incubus especially the final shot, which, could be construed as being in bad taste.

i liked the ending too and the final shot is great. i just didn't understand what was happening. after making that post i googled it and the internet explained it to me.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 05, 2019, 08:02:25 PM
Arrow's new release of Audition looks great! I haven't seen it on bd before but it's a huge uptick in quality from the U.S. dvd release I have. This is my favorite film by Miike & it's interesting that when he made it, he had no intention of it ever being seen outside of Japan. He didn't think anyone other than Japanese viewers would understand it. I wonder if that's the case for a lot of the films from Nikkatsu & their reluctance at licensing titles to European and American labels?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on May 06, 2019, 07:59:43 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 04, 2019, 09:03:09 PM
A couple of nights ago, it was the Aussie film, Next of Kin. Not much of a plot which seems like it's going to be about a haunted house but ends up a mild slasher film. What it has going for it is really nice camera work & some effective imagery. Also, a good soundtrack by Klaus Schulze. Severin released it in the U.S. & it's the same as the Aussie release. I think there may be a UK release, as well. Recommended for a viewing or if you find it cheap.

For some reason it's $35 down here, when that companies other titles rarely exceed $20. Little steep for a blind purchase on a mild slasher.

Got through a few over the past week whilst doing late shifts

Death Wish 3
Charles Bronson killing the bad guys in a derelict area of NYC. Highly stupid but thoroughly entertaining.

Lucker The Necrophagous
Had this Synapse DVD sitting on my shelf for years, pretty dull and slow for the most part. Lots of bitches wailing and running through hallways. One particularly unpleasant necrophilia scene that almost rivals anything from Nekromantik. Not a lot of reason to revisit this one though.

Terror Firmer
Beyond Toxic Avenger and Class Of Nuke 'em High - I don't the any value in anything Troma does anymore. No exception here.

Mark of the Astro-Zombies
So hilariously shit that it has to be seen to be believed. Almost Carl J. Sukenick levels of retardation here. Had no idea what the fuck was going on in this (much like the original movie). Tura Satana aged hideously aswell.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 06, 2019, 03:55:22 PM
Suspiria (2018) meh, 6/10 - but Dakota Johnson is fucking hot in the movie, I think its the red hair
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 06, 2019, 10:13:24 PM
forgot to mention, watched Kei Fujiwara's Organ (1996) a few weeks ago. Director Fujiwara is the main actress in the first Tetsuo film and also plays one of the main characters here. The plots a little confusing at first but after 30-45 minutes it settles down and gets easier to follow. Tons of graphic body horror and gore mixed with mid '90s electronica music (that I really dig) and a slow, dreamy pace. I really enjoyed this one, but I can understand how a lot of people might think its too confusing or too slow. It starts negative and stays negative and seems to almost take place in some awful alternate world. Would work well as a double feature with Rubber's Lover. There's a short sequence where a woman leaves a butterfly cocoon and literally spills her guts and its so good I'd bump my ranking up for that alone.

and last night was Akira for the first time in about 15 years or more. I watched Akira as a kid because it was a seminal, if not the seminal anime and I was disappointed then. coming back to it now, it still don't love it the way I do some other '80s and '90s anime, but I enjoyed it a heck of a lot more. it's easy to appreciate the amazing animation, generally awesome style and all the obvious influence it's had since its release. I've had the manga sitting on my shelf for ages, maybe it's time to give it a shot!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on May 07, 2019, 08:36:15 AM
Nightmare City/Incubo sulla città contaminata - I said some bad things recently about Lenzi so I thought why not give him one more try, and I am very glad I did. It's not that he is a bad director, he's not, it's just that everything he does is just wrong, like some kind of autistic vision of everything only weirder and with more boobs. Everything is deeply wrong here and at the same time hugely charming and entertaining, it's dumbness taken to such an absurd degree that it extrapolates it's own definition and reaches for the sublime. The lines, the acting, the situations, the plot, reactions and scenarios, set ups and jump scares or even killings, they are so alien yet so familiar, like a very wicked child is running it all, with gusto.
I think this movie may be endlessly rewatchable because it seems like the sublime stupidity has so many layers in each frame, you can just watch it paying attention only to the background... The philosophical talking FFS. The city that is perhaps world capital of machetes and axes. The military uniforms. All the military city complex. The main actor everything. Big and little things exploding stupidly before your eyes and you try to catch it all... Fun fun fun.
I kinda disliked the so called zombies at first (OG undead runners?) but their thuggish inconsistent portrayal had me at the end. Their make up is stupid and great because Lenzi doesn't seem to grasp anatomy and all that bs or he just don't care so we have a lot of rotten meatheads and bodies reacting to abuse in a way that is playful and headscratching. I would not call they intelligent because nothing in this movie can be called that with a straight face but they shoot guns, drive cars, act normally, steal blood from ambulances and a lot of other fun pranks that you don't see everyday, and then sometimes they just act like a normal zombie and that feels even weirder.
The thing just starts blasting off and never stops, not a dull moment, crazy bang for your buck (or their very humble buck). It's all so good that seems like you stumbled in a supreme masterpiece and then comes THAT FUCKING ending and yeah, you got why this is not regarded higher. But then maybe it all makes perfect sense if you SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER see it as some kind of cyclical absurd reality and these people just don't care anymore and everything is permitted, idk.
All that being said and done I highly recommend this one, you can call Lenzi anything but don't call him boring and that's the highest compliment in his field.
And to top it all he's like a mf boob academic or something: they will pop out frequently and the level of variety and quality is high.
Still, all his movies I saw are bad. 8/10
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 09, 2019, 09:08:57 PM
Watched animal house over the weekend and continued with the school movies with Ghoulies 3 the ghoulies go to college.  Class of 1999 fucking great cheesy time with a bootleg Corey Feldman and slaughter high last night.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 09, 2019, 09:29:43 PM
loved Slaughter High as a kid growing up - used to watch it all the time
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 10, 2019, 06:31:21 PM
saw the original Pet Semetary last night for the first time. I'm sure most here have seen it but if not, spoilers. I didn't know what to expect as I don't really fuck with Stephen King aside from The Shining. I figured it was about killer animals which would have been fine but instead it turned into a killer undead kid film! highlights include the death of said child, every part with Herman Munster, and the undead dead child dying a second time. oh also the spinal meningitis sister. I want to see more films where adorable kids are absolutely wrecked by tractor-trailers!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 10, 2019, 06:45:48 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 10, 2019, 06:31:21 PM
saw the original Pet Semetary last night for the first time. I'm sure most here have seen it but if not, spoilers. I didn't know what to expect as I don't really fuck with Stephen King aside from The Shining. I figured it was about killer animals which would have been fine but instead it turned into a killer undead kid film! highlights include the death of said child, every part with Herman Munster, and the undead dead child dying a second time. oh also the spinal meningitis sister. I want to see more films where adorable kids are absolutely wrecked by tractor-trailers!

his kill scene (Herman Munster) is still one of my all time favorite kill scenes
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 10, 2019, 06:46:36 PM
Quote from: DSOL on May 09, 2019, 09:29:43 PM
loved Slaughter High as a kid growing up - used to watch it all the time

It's so good and the soundtrack kicks ass.  I'm a sucker for cheesy slashers.  Can't stand the Friday 13th and others of that same.  Give me sleepaway camp any day
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 10, 2019, 07:00:31 PM
The scene in pet semetary when the poor bastard wakes up and Blam! Bashes his head in the night stand best scene ever
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strangecross on May 10, 2019, 10:40:51 PM
Pet Semetary is one of my favorite horror films of the 'classics' in this vein. The sister was played by a man which really boosted the character...maybe a notable actor I forget.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 11, 2019, 02:56:45 AM
Roadkill: The Last Days of John Martin-  watched it while looking through the Deadbeat at Dawn bd released by Arrow. Gory short film about a beer-swilling murderous cannibal obviously influenced by TCM, it even mimics the music for a few seconds. Also, the trailer for the never-made gore film, Chunk Blower co-written by the late Chas. Balun. Still holds up & looks fun. Too bad it was never made.

That kid wielding the scalpel in P.S. is a riot!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: collapsedhole on May 11, 2019, 03:12:07 PM
i saw they are re-making pet semetary, blasphemous.

i have always thought a prequel based around fred gwynn's character of judd would be awesome, especially his early life... like who was 'the rag man' who introduced him to the place? have thought about this in detail many times through out life. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 11, 2019, 03:51:35 PM
Quote from: collapsedhole on May 11, 2019, 03:12:07 PM
i saw they are re-making pet semetary, blasphemous.

i have always thought a prequel based around fred gwynn's character of judd would be awesome, especially his early life... like who was 'the rag man' who introduced him to the place? have thought about this in detail many times through out life. 

Well the remake came out and got mixed reviews and q prequel is in the works so fingers crossed the prequel is actually good.  The mainstream movie market will probably mess it up sadly
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on May 13, 2019, 04:38:58 AM
Mr. Arkadin/Confidential Report - Great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 14, 2019, 11:01:28 PM
Watched David Cronenberg's Spider. Fantastic film highly recommend this to anyone that enjoys psychological films. 
Also watched Prom Night (1980) haven't watched since I was I'm high school so it's been while haha.  Loved it I dig a killer with charisma. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Peterson on May 15, 2019, 02:10:49 AM
Quote from: Hemwick on May 14, 2019, 11:01:28 PM
Watched David Cronenberg's Spider. Fantastic film highly recommend this to anyone that enjoys psychological films. 

Oh, fuck yes! Miranda Richardson just totally stole the show in that one. But excellent all around. Very faithful to the great Patrick McGrath novel on which it's based.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 15, 2019, 02:33:16 AM
Quote from: Force Neurotic on May 15, 2019, 02:10:49 AM
Quote from: Hemwick on May 14, 2019, 11:01:28 PM
Watched David Cronenberg's Spider. Fantastic film highly recommend this to anyone that enjoys psychological films. 

Oh, fuck yes! Miranda Richardson just totally stole the show in that one. But excellent all around. Very faithful to the great Patrick McGrath novel on which it's based.

I'm going to hunt down the book.  Hell yeah it did, Ralph was untouchable too, his performance was very moving and unsettling. I had it for months and never watched it and on Sunday I had nothing to do so I sat down and watched and was blown away.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on May 15, 2019, 03:12:25 AM
The Dirt - Fun movie, LoC is funnier and the the subject interests me way more (my interest of Mötley Crüe is basically non existent) but is very well done, doesn't take itself seriously and the Jackass director knows how to handle the dirt of it all - actually not THAT dirt I think. I hope these kind of (actually good) band biopics pop up more often now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 15, 2019, 03:56:28 AM
Quote from: EXU on May 15, 2019, 03:12:25 AM
The Dirt - Fun movie, LoC is funnier and the the subject interests me way more (my interest of Mötley Crüe is basically non existent) but is very well done, doesn't take itself seriously and the Jackass director knows how to handle the dirt of it all - actually not THAT dirt I think. I hope these kind of (actually good) band biopics pop up more often now.

LOC was atrocious and I'm not even a huge fan of those bands.  With all the hype I figured the murder and suicide scenes would have been more brutal but in my opinion they were so tame
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on May 15, 2019, 05:20:29 AM
Quote from: Hemwick on May 15, 2019, 03:56:28 AM
Quote from: EXU on May 15, 2019, 03:12:25 AM
The Dirt - Fun movie, LoC is funnier and the the subject interests me way more (my interest of Mötley Crüe is basically non existent) but is very well done, doesn't take itself seriously and the Jackass director knows how to handle the dirt of it all - actually not THAT dirt I think. I hope these kind of (actually good) band biopics pop up more often now.

LOC was atrocious and I'm not even a huge fan of those bands.  With all the hype I figured the murder and suicide scenes would have been more brutal but in my opinion they were so tame

I thought they were great. They are quite gory for the movie style presented, actually breaking the atmosphere when they come up and not over glorifying it in my opinion (the constrast with the way the movie shows the church burning is pretty cool in my book). The impact for me was in how they were kind of stretched and agonizing instead of "wam bam thank you m'aam", so they work on another level of brutality. I really liked LoC and don't expect people here to get on the van with me but it's mixing of irony/mocking/nostalgia and some true interest and even empathy with the subject was a surprise. As a recreation of the times alone it feels very detailed at least. Not a masterpiece but 4/5.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: deutscheasphalt on May 15, 2019, 03:58:25 PM
Saw "The Hole In The Ground" the other day - sucked.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 16, 2019, 02:17:14 AM
A few nights ago, it was The Raid: Redemption & before that was Dragged Across Concrete.

T.R. is almost non-stop violent mayhem in an Indonesian high rise apartment complex controlled by a drug gang. I have the second film but it's the censored, R-rated cut. The uncut version has only been released in the UK of all places. If it's as intense as the first film, I'll have to import a copy.

D.A.C. is a bit too long & isn't a great as some believe but it ain't bad. It's doesn't FEEL long, I don't recall being bored at any point. Mel Gibson does a good job & the final 30 minutes or so is pretty good but the very last scene is useless. I may have to check out the director's second film starring Vince Vaughn if I can find it cheap.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 16, 2019, 04:47:13 AM

D.A.C. is a bit too long & isn't a great as some believe but it ain't bad. It's doesn't FEEL long, I don't recall being bored at any point. Mel Gibson does a good job & the final 30 minutes or so is pretty good but the very last scene is useless. I may have to check out the director's second film starring Vince Vaughn if I can find it cheap.

His second film with Vince Vaughn is pretty good. Rented it a while ago when it came it and its worth a viewing.  I really dug Bone Tomahawk with Kurt Russell more and bought it for cheap.  It's a really good and gritty western
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on May 16, 2019, 04:48:07 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 16, 2019, 02:17:14 AM
D.A.C. is a bit too long & isn't a great as some believe but it ain't bad. It's doesn't FEEL long, I don't recall being bored at any point. Mel Gibson does a good job & the final 30 minutes or so is pretty good but the very last scene is useless. I may have to check out the director's second film starring Vince Vaughn if I can find it cheap.

I am not a guy needing good ends but the end of that movie left me a bitter taste -i would prefer something more fair- and the very last scene made me angry. Got bags, he shared some pieces. Dont bother at all motherfucker. Asshole !
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 16, 2019, 04:21:38 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 16, 2019, 02:17:14 AM
D.A.C. is a bit too long & isn't a great as some believe but it ain't bad. It's doesn't FEEL long, I don't recall being bored at any point. Mel Gibson does a good job & the final 30 minutes or so is pretty good but the very last scene is useless. I may have to check out the director's second film starring Vince Vaughn if I can find it cheap.

I haven't seen DAC yet but Brawl In Cell Block 99 left me with the same "too long but doesn't necessarily feel long" thought. Some good brutality in it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 16, 2019, 06:36:27 PM
H6 diary of a serial killer.  Not to gory, focusing more on sadism, highly recommend if you are into sadistic films.  Not one for everyone.
Faces of snuff.  Excellent twisted compilation film of fake snuff very uncomfortable but thats the whole point
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 16, 2019, 07:20:09 PM
last night was a Teruo Ishii double feature. first I re-watched "Screwed" for first time since my original viewing in 2009. I think I must have been very intoxicated when I watched it the first time because what I remembered was very different in focus, although definitely the same movie. Anyways, "Screwed" is an amalgamation of Yoshiharu Tsuge's "Screw Style" (ねじ式 Nejishiki) manga, autobiographical bits about the author and a dash of general weirdness. it's aimless and meandering, but consistently engaging. there's no real violence but lots of nudity and interesting visuals. It's also one of the earlier Tadanobu Asano films, with a much more low-key performance. Overall it was even better than I remembered, but definitely not everyone's cup of tea.

then it was Arrow's re-issue of "Orgies of Edo" from 1969. This one was a blast! Three vignettes taking place in the edo period. basically jidaigeki porno with a sadistic bent. this was much closer to what I though "Horrors of Malformed Men" would be like. each vignette is better than the last but the single best part of the film is during the second one, when a woman asks her protector to find her a hideous monster to sleep with and the guy returns with a big buff black dude to her delight. this guy is literally delivered in a box and has a jungle warrior loin clothe. Japanese racism is best racism.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on May 16, 2019, 10:09:28 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 16, 2019, 02:17:14 AM
A few nights ago, it was The Raid: Redemption & before that was Dragged Across Concrete.

T.R. is almost non-stop violent mayhem in an Indonesian high rise apartment complex controlled by a drug gang. I have the second film but it's the censored, R-rated cut. The uncut version has only been released in the UK of all places. If it's as intense as the first film, I'll have to import a copy.

Fantastic film and the sequel is excellent. The story a little more fleshed out but with the same intensity, probably a little more gloss not to its detriment. A feast of violence.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 16, 2019, 11:35:33 PM
Rosewood Lane- crappy film about a murderous paperboy with supernatural powers stalking Rose McGowan before she transitioned into looking like a monster. The only reason to watch this, maybe, is the director, Victor Salva, is a convicted child fucker. Kinda funny that McGowan worked with him.

"Well, Salva is a convicted and registered sex offender, which might account for some social awkwardness.

Yeah, I still don't really understand the whole story or history there, and I'd rather not, because it's not really my business. But he's an incredibly sweet and gentle man, lovely to his crew, and a very hard worker."

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on May 17, 2019, 01:22:55 AM
Quote from: martialgodmask on May 16, 2019, 10:09:28 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 16, 2019, 02:17:14 AM
A few nights ago, it was The Raid: Redemption & before that was Dragged Across Concrete.

T.R. is almost non-stop violent mayhem in an Indonesian high rise apartment complex controlled by a drug gang. I have the second film but it's the censored, R-rated cut. The uncut version has only been released in the UK of all places. If it's as intense as the first film, I'll have to import a copy.

Fantastic film and the sequel is excellent. The story a little more fleshed out but with the same intensity, probably a little more gloss not to its detriment. A feast of violence.

I only saw the first one and I enjoyed it but also felt guilty because at some point it became boring to me, kinda like "too much of a good thing", by the end it seemed to go by the motions just trying to deliver, deliver, deliver... I really wanted to like it more, same thing happened to "Train to Busan" (unrelated otherwise), shit keeps happening ad nauseam. The "Dredd" movie that came out at the same time (I think) and kinda followed the same formula to The Raid was so much more appreciated by this jaded old man typing and watching it prior to The Raid may have spoiled some of the fun perhaps.
Nowadays I realized that I  really admire a well made 90 minutes genre movie with a couple of great scenes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on May 17, 2019, 01:42:16 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 16, 2019, 11:35:33 PM
...Victor Salva...

It's really fucked up that he keeps working, but then also tells a lot about the industry, seems like he's a friend to Coppola and stuff... I kinda like The first two Jeepers Creepers, haven't seen the third one and he served time for his crimes but then it was 15 months according to Wikipedia, ending on 92 and in 95 he had two movies being released so it seems like he jumped from the cell to the set in no time. His films are low key but also you can see the names attached to them: Jeff Goldbum, Lance Henriksen, Jerry Goldsmith, Disney, Nick Nolte, Eric Roberts and Rose McGowan... idk, Hollywood must be fucked up beyond belief for these people to be ok with this even if only at a superficial level like "it will taint my image" or something.

I know that if I see some other movie of his (and I probably will) I will be on full "pedo hints tracking mode" for the entire duration of it.
"In a 2015 appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience, comedian Barry Crimmins criticized the plot of Powder for implying that a child has power over an adult as representing a veiled or allegorical defense of Salva's history as a sex offender."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 18, 2019, 02:07:35 AM
The Raid 2- turns out I have seen this before but that didn't ruin anything. This is as much non-stop mayhem as the first film but there are more chances for the viewer to come up for air. Also, this film looks better on Blu-ray than the first film as it is considerably more dreary looking. Unfortunately, the U.S. release of TR2 is censored during the hammer attack on the train & a scene involving a broken bottle. I want to see the uncensored hammer scene as it's pretty intense even with the missing however many seconds. Recommended viewing!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 20, 2019, 04:24:46 PM
re-watched John Wick I & II, a little refresh before I go see the 3rd one
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 20, 2019, 04:25:27 PM
last night was the Shameless Blu-Ray of "Four Flies on Grey Velvet" by Dario Argento. One of only two films between 1970 and 1987 by Argento I hadn't seen, I was admittedly a little disappointed. Part of it was the transfer which didn't look good to my eyes. Looked like the whole film had a beige filter on it it which made all of the characters look sick and not in a cool way. And the central blackmailing plot was just not very engaging. Maybe I'd like it more after another viewing but I won't be running back to it soon. Compared to Argento's "Phenomena" which I watched for the first time recently (and immediately re-watched), this felt a little half baked and too restrained. BUT the side characters in this film are awesome. The Postman, God & The Professor and the amazingly gay private eye were all a delightful relief from the incredibly boring lead performances.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on May 20, 2019, 05:19:41 PM
Quote from: DSOL on May 20, 2019, 04:24:46 PM
re-watched John Wick I & II, a little refresh before I go see the 3rd one

I re-watched I which was great, II I saw for the first time recently, pretty underwhelming overall. However I hear the third one is much more entertaining. Not even a bad movie, just like.... this plot is absolutely insane.

I also watched Peppermint at my wife's suggestion, Jennifer Garner in a John Wick-esque revenge movie, what a piece of shit. Totally boring, overall totally uninteresting.

I hit the last season of Bosch too, now that is a great show. This season was fantastic - I wish more cop shows had this noir/LA vibe to them.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 20, 2019, 07:21:54 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 20, 2019, 04:25:27 PM
last night was the Shameless Blu-Ray of "Four Flies on Grey Velvet" by Dario Argento. One of only two films between 1970 and 1987 by Argento I hadn't seen, I was admittedly a little disappointed. Part of it was the transfer which didn't look good to my eyes. Looked like the whole film had a beige filter on it it which made all of the characters look sick and not in a cool way. And the central blackmailing plot was just not very engaging.

I'd rank this one pretty low in the early Argento category as well, largely unengaging, almost right from the get-go. I seem to remember the transfer I saw having a "beige" look to it, too, but just skimmed through it and it looks "normal".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on May 21, 2019, 12:16:17 PM
Rewatched The Strange Vice Of Mrs. Wardh. Great giallo from 1971. Any scene with Edwige Fenech is great. Some tasty nudity and throat slashing. Not everything makes 100% sense but Italian cinema is not really known for watertight plots.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 23, 2019, 06:56:56 PM
Watched Gozu for the third time and still not quite sure what I watched.  It's a great film but sometimes I feel Miike just tries to out due himself
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 23, 2019, 10:59:40 PM
Quote from: moozz on May 21, 2019, 12:16:17 PM
Rewatched The Strange Vice Of Mrs. Wardh. Great giallo from 1971. Any scene with Edwige Fenech is great. Some tasty nudity and throat slashing. Not everything makes 100% sense but Italian cinema is not really known for watertight plots.

The last time I watched S.V. it played like a soap opera to me. Not sure why as previous viewings, I always liked it. I've got a hunch that Arrow or Severin is bound to release a Blu-ray  sooner or later. You know someone has to be looking into it.

This past Saturday night, I watched Andrea Bianchi's trash-giallo, Strip Nude for Your Killer. It's a fun one & the Arrow release has a good docu. about Edwige F. though it's mostly about her unseen Italian comedies.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on May 23, 2019, 11:05:35 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on May 20, 2019, 05:19:41 PM
Quote from: DSOL on May 20, 2019, 04:24:46 PM
re-watched John Wick I & II, a little refresh before I go see the 3rd one
- I wish more cop shows had this noir/LA vibe to them.

True detective season 2
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on May 24, 2019, 02:46:58 PM
Quote from: online prowler on May 23, 2019, 11:05:35 PM
True detective season 2

Hmmm, I really tried with that one - I wasn't crazy about season 3 either. But thank you for your support.

I watched Pet Sematary last night - hadn't seen it since I was a kid. So goofy. There were a few great scenes. It's ridiculous to try to do a Stephen King novel justice since his whole write technique is characters grappling with their inner monologue. But hey seeing a 2 year old kid slash an old mans ankle really made my night.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 24, 2019, 04:34:03 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on May 24, 2019, 02:46:58 PM
Quote from: online prowler on May 23, 2019, 11:05:35 PM
True detective season 2

Hmmm, I really tried with that one - I wasn't crazy about season 3 either. But thank you for your support.

I didn't think season 2 was as bad as everyone made it out to be but I do think it shouldn't have been "True Detective", it should have just been its own mini-series. and they should have done a lot less of those overhead highway shots. But I thought Season 3 was really great because it starts as what feels like a retread but then becomes its own thing.

Personally I've blown way too much $ on movies in the past few weeks. one of the new ones I got was Takashi Miike's "Fudoh: The New Generation" which was fucking bonkers. my friend and I kept asking ourselves how we had gotten this far in life without seeing it sooner. pretty much everything is nuts, but my favorite was the girl who can shoot darts out of a dart tube in her pussy. it's amazing and you need to see it to believe it. she later turns out to have a dick and fucks some other hot chick. tons of people die as violently as possible. it's great!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 24, 2019, 07:35:11 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 24, 2019, 04:34:03 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on May 24, 2019, 02:46:58 PM
Quote from: online prowler on May 23, 2019, 11:05:35 PM
True detective season 2

Hmmm, I really tried with that one -

Personally I've blown way too much $ on movies in the past few weeks. one of the new ones I got was Takashi Miike's "Fudoh: The New Generation" which was fucking bonkers. my friend and I kept asking ourselves how we had gotten this far in life without seeing it sooner. pretty much everything is nuts, but my favorite was the girl who can shoot darts out of a dart tube in her pussy. it's amazing and you need to see it to believe it. she later turns out to have a dick and fucks some other hot chick. tons of people die as violently as possible. it's great!

I need to find a copy of this I forgot about it.  Full metal Yakuza was great with how wild it got but this sounds fun
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on May 25, 2019, 08:34:14 PM
TWO-LANE BLACKTOP - One of the greatest "pure cinema" masterpieces. I don't even care about cars and even if it's everything they do here you don't have to either. Warren Oates may be the greatest actor ever. Dennis Wison is pretty cool here and it is very sad that it's his only acting credit.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 27, 2019, 04:25:31 AM
Deadbeat at Dawn and Yakuza Law

Both are very highly sophisticated exploitation-action films. One from Ohio and the other from Japan. Everyone involved were well-trained actors with skilled directors using scripts without any screwy logic or stupidity. Both were released on Blu-ray by Arrow Films. I watched them Saturday night; DB first, then YL. I liked'em.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 27, 2019, 03:12:11 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 27, 2019, 04:25:31 AM
Deadbeat at Dawn and Yakuza Law

Both are very highly sophisticated exploitation-action films. One from Ohio and the other from Japan. Everyone involved were well-trained actors with skilled directors using scripts without any screwy logic or stupidity. Both were released on Blu-ray by Arrow Films. I watched them Saturday night; DB first, then YL. I liked'em.

Deadbeat at Dawn is one of my all time favorite films.  Jim Vanbeeber knows how to direct and his stunts are too notch.  Highly underrated
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 27, 2019, 07:01:45 PM
binged the 1st 3 episodes of Chernobyl Friday night, waiting for episode 4 tonight
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 29, 2019, 06:38:06 PM
Takeshi Kitano's "Sonatine" from 1993. I got the plots for this and "Hana-bi" mixed up when I picked this one but it was a happy accident since this movie was goddamn great. I've watched A LOT of movies in the last 6 months and this has to be easily in my top 3. I really loved Kitano's debut "Violent Cop" a while back, but this is even better than that. I guess it's his most praised film so I'm not saying anything new. It's enjoyable as a yakuza film, it's enjoyable as a character study, it's a nice way to see Okinawa, it's effective as a meditation on the desensitizing effects of violence, and the score by Joe Hisaishi is beautiful. If you're into Japanese film beyond the exploitation stuff it'll be hard not to like this.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 29, 2019, 06:54:02 PM
High Life, new sci-fi film from Claire Denis. I'm into her work (Beau Travail is great), and along with Trouble Every Day this one probably rounds out her top 3. A friend I went with summed it up nicely, "Solaris with a sex room."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 29, 2019, 08:00:59 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 29, 2019, 06:38:06 PM
Takeshi Kitano's "Sonatine" from 1993. I got the plots for this and "Hana-bi" mixed up when I picked this one but it was a happy accident since this movie was goddamn great. I've watched A LOT of movies in the last 6 months and this has to be easily in my top 3. I really loved Kitano's debut "Violent Cop" a while back, but this is even better than that. I guess it's his most praised film so I'm not saying anything new. It's enjoyable as a yakuza film, it's enjoyable as a character study, it's a nice way to see Okinawa, it's effective as a meditation on the desensitizing effects of violence, and the score by Joe Hisaishi is beautiful. If you're into Japanese film beyond the exploitation stuff it'll be hard not to like this.

Sounds excellent.  The films you post are up my alley.  I've been diving into Asian Cinema over the past year and find it to be my overall favorite experiences with film.  How do you feel about. A Snake of June and Vital? I found them to be abosultey moving and masterfully crafted.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 29, 2019, 10:05:38 PM
Quote from: Hemwick on May 29, 2019, 08:00:59 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 29, 2019, 06:38:06 PM
Takeshi Kitano's "Sonatine" from 1993. I got the plots for this and "Hana-bi" mixed up when I picked this one but it was a happy accident since this movie was goddamn great. I've watched A LOT of movies in the last 6 months and this has to be easily in my top 3. I really loved Kitano's debut "Violent Cop" a while back, but this is even better than that. I guess it's his most praised film so I'm not saying anything new. It's enjoyable as a yakuza film, it's enjoyable as a character study, it's a nice way to see Okinawa, it's effective as a meditation on the desensitizing effects of violence, and the score by Joe Hisaishi is beautiful. If you're into Japanese film beyond the exploitation stuff it'll be hard not to like this.

Sounds excellent.  The films you post are up my alley.  I've been diving into Asian Cinema over the past year and find it to be my overall favorite experiences with film.  How do you feel about. A Snake of June and Vital? I found them to be abosultey moving and masterfully crafted.

"Vital" is excellent. A really refreshing change of pace from Shinya Tsukamoto and one of my favorite films by him. Aesthetically it's extremely enjoyable, both the visuals and the way its shot and the colors. I generally like minimal dialogue and it works well in "Vital". You can see the through line of his themes in it, even if it's miles away in pace and focus from "Tetsuo" or "Bullet Ballet". "A Snake of June" I have not seen, though I own it and it's been sitting in my "to watch" pile for over a year.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 29, 2019, 10:57:36 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 29, 2019, 10:05:38 PM
Quote from: Hemwick on May 29, 2019, 08:00:59 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 29, 2019, 06:38:06 PM
Takeshi Kitano's "Sonatine" from 1993. I got the plots for this and "Hana-bi" mixed up when I picked this one but it was a happy accident since this movie was goddamn great. I've watched A LOT of movies in the last 6 months and this has to be easily in my top 3. I really loved Kitano's debut "Violent Cop" a while back, but this is even better than that. I guess it's his most praised film so I'm not saying anything new. It's enjoyable as a yakuza film, it's enjoyable as a character study, it's a nice way to see Okinawa, it's effective as a meditation on the desensitizing effects of violence, and the score by Joe Hisaishi is beautiful. If you're into Japanese film beyond the exploitation stuff it'll be hard not to like this.

Sounds excellent.  The films you post are up my alley.  I've been diving into Asian Cinema over the past year and find it to be my overall favorite experiences with film.  How do you feel about. A Snake of June and Vital? I found them to be abosultey moving and masterfully crafted.

"Vital" is excellent. A really refreshing change of pace from Shinya Tsukamoto and one of my favorite films by him. Aesthetically it's extremely enjoyable, both the visuals and the way its shot and the colors. I generally like minimal dialogue and it works well in "Vital". You can see the through line of his themes in it, even if it's miles away in pace and focus from "Tetsuo" or "Bullet Ballet". "A Snake of June" I have not seen, though I own it and it's been sitting in my "to watch" pile for over a year.

I would say A Snake of June is one of my favorites by him.  The color scheme in it is perfect and fitting.  It's up there with Vital for me, still need to get Bullet Ballet.  I got a pile of movies to go through and watch too it's great to have an unending supply of films to watch.  Going to rewatch Marebito tonight, it's been awhile since I watched it and I remember just being floored after my first viewing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 30, 2019, 04:26:28 AM
Instead of Marebito, watched Altered States.  This is a perfect film.  I remember watching it for the first time in high school and having my mind blown and almost 20 years later the same effect.  So much iconic imagery I can see why so many bands use it in album art and love performance.  One of these days I'll track down Layer of the White Wyrm it's been awhile since I seen it but I do remember enjoying it. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on May 31, 2019, 02:24:30 PM
Another great Tsukamoto movie is Haze. A short film (under one hour) about a guy who wakes up in a concrete crawlspace and has no idea what's going on. Extremely claustrophobic.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on May 31, 2019, 04:04:08 PM
Quote from: moozz on May 31, 2019, 02:24:30 PM
Another great Tsukamoto movie is Haze. A short film (under one hour) about a guy who wakes up in a concrete crawlspace and has no idea what's going on. Extremely claustrophobic.
This sounds interesting.  I would like to see this.  Anyone here familiar with the short Aftermath?  Thats a really great short and I think it might still be on YouTube. It's worth a watch
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NaturalOrthodoxy on June 01, 2019, 01:09:20 PM
Went to a preview showing of the new Peter Strickland film "In Fabric" last night.  It's super Giallo inspired, beautiful cinematography and dark humour, with an amazing soundtrack by Cavern of Anti Matter, as well as tracks by Nurse With Wound and other similar artists used throughout. There was a Q & A with Strickland afterwards who evidently did not want to be answering questions from film students wanting to show off their extensive film knowledge with oblique references but he provided some great insight regardless. Do check this film out if you like his other films like Berberian Sound Studio.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on June 01, 2019, 03:32:54 PM
Quote from: NaturalOrthodoxy on June 01, 2019, 01:09:20 PM
Do check this film out if you like his other films like Berberian Sound Studio.

Certainly was not a fan of Berberian Sound Studio, but The Duke of Burgundy was good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on June 03, 2019, 04:16:17 AM
American nightmares aka Combat Shock.  This film is bleak and unsettling. Still surprised Troma put it out since most of what they release isn't very good.
Chopping Mall.  Has some great lines that make you just wonder if anyone proof read the script. Still a fun goofy movie
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on June 03, 2019, 05:45:16 AM
F for Fake - Documentary essay (as described by Bogdanovic) from Welles, his last completed film while alive. It's a blast, I don't mind the self indulgency at all, it is intelligent and playful, packed with great ideas and greater questions. Movie nerds paradise.

La Morte ha Sorriso all'Assassino/Death Smiles at a Murderer - I can't explain why I choose to watch this movie instead of the hundreds others that are higher on my list as I can't explain the last third of this charming mess, The name evokes a giallo but it is more of a gothic psychdelic horror with a lot of eroticism. Kinski shows up just enough to be weird and have his name on the credits, the gore is of that that mid tier italian kind that is not remarkable but is more stylish than most and eveything is dreamy and weird. D'Amato was a naughty dude and a lot of that shows here (but less than in some of his most well known features). The ladies are very fine. It is a very good way to pass the time if you are on the mood for something more on the slow side of pacing.

Una Lucertola con la Pelle di Donna/Lizard in a Woman's Skin - Wonderful (not so much) giallo from Fulci. It is more of an eroctic thriller with the Fulci dreamy/nightmarish stylings on the forefront. I was really surprised by this one, even more than Don't Torture a Duckling and while it down't have the directness of his more well known movies it keeps on giving in various other fronts. The cast is great (aside from Bolkan that everybody seems to love but I feel too forced here) it's all beautifully shot with beautiful actresses, sets and wardrobe, something that only amplify the violent, scuzzy and weird parts of it even more.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 03, 2019, 05:10:34 PM
"Godzilla: King of the Monsters" - I haven't felt such unbridled joy and childhood wish fulfillment watching a movie in a long, long time. I wanted huge kaiju who look awesome, fighting to the death; it delivered in spades. And there's this whole eco-terrorism subplot thing that I love and am onboard with. Are you asked to suspend disbelief in 90% of the human related plot? yes. can I do that so that the spectacle can go on and on? absolutely yes.   I honestly doubt I'll ever have this much fun at a movie again.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on June 03, 2019, 05:26:01 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on June 03, 2019, 05:10:34 PM
"Godzilla: King of the Monsters" - I haven't felt such unbridled joy and childhood wish fulfillment watching a movie in a long, long time. I wanted huge kaiju who look awesome, fighting to the death; it delivered in spades. And there's this whole eco-terrorism subplot thing that I love and am onboard with. Are you asked to suspend disbelief in 90% of the human related plot? yes. can I do that so that the spectacle can go on and on? absolutely yes.   I honestly doubt I'll ever have this much fun at a movie again.

going to see this on birthday this Thursday - cant wait
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on June 03, 2019, 05:40:00 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on June 03, 2019, 05:10:34 PM
"Godzilla: King of the Monsters" - I haven't felt such unbridled joy and childhood wish fulfillment watching a movie in a long, long time. I wanted huge kaiju who look awesome, fighting to the death; it delivered in spades. And there's this whole eco-terrorism subplot thing that I love and am onboard with. Are you asked to suspend disbelief in 90% of the human related plot? yes. can I do that so that the spectacle can go on and on? absolutely yes.   I honestly doubt I'll ever have this much fun at a movie again.

Damnit now I need to see this.  Been a Godzilla fan since I was kid and had Hope'sfor the first one and its failed but now I feel like i need to see this
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 03, 2019, 09:18:02 PM
Saturday night was The Children and Almost Human. The first is fun, cheap-o horror and the second aka The Executioner stars Tomas Milan all sweaty & killing everyone in sight.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on June 06, 2019, 04:26:25 AM
4/5 episodes watched of Chernobyl. This series just rips so hard on all levels.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on June 06, 2019, 02:08:42 PM
So it is announced:

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: rocksoff on June 06, 2019, 04:06:42 PM
Sounds like Warner Bros didn't allow them to do much beyond remastering the film, as I'm pretty sure the bonus features are all carried over from the old DVD. I'm more into that Alice Sweet Alice release they announced.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NaturalOrthodoxy on June 06, 2019, 04:41:53 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on June 06, 2019, 04:26:25 AM
4/5 episodes watched of Chernobyl. This series just rips so hard on all levels.

So good. once I got past everyone speaking English/in English accents I found it so immersive. everyone is expertly cast as well, the main characters being the absolute spitting images of their real life counterparts.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on June 06, 2019, 05:16:04 PM
Quote from: NaturalOrthodoxy on June 06, 2019, 04:41:53 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on June 06, 2019, 04:26:25 AM
4/5 episodes watched of Chernobyl. This series just rips so hard on all levels.

So good. once I got past everyone speaking English/in English accents I found it so immersive. everyone is expertly cast as well, the main characters being the absolute spitting images of their real life counterparts.

I read this massive twitter thread about how authentic the series was in portraying the USSR in that time period - right down to the kids in school on a Saturday. I also heard a lot of chatter about how much better it was to see normal voices rather than swarthy fake Russian accents used by Western actors. It threw me initially but I think it really added to the series and my enjoyment. Hoping to finish it tonight, it was a real treat. Would love to see more HBO stuff greenlit like this about the USSR.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 06, 2019, 09:39:20 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on June 06, 2019, 05:16:04 PM
Quote from: NaturalOrthodoxy on June 06, 2019, 04:41:53 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on June 06, 2019, 04:26:25 AM
4/5 episodes watched of Chernobyl. This series just rips so hard on all levels.

So good. once I got past everyone speaking English/in English accents I found it so immersive. everyone is expertly cast as well, the main characters being the absolute spitting images of their real life counterparts.

I read this massive twitter thread about how authentic the series was in portraying the USSR in that time period - right down to the kids in school on a Saturday. I also heard a lot of chatter about how much better it was to see normal voices rather than swarthy fake Russian accents used by Western actors. It threw me initially but I think it really added to the series and my enjoyment. Hoping to finish it tonight, it was a real treat. Would love to see more HBO stuff greenlit like this about the USSR.

they didn't get everything right, but for what it's worth i think this article is hugely unfair to the series, which was great

https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/what-hbos-chernobyl-got-right-and-what-it-got-terribly-wrong (https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/what-hbos-chernobyl-got-right-and-what-it-got-terribly-wrong)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on June 07, 2019, 02:31:43 PM
Quote from: aububs on June 06, 2019, 09:39:20 PMthey didn't get everything right, but for what it's worth i think this article is hugely unfair to the series, which was great

https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/what-hbos-chernobyl-got-right-and-what-it-got-terribly-wrong (https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/what-hbos-chernobyl-got-right-and-what-it-got-terribly-wrong)

Thanks for sharing this - just finished the series last night, seems a little over-analytical given that you know, it's a television show and there has to be some room for artistic license/making the story flow -  Khomyuk was a composite character so I found the criticisms of her really amusing given you know, she didn't exist! Quite frankly I loved every second of this series.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 07, 2019, 04:51:01 PM
finally wrapping up the Hellraiser series, which has been goddamn painful for the last few. I guess the Cenobites are real because I feel tortured.

Monday night was "Hellraiser: Deader". between this and "Hellraiser: Hellseeker" it's hard to say which is worse but this was absolute trash. there were some good tits but otherwise it's painfully boring. my friend and I couldn't stay awake. filmed in Romania immediately before "Hellraiser: Hellword", which we watched last night. It was dumb as sin but at least fun. cool to see Lance Henriksen, the main chick was like a knock-off Sarah Chalke, and a young Henry Cavill (aka Superman) gets blown by an almost definite tranny. a big step up from the last two movies.

between those two shit-shows I watched the highly enjoyable "Female Convict Scorpion: Jailhouse 41" which was a feast for the eyes. not as violent or as titty filled as the first "Female Convict Scorpion", but visually it's amazing and the tone is even darker. recommended!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 07, 2019, 11:34:02 PM
Quote from: rocksoff on June 06, 2019, 04:06:42 PM
Sounds like Warner Bros didn't allow them to do much beyond remastering the film, as I'm pretty sure the bonus features are all carried over from the old DVD. I'm more into that Alice Sweet Alice release they announced.

Until a review comes out of the Arrow release, it's all speculation but if Arrow were able to transfer & remaster Cruising so it's the version that was originally released in theaters, they would have said so already, I'm guessing. I haven't watched the dvd in a long time so only remember the monkeying with the dance scene in the club.

Alice Sweet Alice is one I'm on the fence about. It's too long but that fat guy is really creepy. I'll probably grab it during a sale.

Just read a review of the new release of Fulci's romance film, New York Ripper. The screenshots look great! Sure hope Blue Underground announce Dead & Buried soon...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on June 09, 2019, 10:20:41 PM
Ride the Whirlwind - Shot back to back with "The Shooting" (that I like a lot and will revisit soon) by Monte Hellman with a young Jack Nicholson on both this is less avant garde and more subdued. At face value it seems like an ordinary western, one more akin to spaghetty ones than the classic americans, more on the realm of Peckinpah than Ford I guess, but the emphasys on the "dead times" (cowboys pissing, eating beans, going up or down hills and playing checkers) establishes a more observational view to it. It is nihilistic without being grim and sober, nothing is learned and no one is saved, shit happens and there is no time for drama. The gunfights are never exciting, the hints of backstories never go further and the conflicts stay dead on the surface, things happen and people die and people run around clueless but this is all shown without ceremony and pomp. It will never be a classic but it is a great movie that will enrichen your experience as a viewer if you have patience and leave your guards down.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on June 10, 2019, 03:00:08 AM
Venom - I did a lot of work in my garden and wanted something mindless after - it was literally unbelievable how shitty this fucking dumb movie was. Zero stars.

Fyre Fest doc on Netflix - should probably post in the documentaries thread but A+

Killing Eve - started watching Season II, forgot most of what happened and am re-watching Season I.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 10, 2019, 07:45:25 PM
hah i enjoyed venom. i mean yeah it's shit. enjoyed it tho.

i watched the new brian de palma movie called domino. absolute sewage.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on June 10, 2019, 09:04:19 PM
Quote from: aububs on June 10, 2019, 07:45:25 PM
hah i enjoyed venom. i mean yeah it's shit. enjoyed it tho.

i watched the new brian de palma movie called domino. absolute sewage.

I have a Brian de Palma movie I think it's called passion or something on those lines.  It has nomi rapace in it jesus is it awful and she got a horse face.

On topic watched the Gore trilogy. Goregasm, Goreritca and Gorewhore.  All great sleazy good times
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on June 10, 2019, 11:01:46 PM
The Lost Weekend - Very good tho a little dated, a little more on the melodrama side that I would appreciate and the drunkard is too pompous most of the time but still, Wilder can not make a bad movie. Must have been a gut punch on the 40's.

¿Quién Puede Matar a un Niño? - Ushered to the top of the "to watch" list in occasion of Narciso Ibáñez Serrador death, this is a masterpiece, and should be remembered among the greatest or at least second tier. My only problem with the movie is that the male protagonist doesn't seem too believable when they get to the island and he just doesn't get the fuck out of there and/or stay at all times with his pregnant wife but it was the way that the filmmakers choose to keep the plot going and since after that things get so terrific I can let that slide aside.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 11, 2019, 09:08:24 PM
Finally finished "The Fall" series from the BBC. only 18 episodes all together over three seasons but it took me 18 months. I really liked the way it ended and generally thought the last season was the best although that's apparently an unpopular opinion. Gillian Anderson remains incredibly hot and pleasant to watch as she tracks down a serial killer. I assume at the very least the first season would appeal to many people here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on June 12, 2019, 04:01:47 AM
I enjoyed The Fall immensely - I liked all seasons of it. Gillian Anderson was great in it.

Started Season 3 of The Handmaids Tale tonight. I really enjoyed the book in high school where it was in the curriculum and re-read it a few years ago, I didn't know if I'd enjoy the seasons after the ending of the book where it's taken on its own life but I really am.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 12, 2019, 04:08:57 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on June 12, 2019, 04:01:47 AM
I enjoyed The Fall immensely - I liked all seasons of it. Gillian Anderson was great in it.

Started Season 3 of The Handmaids Tale tonight. I really enjoyed the book in high school where it was in the curriculum and re-read it a few years ago, I didn't know if I'd enjoy the seasons after the ending of the book where it's taken on its own life but I really am.

Re The Handmaid's Tale - I really enjoyed the first season and felt they should have ended it there. but when that much praise and money is getting thrown your way I guess it hard not to do another season? The second season was okay for a while but by the end I couldn't stand the main character. every time I saw her dumb face it just made me mad. and I thought the ending was ridiculous. but my girlfriend loved it and is currently really enjoying the new season so what do I know?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on June 14, 2019, 01:32:52 AM
I mean I totally agree they should have ended it too after the first season - but it's at least better than most other shit out there when I want to shit my brain off.

I also started season two of Big Little Lies and after the first episode I'm already thinking they should have kept this to one season as well - really liked the first season a lot when I watched it last year. This one was like.... is this actually necessary?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on June 14, 2019, 04:03:30 PM
The Simpsons - finished season 2 over the weekend, half way through season 3 - will most likely watch up until season 12 because after that the show started to go downhill 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on June 14, 2019, 04:15:30 PM
Quote from: DSOL on June 14, 2019, 04:03:30 PM
The Simpsons - finished season 2 over the weekend, half way through season 3 - will most likely watch up until season 12 because after that the show started to go downhill 

Couldn't agree more.  I got season 13 and its hit and miss.  But everything up to that like you said is worth it.  Been bringing on Seinfeld perfect show still holds up
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on June 16, 2019, 01:07:20 AM
I started The Deuce on HBO last night. I will admit I am typically put off by James Franco but the first episode was pretty friggin' great - if you like sleazy, greasy 70's New York.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on June 16, 2019, 02:47:52 AM
Eyes of Fire (1983) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085515/)
XVIII century american settlers deal with evil magic things in the woods
quite similar to recent The VVitch (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4263482/)
less artsy, more dynamic, just as trippy
another obscure(ish?) gem

Night Warning (1981) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082813/)
Jocasta complex ridden single stepmom completely loses her marbles as the stepson grows up and prepares to move out
Susan Tyrrell delivers an Oscar worthy portrayal of a woman sliding from a few screws loose into bat shit insane murderous lunatic
film psycho hall of fame material
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on June 19, 2019, 01:56:42 AM
Horror Hospital (1973)
Bland and mild UK horror. Dorks get stranded in some weirdo's lair with some zombies. Hardly held my attention at all.

Pigs (1973)
Expected some TCM style horror film but got a psychotic bitch movie bordering on exploitation instead. Great atmosphere and recommended. 88 films blu ray is decent and there's one on Vinegar Syndrome too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: impulse manslaughter on June 22, 2019, 09:17:33 PM
Watched Lords Of Chaos last night. Story of Mayhem/Burzum in high school drama style movie. Kept me entertained and was not as bad as I expected. Would be much more convincing though if this was in the original language..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 22, 2019, 09:59:09 PM
it was way, way worse than i expected

garbage movie
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 23, 2019, 02:03:46 AM
the child's play remake is good tho
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hemwick on June 23, 2019, 07:49:58 PM
Quote from: aububs on June 23, 2019, 02:03:46 AM
the child's play remake is good tho

I heard alot of people say it should have been it's own movie instead of a remake. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 23, 2019, 08:53:46 PM
sure, but i don't really care about originality in the child's play universe tbh

just make the scary doll kill people. remake, reboot, sequel, who cares
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on June 24, 2019, 03:39:29 PM
Quote from: aububs on June 23, 2019, 02:03:46 AM
the child's play remake is good tho

going to see this tomorrow, heard nothing but good things
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on June 24, 2019, 08:20:57 PM
I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore - Pretty great offbeat and sometimes blasè black comedy, one for the losers and very underrated. Should be seen if only because David Yow is the "bad guy" (the term is problematic in this movie) and he actually delivers nicely. Melanie Lynskey is very good as the protagonist and Elijah Wood is not that much annoying.

Sleepaway Camp - Great. Doesn't feel so much as a slasher in my eyes, the summer camp movie atmosphere is nailed here and the characters are more believable than usual been played by actual kids, most are even likeable in some way or another. Lots of cool goofiness and cool death scenes and the iconic ending is the cherry on the top, what's not to like?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on June 26, 2019, 04:18:49 PM
Quote from: DSOL on June 24, 2019, 03:39:29 PM
Quote from: aububs on June 23, 2019, 02:03:46 AM
the child's play remake is good tho

going to see this tomorrow, heard nothing but good things

reboot/remake, whatever they are calling this. this movie was complete and utter dog shit - kills sucked, plot made zero sense, no sense of atmosphere like the original (which I'm not even that big of a fan of), the "climatic" ending was so fucking stupid   
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 26, 2019, 09:09:59 PM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on June 26, 2019, 10:00:50 PM
Quote from: aububs on June 26, 2019, 09:09:59 PM

what an insightful comment. really took a deep dive with this one. fuck off with useless one liners.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 26, 2019, 10:27:51 PM

that "nah" is short-hand for "i disagree with everything you said but i don't feel like expending too much energy defending the new child's play movie"

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on June 27, 2019, 10:48:17 PM
I watched Murder Mystery on Netflix and I'm pretty surprised that I laughed my fuckin' ass off with a movie starring Jennifer Anniston and Adam Sandler with a moustache. But here we are!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 28, 2019, 12:09:18 AM
ha yeah i loved murder mystery too

was exactly what i needed last friday night
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on June 29, 2019, 05:46:03 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on June 27, 2019, 10:48:17 PM
I watched Murder Mystery on Netflix and I'm pretty surprised that I laughed my fuckin' ass off with a movie starring Jennifer Anniston and Adam Sandler with a moustache. But here we are!

ha yeah i loved murder mystery too

was exactly what i needed last friday night

Really? But I think it doesn't matter, I need a good laugh anyway, so I'll watch this.

By the way - any recommended series at the moment? Lots of talk about Chernobyl here and there, so I think this would be good.
I'm absolutely no expert in contemporary series - I started The Man in the High Castle and The Fall yesterday, because they were mentioned somewhere. What else is worth watching in the dark chamber to overcome the heat until winter? Thanks for any recommendations!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 29, 2019, 08:06:17 PM
chernobyl, good
the terror, good
atlanta, good
the deuce, good
barry, real good
the assassination of gianni versace, real good
p'tit quinquin + coin coin & the extra humans, real good
too old to die young, real good
twin peaks the return, mind altering
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on June 30, 2019, 03:48:44 AM
new peter strickland movie is great. he's currently hitting four for four.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on July 01, 2019, 04:38:41 AM
These are the shows I've really enjoyed, I'd reference to CRs inquiry.

The Deuce - great so far
Chernobyl - GREAT
Mindhunter - GREAT
Sabrina the Teenage Witch - I loved it - I will probably lose sketchy edgelord PE points here but what can I say, it was hella fun
Billions - hella fun trash about rich assholes
Homeland - my favourite show in the last decade

I did not enjoy The Man in the High Castle - maybe had I not read the book?
I am also not enjoying Good Omens - I loved the book but overall the show is diverting wildly and losing all the charm of the book. Will I try Good Omens? Maybe....

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: dodecaphonic on July 01, 2019, 02:51:32 PM
Quote from: aububs on June 30, 2019, 03:48:44 AM
new peter strickland movie is great. he's currently hitting four for four.

i hope its better then barberian sound studio that was terrible
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 01, 2019, 07:20:24 PM
double feature last night with:
Ruggero Deodato's "House on the Edge of the Park" (1980) This was my second viewing, the first being 3 or 4 years ago. I didn't like it very much the first time but that poster art is soo goddamn good I had to give it another chance. Plus David Hess. "enjoyed" it much more on second viewing. but it also left me wondering what it says about me as viewer to enjoy a film which is essentially 75 minutes of protracted sexual assault and violence. it's bad vibes through and through with no socially redeeming quality. my buddy was nonplussed; my girlfriend and his wife were both thoroughly displeased with it. I had no defense to mount. it's exploitation in the purest sense.

to ease the tension in the room we watched Arrow's Bluray version of "Bride of Re-Animator" (1990) which is just easy fun. It's not as amazing as the first film but it's still really damn good and suffers little from sequelitis. re-animated flesh monsters injected with glowstick green juice will never not rule. and all of the females are hot. except the re-animated old lady. recommended for anytime viewing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on July 01, 2019, 07:40:53 PM
Quote from: dodecaphonic on July 01, 2019, 02:51:32 PM
Quote from: aububs on June 30, 2019, 03:48:44 AM
new peter strickland movie is great. he's currently hitting four for four.

i hope its better then barberian sound studio that was terrible

berberian sound studio was one of the best movies of whatever year it came out

you won't like his new one
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: dodecaphonic on July 02, 2019, 01:36:34 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on July 01, 2019, 07:20:24 PM
double feature last night with:
Ruggero Deodato's "House on the Edge of the Park" (1980) This was my second viewing, the first being 3 or 4 years ago.

is a great film! the sound design in that film is awesome esp, that pool scene -

im pretty sure atrax morgue was influenced by this film, i remember reading somewhere he liked it.

sounds like kind of an awkward group viewing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: dodecaphonic on July 02, 2019, 01:48:09 AM
Quote from: aububs on July 01, 2019, 07:40:53 PM
Quote from: dodecaphonic on July 01, 2019, 02:51:32 PM
Quote from: aububs on June 30, 2019, 03:48:44 AM
new peter strickland movie is great. he's currently hitting four for four.

i hope its better then barberian sound studio that was terrible

berberian sound studio was one of the best movies of whatever year it came out

you won't like his new one

maybe i'll check it out,

I just couldn't get into barberian sound studio, just the way it felt, looked and sounded -
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on July 02, 2019, 12:29:49 PM
berberian is a love letter to italian "weird" cinema of the 70s & early 80s
and it does its pastiche/tribute thing pretty well imo
it could be difficult to watch if one approaches it expecting something other than that though

also an anecdote on topic of ruggero deodato:
jess franco thought deodato was a nice guy but criticised him for making movies that are too violent and overall mean

if your significant others don't dig deodato, next time watch something by kindly grandpa jesús, you guys!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 03, 2019, 02:46:21 AM
The Psychic (1977, Fulci)
A great "supernatural giallo".

Tights Worship: Inside the Practices of The Rita (2019, Mike McKinlay)
Amazing short doc on THE RITA. Directed by Sam's brother and produced by Kier-La Janisse (House of Psychotic Women) for byNWR - a curated media site by Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive, Valhalla Rising, Pusher trilogy, etc). Refn is one of my favourite directors, and it's amazing that this connection now exists.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on July 03, 2019, 04:37:42 PM
going to see Midsommar tonight - really looking forward to it since Hereditary was one of the better horror movies to come out in the last 5 years
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 03, 2019, 06:12:24 PM
last night was my first viewing of "Peopletoys" aka "Devil Times Five" aka "The Horrible House on the Hill" from 1974. a "killer children" film that was a lot of fun despite some highly annoying editing decisions. especially a 5+ minute kill scene in sepia tone and slow motion that was engaging as watching paint dry. I don't want to spoil anything but the kills get very creative after the first, there are some grade A titties and the children are absolutely ruthless. also my personal favorite effect in any film, there's a man on fire sequence. actually a woman in this one. ANY movie that has a man on fire sequence gets a big ratings bump from me. it's a lot of fun and definitely worth a watch.

Monday night was "Superstition" aka "The Witch" from 1982. This one also had some awesome kills but the brutally bad acting combined with the shoe-string budget made it difficult to get through in one sitting. all the elements of a better schlock film are there but it just doesn't come together all the way. however, more than one priest dies an gory fashion so I can't totally disregard it. but of the two, my recommendation is definitely for "Peopletoys".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 03, 2019, 08:25:47 PM
"...a 5+ minute kill scene in sepia tone and slow motion that was engaging as watching paint dry"

What?!? That's the best scene in the whole movie! If you're so inclined, the Blu-ray looks much better than the dvd. I grabbed a copy when Screen Archives or DiabolikDVD had it on sale.

I haven't watched anything lately. Pre-ordered two movies I've never heard of from Mondo Macabro: Killer of Dolls and Woman Chasing the Butterfly of Death.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on July 04, 2019, 01:47:02 PM
Carne de tu carne (1983) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085299/)
can't find a way to describe the plot without spoiling too much
wiki labels the directors other film as 'Tropical gothic' and that label fits this one pretty well too
deep dark powers of the psyche unleashed in 1950s Colombia yadda yadda yadda
'dedicated to Roman Polanski and Roger Corman' by the director, and both influences are very evident in the film
I'd also add Ken Russel to the list
technically limited at times, but original, stylish, smart, well written and well acted
unequivocal thumbs up!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on July 04, 2019, 10:37:45 PM
Started watching Years and Years last night. I thought they did a great job of capturing the "dystopian future" we're all expecting. It seemed almost like a overly complicated Black Mirror episode at first but by the end of episode one I was hooked. Looking forward to the rest of them.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on July 05, 2019, 04:59:03 PM
Midsommar was not as good as Hereditary (which I give a 10/10) but was still a good movie. would give it a 8/10
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on July 05, 2019, 07:45:30 PM
Thanks all for those recommended series. Will try to watch most of them. Not sure about Sabrina to be honest, haha. But I must admit I also watched some episodes many years ago, and yes, I think it was funny... In my opinion, only regular Sabrina watchers can get the full edgelord PE points!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on July 05, 2019, 07:51:27 PM
the new Sabrina show/series is completely different than the original - much darker and not very "kid" friendly. I watched both seasons (so far) and thought it was decent for what it was, which is just basically a teen drama with a lot of dark/satanic/witchcraft overtones...unless Holy Ghost is talking about the original series - then just ignore this
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on July 05, 2019, 07:53:13 PM
I liked Hereditary as well, so now I'm really interested in Midsommar.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on July 05, 2019, 07:55:31 PM
Quote from: DSOL on July 05, 2019, 07:51:27 PM
the new Sabrina show/series is completely different than the original - much darker and not very "kid" friendly. I watched both seasons (so far) and thought it was decent for what it was, which is just basically a teen drama with a lot of dark/satanic/witchcraft overtones...unless Holy Ghost is talking about the original series - then just ignore this

Ah ok, then sorry for my ignorance. I didn't know there was a new Sabrina series, I only know the one from the end of the nineties.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on July 05, 2019, 08:11:54 PM
Quote from: cr on July 05, 2019, 07:53:13 PM
I liked Hereditary as well, so now I'm really interested in Midsommar.

highly recommended
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on July 09, 2019, 12:04:29 PM
Two from Jess Franco with Soledad Miranda beauty, Vampyros Lesbos and Eugenie de Sade (1973) -aka Eugenie Sex Happening- . I like Eugenie better. Better movie, story and Soledad more sexy in the role of daughter.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 09, 2019, 04:29:07 PM
Quote from: Theodore on July 09, 2019, 12:04:29 PM
Eugenie de Sade (1973)

This one is great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 09, 2019, 05:14:51 PM
saw "Midsommar" over the weekend and I really enjoyed it as well. as someone who has taken a lot of mushrooms and LSD over the years, I think they conveyed tripping pretty successfully without going over the top. visually the film is a pleasure and the gore is top-notch. I didn't find any of the characters to be sympathetic so I enjoyed what came to them that much more. final verdict, if you like "The Wicker Man" but want those hippy-dippy vibes out of it, this is the movie for you.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Acne on July 10, 2019, 02:42:34 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on July 09, 2019, 05:14:51 PM
saw "Midsommar" over the weekend and I really enjoyed it as well. as someone who has taken a lot of mushrooms and LSD over the years, I think they conveyed tripping pretty successfully without going over the top. visually the film is a pleasure and the gore is top-notch. I didn't find any of the characters to be sympathetic so I enjoyed what came to them that much more. final verdict, if you like "The Wicker Man" but want those hippy-dippy vibes out of it, this is the movie for you.

sound editing/score was awesome as well - haxan cloak really getting noisy with some strings
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 10, 2019, 07:01:18 PM
Quote from: Acne on July 10, 2019, 02:42:34 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on July 09, 2019, 05:14:51 PM
saw "Midsommar" over the weekend and I really enjoyed it as well. as someone who has taken a lot of mushrooms and LSD over the years, I think they conveyed tripping pretty successfully without going over the top. visually the film is a pleasure and the gore is top-notch. I didn't find any of the characters to be sympathetic so I enjoyed what came to them that much more. final verdict, if you like "The Wicker Man" but want those hippy-dippy vibes out of it, this is the movie for you.

sound editing/score was awesome as well - haxan cloak really getting noisy with some strings

huh I did not realize he did the score. I couldn't ever get too excited about his solo work but I guess he does better scoring an actual film instead of an imaginary one?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 12, 2019, 05:53:39 PM
"Yakuza Law" (1969, Teruo Ishii)
After a month break I'm getting back to the last few DVDs/BluRay of Teruo Ishii I picked up this year. I feel there is a slight issue here, similar to Miike's "Dead or Alive" where the title sequence's montage of extreme violence is the high-point of the film. while it's not really true of either film, the immediate visceral high is hard to meet. "Yakuza Law" is a series of 3 vignettes, each one better than the last (much like "Orgies of Edo"), each full of finger removal, eye-gougings, and frequent bitch-slapping of men and women. much too my surprise there's very little sexual assault and only one brief instance of tit licking, which is goddamn Japanese staple! the vignettes are kinda hard to follow as each are filled with flashbacks with little to distinguish between the current time lines and the past. but ask yourself, are you here for plot driven drama or the fountains of blood and extremity removal?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on July 14, 2019, 03:46:33 AM
I binged the third season of Stranger Things - first was good, second season was a pretty huge letdown and this one was fucking great. Great to see them bounce back.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 14, 2019, 08:16:56 PM
Last night was John Woo's The Killer, gothic Euro-horror The Devil's Nightmare, followed by Fulci's The Black Cat.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on July 15, 2019, 04:44:08 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on July 14, 2019, 03:46:33 AM
I binged the third season of Stranger Things - first was good, second season was a pretty huge letdown and this one was fucking great. Great to see them bounce back.

agree with all of this, I thought the 2nd season was trash - wasn't even going to watch the 3rd season because of that
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 17, 2019, 04:42:54 PM
"Martyrs" dir Pascal Laugier (2008) - last night I rewatched this film for the first time in ten years. because I couldn't rent it online easily I just bought it for $12 on Amazon Prime. I deeply regret this decision. I remembered it as being violent and relatively entertaining with some intense gore. what I got was a boring slough that wasn't worth a $1 let alone $12. my Prime account will be forever shamed by this purchase.
seriously though I don't know why I thought I'd like this because I hate 90% of the New French Extremity and basically all French films after the French New Wave. The first 20-30 minutes are okay but after the first big "twist", it gets so fucking insufferably boring and dumb I was begging for it to end. It's only an hour and 40 minutes but it feels like three. i felt like a goddamn martyr have sat through it all.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: seventhcircle on July 17, 2019, 07:56:29 PM
Does anyone else here have a Shudder account? I've been paying for one for about a year now but haven't used it much, and I've been looking to change this..

Any recommendations for must-see titles that are currently on it?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on July 17, 2019, 10:36:27 PM
Quote from: seventhcircle on July 17, 2019, 07:56:29 PM
Does anyone else here have a Shudder account? I've been paying for one for about a year now but haven't used it much, and I've been looking to change this..

Any recommendations for must-see titles that are currently on it?

Prince Of Darkness
The Beyond
Hellraiser I, II, & III
The Void
The Changeling
Old Boy
Puppet Master - The Littlest Reich
Maniac (original)
I Saw The Devil
Cannibal Holocaust
The Stuff
Black Christmas
Dead & Buried
City Of The Living Dead
Deep Red
Castle Freak

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 18, 2019, 06:41:19 PM
"A Snake of June" dir Shinya Tsukamoto (2002) - been meaning to watch this for about a year now but given that Tsukamoto makes such peculiar films, I have to be in a specific mood to watch them. I thought this one was gonna get way weirder than it did, but was pleasantly surprised how cohesive and down to earth the narrative was. there is some weirdo imagery in the later half of the film, but I took it as entirely symbolic, rather than literal in anyway. while the film starts off with this whole stalker/peeper thing, it's not about sexual games in a negative way but instead finding healing in sexual exploration. I dunno, i think it's a loving look at women by Tsukamoto and ends on basically a hopeful note. the fact that it was shot in standard ratio and tinted blue combined with the camera work creates a very visually intoxicating film too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 18, 2019, 11:34:25 PM
"Martyrs" dir Pascal Laugier (2008)

I've seen the film once & didn't like it. I remember being bored, etc. but reading everything since then that praises the film makes me feel like I need to see it again. I've looked into buying it but never bit the bullet as I figured it'd be a waste of money.

The only French film that I liked that was Inside. That film is a blast!

I didn't much care for Frontier(s), either.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on July 20, 2019, 04:11:23 AM
"Inside" is cool, "Haute Tension" is great until the end that fuckin' sucks so much that actually makes me angry. Haven't seen "Martyrs" yet, I've seen "The Tall Man" from Laugier and while I know that it was made in another circunstances (hollywood bs and big star) it was so lackluster... Never ended watching "Frontier(s)" that seemed like typical torture porn. "Calvaire" is one I always forget about, but I liked "Vinyan" quite a lot so I have to see it.
"Troble Every Day" is great but more on the arthouse side of things. Anyway, I have been watching some new horror movies lately:

Us - Pretty good, I think I like it better than "Run", it is very funny without being black comedy and it is very weird. Racial and social commentary is Peele bread and butter so you have to suspend disbelief and face it as modern fables or something because the more you think about details the more you see the plot holes and everything but that's not the point, the end result is satisfying as a horror movie first and foremost. I don't know if he can get any more megalomaniac than this but it would be interesting to see him take a smaller scale project with less elements so the incongruencies won't be so much in evidence. One of the top horror directors of nowadays anyway.

The Autopsy of Jane Doe - Very good. Take two great actors, put them in a morgue with a dead body and watch it go. Of course there's more to the movie than that and it is very good all the way, the ending is ok but I would dispense the time expended explanating things, still everything is satisfying. It's one of those minor horror movies that will never be celebrated as canon but are great all the same. Great gore too.

The Ritual - Kind of like "The Autopsy of Jane Doe" quality wise, the acting is good, characters believable, the sense of dread is thick, everything done with love and care, it just don't have what it takes to be "one of the greatest", but I guess I am asking too much at this point.

Unsane - This one is perfect, everything is done beautifully and it was made with fuckin' Ipods. it's not "found footage" (thank fuck) and it looks GREAT. Performances are "Oscar level" (to use a term I hate), esp. the protagonist. I love how the movie seems believable in every aspect, from situations to dialogue. In a better world this one would be celebrated as a modern classic, fuck Soderbergh, the guy should keep his shit together, say "go to hell" to commercial projects and dwell more in this kind of stuff, he has what it takes.

Halloween (2018) - It's good, the script is bumpy as hell and I can't think of a movie that has so many after the fact killings as this (which gets maddening), but the respect for the original and love for the lore and esp. Jamie Lee Curtis carry this one further than it would otherwise. It's good and fun, none of the killings are great tho.
I have yet to watch the Rob Zombie one's but I suspect it will be a shitfest.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 22, 2019, 11:21:59 PM
Bizarre, this should be good, Jesus Shows You The Way To The Highway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCQtLFqEtJE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCQtLFqEtJE)

"A Snake of June" dir Shinya Tsukamoto (2002) is a winner.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on July 23, 2019, 10:01:28 PM
REVENGE - Pretty bad. Visually stunning yadda yadda. The amount of suspension of disbelief needed for this one is mind numbing. The actors are very good. The script is shit. People bleed more than anime and nothing makes sense. It starts nicely before the "accident". The desert feels like a backyard, people walk thru it in seconds. The desert scenery is gorgeous. The ending fight is kinda ok but the directors can't handle even a small enviroment, it makes if feel smaller and sterile and boring. I don't recommend this one, lots of craft gone in a shitshow.

HAPPY DEATH DAY - Competent Groundhog Day gone slasher flick. It leans more on comedy and is well done, not brutal or anything but in fact it's a "feel good" horror movie.

SUMMER OF 84 - 80sploitation is a genre yet? I wanted to dislike but it is actually nicely put together, the characters are good, all the usual 80s trappings (scenery, nods to pop culture, synth soundtrack, horror movie references) are not overwhelming and the ending is COLD. Good when you are in that "Stranger Things" vibe.

FIRST REFORMED - Fuckin' masterpiece, Taxi Driver for grown ups.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on July 24, 2019, 06:18:30 AM
Lords of Chaos (2018)
exactly what i expected it to be
laughed my ass off throughout the whole thing
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 25, 2019, 04:30:31 PM
Rutger Hauer double feature last night:

Blade Runner (The Final Cut)
Finally saw this version. Hardly anything to fault here.

The Hitcher
The man just wants to die and doesn't have what it takes to kill himself, so will rack up as much terror and collateral damage as necessary until someone finally does it for him. Love it. The new Blu-Ray doesn't look a hell of a lot better than what I remember the DVD looking like.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 25, 2019, 09:26:44 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on July 25, 2019, 04:30:31 PM
Rutger Hauer double feature last night:

Blade Runner (The Final Cut)
Finally saw this version. Hardly anything to fault here.

I know some people complain about there being multiple cuts of Blade Runner and use it as some sort of proof that the film isn't as good as people claim, but those people are idiots imo. Having watched all cuts multiple times, I'm not offended that they tweaked it into perfection over the years. I think the "Final Cut" is the best and I'm was not upset that there's a definite best version now. But then again, not everyone worships Blade Runner the way I do so... to each their own I suppose.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 25, 2019, 11:08:45 PM
Criterion is releasing a box set of the entire Showa era Of Godzilla. 15 films on Bluray.

https://www.criterion.com/boxsets/2648-godzilla-the-showa-era-films-1954-1975 (https://www.criterion.com/boxsets/2648-godzilla-the-showa-era-films-1954-1975)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on July 26, 2019, 07:56:29 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on June 11, 2019, 09:08:24 PM
Finally finished "The Fall" series from the BBC. only 18 episodes all together over three seasons but it took me 18 months. I really liked the way it ended and generally thought the last season was the best although that's apparently an unpopular opinion. Gillian Anderson remains incredibly hot and pleasant to watch as she tracks down a serial killer. I assume at the very least the first season would appeal to many people here.

Just finished Season 1, and yes, it's pretty good, I really liked it! Looking forward for the next season(s).
It seems, The Boys will interrupt further looking of The Fall. I like the Garth Ennis Graphic Novel, but I'm always a bit sceptical about making some actual TV series about it. But still, I'm curious...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 26, 2019, 11:42:03 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on July 25, 2019, 11:08:45 PM
Criterion is releasing a box set of the entire Showa era Of Godzilla. 15 films on Bluray.

https://www.criterion.com/boxsets/2648-godzilla-the-showa-era-films-1954-1975 (https://www.criterion.com/boxsets/2648-godzilla-the-showa-era-films-1954-1975)

Damn! That will have to be purchased during one of the half-off sales, if  possible.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Araxis on July 27, 2019, 01:12:02 AM
Quote from: EXU on July 23, 2019, 10:01:28 PM
REVENGE - Pretty bad. Visually stunning yadda yadda. The amount of suspension of disbelief needed for this one is mind numbing. The actors are very good. The script is shit. People bleed more than anime and nothing makes sense. It starts nicely before the "accident". The desert feels like a backyard, people walk thru it in seconds. The desert scenery is gorgeous. The ending fight is kinda ok but the directors can't handle even a small enviroment, it makes if feel smaller and sterile and boring. I don't recommend this one, lots of craft gone in a shitshow.

HAPPY DEATH DAY - Competent Groundhog Day gone slasher flick. It leans more on comedy and is well done, not brutal or anything but in fact it's a "feel good" horror movie.

SUMMER OF 84 - 80sploitation is a genre yet? I wanted to dislike but it is actually nicely put together, the characters are good, all the usual 80s trappings (scenery, nods to pop culture, synth soundtrack, horror movie references) are not overwhelming and the ending is COLD. Good when you are in that "Stranger Things" vibe.

FIRST REFORMED - Fuckin' masterpiece, Taxi Driver for grown ups.

First Reformed also has a soundtrack by Lustmord
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ashraf on July 28, 2019, 09:02:36 PM
First Reformed is my favorite film of recent memory and Lustmord's score is incredible.
A good read about its visual aspects: https://filmschoolrejects.com/visual-austerity-of-first-reformed/
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 28, 2019, 09:55:09 PM
Last night was Harvey Weinstein's classic slasher, The Burning.

Speaking of slashers, Scream Factory has announced that they will be releasing My Bloody Valentine. It'll be a 2-disc set. I'm guessing it'll be like the dvd set with the theatrical version & almost fully uncut version with some color correction for those wonderfully brutal scenes. It'll be interesting to see what they are able to do with the color correction. It'd be nice if they locate the one gore scene that was completely cut out but I'm not holding my breath for that.

Scream Factory is also releasing Prophecy , which, I remember being horrible fun.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 29, 2019, 06:49:22 PM
Actually had some downtime this weekend so I was able to get quite a few movies in.

Saturday was Teruo Ishii's final film "Blind Beast vs. Killer Dwarf" (2001). a no-budget surreal detective story based on writings of Edogawa Rampo, starring Lily Franky and Shinya Tsukamoto. Considering it was made completely independently and with no money it's still pretty visually ambitious at times but I couldn't help but feeling how good it could have been if it was directed with studio backing. it's also damn hard to follow early on, which was made worse because I was physically exhausted while watching. Considering I've fallen completely in love with Teruo Ishii in the past 6 months I still thoroughly enjoyed it, but newcomers will probably cry uncle 15 minutes in.

Sunday was a triple feature! I live a life of leisure apparently.

First was "What Have They Done To Your Daughters?" (1974) by Massimo Dallamano. I've seen 4 Dallamano films and this is easily my favorite, beating out "What Have You Done To Solange?". The police procedural / giallo hybrid really works, the subject is high school girl sex rings, and the writing is pretty dang good for this sort of thing. Audio recordings play prominently into the plot and it's my favorite part. real voyeur vibes throughout. It also makes me happy that the protagonists know nothing they do will amount to much since rich and powerful pedos will stop the investigation and so they basically leave it, like it would actually happen in real life. Oh and the score is absolutely great!

Second was my girlfriend's pick, "The Bourne Supremacy" (2004). I've never made it through this one without blacking out/passing out, so it was cool to finally see it. I'm not a big fan of the hyper fast cuts they do throughout all three of these movies. I know it's supposed to make the action even crazier but I think it just makes the sequences shittier. And these movies basically made that style the Hollywood style for a while, which became painfully prominent in the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy. also the lack of graphic violence due to the PG-13 rating annoys me to no end. But as far as PG-13 action films go you could definitely do worse.

Last was Beat Takeshi's "Outrage" (2010). I read a few negative remarks about this one so I had low expectations but apparently people are idiots. While it's certainly not as original or poignant as Takeshi's '90s Yakuza-esque films, it's relentless violent in that very Beat Takeshi matter of fact way. Gangsters being shitty to one another as they vie for more power and money, and many fingers, teeth, eyes and rips are destroyed along the way. there's no one to root for, it's just parade of meaningless violence. which is a compliment. Apparently Takeshi only used actors who hadn't been in his films before, but many of them are actually familiar faces if you've watched Takashi Miike's films. will be watching "Beyond Outrage" and "Outrage Coda" soon.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 29, 2019, 10:05:25 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on July 29, 2019, 06:49:22 PM
First was "What Have They Done To Your Daughters?" (1974) by Massimo Dallamano. I've seen 4 Dallamano films and this is easily my favorite, beating out "What Have You Done To Solange?". The police procedural / giallo hybrid really works, the subject is high school girl sex rings, and the writing is pretty dang good for this sort of thing. Audio recordings play prominently into the plot and it's my favorite part. real voyeur vibes throughout. It also makes me happy that the protagonists know nothing they do will amount to much since rich and powerful pedos will stop the investigation and so they basically leave it, like it would actually happen in real life. Oh and the score is absolutely great!

Absolutely my favourite Dallamano.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 05, 2019, 12:53:10 AM
Last night was the out the top film, I Saw the Devil. I kinda like it more with each viewing. The first, years ago on dvd, I thought it was trying too hard and overlong. It's definitely a little overlong but no longer feels that way to me. It moves pretty quickly.

I just read a few comments on Arrow's release of Cruising. Friedkin has the club scenes with a blue tint but not as much as the previous dvd & there's no silly added effects when Pacino does poppers. Too bad an untouched version that was seen theatrically wasn't also included along with the director's 'improved' version.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AbstractVenom on August 05, 2019, 06:14:12 PM
I watched Climax over the weekend and was thoroughly impressed. Irreversible is the only other Gaspar Noe title I'd seen, many many years ago when my tastes were less "sophisticated" and while I didn't hate it, I didn't really get it. Experiencing Climax has definitely sparked a new appreciation and interest in his work. So much so that I even watched Love the following day.

Many things to unpack and explore with Climax, but aspects that really stood out for me were:
The soundtrack, more specifically how the music weaves in and out of the narrative, much in the same way the camera work does.
Noe has this uncanny ability to twist and stretch space; at times you feel like you're floating around the set like a ghost or an insect, other times you feel trapped in a static shot.
Characters arguing or pleading through a closed/locked door seems to be a recurring motif in his films, anybody else noticed this?
Also I've only done shrooms once and had a really good time, but I've seen plenty of online videos of freakouts, people having full on psychotic breaks, and I felt the actors emulated all that very convincingly.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Eastern Embargo on August 11, 2019, 12:31:56 AM

Binged watched The Naked Director on Netflix, a loosely based series on toru muranishi aka the emperor of japanese porn. Great cast of directors and actors (Lily Franky, Jun Kunimura, etc) and loads of porn for your entertainment. Fun watch!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on August 11, 2019, 04:23:25 PM
The Last Czar on Netflix - pretty cool history of the final days of the Romanovs, Rasputin, and the events leading up to the 1917 Revolution. Frankly I would have liked to see a series more about the actual revolution but this is pretty tight. Really informative (lots of contemporary expert talking heads interspersed with the actors). Well worth watching imho.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on August 14, 2019, 04:15:35 AM
Pura sangre (1982) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0193438/)
a rich Colombian businessman blackmails his employees into kidnapping and murdering young men to provide illegal blood transfusions for his ailing father
a documentalist, prosaic, near emotionless depiction of pure unreflecting evil
in that regard it is not unlike Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer and Angst
interestingly, this movie is also very close thematically to Carne de tu carne, which came out in 1983
both Colombian films use their unconventional takes on vampirism as means for social commentary

available on Vimeo in excellent quality, english subs included
watch it
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on August 14, 2019, 06:51:55 PM
I just watched an old Japanese movie called Kwaidan.  It was a collection of four ghost stories, though I would not call it a horror movie.  While long, it was very interesting, and the set design was amazing.  There were several scenes with bizarre painted backdrops (the sky with giant eyes/in strange colors).  The best part of the movie, in my mind, was the soundtrack (which will likely appeal to some users here).  It entirely consisted of weird ambient sounds and disturbing drones.  Scenes were punctuated with cracking noises and moans.  I would highly recommend it for the soundtrack alone.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ritualabuser on August 16, 2019, 03:57:03 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on July 17, 2019, 04:42:54 PM
"Martyrs" dir Pascal Laugier (2008) - I don't know why I thought I'd like this because I hate 90% of the New French Extremity...it gets so fucking insufferably boring and dumb...

1000% agree. Every single one of those movies I've had recommended to me has ended up being a cringeworthy turd.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on August 17, 2019, 11:45:05 AM
Third day of heavy drinking (and it seems I'm getting too old for this) - so I came across Yellowbeard, haven't watched this for 15 years or more. According to John Cleese "one of the six worst films made in the history of the world". Love it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on August 31, 2019, 12:46:53 AM
Worshipped Winding-Refn's series Too Old To Die Young until the end where it took a turn into some feminist shit message about "it's the womens turn to be violent now". Thus another timeless masterpiece about amorality and violence as a natural and necessary force in humanity has been turned into a guilty compromise of current and soon to be very dated values.

Winding-Refn of all people. What a let down.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on August 31, 2019, 01:28:32 AM
Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on August 31, 2019, 12:46:53 AM
Winding-Refn of all people. What a let down.

It is a bit surprising coming from him. In interviews said that he had no intentions to do anything of the sort but that he basically couldn't help it when dealing with being in Trump America.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on August 31, 2019, 01:45:44 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on August 31, 2019, 01:28:32 AMIn interviews said that he had no intentions to do anything of the sort but that he basically couldn't help it when dealing with being in Trump America.

So now he's just like all the others. What a turn off.

If it's so awful for Mr Millionaire Hollywood Movie Director to live in "Trump's America" then he could always leave. His career might take a step back but at least he'd be showing a bit of backbone.

Anyway, one more fuck up like this from him and I'm done with his movies.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 01, 2019, 08:26:57 PM
Hounds of Love- I've been wanting to see this Aussie film for awhile now so finally purchased a U.S. release on BD-r dirt cheap on eBay. For the most part, it's good but the ending is melodramatic crap. The lead male actor is excellent as a cold sex abusing murderer.SNOWTOWN is much better & would make for a good double-feature. I'm anxious to see it again...

Recently received The New York Ripper & Sonny Chiba's Street Fighter Collection blu's. I have taken a look at the first S.F. film which will be the first time seeing it in Japanese & I'm not sure I've ever seen the third film. I hope Arrow releases more of Chiba's movies esp. Karate Bullfighter.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on September 01, 2019, 08:31:25 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 01, 2019, 08:26:57 PM

This one never lets down after multiple rewatches. Great film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on September 02, 2019, 07:22:22 AM
Parents (1989) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098068/)
Disturbed young kid in 50s suburbia suspects his parents of terrible things, turns out to be right.
A drama about the difficulty of being a child and growing up & being a parent and watching your child grow up, under the guise of stylized black comedy.
Somewhat similar to Celia (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094849/) from the same year. Not as epic, but nevertheless pretty good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on September 03, 2019, 12:06:30 AM
Don't want to start a new thread only for this so i try asking here... I'm trying to identify the movie this quote is from (at least I guess is from a movie):

«Always remember, there are only 3 different kinds of men: The worms, who can only crawl and lick your feet. And there are the slaves. The slaves that must obey, because they have neither brain nor will power. And finally you have the Dominators, the ones who command. The men who have the real strength, can power everything. If we don't want to be worms or slaves, then we must be Dominators. To us the Dominators».

A proper sample can be heard at the end of Kickback's song Cavalcare la tigre from Et Le Diable Rit Avec Nous
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 03, 2019, 12:17:34 AM
Quote from: BlackCavendish on September 03, 2019, 12:06:30 AM
Don't want to start a new thread only for this so i try asking here... I'm trying to identify the movie this quote is from (at least I guess is from a movie):

«Always remember, there are only 3 different kinds of men: The worms, who can only crawl and lick your feet. And there are the slaves. The slaves that must obey, because they have neither brain nor will power. And finally you have the Dominators, the ones who command. The men who have the real strength, can power everything. If we don't want to be worms or slaves, then we must be Dominators. To us the Dominators».

A proper sample can be heard at the end of Kickback's song Cavalcare la tigre from Et Le Diable Rit Avec Nous

It's from a film called Violence for Kicks.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 03, 2019, 04:21:29 PM
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) - my second viewing, at home. admittedly the movie lost a little of it's impact on a TV when compared to the big screen but it's still damn enjoyable. It's a CGI driven Kaiju movie so if you want something beyond that, skip it. But if you want to see big CG monsters fight and a constant disregard for physics, the science of radiation and the like, it delivers. I can acknowledge that if this wasn't a Godzilla film all of the super-unrealistic stuff would bother me (and I can't help but laugh at the use of Osprey helicopters as the primary means of transportation in the film), but with Godzilla I don't care.

Mindhunter: Season 2 (2019) - much more consistent than the first season to me. I still can't stand about half of the characters, including the lead, and I think the character "development" is fucking dumb a lot of the time, BUT the interviews with criminals remain interesting and the Atlanta child killer stuff is fascinating as well. The finale reminded me a lot of The Wire in the way that nothing really gets fixed or resolved and the world keeps turning and everything bad will happen again. Nice.

Outrage Coda (2017) - finished Takeshi Kitano's Outrage trilogy last night. unfortunately I was so tired I probably missed about 30 minutes of this movie. it felt like the slowest and weakest of the three, but it provided a fitting (and expected) conclusion. Kitano reminds me of a Japanese Gary Oldman the way he's always chewing up the scenery when he's on screen. on the whole it's definitely a trilogy to watch if you like intense violence and yakuza politics. I'd say the first is probably my favorite given it's near Takashi Miike level of sadistic violence.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on September 03, 2019, 11:11:31 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 03, 2019, 12:17:34 AM
Quote from: BlackCavendish on September 03, 2019, 12:06:30 AM
Don't want to start a new thread only for this so i try asking here... I'm trying to identify the movie this quote is from (at least I guess is from a movie):

«Always remember, there are only 3 different kinds of men: The worms, who can only crawl and lick your feet. And there are the slaves. The slaves that must obey, because they have neither brain nor will power. And finally you have the Dominators, the ones who command. The men who have the real strength, can power everything. If we don't want to be worms or slaves, then we must be Dominators. To us the Dominators».

A proper sample can be heard at the end of Kickback's song Cavalcare la tigre from Et Le Diable Rit Avec Nous

It's from a film called Violence for Kicks.

Thanks a lot! I spent the last 10 days looking for this damn movie and you solved the "mistery" in 15 minutes...
Ironically it's an italian movie... and I'm from Italy :|
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on September 10, 2019, 04:17:37 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 03, 2019, 04:21:29 PM
Mindhunter: Season 2 (2019) - much more consistent than the first season to me. I still can't stand about half of the characters, including the lead, and I think the character "development" is fucking dumb a lot of the time, BUT the interviews with criminals remain interesting and the Atlanta child killer stuff is fascinating as well. The finale reminded me a lot of The Wire in the way that nothing really gets fixed or resolved and the world keeps turning and everything bad will happen again. Nice.

I enjoyed both seasons a lot - definitely a good season but I wish they would have spent more on the interviews and developing the characters, especially Wendy and less on Bill's creepy kid. I felt like after two years of waiting it didn't really cover much.

I also started Succession Season Two - I really hate all these characters so much.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on September 16, 2019, 08:13:09 PM
Tremors 1 & 2, going to watch 3 & 4 tonight
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 20, 2019, 04:47:14 PM
Quote from: Eastern Embargo on August 11, 2019, 12:31:56 AM
Binged watched The Naked Director on Netflix, a loosely based series on toru muranishi aka the emperor of japanese porn. Great cast of directors and actors (Lily Franky, Jun Kunimura, etc) and loads of porn for your entertainment. Fun watch!

Started this a few nights ago, enjoying it a lot so far. Biggest complaint is the use of modern electronic music in the score rather than soundtracking it exclusively with 80s J-pop and the like. But it's definitely a lot of fun!

last weekend was my annual Sleazy Slasher Saturday party. We didn't get as many films watched this go but it was still a blast. We watched:

So Sweet, So Dead aka The Slasher is the Sex Maniac - my second viewing. Code Red's BluRay gives such a nice presentation to a movie that shouldn't and doesn't need to look this good. My first viewing I had very high expectations and was let down but I liked it more this second time. it's a functional giallo with little flash or pizzazz, but a lot of qts get murdered and isn't that what it's all about?

Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge - first viewing for me. my friend mentioned this films legacy as the gayest horror film ever made and the main character's slow ascent into gay icon, but you really have to see it all to believe it. forget subtext, the gay aspect of this film is the film. and it's fucking great! the gore is solid, the sex/death gay vibes are perfect and the lead actress who looks like Meryl Streep's younger, hotter sister had me sweaty. and there's a Bobby Orlando track during the pool party! along with Dream Warriors this is easily the best in the series.

My Bloody Valentine - second viewing of this one, first time with all the gore added back in. I remember being nonplussed by this one as well on first viewing but the second time is the charm. easy to see why it's considered a classic. and the restored gore is real damn good.

Freddy vs Jason - fun, dumb as hell, kinda gore-y, lots of CG. what you'd expect but slightly better. the first chick to get nude is extremely hot and her eventual murder is satisfying. largely it's a painful artifact of its time but its never full-on boring so it gets a pass.

Candyman - my first time watching this one. it's much different than I expected. '90s goth while escaping a fair amount of the cheesiness of the era. Virginia Madsen is fucking hot! and Tony Todd kills it in every scene he's in. it's a slow build but it's worth it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on September 20, 2019, 05:56:22 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 20, 2019, 04:47:14 PM
So Sweet, So Dead

Worth it for the beach scene alone.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 20, 2019, 07:15:10 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on September 20, 2019, 05:56:22 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 20, 2019, 04:47:14 PM
So Sweet, So Dead

Worth it for the beach scene alone.

That and the last 10-15 minutes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on September 25, 2019, 03:28:19 AM
Litan (1982) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0163716/)

probably the trippiest living dead film ever
reminds of many different things from Zeder and L'Aldilà to Don't Look Now to La Belle Captive and Santa Sangre
but copies none of them

definitely interested in watching more of Jean-Pierre Mocky's films
but no idea where to start since the man made almost a hundred of them over a period of 50 years
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: THE RITA HN on September 30, 2019, 08:52:29 PM
QuoteSo Sweet, So Dead aka The Slasher is the Sex Maniac
When everything is deconstructed, it's easily the quintessential Giallo film.  Nothing better.
The real holy grail of that film though is the version called PENETRATION which has XXX scenes edited in.

And - if anyone's interested:
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on September 30, 2019, 11:54:50 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 20, 2019, 04:47:14 PMCandyman - my first time watching this one. it's much different than I expected. '90s goth while escaping a fair amount of the cheesiness of the era. Virginia Madsen is fucking hot! and Tony Todd kills it in every scene he's in. it's a slow build but it's worth it.

Tony Todd is going to resume his role in the upcoming Jordan Peel remake
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on September 30, 2019, 11:56:29 PM
John Wick 3- even better than the 1st two
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 01, 2019, 04:47:58 PM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on September 30, 2019, 08:52:29 PM
QuoteSo Sweet, So Dead aka The Slasher is the Sex Maniac
When everything is deconstructed, it's easily the quintessential Giallo film.  Nothing better.
The real holy grail of that film though is the version called PENETRATION which has XXX scenes edited in.

And - if anyone's interested:

awesome, thanks for posting! if I remember right, didn't you use the audio from this as the main audio on one of The Rita releases? or am I getting my facts mixed up?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on October 01, 2019, 05:19:06 PM
Quote from: DSOL on September 30, 2019, 11:56:29 PM
John Wick 3- even better than the 1st two

I watched it the other night - I really liked the first one but the second two not so much. I kept hearing this one would be better than the second one but I was just sort of bored after the opening. I mean there was some cool shit happening (especially that fight in the library) but overall....

Currently watching Succession Season Two - I have probably said this before but I hated the first season - I still loathe all the characters but this season is just out of control in how shitty everyone is. Personally I think they've outdone themselves on this one.

Derry Girls - some episodes are hit or miss. The one with the formal dance and the Chinese student was a fucking riot 

Just finished: The Sinner Seasons 1&2 - it was "okay". Not amazing but more enjoyable than a lot of other stuff out there.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on October 01, 2019, 07:01:46 PM
Quote from: DSOL on September 30, 2019, 11:54:50 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 20, 2019, 04:47:14 PMCandyman - my first time watching this one. it's much different than I expected. '90s goth while escaping a fair amount of the cheesiness of the era. Virginia Madsen is fucking hot! and Tony Todd kills it in every scene he's in. it's a slow build but it's worth it.

Tony Todd is going to resume his role in the upcoming Jordan Peel remake

Jordan Peel will remake Candyman?  I never saw the original, but after seeing Peel's recent horror movies, I would be sure to check it out.  In fact, I would be pretty interested to see how he would handle a remake in the first place.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 04, 2019, 08:56:40 PM
Zeiram - 1991 [dir. Keita Amemiya]
I don't even know how I stumbled upon this films existence but I was buying a DVD of it and it's sequel within a week. Just when I think I know a thing or two about Japanese obscure cinema I find new rabbit holes to dive into. Oh what a glorious information age it is. Anyways, the film plays like a live action anime, although the related anime actually came after; not too far from what Guillermo del Toro's take on The Terminator might look like, but with some HR Giger and Tetsuo the Iron Man influence. The visual effects and aesthetics of the film fucking rule but everything else just barely exists to support them. the heroine is a qt with some personality, the other human characters aren't the worst and the big baddie absolutely rules. he exists to consume and kill and look cool doing it. a perfect bio weapon with a tentacle penis mini-head in his head. it's great if you like goop, early '90s cyberpunk and seeing drum machines used as teleporters and shit. by traditional film critic criteria it fails, but if you just want to enjoy a weird world with cool 90s electronic music and Japanese shit, you'll be satisfied. hoping to watch the sequel tonight.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 05, 2019, 02:52:17 AM
Has anyone checked out Joker yet? Not a fan of such things but all of the trailers look interesting.

I finally took a look at a few UK Arrow code B blu's including The Thing and City of the Living Dead. There was a lot of criticism about both due to Arrow not tinkering with the color scheme much. From what I saw, both look excellent esp. John Carpenter's classic; Scream Factory didn't get a scan of the orig. cam. neg & they tinkered with the color. Arrow's release looks much more 'natural'. I can't wait to watch it in full. The Fulci is pretty fucking grainy esp. the outdoors scenes but indoors look very nice. It's maybe my fave Fulci film.

I have other code B movies like The Oily Maniac, Cure, Black Magic 2: Revenge of the Zombies, Savage Three, and will soon have a cheap copy of Tyrannosaur to watch while sitting around. I plan to do some reviewing-type crap on my blog, as well. Photograph the packages, etc. (noise, as well).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 05, 2019, 10:25:21 AM
i'm going to see joker today. i'm expecting it to be bad. but low expectations can be good, maybe i'll be surprised

i heard he dances too much
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 05, 2019, 06:08:36 PM
it was ok. it's all in the trailer, really, if you've seen that. it's mainly good because of the lead performance but it's not a very surprising or interesting movie. it's good as an origin story. not to paint everyone who likes it with the same brush, but there's a certain demographic that will lap it up

i genuinely had a small fear that i might get murdered in the cinema, which was new
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on October 06, 2019, 02:36:27 PM
Quote from: aububs on October 05, 2019, 06:08:36 PM
it was ok. it's all in the trailer, really, if you've seen that. it's mainly good because of the lead performance but it's not a very surprising or interesting movie. it's good as an origin story. not to paint everyone who likes it with the same brush, but there's a certain demographic that will lap it up

I think this pretty much sums it up. Good, enjoyable for what it is, strong performance from Phoenix but ultimately a little bit tame.

There's been a lot of hullabaloo about the violence but it's almost like the people most concerned about it haven't seen a "mature" film before, or they are expecting a story within the Batman universe to tone it down a bit because "OoH c0mix thupahero mooovi". Which it isn't.

And it certainly isn't the INCEL call-to-arms that I've seen bandied about either. I suspect most of the detraction will come from people who have read something on Twitter and in turn become an authority on it without bothering to watch it themselves.

Edit: I had no such fears of being murdered, but there were only around 6 people including me in the screening. On opening weekend. Bonkers.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on October 06, 2019, 10:57:05 PM
Pet Sematary (remake): wow, what a pile of fucking steaming garbage. Up until the birthday party it was "okay". Interesting visuals, the actual Sematery looked good. Then they completely change the plot to some clownish bullshit, take out all the interesting stuff and you're left with a botched abortion of a film. The first one is terrible/campy/goofy as fuck but might actually be better than this one.

Firestarter: Absolutely awful, but great soundtrack.

American Horror Story (new season): Haters will say they're just ripping off Stranger Things but this show is so goofy I don't even care. It's preposterously fun. Really nice to see Emma Roberts and Billie Lourde in lead roles for this one.

Black Spot: started this French show on Netflix and really enjoying it. Grim dying small industrial town riddled with crime (and... a haunted forest?!?). Good cast, definitely excited to catch a few more episodes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on October 06, 2019, 11:10:29 PM
went to see joker because my wife wanted to
Joaquin Phoenix did a great job
other than that it is an attempt to produce Taxi Driver, but based on an IP aimed at junior schoolers
quite predictably, did not work out too well
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 07, 2019, 12:28:50 AM
Last night at home was The Hills Have Eyes and today at the cinema was Cannibal Holocaust.

2/2 would repeat.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on October 08, 2019, 06:27:13 PM
Quote from: A-Z on October 06, 2019, 11:10:29 PM
went to see joker because my wife wanted to
Joaquin Phoenix did a great job
other than that it is an attempt to produce Taxi Driver, but based on an IP aimed at junior schoolers
quite predictably, did not work out too well

I really want to see this movie , but your review seems to be the standard (a few newspapers that I read said the same).  It's a shame that the rest of the move apparently could not live up to the quality of Phoenix's acting abilities.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 08, 2019, 10:32:36 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 04, 2019, 08:56:40 PM
Zeiram - 1991 [dir. Keita Amemiya]
I don't even know how I stumbled upon this films existence but I was buying a DVD of it and it's sequel within a week. Just when I think I know a thing or two about Japanese obscure cinema I find new rabbit holes to dive into. Oh what a glorious information age it is. Anyways, the film plays like a live action anime, although the related anime actually came after; not too far from what Guillermo del Toro's take on The Terminator might look like, but with some HR Giger and Tetsuo the Iron Man influence. The visual effects and aesthetics of the film fucking rule but everything else just barely exists to support them. the heroine is a qt with some personality, the other human characters aren't the worst and the big baddie absolutely rules. he exists to consume and kill and look cool doing it. a perfect bio weapon with a tentacle penis mini-head in his head. it's great if you like goop, early '90s cyberpunk and seeing drum machines used as teleporters and shit. by traditional film critic criteria it fails, but if you just want to enjoy a weird world with cool 90s electronic music and Japanese shit, you'll be satisfied. hoping to watch the sequel tonight.

the anime is better than the live action movie imo

zeiram is fun for all the reasons you mention tho
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NaturalOrthodoxy on October 09, 2019, 06:20:48 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on October 08, 2019, 06:27:13 PM
It's a shame that the rest of the move apparently could not live up to the quality of Phoenix's acting abilities.

pretty much my review. It was definitely super influenced by Taxi Driver, and also David Berkowitz too I think. There is some awfully unnecessary exposition as well, and a totally superfluous final scene. Overall better than it needed to be for a comic book franchise movie though
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on October 10, 2019, 11:04:00 PM
Quote from: NaturalOrthodoxy on October 09, 2019, 06:20:48 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on October 08, 2019, 06:27:13 PM
It's a shame that the rest of the move apparently could not live up to the quality of Phoenix's acting abilities.

pretty much my review. It was definitely super influenced by Taxi Driver, and also David Berkowitz too I think. There is some awfully unnecessary exposition as well, and a totally superfluous final scene. Overall better than it needed to be for a comic book franchise movie though

I guess that as long as it turned out better than you would have though, then it would be worth seeing.  I would still like to watch it, though hearing it fall short of the masterpiece it purported to be is disappointing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on October 11, 2019, 12:22:17 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on October 10, 2019, 11:04:00 PM
Quote from: NaturalOrthodoxy on October 09, 2019, 06:20:48 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on October 08, 2019, 06:27:13 PM
It's a shame that the rest of the move apparently could not live up to the quality of Phoenix's acting abilities.

pretty much my review. It was definitely super influenced by Taxi Driver, and also David Berkowitz too I think. There is some awfully unnecessary exposition as well, and a totally superfluous final scene. Overall better than it needed to be for a comic book franchise movie though

I guess that as long as it turned out better than you would have though, then it would be worth seeing.  I would still like to watch it, though hearing it fall short of the masterpiece it purported to be is disappointing.

It is worth seeing, the more I reflect on it the more I think I enjoyed it.

Hype movies are always setup to fall from a great height and this one is no exception, but I think it can be viewed on different levels depending what you personally want to get out of seeing it. It's miles ahead of superhero garbage but will always carry the stigma of being from the pages of a comic book. It's not aimed at kids, it's not even specifcally aimed at Batman fans.

I would be interested to know if it was made as a noir-thriller with no ties to anything (i.e. just a downward-spiralling guy struggling with life who happens to work as a clown) if it would be receiving the same reception. Maybe it would lose some of its audience, but maybe it would benefit from being unshackled from its "universe".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 11, 2019, 12:54:26 PM
it's a pretty good movie it's just not as good as it thinks it is. bit pleased with itself. apparently they're doing a sequel

in other possibly more interesting news nicholas refn is making a maniac cop tv series!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 11, 2019, 04:31:05 PM
Had an amazing experience last night at the restoration screening of Crash during Festival du nouveau cinéma in Montreal, with Cronenberg in attendance for Q&A.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 11, 2019, 06:01:47 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 11, 2019, 04:31:05 PM
Had an amazing experience last night at the restoration screening of Crash during Festival du nouveau cinéma in Montreal, with Cronenberg in attendance for Q&A.

I am in constant envy of the films you get to see in theaters. Crash is a masterpiece.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 11, 2019, 09:00:02 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 11, 2019, 06:01:47 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 11, 2019, 04:31:05 PM
Had an amazing experience last night at the restoration screening of Crash during Festival du nouveau cinéma in Montreal, with Cronenberg in attendance for Q&A.

I am in constant envy of the films you get to see in theaters. Crash is a masterpiece.

Definitely feel pretty lucky sometimes. I saw a few things in Vancouver while I lived there but Montreal has been great for this. Toronto is the real hot spot in Canada tho.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on October 12, 2019, 07:42:59 PM
Quote from: martialgodmask on October 11, 2019, 12:22:17 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on October 10, 2019, 11:04:00 PM
Quote from: NaturalOrthodoxy on October 09, 2019, 06:20:48 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on October 08, 2019, 06:27:13 PM
It's a shame that the rest of the move apparently could not live up to the quality of Phoenix's acting abilities.

pretty much my review. It was definitely super influenced by Taxi Driver, and also David Berkowitz too I think. There is some awfully unnecessary exposition as well, and a totally superfluous final scene. Overall better than it needed to be for a comic book franchise movie though

I guess that as long as it turned out better than you would have though, then it would be worth seeing.  I would still like to watch it, though hearing it fall short of the masterpiece it purported to be is disappointing.

I would be interested to know if it was made as a noir-thriller with no ties to anything (i.e. just a downward-spiralling guy struggling with life who happens to work as a clown) if it would be receiving the same reception. Maybe it would lose some of its audience, but maybe it would benefit from being unshackled from its "universe".

I think that there would be a good chance that making the movie that way would have turned out better.  You get to keep the interesting premise without being tied down by the expectations of fans or the restraints imposed by previous incarnations of the character.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 12, 2019, 09:13:55 PM
The Devil's Bride, The Blood on Satan's Claw, & some of Curse of the Demon.

Did anyone catch Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal  on Cartoon Network? It was pretty good. Lots of bloody dinosaur-caveman battles.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on October 15, 2019, 12:13:26 PM
Would any one be able to tell me from which movie this image is from:


This image is the best part of the Cancer Spreading/Drunkards split 7". Looks like Russ Meyer's version of Mad Max!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 15, 2019, 06:18:46 PM
Moozz, I don't know what that image is from but those are some big ol titties, so now I want to know too.

Some this October I've watched only 1 horror movie all month. Normally I watch 3 a week or something close so I don't know what gives. to make up for it I watched Halloween 2 and Halloween (2018) with my girlfriend on Sunday.

Halloween 2 - I love this movie just as much as the original Halloween. it's all dead body art, nurse titties and children being killed and maimed. literally couldn't ask for more, but then it gives you a man on fire scene at the end.

Halloween (2018) - second time seeing this and it's still a 3/5 at best for me. some of the violence is wonderfully brutal, especially the whole gas station bathroom scene. but the last 30 minutes it all falls apart and there's some characters and twists that should've been cut for a tighter film. also, I'm pretty sure a Winchester 45 Long Colt is a lousy close quarters weapon and it's pretty dumb to walk into rooms to check them if you can just flip a switch and seal them without checking. but what do i know. I will say I really enjoy the between scene dialogue though. especially the two cops talking about the lunches they pack.

then last night I watched Shin'ya Tsukamoto's Tokyo Fist for the first time, despite it not being a horror movie. even though I had a mediocre rip of the film and my dog kept pestering me every 15 minutes to play, I could only submit to this films sheer excellence. I know some people here recommended it to me a while ago and all I can say is thank you. it's easy to say it's just Tetsuo: The Body Hammer but with boxing, but its so much better than that! the pacing, the visuals, the violence, the impotent rage and sexual politics. soooooooo good. got to get my hands on a Bluray copy to see it properly.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on October 16, 2019, 08:31:13 PM
Started "The Staircase" last night. Sort of your typical true crime HBO series on the first episode but I'm told it gets really fucking weird.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 16, 2019, 09:34:18 PM
the staircase is great. fairly addictive. when you've finished it look up the "owl theory".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on October 23, 2019, 02:23:01 AM
Alchemik (1989) (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099010/)
an alchemist on a quest for transmutation of metals in the grim darkness of 16th century Eastern Europe
instantly goes into my "ren fair from hell greatest hits" stash along with Flesh+Blood & Mariken van Nieumeghen
won't spoil the ending, but it's HOLY SHIT 10 OUT OF 10 WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SEE kind of awesome
one of the most pleasant surprise finds this year
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on October 23, 2019, 03:52:55 PM
re-watched The Devils Rejects since I picked up the 3 From Hell Blu-Ray on Friday
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on October 24, 2019, 02:52:21 AM
Rewatching classic Universal Monsters stuff, started with Dracula. Last night however was Cobra, 80's action nonsense with Stallone. Great stuff.

A lot of friends are doing this 31 days of Halloween thing. 31 horror flicks for the month of October. Too busy to sit down for that amount and I'm away for the remainder of the month, but I got through a couple;
Pumpkinhead 2-4 (actually tolerable!)
New zombie efforts from Bruno Mattei; Island of the Living Dead and Zombies: The Beginning (both unwatchable GARBAGE)
Splatter University (ultra dull slasher)
Pet Sematary 2018 (Ok)
Just Before Dawn (good stuff!)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 26, 2019, 10:11:20 PM
The Oily Maniac, Burial Ground, a handful of Godzilla movies on Turner Classic Movies. I think tonight will be the Blue Underground release of New York Ripper. Halloween night will be City of the Living Dead.

Right now, it's Outcast series on Cinemax about exorcism. Credits say it's based on something by Robert 'Walking Dead' Kirkman. Not very interesting, so far.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on October 28, 2019, 04:06:31 PM
The Wax Mask- Fulci/Argento. decent movie with some great special effects. some cool kills. streaming on Shudder right now

Haunt - another film streaming on Shudder. decent slasher with some already kill scenes. plot makes no sense and whatnot but I guess that the aura of a decent slasher, recommended if you have Shudder and are looking to watch a fun/decent movie

Marauders- shitty action film starting Christopher Meloni, Bruce Willis and Dave Bautista.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on October 28, 2019, 04:37:11 PM
Quote from: DSOL on October 28, 2019, 04:06:31 PMstreaming on Shudder right now

Just signed up for a trial week. Looking for some stuff I haven't seen so I appreciate it. I love how they have a whole Creepshow series and can only get Creepshow 2......

I dunno if I'll keep it - there is not a ton of content so far, and I went to watch Deep Red last night and it's the version missing like 22 minutes. I am enjoying the Eli Roth horror series which I did not actually think I would.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 28, 2019, 10:44:48 PM
Hide and Go Shriek- obscure slasher from 1988 that is fairly mundane other than a cool setting (furniture store-warehouse after hours) & a killer that isn't quite your stereotype slasher. None of the kills are all that hot other than one decapitation involving an elevator. Definitely a film for slasher completists or if you find it cheap. Code Red released it in the U.S. & 88 Films in the U.K. which is the release I found cheap on eBay.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on October 31, 2019, 01:03:44 AM
The Burning
Early '80s slasher classic. For some reason I never saw this one until now. Not that much happening until about 40min into the movie except awesome eightiesness and Jason Alexander (aka George Costanza of Seinfeld) but once the killing properly begins it's great. Hail Tom Savini. Has a definite Friday the 13th vibe to it.

The Killing Of Satan
Early '80s fantasy film from the Philippines. The English dub of this one is the laziest ever. Totally zero emotion. I never heard the original language track of this movie and I assume the dub is made the same way as the original. The second half of the movie has some mind-boggling "special" effects and sequences that are totally worth it if you can appreciate the more turkey/B aspects of cinema.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 31, 2019, 01:31:44 AM
Madman- pretty good backwoods slasher with some atmosphere & gory killings. The first time I watched this movie, it didn't make much of an impression on me but this time around, I enjoyed it quite a bit. There's a great hanging and a couple splattery decapitations. Seems like when this came out on vhs, it was dark you could not see shit.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Gefühlloser on October 31, 2019, 09:28:09 AM
I figure because it's popular I'll ask:

Did anyone here have any interest whatsoever in seeing Joker? Everyone is making this huge deal about it being representative of psychological bullying and physical abuse towards someone leading them into the descent of madness, and committing violent acts like the Dayton shooter or whatever.

I think what is odd about it though, is that it took Hollywood to make a really stupid film about a clown (everyone that admires the film was making fun of mentally ill teens dressing as Joker and Harley Quinn just yesterday) from an overdone comic book series, in a way that isn't actually the original story, for people to have this conversation, lol. To me it's just Hollywood banking on the boom in "incel culture", and in the increase in discussions about bullying, and making everyone to feel sorry for these people so that Hollywood can profit. Some ridiculous people are even saying that Joker represents the H'WHITE man in his own country these days. Some madman that has a feminine laugh because he had his gonads cut off, and so everything is CLOWN WORLD. When it comes to that then you know society is legitimately screwed for good this time.

Power Electronics has been dealing with these subjects for decades. Hell, just watch ANY documentary on ANY serial killer on youtube. Every single one of those killers were sexually abused, or treated like shit as a kid. If the real discussion is to be had on the psychology of the matter, why on Earth would a film like Joker be the one that finally breaks the ice?

Still, did anyone see it?

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on October 31, 2019, 05:08:19 PM
Had lots of drunken fun watching Norsemen series 1+2 in the last days. Too bad Frøya had to die at the end. She and Arvid are my new romantic dream couple of any movie...

By the way, don't take me too serious!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 31, 2019, 05:46:04 PM
"Slugs" - dir. Juan Piquer Simon

on Tuesday I watched this for the first time with my buddy and what a film it was!  first off, slugs and other slithery critters are cool be default so I expected to like this. I thought plot and pacing-wise this would be all over the place given the insanity of "Pieces", the only other film I've seen by the director, but this was actually fairly competent as far as plot and development go. however, the dialogue is still pretty crazy and a lot of the performances are delivered with maximum effort. it's a weird combo of intense and goofy. but it this dynamic helps move along the less exciting parts which keeps the movie from being a bore. the sfx for the slug kills and the ridiculous final 10 minutes are particularly note-worthy.  apparently the film has already been released by Arrow on Bluray and is getting issued in the US next month.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Gefühlloser on October 31, 2019, 06:27:31 PM
Quote from: cr on October 31, 2019, 05:08:19 PM
Had lots of drunken fun watching Norsemen series 1+2 in the last days. Too bad Frøya had to die at the end. She and Arvid are my new romantic dream couple of any movie...

By the way, don't take me too serious!

Haha, I watched that series up until now. It's all of the bad misrepresentations of Nordic culture into one. Entertaining, but totally useless. I feel like Jarl Varg is the representation of every evil bald headed dark ambient fucker with a hood on in a historical setting.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 04, 2019, 08:54:45 PM
Halloween night was Fulci's City of the Living Dead- the Arrow UK release looks great despite a few outdoor scenes being heavy in grain that lasts for seconds. All the disgusting worms, blood, grue, guts, & filth look great!

I think it was the same night I watched Ti West's In a Valley of Violence which is just Ethan Hawke trying to be Clint Eastwood. Too long but okay, I guess, if there's nothing else to watch.

I wonder why there is no current Blu-ray release of House of the Devil? I remember it being decent other than how the old lady looks (should have been more creepy decrepit old instead of down syndrome-ish).

Slugs is dumb fun & the Arrow bd has been out for quite a while. I have yet to come across a low-priced copy. I do think I have the Shaun Hutson novel.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on November 04, 2019, 10:10:35 PM
Lot's of interesting mentions here that I will make a note of. Thanks for the shares. Particular curious about the new Arrow edition of City Of The Living Dead. The noose dangling priest scene is pure gold and the film music is genious - well worth the disc purchase alone.

Haven't been tuned for feature lenght films off late. Mostly watching series here and there. Loading through It's Always Sunny In Philly again, still holds. Not all the episodes shine, but this is mostly due to one of the premisses of the series that focus on one or few sets like a rom-com - which in script terms may feel repetitive at times. However, but by the overall acting, character porgression and bizarre twists-turns I can wholeheartedly recommend it. Danny DeVito is doing one hell of a job alone. Man's born with comedic timing.

Have seen a few films last weeks that are worth a howl here, both issued by Arrow Video. First is the newly launched The Dead Center - a claustrophobic and slow creep of an end of days thriller-horror. Check the trailer online. Also plunged into the new bluray edition of The Thing. Of course no need to introduce this finest hour film by Carpenter. The newly restored picture quality was quite good, maybe a bit too polishied? Have a question mark on a few seconds in the Norwegian helicopter scene in the beginning. Looked like it was a bit too over-processed at times?

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on November 05, 2019, 03:09:20 AM
Watchmen (HBO): So far 10/10 and I'm loving it. Huge fan of the comic and of the film.

The Politician: it's okay. Kids are horrible.

MIDSOMMAR: 10/10 holy fuck, I loved every second of it. Huge Wicker Man vibes but added it's own touch. Incredible.

American Horror Story: might be the most low key awesome season yet (except for the one with Lady Gaga). Totally ridiculous.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AbstractVenom on November 05, 2019, 01:03:19 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on November 05, 2019, 03:09:20 AM
Watchmen (HBO): So far 10/10 and I'm loving it. Huge fan of the comic and of the film.

The Politician: it's okay. Kids are horrible.

MIDSOMMAR: 10/10 holy fuck, I loved every second of it. Huge Wicker Man vibes but added it's own touch. Incredible.

American Horror Story: might be the most low key awesome season yet (except for the one with Lady Gaga). Totally ridiculous.

Midsommar is an unbridled masterpiece.  Can't wait to see what Ari Aster produces next.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 05, 2019, 08:35:43 PM
Quote from: online prowler on November 04, 2019, 10:10:35 PM
Also plunged into the new bluray edition of The Thing. Of course no need to introduce this finest hour film by Carpenter. The newly restored picture quality was quite good, maybe a bit too polishied? Have a question mark on a few seconds in the Norwegian helicopter scene in the beginning. Looked like it was a bit too over-processed at times?

I haven't watched it yet but Arrow didn't process anything from what I understand other than color grading. There were a lot of American complaints b/c Arrow's image is considerably different than what we're use to seeing. Scream Factory didn't get a hold of the orig. cam. neg. like Arrow & SF definitely processed their transfer.

I think SF did a steelbook release & licensed the Arrow transfer...

The Dead Center looks interesting. May check it out of I come across a discounted copy. I need Cruising, as well.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on November 05, 2019, 09:31:46 PM
midsommar is prob the most accurate depiction on film of dropping acid that i've seen
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Gefühlloser on November 05, 2019, 10:20:43 PM
Midsommar is suspect to me as something a Jewish director would create to make Scandinavian pre-Christian ideas look EVIL in a strange political climate. I haven't seen it, and I doubt people are dumb enough to link it with the reality of Scandinavian history, but I feel like watching it would be like cutting my balls off in some way.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: deutscheasphalt on November 05, 2019, 10:27:53 PM
Quote from: aububs on November 05, 2019, 09:31:46 PM
midsommar is prob the most accurate depiction on film of dropping acid that i've seen

Watch climax
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WCN on November 05, 2019, 10:38:04 PM
Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 05, 2019, 10:20:43 PM
Midsommar is suspect to me as something a Jewish director would create to make Scandinavian pre-Christian ideas look EVIL in a strange political climate. I haven't seen it, and I doubt people are dumb enough to link it with the reality of Scandinavian history, but I feel like watching it would be like cutting my balls off in some way.

Midsommar is terrible, but man this is about the dumbest thing I've read on this board.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on November 05, 2019, 10:45:01 PM
Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 05, 2019, 10:20:43 PM
I haven't seen it

then maybe keep your dimwitted opinion to yourself?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on November 05, 2019, 11:33:30 PM
Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 05, 2019, 10:20:43 PM
Midsommar is suspect to me as something a Jewish director would create to make Scandinavian pre-Christian ideas look EVIL in a strange political climate. I haven't seen it, and I doubt people are dumb enough to link it with the reality of Scandinavian history, but I feel like watching it would be like cutting my balls off in some way.

since it's basically a morbid breakup story, your Alex Jones assessment is completely off base
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Gefühlloser on November 05, 2019, 11:38:01 PM
Quote from: Harvest on November 05, 2019, 10:45:01 PM
Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 05, 2019, 10:20:43 PM
I haven't seen it

then maybe keep your dimwitted opinion to yourself?

Nothing dimwitted about calling out the film industry for the shit it's been doing for decades. I'm not the first one with this opinion, and I certainly won't be the last. Ari Aster is a Jewish director. Sweden is in strange political times, and there are groups of "nationalist" types rising up around the country. What does the film industry often do in these times? This exact kind of shit. If Alex Jones is all you can utilize as a reference then you aren't seeing the bigger picture.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Duncan on November 06, 2019, 12:17:40 AM
Watched the new Terminator. Stupid as fuck but the new bad guy Terminator was pretty cool.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on November 06, 2019, 12:31:37 AM
the new terminator is awful but i liked it. enjoyed the t-800 getting into drapes and interior design.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on November 06, 2019, 12:34:02 AM
Quote from: deutscheasphalt on November 05, 2019, 10:27:53 PM
Quote from: aububs on November 05, 2019, 09:31:46 PM
midsommar is prob the most accurate depiction on film of dropping acid that i've seen

Watch climax

yeah that's good too but midsommar hit closer to home for me
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Duncan on November 06, 2019, 12:34:42 AM
Quote from: Duncan on November 06, 2019, 12:17:40 AM
Watched the new Terminator. Stupid as fuck but the new bad guy Terminator was pretty cool.

Aye, I liked big Carl. Those bits were funnier than intended I think.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on November 06, 2019, 12:48:36 AM
Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 05, 2019, 11:38:01 PM
Quote from: Harvest on November 05, 2019, 10:45:01 PM
Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 05, 2019, 10:20:43 PM
I haven't seen it

then maybe keep your dimwitted opinion to yourself?

Nothing dimwitted about calling out the film industry for the shit it's been doing for decades. I'm not the first one with this opinion, and I certainly won't be the last. Ari Aster is a Jewish director. Sweden is in strange political times, and there are groups of "nationalist" types rising up around the country. What does the film industry often do in these times? This exact kind of shit. If Alex Jones is all you can utilize as a reference then you aren't seeing the bigger picture.

i am literally laughing aloud at my work. you figure E.T. was a ZOG plot to make me eat reese's pieces?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on November 06, 2019, 01:16:24 AM
Quote from: WCN on November 05, 2019, 10:38:04 PM
man this is about the dumbest thing I've read on this board.

not even close
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: deutscheasphalt on November 06, 2019, 07:38:33 AM
Quote from: WCN on November 05, 2019, 10:38:04 PM
Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 05, 2019, 10:20:43 PM
Midsommar is suspect to me as something a Jewish director would create to make Scandinavian pre-Christian ideas look EVIL in a strange political climate. I haven't seen it, and I doubt people are dumb enough to link it with the reality of Scandinavian history, but I feel like watching it would be like cutting my balls off in some way.

Midsommar is terrible, but man this is about the dumbest thing I've read on this board.

Hahaha I know!! It took all my willpower to not reply to this last night since I've taken shots at this guy before. Man I wish I could talk to him in person to get the full scope of bigotry. I'm inviting everyone to check out his last posts and decide for yourself if he's a troll (or just a scholar of scandinavian history who is able to sense movies without watching them?) LOL
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Gefühlloser on November 06, 2019, 07:48:28 AM
Quote from: Harvest on November 06, 2019, 12:48:36 AM
Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 05, 2019, 11:38:01 PM
Quote from: Harvest on November 05, 2019, 10:45:01 PM
Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 05, 2019, 10:20:43 PM
I haven't seen it

then maybe keep your dimwitted opinion to yourself?

Nothing dimwitted about calling out the film industry for the shit it's been doing for decades. I'm not the first one with this opinion, and I certainly won't be the last. Ari Aster is a Jewish director. Sweden is in strange political times, and there are groups of "nationalist" types rising up around the country. What does the film industry often do in these times? This exact kind of shit. If Alex Jones is all you can utilize as a reference then you aren't seeing the bigger picture.

i am literally laughing aloud at my work. you figure E.T. was a ZOG plot to make me eat reese's pieces?

Product placement is another matter, and certainly has influenced people over the years. It's not much different than any commercial, but now a lovable character is doing it! Obviously some films don't have the immediate underlying politically charged message in the same way, and are just mindless entertainment. One of the main characters in Midsommar is named CHRISTIAN. I wonder what that might mean? A Christian being exposed to EVIL PAGAN rituals. The way you respond just tells me that you bow to the idols of cinema, as if cinema can only be entertainment, and nothing more. Meanwhile I can list numerous films, television shows, and documentaries in which thousands of people immediately felt were some kind of propaganda.

Nazi Germany used film as propaganda, the USA has used it as propaganda since before we all were born, the Soviets used film as propaganda. Films don't simply come out at random all of the time, there is frequently some dumbed down, warped view of something current in the social sphere in films, and stupid people gobble it up and ask "is this really a Pagan festival?".

Edit: Ari Aster is some guy that likely has no idea of Swedish culture other than generic (already largely debunked) ideas he's seen without questioning. It's a completely mindless film that doesn't say anything. It's utterly useless.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: deutscheasphalt on November 06, 2019, 02:15:37 PM
Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 06, 2019, 07:48:28 AM
Quote from: Harvest on November 06, 2019, 12:48:36 AM
Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 05, 2019, 11:38:01 PM
Quote from: Harvest on November 05, 2019, 10:45:01 PM
Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 05, 2019, 10:20:43 PM
I haven't seen it

then maybe keep your dimwitted opinion to yourself?

Nothing dimwitted about calling out the film industry for the shit it's been doing for decades. I'm not the first one with this opinion, and I certainly won't be the last. Ari Aster is a Jewish director. Sweden is in strange political times, and there are groups of "nationalist" types rising up around the country. What does the film industry often do in these times? This exact kind of shit. If Alex Jones is all you can utilize as a reference then you aren't seeing the bigger picture.

i am literally laughing aloud at my work. you figure E.T. was a ZOG plot to make me eat reese's pieces?

Product placement is another matter, and certainly has influenced people over the years. It's not much different than any commercial, but now a lovable character is doing it! Obviously some films don't have the immediate underlying politically charged message in the same way, and are just mindless entertainment. One of the main characters in Midsommar is named CHRISTIAN. I wonder what that might mean? A Christian being exposed to EVIL PAGAN rituals. The way you respond just tells me that you bow to the idols of cinema, as if cinema can only be entertainment, and nothing more. Meanwhile I can list numerous films, television shows, and documentaries in which thousands of people immediately felt were some kind of propaganda.
...I bet you can't.

Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 06, 2019, 07:48:28 AM
Nazi Germany used film as propaganda, the USA has used it as propaganda since before we all were born, the Soviets used film as propaganda. Films don't simply come out at random all of the time, there is frequently some dumbed down, warped view of something current in the social sphere in films, and stupid people gobble it up and ask "is this really a Pagan festival?".
Regimes using film as propaganda medium is irrelevant in this discussion. It doesn't prove your point (that this movie is propaganda) at all.

Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 06, 2019, 07:48:28 AM
Edit: Ari Aster is some guy that likely has no idea of Swedish culture other than generic (already largely debunked) ideas he's seen without questioning.
You can't know that at all. You don't know his intention behind making the movie and depicting the imagery and story the way he chose. Also I'd be curious about any articles you know reporting on a mass amount of people being outraged by this portrayal of paganism which they perceive as accurate depiction of history. If your opinion is not based on reports like this it's just your personal feelings talking and nobody here cares about those.

Quote from: Gefühlloser on November 06, 2019, 07:48:28 AM
It's a completely mindless film that doesn't say anything. It's utterly useless.
The fact that you're still arguing about what a shitty propaganda movie this is while admitting not to have seen it in the first place is absolutely comical and makes you seem like a complete fool.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: muppet1 on November 06, 2019, 06:20:45 PM
Recently watched Richard Fleischer's The Boston Strangler from 1968 and loved it. Gave me the same claustrophobic and bleak feeling as his 10 Rillington Place from 3 years later. Highly recommend 10 Rillington Place as well, as it is an even better film. Fleischer was prolific and his filmography runs the full range of genre film, making the lonely and cold tone he's able to achieve in these two (and I imagine others I haven't seen) all the more impressive. Also of note is the frank discussion of sexual violence, blunt homophobia of the Boston police force, and surreal stylization which crops up from time to time. Heavy use of split screen. Excited to dig deeper into his films of this period - the Wait Until Dark-ish seeming See No Evil, Mandingo, and the organized crime and cop dramas.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on November 13, 2019, 09:22:15 PM
Quote from: Gefühlloser on October 31, 2019, 09:28:09 AM
I figure because it's popular I'll ask:

Did anyone here have any interest whatsoever in seeing Joker? Everyone is making this huge deal about it being representative of psychological bullying and physical abuse towards someone leading them into the descent of madness, and committing violent acts like the Dayton shooter or whatever.

I think what is odd about it though, is that it took Hollywood to make a really stupid film about a clown (everyone that admires the film was making fun of mentally ill teens dressing as Joker and Harley Quinn just yesterday) from an overdone comic book series, in a way that isn't actually the original story, for people to have this conversation, lol. To me it's just Hollywood banking on the boom in "incel culture", and in the increase in discussions about bullying, and making everyone to feel sorry for these people so that Hollywood can profit. Some ridiculous people are even saying that Joker represents the H'WHITE man in his own country these days. Some madman that has a feminine laugh because he had his gonads cut off, and so everything is CLOWN WORLD. When it comes to that then you know society is legitimately screwed for good this time.

Power Electronics has been dealing with these subjects for decades. Hell, just watch ANY documentary on ANY serial killer on youtube. Every single one of those killers were sexually abused, or treated like shit as a kid. If the real discussion is to be had on the psychology of the matter, why on Earth would a film like Joker be the one that finally breaks the ice?

Still, did anyone see it?

First film I've seen in the theaters in ages, a friend had some tickets that needed to be used and it was the only one that seemed even remotely interesting.

I don't even understand why it had to be a comic book movie. It was the same story we've seen before all over again, loser gets bullied and abused, then finally snaps and does something terrible. It's not a bad movie but also certainly not worth the hype, either.

Also, I absolutely hated Midsommar. I'll give it some credit tho: unlike many other films I disliked, it stayed with me for days after. But the more I thought about it, the less I liked it. I didnt like Hereditary either, but at least I didn't hate it, I just thought it was overrated and overhyped.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strangecross on November 16, 2019, 07:43:22 PM

night of heavy drinking and whatnot so I will have to re-watch this, but it was a real film experience. ill give it 5 bags of popcorn and throw in a condom punctured several times with a hypodermic needle!
serious must watch for fans of z-movie and sov weirdness, but this one is truly unique in that field. Beyond just sleazy, really well paced humor with what I could consider (some) really true to life acting based on my time hanging out with druggies when I was in high school, even though the social service the film revolves around is pretty absurd.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 16, 2019, 08:47:55 PM

grade Z shot on video trash by Bruno Mattei. The first hour is standard WIP fare: showers, beatings by the guards, lots of nudity, etc. but the last half hour turns into a gorefest in the jungle with hootin' an' hollerin' men hunting female inmates then mutilating them when they're caught.  This is a dvd on Intervision/Severin; I may have to grab another Mattei film soon. I really wish WOMEN'S CAMP 119 would get a release!

I've also watched RED RIDING: 1970 and 1980 this week. Tonight, I'll watch the third film. I've seen all 3 films before & I think I've read the book. Definitely recommended if you're into sex crime-themed films. Despite being made for television, I think, these films are quite intense and grim.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WhiteWarlock on November 16, 2019, 10:13:30 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 16, 2019, 08:47:55 PM

grade Z shot on video trash by Bruno Mattei. The first hour is standard WIP fare: showers, beatings by the guards, lots of nudity, etc. but the last half hour turns into a gorefest in the jungle with hootin' an' hollerin' men hunting female inmates then mutilating them when they're caught.  This is a dvd on Intervision/Severin; I may have to grab another Mattei film soon. I really wish WOMEN'S CAMP 119 would get a release!

I've also watched RED RIDING: 1970 and 1980 this week. Tonight, I'll watch the third film. I've seen all 3 films before & I think I've read the book. Definitely recommended if you're into sex crime-themed films. Despite being made for television, I think, these films are quite intense and grim.
Is this actually renamed Women's Prison Massacre & part of the Emanualle series?
was once banned from Youtube for uploading that Bruno Mattei movie long ago...
long before any great purge era
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 17, 2019, 01:24:39 AM

Is this actually renamed Women's Prison Massacre & part of the Emanualle series?
was once banned from Youtube for uploading that Bruno Mattei movie long ago...
long before any great purge era

No, THE JAlL is a different film directed in 2006.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on November 19, 2019, 12:34:58 AM
was lucky to catch the 4k restoration of Sátántangó yesterday. highly recommended to those with a similar opportunity.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on November 21, 2019, 05:39:20 PM
not a comic book fan in the slightest, but I've watched the first 3 Avengers movies (going to watch Endgame tonight) pretty cool for that they are. had to read up on the characters to understand the in-fighting and whatnot, I figured they were just good guys who fought bad guys
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 23, 2019, 04:38:27 PM
Just enjoyed the Arrow blu ray reissue of "Hitchin Hike to Hell "
Despite the upgrade it retains its grubbiNess and lof itself charm.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: PuddysJacket on December 02, 2019, 07:03:27 PM
Midsommar was great
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on December 18, 2019, 10:13:55 PM
Eyeing in on the to my knowledge latest Shane Meadows production, mini-series The Virtues starring Stephen Graham. Have anyone here seen it?

Checked De Sicca's 1966 Peter Sellers romp After the fox yesterday, it was a smurk blast all the way through. Watched a little of Schizoid anno 1980 a couple of days ago, but had to abort due daily matters. Was good, will finish later on. Kinski does a great shrink in this one. Cannot recall seing this since the age of Moses, had totally forgotten the plot - eventhough it is fairly transparent (anyone seen this series?). Funny thing which I did not understand until now, dragmaster RuPaul had a part there. Laughed out loud when I realized it. Bizarre. Also wolfing mondo films from the early 1960s through to the '90s. Gore, gore, gore. To commemorate Keith I have been going through all our postings here and writing down films I want to watch - either things I did not make or features I need to revisit. My mind is tonnage with things to do at the moment, so a bit scattered, but I do belive it was our usual suspect who talked about Schizoid some time back in connection with a re-issue?      

Next up is re-visit of Irreversible by Noé, This year's Daniel isn't real, Amici Miei aka My friends - a 1975 comedy by Mario Monicelli. Looking forward to see the 20-19 recut of the first said film title. Have anyone here had the chance yet?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on December 19, 2019, 01:18:14 AM
I finished Watchmen the other night - I haven't been following critical reception on the twitter but personally I really enjoyed the show a lot. I really liked enjoyed each episode and thought the last one wrapped everything up really well. I hope HBO doesn't green light a sequel immediately, like give that shit 5-10 years. Overall it was great.

I'm watching this show called Easy on Netflix. It's okay. Some of the people on the show are really fucking annoying. Especially the fat dude in the open marriage.

I finally saw Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. It'd been on my list forever. It was pretty good. Fucking bloated. Like this movie did not need to be three friggin' hours. But I enjoyed it! This movie could have cut half an hour and it would have been just fine.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on December 19, 2019, 03:01:23 AM
Quote from: online prowler on December 18, 2019, 10:13:55 PM
Eyeing in on the to my knowledge latest Shane Meadows production, mini-series The Virtues starring Stephen Graham. Have anyone here seen it?

Nice, I'll give this a go soon. I hope there is a final installment of This Is England at some point. There have been hints of a final movie but nothing ever gets pinned down.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 19, 2019, 04:57:29 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on December 19, 2019, 01:18:14 AM
I finally saw Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. It'd been on my list forever. It was pretty good. Fucking bloated. Like this movie did not need to be three friggin' hours. But I enjoyed it! This movie could have cut half an hour and it would have been just fine.

It's been interesting to hear peoples opinions on this one. I've been watching Tarantino films since I was a kid under my parents dubious supervision. Some of them I love, some I don't like at all and I really didn't know what to expect with this one. but I really enjoyed everything about Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood to my own surprise! Probably as much as Pulp Fiction. I think probably because I could actually empathize with characters, especially DiCaprio's alcoholic, emotionally-stunted egomaniac. I could identify with that a lot. The that fact that it was long just meant more of something I was already enjoying. A lot like Blade Runner 2049 or The Revenant
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on December 20, 2019, 02:12:03 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on December 19, 2019, 04:57:29 PM
The that fact that it was long just meant more of something I was already enjoying.

Yeah pretty much the same for me. I don't think I would have liked as much if it was shorter. Enjoyed almost every minute. I might have said it in my initial review but the only detractor for me was Al Pacino.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on December 21, 2019, 04:42:57 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on December 19, 2019, 04:57:29 PMIt's been interesting to hear peoples opinions on this one. I've been watching Tarantino films since I was a kid under my parents dubious supervision. Some of them I love, some I don't like at all and I really didn't know what to expect with this one.

I just re-watched Inglorius Basterds and that one I love every single second of it same with Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, From Dusk till Dawn, probably Death Proof as well. I could probably go without seeing Django again. I also apparently bypassed The Hateful Eight although I'd like to see it. Some make a mark and some don't. I definitely enjoyed it a lot. I would probably re-watch it in a few years and see what I think.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on December 21, 2019, 06:09:42 AM
I loved The Hateful Eight when I saw it in theatres but who knows what a rewatch will reveal. I need to rewatch his entire oeuvre, really.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on December 21, 2019, 06:22:35 AM
I think the thing about OUATiH is that the ranch/Manson Girls/Cielo Drive were so different than I had imagined them - and that's not to say it was inaccurate - but I've read a ton about Manson and I found it didn't match up with what I had going on in my brain. And I found that very disorienting. I think if I went back and did a re-watch I would take more from it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 21, 2019, 03:35:42 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on December 21, 2019, 06:09:42 AM
I loved The Hateful Eight when I saw it in theatres but who knows what a rewatch will reveal. I need to rewatch his entire oeuvre, really.

I saw the Hateful Eight in theaters and thought it was very good. But when i rewatched it at home last year I actually liked it more because I could absorb more details since i wasnt worrying about unraveling the main plot.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: deutscheasphalt on December 22, 2019, 07:09:09 PM
The Lighthouse - pretty to watch, amazing acting by all (two), camera, effects, but similar to The Witch - highly aestheticized but almost nothing happened story wise (why?) Also don't really care if filmmakers make it harder for themselves by using older methods if the outcome is still meh. All the greek myth Prometheus shit is being post-hoc pulled out of ass to give the movie more credit. It was praised to high hell by critics, also for being fucked up and extremely psychotic and "crazy" (which it was not) therefore I expected a lot and was disappointed. Might be an unpopular opinion but that's okay. 7/10

Still need to watch Parasite, the Lars von Trier Kingdom series and Bergman's Scenes from a Marriage (TV version)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general
Post by: Atrophist on December 23, 2019, 02:02:59 AM
Watched Korine's "Beach Bum". First film of his with very little redeeming values to outweight his usual silliness. Matthew McConaghey wants to be Woody Harrelson, fails. Why do this type of characters in movies always have to wear stupid, ugly sunglasses to show how outrageous and inconventional they are?

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on January 02, 2020, 10:37:22 PM
anyone else looking forward to Underwater?

I'm a sucker for creature flicks
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on January 02, 2020, 10:40:31 PM
never heard of it before but yes i'm now looking forward to that a lot. thanks for the heads up.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on January 03, 2020, 02:55:03 AM
Quote from: DSOL on January 02, 2020, 10:37:22 PM
anyone else looking forward to Underwater?

I'm a sucker for creature flicks

It looks interesting.  I think that I might rent it when it comes out on dvd.

I am currently looking forward to the new Grudge film.  I liked the others a lot, so hopefully the new installment will not disappoint.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on January 03, 2020, 05:34:03 PM
Mindhunter season 2 was good, not as great as season 1. It peaked at the Manson episode to me but then just kind of crawled to the end, not exactly badly but unfulfilling. It regained a little strenght in the end tho.

Rick and Morty linda did the same.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on January 03, 2020, 06:38:05 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on January 03, 2020, 02:55:03 AM
Quote from: DSOL on January 02, 2020, 10:37:22 PM
anyone else looking forward to Underwater?

I'm a sucker for creature flicks

It looks interesting.  I think that I might rent it when it comes out on dvd.

I am currently looking forward to the new Grudge film.  I liked the others a lot, so hopefully the new installment will not disappoint.

everything I seen about the Grudge film says it's absolutely terrible, I had a couple friends go see it last night and they almost walked out, they said it was that bad, and they like everything
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on January 04, 2020, 01:38:15 PM
Watched Zum Goldene Handschuh (sp?) last night. Mixed feelings about it — the filmography and whole approach was a bit too polished and clinical. Works for a film based on real events, I guess. Great performance from the main actor, and some of the female actresses.

The comparisons to The House that Jack Built make no sense whatsoever to me. This guy is about as far from some genius criminal mastermind as it is possible to be: no planning, no organization, alcoholic and apparently suffering from some mental/neurological issues. The portrayal of filth, misery and dysfunction in this film seems obviously a much more accurate portrayal of serial killers than the juvenile Hannibal Lecter fantasy of THtJB.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on January 09, 2020, 03:42:56 AM
Quote from: DSOL on January 03, 2020, 06:38:05 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on January 03, 2020, 02:55:03 AM
Quote from: DSOL on January 02, 2020, 10:37:22 PM
anyone else looking forward to Underwater?

I'm a sucker for creature flicks

It looks interesting.  I think that I might rent it when it comes out on dvd.

I am currently looking forward to the new Grudge film.  I liked the others a lot, so hopefully the new installment will not disappoint.

everything I seen about the Grudge film says it's absolutely terrible, I had a couple friends go see it last night and they almost walked out, they said it was that bad, and they like everything

That is not a good sign.  I will just wait for it to come out on dvd, I think.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 09, 2020, 06:59:36 PM
Anyone seen the new Jay & Silent Bob Reboot film? Looking forward to check it out.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on January 14, 2020, 07:45:47 PM
The Lighthouse - highly recommended
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on January 15, 2020, 12:20:35 AM
Dolemite is My Name - It is good but I was expecting more, don't know exactly what tho, but it was just so "feel good/lightweight" that it seemed like a regular Eddie Murphy comedy... A good one, not the crap he is doing lately, but it echoed a lot of "Bowfinger" feel to me - a movie that I watched ages ago and really liked - so it was a weird viewing experience. But I do reccomend it in the end.

Iron Fist and Kung Fu Kicks - This one is awesome, the doc covers a lot of ground and could easily be 4X the lenght (would be great as a series). Even being so extensive it does not feel much vague because it is fast paced and audio/video are really well used to convey ideas and information, at the expense of the credit subtitles for who's talking that are so fast I could not keep up sometimes. Anyone interest in Fighting movies from oldschool no DTV and recent internet stuff will find something to like, I guess.

The Toys That Made Us Season 3 - Probably my favorite series right now. It is just non stop nerdy fun and nostalgia, even for shit I didn't care about like My Little Pony and Barbie (earlier season). Everything seens well researched, all the talking heads are wacky and interesting and even the worst jokes are passable.

Patton Oswalt: Annihilation - Ok. "Talking For Clapping" was better and this one does have all the gravitas with his wife dying and personal stuff but in the end felt a little "middle of the road" to me, not achieving greatness neither as comedy, dramedy or something else.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on January 16, 2020, 03:13:04 AM
The Witcher - mindless goofy shit that doesn't take itself seriously at all - hugely entertaining!! I would read the books after watching this season. TBQH I really enjoyed it.

Netflix Dracula - actually pretty good. Watched two episodes this week and saving the third for the weekend. Not for "purists"!

Easy (Netflix) - some episodes were okay, some were really bad. It took me like 3 months to finish it but I somehow had to see a resolution. I wouldn't suggest it to my worst enemy.

Back to Life (BBC) - really interesting show about a woman getting out of prison and re-adjusting to life on the outside. I'm enjoying it, but finding it's a good story sort of diluted with the comedy stuff.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on January 16, 2020, 04:25:23 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on January 16, 2020, 03:13:04 AM
Netflix Dracula - actually pretty good. Watched two episodes this week and saving the third for the weekend. Not for "purists"!

It feels a little all over the place. Bang is great, though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NaturalOrthodoxy on January 17, 2020, 03:14:50 PM
Uncut Gems. An easy 10/10 for me. Perfect photography, set design, costuming. Totally intense and anxiety inducing story. A surprising new side to Adam Sandler, and absolutely incredible music by Daniel Lopatin (Oneohtrix Point Never).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on January 17, 2020, 06:14:36 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on January 16, 2020, 04:25:23 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on January 16, 2020, 03:13:04 AM
Netflix Dracula - actually pretty good. Watched two episodes this week and saving the third for the weekend. Not for "purists"!

It feels a little all over the place. Bang is great, though.

Third episode was definitely out there. I did enjoy their take on it, it was super weird. Definitely had that same visual style as Sherlock which was pretty great. I dunno if I loved the ending but what can you do?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NaturalOrthodoxy on January 18, 2020, 01:19:47 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on January 17, 2020, 09:27:25 PM
how come no-one is talking about John Travolta's performance in The Fanatic?

Yeah, eminently quotable  - "I HAVE TO POO".

I'm realllly excited for Parasite. I can't pretend I'm a film buff, I'll basically just watch anything A24 makes!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on January 19, 2020, 04:10:01 PM
I watched Mary Shelley last night - pretty solid flick, although I was a touch disappointed the legends were not true - her losing her virginity in a graveyard, carrying around Percy Shelleys heart in a bag.... otherwise it was a very interesting film!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on January 19, 2020, 06:04:15 PM
Quote from: NaturalOrthodoxy on January 18, 2020, 01:19:47 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on January 17, 2020, 09:27:25 PM
how come no-one is talking about John Travolta's performance in The Fanatic?
I'm realllly excited for Parasite. I can't pretend I'm a film buff, I'll basically just watch anything A24 makes!

I just saw Parasite last week, and it was really, really good.  It definitely deserves its nominations for best film of the year!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: deutscheasphalt on January 19, 2020, 08:09:22 PM
About to watch it - very excited!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on January 19, 2020, 11:04:54 PM
Was talking to a friend Friday night trying to remember the name of a film, from the former Yugoslavia featured a prositiute getting revenge of her exploiters/ pimp. Has any one got any ideas for it...?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on January 20, 2020, 03:56:51 AM
Slaughter Hotel aka Cold Blood Beast (1971, Fernando Di Leo) - a great ensemble cast including Klaus Kinski and Rosalba Neri fuel this almost-psychedelic giallo set in a psychiatric hospital. The score is a weak link, but overall this deserves a far higher rating than it has on both IMDB and Letterboxd. Worth it for giallo heads.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NaturalOrthodoxy on January 20, 2020, 11:00:42 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on January 19, 2020, 06:04:15 PM
Quote from: NaturalOrthodoxy on January 18, 2020, 01:19:47 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on January 17, 2020, 09:27:25 PM
how come no-one is talking about John Travolta's performance in The Fanatic?
I'm realllly excited for Parasite. I can't pretend I'm a film buff, I'll basically just watch anything A24 makes!

I just saw Parasite last week, and it was really, really good.  It definitely deserves its nominations for best film of the year!

Excellent! While I'm gushing over A24, I should mention that my wife and I saw Waves on saturday. Absolutely emotionally devastating slice of life, highly recommended.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on January 22, 2020, 11:52:13 PM
Castle Rock Season II - Lizzy Caplan is thee worst actress. Her Annie Wilkes voice will haunt me to my grave. Kathy Bates won a friggin' Oscar for Misery, I can't even imagine her sitting at home watching this. Overall the show was ho-hum but I finished it almost out of spite.....
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Potier on January 23, 2020, 12:34:34 AM
Finished Giri/Haji (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8001106/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_3) on Netflix last night.

Essentially about the relationship between 2 brothers as well as their relationships to family and beyond wrapped into a Yakuza at home and abroad kinda crime drama story...
Definitely worth seeing. Good cast. Some cool soundtrack bits. Doesn't necessarily work with a lot of the typical Yakuza-clichés which helps. Apparently a big hit in the UK towards the end of 2019.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 28, 2020, 11:48:51 PM
I think Keith would've approved of the newly restored Edge of the Axe film. Looks fantastic.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgz4kT8_KNc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgz4kT8_KNc)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on January 29, 2020, 12:22:12 AM
Flesh For Frankenstein
Horror Rises From The Tomb
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on January 29, 2020, 12:54:38 AM
Quote from: online prowler on January 28, 2020, 11:48:51 PM
I think Keith would've approved of the newly restored Edge of the Axe film. Looks fantastic.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgz4kT8_KNc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgz4kT8_KNc)

oh that looks real good
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on January 29, 2020, 02:33:41 AM
Quote from: holy ghost on January 22, 2020, 11:52:13 PM
Castle Rock Season II - Lizzy Caplan is thee worst actress. Her Annie Wilkes voice will haunt me to my grave. Kathy Bates won a friggin' Oscar for Misery, I can't even imagine her sitting at home watching this. Overall the show was ho-hum but I finished it almost out of spite.....

It is too bad to hear that the second season did not turn out well.  I thought the first was quite good, and had been looking forward for a chance to watch the second.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on January 30, 2020, 07:00:58 PM
The Turning

complete pile of shit
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on January 30, 2020, 09:49:44 PM
yeah that movie SUCKS
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on February 10, 2020, 05:32:33 PM
seen The Color out of Space Friday

was great - highly recommended
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: C601 on February 12, 2020, 03:48:57 AM
Quote from: DSOL on February 10, 2020, 05:32:33 PM
seen The Color out of Space Friday

was great - highly recommended

It was very uh dvd quality I literally laughed at some parts due to the shit of it all. Very disappointing
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Yrjö-Koskinen on February 17, 2020, 11:09:03 PM
Paha maa (2004)
With a script written and structured around the unofficial Finnish anthem (hrm)  Murheellisten Laulujen Maa I didn't quite know what to expect from this film. It won the "Best Movie" prize from the Church of Sweden in 2005, but also a number of serious awards. Finnish cinema is simliar to general Scandinavianin the sense that it is very fond of day-to-day human debasement - not only in the form of alcohol, drugs, sex and violence, but also and more importantly as it manifests in boredom and all-too-human shittiness. The difference is that whereas Swedish movies are often based on a narrow social clique's political views and social experiences, Finnish elokuvat are usually more convincing. When you're stuck with social realism, Swedes and Danes tend to focus on the "social", whereas Finns go for "realism" - you haven't seen an actor playing "drunk" or "alcoholic" until you've seen a Finn do it in a Finnish movie. None of that American shit with people being on their ass one second, and clear as day the next.... Paha Maa basically depicts a series of depressing events, some closely interrelated, some randomly produced in a butterfly effect fashion, and the story moves through all stages of humanity and subhumanity, only to offer some vague hope at the end.

If you're into politics, the "upper class" shadily fleets by as it ever so often does in Finnish films, but for the most part Paha Maa presents a series of highly believable underclass/lower middle class characters involved in more or often less incredible events. There is very little mercy and romanticizing here. The major model for each and every participant is this: an individual is dealt a bad hand by life/fate, and chooses to make the absolutely worst possible decisions for some or no reason. Having aggravated an already intolerable position, the character proceeds to pass some or most of the terrible consequences on to someone else. There are some seriously touching moments, and not a few black comedy highlights, but there are also very stupid (but hence also surprising and effective) plot twists. The impressive part of this film is the portrayal of each and every character, whether it be the castrated family man or the old Alcoholics Anonymous drunkard turned vacuum cleaner salesman turned murderer. Each and every participant is brought forth as a manifest failure of a human being, while still retaining a (realistic) degree of humanity, in the sense that you could actually know any of these guys and think they were decent enough people to hang around with. Perhaps preferable to the guys you hang around with now, in some cases? The song on which the movie is based is often interpreted as a parody of irresponsible, fatalistic thinking and romanticism. This is reflected in the story, absurd as it may often be, since while the film acknowledges and bemoans social misery in a "progressive" manner, it also exposes horrible and unnecessary choices leading to doom in a way that could surely be seen as "conservative". This attitude is symptomatic of the never-completed Welfare state of Finland - there is a certain empathy for the unlucky, but also an iron clad contempt for many forms of failure amoral behavior (this attitude is perhaps even more common in Sweden, believe it or not, since the populace has been deprived of any social responsibility by the state - for better or for worse, I might add,).

Paha Maa has vacuum cleaner lethal beatings, male-on-male as well as male-on-female rape, far-worse-than-The-Office socially uncomfortable situations and any number of strange occurrences. It is, however, not directed by Gaspar Noel - the story, with its odd undertones of humor and Suomen C'est La Vie, proceeds without bothering you with self-centered attempts on the part of the director to keep you squirming by making unpleasant things more unpleasant than they would be in real life. Silly as it may seem, I found it unsettling and won't be watching it again for a while, but it was a good film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on February 18, 2020, 03:15:38 AM
Bad Lieutenant (Abel Ferrara, 1992)

Escape from New York (John Carpenter, 1981) - Caught a screening of this Saturday night after work. Not my favourite Carpenter and some of it "truly looks like it was shot in a cardboard box" but damn, all of it is amazing to see on 35mm.

How to Seduce a Virgin and The Perverse Countess (1974, Jess Franco) - Filmed back to back with essentially the same cast of Lina Romay, Alice Arno, Howard Vernon, Robert Woods, Tania Busselier. I preferred the former, though the ending of Countess Perverse was amazing. Psychedelic sex, murder, cannibalism, trophy hunting abound.

Lorna, the Exorcist (1974, Jess Franco) - 3/3 from yesterday's Franco marathon and my favourite of the lot. One of his best for sure. Lina Romay is incredible in all three of these.

Christina, Princess of Eroticism (1973, Jess Franco) - Was still in a mood for Uncle Jess today. Very dream-like with a worthy score from Bruno Nicolai and with the legend Howard Vernon. I watched the 'director's cut' which removed the zombies that were added in by Jean Rollin. Another great ending.

Looking forward to seeing Stephen Thrower give a talk on Jess Franco in a couple months courtesy of the Miskatonic Institute of Horror in Brooklyn.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on February 20, 2020, 11:56:21 PM
Quote from: Yrjö-Koskinen on February 17, 2020, 11:09:03 PM
Paha maa (2004)

Thanks for the review, great film! Super depressing with just the right touches of pitch black humour as you describe. Fully agree on Finns being the most authentic onscreen drunks too, lived experiences and all that...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: deutscheasphalt on February 21, 2020, 03:03:48 AM
Quote from: Sadomaniac on February 20, 2020, 11:56:21 PM
Quote from: Yrjö-Koskinen on February 17, 2020, 11:09:03 PM
Paha maa (2004)

Thanks for the review, great film! Super depressing with just the right touches of pitch black humour as you describe. Fully agree on Finns being the most authentic onscreen drunks too, lived experiences and all that...
It's probably so authentic because they fucking are drunk onscreen
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on February 21, 2020, 04:28:25 AM
Quote from: Yrjö-Koskinen on February 17, 2020, 11:09:03 PM
Paha maa (2004)
With a script written and structured around the unofficial Finnish anthem (hrm)  Murheellisten Laulujen Maa I didn't quite know what to expect from this film. It won the "Best Movie" prize from the Church of Sweden in 2005, but also a number of serious awards. Finnish cinema is simliar to general Scandinavianin the sense that it is very fond of day-to-day human debasement - not only in the form of alcohol, drugs, sex and violence, but also and more importantly as it manifests in boredom and all-too-human shittiness. The difference is that whereas Swedish movies are often based on a narrow social clique's political views and social experiences, Finnish elokuvat are usually more convincing. When you're stuck with social realism, Swedes and Danes tend to focus on the "social", whereas Finns go for "realism" - you haven't seen an actor playing "drunk" or "alcoholic" until you've seen a Finn do it in a Finnish movie. None of that American shit with people being on their ass one second, and clear as day the next.... Paha Maa basically depicts a series of depressing events, some closely interrelated, some randomly produced in a butterfly effect fashion, and the story moves through all stages of humanity and subhumanity, only to offer some vague hope at the end.

If you're into politics, the "upper class" shadily fleets by as it ever so often does in Finnish films, but for the most part Paha Maa presents a series of highly believable underclass/lower middle class characters involved in more or often less incredible events. There is very little mercy and romanticizing here. The major model for each and every participant is this: an individual is dealt a bad hand by life/fate, and chooses to make the absolutely worst possible decisions for some or no reason. Having aggravated an already intolerable position, the character proceeds to pass some or most of the terrible consequences on to someone else. There are some seriously touching moments, and not a few black comedy highlights, but there are also very stupid (but hence also surprising and effective) plot twists. The impressive part of this film is the portrayal of each and every character, whether it be the castrated family man or the old Alcoholics Anonymous drunkard turned vacuum cleaner salesman turned murderer. Each and every participant is brought forth as a manifest failure of a human being, while still retaining a (realistic) degree of humanity, in the sense that you could actually know any of these guys and think they were decent enough people to hang around with. Perhaps preferable to the guys you hang around with now, in some cases? The song on which the movie is based is often interpreted as a parody of irresponsible, fatalistic thinking and romanticism. This is reflected in the story, absurd as it may often be, since while the film acknowledges and bemoans social misery in a "progressive" manner, it also exposes horrible and unnecessary choices leading to doom in a way that could surely be seen as "conservative". This attitude is symptomatic of the never-completed Welfare state of Finland - there is a certain empathy for the unlucky, but also an iron clad contempt for many forms of failure amoral behavior (this attitude is perhaps even more common in Sweden, believe it or not, since the populace has been deprived of any social responsibility by the state - for better or for worse, I might add,).

Paha Maa has vacuum cleaner lethal beatings, male-on-male as well as male-on-female rape, far-worse-than-The-Office socially uncomfortable situations and any number of strange occurrences. It is, however, not directed by Gaspar Noel - the story, with its odd undertones of humor and Suomen C'est La Vie, proceeds without bothering you with self-centered attempts on the part of the director to keep you squirming by making unpleasant things more unpleasant than they would be in real life. Silly as it may seem, I found it unsettling and won't be watching it again for a while, but it was a good film.

Thanks for sharing!  I have not heard of this movie before, and it sounds really interesting.  I will have to check it out.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on March 07, 2020, 04:21:07 AM
On Netflix : Struggle: The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski , documentary about Stanislaw Szukalski, sculptor and painter. I didnt know him and man this is great art ! The film has his life story, big parts of Szukalski speaking / explaining / teaching on camera, his american later friends / fans talking about him, part of his works / plans etc. Very good, mostly cause of the man's personality, story, art. - Creators faced a problem, searching about his past they found out that he was a nationalist and was publishing antisemetic magazine in Poland ! Ouch, haha ! Then they continue with the 'necessary' 10min propaganda about how modern polish nationalists dont know about the 'real' Szukalski, that they exploit his work, that Szukalski wouldnt like / aproove that blah blah blah. OK guys we believe you, the old semi-crazy grandpa Szukalski who started to have insane theories and you met, maybe he wouldnt aproove, maybe not. But when he was younger, hey, it was him ! Stop excuses, concetrate on the art and the man himself ...

Nevertheless, this is a film worth watching, especialy if you dont know about him.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on March 07, 2020, 04:39:16 AM
Quote from: Theodore on March 07, 2020, 04:21:07 AM
On Netflix : Struggle: The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski , documentary about Stanislaw Szukalski, sculptor and painter. I didnt know him and man this is great art !

I hadn't heard of him either, so I looked him up. Amazing work. I'll try to watch this docko, thanks for the tip.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on March 07, 2020, 04:38:11 PM
Revisited A Nightmare on Elm Street, parts 1-7
1. Watched this as a kid in a movie theater, and it spooked the hell out of me. Turned out not nearly as scary as I remembered it, but still very good.
2. A botched sequel. Deviated from the formula too much and in wrong directions, which didn't work at all. Better pretend it doesn't exist.
3-5. Real sequels that worked. Even less scary than the original (and lots more Freddy Humor) to the point I'd call this dark-ish urban fantasy rather than horror. Nevertheless, fun entertaining movies. I like #4 best of the three.
6. A fucking trainwreck, get wrong absolutely everything that made the franchise fun. Compared to this, #2 is a masterpiece.
7. Soft reboot / reimagining /meta in a kind of way not unlike Scream, with a somewhat more serious tone than other NES sequels. Surprisingly decent.

Current project: rewatch all of Friday the 13th. Four movies in so far.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on March 09, 2020, 03:51:20 PM
started Hammer House of Horror (TV Series )

only on episode 2
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on March 10, 2020, 02:57:49 PM
Wispy Kung fu facial hair in 1982 SAMO HUNG romp THE DEAD AND THE DEADLY. Wispy.

Highly recommended. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXSWv8BuSI4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXSWv8BuSI4)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on March 29, 2020, 07:42:59 PM
Ice cold Neo noir from China:Black Coal, Thin Ice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXm1XcjP13E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXm1XcjP13E)

Streetwise documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bbe4KBocfTk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bbe4KBocfTk)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on March 29, 2020, 07:45:09 PM
Quote from: DSOL on March 09, 2020, 03:51:20 PM
started Hammer House of Horror (TV Series )

only on episode 2

How is it so far? Curious.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on April 02, 2020, 11:59:50 PM
Quote from: online prowler on March 29, 2020, 07:45:09 PM
Quote from: DSOL on March 09, 2020, 03:51:20 PM
started Hammer House of Horror (TV Series )

only on episode 2

How is it so far? Curious.

I like it - it's not gory or anything - more like suspenseful/scary stuff that isn't too campy
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 07, 2020, 10:30:09 PM
due to the current pandemic my social life has nearly ceased so I've caught up on some unwatched Blurays and made some other extremely dubious choices for the past month. Heregoes...

Lamberto Bava's Demons (1985) - nearly plot-less gorefest with very good gore, a bizarre soundtrack that swings between Italian synth and British heavy metal and hard rock, and a movie within a movie. I liked it more than when I watched it 8 years ago but it's still not a favorite.

Darrell James Roodt's Dracula 3000 (2004) - one of the worst movies I've ever seen but it's actually bad/good. And it stars Casper Van Dien, Coolio, Udo Kier (not as Dracula) and Erika Eleniak?! Of course it's bad but it's actually worth a watch with friends.

John Woo's Face/Off (1997) - It's the best English language film John Woo ever made, but it's still very flawed. And the whole hand across the face intimate thing John Travolta does? Terrifying and upsetting. While it was the coolest film when it came out and I was 10 years old, at 32 it's just dumb but fun.

Iain Softley's The Skeleton Key (2005) - my fiancee's choice but to her credit this wasn't the worst thing I'd ever seen. Especially for a mid-00s horror film. it did feel a little like Get Out stole some pages from it though.

William Friedkin's To Live and Die in LA (1985) - the plot is silly and acts as an excuse to push an inane/insane neo-noir police procedural, but its that aspect that makes it such a ruthless and nihilist showing of violence and greed culture. best character is Dean Stockwell as a big deal LA lawyer or the city of LA itself. Wang Chung's "soundtrack" which is inserted and cut super abruptly through scenes is a weird fucked up choice, and allegedly the impetus for the whole film being made. the car chase is mind-boggling, truly amazing. the only downside to the whole thing is when the main character's partner has his last scene with the informant. it's too corny. but everything else is just the right blend of cruel.

Lucio Fulci's Manhattan Baby (1982) - unsuccessful as "movie with a plot". very successful as a series of bizarre barely connected images with sometimes interesting sound design. first 15 minutes and last 20 are great vignettes by themselves. watched it streaming but actually bought the recent Bluray AFTER watching it because I'm insane.

Michael Showalter's The Big Sick (2017) - fiancee's choice. a rom-com partially based on the lead and his wife's relationship. some parts were funny but there's very little character development or much to like about either so it fell flat.

Sonny Laguna & Tommy Wiklund's Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich (2018) - liked this one even more the second time. a great restart to this series that always had major pacing and tonal issues and still hasn't fixed them.

Lucio Fulci's Four of the Apocalypse (1975) - a mostly solid western that slows to a fucking crawl for no apparent reason to deal with the birth of a child and some related shit, only to have the last violent bits rushed. I felt disappointed by the film as a whole but loved some of the segments on their own. but isn't that what Italian cinema is all about?

Lucio Fulci's Aenigma (1987) - of all the Fulci I recently watched, this was easily my favorite. I watched it twice in 4 days! Honestly a new favorite Fulci film altogether. It has some very loose similarities to Carrie and Dario Argento's Phenomena but it does its own thing. if school girls are the focus I'm gonna be intrigued. the use of model shots was unexpected and great. the interiors were amazingly hilarious or bizarre and very cool. the gore wasn't insane but there were moments. if the budget had been higher this one could've looked even better!

Jorge Grau's The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue (1974) - wow!!! this was so different and so much better than I knew to expect. really an exception zombie film full of gorgeous shots of the north English country side and ever escalating gore from the master Giannetto De Rossi. a slow burn but a damn strong one!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 07, 2020, 10:44:04 PM
so the above post only covers March 12, 2020 to March 24...

Stuart Gordon's Dagon (2001) - dodgy CGI aside, this is a damn fine Stuart Gordon film and HP Lovecraft adaptation. and there's some really brutal scenes that kinda come out of nowhere too. REST IN POWER.

Wes Craven's The People Under The Stairs (1991) - a weird movie. there were parts of it I really liked, I think namely the relationship between Big Ed Hurley and Nadine Hurley, I mean Everett McGill and Wendy Robie. but it felt like it went on way to long and tried hard to make a socially conscious message that falls somewhere near flat. and some of the set design looks so incredibly cheap, and then other parts look great. it's weird. glad I watched it but won't be running back for seconds.

Lucio Fulci's The Devil's Honey (1986) - an erotic thriller that's pretty decent for the first 30 or so minutes and then kind falls off. the muff blasting saxophone scene was great though. there are some great erotic thrillers from the '80s but this isn't one of them. but its still fun to watch and doens't go on too long. I just felt sorry for the German Shepard though.

Wes Craven's The Last House on the Left (1972) - one of the first really harsh exploitation films I ever saw, before I was balls deep into this kind of thing. I think it still holds up. David Hess is a fucking legend. the tonal shifts make the bleak parts even bleaker. great stuff.

Francis Lawrence's Constantine (2005) - I like this movie. granted I've never read HellBlazer so I can't get all bent out of shape about the misrepresentation of the comic etc, but for a Hollywood attempt at neo-noir comic book stuff before the Marvel universe take over, it's pretty dang good. And you'd be surprised the amount of dark ambient artists and gabber artists have sampled it!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on April 08, 2020, 12:38:33 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on April 07, 2020, 10:30:09 PM
Lucio Fulci's Four of the Apocalypse (1975)
Is this the one where they're forced to crawl through the mud? That's a great scene.

Quote from: ConcreteMascara on April 07, 2020, 10:30:09 PM
Jorge Grau's The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue (1974)
Been on my list for years. Really need to get to it.

Quote from: ConcreteMascara on April 07, 2020, 10:44:04 PM
Stuart Gordon's Dagon (2001)
Love it.

Quote from: ConcreteMascara on April 07, 2020, 10:44:04 PM
Lucio Fulci's The Devil's Honey (1986) - an erotic thriller that's pretty decent for the first 30 or so minutes and then kind falls off. the muff blasting saxophone scene was great though. there are some great erotic thrillers from the '80s but this isn't one of them. but its still fun to watch and doens't go on too long. I just felt sorry for the German Shepard though.
For me it's the last few scenes that hold it up. It gets pretty brutal by the end.

I've watched a hell of a lot since this bullshit started but here are some hits:

The Disapperance (Stuart Copper, 1977) - Slow-burning 70s neo-noir with great cast (Donald Sutherland, David Hemmings, John Hurt, Christopher Plummer... ), editing and locations. I've had Cronenberg on the mind lately and while this certainly is nothing like one of his films, it does satiate the need for that frozen Montréal Brutalism of his early features (and make one wonder why Donald Sutherland was never in any of them).

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Philip Kaufman, 1978) - I haven't seen the 2007 version but there is no way that this 1978 effort isn't the definitive take. Miles ahead of the 1956 version. It's damn near perfect.

Why Does Herr R. Run Amok? (Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Michael Fengler, 1970) - It's bleak.

Aguirre, The Wrath of God (Werner Herzog, 1972) - One of my favourite movies of all time and will always hold up. A decent into sweltering jungle madness. I also finally watched Herzog's Wings of Hope documentary about the lone survivor of the plane that crashed while this film was under production (the plane Herzog was supposed to be on until a last minute schedule change).

The Inner Scar (Philippe Garrel, 1972) - Finally saw this "collage of dreams" starring Nico. Gorgeous.

Elevator to the Gallows (Louis Malle, 1958) - MUBI is offering 3 months for free during this pandemic so I signed up and this was the first watch. Solid noir with Miles Davis soundtrack.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Eris/Ostia on April 08, 2020, 10:18:26 AM
Black Jack (1968, Gianfranco Baldanello)
Spaghetti western. Bleak and nihilistic with brutal plot. Unfortunately directing and acting aren't very good and I'd like more graphic violence. Worth seeing if you're into the genre.

Cemetery Without Crosses (1969, Robert Hossein)
Italo-French co-production so it's more like spaghetti w/ camembert western, eh. This is actually very good. More meditative, if you like, while taking a plunge into a hopeless circle of revenge. I read that Sergio Leone directed one scene. Highly recommended!

The Last Horror Film (1982, David Winters)
Oddball horror/sleaze comedy film within a film within a film etc. Recommended for its weirdness.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 08, 2020, 09:23:19 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on April 08, 2020, 12:38:33 AM
The Disapperance (Stuart Copper, 1977) - Slow-burning 70s neo-noir with great cast (Donald Sutherland, David Hemmings, John Hurt, Christopher Plummer... ), editing and locations. I've had Cronenberg on the mind lately and while this certainly is nothing like one of his films, it does satiate the need for that frozen Montréal Brutalism of his early features (and make one wonder why Donald Sutherland was never in any of them).

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Philip Kaufman, 1978) - I haven't seen the 2007 version but there is no way that this 1978 effort isn't the definitive take. Miles ahead of the 1956 version. It's damn near perfect.

You've seen Klute right? That's my favorite Donald Sutherland film, with Invasion being a close second. Will have to check out The Disappearance though.

And Aguirre has got to be in the top 10 best films ever made, if not top 5?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on April 08, 2020, 10:14:55 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on April 08, 2020, 09:23:19 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on April 08, 2020, 12:38:33 AM
The Disapperance (Stuart Copper, 1977) - Slow-burning 70s neo-noir with great cast (Donald Sutherland, David Hemmings, John Hurt, Christopher Plummer... ), editing and locations. I've had Cronenberg on the mind lately and while this certainly is nothing like one of his films, it does satiate the need for that frozen Montréal Brutalism of his early features (and make one wonder why Donald Sutherland was never in any of them).

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Philip Kaufman, 1978) - I haven't seen the 2007 version but there is no way that this 1978 effort isn't the definitive take. Miles ahead of the 1956 version. It's damn near perfect.

You've seen Klute right?

No, but it was a tossup between that and The Disappearance the other night. Will definitely do Klute soon, and a rewatch of Don't Look Now.

Edit: I later found out that there are 3 different cuts of The Diseapparance, with the best cut being on the Twilight Time reissue. I just randomly (luckily) happened to have that cut.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 10, 2020, 08:51:33 PM
Quote from: DSOL on April 02, 2020, 11:59:50 PM
Quote from: online prowler on March 29, 2020, 07:45:09 PM
Quote from: DSOL on March 09, 2020, 03:51:20 PM
started Hammer House of Horror (TV Series )

I like it - it's not gory or anything - more like suspenseful/scary stuff that isn't too campy

Thanks for the heads up. Have had it in mind for some time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on April 10, 2020, 10:42:33 PM
Finally saw that last Star Wars movie out of sheer boredom last night. What an "average" movie - ie not great, not terrible, not anything I'd even need to think about ever again. Totally uninteresting. I am not one of these nuts who gets "upset" about franchises. I loved Star Wars when I was a kid and am totally ambivalent now.

The Valhalla Murders - pretty cool Icelandic crime show on the ol' Netflix. I'm enjoying it.

Westworld Season 3 - Season 2 was so boring I didn't even want to bother but my wife wanted to.... actually kind of interesting after a couple of episodes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on April 11, 2020, 11:40:57 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on April 08, 2020, 12:38:33 AMInvasion of the Body Snatchers (Philip Kaufman, 1978) - I haven't seen the 2007 version but there is no way that this 1978 effort isn't the definitive take. Miles ahead of the 1956 version. It's damn near perfect.

don't forget abel ferrara's attempt. worth a look
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: PeteHarma on April 11, 2020, 08:40:14 PM
Watched Clive Barkers The Plague last night and i liked it,all pre-9 year olds fall into coma and wake up 10 years later...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: martialgodmask on April 12, 2020, 01:21:02 PM
Seven Psychopaths - somehow passed me by until now but I like the mix of Christopher Walken and OTT violence. Bit of a second division Tarantino-style film, the comical bits get a bit much but the comes-full-circle narrative keeps it interesting and it's an easy watch.

Lucky Number Slevin - another one that passed me by and wish I hadn't bothered. Not a good outing for anyone involved.

The Magnificent Seven (2016 version) - so apparently this got re-made huh? The first two acts passed me by to be honest but the final showdown was worthwhile in the end. Not memorable for the actors involved except maybe Pvt. Pyle, but the sheer volume of casualties and bodies falling off horses and buildings and getting arrowed was fun.

By pure coincidence I've spotted a trend so might watch Se7en tonight to keep it going.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on April 15, 2020, 08:49:58 PM
Got 3 free Mubi 7 day memberships. Howl out if you want one. Lot's of good films running at the moment.

Seven Psychopaths is a quite good psycho action romp. Director Martin McDonagh have so far only produced solid films in my opinon.  

On another note.. Sure miss Keith's insight and film recommendations here. Film thread got a bit weak after him.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: deutscheasphalt on April 20, 2020, 08:19:01 PM
Deep Water (1981) 7/10
The Lobster 4/10
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Sektion1 on April 21, 2020, 11:28:04 AM
Men Behind the Sun ( 1988 Tun Fei Mou )

Japanese terror camp using Maruta as guinea pigs. 6/10

Threads (1984 Mick Jackson)

Nuclear holocaust. 8/10

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 21, 2020, 08:00:16 PM
Stalker [dir. Andrei Tarkovsky, 1979] - I had the rare pleasure last night of having the time and space to watch a long movie without interruption and the energy to do it. This was my first viewing of the Criterion Blu-Ray and compared to my memory of the Kino DVD I had it looks 100x times better. Not sure why that DVD version has held a high value since the Criterion release because this can't be beat visually. My fourth (fifth?) viewing of the film, I like it better now than ever. Despite being dialogue heavy I think you could watch it without subtitles and still enjoy it immensely because the visuals are second to none. as of this morning I could say it's maybe in my top 3 films, definitely top 5.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on April 21, 2020, 10:53:01 PM
Quote from: Sektion1 on April 21, 2020, 11:28:04 AM
Men Behind the Sun ( 1988 Tun Fei Mou )

Japanese terror camp using Maruta as guinea pigs. 6/10

Threads (1984 Mick Jackson)

Nuclear holocaust. 8/10

Threads is an all time favorite. Picked up the Blu-Ray recently. Been a while since I watched that one, but plenty of rough scenes and overall great atmosphere of desperation and despair. Interested to check out similar films such as The Day After and The War Game. Many may be familiar with the latter as being the source of many of Discharge's famous samples.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on April 21, 2020, 11:08:15 PM
Also, I believe in honor of the newly announced Criterion release of Come And See there have been some big screen showings of it in the city I live in. Sadly due to work and general life bullshit, I missed all of the screening dates. Would have loved to witness this on the big screen as I only have the Kino DVD release which is not the best quality. Still a killer, but can't wait for a high quality release. Looks like it's available for pre-order and will be available in June.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on April 22, 2020, 03:46:00 AM
Quote from: NerveGas on April 21, 2020, 11:08:15 PM
Also, I believe in honor of the newly announced Criterion release of Come And See there have been some big screen showings of it in the city I live in. Sadly due to work and general life bullshit, I missed all of the screening dates. Would have loved to witness this on the big screen as I only have the Kino DVD release which is not the best quality. Still a killer, but can't wait for a high quality release. Looks like it's available for pre-order and will be available in June.

Never heard of this one before.  It sounds really interesting.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on April 22, 2020, 05:05:04 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on April 22, 2020, 03:46:00 AM
Quote from: NerveGas on April 21, 2020, 11:08:15 PM
Also, I believe in honor of the newly announced Criterion release of Come And See there have been some big screen showings of it in the city I live in. Sadly due to work and general life bullshit, I missed all of the screening dates. Would have loved to witness this on the big screen as I only have the Kino DVD release which is not the best quality. Still a killer, but can't wait for a high quality release. Looks like it's available for pre-order and will be available in June.

Never heard of this one before.  It sounds really interesting.

One of the greatest movies of all time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on April 22, 2020, 08:31:40 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on April 22, 2020, 03:46:00 AM
Quote from: NerveGas on April 21, 2020, 11:08:15 PM
Also, I believe in honor of the newly announced Criterion release of Come And See there have been some big screen showings of it in the city I live in. Sadly due to work and general life bullshit, I missed all of the screening dates. Would have loved to witness this on the big screen as I only have the Kino DVD release which is not the best quality. Still a killer, but can't wait for a high quality release. Looks like it's available for pre-order and will be available in June.

Never heard of this one before.  It sounds really interesting.

Follows a young kid who joins the Belarusian partisans during WWII. Far from a standard war flick. Closer to surrealist horror at times. I believe in a lot of scenes live ammunition was used. And while I'm sure it's been mentioned on this board before, it's well worth checking out. A proper re-release was long overdue.

Links to two of the recent trailers below. The first is official and I suspect the second may just be a high quality fan made one as it makes no mention of the Criterion release as far as I remember. Could be wrong about that, though. Should give you a good idea of what your'e in for. Highly recommended.



Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Eris/Ostia on April 22, 2020, 04:03:37 PM
Thanks for the tip on Come and see! Never heard of it, but it seems nothing short of perfect. I first thought it's a new film, but it's already from the 80s. Everything was better back then.

Speaking of which, and on to something completely different, I was a HUGE fan of Queen in my pre-teens and now finally saw Bohemian Rhapsody. It started out alright, but got nauseatingly sentimental towards the end.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on April 23, 2020, 05:46:06 AM
Quote from: Eris/Ostia on April 22, 2020, 04:03:37 PM
Thanks for the tip on Come and see! Never heard of it, but it seems nothing short of perfect. I first thought it's a new film, but it's already from the 80s. Everything was better back then.

Speaking of which, and on to something completely different, I was a HUGE fan of Queen in my pre-teens and now finally saw Bohemian Rhapsody. It started out alright, but got nauseatingly sentimental towards the end.

I was a Queen fan at about that age too, but I didn't care for the movie either.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 27, 2020, 06:00:00 PM
Saturday my fiance and watched the entire Chernobyl HBO miniseries from last year in one sitting. I don't know what I expected but it was brutal from the start. It's been a decade since my Cold War history classes in college so I couldn't remember a lot of details, so even though I basically know how it resolved (Europe didn't enter nuclear winter) I was still on the edge of my seat so to say for a lot of the stuff between meltdown and finale. I liked that the actors used their regularly accents instead of fake Russian, Ukranian etc. the music was ace. Stellan Skarsgård was a damn pleasure, but so was everyone else. it was also very discomforting how the Russian administration dealt with Chernobyl in comparison to how the US administration is dealing with COVID-19. The State's truth is the only truth the people need right? Also a total accident we watched it into Sunday early morning, which is the anniversary of the meltdown.

Started working through the massive backlog of DVDs and Blurays I own but haven't watched. A lot of them are lousy looking cheap horror reissues I won in a raffle, so I don't even want to watch them. But I've also got Polanski's Repulsion, Kubrick's Barry Lyndon and Lolita and a bunch of Criterion samurai films to watch. luxury problems. so the first two from the unwatched stacks were Carol Reed's Night Train to Munich (1940) and Keita Amemiya's Zeiram 2 (1994).

Night Train to Munich is weird one for two reasons. First, it's almost an alternate version of Hitchcock's The Lady Vanishes, sharing the screen writers, Margaret Lockwood and a lot of plot points/aspects. But that actually works out okay. Second, it was written during the very beginning of WWII and filmed during the first year or so. There's repeated casual discussion of concentration camps in a way that makes them seem just fine, because in fact the writers didn't know the extent of what they were at this point. Combined with the "fun romp" tone of the movie it all seems callous or brash, but truly the people involved just didn't know how bad the whole thing was gonna get. So it's a weird vibe. But it's also funny as fuck as there's lots of poking fun at Nazis in a way that feels like a Mel Brooks movie. Rex Harrison is really great and I'll need to check him out in other stuff. So if you want a fun thriller/romp that deals with Nazis, trains and fast talking Brits during the War this is the one for you.

Zeiram 2 equally silly, but for very different reasons. I think the best way to describe Amemiya's films are tokusatsu with occasional hyper-violence. they're not typically gory but there's always seens of extreme bloodspray. it makes for some strange tonal inconsistencies. his ideas and designs are typically very very cool, but you feel like you're watching a kids show a lot of the time. but as a life-long weeb it's pretty easy to appreciate.

Unforgiven well this one ain't new to me but it was for my fiance. My favorite western, she though it was extremely predictable, with mediocre acting and writing. certainly an interesting perspective on a movie that's almost universally acclaimed for its meditation on violence, pathos and nuanced performances. but i'm just getting a little defensive since I absolutely love this movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on April 28, 2020, 04:35:03 AM
a few recent watches with comments

The Killing Of A Sacred Deer - not bad, quite original
The Creature Walks Among Us - they fuck with this guy again and wonder why he's pissed
Green Room - average thriller, punks play a nazi venue and encounter some violent folks naturally. violence/gore is high
The Shape Of Water - Creature from the Black Lagoon bangs a chick
Moon - one of the better modern sci fi movies
Nosferatu (w/ Kinski) - best vampire movie ever made
Hellraiser 2 - extremely fun and competent sequel
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Eris/Ostia on April 29, 2020, 04:18:38 PM
Walker (Alex Cox, 1987) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096409/ (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096409/)

Comedically surreal and very dark political satire thinly disguised as western and set in 1850s Nicaragua. And based on true story. Dialogue has a lot of sample material for European heavy electronics artists criticizing US foreign policies. Highly recommended.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on April 29, 2020, 04:39:56 PM
Quote from: Eris/Ostia on April 29, 2020, 04:18:38 PM
Walker (Alex Cox, 1987) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096409/ (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096409/)

Comedically surreal and very dark political satire thinly disguised as western and set in 1850s Nicaragua. And based on true story. Dialogue has a lot of sample material for European heavy electronics artists criticizing US foreign policies. Highly recommended.

I was in the perfect mood the first time I watched this and loved it. I'm scared to ever see it again and have it potentially lose its charm.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on April 29, 2020, 09:56:59 PM
Waco (Netflix): 4 episodes in, actually fairly impressed with how shitty they make the ATF/FBI look and how sympathetic they are to Koresh. I don't remember much about it and would definitely follow this up with some reading.

West World Season 3 - fuckin' hated season two, didn't really feel inclined to continue but my wife wanted to keep watching, fairly into this season's Blade Runner inspired plot.

Homeland - kept up with this one since the beginning and finally wrapped it up, can't say I loved the ending  but I didn't hate it either. I like the last few episodes they harkened back to the old timey cloak and dagger spy shit rather than just presidential politics.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on April 29, 2020, 10:06:53 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on April 29, 2020, 09:56:59 PM
Waco (Netflix): 4 episodes in, actually fairly impressed with how shitty they make the ATF/FBI look and how sympathetic they are to Koresh. I don't remember much about it and would definitely follow this up with some reading.

West World Season 3 - fuckin' hated season two, didn't really feel inclined to continue but my wife wanted to keep watching, fairly into this season's Blade Runner inspired plot.

I highly recommended watching Waco: The Rules of Engagement. Excellent documentary. I was watching it every anniversary for a few years.

Westworld... season 1 is incredible. I didn't hate season 2 - there were certainly parts that I didn't like, but there was enough of the good shit to keep me going. I have mixed feelings about season 3 but am glad to watch it every weekend.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on April 30, 2020, 08:19:08 PM
So, I think for Walpurgis night, I'll watch Las brujas de Zugarramurdi (Witching & Bitching) again. Will be great fun!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 04, 2020, 04:24:16 PM
The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh

Murder Obsession
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on May 06, 2020, 04:36:13 PM
Quote from: DSOL on May 04, 2020, 04:24:16 PM
The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh

Murder Obsession

The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh is such a great flick. Have Murder Obsession on my to watch list.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 06, 2020, 05:34:10 PM
Quote from: online prowler on May 06, 2020, 04:36:13 PM
Quote from: DSOL on May 04, 2020, 04:24:16 PM
The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh

Murder Obsession

The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh is such a great flick. Have Murder Obsession on my to watch list.

Murder Obsession was okay - I just started to get into/watch Giallo films other than New York Ripper and some Argento stuff

next I plan on watching Torso and The Case of the Bloody Iris next

I have some more in my watch list on Prime - if anybody has any recommendations I'm all ears 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:06:24 PM
Quote from: DSOL on May 06, 2020, 05:34:10 PM
Quote from: online prowler on May 06, 2020, 04:36:13 PM
Quote from: DSOL on May 04, 2020, 04:24:16 PM
The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh

Murder Obsession

The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh is such a great flick. Have Murder Obsession on my to watch list.

Murder Obsession was okay - I just started to get into/watch Giallo films other than New York Ripper and some Argento stuff

next I plan on watching Torso and The Case of the Bloody Iris next

I have some more in my watch list on Prime - if anybody has any recommendations I'm all ears  

Some of these are definitely better than others.

A Lizard in a Woman's Skin
Black Belly of the Tarantula
Blood and Black Lace
The Case of the Scorpion's Tail
The Psychic
The Red Queen Kills Seven Times
Slaughter Hotel
So Sweet, So Dead
What Have You Done To Solange?
What Have They Done To Your Daughters?
Who Saw Her Die?
Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 06, 2020, 06:20:49 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:06:24 PM
Black Belly of the Tarantula
I love this movie but some people might find it slow and/or dumb. Definitely one to watch twice for max enjoyment. Also Barbara Bouchet is the ultimate giallo girl.

Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:06:24 PM
The Red Queen Kills Seven Times
- Another absolute favorite. Barbara Bouchet as the lead is a huge draw.

Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:06:24 PM
What Have You Done To Solange?
What Have They Done To Your Daughters?
These two kind of shit all over all other gialli because the writing and plots seem more grounded and also more fucked up. The police procedural influence really helps.

I'd also hugely recommend Fulci's Don't Torture a Duckling which is a rural giallo. And also has Barbara Bouchet.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:44:44 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 06, 2020, 06:20:49 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:06:24 PM
Black Belly of the Tarantula
I love this movie but some people might find it slow and/or dumb. Definitely one to watch twice for max enjoyment. Also Barbara Bouchet is the ultimate giallo girl.

Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:06:24 PM
The Red Queen Kills Seven Times
- Another absolute favorite. Barbara Bouchet as the lead is a huge draw.

Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:06:24 PM
What Have You Done To Solange?
What Have They Done To Your Daughters?
These two kind of shit all over all other gialli because the writing and plots seem more grounded and also more fucked up. The police procedural influence really helps.

I'd also hugely recommend Fulci's Don't Torture a Duckling which is a rural giallo. And also has Barbara Bouchet.

Barbara Bouchet and Rosalba Neri are reason enough to watch Amuck!.

What Have They Done To Your Daughters? totally floored me when I saw it. Loved every minute of it. The score, the camera work, the writing, the plot, the pacing, the reveals, the tease of sleaze, everything.

I really need to revisit Don't Torture a Duckling. I think after the Argento classics it may have been the first giallo I ever saw.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on May 06, 2020, 08:16:35 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:44:44 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 06, 2020, 06:20:49 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:06:24 PM
Black Belly of the Tarantula
I love this movie but some people might find it slow and/or dumb. Definitely one to watch twice for max enjoyment. Also Barbara Bouchet is the ultimate giallo girl.

Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:06:24 PM
The Red Queen Kills Seven Times
- Another absolute favorite. Barbara Bouchet as the lead is a huge draw.

Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:06:24 PM
What Have You Done To Solange?
What Have They Done To Your Daughters?
These two kind of shit all over all other gialli because the writing and plots seem more grounded and also more fucked up. The police procedural influence really helps.

I'd also hugely recommend Fulci's Don't Torture a Duckling which is a rural giallo. And also has Barbara Bouchet.

Barbara Bouchet and Rosalba Neri are reason enough to watch Amuck!.

What Have They Done To Your Daughters? totally floored me when I saw it. Loved every minute of it. The score, the camera work, the writing, the plot, the pacing, the reveals, the tease of sleaze, everything.

I really need to revisit Don't Torture a Duckling. I think after the Argento classics it may have been the first giallo I ever saw.

Don't Torture A Duckling is one of the best. I would also recommend All The Colors Of The Dark. A bit different than those that have been listed because there's a psychedelic aspect to it. Stars Edwige Fenich and directed by the great Sergio Martino who did Torso, Your Vice Is A Locked Room And Only I Have The Key, and others. I need go rewatch The Red Queen Kills Seven Times. I have the blu-ray, but didn't give it my full attention last time I watched it. Seemed decent enough.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: DSOL on May 07, 2020, 04:03:57 PM
thanks guys!

I had a few of those already in my Prime watch list - going to look for the others!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 07, 2020, 06:51:06 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:44:44 PM
I really need to revisit Don't Torture a Duckling. I think after the Argento classics it may have been the first giallo I ever saw.

I think it's one that really holds up because it's got more of personal voice than some of Fulci's other work. His big fuck you to the Church, to the superstitious country folk, it's not thinly veiled or anything. It damn near ended his career. It feels much more "real" or "authentic" than the aesthetic exploitation of other contemporary italian films, even if some of the makeup and effects are little lackluster. It was also one of the first giallo I saw but I hope I'm not talking from rose tinted glasses but with some objectivity :P
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bleak Existence on May 09, 2020, 11:40:08 PM
The Lighthouse
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 10, 2020, 02:00:42 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 07, 2020, 06:51:06 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:44:44 PM
I really need to revisit Don't Torture a Duckling. I think after the Argento classics it may have been the first giallo I ever saw.

I think it's one that really holds up because it's got more of personal voice than some of Fulci's other work. His big fuck you to the Church, to the superstitious country folk, it's not thinly veiled or anything. It damn near ended his career. It feels much more "real" or "authentic" than the aesthetic exploitation of other contemporary italian films

Rewatched last night. I fell asleep (seem to remember also falling asleep the first time I saw it), but all those points you mentioned are absolutely accurate. Very "authentic" feel.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Potier on May 14, 2020, 08:38:58 PM
Over the last few days I have been re-watching some of the Abel Ferrara classics - I guess the ones that are more well-known:

Ms. 45 - a movie I discovered way too late and that I now love. I cannot think of a better actress to be cast for the main character. Some truly epic imagery.
Bad Lieutenant - Keitel makes that movie work all by himself. There really is not much of a story but somehow it works. In a way, for me, the scene that starts with "your tail light is out" is something that is lacking in so many movies that fly the "dirty cop" flag. No prisoners taken. Nothing but damaged goods.
King of New York - Walken, Fishburne, Snipes, Caruso, Buscemi, Argo - drugs, guns, blood - in certain scenes to the point of caricature, what can go wrong? Schoolly D. on the soundtrack - very entertaining still.

I don't think I have seen any of Ferrara's other movies - anybody have any recommendations outside of those 3?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 14, 2020, 08:45:13 PM
Quote from: Potier on May 14, 2020, 08:38:58 PM
I don't think I have seen any of Ferrara's other movies - anybody have any recommendations outside of those 3?

New Rose Hotel is likely up next for me when I'm going back to his work.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Potier on May 14, 2020, 09:51:03 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on May 14, 2020, 08:45:13 PM
New Rose Hotel is likely up next for me when I'm going back to his work.

Interesting cast for that one from the looks of it. I'll give it a shot. Thanks.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on May 15, 2020, 01:25:40 AM
Quote from: Potier on May 14, 2020, 08:38:58 PM
Over the last few days I have been re-watching some of the Abel Ferrara classics - I guess the ones that are more well-known:

Ms. 45 - a movie I discovered way too late and that I now love. I cannot think of a better actress to be cast for the main character. Some truly epic imagery.
Bad Lieutenant - Keitel makes that movie work all by himself. There really is not much of a story but somehow it works. In a way, for me, the scene that starts with "your tail light is out" is something that is lacking in so many movies that fly the "dirty cop" flag. No prisoners taken. Nothing but damaged goods.
King of New York - Walken, Fishburne, Snipes, Caruso, Buscemi, Argo - drugs, guns, blood - in certain scenes to the point of caricature, what can go wrong? Schoolly D. on the soundtrack - very entertaining still.

I don't think I have seen any of Ferrara's other movies - anybody have any recommendations outside of those 3?

I would definitely watch Driller Killer if you haven't seen it. Bad Lieutenant is my favorite of his that I have seen, though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ashraf on May 15, 2020, 02:31:19 PM
All 80s and 90s Ferrara is good to great. Of the lesser celebrated, Driller Killer, The Funeral, and New Rose Hotel are top tier.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 15, 2020, 09:00:58 PM
Rewatched Fulci's A Lizard in a Woman's Skin last night. Excellent in every regard, just a little too long. The Mondo blu-ray looks incredible.

Also watched Bava's Shock with Daria Nicolodi and that creepy asshole kid.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on May 20, 2020, 12:43:31 AM
Finished season 3 of Fauda last nite. Loved seasons 1 and 2, and this one wasn't terrible, but nowhere near as good as the previous ones.

What I liked about the show originally was the sense of realism (quite obviously I have no idea if it is really realistic, but it sure feels that way), but in this one they are just rampaging through Gaza pretty much at random, killing dozens of Hamas commandoes without breaking pace. Also the main character Doron (played by one of the creators of the show) is getting more and more annoying, as he has to always be the one who saves the day, gets the girl, has the tearjerking soulful profound moments, etc.

If there is a season 4, I'll probably still give it chance, but only because the first two seasons were so good. If this had been the first season of the show, I'd probably write it off. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on May 25, 2020, 03:17:57 AM
Watched 5/6 episodes of The Plot Against America on HBO - I'm not familiar with the book but I really am enjoying this dystopian nightmare of a show. It's really something. Will definitely check out Phillip Roth for a summer read.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on May 31, 2020, 09:22:52 PM
Finally saw Parasite now that it came to my streaming platform. 5/5, definitely worthy of the hype surrounding it. Definitely one of the most interesting movies I've seen in years.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on June 01, 2020, 08:32:19 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on May 31, 2020, 09:22:52 PM
Finally saw Parasite now that it came to my streaming platform. 5/5, definitely worthy of the hype surrounding it. Definitely one of the most interesting movies I've seen in years.

I have seen this a few times, and it is definitely one of the best films made recently (especially the ending!).  It totally deserved all of the praise/awards that it got.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackSunAndSteel on June 01, 2020, 09:08:19 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on June 01, 2020, 08:32:19 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on May 31, 2020, 09:22:52 PM
Finally saw Parasite now that it came to my streaming platform. 5/5, definitely worthy of the hype surrounding it. Definitely one of the most interesting movies I've seen in years.

I have seen this a few times, and it is definitely one of the best films made recently (especially the ending!).  It totally deserved all of the praise/awards that it got.
Parasite is above average at best. Obviously camera & acting is brilliant but the story is just telling the viewer exactly how to feel about class struggle. No room for interpretation there. It's like being fed the message with a spoon. Also - did the son actually catch this super long morse letter just by pure chance or is this part of the imaginary ending? Please tell me it is...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on June 01, 2020, 09:52:10 PM
Quote from: BlackSunAndSteel on June 01, 2020, 09:08:19 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on June 01, 2020, 08:32:19 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on May 31, 2020, 09:22:52 PM
Finally saw Parasite now that it came to my streaming platform. 5/5, definitely worthy of the hype surrounding it. Definitely one of the most interesting movies I've seen in years.

I have seen this a few times, and it is definitely one of the best films made recently (especially the ending!).  It totally deserved all of the praise/awards that it got.
Parasite is above average at best. Obviously camera & acting is brilliant but the story is just telling the viewer exactly how to feel about class struggle. No room for interpretation there. It's like being fed the message with a spoon. Also - did the son actually catch this super long morse letter just by pure chance or is this part of the imaginary ending? Please tell me it is...

I think the son actually did understand the message.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on June 02, 2020, 02:59:50 PM
The Wicker Man (1973)
- totally forgot how awesome it was

The Wicker Man (2006)
- totally forgot how abysmally terrible it was

Midsommar  (2019)
- a bloated artsy-fartsy wannabe The Wicker Man
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: alcohole on June 02, 2020, 08:30:16 PM
The ending scene of the original Wicker Man is still one of the scariest things i've seen in a film
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on June 04, 2020, 12:25:17 AM
Quote from: BlackSunAndSteel on June 01, 2020, 09:08:19 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on June 01, 2020, 08:32:19 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on May 31, 2020, 09:22:52 PM
Finally saw Parasite now that it came to my streaming platform. 5/5, definitely worthy of the hype surrounding it. Definitely one of the most interesting movies I've seen in years.

I have seen this a few times, and it is definitely one of the best films made recently (especially the ending!).  It totally deserved all of the praise/awards that it got.
Parasite is above average at best. Obviously camera & acting is brilliant but the story is just telling the viewer exactly how to feel about class struggle. No room for interpretation there. It's like being fed the message with a spoon. Also - did the son actually catch this super long morse letter just by pure chance or is this part of the imaginary ending? Please tell me it is...

Agreed. Above average at best. One of the better new films I've seen this year, but that speaks more to how much garbage comes out then it does to the quality of this specific film. I was fine with most of the movie regardless of how heavy handed it was, but the ending just seemed like too neat of a wrap up.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on June 25, 2020, 06:18:14 PM
Got round to watching Boiled Angels on Mike Diana. A worthwhile what to spend an hour and a half. I vaguely remember being aware of it at the time through Headpress zine, still seems relevant today but I imagine the result shit storm would be bigger given social media....
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 06, 2020, 05:08:29 AM
Clean, Shaven (Lodge Kerrigan, 1993)

Peter Winter is a young schizophrenic who is desperately trying to get his daughter back from her adoptive family. He attempts to function in a world that, for him, is filled with strange voices, electrical noise, disconcerting images, and jarringly sudden emotional shifts. During his quest, he runs afoul of the law and an ongoing murder investigation.

This was great. Nice rural/coastal locations in New Brunswick, Canada. I don't even want to say anything more about it for fear of doing it any disservice... but that soundtrack by Hahn Rowe, damn. It's criminal that it has no release anywhere. Would make an excellent addition to any noise collection.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on July 06, 2020, 07:40:44 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on July 06, 2020, 05:08:29 AM
Clean, Shaven (Lodge Kerrigan, 1993)

Peter Winter is a young schizophrenic who is desperately trying to get his daughter back from her adoptive family. He attempts to function in a world that, for him, is filled with strange voices, electrical noise, disconcerting images, and jarringly sudden emotional shifts. During his quest, he runs afoul of the law and an ongoing murder investigation.

This was great. Nice rural/coastal locations in New Brunswick, Canada. I don't even want to say anything more about it for fear of doing it any disservice... but that soundtrack by Hahn Rowe, damn. It's criminal that it has no release anywhere. Would make an excellent addition to any noise collection.

This movie is great. I rarely hear anyone talk about it either despite it seeming to be decently well known and having a Criterion release. Would like to see Keane as well. Same director and seems to be similar story about mental illness. Haven't had much time for movies lately, though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: monster ripper on July 06, 2020, 03:12:15 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on July 06, 2020, 05:08:29 AM
Clean, Shaven (Lodge Kerrigan, 1993)

This was great. Nice rural/coastal locations in New Brunswick, Canada. I don't even want to say anything more about it for fear of doing it any disservice... but that soundtrack by Hahn Rowe, damn. It's criminal that it has no release anywhere. Would make an excellent addition to any noise collection.

I tried contacting the director about 15 years ago with the hopes of releasing the soundtrack, but never got a reply.  Wasn't sure if the e-mail I had was even valid though, so I wasn't to surprised.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 06, 2020, 05:26:43 PM
Quote from: monster ripper on July 06, 2020, 03:12:15 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on July 06, 2020, 05:08:29 AM
Clean, Shaven (Lodge Kerrigan, 1993)

This was great. Nice rural/coastal locations in New Brunswick, Canada. I don't even want to say anything more about it for fear of doing it any disservice... but that soundtrack by Hahn Rowe, damn. It's criminal that it has no release anywhere. Would make an excellent addition to any noise collection.

I tried contacting the director about 15 years ago with the hopes of releasing the soundtrack, but never got a reply.  Wasn't sure if the e-mail I had was even valid though, so I wasn't to surprised.


I was poking around a bit and stumbled upon this screenshot:

I guess they did have some ideas of the soundtrack's appeal.

I wonder how easy it would be to release if contact was made. I see that Warner Bros was one of the production companies, might be some licensing headaches.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 06, 2020, 11:36:00 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on July 06, 2020, 08:51:27 PM
Isn't the soundtrack included as downloadable mp3s on the Criterion DVD release?

Yes, see screenshot in my post. Absolutely deserves a proper release, though.

Tepepa (Giluio Petroni, 1969)

The Mexican guerilla leader Tepepa and his gang fight against the chief of police, Cascorro.

The 1000th film I've watched since August 1, 2011...

A lengthy Zapata western starring Thomas Milian and John Steiner, with Orson Welles poking his big bad sweaty colonel face in on occasion.

Spurred on to watching following the news of Ennio Morricone's passing. His score, conducted by another great Italian composer, Bruno Nicolai, is relatively simple with a sentimental main theme that overall didn't grab me, but when those Mexican vihuela guitars kick in it goes just as hard as the Dollars trilogy themes.

This is the 34th Morricone-scored film I've seen, and that's still only 9% of the 350+ films he's worked on.

So many favourites scored by Morricone, across decades and across genres. Spaghetti westerns, giallo, horror. Thinking of the great scores to Who Saw Her Die? and Kill the Fatted Calf and Roast It with creepy children chorales, the grandiose scale of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, not to mention Black Belly of the Tarantula, The Big Gundown, The Thing, Days of Heaven, many an Argento... He's almost peerless in his versatility, ingenuity and longevity. A true legend.

RIP Maestro. Viva Morricone!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 07, 2020, 05:03:43 PM
Was sad to hear of Morricone's passing as well, but living to 91 years... you can't complain too much about that!

Two weeks ago I watched Avengers: End Game after watching all of the Marvel movies in release order over the past few months. I saw only a handful in the theaters so it was interesting be able to see how they weaved it all together over a decade. Obviously I get that there's a shit load of Marvel comics story lines that back-boned it but still to get it all the way to the last two Avengers movies and stick the landing was impressive to me. On an individual movie level or even series level there's a lot of things to pick at and criticize and those comments might be valid enough, but for me, bashing these movies because they're different than other movies I like is pointless and meaningless. Is Captain Marvel as good as Tarkovsky's Solaris, no. Is it easy fun, sure. Are most giallo films silly sleazy, nonsensical affairs? Yes. Do I love them anyway? Yes. I love them because of that. I would say most of what I watch are genre films that don't aspire beyond their basic premise and I love them for it. So why would I criticize comic books movies for being comic book movies? I guess my point is I was able to enjoy the Marvel movies for what they were instead of what they weren't and the experience has made the pandemic less bad. It also made my fiance happy because she can only handle so many yakuza or slasher films.

On a totally different note, last weekend I watched Samurai Spy by Masahiro Shinoda. I worship Shinoda's Pale Flower, but had no idea how this would stack up. While it didn't become an instant favorite like Pale Flower, I enjoyed the hell out of it. Out the gate you get a barrage of factions and names to try and remember, but I didn't find it to be nearly as complicated as some reviews claimed. It's 3 factions, 1 main character, some other important players. I didn't find it to be any harder to follow than a Kurosawa flick or other samurai genre films. What I thought more than anything was it felt sooo much like an anime about ninjas and samurai. Especially the one spymaster dressed in all white with a grappling hook weapon thing and the cool slow motion jumping and freeze frame tricks. In a lot of ways it reminded me of Ninja Scroll, but without titties and demons... which I guess is the majority of Ninja Scroll so maybe its a bad comparison. The back and forth between ninja action and exposition also felt very anime. I can definitely recommend.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 12, 2020, 05:05:25 PM
Samurai Spy by Masahiro Shinoda is a classic. I presume you saw the Criterion restoration version? I see what you mean by Ninja Scroll. I was having the same reference when I saw it. Haven't seen either in some time now, so should revisit soon.

I don't recall what I saw or wrote I saw here last time. Been a few since that, but one of the latest that stuck to mind was the US film The Eyes of Laura Mars from 1978 directed by  Irvin Kershner. Starring the royal Faye Dunaway and actor Tommy Lee Jones in the main leads. The original treatment was written by John Carpenter and if I recall correctly he was also supposed to direct the film, but that did not ripe to fruit. This is a genre film in the realm of giallo and thriller. The psychosexual kind with serial killer. I can wholeheartedly recommend this to any fans of Giallo films. Check the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_-4L-mssnQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_-4L-mssnQ)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 12, 2020, 05:08:48 PM
Quote from: online prowler on July 12, 2020, 05:05:25 PM
The Eyes of Laura Mars from 1978 directed by  Irvin Kershner. Starring the royal Faye Dunaway and actor Tommy Lee Jones in the main leads. The original treatment was written by John Carpenter and if I recall correctly he was also supposed to direct the film, but that did not ripe to fruit. This is a genre film in the realm of giallo and thriller. The psychosexual kind with serial killer. I can wholeheartedly recommend this to any fans of Giallo films. Check the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_-4L-mssnQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_-4L-mssnQ)

I had pretty much the opposite review when I watched it: Pretty underwhelming American giallo. Fulci did the whole psychic vision thing better with, well, The Psychic the previous year. There are shades of De Palma throughout, but I wonder what this would have been like had John Carpenter helmed it instead of merely having written the screenplay.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on July 12, 2020, 10:55:12 PM
I recently watched Ultras, an Italian film about a (fictional) firm of football hooligans in Naples (not to be confused with the 80's film Ultra, this one came out in 2020).

The film focuses on Sandro, the leader of the old guard of the firm, who is pushing fifty and beginning to question his life choices. Especially now that he is banned from the stadium and he has to report to a police station during each match, to prove he is not causing more trouble.

I was surprised to see the film mostly got negative reviews, and for many commentators the reason they didn't like it was that "it wasn't as good as Green Street Hooligans". What the hell are these people on? Frodo as a hooligan? An American actor playing the leader of the, West Ham was it, hooligan firm, with a goofy British accent and strutting around like he has an invisible brick hanging from his balls?

Easy to recommend to anyone into hooligan/skinhead/other subculture films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on July 13, 2020, 04:44:09 AM
Suspira remake - really enjoyed it. Obviously a big fan of the original, I thought they did a great job.

The Old Guard - good solid action flick if not exactly superb writing. Fun! I liked it.

The Great - good show, very funny.

Fleabag - hysterically funny
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 14, 2020, 10:36:34 PM
Cure - 1997 [dir. Kiyoshi Kurosawa]
I have been trying to watch this one for a long time. Found out the today it was on the Criterion Channel. Happily i already took the day off, so it's providence. So much better than i could have ever anticipated. It's dark ambient as film in the best way possible. Visually impeccable, sound design amazing, placing just right. I was totally enthralled. And skips all the worst tropes of j-horror too. Highest recommendation!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on July 15, 2020, 01:01:36 AM
yeah Cure is incredible. i highly recommend the movie Angel Dust (1994) if you haven't seen it already. very similar in tone, agenda and execution to Cure. and just as good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 15, 2020, 04:31:43 PM
I've actually got a VHS copy of Angel Dust on the way right now thanks to eBay [it feels like 1999 all over again]. Very excited to watch. Apparently there was only ever a VHS release in the US and by the New York Times no less.

Watching Cure had me thinking a lot of Splatter: Naked Blood which is pretty different plot was but aspects of the visuals, execution and sound felt weirdly similar. I think it's just something about the extreme disaffection/emotional malaise in '90s Japanese cinema that really ties a lot of it together. a real absence of joie de vivre . I appreciate it
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on July 16, 2020, 05:11:50 AM
Watched Chilean/German experimental, avant-garde horror Luz. Some interesting visuals and setpieces, but that's about it. There is practically no plot, yet the film still manages to be confusing at times. And even at only 70 minutes still feels too long. If you liked Beyond the Black Rainbow this might be worth your while.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 17, 2020, 04:25:18 PM
Angel Dust - 1994 [dir. Sogo Ishii] - damn this VHS arrived quick! apparently it was published by the New Yorker, not the New York Times. Looked pretty good for a 24 year old VHS but I'd love to see this one on Blu-ray. Let me say first that the electronic score for the film is the most 1994 thing possible in the best way. Some of the pieces are the expected dark ambient drones and scrapes, but some of it is dub with a breakbeat and other parts are slow-mo techno. Reminds me of Biosphere's score for Insomnia or the soundtrack for Boogiepop Phantom. I love '90s electronic music :)  The movie itself? Well it starts off pretty spooky and serious, sorta kinda, but by the 2/3rd mark it becomes more of a weird thriller more focused on style than substance. Now the style is very good so it kept me interested mostly, but I will say by the end I felt it was a little long. I can't help but compare it to Cure which I watched only two days prior. Where Cure felt like an extremely cohesive whole where every frame, sound, piece of dialogue served to deliver a very specific idea and feeling, this felt much less refined and way more like a "movie" than an "art film". Obviously I can get down with either but Cure was so good on every level I immediately wanted to re-watch it, where as with Angel Dust I just wanted to look stills from it.  Also, I've never seen the show Hannibal but I feel like Angel Dust could be the link between Hannibal and Twin Peaks via Japan?

edit - thinking a little harder, the difference between Cure and Angel Dust is Cure had a message of weight under its psychological thriller trappings, Angel Dust did not, but it looked cool as hell.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on July 18, 2020, 01:51:42 PM
Kiyoshi Kurosawa's Cure is a contemporary classic in my book. Dense with atmosphere and very etheral. Sharing to a degree the core theme of Cure is the English film The Ghoul (2016). It is directed by Gareth Tunley and produced by Ben Wheatley. Just as Cure a homicide detective is the main characther who is investigating multiple murders. Things start to go slightly akward when he goes undercover. See the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKmhU8c6hc0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKmhU8c6hc0)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on July 18, 2020, 07:28:12 PM
going to try and track down The Ghoul, never heard of that one

there's another japanese movie i've wanted to see for a long time because it also sounds similar to Cure but i haven't been able to find a watchable copy yet. It's called MARKS from 1995.

i did find it on youtube but the quality isn't great so i haven't bothered with it

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZLcBhMPN-8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZLcBhMPN-8)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 22, 2020, 06:22:33 PM
Quote from: aububs on July 18, 2020, 07:28:12 PM
there's another japanese movie i've wanted to see for a long time because it also sounds similar to Cure but i haven't been able to find a watchable copy yet. It's called MARKS from 1995.

i did find it on youtube but the quality isn't great so i haven't bothered with it

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZLcBhMPN-8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZLcBhMPN-8)

Wow just looking at the description on Letterboxd it sounds interesting. What is it about Japanese cinema and especially '90s Japanese cinema that produces such interesting results? I guess the collapse the economic bubble and film bubble allowed people to come in and do weird things with low budgets or budgets based on VHS sales, but still, it feels like an endless well of weird shit to watch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on July 22, 2020, 06:24:34 PM
high life by claire denis was really good. kind of a mixture between cronenberg and tarkovsky, claustrophobic and non-linear arthouse scifi. robert pattison has quite a solid filmography, looks like he's both a great actor and has great taste when choosing his parts. good time, the previous safdie brothers movie before uncut gems is one of my favourites from this decade.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 22, 2020, 06:28:35 PM
Quote from: host body on July 22, 2020, 06:24:34 PM
high life by claire denis was really good. kind of a mixture between cronenberg and tarkovsky, claustrophobic and non-linear arthouse scifi.

"Solaris with a sex room."

Quote from: host body on July 22, 2020, 06:24:34 PM
robert pattison has quite a solid filmography, looks like he's both a great actor and has great taste when choosing his parts

Check The Rover if you haven't seen it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on July 22, 2020, 06:41:44 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on July 22, 2020, 06:28:35 PM
Quote from: host body on July 22, 2020, 06:24:34 PM
high life by claire denis was really good. kind of a mixture between cronenberg and tarkovsky, claustrophobic and non-linear arthouse scifi.

"Solaris with a sex room."

Quote from: host body on July 22, 2020, 06:24:34 PM
robert pattison has quite a solid filmography, looks like he's both a great actor and has great taste when choosing his parts

Check The Rover if you haven't seen it.

hah, I guess solaris with a sex room is accurate. i really liked it though.

i have seen the rover, it was pretty good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Eigen Bast on July 22, 2020, 07:51:41 PM
Finished up Penda's Fen last night. Brilliant, evocative film! Visionary English history told through the cipher of a young nationalist whose identity is slowly crumbling. Avant coming of age folk horror? Sure, why not. Killer soundtrack heavy with droning organ and squealing dissonance.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Potier on July 22, 2020, 08:34:29 PM
Recent consumption of movies has been all over the map - two of the ones I checked out recently are:

Demonlover (2002) by Olivier Assayas - my first Assayas for all I can recall - picked this out on a hunch after reading a synopsis and noticing that Chloë Sevigny is in it. Overall nothing too special. Guess it could be called a corporate spy-thriller in a sense. I feel it did fall way short when it came to the blend of manga/torture porn that was the subject matter in a sense. The female characters worked well - both main actresses did a good job in their portrayal. Ultimately maybe a bit too subtle for my taste and a bit too stretched out. It had me thinking it would have been so much better had it been done by Cronenberg... Still worth your time and seems like an overlooked movie in Sevigny's filmography.

Sarah Plays A Werewolf (2017) by Katharina Wyss - also picked out on a hunch. Story of an emotionally challenged and overtly sensitive teenager that lives in a theatre dystopian dream world of sorts. There is also a lot of rather blunt christian faith and martyrdom content. A difficult home life & the resulting social ineptness and isolation add to the problem. This leads to dangerous obsessive behavior and ultimately a violent outburst. I did like this one simply for some of the bizarre characters, the language components of french and swiss-german, the setting and some of the subtle unsettling moments. It's funny how it also made me feel it would've been better had it been done by a different director - this time I figure it would've made for great Haneke-material. Worth seeing if you are more into contemporary arthouse-type newcomer films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 22, 2020, 08:57:21 PM
Quote from: Eigen Bast on July 22, 2020, 07:51:41 PM
Penda's Fen

Excellent film. One should expect nothing less from Alan Clarke.

Quote from: Potier on July 22, 2020, 08:34:29 PM
Demonlover (2002) by Olivier Assayas

This has been on my list for some time. Seems like it might be a spiritual companion to Abel Ferrara's New Rose Hotel, which is based on a short story by William Gibson. Boarding Gate by Assayas isn't half bad (stars Asia Argento, as does New Rose Hotel) and I really loved the Carlos mini-series (3 feature-length "episodes" about Carlos the Jackal) when I saw it about a decade ago but I need to revisit it. The only other Assayas I've seen is Irma Vep (A Chinese movie actress, in France to star in a remake of "Les Vampires", finds petty intrigues and clashing egos on the set.), but it didn't really click with me.

Watched a bunch recently, as usual. Some notables:

The Untamed (Amat Escalante, 2016) - Mexican sci-fi/horror drama that is low-key on horror and (extremely) low-key on sci-fi but the drama is almost compelling enough.

The Bloodstained Butterfly (Duccio Tessari, 1971)

Castle Freak (Stuart Gordon, 1995) - I was amazed at how this just descends into pure evil. Felt like I was watching some bleak 70s exploitation film when it started getting down to it.

Antiviral (Brandon Cronenberg, 2012) - Nice debut by David Cronenberg's son. It definitely runs in the family. Looking forward to watching Possessor whenever I can find it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Potier on July 22, 2020, 09:05:06 PM
...speaking of Haneke...I finally got around to watching Happy End (2017).

Definitely will not go down in history as one of my favorites from his filmography. While Trintignant is great to watch, I felt that everybody else sort of wasn't up to speed which was a surprise - particularly for Huppert who does tend to look tired these days. The aspect of the refugee crisis is only noticeable on the periphery, the over-the-top tucked away sexual deviance and sociopathic tendencies of Kassovitz' character seem forced somehow. Sociopaths raising sociopaths is the bottom line here, however Harduin and Rogowski are ultimately not strong enough to carry the rest of the picture. The best scene is the brutally honest conversation between the old man and the little girl. Pretty standard fare and predictably depressing. I was not moved in the end.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Potier on July 22, 2020, 09:30:25 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on July 22, 2020, 08:57:21 PM
Quote from: Eigen Bast on July 22, 2020, 07:51:41 PM
Penda's Fen

Excellent film. One should expect nothing less from Alan Clarke.

Recent Clarke for me was Scum (1979) - had never seen it before. All around punch to the gut if obviously not as graphic or violent as one might think. It's short and it does not fuck around which is a plus. Winstone is outstanding as the main character. I watched this one alongside another one with Winstone which was Sexy Beast (2000). Even though Kingsley is obviously the dominant force in this totally different animal of a film, Winstone is still great.

Quote from: absurdexposition on July 22, 2020, 08:57:21 PM

Quote from: Potier on July 22, 2020, 08:34:29 PM
Demonlover (2002) by Olivier Assayas

This has been on my list for some time. Seems like it might be a spiritual companion to Abel Ferrara's New Rose Hotel, which is based on a short story by William Gibson.

Still have not gotten around to New Rose Hotel but I will certainly watch it soon.

Quote from: absurdexposition on July 22, 2020, 08:57:21 PM
Antiviral (Brandon Cronenberg, 2012) - Nice debut by David Cronenberg's son. It definitely runs in the family. Looking forward to watching Possessor whenever I can find it.

I remember loving that one even though it is a total knock-off body horror flick. It was just so great to see another Cronenberg after the old Cronenberg changed the subject many moons ago.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on July 23, 2020, 01:17:28 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on July 22, 2020, 08:57:21 PM
Quote from: Eigen Bast on July 22, 2020, 07:51:41 PM
Penda's Fen

Excellent film. One should expect nothing less from Alan Clarke.

Quote from: Potier on July 22, 2020, 08:34:29 PM
Demonlover (2002) by Olivier Assayas

This has been on my list for some time. Seems like it might be a spiritual companion to Abel Ferrara's New Rose Hotel, which is based on a short story by William Gibson. Boarding Gate by Assayas isn't half bad (stars Asia Argento, as does New Rose Hotel) and I really loved the Carlos mini-series (3 feature-length "episodes" about Carlos the Jackal) when I saw it about a decade ago but I need to revisit it. The only other Assayas I've seen is Irma Vep (A Chinese movie actress, in France to star in a remake of "Les Vampires", finds petty intrigues and clashing egos on the set.), but it didn't really click with me.

Watched a bunch recently, as usual. Some notables:

The Untamed (Amat Escalante, 2016) - Mexican sci-fi/horror drama that is low-key on horror and (extremely) low-key on sci-fi but the drama is almost compelling enough.

The Bloodstained Butterfly (Duccio Tessari, 1971)

Castle Freak (Stuart Gordon, 1995) - I was amazed at how this just descends into pure evil. Felt like I was watching some bleak 70s exploitation film when it started getting down to it.

Antiviral (Brandon Cronenberg, 2012) - Nice debut by David Cronenberg's son. It definitely runs in the family. Looking forward to watching Possessor whenever I can find it.

Yeah Castle Freak really goes beyond what I initially expected when I watched it many years ago. Gets pretty dark/exploitation esque considering it comes off as a pretty tame 90s horror flick at first. Will have to check out Antiviral. Cronenberg is without a doubt one of my favorite directors so would be interesting to see what his son has to offer.

Recently watched Star Time. Disturbed young man's favorite TV show is cancelled so he goes on a murderous rampage while wearing a baby mask. Try's to be somewhat intellectual in its depictions of mental illness, but ends up being incredibly corny. Bought it on Blu Ray blindly when Vinegar Syndrome was having a sale, so I guess I struck out on that one. Did pick up their release of Decoder though and that did not disappoint in the least.

Also recently watched Ulrich Seidl's Import Export but it was late and I passed out. Enjoyed what I remember and will be watching it again. Was a big fan of his movie In The Basement. Graphic  BDSM, a nazi memorabilia collecting marching band. All in his typical style with long takes and such. All around intriguing flick that is effective in its humanization of the subjects.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on July 23, 2020, 01:23:16 AM
Quote from: Potier on July 22, 2020, 09:30:25 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on July 22, 2020, 08:57:21 PM
Quote from: Eigen Bast on July 22, 2020, 07:51:41 PM
Penda's Fen

Excellent film. One should expect nothing less from Alan Clarke.

Recent Clarke for me was Scum (1979) - had never seen it before. All around punch to the gut if obviously not as graphic or violent as one might think. It's short and it does not fuck around which is a plus. Winstone is outstanding as the main character. I watched this one alongside another one with Winstone which was Sexy Beast (2000). Even though Kingsley is obviously the dominant force in this totally different animal of a film, Winstone is still great.

Quote from: absurdexposition on July 22, 2020, 08:57:21 PM

Quote from: Potier on July 22, 2020, 08:34:29 PM
Demonlover (2002) by Olivier Assayas

This has been on my list for some time. Seems like it might be a spiritual companion to Abel Ferrara's New Rose Hotel, which is based on a short story by William Gibson.

Still have not gotten around to New Rose Hotel but I will certainly watch it soon.

Quote from: absurdexposition on July 22, 2020, 08:57:21 PM
Antiviral (Brandon Cronenberg, 2012) - Nice debut by David Cronenberg's son. It definitely runs in the family. Looking forward to watching Possessor whenever I can find it.

I remember loving that one even though it is a total knock-off body horror flick. It was just so great to see another Cronenberg after the old Cronenberg changed the subject many moons ago.

Scum is amazing. So much hate in that film. One of my all time favorites. I have a German release poster framed in my apartment. One of my prized possessions because the arts so fucking cool. Anything of Alan Clarke's that I have see rank as some of my top films. Elephant,The Firm, and Made In Britain are all flawless.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 23, 2020, 04:19:24 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on July 22, 2020, 08:57:21 PM
Quote from: Eigen Bast on July 22, 2020, 07:51:41 PM
Penda's Fen

Excellent film. One should expect nothing less from Alan Clarke.

I've never seen anything by Clarke outside of the Blue Underground box. Will have to check this out for sure.

Quote from: absurdexposition on July 22, 2020, 08:57:21 PM
Castle Freak (Stuart Gordon, 1995) - I was amazed at how this just descends into pure evil. Felt like I was watching some bleak 70s exploitation film when it started getting down to it.

Sex and lust in Gordon's movies generally feels pretty brutal or is at least infused with violence (that's not a criticism). I remember Castle Freak being the best example of that.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on July 23, 2020, 05:38:52 PM
I liked Antiviral although it was a pretty much style over substance. Like The Neon Demon, another good example (or any other Winding Refn movie he's made in the US) of a modern transgressive movie that nailed it with style but are somewhat lacking in substance.

Really looking forward to Possessor though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 23, 2020, 06:37:29 PM
Quote from: host body on July 23, 2020, 05:38:52 PM
I liked Antiviral although it was a pretty much style over substance. Like The Neon Demon, another good example (or any other Winding Refn movie he's made in the US) of a modern transgressive movie that nailed it with style but are somewhat lacking in substance.

Really looking forward to Possessor though.

I think Neon Demon [and Only God Forgives to a lesser extent] might be an example of a movie where the style is the substance. As in it doesn't offer what you get from a traditional film but something else that just reminds a person of a conventional film. That being said I have mixed feelings about whether I like that or not. But I do think the barely there plots and dialogue allow for a more abstract enjoyment while also the immediate color/music/movement make brain feel good. I'm reminded of Daft Punk's Electroma or Beyond the Black Rainbow and a lot of other weird mostly or only visual movies from over the years.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 23, 2020, 08:56:28 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on July 23, 2020, 06:37:29 PM
Quote from: host body on July 23, 2020, 05:38:52 PM
I liked Antiviral although it was a pretty much style over substance. Like The Neon Demon, another good example (or any other Winding Refn movie he's made in the US) of a modern transgressive movie that nailed it with style but are somewhat lacking in substance.

I think Neon Demon [and Only God Forgives to a lesser extent] might be an example of a movie where the style is the substance. As in it doesn't offer what you get from a traditional film but something else that just reminds a person of a conventional film. That being said I have mixed feelings about whether I like that or not. But I do think the barely there plots and dialogue allow for a more abstract enjoyment while also the immediate color/music/movement make brain feel good. I'm reminded of Daft Punk's Electroma or Beyond the Black Rainbow and a lot of other weird mostly or only visual movies from over the years.

I think all of these films have substance, especially Antiviral. Maybe I will reword that comment, because I don't think Antiviral has any more or less substance than The Neon Demon, or vice versa, but perhaps The Neon Demon does have more overt style. TND is certainly not my favourite Refn but it is part of this newer style he's been exploring with Only God Forgives and Too Old To Die Young where violence is the substance to a degree.

I had a bit more to say on Alan Clarke and Jonathan Glazer but I accidentally cut it and lost it, I'll come back to this after work if it remains pertinent.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 24, 2020, 04:20:07 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on July 23, 2020, 08:56:28 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on July 23, 2020, 06:37:29 PM
Quote from: host body on July 23, 2020, 05:38:52 PM
I liked Antiviral although it was a pretty much style over substance. Like The Neon Demon, another good example (or any other Winding Refn movie he's made in the US) of a modern transgressive movie that nailed it with style but are somewhat lacking in substance.

I think Neon Demon [and Only God Forgives to a lesser extent] might be an example of a movie where the style is the substance. As in it doesn't offer what you get from a traditional film but something else that just reminds a person of a conventional film. That being said I have mixed feelings about whether I like that or not. But I do think the barely there plots and dialogue allow for a more abstract enjoyment while also the immediate color/music/movement make brain feel good. I'm reminded of Daft Punk's Electroma or Beyond the Black Rainbow and a lot of other weird mostly or only visual movies from over the years.

I think all of these films have substance, especially Antiviral. Maybe I will reword that comment, because I don't think Antiviral has any more or less substance than The Neon Demon, or vice versa, but perhaps The Neon Demon does have more overt style. TND is certainly not my favourite Refn but it is part of this newer style he's been exploring with Only God Forgives and Too Old To Die Young where violence is the substance to a degree.

I had a bit more to say on Alan Clarke and Jonathan Glazer but I accidentally cut it and lost it, I'll come back to this after work if it remains pertinent.

I was not speaking for Antiviral because I haven't seen it, just about The Neon Demon. I probably should've elaborated more but I don't think The Neon Demon or Only God Forgives are without substance beyond stylistic substance, but I do think the style of the films, their semi-abstract qualities are something different and not like the majority of films. Shit, to stay on Refn, Valhalla Rising is nearly without dialogue but I certainly wouldn't call it lacking in substance or style. So if my previous comment came across as criticism perhaps I was inarticulate. And as far as personal preference, many of my favorite movies are ones in which the visual and audio content and style are so inseparable and important, the "story" becomes less important. Which I guess makes sense to a certain point? If I want story I can read a book, if I want visual splendor I can watch a movie.

I'm pretty sure I just sound retarded now.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on July 25, 2020, 02:30:31 AM
I think TND gets a bad rep for being only surface when it's a story about the consequences of an exploitative and narcissistic existence. It's as if because it's set in the fashion industry that people think it's about the fashion industry. Which of course it's not. It's as much about that as Apocalypse now is about the Vietnam War or Moby Dick is about whale hunting.

Too Old To Die Young was excellent until the end where Refn went full blown palsy and turned it into a "time for the chicks to avenge all the bad things us men have done to them". Talk about fucking up a great series with contemporary feminist bullshit thus condemning it to age awfully. He must be feeling guilty for having a nice life in Hollywood or something.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on July 25, 2020, 06:27:49 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on July 23, 2020, 06:37:29 PM
Quote from: host body on July 23, 2020, 05:38:52 PM
I liked Antiviral although it was a pretty much style over substance. Like The Neon Demon, another good example (or any other Winding Refn movie he's made in the US) of a modern transgressive movie that nailed it with style but are somewhat lacking in substance.

Really looking forward to Possessor though.

I think Neon Demon [and Only God Forgives to a lesser extent] might be an example of a movie where the style is the substance. As in it doesn't offer what you get from a traditional film but something else that just reminds a person of a conventional film. That being said I have mixed feelings about whether I like that or not. But I do think the barely there plots and dialogue allow for a more abstract enjoyment while also the immediate color/music/movement make brain feel good. I'm reminded of Daft Punk's Electroma or Beyond the Black Rainbow and a lot of other weird mostly or only visual movies from over the years.

I found Only God Forgives to be absolutely unwatchable. To the point that I wrote off Refn completely. Then Too Old To Die Young came out and I thought it was legitimately amazing. He's always had a tendency towards self indulgence and based on my polar opposite reactions to these films, I guess it just works sometimes and completely fails other times.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on July 25, 2020, 06:45:20 AM
Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on July 25, 2020, 02:30:31 AM
I think TND gets a bad rep for being only surface when it's a story about the consequences of an exploitative and narcissistic existence. It's as if because it's set in the fashion industry that people think it's about the fashion industry. Which of course it's not. It's as much about that as Apocalypse now is about the Vietnam War or Moby Dick is about whale hunting.

Too Old To Die Young was excellent until the end where Refn went full blown palsy and turned it into a "time for the chicks to avenge all the bad things us men have done to them". Talk about fucking up a great series with contemporary feminist bullshit thus condemning it to age awfully. He must be feeling guilty for having a nice life in Hollywood or something.

Heard a lot of criticism of the ending of Too Old To Die Young And everyone acts like this theme towards the end came totally out of left field. There are legitimately lengthy diatribes throughout the film about the protecting of the innocent and the oppressed against the inherently violent and depraved nature of man. How does that not fit in with the themes of the film? If anything I see Too Old To Die Young as a simultaneously mundane and hyper violent version of American culture. The apocalypse occurring as whimper of civilization not a single catastrophe (to use a cliche). Why wouldn't current issues fit into this? Don't really have the energy for a lengthy discussion, I just don't see how most people criticize this as all of a sudden throwing in a righteous feminist ending when the show blatantly deals with ideas of misogyny and current social affairs. If that ruins the film for you that's not my place to convince you otherwise and it's fine. But these themes literally run through the entire course of the work. That's not to say I think Too Old To Die Young is completely a vehicle for some righteous message. If anything it seems to paint an utterly pessimistic vision of a future that is relatively hopeless. A future of drone like, bored, desensitized hyper violent individuals. I find it to be worth watching even simply on that level. Although I had no problem with the ending that so many people seemed to take issue with because of feminist readings of it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on July 28, 2020, 12:06:41 PM
To me it tells a story of violence and revenge as a universal redeemer, equaliser and progressive force. Viggo Larsen's monologue halfway in about how mankind has lost touch with the violent nature which has evolved humanity highlights that. It's a universal theme and a controversial one in todays cultural climate thus also an interesting and important one. To then take it in a feminist direction at the end not only discards the theme, it cheapens the whole story and worse, it nails it to the narrative of its time making it forgettable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 28, 2020, 04:24:24 PM
Kill! - [dir Kihachi Okamoto, 1968] - I watched this one last night for the first time. This director did The Sword of Doom which is possibly my favorite jidaigeki film, so I was expecting high quality and some real darkness; maybe something in the vein of Three Outlaw Samurai. While there were some similar elements, it was more like a very silly version of Sanjuro. The reluctant and funny hero is played by Tatsyu Nakadai, who is the only big name, and then the rest of the cast is rounded out by jidaigeki and Godzilla film regulars. There's a decent amount of swordplay but its nothing special. What really sets this one apart is the heavy use of humor including physical humor that really worked for me. I was laughing my ass off even when I wasn't super compelled by the story. Probably won't be running back to it soon but it was definitely something different.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on July 28, 2020, 06:56:51 PM
Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on July 28, 2020, 12:06:41 PM
To me it tells a story of violence and revenge as a universal redeemer, equaliser and progressive force. Viggo Larsen's monologue halfway in about how mankind has lost touch with the violent nature which has evolved humanity highlights that. It's a universal theme and a controversial one in todays cultural climate thus also an interesting and important one. To then take it in a feminist direction at the end not only discards the theme, it cheapens the whole story and worse, it nails it to the narrative of its time making it forgettable.

I can understand the desire for a focus on more universal/philosophical themes instead of specific "moment in time" political issues and it makes sense that the ending would piss people off. I guess I just don't understand how people didn't see it coming. From episode one throughout the entire series there is constant reference to misogyny/gender/masculinity as societal issues... among other "current issues". Probably just as much as the idea of revenge. Whether or not you or I feel anyway about those issues or agree with any possible points being made is irrelevant. The point is that the ending doesn't just jump out of nowhere nor is the show subtle. I enjoyed it, but would even admit it's a little heavy handed. Money raining down in front a Nazi flag, a woman shoots a Nazi in the dick, a cop dating a 16 year old standing in front of an American flag for an extended shot, cops chanting "fascism", police threatening and extorting a woman, multiple references to powerful men hating or killing women, the lyrics to the reggae song used in the dancing/drive by shooting scene, Diana's speech in the final episode about the future. Once again not subtle. I can probably agree that the show just like most movies, books, etc would be better if it stayed in the realm of the universal instead of the politically specific, but to be disappointed that something ends in a manner that's specifically in line with how it had been set up doesn't seem to make sense to me.

Regardless, thought it was worth watching and surprised Amazon was willing to sink any money into something that seems to be met with poor reviews or confusion twice as often as anyone actually being able to sit through it and enjoy it. Probably not one of their smarter financial moves.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 17, 2020, 06:02:05 PM
Four movies this weekend, how nice for me.

Friday was Himiko [dir. Masahiro Shinoda, 1974] - per my review on letterboxd - This feels like a cross between Holy Mountain and Horrors of Malformed Men. Part of that feeling comes from the presence of Teruo Ishii regular Tatsumi Hijikata, founder of Butoh dancing; part from the brilliant use of color; and last, the religious themes. The Holy Mountain came out the same year so I doubt it's an influence but the most famous Ishii films 3-5 years prior so I wouldn't be shocked if there was some influence from them. The interior shots of the film look like a modern stage play with high production values in the best way possible, and the limited exterior shots are used to great effect. Somehow it all comes together to be something greater than just a feast for the eyes. While it's certainly not my favorite Shinoda film, I'd recommend it for those at least passingly familiar with Japanese new wave and ero guro.

Saturday I got to go to the movies for the first time since the pandemic started. Philadelphia Film Society started two drive-in locations and Saturday was Get Out [dir. Jordan Peele, 2017]. My fiance's choice and my second viewing. I definitely liked it more the second time than the first as I had no expectations to meet and could focus on what was done well, which honestly was a lot, rather than trying to guess what was going to happen. It was a good movie for the drive-in too.

Yesterday was a double feature. First was Replacement Killers [Antoine Fuqua, 1998], Chow Yun-Fat's US debut and US simulacra of HK heroic bloodshed, five years late. I remember wanting to see this movie bad as a kid but it getting terrible reviews so my mom wouldn't take me. Well it's definitely not a classic by any means but honestly it was pretty decent for a shoot a million bullets but never kill anyone except sometimes kind of '90s gangster genre film. If it had come out after The Matrix I think people would have a much more favorable opinion of it. It's 90s as hell in the best ways, the pacing is brisk and it's got Jurgen Prochnow and Michael Rooker [as a good guy!!]. If you fuck with John Wick type shoot em ups you'll be able to enjoy this easy. I certainly did.

To close out the evening I watched Samurai Rebellion [dir. Masaki Kobayashi, 1967], which was about as far from Replacement Killers as you can get. For a two hour samurai film, there's no sword play until the last 25 minutes. I expected this coming from Kobayashi, but be forewarned. The titular rebellion is primarily one of words and actions, a patriarch trying to protect the love of his son and his wife against an unjust daimyo from one tense conversation to the next. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea. The general message of the film is everything sucks for everyone back in ye old shogun times except for those with power or without scruples. It's a good drama nonetheless and I enjoy any film where Mifune and Nakadai are pitted against each-other. Just know this isn't really a chanbara film but a period drama more than anything.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 18, 2020, 05:16:51 PM
Hunter in the Dark [dir. Hideo Gosha, 1979]
I've been watching a lot of chanbara films lately, more than usual at least, because I've been playing the shit out of Ghost of Tsushima, which gives you about as much samurai sword swinging action as you can handle. But funny enough, some of my favorite chanbara movies have limited sword play. Well last night's feature, Hunter in the Dark by Hideo Gosha is not one of those movies. The intro sequence shows Yoshio Harada's amnesiac swordsman on an assassination mission where he kills his target who is traveling by palanquin. Harada waits in a boat below the bridge for the perfect moment to thrust a sharpened bamboo shoot through the wood slats of the bridge into the palanquin. He then climbs up the bridge and murders the fuck out of everyone else in a scene of really visceral violence and exaggerated sound effects. Happily this killer intro sequence is not the high point but just the first in scene after killer scene.

The film is a multilayered crime drama essentially, set in the later Tokugawa period that manages to juggle a lot of interesting characters and story lines and somehow bring them all to a satisfactory resolution by the end. The aforementioned Harada does a great job of talking like he's got gravel in his throat while murdering his way through the underworld. Tatsuya Nakadai plays THE yakuza boss, who immediately recruits Harada and uses him to deadly effect. I typically really like Nakadai but this was immediately one my favorite roles I've seen him in. Also special mention to Sonny Chiba who plays a really cruel bastard to great effect. To my taste the only mildly week part of the film was the score which sounded too modern at times, but otherwise I was in yakuza/samurai heaven. If you're looking for something violent, miserable, cruel with a multi-tiered plot than look no further.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 24, 2020, 06:00:08 PM
Ronin-gai [dir. Kazuo Kiroki 1990]
So the few plot synopsis I read of this film before I watched it don't do it justice at all. A few ronin don't band together to protect a whorehouse from mean officials, no no no. It's more like "a few ronin watch indifferently as a serial killer preys on prostitutes from the whorehouse they drink at, sometimes making the situation worse with good intentions". It's not very snappy but that's basically the plot. Forget anti-heroes, there are no heroes. The bad guys are pretty dang mean though! The music and direction of this one keep it from feeling as miserable as it mostly is, to a point of near contention between script, on-screen action and music. It was nice to see Renji Ishibashi as a sword-swinging ronin and a pleasure to Yoshio Harada again being an even bigger lout than usual. Some of the ladies were qtpis too. I was not instantly in love like I was with Hunter in the Dark and I probably wouldn't rush back but I would watch again. I think I'm nearing jidaigeki saturation anyway right now.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 25, 2020, 06:49:16 PM
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers [dir. Dwight H. Little, 1988]
Definitely the best 4th installment of anything I've ever watched. But it gets big points off for teasing us with mega-huge titties and then not showing them at the last second. What. the. fuck.  Also, I know Halloween isn't typically famous for its gore but the lack thereof when there were so many opportunities for it was disappointing. Gorier than the first but way less gory than the 2nd. I liked many parts of this one, but goddamn I wanted to see those gigantic titties swing free....
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 02, 2020, 06:10:05 PM
Death Laid an Egg aka 'La morte ha fatto l'uovo' [dir. Giulio Questi, 1968]
I've wanted to watch this pseudo-giallo since college and just my luck it showed up one some streaming service Monday night. Sadly the transfer is mediocre DVD quality but not completely painful. After such a long wait this was a real disappointment. Many individual elements were great: the interior aesthetics were A+, all of the chicken themed modern art; Ewa Aulin being Ewa Aulin; the extremely prickly guitar and string improvisation heavy score; the prostitute killings; the voyeurism; the mutant chickens; Trintignant's general miserableness. But despite having all the elements for a good thriller [turns out its not really a giallo at all], it just doesn't come together. I'm not looking for masterpiece writing but it's so glib and fast paced things barely feel connected and motivations are poorly fleshed out. There's very little graphic violence, almost none. A little dog falls in a chicken grinder. And there's not a goddamn titty in sight. Now I could forgive the lack of graphic violence or nudity if this was a taught psychological thriller, but instead it's a patchwork one trying to go too many places at once and getting nowhere. But it does look and sound good doing it. Worth watching once but I can't see myself revisiting it any time soon.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on September 04, 2020, 11:36:00 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 02, 2020, 06:10:05 PM
Death Laid an Egg aka 'La morte ha fatto l'uovo' [dir. Giulio Questi, 1968]
I've wanted to watch this pseudo-giallo since college and just my luck it showed up one some streaming service Monday night. Sadly the transfer is mediocre DVD quality but not completely painful. After such a long wait this was a real disappointment. Many individual elements were great: the interior aesthetics were A+, all of the chicken themed modern art; Ewa Aulin being Ewa Aulin; the extremely prickly guitar and string improvisation heavy score; the prostitute killings; the voyeurism; the mutant chickens; Trintignant's general miserableness. But despite having all the elements for a good thriller [turns out its not really a giallo at all], it just doesn't come together. I'm not looking for masterpiece writing but it's so glib and fast paced things barely feel connected and motivations are poorly fleshed out. There's very little graphic violence, almost none. A little dog falls in a chicken grinder. And there's not a goddamn titty in sight. Now I could forgive the lack of graphic violence or nudity if this was a taught psychological thriller, but instead it's a patchwork one trying to go too many places at once and getting nowhere. But it does look and sound good doing it. Worth watching once but I can't see myself revisiting it any time soon.

Agreed, it's a fun watch, great visually, but doesn't leave too much of a mark emotionally. Good Easter movie though. Eggnog, mutant chickens and Ewa Aulin!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 08, 2020, 06:16:36 PM
had the apartment to myself last night so I was able to watch not one but two Shinya Tsukamoto films I had never seen before on my big TV instead of being relegated to my back room. #blessed

First up was Kotoko [2011] which I semi-recently picked up in the Arrow boxset of Tsukamoto films. One of the few in the boxset I hadn't seen several times already, I was putting it off because in my mind it was going to be some kind of lighter fare drama about mental health and child rearing. Well it is about mental health and motherhood, but it's easily the most unpleasant film by Tsukamoto I've ever seen, not counting the nauseating camera work of Testuo: The Bullet Man. All of the fantasy and metaphor of previous Tsukamoto films is removed so the tension, violence and mental breakdowns are entirely real. I could identify with many aspects of Kotoko's mental state and actions to an uncomfortable degree from either personal experience or through my day to day work experience. Of the 91 minute run time there was maybe 20 minutes where I felt like I could relax. This is not a fun movie but it is a hell of an achievement. I watched the included interview done for Third Window after the films release immediately after watching the movie and the insight only increased my appreciation of the movie.

I was going to watch a Godzilla movie to chill out after that brutalization but I decided to take the bit in my teeth and watch Gemini [1999] instead. Ah this was easy-peasy Tsukamoto in comparison. One of his few works for hire, sort of, Gemini is an adaptation of an Edogawa Rampo story. Visually the movie is beautiful and it reminded me many times of Teruo Ishii's prior adaptations of Rampo work, and satisfied in a similar way. Overall it felt like a minor work in Tsukamoto's oeuvre, but I still really enjoyed it. The over-the-top of the protagonist and wild-then-guarded style of the love interest felt like classic '90s Japanese cinema. Glad Mondo Macabro made this more widely available for US audiences with their new Bluray but I was pissed to find out the essay by Tom Mes was only available with copies bought straight from MM. WTF.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on September 08, 2020, 06:17:38 PM
Has anyone seen the new Brandon Cronenberg movie "Possessor" yet?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on September 09, 2020, 12:48:07 AM
Quote from: host body on September 08, 2020, 06:17:38 PM
Has anyone seen the new Brandon Cronenberg movie "Possessor" yet?

Been trying to cop a torrent but only came across a seemingly low-quality screener. Hopefully it won't be long before something pops up in decent quality now that it's been doing more of the rounds.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hatefukk on September 12, 2020, 01:36:51 AM
I think I picked up a good quality screener of this.  Great picture quality but it has that annoying "property of blah blah blah" watermark across the bottom of the screen.  I will give it a watch this weekend.  To be honest I snatched it a while ago and then completely forgot who was behind it until just now so I will for sure give it a watch this weekend.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on September 13, 2020, 04:57:58 AM
Hitchcock's FRENZY (1972): The camera flees the scene.

WATCH FILM SCENE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VSXmnMJrxI

This scene with 'Barb' and 'Rusk', and its minute construction, is closely linked with Frenzy's first sex crime scene -


- the viewing public's knowledge slash expectations of narrative, and the execution of a resolution denied the film's spectator towards scene end.

When the camera transforms to our direct gaze at 1.52 minutes and retracts at climax peak 2.07 - we - as the camera recoil of instinctual fear. But as the camera glide backwards, it strangely also push towards the viewer like a dead boy lake-drowned in a Dennis Cooper poem. And in this moment Hitchcock's sum of film cues gear-shift to implant an idea inside us... The realization, that we - as - she are equally alone and helpless and in no power or position to help.

Take your time and study, this is masterful craft. Barb's premonition of ill at 3 seconds; the green shadow in the background, floating past at second 5 towards the right, erasing her intuition in one movement; they at 0.23 entering the narrow passage of the wholesale flower hall that gradually permeate into Barb's funeral or a public mausoleum for each of Rusk's dead girls. How many flower racks are there on site? How many flower pots resemble toddler coffins? At 1.33 minutes he gestures with right hand - stretching it out in a 'this is all yours' sentiment (is it her death he is referring to, or the last beautiful minutes of her life - what is worst?) and saying: "You got the whole of your life ahead of you!" - to ten seconds later when she walks into her certain death and the tomb that is his house.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 14, 2020, 05:26:42 PM
Friday night was a double feature, Dracula 2000 and What We Do In The Shadows.

Dracula 2000 [dir. Patrick Lussier, 2000] - I've watched the commercial for this movie at least 15 times with my friend, each time confirming it would indeed be a laugh riot. It was somehow better and worse than we expected and a hell of a lot more boring. Despite our own endless stream of commentary it couldn't alleviate the sluggish feeling of everything. the last 20 minutes or so were just a painful slog. If this movie had a ton of tits and/or gore I could've easily been into it. But instead you get Gerard Butler trying to bang his ugly half-sister/half-daughter, which would've been hot if she was hot or there was any chemistry between them. However, there two things worth noting: first, this movie captures the powerful plasticity of the year 2000 in fashion, music, cars, and special effects. ugh. second, there are a lot of actors from different nerd fandoms making an appearance which is kinda cool. oh and Christopher Plummer shoots up Dracula leech blood.

What We Do In The Shadows [dir. Taika Waititi, Jemaine Clement, 2014] - So I watched the TV show before this and Matt Berry is probably my favorite comedic actor so I didn't really expect to like this more than the TV show and I didn't. BUT it was still fine and fun and a nice pallet cleanser after Dracula 2000.

Then yesterday I watched a bunch of stuff while dubbing tapes and cutting and folding jcards.

Mechanical Violator Hakaider [dir. Keita Amemiya, 1995] - I've been waiting to watch this until the right mood struck, but I was a little more hesitant after watching both Zeiram films as I liked them but wasn't as in love as I'd hoped. Well Hakaider is exactly what I hoped it be, a sumptuous visual affair with nearly non-stop violence and A+ aesthetics. While half the dialogue is just exposition, there's still so little its not an issue and 90% of the world building is done visually. It reminds me of Dark Souls style storytelling. It's definitely supremely corny in some ways but then all the white armor gestapo dudes carry P90s and get blown up constantly so it goes down easy for me.

Godzilla vs Biollante [dir. Kazuki Ōmori, 1989] - I've been wanting to watch this one for a minute. My first Heisei era Godzilla film, so I can't compare it to anything but the Showa era or Shin Godzilla. Damn did I enjoy it though! I can typically get behind "genetic modification gone awry" plots so that worked well and Biollante was even cooler than I hoped. Bonus points for Mitsubishi Starion and the badass Saudi Arabian assassin who drove it. My only complaint, one that's applicable to most Godzilla movies, is people just nonchalantly watch him destroy and fight instead of having mental breakdowns. He's a good of doom and destruction and the army and scientists watch him like he's a dog taking a shit on their lawn. And I'd think Biollante and him have a through down would be the most terrifying experience of anyone's life, but nope, everyone is nonplussed. But yeah, otherwise way better than I was expecting and it serves as the forceful shove I needed to starting watching the other Heisei era films.

I finished out the weekend by watching the first half of the The Guyver: Bio-Booster Armor OVA from 89-92 on Youtube. Image quality was of course shit from old mediocre transfers but sure beats spending 100+ to buy the DVDs or VHS. The English dub is all that's available on Youtube and is also notoriously bad but it's also from before the time of quality dubs so it is what it is. Noteworthy is voice actors Steve Blum's first voice acting roll as Agito Makishima. Despite a bad dub and poor image quality watching the Guyver was incredibly fun. It's super violent, high school kids get murdered regularly, arms are ripped off, eyes are gouged out, people liquefy. The soundtrack is perfect anime OST stuff. And eventually there's even a naughty tentacle scene. It really bums me out that all the ultra-violent anime of my youth is mostly languishing on OOP VHS and DVDs without hope of reissue due to convoluted licensing problems and therefore selling for insane prices on Ebay. I get sick of shitty Youtube rips and torrent files.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on September 14, 2020, 05:50:34 PM
Could you give a rec list of some more obscure ultra violent anime from that era? I loved Ninja Scroll, Akira, Ghost In The Shell, Angels Egg and Wicked City when I saw em and was sorely disappointed with everything else I could get my hands on. I've had better luck with manga although I don't still like most of what's universally acclaimed.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 14, 2020, 06:58:54 PM
Sure, here's a couple off-hand suggestions. One-off OVAs or short OVA series were big back then so these things are mostly short meaning plot development and common sense are cast aside for maximum carnage and tits. Most of these titles were released by Manga Corps or Urban Vision at some point.

Most stuff by Oichi Ohata is hyper-violent but dumb as hell. Not really obscure per se, but definitely demanding collector prices at time:
Genocyber 1994 - 5 part series of extreme violence and non-sensical plot. My favorite Ohata.
MD Geist 1986
MD Geist II: Death Force 1996 - legendary box art, dumb plot, great violence
Cybernetics Guardian 1989

Bio Hunter 1995 - sleazy mutant monster OVA

Twilight of the Dark Master 1997 - a goth-y take on sleazy mutant monster OVAs. if you like the aesthetics of Vampire Hunter D then you'll dig this

Urotsukidōji: Legend of the Overfiend 1989 - Hideki Takayama - I've never seen it but a famous violent anime meets hentai film. there are many censored cuts available but the old VHS ones weren't censored fyi

Now two well-known shows I'd recommend are the Fist of the North Star [84-87] and Berserk [1997]. Berserk is legendary these days and while I like the FotNS show, I think the movie from 1986 is a better starting place because the show had a ton of episodes.

There are many many other good shows and films to recommend like Devilman, Violent Jack, Angel Cop or any other film by Yoshiaki Kawajiri, but that ought to get you started :)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on September 14, 2020, 07:10:31 PM
Thanks man, I've been a big scifi & horror (as well as animation & comic book) buff all my life but haven't really delved into anime apart from the few movies I mentioned. Been meaning to for ages, but I haven't really been abled to figure out where to start or what I'm exactly looking for. I don't like cute little girls as protagonists, I don't like the pervy humour nor do I like cute animals as sidekicks and most anime just can't seem to keep those tropes out no matter how promising their premise was.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 14, 2020, 08:47:07 PM
Quote from: host body on September 14, 2020, 07:10:31 PM
Thanks man, I've been a big scifi & horror (as well as animation & comic book) buff all my life but haven't really delved into anime apart from the few movies I mentioned. Been meaning to for ages, but I haven't really been abled to figure out where to start or what I'm exactly looking for. I don't like cute little girls as protagonists, I don't like the pervy humour nor do I like cute animals as sidekicks and most anime just can't seem to keep those tropes out no matter how promising their premise was.

You're in luck, none of the above have any of those tropes.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on September 26, 2020, 02:47:16 PM
Sauna or (according to Wikipedia) Filth or Evil Rising - Finnish movie by Antti-Jussi Annila

Bought the DVD back then and remember liking it a lot, but haven't watched it again since then. Found it in one of my boxes yesterday and rewatched it - really good one, highly recommended!

Small trailer here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvG8H2zzSvE&t=2s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvG8H2zzSvE&t=2s)
Other trailers can be found online easily for sure. Or even the hole movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 28, 2020, 07:45:54 PM
roundup from the last week:

Halloween [dir. Rob Zombie, 2007] - So my friend and I are watching all of the Halloween movies and we finally got to what I dreaded, the Rob Zombie films. I'll say first, this movie did not send me into fits of spastic rage like it apparently does for some reviewers. It wasn't very good but I've watch way worse too so I wasn't upset or anything. The first 40 minutes or so which attempt to give Michael Meyers back story and motivation[??] are mostly worthless for my taste. The family murder scene is okay but it's just mostly tedious. The post hospital escape killing spree is better, but only because of the quality skinny girl tits on display. Especially fun that the little girl from Halloween IV and V is in this one as a new character who gets stabbed and stomped in the nude. I also like the Michael was finally a behemoth dude. But for all the gore and tits it was ultimately a waste of time. And they even had Brad Dourif in the movie and managed to waste him too! The worst part, now I have to watch Zombie's Halloween II.

then this past weekend would have been my annual "Sleazy Slasher Saturday" party but because of COVID it was just me and my fiance. We watched:

Just Before Dawn [dir. Jeff Lieberman, 1981] - traded Keith for his older copy of this one and man was I blown away the first time I watched it. It's just a pleasure to see so much of the Oregon wilderness. It's relatively slow paced and low on kills, but the gore is solid when it shows up. I actually like the group of campers and wish things went better for them. The leading lady is a super cutie and gets hotter as it goes along. Finally the ending is just so damn good. Perfect for a double bill with Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I wish I could grab this on Bluray for a regular price but apparently the Code Red release is now only in the hands of vultures.

Scream [dir. Wes Craven, 1996] - My first time watching Scream, although I've seen Scary Movie so many times apparently watching the original was almost pointless. It's crazy how fully Scream became part of the 90s and 00s zeitgeist. I just kept laughing at smiling while watching it, thinking of all the things it influenced and was mocked by. it's kinda nuts. It's honestly a fun slasher and a weird time capsule of the 90s. And goddamn if Courtney Cox wasn't a hot as hell outside of Friends.

Maniac [dir. William Lustig, 1980] - a masterpiece of bad feelings and sweaty Italian rage. I think I've watched Maniac close to 15 times since I first saw it in college and my estimation of it only ever goes up. My fiance fucking hated it and we ended our movie night early as a result :P

Dressed to Kill [dir. Brian De Palma, 1980] - first watch. I heard this was an American take on giallo and that's certainly a fair assessment on many levels. Many of the tropes are present but the budget is bigger. this is fucking baroque, rococo even. it took me a little bit get in tune with the movie but by the end I was really feeling it. Fun to see the rich and classy side of 1980 NYC compared to Maniac's vision of urban squalor the night before. I'll definitely be checking out other '80s De Palma sooner than later.

The Mutilator [dir. Buddy Cooper, 1984] - this one was painful to sit through with its only redeeming quality being extreme gore of mediocre craftsmanship. It'll be a long while before I rewatch this but the gigantic fishing hook through the vagina was an unexpected delight.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on September 29, 2020, 02:01:40 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 28, 2020, 07:45:54 PM

Scream [dir. Wes Craven, 1996] - My first time watching Scream, although I've seen Scary Movie so many times apparently watching the original was almost pointless. It's crazy how fully Scream became part of the 90s and 00s zeitgeist. I just kept laughing at smiling while watching it, thinking of all the things it influenced and was mocked by. it's kinda nuts. It's honestly a fun slasher and a weird time capsule of the 90s. And goddamn if Courtney Cox wasn't a hot as hell outside of Friends.

My first favourite movie as a kid. Watched it countless times on VHS in the late 90s and knew the whole thing line for line. I've only watched it a couple times since then, but most recently was the uncut laserdisc and I had a blast. Was able to catch more of the cinematic references too.

Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 28, 2020, 07:45:54 PM
'80s De Palma

I'm due for a rewatch of Blow Out, but Body Double is amazing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: CannibalRitual on September 30, 2020, 03:01:39 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 28, 2020, 07:45:54 PM
The Mutilator [dir. Buddy Cooper, 1984] - this one was painful to sit through with its only redeeming quality being extreme gore of mediocre craftsmanship. It'll be a long while before I rewatch this but the gigantic fishing hook through the vagina was an unexpected delight.

Back then I had ordered it on VHS off some list just because of the title. Nothing wrong with this one, I love it!!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Strangecross on October 03, 2020, 06:25:40 AM
Quote from: CannibalRitual on September 30, 2020, 03:01:39 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 28, 2020, 07:45:54 PM
The Mutilator [dir. Buddy Cooper, 1984] - this one was painful to sit through with its only redeeming quality being extreme gore of mediocre craftsmanship. It'll be a long while before I rewatch this but the gigantic fishing hook through the vagina was an unexpected delight.

Back then I had ordered it on VHS off some list just because of the title. Nothing wrong with this one, I love it!!

Yeah Frank, what you didn't like the theme song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmvJSm7ttFg
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 03, 2020, 06:41:13 AM
Quote from: Strangecross on October 03, 2020, 06:25:40 AM
Quote from: CannibalRitual on September 30, 2020, 03:01:39 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on September 28, 2020, 07:45:54 PM
The Mutilator [dir. Buddy Cooper, 1984] - this one was painful to sit through with its only redeeming quality being extreme gore of mediocre craftsmanship. It'll be a long while before I rewatch this but the gigantic fishing hook through the vagina was an unexpected delight.

Back then I had ordered it on VHS off some list just because of the title. Nothing wrong with this one, I love it!!

Yeah Frank, what you didn't like the theme song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmvJSm7ttFg

Obviously the theme song takes it leagues above a Carpenter or Argento film but there doofiness of the characters was so overwhelming I had a tough time connecting with them on a personal level XD  .... nah I think I just need to watch it again with someone who will mercilessly mock it with me.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 06, 2020, 04:37:18 PM
Lost Highway [dir. David Lynch, 1997] - this was the first proper David Lynch film I saw as a kid after his adaptation of Dune. My friends and I watched the hell out Lost Highway as teenagers which is sort of funny to think about in retrospect since it's a fairly weird movie, but then it does have a lot of classy nudity and violence, which probably helped to keep us coming back. Before last night, the last time I saw it was maybe 2011 or 2012 when I was in grad school, so I was a little afraid it wouldn't hold up to my fond memories. Happily this isn't the case. In some ways I think it might be my favorite Lynch film, aside from Inland Empire. It's definitely got to be the easiest to watch. I would say it feels a bit more tied to its time of release than other films, mainly due to the soundtrack which consists of Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie and Barry Adamson. But instead of a movie that's trying to look cool in the 90s, Lost Highway exudes cool, most notably in everything Patricia Arquette does as a neo-noir femme fatale. And although I still see Bill Pullman as the President the USA only had in movies, he does a great job of being a miserable and paranoid lover having a mental breakdown. And then there's all the other shit I won't even get into for fear of spoiling something for someone here. So the shorthand is, Lost Highway still rules very hard and Patricia Arquette is so hot she can do a striptease to Marilyn Manson and it's still sexy.

immediately after I finally started Twin Peaks: The Return and now I finally get what everyone is so horny for. Strangely enough, it felt like Lost Highway was the perfect bridge between Twin Peaks, Fire Walk With Me and The Return, but I guess I'll have to watch more to find out if I'm completely off my rocker. Also thanks again to Lynch for never skipping on quality tits.

--edited a lot of typos
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 07, 2020, 01:05:06 AM
possessor is good

watch possessor
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 07, 2020, 03:28:34 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 06, 2020, 04:37:18 PM
Lost Highway [dir. David Lynch, 1997] - this was the first proper David Lynch film I saw as a kid after his adaptation of Dune. My friends and I watched the hell out Lost Highway as teenagers which is sort of funny to think about in retrospect since it's a fairly weird movie, but then it does have a lot of classy nudity and violence, which probably helped to keep us coming back. Before last night, the last time I saw it was maybe 2011 or 2012 when I was in grad school, so I was a little afraid it wouldn't hold up to my fond memories. Happily this isn't the case. In some ways I think it might be my favorite Lynch film, aside from Inland Empire. It's definitely got to be the easiest to watch. I would so it feels a bit more tied to its time of release than other films, mainly due to the soundtrack which of Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie and Barry Adamson. But instead of a movie that's trying to look cool in the 90s, Lost Highway exudes cool, most notably in everything Patricia Arquette does as a neo-noir femme fatale. And although I still say Bill Pullman as the president the USA only had in movies, he does a great job of being a miserable and paranoid lover having a mental breakdown. And then there's all the other shit I won't even get into for fear of spoiling something for someone here. So the shorthand is, Lost Highway still rules very hard and Patricia Arquette is so hot she can do a striptease to Marilyn Manson and it's still sexy.

immediately after I finally started Twin Peaks: The Return and now I finally get what everyone is so horny for. Strangely enough, it felt like Lost Highway was the perfect bridge between Twin Peaks, Fire Walk With Me and The Return, but I guess I'll have to watch more to find out if I'm completely off my rocker. Also thanks again to Lynch for never skipping on quality tits.

Just rewatched Lost Highway a couple weeks back. Very good and I can definitely agree with it being a Twin Peaks "bridge".

Patricia Arquette in True Romance, too...

Currently in the midst of attempting a chronological David Cronenberg marathon. Already fucked up by watching his second short first, and totally missing out on Secret Weapons until after Rabid, when it should have been before Shivers.

Crimes of the Future, Shivers, and Rabid exist in this fucked-up Ballardian universe and I liked each of them more than I ever have this time around (first time watching Crimes..., though).

"Fast Company" is on deck for tonight... haven't seen that one yet, but after that it's a good run of pure golden-era DC.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NaturalOrthodoxy on October 07, 2020, 04:18:19 PM
Saint Maud

Saw this previewed at the local Cineworld before they announced they were closing, there goes the only reason I have to leave the house at the moment.

Saint Maud is scary. There are maybe only two "scary bits" but the entire film put me on edge. Excellent score and foley/sound design paired with a bleak Northern English seaside setting create a truly uncomfortable atmosphere. Not a groundbreaking film by any means but a really enjoyable Autumnal slow burn horror. Watch this in a cinema if you can.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 07, 2020, 04:20:32 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 07, 2020, 03:28:34 AM
Patricia Arquette in True Romance, too...

In my family we consider True Romance a masterpiece and regularly watch it on Thanksgiving. It's a weird tradition, especially given the amount of sexy Arquette time, but it's our tradition. Hail Amerika?

Quote from: absurdexposition on October 07, 2020, 03:28:34 AM
Currently in the midst of attempting a chronological David Cronenberg marathon. Already fucked up by watching his second short first, and totally missing out on Secret Weapons until after Rabid, when it should have been before Shivers.

Crimes of the Future, Shivers, and Rabid exist in this fucked-up Ballardian universe and I liked each of them more than I ever have this time around (first time watching Crimes..., though).

"Fast Company" is on deck for tonight... haven't seen that one yet, but after that it's a good run of pure golden-era DC.

I've still got some gaps in Cronenberg viewing, missing all of the non horror films from his early years. I haven't seen Rabid in ages but remember enjoy it. But my hats off to you if you can get through the post eXistenZ territory. I fucking hated Eastern Promises and a A History of Violence so much it makes me mad to think about them. I don't even remember why I hated them so much at this point!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 07, 2020, 08:58:19 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 07, 2020, 04:20:32 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 07, 2020, 03:28:34 AM
Patricia Arquette in True Romance, too...

In my family we consider True Romance a masterpiece and regularly watch it on Thanksgiving. It's a weird tradition, especially given the amount of sexy Arquette time, but it's our tradition. Hail Amerika?

Hope you serve it up with a nice slice of pie.

Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 07, 2020, 04:20:32 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 07, 2020, 03:28:34 AM
Currently in the midst of attempting a chronological David Cronenberg marathon. Already fucked up by watching his second short first, and totally missing out on Secret Weapons until after Rabid, when it should have been before Shivers.

Crimes of the Future, Shivers, and Rabid exist in this fucked-up Ballardian universe and I liked each of them more than I ever have this time around (first time watching Crimes..., though).

"Fast Company" is on deck for tonight... haven't seen that one yet, but after that it's a good run of pure golden-era DC.

I've still got some gaps in Cronenberg viewing, missing all of the non horror films from his early years. I haven't seen Rabid in ages but remember enjoy it. But my hats off to you if you can get through the post eXistenZ territory. I fucking hated Eastern Promises and a A History of Violence so much it makes me mad to think about them. I don't even remember why I hated them so much at this point!

I remember liking Eastern Promises when I first saw it, around the time it came out, but can't say I remember much of it now. I'm not sure if I saw A History of Violence back then or not, but I wasn't feeling it that much when I watched it a couple years back. I am looking forward to seeing Maps to the Stars again though.

As far as early Cronenberg goes, Stereo (1969) reminded me of a Jess Franco film in some weird way (minus all the sexy times).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: theworldisawarfilm on October 08, 2020, 02:51:08 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 07, 2020, 04:20:32 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 07, 2020, 03:28:34 AM
Patricia Arquette in True Romance, too...

In my family we consider True Romance a masterpiece and regularly watch it on Thanksgiving. It's a weird tradition, especially given the amount of sexy Arquette time, but it's our tradition. Hail Amerika?

I just watched this for the first time last week and I thought it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen! The dialog in particular had me yelling at the television frequently.  Strong distaste for this particular brand of 'Americana' (See also: Wild at Heart which is barely redeemed by some Lynchian darkness. Barely.) Something foul and rockabilly in the air at the dawn of the 90's.

I'd agree, however, about post-eXistenz Cronenberg (whose early films are foundational for me) being almost entirely trash. Found A History of Violence and Eastern Promises both to be a load of wank. The light that burns twice as bright...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on October 09, 2020, 03:46:31 PM
Eh, I think latter day Cronenberg is good cinema, but definitely straight. He went from being a transgressive genre auteur to detached & stylish mainstream director, kind of like a thinking mans Christopher Nolan. I'd say his best "new" movie is Cosmopolis, possibly due to it being his own script, but I did enjoy Eastern Promises just fine. I adore Existenz, both because I'm a hot stinking scifi nerd and because I find him making a video game movie hilarious. Lynch for example would never have touched touch video games as a subject matter with a ten foot pole.

I suspect he somehow transferred the twisted half of his psyche to his son at some point in the late 90s.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 09, 2020, 05:00:11 PM
Quote from: theworldisawarfilm on October 08, 2020, 02:51:08 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 07, 2020, 04:20:32 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 07, 2020, 03:28:34 AM
Patricia Arquette in True Romance, too...

In my family we consider True Romance a masterpiece and regularly watch it on Thanksgiving. It's a weird tradition, especially given the amount of sexy Arquette time, but it's our tradition. Hail Amerika?

I just watched this for the first time last week and I thought it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen! The dialog in particular had me yelling at the television frequently.  Strong distaste for this particular brand of 'Americana' (See also: Wild at Heart which is barely redeemed by some Lynchian darkness. Barely.) Something foul and rockabilly in the air at the dawn of the 90's.

I guess you're not a big fan of Tarantino films then? Given that he wrote the dialogue for True Romance and it's fairly similar to a lot of his movies... It's certainly an American film if ever there was one. Different strokes for different folks I guess
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: theworldisawarfilm on October 09, 2020, 05:54:25 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 09, 2020, 05:00:11 PM
Quote from: theworldisawarfilm on October 08, 2020, 02:51:08 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 07, 2020, 04:20:32 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 07, 2020, 03:28:34 AM
Patricia Arquette in True Romance, too...

In my family we consider True Romance a masterpiece and regularly watch it on Thanksgiving. It's a weird tradition, especially given the amount of sexy Arquette time, but it's our tradition. Hail Amerika?

I just watched this for the first time last week and I thought it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen! The dialog in particular had me yelling at the television frequently.  Strong distaste for this particular brand of 'Americana' (See also: Wild at Heart which is barely redeemed by some Lynchian darkness. Barely.) Something foul and rockabilly in the air at the dawn of the 90's.

I guess you're not a big fan of Tarantino films then? Given that he wrote the dialogue for True Romance and it's fairly similar to a lot of his movies... It's certainly an American film if ever there was one. Different strokes for different folks I guess

Oh certainly. Not passing judgment on anybody for digging his stuff. But beyond Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction I can't say I care much for his movies. After Inglorious Basterds I started wilfully ignoring his output. However I did finally see Once Upon A time in Hollywood a month or two back and thought it was a pretty decent flick!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on October 09, 2020, 07:06:22 PM
I watched Sinister again last night.  It is definitely one of the darkest mainstream horror movies to come out in recent years, and the soundtrack always amazes me (loops, synth drones, samples, etc.).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 09, 2020, 08:07:13 PM
Quote from: theworldisawarfilm on October 09, 2020, 05:54:25 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 09, 2020, 05:00:11 PM
Quote from: theworldisawarfilm on October 08, 2020, 02:51:08 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 07, 2020, 04:20:32 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 07, 2020, 03:28:34 AM
Patricia Arquette in True Romance, too...

In my family we consider True Romance a masterpiece and regularly watch it on Thanksgiving. It's a weird tradition, especially given the amount of sexy Arquette time, but it's our tradition. Hail Amerika?

I just watched this for the first time last week and I thought it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen! The dialog in particular had me yelling at the television frequently.  Strong distaste for this particular brand of 'Americana' (See also: Wild at Heart which is barely redeemed by some Lynchian darkness. Barely.) Something foul and rockabilly in the air at the dawn of the 90's.

I guess you're not a big fan of Tarantino films then? Given that he wrote the dialogue for True Romance and it's fairly similar to a lot of his movies... It's certainly an American film if ever there was one. Different strokes for different folks I guess

Oh certainly. Not passing judgment on anybody for digging his stuff. But beyond Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction I can't say I care much for his movies. After Inglorious Basterds I started wilfully ignoring his output. However I did finally see Once Upon A time in Hollywood a month or two back and thought it was a pretty decent flick!

I thought Once Upon... was amazing. I really need to watch it again.

Updates on my chrono-Cronenberg journey:

Fast Company (1979)

Another rip-roaring adventure from David "Wholesome" Cronenberg!

Nah, this is absolutely a Cronenberg film. Obvious links to Crash but it also strongly bears the Cronenberg theme of technology as an extension of the body.

Mostly it serves well just as a look into car racing culture. Lots of focus on the inner workings of the cars themselves and their incredible sounds. Brought back some memories of when I was in the pit crew at one of the derby races my first boss (and family friend) had a car in at the Mission Raceway in BC. I can't say that was something I really enjoyed, but Fast Company certainly epitomizes the experience.

And +1 for John Saxon being a real POS in this one. RIP.

The Brood (1979)

After laying the groundwork with his first "trilogy" and then sidestepping for a moment with Fast Company, DC really came into his own with this outing and proved himself a master.

The last half hour might be his most ruthless descent into horror. The murders are just so brutal. The whole thing is supported by a perfect performance from Oliver Reed and a fantastic suspenseful score by Howard Shore (his later score for Crash is one of my all-time favourites). The hospital patient with the weird hair in Rabid is here as a hospital patient with weird hair again, and the kid from Fast Company is around, too. The Criterion blu-ray looks amazing. Big love.

Scanners (1981)

Ahead of its time in the sense that it came before the overuse of certain sci-fi computer tropes, but perhaps also ahead of its time in the sense that the concept seemed just one step ahead of what Cronenberg was able to achieve with his contemporary means.

I don't remember Stephen Lack being as bad of an actor as he was here but man, it's something else - though I'm not sure if a stronger lead would have done better justice to the material or simply amplified the shortcomings. At least Robert Silverman is back as an (ex-) hospital patient with (slightly less) weird hair, and of course there's Michael Ironside. Nice shots of certain Montreal and south shore locations, and a return to the Nun's Island condo building that was the central location in Shivers.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 09, 2020, 09:04:50 PM
Re Scanners

I've come to accept Stephen Lack's powerfully wooden performance as a necessary evil in reaching maximum detachment. His inscrutability via ineptitude makes the story feel like an autistic dystopian fantasy in the best way possible. At least that's how I get through his parts of the film. Everything else basically fucks hard tho
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on October 11, 2020, 01:40:06 AM
Really enjoying the recent ZATOICHI box from Criterion. Blessed to be able to see all these classics in restored format. Recommend checking the series out for fans of samurai cinema in general and Japanese 1960s-'70s films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 13, 2020, 11:09:09 PM
Boiled Angels [dir. Frank Henenlotter, 2018] - this was a fun documentary about comics I've still yet to read/buy. Oddly I've known the bones of the story for ages, but you get a lot of extra details here. I enjoyed all of the old VHS footage and time with the comic strips and somehow Jello Biafra wasn't incredibly annoying as a narrator. But I was struck by the absence of opinion by Mike Diana, even though he talks throughout the documentary. I couldn't really get a deeper sense of his feelings on everything other than he obviously didn't want to stand trial or be on probation for 3 years. I also would've liked to have known more about the appeal and why it wasn't granted cert, but oh well. Still a fun watch. I swear one day I'll buy the actual Boiled Angel comics...

Repulsion [dir. Roman Polanski, 1965] - this has been on my "watch soon" list since I bought it a year ago. The last part of the "Apartment Trilogy" I watched, having watched "Rosemary's Baby" and "The Tenant" about 8 years ago? I don't know what it is but I have difficulty connecting with Polanski's films, and "Repulsion" was no exception. Catherine Deneuve is ridiculously beautiful and effective as the rapidly deteriorating Carole, but I think the whole thing reminded me too much of the mentally unwell girls I tried to court in the past, so she just pissed me off half of the time. I will say the visuals were consistently great. But on the whole I felt like I was working hard at paying attention instead of being transfixed. Maybe I'll enjoy it more on a subsequent viewing but I think it'll be awhile before that happens.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: theworldisawarfilm on October 13, 2020, 11:35:08 PM
Just watched Fulci's Don't Torture a Duckling on Sunday. Superb. Probably the best Giallo flick I've seen to date, I've found many I've watched to be boring/tedous/unsatisfying in some way. Any recs for something similar would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 14, 2020, 12:17:21 AM
I think we laid down a bit of a list in this thread recently, I'll see if I can find it.

edit: here it is. There's a bit of a discussion / more recs on page 198 of this thread.

Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2020, 06:06:24 PM
Quote from: DSOL on May 06, 2020, 05:34:10 PM
Quote from: online prowler on May 06, 2020, 04:36:13 PM
Quote from: DSOL on May 04, 2020, 04:24:16 PM
The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh

Murder Obsession

The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh is such a great flick. Have Murder Obsession on my to watch list.

Murder Obsession was okay - I just started to get into/watch Giallo films other than New York Ripper and some Argento stuff

next I plan on watching Torso and The Case of the Bloody Iris next

I have some more in my watch list on Prime - if anybody has any recommendations I'm all ears 

Some of these are definitely better than others.

A Lizard in a Woman's Skin
Black Belly of the Tarantula
Blood and Black Lace
The Case of the Scorpion's Tail
The Psychic
The Red Queen Kills Seven Times
Slaughter Hotel
So Sweet, So Dead
What Have You Done To Solange?
What Have They Done To Your Daughters?
Who Saw Her Die?
Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 14, 2020, 12:26:16 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 13, 2020, 11:09:09 PM
Boiled Angels [dir. Frank Henenlotter, 2018] - this was a fun documentary about comics I've still yet to read/buy. Oddly I've known the bones of the story for ages, but you get a lot of extra details here. I enjoyed all of the old VHS footage and time with the comic strips and somehow Jello Biafra wasn't incredibly annoying as a narrator. But I was struck by the absence of opinion by Mike Diana, even though he talks throughout the documentary. I couldn't really get a deeper sense of his feelings on everything other than he obviously didn't want to stand trial or be on probation for 3 years. I also would've liked to have known more about the appeal and why it wasn't granted cert, but oh well. Still a fun watch. I swear one day I'll buy the actual Boiled Angel comics...

I've probably said this a bunch of times in this thread already but I caught the world premiere at the Fantasia film festival here a couple years back. Mike Diana and Frank Henenlotter where there for Q&A, it was fun. Every once in a while I'll get about 20 notifications in a row on Instagram and it's just Mike Diana going on a "liking" spree on my account, kinda weird/funny.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on October 21, 2020, 10:24:34 PM
State television here created a platform like Netflix, free. Not that much stuff uploaded, they have them for a couple of months available then add new. But regarding movies their selection is interesting, better than Netflix's definetely -what to expect when they give millions to Harry and Megan instead of buying rights for good old movies ?- . I watched two with Klaus Maria Brandauer the last 2 days, Mephisto and Hanussen .

Mephisto is a great movie with amazing performance from him, especialy when he is on stage, breathtaking. He plays an actor in pre-war Germany, talented and ambitious, who starts communist friendly , without getting the recognition he deserves until he collaborates with the nazis. Whether he does it for his art, to be in position to help his old friends or just cause he is all about himself and power-hungry, is unclear ...

Hanussen is not that good. I didnt get what was the point. It's the lifestory of a psychic in central Europe / Germany after WWI.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WhiteWarlock on October 22, 2020, 12:20:43 AM
The Haunted Palace - Vincent Price 1963 total Lovecraft...
Buio Omega for the Goblin Soundtrack & twisted tale...
House of Clocks.... NYRipper... The Beyond... Gates of Hell aka City of the Living Dead... most any Giallo is entertaing
whatever you do.... don't get bored enough to watch Fulci 1975 western Four of the Apocalypse... so agonizingly bad!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 29, 2020, 08:30:11 PM
Halloween II [dir. Rob Zombie, 2009]

So my friend and I are finally at the end of the Halloween franchise and it was either this or the straight-to-video Halloween: Resurrection. Now my friend warned me this was an utter shit-fest but goddamn I couldn't have imagined how truly dumb AND boring it would be. The good first: Malcom McDowell playing the fame-hungry version of Dr. Loomis was very entertaining. He's such a believable asshole and it's just about the only passable writing in the whole film. Easily the best part of the movie. Second, Brad Dourif is in this one a bit more than the first and I love Brad Dourif, so that was nice. The music was kinda okay.

Ok so the bad: somehow the plot framing for this movie is so fucking stupid it makes Halloween IV through VI look like film classics. I do not care what's inside the mind of Michael Myers. I also don't ever want to see him without a mask. That's sort of his whole thing and this Rob Zombie via Sons of Anarchy looking motherfucker we see is just dumb. Compared to Rob Zombie's first Halloween there's almost no tits and the tits we do see are not in the context I want. The lead character is painfully annoying and most of the kills are meh.

The cherry on top of this shit sundae was the stream quality was worse than a 2005 era torrent. WTF Amazon. So now all that's left of this pointless journey is Busta Rhymes stint in a found footage take on Halloween. kill me.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WhiteWarlock on October 29, 2020, 09:56:16 PM
Saw that Halloween II remake couple years ago during Halloween Movie Fest....
it was so absurdly bad lost interest fast beyond WTF is this trash...
completely agree with your review...
on the bright side, saw yard/house this year decorated with SilverShamrock Halloween theme!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 02, 2020, 04:52:41 PM
It was nice that Halloween came on a weekend this year as I was able to properly binge on horror movies this time.
Friday Night:

Halloween Resurrection [dir. Rick Rosenthal, 2002] - I've finally seen the last Halloween film in the franchise and I have to say I didn't think it was that bad. My friend and I affectionately refer to it as Bustaween since Busta Rhymes is in it not as a token celebrity but as a full blown character [full blown character being relative]. We were also dying at Jamie Lee Curtis's 'fuck you pay me' appearance for five minutes. I can barely even speak to the plot or dialogue because we were riffing so hard over it, but there were some decent kills, Michael Myers was of an appropriate size, even if his mask look especially ridiculous, and there was some solid titty from the redhead. Also Busta Rhymes kung-fu kicks the shit out of Michael and while some may think that's the worse development in the Halloween series I'd say it was the best thing I'd seen in many a movie. On the whole this is definitely a trash film but it was infinitely less painful than Zombie's Halloween II or H20.

Firday the 13th: A New Beginning [Danny Steinmann, 1985] - so after rewatching the first 20 minutes of Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter to confirm I had actually seen it before we watched this thing. I've seen it described as especially sleazy numerous times and while there is '80s sleaze it didn't blow my mind. Having lived a pretty sleazy lifestyle for many years its gotta hit hard for me to get excited. Regardless there's ample nudity in this one, mediocre kill shots, but solid 'dead body art' corpse posing. I like that Corey Feldman's character as an adult is a pill-popping, easy-to-anger autist, who just beats the shit out of anyone he decides to flip out on. And I like the setting of barely functioning halfway house for troubled adults. You could watch anyone of the scenes in this movie and marvel in wonder at the ineptitude, but taken as a whole its a surrealist romp from one kill or set of tits to the next. Also a black guy in full leather having sweaty Mexican food confetti shits gets killed in an outhouse. It was fun.


Hocus Pocus [dir. Kenny Ortega, 1993] - haven't seen this one since I was a kid and boy is it a weird one. Sarah Jessica Parker as a ditsy blonde witch is hawt. Bette Midler as the leader of the trio is very fun. the main character makes me want to kill myself, but he gets roasted the whole fucking movie for being a virgin so it makes up for it. There's a bunch of other weirdly out of place pseudo raunchy detours that just add an air of WTF to this movie that made it relatively easy to watch.

Resident Evil [dir. Paul W.S. Anderson, 2002] - so I wanted to watch this because I just started playing RE games again and thought it would be fun. I only saw it once on a bad torrent right after it came out and all I really remembered was brief Milla Jovovich side boob and the laser defense thing slicing commando dudes up. Well both of things happen with a lot of dumb stuff on either side. There's no way around the fact that this is a stupid movie with minimal interior logic BUT because I wanted to watch it and was willing to accept maximum dumb, I was actually entertained as hell. I totally forgot about the scene where Jovovich runs up a wall and then kicks a mutant doberman pinscher in the face, which they showed in every trailer before this movie's release. It's so dumb but now it's just fun dumb instead of kicking a video game I loved in the face dumb like it felt then. There was a surprising lack of blood and gore but I think that was more a product of 2002 era movies which I remember as being largely bloodless. Also the score which is done by Marilyn Manson and Marco Beltrami is kinda good at some points, even when it is the big chunky "industrial metal" riffs. I'm pretty sure I'll be working my way through this series very shortly because I have no self-respect.

Child's Play [dir. Tom Holland, 1988] - I've spent my whole life thinking I'd hate Child's Play/Chucky movies because I rarely like intentional horror/comedy and for no other discernable reason. then I listened to a podcast on the history of this series and it convinced me to give it a chance. The fact that Brad Dourif plays/voices Charles Lee Ray/Chucky forced me to take the plunge. I gotta say, I thought this first one was great! Chucky is way creepier than camp 90% of the time and when it's not being a horror movie it almost feels like a bitching action film. It also helped I kept thinking how terrifying it would be if your kid honestly believed his 3 foot doll was alive. Lock that fucker up! While watching the Resident Evil series will be an experiment in self-inflicted torture, I'm hopefully going through the Chucky movies will actually be rewarding. It's certainly starts off 100x stronger.

Antichrist [dir. Lars von Trier, 2009] - to end the night my partner and I watched Antichrist. Does it get much better?  I think only now after years of showing her weirder and weirder stuff could she get into it. It felt complimentary in style to Twin Peaks: The Return, which we've been watching too. She'd never seen it before so it was fun to watch her rapid descent into disgust in those last 30 minutes. SPOILER Still makes my skin crawl to see that penis get bashed with a log and jerked off to a load of bloody completion. Fucking hell.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on November 02, 2020, 06:37:18 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on November 02, 2020, 04:52:41 PM

Child's Play [dir. Tom Holland, 1988] - I've spent my whole life thinking I'd hate Child's Play/Chucky movies because I rarely like intentional horror/comedy and for no other discernable reason. then I listened to a podcast on the history of this series and it convinced me to give it a chance. The fact that Brad Dourif plays/voices Charles Lee Ray/Chucky forced me to take the plunge. I gotta say, I thought this first one was great! Chucky is way creepier than camp 90% of the time and when it's not being a horror movie it almost feels like a bitching action film. It also helped I kept thinking how terrifying it would be if your kid honestly believed his 3 foot doll was alive. Lock that fucker up! While watching the Resident Evil series will be an experiment in self-inflicted torture, I'm hopefully going through the Chucky movies will actually be rewarding. It's certainly starts off 100x stronger.

I had the same feelings about the first Child's Play before I saw it.  I was sure that it would be trash, but I was pleasantly surprised by it.  The story was really well put-together and compelling.  I still need to see the most recent remake of it, though, as I have heard that it is good as well (the doll is a broken AI this time around).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WhiteWarlock on November 03, 2020, 12:37:17 AM
GF has life sized "Chucky" doll she got from somewhere...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on November 03, 2020, 12:54:33 AM
Quote from: WhiteWarlock on November 03, 2020, 12:37:17 AM
GF has life sized "Chucky" doll she got from somewhere...

I may like the movie, but that would still be too much for me!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 05, 2020, 04:27:58 PM
Possessor [dir. Brandon Cronenberg, 2020] - so at least in the US this is available on Amazon for streaming right now. My buddy and I watched the trailer once and decided we should watch it immediately. I know there's been some positive chatter here too. I really liked this on every level. There's definitely similarities with his father's work, but this didn't feel like there was a deep level of detachment between the characters and the events like so many Cronenberg films feel like (at least to me). I thought the performances were much more naturalistic and the writing was solid. The general premise and the visuals were fucking great. And goddamn was there a lot of violence and blood. Did not expect that! I was happy to see Jennifer Jason Leigh in another good movie too. She's really had some great roles in the last five years. This movie reminded me of eXistenz in which she co-starred too, which is just sort of a weird time repeating itself between the two Cronenbergs.   Anyway... I feel like this is a bad review for a good movie, so please just watch it!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WhiteWarlock on November 06, 2020, 01:25:58 AM
1978 Super8mm/35mm "Within The Woods" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Within_the_Woods
actually needed watching 1986 From Beyond again yesterday for making specific NekroFile sound source
1968 The Year of the Sex Olympics by Nigel Kneale https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Year_of_the_Sex_Olympics
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on November 06, 2020, 03:57:08 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on November 05, 2020, 04:27:58 PM
Possessor [dir. Brandon Cronenberg, 2020] - so at least in the US this is available on Amazon for streaming right now. My buddy and I watched the trailer once and decided we should watch it immediately. I know there's been some positive chatter here too. I really liked this on every level. There's definitely similarities with his father's work, but this didn't feel like there was a deep level of detachment between the characters and the events like so many Cronenberg films feel like (at least to me). I thought the performances were much more naturalistic and the writing was solid. The general premise and the visuals were fucking great. And goddamn was there a lot of violence and blood. Did not expect that! I was happy to see Jennifer Jason Leigh in another good movie too. She's really had some great roles in the last five years. This movie reminded me of eXistenz in which she co-starred too, which is just sort of a weird time repeating itself between the two Cronenbergs.   Anyway... I feel like this is a bad review for a good movie, so please just watch it!

Finally was able to see this, too, after some anticipation. To me it felt like eXistenZ meets Inception and, while it was certainly good, I can't say I loved it. It's a bit uneven and I had a hard time really connecting with it. I thought Antiviral was much better in that regard. And, like that film, there is this big tech/bio company looming overhead - a concept that links these to his father's work. Otherwise this seems pretty much like Cronenberg Jr's coming into his own and, yes, so much blood! Will await his next feature.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 09, 2020, 09:21:37 PM
^^ Definitely excited to check out Antiviral after watching Possessor. I will say Possessor reminded me a bit of Scanners too in the sense it showed corporate struggle going to new heights while ultimately not saying much. The ending was a bit of let down but I really liked the ride anyway.

But lets talk "bad" movies! Because I don't respect myself or my time, my friend and I decided to watch not only all of the Resident Evil franchise, but once that's done every video game movie ever made in chronological order. I expect will be watching Super Mario Bros by next week. May god have mercy on our souls.

Resident Evil: Apocalypse [dir. Alexander Witt, 2004] - this is a bad movie that looks cheap, with some truly terrible action sequence cinematography. The kind of spastic with a camera shakey bullshit we can thank Jason Bourne and Batman for. A step down from the first movie in every way except for the fact that it featured Nemesis and had this ridiculous sequence where MJ sends her motorcycle flying towards lickers and then shoots the gas tank in bullet time and it blows up, all inside a church. But every other aspect was bad bad bad. BUT it moved fast as hell so it wasn't boring. And it was such a spectacle of cheesy/bad film making it was sort of a pleasure to behold. The girl who played Jill Valentine was kind a hot but also had padding under her skirt to make her waist/hip ratio look bigger and it was so obvious we just laughed. I will say if you've played a lot of RE games you'll appreciate some of the fan service attempts and seeing classic RE monsters, but otherwise I can't recommend this to anyone.

Resident Evil: Extinction [dir. Russell Mulcahy, 2007] - I straight up enjoyed this one! I was immediately surprised by how much better this movie was than RE: Apocalypse. This movie feels like a real action movie with a real budget and some actual care was spent making it. The CGI is much better, there are way more practical effects and they look really good for the most part. The plot is properly absurd but the whole Mad Max meets The Omega Man thing + sinister cabal of sinister scientists worked for me. Qtpi Ali Larter shows up as Claire Redfield and the Israeli dude who played Carlos in the last movie is back again. The dialogue doesn't make me want to cut off my ears by movie standards and the pacing is still fairly rapid. Of the first 3 RE films this was easily my favorite and I would watch it again without hesitation.

Judging from the previews of the next 3, Afterlife looks pretty shit with it's 3D gimmick crap but the last two look like a ton of fun. I'm legitimately excited to get into them.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: rocksoff on November 09, 2020, 11:29:29 PM
Haha, I've been capping off my last few Sundays watching those Resident Evil movies. Probably the last thing I ever thought I'd feel any nostalgia for, but in an era where it seems like Hollywood productions are more and more dominated by lumbering $500 million behemoths, there's something nice about some silly mid-budget action/horror flicks mostly helmed by the same guy (who also wants to remind you that he has a hot wife.) Maybe our opinions will be at odds since I didn't care too much for Extinction, but I thought Afterlife and Retribution were the most stylish of the bunch, Retribution especially having noticeably more fluid fight choreography compared to the others, and both ratcheting up the absurdity to a new degree (motorcycle zombies decked out in former Soviet military gear pursuing the protagonists through a simulation of Moscow might be the peak). I've still got The Final Chapter to get into this weekend.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WhiteWarlock on November 10, 2020, 04:29:08 AM
Leeloo rocks in Resident Evil series... BigBaddaBoom! used to be guilty pleasure watching her movies...
yet saw some net flicks movie recently "Old Guard" with her that was sort of blah in my opinion
probably should watch it again somewhat soon
currently immersed manipulating 1962 The Miracle Worker with Patty Duke
making up some raw source for my NekroFileTapeX
remaking destroyed(flood water damage) 1/4 8 track reel from 1990
guess it's more using the original concept from that time/era/project/recording
anyways half assed watched "Shivers" this weekend with GF
super early Chronenberg
seen it long ago
may need watching Rabid somewhat soon

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 23, 2020, 04:51:09 PM
A couple of weeks back I watched Resident Evil: Afterlife and RE: Retribution which were easily my favorite two of the series to my own surprise. Aside from gimmicky 3-D movie type shots of flying this or that I really had no complaints when consuming them as fun action movies. Remains very hot in Afterlife and the whole fight scene with the big dude with the axe-hammer and the water going everywhere and the sawn off shotguns was just the right kind of ridiculous bullshit. I generally liked Afterlife a bit better, which was surprising because I thought I'd like it the least of all. Retribution was really a blast too, especially how they tried to shoehorn in every major sci-fi plot device into one movie, but it grabbed me just a bit less. Was hoping to have finished the RE series by now but my buddy is in quarantine after a COVID outbreak at his work so it'll have to wait.

This past weekend was heist/crime movies with my partner. First up was:
Heat [dir. Michael Mann, 1995] - this is one of those movies I've been wanting/meaning to watch since I was 12 and madly in love with action movies. As a kid I never watched it because my dad didn't like it so he wouldn't rent or buy it on VHS, as an adult, the presence of Al Pacino is a big deterrent. Plus finding time for a 3hr movie is tough. But not it's finally done and I can say... it's pretty good. On the plus side the movie looks great, the shootouts are loud as FUCK, there's some really tense moments and tricky camera work that frames things in a way that prohibit the viewer from seeing everything at once. Basically all of the action parts of the film rule. But on the flipside 90% of parts with Al Pacino have me laughing or cringing at the ridiculousness on display, especially the boring family drama stuff. It's fucking stupid. Even if he's supposed to be the most arrogant prick cop ever, it still feels like he's overdoing it.
I can really appreciate the "ambition" of this one to give a sprawling, even if relatively simple story, all the room it needs to breathe and do its thing. It's full of crime movie pathos and predictable endings, but Michael Mann lets it all play out till the end, including every trope along the way.
Final verdict, it was a great movie to watch on my big-ass TV with sound going full volume on a Saturday night, but I don't think I'll watch it again for a long long time.
PS - I finally understood what Rockstar Games was trying to do with GTA up through GTA V when the finally nailed the heist mission thing. this movie is feels like a huge influence on so many modern action video games that aren't Call of Duty.

Second was:
The Usual Suspects [dir. Bryan Singer, 1995] - my partner had never seen this so it felt like a natural follow up to Heat. Even though I've seen this one many times I still think it holds up well. The premise is solid and the dialogue is pretty good aside from silly parts. The whole inner myth building of the movie and escalating intensity works pretty well. The ending feels just a bit overdone re-watching now, but I think the movie earns it well enough. Also young Benicio del Toro really cracks me up. It's also a '90s nostalgia trip.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on November 24, 2020, 10:43:31 AM
Deep End
From the beginning I felt that there was something familiar about this, especially the girl with the red hair and the yellow raincoat. Then I remembered, I'm fairly certain this was the background video to a Cremation Lily concert at United Forces of Industrial some years ago. Good times! All in all I enjoyed it. Steamy bathhouse action! Really good looking movie. Not as good as The Shout by the same director, though.

Air Force one

Fun patriotic airplane movie, managed to sort of tickle that 90's Con Air craving. Not spectacular.

Also revisited some classics:
Cannibal Holocaust
Still almost a perfect movie in my eyes. The Riz Ortolani soundtrack, the lush jungle, the gore effects which I gotta say are some of the best. The way people are beaten long after dying really nails in that feeling of no respect for human life. Added bonus is the meta-narrative in which the movie seems to critique itself in a clever way.

The Shining
Still good. Love the way the hotel looks, makes me want a red bathroom. Could've done without the magic though, it really doesn't do anything for me.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on November 24, 2020, 03:55:05 PM
Quote from: TS on November 24, 2020, 10:43:31 AM
Deep End

One of my all-time favourites. Jane Asher is amazing. I like it more than The Shout, although that one is still very good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on November 24, 2020, 04:20:12 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on November 24, 2020, 03:55:05 PM
Quote from: TS on November 24, 2020, 10:43:31 AM
Deep End
Jane Asher is amazing.

Yep! Mesmerizing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WhiteWarlock on November 24, 2020, 09:27:23 PM
Watching Howl of the Devil now in Espanol with English subs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbPnoy6wwHk
mybad saw mention of terror express and it automatically registered in my brain as horror express...
Dragonfly espanol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbm0LmvmScw seen DVD before in english
ummm maybe shouldn't spend all day watching Spanish movies through ESP & TimeMachine
find Fulci's The New York Ripper & A Cat in the Brain for some comic relief
The Black Belly of the Tarantula
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fistfuck Masonanie on November 28, 2020, 03:12:47 AM
Burial Ground
After all of this time, I'm only now watching this for the first time. What a perfectly bad movie that gave me so many unexpected laughs. The zombie masks/make-up are fantastic. It's so fucking campy and fun. Had no idea where that Cherry Point/The Rita Breast Mutilation cover came from for years, now that's answered. Truly loved it and now a new favorite.

Porno - Shudder/Fangoria original
Fun and very tongue-in-cheek higher budget horror/comedy flick. Kind of felt like if Stranger Things met Demons. Group of religious teenage theater workers find a mysterious porno flick in the basement and decide to watch it together. After some awkward boners and a very trippy and well shot psychedelic satanic ritual scene, they realize they accidentally conjured up a succubus. Some decent laughs and cool scenes. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on November 28, 2020, 07:11:24 AM
Quote from: Fistfuck Masonanie on November 28, 2020, 03:12:47 AM
Burial Ground
After all of this time, I'm only now watching this for the first time. What a perfectly bad movie that gave me so many unexpected laughs. The zombie masks/make-up are fantastic. It's so fucking campy and fun. Had no idea where that Cherry Point/The Rita Breast Mutilation cover came from for years, now that's answered. Truly loved it and now a new favorite.

From start to finish just fucking great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: WhiteWarlock on November 29, 2020, 07:19:51 PM
Quote from: NerveGas on November 28, 2020, 07:11:24 AM
Quote from: Fistfuck Masonanie on November 28, 2020, 03:12:47 AM
Burial Ground
After all of this time, I'm only now watching this for the first time. What a perfectly bad movie that gave me so many unexpected laughs. The zombie masks/make-up are fantastic. It's so fucking campy and fun. Had no idea where that Cherry Point/The Rita Breast Mutilation cover came from for years, now that's answered. Truly loved it and now a new favorite.

From start to finish just fucking great.
100% completely agree!
one of my all time favorites...
first remember it from tiny VHS video rental store in the 80s...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on November 29, 2020, 11:53:12 PM

Netflix movie about an Iraqi SWAT team fighting ISIS in the titular city. Solid and (as far as I can tell) reasonably realistic action/war film.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on November 30, 2020, 08:43:56 PM
Weekend viewing:

To Live and Die in L.A. (William Friedkin, 1985)
I love this movie more every time I see it.

The Deer Hunter (Michael Cimino, 1978)
Hadn't seen this in over a decade and it still hits hard. I wish I could forget it all and watch the Russian roulette scenes again for the first time. Intense.

Casino (Martin Scorsese, 1995)
Another one I hadn't seen in a very long time. Meh.

Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (George Miller, 1981)
Always loved this when it was on TV in the '90s and it's still great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on November 30, 2020, 09:34:49 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on November 30, 2020, 08:43:56 PM
Weekend viewing:

To Live and Die in L.A. (William Friedkin, 1985)
I love this movie more every time I see it.

Absolutely. So fucking good. Rarely hear anyone talk about it, needs a rewatch!

Had a gander at:

Sweden: Heaven or Hell yesterday. While funny for its wild misrepresentation of Sweden, too damn long.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on December 01, 2020, 01:19:01 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on November 06, 2020, 03:57:08 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on November 05, 2020, 04:27:58 PM
Possessor [dir. Brandon Cronenberg, 2020] - so at least in the US this is available on Amazon for streaming right now. My buddy and I watched the trailer once and decided we should watch it immediately. I know there's been some positive chatter here too. I really liked this on every level. There's definitely similarities with his father's work, but this didn't feel like there was a deep level of detachment between the characters and the events like so many Cronenberg films feel like (at least to me). I thought the performances were much more naturalistic and the writing was solid. The general premise and the visuals were fucking great. And goddamn was there a lot of violence and blood. Did not expect that! I was happy to see Jennifer Jason Leigh in another good movie too. She's really had some great roles in the last five years. This movie reminded me of eXistenz in which she co-starred too, which is just sort of a weird time repeating itself between the two Cronenbergs.   Anyway... I feel like this is a bad review for a good movie, so please just watch it!

Finally was able to see this, too, after some anticipation. To me it felt like eXistenZ meets Inception and, while it was certainly good, I can't say I loved it. It's a bit uneven and I had a hard time really connecting with it. I thought Antiviral was much better in that regard. And, like that film, there is this big tech/bio company looming overhead - a concept that links these to his father's work. Otherwise this seems pretty much like Cronenberg Jr's coming into his own and, yes, so much blood! Will await his next feature.

Solid film. By no means perfect, but considering the crap that comes out nowadays, well worth a watch. I can even forgive some of the Inception vibe. Definitely had a classic Cronenberg feel, but I felt like it stood on it's own. To be honest, I'm glad it had a bit of his dad's style to it since his old sci fi/body horror style is a thing of the past. Also, as you guys pointed out it was a lot more violent than expected. Bloody as hell.

About to watch The Iron Rose. As far as everything I have seen, Jean Rollin never dissapoints.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on December 04, 2020, 10:14:29 PM
Here's my super boring fall/winter roundup of trash TV I've watched:

The Crown - GREAT season, Gillian Anderson plays a loathesome Margaret Thatcher pretty evenly. Very hard to separate the sexy older Gillian Anderson from The Fall from the Iron Lady. The woman who plays Princess Di is great. The Royals are awful but I enjoy this show a great deal.

Shitts Creek - I wish I could say I was hip to this before it won all the Emmys but I tend to ignore more domestic TV.... started it recently, I remember trying the first season which was a bit of a drag, each season gets progressively better and funnier.

The Undoing: Hugh Grant and Nicole Kidman - I did NOT predict the ending! Very good and I appreciate how short it was.

Ratched - fucking awful. Barely made it through one episode and didn't go back. American Horror Story was a fun show and this, The Politician and that other show he made about Hollywood in the 30s have been pretty ass.

The Boys - watched one season. Pretty fun. I enjoyed it. It's an interesting take on the tired ass superhero genre but maybe not as revelatory as I think they intended.

The Void - really fun. Great HP Lovecraft inspired low budget horror. I had a great time. Lots of gore.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on December 05, 2020, 04:20:10 AM
Oh, and The Queen's Gambit. That was great. A++++++++.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fistfuck Masonanie on December 06, 2020, 01:56:12 AM
Tammy and The T-Rex (1994)

A high school teenager is murdered (Paul Walker) and a mad scientist steals his brain and puts it into an animatronic T-Rex. Nineties Hollywood trash with some young actors who become VERY well known later on. Surprisingly kind of gory and amazingly tongue in cheek. The scene where the mad doctor saws Paul Walker's scalp off to take out his brain is hilarious and violent for a Hollywood film. Denise Richard plays the girlfriend of Paul Walker / The T-Rex and tries to get his brain back into a human body so they can have a "normal" relationship again. I loved it.  

Denise Richards
Paul Walker
Terry Kiser (Weekend at Bernie's and Friday the 13th VII)
John Franklin (Isaac in Children of the Corn)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on December 06, 2020, 02:12:24 AM
Quote from: Fistfuck Masonanie on December 06, 2020, 01:56:12 AM
Tammy and The T-Rex (1994)

A high school teenager is murdered (Paul Walker) and a mad scientist steals his brain and puts it into an animatronic T-Rex. Nineties Hollywood trash with some young actors who become VERY well known later on. Surprisingly kind of gory and amazingly tongue in cheek. The scene where the mad doctor saws Paul Walker's scalp off to take out his brain is hilarious and violent for a Hollywood film. Denise Richard plays the girlfriend of Paul Walker / The T-Rex and tries to get his brain back into a human body else's body so they can have a "normal" relationship again. I loved it.  

Denise Richards
Paul Walker
Terry Riser (Weekend at Bernie's and Friday the 13th VII)
John Franklin (Isaac in Children of the Corn)

Saw that Vinegar Syndrome did a blu ray of this and was wondering what the fuck was up with it. Sounds intriguing. Going to have to check it out now!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 07, 2020, 05:14:32 PM
^^^ wow, I'm with NerveGas, I think I'll have to check that out now. Thanks for the for the review Fistfuck.    (gotta love forum handles)

so finally my friend who I watch movies with is out of quarantine and we're able to get back to to it.
Friday night
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter [dir. Paul W.S. Anderson, 2016] - we did it, we watched all of the RE movies. of course there's a reboot being filmed now but we'll deal with that when it comes out. Anyway, "The Final Chapter" was pretty much what I would have expected from the finale of a series that takes itself a little too seriously. There's an early exposition dump/plot set-up, then there's 1hr or more of action towards plot conclusion. Frankly the best bits were the most over the top ones: the Dr. Isaacs turned death cult leader, giant tanks leading swarms of zombies, the 6th use of the fucking laser hallway. But I was disappointed by the underuse of Ali Larter the sluggish speed of the film, in spite of all the action. Still, it was fun enough and I can honestly say I really enjoyed the series after watching all 6.  For what it's worth, here's my ranking of all 6:
4-Resident Evil
5-The Final Chapter

Saturday night
Double Dragon [dir. James Yukich, 1994] - to start off our mission to watch all video game film adaptations we were supposed to watch Super Mario Bros but it wasn't streaming anywhere so this was next in line. Much more of a kids movie than a lot of later video game adaptations, I'm sure I would've loved this shit if I saw it when it came out. Watching it now, it plays like Escape from LA meets The Warriors meets Slime Time Live. Or something. There's race and crime politics, there are satirical TV broadcasts, there's Alyssa Milano looking thicc as fuck and the camera repeatedly leching over it, there's even an speedboat vs waverunner battle. For a movie based on a beat-em-up game there wasn't nearly enough beatings. But I would argue it's 100% worth a watch to see this batshit rendering of post-apocalypse LA made kid friendly and coming out like an action figure melted in the microwave. Truly bizarre stuff.

Robocop 2 [dir. Irvin Kershner, 1990] - I remember this being much better. I think the biggest problem isn't that it's a bit dumber or a little less bloody, it's the shitty pacing. Parts of this movie felt way too long and unnecessary. I was straight falling asleep by the end, and that's when the two Robocops fight! I should not but put into such a stupor I sleep through part of that. I thought the satire bits were still pretty good, but for the most part the script is just weak.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Into_The_Void on December 12, 2020, 01:57:04 PM
Watched yesterday Mania - cult spaghetti thriller from Renato Polselli, 1974. Plenty of cult splatter scene but the plot is terrible and the acting really mediocre. Overall worth to be watched, especially if you like the italian giallo - it´s a mega sought after cult between the spaghetti thriller fans - but otherwise wouldn´t recommend it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fistfuck Masonanie on December 25, 2020, 11:39:39 PM
The Stuff (1985)
This movie works very well in tandem with They Live which I re-watched just before this. Over the top satire on consumer culture. A dessert like yogurt is mass marketed and distributed among an un-assuming population. The product seems to have some kind of mind controlling affect over those who consume it. Definitely an invasion of the body snatchers vibe. The Stuff heavily resembles Fluff, does anyone still eat that? Very minimal violence surprisingly, but a a few cool special effects scenes. I didn't like it as much as I expected to unfortunately but it had it's moments.

Capone (2020)
The film revolves around Al Capone's last year of syphilis induced paranoia and mental deterioration. I actually liked the idea of the film and there are enough actors involved that I enjoy that roped me in, however the completely ham fisted over-acting ruins it. This has to be Tom Hardy's worst performance by a country mile. Linda Cardellini had the most convincing supporting role as his wife. The second half of the film had some entertaining reality bending style scenes, but overall it was just terrible. One of the worst films I've seen in a long time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on January 05, 2021, 03:52:54 PM
The Turin Horse

Finally watched my first Bela Tarr movie. And I think my last. As one of his shorter works (only 2.5 hours) I'd imagine it is one of the "easiest" as well. Beautiful b/w cinematography but this is super boring. I do like some slower movies like Tarkovsky's Stalker but I do not find anything interesting in this one. Dialog is super minimal except for a 5 minute (or is it 1, 2 or 10 minutes, I don't know, time loses its meaning with a movie like this) rant by a guy who ran out of alcohol. If you are into horse riding/feeding, boiling and eating potatoes, (un)dressing, and walking in the wind then you're probably gonna love this.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on January 10, 2021, 12:09:12 PM
Finally got around to watching Possessor, the uncut version. I was both impressed and a little bit let down. Visual were excellent, some of the best looking gore I have ever seen. The premise was really good & the plot itself was interesting. I really liked the ending, too. What let me down was the pacing, which was shit and the main character who despite being interesting and transgressive (secret assassin mother doesn't feel anything towards her family and just wants to kill and torture, and in the end kills her own family to be free of them. She felt guilty about who she was and what she wanted, and shed herself of that guilt) had zero charisma and zero character growth or character development, which in a character driven story is baffling. She just kind of exists in the backround and her victim almost feels like the main character, only we know next to nothing about him and he's also not very interesting. The movie is so fucking slow that Cronenberg could have easily put in some more plot if he'd wanted to. Now it's almost like Cronenberg didn't really know what to do with the themes he had and instead concentrated on gorgeous visuals. Or maybe he took the story for granted, i don't know. Anyway, a missed opportunity but still a very enjoyable movie. Flawed but good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on January 10, 2021, 02:27:39 PM
Quote from: moozz on January 05, 2021, 03:52:54 PM
The Turin Horse

Finally watched my first Bela Tarr movie. And I think my last. As one of his shorter works (only 2.5 hours) I'd imagine it is one of the "easiest" as well. Beautiful b/w cinematography but this is super boring. I do like some slower movies like Tarkovsky's Stalker but I do not find anything interesting in this one. Dialog is super minimal except for a 5 minute (or is it 1, 2 or 10 minutes, I don't know, time loses its meaning with a movie like this) rant by a guy who ran out of alcohol. If you are into horse riding/feeding, boiling and eating potatoes, (un)dressing, and walking in the wind then you're probably gonna love this.

Thanks, great and interesting review. I think I loved the movie just for the reasons, you didn't like.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on January 10, 2021, 04:19:52 PM
Quote from: host body on January 10, 2021, 12:09:12 PM
Finally got around to watching Possessor, the uncut version. [...] What let me down was the pacing [...] character development

Felt the same way, although I'm not sure if I watched the uncut version or not?

Quote from: cr on January 10, 2021, 02:27:39 PM
Quote from: moozz on January 05, 2021, 03:52:54 PM
The Turin Horse

Finally watched my first Bela Tarr movie. And I think my last. As one of his shorter works (only 2.5 hours) I'd imagine it is one of the "easiest" as well. Beautiful b/w cinematography but this is super boring. I do like some slower movies like Tarkovsky's Stalker but I do not find anything interesting in this one. Dialog is super minimal except for a 5 minute (or is it 1, 2 or 10 minutes, I don't know, time loses its meaning with a movie like this) rant by a guy who ran out of alcohol. If you are into horse riding/feeding, boiling and eating potatoes, (un)dressing, and walking in the wind then you're probably gonna love this.

Thanks, great and interesting review. I think I loved the movie just for the reasons, you didn't like.

Yeah, I thought it was an amazing movie.

After managing to make it to nearly 365 movies watched last year, I've been taking a bit of a breather to read and do other things. Still managed to knock a few out though:

Thief (Michael Mann, 1981) - Held off on watching this for years, and glad I waited. Not perfect, but still very good.

Blood Simple (Joel Coen, 1984) - Been at least a decade since I'd first/last watched this. Dark and violent.

Once Upon a Time in the West (Sergio Leone, 1968) - Near perfect epitome of a western. Much more rewarding upon rewatch. There's a nice Morricone score, but I think his work for The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is still my favourite.

The Wild Bunch (Sam Peckinpah, 1969) - Hail Bloody Sam.

Words of Advice: William S. Burroughs on the Road (Lars Movi, Steen Møller Rasmussen, 2007) - Seems like a school project more than a documentary with any sort of budget or depth. Non essential. Though, if more/full footage exists of the memorial Burroughs held for Allen Ginsberg in his backyard, with Burroughs reading Howl, I would like to see it.

Ballad of AJ Weberman (James Bluemel, Oliver Ralfe, 2006) - Documentary about the Bob Dylan-obsessive / garbage picker AJ Weberman. In the 70s he picked through Dylan's garbage to try and figure out what he perceived to be the hidden messages in his songs, and eventually would be paid by magazines to dig through garbage of other celebrities (he even got Nixon's trash). Worth it just to see the crazy people in his life that all seem way more out there than him (and he's out there). It's unreal.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Potier on January 11, 2021, 08:34:48 AM
Quote from: host body on January 10, 2021, 12:09:12 PM
Finally got around to watching Possessor, the uncut version.
I think there's generally some misunderstandings surrounding the title of the movie. From what I've read the Possessor Uncut is just an alternative title. There's only one version...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on January 11, 2021, 03:21:18 PM
Quote from: Potier on January 11, 2021, 08:34:48 AM
Quote from: host body on January 10, 2021, 12:09:12 PM
Finally got around to watching Possessor, the uncut version.
I think there's generally some misunderstandings surrounding the title of the movie. From what I've read the Possessor Uncut is just an alternative title. There's only one version...

Ha, that's a silly marketing strategy.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on January 18, 2021, 07:37:23 AM
I am on a mission to watch as much as i can from this list : https://www.discogs.com/Various-Criminalia/release/1208141

This night was The Teenage Prostitution Racket (1975) . Italian -ofcource- . When a movie starts with a grandma and her teen grandaughter hitchiking, entering in a van, and the grandma asks the driver if he wants a 'quick' with the girl, well , my expectations skyrocketed. Movie doesnt have a plot, it's parallel stories of teenagers going into prostitution. Nothing really good, but interesting to watch anticipating what's next, cause it has its moments of ... perversion. Couple doing sex with pregnant teen. Pervert washes his shoe in a bidet filled up with ... brown water. Then take a piece of bread, dippin it into that water, eat it and give to the girl too ! Etc. - Nice girls.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on January 18, 2021, 06:58:03 PM
Black Legion

Interesting old movie about a midwestern Klan offshoot with Humphrey Bogart in one of his first starring roles.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 27, 2021, 04:45:57 PM
A couple weekends ago I was able to do a double billing of Edge of Tomorrow [aka Live Die Repeat] and Starship Troopers and I feel compelled to offer my stale thoughts.

Edge of Tomorrow [aka Live Die Repeat] - dir. Doug Liman, 2014 - my 3rd viewing and maybe the one I enjoyed most? I saw this one in theaters when it was released because it was described as Starship Troopers meets Groundhog Day and that's about as good of a description as you can get. Sounded fun but I was taken completely by surprise by how good it was! It's the slightest bummer that it's pg-13 as there's no gore, but honestly gore would be out of synch with the visual style of the movie, so it's not really a problem. I was surprised then as I am now how much I liked Tom Cruise in this part, considering I typically flee from any movie he's in post Eyes Wide Shut. I'm waiting for Emily Blunt to do another movie where she's half as badass... But the whole premise and execution of the movie is fun as hell, and for an action movie that nears 2 hours, it doesn't drag at all. As far as modern action movies go this is at the tippy-top for me.

Starship Troopers - dir. Paul Verhoeven, 1997 - I'm sure a big part of why I like Edge of Tomorrow so much is that it constantly reminds me of Starship Troopers. This fucking movie, I must have seen it 40-50 times. When I was a kid there was a year or two where I rented it nearly every weekend from Blockbuster. I just never tire of seeing handsome people kill bug aliens, all while drenched in smirking satire. And over-the-top gore! Can't get enough of that Verhoeven style. The "news" segments in this film do so much to elevate from awesome to indisputable classic. The one down side to seeing it so many times is that as soon as it starts I can close my eyes and basically run through the whole movie in my head. Still, like so much comfort food, I never tire of it.

If you haven't seen either of these movies and like having fun, I recommend them both. If you're too cool for Starship Troopers you may want to ignore all of my movie reviews.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Major Carew on January 27, 2021, 11:44:17 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 27, 2021, 04:45:57 PM

Starship Troopers - dir. Paul Verhoeven, 1997 - I'm sure a big part of why I like Edge of Tomorrow so much is that it constantly reminds me of Starship Troopers. This fucking movie, I must have seen it 40-50 times. When I was a kid there was a year or two where I rented it nearly every weekend from Blockbuster. I just never tire of seeing handsome people kill bug aliens, all while drenched in smirking satire. And over-the-top gore! Can't get enough of that Verhoeven style. The "news" segments in this film do so much to elevate from awesome to indisputable classic. The one down side to seeing it so many times is that as soon as it starts I can close my eyes and basically run through the whole movie in my head. Still, like so much comfort food, I never tire of it.

If you haven't seen either of these movies and like having fun, I recommend them both. If you're too cool for Starship Troopers you may want to ignore all of my movie reviews.

I was obsessed with that film as a kid. I'll have to dig it out. Still got the VHS knocking around somewhere.

Nuke 'em Rico!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QmvEbphF8c (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QmvEbphF8c)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on January 28, 2021, 12:47:30 AM
me and a friend went to see starship troopers in the theater when it came out and we both hated it. we didn't get at all that it was supposed to be a satire we just thought it was stupid. joke was on us, i guess we were too dumb for starship troopers
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on January 28, 2021, 12:57:52 AM
Amazing movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on January 30, 2021, 12:08:38 AM
Quote from: aububs on January 28, 2021, 12:47:30 AM
me and a friend went to see starship troopers in the theater when it came out and we both hated it. we didn't get at all that it was supposed to be a satire we just thought it was stupid. joke was on us, i guess we were too dumb for starship troopers

I remember watching it as a kid and being totally blown away by how gory it was. I hadn't yet really been exposed to anything like that. Certainly not the horror/exploitation/gore stuff that I watch nowadays. Also didn't pick up on any of the satire being that I was in middle school. I do think I realized it was a bit ridiculous and over the top at the time, but the gore overshadowed that. Had a friend re-watch it recently and I think I may have to do the same now. I know I owned it on VHS at some point but I think I got rid of it last time I whittled the VHS collection down to more essential stuff.

Been thoroughly uninterested in watching anything new lately, which is rare. Decided to rewatch all seasons  of True Detective. Season one is obviously classic. Very few dispute that. Season two, however, I stand behind firmly. I was dismissive the first time I watched it, but after a second viewing it is strong as fuck. The only arguments against it are made by holding it up to the first season. Looked at on its own I think it's brilliant. I watched season three when it came out, but haven't made it to re-watching it yet. I was a fan upon the initial viewing, and I welcome the different approaches of each season. I don't need to relive the same storylines over and over. It is similar to the newest season of Twin Peaks. I'm happy that it went down whatever bizarre path it did. I don't need a recreation of its glory days. They can't be recreated. Would feel cheap. Obviously one could go into ideas surrounding the fact that perhaps that was Lynch's message (if he had any), but I'm digressing enough.

May watch Valhalla Rising tonight. Refn is hit and miss with me. When it works it's amazing and when it doesn't, his work is pretty terrible. We'll see.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on January 30, 2021, 02:32:38 AM
Quote from: NerveGas on January 30, 2021, 12:08:38 AM
May watch Valhalla Rising tonight. Refn is hit and miss with me. When it works it's amazing and when it doesn't, his work is pretty terrible. We'll see.

Valhalla Rising is goat. I'd be curious to know which ones of his you don't like.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on January 30, 2021, 03:49:36 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on January 30, 2021, 02:32:38 AM
Quote from: NerveGas on January 30, 2021, 12:08:38 AM
May watch Valhalla Rising tonight. Refn is hit and miss with me. When it works it's amazing and when it doesn't, his work is pretty terrible. We'll see.

Valhalla Rising is goat. I'd be curious to know which ones of his you don't like.

I may have exaggerated slightly. Really just Only God Forgives. I didn't even actually finish it. I plan to give it another shot if for no other reason than to have a more informed opinion, but I really just hated it. I also haven't seen Drive since it came out, so I wonder how it holds up. Pusher Trilogy is pretty good. Haven't seen the third one, but enjoyed the first two. I liked Neon Demon a lot, and as I've said before in this thread I thought Too Old To Die Young was pretty much perfect.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on February 11, 2021, 10:25:46 PM
Quote from: Potier on January 11, 2021, 08:34:48 AM
Quote from: host body on January 10, 2021, 12:09:12 PM
Finally got around to watching Possessor, the uncut version.
I think there's generally some misunderstandings surrounding the title of the movie. From what I've read the Possessor Uncut is just an alternative title. There's only one version...

I faintly recall reading that the US cinema version had some of the worst gore cut. Most likely it was done the be able to screen the film to a larger audience.  
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on February 13, 2021, 01:39:25 PM
It was very gory, some of the most stylish gore i've seen, so makes sense that there's a cut version.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on February 14, 2021, 03:18:08 PM
i watched the uncut version of toy story 2 yesterday where prospector pete casting couches a pair of barbies
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fistfuck Masonanie on February 15, 2021, 03:10:19 AM
The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears

Beautiful homage and artistic interpretation of the Giallo film genre. Visually stunning to the extent that just the sheer detail in each scene is an experience in and of itself. The plot is extremely abstract, at least on the surface, and I can honestly say I don't have a grasp on what actually happened or even who the killer(s) were on my first viewing. The film feels like an Argento/Bava script directed by a surrealist.

The soundtrack also takes a unique approach and utilizes multiple artists re-working older giallo soundtracks into something new. Explained in detail here, https://thequietus.com/articles/18636-various-artist-the-strange-colour-of-your-bodys-tears-review. I had no idea C. Spencer Yeh had been chosen to track a portion of the film among various other artists before watching.

I thought it was worthwhile for the sheer experience of it all and hoping that multiple viewings reveals a more coherent plot. It's certainly an exercise in obsession and excess, so those who despise art that disappears up it's own ass beware!

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on February 15, 2021, 05:22:09 AM
Quote from: Fistfuck Masonanie on February 15, 2021, 03:10:19 AM
The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears

I wasn't all that hot on the directing duo's followup, Let the Corpses Tan, but still plan on checking out Strange Color... eventually.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: -NRRRRK- on February 15, 2021, 10:02:42 AM
Quote from: Fistfuck Masonanie on February 15, 2021, 03:10:19 AM
The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears

Thanks for bringing this up. Hadn't heard about it before, but it sounds intriguing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fistfuck Masonanie on February 16, 2021, 12:11:19 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on February 15, 2021, 05:22:09 AM
Quote from: Fistfuck Masonanie on February 15, 2021, 03:10:19 AM
The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears

I wasn't all that hot on the directing duo's followup, Let the Corpses Tan, but still plan on checking out Strange Color... eventually.

Just finished my first viewing of Corpses and I loved it. It's far more coherent than Strange Color. Really fun and intricate take on the suspenseful shootout/modern spaghetti western theme. Full disclosure that I'm not a cinephile and I'm very critically lax on films that put style over substance for a heavily saturated visual/audio experience. I appreciate films like these for the sheer effort put into the overall stylized and intricate nature. However, I did feel like the Corpses had a decent plot as well.

After watching a couple of films by the directorial duo now, I love the sleazy 70s porno vibe throughout. The leather fetishism is also an interesting re-occurring theme. As well as some of the older female sex-centric characters.

Now I need to find a platform that is streaming Amer.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 24, 2021, 05:53:01 PM
Quote from: Fistfuck Masonanie on February 15, 2021, 03:10:19 AM
The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears

Beautiful homage and artistic interpretation of the Giallo film genre. Visually stunning to the extent that just the sheer detail in each scene is an experience in and of itself. The plot is extremely abstract, at least on the surface, and I can honestly say I don't have a grasp on what actually happened or even who the killer(s) were on my first viewing. The film feels like an Argento/Bava script directed by a surrealist.

The soundtrack also takes a unique approach and utilizes multiple artists re-working older giallo soundtracks into something new. Explained in detail here, https://thequietus.com/articles/18636-various-artist-the-strange-colour-of-your-bodys-tears-review. I had no idea C. Spencer Yeh had been chosen to track a portion of the film among various other artists before watching.

I thought it was worthwhile for the sheer experience of it all and hoping that multiple viewings reveals a more coherent plot. It's certainly an exercise in obsession and excess, so those who despise art that disappears up it's own ass beware!

I absolutely love this movie. I've even used some stills from it for artwork in the past. I can understand how a lot of viewers could see it as arthouse wank but it perfectly suites my tastes.

I saw Amer in theaters and while I can definitely recommend it, it's nowhere near the decadence of The Strange Colour.... However if you're a big fan of Deep Red I think Amer hits a little harder, just for its location.

I still haven't seen Let The Corpses Tan. When I went to see it in the theater there was some issue with the projector that night and the screening was cancelled :(
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fistfuck Masonanie on February 25, 2021, 09:39:14 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on February 24, 2021, 05:53:01 PM
Quote from: Fistfuck Masonanie on February 15, 2021, 03:10:19 AM
The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears

Beautiful homage and artistic interpretation of the Giallo film genre. Visually stunning to the extent that just the sheer detail in each scene is an experience in and of itself. The plot is extremely abstract, at least on the surface, and I can honestly say I don't have a grasp on what actually happened or even who the killer(s) were on my first viewing. The film feels like an Argento/Bava script directed by a surrealist.

The soundtrack also takes a unique approach and utilizes multiple artists re-working older giallo soundtracks into something new. Explained in detail here, https://thequietus.com/articles/18636-various-artist-the-strange-colour-of-your-bodys-tears-review. I had no idea C. Spencer Yeh had been chosen to track a portion of the film among various other artists before watching.

I thought it was worthwhile for the sheer experience of it all and hoping that multiple viewings reveals a more coherent plot. It's certainly an exercise in obsession and excess, so those who despise art that disappears up it's own ass beware!

I absolutely love this movie. I've even used some stills from it for artwork in the past. I can understand how a lot of viewers could see it as arthouse wank but it perfectly suites my tastes.

I saw Amer in theaters and while I can definitely recommend it, it's nowhere near the decadence of The Strange Colour.... However if you're a big fan of Deep Red I think Amer hits a little harder, just for its location.

I still haven't seen Let The Corpses Tan. When I went to see it in the theater there was some issue with the projector that night and the screening was cancelled :(

Shudder has both Strange Color and Let The Corpses Tan available right now. You could sign up for a free trial and after that it's only $6 a month. They always a have a good mix of old school horror, artsy films, and more modern jump scare flicks. The original content can be worthwhile sometimes too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on February 25, 2021, 11:32:29 PM
Quote from: Fistfuck Masonanie on February 25, 2021, 09:39:14 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on February 24, 2021, 05:53:01 PM
Quote from: Fistfuck Masonanie on February 15, 2021, 03:10:19 AM
The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears

Beautiful homage and artistic interpretation of the Giallo film genre. Visually stunning to the extent that just the sheer detail in each scene is an experience in and of itself. The plot is extremely abstract, at least on the surface, and I can honestly say I don't have a grasp on what actually happened or even who the killer(s) were on my first viewing. The film feels like an Argento/Bava script directed by a surrealist.

The soundtrack also takes a unique approach and utilizes multiple artists re-working older giallo soundtracks into something new. Explained in detail here, https://thequietus.com/articles/18636-various-artist-the-strange-colour-of-your-bodys-tears-review. I had no idea C. Spencer Yeh had been chosen to track a portion of the film among various other artists before watching.

I thought it was worthwhile for the sheer experience of it all and hoping that multiple viewings reveals a more coherent plot. It's certainly an exercise in obsession and excess, so those who despise art that disappears up it's own ass beware!

I absolutely love this movie. I've even used some stills from it for artwork in the past. I can understand how a lot of viewers could see it as arthouse wank but it perfectly suites my tastes.

I saw Amer in theaters and while I can definitely recommend it, it's nowhere near the decadence of The Strange Colour.... However if you're a big fan of Deep Red I think Amer hits a little harder, just for its location.

I still haven't seen Let The Corpses Tan. When I went to see it in the theater there was some issue with the projector that night and the screening was cancelled :(

Shudder has both Strange Color and Let The Corpses Tan available right now. You could sign up for a free trial and after that it's only $6 a month. They always a have a good mix of old school horror, artsy films, and more modern jump scare flicks. The original content can be worthwhile sometimes too.

Shutter is hit or miss, but the selection of old flicks is great. The occasionally new movie will catch my eye., but not many. Maybe I've just burned through the all old stuff I like, but it is worth the cheap monthly price.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on February 26, 2021, 01:00:38 AM

Anyone who has talked to me knows that based on Nekromantik and its sequel alone, I am a big Buttgereit fan. While certainly less over-the-top than the aforementioned films, Schramm follows in the style of having a gritty/artsy/surreal feel married to more brutal splatter/gore elements. Overall... a bleak, "feel-bad" serial killer movie not unlike the classic, Angst.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on March 01, 2021, 02:00:23 AM
Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion

I'll be the first to admit that Japanese cinema and "women in prison" films aren't necessarily my speciality. I've seen a decent amount of Yakuza films and some other horror/sci fi stuff, but not much beyond that. Great camera work. Bizarre, theatrical set design. The lighting is beautiful and stylish. Even some strangely psychedelic moments (the broken glass fight in the shower). And plenty of campy gore that honestly compliments the more artistic moments. Broken glass through an eyeball and a slow-mo geyser of blood shooting out of a prison guards head. Nothing to complain about there. Short runtime helps as well. Everything is straight to the point.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 02, 2021, 04:51:03 PM
Quote from: NerveGas on March 01, 2021, 02:00:23 AM
Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion

I'll be the first to admit that Japanese cinema and "women in prison" films aren't necessarily my speciality. I've seen a decent amount of Yakuza films and some other horror/sci fi stuff, but not much beyond that. Great camera work. Bizarre, theatrical set design. The lighting is beautiful and stylish. Even some strangely psychedelic moments (the broken glass fight in the shower). And plenty of campy gore that honestly compliments the more artistic moments. Broken glass through an eyeball and a slow-mo geyser of blood shooting out of a prison guards head. Nothing to complain about there. Short runtime helps as well. Everything is straight to the point.

I really liked this one as well, despite having no previous experience with Japanese women in prison films. But the poster art for the series in general is too good not to be intrigued. I liked the first one I wound up grabbing the Arrow box set which is really nice (as expected)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: magnus on March 02, 2021, 07:35:47 PM
Quote from: NerveGas on February 26, 2021, 01:00:38 AM
Overall... a bleak, "feel-bad" serial killer movie not unlike the classic, Angst.

Probably my favorite by Buttgereit, even if it was many years since i last watched it.
Have you seen the more recent film THE GOLDEN GLOVE ("Der goldene Handschuh")? The description above fits it like a.. hmm.. glove! My favorite movie from last year by a mile.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on March 02, 2021, 08:20:50 PM
Quote from: magnus on March 02, 2021, 07:35:47 PM
Quote from: NerveGas on February 26, 2021, 01:00:38 AM
Overall... a bleak, "feel-bad" serial killer movie not unlike the classic, Angst.

Probably my favorite by Buttgereit, even if it was many years since i last watched it.
Have you seen the more recent film THE GOLDEN GLOVE ("Der goldene Handschuh")? The description above fits it like a.. hmm.. glove! My favorite movie from last year by a mile.

Haven't seen it, but I believe it's on Shudder. I'm a little skeptical of new horror (or horror "marketed") movies nowadays, but also admit that this is sometimes to my own detriment. I'll check it out. An Angst comparison is a pretty high bar to set!

Watched the second and third installments of Female Prisoner Scorpion. I think so far, the second one is my favorite. Much more heavy on the bizarre, dream-like scenes. The third dragged a little, but as I mentioned above, the short run times help and the ending was great. Will most likely finish up the series tonight, and I do think I'll have to pick up the Arrow boxset when funds permit.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 03, 2021, 09:39:22 PM
Been getting back to regular movie watching in the last month or two. Not everything is worth discussing here in detail.

My fiance and I have been watching all of the X-Men related movies in release order since February. Some of them hold up for what they are, some of them are the worst movies I've ever seen [X-Men Apocalypse makes my blood boil]. Maybe I'm a simpleton but I actually enjoyed the first two Wolverine movies a fair amount as action movies.

My friend and I are still slowly working our way through all theatrically released video game movies. Last month was Street Fighter which was infinitely more non-sensical and dumb than I remembered from my theater viewing 27 years ago. Admittedly I remembered next to nothing. For a movie about street fighting there sure isn't much of that. Jean-Claude Van Damme didn't kick nearly enough people. The chick that plays Chun-Li is only moderately attractive but Kylie Minogue as Cammy was nice, even if she didn't do shit. Just entertaining enough not to be a slough, but most certainly a terrible terrible movie.

Two nights ago was Mortal Kombat: Annihilation , a movie I'd never been able to sit through in one sitting. Extremely inept in every way but it's breakneck pace, terrible decisions, awful CGI and constant action made it incredibly entertaining. I was laughing out loud through almost the entire thing. And there is a fair amount of Kombat, mortal and otherwise. But oh my god what a cheap looking movie. The horrifyingly bad CGI is the worst, but the costumes are straight out of the mall Halloween store. This is some gloriously bad shit.

Last Friday I re-watched Argento's Opera which remains a solid film. The floaty POV camera work here is some of my favorite ever. The sound track is a mixed bag but the opera tracks and the ambient pieces are really good. It's so visually rich too. Nothing compares to seeing it in theaters on actual film, but definitely still good on BluRay

Then Sunday I re-watched Argento's Phenomena which might be my favorite Argento film or maybe just below Bird With The Crystal Plumage. Even though so many of the elements are silly or absurd it's played straight and somehow manages to convince me. It's the zenith of the dream logic plot style too. I love bugs, Jennifer Connelly is great, the gore is fairly disgusting and the setting is used effectively. I really can't get enough of it and it's almost 2 hours long.

I also watched Day of the Dead [1985] for the first time Monday night. I was expecting something darker than Dawn of the Dead but god damn! There's still a dash of weirdness and silliness from time to time but on the whole it felt like something much closer to Fulci film in tone and gore. And damn if the gore isn't wonderful, even if it is absent for large stretches. I think I need another re-watch to really form an opinion about it, but my initial impression is very positive.

And then last night was a re-watch of Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence. While it's certainly easy to take issue with the quote heavy dialogue, I just love Oshii's vision of the GitS universe so much I can ignore things like that. It's a slow and methodical movie with a heavy focus on atmosphere that reminds me of both Blade Runner films in many ways. And the love between Batou and his dog is so perfectly done. I think this is a film that would probably bore and annoy a lot of people but for me it always holds up on re-watch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on March 03, 2021, 10:58:21 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 03, 2021, 09:39:22 PM
I also watched Day of the Dead [1985] for the first time Monday night. I was expecting something darker than Dawn of the Dead but god damn! There's still a dash of weirdness and silliness from time to time but on the whole it felt like something much closer to Fulci film in tone and gore. And damn if the gore isn't wonderful, even if it is absent for large stretches. I think I need another re-watch to really form an opinion about it, but my initial impression is very positive.

Dawn is the easy pick for favourite of Romero's Dead, but Day is the sleeper hit and that Fulci comparison is highly apt.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on March 04, 2021, 06:12:46 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on March 03, 2021, 10:58:21 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 03, 2021, 09:39:22 PM
I also watched Day of the Dead [1985] for the first time Monday night. I was expecting something darker than Dawn of the Dead but god damn! There's still a dash of weirdness and silliness from time to time but on the whole it felt like something much closer to Fulci film in tone and gore. And damn if the gore isn't wonderful, even if it is absent for large stretches. I think I need another re-watch to really form an opinion about it, but my initial impression is very positive.

Dawn is the easy pick for favourite of Romero's Dead, but Day is the sleeper hit and that Fulci comparison is highly apt.

Yeah there's no disputing that Dawn is the best. In fact, it may be my most watched movie ever. With that said, Day Of The Dead is an undisputed classic and gets better with every viewing. And what an opening scene!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 06, 2021, 02:06:26 AM
Favolacce. Italian movie with strong influences of Haneke, Greek Cinema and some indie stuff...
Everybody is mean and ugly, everything is morbid and it is filmed very every well
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 09, 2021, 08:59:53 PM
Most recent watches:

Annihilation [dir. Alex Garland, 2018] - I watched this around the time it came out and really really liked it, but was worried it wouldn't hold up on a repeat viewing. Happily this is not the case, I think I may have liked it even more. The first go round I had some issues with the dialogue and the characterizations of the expedition team but this time I didn't really have a complaint. probably because I knew what i was getting, instead of mentally looking for all the seams. My biggest complaint remains the flashback framing device for the movie which is completely unnecessary even the first go round, and even more unnecessary the second time. Happily it's used to sparingly you normally forget it's there. The visuals are very psilocybin without turning into Alex Gray, post-hippie shit, but the vibe is straight up DXM. And the score rules.

Logan [dir. James Mangold, 2018] - I saw all three Wolverine movies in the last two months and what a ride! From ultra-schlock to flawed modern action movie to serious drama with hard-R violence, I liked them all. I think it's safe to call this an drama that takes place in a comic book universe. I thought it was mostly successful at creating a believable world for the characters and actual tension and earned emotionally dramatic moments. Hugh Jackman's performance really sells it all. It hit extra hard having loved the X-Men for so long and also having watched all of the movies so recently. While I always appreciate seeing Richard E Grant in a movie, his role was probably the weakest part of this. But if the comic book elements were much more removed it wouldn't be a movie about Wolverine. Can't imagine the MCU or DC suits will be able to top this kind of thing anytime soon either.

Species [dir. Roger Donaldson, 1995] - I remember 8 year-old me wanting to see this so badly, with it's promise of Alien style horror and titties too. Then 10 year old me finally seeing it and being bored to hell, aside from the titties. Did HR Giger design the creature and some other stuff? Yes. Is the design routinely ruined by 1995 CGI? Yes. Is the whole package entertaining? Ehhhhhh.  There's technically an "ensemble" cast of characters out to find Natasha Henstridge, yet half of them were unnecessary or could have been combined. There's a hard to believe "romance" plot with Michael Madsen and Marg Helgenberger that does provide quick tit but no excitement. Sir Ben Kingsley is as useless a black ops project manager as Forest Whitaker is as a telepath/empath tracker.  I could go on but basically the barebones plot is okay, it's the silly and pointless way things unfold around it that leave you just dumbfounded. Had this movie had the same amount of tit, half the characters, and been 35 minutes shorter it could've been fast-paced sleaze with a weird edge. But instead its trudge with occasional detours into sex and "weirdness" that does not beg for a re-watch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on March 09, 2021, 11:51:40 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 09, 2021, 08:59:53 PM
Most recent watches:

Annihilation [dir. Alex Garland, 2018] - I watched this around the time it came out and really really liked it, but was worried it wouldn't hold up on a repeat viewing. Happily this is not the case, I think I may have liked it even more. The first go round I had some issues with the dialogue and the characterizations of the expedition team but this time I didn't really have a complaint. probably because I knew what i was getting, instead of mentally looking for all the seams. My biggest complaint remains the flashback framing device for the movie which is completely unnecessary even the first go round, and even more unnecessary the second time. Happily it's used to sparingly you normally forget it's there. The visuals are very psilocybin without turning into Alex Gray, post-hippie shit, but the vibe is straight up DXM. And the score rules.

I don't know if you read any of the books, but I would say that this movie becomes incredibly difficult to fully enjoy if you've read the books. I love the trilogy and knew that the movie took a different approach, but still couldn't figure out why certain aspects of the book weren't brought into the film. I'm referring to stuff that would have been very easily filmable and basic plot stuff that works really well. With that said, the books are really vague and trippy, so certain creatures/phenomenon wouldn't convert to the visual medium successfully, but for the life of me I can't wrap my head around some of the unnecessary changes that were made. While I do think that film interpretations or books should indeed be viewed as interpretations, reading the books first made watching this much more challenging than it should have been. Don't get me wrong there were some aspects of the movie I appreciated. The mutated bear, the ending sequence, and a few others. I watched this movie with someone and it was probably horribly annoying for them hearing my commentary. I hate to be overly critical in my comparison because at the end of the day they are two different works of art all together, but it did nag at me.

Edit: I also forgot to specify that most of my critique revolves around the charitarization of the expedition team. The group dynamic in the books is totally different and so much more strange, tense, and unsettling. Seems like the dynamic of the characters in the movie really does a disservice to the story. If I'm being vague I apologize I just don't want to spoil the plot for anyone planning of giving The Southern Reach Trilogy a shot.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on March 10, 2021, 12:29:01 AM
The Beast

Erotic art film (???) directed by Walerian Borowczyk. This is my first film of his that I've seen, and I've been very intrigued by him since I first read about him a while back. I thought I knew what to expect going into to this. A highly pornographic bestiality fairy tale with some kind of strange woodland rat/bear beast. To be honest, this movie was fucking boring. Sure there's the totally bonkers relentless rat creature bestiality at the end, but this movie drags and drags and drags. I'll give some of his other films a chance, but aside from the sheer absurdity of the final scenes, not much to offer.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 10, 2021, 12:43:33 PM
After over 2 decades I watched Idi Smotri (Come and see), Eastern War DRama, with an impressive sound design, bleak sa fuck and with some totally brutal scenes. I remember when I watched it the first time some sounds really made me think where I wanted to go musically for the industrial part of Foresta di Ferro and John Murphy (RIP) provided several atmospheric pieces that went in that direction, but the level of intensity of the post-bombing scenes with the kid suffering tinnitus (a condition I relate to) really left me speecheless. The movie is about the not-so-friendly interactin between Einsatzcommandos vs Belarius partisans seen from the eyes of a young kid who looks like a teen Max Von Sydow. The cool thing is that it has the classic dramatic atmospheric moments of Russian and Ukrainian cinema, but it goes fast as a shark with thousand  things happaning, more like contemporary Slavic cinema, with great camera movement and a few over the top scenes. Fits in The power electronics movies we were discussing years ago although from a different perspective than the move we keep quoting.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on March 11, 2021, 08:24:14 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on March 10, 2021, 12:43:33 PM
After over 2 decades I watched Idi Smotri (Come and see), Eastern War DRama, with an impressive sound design, bleak sa fuck and with some totally brutal scenes. I remember when I watched it the first time some sounds really made me think where I wanted to go musically for the industrial part of Foresta di Ferro and John Murphy (RIP) provided several atmospheric pieces that went in that direction, but the level of intensity of the post-bombing scenes with the kid suffering tinnitus (a condition I relate to) really left me speecheless. The movie is about the not-so-friendly interactin between Einsatzcommandos vs Belarius partisans seen from the eyes of a young kid who looks like a teen Max Von Sydow. The cool thing is that it has the classic dramatic atmospheric moments of Russian and Ukrainian cinema, but it goes fast as a shark with thousand  things happaning, more like contemporary Slavic cinema, with great camera movement and a few over the top scenes. Fits in The power electronics movies we were discussing years ago although from a different perspective than the move we keep quoting.

I've written about this movie in this thread before, so I'll keep it brief. But this really is a phenomenal film. I hesitate to employ the overused adjective "hallucinatory" or even worse, "fever dream" (the use of this term must stop), but it truly is a bizarre nightmare. Have not watched it in quite some time, but would be very interested to see how the Blu-Ray looks.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 13, 2021, 10:22:07 PM
will check your review, but I agree with your idea about it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: MateriaPrima on March 14, 2021, 12:01:48 PM
Hard to be a God by Aleksei German. The film is said to have consumed him throughout the last 15 years of his life until he died leaving it close to completion. His wife and son added the finishing touches after his death in 2013. The film is brutal and chaotic, beautiful, surreal, almost Andrei Tarkovsky but with a cruel violence and harsh bleak brutality and decay not seen in his work. For me it is like taking Bosch, Bruegel the Elder or Grünewald and translating them into film. The story, although interesting, almost isn't necessary, the images are what grasp you. You can smell and taste the sweat and sickness. I have only watched it once while I was sick with the flu, I remember spending the entire 177 minutes seeing it sideways while lying down. I do not wish anyone sickness but I think it's probably one of the best ways to experience it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 14, 2021, 08:34:55 PM
Getting crazy for the 3rd series of Paradise PD, demented animated series of the gentlemen behind Brickleberry. Touches anything improper and unpc and have good rhythm. First series did not convince me too much, but then it improved.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fistfuck Masonanie on March 15, 2021, 12:55:20 AM
The Devils (1971)

Based on real life events, but this adaption is taken from the book "The Devils of Loudun" by Aldous Huxley. The lead, Father Grandier, is played beautifully by Oliver Reed, it's an incredible performance. The actor is most commonly known in our time as the slave owner/former gladiator who won his freedom in Gladiator. He also stars in Cronenberg's "The Brood" as Dr. Raglan.

A deeply disturbing film based in the witch hunts and religious persecution that swept the world, this time in the back drop of France in the 17th Century. I wouldn't call it a horror film but there are certainly elements and a good amount of sleaze. There are some great exploitation style scenes involving the nunnery once the convent plays into the "possession" afflicting them. The religious fervor and political themes around this movement are portrayed very well. The imagery and cinematography are excellent and brings the film to life. The cast of characters well represent how all citizens of a town were affected by the mass hysteria of the time. The accused playboy priest, a smitten and jealous hunchbacked nun, appointed "professional" witch hunter and others are wild and entertaining characters.

Not a flashy film by today's standards, but for those who enjoy cinema of a different era carried by excellent acting and story telling would enjoy The Devils.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on March 15, 2021, 01:10:22 AM
Quote from: Fistfuck Masonanie on March 15, 2021, 12:55:20 AM
Not a flashy film by today's standards, but for those who enjoy cinema of a different era

The '70s were the best decade for cinema, period. Incredible amount of exploration and bold ideas, even in Hollywood.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 15, 2021, 03:58:59 PM
Quote from: Fistfuck Masonanie on March 15, 2021, 12:55:20 AM
The Devils (1971)

Oliver Reed's mustache in this movie deserves an award! But I largely agree with FM's review, although I'm too desensitized to be find it disturbing. It's such an insanely gorgeous and detailed movie. All of the exterior and interiors are distinct and interesting in a way which compels re-watching, along with everything else.

A quick round-up of my last week of movies:

Shaun of the Dead [dir. Edgar Wright, 2004] - I saw pieces of this many times over the years but never had a chance to sit down and watch it. Now that I finally have I can see why people were so gaga for it when it came out. I kept thinking it felt like an expanded version of something from Spaced, and then I read afterwards that it basically was so there you go. Like Zombieland it's fun and fast-paced and straddles the line between action and comedy really well. It was a nice bit of fun after a miserable Tuesday.

I Care A Lot. [dir. J Blakeson, 2020] - I went into this one blind because I liked Rosamund Pike and it had some good buzz... I guess I should have been more circumspect. I found this movie frustrating to aggravating, especially after the 30-40 minute mark. I struggle anytime characters in a movie/series that's supposed to be "serious" make consistent or increasingly illogical decisions and that's what happens here. I was ready to start yelling bullshit at the TV for the last 30 minutes. Not recommended.

The Lobster [dir. Yorgos Lanthimos, 2015] - Somehow only now I've finally watched my first Lanthimos film after missing a screening of Dogtooth 10 years ago. I tried to go into this as blind as possible and as a result this first viewing had me on the edge of my seat (in a good way) because I never knew where the movie was going. I really enjoyed both halves of the film and found myself laughing inwardly throughout. Parts of it really stuck in my brain after watching and I'm excited to watch it again. And now I've got a good reason to check out Lanthimos' other films.

Ex Machina [dir. Alex Garland, 2014] - Been meaning to watch this for ages but I figured it would be "just okay", so I wasn't racing to see it. Well that was dumb because this is a really nice discrete sci-fi story. Oscar Isaac does a great job as a "villainous" character, Domhnall Gleeson is great as the young coder who would fuck an android no questions asked, basically a stand-in for every weeb coder the world over, and Alicia Vikander is hot with and without skin. She looks a lot like my ex who had alopecia, and was similarly bald much of the time I saw her, but also a very similar face, so that was kind of exciting :D    I would say I called almost all of the story beats in my head before they happened but the way the story is told made it work really well for me.

And tonight I think my friend and I will continue our video game movie journey by watching Wing Commander. Shoot me.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on March 15, 2021, 09:54:25 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 15, 2021, 03:58:59 PM
The Lobster [dir. Yorgos Lanthimos, 2015] - Somehow only now I've finally watched my first Lanthimos film after missing a screening of Dogtooth 10 years ago. I tried to go into this as blind as possible and as a result this first viewing had me on the edge of my seat (in a good way) because I never knew where the movie was going. I really enjoyed both halves of the film and found myself laughing inwardly throughout. Parts of it really stuck in my brain after watching and I'm excited to watch it again. And now I've got a good reason to check out Lanthimos' other films.

The Lobster is probably his most light-hearted movie. Dogtooth and The Favourite are both better, I think. All very different, but still recognizably Lanthimos. Good director!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: JLIAT on March 16, 2021, 12:25:54 PM
QuoteFather Grandier, is played beautifully by Oliver Reed, it's an incredible performance. The actor is most commonly known in our time as the slave owner/former gladiator who won his freedom in Gladiator. He also stars in Cronenberg's "The Brood" as Dr. Raglan.

Oliver Reed was certainly a magnificent actor, another great part was his in Women in Love, another Ken Russell film, which was quite shocking in its day, based on the D H Lawrence novel which explores sexuality... and also in The Devils was Vanessa Redgrave who also stared in Blow Up, another film which is a "must see" explores insanity and for noise fans a scene with the Yardbirds – from 1966!!!. As a tangent some of the filming of Gladiator was done on Malta. We used to holiday there, and a small bar is now called "Olie's last stand". The story goes he was drinking there when a British Navel ship docked, which resulted in a drinking session in which he died in the pub. We stayed in a Hotel in Valletta where some of the crew stayed. The barman remembered him well, and his late night sessions with the film crew.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on March 16, 2021, 10:27:22 PM
women in love is hilarious. every line that oliver reed speaks is pure comedy. the naked wrestling with alan bates is the highlight.

there's another incredible movie called The Shout, with alan bates as a man who can kill people with his shout. a very power electronics movie, actually, now that i think of it. one of the characters is an electronic sound composer

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 17, 2021, 04:05:40 PM
I'll have to check out Women in Love and The Shout, they sound interesting.

Well the last two nights I've been burning the midnight oil to watch some very good and very bad movies.

Monday night:
The Exorcist III [dir. William Peter Blatty, 1990] - the unexpected highlight of the last few nights maybe even the last week or two, damn was this movie awesome! My friend and I assumed it'd be shit because you know it's the third sequel and 17 years after the original. Until the last maybe 30 minutes we kept waiting for it to get terrible but at some point it hit us that it's just an awesome movie. I'd say the worst thing about it is the silly sequence where a crucified christ statute opens its eyes and it looks silly and dumb. Otherwise it's a cold police procedural staring George C Scott as an old man pushed to the edge by a grim world. That sounds a little corny so I'm not doing it justice but he's absolutely awesome. He's got to have one of the most commanding voices of any actor ever. It's a dialogue heavy movie but because Blatty's a skilled writer it's really good stuff. The sound design is also really excellent. The cinematography, the set designs, most of the effects are all good too. But what puts this movie over the top from really good to fucking awesome is Brad Dourif. He just tears up everything around him once he enters the picture. Almost all of his dialogue would be good for sampling in power electronics or goregrind. He's not fully unhinged, just very intense. I love it. Knowing Brad Dourif is going to be in anything makes me willing to watch it but this is the movie to watch for him alone. Oh and the whole Exorcist connection was a re-shoot studio interference thing and sorta works, but I'm very interested to watch the patchwork director's cut that was released a few years ago.

Night of the Demons [dir. Kevin Tenney, 1988] - So my friend and I watched this after The Exorcist III and it kind of felt like we were taking the piss by watching such a silly movie after such a good one. Frankly, I found it tough to enjoy this kind of schlock after such a meaty piece of cinema so my impression is probably less favorable than it would've been on any other given night. I will say, there's a decent amount of nudity but I think they easily could've pushed the amount. The gore is good to mediocre and often too quick for my taste, but it's there.  The whole thing was silly and fun enough, but my biggest complaint is there were a couple of essentially off-screen deaths and for a movie about a specific group of teens dying at the hands of demons in an isolated location, the kills are the reason for the season. Make an event out of each one, not just some of them. Well anyway, this will be a fun one to show at horror movie party, whenever I can start hosting those again.

Tuesday night:
Pulse [dir. Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2001] - my second viewing and I liked it a bit more this time but I still think it's too damn long. trim 20 minutes out of this and eliminate all the of the completely unnecessary CGI which starts popping up at the end and it'd be wayyy better. The first hour is a perfect horror movie so it annoys me that it gets lost in repetition in the second half. Also, unless you're making the Usual Suspects, don't start a movie at the end and then cut to the beginning. Flashback movies take out all of tension because you already know who is alive at the end. And in this movie, like Annihilation it adds absolutely nothing.

Pulse [dir. Jim Sonzero, 2006] - because my friend and I hate ourselves we watched this piece of trash immediately after the original. Kristen Bell is hot throughout but this is just dreadful in every department. If I want to see her be hot and used well I'll watch The Good Place. Anyway in order to make this story "work" they put in some kind of post-Matrix hackers plot, attempt to steal imagery and sequences from the original and bore you to tears while doing it. My main man Brad fucking Dourif shows up in this dung heap to essentially yell at the two mains, Alex Jones style, and is then never seen again. It was an entertaining interruption but is not enough of a reason to watch this. Also the whole thing is color corrected so it looks entirely grey and murky like the inside of a robots colon. And the fucking "ghosts" look like a sillier version of the creature in Aphex Twin's "Come to Daddy" video. Watch that instead of even thinking about watching Pulse 2006. Fuck this was truly awful.

https://youtu.be/TZ827lkktYs (https://youtu.be/TZ827lkktYs)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on March 19, 2021, 02:38:24 AM
Watched a documentary called The Booksellers, which is about -- believe it or not -- people who sell rare and old books, and their customers, the collectors.

Pretty interesting, until about 2/3 of the way in, when they start to go on about (you guessed it) how the traders and collectors are all white men -- even if they aren't, as the documentary itself makes clear. The solution is to introduce a black woman who collects and catalogues old hip-hop magazines. In and of itself a completely worthy pursuit, but the way it's presented in this film was so condescending and tokenistic I wanted to laugh.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on March 19, 2021, 10:12:57 PM
Lost Boys, Finnish documentary about two junkies recently released from long prison sentences who travel to Cambodia to do all of the drugs and fuck all of the hookers they possibly can. One is dies in suspicious circumstances and the other one escapes to Thailand to live on the streets, until the documentary director finds him and takes him back to Finland. It was very atmospheric and probably the most POWER ELECTRONICS documentary I've ever seen. The voice over by the director sounded like PE lyrics and the soundtrack was heavy electronics that could well work on a proper PE release. Don't want to give it away but the ending is super depressing, and something I did not expect.

Seriously, everyone on this board should watch it. Features a lot of heavy drug use as well as graphic sex. Can't remember when I last saw anything this nihilistic. Oh and hunt down the uncersored version, it has like 10 minutes of footage that was cut for the TV version.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 23, 2021, 05:13:59 PM
Saturday night:

Suspiria [dir. Luca Guadagnino, 2018] - finally decided to watch this, going in with no expectations good or bad. if you sidestep the trap of comparing it to the original the whole time I think it's a very good modern horror film and an example of what a good remake can look like. It has it's own visual language, it uses the story skeleton in a new way and the performances are generally strong. I like modern dancing and there's a lot here, although I could've gone for even more! I also enjoyed that this generally felt grounded in reality, especially for the story it was telling, where the original feels like a candy-colored fever dream. My big complaint was the use of digital blood spray, especially towards the end, and some other editing and visual decisions that felt out of synch with the rest of the movie. I also found Tilda Swinton's performance as the old psychiatrist very distracting at times. I think the audience for this is definitely smaller than for the original, but I liked it a lot.

I took the day off yesterday and wound up watching 3 movies almost back to back. can't complain about that!

Horrors of Malformed Men [dir. Teruo Ishii, 1969] - second viewing and more enjoyable than my first since I wasn't falling asleep. I really have to stop starting movies at 11PM after being up for 18 hours already... My understanding is the story crams together several Edogawa Rampo stories into one (maybe too many), which is why the pacing and exposition dumps are a little funky. But honestly everything leading up to the arrival on the island is a lot of fun, a nice mix of amnesia-noir and comedic elements. And then you get to the island and it's titties and deformities and reveal after reveal after reveal. I mean this movie goes hard. It's relatively tame compared to the torture flicks Ishii was doing simultaneously, probably safe to watch with the wife and kids. A quality family romp!

Gamera: Guardian of the Universe - [dir. Shusuke Kaneko, 1995] - I was really disappointed when I missed Arrow's Gamera box set last summer and it immediately stared selling for x4 the original price. I hoped they'd do additional, less limited releases and they did so happy day. I've never seen any of the Heisei era Gamera but I've read so many good things. Well I was not disappointed! For a movie about a flying turtle that fights monsters with its fireball breath and tusks it feels surprisingly grounded. It felt like the seeds for Shin Godzilla were already growing here too. The pace is brisk, the balance of science talk and kaiju action is perfect and tons of innocent people die. What's not to like? Looking forward to the next two films.

Tremors [dir. Ron Underwood, 1990] - fuck I haven't seen this one in 20 years at least. but I watched the shit out of this as kid along with the first two sequels. It's been so long I remembered some of the main story beats but none of the specifics. On re-watch as a somewhat critical "adult" I'd say this is a near perfect movie, and I can't normally stand Kevin Bacon. tight script, solid performances, awesome creature effects, tight pacing, it's got it all. goddamn this movie rules.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on March 23, 2021, 11:03:36 PM
love the susperia remake

it's like he remade susperia as zulawski's possession
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on March 24, 2021, 12:27:54 AM
Quote from: aububs on March 23, 2021, 11:03:36 PM
love the susperia remake

it's like he remade susperia as zulawski's possession

Have heard nothing but horrible things about the remake. Possession is one of my all time favorites. So maybe that will motivate me to check it out. Why they even remade Suspiria is beyond me. Didn't that dude from Radiohead do the soundtrack? Fucking weak.  I'm going in with a lot of bias, but I'll give it a fair shot.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on March 24, 2021, 02:11:33 AM
Quote from: NerveGas on March 24, 2021, 12:27:54 AM
Quote from: aububs on March 23, 2021, 11:03:36 PM
love the susperia remake

it's like he remade susperia as zulawski's possession

Have heard nothing but horrible things about the remake. Possession is one of my all time favorites. So maybe that will motivate me to check it out. Why they even remade Suspiria is beyond me. Didn't that dude from Radiohead do the soundtrack? Fucking weak.  I'm going in with a lot of bias, but I'll give it a fair shot.

I don't know if the disctinction makes sense, but it's more of a reimagination than a remake. It has the same premise and some plot points, but having seen the first will not spoil the remake, it's different enough to stand on it's own. I did like it just fine, it was good for a modern horror movie but naturally nowhere near the original. I didn't even mind ol' lazy eye's music, it fit the movie well. There were a couple of scenes that were really cool and disturbing, like one set in a dance studio. It's well worth watching, much better than say Midsommar or Get Out or other popular horror movies from recent years.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on March 24, 2021, 02:18:53 AM
Quote from: host body on March 24, 2021, 02:11:33 AM
Quote from: NerveGas on March 24, 2021, 12:27:54 AM
Quote from: aububs on March 23, 2021, 11:03:36 PM
love the susperia remake

it's like he remade susperia as zulawski's possession

Have heard nothing but horrible things about the remake. Possession is one of my all time favorites. So maybe that will motivate me to check it out. Why they even remade Suspiria is beyond me. Didn't that dude from Radiohead do the soundtrack? Fucking weak.  I'm going in with a lot of bias, but I'll give it a fair shot.

I don't know if the disctinction makes sense, but it's more of a reimagination than a remake. It has the same premise and some plot points, but having seen the first will not spoil the remake, it's different enough to stand on it's own. I did like it just fine, it was good for a modern horror movie but naturally nowhere near the original. I didn't even mind ol' lazy eye's music, it fit the movie well. There were a couple of scenes that were really cool and disturbing, like one set in a dance studio. It's well worth watching, much better than say Midsommar or Get Out or other popular horror movies from recent years.

Like I said I'll give it a shot. Being better than Midsommar and Get Out is a plus. What fucking stinkers those two were. Crap films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: holy ghost on March 24, 2021, 07:36:08 PM
Am I the only one who thought Midsommar was fucking great?

I liked the Suspiria remake too.

I mean when that dude fuckin' hucked himself off the cliff I was HOWLING. Like The Wicker Man but funnier.....
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on March 24, 2021, 08:53:59 PM
Quote from: holy ghost on March 24, 2021, 07:36:08 PM
Am I the only one who thought Midsommar was fucking great?

You're not the only one, I thought it was great, too!

Haven't seen the Suspiria remake, but I will do soon. I'm a huge fan of the original, so I'm quite curious.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on March 24, 2021, 09:50:59 PM
loved midsommar

amongst other things, one of the best depictions of taking acid i've seen in a movie

speaking of folk horror, this is incoming at some stage. 3hr documentary by kier-la janisse. apologies for the huge image

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on March 25, 2021, 02:10:54 AM
Watched the new Suspiria. Went in with an open mind. Actually liked the total change of aesthetic. None of the over the top Argento color. Grey and depressing. First 30 minutes were good then it devolved into total nonsense. The ending could have been cool if it wasn't shot like a 90s music video with fucking Thom Yorke playing over it. Ultimately though, I'll say that this movie should be judged on its own merit and it's not fair to compare it to the original. It's clearly going for something else. That something just didn't resonate with me in the least.

As far as Midsommar is concerned... that director can't make up his mind in regards to what type of fucking movies he wants to make. Same with Hereditary. By the books horror or super traumatic drama. And he doesn't combine the styles well at all in my opinion.  I see the potential for crossover and it doesn't necessarily have to be an "either or" situation. But Midsommar felt like it changed tone at the drop of a hat. One minute it's emotionally visceral and the next minute it's basically A24 doing a stupid teenagers making bad decisions slasher style flick. Whatever. I'll hand it to the guy... that cliff scene was fucking insane, and I enjoyed certain aspects of the ending. The rest was a total mess. Haven't seen it since it came out, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: MateriaPrima on March 25, 2021, 11:39:12 AM
Quote from: NerveGas on March 25, 2021, 02:10:54 AM
As far as Midsommar is concerned... that director can't make up his mind in regards to what type of fucking movies he wants to make. Same with Hereditary. By the books horror or super traumatic drama. And he doesn't combine the styles well at all in my opinion.  I see the potential for crossover and it doesn't necessarily have to be an "either or" situation. But Midsommar felt like it changed tone at the drop of a hat. One minute it's emotionally visceral and the next minute it's basically A24 doing a stupid teenagers making bad decisions slasher style flick. Whatever. I'll hand it to the guy... that cliff scene was fucking insane, and I enjoyed certain aspects of the ending. The rest was a total mess. Haven't seen it since it came out, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

Personally I actually really liked Hereditary for what it was, thought it had some great elements and visuals. There were some real memorable images, some even iconic. I thought it had a great combination of eerie disturbing and unsettling elements, shocking violence where it counted, and some great surrealistic bizarre imagery and sequences. It really got under my skin. But then again, despite appreciating the genre, I'm not exactly a horror buff, maybe that's why. One of the reasons I liked it was because it isn't your typical horror film.

On the other hand I can't bring myself to watch Midsommar, the general feel I get from the trailer and the images completely turns me off.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on March 25, 2021, 12:55:46 PM
Quote from: MateriaPrima on March 25, 2021, 11:39:12 AM
Quote from: NerveGas on March 25, 2021, 02:10:54 AM
As far as Midsommar is concerned... that director can't make up his mind in regards to what type of fucking movies he wants to make. Same with Hereditary. By the books horror or super traumatic drama. And he doesn't combine the styles well at all in my opinion.  I see the potential for crossover and it doesn't necessarily have to be an "either or" situation. But Midsommar felt like it changed tone at the drop of a hat. One minute it's emotionally visceral and the next minute it's basically A24 doing a stupid teenagers making bad decisions slasher style flick. Whatever. I'll hand it to the guy... that cliff scene was fucking insane, and I enjoyed certain aspects of the ending. The rest was a total mess. Haven't seen it since it came out, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

Personally I actually really liked Hereditary for what it was, thought it had some great elements and visuals. There were some real memorable images, some even iconic. I thought it had a great combination of eerie disturbing and unsettling elements, shocking violence where it counted, and some great surrealistic bizarre imagery and sequences. It really got under my skin. But then again, despite appreciating the genre, I'm not exactly a horror buff, maybe that's why. One of the reasons I liked it was because it isn't your typical horror film.

On the other hand I can't bring myself to watch Midsommar, the general feel I get from the trailer and the images completely turns me off.

I liked Midtsommar. On the surface it is actually quite shallow, typical teenagers on holiday goes to shit kinda flick. But at the same time its very strong visually (style being a matter of taste). Personally I felt it was enjoyable enough on that level for me to let the plot take a back seat. The LSD-visuals were on point!

Finished off last night with Die Hamburger Krankheit. Not perfect by any means, but an interesting take on the whole pandemic thing. It's got a really surreal atmosphere, made even more surreal by the sometimes ill-fitting Jean-Michel Jarre soundtrack. Bonus points for the guy in a wheelchair waving a dildo around.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on March 25, 2021, 04:21:50 PM
Quote from: MateriaPrima on March 25, 2021, 11:39:12 AM
Quote from: NerveGas on March 25, 2021, 02:10:54 AM
As far as Midsommar is concerned... that director can't make up his mind in regards to what type of fucking movies he wants to make. Same with Hereditary. By the books horror or super traumatic drama. And he doesn't combine the styles well at all in my opinion.  I see the potential for crossover and it doesn't necessarily have to be an "either or" situation. But Midsommar felt like it changed tone at the drop of a hat. One minute it's emotionally visceral and the next minute it's basically A24 doing a stupid teenagers making bad decisions slasher style flick. Whatever. I'll hand it to the guy... that cliff scene was fucking insane, and I enjoyed certain aspects of the ending. The rest was a total mess. Haven't seen it since it came out, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

Personally I actually really liked Hereditary for what it was, thought it had some great elements and visuals. There were some real memorable images, some even iconic. I thought it had a great combination of eerie disturbing and unsettling elements, shocking violence where it counted, and some great surrealistic bizarre imagery and sequences. It really got under my skin. But then again, despite appreciating the genre, I'm not exactly a horror buff, maybe that's why. One of the reasons I liked it was because it isn't your typical horror film.

On the other hand I can't bring myself to watch Midsommar, the general feel I get from the trailer and the images completely turns me off.

To be fair both films had potential, and if I'm being honest Hereditary was the better of the two. But I gotta say they still both suffer from an inability to meld different tones together. Just feels like each movie is split into two sections with the latter being the regular not so special horror movie part. At the end of the day...  I'm happy to watch shitty horror movies. Perhaps this weird middle ground just doesn't work for me.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on March 25, 2021, 04:27:06 PM
Quote from: NerveGas on March 25, 2021, 04:21:50 PM
Quote from: MateriaPrima on March 25, 2021, 11:39:12 AM
Quote from: NerveGas on March 25, 2021, 02:10:54 AM
As far as Midsommar is concerned... that director can't make up his mind in regards to what type of fucking movies he wants to make. Same with Hereditary. By the books horror or super traumatic drama. And he doesn't combine the styles well at all in my opinion.  I see the potential for crossover and it doesn't necessarily have to be an "either or" situation. But Midsommar felt like it changed tone at the drop of a hat. One minute it's emotionally visceral and the next minute it's basically A24 doing a stupid teenagers making bad decisions slasher style flick. Whatever. I'll hand it to the guy... that cliff scene was fucking insane, and I enjoyed certain aspects of the ending. The rest was a total mess. Haven't seen it since it came out, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

Personally I actually really liked Hereditary for what it was, thought it had some great elements and visuals. There were some real memorable images, some even iconic. I thought it had a great combination of eerie disturbing and unsettling elements, shocking violence where it counted, and some great surrealistic bizarre imagery and sequences. It really got under my skin. But then again, despite appreciating the genre, I'm not exactly a horror buff, maybe that's why. One of the reasons I liked it was because it isn't your typical horror film.

On the other hand I can't bring myself to watch Midsommar, the general feel I get from the trailer and the images completely turns me off.

To be fair both films had potential, and if I'm being honest Hereditary was the better of the two. But I gotta say they still both suffer from an inability to meld different tones together. Just feels like each movie is split into two sections with the latter being the regular not so special horror movie part. At the end of the day...  I'm happy to watch shitty horror movies. Perhaps this weird middle ground just doesn't work for me.

Agreed 100%. I did like both just fine, but felt that the best part of them were those few scenes that really got under your skin, but what was between them was merely ok. There was not enough tension, which is essential to slow burn horror movies. Suspiria remake had great tension, even if it fell short of true greatness due to some not so interesting side characters and the ending being a bit of a letdown precisely because the tension leading up to it was well done, it just couldn't deliver what I felt was promised.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on March 25, 2021, 04:54:34 PM
Quote from: NerveGas on March 25, 2021, 04:21:50 PM

I feel like most people who love this movie have never watched horror movies before.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on March 25, 2021, 05:05:39 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on March 25, 2021, 04:54:34 PM
Quote from: NerveGas on March 25, 2021, 04:21:50 PM

I feel like most people who love this movie have never watched horror movies before.

I could see that. Or maybe that we had well over a decade of nothing but nu-metal torture horror Saw type stuff flooding theatres, so any movie that shows the slightest thing resembling artistic vision gets lauded as a masterpiece.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on March 25, 2021, 05:16:01 PM
Hereditary and Midsommar and also the new Suspiria are to horror movies what Amy Winehouse was to soul music. They tick all the boxes I guess but in the end they're just empty pastiches of better movies from the past. When was the last time you saw a horror movie that felt new? Like, something that feels of this time as opposed to just as the old movies, but modern? I can't even remember, maybe Irreversible or which ever of those early 2000's french films I saw first.

I'm reading this pretty interesting book called Ghosts Of My Life and the first chapter pretty accurately dismantles modern cultures obsession with the past, retro and vintage. Daily life has sped up but culture has slowed down, and most of todays culture is less about the now and more about the past, or conjuring up a skewed version of the past with pastiche works of commercial art. The youth, unlike 30-40 years ago are not the engine for cultural change anymore, as they're victims of the hypercapitalist  entertainment industry that is obsessed with quick profits as opposed to artistic value.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on March 25, 2021, 07:34:56 PM
Quote from: host body on March 25, 2021, 05:16:01 PM
Hereditary and Midsommar and also the new Suspiria are to horror movies what Amy Winehouse was to soul music. They tick all the boxes I guess but in the end they're just empty pastiches of better movies from the past. When was the last time you saw a horror movie that felt new? Like, something that feels of this time as opposed to just as the old movies, but modern? I can't even remember, maybe Irreversible or which ever of those early 2000's french films I saw first.

I'm reading this pretty interesting book called Ghosts Of My Life and the first chapter pretty accurately dismantles modern cultures obsession with the past, retro and vintage. Daily life has sped up but culture has slowed down, and most of todays culture is less about the now and more about the past, or conjuring up a skewed version of the past with pastiche works of commercial art. The youth, unlike 30-40 years ago are not the engine for cultural change anymore, as they're victims of the hypercapitalist  entertainment industry that is obsessed with quick profits as opposed to artistic value.

Perhaps for another topic, but Mark Fisher, the author of that book, has some lectures on YouTube. I can't lie and say I have read much of his stuff, but I have one of his books on my shelf currently. You summarized it pretty well. Seems like the development of new artistic culture has slowed greatly. His most obvious examples being movies and pop music. I think he also talks a lot about rave culture as well. I'll leave it at that, so I don't run the risk of derailing the topic or speaking too much about a writer who's work I'm not too familiar with. Good point, though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: MateriaPrima on March 26, 2021, 06:44:55 AM
Quote from: NerveGas on March 25, 2021, 05:05:39 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on March 25, 2021, 04:54:34 PM
Quote from: NerveGas on March 25, 2021, 04:21:50 PM

I feel like most people who love this movie have never watched horror movies before.

I could see that. Or maybe that we had well over a decade of nothing but nu-metal torture horror Saw type stuff flooding theatres, so any movie that shows the slightest thing resembling artistic vision gets lauded as a masterpiece.

Interesting takes, there may be something to this. I feel that about films overall, as in a lot of people aren't experienced enough to recognize a good film, especially these days. I always feel that way when people drone on and on about Quentin Tarantino, or something that's trying too hard to be clever and unique or whatever but in the end is just basic. To be clear I didn't think Hereditary was actually an excellent film as far as overall films, just fairly good for what I normally associate with horror, especially these days. It might very well be due to horror not being my focus with films. But also my critical bar drops depending on what I'm watching and why I'm watching it. You're talking to someone who as far as serious films enjoys Hour of the Wolf, but then at the same time loved Texas Chainsaw Massacre, completely incomparable films and watched them for completely different reasons. Sounds like Hereditary with its genre mixing didn't meet your reasons for watching it, that these elements couldn't go as far as you were hoping.

Suspiria was amazing. I am eager to watch the re-imagined version but don't currently have a blue ray player. Sounds and looks amazing for completely different reasons from the original.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 30, 2021, 08:44:36 PM
Slither [dir. James Gunn, 2006] - not a perfect movie, but a lot of fun. this must have felt like a real shock to the usual horror movie schlock in 2006 because it's got a nice balance of quippy writing, gore, and body humor & horror. in 2021 it's just an easy movie to watch, like a cheeseburger for the brain. I always like to see Michael Rooker and he's fucking great in this. Elizabeth Banks is a delight as well. Some of the effects in this are pretty shit, but there's enough practical effects and violent chaos to keep me entertained the whole time.

There Will Be Blood [dir. Paul Thomas Anderson, 2007] - probably hadn't watched this in 10 years or so. it's still a perfect movie. and that score!

The House by the Cemetery [dir. Lucio Fulci, 1981] - not my favorite Fulci, but a good background movie for painting baseboards.

Child's Play 2 [dir. John Lafia, 1990] - I enjoyed this just as much as the first one. Sure it had some slight tinges of sequelitis, but there were some parts that surpassed the original. In general I like seeing poor Andy being tormented over and over by Chucky. The whole angle of "no one believes the kid" and then are later punished for it is just so great and identifiable. I can so clearly remember being a kid and not being believed just because I was a kid and how frustrating that was. It's like an adolescent version of the frustrations in Catch-22 or Kafka's short stories.

The Blob [dir. Chuck Russell, 1988] - I don't know why I didn't like this the first time I watched it but this movie fucking rules from start to finish. Nothing beats characters being fleshed out with effective writing only to be slaughtered in the most horrible of ways. And they even show a pre-teen get absolutely obliterated by the Blob. Kill more kids in your horror movies! The quick Jack Nance cameo is the cherry on top of this bowl of jello based dessert.

Mississippi Burning [dir. , 1988] - Good actors and good performances, but the second half of this movie really trips all over itself and gets caught up in the white-savior narrative that ruins everything. Regardless, I've decided to watch every movie with Brad Dourif and this isn't even close to the bottom of the barrel. Also, special mention to the soundtrack which sounds like it was done for a fucking Terminator movie. Wayyy out of place here.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on March 30, 2021, 11:58:02 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on March 30, 2021, 08:44:36 PMI've decided to watch every movie with Brad Dourif
cool. he's been in a lot of great movies

his role in the exorcist 3 is excellent. the scene in his cell with george c scott...oof

recently watched the eyes of laura mars which i liked a lot. features some real solid dourif

spontaneous combustion is great fun too
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on March 31, 2021, 12:00:15 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on March 25, 2021, 04:54:34 PM
Quote from: NerveGas on March 25, 2021, 04:21:50 PM

I feel like most people who love this movie have never watched horror movies before.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 05, 2021, 06:49:16 PM
Last Monday
Edge of the Axe [dir. José Ramón Larraz, 1988] - Haven't seen much in the way of Spanish cinema, exploitation or otherwise. This was an interesting attempt at making an American slasher with a European touch. The performances are odd, different than Italian or American for sure. I assume its a mix of bad acting, bizarre dialogue and nonsensical story. It feels closest to something like Juan Piquer Simón's Pieces, but not as balls out crazy. The main chick was a cutie but the protagonist was off-putting in everyway. Still I felt engaged most of the time and there were some descent murder sequences. I've definitely watched worse. Recommended if you want something off the beaten slasher path.

As far as dumb popcorn movies go, Godzilla related stuff is what I turn to for mindless entertainment...
Kong: Skull Island [dir. Jordan Vogt-Roberts, 2017] - Watched this one for the first time in preparation for Godzilla vs King Kong and I was very pleasantly surprised. I have to admit this is easily the most well rounded movie of the whole Legendary kaiju franchise they've got going on right now. John C. Reilly elevates this movie by being consistently funny and relatable when everyone else is somewhat mirthless. I thought Brie Larson was especially pointless as a photographer who almost never takes pictures. And Tom Hiddleston's character could've been played by anyone given the way he was written. But Kong was great, the skull-crawlers were sick and so were the rest of the big critters. I was feeling very hyped for Godzilla vs King Kong.

Godzilla vs King Kong - [dir. Adam Wingard, 2021] - Saw this at a drive-in. There were sound issues and my view was meh, but I enjoyed the hell out of this in spite of those issues. As a Godzilla fan my enjoyment criteria is skewed when watching Godzilla films to the point of uselessness. The human plot stuff to move the story along is kept to a minimum which was nice. That Kiwi kid from Deadpool 2 and Hunt for the Wilderpeople was in it, but underutilized or maybe not needed at all, but still nice to see him. The overall plot was a tad less silly than a Showa era plot. But the real question is where the kaiju fights done well? Hell fucking yeah they were. Even on a drive-in screen I think I can say they looked better than King of the Monsters. The first fight between Kong and Godzilla was especially awesome. But there's all sorts of CGI kaiju splendor throughout the whole movie with a proper culminating fight at the end. Is this masterpiece cinema? Absolutely not. Is it big monsters make smash smoll people die. Yes, yes it is. Bonus points for destroying Hong Kong which I don't think I've seen wrecked since Pacific Rim.

Four movies into Legendary's monsterverse and I'd argue that Kong: Skull Island is technically the best movie of the bunch. Godzilla (2014) is definitely the weakest. But my favorite has to be Godzilla: King of the Monsters because it's just so balls out and Ghidorah just wrecks shit the whole time.

Nemesis [dir. Albert Pyun, 1992] - the came on my radar a few months back. Watched a lo-quality trailer and it looked like a dumb but wild ride. I think Arrow just released a new transfer of it because the copy I watched on Amazon looked great! The movie is like Commando meets cyberpunk, but I was surprised but how deep the cyberpunk aesthetic and details went. Anyway, the main character is some kind of French Jean-Claude Van Damme rip off with no acting ability and low charisma. But he knows how to run, kick, jump through windows and jump off cliffs like a pro. This thing is non-stop action, non-stop explosions, non-stop silliness [albeit it's all played straight as an arrow]. It was nice to see something so earnest, even if the execution was undercut by budget and acting. Reminded me a of a poor-man's John Woo film or an even more action packed version of Keita Amemiya film.  All of the future cyberpunk guns are just prop guns with black cylinders and squares added to em, but fuck if they don't just constantly blow up walls, buildings, cars, robots, etc. This may be dumb but it's very entertaining, and with a different flavor from your Hollywood action film. Worth a watch.

Inseminoid [dir. Norman J. Warren, 1981] - for a movie about inseminating astronauts the insemination count is quite low. It's gross though, I'll give the movie that. This felt like something out of the 70s not the 80s, but it wasn't nearly as cheap and shitty as I thought it might be. Frankly I quite enjoyed the "woman gone mad with alien seed" plot. None of the violence gets really excessive and there's not enough sex related shit to get sleazy, it's just a single location cabin fever flick. It was fine for what it was.

The Terminator [dir. James Cameron, 1984] - a perfect movie. every viewing re-affirms its perfection. it was especially noticeable after the amount of schlock I'd watched in the past week.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 13, 2021, 07:31:57 PM
Last Monday:

Hatchet [dir. Adam Green, 2006] - my first viewing and I have very mixed feelings. My friend really enjoys this series but it felt a little to lowest common denominator for me. The gore is fun and partially outrageous, but the extremely low budget feel in the post 2000 era is not something that works well for me. Had this be done '80s style I could probably fuck with it a lot easier. It was fun to see a couple of horror film legends [Robert Englund, Tony Todd, Kane Hodder], but the rest of the cast mostly make me want to kill myself. Although it gets points for gratuitous nudity. The kind of movie that begs for a few beers before watching, but sadly that's not an option for me.

Hakaider [dir. Keita Amemiya, 1995] - Picked up the newly released bluray on Mediablasters. Fuck I didn't even realize they were still going. I have to assume it's not a new transfer because it doesn't look too hot. It looks way better than the trash torrent file I watched last time but yeah, still mediocre. Which is a shame because this movie is all about the pretty visuals. It's basically the sole reason for it's existence. It plays like a live action 90s anime in the best way possible from it's obtuse story telling to the art direction and the focus largely on action. Hakaider is very handsome and extremely stoic just like an anime anti-hero should be. Admittedly the whole thing is silly but i think it's saved from dropping into laughable territory by the earnestness which underlines it (for lack of a better term), and of course it's great design. The final battle section is super great too.

Basket Case [dir. Frank Henenlotter, 1982] - I put off watching this for years because I had a certain idea about what it would be like. That was dumb of me. While part of that idea was accurate, aka the silliness of Belial, the wonderful and constant focus on scuzzy early '80s New York is the real star of the show. The characters and the scenery are just a joy. I wanted to see a whole movie based on the guy who owns the hotel, he seemed like a lot of fun. While there isn't anything "scary" here, there's certainly a lot to like. Running time flew by too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 20, 2021, 04:37:49 PM
Last night:
Body Melt [dir. Philip Brophy, 1993] - I was browsing the Vinegar Syndrome catalogue a week or two ago and so this one there and was very intrigued. Just my luck it turned up free on Amazon Prime so my buddy and I gave it a watch. I was thinking it might be similar to Street Trash but not nearly as cuckoo-bananas as that movie. It was kind of a thriller, kind of a hills have eyes hixploitation, kind of a Shivers sexy/body horror thing, with a sort of punk energy running through it, almost a Tsukamoto or Sogo Ishii kind of feeling. It was all over the fucking place but in a way that actually made it work. more like a series of vignettes tied together by the evil doings of Vimuville and neighborhood which is being experimented on. I think the fast pace of the movie was to its benefit which combined with the increasingly levels of insanity by the end got into waking nightmare zone. yet the whole thing is plaid straight, the cops most of all, so for all the melting and projectile fluids, it feels kinda realistic. It's hard to pin down but it really worked for me. Worth mentioning is the score which is a cornucopia of mostly electronic styles that mostly works but stayed interesting. Also, unsurprisingly, the transfer is fucking gorgeous. I'm gonna have to buy the bluray for this one.

Trick 'r Treat [dir. Michael Dougherty, 2007] - this is one of those good post-2000s horror movies you read about, but there's no caveat with why it's good, it's just solid all the way through. This was my first viewing, six months out of season no less, but I enjoyed it all the same. This was a series of vignettes but they were artfully tied together, all focused on the happenings of a town in Ohio that REALLY likes Halloween. Like fuck, I wish I lived there, mostly. Spooks are more of a focus than gore, but the gore is there when it needs to be. There's some humor in the first major vignette too that works well enough. There even some quality titties, but sadly not from Anna Paquin, though she'd be getting newd very soon after for True Blood. What I'm trying to say is I liked it way more than I thought I would and I think its a great Halloween season movie. Something to watch alongside Halloween 3.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 27, 2021, 09:01:46 PM
Last night:
Mortal Kombat [dir. Simon McQuoid, 2021] - Well here we are. One of my favorite games and favorite movies as a kid comes back as an R rated action movie. The results are mixed... Obviously this isn't gonna be a piece of high art but it had the potential to be a really fun action film and that fizzles about halfway through. First thing to mention, in a strange casting choice Raiden is played by Tadanobu Asano, who looks like shit and bored as fuck. Definitely making me miss Christopher Lambert... Second thing, while it verges on too much, the guy who plays Kano holds up a lot of the movie with his in-character humor/sarcasm. I don't think I knew any of the actors from the film except the guy who plays Scorpion and and Asano, who I didn't even recognize until I read his name in the credits. That's fine, because I care more about well choreographed fight scenes than acting and the first half of the movie delivered pretty solidly! But then there's a bit of a lull and our main character loses faith and yadayadayada... That loss of momentum is felt for the rest of the film and it's especially weird because the last act turns into this extremely rushed thing makes almost no sense. And all for a final showdown that is pretty cool, but totally a teaser type ending. I think it's fairly bold the people making this movie assume they're going to make a sequel, because clearly that's their assumption based on this movies non-ending. Also the main characters eventual armor/costume looks like shit, which was extra disappointing because the make up and design for almost everyone else was really solid. There's also some very dodgy CGI here and there but generally the movie didn't look nearly as cheap as the original. All in all, it was fun, there was some good fight choreography and a surprising amount of gore, but all the best parts are in the first 1hr-1hr15min. I'd say vision & tonal inconsistency stole a mediocre movie from the jaws of a really fun one. But it definitely could have been worse.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 03, 2021, 04:27:17 PM
Touch of Death [dir. Lucio Fulci, 1988] - billed as one of Fulci's horror-comedies or black comedy, this movie was frustrating. The basic plot, semi-wealthy widower seduces and kills other widows to steal their money so  he can feed his gambling addiction, is a solid premise. The first 15 minutes or so are promising with a bit of cannibalism, chainsaw dismemberment and swanky Italian interiors. It's already clear the comedy elements aren't gonna work but its okay, I'm on board. But then the gore becomes quickly non-existent, the editing is a mess even for an Italian film and by the end I think I'm supposed to believe in a sentient shadow?! If this movie was trimmed to 35-45 minutes with a focus on the gore/horror it could be pretty fun but at full length it felt padded and aimless. Or if the direction had focused on his disastrous gambling I would've liked that, as I liked all the parts about gambling. I did chuckle here and there at the dead body comedy as it became really absurd, but there's really not much to laugh at.

After Death aka Zombie 4 [dir. Claudio Fragasso, 1988] - this one has been sitting on the shelf for 2.5 years because after Zombie 3 I was scared at just how bad this might be. And Claudio Fragasso directed it, so I shuddered to imagine what sights lay in store... But I have to say it actually wasn't that terrible! I mean it's a bad, ridiculous film, but it does one thing right which is to keep the story and action moving. The pros - Jeff Stryker and Candace Daly are nice to look at and doing their dang best, it's kinda adorable; the absurdly dressed mercenary squad; the decent gore effects scattered throughout; and the funky score which is better than the movie! And the zombies in this movie can do it all! From running to jumping, to laying traps to talking to shooting M16s, you'll never guess what these zombies will do next !!! [commercial announcer voice] The cons - exceptional bad script and dubbing; the complete lack of story; the lack of even remotely developed characters. But yeah, this was still a lot more fun than I expected.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 04, 2021, 10:36:59 PM
Last night was one of the most unexpectedly awesome nights of horror films I've had in ages. I think the Exorcist III: Legion was probably the best, new to me, horror film I watched in the last 6 months. Well last night I got not one but two movies that were fucking great, damn near that level if they didn't just make it. My friend and I originally intended to watch Fulci's Demonia for the first time but getting a quality, commercial free stream was nigh impossible. I don't even expect that one to be great, I just want to see it... On a whim I suggested Michele Soavi's StageFright aka Aquarius aka Deliria. I read a little about it a while ago and it seemed like something I should have watched long before. Now a quick back story... this friend and I, we worship Lamberto Bava's A Blade In The Dark, especially the insane English dub. SPOILER ALERT, in that film Michele Soavi plays a cross-dressing killer named Linda. We love Linda. We've referred to Soavi in every film we've ever seen him in since as Linda. If he shows up we scream at the TV, "that's Linda!". Similarly, the protagonist of ABitD is named Bruno, played by Andrea Occhipinti. When Occhipinti shows up in anything, he gets the same treatment. Shit, even when we hear the guy who did his dub we say "That's Bruno's voice!". It's fun.

Okay, so the point is our heads were blown last night when we somehow just finally realized that Soavi aka Linda was not only assistant director on a ton of Italian flicks we like, but director of some of the last, great Italian horror films. Somehow I just never connected who he was, despite seeing his name all over the credits of good movies and recommendations for Aquarius and The Church and of course, Cemetery Man.

This revelation only hit between or viewing of StageFright and The Church, so I guess we're pretty fucking dense!

StageFright: Aquarius [dir. Michele Soavi, 1987] - I'd argue this is much more of a slasher than a giallo, but genres were getting pretty muddied by '87. Either way this movie looks fucking great on every level. Stylish lighting and camera work, either pretty or interesting looking actors, wonderful use of darkness and rain, and quality gore. Very nice! It seemed they got a dollar out of every penny of the budget. It's largely a one-location type of horror film, but since the location is a giant theater with multiple sets it avoids visual repetition. The score by Simon Boswell is fucking awesome! I need to give it a few independent listens but I think it might be up there with some of Carpenter's stuff. Special mention to the really effective visual of a killer masked with a giant snow owl head that somehow avoids looking goofy and for the absolutely gorgeous Jo Ann Smith whose sole film credit seems to be her character her, Sybil. She dies much too soon but damn is she so nice too look at. Also it's worth mentioning the script is actually pretty good for what it is; the characters aren't just formless sketches for killing; and even the dub was solid. I just can't believe Alejandro González Iñárritu ripped this movie off to make his birdman almost 30 years later.  I kid I kid, but as far as movies about overworked thespians and bird people go, this is easily the more fun of the two. I really can't say enough good things about this. I'm gonna pick up a physical copy of this ASAP.

So running on the hype left by StageFright my friend and I felt we had to try Soavi's 1989 film, The Church. Well lightning strikes twice sometimes. Narratively this is a weaker film, but on almost every other level it's better. The visuals are top tier gothic horror meets grisly gore, with maybe the exception of some of the creature effects; the kills are more inventive; the setting is even grander; etc etc. Also, the movie starts off with Templars putting heretics to the blade. Heads go flying, children are killed, skulls crushed, mass graves are dug and filed. That's all in the first 10 minutes. The overall atmosphere feels like a cross between The Beyond, Tomb of the Blind Dead and something altogether more nightmarish, maybe Inferno? I can almost always get down with movies that constantly switch between hallucination, nightmare, and reality and this one did it with ruthless efficiency. I'd easily give this one another whole hearted recommendation.

I don't know if I could pick a favorite between these two, but I'd probably lean towards StageFright given its high-tension, tightly coiled execution. But why chose when you can watch both!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 06, 2021, 04:38:17 PM
Last night:
The Stendhal Syndrome [dir. Dario Argento 1996] - The first post-Opera film by Argento I've watched... and I have mixed feelings. Generally I liked it but like every psychological crime thriller after 1991 I think it's easy to argue it owes a debt [or stands in the shadow of] Silence of the Lambs. That's not to say this film is rip-off of that one, and perhaps I'm giving SofL too much influence, but when the movie's about Asia Argento's "anti-rape-squad" character being attacked by the serial rapist/killer she's hunting and her personality starts to unravel... well I don't think it's a comparison coming out of nowhere. I won't get into the rest of the plot, but it kept me interested for the two hour runtime. Worth noting, the muddy colour palette which is so much more noticeably drab compared to Argento's prior films. I think it works for the more "serious" approach and subject, but it's a little disappointing. The score by Morricone is anything but! The main theme that runs for the first 7 minutes of the film is goddamn great and he uses voices in his score to great effect. Definitely one deserving of a reissue. I also enjoyed almost all of the hallucinatory sequences, and if it weren't for them I might have lost interest in the film. The two big gripes are the mostly bad English dub which really mars a more "serious" movie like this and the inclusion of CGI. Apparently it was the first Italian film to have and boy does it sure look like it. There are a few shots were its used briefly and sparingly and it's fine but there are others where most or all of the shot highlight it and it's expectedly fucking awful.
I would say this film is certainly worth a watch, but that it has more in common with Silence of the Lambs, Perfect Blue or Angeldust than Inferno or Deep Red. It was nice to see something that felt like a new direction from Argento and it is a pretty solid psychological thriller, despite what some people might think are odd or bad pacing choices. Make sure if you do watch it you can crank up the volume to hear the score in all it's glory.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 06, 2021, 09:55:22 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 06, 2021, 04:38:17 PM
Last night:
The Stendhal Syndrome [dir. Dario Argento 1996] - The first post-Opera film by Argento I've watched... and I have mixed feelings. Generally I liked it but like every psychological crime thriller after 1991 I think it's easy to argue it owes a debt [or stands in the shadow of] Silence of the Lambs. That's not to say this film is rip-off of that one, and perhaps I'm giving SofL too much influence, but when the movie's about Asia Argento's "anti-rape-squad" character being attacked by the serial rapist/killer she's hunting and her personality starts to unravel... well I don't think it's a comparison coming out of nowhere. I won't get into the rest of the plot, but it kept me interested for the two hour runtime. Worth noting, the muddy colour palette which is so much more noticeably drab compared to Argento's prior films. I think it works for the more "serious" approach and subject, but it's a little disappointing. The score by Morricone is anything but! The main theme that runs for the first 7 minutes of the film is goddamn great and he uses voices in his score to great effect. Definitely one deserving of a reissue. I also enjoyed almost all of the hallucinatory sequences, and if it weren't for them I might have lost interest in the film. The two big gripes are the mostly bad English dub which really mars a more "serious" movie like this and the inclusion of CGI. Apparently it was the first Italian film to have and boy does it sure look like it. There are a few shots were its used briefly and sparingly and it's fine but there are others where most or all of the shot highlight it and it's expectedly fucking awful.
I would say this film is certainly worth a watch, but that it has more in common with Silence of the Lambs, Perfect Blue or Angeldust than Inferno or Deep Red. It was nice to see something that felt like a new direction from Argento and it is a pretty solid psychological thriller, despite what some people might think are odd or bad pacing choices. Make sure if you do watch it you can crank up the volume to hear the score in all it's glory.

It's probably the best of the post-Opera ones worth watching. I hated Trauma but am due for a re-watch of Stendhal... and Sleepless.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 10, 2021, 06:06:06 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2021, 09:55:22 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 06, 2021, 04:38:17 PM
Last night:
The Stendhal Syndrome [dir. Dario Argento 1996]

It's probably the best of the post-Opera ones worth watching. I hated Trauma but am due for a re-watch of Stendhal... and Sleepless.

I'm interested to see Trauma just for the Brad Dourif action. Any thing that made you hate it in particular?

This past weekend I picked up some Blu-rays of movies I'd already seen and some new ones.
Slugs [dir. Juan Piquer Simón, 1988] - now referred to as SLOOGS by my partner and I. This was my second viewing and I enjoyed it even more than my first. This movie has very high entertainment value between the premise itself, the explosive gore, the explosions and the occasionally absurd dialogue. It's not as WTF as Pieces but it's got a similar energy. If you enjoy The Blob, Slither or '50s creature features, you'll enjoy this.

Space Cop [dir. Jay Bauman & Mike Stoklasa, 2016] - I only got into RLM a few months back but I really dove in head first. Watching their various series is one of the reasons I've been watching so many movies since March. After seeing some behind the scenes stuff about Space Cop I figured I'd give it a shot, even though what I've read about it didn't make it seem too great. Well it's pretty silly and dumb, but being knee deep in RLM content already, I was able to meet the movie on it's own wavelength. I think if you're not an RLM fan this could border on tedious but I found enough to enjoy to keep it from being a slog. And there were some genuine laugh out loud moments. There's a lot of stuff done well but the script is definitely what holds it back the most.

The Sect [dir. Michele Soavi, 1991] - After Stage Fright and The Church my hopes were high for this one and I was not disappointed. This felt like the most unique vision of those 3 films and it had some really incredible imagery. Almost every frame is rich with details ripe for dissection. Again the script was actually good as were most of the performances. The gore was more limited but still very effective, but the spooky factor was higher. Special mention to what happens in a fish tank and the insane basement in the protagonist's home. There were also some unexpected similarities to Stuart Gordon's Dagon. My only gripe was the tone of the ending, but that's pretty minimal. Very excited to re-watch this one.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on May 10, 2021, 06:32:29 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 10, 2021, 06:06:06 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on May 06, 2021, 09:55:22 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on May 06, 2021, 04:38:17 PM
Last night:
The Stendhal Syndrome [dir. Dario Argento 1996]

It's probably the best of the post-Opera ones worth watching. I hated Trauma but am due for a re-watch of Stendhal... and Sleepless.

I'm interested to see Trauma just for the Brad Dourif action. Any thing that made you hate it in particular?

Ah, it's been too long to really say. Maybe it just didn't click. I'll wait for your review and see if I should give it another chance ;)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 12, 2021, 09:24:07 PM
last night:
Deep Red [dir. Dario Argento, 1975] - I can't remember anymore if this or Suspiria was my first Argento film.... or was it it Tenebre?? I saw them all for the first time around 2010-2011 when I was drinking constantly so I guess I'll never know. I can remember specifically watching them just not the order of when it happened. Anyways... I didn't even get to finish Deep Red last night but it still gave me that warm fuzzy feeling all over. There are many times I'd call this film fun, even oddly pleasant. Granted those moments are sandwiched between murders, conversations regarding the nature of perception, stalking and peek-a-boo spooks, but they are there. Daria Nicolodi is so ridiculously charming it's absurd, and somehow, despite being an insecure asshole, David Hemmings character is likeable too. They're a great pair and if it wasn't for them it might be harder to follow Argento on all of his detours here. But having watched this movie so many times now I don't even second guess the serendipitous path Hemmings follows to the identity of the killer. All the other great things about the golden era of Argento are here too, but I can't overstate how much I enjoy interaction of the characters when I watch this now. Too bad most of the interactions were never dubbed in English.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 20, 2021, 08:30:12 PM
Tuesday night:
Savage Streets [dir. Danny Steinmann, 1984] - was excited to see this one based on the trailer, Linda Blair as the lead and Steinmann at the helm but wound up a little disappointed. Mostly this stems from my assumption that there would be a higher level of savagery and more gore. This is not that kind of movie. There is some "savagery" throughout the runtime, especially the gang rape, but as far as vigilante justice goes, that's relegated to the last 15 minutes of the movie. I was also confused by Linda Blair's performance when things start to go awry in her revenge plan against the big baddie. She plays it terrified and confused when seemingly she's still got the upper-hand. That being said it still ends with a man on fire and vengeance complete. Worth noting, there's a ton of nudity, a few cat fights and trashy dialogue throughout. I feel like I might enjoy this more on a re-watch with adjusted expectations, but I don't think I'll be rushing to do that either.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 27, 2021, 04:37:49 PM
Tuesday night:
Curtains - [dir. Richard Ciupka, Peter R. Simpson, 1980-1983] - well the history of this film is almost as brutal as the "transfer" my friend and I watched last Tuesday. We watched it on Amazon which must have sourced it from a DVD that sourced it from a VHS that was left out in the sun. Many scenes were so dark and blurry you couldn't tell what was happening. It even obscured some of the tits! On the hilarious side, the presentation of the ratio aspect was wrong so the yellow-tipped boom mics were clearly visible in about half of the film. We were howling with laughter. The movie itself is pretty interesting visually and plot-wise. since it's cobbled together from the original film and apparently 3 years of re-shoots it doesn't make much sense but there are many effective stand alone scenes. I definitely haven't seen anything quite like it before. Some of the acting was good too and the women, from what I could make out seemed attractive enough. And who doesn't like a movie actors being murdered? While it certainly was no StageFright I would definitely watch again and soon. Hoping to pick up Synapse's blu-ray which looks fucking amazing compared to the sludge VHS transfer I watched.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 01, 2021, 07:11:29 PM
Dolemite Is My Name [dir. Craig Brewer, 2019] - not always a big fan of biopics, but they can be fun when the truth doesn't get in the way of a good story. i'm also totally inexperienced with blaxploitation films. but I watched very positive review of this on RLM and it seemed like a fun entry into both. I grew up on a steady diet of Eddie Murphy movies as a kid so its nice to see him do something good again for the first time since Bowfinger. And while I know they took liberties with the story of Rudy Ray Moore and Dolemite, the way it was told was pretty fucking hilarious. I really thought this was laugh out loud in a lot of parts, and I was chuckling throughout the rest. Wesley Snipes was particularly funny too. I picked up Petey Wheatstraw on bluray a month or so ago but haven't watched. much more excited to do that now that I have some context.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: host body on June 02, 2021, 06:19:31 PM
Not a movie, but I think this fits here: started a pretty ambitious project. I'm watching Sopranos from start to finish while listening to the Talking Sopranos podcast by Michael Imperioli & Steve Schirripa, who played Chris Moltisanti and Bobby Baccalier in the show. I've been a sucker for everything related to the mafia since I was a kid, and as a genre mafia flicks seem to have more or less gone by the way of westerns. Not dead, but not exactly relevant either. I did watch Sopranos when it originally aired, but as I was a teenager and it was on TV I missed a whole lot of episodes. I've since rewatched it partly, basically every time it was rerun on TV and been meaning to watch the whole thing at some point. I read about the podcast, where Michael & Steve go through the whole show episode by episode analyzing them and telling stories about making the show with guests ranging from actors to writers from the show. Not sure if David Chase has been a guest yet, but I sure hope they get him for the final episode.

I'm 3 episodes in, and I'm both suprised how funny the show is and kind of bummed out I waited this long to watch it. It feels like I'm watching a long movie, as it was shot on film and there's really no cliffhangers, cheeseball moments or drawn out scenes that usually annoy me with american TV shows, even so called prestige TV. While naturally older mafia classics like Godfather parts 1 & 2 or Wiseguys are in many ways more impressive, I still think there's a case to be made for Sopranos to be the best mafia fiction ever made.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 02, 2021, 06:53:07 PM
Quote from: host body on June 02, 2021, 06:19:31 PM
Not a movie, but I think this fits here: started a pretty ambitious project. I'm watching Sopranos from start to finish while listening to the Talking Sopranos podcast by Michael Imperioli & Steve Schirripa, who played Chris Moltisanti and Bobby Baccalier in the show. I've been a sucker for everything related to the mafia since I was a kid, and as a genre mafia flicks seem to have more or less gone by the way of westerns. Not dead, but not exactly relevant either. I did watch Sopranos when it originally aired, but as I was a teenager and it was on TV I missed a whole lot of episodes. I've since rewatched it partly, basically every time it was rerun on TV and been meaning to watch the whole thing at some point. I read about the podcast, where Michael & Steve go through the whole show episode by episode analyzing them and telling stories about making the show with quests ranging from actors to writers from the show. Not sure if David Chase has been a guest yet, but I sure hope they get him for the final episode.

I'm 3 episodes in, and I'm both suprised how funny the show is and kind of bummed out I waited this long to watch it. It feels like I'm watching a long movie, as it was shot on film and there's really no cliffhangers, cheeseball moments or drawn out scenes that usually annoy me with american TV shows, even so called prestige TV. While naturally older mafia classics like Godfather parts 1 & 2 or Wiseguys are in many ways more impressive, I still think there's a case to be made for Sopranos to be the best mafia fiction ever made.

It's funny my partner and I just started watching The Sopranos for the first time last month. I was surprised by how goddamn good it was. Like you I watched some episodes here and there as a kid but never watched consistently. We're going very slowly through it because I typically want to watch movies over shows but it's nice to see something so loved at the time hold up now. The podcast sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the post!

Last night:
Samurai Spy - [dir. Masahiro Shinoda, 1965] - second viewing of this one and damn is it enjoyable. The visual style, which is substantial, feels like it must have had some influence on manga and '80s and '90s. The use of silence during action scenes to emphasize the sneaky ninja combat is very effective and Tetsuro Tamba is so fucking good as the big bad. The exposition dump at the beginning feels makes things feel more confusing as they are, so don't be discouraged by that if you watch it.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 10, 2021, 05:34:06 PM
last Friday:
Terminator 2: Judgment Day - [dir. James Cameron, 1991] - while the budget might be bigger and the effects better, this just doesn't even come close to the original for me. it is always amazing to me how much charisma Arnold has though. It overcomes a multitude of sins. Edward Furlong on the other hand is insufferable for the most part. As a kid he seemed so cool, but kids are idiots, and now it's hard to see him as anything other than a shit stain. While T2 is definitely a fun movie, it feels like a bloated popcorn flick instead of a lean, mean sci-fi thriller like the first. As far as James Cameron sequels go, I definitely prefer Aliens to T2.

Society - [dir. Brian Yuzna, 1989] - my first viewing, this was a lot of fun. between the credit sequence and the box art I had a pretty good idea of where the movie was heading from the start, but I was surprised by the amount of restraint exercised before the climax. and while the last 15-20 minutes are pretty fucking awesome, I was definitely hoping for more tits and ass before it, especially from previous Playboy centerfold Devin DeVasquez, but it's a relatively minor quibble. I have a feeling this is one I'll enjoy more on second viewing when I can soak in the details instead of waiting for the reveal. Also, there is a fair amount of tonal shifts at times, but it actually works somehow. it almost plays like an alternate reality version of Less than Zero.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 15, 2021, 10:40:52 PM
Lone Wolf and Cub: Sword of Vengeance - [dir. Kenji Misumi, 1972] - despite watching a shitload of samurai films over the years I never got started on this infamous series. now I'm left wondering why, why did it take me so long. Undoubtedly a much pulpier story than a lot of criterion samurai stuff, probably due to its manga roots. this one does not skimp on the sword fighting and has way more blood and gore than I expect from a '60s or '70s samurai film. and despite the fact I normally hate flashback heavy movies, it didn't bother me at all here. If you think Kurosawa is too boring, Gosha too long winded or Kobayashi too political, this will probably hit the sweet spot. For my taste its not the greatest piece of chambara cinema, but it's definitely a lot of fun. Looking forward to getting some use out of my criterion channel subscription again and watching the rest of the series.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: drohen on June 17, 2021, 03:36:11 PM
Mr.Cleaver Low budget horror with lots of practical effects. About some gutter punks who party in the wrong abandoned warehouse. Has these really weird sequence that tells the backstory from the perspective of a contortionist child who is played by an obvious adult. Weird voice over effect makes the sequence hilarious and creepy.

Want to watch some of the movies by James Bell veryfinecrapvideos.com/ (http://veryfinecrapvideos.com/). Anyone seen this stuff?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 18, 2021, 04:24:49 PM
Last night
Burial Ground aka The Nights of Terror - [dir. Andrea Bianchi, 1981] - my first viewing... this went from dumb to dumb and fun to dumb and fun and weird real quick. Something like Zombi and Tombs of the Blind Dead had a dumpster baby, with a healthy dose of sleaze. What really helps this movie is things keep happening. The action, albeit slow in one sense, is non-stop. There's no exposition either which is a plus. The zombies look like a perfect cross between Fulci's zombies and the Blind Templars, not as gross as the former, and not quite as shambling as the latter, but surprisingly resourceful. Despite being extremely tired when I watched this I enjoyed the whole thing and never dozed off. Recommended!

And let me recommend Chris Sienko's excellent review which got me watching the first place: https://letterboxd.com/el_sienko/film/burial-ground/ (https://letterboxd.com/el_sienko/film/burial-ground/)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 21, 2021, 07:37:58 PM
between listening to a lot of Anatomia, playing Nioh and watching Burial Ground the other day I've been in a mood for a lot zombie action. So what better film to turn to than Zombie Flesh Eaters aka Zombi 2 aka Zombie aka aka aka aka. Decided to watch it with the Troy Howarth commentary, one of two authors to write big ass books on Lucio Fulci. Holy fuck does this guy have an absolute torrent of info to deliver. My guy knew the bio of every person who flashed across the screen for a second or more and mixed in a lot of on set anecdotes, history of Italian cinema and Fulci and even comments on the impact into it. He does not stop talking for the entire film. It was a little bit like a shotgun blast to the head but I really can't complain and appreciated his prepared thoroughness. I also watched some of the more recent extra that are part of the set I have, some of which I'd seen before, and just reveled in Zombie for a few days.

Saturday night was The Return of the Living Dead by dir. Dan O'Bannon [1985]. I tried to watch this once before in college but I was so incredibly high I couldn't handle it's combo of horror and comedy and fun. I could barely handle staring at the wall.... Anyway seeing it now for the first time properly, I recognized so many lines of dialogue from goregrind and electro-industrial and speedcore tracks. had me chuckling. The movie is legitimately funny, with Clu Gulager being the highlight. But I really liked Don Calfa the mortician as well. A lot of the zombie effects/makeup were non-existent, but some of the stuff looks really great. I can easily see how this movie loved by so many and how it would be influential if you saw it young. Also, real quality titties in this one too.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 23, 2021, 07:15:55 PM
The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue aka Let Sleeping Corpses Lie - [dir. Jorge Grau, 1974] - Second viewing of the best and only English countryside zombie film I've ever seen. A slow burn, but such a delightful one. I kept thinking about the Red Riding trilogy whenever Arthur Kennedy was being a tremendous asshole, which is the entire time he's on screen. Did Northern English cops really get to run their towns/cities like little fiefdoms in the '60s and '70s? It certainly appears that way between this film, which plot wise is admittedly far from reality, and Red Riding. But I know dick about the history to real make a comment about accuracy.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on June 24, 2021, 09:43:11 AM
Locked inside for the week due to getting covid tested. Got through quite a stack of films -

Unhinged - Russell Crowe goes insane. Good.
Bio Hunter - anime demons tearing shit up. Not bad.
Spasms - bland film about a telepathic snake. Some ok body horror scenes.
High Tension - Better the second time 'round. Overhyped but alright.
Samurai Reincarnation - Sonny Chiba and co. Weird film with terrible english dub.
Touch Of Death - Weak moment for Fulci. Trash.
The Machinist - a modern fave.
The Being - Giant mutant creature on the poster, maybe 2 mins of it in the film. Don't bother.
Candyman - childhood favourite, still entertaining for the nostalgia factor but a bit overly dramatic at times
Candyman 2 : Farewell to the Flesh - Couldn've done way more with the New Orleans setting but falls pretty flat
Eliminators - cyborgs, hillbillies, a ninja...and it's from Full Moon
Nobody - Bob Odenkirk as a badass. Not bad.
House 2 - should've stopped after the first one
Fear City - Abel Ferrara directed. A guy kills ladies of the night using nunchuks in greasy 80's New York. Not bad.
Bad Boy Bubby - "get off the road ya fuckin' poofter bastard"
Possessor - Decent. Cronenberg's son. Worth a watch.
Psycho Goreman - Garbage.
Stagefright - can't fault Soavi or killers in owl masks
The New Barbarians - Mad Max 2 from wish.com and Fred Williamson.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on June 24, 2021, 06:21:25 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on June 23, 2021, 07:15:55 PM
The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue aka Let Sleeping Corpses Lie - [dir. Jorge Grau, 1974] - Second viewing of the best and only English countryside zombie film I've ever seen. A slow burn, but such a delightful one. I kept thinking about the Red Riding trilogy whenever Arthur Kennedy was being a tremendous asshole, which is the entire time he's on screen. Did Northern English cops really get to run their towns/cities like little fiefdoms in the '60s and '70s? It certainly appears that way between this film, which plot wise is admittedly far from reality, and Red Riding. But I know dick about the history to real make a comment about accuracy.

When Red Riding was first shown on British TV a retired police detective went on the record as saying " Come on, we weren't that bad..." Make of that what you will. Cf. Daniel Morgan case.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 25, 2021, 01:04:05 AM
Quote from: FallOfNature on June 24, 2021, 09:43:11 AM
The New Barbarians - Mad Max 2 from wish.com and Fred Williamson.

Hahaha! That's a great description!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 29, 2021, 06:02:38 PM
Warriors of the Year 2072 aka The New Gladiators – [dir. Lucio Fulci, 1984] – watched this on Amazon and it was the shitty Troma transfer but in spite of that, the visuals of this movie still impressed with their inventiveness and wackiness. I didn't get to finish the film but I watched the first hour and enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. Fulci certainly put a unique touch on this '80s Italian action schlock. Very excited to revisit this once I get my copy of the new Severin blu-ray.

The Black Cat – [dir. Lucio Fulci, 1981] – started this one a few years ago but never finished. Upon a fresh watch I was able to appreciate the atmospheric storytelling even if I missed the heavy gore of other Fulci horror films. Patrick Magee absolutely crushes it as the spooky old professor. The story is okay and there are lots of detours that go nowhere, but I still enjoyed it. Something that would be definitely benefit from a viewing in October when the mood outside matches.

Twins of Evil – [dir. John Hough, 1971] – after all these years this is amazingly my first Hammer film. I was regularly chuckling to myself recognizing all of the dialogue that had been sampled for various metal releases. While not quite as lascivious as I hoped, it was still a damn enjoyable dose of gothic horror. Having a heavyweight like Peter Cushing on board helps sell the whole thing as does having Playboy centerfold twins, albeit for different reasons. Worth a watch just to spot those metal dialogue samples alone!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 30, 2021, 04:24:34 PM
Last night

The Resurrected - [dir. Dan O'Bannon, 1991] - Another film I started ages ago and never finished. Over 10 years ago to be specific, when I was at the height of my HP Lovecraft mania. At the time I was put off by the modernization of my favorite Lovecraft story and the flat acting of the lead. Watching last night, I was impressed with how effectively they did the modernization, combing the original narrative with the private detective investigation thread. The thing that stuck out most was just how much of a slow burn this was compared to any "horror" movie you'd see for the last 10 years, or at least anything mainstream. Also shockingly different in tone and style compared to O'Bannon's previous The Return of the Living Dead. Much like the book it's all about building dread, however, unlike the book, the acting and sometimes the score hamper the effect here. Also some of the lighting. Things don't look cheap per se, but it feels like its shot like a TV show at times, and other times it looks great. All said, as a Lovecraft geek, I enjoyed this modernization of an old story and was impressed or at least amused by some of the creature effects towards the end. Also it reminded me of Carpenter's later In The Mouth of Madness at times, which is a compliment to the film. However, if I had to pick a favorite Lovecraft film adaptation, excluding The Re-Animator, I'd go with Dagon by Stuart Gordon because it's got fish pussy and humans being skinned, but I guess it's a matter of taste.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 06, 2021, 04:31:51 PM
Band of Brothers - [2001] - in celebration of American superiority my fiance and I marathon watched the first half of band of brothers. Pretty easy to feel patriotic when you're watching paratroopers fight Nazis in western Europe. but seriously, this is such a well done show that's less about flag waiving and more about the people that fought the war. always nice to watch this one every 5 or so years. will have to check out The Pacific one of these days too.

Last night
All the Colors of the Dark - [dir. Sergio Martino, 1972] - second viewing since my original watch 10+ years ago. I couldn't remember a lot other than feeling let down the first time. this second time, well... it's not my favorite Sergio Martino film by a long shot, but I was able to enjoy it a lot more. Edwige looks really great in this one and some of the trippier visuals are cool, but it's not as satisfying as a gore-hound and I often can't enjoy "women having breakdowns" movies. Would be interested to eventually pick up the Severin Blu-ray one day to see it in it's full glory though.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on July 08, 2021, 01:17:20 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on July 06, 2021, 04:31:51 PM
Band of Brothers - [2001] - in celebration of American superiority my fiance and I marathon watched the first half of band of brothers. Pretty easy to feel patriotic when you're watching paratroopers fight Nazis in western Europe. but seriously, this is such a well done show that's less about flag waiving and more about the people that fought the war. always nice to watch this one every 5 or so years. will have to check out The Pacific one of these days too.

Last night
All the Colors of the Dark - [dir. Sergio Martino, 1972] - second viewing since my original watch 10+ years ago. I couldn't remember a lot other than feeling let down the first time. this second time, well... it's not my favorite Sergio Martino film by a long shot, but I was able to enjoy it a lot more. Edwige looks really great in this one and some of the trippier visuals are cool, but it's not as satisfying as a gore-hound and I often can't enjoy "women having breakdowns" movies. Would be interested to eventually pick up the Severin Blu-ray one day to see it in it's full glory though.

The Pacific is like Band Of Brothers minus any glory or moments of comfort (aside from some romantic subplots I could have done without). Just sheer degradation, hate, and callous violence pushing people to the brink of insanity. Of course it's still told in a typical Hollywood manner. Don't get me wrong. However, it's must more pessimistic and brutal. One scene of an American soldier casually tossing rock into the remnants  of a Japanese soldiers skull that has started to pool with blood and rancid rain water. Plenty of rotting corpses and human waste. Like I said, by no means out of the Hollywood mold totally, but I thought the more brutal take on the subject matter was refreshing considering Band Of Brothers is heavy on the good vibes in a lot of ways. Not a bad show either though.

Also All The Colors Of The Dark... what more needs to be said. One of the greatest of all time. Edwige... one of the greatest. I even have two lobby cards of this movie framed in my hallway. Total classic.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on July 09, 2021, 11:24:50 AM
Appassionata (1974) : Mother crazy. Teen daughter's friend fucks Dad. Daughter hates mother and wanna fuck with Dad. Ornella Muti [Ah, Ornella, love you] . Eleonora Giorgi.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 09, 2021, 04:18:01 PM
Quote from: Theodore on July 09, 2021, 11:24:50 AM
Appassionata (1974) : Mother crazy. Teen daughter's friend fucks Dad. Daughter hates mother and wanna fuck with Dad. Ornella Muti [Ah, Ornella, love you] . Eleonora Giorgi.

Sounds sexy! i'll have to check that out.

The New York Ripper - [dir. Lucio Fulci, 1982] - watching this again last night for the 15th+ time I can't help but think, "is this Fulci's best"? it's easily the sleaziest, it's got some of the best gore, the soundtrack is awesome, there's quality nudity and the level of NYC grunginess rivals a William Lustig film. Plus the performances, as much as you can rate dubbed performances, aren't terrible. And the occasional bizarre English dialogue choices are a bonus, not a detriment. The New York Ripper has now reached the "comfort film" status of The Predator, Robocop or Starship Troopers. i think i could watch it any day of the week.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 12, 2021, 04:47:55 PM
Le Cercle Rouge - [dir. Jean-Pierre Melville, 1970] - My first trip to an indoor movie theater since Covid, the Philadelphia Film Society played the new 4K scan/restoration/whatever over the weekend. I watched Army of Shadows and Le Samouraï 10+ years ago and really liked them but never got around to watching this one. It was just as cool and deliberate as I expected. I'd almost say methodical. There's a ton of visual panache and excellent performances, but it all remains coolly understated. This quality is one of the things I remember loving about Army of Shadows and Le Samouraï when I watched them. Alain Delon is the coolest of them and I only wish I could have partied with him back in his hey-day. From the decades of stories and rumors, it seems like it must have been pretty wild. Also, I found the actual heist segment to be pretty nail-biting since this felt like the kind of movie where anything could happen to the characters at any time. My only issue with the film is that it was impossible to sit through two and half hours of people chain smoking without having to step out for one myself, and miss a little of the movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 12, 2021, 07:34:53 PM
Melville is the fucking king. I've been marathoning him all week. I'd actually started Le Cercle Rouge the night previous but had to sleep, then once I saw you had logged it on Letterboxd I immediately rushed to finish it. Extremely jealous that you were able to see it at the cinema.

Army of Shadows is probably my favourite of his, but all of his crime films are incredibly good. Le deuxième souffle might be my favourite of those. His use of silence as natural suspense is amazing. The heist in Le Cercle... is nearly 20 minutes long without a murmur in the soundtrack! Makes the alarm siren at the end all the more piercing.

It would have been interesting to see how Melville would have developed if he'd not died: He hints at a homoerotic romance between Corey (Alain Delon's character) and Vogel in Le Cercle Rouge (the first scene between them, in the field, is almost comical how the camera lingers on their faces), as well as Coleman's (Alain Delon's character) relationship with a transgender character in Un Flic, his final film (another great, silent heist kicks off the whole thing).

Started Bob le flambeur last night, will finish it after work.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 13, 2021, 04:39:26 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on July 12, 2021, 07:34:53 PM
Melville is the fucking king. I've been marathoning him all week. I'd actually started Le Cercle Rouge the night previous but had to sleep, then once I saw you had logged it on Letterboxd I immediately rushed to finish it. Extremely jealous that you were able to see it at the cinema.

Army of Shadows is probably my favourite of his, but all of his crime films are incredibly good. Le deuxième souffle might be my favourite of those. His use of silence as natural suspense is amazing. The heist in Le Cercle... is nearly 20 minutes long without a murmur in the soundtrack! Makes the alarm siren at the end all the more piercing.

It would have been interesting to see how Melville would have developed if he'd not died: He hints at a homoerotic romance between Corey (Alain Delon's character) and Vogel in Le Cercle Rouge (the first scene between them, in the field, is almost comical how the camera lingers on their faces), as well as Coleman's (Alain Delon's character) relationship with a transgender character in Un Flic, his final film (another great, silent heist kicks off the whole thing).

Started Bob le flambeur last night, will finish it after work.

I will say that seeing Le Cercle Rouge at the cinema was an awesome experience but for the fact that theater was colder than the damn movie! the AC was on so high I was shivering in my t-shirt. Should've worn a damn parka.

I remember being blown away by Army of Shadows when I watched it. I'll have to pull my Criterion DVD of it off the shelf and give it a re-watch. If I can manage to rewatch the same 10 Italian flicks over and over I should be able to manage a French re-watch once a decade or so. Will have to check out his other films as well. Like you said, the use of silence is so effective and if that's something he continues in his other films I haven't seen I'm sure I'll like them too. I can typically appreciate any movie that can shut the fuck up and rely on its imagery.

Interesting thoughts too about the sex politics, for lack of a better term. Not the kind of thing I even notice a lot of the time.

Speaking of re-watching Italian films, last night was The Beyond by Fulci, another film that's reached comfort movie status. I'd call it my favorite but didn't I just say that about The New York Ripper? And I might say that about Don't Torture a Duckling... it's hard to pick, and unnecessary . I re-watched The Beyond several times in rapid succession a couple of years ago and had given it a break since. That break allowed me to forget about some of the amazing death sequences which made them this much better this go round. Having watched maybe 10 Fulci films in the last month or so it's really interesting to see how different they can feel. I'd say a lot of that can come from the different DPs, and of course budgets, ingenuity, scripts... but I am impressed by the range.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on July 20, 2021, 08:28:27 AM
Kill, Baby, Kill! - nice gothic visuals courtesy of Mario Bava. Movie itself left me pretty bored however.

1990: The Bronx Warriors & Escape from the Bronx - I always preferred the sequel but enjoyed the first one a little more this time around. Still can't stand that main actor and his effeminate manner though. Guy is supposed to be a badass post apocalyptic gang leader and struts around like a catwalk model (I think he actually was a model or something perhaps?). Fred Williamson kicking ass is a sure way to win me over though. Good trash.

Visiting Hours - mean spirited Canadian slasher, with Michael Ironside playing a sadistic psycho. Pretty cool.

Deathdream - one that's sat on my shelf for years unwatched. This actually left me quite impressed, some quite disturbing moments
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on July 21, 2021, 12:20:01 PM
Riphagen (2016) : Watched it on Netflix. Dutch movie based on true story. Riphagen wasnt english or american, but his name is totally fit, cause he will rip you off ! Movie is not something really good, more like a dramatized doc, focusing on telling the story than to perform any artistic achievements. Everyone plays their role well enough though, and direction is OK for what it is. - I am not aware of the real events. I suppose movie is accurate cause nonetheless presents only the basic points. Even dialogues which would be impossible to source seem reasonable, something like this must happened. My comments are based on that movie only.

So, Riphagen was a Dutch criminal during WWII, a fascinating scumbag, a master manipulator ! Nowdays the term 'manipulator' -usually followed by the term 'narcissist' - is most often used to describe a little asshole who finds and exploits dumber / weaker people than him. No ! Riphagen was the real deal ! Ofcource he was ripping the Jews off but on the same time he was ripping off the Germans -he was collaborating with- too. For him everyone is just a tool. - But it's when the war is over the man shows his full talent. When the stakes are high, your life, your head is on the table. And you face people now much stronger than you, that they hate you, and there is no way out. You dig that hole, that exit, through that people. You convince them to help you, even if they hate themselves for doing that !

I dont think Riphagen had long-term plans. Whatever plan was becoming shorter and shorter. Buy a month, a day, a second ! Think, improvise, replace yourself. Spontaneously ! On-the-fly ! Satan !

Not a PC movie. No moral 'messages' . No preaching. No happy end. Are really the 'good' guys 'better' than Riphagen ? For sure they are not that capable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 30, 2021, 07:42:02 PM
Work obligations have really slowed down my movie consumption as of late, but here's few quick reviews from the last few weeks...

Blood and Black Lace - [dir. Mario Bava, 1964] - finally watched the Arrow bluray I've been sitting on for years and goddamn does this look like a different movie compared to my old DVD. As far as slashers or giallos go it has arguably the most decadent use of color ever seen. Argento's Suspiria being the only other contender for the title that comes to mind. Beyond enjoying the huge visual improvement, I also forgot so many of the twists and turns it almost felt like a first viewing. Hard to beat coked up fashion models being picked off one by one as a premise. Part of me thinks it's a perfect movie, part of me says 4 out of 5. Either way, it's a classic.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - [dir. Tobe Hooper, 1974] - the air conditioning in my house was broken for almost two weeks and I decided to embrace the heat by watching TCM. While Blood and Black Lace might be a perfect slasher, TCM is undoubtedly is. I still can't believe I didn't like this movie at first but now it's top 5, maybe top 3 horror films.

Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III - [dir. Jeff Burr, 1990] - my review from Letterboxd says enough: "I routinely watch bad movies but holy shit this is one of the worst things I've ever seen. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequels are the fucking worst in any horror franchise."

House of Wax - [dir. Jaume Collet-Serra, 2005] - Inspired by Mondo-Digital recent review I decided to check this one out. Personally I like Paris Hilton, but feelings towards her are nearly irrelevant as she's barely in the movie, although she might have the best death scene. I was pleasantly surprised by the slow pace in the first half and the lack of jump scares. Some of the teen characters really earn their comeuppance by being total dick heads, which is fun. Elisha Cuthbert is stupid attractive and mostly in a wife-beater for the film. The gore is shockingly good for the era and there are some good horror visuals in general. But, to my memory, there's no nudity which is lame, although there is a visual reference to "One Night In Paris" early in the film that had me laughing. On the whole the movie is a bit on the long side but is otherwise a solid slasher flick that delivers atmosphere and gore in surprising amounts once it gets going.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on August 03, 2021, 01:38:13 AM
Robowar (1988)
Bruno Mattei's ripoff borrowing HEAVILY from Predator (characters, plot, scenery) with kind of a futuristic helmet guy Robocop as the bad guy. Not cinematic art (felt kind of clumsy most of the time, some really bad acting) but if you love Predator and can appreciate bad movies I see no reason why you would not enjoy this. Lots of bullets flying around, nice gory effects.

The Warrior (aka Jaka Sembung) (1981)
The Indonesian action star(?) Barry Prima is Jaka Sembung who fights against the Dutch colonialist oppressors. It took a long time before Barry Prima did any proper fighting, I found most of the movie pretty boring. But there were some really crazy Asian parts as well with flying heads, reattaching limbs and magical surgery. If slow parts do not bother you too much you'll probably find this mind-bogglingly bizarre and entertaining, I thought those epic insane moments were too few and far between.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 03, 2021, 04:56:05 PM
Quote from: moozz on August 03, 2021, 01:38:13 AM
Robowar (1988)
Bruno Mattei's ripoff borrowing HEAVILY from Predator (characters, plot, scenery) with kind of a futuristic helmet guy Robocop as the bad guy. Not cinematic art (felt kind of clumsy most of the time, some really bad acting) but if you love Predator and can appreciate bad movies I see no reason why you would not enjoy this. Lots of bullets flying around, nice gory effects.

Will have to check this out
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 12, 2021, 04:52:35 PM
The Sect - [dir. Michele Soavi, 1991] - second viewing. didn't get to enjoy this as much as the first time since my friends wouldn't shut the fuck up. in my mind this is a good movie, so no live riff track is needed. pearls before swine.

Wishmaster - [dir. Robert Kurtzman, 1997] - we watched this immediately after and this needed all the riffing we could give it. honestly way better than I thought it'd be, but those CGI effects we're truly terrible. however, that 90s style is now old enough to have a certain nostalgia, even if its shit. the lighting and cinematography is powerfully flat and dull for the most part too. the female protagonist looked like a knock-off Sarah Connor but I was into it. the villain in human form reminds me of someone but I can't pin it down... it's been driving me crazy for weeks. overall i enjoyed this way more than i thought i would. it's a nice balance of mean-spirited fun and gore that felt like a '90s attempt to start an '80s slasher franchise, which turned out to be a successful attempt. best watched with friends.

Dead & Buried - [dir. Gary Sherman, 1981] - i fucking love this movie. i put it on after i got back home from a tooth extraction since i'd seen it so many times it wouldn't matter if i slept during parts. luckily i woke from my drug induced stupor to see the classic needle in the eye scene and those absolutely awesome last 15 minutes, but mostly just lay there bleeding from my mouth.

Tuesday night
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday - [dir. Adam Marcus, 1993] - i don't have the same affection for Ft13th as I do for Halloween so when the series jumps the shark here I did not feel personally attacked like some people. my first watch, I was constantly impressed by how extremely stupid the movie was, but how it made up for that with a sense of fun and very rapid pace. there's real quality tits early on but not much after say the 30-40 minute mark, which was disappointing. the gore also peaks around the same time, except for an exception and totally unexpected melt scene, but in general the gore is pretty constant. i can't stress enough how dumb the movie but there were a few times the wildly underwritten characters did act surprisingly realistically to their predicaments. there's also some meta-horror movie stuff put in there that's really on the nose but didn't offend me. and there's even an early scummy news satire segment that had me laughing out loud. i've gotta say this was so much fun to watch i'd probably watch it sooner than a few of the earlier Ft13th films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 18, 2021, 10:03:30 PM
White Rose Campus: Then... Everybody Gets Raped - [dir. Koyu Ohara, 1982]
First off, I'm not quite sure everyone gets raped. I did my best to keep track and it seems like some of the ugly girls may have been spared this fate [for plot and maybe aesthetic reason]. I don't like being lied to, especially when it comes to my roman pornos. However since I can't conclusively prove or disprove the amount of rape I'm gonna have to give the movie a pass. In general this isn't nearly as awful as the title might suggest. Youu might even call it a romp, just with a significant amount of sexual assault. Granted that's coming from a total degenerate but I feel like I've seen a lot of Takashi Miike movies that were more extreme or repugnant than this. Special mention of Yuichi Minato who plays an extremely believable older pervert. Everything he did gave me reason to chortle. There's also a few twists that I called well in advance, but were still entertaining when they came to fruition. All in all, you could do better or worse in this genre, but for such a provocative title I felt a little dismayed at the lack of real misery.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 20, 2021, 05:17:46 PM
Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies - [dir. Jack Sholder, 1999]
This movie makes just about every mistake a sequel can make. It's dumber, it's more boring, there's less of everything good and more of everything bad, specifically very little gore. While the original teetered on silliness the whole time, this is just laughable. Mr. Wishmaster is trying so hard to be sinister but between his facial expression, delivery and dialogue.... well I'm just not buying it. Which is a shame because his performance was so much better, relatively speaking, in the first film. The one plus side, our leading lady is an absolute q-t-pi with fat titties, but naturally we don't see them. What this movie is more than anything, more than being dumb as hell, is boring. It's so fucking boring. Painfully boring. Do not recommend.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: A-Z on August 21, 2021, 04:44:21 AM
Possession by Andrzej Żuławski
Saw this one about 15 years and liked it quite a lot. Decided to revisit today... and wow. Just wow. This is not a just good movie, as I remembered it before. This is a GREAT movie.
Middle class white woman is unsatisfied with the current system, starts flirting with Marxism, but it's not enough either, so she comes up with a faith of her own, sacrifces everyone from establishement spooks and former commie friends to LGBT and fellow women, eventually creates a system that looks just like the one she rebelled against in the first place, only utterly inhumane on the inside, and thus brings about the end of the western civilization. Also, this interpretation is most likely entirely wrong and so are dozens of others you can find around the internet, and that's the beauty of it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on August 22, 2021, 06:08:34 PM
Cannibal Holocaust (Ruggero Deodato, 1980)

The problematic favourite - and perhaps peak exploitation cinema?

I genuinely think this is a good film and for me the only unforgivable moments are the acts of actual animal killings. Any racial or cultural insensitivities towards the indigenous peoples are dealt with by way of the inter-film commentary about Western sensationalism sanctioned and sought-out by corporate entertainment ("news") media looking to make a buck and/or gain some clout.

The ill-fated American Idiot "documentary" film crew was known to stage events for this exact purpose and they ultimately reaped what they were sowing as seen in the castrating, beheading, skinning and gutting of team member Jack Anders, which directly parallels the earlier fate of the tortoise by his hands, before the rest of them are all brutally karma'd, too. Then, in a perhaps too-on-the-nose ending, Professor Monroe walks out onto the streets of New York and "wonder who the real cannibals are" as the camera pans down the Avenue of the Americas.

I don't know how much Deodato was purposely pushing the commentary angle as opposed to just making shock cinema, but to me the film is the film - an exploitative infinity loop: Who cannibalizes the cannibals? (Who exploits the exploited? And who exploits the exploiters?)

For this outing I watched the 2011 Shameless blu-ray - the transfer is not the best (it also omits the muskrat killing, for what it's worth) and reminded me how much of a treat this was to see at the cinema a few years back. Plus, Riz Ortolani's sentimental main theme is perfect.

"Guys like me are mad for turtle meat." - Leonard Cohen

Sub note: It's impossible to see New York of this vintage without spotting some of Fulci's locations for films like Zombi 2 and The New York Ripper.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on August 23, 2021, 03:52:37 PM
Re: Canninbal Holocaust- I worked under the assumption it was a artistic reply to the mondo films of Jacopetti and Prosperi especially 'Africa Addio' at least that is the impression I got from reading 'Sweet and Savage'
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 24, 2021, 03:31:15 PM
last Friday I received my absurd order from the Severin mid-summer sale. I really must have been off my rocker because I bought way too much shit. Watched three of the films so far.

Aenigma - [dir. Lucio Fulci, 1987] - So last year I bought the 88 Films blu-ray of this which was just fine only to find out Severin was doing a US edition the next month and that edition would have a better commentary track. Like a true fucking nerd I had to get this one to hear Troy Howarth and Nathaniel Thompson talk about this movie. It was a good commentary and the movie looks a little better than the 88 Films version so I guess I'll take it as a win...

Demonia - [dir. Lucio Fulci, 1990] - My friend and I have been looking forward to this one for quite some time, but while I was hoping for something ok with flashes of very good, he mistakenly thought it'd be actually good. Well I'd say we were both disappointed. I know the context of where this fell in Fulci's life and the budget constraints and all that, but damn if this just wasn't mostly boring as hell for the first half. It feels so padded which is not something you normally see in a Fulci film. lot's of cut backs to the same shots, lots of stupid optical/lens effects for the sake of nothing and such terrible pacing. There's a few moments of almost wild gore here and there but they're used so ineffectually and they're so rushed it's more of a tease than a reward. Still, somehow, I was able to enjoy some of the atmosphere and feel only partially cheated by the poor execution of what could have been a more entertaining story. I will say some of the scenes reminded me of Tombs of the Blind Dead, so bonus points for that.

Byleth: The Demon of Incest – [dir. Leopoldo Savona, 1972] – Now this was a lot more fun than Demonia. Going to go into spoilers for this 29 year old movie, fyi. So the main character and his redhead sister, both aristocrats, used to fuck, but she comes back from a year of travel with a new swarthy Italian husband and no longer wants to put out for brother. He's dismayed and takes it out on all the redheads in town, killing them while "possessed" by Byleth. The murders are weak and the gore almost non-existent, but to make up for that there's a shitload of nudity and a lot of voyeurism centered around it. Pretty spicy for 1972. Plus the whole demon possession subplot is a nice little extra, especially with the backroom discussions of the pantheon of demons. Felt like I was listening to an Inquisition song at times. These elements come together to create a film that lies somewhere between erotic thriller, supernatural horror and pseudo-slasher. It's fast moving and fun and even has some decent costuming and location shooting. Reminded me a bit of The Slasher is the Sex Maniac, although not quite as miserable. Would definitely recommend it as a spot of fun unless you're only in it for the gore.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: TS on August 26, 2021, 08:07:12 PM
Quote from: A-Z on August 21, 2021, 04:44:21 AM
Possession by Andrzej Żuławski
Saw this one about 15 years and liked it quite a lot. Decided to revisit today... and wow. Just wow. This is not a just good movie, as I remembered it before. This is a GREAT movie.
Middle class white woman is unsatisfied with the current system, starts flirting with Marxism, but it's not enough either, so she comes up with a faith of her own, sacrifces everyone from establishement spooks and former commie friends to LGBT and fellow women, eventually creates a system that looks just like the one she rebelled against in the first place, only utterly inhumane on the inside, and thus brings about the end of the western civilization. Also, this interpretation is most likely entirely wrong and so are dozens of others you can find around the internet, and that's the beauty of it.

Whatever it means, it's fucking cool.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 26, 2021, 08:18:00 PM
Quote from: aububs on March 24, 2021, 09:50:59 PM
speaking of folk horror, this is incoming at some stage. 3hr documentary by kier-la janisse. apologies for the huge image


^^^this was incredible
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on August 26, 2021, 08:32:36 PM
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on August 26, 2021, 10:15:17 PM
yeah that set is bananas

and expensive, i will not be buying it
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bruitiste on September 05, 2021, 03:02:37 AM
I really wanted to see the documentary and just took the plunge and ordered the whole box.  Too many intriguing things in there to pass up.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 27, 2021, 04:59:46 PM
Camp Blood VII @ The Mahoning Drive-In - the below films were all presented projected from original 35mm reels. They did not all age gracefully but it hardly mattered. My friends and I were able to make it two of the 4 days and it was a hell of a time.

The Slumber Party Massacre - [dir. Amy Holden Jones, 1982] - My second viewing, I enjoyed it a lot more this time around. I knew insane gore wouldn't be part of it, so I was disappointed. Instead you get a level of fun and silliness that reminds me of Pieces at times, although never that bizarre and baffling. But the killer and his weapon are still pretty silly. I also appreciate that the female characters have that feel of real characters, instead of insubstantial sketches. Or at least more than many slashers. A movie better suited to watching with friends than alone. The print we saw was pretty damaged, with the image being almost entirely amber in color.

Scream for Help - [dir. Michael Winner, 1984] - Easily the most baffling film of the weekend and maybe my favorite. This falls between after-school special, Last House on the Left and erotic murder mystery. Almost like a trash version of a Twin Peaks subplot The acting is all over the top, especially the lead teen character whose obsession with uncovering the misdeeds of her step-father gets all sorts of people killed and maimed. Her suspicions are correct but the collateral damage, whooo boy. Early highlight is when her friend gets hit and killed by a speeding car. Also there's a lot of pretty hardcore sex including full muff shots. And then there's the music composed by John Paul Jones from Led Zeppelin which is some of the most overblown shit I've ever heard. I was laughing my ass off throughout this thing. I'd highly recommend this little obscure gym  

Silent Rage – [dir. Michael Miller, 1982] – A sorta-kinda slasher with Chuck Norris as the lead. Never been a big Chuck Norris fan but he was surprisingly fun and charming in this. There's a fun and very superfluous scene about halfway through where he kicks the ass of an entire biker gang in a bar that's very entertaining with really competent action stunts. The weirdo sci-fi, surgeons playing god plot that creates the main bad guy is weird and dumb but kinda fun, but their un-killable experiment does do a lot of rampaging. The biggest issue with this movie is the pacing and run time. It is a 103 minutes when it could have easily been edited into a tight 90 minutes. Also there's a major missed opportunity for a one-liner at the end. Chuck Norris throws the badguy down a well. He then slowly walks up to the well to peer down into it to confirm the badguy is there. He should have said either "Well...." Or "Well, well, well..." . It's a tragic waste.

10 to Midnight – [dir. J. Lee Thompson, 1983] – This one was a blast! The level of Dirty Harry right-wing maximum force cop bullshit, coupled with awesome performance from the serial killer and goofy dating sub-plot made for a hell of a romp. I guess this movie has a bit of reputation and I'd say it's earned. Again, a few minutes could've been shaved to keep the narrative tighter but I really have no major complaint. One I'd watch again and soon.

Jason X – [dir. James Isaac, 2001] – the only Jason film I have not seen, but I can't say I've really seen it now either. Right before the movie started a fog settled in at the drive-in which didn't lift even after the movie was over. So it was incredibly difficult to discern what was happening, made worse by the films aversion to any kind of normal lighting. I thought this was the sillies Friday the 13th film, even more so than Jason Goes to Hell, which I liked a lot more than I should have.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 27, 2021, 08:27:15 PM
Malignant - [dir. James Wan, 2021] - I originally had no interest in this movie but after watching the "Half in the Bag" episode on it I knew I had to see it in the theaters. Truly it's one of the dumbest and most outrageous "horror" films ever put out by a big name director for a big studio. The script is painfully bad, the acting at least as bad. The set design is absurd and nonsensical. The lighting is ridiculously dark. The plot itself makes no fucking sense. And all of this coalesces into one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Everyone in the group I saw it with was howling with laughter. I was brought to literal tears. It's a top-tier good-bad movie. The best unintentional comedy of the year. And seeing it in theater with a bunch of people who felt the same way was the icing on the cake.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master - [dir. Renny Harlin, 1988] - Didn't have high hopes for this one but damn if it isn't nearly as good as Dream Warriors. It's too bad they couldn't get Patricia Arquette back, but the replacement wasn't the worse ever. One the movie switches leads 1/3rd of the way in I was nervous it'd totally fall apart, and while the new girl isn't as good it stays on the rails. We're happily treated to a lot of dead teens and some fucking gruesome gore effects, and also a bitchin score. I don't really understand how the lead defeated Freddy but that's really the last important part. Definitely recommend this one, especially if you're a fan of Dream Warriors.

Skinner - [dir. Ivan Nagy, 1993] - Picked this up during the Severin mid-summer sale, and wow, this is some weird shit. Like a derivative love child of Silence of the Lambs and Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Ted Raimi as a serial killer who skins prostitutes is a lot of fun. Whenever he really gets to ham it up the movie shines. Even more fun/absurd/hilarious is Traci Lords as the former victim "hunting" down Skinner, but so fucked up on heroin she's rendered almost completely ineffectual. While she manages to follow Skinner around the forgotten corners of LA, she inexplicably never follows him all the way home. I guess if she did the movie would be over in 10 minutes. Instead she stumbles around in a haze for 95% of the film. I don't know if Traci Lords had cleaned herself up at this point, or if the just filmed her during drug binges. Either way her performance is great/terrible. And then there's Ricki Lake who is just adorable as the put upon spouse. Most of the gore effects in this look a little too silly for my taste but there's a fair amount. It's a weird fragment of '90s psycho-sexual horror that's worth watching but won't set your world on fire.

Strip Nude For Your Killer - [dir. Andrea Bianchi, 1975] - Haven't seen this in over a decade but I remembered it as an exceptionally sleazy giallo and damn if it didn't live up to the memory. Edwige Fenech is a fucking peach in this film, but her boyfriend Carlo is such an incredible asshole. He has his moments of charm but mostly he's forcing himself on women, choking and slapping them and doing it all with a smile. Like something out of Jamie Gillis porno. The kills are fairly violent and gory, there's tits a plenty and the score is the right kind of swinging. Certainly no masterpiece, but definitely eazy-sleazy fun to enjoy.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on October 05, 2021, 10:33:33 AM
I am usually very suspicious regarding hyped / top-10 series and movies but the Squid Game looks very fine to me. I would prefer a different end though, a definite one. This one leaves it wide open for a second season ... and i dont think there are much more to be said in the story.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 10, 2021, 02:31:52 AM

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on October 10, 2021, 03:18:59 AM
Quote from: Theodore on October 05, 2021, 10:33:33 AM
I am usually very suspicious regarding hyped / top-10 series and movies but the Squid Game looks very fine to me. I would prefer a different end though, a definite one. This one leaves it wide open for a second season ... and i dont think there are much more to be said in the story.

I was sceptical at first, but I have to admit this was much better than I expected. I believe the writer/director has no definitive plans for a second season, but given the massive hype and success it seems practically inevitable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 11, 2021, 05:17:49 PM
The Exorcist III - dir. William Peter Blatty, 1990 - I watched this for the first time about 10 months ago expecting something ok or even just dumb fun but was basically blown away when it turned out to be an excellent movie. This time, knowing it was excellent and knowing the plot I was able to focus on all of the little details as the story unfolds. There are so many little hints towards the final reveal sewn right into the whole film, but you'd never figure out the mystery in advance on first watch. I do want to watch the rough cut of the original ending badly, need to get that Shriek Show bluray that has it. The FX heavy ending of the theatrical cut is not without it's charm but I could easily imagine this with the original talkier and bleaker ending. All in all, definitely one of my favorite movies I watched in 2021.

Burial Ground - dir. Andrea Bianchi, 1981 - This was my second view of Burial Ground as well, but this time with my buddy. What wonderful trash this is! And the Severin blu-ray looks great too. I'm so glad all these trash films get such wonderful transfers, what an age we live in! This was a perfect movie to eat wings and eat enchiladas to.

Se7en - dir. David Fincher, 1995 - I can remember watching this for the first time as a kid and being non-plussed, expecting something more hardcore. as an "adult" I've come to enjoy Se7en more with each viewing but it definitely wears the mark of the edgy '90s throughout. I noticed it especially when our mains get to John Doe's apartment. I forgot how much of a movie serial killers apartment it is, especially the neon red cross above the bed. come on. Still it's nice to watch something that's well written, well acted and with the budget to match the vision. Too bad the vision comes with so much color correction.

Superstition - dir. James W. Roberson, 1982 - Well this movie is not well written, well acted, or well funded. This is trash, but again, supremely enjoyable trash. I originally watched this a couple of years ago and thought it was okay but on second viewing, I was fucking loving it. The gore is fucking good, especially that loose circular saw scene, but also kids die, women are drowned, heads are microwaved... it's got the goods! Every time it starts to slow down it jerks you back with some kind of violence. The only real complaint is the [near ?] complete lack of nudity. Like come on, show me some witch titties or something. The other minor quibble is the score, it's pretty bleh. The main theme is a re-purposed version of some other theme or popular song but I couldn't for the life of me figure it out. It's driving me crazy so if you know please tell me! Anyway, big recommendation here for this delightful piece of Canadian trash.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 12, 2021, 04:47:30 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 11, 2021, 05:17:49 PM
The Exorcist III - dir. William Peter Blatty, 1990 - I watched this for the first time about 10 months ago expecting something ok or even just dumb fun but was basically blown away when it turned out to be an excellent movie. This time, knowing it was excellent and knowing the plot I was able to focus on all of the little details as the story unfolds. There are so many little hints towards the final reveal sewn right into the whole film, but you'd never figure out the mystery in advance on first watch. I do want to watch the rough cut of the original ending badly, need to get that Shriek Show bluray that has it. The FX heavy ending of the theatrical cut is not without it's charm but I could easily imagine this with the original talkier and bleaker ending. All in all, definitely one of my favorite movies I watched in 2021.

Been meaning to see this for a minute and finally got around to it yesterday. Incredible atmosphere - I was rather transfixed by it. I guess I watched the theatrical cut. I wasn't aware there were so many differences between that and the director's cut. Seems like the DC is an entirely different beast and I'll be tracking it down for an eventual rewatch. Really this was great, though. Dare I say I like it more than the first one?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on October 13, 2021, 06:40:00 PM
First time I watched it I was asking myself why I was watching it, then slowly it grew on me and it's still one of my fave horrors of that era.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 14, 2021, 04:50:31 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 12, 2021, 04:47:30 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 11, 2021, 05:17:49 PM
The Exorcist III - dir. William Peter Blatty, 1990 - I watched this for the first time about 10 months ago expecting something ok or even just dumb fun but was basically blown away when it turned out to be an excellent movie. This time, knowing it was excellent and knowing the plot I was able to focus on all of the little details as the story unfolds. There are so many little hints towards the final reveal sewn right into the whole film, but you'd never figure out the mystery in advance on first watch. I do want to watch the rough cut of the original ending badly, need to get that Shriek Show bluray that has it. The FX heavy ending of the theatrical cut is not without it's charm but I could easily imagine this with the original talkier and bleaker ending. All in all, definitely one of my favorite movies I watched in 2021.

Been meaning to see this for a minute and finally got around to it yesterday. Incredible atmosphere - I was rather transfixed by it. I guess I watched the theatrical cut. I wasn't aware there were so many differences between that and the director's cut. Seems like the DC is an entirely different beast and I'll be tracking it down for an eventual rewatch. Really this was great, though. Dare I say I like it more than the first one?

Glad you enjoyed it! It's a different beast than the original Exorcist, but for my taste I admittedly like it better although I deeply admire the technical aspects of the original. Both movies have such great performances, but seeing George C Scott old and screaming is extremely pleasurable. And then there's Brad Dourif... so kinda hard to beat that combo.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 14, 2021, 05:01:42 PM
Jackass 3D - [dir. Jeff Tremaine, 2010] - decided to watch this after listening to a podcast about the history of Jackass. I think I must have seen parts of it in my drinking days but the memories are wrecked. Either way this was exactly what I needed after a brutal work day. Crazy stunts, disgusting shenanigans and lots of laughter. I was laughing my ass of even though I was watching it alone and sober as a Judge. I think I still prefer the first movie but I also haven't seen that in almost 20 years so it's hard to say.

The House That Jack Built - [dir. Lars Von Trier, 2018] - I kept think this movie was 3.5hrs not 2.5 so I kept putting off watching it because who has time like that. I was pleasantly surprised by how icky I felt by the middle of the movie. The "family" sequence was especially brutal but the "Simple" sequence afterwards wasn't much better. I thought Matt Dillon excelled at being a shallow, egotistical, narcissistic psychopath. Kudos to him for making the character so unbelievably grating and unlikeable. Reminded me of James Dornan in The Fall, such an awful fucking dickhead who thinks he's god gift. Also Bruno Ganz as Virgil? Wonderful, even if Trier is using a German to play an Italian. Overall I really enjoyed the film. I had a few quibbles and it's definitely not a film for all tastes, but I like it and was glad I took the time. I'd even watch it again.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on October 18, 2021, 11:18:29 AM
Hooked on very demented Australian series LUNATICS by Chris Lilley. My kind of humor.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 18, 2021, 05:08:44 PM
this past weekend was good to me, I had a lot of time to soak of up some spooky films, even if some of my viewing were a bit distracted. wound up watching a lot of vampire stuff, which isn't my usual fare but was enjoyable nonetheless.

The Torture Chamber Of Dr. Sadism - [dir. Harald Reinl, 1967]
I hadn't even heard of this one until a few days before I watched it. Just happened to see a trailer online and it demanded a watch ASAP. I'll say up front my knowledge of pre late 70s horror is pretty limited. I typically expect less or no gore, less violence, less nudity, but I also try to keep an open mind. What I'll say for this movie is what it lacked in tits and gore it made up for in atmosphere. It's positively dripping with Gothic German vibes, like a dark fairy tale. Maybe half of the movie is the main characters getting to the castle but that journey is some of the best parts. Specifically there's a sequence where there are corpses and limbs coming out of the trees like some bizarre garden of limbs. And then the castle itself, which is really just underground ruins, is filled with scorpions, vultures, snakes, skulls, candelabra and best of all, these awesome knock off Hieronymus Bosch paintings. What a setting! My only complaint is the extremely limited screen time for Christopher Lee who basically makes anything better, but I would watch this again in a heartbeat.

The coldest day of autumn so far, so it was a wonderful excuse to work and watch movies for most of the day...
Black Sunday - [dir. Mario Bava, 1960] - I've watched this a few time since I picked it up about 8 years ago and each time it rises in my estimation. When compared to some of the other films I watched this weekend it's surprising how much more violent and brutal, for the time, Black Sunday is. The first few minutes of the movie really are the highlight, such an excellent sequence. Again, the atmosphere here is just insane and keeps the slow parts from dragging things down. Also, things never fall into camp territory which I appreciate. There are a fair amount of corpses by the end too. There's a beautiful earnestness or something like that at work, or maybe that's just my rose tinted glasses. Either way, it's a perfect movie for the Halloween season.

The House that Dripped Blood - [dir. Peter Duffell, 1971]
I'm trying to get more into British horror and so I give this one a shot and what a fucking romp! Normally I fucking hate anthology movies but this is that format done right. All of the stories are tight, they have nice little twists, and the last one had me laughing out loud at several points. I don't think any actual blood drips in the film tho. There's no gore and the violence is very minimal, but despite being a gore-hound it really didn't bother me. My only two complaints are some extra money should've been spent on the props and I especially wish the figures in the spooky wax museum looked less absurd, but its a minor thing.

Vampires - [dir. John Carpenter, 1998]
My buddy and I have been threatening each other with this movie for years now and we finally decided to pull the trigger. To my shock this was way less shitty than I thought. At any point this could've gone into the campy and silly but to the movies credit it never does, even at its most absurd. I always enjoy watching James Woods be James Woods and he does that well here. Side note, his head is fucking huge compared to his shoulders. There's a good amount of gore, the action sequences are competent and sometimes pretty good, the pace is surprisingly brisk at times for Carpenter, and there's some effective humor. The script is ok for what it is, not laughably bad but could've used some work. There's a weird use of dissolves in some scenes that's very unnecessary but sort of interesting from a WTF perspective. And the score is unsurprisingly enjoyable. If the movie had a better villain and one who didn't look like a cross between Brandon Lee as The Crow and Slade Craven from Turbulence 3, it could've really been elevated. As it stands the badguy is just dull as hell. Oh didn't I mention Sheryl Lee shows up to play a battered sex worker? This one is pretty fun. Definitely worth a watch once.

Vampyros Lesbos - [dir. Jesus Franco, 1967]
This is a movie I've been hearing about since I first started watching b-movies and the like however many years ago. I mean that title and that cover, it definitely piques my curiosity. Yet 20 years later I'm only just now watching it. I think the only other Jes Franco film I've seen is Venus in Furs, so I can't compare other than to say I think I prefer Venus in Furs over this one, although my last viewing was 10+ years ago. Anyway.... extremely hot Soledad Miranda and les hot Ewa Stromberg get naked and kiss in a variety of extremely gorgeous interior and exterior sets in Turkey. A psychiatrist slaps the shit out of his patients. A jilted female ex screams a lot. A boyfriend looks befuddled. The music is wonderful. The sound design gets real weird. A big ass pin gets shoved in an eye.  The script is laconic, the pace is lethargic, but it all works most of the time because the images and sounds are so damn enjoyable. Not an everyday film, but a movie you should watch once, even if it takes you 20 years to get around to it. Final note, the Severin blu-ray I have looked fucking stunning.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 18, 2021, 07:47:23 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 18, 2021, 05:08:44 PM
Vampyros Lesbos - [dir. Jesus Franco, 1967]
This is a movie I've been hearing about since I first started watching b-movies and the like however many years ago. I mean that title and that cover, it definitely piques my curiosity. Yet 20 years later I'm only just now watching it. I think the only other Jes Franco film I've seen is Venus in Furs, so I can't compare other than to say I think I prefer Venus in Furs over this one, although my last viewing was 10+ years ago. Anyway.... extremely hot Soledad Miranda and les hot Ewa Stromberg get naked and kiss in a variety of extremely gorgeous interior and exterior sets in Turkey. A psychiatrist slaps the shit out of his patients. A jilted female ex screams a lot. A boyfriend looks befuddled. The music is wonderful. The sound design gets real weird. A big ass pin gets shoved in an eye.  The script is laconic, the pace is lethargic, but it all works most of the time because the images and sounds are so damn enjoyable. Not an everyday film, but a movie you should watch once, even if it takes you 20 years to get around to it. Final note, the Severin blu-ray I have looked fucking stunning.

Vampyros Lesbos is certainly not the best Franco and I guess its heightened cult status can be accredited to the title alone. I rewatched it a couple months ago after like 5 years expecting to appreciate it more after being 30+ films deep into Franco but that wasn't the case and if anything it solidified my previous comment.

Venus in Furs is more deserving of the attention it gets. His sweet spot sort of begins around here (69-70). But the greatest stuff is all 73-74 imo. Some recs off the top of my head if you have interest: Eugenie de Sade (1973 - Soledad Miranda's finest), The Obscene Mirror (1973), A Virgin Among the Living Dead (aka Christina, Princess of Eroticism) (1973), Lorna, The Exorcist (1974), The Perverse Countess (1974). Things get more complicated later but there are still some excellent ones to check out in the early/mid-80s like Macumba Sexual (1983), Bahia Blanca (1984), Night Has a Thousand Desires (1984), Faceless (1987). And of course any fan of classic horror owes it to themselves to see The Awful Dr. Orlof (1962) which is just a straight up good movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 18, 2021, 09:06:47 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 18, 2021, 07:47:23 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 18, 2021, 05:08:44 PM
Vampyros Lesbos - [dir. Jesus Franco, 1967]
This is a movie I've been hearing about since I first started watching b-movies and the like however many years ago. I mean that title and that cover, it definitely piques my curiosity. Yet 20 years later I'm only just now watching it. I think the only other Jes Franco film I've seen is Venus in Furs, so I can't compare other than to say I think I prefer Venus in Furs over this one, although my last viewing was 10+ years ago. Anyway.... extremely hot Soledad Miranda and les hot Ewa Stromberg get naked and kiss in a variety of extremely gorgeous interior and exterior sets in Turkey. A psychiatrist slaps the shit out of his patients. A jilted female ex screams a lot. A boyfriend looks befuddled. The music is wonderful. The sound design gets real weird. A big ass pin gets shoved in an eye.  The script is laconic, the pace is lethargic, but it all works most of the time because the images and sounds are so damn enjoyable. Not an everyday film, but a movie you should watch once, even if it takes you 20 years to get around to it. Final note, the Severin blu-ray I have looked fucking stunning.

Vampyros Lesbos is certainly not the best Franco and I guess its heightened cult status can be accredited to the title alone. I rewatched it a couple months ago after like 5 years expecting to appreciate it more after being 30+ films deep into Franco but that wasn't the case and if anything it solidified my previous comment.

Venus in Furs is more deserving of the attention it gets. His sweet spot sort of begins around here (69-70). But the greatest stuff is all 73-74 imo. Some recs off the top of my head if you have interest: Eugenie de Sade (1973 - Soledad Miranda's finest), The Obscene Mirror (1973), A Virgin Among the Living Dead (aka Christina, Princess of Eroticism) (1973), Lorna, The Exorcist (1974), The Perverse Countess (1974). Things get more complicated later but there are still some excellent ones to check out in the early/mid-80s like Macumba Sexual (1983), Bahia Blanca (1984), Night Has a Thousand Desires (1984), Faceless (1987). And of course any fan of classic horror owes it to themselves to see The Awful Dr. Orlof (1962) which is just a straight up good movie.

Thanks for the recommendations, I was hoping you might make some! I picked up She Killed In Ecstasy at the same time as Vampyros Lesbos so I'll probably do that one next, but I'm very interested to check out his career highlights. Have you ever seen the Mansion of the Living Dead by Franco? As a lover of the Blind Dead series I'm very interested in his spin on the idea, even if it's only a cosmetic relation.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on October 18, 2021, 10:09:42 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 18, 2021, 09:06:47 PM
Quote from: absurdexposition on October 18, 2021, 07:47:23 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on October 18, 2021, 05:08:44 PM
Vampyros Lesbos - [dir. Jesus Franco, 1967]
This is a movie I've been hearing about since I first started watching b-movies and the like however many years ago. I mean that title and that cover, it definitely piques my curiosity. Yet 20 years later I'm only just now watching it. I think the only other Jes Franco film I've seen is Venus in Furs, so I can't compare other than to say I think I prefer Venus in Furs over this one, although my last viewing was 10+ years ago. Anyway.... extremely hot Soledad Miranda and les hot Ewa Stromberg get naked and kiss in a variety of extremely gorgeous interior and exterior sets in Turkey. A psychiatrist slaps the shit out of his patients. A jilted female ex screams a lot. A boyfriend looks befuddled. The music is wonderful. The sound design gets real weird. A big ass pin gets shoved in an eye.  The script is laconic, the pace is lethargic, but it all works most of the time because the images and sounds are so damn enjoyable. Not an everyday film, but a movie you should watch once, even if it takes you 20 years to get around to it. Final note, the Severin blu-ray I have looked fucking stunning.

Vampyros Lesbos is certainly not the best Franco and I guess its heightened cult status can be accredited to the title alone. I rewatched it a couple months ago after like 5 years expecting to appreciate it more after being 30+ films deep into Franco but that wasn't the case and if anything it solidified my previous comment.

Venus in Furs is more deserving of the attention it gets. His sweet spot sort of begins around here (69-70). But the greatest stuff is all 73-74 imo. Some recs off the top of my head if you have interest: Eugenie de Sade (1973 - Soledad Miranda's finest), The Obscene Mirror (1973), A Virgin Among the Living Dead (aka Christina, Princess of Eroticism) (1973), Lorna, The Exorcist (1974), The Perverse Countess (1974). Things get more complicated later but there are still some excellent ones to check out in the early/mid-80s like Macumba Sexual (1983), Bahia Blanca (1984), Night Has a Thousand Desires (1984), Faceless (1987). And of course any fan of classic horror owes it to themselves to see The Awful Dr. Orlof (1962) which is just a straight up good movie.

Have you ever seen the Mansion of the Living Dead by Franco? As a lover of the Blind Dead series I'm very interested in his spin on the idea, even if it's only a cosmetic relation.

Haven't seen it! Seems like it could go either way. I'm not sure that that type of horror is really his forte, but maybe you're more forgiving than I (although I am pretty forgiving when it comes to Franco).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 13, 2021, 03:32:47 AM
From the last month or so...:

Dune - dir. Denis Villeneuve, 2021 - I love Dune. I love the books, I love the old RTS games from Westwood, I love Lynch film, I love all the things its inspired and I fucking loved this movie. so happy I saw it in the theater too. for my taste Denis Villeneuve is one the very best directors working right now. here's hoping part 2 is as good as part 1.

Sicario - dir. Denis Villeneuve, 2015 - a perennial favorite since I saw it in theaters. my favorite "war on drugs" movie.

Halloween III: Season of the Witch - dir. Tommy Lee Wallace, 1982 - along with the original Halloween this is one of the best halloween season movies. So absurd and so much fucking fun.

Young Frankenstein - dir. Mel Brooks, 1974 - I haven't seen this one in 15 years or more. Really enjoyed it but not near the amount of jokes per minute as a Blazing Saddles, but probably a better movie in some respects. I was very distracted while watching and probably need to give it another go to enjoy it more.

Trick 'r Treat - dir. Michael Dougherty, 2007 - I only saw this movie for the first time earlier this year (I think) but figured I should give it a re-watch closer to Halloween. Not the best thing ever and it certainly doesn't top Halloween III, but still a lot of fun. Also any movie that kills kids is gonna get bonus points from me.

Brotherhood of the Wolf - dir. Christophe Gans, 2001 - I've seen this movie twice, once in theaters when I was 14 and once maybe 10 years ago. I have mostly fond if vague memories. My buddy and I watched it on a lark earlier this week and while it's an uneven and long ride, I'd say it was worth it over all. A bizarre concoction of martial arts, monster movie, gothic intrigue and sinister occultism, this one delivers a lot of ideas over its runtime. and at over 2 hours you fucking better keep delivering the hits if you want to keep me interested. funny enough, the visuals are the films biggest asset and sometimes its biggest downfall. There's a fair amount of 2001 CGI which largely looks bad, and some of it is super unnecessary, but the costuming and set design are mostly absolutely sumptuous. I want to specifically mention Monica Bellucci who plays an interesting character with easily the best costumes when she isn't partially nude. A lot of the ideas in the film are interesting too, but I don't think the narrative comes together completely. it reminded me a bit of The Devils, but it doesn't have near the vision that that film does. But yes, a flawed genre mix-em-up that's worth watching.

Death Walks on High Heels - dir. Luciano Ercoli, 1971 - this giallo's been sitting on my shelf for 3 years. at home for a sick day I decided to finally give it a shot. whooboy was this narrative twistier than a mountain switchback. at times it reminded me of better arthouse crime films, but then it would descend into sillier and sleazier territory, not that I was really complaining. the "red herring" genre trope is well known in giallo but goddamn does this movie keep turning em out. I called a couple of the twists early on but I couldn't even place them in the overall narrative context. not a complaint though, this one was a lot of fun. I really like Nieves Navarro as the leading lady. She was pretty but also self-assured and charismatic. also there was a great mixture of scenic backdrops from Paris to London to the countryside. Not my favorite or the best, bet definitely one I'd return to or screen for a larger audience.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on November 17, 2021, 10:16:52 AM
I have finally watched EX Drummer, which was suggested by many of you, but I kept postponing and, really, this is just perfect and fits the "power electronics" movies category and totally fits my vision of the world we live in. Superb ending.

Then I watched the Grisly Strangler, bertween dumb, gross and exhilarating, something that dwells between Troma, a Jared Hess gone wrong and British surreal comedy, with lots of greas, horrible nudity and crazy soundtrack. Not for everyone, but definitely for me.

Grethel & Hansel. Very good and classy gothic fairy tale with strong folk-horror references.

Halley - Mexican arthouse body horror, like a softer version of Carcinoma/Thanatomorphose, with a classy touch and superb leading actor performance, in all his stillness. Despite the slow and non-extreme visuals, you can smell the reek of putrefaction. We are in Atrax Morgue territory.

La LLorna - not the American flick, but a political horror from Guatemala, with creepy/sad mood and a constant feel of siege. I don't know anything about Guatemala's history, so I probably lost many references, but the dictator's obsession under siege made me obviously think about Pinochet and Videla.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on November 23, 2021, 06:02:15 PM
Greasy Strangler is an embarrassing and idiotic film, but in a .... good way? I don't like it, but still I'm glad I've seen it? I dunno. The delightfully awful music is the icing on the cake.

The same director's next film, An Evening with Beverly Luff Linn, is much less memorable imo. Although it's possible I misunderstood it or went with the wrong expectations. But it seems to be going for the same fussy, precious, pretentious style as Wes Anderson, which I personally don't care for at all.

I've checked out a few episodes of the Chucky television show. If you're a bigger fan of the movies, I'm sure there is a lot of fun to be had, as they've brought back many of the original actors. The plotlines keep changing and crashing and collapsing into each other. At some point there's apparently multiple Chuckys going around, and there's also an attempt at a backstory for the serial killer possessing the doll. The animation/puppeteering is astonishingly bad at times, which seems surprising. Brad Dourif is great as always and he does what he can to carry this mess forward.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 30, 2021, 04:43:11 PM
11/13 - The Player - [dir. Robert Altman, 1992] - I was struck by a deep desire to watch this movie for reasons I can't explain. I've never been the biggest Altman fan but Tim Robbins is generally great and this seemed interesting enough. While I definitely enjoyed this movie, a lot of the fun was just spotting young versions of celebrities, which it's absolutely full of. I feel like my fucking parents now saying "look at Jeff Goldblum, oh he's so young" etc etc. But the story itself is a lot of fun and as is the dialogue and it's Tim Robbin's evolving performance that kept me hooked. It's a cynical movie but not miserably so. Definitely worth a watch. I think I might enjoy it more on a second viewing.

11/15 - Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone & Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance - [dir. Hideaki Anno, 2007, 2009] - Even though I really enjoyed the original Evangelion series I just haven't had a burning desire to watch the movie remake of it. About 15 minutes into watching the first one I realized that was a bit of a mistake. The pacing is tighter, the story is told more clearly and exposition dumps are a little less insane. But at the same time the existential and adolescent misery seems to have been dropped, which is a bit disappointing since its part of what makes the original series so good. To make up for that, the animation is absolutely fucking gorgeous. Holy shit does this movie look good. I'm excited for the last two films and am curious how all of the films together will stand up against the original series and original movies.

11/23 – Suspiria – [dir. Dario Argento, 1977] – finally got a new all region 4K blu-ray player so I could watch my 4K copy of Suspiria I bought 9 months ago. Well goddamn if that wasn't worth the money, this movie looks fucking amazing with its new hi-res transfer. And sounds wayyy better too. The film itself remains a stone cold classic and mandatory viewing.

11/25 – Hellraiser: Inferno – [dir. Scott Derrickson, 2000] – so I found out after rewatching this that the director went on to direct the Dr. Strange film for the MCU which was kind of shocking. I guess some people really do get to work up the ladder. As for this entry in the Hellraiser series, it's easily my favorite after the first two. Now it's debated whether this was a neo-noir spec script that was retrofitted into the Hellraiser universe, which is plausible, but frankly I don't think it matters. I like that it feels like a combination of psycho-sexual serial killer film from the '90s combined with a Max Payne [the game]. I like all of the what's real, what's not bullshit. Hell I even like the dollar store Tim Robbins we have as the lead. The movie takes itself seriously, even though it's totally ridiculous and that really sells it for me. It aint perfect but there's a lot here to enjoy for my taste, something I can't say for about half of the Hellraiser films.

11/28 – Gamera 2: Attack of the Legion – [dir. Shusuke Kaneko, 1996] – definitely the best Gamera film I've ever seen and a top tier Kaiju film in general. The design of Legion, specifically the big one, is fucking rad. And the little guys, they look like the Bugs from Starship Troopers. Also an entire city is destroyed, so that's great. The miniature work is insane too. The human plot isn't painful either. And this movie keeps a brisk brace, something you want  desperately in a kaiju film. Highly recommended to fans of the genre. Also the Arrow transfer looks fantastic.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 01, 2021, 04:31:30 PM
Eaten Alive! - [dir. Umberto Lenzi, 1980] - picked this up in Severin's sale earlier this year. I don't exactly regret it but it's definitely not a film I'll be running back to watch. On one hand the dialogue and editing make this one laugh out loud throughout, which is honestly necessary since Lenzi wanted to film reptiles getting butchered as much as any other part of the movie, which is naturally miserable watching. This kind of shit is always the worst part of cannibal films because its just so wasteful and pointless, but in service of a shit movie like this it adds insult to injury. The Jim Jones plot framing device is pretty fun and Janet Ågren is fucking hot. She also takes a damn beating between all the slaps and the one haymaker our protagonist delivers to shut her up. Hilarious and absurd. Again, there is a fair amount of entertainment here but its sandwiched between too much reptile butchery and general stupidity. Transfer looked good though!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: no_baizuo_allowed on December 11, 2021, 09:46:12 AM
Quote from: Sturmfieber on June 25, 2015, 04:36:53 AM
Let's see... movies I watched fairly recently that come to mind:

San Babila Ore 20 (I think someone mentioned this one somewhere in this thread. Thanks to whoever mentioned it!)

This was one of the best things I've sat down and watched during this whole damned year. A sincere thank you for clueing me on to this!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 13, 2021, 04:42:55 PM
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance & Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo - dir. Hideaki Anno, 2009, 2012 - So I get to finish the second movie last week and go right into the third, and I can say of these 3 films the second is my favorite, at least on first viewing. For the last hour I just kept thinking, "how can there be two more movies after this". Well so far they haven't. There's a lot to like about the 3rd movie, especially the visuals which take thing to an even higher level, somehow. BUT damn did it feel like the 3rd movie was just a stop-gap between the 2nd and 4th. At least on a narrative level it is not satisfying as a single story. That's okay since Anno actually did the 4th movie and now we've supposedly got the whole story available, but if this movie were judged individually that'd be it's stumbling block. But then who is really gonna stumble into the 3rd movie in a franchise that's been running for 25 years? Final note, as much as I am enjoying all of these movies, they definitely feel more like traditional anime than the original series, which becomes increasingly alienating to the viewer as it progresses. Once I finish the movies I'll have to return to the show for a re-watch to see how my memory stacks up to reality.

Black Christmas - dir. Bob Clark, 1974 - last night was my annual viewing of Black Christmas. my estimation of this film only increases every year and it's effectiveness as an unpleasant horror movie does not diminish despite many many viewings. I also find myself re-appraising the characters and actions each time. Last year I was down on Jess, this year, I had more sympathy than ever. To me this definitely falls in the "perfect movie" category now. As far as scenes of winter horror go, only The Shining surpasses it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on December 13, 2021, 06:27:36 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on December 13, 2021, 04:42:55 PM
Black Christmas - dir. Bob Clark, 1974 - last night was my annual viewing of Black Christmas. my estimation of this film only increases every year and it's effectiveness as an unpleasant horror movie does not diminish despite many many viewings. I also find myself re-appraising the characters and actions each time. Last year I was down on Jess, this year, I had more sympathy than ever. To me this definitely falls in the "perfect movie" category now.

I feel the same way about this one. Rewatched last week and liked it more than ever. Pretty much perfect.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 14, 2021, 04:24:52 PM
Black Christmas - dir. Glen Morgan, 2006 - my buddy/podcast co-host and I decided we'd do a discussion on all 3 Black Christmas movies; the original, this 2006 remake, and 2019's Blumhouse remake. Obviously this a terrible use of our time and 2 of the 3 movies would be shit, but c'est la vie. So Sunday I watched the perfect original and last night we watched this terrible piece of fucking trash. Now hypothetically I could enjoy a "modern", trashy remake of this film from a boobs and gore perspective, titillation over substance lens, but this movie made so many basic missteps I couldn't even get that kind of fun out of it. First off, it's one of the ugliest movies I've seen in years. Holy shit it looks like christmas lights covered in vomit, legitimately. Second, the script was so fucking inane and stupid that the last 30 minutes we're physically painful. Third, "Billy" is shown throughout the whole movie and he looks ridiculous. Like a knockoff of "The Yellow Bastard" from Sin City, without any of the character. The sorority house may have been filled with cuties but they we're written in such a way you're begging for them to die. Also you only see one of them naked and the movies doesn't really even want to show you that. Kill me. The only good thing about the movie is the ridiculous amount of gore but it's in service of such a profoundly dumb and visually ugly film it fails to make an impact.

Censor - dir. Prano Bailey-Bond, 2021 - so put this on after Black Christmas as a palette cleanser with mixed results. I'll avoid spoilers but I will say my buddy HATED it by the end and I was left feeling lukewarm. The last 5-10 minutes I found especially trying, but I enjoyed it overall, especially from a visual perspective. However, when elements of the b-movie horror shlock found its way into the film, which otherwise felt more like indie arthouse horror, I found it to be very jarring in a bad way. It reminded me a lot of Beyond the Black Rainbow, with it's slow build and frustrating ending, although that one I like more, even if it tests the audience patience quite a bit. Maybe I'll enjoy this one more on a re-watch, but I can think of a lot of movies about a woman unraveling that I'd rather watch before this. But hey, I'm glad this director is out here trying something that looks and feels different than most new horror.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fistfuck Masonanie on December 19, 2021, 01:19:22 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on December 13, 2021, 06:27:36 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on December 13, 2021, 04:42:55 PM
Black Christmas - dir. Bob Clark, 1974 - last night was my annual viewing of Black Christmas. my estimation of this film only increases every year and it's effectiveness as an unpleasant horror movie does not diminish despite many many viewings. I also find myself re-appraising the characters and actions each time. Last year I was down on Jess, this year, I had more sympathy than ever. To me this definitely falls in the "perfect movie" category now.

I feel the same way about this one. Rewatched last week and liked it more than ever. Pretty much perfect.

This was a great recommendation, thanks! Nice casting with John Saxon, Margot Kidder, Art Hindle, and Keir Dullea. The phone calls are so disturbing. I hardly ever post, but I pop in this thread quite a bit. Thanks to everyone that spends time writing reviews.

The movie tag line is great, "If this movie doesn't make your skin crawl... It's on too tight".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 07, 2022, 04:57:51 PM
Quote from: Fistfuck Masonanie on December 19, 2021, 01:19:22 AM
Quote from: absurdexposition on December 13, 2021, 06:27:36 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on December 13, 2021, 04:42:55 PM
Black Christmas - dir. Bob Clark, 1974 - last night was my annual viewing of Black Christmas. my estimation of this film only increases every year and it's effectiveness as an unpleasant horror movie does not diminish despite many many viewings. I also find myself re-appraising the characters and actions each time. Last year I was down on Jess, this year, I had more sympathy than ever. To me this definitely falls in the "perfect movie" category now.

I feel the same way about this one. Rewatched last week and liked it more than ever. Pretty much perfect.

This was a great recommendation, thanks! Nice casting with John Saxon, Margot Kidder, Art Hindle, and Keir Dullea. The phone calls are so disturbing. I hardly ever post, but I pop in this thread quite a bit. Thanks to everyone that spends time writing reviews.

The movie tag line is great, "If this movie doesn't make your skin crawl... It's on too tight".

Glad you enjoyed it! My December isn't complete until I've watched it.

Here are reviews of the films I've watched in the last few weeks.

Black Christmas - [dir. Sophia Takal, 2019] - A modern update of Black Christmas, sort of. Not as terrible as the 2006 remake but with it's PG-13 rating, tonal shifts and absurd final act it's terrible in its own special way. I've sat through more painful dreck than this but still, best to avoid. Only watched it so my friend and I could discuss all three Black Christmas films on our podcast. It doesn't do a single thing better than the original and it's female forward narrative is much more overstated but much less effective.

The Brain - [dir. Ed Hunt, 1988] - my wife and I have a wonderful tradition of watching xmas themed horror movies with another couple every xmas night after all of the social obligations are complete. This year we started with The Brain. Ostensibly the events occur around xmas but it never figures into the plot. Still, this one was a fair amount of fun. The monster is silly but still very cool, the badguy doctor from The Re-animator plays the villain here to to great success. The gore and body horror aren't overwhelming but still good. Small town paranoia and powerful organizations trying to take down kids is fun too. And you do get to see a lot of innocent high schoolers die. I felt the pacing sagged a little in places but this definitely one I'll be picking up for future watches. Also, the slightest tinge of Cronenberg vibes at time, and that never hurts.

Samurai Cop - [dir. Amir Shervan, 1991] - our second xmas movie, although this one has admittedly nothing to do with xmas, other than it being a gift I received that day. As a fan of RLM it was great to finally watch a movie that I've seen clips from and discussed so many times. It's really truly terrible and baffling in all the best ways. It's constantly entertaining and it's got Robert Z'Dar who I'd watch in just about anything. It's violent, it's crude, it's got some great stunts and some terrible ones, and it has some of the most baffling dialogue and performances you've ever seen. watching the Matthew Kareda's interview with RLM really shed some light on so much of the insanity so if you watch this I recommend watching that after.

Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome [dir. George Miller, George Ogilvie, 1985] - I've put off watching this movie my whole life because I've always heard it's a big disappointment. Despite knowing that I was still disappointed! Visually the world of Mad Max is as interesting if not more so than ever. But the plot, especially the way it goes from fairly serious grim post apocalypse tale to Spielbergian children's tale..... what the fuck. Also only one Thunderdome fight? Are you fucking kidding me? At least its a good one but with a pg-13 rating they have to pull punches there too. I will say I liked Tina Turner's character, I really liked Master of Master-Blaster fame and Dr. Dealgood should have his own fucking spinoff film. But that second half is almost completely unengaging despite amazing set design, costumes and set pieces. Those kids are repugnant , not endearing especially with the dumbass style of speaking they have. While it was cool to see this movie and spot all of the ways its influenced post-apocalyptic video games, movies, manga, etc., it's a case where the things it influenced are better than the original.

Maniac Cop 2 [dir. William Lustig, 1990] - this movie fucking rules. Robert Z'Dar is an undead terminator. Robert Davi is a mean mugging hard boiled cop. Claudia Christian gets handcuffed to a steering wheel while stuck outside the car. 10 minutes of stunt hijinks ensues. so many people get lit on fire at the end for so long you're brain is screaming how. two men burst through a 6 story wall, on fire, and crash through a bus. hot strippers strip. shots of dirty old new york. it's the fucking best! After this viewing I can say I definitely prefer like Maniac Cop 2 over the original. The original might have more atmosphere but this plays like a James Cameron action film meets John Woo meets... well William Lustig. It's just so ridiculous over the top in all the best ways .

Mad Max: Fury Road [dir. George Miller, 2015] - an absolute masterpiece and the best action movie in 10 if not 20 years. it's basically like doing a 2hour long sniff of coke. perfect.

Squid Games [2021] - I watched this entire show with my wife in one sitting on New Year's Day. I enjoyed it up until the episode with the bridge of glass squares. then it really started to fall apart for me, abandoning side plots with no payoff, getting really silly with some of the performances and characters abandoning the logic they had before. the ending felt especially Korean too, all big unnecessary twist. I'd same I'm glad I saw it once but I don't need to ever watch it again.

The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh [Sergio Martino, 1971] - I've been meaning to watch this since I got into giallo 10+ years ago but somehow it just never happened. of Martino films with Fenech I think I like this the best, but as far as Martino films go, Torso is still my absolute favorite. the violence and gore, eh not so impressive. the constant stream of quality ass and titties? Very, very nice! And this is a fun one. Not exactly a romp considering it's a psychosexual thriller about a depraved sex maniac and a women with a curious fetish, but being Italian and having everything dialed up to 11, yeah it is still kind of a romp. Wonderful interiors in this one too. It's a modern and classy picture. Good ending too.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on January 07, 2022, 05:50:39 PM
RE the children in ...Thunderdome- they way they speak and the pilot's name is an intentional nod towards Russell Hoban's Riddley Walker....
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 07, 2022, 06:39:24 PM
Quote from: cantle on January 07, 2022, 05:50:39 PM
RE the children in ...Thunderdome- they way they speak and the pilot's name is an intentional nod towards Russell Hoban's Riddley Walker....

Thanks for the info, I had no idea! Those kids still make me want to put my fingers in my ears though..
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cantle on January 08, 2022, 12:46:53 AM
Agreed- it is annoying as fuck
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 10, 2022, 10:40:37 PM
The Cat o' Nine Tails - [dir. Dario Argento, 1971] - Lacking the taught pacing of The Bird with the Crystal Plumage and the extravagance of later Argento, this one is an odd duck. Haven't watched it in several years but it was about how I remembered. Enjoyable but not something I'm going to be re-watching on the regular. That being said, it's a very charming whodunnit that had me guessing during both viewings. It also has a great and unexpected car chase. It's just a wee bit too long for my taste. Final thought, Catherine Spaak is very attractive and well dressed and I'm sad to say I don't think I've ever seen anything else she's in.

In The Mouth of Madness - [dir. John Carpenter, 1996] - Despite a few weaker parts and a frustrating audio mix, this has become one of my most re-watched Carpenter films. As a big Lovecraft fan it's very satisfying and as a Sam Neill fan it's even better. Even though it's imperfect it stands head and shoulders in ambition and audacity compared to a lot of the dreck I choose to watch.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on January 10, 2022, 10:57:58 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 10, 2022, 10:40:37 PM
The Cat o' Nine Tails - [dir. Dario Argento, 1971] - Lacking the taught pacing of The Bird with the Crystal Plumage and the extravagance of later Argento, this one is an odd duck. Haven't watched it in several years but it was about how I remembered. Enjoyable but not something I'm going to be re-watching on the regular. That being said, it's a very charming whodunnit that had me guessing during both viewings. It also has a great and unexpected car chase. It's just a wee bit too long for my taste. Final thought, Catherine Spaak is very attractive and well dressed and I'm sad to say I don't think I've ever seen anything else she's in.

The only other thing I've seen her in is Weekend at Dunkirk. I have a couple other random ones in the eventual queue, but Story of a Cloistered Nun seems like it would be up your alley.

Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 10, 2022, 10:40:37 PM
In The Mouth of Madness - [dir. John Carpenter, 1996]

Love it. The last great one.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 17, 2022, 06:42:27 PM
Ballad in Blood - [dir. Ruggero Deodato, 2016] - Deodato's first full length for the theaters in 23 years and boy can you tell. This is basically terrible in every way except the high quantity of quality tit and some good practical gore. Inspired by the Amanda Knox case, which was the main reason I watched this, this "inspiration" only shows up in the most basic way. It's sort of a whodunnit but except there's no mystery and you don't care. It's sort of a showcase of decadence, but it's mostly just ineptitude. It's definitely a highlight real of some of the most absurd over and underacting I've seen since Dracula 3000. Ahhh it's just so dumb and frustrating and baffling. It only sort of transended into it's so bad it's good territory for me. If Edward Williams didn't shout every fucking line of dialogue the film would have greatly benefited. In total, I do not recommend this and I don't need to own a Bluray of it, yet I do. However, if you want to see a trashy, go-nowhere, sorta kinda murder mystery that combines all of the tabloid conjecture about Amanda Knox with painful performances this is your movie.

White Zombie - [dir. Victor Halperin, 1932] - I've been interested in watching this since I got into White Zombie as a kid and heard they based their name off of the first zombie movie ever. At 67 minutes, this movie is the perfect length. It's enjoyable in a way that these really old "horror" films are. Some quality atmosphere, some good matte paintings, some hammy performances, or in this case a lot and not particularly demanding on it's audience. of course there's no real gore or nudity or any thing else, but the main dame is cute enough and Bela Lugosi is always fun so I enjoyed it as a cinema snack. the VCI bluray I have doesn't look too hot but it was free so...

Half Baked - [dir. Tamra Davis, 1998] - I fucking loved this movie as a kid and it still puts a smile on my face. One of the only stoner comedies I can still enjoy. It's silly as hell but it's fun and good natured. Plus there are some really great lines peppered throughout, like Bob Saget's "I used to suck dick for coke! Did you ever suck dick for marijuana?"  RIP.

The Beast Must Die - [dir. Paul Annett, 1974] - it's hard to give this a quick review without regurgitating what others have said, so fuck it. "Ten Little Indians" meets "The Most Dangerous Game", with a blaxploitation styled lead character. The uneven pacing is probably the movies biggest stumbling block, but overall it was a fun premise lead by Calvin Lockhart's hammy performance as a big game hunter and businessman so rich he can get a bunch of strangers to his chateau, force them to stay for days, while spying on them and hunting the werewolf amidst them. And I did really enjoy all of the old school surveillance equipment for the time it was in the movie. Of the "horror" movies I watched over the weekend this was definitely my favorite.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on January 17, 2022, 07:45:32 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 17, 2022, 06:42:27 PM
The Beast Must Die - [dir. Paul Annett, 1974] - it's hard to give this a quick review without regurgitating what others have said, so fuck it. "Ten Little Indians" meets "The Most Dangerous Game", with a blaxploitation styled lead character. The uneven pacing is probably the movies biggest stumbling block, but overall it was a fun premise lead by Calvin Lockhart's hammy performance as a big game hunter and businessman so rich he can get a bunch of strangers to his chateau, force them to stay for days, while spying on them and hunting the werewolf amidst them. And I did really enjoy all of the old school surveillance equipment for the time it was in the movie. Of this "horror" movies I watched over the weekend this was definitely my favorite.

I love this movie, and have seen it a few times now.  Definitely a fun plot that keeps you guessing!  My favorite thing about it, though, is the "Werewolf Break" near the end.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 18, 2022, 06:01:34 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on January 17, 2022, 07:45:32 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 17, 2022, 06:42:27 PM
The Beast Must Die - [dir. Paul Annett, 1974] - it's hard to give this a quick review without regurgitating what others have said, so fuck it. "Ten Little Indians" meets "The Most Dangerous Game", with a blaxploitation styled lead character. The uneven pacing is probably the movies biggest stumbling block, but overall it was a fun premise lead by Calvin Lockhart's hammy performance as a big game hunter and businessman so rich he can get a bunch of strangers to his chateau, force them to stay for days, while spying on them and hunting the werewolf amidst them. And I did really enjoy all of the old school surveillance equipment for the time it was in the movie. Of this "horror" movies I watched over the weekend this was definitely my favorite.

I love this movie, and have seen it a few times now.  Definitely a fun plot that keeps you guessing!  My favorite thing about it, though, is the "Werewolf Break" near the end.

Yeah that "Werewolf Break" is a fun gimmick. Fun is really how I'd describe almost all of the Amicus films I've seen so far. They take themselves seriously but it's not too serious and stuffy, they know they need to be entertaining too.

Because my appetite for trash is limitless these days my buddy and I did a double feature last night.

First up, Night of the Demon - [dir. James C. Wasson, 1980], a bloody Bigfoot romp that delivers some memorable gore and a few titties and a killer finale. the whole movie plays as a flashback, which is always a dumb choice, but by 10-15 minutes in I completely forgot that set-up. the movie frequently switches between gory deaths, primarily unrelated to the immediate plot, and "college" kids trudging around in the woods. at times it feels like the movie is sleep walking, but it remains oddly compelling. the main character an anthropology professor whose taken his students out to this godforsaken part of California, is an anthropologist in the same way Indiana Jones is an archeologist. he does and takes whatever he wants with no regard for the lives of the things he's studying. it's hilarious. I don't think he'd do well in the year 2022. Overall, a very watchable I'm hoping to show at my next horror movie party, whenever that can happen...

And then it was The Halfway House - [dir. Kenneth J. Hall, 2004]... Holy shit, this thing is a fucking gem! Ridiculously trashy and stupid, shot on digital video in 2004. It doesn't look very good, the camera is out of focus more than a few times, and the music is some kind of goth butt-rock and awful electronic shit. BUT for all those failing, this movie is fast paced, it's got tits galore with a bunch of lesbian action, some fun practical creature effects, a few shots of passable gore, most acting on a Brazzers level, a horny priest who reminds of an off-brand Chris Parnell and most importantly Mary Woronov chewing the scenery left and right. Somehow this nightmare concoction, which should be repugnant trash on any other day, transcended into the sublime. so many things are so bad at once at any given time I was constantly giggling, but there's always enough good shit too to keep you invested. Yes, it's bad and dumb, but I found it extremely entertaining.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 21, 2022, 03:45:21 PM
Last House on Dead End Street - [dir. Roger Watkins, 1973] - After so many fun and/or dumb horror movies in the last month I was really in the mood for something mean-spirited and miserable. Last House on a Dead End Street fit the bill. Admittedly I don't have some huge long standing interest in seeing this like some did when it was released on DVD or re-released as an easter egg on the Corruption Bluray. It only meaningfully came to my attention a year or two ago, but what I read about this grindhouse pseudo-snuff film piqued my interest. I watched the version that's available on the Corruption disc by Vinegar Syndrome. It's rough looking but it only really adds to the feeling. After a few minutes the first two things that stick out are how good some of the shot compositions are and how out of sync and mediocre the voice dubbing is. Both of these things are a constant throughout, but you eventually forget all about the dubbing and sync issues. Damn is this movie miserable! Almost every location is enough to make your skin crawl, most of the actors are rough to look at, most of the sex is anything but erotic, the music is surprisingly effective as are the warped voices later on. The plot itself, guy gets out of jail and decides to make snuff films to punish the world is really all I needed. It's just a loose vehicle to get to the depravity of the second half. I have to imagine a lot of the actors did not have fun filming this, the way they get beat on, blood covered, tied up, strung up, etc. all in the cold of upstate New York, or where ever it was shot.  By the end it was reminding me a lot in tone and miserableness of Kichiku dai Enkai which is one of my all time favorites. This isn't quite that good or ambitious but it's definitely my cup of tea. Real bad times vibes for when you need a reminder that horror films are supposed to show horrible stuff.

Final note, I watched the preview for Corruption after watching the movie and imagine my surprise when the whole thing was set to "Humanity Pt. 2" by Ennio Morricone aka that main creepy synth track from The Thing. I can't imagine Roger Watkins and Jamie Gillis got the rights for it for a hardcore porno, but since it's on the disc who knows?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9Doo9ajCyQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9Doo9ajCyQ)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Lazrs3 on January 28, 2022, 12:19:16 PM
Boiling Point. 2021.

Set in a London Restraunt, filmed in one take, it focuses on the head chef played by Stephen Graham and the stress of his life and all those working in the restraunt. Tension never stops, good film, made mewant to watch Shane Meadows films again.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: online prowler on January 29, 2022, 01:58:45 AM

You mentioned

"First up, Night of the Demon"

Did you ever see director Jacques Tourneur's 1957 'Night of the Demon'? Mandatory.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 22, 2022, 04:46:10 PM
Quote from: online prowler on January 29, 2022, 01:58:45 AM

You mentioned

"First up, Night of the Demon"

Did you ever see director Jacques Tourneur's 1957 'Night of the Demon'? Mandatory.

I have not, I'll have to put it on my "to watch list". Haven't had much time for movies lately but here's a few thoughts on a few from the last month...

Titane - [dir. Julia Ducournau, 2021] - very enjoyable. it was not what i thought it was going to be. there is some extreme stuff early on and one scene that had me turning my head away, but on the whole it's an almost heart-warming film about broken people. best to go in blind if you can.

RoboCop - [dir. Paul Verhoeven, 1987] - every time I watch it I am reminded how perfect this movie is. Truly perfect.

Asylum - [dir. Roy Ward Baker, 1972] - I think this is my 3rd Amicus anthology film? I'm really enjoying this horror anthology set up with an overarching and unifying story. Yeah the violence and tits quotients are way down but it makes up for it with fun and British/European actors, some of whom are very good. Peter Cushing is always welcome but this one has Patrick Magee, Herbert Lom, Charlotte Rampling, and Britt Ekland too. This film won't change your life but it's certainly a pleasant way to spend a Saturday morning.

Raiders of the Lost Ark - [dir. Steven Spielberg, 1981] - I haven't seen this one in ages. Somehow my wife had never seen it at all. Enjoyed it more than the last time I watched it. This is the definition of a romp.

The Friends of Eddie Coyle - [dir. Peter Yates, 1973] - this is the antithesis of a romp. another one I haven't watched in probably a decade. I have to imagine this had some influence on Scorceses's  The Departed and maybe Tarantino in general. Although this is an almost entirely quiet and desolate affair. A matter of fact portrayal of the rigged game that is criminal enterprise. Robert Mitchum is of course amazing but I also really really enjoy Richard Jordan's performance as a slimy-ish ATF agent. The late '60s but really the '70s was the best era for miserable and depressing crime movies.

The Street Fighter - [dir. Shigehiro Ozawa, 1974] - finally watched this one for the first time but it was not an ideal viewing session. It was an old DVD with a lousy transfer. English dub only. and my buddy and I were so tired we couldn't really enjoy it. still a positive viewing experience but definitely one i need to upgrade and re-watch.

Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer - [dir. John McNaughton, 1986] - an absolute classic of gritty depravity carried largely on the shoulders of Michael Rooker. However, Tracy Arnold and Tom Towles do a lot of heavy lifting as well to make this more than just an exercise in misery, with Arnold especially brining in the human warmth and tragedy needed to make it even better.

Stage Fright aka Deliria - [dir. Michele Soavi, 1987] - second viewing, still love it. My only complaint is the lead actress. she doesn't do much for me and I don't find her terribly sympathetic. David Brandon on the other hand is fucking great and I need to see more of his films.

and that's all she wrote.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 22, 2022, 09:04:30 PM
Quote from: cr on December 06, 2015, 11:54:36 AM
I'm kind of obsessed by the text "miira ni narumade" by Shimada Masahiko since I first heard about it 15 years ago (if I remember right, it was a festival curated by Otomo Yoshihide). This is a film based upon this novel. In short, it's about going into the woods and commiting suicide from slowly and painfully starving yourself to death. Film itself is OK, not exactly what I imagined it could be. But I'm happy that all the text of the diary is there. Fictional, but based on a true story.

Haven't been watching that many good movies for long time. Happened to catch this one, and it was pretty unusual. I would think soundtrack could appeal to fans of experimental sound. Also the diary narration. It could probably work out simply as audio experience, without looking the actual movie, just listening it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AdamLehrerImageMaker on March 04, 2022, 07:47:22 PM
2001 (Kubrick)
The Damned (Visconti)
Teorema (Pasolini)
Army of Shadows (Melville)
Possession (Zulawski)
Dead Ringers (Cronenberg)
Videodrome (Cronenberg)
Crash (Cronenberg)
Psycho (Hitchcock)
Chinese Roulette (Fassbinder)
Sorcerer (Friedkin)
Jigoku (Nagakwaa)
In the Realm of the Sense (Oshima)
The Night of the Hunter (Haughton)
World on a Wire (Fassbinder)
Gummo (Korine)
The Night Porter (Cavani)
Mulholland Drive (Lynch)
Don't Look Now (Roeg)
Belle du Jour (Bunuel)
The Tenant (Polanski)
Alphaville (Godard)
Elle (Verhoeven)
Robocop (Verhoeven)
Halloween (Carpenter)
Nymphomaniac (Von Trier)
Pulp Fiction (Tarantino)
Maps to the Stars (Cronenberg)
Hellraiser (Clive Barker)
Out of the Blue (Hopper)
Taxi Driver (Scorsese)
Breaking the Waves (Von Trier)
Happiness (Solondz)
There Will be Blood (Anderson)
Fat Girl (Breillat(
Bully (Clark)
Eyes wide Shut (Kubrick)
Vertigo (Hitchcock)
Battle in Heaven (Reygad)
The Brown Bunny (Gallo)
Antichrist (Von Trier)
Inland Empire (Lynch)
The Piano Teacher (Haneke)
Irreversible (Noe)
Pusher 2 (Refn)
Trouble Every Day (Denis)
Dog Days (Seidl)
Paradise Faith (Seidl)
My Winnipeg (Maddin)
Storytelling (Solondz)
Clean Shaven (Kerrigan)
Buffalo 66 (Gallo)
Bad Lieutenant (Ferrara)
The Lovers on the Bridge (Carax)
Santanago (Tarr)
The Idiots (Lars Von Trier)
Pola X (Carax)
Blue Velvet (Lynch)
Eraserhead (Lynch)
Begotten (Merhige)
The Conversation (Coppola)
Out One (Rivette)
Straw Dogs (Peckinpah)
Salo (Pasolini)
Tenebre (Argento)
Driller Killer (Ferrara)
The Mother and the Whore (Eustache)
The Deer Hunter (Cimino)
SALO (Pasolini)
Sweet Movie (Makajev)
Demons (Matsumoto)
Come and See (Klimov)
Zigeunerweisen (Suzuki)
A Zed and Two Noughts (Greenaway)
In a Glass Cage (Villaronga)
Ms. 45 (Ferrara)
On the Silver Globe (Zulawski)
A Brutal Game (Brisseau)
Pixote (Babenco)
Mauvais Sang (Carax)
Joker (Todd Phillips)
The Untamed (Amat Escalante)
The Master (Anderson)
Holy Motors (Carax)
Twin Peaks: The Return (Lynch)
Too Old to Die Young (Refn)
Bone Tomahawk (Zahler)
Melancholie der Engel (Dora)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: theotherjohn on March 04, 2022, 09:53:35 PM
Quote from: AdamLehrerImageMaker on March 04, 2022, 07:47:22 PM...

Someone's had a busy week...?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AdamLehrerImageMaker on March 04, 2022, 10:25:36 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on March 04, 2022, 09:53:35 PM
Quote from: AdamLehrerImageMaker on March 04, 2022, 07:47:22 PM...

Someone's had a busy week...?

Lol, I am autistic in my list making. I keep a document where I chronicle my favorite films decade by decade, just pasted from that. Those are just my favorite movies I didn't watch any of them this week.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on March 05, 2022, 10:45:04 PM
Quote from: AdamLehrerImageMaker on March 04, 2022, 07:47:22 PM
2001 (Kubrick)
The Damned (Visconti)
Teorema (Pasolini)
Army of Shadows (Melville)
Possession (Zulawski)
Dead Ringers (Cronenberg)
Videodrome (Cronenberg)
Crash (Cronenberg)
Psycho (Hitchcock)
Chinese Roulette (Fassbinder)
Sorcerer (Friedkin)
Jigoku (Nagakwaa)
In the Realm of the Sense (Oshima)
The Night of the Hunter (Haughton)
World on a Wire (Fassbinder)
Gummo (Korine)
The Night Porter (Cavani)
Mulholland Drive (Lynch)
Don't Look Now (Roeg)
Belle du Jour (Bunuel)
The Tenant (Polanski)
Alphaville (Godard)
Elle (Verhoeven)
Robocop (Verhoeven)
Halloween (Carpenter)
Nymphomaniac (Von Trier)
Pulp Fiction (Tarantino)
Maps to the Stars (Cronenberg)
Hellraiser (Clive Barker)
Out of the Blue (Hopper)
Taxi Driver (Scorsese)
Breaking the Waves (Von Trier)
Happiness (Solondz)
There Will be Blood (Anderson)
Fat Girl (Breillat(
Bully (Clark)
Eyes wide Shut (Kubrick)
Vertigo (Hitchcock)
Battle in Heaven (Reygad)
The Brown Bunny (Gallo)
Antichrist (Von Trier)
Inland Empire (Lynch)
The Piano Teacher (Haneke)
Irreversible (Noe)
Pusher 2 (Refn)
Trouble Every Day (Denis)
Dog Days (Seidl)
Paradise Faith (Seidl)
My Winnipeg (Maddin)
Storytelling (Solondz)
Clean Shaven (Kerrigan)
Buffalo 66 (Gallo)
Bad Lieutenant (Ferrara)
The Lovers on the Bridge (Carax)
Santanago (Tarr)
The Idiots (Lars Von Trier)
Pola X (Carax)
Blue Velvet (Lynch)
Eraserhead (Lynch)
Begotten (Merhige)
The Conversation (Coppola)
Out One (Rivette)
Straw Dogs (Peckinpah)
Salo (Pasolini)
Tenebre (Argento)
Driller Killer (Ferrara)
The Mother and the Whore (Eustache)
The Deer Hunter (Cimino)
SALO (Pasolini)
Sweet Movie (Makajev)
Demons (Matsumoto)
Come and See (Klimov)
Zigeunerweisen (Suzuki)
A Zed and Two Noughts (Greenaway)
In a Glass Cage (Villaronga)
Ms. 45 (Ferrara)
On the Silver Globe (Zulawski)
A Brutal Game (Brisseau)
Pixote (Babenco)
Mauvais Sang (Carax)
Joker (Todd Phillips)
The Untamed (Amat Escalante)
The Master (Anderson)
Holy Motors (Carax)
Twin Peaks: The Return (Lynch)
Too Old to Die Young (Refn)
Bone Tomahawk (Zahler)
Melancholie der Engel (Dora)

A lot that I have seen, and more than a few that I really want to in the near future.  The Night of the Hunter is fantastic.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on March 11, 2022, 03:21:51 AM
Baxter (1989) : French movie. Baxter is a bull terrier and we watch his story with his narrative. Coming from a shelter Baxter changes a couple of homes / families before he finds "someone like him", as he tells us. A 12YO [?] boy who is obsessed with Hitler, especially his final days, and building his bunker in the near junkyard wasteland. So, it's not the usual 'lovely' dog story. Quite funny in the first half, the way french movies usually are, you have a smile. Then, things get an unexpected [?] turn. I liked it. Watched it on Netflix, from the Studiocanal archive, which mostly are good movies compared with most modern shit. - Netflix advertizes the 12YO -probably even less- boy as "young neonazi" ! Here we are ...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 11, 2022, 09:26:04 PM
Quote from: Theodore on March 11, 2022, 03:21:51 AM
Baxter (1989) : French movie. Baxter is a bull terrier and we watch his story with his narrative. Coming from a shelter Baxter changes a couple of homes / families before he finds "someone like him", as he tells us. A 12YO [?] boy who is obsessed with Hitler, especially his final days, and building his bunker in the near junkyard wasteland. So, it's not the usual 'lovely' dog story. Quite funny in the first half, the way french movies usually are, you have a smile. Then, things get an unexpected [?] turn. I liked it. Watched it on Netflix, from the Studiocanal archive, which mostly are good movies compared with most modern shit. - Netflix advertizes the 12YO -probably even less- boy as "young neonazi" ! Here we are ...

I recently heard about this film and am trying to remember where. Thanks for the review, you've confirmed my interest!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 16, 2022, 05:58:53 PM
Since Elden Ring released I've had no time for movies except one...
Graveyard of Honor - [dir. Kinji Fukasaku, 1975] - got my buddy the arrow bluray for Christmas but I can't really compare to the old transfer because it's been at least a decade since I've watched this and my last viewing I was definitely drunk. But unsurprisingly this looks and sounds great. The film itself and the main character are just as unhinged as I remember. Basically the antithesis of Shinoda's Pale Flower, but I like this almost as much. A lot of fun but it can be a tad confusing with all the time skips and large cast of characters. But if you want to watch someone completely blow up their life with violence, drugs and gambling, this is an enjoyable portrait.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on May 10, 2022, 01:55:29 AM
Shut Up Little Man: An Audio Misadventure

A fascinating documentary about two twenty-somethings who decide to record the violent rants/fights of the drunk old men living in the apartment next door, and accidentaly create a pre-Internet viral cultural event in the process.  (Example audio: https://youtu.be/dRJVR6evsRU) Very entertaining, and only the highest recommendations.

They talk in the movie about the tapes they recorded being spread across the United States during the 1980s, so I was wondering whether anyone here encountered them in circulation?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: monster ripper on May 10, 2022, 04:51:41 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on May 10, 2022, 01:55:29 AM
Shut Up Little Man: An Audio Misadventure

They talk in the movie about the tapes they recorded being spread across the United States during the 1980s, so I was wondering whether anyone here encountered them in circulation?

Yeah, I used to have some.  Tape trading in the '80s wasn't just about sound, a lot of weird shit made the rounds, like the "red/tube bar" tapes, and recordings of famous people loosing there shit and swearing that got edited out of radio shows etc.  (similar to what Negativland used some on "the letter u and the numeral 2") or even just weird local radio adds, pretty much anything unusual would be thrown on a mix tape and sent off. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on May 10, 2022, 09:13:48 PM
Quote from: monster ripper on May 10, 2022, 04:51:41 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on May 10, 2022, 01:55:29 AM
Shut Up Little Man: An Audio Misadventure

They talk in the movie about the tapes they recorded being spread across the United States during the 1980s, so I was wondering whether anyone here encountered them in circulation?

Yeah, I used to have some.  Tape trading in the '80s wasn't just about sound, a lot of weird shit made the rounds, like the "red/tube bar" tapes, and recordings of famous people loosing there shit and swearing that got edited out of radio shows etc.  (similar to what Negativland used some on "the letter u and the numeral 2") or even just weird local radio adds, pretty much anything unusual would be thrown on a mix tape and sent off. 

Cool!  If you don't mind me asking, what is the general area you are located in?  The movie only talked about tape trading in the US, but I am wondering whether any of their tapes made it to other countries.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: monster ripper on May 15, 2022, 04:12:16 PM
Cool!  If you don't mind me asking, what is the general area you are located in?  The movie only talked about tape trading in the US, but I am wondering whether any of their tapes made it to other countries.

I'm in the US, but it wouldn't surprise me if they made it to other countries as well
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on May 16, 2022, 07:02:47 AM
Quote from: monster ripper on May 15, 2022, 04:12:16 PM
Cool!  If you don't mind me asking, what is the general area you are located in?  The movie only talked about tape trading in the US, but I am wondering whether any of their tapes made it to other countries.

I'm in the US, but it wouldn't surprise me if they made it to other countries as well

I certainly hope that they did!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Fistfuck Masonanie on May 28, 2022, 05:02:17 AM
Quick heads up that Tetsuo: The Iron Man is up on Shudder as well as Body Hammer.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on June 14, 2022, 08:43:49 AM
Amazonia : The Catherine Miles Story

Late entry into the Italian cannibal genre. Mostly a boring drama, with a few scenes that are staple to the genre, gruesome killings and such. Not particularly worth a second watch.

Third watch for me. Can still remember people leaving the cinema when I first saw this over a decade ago. The bleakness and hopelessness of everything in this film is fantastic, director nailed the borderline poverty and dull living of low level income Australian's in the 90's perfectly. The infamous scenes are done really well and realistically too. I sampled this movie heavily some years ago for a split that never happened.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on June 14, 2022, 03:12:02 PM
Quote from: FallOfNature on June 14, 2022, 08:43:49 AM

Just yesterday I was thinking about how good this film is.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AdamLehrerImageMaker on June 15, 2022, 06:56:45 PM
Gaspar Nóe's 'Vortex' is an extraordinary masterpiece. I wrote about it here: https://compactmag.com/article/the-vindication-of-gaspar-noe

Cronenberg's 'Crimes of the Future' is an intriguing return to form, but unsure if it's a classic yet. I wrote about it here: https://safetypropaganda.substack.com/p/10-observations-on-crimes-of-the?s=w
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 04, 2022, 06:24:16 PM
Started a new job in May and I can no longer visit SI on my work computer, let alone post about movies. Now when I get home the last thing I feel like doing most nights is spending time typing more shit. But today I have the time and willingness so here's a recap of the last 4 months of viewing...

Contamination - [dir. Luigi Cozzi, 1980] - My second viewing... I guess I remembered the gore and action that bookends the film and forgot the long and mostly boring mid section. While there are some fun effects I struggled to pay attention. Casting Louise Marleau as the lead female does not light my fire and the overall chemistry between the leads is nearly non-existent. This is worth a watch but probably not two.

The Mummy - [dir. Stephen Sommers, 1999] - My family and I loved this movie when I was growing up. I must have seen it at least 15 times on VHS. Coming back to it a decade at least after my last watch it's extremely enjoyable. The definition of a romp. Yeah it helped usher in the overuse of CGI and gore-less action but it's soo damn fun in a corny, old Hollywood way. If you didn't grow up with it it'd probably fall flat but I'd take this over bad horror any day.

Mulholland Drive - [dir. David Lynch, 2001] - 4K screening at the theatre with Rebekah Del Rio doing a live performance before the show, this was a great night out. My wife's favorite Lynch film and one I admire strongly. The performances are so good and there's a lot of laugh out loud humor too. I was told by another Lynch fan that when this movie originally came out he asked theaters to play the audio at some heightened volume. Well that definitely seemed to be honored at my screening because this ear-splitting at parts. As far as time-loop nightmares go I still prefer "Lost Highway", but I'll get to that in a minute.

The Northman - [dir. Robert Eggers, 2022] - Really enjoyable but my least favorite Robert Eggers movie so far. It has a lot of visual flair, the budget is clearly on display and there are more personal, idiosyncratic flourishes that make it feel like an Eggers film, but the "epic" scope takes away some of the intimacy and interest for me. It reminded me of Valhalla Rising and Revenant but I didn't like it as much as either of those films. I think a second viewing will improve my opinion. That being said, it's in no way bad, just not the revelation I was hoping for. I will say it's bullshit we never see Alexander Skarsgård's dick though. Missed opportunity.

Ex Machina - [dir. Alex Garland, 2015] - Second viewing. This is a compact and perfect little sci-fi story. I'm willing to call it faultless.

Dune - [dir. Denis Villeneuve, 2021] - A little bit of the brain-melting effect is lost when watched at home compared to my theater viewing, but otherwise I enjoyed this just as much on second viewing as I did on the first. A technical note, I watched the 4K blu ray and apparently there's this awesome thing that happens with most 4k players where the movie freezes and stops around 1hr 41min mark because of a layer change on discs of a certain size. This forces you to restart the player, restart the movie, skip to the next scene and then rewind from there. Glad they've got this consumer technology shit all figured out...................

Men - [dir. Alex Garland, 2022] - Absolutely loved this. If you watch this and all you get out of the film is "all men are the same" or "all men are bad", you're a fucking idiot. It seems most people who reviewed this are fucking idiots. Also, one of the most legitimately haunting and effective horror scores I've heard in ages.

The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh - [dir. Sergio Martino, 1971] - Peak Fenech and Martino. A wonderfully twisty whodunnit which has received more noise tributes than most giallo or horror. The new(ish) Severin release looks great!

The Evil Dead - [dir. Sam Raimi, 1981] - still my favorite Evil Dead movie by a mile. it's absolutely cuckoo-bananas without getting too dumb or too silly. And the stop motion putrefaction is so awesome. My wife's first viewing, about a million references and homages finally made sense to her.

Death Walks at Midnight - [dir. Luciano Ercoli, 1972] - a fun and labyrinthian giallo that's impossible to predict. could've used a bit more murder but Nieves Navarro's performance is so much fun she manages to carry things through the dull spots. I probably liked this a little less than the sister film Death Walks on High Heels but it's a solid romp regardless.

Lost Highway - [dir. David Lynch, 1997] - went to see the new 4K transfer in the theater on Saturday and it was easily the best looking I've ever seen the film. It may not be Lynch's best but I'm starting to think Lost Highway is my favorite, or at least favorite to watch. It's the most '90s take on LA noir, there's so much sex, angry saxophone, big American cars, seedy crime guys, and violence. Bill Pullman looks a lot like late 90s early 00s Trent Reznor when he's walking through dark hallways. Robert Loggia cracks me the fuck up. And the big fat titties swing so free, so often. It is the infinitely less classy version of Mullholland Drive, but all the more fun for it. So happy to see it in theaters for the first time in my life.

Phenomena - [dir. Dario Argento, 1985] - New 4K transfer by Synapse looks amazing. I've reviewed this too many times here but needless to say it's become a real favorite of mine in the Argento oeuvre.

And that's all for now...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on July 10, 2022, 05:24:49 PM
Was heavily disappointed by the latest Cronenberg. Multiple subplots left unexplored, no real ending, a humdrum sense of futility and pointlessness all over the proceedings. Apparently the first draft of the script was from 1997, unsurprising since this is basically the lesser cousin of eXistenZ and Crash. Don't get me started on Mortensen's ninja costume. A few good ideas and impressive scenes, sure (especially giggled at the consent-independent trepanerinsritualen), and a great score by Shore as always. But that's about it. Being a huge fan I'll give this another go at some point, but right now for me it's at the very bottom of his filmography, along with Dangerous Method.

Also watched the great Taiwanese horror film The Sadness. Extremely impressive for a debut film. Especially for the zombie genre, which is a bit, eh, done to death these days. Ending was a bit meh, however.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: MHK on July 10, 2022, 06:49:35 PM
Dang, sad to hear that about Crimes of the Future. I haven't liked Cronenberg's films from this millennium much and was hoping it'd be a return to form, so to say. I'll try and see it sometime soon in any case.

Just watched Doris Wishman's Indecent Desires. So weird it was almost surreal, but should've been much more sleazy and nasty.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: absurdexposition on July 11, 2022, 12:41:28 AM
Quote from: MHK on July 10, 2022, 06:49:35 PM
Dang, sad to hear that about Crimes of the Future. I haven't liked Cronenberg's films from this millennium much and was hoping it'd be a return to form, so to say.

It is. I loved it. I've seen it twice at the theatre and would go back again. Not only is horny Cronenberg back, but ideas Cronenberg is back. It traces the line from eXistenZ and Crash through to Dead Ringers and all the way back to his original Crimes of the Future. Inverse to Atrophist, it's actually near the top of the Cronenberg pile for me.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on July 11, 2022, 07:46:11 AM
I agree. Great movie. Seems like a lot of people expected body horror. With this one you get a lot of body, but not so much horror. I would agree in many ways it's a return to form, but by no means a rehash of ideas or some nostalgia ploy. I have a ton of thoughts about this film, but will keep it brief. Went into it with no knowledge of the plot, so perhaps that shaped my opinion a bit, but I felt like it went in a very unexpected direction much to my personal benefit.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on July 11, 2022, 05:57:55 PM
i thought it was really boring

haven't really liked a cronenberg film in about 25 years
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on July 11, 2022, 06:44:37 PM
I've no desire or intention to start an argument over this (it's just movie), but imho as an artist you can't really return to form, certainly not the form you were in 25+ years ago. Nor is it necessary in Cronenberg's case as he's never really stopped maturing, developing, and again imho, improving as an artist. I get that pushing 80 he'd wish to revisit his old haunts for a nostalgia trip (and no, "surgery as sex" is not a major innovation over, say, "car crashes as sex"). Still, I hope his next film(s) will break new ground again.

I actually found the plotline about digesting plastic much more interesting. But even that was clumsily handled. I mean for a regular person, swallowing a piece of plastic is not a great idea, but it won't cause you to immediately start vomiting blue slime and then die. Or were those purple bars the "industrial waste" the character referred to at some point? Who knows.

But anyway, I'm glad others enjoyed it more than I did. And as a big fan, I'd still prefer a below-average Cronenberg film over almost anything else. I certainly hope he still has a few films in him and am looking forward to Shrouds.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on July 11, 2022, 07:51:43 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on July 11, 2022, 06:44:37 PM
I've no desire or intention to start an argument over this (it's just movie), but imho as an artist you can't really return to form, certainly not the form you were in 25+ years ago.

I would agree with this. For most part I use the phrase because I see what others are referring to even if I don't fully agree. At the end of the day I think it's mostly just used as shorthand for "there are weird bodily mutations and perverted sex in this film". I feel like I would like the film a lot less if it was just trying to hit the right Cronenberg notes and do nothing else. It had enough familiarity to feel like some of his old school elements had returned, but like I said not in the way of simple rehash. Regardless of the more trademark stuff I just honestly thought the plot was great. Loved the ending as well. As far as the "just a movie" comment... it's all just movies,  just noise, just art, etc. And these are all just opinions. I'm actually glad to hear from people who didn't enjoy it. Makes me consider and reflect on what I did enjoy about it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AKTI Records on July 13, 2022, 12:06:48 AM
Got MUBI for myself like two weeks ago and damn I`ve been enjoying cinema.

First Cow was ok; fun, good looking and all - bit too hipster goofball feel good tale for my taste. After a friends recomendation I watched movie called Mysterious Skin which was more or less great, good acting, semi psychedelic and semi disturbing erotic scenes... Beautiful soundtrack by Harold Budd. Now before bed going to lurk Larry Clarks Bully (2001)... Loved Kids so I have high expectations about this one!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: MHK on July 13, 2022, 09:13:35 AM
Quote from: AKTI Records on July 13, 2022, 12:06:48 AM
Got MUBI for myself like two weeks ago and damn I`ve been enjoying cinema.

MUBI is the best thing to happen in the world of streaming services ever!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on July 15, 2022, 01:42:52 AM
Patriotism: It turns out that Yukio Mishima's short film has been available on Youtube, so I decided to watch it earlier today.  It is interesting for a variety of reasons, but I especially appreciated the Noh set design and general minimalism pervading the entire film.  In regards to its content, I think it is (aside from the short story it is based on) closest to Runaway Horses and The Decay of the Angel (for its fascinating fade-out into a Zen rock garden in the final scene).  It is definitely worth the half hour!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: impulse manslaughter on July 18, 2022, 08:35:26 PM
Eastern Promises is the last Cronenberg I watched. I grew up watching stuff like The Fly, Scanners and Videodrome with my friends. Discovering these "cult-movies" on the shelves of our local video rental place was like finding a portal to another dimension. In hindsight the ideas are better than the execution. A lot of it feels really outdated also. The only ones I still really like and still own on dvd are Rabid, The Fly and Dead Ringers.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on July 18, 2022, 11:15:43 PM
It's totally true that Cronenberg's films don't seem to age very well. But such is your lot if you want to be avant-garde: misunderstood at first, forgotten later. That surely won't unfamiliar to many of us here either, eh? ;)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on July 19, 2022, 04:12:15 AM
The only one I have see is The Fly, but I thought it aged extremely well.  The effects still blow any CGI away for me.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AdamLehrerImageMaker on July 21, 2022, 01:26:09 AM
I wrote about Crimes of the Future here: https://safetypropaganda.substack.com/p/10-observations-on-crimes-of-the

Overall, I thought it was pretty good. Honestly, I was very interested in Cronenberg's 2000s work, seeing how his aesthetic would, for example, operate in crime genre cinema with the excellent Eastern Promises and A History of Violence. I also think Maps to the Stars, his Hollywood satire written by the great author Bruce Wagner, was among the most singularly genius works of his career (and I consider Dead Ringers to be my second favorite film ever made). A Hollywood satire as repulsive and cutting as Nathaniel West's Day of the Locus (and John Scheslinger's masterful adaptation of it) or Kenneth Anger's Hollywood Babylon.

Crimes to the Future is a return to form, and was certainly interesting visually and philosophically. I'm more curious to see what the new couple will look like.

Quote from: NerveGas on July 11, 2022, 07:46:11 AM
I agree. Great movie. Seems like a lot of people expected body horror. With this one you get a lot of body, but not so much horror. I would agree in many ways it's a return to form, but by no means a rehash of ideas or some nostalgia ploy. I have a ton of thoughts about this film, but will keep it brief. Went into it with no knowledge of the plot, so perhaps that shaped my opinion a bit, but I felt like it went in a very unexpected direction much to my personal benefit.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Manhog_84 on November 20, 2022, 06:48:24 PM
Christian Tafdrup's Speak No Evil is easily the best film of the year for me. I almost passed it because the plot didn't seem that interesting. This film is not meant to be an entertaining or escapist horror, but it cleverly manipulates viewer's feelings and when the credits rolled, I was genuinely upset of what I just saw. George Sluizer's Spoorloos left me with a similar feeling when I saw it years ago. All the small details seem more disturbing when you know the ending. It's best to see without watching the trailer or knowing too much. Great use of music as well.

I also went to see Terrifier 2 at the local movie festival. Everyone's praising it but it's boring as fuck. Art the Clown would be a great villain, but I feel it's wasted in this franchise. The comic book violence doesn't work very well because there is no build-up, no tension, no characters, shitty plot and overall bad direction and the movie is one hour too long.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HollowSerpentTooth on November 24, 2022, 01:20:08 AM
Quote from: Manhog_84 on November 20, 2022, 06:48:24 PM
Christian Tafdrup's Speak No Evil is easily the best film of the year for me. I almost passed it because the plot didn't seem that interesting. This film is not meant to be an entertaining or escapist horror, but it cleverly manipulates viewer's feelings and when the credits rolled, I was genuinely upset of what I just saw. George Sluizer's Spoorloos left me with a similar feeling when I saw it years ago. All the small details seem more disturbing when you know the ending. It's best to see without watching the trailer or knowing too much. Great use of music as well.

Thanks for the heads up on this. Thoroughly enjoyed it and went in completely unaware of what to expect. Great flick. Unsettling.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AdamLehrerImageMaker on November 24, 2022, 08:38:00 PM
Blonde, Andrew Dominik's Marilyn Monroe "biopic" cum theory fictional horror, is the cinematic masterpiece of the decade. Watch it with an open mind.

Damien Leone's Terrifier 2, Gaspar Noe's Vortex, and Todd Fields' Tarr are all masterpieces as well.

It's been a very exciting year for film, against all odds.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on November 24, 2022, 10:47:01 PM
Quote from: Manhog_84 on November 20, 2022, 06:48:24 PM.

I also went to see Terrifier 2 at the local movie festival. Everyone's praising it but it's boring as fuck. Art the Clown would be a great villain, but I feel it's wasted in this franchise. The comic book violence doesn't work very well because there is no build-up, no tension, no characters, shitty plot and overall bad direction and the movie is one hour too long.

There were many things that Terrifier 2 does right imo. Against all expectations Art's character is great, and it has one of the best final girls in slasher movies in general. And there is a general sense of seediness and absurdity that very few horror movies manage to pull off. The deliberately (??) bad looking gore effects didn't work for me.

I also enjoyed the band posters in the main character's little brother's room. Most of the members in the bands are old enough to have grandkids his age. :D
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on December 05, 2022, 09:38:10 PM
Watched Tár theother day. Went into it almost completely blind, the only thing I knew was that it dealt with classical music and Mahler (whose music I love) would be one of the composers featured. I was prepared for the usual tale of a woman effortlessly outdoing all those dumb white men on every front. Whatever this film is, it's not that. The film is almost three hours long and I spent much of the first hour wondering, what the hell is going on in this movie? Even after the main plot emerges, there are still plenty of wtf moments. I rarely re-watch films so soon, but this one is going to have to be an exception. Not everything works, but in a film that is this long and ambitious that's to be expected really. I'd recommend this to anyone in our milieu.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: impulse manslaughter on December 11, 2022, 04:48:56 PM
Watched The Painted Bird on dvd yesterday. A long, slow, unpleasant and bleak movie in b/w about a boy wandering around in Eastern Europa during WW2, meeting one abusive character after the other. Sparse dialogue and beautiful shot. Never read the book but did like the movie, although sometimes it was hard to focus an not get distracted.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AdamLehrerImageMaker on December 12, 2022, 06:29:05 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on December 05, 2022, 09:38:10 PM
Watched Tár theother day. Went into it almost completely blind, the only thing I knew was that it dealt with classical music and Mahler (whose music I love) would be one of the composers featured. I was prepared for the usual tale of a woman effortlessly outdoing all those dumb white men on every front. Whatever this film is, it's not that. The film is almost three hours long and I spent much of the first hour wondering, what the hell is going on in this movie? Even after the main plot emerges, there are still plenty of wtf moments. I rarely re-watch films so soon, but this one is going to have to be an exception. Not everything works, but in a film that is this long and ambitious that's to be expected really. I'd recommend this to anyone in our milieu.

It's incredible. The sequence of her absolutely eviscerating the leftoid comp student for refusing to listen to dead white composers is the best scene of the year. Watched it on repeat. Clearly the film is dealing with MeToo, and the way that MeToo and broader cancel culture is used to alleviate cultural enthusiasm for greatness. By making the lead a woman instead of a man Todd Field deftly got the film made at an appropriate budget, and I'm thrilled that it exists.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on December 18, 2022, 03:35:46 PM
Quote from: AdamLehrerImageMaker on December 12, 2022, 06:29:05 PMThe sequence of her absolutely eviscerating the leftoid comp student for refusing to listen to dead white composers is the best scene of the year. Watched it on repeat.

It absolutely is an amazing scene. Not even lessened by the allegations of her own dubious behaviour that appear later (wonder if they would have dared to include something like that otherwise?)

I've seen discussion of the scene of her jogging in the park, and hearing screaming from somewhere nearby, without being able to figure out where it's coming from exactly. But there's also a scene of her walking up to her daughter calling out abd getting out of bed. There's clearly a human figure sitting on a chair in the corner of the bedroom. The viewer in clearly meant to see it, but Tarr herself doesn't. Like I said I need to watch this again.

The ending was jaw-droppingly hilarious. An absolute stroke of genius in my opinion.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AdamLehrerImageMaker on December 18, 2022, 09:56:26 PM
I believe what the film was saying was that this sort of literati approved greatness that Lydia enjoys is in many ways just as nebulous and fraudulent as the ideology of that young student. We come to associate her loss of status as the loss of greatness, but we never actually see her greatness in action we're just told about it by her cultural status. This is what I believe Todd Field communicated: can greatness be achieved in a culture that places so much priority on bland discourse? In any case, fascinatingly complex, slow burner of a film. One that I assume will shift in meanings and readings going forth. A great work of art.

I saw some Terrifier 2 earlier, I think it was also great. Seemed legitimately to be a very cruel work of art and one that could even possibly push psychos over the edge (which is cool.) I wrote about it here: https://compactmag.com/article/away-from-arthouse-horror

Quote from: Atrophist on December 18, 2022, 03:35:46 PM
Quote from: AdamLehrerImageMaker on December 12, 2022, 06:29:05 PMThe sequence of her absolutely eviscerating the leftoid comp student for refusing to listen to dead white composers is the best scene of the year. Watched it on repeat.

It absolutely is an amazing scene. Not even lessened by the allegations of her own dubious behaviour that appear later (wonder if they would have dared to include something like that otherwise?)

I've seen discussion of the scene of her jogging in the park, and hearing screaming from somewhere nearby, without being able to figure out where it's coming from exactly. But there's also a scene of her walking up to her daughter calling out abd getting out of bed. There's clearly a human figure sitting on a chair in the corner of the bedroom. The viewer in clearly meant to see it, but Tarr herself doesn't. Like I said I need to watch this again.

The ending was jaw-droppingly hilarious. An absolute stroke of genius in my opinion.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: PSYWAR LTD on December 26, 2022, 11:45:25 PM
My Christmas tradition includes watching Silent Night, Deadly Night. That has to be the most disturbing Christmas movie of all time.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bruitiste on December 27, 2022, 04:17:56 AM
I enjoy that one but find it a bit silly.  Big fan of Black Christmas (1974), by Bob Clark.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on December 28, 2022, 09:25:00 PM
Didn't have much time to watch movies or series this year. So, any recommendations/must sees? Maybe something like best of 2022? Because now I have some days off and would like to watch something worthwhile.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on December 29, 2022, 01:44:55 AM
Quote from: cr on December 28, 2022, 09:25:00 PM
Didn't have much time to watch movies or series this year. So, any recommendations/must sees? Maybe something like best of 2022? Because now I have some days off and would like to watch something worthwhile.

The only new movie that I saw this year (though I really thought it was fascinating) was a documentary called The Most Beautiful Boy in the World.  It tells the life story of the boy who co-starred in Death in Venice and exposes the lifetime ramifications of the abuse/exploitation he encountered as a result.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on December 29, 2022, 02:29:01 AM
Quote from: cr on December 28, 2022, 09:25:00 PM
Didn't have much time to watch movies or series this year. So, any recommendations/must sees? Maybe something like best of 2022? Because now I have some days off and would like to watch something worthwhile.

Besides Tarr discussed above, a film I really enjoyed this year was Emily the Criminal with Aubrey Plaza. I can also recommend You Won't be Alone and Bodies Bodies Bodies with some (pretty minor) reservations. 

As for television, Severance was easily the best thing I saw this year. Also, the show based on Steve Jones' memoirs, Pistol, was pretty decent, against all expectations.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on December 29, 2022, 11:35:03 PM
i enjoyed emily the criminal too

didn't think tar was great tbh. confused script and a terrible performance from blanchett

skinamarink was my favourite of the year probably. or maybe RRR

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on December 30, 2022, 11:10:28 PM
Quote from: aububs on December 29, 2022, 11:35:03 PM

didn't think tar was great tbh. confused script and a terrible performance from blanchett

There certainly seemed to be a histrionic element in Blanchett's performance that I personally didn't especially care for. Would I call it terrible, maybe not. Each to his own, ofc.

The more I think about it the more I recall great movies I saw in 2022. The Taiwanese horror movie The Sadness managed to actually achieve something new in the zombie genre, against all expectations. Zombies that can still think and even talk — except that they're all murderous lunatics? Bring it on. A few extremely effective scenes, also a couple unfortunately goofy ones. Holds up fairly well till the end, nevertheless.

The Thai horror film The Medium I would rate even higher, except for the ending which falls somewhat flat.

Flux Gourmet is another film that anyone who tries to create experimental audio / live performances ought to appreciate. Like all of Peter Strickland's films, it has a certain pretentious edge to it. But it didn't prevent me from enjoying it.

Another film from 2022 I can recommend, with a few caveats, is Holy Spider (apparently also called Mashhad Nights in some territories), by Iranian director Ali Abbasi. The film deals with the real life case of a serial killer who targeted prostitutes in 2000-2001 in the Iranian city of Mashhad. Disappointingly, there's a sort of Western contemporary "all women good, all men bad" sensibility that emerges a few times in the film. Probably explained by the fact that the director lives in Denmark.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on January 12, 2023, 07:04:08 AM
Any thoughts on Nagisa Oshima?  I recently went through a phase of watching a lot of his movies (I ended up watching all of them except for about three, which I hope to catch up on shortly).  My favorites have been The Sun's Burial and The Ceremony.  He seemed to change his aesthetic sensibility as time went on, developing (whether that equates to improving is up for debate) from realism to abstract, New Wave experimentation, back to a more traditional---though visually lush---approach.

I still haven't worked out exactly how I feel about In the Realm of the Senses or its less graphic sequel Empire of Passions aside from recognizing that they are visually beautiful (especially the latter).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Manhog_84 on January 15, 2023, 07:14:39 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on December 30, 2022, 11:10:28 PM
Another film from 2022 I can recommend, with a few caveats, is Holy Spider (apparently also called Mashhad Nights in some territories), by Iranian director Ali Abbasi. The film deals with the real life case of a serial killer who targeted prostitutes in 2000-2001 in the Iranian city of Mashhad. Disappointingly, there's a sort of Western contemporary "all women good, all men bad" sensibility that emerges a few times in the film. Probably explained by the fact that the director lives in Denmark.

I was actually a bit hesitant because of this comment should I even see the film, but I'm glad I did. After all feminist bullshit movies like The Last Duel, Promising Young Woman and Men, this had zero of that western "all men are guilty" propaganda. Mainly because it was just focused on what kind of shit holes the Muslim societies are. Opening scene was great and I wished the same cold and disturbing atmosphere would have continued after that. Rest of the film is good drama with well written and believable characters. 4/5
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on January 15, 2023, 10:32:40 PM
Skinamarink. Oh dear, oh dear.

You know the expression "form over content"? Well this is exactly that, but the form isn't any good either.

Pointless static shots from the inside of a single house, shot from deliberately awkward, incorrect and unhelpful angles. With no perceptible artistic justification. The image is also deliberately grainy and the sound scratchy, presumably achieved in an artificial, digital manner. Might work as a more subtle effect, but they've completely overblown it.

This might work as a 20 minute short at a film festival. 100 minutes of this? Not a chance. And don't tell me I just don't "get" it. There's nothing here to get.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on January 16, 2023, 12:32:42 AM
skinamarink was my favourite film i saw last year

loved it

now that i think of it there's a noise mentality to it

i understand people not liking it and there's a lot of them
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on January 16, 2023, 01:44:45 AM
Quote from: aububs on January 16, 2023, 12:32:42 AM
now that i think of it there's a noise mentality to it

I thought the same, actually. Imo it could have been great, if they'd toned down the gimmickry a bit, focused more on the story and pruned the lenght by maybe 20 min.

But hey, if you enjoyed it, great. I'll still check out whatever the director does next, because like I said at least this film tries to do something different and original, and shows promise. Even if it doesn't deliver this time around, imo.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: chibitachop on January 16, 2023, 07:04:25 AM
Quote from: Atrophist on January 15, 2023, 10:32:40 PM
You know the expression "form over content"? Well this is exactly that, but the form isn't any good either.

Pointless static shots from the inside of a single house, shot from deliberately awkward, incorrect and unhelpful angles. With no perceptible artistic justification...

This might work as a 20 minute short at a film festival. 100 minutes of this? Not a chance. And don't tell me I just don't "get" it. There's nothing here to get.

this is kind of how I felt the first time I watched it pirated at home, then when it went theatrical I couldn't resist the novelty of seeing it again in a theater and I have to say upon rewatching its shocking to realize how many of the shots that felt pointless / purely-aesthetic are actually motivated and have a functional purpose to drive what minimal plot there is.

without spoiling anything, lot of early stuff is showing progressively more lights getting turned off by indeterminate forces closing in on the living room & establishing when they sleep which objects are moved around, pretty much everything up thru "how'd you do that?" is way more linear than it seems first time. even the most pointless hallway shots are setting you up to notice what has changed later.

which is in no way meant to argue in any qualitative way that makes it "good" but just to say after rewatching I must concede there is much more deliberate structure than is immediately evident, its just skewed towards indirect context clues and off-screen audio (for example, them repetitively trying the light switch in the kitchen which we don't see at all).

I would love to discuss the ending with anyone else who felt they got something out of it, but I'll have to remind myself how to do the spoiler tag on here. it def gets more open-ended post "how'd you do that?" but cursory googling confirmed there is at least some corroborating consensus so its not just me free -improvising.

regardless, its categorically insane a movie this formally antagonistic is in wide theatrical release so I highly recommend anyone reading this at least give it a shot for the cognitive dissonance alone.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Manhog_84 on January 21, 2023, 10:04:28 AM
Just rewatched Phase IV. 101 films Blu-ray has the original Saul Bass ending as an extra feature and fuck, it's amazing! It always felt that the film's ending is a bit letdown and rushed, but this works a lot better and makes more sense.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HateSermon on January 26, 2023, 07:01:28 AM
Couple of movies with the boys tonight...

First up was Invasion USA. Excellent Cannon film starring Chuck Norris. A bunch of Cubans and Russians try to storm the US but good ol Chuck Norris is there to fuck up their plans. I think he has like 10 lines in this whole movie, the rest is one big explosion after another. Plenty of real dynamite used on scenes rather than cgi or whatever. Some seedy goons in here, too. A fun ride.

Second was Dead Heat. A buddy cop movie but one of the cops turns into a zombie and can't be killed. Somehow the main broad in this gets more attractive as the film progresses. One of the last flicks Vincent Price was in before he died and I gotta tell ya, still a great actor even on his deathbed. Has Joe Piscopo playing a meathead italian cop but his one liners were a huge let down. Like every time it was setup for him he said some stupid shit. Treat Williams is the pretty boy good cop turned zombie. Highlight of the film was a crazy reanimated butcher shop scene... chickens and pigs coming back to life and whatnot. Worth watching.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: goldameir on January 26, 2023, 08:18:06 PM
Just rewatched "The Rock" (1996), and I can't stop admiring this movie since its release. This was exclusive how Michael Bay managed to combine a classy action thriller with such a deep dramatic character as General Hummel portrayed by Ed Harris.
And of course, the scroe is my favorite score for ever. You can't imagine this movie without "The Rock Suite". I've been listening to this album many years as a separate musical opus, and if they tell me, that I have to choose one music piece for the rest of my life..

Nick Glennie-Smith, Hans Zimmer - "The Rock" Main Theme (https://youtu.be/y8i8mVxt258)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: AdamLehrerImageMaker on February 11, 2023, 05:55:21 AM
Been reading Quentin Tarantino's Cinema Speculation, which is phenomenal, and then jotting down some of the films that he writes about.

First was John Avildsen's Joe from 1970, which I'd seen a long time ago, and bought the blu-ray and rewatched it. Almost a perfect film. A bourgeois hard working family murders the heroin addict drug dealer that leads his daughter to ruin, earning the respect and admiration of working class foul mouth bigot Joe, who leads him to ruin. Truly hypnotic film, and a great lens into the generational divide of the first counter culture.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Neons Fanzine on February 12, 2023, 03:40:51 AM
Quote from: HateSermon on January 26, 2023, 07:01:28 AM
Couple of movies with the boys tonight...

First up was Invasion USA. Excellent Cannon film starring Chuck Norris. A bunch of Cubans and Russians try to storm the US but good ol Chuck Norris is there to fuck up their plans. I think he has like 10 lines in this whole movie, the rest is one big explosion after another. Plenty of real dynamite used on scenes rather than cgi or whatever. Some seedy goons in here, too. A fun ride.

Even the beginning is epic
The russian guy shooting a dude in the dick and then throwing the screaming chick through the window, that's badass
And I love how the communists are invading America the same way the allies arrived in the beaches of Normandy
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: HateSermon on February 16, 2023, 09:20:49 PM
Quote from: Neons Fanzine on February 12, 2023, 03:40:51 AM
Quote from: HateSermon on January 26, 2023, 07:01:28 AM
Couple of movies with the boys tonight...

First up was Invasion USA. Excellent Cannon film starring Chuck Norris. A bunch of Cubans and Russians try to storm the US but good ol Chuck Norris is there to fuck up their plans. I think he has like 10 lines in this whole movie, the rest is one big explosion after another. Plenty of real dynamite used on scenes rather than cgi or whatever. Some seedy goons in here, too. A fun ride.

Even the beginning is epic
The russian guy shooting a dude in the dick and then throwing the screaming chick through the window, that's badass
And I love how the communists are invading America the same way the allies arrived in the beaches of Normandy

Fuck man I said the same damn thing about the Normandy thing haha.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on February 22, 2023, 05:47:47 PM
Cronenberg jr's Infinity Pool. His first actually succesful film imo. Unlike many others I wasn't a big fan ofPossessor, and Antiviral was just silly.

Infinity Pool still stumbles a bit here and there, but given how ambitious the concept is, it's still a remarkably well done film. Mia Goth's performance is so totally over the top that you can't help but admire it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: PSYWAR LTD on March 19, 2023, 09:52:22 PM
I watched "Evil Dead Trap" last night which was very good. It's a 1988 Japanese slasher movie with excellent music and a scene involving a killer fetus. High recommended. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 01, 2023, 10:24:17 PM
Quote from: PSYWAR LTD on March 19, 2023, 09:52:22 PM
I watched "Evil Dead Trap" last night which was very good. It's a 1988 Japanese slasher movie with excellent music and a scene involving a killer fetus. High recommended. 

Evil Dead Trap is great! I love the locations/sets for the film. And that scene where the killer pulls a hunting knife blade through a victim's hands. Woof.

This past Saturday I went to a screening of 5 Italian genre films on 35mm and will hopefully get a write up posted here in my lifetime.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on June 18, 2023, 01:55:07 PM
Ulrich Seidl "Rimini"
Great! The world of "German Schlager" is sometimes darker than all the PE and Noise themes. Some of you will know what I mean.

Other than that, I watched the movies from director Martin McDonagh this weekend and the last one - In Bruges, Seven Psychopaths, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri, The Banshees of Inishereen. Never saw them before, but I liked them a lot!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: spallmaker on June 24, 2023, 09:38:39 PM
Quote from: cr on June 18, 2023, 01:55:07 PM
Ulrich Seidl "Rimini"
Great! The world of "German Schlager" is sometimes darker than all the PE and Noise themes. Some of you will know what I mean.

This looks great. Recently watched Dog Days and it blew me away. Have you seen his doc In The Basement? About people and their "hobbies."
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on June 25, 2023, 02:42:44 PM
Quote from: spallmaker on June 24, 2023, 09:38:39 PM
Quote from: cr on June 18, 2023, 01:55:07 PM
Ulrich Seidl "Rimini"
Great! The world of "German Schlager" is sometimes darker than all the PE and Noise themes. Some of you will know what I mean.

This looks great. Recently watched Dog Days and it blew me away. Have you seen his doc In The Basement? About people and their "hobbies."

Yes, I've seen most of his films. If you haven't seen already, I can also strongly recommend Models, Import/Export and the Paradise trilogy.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on June 25, 2023, 11:09:51 PM
Can't wait to see Rimini. The Paradise trilogy is great too, if a bit self-indulgent and "oh, look at me" at times.

There apparently is also a whole film from 1997, with Herr Rupnik from Paradise: Faith as the main character, called Der Busenfreund. (Moozz are you reading this?)

I'd love to see it but it seems incredibly hard to find.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on June 26, 2023, 08:19:37 AM
Quote from: Atrophist on June 25, 2023, 11:09:51 PM

Der Busenfreund
I'd love to see it but it seems incredibly hard to find.

It can be found here, I hope it works everywhere:

https://youtu.be/wDvKNwr9PX4 (https://youtu.be/wDvKNwr9PX4)

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: moozz on June 26, 2023, 02:19:34 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on June 25, 2023, 11:09:51 PM
Can't wait to see Rimini. The Paradise trilogy is great too, if a bit self-indulgent and "oh, look at me" at times.

There apparently is also a whole film from 1997, with Herr Rupnik from Paradise: Faith as the main character, called Der Busenfreund. (Moozz are you reading this?)

I'd love to see it but it seems incredibly hard to find.

I am/was reading and checked it out. Had to give up after 30 minutes, I found it super boring. Maybe I'll just go watch some Russ Meyer :)
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on June 28, 2023, 06:51:25 PM
Quote from: cr on June 26, 2023, 08:19:37 AM
Quote from: Atrophist on June 25, 2023, 11:09:51 PM

Der Busenfreund
I'd love to see it but it seems incredibly hard to find.

It can be found here, I hope it works everywhere:

https://youtu.be/wDvKNwr9PX4 (https://youtu.be/wDvKNwr9PX4)

Amazing, thank you very much! Too bad it wasn't Moozz's cup of tea, I'll still give it a try though. :D

I recently watched a Norwegian film titled Syk Pike, the international title is apparently Sick of Myself.

A bored/boring young woman deliberately gives herself a disfiguring skin disease, because she can't think of anything else to get attention. Pretty grotesque black humor, just up my alley. Almost veers into Cronenbergesque body horror at times.

In the end, the treatment of the themes of narcissism, social media etc ends up being a bit ham-handed, though. I rarely wish for films to be longer than they actually are, but this one could have benefited from extra 20 min or so. Still, very glad I saw this, and look forward to the director's future work.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Phenol on June 28, 2023, 08:31:46 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on June 28, 2023, 06:51:25 PM
Quote from: cr on June 26, 2023, 08:19:37 AM
Quote from: Atrophist on June 25, 2023, 11:09:51 PM

Der Busenfreund
I'd love to see it but it seems incredibly hard to find.

It can be found here, I hope it works everywhere:

https://youtu.be/wDvKNwr9PX4 (https://youtu.be/wDvKNwr9PX4)

Amazing, thank you very much! Too bad it wasn't Moozz's cup of tea, I'll still give it a try though. :D

I recently watched a Norwegian film titled Syk Pike, the international title is apparently Sick of Myself.

A bored/boring young woman deliberately gives herself a disfiguring skin disease, because she can't think of anything else to get attention. Pretty grotesque black humor, just up my alley. Almost veers into Cronenbergesque body horror at times.

In the end, the treatment of the themes of narcissism, social media etc ends up being a bit ham-handed, though. I rarely wish for films to be longer than they actually are, but this one could have benefited from extra 20 min or so. Still, very glad I saw this, and look forward to the director's future work.

Syk Pike sounds like something up my alley too. Have you seen In my Skin (Dans ma peau) from 2002? If not I think it's worth your time. Very similar idea. Woman gets wounded, finds out that she likes that and descends into self destruction. There's a few very slow paced and gruelling self harm scenes in there. It's slow, but I liked it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on June 28, 2023, 10:28:26 PM
Quote from: Phenol on June 28, 2023, 08:31:46 PM
Have you seen In my Skin (Dans ma peau) from 2002? If not I think it's worth your time. Very similar idea. Woman gets wounded, finds out that she likes that and descends into self destruction. There's a few very slow paced and gruelling self harm scenes in there. It's slow, but I liked it.

Sounds familiar, though I'm pretty sure I haven't seen it. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll add it to my "to see" list!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on July 05, 2023, 01:46:15 AM
Quote from: cr on June 26, 2023, 08:19:37 AM
Quote from: Atrophist on June 25, 2023, 11:09:51 PM

Der Busenfreund
I'd love to see it but it seems incredibly hard to find.

It can be found here, I hope it works everywhere:

https://youtu.be/wDvKNwr9PX4 (https://youtu.be/wDvKNwr9PX4)

Very sad, nasty little film. Yeah, it was boring in a way, but boredom is not always bad for you. I'll endure it just to know that hey, at least my life isn't like this.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on July 14, 2023, 12:42:03 AM
Watching Nicholas Winding Refn's new Netflix show Copenhagen Cowboy. Not as good as Too Old to Die Young so far, but still amusing.

The only ethnic Danish character is a guy who cannot speak, but rather grunts and squeals like a pig, and is constantly being beaten, whipped and humiliated. Can't help but think that NWR is trying to tell us something here. :D

This will probably pivot into a feminist revenge fantasy sooner or later like TOtDY did, but if it's well done I won't mind.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on July 14, 2023, 04:06:06 PM
Anna Eriksson - never heard about her before, until I saw trailers for her films M and W. Looked somehow interesting, so I did quick research and it seems, she is/was one of the most famous Finnish singers, who nowadays makes movies.
So, all you Finnish people here can surely tell me more about her and her films. Are they any good and worth looking for? In general, it seems like a strange move from being a famous singer to become an "experimental" film maker (at least where I come from).
Any informations and personal opinions about her work would be highly appreciated! Thanks
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on July 14, 2023, 06:18:50 PM
I haven't seen either one of them, so I cannot comment on that. But yes, her character arc is interesting. She also writes articles about the nature of art, humanity etc. that sometimes come off as rather ranty and obscurantist. Like someone operating within her own personal frame of reference, if you know what I mean.

From what I've understood she used to suffer from depression (or some other similar mental health problem), and I've no doubt that the art she is creating now is helping her deal with it better than standard schlager/pop.

She used to be married to the drummer of super-popular pop-punk band Apulanta, and they spent ages (more than 5 years I believe) getting permits etc to built some fancy eco-mansion in my dad's hometown of Heinola. They became a bit of a local laughing stock because of it, and by the time the house was finished, they had already broken up.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: KillToForget on July 15, 2023, 03:29:53 AM
I'm rewatching Criterion's Stan Brakhage anthology for the first time in years. I've always loved his work, and I'd highly recommend this set
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Phenol on July 15, 2023, 12:21:12 PM
Watched Santa Sangre for the first time last night. Loved it! Followed it up with Hardware, which is probably the most industrial movie out there outside of Tetsuo: The Iron Man. Hardware was actually much more visually striking and psychedelic than I remembered. Santa Sangre was a weird trip with lots of colours, strange people, nudity, violence and manic circus music.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on July 15, 2023, 11:56:50 PM
Santa Sangre is a pretty crazy experience. I wonder how well it would hold up to repeated viewings -- I've only seen it once. If you haven't seen Holy Mountain yet, do yourself a favour and watch it!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on July 19, 2023, 03:22:54 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on July 15, 2023, 11:56:50 PMSanta Sangre is a pretty crazy experience. I wonder how well it would hold up to repeated viewings -- I've only seen it once. If you haven't seen Holy Mountain yet, do yourself a favour and watch it!

Jodo's movies are among my favorites (but I guess it's partly due to the fact that I came across his movies when I was a teenager so they had a really strong impact on me).
Recently saw the "biographical" La danza de la realidad, which reminded me Santa Sangre in a few things... odd as always.
Still have to watch the follow up (Poesía sin fin) and the documentary about Psychomagic that came out in 2019
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Phenol on July 19, 2023, 08:51:41 PM
Yeah, I know I need to watch Holy mountain. It's been on my list for years, just hasn't happened yet. Watching Santa Sangre definitely re-ignited that idea!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on July 20, 2023, 10:40:40 PM
Veneno para las Hadas (Poison for the Fairies), Mexican horror/fantasy/fairytale from the 80's.

If a horror film can ever be described as "adorable", this is probably it. There's no gore, violence or jump scares. However the ending is quite shocking and even rather transgressive, if you think about it. Also, a very heavy contender in "evil kids" genre. Recommended!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on July 22, 2023, 06:10:30 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on July 20, 2023, 10:40:40 PMVeneno para las Hadas (Poison for the Fairies), Mexican horror/fantasy/fairytale from the 80's.

If a horror film can ever be described as "adorable", this is probably it. There's no gore, violence or jump scares. However the ending is quite shocking and even rather transgressive, if you think about it. Also, a very heavy contender in "evil kids" genre. Recommended!

I just watched this last night after seeing your post here.  Very, very good, and I totally echo your recommendation.  I would add that it's also worth watching for those into the style of Italian horror/Giallo of the 1970s.  While there is no thematic overlap, the cinematography clearly takes a note in its constant emphasis of architecture and its fun Charlie Brown-esqe reworking of the famous Giallo POV shots.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on July 23, 2023, 01:57:21 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on July 22, 2023, 06:10:30 PMI would add that it's also worth watching for those into the style of Italian horror/Giallo of the 1970s.

I second this. There's definitely an italian giallo vibe in the movie. Nevertheless thanks Atrophist for the suggestion, it's been a nice surprise!

Also finally watched Zulawski's Possession. Strange and unclassifiable movie: family drama, psychological thriller, body horror... there's everything in it. And the surreal apocalyptic ending is a nice touch. Definitely challenging (dialogues are often just cryptic monologues) but the general atmosphere of the movie is incredible.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on July 25, 2023, 11:12:03 PM
Glad you guys enjoyed Veneno para las Hadas. I'm actually now intent on exploring the rest of Carlos Taboada's oeuvre.

I have now dow ... ("cough") sought out the following: El Libro de Piedra (1969), Hasta el Viento Tiene Miedo (1968), and Mas Negro que la Noche (1975).

Haven't been able to find English subtitles for all of them yet, I'm actually fluent in Spanish, but for my partner's sake I've still want to try to find them, if possible. Looking forward to checking these out!

In the meantime:

Human Factors (Der menschliche Faktor) (2021). A ho-hum "psychological thriller", that's actually pretty low on thrills, and not even that psychologically interesting. Overcomplicated and gimmicky narrative structure, with very little payoff to be had for your efforts. Skip this one and watch Speak No Evil instead.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: spallmaker on July 27, 2023, 09:28:22 PM
Quote from: KillToForget on July 15, 2023, 03:29:53 AMI'm rewatching Criterion's Stan Brakhage anthology for the first time in years. I've always loved his work, and I'd highly recommend this set

The Act of Seeing with One's Own Eyes is pretty fucking great. Went on a whole stretch of watching "death" films for a bit and it definitely changes you. Orozco the Embalmer, A Certain Kind of Death, Dying at Grace. All great films.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: spallmaker on July 27, 2023, 09:39:50 PM
Quote from: cr on June 25, 2023, 02:42:44 PM
Quote from: spallmaker on June 24, 2023, 09:38:39 PM
Quote from: cr on June 18, 2023, 01:55:07 PMUlrich Seidl "Rimini"
Great! The world of "German Schlager" is sometimes darker than all the PE and Noise themes. Some of you will know what I mean.

This looks great. Recently watched Dog Days and it blew me away. Have you seen his doc In The Basement? About people and their "hobbies."

Yes, I've seen most of his films. If you haven't seen already, I can also strongly recommend Models, Import/Export and the Paradise trilogy.

Bit late to respond, but thanks for the list. Been wanting to watch Models for some time now.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on July 30, 2023, 12:20:47 AM
Private Parts (1972)

A small-time cult classic that's mostly in the "interesting curiosity" category these days. Sexploitation/horror/comedy, with none of the different elements being fully succesful. Still, as dated and flawed as this feels, still worth a watch if you're into the seedy, sordid side of 70's movies.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on July 31, 2023, 12:31:25 PM
Betrayed (1988) by Costa-Gavras
Thriller loosely based on the Robert Jay Matthews/The Order story (the film starts with the killing of a jewish radio speaker, mimicking the murder of Alan Berg). Characters are well written, Costa-Gavras's direction is solid but the story is not that good and starts to go downhill after the *SPOILER* "nigger-hunt" scene.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on August 01, 2023, 11:36:08 PM
Wild Goose Lake (2019)

Chinese gangster flick that combines gritty, dingy realism with highly stylized neo-noir, usually, but not always succesfully. Set around the titular lake in the Wuhan region in China, which is said to be a somewhat lawless area with all kinds of dodgy people getting up to no good. Apparently the dialogue is all in some local dialect that required subtitles even for audiences in other regions in China.

The plot is pretty standard: smalltime gangster on the run with a femme fatale, with lots of scenes of moody chainsmoking in rainy, neon-lit back alleys. A couple of explosions of pretty shocking violence (wait for the umbrella scene).

Similar to, but not quite as good as, A Touch of Sin or Ash is the Purest White by the great Zhangke Jia. I enjoyed this nevertheless.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on August 02, 2023, 09:29:53 AM
Have to add Naked Blood to the In My Skin recommendation above.

Been revisiting the DVD collection after downloading for the last 10+ years. Recently listened to Noisextra's Tetsuo episode which prompted me to pull Organ, 1996 film made by the female lead. Ultra-slow muddled plot involving organ harvesting, but some nice moments of surreal body horror to break up the pace. Also checked out Citizen X after the Monster 7" episode - Ok, but didn't love it as much as the Noisextra hype crew.

Eaten Alive! - Clearly been too long since my last slice of Italian cheese, as this was damn enjoyable! All the staples are here; be- (de?) wigged cannibals, gratutious splatter, animal deaths, tasty synth soundtrack and dialogue to die for. Now to hunt down some more Lenzi films.

Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart To Hades - Classic!

Fudoh: The New Generation - Early Miike insanity.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on August 08, 2023, 01:49:00 AM
Sans toit ni loi (1985), apparently titled Vagabond in the English-speaking territories.

A young woman wonders the countryside of southern France in winter, in dirty clothes and disintegrating boots, carrying a rucksack and an old army tent. Her only means of supporting herself seem to be odd jobs from here and there -- including, apparently, the occasional bout of the world's oldest profession.

The story is told as flashbacks from the pov of folks who've met her. Most of the people she meets seem helpful, or at least indifferent, offering rides, a place to spend the night, a little money or food. She also gets offered more long term jobs, or a plot of land to farm, but none of these ever work out, since she inevitably falls out with everyone sooner or later.

Her refusal to rely on anyone else, regardless of the consequences, seems at times admirable, at times pitiful and (I must admit) at times frustrating. Is she mentally ill? Has something traumatic happened? We don't know. She is a person hell-bent on living her life completely her own way, and her story is presented without judgment neither on her, nor on the society she's rejected.

Popped this on on a whim, enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Phenol on August 08, 2023, 12:06:30 PM
Organ (mentioned above) is one of my very favourite movies. Haven't seen Naked Blood yet, but it's more in the Guinea Pig style, isn't it?

I've been watching a bunch of older horror movies lately. The one that stood out the most for me was Let's Scare Jessica to Death (1971) which is a pretty original kind of folk/outback horror take on the vampire genre. Nice dreamy and off atmosphere the whole way through, like a hippie roadtrip movie mixed with something like Picnic on Hanging rock. The soundtrack is mostly some sort of cosmic psychfolk and out of tune piano melodies which underlines the dreamy atmosphere and porous sense of (un)reality nicely.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Krigsverk on August 08, 2023, 12:57:02 PM
Death Bed (1977).

What a trip. Speechless. "a demon falls in love with a girl, but she perishes and his sadness infects a bed which then becomes indestructible and develops an insatiable appetite for for pretty much everything, flesh in particular. The soul of one of it's victims now haunts a painting and comments on the carnage the bed reeks."

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on August 08, 2023, 03:09:17 PM
Quote from: Phenol on August 08, 2023, 12:06:30 PMOrgan (mentioned above) is one of my very favourite movies. Haven't seen Naked Blood yet, but it's more in the Guinea Pig style, isn't it?

I think Naked Blood gets unfairly lumped in with Guinea Pig and other Jap shock stuff due to the graphic scenes, but has slightly more intellect and shares with In My Skin the theme of women finding pleasure in self-mutilation (the short film Cutting Moments too). Also, it's directed by Hisayasu Sato who is nothing less than an auteur IMO. Like a Japanese Haneke with the clinical bleakness and concepts of isolation & societal alienation... but via the medium of softcore S/M flicks!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on August 11, 2023, 02:36:15 PM
Quote from: Krigsverk on August 08, 2023, 12:57:02 PMDeath Bed (1977).

Sounds interesting. Gonna look for this one.

Rewatch of the Wicker Man, always an amazing piece of art with an extraordinary soundtrack.

Also browsing through the A24 catalogue. I've been following the company's activity since 2018, they put out really good stuff (if you like something a bit more indie and artsy than the usual) but also, inevitably, some crap. Besides the well known big names (Lanthimos, Garland, Eggers, Aster, Aronofsky) I recently saw First Reformed by Paul Schrader (really good drama about faith) and Free Fire (a funny black comedy-action movie all set in a warehouse),
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on August 14, 2023, 06:49:59 AM
Quote from: Hakaristi on August 08, 2023, 03:09:17 PM
Quote from: Phenol on August 08, 2023, 12:06:30 PMOrgan (mentioned above) is one of my very favourite movies. Haven't seen Naked Blood yet, but it's more in the Guinea Pig style, isn't it?

I think Naked Blood gets unfairly lumped in with Guinea Pig and other Jap shock stuff due to the graphic scenes, but has slightly more intellect and shares with In My Skin the theme of women finding pleasure in self-mutilation (the short film Cutting Moments too). Also, it's directed by Hisayasu Sato who is nothing less than an auteur IMO. Like a Japanese Haneke with the clinical bleakness and concepts of isolation & societal alienation... but via the medium of softcore S/M flicks!

Your Haneke comparison has gotten my attention.  What movies by Sato would you recommend?  I feel like that name is distantly familiar to me...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on August 14, 2023, 10:03:09 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on August 14, 2023, 06:49:59 AM
Quote from: Hakaristi on August 08, 2023, 03:09:17 PM
Quote from: Phenol on August 08, 2023, 12:06:30 PMOrgan (mentioned above) is one of my very favourite movies. Haven't seen Naked Blood yet, but it's more in the Guinea Pig style, isn't it?

I think Naked Blood gets unfairly lumped in with Guinea Pig and other Jap shock stuff due to the graphic scenes, but has slightly more intellect and shares with In My Skin the theme of women finding pleasure in self-mutilation (the short film Cutting Moments too). Also, it's directed by Hisayasu Sato who is nothing less than an auteur IMO. Like a Japanese Haneke with the clinical bleakness and concepts of isolation & societal alienation... but via the medium of softcore S/M flicks!

Your Haneke comparison has gotten my attention.  What movies by Sato would you recommend?  I feel like that name is distantly familiar to me...

Seems he's more often compared to Cronenberg but I always got a Haneke vibe from his flicks. Granted most were seen years ago on grainy bootlegs, need to check some of the DVDs to see how they hold up. Odd to see something like his Lolita Vibrator Torture now easily available from Barnes & Noble in a classy DVD release when it was at one time the stuff of legend for collectors but I guess no different than all the obscure Giallo and SOV splatterfests getting 3-disc Blu-ray editions... anyway, would recommend Naked Blood, Survey Map of a Paradise Lost, Love - Zero = Infinity, The Bedroom and Muscle.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on August 14, 2023, 06:27:36 PM
Quote from: Hakaristi on August 14, 2023, 10:03:09 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on August 14, 2023, 06:49:59 AM
Quote from: Hakaristi on August 08, 2023, 03:09:17 PM
Quote from: Phenol on August 08, 2023, 12:06:30 PMOrgan (mentioned above) is one of my very favourite movies. Haven't seen Naked Blood yet, but it's more in the Guinea Pig style, isn't it?

I think Naked Blood gets unfairly lumped in with Guinea Pig and other Jap shock stuff due to the graphic scenes, but has slightly more intellect and shares with In My Skin the theme of women finding pleasure in self-mutilation (the short film Cutting Moments too). Also, it's directed by Hisayasu Sato who is nothing less than an auteur IMO. Like a Japanese Haneke with the clinical bleakness and concepts of isolation & societal alienation... but via the medium of softcore S/M flicks!

Your Haneke comparison has gotten my attention.  What movies by Sato would you recommend?  I feel like that name is distantly familiar to me...

Seems he's more often compared to Cronenberg but I always got a Haneke vibe from his flicks. Granted most were seen years ago on grainy bootlegs, need to check some of the DVDs to see how they hold up. Odd to see something like his Lolita Vibrator Torture now easily available from Barnes & Noble in a classy DVD release when it was at one time the stuff of legend for collectors but I guess no different than all the obscure Giallo and SOV splatterfests getting 3-disc Blu-ray editions... anyway, would recommend Naked Blood, Survey Map of a Paradise Lost, Love - Zero = Infinity, The Bedroom and Muscle.

Well, a comparison to Cronenberg is also quite exciting.  It's weird that this obscure stuff is getting such wide releases, and that seems like both a good an bad thing.  Too much access can take away mystery/excitement.  I will look into those movies!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on August 17, 2023, 12:12:19 PM
Men (2022) - A24 folk horror fare tends to be pretty hit or miss for me but a recommendation from Motel Hell podcast pushed me into it; basic premise is woman rents an isolated cottage in the English countryside and is tormented by creepy dudes who all look the same. Stunning cinematography, unsettling electronic/choral score, surreal body horror. Could be viewed as heavy-handed "toxic masculinity" allegory or portrayal of a woman with mental trauma, whatever the intention, very enjoyable!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on August 17, 2023, 03:34:49 PM
Quote from: Hakaristi on August 17, 2023, 12:12:19 PMMen (2022) - A24 folk horror fare tends to be pretty hit or miss for me but a recommendation from Motel Hell podcast pushed me into it; basic premise is woman rents an isolated cottage in the English countryside and is tormented by creepy dudes who all look the same. Stunning cinematography, unsettling electronic/choral score, surreal body horror. Could be viewed as heavy-handed "toxic masculinity" allegory or portrayal of a woman with mental trauma, whatever the intention, very enjoyable!

I found it really enjoyable even if the toxic masculinity allegory was a bit dull (and honestly it's kinda boring in these days of woke this and woke that...). But Garland's skills behind the camera are indisputable and the final outcome is definitely good. The weird third act, with all the body horror sequence, is a really astonishing cronenbergian moment.
His miniseries Devs is also a really nice piece of sci-fi cinema, dealing with quantum computers and some philosophical dilemma about a deterministic universe. Reccomended view.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on August 17, 2023, 03:57:01 PM
Same podcast was also gushing over his previous work but not being much of a sci-fi fan, dunno if I could stand it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on August 17, 2023, 05:24:21 PM
DEVS was pretty good, but I recall it sort of falling apart in the end. Garland strikes me as an ambitious, but frankly not especially deep or original filmmaker. Annihilation is another good example, sort of "Stalker but with women" — visually gorgeous but in the end you're left wondering, so what did it all mean?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on August 17, 2023, 11:31:51 PM
Anyway, recently watched:

As Bestas (The Beasts, 2022)

A middle aged French couple runs into a conflict with some Spanish hillbillies in Galician countryside. Much of the dialogue is in the Galician language, which to my ear sounds like a mix of Spanish and Portuguese? Very interesting. Just when you think the film is about to go into full Straw Dogs territory, there's a major twist. The second half of the film is quite different, but even more enjoyable than the first. Long, but worth it, in my opinion.

Aloners (2021)

A young woman who works at a call centre strenuously avoids all other human interaction -- even with her dad. Then her neighbor, another loner, dies, crushed under the tons of porn magazines he had in his apartment (this film is set in Korea, but this really did happen to someone in Japan). And then very casually we are introduced to a ghost/haunting element in an otherwise low-key realist drama. Interesting, but lacks a proper denouement in the end.

Durak (The Fool, 2014)

Russian movie. The main character is a plumber who works for a maintenance company that runs some crumbling Soviet-era apartment buildings. His wife, mother, co-workers etc all call him an idiot for trying to do "the right thing", rather than being on the take, like everyone else in Russia. Very bleak and nihilistic, with lots of scenes depicting alcoholism, domestic violence etc. Also, no clear cut, black-and-white solutions, and no happy ending for anyone. Pretty grim stuff, but hey, it's Russia, so ...

Castle Freak (1995)

I'm pretty sure this is the last Stuart Gordon movie I had not yet seen. Based on a Lovecraft story, if I'm not mistaken. An American family with pretty severe issues (alcoholism, dead son, etc.) inherit a castle in Italy with something unnatural lurking in the cellar. Pretty cheesy, low-budget fun with an exploitative edge -- but very good for what it is.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on August 18, 2023, 04:10:43 PM
Quote from: cr on July 14, 2023, 04:06:06 PMAnna Eriksson - never heard about her before, until I saw trailers for her films M and W. Looked somehow interesting, so I did quick research and it seems, she is/was one of the most famous Finnish singers, who nowadays makes movies.
So, all you Finnish people here can surely tell me more about her and her films. Are they any good and worth looking for? In general, it seems like a strange move from being a famous singer to become an "experimental" film maker (at least where I come from).
Any informations and personal opinions about her work would be highly appreciated! Thanks

Repost...'cause maybe this one somehow got lost in the summer heat, haha.
Anyone else got something to say, as I'm really interested?!
Anyway, many thanks to Atrophist for sole response so far!
Looking forward to more information.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on August 19, 2023, 05:01:19 AM
Hope you get better answers soon! I actually kinda interested too. A friend of mine went to see W, he was the only person in the theater. He said he thought the film was awful, but that "you actually might like it".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Phenol on August 25, 2023, 11:32:08 AM
Quote from: Hakaristi on August 08, 2023, 03:09:17 PM
Quote from: Phenol on August 08, 2023, 12:06:30 PMOrgan (mentioned above) is one of my very favourite movies. Haven't seen Naked Blood yet, but it's more in the Guinea Pig style, isn't it?

I think Naked Blood gets unfairly lumped in with Guinea Pig and other Jap shock stuff due to the graphic scenes, but has slightly more intellect and shares with In My Skin the theme of women finding pleasure in self-mutilation (the short film Cutting Moments too). Also, it's directed by Hisayasu Sato who is nothing less than an auteur IMO. Like a Japanese Haneke with the clinical bleakness and concepts of isolation & societal alienation... but via the medium of softcore S/M flicks!

Okay, sound right up my alley. I will give Naked Blood a go then! Do you know if there's any point in watching the prequel, Pleasure Kill, first?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Hakaristi on August 26, 2023, 07:23:30 AM
Quote from: Phenol on August 25, 2023, 11:32:08 AM
Quote from: Hakaristi on August 08, 2023, 03:09:17 PM
Quote from: Phenol on August 08, 2023, 12:06:30 PMOrgan (mentioned above) is one of my very favourite movies. Haven't seen Naked Blood yet, but it's more in the Guinea Pig style, isn't it?

I think Naked Blood gets unfairly lumped in with Guinea Pig and other Jap shock stuff due to the graphic scenes, but has slightly more intellect and shares with In My Skin the theme of women finding pleasure in self-mutilation (the short film Cutting Moments too). Also, it's directed by Hisayasu Sato who is nothing less than an auteur IMO. Like a Japanese Haneke with the clinical bleakness and concepts of isolation & societal alienation... but via the medium of softcore S/M flicks!

Okay, sound right up my alley. I will give Naked Blood a go then! Do you know if there's any point in watching the prequel, Pleasure Kill, first?

Don't think it matters. Wasn't aware of that one until more recently and yet to watch but appears NB is basically an updated version.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on September 10, 2023, 01:56:16 AM
Recently watched:

Duvidha (1973)
First film I've seen by the Indian auteur Mani Kaul, who is apparently very much appreciated in art-house circles. Based on some kind of folk-tale, about a man who has to leave his home only two days after getting married, and a ghost who comes to the house, pretending to be him. The ghost is even able to get the newlywed bride pregnant!

This is an extremely slow-paced film. Stalker is Fast & Furious compared to this. Not that I mind. At best a very beautiful and moving experience, but sadly the acting leaves quite a bit to be desired. And as much as I hate to say this, the clearly very limited resources in producing the film also are quite obvious, and not in a good way -- for example, the dialogue is clearly overdubbed later in studio, quite jarringly, I'm afraid.

Still, a fascinating film, with beautiful Rajasthani folk music and a few memorable shots. Definitely won't be of interest to everyone, but I'm glad I got to see this.

Couple of Japanese films:

Noroi (The Curse), 2005
Found footage horror. A low-rent journalist follows at first seemingly unrelated weird incidents. Slowly but surely, it becomes apparent that the entity behing it all is the demon Kagutaba. This one seems to pop up often on lists of overlooked found-footage horror. It's quite decent, but nothing that special. If you're a fan of the genre, go for it. Otherwise, take it or leave it.

And ...

Helter Skelter, 2012
About supermodel and "it-girl" of the moment Lilico, who's on the cover of basically every fashion magazine in japan. The problem: the dodgy plastic surgery that Lilico has had practically on every part of her body. To no-one's surprise, Lilico's body begins to decay from within and body horror ensues.

A western filmmaker would probably be tempted to give all this a feminist spin and present Lilico as a victim of some kind. Not Mika Ninagava (who is a woman herself, and as a fashion photographer well acquainted with this subject matter): Lilico is possibly the vilest, most disgusting protagonist I ever remember seeing. She sexually attacks, abuses and humiliates her assistant, uses sex to manipulate the assistant's boyfriend to conduct disfiguring acid attacks on competing models. She has completely cut off her own sister, apparently simply because she is a bookish, unglamorous girl-next-door. In every scene, she seems to manage to find the way to act in the most childish, narcissistic annd entitled manner possible. Pretty horrendous stuff, in the best possible way ofc.

The main problem with the film is its apparent confusion in what it wants to be. There's body horror at times, lots of "social media and fashion industry is shallow ok?" stuff, lots of weird sex scenes for no clear reason, even some police procedural stuff (cops investigating the dodgy plastic surgery clinic). Certainly an interesting curiosity, but I couldn't help thinking that someone like, say, Sion Sono would have done a lot better with this material.

The Boogeyman, 2023
Totally formulaic, predictable mainstream horror movie. Not a bad one by any means, and I enjoyed it for what it's worth. Starring Sophie Thatcher, who plays the young Natalie in Yellowjackets.

Ciao Manhattan, 1972
What a mess of a film. Apparently two failed film projects mashed together, in order to make bank on Edie Sedgwick's death. One part of the film is a fictional depiction of a burned out socialite, based on Sedgwick, who at the last minute ended being played by Sedgwick herself. So Edie Sedgwick plays a fictional character based on herself in this film. Or something. She is topless for most of her scenes here, and yeah, she had a beautiful figure and nice breasts. Good luck trying to enjoy them though, as that would require getting past the massive second hand embarrassment, and even pity, you feel for anyone involved in this film.

Towards the end there is some 60's acid-casualty UFO/CIA/surveillance/conspiracy/who gives a fuck -stuff.

I guess some people admire the whole Factory scene and the people involved in it, Is this actually a part of that whole scene, or just some kind of barnacle on its underside? Again, who gives a fuck. I guess as a cultural artefact this film isn't completely devoid of interest, and as such I'm glad I've seen it. That's about it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on October 02, 2023, 11:51:03 PM
Quote from: cr on June 18, 2023, 01:55:07 PMUlrich Seidl "Rimini"
Great! The world of "German Schlager" is sometimes darker than all the PE and Noise themes. Some of you will know what I mean.

Haha! Finally got to see this. I think there's always been an element of black humor in Seidl's films, but I think it's more prominent this time around. As with Paradise: Love, there are plenty of bluntly filmed, excruciatingly awkward sex scenes with the aging gigolo and his even more aged groupies. Am I crazy, or is the normally merciless Seidl inviting us to have a smidgen of sympathy for this guy?

The Nazi stuff with the dad is pretty tiresome and has been played out a million times by now. Seidl is in his 70's, so I get it. But the next generation of European filmmakers will have to come up with new reasons for self-flagellation, please.

(Seidl actually kindly provides them in this movie, anyway).

Next one will be the companion piece to this one, Sparta.

Also recently watched Meet Me in the Bathroom, a documentary on the New York music scene in the very early 00's.

The main bands here are the Strokes, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Interpol, TV on the Radio and a few others. Also something called "The Rapture" that I've never heard of before and never want to hear from again.

I've never been a fan of any of the bands concerned here, but it's still an interesting watch. Especially how Brooklyn originally became the hipster Mecca that it is (was?).

Musically the Yeah Yeah Yeahs would seem to be the most to my taste, so it's a pity that their frontwoman Karen O turns out to be a boring proto-millennial, who is only interested in talking about herself, and how it's awful that everybody loves her band. The Strokes are all about their posh Swiss boarding schools and expensive Rickenbacker and Fender guitars. They seem harmless but incredibly immature, and the petty squabbles that begin to tear the band apart after the first rush of success seem almost perfunctory, and profoundly uninteresting.

Interpol is the one band that acquit themselves fairly well here, imo. Not only are they clearly musically far more talented than the Strokes, they also display some capacity for self-awareness.

Again, if you have a meaningful relationship with any of the artists/bands here, then yeah it's a no-brainer. Other than that, take it or leave it. Myself as a fan of rock documentaries in general enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on October 04, 2023, 02:59:35 AM
Le Rempart des béguines (1972) : French. Teenage schoolgirl starts to get laid with her father's mistress. Promising ah ? First third or half of the movie is very good, building expectations -you really wanna know mine ?- that fails to serve afterwards since it progress to a love story. A wasted opportunity ...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on October 06, 2023, 08:00:07 PM
So I watched Ulrich Seidl's Sparta as well, after it's sibling piece Rimini.

Actually nothing that'll surprise anyone who already had seen the Paradise trilogy or Rimini before. This film must have been a nightmare to film, given the subject matter, and the fact that apparently some of the boys' parents in fact are abusive alcoholics, as depicted in the film. It's actually a conversation in itself how we ought to feel about the portrayal of Romanian patenting here, since it makes a predatory foreign pedophile almost seem sympathetic in comparison.

Out of these two, I preferred the unrepentant swagger and sleaze of Rimini.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on October 22, 2023, 12:26:29 AM
Beau Is Afraid

Not impressed. Self-indulgent, not nearly as clever as it thinks it is, and much longer than it needed to be. So far, each film this director's made has been worse than the one before.

Yes, Joaquin Phoenix does a good job as the main character, and from a purely from a filmmaking perspective, I guess this is a very skillful display. But there is very little actual substance here, imho.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on October 30, 2023, 12:01:48 AM
Quote from: Atrophist on October 22, 2023, 12:26:29 AMBeau Is Afraid
Not impressed. Self-indulgent, not nearly as clever as it thinks it is, and much longer than it needed to be. So far, each film this director's made has been worse than the one before.

It's on my watchlist. Enjoyed Hereditary, Midsommar was sort of ok (already self-indulgent but still...), don't know what to expet from this but I read bad reviews pretty much everywhere. Aster's ego is enormous, and I guess he thinks he's too clever for just directing a "simple" movie, especially if it's just a horror movie.

Robert Eggers, a director he is often associated with having also directed a folk-horror film like the Witch, is a way more solid director.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on October 30, 2023, 09:56:43 AM
The Rotten Link - grotesque yet arty latin American flick, starting with an almost funny feel that files under Calvaire / Ex Drummer territory, yet in a rural environment, and then degenerate in ultra violence, Most available taboos covered. Approved.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on October 31, 2023, 01:10:16 AM
Quote from: BlackCavendish on October 30, 2023, 12:01:48 AM
Quote from: Atrophist on October 22, 2023, 12:26:29 AMBeau Is Afraid
Not impressed. Self-indulgent, not nearly as clever as it thinks it is, and much longer than it needed to be. So far, each film this director's made has been worse than the one before.

It's on my watchlist. Enjoyed Hereditary, Midsommar was sort of ok (already self-indulgent but still...), don't know what to expet from this but I read bad reviews pretty much everywhere. Aster's ego is enormous, and I guess he thinks he's too clever for just directing a "simple" movie, especially if it's just a horror movie.

Robert Eggers, a director he is often associated with having also directed a folk-horror film like the Witch, is a way more solid director.

I havent even seen The Lighthouse, but based simply on The VVitch and The Northman I have no problem declaring Eggers a far superior filmmaker. Although I am very sceptical about his Nosferatu remake. Especially since the Werner Herzog/Klaus Kinski remake already is fantastic.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on October 31, 2023, 01:11:21 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on October 30, 2023, 09:56:43 AMThe Rotten Link - grotesque yet arty latin American flick, starting with an almost funny feel that files under Calvaire / Ex Drummer territory, yet in a rural environment, and then degenerate in ultra violence, Most available taboos covered. Approved.

Damn. Ex Drummer and Calvaire indeed are pretty wild. I will have to look for this one.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on October 31, 2023, 11:55:25 AM
Quote from: Atrophist on October 31, 2023, 01:11:21 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on October 30, 2023, 09:56:43 AMThe Rotten Link - grotesque yet arty latin American flick, starting with an almost funny feel that files under Calvaire / Ex Drummer territory, yet in a rural environment, and then degenerate in ultra violence, Most available taboos covered. Approved.

Damn. Ex Drummer and Calvaire indeed are pretty wild. I will have to look for this one.

slightly "funnier" and less desperate yet still desperate and sick as fuck.

BTW does any Non ITalian user appreciate the grotesque/sick as fuck TV and Cinema work fo Ciprì & Maresco? I often used tham as background video when i didn't have time to work on cutups and I'm working on a visual hommage to their work. If you are not familiar I'll be very very happy to share.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Antirealist on November 01, 2023, 03:06:21 PM
here are some recommended movies by Alexey Fedorchenko

First on the Moon
perhaps one of the most artful pseudodocumentaries ever, a fake history of soviet cosmic programm in 1930's. shot on film!

Angels of Revolution
Together with five Soviet avant-garde artists, hero of the Russian revolution Polina Schneider travels to Siberia to 'civilize' the native Khanty and Nenets tribes, for whom interaction with foreigners is forbidden by the gods, through art. executed in very nice psychedelic colors.

A school principal and his friend hijack an old steam locomotive and start a travel along the abandoned railroad - to deal in coal. The film plot is seemingly simple: two friends (a school principal Parentsov and a truck driver who is referred to as Father) steal a large amount of coal and take it by an old abandoned rail into the vast borderless steppe where they want to sell it. Driver's numb son Misha and a strange and formidable being, Engine Driver, accompany them. The story of a huge locomotive that the group uses for transporting the coal runs parallel to the main plot line.
It's kind of funny movie with slight hints of magic realism and easy surreal feeling.

Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari
23 short stories about the Mari women, their mythology, folk magic traditions and today of the Mari people. some mythic, some funny, some vernacular horror'ish.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on November 02, 2023, 10:52:50 PM
While I'm still waiting for The Rotten Link, I watched another, brand new film from Argentina that is getting a bit of hype at the moment:

When Evil Lurks (Cuando Acecha la Maldad)
, by Demian Rugna.

The film is set in a world where demonic possession is at least a somewhat common and accepted part of everyday life. Towns have emergency guidelines to follow in the case of an outbreak of possessions, and there are commonly known and understood rules on how to deal with possessed individuals (shooting a possessed person or animal with a firearm will instantly transfer the possession to the shooter, for example).

There is also an organization of some kind, known as the Ministry, that sends "cleaners" to safely dispose of possessed animals and people.

The film essentially follows one such case that goes badly wrong. Brothers Pedro and Jimmie find a dead cleaner, his body chopped clean in half, on their farm. And the infection/possessions spreads from there.

There are lots of shocking moments and plenty of gore in the film, some of it involving children, heavily pregnant women, as well as elderly ladies. Thankfully none of it feels gratuitous.

The film falls short of being an instant classic due to the slightly overcomplicted plot and a few unsuccesful setpieces towards the very end. Still, one of the better horror films of 2023 for sure.

Btw is you're interested in this one, director Demian Rugna's (perfect name for a horror director, no?) previous film, The Terrorized (Los Aterrados) from 2017 is well worth checking out.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Phenol on November 09, 2023, 07:52:12 PM
Finally got around to see Naked Blood - thank you for that recommendation! Cold atmosphere, tasteful and sexy gory scenes (not many, but done well - I'm hungry and horny simultaneously now, haha...) and excellent synth soundtrack with a lot of calm yet disturbing electric humming and crackling. A bit Coil-like at places, even. Speaking of good soundtracks, I also recently watched Next of Kin which has a cool score by Klaus Schulze. The movie itself is a haunted house kind of story, but not quite. It's set in rural Australia which is refreshing and it generally feels different from all the run of the mill horror movies we've grown accustomed to. Recommended, but not without its flaws.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Antirealist on November 13, 2023, 10:39:56 AM
movies by Hungarian director György Pálfi, diverse, uncommon, surreal. approximately Lynch'ish, but no copycat stuff.

Taxidermia (2006)
three generations of freaks, a pervert soldier after ww2, professional speedeater in soviet Hungary and an embalmer from modern times. a must see, i did it 4 times.

Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen (2012)
short cut up scenes from hundreds of old movies are made into archetypical story of man and woman. this plays with your brain unexpectedly.

Free Fall (2014)
seven surreal stories from same house, one from each floor, different families, different moods. a must see, going to do it third time in nearest days.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on November 14, 2023, 07:09:43 PM
Quote from: Antirealist on November 13, 2023, 10:39:56 AMmovies by Hungarian director György Pálfi, diverse, uncommon, surreal. approximately Lynch'ish, but no copycat stuff.

Taxidermia (2006)
three generations of freaks, a pervert soldier after ww2, professional speedeater in soviet Hungary and an embalmer from modern times. a must see, i did it 4 times.

Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen (2012)
short cut up scenes from hundreds of old movies are made into archetypical story of man and woman. this plays with your brain unexpectedly.

Free Fall (2014)
seven surreal stories from same house, one from each floor, different families, different moods. a must see, going to do it third time in nearest days.

I've seen Taxidermia ages ago. I was completely unaware of the other two films, must investigate!

Most recently watched film is Rotting in the Sun by Sebastian Silva.

Silva and instagram influencer/comedian/whatever Jordan Firstman play fictionalized versions of themselves in the film. Firstman travels to Mexico City to meet Silva for some TV show project, until something goes badly wrong -- don't want to spoil it. It's an interesting concept, if a bit random and too cynical for its own good. Pretty good sendup of the way we're all immersed in social media nowadays.

Btw there's a lot of gay sex in this film, the scenes are brief but very explicit, and scattered throughout the film. So if that's not your thing you might consider skipping this one.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on November 15, 2023, 04:47:59 PM
Quote from: Antirealist on November 13, 2023, 10:39:56 AMmovies by Hungarian director György Pálfi, diverse, uncommon, surreal. approximately Lynch'ish, but no copycat stuff.

Taxidermia (2006)
three generations of freaks, a pervert soldier after ww2, professional speedeater in soviet Hungary and an embalmer from modern times. a must see, i did it 4 times.

in my top 10 movies ever. the eating competition is pure geinious, so the colors and ost
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on November 22, 2023, 04:47:58 PM
Lately I've been catching up on old films that I missed through the years. Sadly no big surprises except for the first one:

Perfect Blue - excellent animated film by Satoshi Kon (his debut if I'm right), on the themes of stalking and idols.

Gothic - Ken Russell on the meeting between Shelley, Polidori and Byron, revised in a psychedelic and fantastic key. Son of its time, it has a very strong 80s aesthetic. Some nice moments visually speaking, if you like the director of course, but nothing more.

The Mothman Prophecies – inspired by the urban legend of the same name, which is also probably the only good reason to watch this movie. Catastrophic thriller with more questions than answers. Casting Richard Gere as a main character was probably not a good idea.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on November 23, 2023, 09:45:25 AM
Quote from: BlackCavendish on November 22, 2023, 04:47:58 PMGothic - Ken Russell on the meeting between Shelley, Polidori and Byron, revised in a psychedelic and fantastic key by Ken. Son of its time, it has a very strong 80s aesthetic. Some nice moments visually speaking, if you like the director of coruse, but nothing more.

a movie I never understood. The surreal moments are very nice, but as said it oozes of 80s aesthetic campness which really never made it work for me. And I'm obsessed by 99% Russel's work, especially Crimes of passions that is in the canon of c031 inspiration.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Phenol on December 01, 2023, 11:41:19 AM
El cadaver de Anna Fritz (2015). Not as visceral as one could have hoped for, but some pretty explicit necrophilia scenes and the fact that almost all of the movie is set at a morgue makes it an okay watch anyway. A little too polished for my taste, though. The 5.9 score on IMDB feels pretty accurate.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on December 01, 2023, 05:05:33 PM
Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror

I thought worse, I hoped better.
The first part covers the origins, with focus on the notorious 3: Wicker Man, Witchfinder General, Blood on Satan's Claw. After that there are dozens of clips from more or less obscure films in sequence, supported by interventions of directors, writers, journalists.

The documentary then moves on to analyze other stuff that can roughly be traced back to the concept of folk horror: classic zombie filmography (voodoo), Japanese horror (local spirit tradition), and so on.

What is missing in this documentary lasting 3 h and 15 min. is some analysis of folklore that goes beyond the basic notions. And in a FOLK horror documentary one would expect it. In its place, unluckily, there are a few rants on contemporary themes (exploitation, the role of women, inclusion) which are quite out of place in a documentary like this.

However, it's worthy of a viewing if you find the subject interesting.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on December 01, 2023, 11:44:13 PM
Quote from: BlackCavendish on December 01, 2023, 05:05:33 PMWoodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror

I thought worse, I hoped better.
The first part covers the origins, with focus on the notorious 3: Wicker Man, Witchfinder General, Blood on Satan's Claw. After that there are dozens of clips from more or less obscure films in sequence, supported by interventions of directors, writers, journalists.

The documentary then moves on to analyze other stuff that can roughly be traced back to the concept of folk horror: classic zombie filmography (voodoo), Japanese horror (local spirit tradition), and so on.

What is missing in this documentary lasting 3 h and 15 min. is some analysis of folklore that goes beyond the basic notions. And in a FOLK horror documentary one would expect it. In its place, unluckily, there are a few rants on contemporary themes (exploitation, the role of women, inclusion) which are quite out of place in a documentary like this.

However, it's worthy of a viewing if you find the subject interesting.

I've been meaning to watch this for years. What keeps putting me off is the excessive lenght, and also "folk horror" isn't really that much of an obsession for me.

However, the same creator's book House of Psychotic Women: An Autobiographical Topography of Female Neurosis in Horror and Exploitation Films I cannot recommend highly enough.

Part personal memoir, part a collection of film essays, all "bitches be crazy: the book". Zulawski's Possession is the central film in it, and the author says she's watched it dozens of times.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on December 02, 2023, 05:55:39 PM
Quote from: BlackCavendish on December 01, 2023, 05:05:33 PMWoodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror

I thought worse, I hoped better.
The first part covers the origins, with focus on the notorious 3: Wicker Man, Witchfinder General, Blood on Satan's Claw. After that there are dozens of clips from more or less obscure films in sequence, supported by interventions of directors, writers, journalists.

The documentary then moves on to analyze other stuff that can roughly be traced back to the concept of folk horror: classic zombie filmography (voodoo), Japanese horror (local spirit tradition), and so on.

What is missing in this documentary lasting 3 h and 15 min. is some analysis of folklore that goes beyond the basic notions. And in a FOLK horror documentary one would expect it. In its place, unluckily, there are a few rants on contemporary themes (exploitation, the role of women, inclusion) which are quite out of place in a documentary like this.

However, it's worthy of a viewing if you find the subject interesting.

I liked this a lot, but the section on America was beyond disappointing/pointless.  "There is no such thing as an Indian burial ground... but everything is an Indian burial ground!"
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on December 11, 2023, 02:32:57 AM
Naga (2023)

Saudi Arabian black comedy with some horror and psychedelic elements, somewhat incongruously distributed by Netflix.

Girl lost in the desert, tripping balls on some unknown hallucinogen, being chased by a furious pregnant camel, while desperate to get back to the city by 10pm. Because if she feels to meet her dad by that time, a honor killing will definitely be in order.

I would have preferred a harsher, more sordid edge to the film, which gets hinted at from time to time. But the comedic aspects of the film work okay, too. There is a bit too much jumping back and forth on the timeline for my liking. But that is also a minor complaint, in the end.

Btw Saudi people really seem to hate this movie, with tons of 1/10 reviews on imdb, which explains its underservedly low average rating. A cool curiosity worth checking out, but not unmissable by any means imo.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on December 15, 2023, 06:03:16 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on December 01, 2023, 11:44:13 PMI've been meaning to watch this for years. What keeps putting me off is the excessive lenght, and also "folk horror" isn't really that much of an obsession for me.

Definitely too long, and sometimes out of focus. I guess thier idea was to create some sort of "definitive guide", thus the excessive length.
An adeguate interest in the subject is essential, however there are interesting contributions here and there.

Quote from: Atrophist on December 01, 2023, 11:44:13 PMHowever, the same creator's book House of Psychotic Women: An Autobiographical Topography of Female Neurosis in Horror and Exploitation Films I cannot recommend highly enough.

Noted, gonna look for this.

Meanwhile I went to see Godzilla Minus One (It's been a while since I've set foot in a cinema). Luckily the movie is really good, but i have a soft spot for the atomic giant lizard.
It's set just after the end of the 2WW, so basically it's the original story in a new form, but a focus on the life of the main characters and how their life is impacted by Godzilla (which is obviously also seen as a metaphor, as always happen).
A different approach after the meta-cinematic reppresentationg tha Hideaki Anno gave with Shin Godzilla.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: PeteHarma on December 21, 2023, 07:43:02 AM
Growing up with i spit on your grave a very interesting and good document of the movie Day of the Woman 1978 made by the directors Meir Zarchis son Terry Zarchi,
with interviews and unseen takes etc...and modern fat critics opinions of course and the marketing that made it a video nasty in the '80s. I grew up with exploitation,rape & revenge stuff in the eighties myself +fuckloads of other sleaze and smut on VHS but it's always nice to see well made documentaris  about films of that era
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on December 21, 2023, 09:48:10 AM
In The Earth (2021)

Ben Wheatley has made some great films, but this is not one of them sadly. Psychedelic eco-folk horror would be the genre I guess. Interesting premise, nods here and there to other classics. But everything falls flat, the characters and dialogue are uninteresting, and there's no real effort to make any sense of the plot. There's a mystical monolith in the woods, a weird old leather-bound book that supposedly has something to do with it, fungal spores in the air that the monolith supposedly uses to communicate with humans.

One thing I'll give the film credit for: the psychedelia sequences are actually good, and most importantly, they aren't too long. 
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Krigsverk on December 21, 2023, 10:14:56 AM
Yeah, In the earth was completely lost on me... I do love hie earlier films though; Kill List and Sightseers are both brilliant.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Phenol on December 21, 2023, 04:05:24 PM
I actually enjoyed In The Earth, but agree that Kill List and Sightseers are better. I can recommend Gaia in the eco-horror genre. Not for everyone, but it has some takes on the complex relationship between science, religion and "nature" (whatever that is...).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on December 21, 2023, 08:36:00 PM
Ben Wheatley hasn't failed on me yet, "High-Rise" is kinda of a mess and "A Field In England" didn't hit as hard as I thought it would but I like 'em and will revisit for sure. Hard to beat the "Kill List"/"Sightseers" double punch but I think "In The Earth" is better than 90% of nowadays cinema. Also Free Fire FFS, what a cool movie.
Anyone seem Rebecca and/or Meg 2 (I actually enjoyed the first one)?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on December 22, 2023, 12:10:53 AM
rebecca and meg 2 are both absolute garbage
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on January 01, 2024, 06:02:09 PM
Slotherhouse was not a bad way to see 2023 off.

Basically a Chucky movie, but with a killer sloth rather than a demonic doll. Things get progressively more ridiculous, as the sloth learns how to drug humans, use laptops, drive cars and even take selfies with its dead victims. Of course it's also impossible to kill.

PG-13, so no real gore or nudity — which seems like a missed opportunity since the film takes place in a sorority house. Still, it does deliver on its paper-thin and deliberately absurd premise, so it would be silly to complain.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on January 05, 2024, 04:02:30 PM
Monte by Amir Naderi

Italian film shot by an Iranian director, Monte is the story of a family that lives in hardship, on the slopes of a mountain that perpetually blocks the sun and makes the land arid. It is a medieval drama centered on man's growing obsession and his absurd challenge to the mountain/environment taken to the extreme, with an allegorical ending of great impact. Slow and definitely a bit too long, but still interesting.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on January 09, 2024, 03:07:33 PM
Saltburn -- don't believe the hype.

Yes, it's visually gorgeous, and the performances are fantastic. Especially Richard E. Grant and Rosamund Pike.

But this film is completely empty and meaningless. It manages to replicate scenes, setpieces and moods from better films, but it's all pointless mimicry. It has no internal logic, and no emotional depth.

The worst thing about the film is that it manages to fool you for a while -- more than half of its duration, in fact. When the facade finally collapses in the third act, you cannot help but feel cheated. If not downright disgusted.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on January 13, 2024, 01:19:45 AM
Margin Call by J. C. Chandor

Being interested in the world of finance/markets I had this on my watchlist for a while.
It is a drama set in 2007/08 at the bursting of the subprime mortgage bubble. Modest budget film, shot in just a few locations, but with excellent performances by Stanley Tucci, Jeremy Irons and Kevin Spacey.
It's good but it's worth watching only if you're at least a bit interested in the subject.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on February 17, 2024, 05:15:07 PM
Quote from: EXU link=msg=78166PIG - Good short by Nico B and co-directed (and acted/with music from) the great Rozz Williams. Kinda Begottenish and heavy handed on the images/symbols and how it deals with it but the sinister overal feeling and collage/cut up atmosphere is very nice.

Where can I find and watch this one?
Any hints would be greatly appreciated!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on February 18, 2024, 12:29:01 PM
Quote from: cr on February 17, 2024, 05:15:07 PMWhere can I find and watch this one?

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on February 18, 2024, 04:41:06 PM
Thank you so much!
Of course I also made kind of "deeper" YT search, before I asked question here, but all I got was a preview and some short clips...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: EXU on February 21, 2024, 10:08:48 PM
Quote from: cr on February 18, 2024, 04:41:06 PMThank you so much!
Of course I also made kind of "deeper" YT search, before I asked question here, but all I got was a preview and some short clips...

Saw your questions just now, glad somebody answered. I actually saw on Dailymotion but it seems to be gone now, that site is unreliable but actually can come up with some good things.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on February 23, 2024, 02:00:15 PM
New Religion (2022)

Total Lynch/Cronenberg worship in this Japanese filmmaker's first feature. A call girl has a strange customer, a larynx cancer survivor, whose speaks in a booming, distorted voice through speakers in every room of his apartment. He wants to take pictures of her individual body parts, such as the spine, hands etc. Meanwhile, random murderous rampages and other terrorist acts are ramping up. And it all may or may not have something to do with moths.

An interesting watch, amazing sound design and some great visuals. On the minus side, very low on actual content. I'll file this under "promises better things in the future".
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: tiny_tove on March 10, 2024, 01:44:08 PM
The Netflix TV SUPERSEX series freely inspired by the life of Rocco Tano, aka Rocco Siffredi.  Italy's most famous/notorious male adult performer ever.  7 episodes showing different times of his life where porn is described as his mission and salvation, while describing is sex addction as a curse. But the sex part is secondary to his family life, the traumas he suffered as a child and his relationship with his mom and his older brother - who I think didn't exist but was freely inspired by another sibling. Anyway this Tommaso character, steals the show to Rocco himself and reaches levels of intensity of a Southern Italy Ray Winstone. Said this the movie is a crazy mix of family drama and compuslive sex, with plenty full frontal nudity and over the top sex scene. I loved it and love the fact that the leading actor Borghi is one of the best and most acclaimed Italian actors at the moment. Some years ago he would have ruined his career by acting with his erected penis in such scenes (although there are no hardcore scenes). Superb OST and great acting, with also some high degree of UNPC language. Shows many lights and darkness of sex work and the adult world. It's drama, not smut, to go along with his documentary where Rocco shows his disfunctional sides. He is loved by many but hated by many other porn actor since he is said to have destroyed the career of many, but those I know who worked with him said he has been in fact very professional and supporting to every person he dealt with.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: cr on March 11, 2024, 02:37:29 PM
Lying at home since a week because of a sore back, which completely sucks...and so today I have nothing better to do as to have at least great fun watching all 6 Lone Wolf & Cub movies in one sitting.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 12, 2024, 05:50:31 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on March 10, 2024, 01:44:08 PMThe Netflix TV SUPERSEX series freely inspired by the life of Rocco Tano, aka Rocco Siffredi.  Italy's most famous/notorious male adult performer ever.  7 episodes showing different times of his life where porn is described as his mission and salvation, while describing is sex addction as a curse. But the sex part is secondary to his family life, the traumas he suffered as a child and his relationship with his mom and his older brother - who I think didn't exist but was freely inspired by another sibling. Anyway this Tommaso character, steals the show to Rocco himself and reaches levels of intensity of a Southern Italy Ray Winstone. Said this the movie is a crazy mix of family drama and compuslive sex, with plenty full frontal nudity and over the top sex scene. I loved it and love the fact that the leading actor Borghi is one of the best and most acclaimed Italian actors at the moment. Some years ago he would have ruined his career by acting with his erected penis in such scenes (although there are no hardcore scenes). Superb OST and great acting, with also some high degree of UNPC language. Shows many lights and darkness of sex work and the adult world. It's drama, not smut, to go along with his documentary where Rocco shows his disfunctional sides. He is loved by many but hated by many other porn actor since he is said to have destroyed the career of many, but those I know who worked with him said he has been in fact very professional and supporting to every person he dealt with.

This sounds incredible.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on March 24, 2024, 11:45:51 PM
The Golden Glove (2019) : The main characteristic of this movie and a director's achievement is the ... smell ! It stinks. Gets into your nose, i felt the need to open the windows for fresh air. A cocktail odour of people who had their last bath when they were born, rotten flesh, shit, sweat, alcohol, piss, blood, cooked food from below apartment, and cheap deodorants. - Ugly faces / bodies with IQ below chimp's. - In this sewer-y environment the moment i was really disgusted was when a fat whore ate a sausage.

German movie about a serial killer in the 70s. - You may need a bucket next to you. I dont know ...
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Phenol on March 25, 2024, 12:02:11 AM
Quote from: Theodore on March 24, 2024, 11:45:51 PMThe Golden Glove (2019) : The main characteristic of this movie and a director's achievement is the ... smell ! It stinks. Gets into your nose, i felt the need to open the windows for fresh air. A cocktail odour of people who had their last bath when they were born, rotten flesh, shit, sweat, alcohol, piss, blood, cooked food from below apartment, and cheap deodorants. - Ugly faces / bodies with IQ below chimp's. - In this sewer-y environment the moment i was really disgusted was when a fat whore ate a sausage.

German movie about a serial killer in the 70s. - You may need a bucket next to you. I dont know ...

Haha, on point description, needless to say, I loved that movie!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on March 25, 2024, 04:21:53 PM
The Golden Glove is a classic :D

Too bad the same director's Rheingold from last year sucked ass.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: mag-maa on March 26, 2024, 05:51:21 PM
Jones Plantation (https://jonesplantationfilm.com/)
I got enough recommendations to watch this new film, and finally did it yesterday. Very good!
The story goes well and shows the human enslavement system (easy to reflect for everyday lives in a modern world as well). Less HD quality (but still ok) available in Archive.org
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on April 02, 2024, 12:54:35 AM
You'll Never Find Me (2023)

Minimalist, atmospheric Aussie thriller, with just two characters. Fantastic atmosphere, acting and dialogue about 2/3 of the way.

Then it completely and utterly falls apart at the end. Why is it that horror/thriller writers are no longer able to create even half-decent endings for their scripts?
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FallOfNature on April 02, 2024, 08:51:03 AM
Quote from: cr on March 11, 2024, 02:37:29 PMLying at home since a week because of a sore back, which completely sucks...and so today I have nothing better to do as to have at least great fun watching all 6 Lone Wolf & Cub movies in one sitting.

A great way to spend several hours.

Recent stuff I enjoyed;
Beyond The Black Rainbow
Only Lovers Left Alive
Plaga Zombi Mutant Zone
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Theodore on May 08, 2024, 09:15:52 PM
Baby Reindeer on Netflix : First 3 [?] episodes, hilarious british urban folklore. I am not sure it was their intention, but up to the flashback episode regarding hero's past is great comedy. From there goes downhill. Too conscious, too sensitive, too much care to pass the 'message' . It's quick, short, with good acting, and i was curious about the story, so i made it to the end. - Could be very good. Finally it's just average, OK, watchable.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on May 24, 2024, 01:35:40 PM
Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World (2023)

Film of the year for me! (well, leaving aside the fact that this came out last year, but whatever)

An utterly merciless, pitch-black satire, with levels of cynicism and misanthropy I barely thought were possible. Just about anyone who still wants to believe in something will be affronted by this. Also, this film is hilariously funny, in a deadpan, absurdist way.

Check out the trailer:



Last and First Men (2020)

Pretty meh. Not really a film at all, more like a "visual audiobook", as some have described it. Basically, a combination of black & white photography of Brutalist Yugoslav WW2 memorials (apparently called "Spomeniks"), a sort of cinematic ambient soundtrack, and a narrator reading excerpts from the titular book by Olaf Stapledon.

The photography is undeniable impressive, but the sci-fi elements are average at best, and never really resolve into a coherent whole. The music is, imo, the weakest element here, boring, repetitive, yet jarring in the wrong way at the same time. An interesting curiosity, but not much more. Thankfully, it doesn't overstay its own welcome and wraps things up in a little over a hour.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on May 24, 2024, 06:43:07 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on May 24, 2024, 01:35:40 PMDo Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World (2023)

Film of the year for me! (well, leaving aside the fact that this came out last year, but whatever)

An utterly merciless, pitch-black satire, with levels of cynicism and misanthropy I barely thought were possible. Just about anyone who still wants to believe in something will be affronted by this. Also, this film is hilariously funny, in a deadpan, absurdist way.

Check out the trailer:



Last and First Men (2020)

Pretty meh. Not really a film at all, more like a "visual audiobook", as some have described it. Basically, a combination of black & white photography of Brutalist Yugoslav WW2 memorials (apparently called "Spomeniks"), a sort of cinematic ambient soundtrack, and a narrator reading excerpts from the titular book by Olaf Stapledon.

The photography is undeniable impressive, but the sci-fi elements are average at best, and never really resolve into a coherent whole. The music is, imo, the weakest element here, boring, repetitive, yet jarring in the wrong way at the same time. An interesting curiosity, but not much more. Thankfully, it doesn't overstay its own welcome and wraps things up in a little over a hour.

Good to know that the Jude is good.  I have been meaning to watch it.

The other one is very weird.  Not sure how I would place it among other films, but I definitely would not have expected to see it uploaded to Shudder (where I saw it).
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on May 25, 2024, 02:49:46 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on May 24, 2024, 06:43:07 PMGood to know that the Jude is good.  I have been meaning to watch it.

I went into it completely unprepared and only vaguely aware of what it's about. I hope I'm not overhyping it for you, but yeah I really thought this was amazing.

Some of the criticisms I've read are that it's too long and repetitive, or that it somehow supposedly makes the case that Romania was better of under Ceaucescu. Sure, the film is long and at times difficult to watch -- but that's sort of the point. As for it supposedly being nostalgic for pre-revolution Romania, well, that's so absurd there's no point in even discussing it further. 

Towards the end there is one, very long sequence that really makes you wonder what the hell is going on (you'll know what I mean when you see it), but in my opinion, in the end it works perfectly at making its point.

If you do watch it, make sure to drop a quick review here -- I'm interested in what you make of it!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on May 25, 2024, 05:28:35 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on May 25, 2024, 02:49:46 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on May 24, 2024, 06:43:07 PMGood to know that the Jude is good.  I have been meaning to watch it.

I went into it completely unprepared and only vaguely aware of what it's about. I hope I'm not overhyping it for you, but yeah I really thought this was amazing.

Some of the criticisms I've read are that it's too long and repetitive, or that it somehow supposedly makes the case that Romania was better of under Ceaucescu. Sure, the film is long and at times difficult to watch -- but that's sort of the point. As for it supposedly being nostalgic for pre-revolution Romania, well, that's so absurd there's no point in even discussing it further. 

Towards the end there is one, very long sequence that really makes you wonder what the hell is going on (you'll know what I mean when you see it), but in my opinion, in the end it works perfectly at making its point.

If you do watch it, make sure to drop a quick review here -- I'm interested in what you make of it!

I will, once I get to it!  I was excited to see his new movie posted here, actually, because I just watched one of his earlier ones (I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians) a few times in the last month or so.  I really liked his style of semi-documentary filming and the citation-filled script.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on May 26, 2024, 12:41:00 AM
Late Night with the Devil - Cameron & Colin Cairnes

Beautiful film that pays homage to the demonic cinema of the seventies (a bit in the wake of Ty West's "The House of the Devil"), shot with little money, great ideas, beautiful aesthetics and admirable attention to detail.
The movie depicts the events of a fictious late-night talk show's Halloween episode went terribly wrong.
Definitely worth a shot if you're into devilish movies.

Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on May 26, 2024, 01:53:18 AM
Quote from: BlackCavendish on May 26, 2024, 12:41:00 AMLate Night with the Devil - Cameron & Colin Cairnes

Beautiful film that pays homage to the demonic cinema of the seventies (a bit in the wake of Ty West's "The House of the Devil"), shot with little money, great ideas, beautiful aesthetics and admirable attention to detail.
The movie depicts the events of a fictious late-night talk show's Halloween episode went terribly wrong.
Definitely worth a shot if you're into devilish movies.

I watched this a couple of weeks ago, it's pretty clever and works surprisingly well.

About 2/3 through there's a bit of a "well that escalated quickly" type of feeling, I would have preferred a more subtle approach, but that's just my opinion ofc. A bit too "vibe-y" and pastichey, but other than that a great little horror movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on June 04, 2024, 11:45:53 AM
Civil War by Alex Garland

I have a soft spot for Alex Garland (especially his early works and the tv series Devs) and also a bit for A24 and its way of making cinema.
Civil War was therefore a highly anticipated film and I was not disappointed.
Excellent pace, great eye behind the camera, some reflections are perhaps a bit trite (the rhetoric of the journalist who documents but does not participate/is not affected by the events) but the final outcome is definitely good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Phenol on June 04, 2024, 12:01:26 PM
Quote from: BlackCavendish on June 04, 2024, 11:45:53 AMCivil War by Alex Garland

I have a soft spot for Alex Garland (especially his early works and the tv series Devs) and also a bit for A24 and its way of making cinema.
Civil War was therefore a highly anticipated film and I was not disappointed.
Excellent pace, great eye behind the camera, some reflections are perhaps a bit trite (the rhetoric of the journalist who documents but does not participate/is not affected by the events) but the final outcome is definitely good.

I haven't seen it yet, but it's on my list. People I know who have seen it hate it, but I guess it's not universally hated then.

I have watched a couple of classics.

Walkabout (dir. Nicolas Roeg, 1971) which is pretty interesting. Threatening Australian landscapes, uneasy relationships with natives etc. + a beginning that is quite notorious and surprising. A good movie which is pretty much about nothing and with no real consequense, but where a lot is gained from the visuals themselves.

I also re-watched Fulci's New York Ripper (1982). Well, the duck voice is still hilarious rather than scary and the surprising end is no longer a surprise, but It's grimy and oversexed which gives it an edge I really enjoy. The sleazy synth soundtrack reminds me of that era's porn and adds to the grimyness + the cold and depressing outlook gives it an extra touch of nihilism that sets it apart from many other films in the "police vs. serial killer"-genre. Conclusion: it still holds up!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on June 08, 2024, 01:45:49 AM
The Seeding

The "unsuspecting traveler meets inbred family of cannibals in the desert" thing. But this time it's done by total idiots who think they are creating some profound artistic masterpiece. Don't bother with this one.

Club Zero

Creepy teacher starts her own cult at a posh boarding school, based on not eating. Not just eating very little, not eating at all. Weird premise that works for a while, then simply collapses under its own weight about 2/3 of the way. Tries too hard, and like the above movie, thinks too highly of itself.

The Death of Dick Long

One of those "dumb criminals doing everything wrong" type of movies. Slightly similar to the almost perfect Good Time, except set in rural Alabama rather than New York. Not as good, but still fun. A couple of truly outrageous twists along the way.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Cementimental on June 10, 2024, 09:30:06 PM
Beau is Afraid

started extremely well with a kind of After Hours meets Street Trash stress nightmare kind of vibe, but then meandered off into multiple stylistic mixed-metaphors (can you really have "realistic" bad trip scenes that go basically nowhere but then also completely stylised ones which are also just a straight ripoff of Synecdoche New York and that Bjork video with recursive stage plays...? And also go kind of nowhere.) and indeterminate Magic Realism. not to mention Troma-esque monster which the film does absolute NOTHING to justify getting away with including.

I dunno. Interesting mess?

Haha so apparently grown adults in 2024 are like "huh, a new Mad Max film? What if it's somehow not good, - despite all obvious logic and evidence and common sense telling me a new mad max film will of course be very good.!?!! And I heard there's CGI in it and someone told me thats woke. I think what I'll do, is I'll not go and see it 🤷."

Idiots. :D their loss. Completely astonishing.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on June 17, 2024, 03:02:08 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on May 25, 2024, 05:28:35 PM... I was excited to see his new movie posted here, actually, because I just watched one of his earlier ones (I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians) a few times in the last month or so.  I really liked his style of semi-documentary filming and the citation-filled script.

Just finished watching this one. This seems to be a universal topic in just about every European country, including here in Finland: the desire some people have to interpret their nation's military history as a heroic struggle for freedom and against oppression, and there like totally were never any genocides or atrocities going on.

On the other side of the aisle, of course, are the left-leaning intellectuals who love to shit on their doorstep, so to speak. And who pretend to support the working class, while despising everything they represent in real life.

This is a very clever satire that manages to make fun of both groups. The main character's constant quoting philosophy, guzzling red wine and getting naked were pretty hilarious little details.

Definitely will be checking out more of this director's work.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on June 17, 2024, 06:20:34 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on June 17, 2024, 03:02:08 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on May 25, 2024, 05:28:35 PM... I was excited to see his new movie posted here, actually, because I just watched one of his earlier ones (I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians) a few times in the last month or so.  I really liked his style of semi-documentary filming and the citation-filled script.

Just finished watching this one. This seems to be a universal topic in just about every European country, including here in Finland: the desire some people have to interpret their nation's military history as a heroic struggle for freedom and against oppression, and there like totally were never any genocides or atrocities going on.

On the other side of the aisle, of course, are the left-leaning intellectuals who love to shit on their doorstep, so to speak. And who pretend to support the working class, while despising everything they represent in real life.

This is a very clever satire that manages to make fun of both groups. The main character's constant quoting philosophy, guzzling red wine and getting naked were pretty hilarious little details.

Definitely will be checking out more of this director's work.

Exactly.  What was very strange was watching this with a group of professors and seeing several of them totally miss that Jude was trying to make fun of Mariana as well as those trying to deny the Holocaust.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on September 13, 2024, 11:05:52 AM
Recently watched Skunk, the latest film by Koen Mortier, the Belgian director whose previous film Ex Drummer has been discussed here on a few occasions. The film follows Liam, nicknamed "Skunk", a 17-year old who has grown up in absolutely horrific conditions (as some online commentators have mentioned, it's like the characters from Ex Drummer had a child). Skunk has developed a pretty disgusting defense mechanism: as soon as someone starts messing with, he immediately shits his pants, in the hopes that the aggressor will be so disgusted that he will be left alone. 2/3 of this film is presented as a more traditional realistic coming-of-age story, albeit at times a pretty harrowing one. Towards the end Mortier shifts up a gear or two and things start getting a quite a bit more unhinged much like at the end of Ex Drummer. Out of those two films, I think this is clearly the better one, but if you were drawn to Ex Drummer because of its completele madness and nihilism, you might be bored by this one.

Also watched the much-hyped Longlegs. It is SHIT FROM ASS. This seems to be a trap I fall into on a regular basis: having watched the trailer or just read about some big-money mainstream horror film, I end up giving it a chance in the hopes it won't be quite as crap this time around. And of course it always is. The previous one of this type that I fell for was Abigail. It's a real pity because I actually like Maika Monroe a lot, and she was great in It Follows and the very underrated Watcher (one of the best thriller/horror films of 2022). But this time she just stands around being somehow wooden and brittle at the same time. She plays an FBI agent hunting a serial killer, but hey, she's psychic, so she doesn't actually need to do any investigative work, she just naturally knows everything. This movie is an embarrassing, boring, frustrating, contrived, illogical mess.

Finally, at last I've gotten into the Brazilian "Coffin Joe" series. So far I've seen two of the three "official" Coffin Joe movies, At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul (1964) and This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse (1967). I've still to watch the final part of the trilogy, Embodiment of Evil (2008). As an interesting trivia, the 41 years between the originals and the final film was the longest pause between installments in a film series/franchise, that is, until Exorcist Believer in 2023, which is a direct sequel to the original and came out 50 years later.

To be fair, objectively speaking the Coffin Joe movies really aren't that great. The storylines are haphazard and the acting is barely there. But, I can see why they are firm cult favorites, and they have that particular Brazilian combination of disorganized madness and monomaniacal tunnel vision that I love so much. I have an affinity towards Brazilian films in general, having spent my childhood there. José Mojica Marins passed away in 2020, so you can download these films guilt free, if you are interested.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: theotherjohn on September 13, 2024, 11:32:24 AM
Last film I watched was The Substance which I saw at a sneak preview screening (it comes out officially in a week's time in the UK and US, maybe a little later elsewhere in Europe). In my humble opinion it's one of the best [horror] films I've seen in recent years, and I was grinning from ear to ear by the end of it. I'd rather not give spoilers away just yet, but I'd definitely be curious to know what others think once it's more widely seen.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on September 23, 2024, 03:42:44 PM
A dark song by Liam Gavin

A really nice (and surprising) indie esoteric horror movie. Shot with almost zero budget (2 actors, 1 house) it's an interesting depiction of the Abramelin ritual (sometimes obviously bent for narrative purposes) conducted by a woman who lost her son. The movie has its flaws but in the end is really well done. Good pace, nice atmosphere, good acting.
One of the 2 main actors is the red bearded weirdo already seen in Sightseers.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on September 23, 2024, 03:48:11 PM
Quote from: BlackCavendish on September 23, 2024, 03:42:44 PMA dark song by Liam Gavin

A really nice (and surprising) indie esoteric horror movie. Shot with almost zero budget (2 actors, 1 house) it's an interesting depiction of the Abramelin ritual (sometimes obviously bend for narrative purposes) conducted by a woman who lost her son. The movie has its flaws but in the end is really well done. Good pace, nice atmosphere, good acting.
One of the 2 main actors is the red bearded weirdo already seen in Sightseers.

Honestly, one of the most memorable horror movies in recent years! There was a poll in the "British horor movies" FB group about the most overrated and most underrated films, and this was my vote for most underrated. Honestly incredible.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on September 23, 2024, 04:33:17 PM
Agree, also considering it's the first movie shot by Gavin.
At first I was a little bit baffled by the climax scene, when the girl goes up the stairs and sees what she sees... it's ok, it's also coherent with the Abramelin ritual, but I don't know, it was a bit "in your face" maybe?... nevertheless, these are just details, the movie was really good.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on September 23, 2024, 05:49:57 PM
To be honest I have no particular expertise to judge whether the depiction of ceremonies and rituals are accurate or realistic, but to me they hit true. I just enjoyed the effortless originality and refusal to follow any standard formulas.

Anyway, over the weekend I watched Red Rooms (2023)

French-speaking Canadian film set in Montreal. Supposedly a dramatic exploration of female hybristofilia. Deals with a beautiful but incredibly uptight-seeming model (and pro poker player) who seems obsessed with a man accused of abducting and murdering three underage girls. The title refers to supposed dark web torture dungeons.

Juliette Gariépy does an amazing job as the main character, but sadly the plot falls apart at the very end. I won't spoil it for anyone, but it's a cop out that retroactively renders much of the previous scenes completely nonsensical. Very disappointing and as such, difficult to recommend.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on September 23, 2024, 06:37:12 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on September 23, 2024, 05:49:57 PMTo be honest I have no particular expertise to judge whether the depiction of ceremonies and rituals are accurate or realistic, but to me they hit true. I just enjoyed the effortless originality and refusal to follow any standard formulas.

The Abramelin's text is a medieval grimoire to summon the guardian angel ("angel" not in a strictly Catholic terms). The long preparation, the diet, the rooms with a certain exposure, etc. are all coherent, so the director did a good job. But anyway "effortless originality and refusal to follow any standard formulas" are definitely the selling points of this movie. Very refreshing.

I also saw Starve Acre by Daniel Kokotajlo
a folk horror flick that could remind a less artsy "Lamb", with a darker mood. A good work, maybe a bit too canonical (the use of desaturated colors is now a trademark of folk horror) but still a good variation on the theme.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Manhog_84 on September 24, 2024, 08:54:06 PM
Just saw positively the best film of the year; The Devil's Bath/Des Teufels Bad by Severin Fiala and Veronika Franz at Love & Anarchy Film Festival. It deals with very unique subject matter: depression and suicide by proxy in 1750. It's such a tour de force film making that you rarely come across. Not "folk horror", and I'm still on the fence should this be classified as horror, but surely a haunting drama. It puts the viewer in the shoes of it's protagonist and makes you feel the despair of her situation. As a period piece, it's very authentic. Well written and rich on different themes. Shot on 35mm and the use of natural light makes every frame look like a painting. The woman who plays the main lead role also composed the music, and it's amazing. There was some talk about The Girl with the Needle with Puce Mary soundtrack (good film also) but the music here is better. Those who live in Helsinki, might be interested to see this as there's one more screening next Saturday.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: FiEND on September 25, 2024, 07:20:35 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on September 23, 2024, 05:49:57 PMAnyway, over the weekend I watched Red Rooms (2023)

saw this as well. not bad but not the best. had odors of paul schrader although not quite up to that level.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on September 25, 2024, 08:29:06 PM
red rooms is a modern classic

infinitely superior to any of the mediocre crap paul schrader puts out these days
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on October 02, 2024, 03:46:55 PM
Quote from: aububs on September 25, 2024, 08:29:06 PMred rooms is a modern classic

infinitely superior to any of the mediocre crap paul schrader puts out these days

My problem with it was the ending, which turned the whole thing upside down, and rendered much of the film pointless. Up to that point, it was indeed great.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: aububs on October 02, 2024, 08:51:48 PM
i'm not really sure what you mean about the ending but hard to discuss it without giving spoilers i guess
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on October 06, 2024, 10:19:03 AM
Other, Like Me: The Oral History of COUM Transmissions and Throbbing Gristle

A brief, interesting but frustratingly superficial documentary on a fascinating subject. This would, in reality, have deserved maybe a 3 or 5 part doc series?

But then again, it may be a bit late as many of the main players are already dead. Also, possibly a lack of decent footage and other material would have made a more thorough approach difficult?

Still, a decent companion piece to Cosey's book. It's a pity that Genesis never got the chance to defend him(her/they/whatever)self against the allegations in it, as it's pretty much destroyed his artistic legacy. Although I admit I'm probably biased in that sense.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on October 21, 2024, 06:14:39 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on September 13, 2024, 11:32:24 AMLast film I watched was The Substance which I saw at a sneak preview screening (it comes out officially in a week's time in the UK and US, maybe a little later elsewhere in Europe). In my humble opinion it's one of the best [horror] films I've seen in recent years, and I was grinning from ear to ear by the end of it. I'd rather not give spoilers away just yet, but I'd definitely be curious to know what others think once it's more widely seen.

I watched this over the weekend. I wasn't terribly impressed, to be honest. Basically to me it seems like this year's Saltburn -- a jumble of themes, setpieces and moods from earlier classic films, with no clear message or intention. There are cavernous plot holes and multiple unexplored loose threads. And like Saltburn, this one collapses under its own weight about 2/3 of the way in, since there is no real substance to prop it up. However, although many folks have hated the ludicriously over-the-top ending, I though its channeling of HG Lewis and early Peter Jackson was a lot of fun.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Krigsverk on October 21, 2024, 10:21:39 PM
Just saw the new Alien movie and I want my time back.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on October 21, 2024, 11:16:19 PM
I've been through a small Jeff Nichols retrospective in the recent weeks. Definitely less celebrated than Eggers, the overrated Aster or the crazy Wheatley, Nichols is a solid director, with a nice eye behind the camera and a great taste in telling stories set in rural America. None of his films are masterpieces (at leats in my opinion) but all of them have really good narrative ideas, some interesting visual solutions, some unexpected twists and overall they work well even without having exorbitant budgets.

Shotgun Stories (2007)
A nice drama that revolves around a feud between 2 families.

Take Shelter (2011)
A psychological drama in which a father begins to have apocalyptic visions of a terrible storm coming, wondering if he is simply going crazy or if he is having a vision from the future.

Mud (2012)
A coming-of-age movie where 2 teenagers meet a fugitive hiding in a wood on a small island in the  Mississippi.

Midnight Special (2016)
Nichols' personal take on science fiction. Basically a road movie: a father and his "special" son are on the run from both government and a cult.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: BlackCavendish on October 21, 2024, 11:18:12 PM
Quote from: Krigsverk on October 21, 2024, 10:21:39 PMJust saw the new Alien movie and I want my time back.

Oh boy... that was really awful. Prometheus was bad, Covenant was very bad... didn't think they could even get worse. They did.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Cranial Blast on November 16, 2024, 05:30:10 AM
Quote from: Krigsverk on October 21, 2024, 10:21:39 PMJust saw the new Alien movie and I want my time back.

I can imagine that. That franchise has been stretched to levels of utmost humiliation. I'm a huge fan of the third Alien film and for a lot of reasons, despite it's production failures and seeing the franchise today, I'm hoping people look back and go...yah know...maybe this one is a failed attempt, but looks genius today!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on January 17, 2025, 10:40:31 PM
Anyone use Letterboxd? I'm sure it's been brought up before, but could always do with an updated conversation if so. My username is BrainMower.

Just watched A Strange Harvest. Great short documentary about cattle mutilation throughout (mostly) the United States.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bruitiste on January 18, 2025, 07:48:23 PM
Quote from: NerveGas on January 17, 2025, 10:40:31 PMAnyone use Letterboxd? I'm sure it's been brought up before, but could always do with an updated conversation if so. My username is BrainMower.

Just watched A Strange Harvest. Great short documentary about cattle mutilation throughout (mostly) the United States.
I'm TLASILA on there.  Followed you!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Vrenndel on January 18, 2025, 10:22:11 PM
"red rooms is a modern classic"

I second this. Great movie.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Vrenndel on January 18, 2025, 10:27:09 PM
Has anyone seen MadS (2024) by David Moreau, who also directed Them in 2006. For those familiar or unfamiliar with the "new" French Extremity movies - the likes of Martyrs, High Tension, Inside and others as well - it might be really interesting. Also, the one-take continous plan is also amazing. Extremely recommended.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on January 22, 2025, 03:35:58 PM
Quote from: Bruitiste on January 18, 2025, 07:48:23 PM
Quote from: NerveGas on January 17, 2025, 10:40:31 PMAnyone use Letterboxd? I'm sure it's been brought up before, but could always do with an updated conversation if so. My username is BrainMower.

Just watched A Strange Harvest. Great short documentary about cattle mutilation throughout (mostly) the United States.
I'm TLASILA on there.  Followed you!

Okay this looks pretty good, like a Goodreads for movies I guess. Made an account, mostly just to get film recommendations.


How TF do you search for a particular member? I was going to follow you two but, to my horror, I was unable to do so after two minutes of flailing around the site in frustration.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Bruitiste on January 22, 2025, 08:30:23 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on January 22, 2025, 03:35:58 PM
Quote from: Bruitiste on January 18, 2025, 07:48:23 PM
Quote from: NerveGas on January 17, 2025, 10:40:31 PMAnyone use Letterboxd? I'm sure it's been brought up before, but could always do with an updated conversation if so. My username is BrainMower.

Just watched A Strange Harvest. Great short documentary about cattle mutilation throughout (mostly) the United States.
I'm TLASILA on there.  Followed you!

Okay this looks pretty good, like a Goodreads for movies I guess. Made an account, mostly just to get film recommendations.


How TF do you search for a particular member? I was going to follow you two but, to my horror, I was unable to do so after two minutes of flailing around the site in frustration.
Just use the search bar normally, but then filter the results by clicking "Members or HQs" under "Show results for", on the right-hand side, if you're on a computer browser.

On a phone it's a scrollbar at the top of the results, scroll right until you see "Members or HQs".  The results default on Films otherwise.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Atrophist on January 23, 2025, 03:37:34 AM
Of course. How didn't I see that immediately? Well anyway, thank you!
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: NerveGas on January 23, 2025, 03:43:40 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on January 22, 2025, 03:35:58 PM
Quote from: Bruitiste on January 18, 2025, 07:48:23 PM
Quote from: NerveGas on January 17, 2025, 10:40:31 PMAnyone use Letterboxd? I'm sure it's been brought up before, but could always do with an updated conversation if so. My username is BrainMower.

Just watched A Strange Harvest. Great short documentary about cattle mutilation throughout (mostly) the United States.
I'm TLASILA on there.  Followed you!

Okay this looks pretty good, like a Goodreads for movies I guess. Made an account, mostly just to get film recommendations.


How TF do you search for a particular member? I was going to follow you two but, to my horror, I was unable to do so after two minutes of flailing around the site in frustration.

I'm not one for most social-media related things but Letterboxd is certainly good for movie recommendations. I enjoy it, and find that even reading a very short review from someone who's opinion I trust has turned me on to a lot of great stuff I normally would have skipped over.
Title: Re: Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.
Post by: Manhog_84 on January 25, 2025, 11:05:03 AM
Quote from: NerveGas on January 23, 2025, 03:43:40 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on January 22, 2025, 03:35:58 PM
Quote from: Bruitiste on January 18, 2025, 07:48:23 PM
Quote from: NerveGas on January 17, 2025, 10:40:31 PMAnyone use Letterboxd? I'm sure it's been brought up before, but could always do with an updated conversation if so. My username is BrainMower.

Just watched A Strange Harvest. Great short documentary about cattle mutilation throughout (mostly) the United States.
I'm TLASILA on there.  Followed you!

Okay this looks pretty good, like a Goodreads for movies I guess. Made an account, mostly just to get film recommendations.


How TF do you search for a particular member? I was going to follow you two but, to my horror, I was unable to do so after two minutes of flailing around the site in frustration.

I'm not one for most social-media related things but Letterboxd is certainly good for movie recommendations. I enjoy it, and find that even reading a very short review from someone who's opinion I trust has turned me on to a lot of great stuff I normally would have skipped over.

Yes I do. Username is same as here, except without an underscore for some reason. I'll try to keep my public diary up to date. I used to write down reviews for myself in a notebook, but this is much easier. And maybe someone else gets something out of them.

I don't read much other reviews though. Most of the "Popular Reviews" are fucking annoying.